Unit I - Module

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This unit tackles the concepts, nature and purposes of curriculum, curriculum development in
the Philippine Context, types of curricula, foundations of curriculum, and its characteristics. Under
the concepts, nature and purposes of curriculum, the origin of the term curriculum will be traced to
give the students a clear view of what a curriculum is or all about its very nature. Furthermore, the
importance of the curriculum will be discussed and how it was crafted or formulated by the
different experts in the field. Development of the curriculum in the Philippine context is as
important in tracing how it evolved and developed over time from the pre-Spanish period until
such time that the Philippines gained its independence in July 4, 1946 – a liberation from the
American Regime in the country.
The types of curricula and how these types have been founded and its characteristics are
worthy to be discussed to provide the students a better understanding about the entire unit.

Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, I am able to:
1. Define curriculum from different perspectives;
2. Describe the nature and scope of curriculum
3. Identify the different types of curricula;
4. Describe the different types of curricula implemented in schools;
5. Reflect on how each type of curriculum affects the other types
6. Compare and contrast the philosophical beliefs of perennialism, essentialism,
progressivism and reconstructionism;
7. Discuss the influence of the four educational philosophies on curriculum; 8.
Identify the application of behaviorist, cognitivist, constructivist and humanist
principles in the classroom;
9. State the values and beliefs about the nature of learning;
10. Trace how history and society influenced curriculum; and
11. Determine the characteristics of a good quality curriculum.

Setting Up

I would like you to ponder on the following questions, before you continue reading the
topics/lessons included in this module. Read the questions twice and try to reflect.
1. Do you know that everything has a beginning and an end?
2. Do you know the origin of the term, curriculum?
3. What do you think could be the possible reasons how a curriculum has been crafted?
4. Why do you think that you need to study about the curriculum?
5. Does the philosophy, goals, and objectives have something to do with the vision-mission of
an educational institution?
6. From what philosophies are curriculum founded?
7. Which do you think is more important, the learner or the subject-contents?
8. How would you describe the characteristics of a good curriculum?
Lesson Proper



Concepts, Nature and Purposes of Curriculum

According to Bilbao, Purita (2015), the word curriculum is derived from the Latin curere
meaning ‘to run’. This implies that one of the curriculum functions is to provide a template or design
that enables your learning to take place.
The concept of curriculum is dynamic and has many definitions. It can be defined simply as a
listing of subjects to be taught in school or in a broader sense, as the total learning experiences
of an individual in school and society as well.
The following are some of the definitions of the curriculum that you need to reflect:
• Curriculum is the sequence of potential experiences set up in school to discipline
children and youth in group ways of thinking and act (Caswell and Campbell); •
Curriculum is a structured set of learning outcomes or tasks that educators usually call
goals and objectives (Howell and Evans);
• Curriculum is the “what” of teaching;
• Curriculum is the listings of subjects to be taught in school;
• Curriculum is a document that describes a structured series of learning objectives and
outcomes for a given subject matter area (Howell and Evans); and
• Curriculum includes a specification of what should be learned, how it should be
taught, and the plan for implementing/assessing the learning.

The numerous definitions of a curriculum are influenced by modes of thoughts, pedagogies,

political, and cultural experiences. There are two different points of view of the curriculum. These
are the traditional perspective (Essentialist School) and the progressive point of view
(Progressive School).

The following are the characteristics of the curriculum as viewed by the Essentialist and the
Progressive type of schools. You have to examine, assess, and reflect on how these characteristics
could affect the operation of an institution.
Table 1. Characteristics of the Curriculum
Essentialist School Progressive School

