Dungeon Magazine 205

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A D&D® adventure for characters
of levels 4–6

By Logan Bonner
Illustrations by Chris Seaman
Cartography by Jason A. Engle

“Infernal Wrath” is a murder mystery wrapped inside

a murder mystery. The people of Raske believe that a
ghost is targeting citizens who are secret members of
a violent vigilante group called the Red Angels. Can
the adventurers discover who is in the group in time
to prevent subsequent deaths? Do the murderous Red
Angels even deserve to be protected?
This D&D® adventure is designed for characters
of levels 4–6. The town of Raske and its people can be
easily placed into any campaign.

The town of Raske thrives on trade, but its residents
remain insular. They allow travelers to use their
docks, stay at the inn, and trade at their shops, but
they’re suspicious of anyone who stays more than a
couple of days. Newcomers learn quickly to assimilate
or be shunned.
About a year ago, this resistance to outsiders
became more violent. A group called the Red Angels
began harassing—and later attacking—strangers who
caused trouble in Raske. Members of the group keep
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Infernal Wrath

their identities secret by wearing feathered red cloaks As part of the pact, Vellus gained infernal powers If you prefer a more indirect approach, the
and hooded masks. The group’s most recent attack of invisibility and teleportation, plus the ability to hurl adventurers might come to Raske for any number of
was directed against a sharp-dressed tiefling thief flames and shroud himself in smoke. These abilities reasons. The town is a trading hub, located alongside
named Chath, who had been picking pockets and work only at night, a limitation imposed by Askavan. a major river and a prominent trade road. You can
cheating townspeople. He was beaten to death, then During the day, Vellus is caged inside the succubus’s change the names of the river and road to suit your
set afire, his burning body left in the street. extraplanar lair. home game or chosen campaign setting.
Now, months after his death, Chath has apparently The final murders take place in a short period as
returned from the grave for revenge. Jemos, the cap-
tain of the town guard, was brutally murdered a few
Running the Vellus tries to meet his deadline. However, the time
frame of the recent death of Jemos is dependent on
nights ago, a red cloak left as evidence of his member- A dventure how and when the adventurers arrive in Raske. If the
ship in the Red Angels. Witnesses saw the tiefling time between the first murder and the adventurers’
appear from nowhere in a cloud of smoke, then disap- This adventure is set up as a mystery on a deadline. arrival is more than a day or two, add rumors in the
pear in a gout of flame. Now the townsfolk think that The adventurers have only a limited amount of time “Structuring Play” section below, indicating that the
Chath’s ghost is on the loose and hell-bent on deadly to prepare for the tiefling’s return. Characters choose ghost has been spotted in town over previous nights
revenge. how to use this time in the morning, afternoon, and but has been unable to locate his intended targets.
The truth is far more complicated. “Chath” wasn’t night on any given day. How they spend their time
just one person, but rather the twin brothers Zaedros
and Vellus Stoygard. The two shared the Chath name
and whether they piece the clues together determines
their success in the adventure. Structuring P lay
as they committed petty crimes throughout the To successfully complete this adventure, the char- When the adventurers arrive, signs on the wall
realm, staying far apart to confuse the authorities. acters must learn the identities of the remaining Red around the town warn that a murderous ghost lurks
Never remaining in one place too long, they main- Angels and protect them, or they must confront and in Raske. The atmosphere is tense. People in the
tained contact with each other by sending coded thwart Vellus in his plans. An ambitious group might streets are talking, making it easy for the characters
messages through couriers, caravans, and the occa- decide to do both. In the end, the characters might to learn what’s going on.
sional Sending ritual. also clash with Askavan when she tries to claim Vel-
✦ Recently, a ghost murdered the captain of the town
When Vellus lost touch with his brother, he began lus’s soul.
guard, a human male named Jemos, and three
to search for him and eventually learned that Zaedros other guards in the town’s southern guardhouse.
had been murdered. Though he vowed revenge on Adventure Hooks The captain was clearly the target.
the Red Angels, he recognized the risk involved in You can plant the seeds for this adventure before it ✦ The ghost is a remnant of a tiefling named Chath,
taking the group on. Vellus therefore took advantage is under way, letting the events flow into the overall who was a stranger in Raske, as well as a thief and
of a family heirloom to summon a patron—a succubus narrative of your campaign. confidence artist.
named Askavan. One of the Stoygard brothers might steal from the ✦ Chath ran afoul of the Red Angels, a group of mys-
With a pact signed in blood, Vellus gambled his adventurers or make off with an item they were plan-
soul. The devil provided Vellus with the identities of terious vigilantes. The Red Angels conceal their
ning to acquire. Alternatively, the characters could identities and are dedicated to protecting Raske
his brother’s killers and granted him magical powers hear stories about the town of Raske and the vigilante
to aid his vengeance. But she also gave Vellus a dead- from criminals and troublemakers. Chath was
gang that preys on troublesome outsiders. An ally of killed by the group for his petty crimes—and as a
line: He has to kill all the Red Angels before the sun the party might end up a target of the Red Angels, or
rises after the next full moon. If he succeeds, his warning to others.
could join the group. You might even consider replac-
brother will be raised and returned to him, alive and ing Captain Jemos as the first murder victim with ✦ The belief that Chath is a ghost centers around
well. If not, his and his brother’s souls are forfeit. someone the adventurers know. the supernatural abilities he displayed during the
attack. Though the well-dressed thief appears as
he once did, he demonstrated powers he did not

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Infernal Wrath

possess in life. Chath manifested from nowhere on

the night of the attack, wreathed in foul smoke. He
✦ Since Chath also murdered town guards, some Constructing Scenes
people fear that the ghost is not just after the Red
This adventure describes Raske in some detail, as
then disappeared in a burst of flame, only to reap- Angels but instead wants vengeance on all of
well as various prominent secondary characters. The
pear somewhere else before unleashing unholy Raske. If that’s true, then nobody is safe.
heroes can interact with the people around them and
fire against his foes. Physical barriers did not
the environment—the adventure elements—as they
impede his supernatural mode of transport.
Segments and Scenes see fit.
✦ A red cloak and mask were nailed to the wall at Each adventure element’s description might
As play begins, break up each day into three seg-
the scene of Jemos’s murder, seemingly indicating ments—morning, afternoon, and night. Have the include one or more bits of information to help or
that he was one of the Red Angels. players tell you their plans for each morning, then mislead the adventurers. Physical clues such as
✦ The popular gossip is that the ghost will return carry out those scenes. After that, ask them what Zaedros’s necklace are noted where they are found.
until all the Red Angels are slain. That means at they’re doing in the afternoon, and carry out those Other information is detailed at the location where
least four murders still to come. scenes. Use the description of the town and the sec- it can be uncovered or with the nonplayer characters
✦ The townsfolk have turned to Tommik, an “expert” ondary characters to aid you in these scenes. who know it. Some clues must be inferred from an
on the occult, who suggested that they guard Limit the action in each segment to one signifi- NPC’s relationships with other NPCs, or through his
themselves against ghosts. Some houses have spe- cant undertaking or several small ones. For example, or her behavior. Such clues are detailed in the most
cial wards in place, and wealthier citizens have going to the Raske estate to question the Raske family relevant possible place.
hired bodyguards. is a significant undertaking, as is sneaking into the Use these details to construct scenes. For example,
temple in search of clues. Shopping for supplies might if the characters go to the guardhouse, they can look
be a series of interactions at several shops, but the over the murder scene and question Captain Oku, the
whole shopping trip takes up only one segment. other guards, and possibly Tommik. The secondary
RASKE DETAILS After the morning and afternoon segments, NPCs should reveal rumors regarding other NPCs,
Use the following details to show how the people of ask what the characters do at night. The “Nights of such as the guards talking about Oku’s past. To add
Raske have reacted to the murders and the suspected Murder” section describes Vellus’s plans. If the adven- color, you might also have new guards report for an
ghost. On Tommik’s advice, most have tried to ward turers are in the right place, they might battle Vellus. extra shift. This interaction should point the adven-
their houses against supernatural incursions. If they are in the wrong place, they miss the tiefling turers to other possible avenues of investigation.
✦ Most people stay indoors at night. unless they’re close to where he attacks. For example, The characters might split up to cover more
✦ Bodyguards accompany the wealthy. if the characters are staking out the warehouses when ground. Doing this creates more scenes in a given
✦ Symbols of deities, most often the Raven Queen, Igam the fisher is attacked near the docks, they might day, and thus more opportunities for them to learn
are displayed in windows. be able to run there in time to intervene. Otherwise, information. However, each scene has fewer charac-
✦ Protective sigils are crudely scrawled in chalk or the characters hear about Vellus’s success after the ters to notice details. If the characters split up, make
paint on the doors of houses. These sigils have no attack. sure that decision has consequences. A player whose
real power, but some could channel power if used After the night encounter, unless their plans dic- character is not present in a scene should contribute
with a proper protective ritual. tate otherwise, the group has a chance to recuperate to the scene only after the fact, when the characters
✦ Effigies in makeshift red cloaks hang from tree until the next morning. convene to discuss what they’ve learned.
branches to draw the ghost’s attention.
✦ Lines of salt encircle some dwellings.
✦ People wear charms in the image of an evil eye.
✦ Shops have run out of protective herbs.

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Infernal Wrath

Q uests Nights of Murder Third Night

Determined to reassure influential citizens of Raske
As the adventurers decide to pursue specific goals Vellus has only four nights to murder the remain-
that they have nothing to fear, members of the Raske
of investigation or aid to the town, assign major or ing Red Angels, up to and including the night of the
family hold a gathering for citizens of note and a
minor quests as appropriate. full moon. As such, he has carefully plotted out his
select number of prominent merchants on the night
before the full moon. Vellus hopes to double up on
Major Quest: Stop the Ghost
killing Cindra and Knute so he can accomplish his
6th-level Major Quest (250 XP/character)
Thwarting Vellus’s murderous plots as the “ghost
First Night required task earlier than he needs to.
Vellus thinks Igam is the most likely of the Red Because of the murders and because two major
of Chath” requires anticipating his targets. The families are out of town on vacation, the Raskes don’t
Angels to flee, and he targets her as soon as she is
adventurers then need to defeat Vellus before he expect a big turnout. Only a dozen visitors show up
back in town. He’s right to do so. Igam has only just
accomplishes his goals. at Raske Manor, along with three town guards that
returned to town after an extended fishing trip when
the adventurers arrive. When she finds out that Kador Raske used his influence to have stationed at
Minor Quest: Find a Red Angel the party.
Jemos was killed, she prepares to leave Raske.
6th-level Minor Quest (50 XP/character) After nightfall, Igam makes her way to the docks Vellus teleports into the ballroom as people are
The adventurers complete this quest by definitively to escape in her boat. Vellus attacks her en route, and dancing. Wanting to make Cindra suffer, he goes
identifying a member of the Red Angels before that she flees through the shacks to the docks. If other- after her children and husband first, then attacks her
person is murdered. (The characters can complete wise unhindered, Vellus butchers her and kills two father before finally targeting Cindra. He expects
this quest once for each member.) This quest can be dockworkers and a guard who get in his way. Knute to step in at some point, and plans to slay the
undertaken only until all the Red Angels have been If he is successful in killing Igam, Vellus lashes her bodyguard whenever that happens.
identified or killed. boat to the dock and places her body inside. He hangs If the murders are accomplished successfully,
her red cloak over the prow, along with her bearded Vellus leaves the bloodied bodies on the floor of the
Minor Quest: Protect a Red Angel mask. Dockworkers find her there in the morning. ballroom and escapes.
6th-level Minor Quest (50 XP/character)
The adventurers gain this quest reward for each Red
Angel who survives the adventure. If the charac- Second Night Adapting to Challenges
ters’ actions prevent all four remaining Red Angels Vellus plans to kill Rukkevinta by burning down the Vellus adapts if his plans are thwarted by the adven-
from being killed, double the reward to 100 XP per Red Eye Inn. He teleports into the innkeeper’s quar- turers. For example, he still attacks even if the
character. ters and binds her, preventing her from escaping. He characters gather the Red Angels in one place for
then blasts the building with hellfire in various loca- safety. He avoids a straight-up fight if the odds are
T reasure tions and leaves her to burn alive.
If Vellus’s plans unfold successfully, he returns
obviously against him, instead using distraction and
subterfuge, or a more covert strategy. Burning down
This adventure includes no treasure. Characters to seize Rukkevinta’s scorched corpse, wrapping it the inn is an example of the sort of tactic he might
should accumulate approximately half the experience in her red cloak and leaving it in the street in front employ if he can’t get the drop on his enemies.
points they need to gain a level during the adventure, of the inn. Otherwise, the adventurers can find the Be creative, but avoid foolish actions until Vellus
so you can add half a level’s worth of treasure. Such cloak inside the burned structure. is driven to desperation by the knowledge that death
treasure can come in the form of rewards from grate- or failure will cost him his soul. If he is delayed
ful townsfolk and as loot in Askavan’s lair. or thwarted, he does everything he can to kill the
remaining Red Angels before his deadline is up.

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Infernal Wrath

Vellus Stoygard Level 6 Solo Lurker Hit: 2d8 + 6 fire damage, and Vellus pushes the target up to
Medium natural humanoid, tiefling XP 1,250 4 squares.
HP 280; Bloodied 140 Initiative +12 Miss: Half damage, and Vellus can push the target 1 square.
AC 20, Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 18 Perception +8 Move Actions
Speed 6 Low-light vision Ghost Fire (fire, illusion, teleportation) ✦ Recharge 4 5 6
Resist 10 fire Effect: Each creature adjacent to Vellus takes 5 fire damage,
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 and Vellus becomes invisible until he hits or misses with
Traits an attack or until the end of his next turn. He then tele-
O Infernal Smoke ✦ Aura 1 ports up to 10 squares. He does not need line of sight to
Squares within the aura are lightly obscured to creatures the destination square.
outside of the aura. Sustain Standard: The invisibility persists until the end of
Combat Advantage Vellus’s next turn or until he hits or misses with an attack.
Vellus deals 2d6 extra damage against any creature granting Triggered Actions
combat advantage to him. Hell’s Wrath ✦ At-Will
Standard Actions Trigger: An enemy within 20 squares of Vellus hits him with
m Short Sword (weapon) ✦ At-Will an attack.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Effect (Immediate Reaction): The triggering enemy gains
Hit: 3d6 + 8 damage. vulnerable 5 to all damage until the end of Vellus’s next
r Hellfire Bolt (fire) ✦ At-Will turn, and Vellus makes a basic attack against the trigger-
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex ing enemy.
Hit: 2d8 + 5 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save Askavan’s Gift (psychic) ✦ At-Will
ends). Trigger: Vellus begins his turn subject to any harmful effect.
Double Attack ✦ At-Will Effect (No Action): All harmful effects on Vellus end, and he
Effect: Vellus makes two basic attacks. takes 20 psychic damage.
C Concussive Flames (fire) ✦ Encounter Skills Bluff +11, Intimidate +11, Stealth +13, Thievery +13
Requirement: Vellus must be bloodied. Str 12 (+4) Dex 20 (+8) Wis 10 (+3)
Attack: Close burst 3 (creatures in the burst); +9 vs. Con 14 (+5) Int 12 (+4) Cha 16 (+6)
Fortitude Alignment evil Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, 2 short swords, scorpion amulet

Roleplaying Vellus an example. His willingness to burn down the inn,

Armed with diabolic power, Vellus wants only to patrons and all, to gain revenge on Rukkevinta is an
avenge Zaedros and fulfill his infernal pact. Before example of his absolute amorality.
he made the pact, Vellus was just like Zaedros—a Amulet Anomaly: The necklace and amulet
wandering thief and rake, grabbing whatever riches worn by the “ghost” doesn’t match Chath’s. In fact, the
he could when the chance presented itself. Grief has ghost’s amulet appears to be a second half of Chath’s.
driven him to desperate measures, and he hopes See location 6 for more information.
now to succeed in his murderous quest and bring his If Vellus sees his brother’s necklace in the posses-
brother back to life. sion of the adventurers, he might try to take it. He
Vellus kills anyone who gets between him and his would like to return it to Zaedros when his brother
targets, and he does not concern himself with inno- is revived, but he’s unwilling to put himself in great
cent bystanders. He might even slay such innocents danger to recapture the heirloom.
to divert attention from his true targets or to serve as

