Energy Consumption and Stability Investigation of
Energy Consumption and Stability Investigation of
Energy Consumption and Stability Investigation of
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2 authors, including:
Kwesi Mensah
Hanbat National University
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Kwesi Mensah
Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanbat National University
125 Dongseodaero Yuseong-gu Daejeon, 34158 Korea
[email protected]
Temperature and humidity chambers are used to simulate many thermal-environmental condi-
tions, as well as to observe the e®ects that a range of temperature and humidity have on a product
or material at the manufacturing stage. The energy consumption and accuracy of these test
chambers over the last decades have raised concerns for recent researchers. In this study, the
energy consumption and stability of a temperature and humidity chamber was investigated under
various operating and environmental conditions by adopting a variable speed compressor to the
refrigeration unit. The accuracy of temperature and humidity was also investigated. It is found
that, for a given surrounding environmental condition, as the dry bulb temperature conditions of
the temperature and humidity chambers increased, the cooling capacity of the system increased
while the refrigerating unit's power decreased for all operating conditions. However, the total
energy consumption of the test unit increased due to an increment in the electric heater output. In
maintaining e®ective stability of temperature and humidity test chambers, it is observed that,
varying the refrigeration unit capacity by adjusting compressor speed has the potential for
reducing the temperature and relative humidity °uctuations within the chamber for a given
operating condition. Adopting a variable speed compressor to the refrigerating unit, have the
potential for reducing the energy consumption signi¯cantly according to increment of setting
temperature of the chamber as well as ensuring system stability for temperature and
humidity chambers.
Keywords: Temperature and humidity chamber; energy consumption; electric heater; variable
speed compressor; refrigerator.
*Corresponding author.
K. Mensah and J. M. Choi
test chambers including pressure, humidity or tem- chambers has been in the control electronics. This
perature chambers for climatic chambers, and vi- allows operators to observe and program the con-
bration, thermal shock and stress chambers, are dition of the test specimen with ease. In an experi-
used to measure the performance of products under mental investigation on the performance of
shock or vibration. temperature and humidity chamber, Mensah et al.11
Conventional temperature and humidity cham- indicated that a variation in the operating condi-
ber is equipped with air circulating fans, refrigera- tions of these chambers will result in a correspond-
tion unit, electric heater, and humidi¯er for ing variation in the power consumption of the
simulating the thermal-environmental condition. system. Rare literature is found on the performance
These conventional test chambers are also equipped of these environmental chambers in the aspect of
with constant speed compressor adopted to the re- energy consumption with variation of operating and
frigeration unit to operate at all test conditions.1 environmental conditions, and on the information
The temperature and humidity chamber consumes a about environmental test chambers. In this paper,
lot of energy during its operation. Available litera- the basic structure and function of the environ-
tures and researches have focused on the calibration mental chamber were introduced, the energy con-
and characterization.2–6 design for speci¯c purpose.7 sumption and performance of a temperature and
humidity chamber was investigated under various
operating and environmental conditions by adopt-
ing a variable speed compressor to the refrigeration
unit. Also the use of variable speed compressor for
Environmental Tesng minimizing test chamber °uctuations and ensuring
chamber stability is analyzed.
Energy Consumption and Stability Investigation of Constant Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber
K. Mensah and J. M. Choi
minimum temperature °uctuation for a constant was installed at the lower portion of the system
temperature chamber, the frequency of periodic while the working chamber was located at the upper
temperature °uctuations at the electric heater inlet portion of the chamber. In order to perform test at
should not exceed the system locking frequency for a various compressor speeds, a compressor with an
given °uctuations amplitude. The IEC60068.2,3 and inverter control is adopted. The experimental test
ISO 17025.15 provides a series of calibration meth- was conducted according to the variation of tem-
ods and guidelines for environmental test chambers perature and humidity. The test conditions are set
in the aspect of ensuring an acceptable °uctuation by the operator at the front control panel. The
ranges for various types of environmental testing compressor was operated at the maximum speed to
chambers. Rare literature is found with regards to obtain low temperature and humidity condition.
experimental investigations. Since there were no generally accepted standard
This study investigated experimentally the po- for the test procedure of a temperature and hu-
tential of ensuring stable setting conditions within a midity chamber in the aspect of power and energy
400 L capacity temperature and humidity chamber consumption of the test chamber, the experiments
with the adoption of a variable speed compressor were performed at varying dry bulb temperature
technology to the refrigerating unit. range from 20 C to 45 C. The relative humidity
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Energy Consumption and Stability Investigation of Constant Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber
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DB RH Compressor speed DB WB
C % Hz C C
K. Mensah and J. M. Choi
Energy Consumption and Stability Investigation of Constant Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber
Hence it is imperative for the cooling capacity of
temperature and humidity chambers to be adjusted
9.2 according to varying operating condition for opti-
mum performance of the system.
