Dirr Grade 12 Gas
Dirr Grade 12 Gas
Dirr Grade 12 Gas
A: true
People in disaster affected areas do not suffer from psychological trauma after experiencing a
devastating calamitous event.
A: false
A disaster has occurred because a hazard hit an area without people and their assets.
A: false
Elements at risk can also be categorized into tangible and intangible. The intangibles include social
cohesion, community structure, and cultural losses.
A: true
Physical risk factors can either lessen or aggravate one's vulnerability to hazards, for example the
level of strength of a building and the presence or absence of fire exits in the case of an earthquake.
A: true
Disaster risk reduction aims to reduce the damages and loss caused by hazards. One of the key risk
reduction measures is to reduce exposure to hazards.
A: true
Hazards have different adverse impacts on the elements at risk in an urban and rural setting.
A: true
The elements at risk are hazard-specific. Who and what can be damaged depends on the hazards
as well as the characteristics of the area.
A: true
The Philippines and its cities are not among countries and cities with significant population and
economic exposure to typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, storm surges, volcanoes, and landslides,
according to recent studies by risk analysis firm Verisk Maplecroft.
A: false
People living in poor developing countries have more vulnerabilities than those living in developed
A: true
Philippines is one of top three countries with regards to being at-risk to hit by hazards.
A: true
Gender and age are risk factors that make recovery more difficult.
A: true
The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 defines exposure as "the
degree to which the elements at risk are likely to experience hazard events of different magnitudes".
A: true
Aside from physical exposure, livelihoods and economic assets can be considered in measuring
exposure of the elements at risk.
A: true
The focus of the .... science perspective in analyzing disaster is what damage and loss it could
cause to physical aspects such as people and their properties and assets; public and private
buildings and infrastructures.
A: physical/natural
People l iving in .... are constantly endangered to tsunami, storm surges and sea level rise.
A:coastline/coastal areas
If you experience the signs of impending tsunami, the best action to take is
A: immediately leave the low-lying coastal areas and move to higher ground
A process where particles of loosely consolidated and water-saturated deposits of sand are
rearranged into more compact state, squeezing water and sediments towards the surface in the form
of sand fountain and creating a condition resembling to a "quick sand" is called
A: liquefaction
Landslides and liquefaction due to ground shaking brought about by an earthquake are considered
A: secondary effects
In interpreting earthquake hazard maps, the color code for high risk areas is
A: red
Ground rupture which is the surface expression of an earthquake choices magnitude 5.5-6.0 is
known as
A: primary effect of earthquakes
The deformation on the ground that marks the intersection of the fault plane with the earth's surface
is known as
A: ground rupture
A phenomenon which produce giant sea waves generated mostly by vertical displacement of the
ocean floor associated with a strong and shallow submarine earthquake is called
A: tsunami
Water supplies, electricity and transportation can be severely affected by strong typhoons with
strong winds.
A: true
_____________is a phenomenon, which produce giant sea waves generated mostly by vertical
displacement of the ocean floor associated with a strong and shallow submarine earthquake.
A: tsunami
Displacement and living in an evacuation center cause problems and hardships to population and
A: true
Exposure elements, exposed elements, or vulnerable elements are other terms used to refer to the
elements at risk.
A: true
Hazards have different adverse impacts on the elements at risk in an urban and rural setting.
A: true
Complex web of interlinked conditions which include physical, social, economic, environmental
A: vulnerability
Critical facilities and lifelines are more likely to be affected by a high magnitude hazard.
A: true
Develop a family ______ consisting of where to meet your family after an earthquake.
A: plan
After an earthquake check yourself and others for injuries: provide first aid for anyone who needs it:
and, turn on the _________ and listen for news.
A: radio
Houses that are built according to good design and construction principles have a better chance to
withstand the onslaught of a strong earthquake than those that are poorly constructed.
A: true
Who and what elements at risk can be damaged depends on the hazards and the characteristics of
the area or location.
A: true
__________condition is a factor, which make people and their property more vulnerable.
A: unsafe
The development efforts of a country is affected by a disaster because the money intended for
development may be diverted to more pressing relief efforts.
A: true
When a hazard strikes a vulnerable people, with very low capacity, living in an unsafe location,
disaster may occur and recovery may take more time.
A: true
Some ______________tools for capacity and vulnerability assessment include resources mapping:
community watching: transect walk: livelihood and coping analysis.
A: Participatory
_____________________refers to the deformation on the ground that marks the intersection of the
fault plane with the earth's surface.
A: ground rupture
While other elements at risk can be affected by hazards, people are not because they can escape.
A: false
Don't use __________ during an earthquake, as they'll probably get stuck anyway.
A: elevators
The concept which explains why given a level of exposure to the hazard, some people or sectors in
the community or society are more at risk or less at risk.
A: vulnerability
Exposure is the degree to which the elements at risk are likely to experience hazard events of
different magnitudes.
A: true
Gender and very young and very old age are considered risk factors.
A: true
A good attitude and mental health are factors in good decision making, particularly during
A: true
Fire is an example of a natural hazard.
A: false
Social cohesion, community structure, and cultural losses are some kinds of intangibles elements at
A: true
Examples of capacities.
A: a, b and d
Understanding of vulnerability and capacity can be best done through ... and ... .
A: vulnerability and capacity assessment
There is impending _________if there is severe ground shaking: if seawater recedes from the coast:
and, if there is a loud "roaring" sound similar to that of a train or jet aircraft.
A: tsunami
Typhoon Haiyan is an example of a hazard that became a disaster because of the extent of
damages it wrought in the Visayas Islands.
A: true
Ash fall rarely endangers human lives, but it can have devastating effects on the things that people
rely upon from day to day living.
A: false
Hazards can be classified according to origin, which could be from nature, from man's activity or a
combination of both.
A: true
Lava flows are streams of molten rock that pour or ooze from an erupting vent.
A: true
During volcanic eruption, check for injured and trapped persons near the slide, without entering the
direct slide area. Direct rescuers to their locations.
A: false
People living near volcanoes may not detect premonitory events before and eruption.
