Protocol Design Qualification (DQ) : Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime
Protocol Design Qualification (DQ) : Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime
Protocol Design Qualification (DQ) : Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime
Rev.: 1
Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime Date: 18 Jul 2021
Attachment No.: 004
The aim of the present DQ Protocol is to provide the documented proof that for the newly planned/
system Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime:
all quality relevant requirements (GMP) are listed as specifications in a User Requirement Specifications
document (URS).
the specifications from the URS are correctly transferred to the technical documentation/scope
statement of the manufacturer/provider/distributor.
all quality relevant changes during the planning stage are considered in the relevant executive
Document history
Name Function Date Signature
Rev.: 1
Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime Date: 18 Jul 2021
Attachment No.: 004
1 Related Documents
2 Design Qualification
GMP – classification has been
Test for the systematic registration and written documentation
2.1.1 Risk analysis based on the GMP
of all GMP relevant requirements
classification are available; All
requirements have been listed in the
All requirements specified in the URS
Test for compliance of technical documents of the can be found correctly in the technical
2.1.2 manufacturer/distributor with the specifications listed documentation of the
in the URS manufacturer/distributor
The GMP classification defines the policies relevant for the present case
Protocol DQ 07/21-001
Design Qualification (DQ) Page 3 of 6
Rev.: 1
Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime Date:
Attachment No.:
18 Jul 2021
2.1.1 Test for the systematic registration and written documentation of all GMP relevant
The quality relevant requirements of the system Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime are
analyzed and specified in the following document:
GMP-classification has been performed; Risk
analysis based on the GMP classification is
present; All requirements are listed in the URS.
Document File location
Present Complete Up-to-date
yes no yes no yes no
Yes No
Results: The requirements are fulfilled: x
Rev.: 1
Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime Date:
Attachment No.:
18 Jul 2021
The following technical documents for the system Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime have been
checked for accordance with the requirements specified in the URS:
All requirements specified in the
URS can be found correctly in the
technical documentation of the
Document Description of the requirement manufacturer/distributor.2
yes no
Operation Manuals Settings of the machine X
Yes No
Results: The requirements are fulfilled: X
Performed by: Date Signature
Tim-Andreas Moll 18 Jun 2021 Tim-A. Moll
Checked for accuracy by: Date Signature
The relevant technical documets are to be listed under “related documents”
Protocol DQ 07/21-001
Design Qualification (DQ) Page 5 of 6
Rev.: 1
Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime Date:
Attachment No.:
18 Jul 2021
The following relevant changes to the URS regarding System Romaco Kilian S 710
Prime have been made, documented, and transferred to the technical
documentation during the planning phase.
GMP – relevant changes have been
documented by Change Control
Management (SOP- XX-XXX) and can be
Description of relevant changes: found in the technical documentation
yes no
none x
Yes No
Results: The requirements are fulfilled: X
Rev.: 1
Romaco Kilian S 710 Prime Date: 18 Jul 2021
Attachment No.: 004
The successful rectification of all constrains has to be documented under „Comments“. Afterwards, release can be executed.
In case of requalification, the scope and extend of such has to be documented under “Comments” and if necessary in a
separate document. Release and IQ is not possible in this case. In has to be performed based on the requalification.