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Infernal Wrath

Dead Wrong: If the adventurers believe that a yelling out clues such as, “You’ll pay for what you did gods, and many outsiders have to conceal their wor-
ghost is committing the murders, they might target to Zaedros!” ship of other deities or risk being shunned.
Vellus with powers or magic that specifically affect The Suspect Roster table summarizes the main
undead. The living Vellus is, of course, immune to
such effects.
Fighting Vellus secondary characters involved in the adventure and
their usual locations. These are the characters whose
Fiery Manifestations: Vellus is wreathed in When Vellus shows up, his goal is to kill anyone actions and circumstances involve them with the
smoke and fire, but “Chath” had no magic in life. He whose death fulfills his pact. His direct attacks will Red Angels, and they should be the central figures in
must be getting magical power from somewhere. kill any one of the Red Angels in 3 rounds, with you the adventurers’ investigation. Use the roster to help
The Price of Vengeance: His brother’s death has narrating those attacks. If the adventurers get in his decide which important citizens appear in a given
made Vellus distraught and filled him with bloodlust. way, Vellus targets them, intending to make them scene or where they go if any character follows them.
Nothing short of the painful deaths of his sworn ene- examples of his wrath. Other NPCs who get in his The description of each character can be used to help
mies can satisfy him or fulfill his infernal contract. In way are treated as minions, each of whom is disposed play out scenes.
his mania, he might reveal details about his true self, of in a single round.
As long as he still has time remaining to fulfill his SUSPECT ROSTER
pact, Vellus retreats after he is bloodied. If he can, he Suspect Locations
returns later the same night after spending his single Cindra Raske Raske estate or trade office, shops
healing surge to regain 70 hit points. If he is blood-
ied a second time on the same night, he retreats until Emorin Shops, Red Eye Inn
As they investigate, the adventurers might employ the following night. Each new night, Vellus has full Igam Docks, fisher shacks, Red Eye Inn
ritual magic to glean insight from the victims of Vel- normal hit points. Kador Raske Raske estate or trade office, temple
lus’s crimes. However, publicly performing any ritual
Knute Usually with Cindra, sometimes Kador
that allows a character to interact with the dead can
cause the already wary townsfolk to actively shun
R aske Oku Southern guardhouse, Red Eye Inn
Rukkevinta Red Eye Inn
the adventurers. The town of Raske thrives on trade, sitting as it does Tommik His home, other homes being warded,
Last Sight Vision: The character performing the between a northward bend of the River Kethering guardhouses, Red Eye Inn, shops
ritual sees a tiefling matching Chath’s description and a major east–west road. These two routes bring all
appear out of nowhere and kill the victim with his kinds of goods through town, and the major families Cindra Raske,
short swords or hellfire bolts. Have the character of Raske have grown rich off tariffs and warehousing.
make a DC 15 Perception check to notice the scor-
Heir to the Raske Fortune
pion-tail amulet Vellus wears. The only living child of Kador Raske, Cindra is a tall
Speak with Dead: The corpses of the murdered
People human female with a solid build. Her dark hair and
Red Angels know only as much about the tiefling Many townsfolk trace their lineage back to the first ice-cold blue eyes give her a haughty demeanor, and
as they knew in life—very little. If asked about the settlers of Raske, and they are suspicious of outsiders. she rarely smiles among those she considers her infe-
identities of other Red Angels, the spirit resists. An Though they don’t hold the extreme views of the Red riors. She has a rich, high voice, which she disguises
adventurer must succeed on a DC 22 Diplomacy Angels, they do support native Raske citizens over with a throaty accent in her Red Angel persona.
check to gain a single name, phrased as the answer those from outside the town. Information: In the aftermath of her mother’s
to one question. If the Diplomacy check fails, the Traders and travelers seldom stay in Raske long. disgraceful past (see “Rumors”), Cindra began to
question is wasted. Multiple questions can be used Those who do make the town a permanent home notice crimes going unpunished in Raske and looked
to learn multiple names. have to assimilate into Raske’s culture, keeping to for a way to stop outsiders from causing trouble. She
themselves any views that don’t fit in. Raske’s people started the Red Angels and recruited others to her
worship Avandra, Erathis, and Pelor above other cause. As the most aggressive member of the group,

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Infernal Wrath

she pushes for using even harsher methods to deal By the same token, the priestess also believes that the stout female with red hair, a freckled face, and a pipe
with outsider threats to the town. Red Angels are violent lawbreakers. she constantly smokes or chews on, Igam looks the
Daen Orso, Cindra’s husband, is the heir to the Roleplaying: Elenka thinks before she speaks. part of a simple, cheerful fisher.
second largest family in Raske. They have two chil- Her views focus her conversation on topics that ben- Information: Igam doesn’t own a business, have
dren, Thom and Mia. efit the community. She believes the adventurers if a position of power, or come from a respected family.
Roleplaying: Cindra believes deeply in tradition they say the murderer isn’t a ghost, imploring the However, her ancestors have been fishing the river
and propriety. She has an aloof, regal manner and characters to protect Raske against the real threat. since the earliest days of Raske’s founding. In the
doesn’t like being questioned by impertinent people, Rumors: One of the Red Angels is described morning, she spends her time fishing. Later in the
particularly those without a place in Raske’s society. as having a raspy voice like Elenka’s. Her regular day, she sells fresh fish between the shacks and the
This resistance extends to adventurers. meetings with Kador Raske to discuss religious and warehouses (see locations 7 and 8), as do many other
If she’s revealed as a Red Angel, Cindra refuses to community matters also arouse speculation. How- fishers.
name the other members, especially if those inter- ever, it seems unlikely that Elenka would take it upon After seeing so many outsiders behaving in unsa-
rogating her are lower on the social ladder. She holds herself to protect the town, since she was once an vory ways in the docks section of town—including
it as a point of pride that she won’t break down and outsider. fouling the river with their garbage and filth—Igam
turn against her comrades. became fed up. Secretly, she also wanted a little
Rumors: Cindra’s mother abandoned her family Emorin the Tailor excitement in her life. She joined the Red Angels after
when Cindra was a teenager. The person her mother Nearly seven feet tall, Emorin is rail-thin and highly seeing them run off a group of halfling vagabonds
fell in love with was a rich trader from far to the west, formal in dress and bearing. He can’t help but stand that had been squatting in a warehouse and filching
and Cindra saw the shattering of her world as a crime out in Raske. fish. After she correctly identified Knute as a member
that the law couldn’t punish. A vocal advocate for the Information: If he is questioned about Igam or and approached him, he helped her join.
Red Angels, she describes the group as protecting the Rukkevinta, Emorin acknowledges a friendship with Igam’s Red Angel mask includes a fake beard.
good people of Raske from lawless intruders. the two despite not sharing their political views. He Roleplaying: Igam is cheerful but a bit too forth-
Set to take over the mercantile might of her family admits that when Igam and Rukkevinta are together, right. Although she’s willing to take risks for what she
when her father retires or dies, Cindra tries to serve they often talk about how outsiders are a “bad believes in, she’s superstitious and isn’t brave enough
as an example of how the elite of Raske should look element.” to face the threat of Chath’s ghost. Igam openly says
and behave. She is always dressed well and carries Roleplaying: Emorin is refined, but not snobbish. that the Red Angels are righteous folk who take care
herself regally, even if she is a little snooty. He likes to gossip, and it doesn’t take much work to of troublemakers. She would rather face pain or death
extract information from him. He believes the Red than reveal their secrets.
Elenka, Procurator of Erathis Angels are bad for his business, and that their cloaks Rumors: A few people in town have seen Igam
The elder priest in the Raske temple, Procurator are garish. and Knute talking from time to time, which seems
Elenka believes in the doctrines of Erathis. An elderly Rumors: Like one of the Red Angels, Emorin is strange given the difference in their social standing.
human female with a sturdy build and a raspy voice, very tall. He plays in a weekly game of Three-Dragon Igam is openly contemptuous of unsavory characters
she dresses well and has a keen mind. Ante with Rukkevinta and Igam. Cindra Raske who congregate around the docks, almost daring
Information: To fulfill the doctrines of the frequently commissions expensive clothing from them to try to start trouble.
goddess of civilization, Elenka believes she must Emorin, and even the well-dressed thief Chath was
maintain stability. Raske has traditions and family known to be a paying customer. Kador Raske, Town Patriarch
lines that date back to the founding of the town. The patriarch of the Raske family controls the largest
Elenka wants to preserve that heritage. She believes Igam the Fisher share of trade in the town. His hair has gone white,
that newcomers must assimilate into Raske the way The lower-class dwarf who calls herself Igam seems and his memory’s not as good as it used to be, but
she did, by adhering to its laws and social structure. most unlikely to be a member of the Red Angels. A

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Infernal Wrath

Kador is not yet ready to retire and give Cindra con- Roleplaying: Knute doesn’t need to say anything believe that she’ll unduly favor outsiders in matters of
trol of the family business. to intimidate most people, so he keeps his mouth the law. It is well known that Jemos didn’t like Oku,
Information: Kador doesn’t know that Cindra shut. If asked, he says the Red Angels aren’t his con- but the late captain could find no fault with how she
and Knute are members of the Red Angels. He cern unless they bother the Raske family. However, did her job.
doesn’t think he has anything to worry about from if he sees strong evidence that the adventurers can
the so-called ghost, so he goes about business as effectively meet Vellus’s threat and protect the towns- Rukkevinta, Innkeeper
usual—including throwing a private party to show folk, he might come forward. If he becomes worried The halfling Rukkevinta runs the Red Eye Inn.
that fear is beneath him. about the safety of the other Red Angels, particularly Though her brown hair is graying, her sharp green
Roleplaying: Kador is affable as long as he’s Cindra, he tries to persuade the members of the eyes and athletic build show that she remains alert
shown the respect he thinks he deserves as the group to reveal themselves and accept the adventur- and fit. She spends her workday tending the inn’s bar.
patriarch of the greatest family in Raske. He doesn’t ers’ protection. Information: Rukkevinta fell in with the Red
demand deference, just courtesy. Because he once Rumors: Although Knute has never harmed Angels after a night when Igam had a little too much
benefited from their actions when a half-orc cutpurse any townsfolk, his appearance and reputation make to drink and spilled the beans regarding the vigilante
stole his money, Kador believes the Red Angels are people afraid of him. gang. Rukkevinta wanted in, and the others didn’t
folk heroes. He openly says so. take much convincing. Years of dealing with rowdy
Rumors: As the most powerful resident of Raske, Oku, Captain of the Guard patrons have worn down her patience, and she keeps
Kador is highly involved in the town guard and knew After Captain Jemos was murdered, his second-in- a close watch out for visitors who might cause trouble.
Captain Jemos well. He’s also a deeply religious command was hastily promoted. Oku has brown skin Roleplaying: Rukkevinta always seems to be in
person who frequently visits the temple and has dis- and wears her black hair in a close-cropped style. Her a bad mood. She has little patience, and she is quick
cussions with Procurator Elenka. chainmail and weapons are kept clean and in good to make her workers take care of problem custom-
Fifteen years ago, when Cindra was still a teen- repair. ers. Usually tight-lipped regarding the Red Angels,
ager, Kador’s wife ran off with a wealthy trader who Information: Oku heard that Jemos had unof- she might be pushed to say that the town guard ought
frequently passed through Raske. The incident made ficial dealings with many merchants and families in to take care of trouble, not letting the vigilantes’ vio-
Kador more distrustful of outsiders. Raske. She knows that Cindra Raske met frequently lence scare off valuable customers.
with the former captain, supposedly to report threats Rukkevinta denies her involvement with the Red
Knute, Bodyguard and offenses made against the Raske family. In fact, Angels as long as she can, but if any other Red Angel
A massive figure close to seven feet tall, Knute is a Jemos frequently covered up petty crimes committed is murdered, she starts to lose her nerve. She won’t
dour and silent human male with short blond hair by the members of Raske’s elder families, particularly directly reveal her role in the group or the other Red
and a clean-shaven face. He carries a longsword, a when the wronged party was an outsider. Angels’ identities, but she might point the adventurers
shield, and a longbow, and he wears scale armor. Roleplaying: Oku is harried from dealing with toward specific locations they should investigate.
Information: The Raske family bodyguard the panicked townsfolk, the loss of four guards, and Rumors: Raske natives know that even though
watches over Kador, as well as Cindra, her husband a supernatural menace. She keeps her conversations Rukkevinta doesn’t say much, she listens to just about
Daen Orso, and their two children, Thom and Mia. short and to the point. When it comes to the Red every conversation that takes place in the bar.
When one of the Raskes heads to town, Knute goes Angels, she believes they flout the law and need to be
along for protection. brought to justice. Tommik, Occult Expert
Knute was the first person Cindra asked to join Rumors: Oku is an immigrant to Raske, and she Raske’s self-styled authority on paranormal phenom-
the Red Angels. Even though he’s not entirely sure the was a victim of the Red Angels when she first arrived ena, Tommik is a doddering old gnome with wild
vigilante group is a good idea, he goes along to ensure in town. She faced resistance when she joined the white hair and a scuffed clay pipe. His long leather
Cindra’s safety. He is sworn to keep her role in the town guard and as she rose in rank. Townsfolk who coat is lined with pockets containing all kinds of
Red Angels a secret, particularly from Kador Raske. support the Red Angels bristle at Oku’s new rank and substances meant to detect or trap evil spirits, plus

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dubious scrolls regarding hauntings and magical

T he R ed A ngels can discern a pattern of racism and reactionary
fervor. Their accomplishments speak for themselves.
Information: Tommik has lived in Raske for Claiming that they act for the true residents of Raske, ✦ The Red Angels ran off a group of halfling wan-
twelve years, and so is considered to be a native the Red Angels have a long history of enforcing vigi- derers who were squatting in a warehouse at the
despite his odd qualities. His interest in the occult has lante justice against outsiders—including the dead docks after losing all their cash gambling at the
been merely a hobby until now. The people of Raske thief, Chath. Red Eye Inn.
trust Tommik far more than they do the adventur-
✦ They beat a half-orc traveler who both lifted Kador
ers—at least until they see the characters in action.
Tommik is the first to hear of new developments, so
Members Raske’s coin purse and started a fight at the inn.
he can be a good information source. All the townsfolk With the death of Jemos, the Red Angels now con- ✦ Two rival bandits who had chosen Raske’s town
know the place where Chath’s burning body was found sist of Cindra, Igam, Knute, and Rukkevinta. No one square as the site for a duel were killed by the
(see location 6). However, Tommik observed the late outside the vigilante group knows the members’ iden- group.
Captain Jemos disposing of the dead tiefling, dumping tities. When the Red Angels take action, they wear ✦ The Red Angels hanged a tiefling trader on suspi-
the body downstream just outside of town. (The body long red cloaks adorned with red feathers, along with cion of necromancy and other black magic, then
is long gone if the adventurers have any thought of red hoods to conceal their faces. They speak as little drove his wife and two children out of town.
looking for it.) Tommik claims that since the apparition as possible and use hand signals to communicate
with one another in combat. They have slipped up a ✦ When they caught a dwarf merchant who had
shows no signs of being wet, the ghost must not have cheated customers, the Red Angels branded him,
risen from the river. few times, however, and the guards and townsfolk of
Raske can reveal the following information. confiscated his goods and money, and chased him
If asked about the iron cage in location 6, Tommik from town.
says it’s meant to keep the spirit trapped in case it ✦ The group has five members, some male and some
✦ They ransacked the wagon of a family of settlers
rises from the same location where Chath was killed. female. No one’s sure of the exact numbers of each.
staying in town for a season, interrogating them on
The adventurers can confirm that this tactic might ✦ One of the Red Angels is nearly seven feet tall. the suspicion that they were harboring fugitives.
work, but the cage would have to be cold iron (DC 15 ✦ One of them is short and slight enough to be a No evidence was found.
Arcana or Religion), which it is not. gnome or a halfling.
Roleplaying: Tommik is a well-meaning buf- ✦ After killing the tiefling thief Chath, the Red
foon intended as comic relief. Profoundly certain of ✦ Another is a male dwarf. You can tell by the beard. Angels burned his corpse in the street as a warn-
his knowledge of the supernatural and sincere in his ✦ One of the females speaks with a raspy voice. ing to others like him.
intent to help his fellow citizens, he constantly sug-
gests questionable ideas and makes strange decisions. Actions L ocations
His ghost-banishing techniques come largely from The members of the Red Angels harass, threaten, and
folk tales and other dubious sources, so his ideas have even kill anyone—particularly outsiders—who they The adventurers’ investigation is likely to take them to
more value for calming the superstitious than for suspect of engaging in activities that threaten the the following locations on the Raske map (page 10).
fighting the supernatural. He doesn’t believe that the peace and livelihood of the town. The members of the
Red Angels are fair or just, but he also assumes the group require only strong circumstantial evidence or 1. Red Eye Inn
vigilantes know more than he does about wrongdoers. a powerful hunch to back up their judgments. No con- This three-story establishment consists of a taproom
Rumors: Tommik is a gnome, and one of the Red crete proof is necessary. Members of races that have on the first floor where the staff serves food and
Angels is of small stature. The old gnome’s appar- bad reputations—tieflings, half-orcs, and sometimes drink, plus two upper stories filled with guest rooms.
ent incompetence might just be a cover, helping him halflings—are their likeliest targets. Rukkevinta the innkeeper has her private quarters
thwart rather than aid the investigation. The Red Angels’ deeds are known to the public. on the ground floor, and employees who live on the
Anyone who looks at the vigilantes’ exploits closely premises share a separate room.

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An owlbear head is mounted over the bar, where

barrels of fine ale from the dwarven Stonegouge
Brewery are on tap. The place is clean and pleasant

RASKE 8 enough.
People: Rukkevinta (halfling proprietor), Okenn
(half-elf steward), Dez and Gilda (human servers).
1 Most of the inn’s patrons come into town on the boats
2 and caravans that pass through Raske, staying for a
3 few days before shipping out again.
9 7 Setting: Locals receive better service than out-
siders, and Rukkevinta is willing to make itinerants
move to “make room for regulars.”
Rumors: As one might expect, the Red Eye is a
center of community gossip.
10 6 Chath’s Stay: The townsfolk have the dead tiefling
4 and his ghost on their minds. He is described as a
“dapper thief,” and was often observed at the tailor’s
5 shop.
Common Connection: If the characters succeed on a
DC 22 Streetwise check, they are able to determine
that all the Red Angel victims stayed or spent time
regularly at the inn shortly before being attacked by
the group. They can also find out this information by
11 asking about the victims specifically.
Weekly Game: Everyone knows of the weekly
Three-Dragon Ante game Rukkevinta, Igam, and
Emorin play together.
Clue: Rukkevinta’s red cloak and mask are hidden
in the ceiling of her quarters if she is still alive.