1. It considers the curriculum as 1. It conceives the curriculum as something

something rigid, consisting of flexible based on areas of interest. Arjay
discipline subjects, cited by Prof. M. Esguerra at
Ronnie E. Pasigui at slideshare.curriculumdevelopment.)
slideshare.curriculumdevelopment. 2. It is learner-centered, keeping in mind
2. It considers all learners as much as that no two persons are alike. Arjay M.
the same. It aims to fit the learner into Esguerra at
the existing social order and maintain slideshare.curriculumdevelopment.
the 3. Its factor of motivation is
status quo, cited by Arjay M. Esguerra individual achievement believing
at slideshare.curriculumdevelopment. that persons are naturally good.
3. Its major motivation is discipline and Arjay M. Esguerra at
considers freedom as an outcome and slideshare.curriculumdevelopment.
not a means of education, Bilbao 4. Uses facilitative approach.
(2015) as cited by Prof. Ronnie E. 5. Uses life-experience approach and
Pasigui at methods emphasize individual
slideshare.curriculumdevelopment. spontaneity,
4. Its approach is authoritative. problem-solving, and development
5. It is book-centered and recommended of creative responsibility.
memory work, mastery of facts and 6. Its measurement of outcome and
skills, and development of abstract achievements are now devices
intelligence. considering the subject matter and
6. Its measurement of outcomes is personality tests.
standard tests based on subject matter
mastery. (Zimmerman, B.J., 2015))

For your better and clearer understanding, the following are definitions of curriculum
presented in tabular form:

Table 2. Curriculum Definitions

Traditional Points of View of Progressive Points of View of
Curriculum Curriculum

• Body of subjects or subject matter • Listing of subjects, syllabi, course of

prepared by the teachers for the study, and list of courses or specific
students to learn (Bilbao, 2015). discipline can only be called
• Synonymous to “course study”. curriculum if these written materials
are actualized by the learner (John
(Bilbao, 2015)
• “Permanent studies” where the rule • Total learning experiences of
of grammar, reading, rhetoric, logic, the individual (Caswell and
and mathematics for basic education Smith).
emphasized (Robert Hutchins) • All experiences children have under
• Curriculum should focus on the the guidance of teachers (Caswell &
fundamental intellectual disciplines of Campbell).
grammar, literature, and writing. It • Experiences in the classroom which
should also include mathematics, are planned and enacted by the
science, history, and foreign language teacher, and also learned by the
(Arthur Bestor). students (Marsh and Willis).
• Discipline is the sole source of • Curriculum is a sequence of potential
curriculum (Joseph Schwab). experiences set up in schools to
• Curriculum should consist entirely discipline children and youth in group
of knowledge from various ways of thinking and act (Smith,
disciplines (Phenix, 1964 as cited by Stanley, & Shore).
Bilbao, P., • Experiences in the classroom which are
Dayagbil, F. & Corpuz, B. (2015). planned and enacted by teacher, and
also learned by the students (Marsh
and Willis).

In short, the traditionalists see it as a straightforward document that outlines a standardized

set of learning goals and outcomes for a given subject area and provides a specification of what
should be learned, how it should be taught, and the learning implementation/assessment plan. On
the other hand, the progressivists interpret curriculum as the school's overall effort to achieve
desired school and out-of-school circumstances.
For you to understand better, you have to learn the following terms, says Pasigui, Ronnie
Curriculum planning is the process whereby the arrangement of curriculum plans or
learning opportunities are created. A curriculum plan is the advanced arrangement of learning
opportunities for a particular population of learners, while the curriculum guide is a written
curriculum plan
The place or workshop where curriculum materials are gathered or used by teachers or
learners of a curriculum is a curriculum laboratory. At the same time, the collection of suggested
learning activities and materials organized around a specific topic or area which a teacher might use
in planning, developing, and evaluating a learning unit is a resource unit.

Curriculum development is the process of selecting, organizing, executing, and evaluating

learning experiences based on the needs, abilities, and interests of learners and the nature of society
or community. It must be purposeful, planned, and progressive.


According to Allan Grathon (2009) as cited by Bilbao, Purita (2012), there are seven (7)
types of curricula operating in schools. But for purposes of identifying some of the types which may
not be working in schools, 10 are presented below. You can then review and scrutinize the different
types and provide examples in the activity at the end of the unit to have successful learning and,
eventually, be effective in your teaching career.
Table 3. Types of Curricula
Type Description

1. Recommended Scholars and professional organizations propose it. The curriculum

Curriculum may come from a national agency or any professional organization
(Allan Grathon (2000), as cited by Bilbao et al. (2008)) who has a
stake in education.

