The Ketogenic Diet For Bodybuilders and Physique Athletes: Address Correspondence To Adam Tzur
The Ketogenic Diet For Bodybuilders and Physique Athletes: Address Correspondence To Adam Tzur
The Ketogenic Diet For Bodybuilders and Physique Athletes: Address Correspondence To Adam Tzur
Bodybuilders and
Physique Athletes
Adam Tzur, BA1 and Brandon M. Roberts, PhD, CSCS2
1, Kristiansand, Norway; and 2The Strength Guys Inc., Birmingham, Alabama
108 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2020 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
could be hampered in the long term. In particular, there is no clear evidence study found that gymnasts who were
However, there is very little research that carbohydrate restriction is detri- on a KD lost fat and maintained lean
on KD in populations that resemble mental (15,20). In fact, “no further ben- mass without any negative changes in
physique athletes. eficial actions of carbohydrates are strength and power performance. How-
Exogenous ketones are a novel supple- evident concerning muscle hypertro- ever, protein intake was not matched in
ment that has the potential to mimic phy when a protein supplement that the study with the KD consuming 2.43
some effects of the KD without chang- maximally stimulates muscle protein the amount of protein consumed in the
ing dietary intake. This is thought to synthesis is ingested” (20), and carbo- western diet period (200 versus 83 g,
occur through elevations in blood ke- hydrates do not seem to augment mus- respectively), which is a major limitation.
tones, also termed exogenous ketosis cle protein synthesis when dietary Similarly, a recent article investigating the
(79). There are 2 main types of ke- protein is adequate (22,43,47). Looking effects of KD on body composition and
tones—esters and salts—with ketone es- beyond the acute muscle protein syn- performance, in weightlifting athletes
ters seeming to be more beneficial, thesis response, carbohydrates may with similar protein intake, found
given the studies on performance and have beneficial effects on strength a decrease in lean body mass without
side effects. The concept behind exog- performance, depending on the dura- negative effects on performance (28).
enous ketones is that they could offer tion and intensity of exercise (15,20). Finally, a study in CrossFit athletes found
recovery benefits in combination with The degree of carbohydrate availabil- that performance improved with a con-
or independent of dietary changes (79). ity could be key, where ketogenic car- comitant decrease in body fat and main-
Some also theorize that the supple- bohydrate restriction could be more tenance of lean body mass on a 6-week
ments could ease the side effects expe- detrimental than a less drastic restric- KD (29). Taken together, these data indi-
rienced upon starting the KD (34). tion. A diet sufficient in carbohy- cate there may not be a performance dec-
drates could hypothetically allow rement directly caused by a KD, but there
The KD has been well studied in
for greater long-term gains in muscle could be changes in lean body mass.
endurance and obesity research, but
mass by allowing greater training vol-
there is currently limited research To date, 2 studies have found an
umes (15). However, low-
available in bodybuilders or physique increase in lean body mass using the
carbohydrate studies have shown
athletes. Thus, we will review the KD (87,92) with only one of those
similar training adaptations (20).
potential usage of a KD in this popu- using a resistance training intervention
lation using studies from other types of A significant portion of this discussion (92). Wilson et al. (92) found that a 10-
athletes and the general population. relates to the importance of muscle week resistance training program, in
glycogen. During the first 6+ weeks combination with KD or a western
of the KD, intramuscular glycogen diet, increased lean body mass and
HYPERTROPHY AND stores are reduced by around 40–50% decreased fat mass by 4.4 and 2.4%,
PERFORMANCE (9,32,49,64,65). Such a reduction could respectively. Strength and power
A primary goal of bodybuilders and hypothetically reduce training capacity increased to the same extent in both
physique athletes is to optimize muscle and performance, given that resistance conditions (92). However, this study
hypertrophy. A secondary goal is com- training primarily involves the has notable technical limitations
monly to maintain or increase strength phosphagen (ATP-CP) and glycolytic including a glycogen supercompensa-
performance. As such, it is of interest systems (27,46,81). In addition, the tion protocol and data-reporting issues;
whether the KD is superior, inferior, or duration, intensity, and volume of for a more thorough analysis, see (96).
comparable to other diets for increas- training are major contributors to mus- Other studies have found the preserva-
ing muscle mass and strength. Because cle glycogen utilization (46). This tion of muscle mass with no significant
there are currently no studies on body- reduction in glycogen could translate increases (29,40,44,63,84). For exam-
builders or physique athletes on a KD, to a reduced training session volume, ple, Vargas et al. (84) evaluated the effi-
we must make inferences from similar which may reduce the amount of cacy of a KD in trained men using
populations. hypertrophy accrued in the off-season a randomized, controlled, parallel
Dietary guidelines for strength and or lean mass retained during the com- study for 8 weeks among 3 groups:
power athletes emphasize a high- petition season (15). control, ketogenic, and nonketogenic.
carbohydrate intake (75). Recommen- One group of athletes that are muscular All groups consumed a high-protein
dations for physique athletes in the off- and lean are gymnasts, therefore any diet (;2/g/kg/d). The goal of the
season and competition prep are 3–8 changes in this population might reflect study was to induce an energy surplus
g/kg (39,69). However, there is cur- those we could expect in bodybuilders. A to increase lean body mass; yet, of the 3
rently a debate about optimal carbohy- study on elite gymnasts for 2 ;4-week groups, only the non-KD group gained
drate intake for hypertrophy and periods found no differences in chin-ups body weight and lean body mass,
strength development. The discussion or dips when comparing a ketogenic ver- whereas the KD group lost fat mass.