150 feet

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2. Shops the symbol of Erathis, tapestries show the founding of

Raske, and candelabra are set with blue-flamed ever-
throughout the local area at great speed. It was almost
as though he could be in two places at once.
Raske’s shops import most of their supplies but
burning candles. In addition to a shrine of Erathis Jemos’s Legacy: Morale is low now that the guards
acquire their lumber from the forests around the
(worshiped as the god of civilization), the temple also realize Jemos was a Red Angel. Most believe that
town. Business transactions in the town are primarily
contains shrines to Avandra (worshiped as the god of the captain must have thought the guards too soft on
carried out by way of trade goods rather than by coin.
trade) and Pelor (worshiped as a life-giving deity). crime and too beholden to arbitrary rules. Some now
No shops selling magic or magic items can be
People: Procurator Elenka (human priest), whisper that those who enforce the law should be
found in Raske. Most such items pass through town
Brother Leatro (human curate), Sister Isabel (human able to move against bad people, even if they haven’t
bound for larger trading hubs where they can fetch
curate). Elenka and her curates allow outsiders to been accused of any crimes.
a higher price. Basic adventuring goods can be pur-
worship, but the clergy leave no strangers alone in the Murder Scene: The corpses have been removed,
chased at the dry goods store.
temple. but the scene otherwise remains largely untouched.
People: Emorin (human tailor), Dremyl (human
Setting: Brother Leatro ushers a merchant in and The floor and walls are still marred with blood and
blacksmith), Jasper (human cooper), Trancya (half-elf
impatiently waits while he offers prayers. Procurator scorch marks, and the smell of burned hair and flesh
grocer), Hobble (dwarf dry goods merchant).
Elenka leads a group in praying that Captain Jemos’s is heavy on the air. A red cloak with feathers on it
Setting: Since the appearance of the ghost, the
killer will be caught. hangs on the wall nearby, the guards afraid to touch it
residents of Raske stock up on supplies by day so
for fear of incurring the ghost’s wrath.
they don’t have to leave their houses at night. Stands
are piled high with seasonal vegetables at the gro- 4. Guardhouses Mysterious Note: When Chath was murdered, the
guards searched his room at the inn, finding a note
cer’s, and the shelves at the dry goods store are well These two guardhouses are built of logs and rein- asking the tiefling to meet someone named Elfren on
stocked with all manner of supplies. The only goods forced with masonry along the sides facing the road. the same night and near the place that he was killed.
unavailable in town are “ghost-warding” items such Each features a parapet on the roof, a second-story The name doesn’t match any person the guards have
as garlic, salt, and wolfsbane, for which shoppers con- barracks, and a small office and storage rooms on heard of, and it reads as if the two were meeting for
stantly clamor. the ground floor. The storage rooms hold racks of the first time. The guards can’t find the note now, and
Trancya closes early to get home before sundown, weapons and armor, as well as supplies and confis- they suspect that Jemos destroyed it.
while Hobble tries to convince his customers that this cated goods. The southern guardhouse was the scene
ghost business is all hokum. of Captain Jemos’s murder. It also has two small jail
The scent of dye and perfume wafts from the tai- cells on the bottom floor. 5. Old City Wall
lor’s shop. Fine fabrics hang around the windows, People: Oku (human captain), 1d6 + 1 town This crumbling stone wall formerly protected the city.
striking a contrast with the humble shops nearby. guards (humans, half-elves, and dwarves). Many parts have fallen down, and what still stands
Emorin brags about his winnings from his weekly Setting: When the characters first arrive during couldn’t keep out an invading force.
Three-Dragon Ante game with Rukkevinta and Igam. daylight hours, Captain Oku is trying to reassure a
Dremyl keeps to himself in his smithy, forging
horseshoes and casting iron bars, which are trans-
group of frightened townsfolk just inside the gate,
telling them that she and Tommik are working on
6. Scene of the Crime
ported by barge to larger settlements up and down stopping the ghost. Tommik might be here, painting At the eastern end of town, a short distance north of
the River Kethering and sold there. He has little time ghost-warding sigils on the guards’ leather armor. the docks, is the site where Chath’s burning body was
for any other work while the ghost is abroad. Clues: Oku has no idea that Vellus is behind found in the street. An iron cage has been erected
Jemos’s murder. However, the guards have more over the spot.
People: During daylight, a few townsfolk go about
3. Temple information than they realize.
their business.
Chath Sightings: Before Chath’s death, the town
This large temple is one of the sturdiest structures in Rumors: The locals can confirm that Chath’s
guards were stymied by the tiefling’s ability to travel
Raske. Inside the stone edifice, blue floor tiles form burning body was found here, though no one is

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entirely sure whether the tiefling was killed on this

spot or dragged already dead to the street from some-
8. Fisher Shacks 10. Ferry
Poor fishers (including Igam) live in this rundown A public ferry travels between the docks on the north
where nearby. Chath’s body was eventually removed
section of town, as do many of the dockworkers who and south shore of the River Kethering. People travel-
by the town guard and later disposed of by Captain
support the river trade. Laborers newly arrived in ing to the forests or the Raske family estate can use
Jemos (a deed that only Tommik witnessed). No one
Raske end up here if they find themselves unable to the ferry at a cost of 1 sp per person.
paid much mind to the site until Tommik and Dremyl
rent lodgings in the more respectable areas of town. People: Human ferry operators Holgath the
the blacksmith erected the iron cage over it.
They frequently squabble with the native fishers. Younger (early morning to afternoon), Holgath the
Clues: Though Chath’s burning body was left
In the afternoons, a fish market opens in the area Elder (afternoon to late evening).
on the street by the Red Angels as a warning to
between the shacks and the warehouses. The appear- Rumors: From the docks here, Holgath the Elder
other outsiders, he was not killed in the open. If the
ance of the ghost has caused a downturn in activity at has seen Cindra Raske and Knute make use of the
adventurers search the area around the street, they
the market recently. private Raske ferry (see location 11) at odd hours. He
find signs of the fatal fight in the overgrown weeds
People: Igam (dwarf fisher), Eike (human oar- offhandedly supposes that Cindra is unfaithful to her
between two houses a short distance away. Any thor-
maker), Dagger (human orphan urchin). husband Daen Orso, though he quickly adds that she
ough search of the weeds turns up the necklace and
Setting: Small boats are pulled onto the riverbank seems too proper for that sort of thing, what with her
amulet worn by Zaedros. Made of silver and begin-
to serve as shelters, and the whole shacks location is mother leaving the way she did.
ning to tarnish from its exposure to the elements, the
pungent with the smell of fish. Talking to old Holgath might lead to more infor-
amulet resembles the front half of a scorpion. Vellus
Clues: Igam’s red cloak and bearded mask can mation regarding Cindra’s history, which the ferry
wears the other half—the tail of the scorpion.
be found hidden in her modest dwelling if she is still operator knows well.
7. Warehouses 11. Raske Family Estate
Caravans and merchant vessels store their goods in
Raske, usually for a few weeks at a time. The wealthy
9. Docks The sprawling Raske estate (see the map on the
The docks on the south side of Raske are normally next page) houses the wealthiest, oldest family in
families of Raske own the spacious warehouses where
brisk with activity as trade shipments come through the region. Its main house is modestly constructed
the goods are stored, with each warehouse bearing a
on barges or small ships. Some vessels stop off in but decorated with precious materials the family
family crest indicating ownership.
town only briefly and leave their goods on board. has traded for over the years. Tall glass windows—
People: Selby (human night guard), warehouse
Other ships unload their wares into one of the ware- some set with amber and green glass, the colors of
workers (mostly humans, dwarves, and halflings).
houses near the docks, from which they are sent on the family crest—allow ample light into the manor.
Setting: A human merchant, fearing Chath’s
by land caravans or larger ships heading out to sea to Ornate lamps of the same colors light the exterior of
ghost, hustles to have his shipment loaded so he can
the west. Ships pay a hefty fee for docking and have the house at night. Inside the building are fine items
leave before nightfall.
the protection of the town guards. and art objects from far-flung lands.
Rumors: Selby saw Knute take a shipment of red
People: Louvanna (human harbormaster), dock- The estate has a private dock and ferry used to
feathers from one of the Raske warehouses. Captain
workers (mostly humans, dwarves, and halflings). take family members to the trade office (location 12)
Jemos told Selby to keep quiet regarding the incident,
Setting: The wooden docks are in fine condition. or elsewhere in the town.
but since Jemos’s death, Selby has been having second
Posted instructions inform the crews of inbound People: Kador Raske, Cindra Raske, Knute, Daen
ships how to sign in with each warehouse. Orso, children Thom and Mia (all humans). The
Raskes employ three human servants to look after the
estate, plus Knute the bodyguard. Kador, a widower,
lives in the master bedroom of the main house. His
daughter, Cindra, and her husband, Daen Orso, live

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with their children in the smaller, though equally

well furnished, residence next to the main house.

Setting: If the adventurers visit the Raskes, they
are treated to fine tea, high-quality meat and cheese,

and evasive answers to any questions.
Rumors: An ancestor, Earl Raske, founded the
town when the great road was still being cut through
the forests. The family built the estate when it first
became wealthy.

12. Raske Trade Office

Across the river from the Raske estate, this office
deals with major merchants. The main office contains
a large oak supervisor’s desk, stacks of contracts, and
long scrolls bearing trade rates and currency conver-
sions. Beyond the office are meeting areas, records
Ballroom storage, and a small warehouse for rare goods.
Inside the warehouse stands a locked vault bear-
ing the Raske seal (DC 25 Thievery check to unlock).
Only Kador and Cindra have keys to the vault, and
they keep their most valuable goods locked inside
(see “Clues”).
People: Sig (human supervisor), Dorma (human
accountant). Kador Raske, Cindra Raske, and Knute
visit occasionally.
Setting: The adventurers catch the tail end of a
Kitchen Foyer tense negotiation with a trading partner.
Clues: Cindra hides her and Knute’s cloaks and
masks inside the vault.

Other Estates
Three other wealthy families have estates outside
town, though none are the equal of the Raske estate.
Study Orso Estate: The Orsos own a large manor house
and a smaller cottage along the road to the east of
Raske. Daen Orso, the family’s heir, married Cindra
Raske and now lives at the Raske estate. Only three
o = 5 feet
Orsos still live at the Orso estate—Callindra (Daen’s
mother), her sister, Gwenmyr, and Gwenmyr’s

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husband Georg. The Orsos have two servants, plus a If Askavan appears to claim Vellus, read:
bodyguard hired since the appearance of the ghost. A smoky portal appears out of thin air, and an incredibly
Podriggan Estate: This small manor house beautiful human female steps forth. She speaks with a voice ASKAVAN’S LAIR
stands along the river between the Orso estate and that is deep and alluring.
the Raske trade offices. The Podriggans have been “I claim Vellus Stoygard by the terms of our contract.
the least of Raske’s wealthy families for some time. I alone have the right to his soul and that of his departed
Members of the Podriggan and Vesult families are brother. No one may challenge me on this. If you believe you
away on a joint vacation they take every year. They’ve have a grievance, address me in my chamber. But I warn A
been gone since before Zaedros was killed, but their you, my grasp of infernal law is f lawless.”
staff of three remains.
Vesult Estate: North of the great road, the Vesult Askavan has used change shape to appear human.
estate is of fairly new construction. The Vesults were T
treated like trespassers when they brought their
money and influence to the town two decades ago.
Facing Askavan
Since then, they’ve cemented themselves as full mem- Combat Encounter Level 6 (1,300 XP)
bers of the community. Since they’re away on vacation
with the Podriggans, only their butler remains. Askavan’s power is built on tricking powerful char-
acters into dangerous bargains. As such, her flowery
challenge is designed to goad the adventurers into fol-
Other Homes lowing her to her lair, where she believes she has the I
The most senior workers from the docks and ware- advantage.
houses live in modest homes scattered throughout Light: Pools of burning slime fill the area with
Raske, as do a smaller number of lumberjacks, craft- bright light.
ers, and town guards. A few traveling merchants have Monsters: Askavan (A), 2 tar devil guards (T), 1
houses in town but rarely spend much time here. imp (I).
Tommik‘s house stands close to the old wall, just o = 5 feet
south of the guardhouses. When the characters enter Askavan’s lair, read:
The portal opens up to a grotto of black stone. Steps lead column rising above the burning pool nearest to the portal.
A skavan down to a cavern f loor set with pools of f laming, bubbling
slime. Three large cages of black iron are set across from
It watches closely from its perch.
The succubus Askavan commands a small extra- the portal—two elevated on ledges with stairs leading up to At first, Askavan tries to negotiate with the charac-
planar lair that keeps her largely independent of the them, and another on the f loor near one of the pools. ters, offering them power in the hope that they will
hierarchy of the Nine Hells. Working to increase her “Welcome to my home,” says the human female. “Let’s enter into doomed bargains just as Vellus did. If she
power in the world, she tempts mortals and chains get down to business, shall we?” is unsuccessful, she calls her attendants and attacks.
them into her service. Perception DC 15: Lurking mostly submerged in one When she does, she drops her human disguise for
The terms of Askavan’s bargain with Vellus make of the burning pools across from the portal is a pale-skinned her true infernal form. The succubus’s allies start out
it highly unlikely that the tiefling can accomplish his devil with black horns curving over its head. Black tar seeps hidden if no character has spotted them.
goal of killing all the Red Angels before dawn after from its skin. Another similar creature watches from the
the full moon. Askavan has no reason to intervene on adjacent pool.
the tiefling’s behalf, showing up only to collect Vellus Perception DC 19: A tiny, crimson-skinned human-
after he dies or runs out of time. oid with horns, bat wings, and a tail clings to a natural

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Askavan, Succubus (A) Level 9 Elite Controller Hit: The target chooses either to be dominated by Askavan 2 Tar Devil Guards (T) Level 4 Soldier
Medium immortal humanoid (devil, shapechanger) XP 800 until the end of Askavan’s next turn or to take 2d10 + 10 Medium immortal humanoid (devil) XP 175 each
HP 180; Bloodied 90 Initiative +8 psychic damage and fall prone. HP 53; Bloodied 26 Initiative +7
AC 23, Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will 23 Perception +8 Move Actions AC 20, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +7
Speed 6, fly 6 Darkvision Devilish Swiftness (teleportation) ✦ At-Will (1/round) Speed 6 Darkvision
Resist 10 fire Effect: Askavan teleports up to 5 squares and makes a Resist 10 fire; Vulnerable 5 acid
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 melee attack. Traits
Traits Minor Actions O Hot Reek (fire) ✦ Aura 1
O Infernal Luck ✦ Aura 2 Change Shape (polymorph) ✦ At-Will Any enemy that starts its turn in the aura takes 2 fire
Enemies in the aura take a –4 penalty to saving throws. Effect: Askavan alters her physical form to appear as a damage and cannot shift during that turn.
Standard Actions Medium humanoid until she uses change shape again or Standard Actions
m Corrupting Touch (fire, necrotic) ✦ At-Will until she drops to 0 hit points. To assume a specific indi- m Khopesh (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC vidual’s form, Askavan must have seen that individual. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and ongoing 5 fire and necrotic Other creatures can attempt a DC 30 Insight check to dis- Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage.
damage (save ends). cern that the form is a disguise. R Tar Net (fire) ✦ Recharge if no creature is restrained by
Effect: Askavan slides the target up to 2 squares. Triggered Actions this power at the start of the devil guard’s turn.
M Charming Touch (charm) ✦ Recharge when no creature is Loyal Consort (charm) ✦ At-Will Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
affected by this power Trigger: A melee or ranged attack targets Askavan while she Hit: 1d6 + 4 fire damage, and the target is restrained (save
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. Will is adjacent to a creature dominated by her or affected by ends). The devil guard can pull the target up to 4 squares
Hit: The target cannot attack Askavan. The effect lasts until her charming touch. to a square adjacent to it.
Askavan or one of her allies attacks the target or Askavan Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering attack instead Str 12 (+3) Dex 17 (+5) Wis 11 (+2)
drops to 0 hit points. If the target is affected by charming targets the creature dominated by Askavan or affected by Con 13 (+3) Int 10 (+2) Cha 12 (+3)
touch at the end of the encounter, the effect lasts until her charming touch. Alignment evil Languages Supernal
Askavan fails to touch the target during a 24-hour period. Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Insight +13 Equipment khopesh, net
C Seductive Words (charm, psychic) ✦ At-Will Str 11 (+4) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 19 (+8)
Attack: Close burst 10 (one nondeafened creature in the Con 10 (+4) Int 15 (+6) Cha 22 (+10)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Supernal Imp (I) Level 3 Lurker
burst); +12 vs. Will
Small immortal humanoid (devil) XP 150
HP 40; Bloodied 20 Initiative +8
Tactics Cages: Black iron cages hold Askavan’s victims. AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +8
The devils coordinate to bring down intruders one One contains the burned body of Zaedros, and Speed 4, fly 6 Darkvision
another holds Vellus if he is here. The third is empty. Standard Actions
by one. Askavan moves around the battlefield, stay- m Bite ✦ At-Will
ing near anyone she has charmed or dominated to Portal: The portal leads back to wherever Askavan
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
protect herself with loyal consort. When they emerge, appeared. It remains open for 1 minute, then closes.
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage.
the tar devils focus on preventing characters from An adventurer in the lair can reopen the portal at its Vanish (illusion) ✦ At-Will
approaching Askavan. The imp uses its tail sting to last location with a DC 12 Arcana check. Effect: The imp becomes invisible until the end of its next
make enemies more susceptible to Askavan’s charms. Rubble: Debris-filled squares are difficult terrain. turn or until it hits or misses with an attack.
M Tail Sting (poison) ✦ Recharge when the imp uses vanish
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Features of the Area Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 10
poison damage and a –2 penalty to Will (save ends both).
Burning Slime: The lower areas of the lair are
Skills Arcana +9, Bluff +9, Stealth +9
filled with bubbling, flaming slime. A creature that Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
enters the burning slime or starts its turn there takes Con 16 (+4) Int 16 (+4) Cha 16 (+4)
5 fire damage. A creature can take this damage only Alignment evil Languages Common, Supernal
once per turn.

