Chapter 5 - Toxi Release & Dispersion Modeling

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During an accident, process equipment can release toxic materials quickly
and in significant enough quantities to spread in dangerous clouds
throughout a plant site and the local community.
A few examples
• Explosive rupture of a process vessel as a result of excessive pressure
caused by a runaway reaction,
• Rupture of a pipeline containing toxic materials at high pressure
• Rupture of a tank containing toxic material stored above its atmospheric
boiling point, and
• Rupture of a train or truck transportation tank following an accident.

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The toxic release model represents the first three steps in the consequence
modeling procedure.

• Design Basis: what process situations can lead to a release?

• Developing a source model to describe how materials are released and the
rate of release
• Estimating the downwind concentrations of the toxic material using a
dispersion model

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Options available, based on the predictions of the toxic release model

• Developing an emergency response plan with the surrounding community,

• Developing engineering modifications to eliminate the source of the
• Enclosing the potential release and adding appropriate vent scrubbers or
other vapor removal equipment,
• Reducing inventories of hazardous materials to reduce the quantity
released, and
• Adding area monitors to detect incipient leaks and providing block valves
and engineering controls to eliminate hazardous levels of spills and leaks.

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Parameters Affecting Dispersion
wind speed
As the wind speed increases, the plume becomes longer and narrower; the
substance is carried downwind faster but is diluted faster by a larger
quantity of air.

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Atmospheric stability

Atmospheric stability relates to

vertical mixing of the air. During the
day, the air temperature decreases
rapidly with height, encouraging
vertical motions. At night the
temperature decrease is less,
resulting in less vertical motion.

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Ground Conditions

• Ground conditions affect the

mechanical mixing at the surface
and the wind profile with height.

• Trees and buildings increase

mixing, whereas lakes and open
areas decrease it.

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height of the release above ground level
The release height significantly affects ground-level concentrations. As the
release height increases, ground-level concentrations are reduced because
the plume must disperse a greater distance vertically.

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Effect of Release Momentum and Buoyancy

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Atmospheric stability …
Dry adiabatic lapse rate (stable, neutral atmosphere)
 - 1 C 100 m

dA P
Natural balance between
hydrostatic head,  g dA
dZ, and pressure forces dZ

P + dP
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The product of the maximum mixing depth and the average wind speed within the
mixing depth is sometimes used as an indicator of the atmosphere’s dispersive
capability. This product is known as the ventilation coefficient (m2/s). Values of
ventilation coefficient less than about 6000 m2/s are considered indicative of high
air pollution potential

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Pasquill-Gifford Model

Kj changes with position, time, wind velocity, and prevailing weather


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Toxic Release model

Design Basis

Source model

Dispersion Model

Prediction of Release impact

Is Hazard Acceptable •Process or Plant
No •Process Operation
Yes •Emergency Response

Operate Process

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1 A trash incinerator has an effective stack height of 100 m. On a sunny day with a 2 m/s wind the concentration of
sulfur dioxide 200 m directly downwind is measured at 5.0x10-5 g/m3. Estimate the mass release rate (in g/s) of
sulfur dioxide from this stack. Also estimate the maximum sulfur dioxide concentration expected on the ground
and its location downwind from the stack.

2 An air sampling station is located at an azimuth of 203o from a cement plant at a distance of 1500 m. The cement
plant releases fine particulates (less than 15, µm diameter) at the rate of 750 lb/hr from a 30-m stack. What is the
concentration of particulates at the air sampling station when the wind is from 30o at 3 m/s on a clear day in the
late fall at 4:00 P.M.?
3 A supply line (internal diameter = 0.493 in) containing chlorine gas is piped from a regulated supply at 50 psig. If
the supply line ruptures, estimate the distance the plume must travel to reduce the concentration to 7.3 mg/m3.
Assume an overcast day with a 15 mph wind and a temperature of 80°F. The release is near ground level.

4 A tank has ruptured and a pool of benzene has formed. The pool is approximately rectangular with dimensions of
20 ft by 30 ft. Estimate the evaporation rate and the distance affected downwind. Define the plume boundary
using the TLV-TWA of 10 ppm. It is an overcast day with a 9 mph wind. The temperature is 90°F.

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