Assignment No.1

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1. Why POSDCORB is compared to a Silo?

As stated in the given presentation, silos are basically compartmentalized

operating units isolated from their environment. Based from the word
“compartmentalized” which defined as dividing into sections or categories,
it can be similarly compared with POSDCORB as it allows companies to
assigned and break functions down into smaller and more manageable

As silos provide protection from such elements to increase the storage life
of the grains, POSDCORB, on the other hand, get involved in how the
structure of the organization can be further streamlined. Both methods
create various departments that will stand and work independently from
others. The two have similarities of having categorization, dividing and
organizing to demonstrate greater support and preserve such actions or
products that will benefit in the future.

2. Why have Information Systems (IS) and Organizations evolved into

Functional Silos?
As time goes by, companies or organizations inevitably evolve into larger
and more complex structures. And with this circumstance, information
systems should have maintainability along with the businesses’ changes.
Keeping up with its pace requires optimization of control and handling
certain tasks and sustaining accuracy. This kind of scenario drives
businesses to contemplate and establish various departments
corresponding to each task (such as warehouse department who is
responsible over product inventory). This is where functional silos are
presented, as its purpose is to organize and totally separate information
and communication having the top-down classification (from CEOs to

Having information systems evolve into functional silos in an organization

helps with the prevention of data dependencies. With functional silos, each
corresponding department has their own integrated space that allows them
to work accordingly to their own functions and to avoid the tampering of
data from other departments.

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