2. Written Curriculum It includes documents, courses of study, or syllabi for

implementation. Curriculum experts make most written curricula
with the participation of teachers. An example of this is the Basic
Education Curriculum (BEC), and the written lesson plan of each
classroom teacher is made up of objectives and planned activities of
the teacher. (Allan Grathon (2000), as cited by Bilbao et al. (2008))

3. Taught Curriculum The different planned activities teachers implement or deliver in the
classrooms and schools, which are put into action, compose the
taught curriculum. These are varied activities that are implemented
in order to arrive at the objectives or purposes of the written
curriculum. It varied according to the learning styles of the students
and the teaching styles of the teacher. (Allan Grathon (2000), as cited
by Bilbao et al. (2008))

4. Supported Curriculum Includes material resources such as textbooks, computers, audio-

visual materials, laboratory equipment, playgrounds, zoos and other
facilities, which support and help in the implementation of the
curriculum (Allan Grathon (2000), as cited by Bilbao et al. (2008)).
Support curriculum enables each learner to achieve real and lifelong

5. Assessed Curriculum It refers to a tested or evaluated curriculum. Series of evaluations are

being done by the teachers at the duration and end of the teaching
episodes to determine the extent of teaching or to tell if the students
are progressing. Assessment tools like pencil-and-paper tests,
authentic instruments like portfolios are being utilized (Allan
Grathon (2000), as cited by Bilbao et al. (2008)).

6. Learned Curriculum It refers to the learning outcomes achieved by the students. Learning
outcomes are indicated by the results of the tests and changes in
behavior which can be either cognitive, affective or psychomotor
(Allan Grathon (2000), as cited by Bilbao et al. (2008)). In other
words, what you as students learn and what is measured.

7. Hidden Curriculum It is the unintended curriculum that is not deliberately planned but
may modify behavior or influence learning outcomes. Peer influence,
school environment, physical condition, teacher-learner interaction,
the mood of the teacher, and many other factors make up the hidden
curriculum (Allan Grathon (2000), as cited by Bilbao et al. (2008)).

8. Concomitant These are things that are taught at home; those experiences that are
Curriculum part of a family's experiences or related experiences sanctioned by
the family. This type of curriculum may be received at church, in the
context of religious expression, lessons on values, ethics or morals,
molded behaviors, or social experiences based on a family's
preferences, Eisner, E.W. (1994) as cited by Wilson (1990).

9. Phantom Curriculum The messages prevalent in and through exposure to any type of
media. These components and messages play a major part in your
enculturation into the predominant meta-culture or acculturate you
into narrower or generational subcultures (Eisner, E.W. , 1994) as
cited by Wilson (1990).

10. Null Curriculum Various contents that must not be taught to you (Tanner and Tanner,
(Excluded 2007).
Curriculum) Sometimes your teacher ignores some content or skill, deliberately
or unknowingly. S/He may consider some idea unimportant and
forget it. Similarly, your teacher may avoid detailed descriptions of
some topic for one or another reason. Sometimes also, you fail to
learn specific knowledge, skills, or attitude for various reasons.


A. Historical Foundation
B. Philosophical
C. Psychological Foundation
D. Social Foundation
A. Historical Foundation of the Curriculum
Curriculum Development in the Philippines touched on the religion, economic, political, and
social influences and events in the country. Colonial rules in the Philippines tailored the curriculum
to serve colonial goals and objectives, Bilbao (2015) as cited by Prof. Ronnie E. Pasigui
You have to examine the nature/system of the curriculum in the Philippines under the
different periods as follows:

1. Pre-Spanish Period
Pre-Spanish Curriculum
➢ Informal education through interaction with other people.
➢ No direct teaching, no formal method of instruction
➢ Unplanned and unsystematic learning.
➢ Education is for survival, conformity, and enculturation.