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Infernal Wrath

Concluding the About the Author

Logan Bonner lives in the Seattle area and works as a free-
A dventure lance game designer, writer, and editor. You can follow him
on Twitter, where he’s @loganbonner.
If Vellus Stoygard manages to murder every member
of the Red Angels before the time limit, Askavan Developer
honors the terms of the pact, releasing Zaedros’s Chris Sims
soul and returning the dead tiefling to life. Zaedros Editor
erupts from the ground on the spot where he died Scott Fitzgerald Gray
and begins to search for his brother, aware of the risk
Vellus has taken to see him returned to life. Managing Editors
Kim Mohan,
Askavan does not come to the tieflings’ defense if
Christopher Perkins
either one is threatened. The devil knows she’ll see
the tiefling brothers again when their luck runs out. Development and Editing Lead
If the characters defeat Vellus, Askavan claims the Jeremy Crawford
tieflings’ souls as per their contract. Neither Stoygard
Senior Producer
brother is seen or heard of again. As long as their
Christopher Perkins
souls are imprisoned, attempts to raise either brother
automatically fail. Producers
If the adventurers slay Askavan and her cohorts, Greg Bilsland, Stan!
Zaedros (along with Vellus, if he has been killed)
Senior Creative Director
passes into death, free from the infernal bonds Aska- Jon Schindehette
van placed on him. If Vellus was alive when Askavan
took him to her lair, the characters can free him if Art Director
they like. What happens to him thereafter is in their Kate Irwin
hands. If given over to the authorities in Raske, Vellus Illustrator
is eventually hanged for his crimes. Chris Seaman
If Askavan defeats the characters, she kills them
only if she has to. Her preference is to offer each char- Cartographer
acter continued life plus an infernal boon in return for Jason A. Engle
serving her—whether now or at some future time. Part Digital Studio Consultant
of the pact makes Askavan less vulnerable to her new Daniel Helmick
servants’ attacks unless the magic of the pact is broken.
Members of the Red Angels whose identities are Publishing Production Manager
Angie Lokotz
exposed face no repercussions from the guards or
citizens of Raske. Unless any of the characters want to
press the matter, the townsfolk are all too ready to put
the ghost incident behind them. The Red Angels orga-
nization dissolves, but whether their recent brush with
death changes the surviving members is up to you.

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Unfriendly Skies
A D&D® adventure for characters
of levels 21–23

By Doug Hyatt
Illustration by Claudio Pozas
Cartography by Mike Schley

I ntroduction Unable to free the djinns on her own, Samaa has

enlisted the unwitting aid of the wizard Emeth, an
“Unfriendly Skies” takes place high above the ground agent of the storm giant lord Krombaalt. The duped
as the adventurers travel in thundercloud tower, a Emeth wants to perform a ritual using the characters’
magic vehicle that was a gift of the storm giant lord thundercloud tower as a focus for his wizardry. Emeth
Krombaalt. believes the ritual will unleash a lightning storm of
An offer draws the adventurers to an ancient field great magnitude, which he can harness as a power
of floating crystalline earthmotes, where the party source and present as a gift to his master. This story is
aids Krombaalt’s agent to perform a ritual that will only a fabrication created by Samaa to gain Emeth’s
enhance the flying tower’s magical properties. The aid. The ritual’s true purpose is to release the djinns
ritual also frees an ancient menace, the djinn caliph from their crystalline prisons.
Moravar. The characters must defeat this djinn and Samaa intends to betray Emeth as soon as Skylord
his allies while also dealing with a sudden betrayal. Moravar has been freed. If the adventurers fail to stop
the ambitious djinn caliph, he and his allies will once
Background more terrorize the world.

Ages ago, the djinn caliph Moravar ravaged many Synopsis

lands in his effort to build an empire. He fell at the
Battle of Tarukk, where the wizard Ezrogel halted his “Unfriendly Skies” is presented as a series of encoun-
bloody campaign. Ezrogel imprisoned Moravar and ters featuring thundercloud tower, a reward obtained in
his trusted lieutenants in drifting crystalline earth- “Hall of the Fire Giant King” (Dungeon 200). In the
motes that came to be known as the Sea of Tarukk. first of these encounters, the wizard Emeth and his
For centuries, Skylord Moravar has chipped advisor, the sphinx Samaa, approach the adventur-
away at the confines of his arcane prison. Finally, he ers for permission to use the tower as the focus for a
opened a crack in the earthmote. By way of this open- storm summoning ritual.
ing, he has sent a message to one of his ancient allies, The next two encounters are combat encounters
the sphinx Samaa, detailing his location and the that take place in a field of crystalline earthmotes
nature of his predicament. drifting high above the ground. In the first of these

TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Unfriendly Skies

Thundercloud Tower Level 25 Rare Thundercloud Tower

This fortified, three-story tower floats atop a semisolid Gargantuan vehicle
thundercloud. HP 625 Space 9 squares by 9 squares
Wondrous Item 625,000 gp AC 37, Fortitude 37, Reflex 5, Will — Cost 625,000 gp
Properties Immune all conditions, cold, disease, forced movement,
F The tower is a flying vehicle (statistics appear at right) necrotic, ongoing damage, poison, psychic, radiant;
with a magical control circle inscribed on the roof. Resist 15 all
F Up to six humanoids can be attuned to the tower through Speed 0, fly 8 (hover)
the control circle. Pilot
F The control circle can also be used as a teleportation The pilot must stand in the control circle on the tower roof.
circle. Landing
Utility Power F At-Will (Move Action) The tower can land in any space large enough to contain it
Requirement: You must be attuned to the tower and in the (its two-dimensional space plus 50 feet of overhead clear-
control circle. ance). While the tower is on the ground, the thundercloud
Effect: You pilot the tower. beneath it vanishes and the tower loses its attack power.
Attack Power (Lightning, Thunder) F Encounter (Standard Load
Action) Ten Medium creatures; fifteen tons of cargo.
Requirement: You must be attuned to the tower and in the Out of Control
control circle. Without its pilot, the tower hovers in place and does not
Attack: Ranged 20 (one, two, or three creatures); +28 vs. move.
Reflex Magical Damage
Hit: 4d10 + 8 lightning and thunder damage. Each point of damage the tower takes reduces its value by
1,000 gp. Such damage can be repaired at a cost of 1,000
encounters, the adventurers must defeat the current gp per hit point.
guardians of the earthmotes: an ancient earthquake
dragon, Kul’Gira, and her elemental allies.
In the second encounter, Emeth performs the
ritual, freeing Skylord Moravar. The characters must
then defeat a group of djinns as well as the traitorous Emeth can offer to give the characters the tower after
sphinx. TREASURE
This adventure includes no treasure other than
I nvolving the improvements to thundercloud tower. You are free to

Characters assign additional treasure as you see fit. The dragon’s

treasure is in her lair, which is beyond the scope of
The adventurers must have thundercloud tower to this adventure. Skylord Moravar and his followers
complete this adventure. If the characters have not might have been imprisoned with jewelry or other
previously acquired this vehicle from “Hall of the Fire portable wealth. In thanks, Emeth could offer his
Giant King,” you can provide the tower as a reward in airstriders (Adventurer’s Vault, page 125) to the group.
your campaign prior to beginning this adventure. Finally, a grateful Krombaalt could reward the char-
Alternatively, you can begin the adventure by acters for their continued allegiance.
having Emeth arrive piloting the tower and offering
to hire the adventurers as bodyguards. In this case,

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Unfriendly Skies

the task is done, or you can provide another reward to

entice the characters to aid the wizard.
Emeth’s Offer Will it be dangerous? “The ritual shouldn’t be dan-
gerous, although you’ll need to take shelter when the storm
After whatever other pleasantries the characters wish
If the characters refuse to aid Emeth, Samaa is unleashed. As for the earthmotes, most creatures avoid
to engage in, Emeth shares his plans.
enlists other allies of Moravar to assault the tower and them, since they can release unpredictable bursts of light-
capture it. The attack should motivate the adventur- ning. The one exception was Kul’Gira, but she must be long
When Emeth is ready to explain, read:
ers to find out who their attacker is. Samaa’s plan is to gone or dead.”
“I intend to summon a mighty storm, using your tower
make sure they turn to Emeth for aid. Kul’Gira? “The ancient earthquake dragon Kul’Gira
as a focus for a complex ritual. The storm should provide
once made her home there, but no one has heard from her
a great source of arcane power, which I hope to give to
Event 1: Krombaalt’s Envoy Krombaalt.”
for many years. Surely she must be dead by now, or she
might have moved on to another lair.”
Roleplaying Encounter How did you find us? “Samaa has a talent for find-
Although the ritual won’t summon the storm that
ing people and places she has never seen before.”
Emeth arrives at thundercloud tower and makes the Emeth expects, the wizard believes what Samaa has
Why are you with a sphinx? “Since I needed to
adventurers an offer. told him. Any Insight check confirms the “truth” of
find you, Samaa agreed to serve as my companion through-
what he is saying.
out this adventure. I hope you will do the same.”
While the characters are in the tower, read: Throughout this encounter, Samaa maintains
Approaching through the clouds is a lone figure astride the appearance that she is Emeth’s steed and loyal
If the adventurers accept Emeth’s offer, proceed to
a silver sphinx, a staff raised above its head. With a loud advisor. She might contribute to the conversation in
event 2. He and Samaa leave if the characters refuse.
boom, a sigil of arcane lightning appears in the sky—the small ways, offering helpful advice. A character who
In this case, consider the alternative hooks discussed
thunderhawk symbol of Krombaalt, the storm giant lord. observes Samaa closely might gain the impression
in “Involving the Characters,” above, such as having
Despite the figure’s distance, a voice reverberates in the that she is hiding something (DC 37 Insight check). If
Samaa orchestrate attacks on the tower. Additionally,
air around you. “Krombaalt sends his greetings, friends. Do a character confronts Samaa with suspicions, Samaa
Krombaalt might send a personal plea, asking the
I have your permission to land?” acts insulted and informs Emeth that she will meet
characters to assist his agent and offering the party a
him at the earthmotes. She then flies away. In this
greater reward.
Emeth and Samaa land atop the tower if allowed case, she arrives again as combat begins in event 2.
Lore: A DC 27 History check reveals that the
to do so. If the characters refuse, Emeth flies close Use the following as guidelines to direct the con-
Sea of Tarukk is the shattered remains of an ancient
enough for the characters to see him more clearly, versation between Emeth and the adventurers.
battle fought between a djinn caliph’s forces and a
and he asks what he can do to prove he is an ally. group of wizards sent to stop them. The resulting
Why should we help you? “The ritual will enhance
clash destroyed the entire realm of Tarukk, whose
When Emeth and Samaa land, read: your tower in beneficial ways.”
remnants now float through the skies infused with
A balding, middle-aged human male in blue robes dis- (This claim is true. Emeth doesn’t know exactly
elemental and arcane power. Legend says that the
mounts from the sphinx and bows before you. “Greetings. what form the enhancements will take, but he is cer-
wizards won the battle.
I am Emeth, agent of the storm giant lord Krombaalt, and tain they will be substantial.)
If the check result is 37 or higher, the character
this is my friend and advisor, Samaa.” Emeth gestures to Where do we have to go? “A field of ancient crys-
knows that the caliph was named Skylord Moravar
the sphinx, a horse-sized creature with the beautiful body talline earthmotes known as the Sea of Tarukk. The motes
and the leader of the wizards was named Ezrogel.
of a winged silver lion and a head like a cross between a contain vast elemental power.”
None of the djinns were ever heard of or seen again
human female and a great cat. “We seek your assistance.” after the battle. A character who succeeds on this
check also knows that the dragon Kul’Gira is still
alive and that she has not moved her lair from the Sea
of Tarukk.

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Unfriendly Skies

Emeth, Krombaalt’s Agent

Medium natural humanoid, human
Level 22 Controller Samaa, the Silver Sphinx Level 24 Brute (Leader)
Large elemental humanoid (earth) XP 6,050
Event 2: Sea of Tarukk
HP 110; Bloodied 55; Healing Surges 9 Initiative +12 HP 270; Bloodied 135 Initiative +17
Combat Encounter Level 26 (45,250 XP)
AC 35, Fortitude 34, Reflex 36, Will 35 Perception +21 AC 36, Fortitude 37, Reflex 36, Will 35 Perception +24
Speed 6 Speed 6, fly 8 (hover) Darkvision The characters arrive at the supposedly deserted
Traits Traits Sea of Tarukk, where they are quickly attacked by
Airstrider Sphinx’s Foresight Kul’Gira and her elemental servants.
Emeth takes no damage from any fall and always lands on Samaa and allies who can hear her gain a +6 power bonus Light: Lightning dances from mote to mote, filling
his feet. to initiative checks.
the encounter area with bright light.
Standard Actions Standard Actions
m Staff (weapon) F At-Will m Claw F At-Will Monsters: Ancient earthquake dragon (Kul’Gira),
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +28 vs. AC Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +29 vs. AC 2 rocktempest gargoyles, 10 shardstorm vortex
Hit: 2d8 + 12 damage. Hit: 4d10 + 18 damage, and the target falls prone. whirlwinds.
C Thunderwave (thunder) F At-Will M Pounce F At-Will
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +26 vs. Effect: Samaa flies up to her speed, then uses claw twice. When the characters arrive, read:
Fortitude Minor Actions A field of jagged, floating earthmotes stretches out through
Hit: 2d6 + 18 thunder damage, and Emeth pushes the C Frightful Roar (fear) F Recharge 5 6
the sky ahead. Crystalline shards jut out from the surface
target up to 5 squares. Attack: Close burst 10 (enemies in the burst); +27 vs. Will
A Protective Fog (zone) F At-Will Hit: The target is dazed (save ends).
of each mote, coruscating with blue lightning. Wind swirls
Effect: Area burst 2 within 5; the burst creates a zone that C Samaa’s Omen F Encounter between the motes in all directions, filling the air with a
lasts until the end of Emeth’s next turn. Any enemy treats Effect: Close burst 10 (allies in the burst who can hear sound like the shrieking of countless voices.
the zone as heavily obscured and difficult terrain. Samaa). Until the end of its next turn, if the target hits an As you navigate through the sea of floating rock-and-
R Rapid Flight F At-Will enemy granting combat advantage to the target, the hit is crystal islands, Samaa turns, staring into the distance.
Effect: Ranged 10 (one creature). Until the end of Emeth’s considered to be a critical hit. There, an enormous winged dragon with rocky skin flies
next turn, the target gains a fly speed equal to its speed + Skills Arcana +26, Bluff +23, History +26, Insight +24
out from behind a huge earthmote. The dragon roars a
2 and can hover. Str 22 (+18) Dex 20 (+17) Wis 25 (+19)
Move Actions Con 20 (+17) Int 28 (+21) Cha 22 (+18)
command, and in response, swirling vortices of dust and
Walk On Air F At-Will Alignment evil Languages Common, Supernal lightning spring forth from other nearby motes. Two stone
Effect: Emeth flies up to his speed + 2, but he must end gargoyles emerge from cover to flank the dragon as it
each turn on a solid surface or fall. moves forward to attack.
Triggered Actions Emeth and Samaa
Float F Encounter Crosswinds: Updrafts and crosswinds blow
Emeth is a wizard in the service of the storm giant
Trigger: Emeth falls.
lord Krombaalt. More skilled as a researcher than a between the jagged motes to partly hold up fall-
Effect (Free Action): Emeth instead hovers in place until the
end of his next turn or until he ends this effect as a free soldier, Emeth has focused his studies on spells to aid ing creatures. Whenever a creature falls, it falls no
action. his allies in battle. He functions as a companion char- more than 25 feet per round until it has descended
Skills Arcana +23, History +23, Nature +21, Religion +23 acter (Dungeon Master’s Guide® 2, page 27), so you can more than 200 feet. If it is still falling at that point,
Str 12 (+12) Dex 12 (+12) Wis 20 (+16) allow a player to choose his actions in battle. the creature falls normally to the ground 500 feet
Con 16 (+14) Int 24 (+18) Cha 12 (+12) Samaa served as an advisor to Skylord Moravar, a below.
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Giant, Lightning Motes: The surface of each mote is
djinn caliph. Now she pretends to be Emeth’s friend,
luring him and the characters to the Sea of Tarukk covered with elementally resonant crystals. Any
Equipment robes, staff, thunderhawk symbol, airstriders
to free her former ally. Most of her powers should nonelemental creature that ends its turn on a mote’s
remain secret until she turns on the characters. surface takes 20 lightning damage.