A: false
Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds and occurrence of volcanic
tremors are signs of impending volcanic eruption.
A: true
Knowing the ways of protecting the school from ash fall, landslides and debris ?ows by consulting
your local disaster coordinating council must be done before a volcano erupts.
A: true
Hazard of high magnitude should always be welcome by children because there will be no class.
A: false
The legend in the map tells you what different colors and signs mean in the map. It works as a
decoder of the data presented in the map.
A: true
Both ash fall and pyroclastic flows can destroy agricultural lands.
A: true
During volcanic eruption, less priority if given for evacuation outside the area of ash shower to
pupils/students with breathing problems. They should be advised to cover their nose, preferably with
a wet piece of cloth.
A: false
The GPS coordinates are a unique identifier of a precise geographic location on the earth, usually
expressed in alphanumeric characters.
A: true
The earthquake that hit Bohol some years back cannot be an example of a disaster because the
extent of damages it wrought in the Bohol island is negligible.
A: false
During a volcanic eruption, follow the instructions that go with the warning. If there is a directive to
evacuate, do so immediately.
A: true
Closing windows and doors to reduce entry of ash if heavy ash fall is expected to hit the community
must be done during a volcanic eruption.
A: false
Ballistic projectiles are rocks that an erupting volcano may hurl into the air.
A: true
Do not "Dock, Cover and Hold " during an earthquake, just stand and wait for news.
A: false
In assessing disaster risk, the formula used is DR=HEV, where DR stand for Development
Research, H for Hazard, E for Exposure and V for Vulnerability.
A: false
Volcano hazard maps illustrate potential for ground-based volcanic impacts-lava flows, pyroclastic
flows, ash fall, volcanic gases, and more far-reaching hazards (such as lahars) in valleys that drain
the volcano.
A: true
Hazard maps are used to help understand the areas that may be affected by specific volcanic
eruption phenomena.
A: true
During and after an emergency, you should not think only of yourself, you should provide first aid for
anyone who needs it, if you are capable.
A: true
In interpreting a hazard map, look for the title, which is located at the bottom portion of the geological
map. It is important because it tells you right away what kind of hazard map it represents or the area
where the map is based.
A: false
Elements at risk, particularly people can be affected by hazards, but they can manage even without
disaster preparedness.
A: false
Volcanic ash does not consist of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals, and volcanic glass created
during volcanic eruptions and measuring less than 2 mm in diameter.
A: false
The three things that should be done before an earthquake.
A: Learn first aid; Learn how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity in your home; Make up a plan
of where to meet your family after an earthquake
Pyroclastic flows contain a high-density mix of hot lava blocks, pumice, ash and volcanic gas.
A: true
Water supplies, electricity and transportation are not always protected and therefore can be affected
by strong typhoons with strong winds.
A: true
Hazard Maps show the places in the country which are at risk to the following:
A: earthquake;tsunami Or, landslides
In assessing disaster risk, the framework used is DR=HEV, where DR stand for disaster risk, H for
Hazard, E for Exposure and V for Vulnerability.
In assessing risk, the framework used is R=HEV, where R stand for risk, H for Health, E for
Evacuation and V for Vulnerability.
A: Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment
Typhoon Haiyan cannot be an example of a disaster because the extent of damages it wrought in
the Visayas Islands is negligible.
A: false
In interpreting earthquake hazard maps, the color code for no risk areas is:
A: white
On November 8, 2013, Super Typhoon ______ cut a devastating path across the Central Philippines
A: Haiyan(or Yolanda)
_____is a very important tool. It shows what places in the country, which are at risk to earthquakes.
A: map
If you experience the signs of impending tsunami, the best action to take is:
A: immediately leave the low-lying coastal areas and move to higher ground
Be careful around broken glass and debris. Wear boots or sturdy shoes to keep from cutting your
A: true
A disaster will surely not occur when a hazard hit an area with vulnerable people and assets.
A: false
Communities with many vulnerabilities and low capacities are susceptible to experience
A: disasters
People living in rich developed countries have more vulnerabilities than those living in poor
developing countries.
A: false
For locally-generated tsunamis, where you might feel the ground shake, you may only have a few
minutes to move to higher ground.
A: true
In assessing disaster risk, the framework used is DR=HEV, where DR stand for disaster risk, H for
Hazard, E for Exposure and V for Vulnerability.
A: true
Elements at risk, particularly people can be affected by hazards, thus disaster preparedness is
A: true
When water lines are broken, so there is no _____ to extinguish the fire.
A: water
Examples of capacities.
A: all of the choices
Physical risk factors can either lessen or aggravate one's vulnerability to hazards, for example the
level of strength of an office and the presence or absence of emergency exits in the case of an
A: true
People live within or close to volcano danger zones, are to be affected by _____ flow and ash fall.
A: (lava)
Livelihoods and economic assets can be considered in measuring exposure of the elements at risk.
A: true
Hazards always have similar adverse impacts on the elements at risk in an urban and rural setting.
A: false
The intangibles elements at risk include social cohesion, community structure, and cultural losses.
A: true
Landslides and liquefaction due to ground shaking brought about by an earthquake are considered:
A: secondary effects;
Hazard Maps show the places in the country which are at risk to
A: all of the choices
__________ earthquakes are those induced by rising lava or magma beneath an active volcano.
A: volcanic
People living in the __________ slopes are defenseless in the face of landslides.
A: mountain
A phenomenon which produce giant sea waves generated mostly by vertical displacement of the
ocean floor associated with a strong and shallow submarine earthquake is called:
A: tsunami
Responsible people should check water, gas, and electric lines for damage.
A: true
The focus of the natural science perspective in analyzing disaster is what _______and loss it could
cause to physical aspects such as people and their properties and assets: public and private
buildings and infrastructures.
A: damage
Typhoon Haiyan cannot be an example of a disaster because the extent of damages it wrought in
the Visayas Islands is negligible.
A: false
During and after an emergency, if you're at school or work, _______ the emergency plan or the
instructions of the person in charge.
A: follow
Landslides are downward movement of geological materials such as soil and rocks.