2. The Spanish Period

Spanish-devised Curriculum
➢ Consisted of the 3Rs: Reading, Writing, Religion
➢ Goals: Acceptance of Catholicism, Acceptance of Spanish Rule
➢ Schools: Parochial or Convent Schools, ungraded
➢ Curriculum Organization: Subject-based Organization
➢ Reading Materials: cartilla, caton, catecismo
➢ Method of Instruction: dictation and individual memorization
➢ Curricular aims: To teach young boys and girls to serve and love God;
discover what is good and proper for one’s self; enable an individual to get
along well with society

3. American Period
➢ Creation of public school system to train Filipinos after the American way of
life or to teach democracy as a way of life
➢ American-devised Curriculum
➢ Based on the ideals and traditions of America and her hierarchy of values
(Bilbao, 2015 as cited by Prof. Ronnie E. Pasigui).
➢ Reading materials were about American history, development, discoveries,
and people.
➢ Medium of Instruction: English
➢ Primary curriculum consisted of three grades which provided body training
and mental training.
➢ Intermediate curriculum consisted of subjects such as arithmetic, geography,
science, and English.
➢ Collegiate Level included a teacher’s training curriculum appropriate for
elementary mentors to replace the Thomasites.
➢ Curriculum organization: separate-subject

4. The Curriculum during the Commonwealth

➢ Period of expansion and reform in the Philippine curriculum (Bilbao, 2015
as cited by Prof. Ronnie E. Pasigui)
➢ Courses in farming, trade, business, domestic science.
➢ The curriculum for the training of elementary teachers was expanded and
elevated by the Bureau of Education from the secondary normal schools to
the collegiate level.
➢ Commonwealth Act 586, also known as Educational Act of 1940, recognized
the elementary school system.
➢ The collegiate normal schools (1939)=two years training beyond high school
➢ Eliminated Grade VII and providing for the double single-session

5. The Japanese-devised Curriculum

➢ Included Nippongo in the curriculum
➢ Abolished English as the medium of instruction and as a subject
➢ All textbooks were censored and revised
➢ Training was done formally through schools with emphasis on vocational,
technical, agriculture
➢ The Japanese-devised Curriculum
➢ Curricular content centered on values rooted for the love of labor
➢ Teaching physical education and singing Japanese songs

6. The Curriculum during the Liberation Period

➢ Restoration of Grade VII
➢ Abolishment of the double-single session
➢ Curriculum was developed and based on the characteristics and needs of the
Filipino children.
➢ Curriculum was still subject-centered.
➢ Promotion of equal educational opportunities for all
➢ Curricular content stressed:
• Social orientation (ex. conservation of the Filipino heritage)
• Training for occupation
• Promotion of democratic nation-building
• A new thrust on community development

7. The Curriculum during the Philippine Republic

➢ Great experiments in the community school idea and the use of vernacular in
the first two grades of the primary schools as the medium of instruction
(Basilio, Marivic, uploaded by Jethro Bajan (2018)).
➢ Schools are increasingly using instructional materials that are Philippine
oriented Max V. De Leon (2018)
➢ The aim of education is for national development
➢ Made education relevant to the needs of the changing world or the new
society (Educational Development Decree of 1972 by President Marcos).

8. The Curriculum during the New Society

➢ Curricular changes in the elementary education
• Focused on the 3Rs
• Integration of values in all learning areas
• Emphasis on mastery learning

➢ Curricular changes in the Secondary Education

• Increased in time allotment
• YDT and CAT introduced as new courses
• Elective offerings as part of the curriculum

➢ Curricular emphases are:

• Moral values
• Proper methods of teaching
• Retraining of teachers
• Vocational and technical education
• Bilingualism
• National consciousness
• Cultural values
9. Present (1986-present)
➢ DECS Order No. 6 s. 1998, issued by Education Sec. Quisumbing strengthens
the teaching of values in the New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC)
launched in SY 1989-1990 under the Program for Decentralized Educational
Development (PRODED) and Secondary Educational Development Program
➢ Education aimed to promote national development and values education
(Don Adams, 2002)
➢ Implementation of NESC-addressed to civic, intellectual, and character
development of the child
➢ Implementation of RBEC
➢ Implementation of the K-12 Curriculum

Of all foreign educational systems, the American educational system has the greatest
influence on our educational system. The following six curriculum theorists contributed their views
on curriculum:
a. Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956)- presented curriculum as a science that emphasizes students'
b. Werret Charters (1875-1952) considered curriculum also a science-based on students'
needs, and the teachers plan the activities.
c. William Kilpatrick (1871-1965) - viewed curriculum as purposeful activities which are
d. Harold Rugg (1886-1960) - emphasized social studies in the curriculum and the teacher
plans the lesson in advance.
e. Hollis Caswell (1901-1989) - sees curriculum as organized around social functions of
themes, organized knowledge and learner's interests.
f. Ralph Tyler (1902-1994) - believes that curriculum is a science and an extension of the
school's philosophy based on students' needs and interests.

The historical development demonstrates the numerous shifts in curriculum goals, values, and

B. Philosophical Foundation of the Curriculum

The philosophical foundation of the curriculum helps determine the driving purpose of
education and the roles of the various participants. While all foundations propose to set goals of the
curriculum, philosophy presents the manner of thinking from which those goals are created. One’s
driving philosophy suggests if education should develop the individual or enforce group norms
(Ornstein & Hunkins, pp. 34-36); if it is to enforce group norms, it further defines if that should be
the current set or a move towards changing those norms. Philosophies vary in the perception of
truth, ranging from absolute to relative and from moralistic to scientific (34-37). In all of this, one’s
philosophy defines the role of the teacher, ranging from all-knowing authoritarian to that of a
mentor, and the part of the student, ranging from an obedient vacant vessel to an individual worthy
of actively engaging in one’s educational process. As we look through history, we see how
philosophies have gained and waned in popularity in society and how even psychological research
is embraced, ignored, or even rejected based on philosophical standings of the time.
Philosophy of education lays the solid framework for every curriculum. A curriculum manager
or expert, implementer or teacher, head of school, evaluator supports a clear theory in his/her
decision-making method.
Table 5. Aims, Roles, Focuses, and Trends of Educational Philosophy
Educational Philosophy Aim of Education

Perennialism To educate the rational person; and

To cultivate the intellect

Essentialism To promote the intellectual growth of the individual and

educate a competent person (Ornstein, A.C.1990)).

Progressivism To promote democratic and social living.

Reconstructionism To improve and reconstruct society; and

Education for a change.

Educational Philosophy Role of Education

Perennialism Teachers help students think with reason. (Thomas,

Both, 2016).
Based on the Socratic methods of oral exposition or
recitation (Bilbao, 2015).
Explicit or deliberate teaching of traditional values

Essentialism The teacher is the sole authority in his or her subject

area or field of specialization (Bilbao, 2015)).

Progressivism Knowledge leads to the growth and development of

lifelong learners who actively learn by doing (Bilbao,

Reconstructionism Teachers act as agents of change and reform in various

educational projects, including research (Bilbao, 2015)).

Educational Philosophy Focus in the Curriculum

Perennialism Classical subjects, literary analysis.

Curriculum is constant.

Essentialism Essential skill of the 3Rs and essential subjects of

English, Science, History, Mathematics, and Foreign

Progressivism Subjects are interdisciplinary, integrative, and

interactive. Curriculum is focused on student’s interests,
human problems, and affairs.