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Unfriendly Skies

2 Rocktempest Gargoyles Level 23 Elite Lurker

Large elemental humanoid (earth) XP 10,200 each
HP 330; Bloodied 165 Initiative +23
AC 37, Fortitude 37, Reflex 36, Will 34 Perception +14
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover) Darkvision
Immune petrification
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Standard Actions
m Claw F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +28 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and ongoing 15 damage (save ends).
M Tempest Claws F At-Will
Effect: The gargoyle uses claw two times. If both attacks hit
the same target, the target is also dazed (save ends).
Stone Form F At-Will
Effect: The gargoyle enters stone form until it ends the
effect as a minor action. While in this form, it gains
tremorsense 10 and resist 30 to all damage, gains 10
temporary hit points at the start of each of its turns, and
cannot take actions except to end the effect. When the
gargoyle ends the effect, it gains a +10 bonus to damage
rolls made before the end of its next turn.
M Flying Strike F Recharge when the gargoyle uses stone
Effect: The gargoyle flies up to 8 squares. At any point
during its move, it makes the following attack three
times, but only once against any creature. This move-
ment does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +26 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d8 + 12 damage, and the gargoyle slides the target up
to 3 squares.
Str 26 (+19) Dex 27 (+19) Wis 17 (+14)
Con 24 (+18) Int 15 (+13) Cha 21 (+16)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Primordial

Tactics: Samaa provides the characters and Emeth

with her sphinx’s foresight bonus to initiative. She
then picks up Emeth, who takes to the skies to aid
the party with his spells. By serving only as a mount
in this encounter, Samaa hides her true combat
capabilities. She uses none of her other powers to aid
the party.
The whirlwinds move to catch every character
in a sandblast aura. Kul’Gira attacks from just above

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Unfriendly Skies

Ancient Earthquake Dragon Level 24 Elite Soldier First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead petrified 10 Shardstorm Level 23 Minion Skirmisher
Huge elemental magical beast (dragon, earth) XP 12,100 (save ends).
Vortex Whirlwinds
HP 456; Bloodied 228 Initiative +22 Minor Actions Medium elemental magical beast (air, earth) XP 1,275 each
AC 40, Fortitude 37, Reflex 37, Will 35 Perception +19 C Rising Tremors F Recharge at the start of any turn when
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +21
Speed 8 (earth walk), burrow 4, fly 6 (clumsy) Darkvision, quaking earth is aura 1
AC 37, Fortitude 35, Reflex 36, Will 34 Perception +17
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 tremorsense 10 Effect: The quaking earth expands to aura 3. At the start of
Speed 0, fly 8 (hover)
Traits the dragon’s next turn, the quaking earth expands to aura
Immune disease, poison
O Quaking Earth F Aura 1 5. At the start of its following turn, the dragon makes the
following attack.
When any enemy in the aura makes an attack that does not O Sandblast F Aura 1
include the dragon as a target, that enemy falls prone and Attack (No Action): Close burst 5 (enemies in the burst); +27
While in the aura, any enemy takes a –2 penalty to all
takes 15 damage. vs. Reflex
Threatening Reach Hit: 4d8 + 14 damage, and the target falls prone and cannot
stand up (save ends).
Standard Actions
The dragon can make opportunity attacks using claw m Abrasive Slam F At-Will
against any enemy within 3 squares of it. Effect: The quaking earth aura reverts to its original state
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +26 vs. Fortitude
Standard Actions and size (aura 1).
Hit: 15 damage.
m Bite F At-Will Triggered Actions
Move Actions
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +29 vs. AC Sudden Quake F At-Will
Vortex Step F At-Will
Hit: 4d8 + 14 damage. Trigger: The dragon is pulled, pushed, slid, or knocked
Effect: The whirlwind shifts up to 4 squares.
m Claw F At-Will prone.
Str 12 (+12) Dex 27 (+19) Wis 22 (+17)
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +31 vs. AC Effect (Free Action): Each enemy in the dragon’s aura falls
Con 24 (+18) Int 5 (+8) Cha 6 (+9)
Hit: 4d6 + 10 damage. prone.
Alignment unaligned Languages Primordial
M Double Attack F At-Will Str 26 (+20) Dex 27 (+20) Wis 25 (+19)
Effect: The dragon uses bite and claw or uses claw twice. Con 28 (+21) Int 24 (+19) Cha 22 (+18)
When the ritual begins, read:
M Earthen Maw F Recharge 5 6 Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Draconic,
As Emeth begins the ritual, the crystals nearest the tower
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +29 vs. Reflex
begin to pulse with a bright white light. Over the next few
Hit: 4d10 + 11 damage, and the target is restrained (save
minutes, the shrieking from the earthmotes rises to a nearly
intolerable level, and the tower begins to vibrate beneath
your feet. The pressure of the wind grows to match the
the tower, using her quaking earth and rising tremors
to keep as many party members prone and focused
Event 3: Skylord’s Wrath noise—but then both suddenly end.
Combat Encounter Level 26 (46,800 XP) The jagged shards on the nearest earthmotes shatter,
on her as possible. The rocktempest gargoyles spread
spraying fragments of crystal into the air. Before you can
their damage among the characters, clinging to the
As Emeth performs his ritual, Skylord Moravar and react, a half-dozen giant, blue-skinned humanoids emerge
sides of the tower or to earthmotes in stone form. They
his fellow djinns emerge from their crystalline pris- from those motes—djinns, armed and ready for battle.
then use flying strike to tear through the adventurers,
ons. Samaa turns against the group, revealing her Emeth slumps to the ground, exhausted. “I don’t under-
ending up next to a relatively weak melee combatant.
true allegiance as the djinns attack. stand,” he cries. “Where is the storm?”
If reduced to 100 hit points or fewer, Kul’Gira
Light: Lightning dances from mote to mote, filling Samaa cackles gleefully as she takes to the air. “Fools!”
retreats to her lair at the far edge of the sea of earth-
the encounter area with bright light. the sphinx says. “The ritual has released the storm I sought!
motes. If she retreats or dies, the whirlwinds dissipate
Monsters: Skylord Moravar, Samaa, 2 djinn wind- Greetings, master!”
and her gargoyle allies flee.
bows, 3 djinn thunderers, 1 djinn stormsword. The mightiest-looking and most richly dressed djinn
nods to Samaa, then turns his attention to you. “I claim
this tower as the first spoils of my new empire. Relinquish
it, and I shall leave you alive.”

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Unfriendly Skies

Skylord Moravar, Level 26 Elite Controller M Wind Strike (weapon) F At-Will 2 Djinn Windbows Level 22 Skirmisher
Djinn Caliph (Leader) Effect: Moravar uses falchion, flies up to his speed, then uses Large elemental humanoid (air) XP 4,150 each
Large elemental humanoid (air) XP 18,000 falchion again. HP 204; Bloodied 102 Initiative +21
HP 482; Bloodied 241 Initiative +19 C Subjugating Shout (psychic, thunder) F Recharge 5 6 AC 36, Fortitude 33, Reflex 34, Will 33 Perception +15
AC 40, Fortitude 37, Reflex 38, Will 39 Perception +20 Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +29 vs. Fortitude Speed 6, fly 8 (hover) Blindsight 10
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover) Blindsight 10 Hit: 3d10 + 22 psychic and thunder damage, and the target Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 thunder
Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 thunder is dazed (save ends). Standard Actions
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 First Failed Saving Throw: The target is also weakened (save m Slash of Thunder (thunder) F At-Will
Traits ends both). Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +27 vs. AC
O Favorable Winds F Aura 5 Minor Actions Hit: 2d10 + 19 thunder damage.
Allies in the aura do not provoke opportunity attacks with Sandstorm Aura F Encounter r Windbow (weapon) F At-Will
their ranged attacks. Moravar can slide any enemy that Effect: Until the end of Moravar’s next turn, Moravar and Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +27 vs. AC
starts its turn in the aura up to 3 squares. allies in his favorable winds aura gain partial concealment. Hit: 2d10 + 19 damage.
Standard Actions Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 15 damage. R Brutal Zephyr (thunder) F Recharge 5 6
m Falchion (weapon) F At-Will Sustain Minor: The effect persists until the end of Moravar’s Attack: Ranged 30 (one creature); +25 vs. Reflex
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +31 vs. AC next turn. Hit: 2d12 + 19 thunder damage.
Hit: 2d10 + 23 damage, or 6d10 + 43 damage if Mora- Skills Bluff +27, Diplomacy +27, Insight +25 Miss: The windbow can make the attack a second time
var scores a critical hit, and the target is slowed (save Str 25 (+20) Dex 23 (+19) Wis 25 (+20) against a target within 10 squares of the first target. If
ends). Con 25 (+20) Int 26 (+21) Cha 29 (+22) the second attack hits or misses, the power ends.
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead immobilized Alignment evil Languages Common, Primordial Triggered Actions
(save ends). Equipment falchion C Blowback (thunder) F Encounter
Trigger: An enemy scores a critical hit against the windbow.
Attack (Free Action): Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst);
If the adventurers surrender the tower, Moravar Crosswinds: Updrafts and crosswinds blow
+25 vs. Reflex
descends to the ground, forces the characters off, then between the jagged motes to partly hold up falling Hit: 3d10 + 18 thunder damage, and the windbow pushes
soars off into the sky. Otherwise, the Skylord, Samaa, creatures. Whenever a creature falls, it falls no more the target up to 5 squares.
and the other djinns attack. than 25 feet per round until it has descended more Effect: The windbow gains 1 action point.
than 200 feet. If it is still falling at that point, the Skills Bluff +23, Insight +20
creature falls normally to the ground 500 feet below. Str 24 (+18) Dex 27 (+19) Wis 19 (+15)
Lightning Motes: The surface of each mote is Con 20 (+16) Int 22 (+17) Cha 24 (+18)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Primordial
TOWER ALTERATIONS covered with elementally resonant crystals. The ritual
Equipment longbow, 20 arrows
When Emeth performs the ritual, thundercloud tower has caused more energy to be released from the light-
gains the following improvements. ning motes. Any nonelemental creature that ends
movement abilities use those powers to cause charac-
F Speed improves to fly 10 (hover). its turn on a mote’s surface now takes 30 lightning
ters to fall from the tower or the earthmotes.
F The tower’s attack power can be used up to twice damage.
The thunderers and the windbows stay at range
per encounter. Tactics: Samaa’s sphinx’s foresight benefits her
to attack the adventurers, though they remain in
F All defenses of the tower increase by 2. allies, the djinns, in this fight. She harasses the adven-
Moravar’s aura if they can. Moravar and the storm-
F Any creature that is attuned to the tower’s control turers and Emeth with pounce, using frightful roar at
sword engage the characters in melee and protect
circle and starts its turn there gains a +2 power every opportunity. Her aim is to make sure that Mora-
their ranged allies. The Skylord uses sandstorm aura to
bonus to attack rolls with thunder powers and var survives.
shroud the top of the tower as he slides melee charac-
lightning powers during that turn. Each djinn starts combat flying adjacent to
ters out of position for their attacks.
or above an earthmote, with the thunderers far-
Skylord Moravar is too confident to retreat from
thest from the party. Any djinns that have forced
mere mortals. His subjects, on the other hand, lose

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Unfriendly Skies

3 Djinn Thunderers Level 20 Artillery Djinn Stormsword Level 24 Soldier powerful enemies might someday seek to claim the
Large elemental humanoid (air) XP 2,800 each Large elemental humanoid (air) XP 6,050 magic vessel for themselves. But that is a story for
HP 146; Bloodied 73 Initiative +16 HP 222; Bloodied 111 Initiative +21 another day.
AC 34, Fortitude 34, Reflex 32, Will 32 Perception +16 AC 40, Fortitude 38, Reflex 36, Will 36 Perception +19
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover) Blindsight 10 Speed 6, fly 8 (hover) Blindsight 10
About the Author
Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 thunder Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 lightning, 15 thunder
Doug Hyatt is the author of several recent articles in Dragon
Standard Actions Standard Actions and Dungeon magazines, and he is a computational biolo-
m Scepter (weapon) F At-Will m Scimitar (weapon) F At-Will
gist living in Tennessee. In his spare time, he enjoys chess,
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +25 vs. AC Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +29 vs. AC
­Dominion, and Magic: The Gathering®. You can follow him on
Hit: 2d8 + 18 damage. Hit: 2d10 + 21 damage, or 6d10 + 41 damage if the storm-
Twitter as @doug_hyatt.
A Thunderburst (thunder) F At-Will sword scores a critical hit. Additionally, the stormsword
Attack: Area burst 2 within 20 (creatures in the burst); +25 marks the target until the end of the stormsword’s next
vs. Fortitude turn. Chris Sims
Hit: 1d10 + 16 thunder damage, and the target is dazed R Spinning Vortex (cold, thunder) F Recharge 6
until the end of the thunderer’s next turn. Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +27 vs. Reflex Editor
A Imperious Thunder (thunder) F Encounter Hit: 4d12 + 18 cold and thunder damage, and the target is Scott Fitzgerald Gray
Attack: Area burst 2 within 20 (creatures in the burst); +25 immobilized (save ends).
vs. Reflex C Whirlwind Dervish (lightning, thunder) F Recharge Managing Editors
Hit: 2d10 + 5 thunder damage, and ongoing 15 thunder when an enemy scores a critical hit against the stormsword Kim Mohan, Miranda Horner
damage (save ends). Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst); +29 vs. AC
Miss: Ongoing 15 thunder damage (save ends). Hit: 4d8 + 18 lightning and thunder damage. Development and Editing Lead
Minor Actions Minor Actions Jeremy Crawford
Zephyr Step (teleportation) F Recharge 6 R Come to Me F At-Will (1/round)
Effect: The thunderer teleports up to 20 squares. Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +27 vs. Fortitude Senior Producer
Triggered Actions Hit: The stormsword pulls the target up to 5 squares.
Christopher Perkins
C Rage of Storms (thunder) F Encounter Skills Bluff +22, Insight +24
Trigger: An enemy scores a critical hit against the Str 28 (+21) Dex 25 (+19) Wis 25 (+19)
Greg Bilsland, Stan!
thunderer. Con 22 (+18) Int 19 (+16) Cha 20 (+17)
Attack (Free Action): Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst); Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Primordial Senior Creative Director
+23 vs. Reflex Equipment scimitar Jon Schindehette
Hit: 3d10 + 14 thunder damage, and the thunderer pushes
the target up to 5 squares. Art Director
Effect: The thunderer gains 1 action point.
Skills Insight +21
Conclusion Kate Irwin

Str 26 (+18) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 23 (+16) When the characters have defeated Moravar and Illustrator
Con 20 (+15) Int 21 (+15) Cha 19 (+14) Claudio Pozas
Samaa, Emeth requests additional assistance in
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Primordial
gathering samples from the crystalline earthmotes. Cartographer
Equipment scepter (mace)
Although the ritual didn’t summon the storm as he Mike Schley
expected, Emeth believes his master might appreciate
having some pieces of the Sea of Tarukk to examine. Digital Studio Consultant
heart and flee if he is slain. Only Samaa stays to fight
Daniel Helmick
on, flying into a murderous rage and attempting to The wizard also asks the adventurers for a ride back
slay the character who landed the killing blow on to the giant lord’s hold. Publishing Production Manager
Moravar. As word spreads of the adventurers’ deeds, Angie Lokotz
the legend of thundercloud tower grows. Other

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Demonomicon of Iggwilv
the Marauder
By Brian R. James and Todd Stewart
Illustration by Tony Foti

Shemeshka the Marauder is as much a fixture of the Sigil, known to planar explorers as the Cage or the
extraplanar metropolis of Sigil as its portals, smog, City of Doors, is a mind-bending, fantastic place—a
and razorvine. The “King of the Cross-Trade” is some- bustling and cosmopolitan planar city built on the
thing of a paragon of her kind, and she is curiously inner rim of a giant torus. A neutral meeting ground
unique. She combines a raavasta’s moral depravity of otherwise fractious powers, philosophies, and
with the golden veneer of a pampered and cultured religions, Sigil paradoxically claims to be the center
noble—and she possesses all the arrogant pretension of the cosmos yet exists in no truly defined place. Its
of both. Yet, a noble is unlikely to slay a peasant with innumerable portals lead to all corners of the mul-
a whisper and a twitch of her fingers, or to send the tiverse, yet gods and other equally powerful entities
peasant’s severed head home in a box with a bill for are barred from Sigil by the city’s enigmatic ruler, the
the cleaning of her bloodstained dress. Lady of Pain. She keeps the peace and banishes trou-
blemakers to perish in extradimensional mazes.
T he Cage Shemeshka the Marauder is a fixture in the Cage.
Buying and selling secrets and souls, she has a hand
Everything is a game to Shemeshka. She has been in the in virtually everything that happens in Sigil through
Cage longer than almost any other entity still alive there, her network of spies and informers. The Marauder
and her position is secure enough that only the Lady of surrounds herself with the trappings of wealth and
Pain could topple her easily. Perhaps excepting A’kin the luxury, but such pleasures mean little compared to
Friendly Fiend—an enigma in his own right—she has no her lust for secrets and her ability to use those secrets
rivals but for the ones she creates, or those she allows to to control and manipulate those around her.
rise and fall again in cycles that might be centuries long. It Shemeshka is utterly amoral, and she is a liar
amuses her. But if it’s all just a grand game, what real and above all else. She views other creatures as her play-
tangible goal has Shemeshka set her mind set upon? And is things. The reward for dealing with Shemeshka can
it in Sigil or not? be tremendous, but her bargains always come at
—The Demonomicon of Iggwilv great cost. In the end, the Marauder neither seeks
control for its own sake, nor covets the destruction

TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Shemeshka the Marauder

in Sigil besides the Lady of Pain. The reach of her

painted claws extends far beyond the Cage, and
Explore The City Shemeshka controls plots in her home in the Abyss’s Shemeshka in Combat
of Doors Blood Rift and across the planes. If provoked into combat, Shemeshka prefers to attack
Sigil first appeared in the AD&D 2nd Edition Pla-
® As is true of all raavastas, Shemeshka’s true form from afar, employing a variety of charm and psychic
nescape® Campaign Setting as the iconic center of
is that of a jackal- or fox-headed humanoid. Unlike attacks while her fiendish groom guardians swarm in
the cosmology of the Dungeons & Dragons® game. many of her kin, however, the Marauder flaunts her for the kill. When advantageous, Shemeshka changes
Updated for both 3rd Edition and 4th Edition Dun- natural form. No savage beast reeking of brimstone forms to employ her alternate powers and abilities.
geons & Dragons, the City of Doors has been most and blood, Shemeshka prides herself on her appear- The Marauder takes particular delight in masquerad-
recently explored in Dungeon Master’s Guide® 2, which ance. She coifs her hair in the latest fashion and ing as her rival, A’kin the Friendly Fiend.
offers a dossier on the bustling planar metropolis and lightly scents her furred flesh with perfume. She also Shemeshka’s full statistics are in Demonomicon,
its enigmatic ruler, the Lady of Pain. wears a king’s ransom in jewels about her neck, ears, page 92.
and fingers. Contrasting her resplendent selection of
gowns is a tangled circlet of living razorvine perched
atop her head. Some say the circlet subtly mocks
and carnage worshiped by other demons. Shemeshka the Lady of Pain’s bladed mane, even as this wicked
crown reminds others of the Marauder’s status as
A Lost Past
wants a perfect world—one in which everyone and With the aid of secret operatives, powerful wishes,
everything suffers. King of the Cross-Trade.
and other reality-altering magic, Shemeshka has
A gaggle of sycophants usually surrounds Shem-
erased all knowledge of her past prior to her first
A Fiendish H eritage eshka, and individuals within the group help clear
her path, fill her goblet, keep away unwanted peti-
appearance in the Cage. Even the fanatically detail-
obsessed scribes within the Tower of the Raavastas
Shemeshka’s public appearance is a duality of grace and tioners, brush her fur, and hold aloft the mirrors in
are at a loss to explain how the records of Shemesh-
mercurial sadism. Many no doubt believe that she hides the which she constantly admires herself. Though they
ka’s past mysteriously vanished from their vaults—a
snarling fiend under a mask of social gentility, but that is might appear to be simple toadies, Shemeshka’s trim
fact they won’t readily admit.
far too obvious and simple for her. As such, I wonder if both and well-dressed guards are all thieves, spies, and
Shemeshka foments speculation regarding her
countenances are equally false and undertaken for the sake assassins of the highest training.
past to add to her mystique. Some say that she origi-
of appearance, each timed for the best effect like a grand When Shemeshka appears in public, she looks and
nally was sent to Sigil as a handpicked representative
stage persona. What lurks behind both the regal elegance acts the perfect ideal of a noble of the highest caliber:
of Phraxas, the ruler of the Blood Rift. When she was
and the spoiled, bloodthirsty madness is something much refined, majestic, and regal. Those granted an audience
inside and isolated from her master and the politics of
colder, much more malicious, and far more calculating find her interested in what they have to say, and most
the Abyss, Shemeshka betrayed him, selling her ser-
than Shemeshka and her already devious kind are nor- barely recognize her as a soulless fiend. Even so, Shem-
vices to the highest bidder and carving out power of
mally given credit for. eshka is known for sudden fits, snarling rages, and
her own.
—The Demonomicon of Iggwilv sadistic piques that end in bloodshed. After her anger
Shemeshka is also rumored to be the unwanted
abates, attendants drag the offending presence away,
and abandoned child of Larsdana Ap Neut, an
The shapechanging raavastas are cerebral and amoral and before long she is back to sipping wine or gazing
ancient, ferociously powerful, and long-vanished
manipulators. Shemeshka the Marauder is little dif- into a mirror as she paints her lips, utterly uncaring of
raavasta sorcerer who designed and constructed the
ferent, although to compare her to other raavastas the blood she has spilled. Those that truly displease her
Tower of the Raavastas. Still other rumors paint an
would be like comparing a bonfire to a candle. Far end up vanishing, their private lives and public repu-
altogether prosaic picture of the fiend as nothing out
removed from her kin, Shemeshka the Marauder is tations destroyed, or their soulless corpses left out as
of the ordinary for her kind, with little to differenti-
arguably the most powerful and influential figure warnings to others who would cross the Marauder.
ate her from legions of raavasta scribes, sorcerers,

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Shemeshka the Marauder

and contract-binders. Rather than hiding some pro- skilled—or the brave and ignorant—to work for her). hands of cards, games of dice, and a spin at the gam-
found secret or crime, Shemeshka might have buried The Council of Innkeepers, the Arcane Brotherhood, bling house’s namesake wheel.
her past simply to soothe an ego that couldn’t accept the Builder’s Fellowship, the Mortuary Guild, and Crafted from the iron rim of an enormous wheel
having once been less than she is now. others are more divided in their loyalties. pulled from a marut war machine, the Fortune’s
Wheel is gilded and adorned with ivory nails carved
King of the Cross-Trade The Fortune’s Wheel of baphitaur horns. The wheel is mounted vertically
and spun until a clicking strip of boiled leather brings
Shemeshka directly oversees or indirectly influences One of Shemeshka’s landmark businesses and favor- it to a stop, indicating a square between two of the
hundreds of business ventures (most of them unlaw- ite haunts is the Fortune’s Wheel, a well-known nails. Bets are placed and paid off on a wooden table
ful), operates scores of illegal markets throughout the Sigil tavern, inn, and gambling house. Located in set before the wheel. The odds are terrible, but some
Cage, and uses her various proxies to influence every the heart of the Lady’s Ward, Fortune’s Wheel is the bubber (the down-and-out of the City of Doors) will
major guild and political body in Sigil. city’s premier social hot spot. The house is run by an always be desperate to try for the golden square and
The Mutual Trade Association represents many of underworld organization known as the Knights of the its 1,000-to-1 payout. Alternatively, some patrons
Sigil’s businesses, and it was formed by Shemeshka, Cross-Trade, with Shemeshka ensconced as its leader. place the minimum 10 gp bet for a try at the Mage’s
the reclusive storm giant entrepreneur Zadara, and Prize—a random relic imbued with arcane power.
a powerful oni mage known as Estavan. Since its Common Room The Mage’s Prize is changed out every ten days.
formation, Shemeshka has become the organiza- Every inch as opulent as a king’s audience chamber,
tion’s de facto leader. The Marauder also commands the Wheel’s tavern common room is plush and spa- Fortune’s wheel
major influence within the Order of Master Clerks cious. Brisk yet attentive servers flit between finely d100 Color Payout
and Scribes (but faces competition from Jeremo the crafted tables and chairs. A great vaulted ceiling 1–79 Black None
Natterer), the Runner and Escort Guild (run by Kylie looms overhead, adorned with colorful murals depict- 80–89 Red 1 to 1
the Tout), the Entertainer’s Guild (run by a renegade ing storied events from Sigil’s history. 90–96 Green 3 to 1
succubus formerly of the Society of Sensation), and The common room’s signature feature is the enor- 97–99 Silver Mage’s Prize
the nascent Adventurer’s Guild (used to recruit the mous dragon’s head that arches over the bar. Though 00 Roll a d10:
it appears to be a carving at first glance, the dragon 1–9 Green 3 to 1
head turns to address newcomers in the Draconic 10 Gold 1,000 to 1
tongue. Those familiar with the physiology of dragon-
Kylie the Tout kind recognize this creature as a shadow dragon. Shemeshka’s Court
Patrons who become overly boisterous are kindly Shemeshka can observe the action around the For-
This red-haired, charismatic young tiefling heads
asked to leave and never return. If that request goes tune’s Wheel from the balcony of her public chamber
up the Runner’s and Escort’s Guild. Shemeshka
unheeded, the perpetrator is shackled before the on the gambling house’s second floor. Here, the King
protected her for decades from the previous guild-
dragon’s maw and either devoured by the dragon or of the Cross-Trade takes audience with those canny
master, Autochon, who owed the Marauder his life by
enveloped by the wyrm’s caustic breath attack. Such or naive enough to attract her attention. Shemeshka
way of circumstances she originally arranged. Upon
unpleasantness is thankfully rare, however, with the doesn’t require sleep, and her illicit business dealings
Autochon’s death, Shemeshka turned the guild over
dragon preferring to regale patrons at the bar with begin in the evening and carry on well into the early
to Kylie. Many wonder why Shemeshka continually
tales of its adventures. hours of the following day.
favors the mercurial tiefling rather than discarding
her as she does every other pawn, to which some When Shemeshka desires solitude, she retires
Games of Chance to her private chambers within the Azure Iris, the
whisper that Kylie is nothing less than the raavasta’s
own daughter. The Wheel has several public chambers dedicated small inn nestled atop the Fortune’s Wheel. The inn’s
to games of chance. Here, the bloods (Sigil’s profes- rooms are magically warded, and the privacy and
sionals and experts) come to mingle with the elite for

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Shemeshka the Marauder

security of its clientele are guaranteed. A tall standing

mirror in Shemeshka’s room speaks to the raavasta’s
A’kin the Friendly Fiend know about—everyone in Sigil, and he can put people
dangerously at ease despite the soft scent of brim-
Perpetually smiling, courteous, and pleasant to be
great vanity, but it also serves as a portal to a private stone and ash that lingers around him.
around, the raavasta proprietor of the eponymous
demiplane containing a small tower overlooking a
Lower Ward magic shop the Friendly Fiend stands in
perpetually smoldering, flame-ravaged forest. (This
planar refuge is said to be one of the Lady of Pain’s
stark contrast to Shemeshka. Chatty and possessing Archdegog Kaugothirn
an eclectic and rare selection of objects for sale— Long before first setting up shop in Sigil, Shemeshka
abandoned mazes, altered and mapped through cen-
including portal keys, magic items, and expensive helped aid the rebellion that saw Phraxas deposed
turies of complex rituals.)
bric-a-brac—A’kin takes pride in obtaining and selling as Master of Khin-Oin, the great tower marking the
Shemeshka also maintains portals leading to other
a visitor’s heart’s desire at a fair price. Most such visi- entrance to the Abyss’s Blood Rift. Now that the Lord
private locations in Sigil and the Blood Rift. The
tors can’t shake the feeling that the raavasta merchant of Misery and Despair has reclaimed his throne,
former include an abandoned mansion within the
seems just a little too friendly—and too deft at pull- Shemeshka is particularly keen to avoid attracting his
Lady’s Ward, a torture chamber buried in the Slags
ing information from them. Rumors spin the notion attention (despite having had a role in returning him
district of the Hive Ward, and the ruined demonic
that A’kin is in bed with Shemeshka—metaphorically to power). Even as she does, though, she maintains an
Temple of Darkness deep within Undersigil. The
and literally—but saying so publicly is liable to cause informant within Phraxas’s own inner circle.
dream-reading artifact known as the Nightmare
Shemeshka to take terrible revenge. The Marauder’s primary contact in Khin-Oin is
Shaft that once occupied the temple’s halls likely now
Much like Shemeshka, A’kin has been in Sigil as the ultrodemon Kaugothirn, Archdegog of the Priory
resides in another of Shemeshka’s demesnes.
long as anyone can remember. To this day, none know of Rot. Kaugothirn is bound to Shemeshka’s service
if the two raavastas cooperate in some loose fashion
Power Brokers or virulently hate each other. A’kin declines to speak
through a powerful geas of which the archdegog is
wholly unaware. Shemeshka uses her influence over
Shemeshka’s would-be rivals don’t stay rivals for long. They ill of Shemeshka, though it is widely assumed that the ultrodemon sparingly so as to not arouse undue
dance to her choreographed designs to either become tools, she was responsible for burning his shop down three suspicion.
allies of convenience, exiles from Sigil, or names in the dead times in the past century. Additionally, Shemeshka Shemeshka has designs to personally infiltrate
book. Of course, nothing is ever traced back to her hand and has attacked and even murdered creatures for simply a second sacred and impenetrable stronghold—the
its painted, poisoned claws. The Marauder acts through mentioning A’kin’s name in her presence. Tower of the Raavastas on the Plain of a Thousand
layers of proxies that rarely realize they follow her orders. Many believe that both raavastas are engaged in Portals. To gain entry, she first needs to reacquire a
That isn’t to say that Shemeshka doesn’t have enemies, but an elaborate act, since their business connects so talisman she stole from one of her underworld rivals—
those who fall into that category typically rage at her from often below the surface of a dozen otherwise dispa- the Torc of Bin A’kin. More information on Shemeshka
outside Sigil or are kept as close to her as possible. rate plots. A’kin certainly doesn’t act evil, nor does and her dealings with Archdegog Kaugothirn is in
—The Demonomicon of Iggwilv he register as evil to magical detection (though all Demonomicon, page 88, which features a short delve
raavastas are said to be able to hide their true natures for 20th-level adventurers.
Shemeshka’s allies are often her greatest rivals, that way). Yet looking deeper, one can see that the Appearance: Like many ultrodemons,
and she treats them like a skilled gambler treats merchant is hiding something. If anyone understands Kaugothirn is tall and emaciated, with a large coni-
her cards—always held close and carefully hidden. Shemeshka, it’s the enigmatic and ever-smiling A’kin, cal skull and wisps of chartreuse vapor emanating
Some of her servants despise her even as they follow whatever their relationship might be. from his vacant eye sockets. Beneath tattered and
her lead, dancing toward destruction of their own Appearance: A’kin might be any other sandy- worm-eaten robes, his skin is brittle and sickly with
making. Some are allies of convenience, while others brown raavasta, dressed in robes of speckled teal, jaundice. As with all the archdegogs of the Priory of
follow their own enlightened self-interest. All know gold, and black—except that he seems almost unnatu- Rot, Kaugothirn’s skull is adorned with long curved
full well that the Marauder will eventually attempt to rally happy. He always smiles, his golden eyes bright horns resembling those of a ram.
lay them low. as he eagerly makes small talk while tending to his
customers’ concerns. A’kin appears to know—and

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Shemeshka the Marauder

Estavan the Merchant Lord designs of unfathomable significance, and the ornate
walking stick he carries is actually a magic polearm
of silver, and a perpetual scowl marks his features.
His piercing blue eyes betray a still-fierce intellect
As the most prominent representative of the Planar
known as a naginata. and a keen desire to one day exact his revenge on
Trade Consortium in Sigil, Estavan takes an interest
in the city’s largest commercial transactions. After
arranging for the disappearance of Estavan’s prede- Ramander the Wise
cessor, Shemeshka secured the allegiance of the oni A powerful human wizard and self-styled “Master of Satugla the Grand Assessor
mage merchant lord, though he is no mere puppet. Portals,” Ramander once located many choice por- With the Blood War between devils and demons in a
Estavan keeps an office in the Clerk’s Ward, tals in Sigil. After purchasing the land they stood on, state of uneasy truce, Shemeshka’s raavasta kin have
though, from the outside, it doesn’t appear to be a he charged a nominal fee for the use of he portals—a transformed the Blood Rift. That vast canyon cutting
place where an oni mage could work comfortably. thing forbidden by the Lady of Pain. Often seen as through the infinite layers of the Abyss has become
The stairs up to the second-floor office are narrow, Shemeshka’s apprentice, Ramander long enjoyed the a vital artery of demonic commerce. Carved into the
and the door at the top of the stairs was designed for Marauder’s protection as the two engaged in a decade- walls of the Blood Rift at the base of Khin-Oin is the
human-sized creatures. Inside the well-appointed long partnership, with Shemeshka providing advice beating heart of abyssal trade—a boomtown of avarice
office, however, the lavish furnishings are crafted and goading him closer to incurring the Lady’s wrath. and debauchery known as Morglon-Daar.
to match the oni’s large frame. The merchant lord is Ramander vanished into thin air one night along Shemeshka has made inroads with several of the
rarely seen outside his office, and he is never spotted with his manor in the Lady’s Ward. His mazing came lords that govern this abyssal cesspool, but she prefers
on the streets of Sigil. Most suspect that a bronze door after hosting Shemeshka for the evening, at which to entreat with the Grand Assessor whenever possi-
in his office serves as a portal to remote destinations time he expected an expansion of their business and ble. As Blightlord of the Spray (one of Morglon-Daar’s
throughout the cosmos. personal relationship. With convenient prescience, five regions), Satugla is aware of nearly every crea-
Estavan can be ostentatious, manipulative, and the fiend left before the Lady of Pain consigned ture and vessel that passes in and out of the city. His
merciless if it suits him, but he can also be a power- Ramander to his fate—and she had Ramander’s log- extensive network of spies and informants makes the
ful friend and ally for characters who stay on his good book of portal locations and keys in hand. The deeds Grand Assessor a valuable asset for Shemeshka and
side. He is meticulous and uncaring in his business to his holdings were transferred to Shemeshka’s name her schemes.
dealings, snapping up or shuttering rival businesses upon his presumed death. At the Marauder’s behest, Satugla’s agents have
by the dozen. Ramander still lives, however, trapped in his begun smuggling lesser yugoloths out of Morglon-
Through Estavan, Shemeshka hopes to one day personal maze, powerless and cognizant of the Daar to a remote corner of the Blood Rift. There, the
bend the Planar Trade Consortium to her will. Marauder’s betrayal. Having discovered a portal into demons are conscripted into the service of Bavamach,
Unknown even to the Marauder, Estavan is secretly his prison, Shemeshka occasionally sends mock- Archgeneral of the Blood Rift. A legendary com-
aligned with the Fraternity of Order—an organization ing love letters to torment him further. For his part, mander grown frustrated by the peace of the Blood
of high-minded lawmakers who seek to extinguish Ramander perpetually seeks the exit, and he has War, Bavamach is said to have designs on an assault
chaos from the universe. As Shemeshka manipulates recently discovered a way to send messages out— on Khin-Oin meant to depose Phraxas.
Estavan to further her own schemes, Estavan works either seeking to arrange his revenge or asking for Appearance: Shemeshka rarely lacks for physical
subtly to steer the Marauder according to his own help to make his escape. companionship, but she finds Satugla’s rakish charm
agenda. It remains to be seen whose machinations Appearance: A human of average height and and striking comeliness particularly irresistible. Like
will win out in the end. build, Ramander stands out only by virtue of the Shemeshka, Satugla is a well-groomed, jackal-headed
Appearance: Estavan, an eleven-foot-tall oni, is ostentatious number of magic rings, amulets, and raavasta with short, nearly pitch-black fur. His eyes
rarely seen by those who have no business with him. Ioun stones on his person, and by the bejeweled magic are amber orbs, bright and without pupils. Scars
Those who do know him recognize the merchant lord staff he carries. Age and imprisonment have taken crisscross his bare, muscular chest; the Grand Asses-
by his red silk kimono and flashy gold necklace. His their toll on his once-handsome appearance. His long sor covers his lower extremities with a sarong crafted
polished horns and ornate ivory tusks are carved with black hair and close-cropped beard show streaks of the finest silk.