A: true
Geologic hazards have several factors that triggers its occurrence, one common cause is the
adjustment of the earth as the molten core moves.
A: true
_____________, legends, bar scale, ____________, and coordinates are the major parts/elements
found in geologic maps.
A: Title, Orientation Compass
Sinkholes typically develop slowly, but can also form suddenly when a collapse occurs.
A: true
Sinkholes doesn't have types, it is generally a collapse in the ground. It is all the same.
A: false
_________ , legends, bar scale, ________________, and coordinates are the major parts/elements
found in geologic maps.
A: Title, Orientation Compass
_______________ are the primary source of information for various aspects of land-use planning,
including the siting of buildings and transportation systems
A: Geologic Maps
For any hazard one must learn about the ________________________ plans for your area. And
develop for your own family as well.
A: contact
During a landslide, ... or stay out of the path of landslide or debris flow.
A: evacuate
Landslides and sinkholes can both be caused by man-made interventions such as bomb explosion.
A: true
During a landslide, _____________ or stay out of the path of landslide or debris flow
A: Evacuate
If you suspect an imminent landslide or sinkhole danger ____________ your local fire, police, or
public works department.
A: contact
______________ tells you what different colors and signs mean in the map. Works as a decoder of
the data presented in the map.
A: Legends
If you suspect an imminent landslide or sinkhole danger ... your local fire, police, or public works
A: Contact or Call
The color ____________ usually means that there are no or 0% chance for a landslide or sinkhole to
occur in that particular area in the map.
A: white
The lull period in the storm indicates the __________ is passing your area.
A: eye
The onset of the El Nino phenomenon may foretell dry spells or a ________.
A: Drought
is the stage when the plume begins to form above the burning fuel. It begins to draw or
entertain air from the surroundings space into the column.
A: Growth/s – wrong (fire) – wrong INCIPIENT – wrong growth stage - wrong
is the material or substance being oxidized or burned in the combustion process. In scientific terms,
A: fuel
The Philippines is highly prone to hydro-meteorological hazards, which are climate and water
A: true
To find the direction of the _______, a person should face the wind and the center of the storm lies
approximately 90 degrees on your left hand side.
A: storm
Both ____________ and pyroclastic flows can destroy agricultural lands, like what happened during
Mt. Pinatubo and Mt. Mayon eruptions.
A: ash flow
pertains to the malicious burning of property, using certain chemicals, bombs, etc., and causing fire
to start.It involves the movement of electrons between two objects in contact with each other.
Electrical charges are produced on the objects when they are separated. If the charge builds up, it
will develop enough energy to jump as a spark to a nearby grounded or less highly charged object.
A: static electricity
A measures rainfall.
A: raingauge
The common _______signs of an incoming flood include intense rainfall, dam or levee failure as well
as other events such as slow moving tropical storms.
A: warning
is the condition of being safe from the risk or danger of fire. It is also the quality or state of not
presenting or involving risk or danger of fire
A: fire safety
_____________ projectiles are rocks that an erupting volcano may hurl into the air.
A: Ballistic projectiles
If left unprepared, the population in the many villages of the country may be highly vulnerable to
hydro metrological hazard. as these hazards may become disasters.
A: true
Drought events is characterized by of ________ water for domestic and agriculture purposes.
A: shortage
The color green usually means that there are no or 0% chance for a landslide or sinkhole to occur in
that particular area in the map.
A: false
During a landslide, stay where you are and watch the debris flow, praying that you will not be carried
by the debris.
A: false
Early signs of drought indicate dry spells with _______ below the normal level, which If extends to 3
months, a drought is declared.
A: rainfall
is a chemical reaction. It is the rapid oxidation of a fuel producing heat and light.
A: combustion – wrong / spontaneous ignition – wrong / OXIDIZING AGENTS - wrong
These are set by students or staff of the school and can obviously not be predicted. Most of the time
they are started in trashcans or in piles of garbage because it is the easiest thing to light
A: intentional fires – wrong / intentional fire – wrong / intentional – wrong / fire - wrong
_________is one weather bureau in the Southeast Asian region that has established a regional
network of monitoring stations for tropical typhoons and other hydro-meteorological events
Geologic hazards have several factors that triggers its occurrence, one common cause is the
adjustment of the earth as the molten core moves.
A: true
Another sign that we should know about landslide are doors or windows that stick or jam for the first
A: true
People close to ___________ may detect some precursor to eruption, so they need to be careful,
they may even be ordered to evacuate.
A: volcanoes
During a landslide or any hazard, we should stay alert, watchful and awake.
A: true
A family should not develop a family plan, so that each member knows where to meet after an
A: true
is the pin at the top of the extinguisher that keeps the handle from being accidentally pressed.
A: pull
Legends tell you what different language and signs mean in the map.
A: false
After a landslide, never listen to local radio or TV station, you need to rest and you don't need the
latest emergency information, because the landslide is over.
A: false
is reducing the temperature below the fire point
A: cooling
Geological maps are the secondary source of information for various aspects of land-use planning,
including the siting of buildings and transportation systems.
A: false
General flood advisories are issued by _______ to inform and warn people flood levels and status of
water levels in river basins.
__________is one basic tools for monitoring rainfall, which is measured in millimeters. One
millimeter of rainfall is equivalent to 1 liter of water per square meter.
A: Raine gauge
New cracks or unusual bulges in the ground, street pavements or sidewalks is one of the signs that
we should know to be prepared for a landslide or sinkholes.
A: true
It is not important that one must learn about the emergency-response and evacuation plan for any
hazard in your area.
A: false
The swelling of ______ and lakes, or the occurrence of storm surge may lead to hydro-
meteorological events contribute to flooding particularly in flood-prone areas.
A: rivers
Title, legends, bar scale, orientation compass and coordinates are the major parts/elements found in
geologic maps.
A: true
In CBDRM, the people are at the heart of decision-making and implementation of disaster risk
reduction and management activities at the community level.