Reconstructionism Focus on the present and future trends and national and
international interests (Bilbao, 2015)

Educational Philosophy Curriculum Trends

Perennialism Use of great books and return to liberal arts (Bilbao,


Essentialism Excellence in education, back to basics, and cultural

literacy (Bilbao, 2015)

Progressivism School reforms, relevant and contextualized curriculum,

humanistic education (Bilbao, 2015)

Reconstructionism Equality of educational opportunities in education,

access to global education (Bilbao, 2015)

C. Psychological Foundations of the Curriculum

Psychology provides a basis for the teaching and learning process. You, as learners, are not
machines, and your mind is not a computer. As individuals, you are affected by biology and the
culture to which you are exposed. It would be best to consider psychology in the learning and
developing the curriculum to ensure that you can achieve more advanced, more comprehensive,
and complete human understanding.
The following are the three major groups of learning theories that help shape in crafting
the curriculum:

1. Behaviorists Psychology/Behaviorism
➢ Based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning through your
interaction with the environment.
➢ Learning is organized so that you can experience success in the process of mastering the
subject matter.
➢ Method of teaching is introduced in a step-by-step manner with proper sequencing of
the task.
Proponents: Edward Thorndike, Ralph Tyler, Hilda Taba, Robert Gagne
2. Cognitive Psychology
➢ focus attention on how you, as individuals, process information and how you monitor
and manage thinking.
➢ Learning constitutes a logical method for organizing and interpreting your
understanding (Bilbao, 2015).
➢ Knowledge is rooted in the tradition of subject matter where your teachers use many
problems and thinking skills in teaching-learning (Bilbao, 2015)..
➢ These are exemplified by reflective thinking, creative thinking, intuitive thinking,
discovery learning, etc. (Bilbao, 2015).
Proponents: Jean Piaget, Howard Gardner, Daniel Goleman

3. Humanistic Psychology
➢ Is concerned with how you can develop your human potential.
➢ is based on Gestalt psychology. Learning can be defined in terms of the fullness of the
question and where the world is evolving. As a learner, you are reorganizing your
expectations continuously.
➢ The program concerns the process, not the goods, the personal needs, not the subject
matter; the psychological sense, and the environmental circumstances in which you are
Proponents: Gestalt, Abraham Maslow1, Carl Rogers

E. Social Foundations of Education

Schools exist within the context of society, and social culture influences, and their curricula.
The relationship between curriculum and society is mutual and encompassing. Curriculum-society
relationships are reciprocal and inclusive. Therefore, the curricula should represent and maintain
the culture of society and its ambitions to be relevant. Simultaneously, the community should also
be interested in the changes brought about by formal institutions called schools.

According to Ornstein, A. and Hunkins, F. (1998), education systems are closely tied to the
institutional network of society. Thus, to understand how the content of schooling is shaped in any
society, you must understand the relationship between education and other institutions in society.
In other words, to understand what is taught, how it is taught and why it is taught, you need to look
at the social forces that shape the curriculum. When designing a curriculum, the following questions
must be addressed:
•To what extent should the curriculum consider the world outside of school?
•How do changes in society affect curriculum? (Ornstein and Hunkins, 1998)
Knowing the social foundations of the curriculum is crucial in making decisions about what
should be included in the curriculum and eventually what happens in the classroom. Schools exist
within the context of society and influence culture, which in turn shapes curriculum. The story
‘Curriculum of Forest School’ illustrates this point. A curriculum should be able to prepare (Sarah
Beason) students for the present and the future. In other words, a curriculum should address your
wants and needs by responding to social conditions locally, nationally, and globally (McNeil, 1995).
You might ask, “Why do I need to study algebra? I do not intend to be a mathematician, computer
scientist, or engineer”. The importance of such subjects in a curriculum may not be apparent to you
as learners. Still, teachers know that solving algebra problems requires thought skills that may not
seem instantly important but will benefit you indirectly later in your life in many careers and jobs.