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Shemeshka the Marauder

Shylara the Manged to hide the constant smell of fresh blood that hangs
about her like an acrid, cloying perfume.
Shemeshka’s history of apprentices, close business
Shylara’s erratic, gilded madness dances in her
partners, and consorts reads like a dead book appen-
luminous emerald eyes. She hates the Marauder even
dix of the especially powerful and naive. A fellow
as she desires her, desperate to change her fate as
raavasta from the Blood Rift, Shylara served as both
Shemeshka’s miserable, discarded creation.
the Marauder’s apprentice and public consort sev-
eral centuries ago. As pompously vain as Shemeshka,
About the Authors
Shylara was dismissed and cursed by the Marauder’s Brian R. James lives in the Seattle area with his wife, four
sadistic jealousy awhile ago. Shylara’s cursed flesh children, and house full of geek paraphernalia. His game
incessantly itches with a supernatural mange, thus design credits include The Grand History of the Realms™,
granting Shemeshka’s former paramour her title and Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead™, Demonomicon™, Monster
nickname. Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale ™, and Menzoberranzan: City of
Since parting ways and losing her status as a Intrigue ™. Follow Brian online at twitter.com/brianrjames.
favored student and consort, Shylara obsesses over
Todd Stewart is a scientist during the day and author by
the Marauder. Still infatuated with her former mis- night, lairing in Raleigh, NC, with two cats and his equally-if-
tress, she doesn’t so much seek revenge as a chance to not-more-nerdy better half. His game design credits include
prove herself worthy. The Great Beyond: A Guide to the Multiverse, Undead Revisited,
Shylara primarily dwells in the Tower of Incarnate and Book of the Damned III: Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as well
Pain, on the boundary between the Blood Rift and as multiple articles for Dragon and Dungeon magazines.
the abyssal realm of Pazunia. She moves between
Developer Producers
there and other realms in the Abyss as her business
Matt Sernett Greg Bilsland, Stan!
compels her, but Sigil remains the overwhelming
focus of her attention. Spurned, jealous, and unques- Editor Senior Creative Director
tionably insane, Shylara sends agents into the City Scott Fitzgerald Gray Jon Schindehette
of Doors to push and probe at Shemeshka’s plots.
Managing Editors Art Director
Shylara pays for rumors, desperate as she is to follow Kim Mohan, Miranda Kate Irwin
her former mentor’s every move. She has a standing Horner
offer for the Marauder’s head, to which Shemeshka Illustrator
retaliated with a similar offer for her former protege’s. Development and Editing Tony Foti
Shemeshka offered only half the bounty, a point not Lead
Jeremy Crawford Digital Studio Consultant
lost on the infuriated Shylara. Daniel Helmick
Appearance: Unlike the perfectly groomed and Senior Producer
shining appearance of Shemeshka’s coppery fur, Christopher Perkins Publishing Production
Shylara’s pelt is a bloody, mangy mess of weeping Manager
Angie Lokotz
sores, bare patches, and self-inflicted wounds from
her incessant scratching. Illusions largely hide her
condition, and she dresses in exotic finery like her
mentor as she overcompensates for her true appear-
ance. Shylara’s look often borders on the scandalously
revealing. Her profound and delusional vanity fails

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Prey for
By Christopher Perkins
Illustrations by Matt Dixon
Cartography by Mike Schley

“Prey for Smiley Bob” is a Dungeons & Dragons®

adventure designed for 1st-level characters. The story
takes place in Harkenwold, a barony in the Nentir
Vale (see the Dungeon Master’s Kit™ for more informa-
tion). However, the adventure can be located in any
area of a campaign world where halflings, goblins,
and bears are found.

Riverslye Homestead is a halfling commune (popula-
tion 33) located near the White River in the Barony
of Harkenwold. For years, the halflings have coex-
isted peacefully with a ferocious bear they call Smiley
Bob. This neighborly accommodation came about
after an encounter between Bob and a halfling adven-
turer named Reed Tinderfoot, who severely wounded
the bear with his sword. The scar the bear earned in
that fight stretches from the corner of its mouth to its
ear, giving its face the semblance of a smile.
Until recently, Smiley Bob has avoided the half-
lings. Twice in the past week, however, the bear has

TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Prey for Smiley Bob

sneaked onto the homestead, grabbed a halfling by To start, read: the recent attacks. Prior to the abductions, the
the britches, and taken off with its prize. You’ve been killing time in Albridge, a village that stands River­slye halflings had no issues with their ursine
along the King’s Road where it crosses the White River in neighbor.
A dventure Synopsis the barony of Harkenwold. The village elder, a hale and
white-haired old half ling named Gerrad, has put out a
✦ The halflings call the bear Smiley Bob because
of its scar, which stretches from one corner of the
The halflings of Riverslye Homestead hire the adven- call for adventurers. Two miles west of Albridge is a small bear’s mouth to its left ear. From a certain point
turers to deal with the bear in whatever manner they half ling commune called Riverslye Homestead. In the of view, the grievous wound looks like a ghastly
deem appropriate. The adventure assumes that the past week, a bear has attacked the homestead twice, and smile.
heroes agree to undertake this major quest. the half ­lings have asked Gerrad to send help. Though he
✦ Smiley Bob lives in an abandoned windmill two
Smiley Bob inhabits an old windmill some two doesn’t know how much coin the commune has to offer,
miles from the homestead. Upon arriving at the miles southwest of the homestead. The old wind-
Gerrad also promises free food and lodging for a month in
windmill, the adventurers quickly learn what’s really mill sits atop a grassy hill and isn’t hard to find.
Albridge if you agree to help the Riverslye half lings solve
going on. A gang of Daggerburg goblins has recently their bear problem.
moved into the area. By dressing up as halflings, the The halflings urge the adventurers to deal with
goblins have trained Smiley Bob to snatch halflings Smiley Bob in whatever way seems most appropriate
If the heroes agree to help, read:
and bring them back to the windmill. A few goblins to them. Because they all share an affinity for nature,
You follow the river west for two miles, to a point where its
were sacrificed as part of the training process, but the the people of the homestead are loath to suggest that
south bank rises into five grassy hillocks. The small hills
results speak for themselves. the bear be killed, though they accept that this might
have been hollowed out to form quaint little cottages, and
Ultimately, the adventurers must deal with the gob- be the only way to keep the commune safe.
the entire homestead is surrounded on the west, south, and
lins and their devious leader, a goblin ranger named The halfling families have pooled their money,
east sides by a four-foot-high wall of neatly piled rocks. Sev-
Tarpoo. Smiley Bob is another matter. The bear pres- and they offer to pay the adventurers a total of 100 gp
eral rafts and boats line the shore of the river to the north.
ents a deadly challenge for a 1st-level party, but the for their help. This amount can be increased to 150
Families of half lings go about their chores in small
adventurers don’t have to fight or kill the animal to gp with a DC 13 Bluff check, Diplomacy check, or
groups. A few others stand watch behind the rock wall.
complete their quest. In fact, if the characters are Intimidate check.
As you arrive, the half lings stop what they’re doing and
clever, they might convince Smiley Bob to join them. approach. They seem eager to meet you. MAJOR QUEST: DEAL WITH SMILEY BOB
1st-level Major Quest (100 XP/character)
E ncounters The heroes can learn the following information by The characters complete this quest by ensuring
talking to the halflings of Riverslye Homestead. that Smiley Bob no longer poses a threat to the half-
This adventure is divided into five encounters.
✦ Twice in the past week, a bear known as Smiley lings of Riverslye Homestead.
Bob has attacked the homestead. On each occa-
Encounter 1: Riverslye sion, the bear snatched a halfling and trundled off
Encounter 2: Old Windmill
Roleplaying Encounter before it could be confronted. The first victim, a
precocious halfling boy named Happy Shoals, was Combat Encounter Level 1 (150 XP)
The adventure begins when the heroes arrive at taken three days ago. The second victim, a female
Riverslye Homestead. They learn of the halflings’ halfling named Punkin Rockhucker, was taken The heroes’ search for Smiley Bob leads to an old
troublesome neighbor and receive a quest. yesterday. windmill and an encounter with goblins.
Light: Daylight.
✦ Five years ago, a halfling adventurer named Reed
Monsters: 6 goblin snipers.
Tinderfoot ran afoul of the bear and dealt it a
grievous wound. Since that encounter, the bear
has avoided all contact with halflings up until

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Prey for Smiley Bob

When the party reaches the old windmill, read: ✦ The goblins ate the first halfling prisoner. The
A slouching, dilapidated stone windmill rises atop a rocky second prisoner is still alive in Tarpoo’s quarters
crag ahead. Beneath its torn sails, a wood-framed doorway on the upper floor of the windmill.
stands open. In front of the windmill lurk several small ✦ Tarpoo and several of his flunkies have gone fish-
humanoid creatures with dirty yellow skin and pointy ing, but should be back shortly. When they return,
ears—goblins! They hurl rocks at each other as if playing Tarpoo plans to prepare his famous fish-’n’-half-
some kind of crude game. So far, they haven’t noticed you. ling stew.

The adventurers can approach the windmill from 6 Goblin Snipers Level 1 Minion Artillery
any direction. The goblins are in two groups of three Small natural humanoid XP 25 each
each. Both groups are south of the windmill and HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +3
roughly 10 squares apart. AC 13, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12 Perception +1
The goblins are currently without their leader, so Speed 6 Low-light vision
rather than stick to their guard duties, they’ve divided Traits
into teams to play a game they call “hit your pals Sniper
If the goblin misses with a ranged attack while hidden, it
with rocks.” The rocks they hurl at one another aren’t
remains hidden.
thrown with enough force to deal damage. Standard Actions
Each round that passes before combat begins, m Short Sword (weapon) ✦ At-Will
make a single Perception check for the goblins, Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
opposed by the adventurers’ group Stealth check (see Hit: 4 damage.
Rules Compendium™, page 128). If the goblins win r Shortbow (weapon) ✦ At-Will
the opposed check, they notice the adventurers and Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 4 damage.
attack. Every time a goblin drops to 0 hit points, roll a
Triggered Actions
d6. On a roll of 6, any remaining goblins scatter and Goblin Tactics ✦ At-Will
flee down the hillside, never to be seen again. Trigger: The goblin is missed by a melee attack.
The goblins speak Common. If one is captured, the Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
characters can learn the following information. Skills Stealth +8, Thievery +8
Str 13 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
✦ The goblins came from Daggerburg, a fortified
Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
town on the far side of the Harken Forest. (They’re Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
a long way from home.) Their leader, Tarpoo, is Equipment leather armor, short sword, shortbow, 20 arrows
a goblin ranger. The goblins followed the White
River to Harkenwold, where they stumbled upon
the halfling homestead and the old windmill. Encounter 3: Poke the Bear
✦ Tarpoo had the idea to train the bear to kidnap
Combat Encounter Level 1 (500 XP)
halflings. For weeks, Tarpoo made his fellow gob-
lins dress up as halflings and goaded the bear into After they deal with the goblins outside the windmill,
chasing and capturing them. Several goblins were the adventurers can explore the building’s interior.
mauled to death in the process. There they face Smiley Bob and the bear’s goblin
✦ The bear is sleeping inside the windmill, with
Light: Dim light through the open doorway.
three goblins watching him.

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Prey for Smiley Bob

Monsters: 1 bear (Smiley Bob), 3 goblin 3 Goblin Cutthroats Level 1 Skirmisher Bear Level 5 Brute
cutthroats. Small natural humanoid XP 100 each Large natural beast XP 200
HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +5 HP 80; Bloodied 40 Initiative +3
When the heroes can see inside the windmill AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +2 AC 17, Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 16 Perception +3
Speed 6 Low-light vision Speed 8
but have not entered it, read:
Standard Actions Traits
The ground floor of the windmill is a musty, wide-open m Short Sword (weapon) ✦ At-Will Devour
space littered with animal bones and droppings. The old Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Any creature grabbed by the bear at the start of the bear’s
millstone is apparently being used as a crude dining table, Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 2d6 + 5 if the goblin has combat turn takes 1d8 + 5 damage.
judging by the scattering of wooden bowls and leftovers. A advantage against the target. In addition, the goblin can Standard Actions
dirty staircase leads to the upper f loor. Sleeping soundly shift 1 square. Claw ✦ At-Will
near the foot of the stairs is a monstrous bear with a nasty R Dagger (weapon) ✦ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage.
scar across its face. From the shadows, three goblins step
Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage. Bear Grab ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
forward armed with swords. Though they glare at you, they Move Actions Effect: The bear uses claw twice against the same target.
stand as though ready to awaken the bear! Deft Scurry ✦ At-Will If either attack hits, the target falls prone, and the bear
Effect: The goblin shifts up to 3 squares. grabs the target (escape DC 15) if it has fewer than two
The adventurers begin the encounter outside, with Triggered Actions creatures grabbed.
one or more of them near the open doorway. The bear Goblin Tactics ✦ At-Will Str 20 (+7) Dex 13 (+3) Wis 13 (+3)
lies at the foot of the stairs. One goblin stands on the Trigger: The goblin is missed by a melee attack. Con 20 (+7 Int 2 (–2) Cha 12 (+3)
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square. Alignment unaligned Languages —
stairs, while the other two occupy squares adjacent to
Skills Stealth +8, Thievery +8
the millstone. Str 13 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 14 (+2)
These goblins hoped that the guards outside would Con 14 (+2) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1) attack one of the goblins, the bear follows the second
dispatch the intruders. The last thing they want to do Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin command. If such conflicting orders cause Smiley
is wake the bear while Tarpoo isn’t around to help Equipment leather armor, light shield, short sword, 2 daggers Bob to attack no one on its turn (or if no one succeeds
control it. However, given the choice between fighting on a check to direct the bear’s attack), it does nothing
the adventurers or the bear, they prefer to take their
chances with Smiley Bob.
Bear Attack other than look threatening.