A: true
The disaster risk reduction plan is a guide in transforming at risk communities to become disaster
A: resilient
Community based disaster risk management or CBDRRM has been recognized in the Philippines as
a necessary approach to put communities out of harm's way.
A: true
__________, which should be part of the community preparedness plan, is the process of moving
persons or property from a dangerous or potentially dangerous place, for reasons of safety and their
A: evacuation
Safety and security of the individuals, household and communities is not as important as education
and health.
A: false
Disaster risk reduction is the responsibility of the government alone, because they are paid to do
A: false
Sustainable development goals can be achieved even without reducing the risks.
A: false
In planning for evacuation, the community should Identify safe place for evacuation and identify the
shortest and ________ route.
A: safest
There are six global targets to reduce disaster risks as agreed in the Sendai Framework on Disaster
Risk Reduction.
A: false
Communities should rely on the assistance of the government during calamities as government is
responsible for helping communities.
A: false
CBDRRM is a process of disaster risk reduction and management in which at risk communities are
never allowed to engage in the identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of
disaster risks.
____________ unites the community and its supporters in commitments and actions to undertake to
reduce disaster risk.
A: planning
The economic impact of disasters is lessening as the years go by even considering the impact of
Climate Change.
A: false
Participatory community risk assessment includes hazard, exposure and vulnerability assessment.
A: true
Disaster risk reduction refers only to providing emergency assistance during disasters.
A: false
There are only three priorities for action in the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.
A: false
Early _________, which should be part of the community preparedness plan, is the provision of
timely and effective information, advisory, and warning to individuals, families, communities, or
populations on the existence of danger, and what can be done to prevent, avoid, or minimize danger.
A: warning
Local people need not prioritize DRR in their lives, as they have so many things to think about.
A: false
Project NOAH combines science and technology for DRRM. It is also is a responsive program that
aims to provide a 6-hour lead-time warning to agencies involved in disaster prevention and
A: true
___________ with indication of evacuation sites and routes is necessary part of the tools included in
the emergency kit.
A: map
___________ liters per person per day is required for drinking and for sanitation.
A: four
The Act repealed PD No. 1566 of 1978 and transforms the disaster management system from
disaster response towards disaster risk reduction.
A: true
We should avoid ___________ or sugary food as this will make you thirsty.
A: salty
In the survival kit, it is important to include the following documents: ___________ certificates,
passport, marriage contract, diploma, insurance certificates, land titles, etc.
A: Birth certificates
___________ kit includes disposable gloves, adhesive strips, sterile medical tap, thermometer,
adhesive bandage, among others.
A: first aid
A survival kit is necessary during emergencies, when help or support to family is absent, it refers to
emergency supplies, that a family needs to survive.
A: true
A person can survive without water intake for five days, but not without food for a day.
A: false
The DRRM Act is reactive in addressing disasters and focused on the need for response.
A: false
DRRM provides maximum care, assistance and services to vulnerable sectors/ individuals of
A: true
The Philippine DRRM Act of 2010 is the new law for disaster management.
A: true
Mainstreaming of DRRM into the school curricula of secondary and tertiary level of education,
including the NSTP is one of the provisions of the Act.
A: true
Emergency survival kit should contain food, water and blanket only.
A: false
When a family is isolated for several days due to difficulty in access to go out to secure food, or for
help to come in, survival kit is very important in order to survive.
A: true
Public information is not necessary before emergency, it is important only during disasters.
A: false
The development, promotion and implementation of NDRRM plan is one of the policies of DRRM.
A: true
Typhoons, floods, heavy rain and drought are examples of ____________ hazards.
A: Hydro metrological
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
The province/s that are at risk to tsunamis include.
Select one:
a. Tawi-tawi
c. Batanes
e. Sulu
f. Basilan
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Other potential earthquake hazards include:
Select one:
a. all of the choices
b. landslide
c. ground subsidence
d. tsunami
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
During and after an emergency, you should think only of yourself and should not provide first aid for
anyone who needs it.
Select one:
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Usually included in marginalized and most vulnerable groups.
Select one:
a. people with disability
b. women
c. poor
Question text
Gender and age are considered risk factors.
Select one:
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Other terms for vulnerability:
Select one:
a. Susceptibility, weakness, fragility
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
There are people in disaster affected areas who are more prone to suffer from psychological trauma
after experiencing devastating calamities.
Select one:
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
People living within or near a _____ line, are more susceptible to be overwhelmed by an earthquake
Select one:
a. defect
b. mistake
c. fault
d. imperfection
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
When water lines are broken, so there is no _____ to extinguish the fire.
Select one:
a. water
b. spray
d. splash
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
When an earthquake breaks a dam or levee along a river, the water from the river or the reservoir
floods the area and may damage buildings and drown people.
Select one:
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Tectonic Hazards and disasters are not the same.
Select one:
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
After an earthquake, just relax and do not think of aftershocks.
Select one:
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
A disaster will surely not occur when a hazard hit an area with vulnerable people and assets.
Select one:
Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 defines exposure as "the
degree to which the elements at risk are likely to experience hazard events of different magnitudes".
Select one:
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Responsible people should check water, gas, and electric lines for damage.
Select one:
Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
There is impending tsunami if:
Select one:
a. all of the choices
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
People living in rich developed countries have more vulnerabilities than those living in poor
developing countries.
Select one:
Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
The deformation on the ground that marks the intersection of the fault plane with the earth's surface
is known as:
Select one:
a. Both
b. ground deformation
c. ground rupture
Question 19
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Question text
Philippines is not one of the disaster-prone countries of the world.
Select one:
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
After an earthquake, you should Check yourself and others for injuries.
Select one:
Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
_____is a very important tool. It shows what places in the country, which are at risk to earthquakes.
Select one:
a. map
b. chart
c. survey
d. plan
Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Exposure is not one among the key determinants of disaster risk.
Select one:
Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
In interpreting earthquake hazard maps,
Select one:
a. orange is the color code for high risk areas
b. white
c. red
d. yellow
Question 24
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Question text
If you smell gas after an emergency, close all the windows and doors and sleep soundly.
