Artificial Intelligence 1
Artificial Intelligence 1
Artificial Intelligence 1
Abstract. In this study, a dataset of X-Ray images from patients with common
pneumonia, Covid-19, and normal incidents was utilized for the automatic
detection of the Coronavirus. The aim of the study is to evaluate the
performance of state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network architectures
proposed over recent years for medical image classification. Specifically, the
procedure called transfer learning was adopted. With transfer learning, the
detection of various abnormalities in small medical image datasets is an
achievable target, often yielding remarkable results. The dataset utilized in this
experiment is a collection of 1427 X-Ray images. 224 images with confirmed
Covid-19, 700 images with confirmed common pneumonia, and 504 images of
normal conditions are included. The data was collected from the available X-
Ray images on public medical repositories. With transfer learning, an overall
accuracy of 97.82% in the detection of Covid-19 is achieved.
1 Introduction
COVID-19 is an acute resolved disease, but it can also be deadly, with a 2% case
fatality rate. Severe disease onset might result in death due to massive alveolar
damage and progressive respiratory failure [1]. The early and automatic diagnosis of
Covid-19 may be beneficial for countries for timely referral of the patient to
quarantine, rapid intubation of serious cases in specialized hospitals, and monitoring
of the spread of the disease.
Although the diagnosis has become a relatively fast process, the financial issues
arising from the cost of diagnostic tests concern both states and patients, especially in
countries with private health systems, or restricted access health systems due to
prohibitive prices.
In March 2020, there has been an increase in publicly available x-rays from healthy
cases, but also from patients suffering from Covid-19. This enables us to study the
medical images and identify possible patterns that may lead to the automatic
diagnosis of the disease.
Τhe development of deep learning applications over the last five years seems to
have come at the right time. Deep Learning is a combination of Machine Learning
methods mainly focused on the automatic feature extraction and classification from
images, while its applications are broadly met is object detection tasks, or in medical
image classification tasks. Machine learning and Deep Learning have become
established disciplines in applying artificial intelligence to mine, analyze, and
recognize patterns from data. Reclaiming the advances of those fields to the benefit of
clinical decision making and computer-aided systems is increasingly becoming
nontrivial, as new data emerge [2].
Deep Learning often refers to a procedure wherein deep Convolutional Neural
Networks are utilized for automatic mass feature extraction, which is achieved by the
process called convolution. The layers process nonlinear information [3]. Each layer
involves a transformation of the data into a higher and more abstract level. The deeper
we go into the network, the more complex information is learned. Higher layers of
portrayal enhance parts of the information that are significant for segregation and
smother unimportant attributes. Usually, deep learning refers to more deep networks
than the classic machine learning ones, utilizing big data.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of state-of-the-art pre-
trained Convolutional Neural Networks proposed by the scientific community,
regarding their expertise in the automatic diagnosis of Covid-19 from thoracic X-
Rays. To achieve this, a collection of 1427 thoracic X-Ray scans is processed and
utilized to train and test the CNNs. Due to the fact that the size of the samples related
to Covid-19 is small (224 images), transfer learning is a preferable strategy to train
the deep CNNs. This is due to the fact that the state-of-the-art CNNs are sophisticated
model requiring large-scale datasets to perform accurate feature extraction and
classification. With transfer learning, the retention of the knowledge extracted from
one task is the key to perform an alternative task.
The results are auspicious and demonstrate the effectiveness of Deep Learning, and
more specifically, transfer learning with CNNs to the automatic detection of abnormal
X-Ray images related to the Covid-19 disease.
2 Methods
For the purpose of the experiments, several sources of X-Rays were accessed.
Firstly, the Github Repository was analyzed for related datasets. A collection of X-
Ray images from Cohen [4] was selected. Secondly, the following web sites were
thoroughly examined: a) Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), b)
Radiopaedia, and c) Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM).
This collection is available on the Internet [5]. Thirdly, a collection of common
pneumonia X-Ray scans was added to the dataset, to train the CNNs to distinguish
Covid-19 from common pneumonia. This collection is available on the Internet by
Kermany et al. [6].
