Legal Eagle Taking Shape: December Museum Tour/Christmas Party
Legal Eagle Taking Shape: December Museum Tour/Christmas Party
Legal Eagle Taking Shape: December Museum Tour/Christmas Party
December Museum
Tour/Christmas Party
On December 19th, Chapter 25 members gathered
at the Golden Wings Air Museum at Anoka County
Airport for a private tour of their unique collection of
vintage aircraft. Later, members headed across the field
to member Dan Carroll’s hangar for the 2nd annual
chapter Christmas party. Dan was a great host, and eve-
ryone brought food or drink (Continued on page 3
Cleared for Takeoff/ December Meeting p2/ 3 Call for Volunteers/Pioneer Field Fly-In p7
State of the Chapter/Remembering the J2 p6 Events, Ads, and Treasurer’s Report p8
Cleared for Takeoff
by Pat Halligan
Speaker—Our speaker this month will be Brent Behn, Midwest Regional Director of
46 St
OurPLANE, Corp. OurPLANE is an aircraft management company that manages frac-
tional ownership on factory new aircraft for GA pilots. They also offer an executive pro-
gram aimed at small and medium sized companies. OurPLANE was developed by two X
pilots from London, Ontario who became frustrated with the traditional methods of own- 50 St
ership and renting. Their company manages all of the details of aircraft ownership - fuel-
ing, maintenance, hangarage, insurance and cleaning, etc. - so the pilots can relax and
concentrate on flying. Lyndale 35W
Directions to Meeting: From the South: Left exit 108 from 35W at the Crosstown.
Continue north on Lyndale Ave to 50th Street. Right turn and proceed 3 blocks. Turn left
into the school south parking lot. Enter south door #9, meeting down the hall on your
From the North: 46th street exit from 35W, turn right. West on 46th street to Nicollet,
turn left. South on Nicollet to 50th, turn right. West on 50th past the Junior High School Hwy 62
to the Sr. High School 2 blocks west of Nicollet. Turn right into the school south parking
lot. Enter at south door #9, meeting down the hall on your right. 35W Nicollet
December Tour/Party
(Continued from page 1)
and rigging of the wings. He has assembled the ribs onto the
spars and constructed the remaining wing parts – the diago-
nals, D-sections, and leading and trailing edges. Frank says,
“Getting all of these pieces cut to correct size and properly
aligned and glued in place was like putting together a puz-
They fabricated 18 false (foam) ribs for the leading D-
section. For these, they called on Marv Getten’s experience
and used Marv’s special electric foam cutter. This is a
homemade saw that uses a long wire to cut through multiple
foam blocks at the same time. This ensures that they are of
uniform size and shape. The leading edge consists of .8 mm
plywood. Howard’s recommendation was that they make
female forms to hold the plywood in place with straps while The initial wing alignment test was performed out on the
gluing to the leading edge ribs. lawn. Frank & Howard then moved the fuselage and wings
The aileron structures are built as part of the wing then cut into the living room for the rigging process. The initial trial
loose for final assembly. They employed this same form and assembly did not go smoothly. Both parasol attachment posts
strapping method to apply their D-sections. The aileron on the fuselage were slightly miss-aligned. It was impossible
pockets were strengthened with more plywood and closed to get the bolts in both fore & aft brackets and through the
out with poster foam-board material. posts at the same time. In the past, Frank had made several
email and newsgroup submissions to the builder’s support
Frank commented that “Howard is a real treat to work with, group. This was the first time he actually grabbed the phone.
and so capable…his machinists background is conveniently After talking about the situation with John Bolding, there was
put to good use on the project.” Brass bushings were in- only one option. Howard built a jig to help align and re-locate
serted in the outer aileron hinge blocks, and added into the the parasol posts. Frank borrowed an acetylene torch to apply
design at various places. Both wings and ailerons were then heat and bend the posts into position. They came out perfectly
finish sanded and varnished. Everything is now ready for the aligned.
covering phase.
They then built wing scaffolding and utilized a self-leveling
Rigging the Wings dual laser to level the wings. The procedure was to level the
The way the wings were originally designed, the leading wings, them move each wing tip up 3 inches for dihedral.
edges of the wings were offset by about 1/8” front to rear. They then affixed the forward strut attachment hardware. In-
This made it simpler to make up the wing attachments, but stead of using the round struts per plan most builders are go-
then the sections covering the gap between the wings would ing with streamlined. Frank ordered streamlined struts from
be slightly skewed. Frank corrected this by rearranging the Carlson Aircraft. This project has all the basic attributes;
attach brackets so that the leading edges came out lined up. translated this means there are gotcha’s. Howard had fabri-
This allows the sheet metal covering the gap to be square
with the wings.
As chapter members, this opportunity has just fallen in our laps, AVIATOR’S
courtesy of Peter. Try it, you'll like it!! QUICK REFERENCE MAPS
USA, Europe, Latin America & more
For Sale: pair of new headsets from Sporty’s, model Air-680, $120 ea. New. Plus
Flight Gear carrying bag, will sell both headsets plus bag for $75. Pat 651-452-7050
For Sale: 29’x34’ homebuilder’s shop with walkout rambler attached. Burnsville, CONTINENTAL
joins Skyline park. 3 bdrm/fam rm/dbl garage. $279,000. Pat Green 952/890-3514 LYCOMING
For Sale: 1/10th share in J-3 Cub & hangar at MIC. Low cost flying .
Call Dan: 612/991-6392 for specifics. Bolduc Aviation
Specialized Services, Inc.
Chapter 25 2004 Month-Yr Treasurer’s Report ANOKA COUNTY AIRPORT DARRELL E. BOLDUC
Begin-Balance Income Expenses Ending-Balance 8891 AIRPORT ROAD PRESIDENT
January 7,414.07 1,988.55 1,723.42 7,679.20 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55449 (763) 780-1185
February 7,679.20 640.00 2,538.91 5,780.29 “SPECIALIZING IN ENGINE REBUILDING AND REPAIR”
March 5,780.29 1,202.00 1,835.67 5,146.62
April 5,146.62 522.75 1,165.44 4,503.93
May 4,503.93 58.78 1,339.07 3,223.64
June 3,223.64 1,647.83 1,090.08 3,781.39
July 3,781.39 399.24 176.31 4,004.32
August 4,004.32 633.12 404.42 4,233.02
September 4,233.02 2,297.40 1,236.84 5,293.58
October 5,293.58 7,039.44 3,233.88 9,099.14
November 9,099.14 890.00 704.06 9,285.08
Dec to date 9,285.08 816.00 2,681.00 7,420.08
Total for Year 18,135.11 18,129.10
Submitted by Ron Oehler, Chapter 25 Treasurer
Note: Int free loans & hangar payoff to M. Gulbrandson removed from Inc & Exp Dec 5