Select one:
Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Exposure elements, exposed elements, or vulnerable elements are other terms used to refer to the
Select one:
Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
The Philippines and its cities are one of the countries and cities with significant population and
economic exposure to typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, storm surges, volcanoes, and landslides,
according to recent studies by risk analysis firm Verisk Maplecroft.
Select one:
Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
_____shows the places in the country which are at risk to tsunamis
Select one:
a. map
b. chart
c. plan
d. surve
Question 28
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Question text
Disasters do not have an effect to the development efforts of a country.
Select one:
Question 29
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Question text
Armed conflicts and wars are natural hazards.
Select one:
Question 30
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Question text
Elements at risk do not include people, properties and location.
Select one:
Question 31
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Physical risk factors can either lessen or aggravate one's vulnerability to hazards, for example the
level of strength of an office and the presence or absence of emergency exits in the case of an
Select one:
Question 32
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Question text
Critical facilities and lifelines are not affected at all by a high magnitude hazard.
Select one:
Question 33
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Question text
Understanding of vulnerability and capacity can be best done through.
Select one:
a. none of the choices
b. reading
c. research
Question 34
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Question text
Fires, spills of hazardous chemicals and flooding are considered as:
Select one:
a. secondary effects
c. collateral effects
Question 35
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Question text
If you are at the beach or near the ocean and you feel the earth shake, move immediately to higher
Select one:
Question 36
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Question text
In interpreting earthquake hazard maps, the color code for no risk areas is:
Select one:
a. white
b. yellow
c. orange
d. red
Question 37
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Question text
Landslides and liquefaction due to ground shaking brought about by an earthquake are considered:
Select one:
a. all of the choice
b. secondary effects;
Question 38
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Question text
Examples of capacities.
Select one:
a. life-saving skills
b. savings
c. good governance
Question 39
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Question text
People living in the __________ slopes are defenseless in the face of landslides.
Select one:
a. prominence
b. height
c. range
d. mountain
Question 40
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Question text
Be careful around broken glass and debris. Wear boots or sturdy shoes to keep from cutting your
Select one:
Question 41
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Question text
The following should be done before an earthquake:
Select one:
a. make up a plan of where to meet your family after an earthquake
d. learn how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity in your home
Question 42
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Question text
The following should be done after an earthquake except:
Select one:
a. Use the phone to connect to face book
Question 43
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Question text
During an earthquake, the following should NOT be done except:
Select one:
a. Don't use elevators (they'll probably get stuck anyway).
Question 44
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Question text
Rich people don't usually have savings, much so insurance.
Select one:
Question 45
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Question text
_________ earthquakes are caused by sudden displacements along fault lines in the solid and rigid
layer of the earth's surface.
Select one:
a. formative
b. architectural
c. constructural
d. tectonic
Question 46
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Question text
Ground subsidence is a potential ___________ hazard.
Select one:
a. earthquake
b. tsunami
c. flash flood
Question 47
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Question text
________ can be assessed and quantified as low, medium and high.
Select one:
a. problem
b. danger
c. risks
d. accident
Question 48
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Question text
In interpreting earthquake hazard maps.
Select one:
a. orange is the color code for medium risk areas
b. red
c. white
d. yellow
Question 49
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Question text
One of the key risk reduction measures is to reduce exposure to hazards.
Select one:
Question 50
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Question text
During and after an emergency, if you're at school or work, _______ the emergency plan or the
instructions of the person in charge.
Select one:
a. copy
b. follow
c. stalk
d. observe
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Question 1
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The focus of the natural science perspective in analyzing disaster is what _______and loss it could
cause to physical aspects such as people and their properties and assets: public and private
buildings and infrastructures.
Select one:
a. impairment
b. harmful
c. destruction
d. damage
Question 2
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Question text
The following hazards are potential earthquake hazards:
Select one:
a. liquefaction
b. ground rupture
c. ground shaking
Question 3
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Question text
Psychological perspective is concerned about the negative consequences of disaster to ________
health, particularly the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Select one:
a. intellectual
b. mental
c. brain
d. cognitive
Question 4
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Question text
Ground subsidence is a potential ___________ hazard.
Select one:
a. tsunami
b. flash flood
d. earthquake
Question 5
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Question text
Understanding of vulnerability and capacity can be best done through.
Select one:
a. reading
d. research
Question 6
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Question text
In assessing disaster risk, the framework used is DR=HEV, where DR stand for disaster risk, H for
Hazard, E for Exposure and V for Vulnerability.
Select one:
Question 7
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Question text
Some factors which make people and their property vulnerable.
Select one:
a. poor construction design
c. poverty
d. unsafe locations
Question 8
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Question text
Tectonic Hazards and disasters are not the same.
Select one:
Question 9
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Question text
If you are at the beach or near the ocean and you feel the earth shake, move immediately to higher
Select one:
Question 10
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Question text
Gender and age are considered risk factors.
Select one:
Question 11
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Question text
The elements at risk are not hazard-specific. Who and what can be damaged depends not on the
hazards and the characteristics of the area.
Select one:
Question 12
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Question text
People living in the __________ slopes are defenseless in the face of landslides.
Select one:
a. mountain
b. prominence
c. height
d. range
Question 13
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Question text
Some participatory tools for capacity and vulnerability assessment include.
Select one:
a. livelihood and coping analysis
c. resources mapping
Question 14
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Question text
Landslide and is a potential __________ hazard.
Select one:
a. earthquake
c. flash flood
d. tsunami
Question 15
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Question text
Responsible people should check water, gas, and electric lines for damage.
Select one:
Question 16
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Question text
Disaster do not cause problems and hardships to population and communities.
Select one:
Question 17
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Question text
Usually included in marginalized and most vulnerable groups.
Select one:
a. women
c. poor
Question 18
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Question text
Ground subsidence is a potential ___________ hazard.
Select one:
Question 19
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Question text
During and after an emergency, if you're at school or work, _______ the emergency plan or the
instructions of the person in charge.
Select one:
a. follow
b. copy
c. stalk
d. observe
Question 20
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Question text
After an earthquake, you should Check yourself and others for injuries.
