ERM - Resource Toolkit
ERM - Resource Toolkit
ERM - Resource Toolkit
Resource Toolkit
Division of Administration
and Finance
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Resource Toolkit 2
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Identification..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Objectives...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Identification • To implement a methodology for analyzing the potential impact and
probability of identified risks.
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a continuous enterprise-wide
process that will enable Northern Illinois University to pursue its • To implement a methodology for establishing the relative criticality of
strategic mission while identifying, controlling and mitigating risks. identified risks.
Northern Illinois University will use ERM to aid in decision-making
• To implement a methodology for developing and executing responses
and improve the probability of achieving its strategic and operational
to risks (mitigation plans).
objectives. The Enterprise Risk Management Resource Toolkit
provides information and procedures for the ERM Plan and ERM • To implement a methodology for monitoring the status of each risk,
Mitigation Plan for the Northern Illinois University Enterprise Risk from identification through closure.
Management program.
• To implement a methodology for regularly reviewing the project level
1.2 Objectives status of risks and risk responses.
The ERM Plan includes project-level objectives for risk management • To implement a methodology for regularly reviewing program level
and communications management (which are necessary to support status of risks and risk responses.
effective risk management).
• To link risk responses (mitigation planning) that require additional
The ERM Plan includes additional objectives within the ERM framework: resources to the university budget.
o implement a methodology for identifying risks (i.e., the conditions • To promote a culture of risk awareness and prevention.
or events that could endanger project success).
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Resource Toolkit 4
Risk identification is carried out on a unit-by-unit level with Enterprise Risk Management Risk Scoring Rubric
representatives from the particular office, department or division In order to create a Risk Inventory capable of ranking the assessed
submitting risks to the Core ERM Team for inclusion within the risks across all of the units, a scoring formula is produced.
current year’s risk register. The Core ERM Team facilitates risk
Identified risks are assessed by the units involved for their potential
identification, but their participation is not required for units to submit
severity (impact) and likelihood for a risk event to occur using the
risk status update forms with new risk information included.
scales below:
As part of the risk identification process, representatives from a unit
should list the key strategic activities their unit engages in to achieve Likelihood or Frequency of Risk
their objectives and identify the risks associated with each of those key 1 = Unlikely
activities (e.g., the risks of putting student athletes on buses to travel 2 = Uncommon or Infrequent
to competitions). This exercise serves as the process to review the 3 = Possible or Occasional
different types of risk: 4 = Likely or Common
5 = Almost Certain, Inevitable, Regularly Occurring at the Present Time
inancial (risk of financial loss, risk to credit rating, risk to financial
position/liquidity, etc.). Severity
1 = Minor
perational (risk of delay, backup, complication to ongoing
2 = Moderate
operations, etc.).
3 = Substantial
• Health and Safety (risk to individual or collective health and safety). 4 = Serious
5 = Severe
eputational (risk to the reputation of the institution or programs,
6 = Business Critical
either direct or indirect).
The basic elements of the score indicate the initial assessments of
trategic (risk to institutional or program capacity to achieve
Likelihood (L = 1 to 5) and Severity (S = 1 to 6) provided by the units
strategic goals and objectives).
identifying and assessing each risk. These scores, when multiplied,
ompliance (risk of violating federal, state or institutional laws, produce a basic Unweighted Risk Score (L x S).
regulations and policies).
Weighted Risk Score Factors
During the identification exercise, unit representatives should consider Two weighting factors, Velocity (V = 0 or 5) and Cascading Effect (C =
these additional risk factors: 1 to 3), are utilized to determine a weighted risk score.
• External Risks (risks arising from events external to the university). Velocity score of 5 points is assigned to a given risk if there would not
be time to control or mitigate the immediate effect of the severity of
• I nternal Risks (risks arising from actions, procedures, policies or
that risk once it occurred (e.g., a power blackout). All other risks should
circumstances within the university).
be assigned a Velocity score of 0.
merging Risks (events, actions or circumstances that present new
Cascading indicator is applied to cases where a risk event occurring
risks to the institution).
in one unit or area of campus would have significant effects in multiple
Any additional types or considerations for a particular risk as identified areas on campus.
by the unit representatives should be included in the risk status update
• Cascading effects are classified as: 1 (Limited), 2 (Moderate) or
form submitted to the ERM Core Team.
3 (Significant).
• These indicators are used to rank risks with the same overall score,
placing those with significant cascading effect at a higher weighted risk.
• Formulate mitigation plan goals. As new risks are identified and information about the risks are updated,
risks are integrated into the risk register using the scoring rubric. The
• Determine mitigation plan objectives. rubric allows for changes in multiple variables, including (1) likelihood,
Step 2: Identify and Prioritize Mitigation Actions (2) severity, (3) velocity of event and (4) cascade effects to contribute
• Identify alternative mitigation actions. to a particular risks priority within the register.
• Identify and analyze mitigation capabilities. Risks will be escalated, or rise in priority within the risk register, either
due to a change in one of the variables listed above or as a result of a de-
• Evaluate, select and prioritize mitigation actions. escalation of other risks in the register.
Step 3: Prepare an Implementation Strategy
• Identify how the mitigation actions will be implemented. 2.5 Risk Tracking Approach
Risks identified as part of the ERM annual cycle will generate regular
• Document the implementation strategy.
reporting in two ways, dependent upon the actions of the Risk
btain the consensus of the planning team and appropriate Owner(s). As part of the ERM annual cycle, Risk Owners will submit
unit leadership. risk reports to indicate changes in status of identified risks once per
year. A risk may go down in priority as mitigation efforts are completed.
Step 4: Determine Plan Maintenance and Update Similarly, a risk may go up in priority because of a change in internal
• Document risk owners and reporting milestones.
or external factors. A risk may also be removed if there is a significant
• Provide system of monitoring and updates to relevant stakeholders. change in environment.
During a specified time within the ERM annual cycle, risk status
reports will be submitted and added to a database which will provide
risk assessment information and analysis of trends over time by risk,
risk owner and unit.
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Resource Toolkit 6
Role Responsibility
Unit Representatives Actively pursue the identification of risks.
Report identified risks.
Provide input into possible mitigation strategies.
Risk Owners Submit Risk Status Update Forms.
Review risk priorities and establish risk tolerance.
Submit ERM Project Forms.
Link mitigation planning with budget development.
Implement and monitor mitigation plans.
Core ERM Team Integrate new risks and changes into Risk Register.
Write and distribute annual report.
• The report will be distributed annually within the first quarter of the
new fiscal year.
Remember, your evaluation should determine whether the action • Multi-objective actions. Some mitigation actions may work toward
would work for the specific mitigation objectives you formulated in achieving multiple community goals. For example, an acquisition and
Step 1. Your evaluation is not a judgment of the general merits of the demolition project can lead to new open space that provides additional
action, but an assessment of the effect the action will have on the natural storage for floodwaters. This solves the problem of repetitively
specified mitigation objective in a particular location within your unit. flooded structures, which are now removed, and provides opportunities
The planning team should agree on the evaluation criteria and the for recreational use such as hiking/biking paths.
process for prioritizing mitigation actions.
• Time. To demonstrate more immediate progress, you may choose to
valuate alternative mitigation actions
E initiate mitigation actions that are quickly accomplished over those
Now that the planning team has completed the capability assessment, that would take a long time to obtain the necessary approvals or
it must evaluate whether existing and potential alternative mitigation funding to carry out the project.
actions fulfill your objectives and if they are appropriate for the risks
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Resource Toolkit 12