Addison 召唤你回他家吃饭啰! "Let's Eat!" Addison Beckons You to His Home Kitchen

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Addison 召唤你回他家吃饭啰!

“Let’s Eat!” Addison Beckons You to His Home Kitchen.

Addison 说饭做了,可以回家吃饭啰!
“Come home for dinner,” says Addison.

生在四季如夏、青山绿水,碧海蓝天以及海产丰富的马来西亚,在山水融合环境中长大的主理人 Addison,沙
的 DNA,他期待能与客人们共享这份上天赐予人类的美味。为此,他带领着团队精心策划筹备了大半年,设

Born and bred in tropical Malaysia, our chef Addison’s image of home comprises of endless
sunshine, azure skies, emerald mountain ranges, crystal clear sea water and a mouth-watering
range of seafood. With the flavors of the sea built into his DNA, he is looking forward to share
these divine delicacies with his guests. Hence, for the past six months, he has led his team to
meticulously design this exquisite and limited winter menu.

千里寻鲜 Only the Freshest Will Do

在整整一年里, Addison 和 Jasmine 跋山涉水、千里奔波,只为了寻找最难得的季节性食材,这也成为了他们

旅游的主要 itinerary。以烹调出最好的海洋至味,呈现给亲爱的客人们。他们亲力亲为、起早摸黑,去了无数
优 质食 材 - 苏 格兰 蛏子 皇、 缅甸 肉蟹 、云 南鱼 子酱 、法 国 charolais 牛肉 、日 本的 伊佐 木鱼 等、 蓝鳍 金枪 鱼和
For one whole year, Addison and Jasmine have traipsed through endless miles in
search for the rarest seasonal catch. This became their main motivation to travel as
their only aim was to present the most delectable seafood delights for their beloved
guests. They took pride in doing everything themselves; from visiting fresh
markets at wee hours in the morning, meeting suppliers that shared their passion
for food, to tasting and conducting research on numerous seafood varieties from all
over the world. Scottish razor clams, Myanmar crabs, French Charolaise beef…
they have tried them and more in the name of research!

△ Addison 去鱼市挑选食材。
Addison selecting the freshest ingredients at the fish market.

△ 日本的伊佐木鱼 。Japanese chicken grunt fish / Isaki

法式厨艺诠释家乡味 A Taste of Home through French Cooking

18 年的法餐烹饪经验, Addison ,曾在多家著名米其林餐厅 / 酒店工作过。如今,他非常清楚地知道法餐与家

乡的美味有很多共同之处并且可以把两者适当地平衡起来,在 MULU,addison 便融合二者精髓的创意料理。
Armed with 18 years of French culinary experience, Addison has worked in numerous renowned Michelin-
starred restaurants and hotels. Today, not only is he extremely familiar with the similarities between
French cuisine and his hometown fare, he is able to strike the delicate balance between these two cuisines
that are seemingly at the opposite ends of a pole. At Mulu, Addison has created the perfect amalgamation
of these two flavors.

鱼 头 在法餐中是 极少 出现的食材, 但 其 实它不仅 肉质丰 腴 鲜美, 还富 含鱼肉中 缺乏 的卵 磷脂 、 22 碳 6 烯酸 等

不饱和脂肪酸,营养丰富。东南亚人喜食鱼头,因此在料理中比较常见。Addison 来自马来西亚怡保,深谙如
Fish heads rarely appear in French cuisine. However, not only is its plump flesh
bursting with flavor, it contains nutrients that are not found in other parts of the
fish. Southeast Asians are huge fans of fish heads, which explains its regular
occurrence in Southeast Asian dishes. Hailing from Ipoh, Malaysia, Addison is
well versed in presenting the best fish head dishes. In the menu, he has ingeniously
paired the Nagasaki bluefin tuna fish head with other tropical ingredients such as
tamarind, coconut milk, and a secret blend of spices. Get ready for an unforgettable
explosion of flavors and textures!

△ “  冬鲜捕手 ” Seasonal Catch 。

“ 深 海冬 宴” Snowy Sea ,当季的北海道马 粪海胆和水 晶藻 ,在经过精心调味 提鲜, 外脆 里嫩的 黄油包垫底 。


“Snowy Sea”: Seasonal Hokkaido horse dung sea urchins and crystal algae paired
with a perfectly toasted buttered bun. The sea urchin and the crystal algae are
simply bursting with flavor, which makes it a perfect match with the savory bun.

△ “深海冬宴”Snowy Sea 。

驻“鲜”有术 Best Tools for the Trade

工 欲善 其 事, 必先利 其 器 。 MULU 为了 将 最新鲜的美味呈现给 每 位客人,在烹饪和 保鲜 技术 上也 投 入了大 量

In order to present the freshest taste to each guest, we have invested heavily into
our cooking and freshness preservation skills. Guests can look forward to creative
cuisine which marks the union between the freshest catch of the season, top-of-the-
line equipment, and a chef who respects fresh ingredients more than anything else.

△ 芒果贝、苏格兰蛏子皇和厨师在处理的日本蓝鳍金枪鱼 。
Mango shell, Scottish razor clams, and Japanese bluefin tuna
用法式烹饪手法呈现的家乡味,尝起来到底滋味如何呢?我们诚邀您来 MULU 一探究竟!
A taste of home through French cooking? We sincerely invite you to Mulu to give this a try!

不同于穆禄集团旗下的社会餐饮品牌,胡同里的 MULU 从诞生至今是我们以美食作为文化交流的大本营,聚

集了真正懂得欣赏文化和美食的朋友。我们以推荐制和会员制让老餮们回家吃饭。Addison 和他的团队欢迎你
Since its early days, Mulu Hutong has been our base for cultural exchange through
delicious dishes. It has seen multiple gatherings of culture buffs and foodies.
Currently, we are welcoming guests based on a membership system.

Addison and his team welcomes you to a warm winter at our hutong home.

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