Select one:
Question 21
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Question text
After an earthquake, just relax and do not think of aftershocks.
Select one:
Question 22
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Question text
In interpreting earthquake hazard maps, the color code for low risk areas is:
Select one:
a. yellow
b. orange
c. white
d. red
Question 23
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Question text
One of the key risk reduction measures is to reduce exposure to hazards.
Select one:
Question 24
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Question text
Developmental perspective considers disasters as a challenge to ___________ as they negate
years of hard earned advances in education, health, social and economic areas.
Select one:
a. development
b. growth
c. enlargement
d. evolution
Question 25
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Question text
Other terms for vulnerability:
Select one:
a. challenges, problem, opportunity
Question text
Ground rupture which is the surface expression of an earthquake above magnitude 5.5-6.0 is known
Select one:
a. all of the choices
c. secondary effects
Question 27
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Question text
A disaster will surely not occur when a hazard hit an area with vulnerable people and assets.
Select one:
Question 28
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Question text
Categorization of factors for capacities and vulnerabilities could include:
Select one:
a. all of the choices
Question 29
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Question text
__________ is the government agency that monitors the coming and going of typhoons and tropical
Select one:
Question 30
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Question text
On November 8, 2013, Super Typhoon ______ cut a devastating path across the Central Philippines
Select one:
a. Rosing
b. Ondoy
c. Juan
d. Haiyan(or Yolanda)
Question 31
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Question text
Fires, spills of hazardous chemicals and flooding are considered as:
Select one:
a. primary effect of earthquakes
b. collateral effects
d. secondary effects
Question 32
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Question text
Disasters do not have an effect to the development efforts of a country.
Select one:
Question 33
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Question text
Exposure elements, exposed elements, or vulnerable elements are other terms used to refer to the
Select one:
Question 34
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Question text
For locally-generated tsunamis, where you might feel the ground shake, you may only have a few
minutes to move to higher ground.
Select one:
Question 35
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Question text
People living in rich developed countries have more vulnerabilities than those living in poor
developing countries.
Select one:
Question 36
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Question text
If you smell gas after an emergency, close all the windows and doors and sleep soundly.
Select one:
Question 37
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Question text
Disasters do not cause death, diseases, destruction and displacement.
Select one:
Question 38
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Question text
The Philippines and its cities are one of the countries and cities with significant population and
economic exposure to typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, storm surges, volcanoes, and landslides,
according to recent studies by risk analysis firm Verisk Maplecroft.
Select one:
Question 39
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Question text
Earthquake is human sourced hazards resulting from political processes.
Select one:
Question 40
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Question text
If you experience the signs of impending tsunami, the best action to take is:
Select one:
a. immediately leave the low-lying coastal areas and move to higher ground
Question 41
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Question text
Physical risk factors can either lessen or aggravate one's vulnerability to hazards, for example the
level of strength of an office and the presence or absence of emergency exits in the case of an
Select one:
Question 42
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Question text
Landslides and liquefaction due to ground shaking brought about by an earthquake are considered:
Select one:
a. all of the choice
b. secondary effects;
Question 43
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Question text
During and after an emergency, you should think only of yourself and should not provide first aid for
anyone who needs it.
Select one:
Question 44
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Question text
Critical facilities and lifelines are not affected at all by a high magnitude hazard.
Select one:
Question 45
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When an earthquake breaks a dam or levee along a river, the water from the river or the reservoir
floods the area and may damage buildings and drown people.
Select one:
Question 46
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Question text
Be careful around broken glass and debris. Wear boots or sturdy shoes to keep from cutting your
Select one:
Question 47
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Question text
Fire is an example of a natural hazard.
Select one:
Question 48
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Question text
During an earthquake, the following should NOT be done except:
Select one:
a. If you're in a car, continue to drive until the earthquake stops,
Question 49
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Question text
The following should be done after an earthquake except:
Select one:
a. Use the phone to connect to face book
Question 50
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Question text
Typhoon Haiyan cannot be an example of a disaster because the extent of damages it wrought in
the Visayas Islands is negligible.
Select one:
The Act repealed PD No. 1566 of 1978 and transforms the disaster management system in the
country from disaster _________ towards disaster risk reduction.
Select one:
a. Answer
b. Rejoinder
c. Reaction
d. Response
Question 2
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Volcanic ash consists of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals, and volcanic glass created
during volcanic eruptions and measuring less than 2 mm in diameter.
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Question 3
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Only observations are used to help understand the areas that may be affected by specific volcanic
eruption phenomena.
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Question 4
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In the map, yellow means low susceptibility-less likely to experience landslide, but still be
Select one:
Question 5
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In order to get the real measure of the data presented in the map, use the color provided in the
Select one:
Question 6
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A volcanologist is not so educated in geophysics that works and observes active volcanoes.
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Question 7
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Ballistic projectiles are rocks that an erupting volcano may hurl into the air.
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Question 8
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Question text
Green means moderately susceptible; be cautious.
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Question 9
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Question text
In planning for evacuation, the community should Identify safe place for evacuation and identify
the shortest and _________ route.
Select one:
a. Safest
b. Secure
c. Guarded
d. Sheltered
Question 10
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Question text
Active volcanoes can bring damaging effects to people, property, livelihood and environment
during an eruption.
Select one:
Question 11
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Question text
Knowing the ways of protecting the school from ash fall, landslides and debris flows by
consulting your local disaster coordinating council must be done during a volcanic eruption.
Select one:
Question 12
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Question text
If you suspect an imminent landslide or sinkhole danger contact (or call or inform) your local
fire, police, or public works department.
Select one:
Question 13
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Question text
Red means highly susceptible; be alert and ready to evacuate.
Select one:
Question 14
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Decoder tells you what different colors and signs mean in the map.
Select one:
Question 15
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Question text
Disaster risk reduction is the responsibility of _________, not the government alone, because
everybody needs to be safe.
Select one:
a. Anybody
b. Everybody
c. Each one
d. All
Question 16
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The pages in the map tell you what different colors and signs mean in the map. It works as a
decoder of the data presented in the map.