Figure 7 shows the variation of dry bulb tem-
perature with evaporator exit temperature. It is
observed that, increasing the dry bulb temperature
8.4 also increases the evaporator exit air temperature,
while the increasing rate of dry bulb temperature of
the chamber is higher than it of the evaporator exit
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 air temperature. This may be because the refriger-
Dry bulb temperature ( C) o ator cooling capacity increased according to an in-
crement of dry bulb temperature. The evaporator,
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Fig. 5. Variation of test unit power consumption with dry heater and humidi¯er are arranged serially as shown
bulb temperature.
in Fig. 3. A smaller increasing rate in the evaporator
exit air temperature than it in the dry bulb tem-
An increase in the dry bulb temperature results in perature resulted in an increase in the air tempera-
an increase in the condensing and evaporating ture di®erence across the inlet and outlet of electric
temperatures of the refrigerating unit. However, the heater for a ¯xed compressor speed and relative
rate of increment in the evaporating temperature is humidity as shown in Fig. 8.
higher than the rate of increment in the condensing These variation in temperature di®erences can
temperature for the given operating condition as a®ect the test unit stability for a given operating
shown by Fig. 6. conditions. Minimizing the temperature variation
In these conventional test units, the cooling ca- across the electric heater and humidi¯er is very
pacity of the refrigerator unit is normally selected to important for e®ective monitoring of the perfor-
cover the lowest expected temperature condition of mance of the test specimen.
the temperature and humidity test chambers. From the analysis and observations outlined in
However it can be stated that, varying evaporating Sec. 4.1, it is therefore highly recommended that,
50.0 30
49.5 Compressor speed = 60Hz Evaporating Relative humidity : 40%RH
Evaporator Exit Air Temperature (oC)
-10 5
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
o o
Dry bulb temperature ( C) Dry bulb temperature ( C)
Fig. 6. Variation of refrigeration unit saturation temperatures Fig. 7. Evaporator exit air temperature variation with dry
with test unit dry bulb temperature. bulb temperature at highest compressor speed.
K. Mensah and J. M. Choi
12.0 7.0
Compressor speed (Hz)
11.5 Compressor Speed = 60Hz Relative Humidity = 40%RH 50Hz
6.5 60Hz (Conventional Test Unit)
across Electric Heater (oC)
Air Temperature Difference
11.0 6.0
Energy Consumption and Stability Investigation of Constant Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber
11.0 14
Dry bulb temperature (oC) Relative humidity : 40%RH Relative humidity = 40% Dry bulb temperature (oC)
25 13 25
6.6 9
4.4 6
2.2 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Compressor Speed (Hz)
Compressor speed (Hz)
Fig. 12. Air temperature variation with dry bulb temperature
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consumption than operating it at higher compressor for di®erent dry bulb temperatures across the
speeds of 60 Hz (as in the case of conventional test electric heater.
unit) or 70 Hz as showed in Fig. 10. Minimizing the air temperature di®erence across
Figure 11 shows the variation of the evaporator the electric heater can make the heater output small
exit air temperature with compressor speed. It is hence causing a reduction in the power consumption
observed that, as the compressor speed reduces, the of the test unit for a given operating condition.
evaporator exit air temperature increases for all dry Figures 13–15 show the temperature and hu-
bulb temperature conditions. An increase in the midity variations within test specimen working
evaporator exit air temperature for a ¯xed dry bulb space for compressor speeds of 40, 30 and 25 Hz re-
temperature and relative humidity, causes a reduc- spectively at the setting condition of 25 C dry bulb
tion in the air temperature di®erence across temperature and 40% relative humidity value. It is
the heater. Figure 12 shows the variation of air observed from Figs. 13–15, reducing the compressor
temperature di®erence with compressor speed speed for the given operating conditions results in a
decrease in the chamber °uctuations. This is be-
cause, reducing the compressor speed, for a ¯xed
Relative humidity = 40% Dry bulb temperature (oC)
Evaporator Exit Air Temperature (oC)
35 50 52
32 45 48 Setting condition: Temperature
25oC and 40%RH Relative Humidity 48
46 Compressor : 40Hz
44 44
Relative Humidity (%)
24 42
Temperature (oC)
20 38 RHmin
16 32
32 28
8 28
26 20
4 24 Tmin
0 20 12
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Compressor Speed (Hz) Time (Sec)
Fig. 11. Evaporator exit air temperature variation with com- Fig. 13. Temperature and relative humidity of the chamber at
pressor speed. 40 Hz.
K. Mensah and J. M. Choi
Setting condition: Temperature
52 humidity chamber has been investigated under
25oC and 40%RH Relative Humidity 48 various operating and environmental conditions by
Compressor : 30Hz
44 44 adopting a variable speed compressor to the refrig-
36 the compressor speed (from 70 to 25 Hz) results in
energy savings of about 49.2% of the total power
32 28
consumption when the dry bulb temperature is be-
tween 45 C and 25 C and the relative humidity is at
28 40%. When the dry bulb temperature is between the
26 Tmax 20
24 Tmin
ranges of 20 C and 5 C, a 29% reduction in the
22 compressor speed (from 70 to 50 Hz) results in about
20 12
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 28% energy savings of the total power consumption
Time (Sec) of the test chamber. By regulating the compressor
speed, the total power of the test unit can be re-
Fig. 14. Temperature and relative humidity of the chamber
duced at all test conditions.
at 30 Hz.
In ensuring e®ective stability of temperature and
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40 RHmin
38 36
variable speed compressor to the refrigerating unit
32 has the potential for reducing the energy consump-
32 28 tion signi¯cantly at all test conditions of the
24 chamber as well as ensuring system stability for
26 Tmax
20 temperature and humidity chambers.
24 Tmin
20 12
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 References
Time (Sec)
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