highlights that the data are conflicting. sus western diet (63). Ultimately, the A similar finding was reported by
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The Ketogenic Diet
McSwiney where endurance athletes used in athletic populations for weight athletes to consume a caloric surplus.
reported increased caloric intake, yet loss. In this article, we decided to focus To the best of our knowledge, 2 studies
lost ;6 kg body weight (56). These on fat loss rather than weight loss as have prescribed a hypercaloric KD
findings could be due to the increased the outcome of interest. Using body (56,84). Participants lost weight in both
satiety and the reduced appetite effect weight as a metric should be done studies, indicating that they did not
of a KD. Thus, the KD may not be with care because weight consists of adhere to the hypercaloric assignment.
a good strategy for physique athletes both fat mass and fat-free mass. Body- This is likely attributable to the hunger-
in the off-season who are attempting builders and physique athletes are pri- reducing effects and spontaneous caloric
to gain muscle mass (15). It should marily focused on reducing fat mass, reduction in free-living, ad libitum
be noted that lean body mass is a poor not fat-free mass. Furthermore, the conditions.
proxy for muscle mass and is con- KD initially leads to a rapid reduction In summary, the KD leads to compa-
founded by shifts in total body water. in glycogen and water weight due to rable fat losses when both groups in
Hence, the evidence around hypertro- the diet’s dehydrating effects a study eat the same number of calo-
phy in the context of ketogenic dieting (19,26,62). If body weight is equated ries. People on the KD typically lose
is limited. with fat mass, athletes may inaccu- body weight quicker, but this is due
Another concern for physique athletes rately perceive rapid weight loss to to glycogen reduction and water loss.
is the “flat” appearance resulting from be fat loss. With that in mind, we The diet has hunger-reducing effects,
low glycogen levels. The flat appear- restrict our discussion to fat mass. which lead participants to eat fewer
ance is due to low muscle glycogen A large body of literature suggests the calories. Thus, the diet is not suitable
levels, which could cause muscles to diet effectively induces fat loss in both for athletes aiming for a caloric surplus
appear smaller than if one were not untrained (10–12,40,41,42,57,61,71,76,85) during off-season bulking.
on a KD. Because physique athletes and trained populations (29,63,68,
have high incidences of body dysmor- 87,92,93). The studies reveal that the
phia this could lead to negative psy- KETO FLU AND SUBJECTIVE SIDE
KD promotes equal or superior fat EFFECTS
chological effects (37). One way to mass loss compared to control diets.
offset ketogenic glycogen losses is to During the first weeks and months of
However, most of the studies are con- the KD, a myriad of physiological and
use carbohydrate refeeds, yet that founded by unmatched protein and
comes at a risk because athletes will metabolic effects take place. Some of
caloric intakes between groups. The these include a decrease in liver glyco-
no longer be in ketosis and may need KD groups typically consume fewer
to readapt. Some observational evi- gen stores to maintain physiological
calories and more protein. These limi- blood glucose levels (8). Reduced insu-
dence suggests that long-term adapted tations prevent any certain conclusions
ketogenic athletes have normal glyco- lin levels lead to increased natriuresis,
on whether the diet has superior fat kaliuresis, and diuresis (33). Combined,
gen stores and utilization (86). This in- loss properties. Yet, some unique ad-
dicates that glycogen compensation these effects lead to a loss of total body
vantages do present themselves for water and electrolytes (19,26,62). Elec-
occurs given a sufficiently long period
the diet. trolyte imbalance may follow. Further-
of adaptation.
In particular, the diet leads to spontane- more, ketogenic participants have been
In summary, the KD has never been shown to consume less dietary fiber
ous hunger reduction. Most studies pre-
rigorously studied in a group of phy- compared to baseline in several studies
scribe no caloric limit to ketogenic
sique athletes for long periods to deter- (4–6,58).
participants, and so they are only asked
mine whether there would be any
to restrict carbohydrates. Even if no calo- As a consequence, numerous negative
differences in strength or hypertrophy
ric limit is set, participants reduce caloric subjective side effects occur. The most
outcomes. Given the results in similar
intake on their own initiative (3,25). Fur- commonly reported side effects that
athletes and resistance-trained partici-
thermore, participants report that their are relevant for physique athletes
pants, the diet seems suitable for main-
hunger is reduced in multiple ketogenic include: headaches, constipation, diar-
taining muscle mass and strength. Yet,
studies (24,25,41,42,48,51,53,55,60,72,76). rhea, nausea, pain, and fatigue
given the issues for athletes to increase
The combination of lowered hunger (6,48,58,59,73,89,90,94). A less com-
caloric intake and body weight, the
and spontaneous caloric restriction may monly reported effect is feeling weak
KD seems unsuitable for off-season
be a useful tool for competitors who are (asthenia) (59).
aiming at reducing their caloric intake. These side effects are collectively and
FAT LOSS AND HUNGER Although hunger reduction is considered colloquially referred to as “keto flu”
The KD has been used as a therapeutic a benefit in most situations, there are sce- (31,34,54). Keto flu is a normal part
tool in obesity and diabetes research narios where it is counterproductive. In of ketogenic adaptation, yet the dura-
for decades. More recently, it has been particular, off-season bulking requires tion of this adaptation is unclear. Some
Table 1
Effects upon initiation of the ketogenic diet
Period Intramuscular glycogen stores Total body water Body weight Side effects Hunger
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The Ketogenic Diet
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