Select one:
Question 17
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Question text
Hazard maps are the primary source of information for various aspects of land-use planning,
including the siting of buildings and transportation systems.
Select one:
Question 18
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Question text
Community based disaster risk management or CBDRRM has been recognized in the Philippines
as a necessary approach to put communities out of harm's way.
Select one:
Question 19
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Question text
Fuel is the material or substance being oxidized or burned in the _________ process.
Select one:
a. Flaming
b. Explosion
c. Combustion
d. Ignition
Question 20
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Question text
Only active volcanoes may release to the atmosphere gasses in the form of water vapor,
hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride.
Select one:
Question 21
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Question text
Project NOAH is Nationwide Operational _______ of Hazards.
Select one:
a. Ability
b. Acceptance
c. Assessments
d. Accurate
Question 22
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For any hazard one must learn about the emergency-response and evacuation plans for your area.
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Question 23
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Question text
An orientation compass in the geological map can orient you, which direction is to the north,
south, east and west.
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Question 24
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During a landslide stay alert and awake.
Select one:
Question 25
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Flowers in the ground is one of the signs that we should know as it may cause sinkholes.
Select one:
Question 26
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Question text
In interpreting a hazard map, look for the title, which is located at the top portion of the
geological map. It is important because it tells you right away what kind of hazard map it
represents or the area where the map is based.
Select one:
Question 27
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Question text
In CBDRM, the people are at the heart of decision-making and _________ of disaster risk
reduction and management activities at the community level.
Select one:
a. Application
b. Implementation
c. Discharge
d. Operation
Question 28
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Question text
Title, legends, bar scale, Orientation Compass and coordinates are the major parts/elements
found in geologic maps.
Select one:
Question 29
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Question text
Cooling is reducing the _________ below the fire point.
Select one:
a. Warmth
b. Climate
c. Temperature
d. Condition
Question 30
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Question text
Close windows and doors to reduce entry of ash if heavy ash fall is expected to hit the
community. Bring animals and livestock into closed shelters.
Select one:
Question 31
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Question text
The government is responsible for helping people during calamities, however _________ or
people should develop their coping capacities and should rely on themselves, while seeking
assistance from the government.
Select one:
a. Communities(CORRECT ANSWER)
b. Group(WRONG)
c. Set
d. Area
Question 32
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The GPS coordinates are a unique identifier of a precise geographic location on the earth, usually
expressed in alphanumeric characters.
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Question 33
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Question text
Ash fall endangers human lives and can have devastating effects on the things that people rely
upon from day to day living.
Select one:
Question 34
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Question text
Project NOAH combines ___________ and technology for DRRM.
Select one:
a. Physics
b. Biology
c. Science
d. Chemistry
Question 35
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Question text
There are _________ global targets to reduce disaster risks as agreed in the Sendai Framework
on Disaster Risk Reduction.
Select one:
a. Seven
b. Six
c. Two
d. Five
Question 36
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Only ash fall and not the pyroclastic flows can destroy agricultural lands.
Select one:
Question 37
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Question text
The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration (PHIVOLCS)
enumerates volcanic phenomena directly associated with eruption.
Select one:
Question 38
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Question text
The economic impact of disasters is ________ as the years go by, considering the impact of
Climate Change.
Select one:
a. Growing
b. Increasing
c. Decreasing
d. Developing
Question 39
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Question text
There are _________ priorities for action in the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.
Select one:
a. Five
b. Seven
c. Three
d. Four
Question 40
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Question text
Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds and occurrence of volcanic
tremors are not signs of impending volcanic eruption.
Select one:
Question 41
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A family should develop a family plan, so that each member knows where to meet after an
Select one:
Question 42
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Question text
Lahar, ash fall, pyroclastic flow, ballistic projectile, volcanic gasses and lava Flow are some of
the volcanic related hazards.
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Question 43
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Question text
Lahars are a specific kind of mudflow made up of flooding debris.
Select one:
Question 44
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Question text
Community based disaster risk reduction and management or CBDRRM is a process of disaster
risk reduction and management in which at risk communities are engaged in the, _________
treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks. analysis,
Select one:
a. Confirmation
b. Verification
c. Identification
d. Distinguishing
Question 45
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Question text
Earthquake hazard maps illustrate potential for ground-based volcanic impacts-lava flows,
pyroclastic flows, ash fall, volcanic gases, and more far-reaching hazards (such as lahars) in
valleys that drain the volcano.
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Question 46
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Question text
Volcanologists focus on knowing the movement and formation of molten rock deep under the
earth's surface, and what can be possibly done to avoid the impact of this phenomenon in the
Select one:
Question 47
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Question text
_________, which should be part of the community preparedness plan, is the process of moving
persons or property from a dangerous or potentially dangerous place, for reasons of safety and
their protection.
Select one:
a. Evacuation
b. House
c. Hospital
d. Center
Question 48
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Question text
Priority should be given to pupils/students with breathing problems during volcanic eruption,
They should be advised to cover their nose, preferably with a wet piece of cloth.
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Question 49
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Question text
_________ of DRRM into the school curricular of secondary and tertiary level of education,
including the NSTP is one of the provisions of the Act.
Select one:
a. Ordinary
b. Conventional
c. Normal
d. Mainstreaming
Question 50
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Question text
Disaster Risk Reduction is important for
_________ countries, as well as developed countries.
Select one:
a. Growing
b. Increasing
c. Decreasing
d. Developing
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Question 1
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_________ community risk assessment includes hazard, exposure and vulnerability assessment.
Select one:
a. Cooperation
b. Participatory
c. Attendance
d. Assistance
Question 2
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The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration (PHIVOLCS)
enumerates volcanic phenomena directly associated with eruption.
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Question 3
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Question text
DRRM ensures that disaster risk reduction and _________change measures are gender responsive,
sensitive to indigenous knowledge systems, and respectful of human rights.
Select one:
a. Temperature
b. Humidity
c. Weather
d. Climate
Question 4
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Question text
Lahar, ash fall, pyroclastic flow, ballistic projectile, volcanic gasses and lava Flow are some of the
volcanic related hazards.