According to Burks (1998) content is valuable;

• if it relates to the general body of knowledge needed by average human beings for
conducting daily life (e.g. reading, writing);
•when it is related to the specific present or future situation of the student (e.g. to be a
journalist one needs good language skills);
• if it develops thinking skills that probably increases the student’s success in other subject
areas or general life-decisions (e.g. geography develops spatial thinking; art develops design
skills); and
• if it fulfills unavoidable requirements imposed by society as entry qualifications to certain
vocational and professional programs (e.g. mathematics as a requirement for technical


The effectiveness of the development of a curriculum determines the quality of the curriculum
According to Stabback, Philip (UNESCO, 2015), the following should be the characteristics of a
good quality curriculum:
➢ Values you as a child and holds that every child matters equally;
➢ Is comprised of high quality ‘content’ which is up-to-date and relevant;
➢ Suitably demanding;
➢ Appropriately sequenced and progressive;
➢ Balanced;
➢ Integrated;
➢ Is well-organized and structured;
➢ Clearly documented or comprises a number of inter-related components expressed in
consistent and coherent documents; and
➢ Is underpinned by a set of theoretical and philosophical beliefs about how children learn.

Furthermore, in their article published in the IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR
JNHS), Mrs. Subharani P, Mrs. Bhuvaneswari G., Mrs. Tamil Selvi S. &, Mrs. Sujithra. S. identified the
following characteristics of a good curriculum:

1. The Curriculum is continuously evolving.

• It evolved from one period to another, to the present.
• For a curriculum to be effective, it must have continuous monitoring and evaluation.
• Curriculum must adapt its educational activities and services to meet the needs of a
modern and dynamic community.
2. The Curriculum is based on the needs of the people.
• A good curriculum reflects the needs of the individual and the society as a whole. •
The curriculum is in proper shape in order to meet the challenges of times and make
education more responsive to the clientele it serves.
3. The Curriculum is democratically conceived.
• A good curriculum is developed through the efforts of a group of individuals from
different sectors in the society who are knowledgeable about the interests, needs
and resources of the learner and the society as a whole.
• The curriculum is the product of many minds and energies.

4. The Curriculum is the result of a long-term effort.

•A good curriculum is a product of long and tedious process.
• It takes a long period of time in the planning, management, evaluation and
development of a good curriculum.

5. The Curriculum is a complex of details.

• A good curriculum provides the proper instructional equipment and meeting places
that are often most conducive to learning.
• It includes the student-teacher relationship, guidance and counseling program,
health services, school and community projects, library and laboratories, and other
school related work experiences.

6. The Curriculum provides for the logical sequence of subject matter.

• Learning is developmental.
• Classes and activities should be planned.
• A good curriculum provides continuity of experiences.

7. The Curriculum complements and cooperates with other programs of the community.
• The curriculum is responsive to the needs of the community.
• The school offers its assistance in the improvement and realization of ongoing
programs of the community.
• There is cooperative effort between the school and the community towards greater
8. The Curriculum has educational quality.
• Quality education comes through the situation of the individuals intellectual and
creative capacities for social welfare and development.
• The curriculum helps the learner to become the best that he can possibly be. • The
curriculum support system is secured to augment existing sources for its efficient and
effective implementation.

9. The Curriculum has administrative flexibility.

• A good curriculum must be ready to incorporate changes whenever necessary. • The
curriculum is open to revision and development to meet the demands of globalization
and the digital age.



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• http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~lewthwai/introSCIQ.html
• https://norhazwanishuib.wordpress.com/2017/06/18/reflective-3-taba-model-of
• http://www.cglrc.cgiar.org/icraf/toolkit/What_is_curriculum_development_.html. •
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• https://phdessay.com/curriculum-development/
• https://www.slideshare.net/arjaymesguerra/curriculum-development-14099299 •
• https://studymoose.com/historical-perspectives-on-curriculum-development-essay
• https://idoc.pub/documents/curriculum-development-k6nqde1vpq4w
• https://www.slideshare.net/lollimallow/curriculum-development-lesson-1-concepts-nature
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• https://studymoose.com/historical-perspectives-on-curriculum-development-essay •
https://www.slideshare.net/rhamylle13/educational-laws-practices-trends-and-issues •
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%20Foundations% 20of%20the%20Curriculum.pdf

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