The collected data includes 224 images with confirmed Covid-19, 700 images
with confirmed common pneumonia, and 504 images of normal condition. The X-Ray
images were rescaled to a size of 200x266. For the images of different pixel ration,
and to avoid distortion, a 1: 1.5 ratio black background was added to achieve a perfect
rescale to 200x266. The reader must note that the CNNs are capable of ignoring slight
positional variance, i.e., they seek for patterns not only to a specific position of the
image but also moving patterns.
Table 1. The CNNs of this experiment and their parameters for Transfer Learning.
All the CNNs share some common hyper-parameters. More specifically, all the
convolutional layers are activated by the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) [14]. For the
Neural Networks utilizing two hidden layers, a Dropout [15] layer is added to prevent
overfitting [16]. The CNNs were compiled utilizing the optimization method called
Adam [17]. The training was conducted for ten epochs, with a batch size of 64.
2.4 Metrics
Regarding the classification task of the CNNs, specific metrics were recorded as
follows: (a) correctly identified malignant nodules (True Positives, TP), (b)
incorrectly classified malignant nodules (False Negatives, FN), (c) correctly identified
benign nodules (True Negatives, TN), and (d), incorrectly classified benign nodules
(False Positives, FP). Please note that TP refers to the correctly predicted Covid-19
cases, FP refers to typical or pneumonia cases that were classified as Covid-19 by the
CNN, TN refers to normal or pneumonia cases that were classified as non-Covid-19
cases, while the FN refers to Covid-19 cases classified as normal or as common
pneumonia cases. Due to the fact that the main intention of the study is the detection
of Covid-19, we measure two different accuracies. The first accuracy refers to the
overall accuracy of the model in distinguishing the three classes (normal-pneumonia-
Covid) and is called 3-class accuracy. The second accuracy refers to the accuracy
related to Covid-19 only. That is, if an instance is typical and is classified as
pneumonia by the CNN, it is still considered acceptable in terms of the presence of
Covid-19. The aforementioned accuracy is called 2-class accuracy.
Based on those metrics, we compute the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the
model. The equations explaining the aforementioned metrics are eq. 1, 2, and 3.
3 Results
The results suggest that the VGG19 and the MobileNet achieve the best
classification accuracy over the rest of the CNNs. Due to the imbalance of the dataset,
all the CNNs perform seemingly well in terms of accuracy and in terms of specificity.
However, as those metrics depend heavily on the number of samples representing
each class, their unilateral evaluation leads to incorrect conclusions. For this reason,
the combination of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity must be the criterion for
choosing the best model. The measurements denoted with an asterisk (*) in Table 2,
indicate that these values are not considered acceptable in real-life problems, due to
the above issue.
To further evaluate the two best models (VGG19 and MobileNet), the Confusion
Matrix of each model is presented in Table 3.
VGG19 208 15 1189 16
Mobile Net 222 35 1169 2
While VGG19 achieves better accuracy, it is clear that in terms of the particular
disease, the optimal results are those with the lowest number of False Negatives. A
real-life interpretation of a False Negative instance would result in the mistaken
assumption that the patient is not infected with what this entails for the spread of the
virus and public health.
The Mobile Net outperforms VGG19 in terms of specificity and, thus, it is proven
to be the most effective model for the detection of Covid-19 from X-Ray images.
4 Discussion
Based on the results, it is demonstrated that the transfer learning strategy with
CNNs can have significant effects on the automatic detection and automatic
extraction of essential features from X-ray images, related to the diagnosis of the
Some limitations of the particular study can be overcome in future research. In
particular, a more in-depth analysis requires much more patient data, especially those
suffering from Covid-19. Moreover, it is necessary to develop models capable of
distinguishing Covid-19 cases from other similar viral cases, such as SARS, but also
from a greater variety of common pneumonia or even physiological X-Rays. Besides,
the automatic diagnosis of cases was made using only a medical image rather than a
more holistic approach to the patient, based on other factors that may be offered and
may behave as risk factors for the onset of the disease.
Nonetheless, the present work contributes to the possibility of a low-cost, rapid,
and automatic diagnosis of the disease and can be clinically exploited in the near
future. It has many advantages, the most important of which is that it does not require
nursing and medical staff to contact the prospective outbreak, and this is particularly
important in the spreading period of the disease.