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Question 5
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Title, legends, bar scale, Orientation Compass and coordinates are the major parts/elements found
in geologic maps.
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Fire safety is the condition of being _________ from the risk or danger of fire. It is also the quality or
state of not presenting or involving risk or danger of fire.
Select one:
a. Sheltered
b. Safe
c. Guarded
d. Secure
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Lava flows are streams of molten rock that come from a heavy rain.
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Early _________, which should be part of the community preparedness plan, is the provision of
timely and effective information, advisory, and warning to individuals, families, communities, or
populations on the existence of danger, and what can be done to prevent, avoid, or minimize danger
Select one:
a. Warning
b. Caution
c. Advisory
d. Notification
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Priority should be given to pupils/students with breathing problems during volcanic eruption, They
should be advised to cover their nose, preferably with a wet piece of cloth.
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Volcanic ash consists of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals, and volcanic glass created during
volcanic eruptions and measuring less than 2 mm in diameter.
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The pages in the map tell you what different colors and signs mean in the map. It works as a
decoder of the data presented in the map.
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The color white usually means that there are no or zero percent chance for a landslide or sinkhole to
occur in that particular area in the map.
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The government is responsible for helping people during calamities, however _________ or people
should develop their coping capacities and should rely on themselves, while seeking assistance from
the government.
Select one:
a. Group
b. Set
c. Area
d. Communities
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Green means moderately susceptible; be cautious.
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If you suspect an imminent landslide or sinkhole danger contact (or call or inform) your local fire,
police, or public works department.
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Hazard maps are the primary source of information for various aspects of land-use planning,
including the siting of buildings and transportation systems.
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In interpreting a hazard map, look for the title, which is located at the top portion of the geological
map. It is important because it tells you right away what kind of hazard map it represents or the area
where the map is based.
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_________ people, particularly those in dangerous locations need to prioritize Disaster Risk
Reduction in their lives, even they have so many things to think about, because their safety is at
Select one:
a. Restricted
b. Local
c. District
d. Regional
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Disaster Risk Reduction is important for
_________ countries, as well as developed countries.
Select one:
a. Decreasing
b. Growing
c. Developing
d. Increasing
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Community based disaster risk reduction and management or CBDRRM is a process of disaster risk
reduction and management in which at risk communities are engaged in the, _________ treatment,
monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks. analysis,
Select one:
a. Confirmation
b. Verification
c. Distinguishing
d. Identification
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Pyroclastic flows contain a high-density mix of hot lava blocks, pumice, ash and volcanic gas.
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During a landslide, evacuate or stay out of the path of landslide or debris flow.
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Only ash fall and not the pyroclastic flows can destroy agricultural lands.
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Lahars are a specific kind of mudflow made up of flooding debris.
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_________ and security of the individuals, household and communities is as important as education
and health.
Select one:
a. Well-being
b. Wellfare
c. Security
d. Safety
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Earthquake hazard maps illustrate potential for ground-based volcanic impacts-lava flows,
pyroclastic flows, ash fall, volcanic gases, and more far-reaching hazards (such as lahars) in valleys
that drain the volcano.
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A family should develop a family plan, so that each member knows where to meet after an
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Only observations are used to help understand the areas that may be affected by specific volcanic
eruption phenomena.
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Decoder tells you what different colors and signs mean in the map.
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Question 30
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Disaster risk reduction is the responsibility of _________, not the government alone, because
everybody needs to be safe.
Select one:
a. Anybody
b. All
c. Everybody
d. Each one
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The Act repealed PD No. 1566 of 1978 and transforms the disaster management system in the
country from disaster _________ towards disaster risk reduction.
Select one:
a. Response
b. Rejoinder
c. Answer
d. Reaction
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A volcanologist is not so educated in geophysics that works and observes active volcanoes.
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Only active volcanoes may release to the atmosphere gasses in the form of water vapor, hydrogen
sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride.
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_________ of DRRM into the school curricular of secondary and tertiary level of education, including
the NSTP is one of the provisions of the Act.
Select one:
a. Normal
b. Mainstreaming
c. Conventional
d. Ordinary
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Community based disaster risk management or CBDRRM has been recognized in the Philippines as
a necessary approach to put communities out of harm's way.
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Active volcanoes can bring damaging effects to people, property, livelihood and environment during
an eruption.
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Volcanoes are difficult to know when they would erupt because they don't provide any type of
warnings before eruptions begin.
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Arson pertains to the malicious burning of property, using certain chemicals, bombs, etc., and
causing _________ to start.
Select one:
a. Combustion
b. Conflagration
c. Fire
d. Blaze
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The DRRM Act is _________ in addressing disasters and focused on the need for prevention,
mitigation, preparedness, and response.
Select one:
a. Driven
b. Entriprising
c. Proactive
d. Energetic
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During a volcanic eruption, do not follow the instructions that go with the warning because the
waning may be wrong, it's too difficult.
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DRRM ensures that disaster risk reduction and climate change measures are gender responsive,
sensitive to indigenous knowledge systems, and respectful of human rights.
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During a landslide stay alert and awake.
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The GPS coordinates are a unique identifier of a precise geographic location on the earth, usually
expressed in alphanumeric characters.
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Project NOAH combines ___________ and technology for DRRM.
Select one:
a. Biology
b. Chemistry
c. Science
d. Physics
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Volcanoes are natural systems, and their activities are always predictable.
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In the map, yellow means low susceptibility-less likely to experience landslide, but still be prepared.
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Red means highly susceptible; be alert and ready to evacuate.
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There are _________ priorities for action in the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.
Select one:
a. Seven
b. Five
c. Three
d. Four
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There are _________ global targets to reduce disaster risks as agreed in the Sendai Framework on
Disaster Risk Reduction.
Select one:
a. Six
b. Two
c. Seven
d. Five
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Most of the time _________ fire are started in trashcans or in piles of garbage because it is the
easiest thing to light.
Select one:
a. Knowing
b. Deliberate
c. Intentional
d. Intended