Smiley Bob doesn’t really want to hurt anybody. A

To wake Smiley Bob, a goblin must gently poke the
bear with a weapon as a standard action. (The goblins goblin or adventurer can trick the bear into attacking Befriending Smiley Bob
know that any stronger attack capable of damaging or not attacking a specific target. To cause the bear to When the goblins have been dealt with, Smiley Bob
the bear will anger it to the point where it is uncon- attack or not attack a specific target, a creature must just stands there and looks confused. (If the goblins
trollable.) When a goblin pokes the bear, roll a d6. On be within 5 squares of Smiley Bob and succeed on failed to wake the bear during the fight, it rouses in
a roll of 6, the bear awakens. a DC 19 Bluff check, Diplomacy check, Intimidate response to the sound of the last goblin falling.) The
check, or Nature check (a standard action). A charac- characters can try to convince the bear to join their
ter who first offers the equivalent of a day’s rations to ranks. The party must succeed on four DC 15 skill
Features of the Area Smiley Bob (a minor action) gains a +4 bonus to this checks before failing three checks, and must offer
Millstone: The millstone is 2 feet off the ground. check. The goblins have no food to offer the bear. Smiley Bob a gift of food up front. (A dead goblin
Climbing up onto it costs 1 additional square of If two successful skill checks result in Smiley Bob suffices.) The relevant skills are Diplomacy, Intimi-
movement. receiving conflicting instructions, the bear obeys the date, and Nature; other skills might apply, at your
Stairs: The staircase is difficult terrain to ascend. most recent successful check. For example, if a goblin discretion.
persuades Smiley Bob to attack the party’s wizard, Each successful Intimidate check imposes a –2
and then someone in the party convinces the bear to penalty to subsequent checks, since Smiley Bob

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Prey for Smiley Bob

responds poorly to threats. If the party fails and the ✦ Tarpoo and his gang intend to stay until they’ve
bear is not bloodied, it refuses to join the characters captured and eaten all the halflings at Riverslye
and wanders off. If the party fails and the bear is Homestead.
bloodied, it attacks the adventurers and fights until ✦ The goblins ate Happy Shoals, the other halfling
slain. prisoner. Happy was already dead and gone by the
If the characters attempt to befriend Smiley Bob, time Punkin showed up.
the party receives an additional 100 XP as a bonus
✦ Tarpoo keeps a box hidden under a pile of clothes
reward, whether the effort is successful or not.
and wigs in one corner of the room. The box is
easily retrieved and contains the goblins’ shared
Encounter 4: Punkin Stew treasure (see below). The clothes and wigs are
Roleplaying Encounter poorly crafted disguises to make goblins look like
halflings. The goblins used the disguises to train
This short noncombat encounter takes place on the Smiley Bob to attack halflings.
upper floor of the old windmill.
Punkin is terrified of goblins and isn’t very effective
When the adventurers climb the stairs, read: in combat. Use the statistics for the goblin sniper to
The stairs ascend to a dark and musty space that reeks of represent her if necessary, but she has 18 hit points.
cooked fish. Slivers of sunlight seep through thin cracks She can attack only if she is provided with a weapon.
in the walls, illuminating a thatch bed sized for a goblin Treasure: Amid Tarpoo’s otherwise worthless
and a small fire pit with a makeshift spit. Huddled in the belongings is an unlocked wooden box containing When you’re ready to begin the encounter, read:
southeast corner is a bound, gagged, and blindfolded half­ 300 sp and an amethyst (100 gp). A gang of five goblins approaches the windmill from the
ling female. She begins to tremble at the sound of your north. All wear piecemeal leather armor and are laugh-
approach. Encounter 5: ing and cavorting as they walk. Two goblins are carrying
a small barrel, while two others carry fishing poles made
The halfling is Punkin Rockhucker, and seeing her Fish in a Barrel from spears. A fifth carries a bow and has a quiver of
safely back to Riverslye Homestead is a minor quest. Combat Encounter Level 1 (575 XP) arrows slung across his back.

MINOR QUEST: RESCUE PUNKIN This encounter assumes that the adventurers stick The players can situate their characters anywhere
1st-level Minor Quest (50 XP/character) around the old windmill until Tarpoo and his goblin they wish. The goblins come from the north, but you
The characters complete this quest by freeing flunkies return from their fishing trip. If the charac- can spread them out as long as the two goblins carry-
Punkin and escorting her safely back to Riverslye ters decide to go hunting for the goblins down by the ing the barrel are adjacent to one another. The barrel
Homestead. river, create a new map and adapt the encounter as contains half a dozen White River trout.
necessary. When the goblins reach the edge of the map,
Despite being blindfolded, Punkin has kept her ears Before the encounter begins, the adventurers have Tarpoo senses that something is amiss when the
open since she was kidnapped. She knows Goblin time to take a short rest and prepare an ambush. goblins left behind to guard the windmill cannot be
and has overheard the following information. Light: Daylight. seen. He stops in his tracks and boldly announces
✦ The goblin leader is named Tarpoo. He and several Monsters: 1 goblin ranger (Tarpoo), 4 goblin his return (in Goblin), expecting one of the goblin
other goblins went fishing and could return at any cutthroats. bear handlers to reply. If no response is forthcom-
time. Tarpoo says when he returns that he plans to ing, Tarpoo orders the goblin cutthroats to advance
make “fish-’n’-halfling stew.” while he stays in the back, takes cover behind the fish

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Prey for Smiley Bob

Goblin Ranger Level 4 Artillery 4 Goblin Cutthroats Level 1 Skirmisher to move on. He is a bear, after all, and not much of an
Small natural humanoid XP 175 Small natural humanoid XP 100 each adventurer at heart.
HP 44; Bloodied 22 Initiative +6 HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +5 On the other hand, if the party includes a druid or
AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +9 AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +2 a ranger, Smiley Bob might form a special bond with
Speed 6 (forest walk) Low-light vision Speed 6 Low-light vision
that character and remain a steadfast companion.
Traits Standard Actions
Sly Dodger m Short Sword (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Likewise, you might consider making the bear a com-
The goblin takes only half damage from attacks against Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC panion character (see Dungeon Master’s Guide® 2).
which it has concealment or cover. Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 2d6 + 5 if the goblin has combat
Standard Actions advantage against the target. In addition, the goblin can About the Author
m Short Sword (weapon) ✦ At-Will shift 1 square. Chris Perkins is the D&D Senior Producer at Wizards of
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC R Dagger (weapon) ✦ At-Will the Coast. He is also the creator of the Iomandra campaign
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage. Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC setting, which inspires a weekly web column called The Dun-
r Shortbow (weapon) ✦ At-Will Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage. geon Master Experience. “Prey for Smiley Bob” was inspired
Attack: Ranged 15 (one or two creatures); +11 vs. AC Move Actions by Chris’s teddy bear collection and is dedicated to Teddy, a
Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage. Deft Scurry ✦ At-Will stuffed bear given to Chris the day he was born.
R Kill Shot (weapon) ✦ Recharge when the attack misses Effect: The goblin shifts up to 3 squares.
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Triggered Actions Developer Senior Creative Director
Hit: 3d8 + 4 damage, and the target falls prone. Goblin Tactics ✦ At-Will Chris Sims Jon Schindehette
Triggered Actions Trigger: The goblin is missed by a melee attack.
Sly Goblin Tactics ✦ At-Will Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square. Editor Art Director
Trigger: The goblin is missed by a melee or ranged attack. Skills Stealth +8, Thievery +8 Scott Fitzgerald Gray Kate Irwin
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square. Str 13 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 14 (+2)
Managing Editor Illustrator
Skills Nature +9, Stealth +11, Thievery +11 Con 14 (+2) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
Kim Mohan Matt Dixon
Str 13 (+3) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 15 (+4) Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
Con 14 (+4) Int 8 (+1) Cha 13 (+3) Equipment leather armor, light shield, short sword, 2 daggers
Development and Editing Cartographer
Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin Lead Mike Schley
Equipment leather armor, short sword, shortbow, 20 arrows Jeremy Crawford
attack a specific target (DC 12 if the party previously
fed one or more goblins to the bear). With a success- Digital Studio Consultant
Senior Producer Daniel Helmick
barrel (to gain the benefit of his sly dodger trait), and ful check, on Smiley Bob’s next turn, the bear follows Christopher Perkins
readies his shortbow. the most recent command successfully given to it. Publishing Production
Tarpoo fights until slain. When he drops to 0 hit Producers Manager
points, any remaining goblins panic and flee. Conclusion Greg Bilsland, Stan! Angie Lokotz
Treasure: In addition to his armor and weap-
ons, Tarpoo carries a level 2 common or uncommon When the adventurers reunite Punkin Rockhucker
magic item of your choice. with her family and inform the halflings that their
bear problem is solved, they gain any related rewards.
With the goblins slain or driven off, Smiley Bob loses
Smiley Bob’s Revenge interest in the halflings and no longer poses a threat
If the adventurers convinced Smiley Bob to join their to Riverslye Homestead.
ranks, they can turn the bear against the goblins. As a If the bear has joined the party, how long it
minor action, a character can attempt a DC 15 Diplo- remains with the group is up to you. At some point,
macy check or Nature check to command the bear to you can decide that the time has come for Smiley Bob

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Court of Stars:
The Trinket Lord
By Karl Resch
Illustration by Tony Foti

Where do lost things go? “What would you lose,” he asked, “in order that
Some say that such items vanish to a special what is lost become found?”
place reserved for misplaced objects. Others insist
that nothing is ever lost, only stolen. And still others
believe they know exactly where lost things go, for
From Slave
they were once lost themselves. to K nave
The stories told by the formerly lost are as varied
as the people themselves. Perhaps one explorer was The lore that surrounds the Trinket Lord is fragmen-
trapped in the icy mountains, snow pelting her face tary, but one can assemble the pieces into a larger
with every step and blocking out the sun. Maybe a narrative that approximates the life history of this
second trekked through an empty desert, endlessly paradoxical archfey.
charting a course to nowhere across a sand sea. A According to some tales, the gnome Tuxil was born
third might have wandered aimlessly through a dark into slavery in the fomorian kingdoms. Because the
forest. Wherever these lost individuals were, one gnome didn’t truly belong to the dark realm, he was
thing was clear: They had no direction and no hope. always a misfit. Other stories say that Tuxil spent his
Although the tales of the lost unfold differently, youth with the creatures of the forest, rather than
all of them end the same way. At some point, a small with his fellow gnomes, and that one day he was cap-
brown fox appeared in the path of the wanderer. Each tured in the woods and sold into slavery. Regardless
person chose to follow the fox as it bounded away out of which version is accepted, both make one point
of the mountains, toward a small oasis, or to a place clearly: Tuxil’s early years were unpleasant; he never
where the trees weren’t so thick. Eventually, the trav- knew where he was supposed to go or who he was
eler stood before a small ring of trees, and the fox supposed to be.
leaped through the branches ahead. Pushing through Many gnomes believe that the Trinket Lord was
the foliage, each wanderer encountered the same enslaved in the fomorian kingdom called Inbharann,
thing: a great heap of possessions—weapons, armor, the wealthiest of that race’s subterranean realms.
statues, paintings, wagons, baubles, and much more. Every day of his captivity, Tuxil saw the river of cool,
Atop the heap sat a gnome with reddish hair, examin- molten gold that ran through the kingdom, and he
ing a plaything he had plucked from the pile. He sat saw how the gold was used to purchase many great
for a moment before smiling broadly and acknowl- treasures for the fomorian overlord. Even though
edging the new arrival. he lived among fantastic splendor, the gnome was
allowed to own nothing but the hovel he inhabited.

TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
The Trinket Lord

Lost, then Found Quest for Treasure Thieves and treasure hunters with fey origins pay
tribute to the Trinket Lord, hoping that he will favor
Eventually, Tuxil escaped with the other gnomes of As time went on, Tuxil realized that other things of
them as they plunder ancient tombs and lost hordes.
Inbharann. The group made for the surface, and the value were waiting to be collected. The world held
Skalds compose epic ballads of his generosity, and
newly freed gnomes settled in places of their choos- great secrets and treasures that were locked away, not
illusionists speak of his skill at trickery and mis-
ing. But Tuxil had no place to call his own. He had possessed by anyone. His new home provided him
chief. “Going to meet the Trinket Lord” is a common
known little but the cruelty of Inbharann, and life with weapons and armor that amplified his magic,
expression indicating that the speaker plans to
on the surface was strange for him. He became a giving him the skills he needed to search for anything
become wealthy.
wanderer, not knowing what he sought but hoping to he desired.
Tuxil revels in all such tributes, and chooses indi-
find it. There were many places to dwell within the At first, the gnome kept his endeavors small. He
viduals who demonstrate great potential to become his
Feywild, but none seemed fitting to him. The eladrin traded in the Murkroot and sought items that could
servants. To some people, he is merely a patron, one
cities were too regal for his tastes, the Murkendraw be found in eladrin cities, adding them to his pile. Yet
who rewards success and punishes failure. To others,
Swamp too dangerous. these mundane possessions were not enough. Tuxil
he is a teacher, passing down parts of his arcane
Eventually, Tuxil wandered to a place where the wanted relics of legend—objects that had been lost for
knowledge and item lore. To a lucky few, he is both.
trees grew thick and the paths were uncharted. Every ages and that no others living today possessed.
Tuxil’s mastery of his home is astounding. The
turn he took seemed to bring him back to where He journeyed to the fallen city of Cendriane,
gnome knows every item that makes up the hovel, its
he started. Panicked and confused, he ran, wind- where he visited ancient libraries to research the
properties, and its precise location. It takes him only a
ing through the trees and shrubs until he came to a locations of forgotten fey treasures. He spoke with
moment to procure a requested item, and the Trinket
clearing. The gnome stopped to catch his breath for a eladrin nobles about the other planes of existence
Lord is quick to offer many enticing treasures when
moment and was awestruck by what he saw. and the treasures to be found in those realms. And he
proposing a trade.
In the center of the glade was a pile of treasures chased after them all.
To visitors, the hovel is a mess. Statues, fabric,
both mundane and magical. As Tuxil walked closer to Tuxil’s cache grew ever larger, and he documented
weapons, chamber pots, wagons, pottery, armor,
investigate, he heard a clatter as more items appeared everything he owned and stored it in its proper place.
cooking gear, alchemical items, books, artwork,
atop the pile, causing some of the objects to roll down His prowess in matters of thievery and magic far sur-
rations, and other objects are everywhere, piled atop
to his feet. The gnome didn’t know what he had passed that of the rest of his race. Tuxil was no longer
one another, reaching to the ceiling. Some have con-
found, but he didn’t care. At that moment, he real- an escaped gnome slave, but a master of treasures.
jectured that lich phylacteries and forgotten rituals lie
ized that he enjoyed being lost—just as lost as was the The Trinket Lord was born.
hidden among the heaps. Most items in the hovel are
small mountain of treasures before him. Those items
objects that have been separated from their owners—
belonged to the person who discovered them, and
that person was Tuxil. Finders keepers, indeed.
T he Hovel some of them misplaced, and others cast away on
As the gnome searched through the pile, he found of H ansels purpose. New ones appear every day.
Though parts of the hovel cave in and slide as the
items that he had never dreamed existed. His knowl-
Many adventurers refer to the Trinket Lord’s dwelling gnome searches for trinkets, the entire structure has
edge of magic grew as he studied the trinkets. Each
as the Hovel of Hansels because discovering the loca- never collapsed. The movement of some objects always
day he spent in the glade, more and more objects
tion is considered a sign of good fortune. Tuxil refers to reveals new items that had been buried. Despite the
appeared atop the hill of possessions. Tuxil began to
it simply as his home. The gnome often disguises him- delicate appearance of some of the trinkets, none of
move the items around, forming a hollowed-out struc-
self as a fox to guide those who are lost to his demesne. them is ever broken or damaged by the minor land-
ture. His old hovel in Inbharann had been small and
He offers them a place to rest and, most important, the slides that occur. Visitors to the hovel are not as lucky
dirty, fit only for a slave, but now he created a grand
chance to trade with him. The prospect of acquiring and must take care not to be injured when parts of
home of his own.
new objects brings out his generous nature. the structure shift and slide. When the Trinket Lord
grants permission for a guest to search for an item, he

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
The Trinket Lord

does so with a mischievous glint in his eye. He alone adventurers to another plane to retrieve an item that Potion of Feyspeak Level 3 Common
can run nimbly atop the piles, never faltering or fall- he cannot claim himself. The adventurers must nego- This golden liquid looks like honey, but the gift it gives is far
ing, while others struggle to make their way. tiate their reward before they leave the hovel, because sweeter.
Many archfey know the location of the hovel and once the group departs, Tuxil considers the deal to be Consumable: Potion 30 gp
visit it regularly, seeking items from the Trinket Lord final (such are the ways of the fey). Utility Power ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
and trading knowledge and rumors of other trea- Alternatively, the Trinket Lord will trade items for Effect: You drink the potion. For the next 5 minutes, you
sures. Tuxil is always cordial and polite, respecting information. Various treasure hunters have sought can speak with and be understood by any fey beast.
his visitors’ status while they respect his. However, him out to learn rumors about the last known loca-
some archfey scheme to steal certain trinkets, send- tions of certain valuables. Just because Tuxil does not Amulet of Truth
ing minions and lackeys (and sometimes adventurers) possess an item does not mean that he has no knowl- In the Feywild, nothing is ever entirely as it seems.
to infiltrate the hovel. Most of these attempts fail; the edge of it. The Trinket Lord crafted these amulets after infiltra-
place is such a clattering, confusing mess that would- The gnome is known to be unhappy with some of tors began visiting his hovel to steal items for their
be thieves have a hard time finding anything or the trades he has made in the past, and sometimes he patrons. Fey thieves favor the amulets, which allow
masking their presence from Tuxil. hires a group to steal an item back from its current their wearers to sense the presence of creatures and
Those who successfully steal from the hovel learn owner. When they return it to the hovel, Tuxil might hidden areas.
that its contents are protected by the Trinket Lord’s offer to trade it to them—hoping to strike a better bar-
curse. One by one, all the thief ’s other magical pos- gain this time. Amulet of Truth Level 12+ Uncommon
sessions lose their powers. Some denizens of the
Used in the Feywild to discover spies, the amulet reveals that
Feywild—including certain powerful hags—can break
this curse, but always for a price. The simplest way to
T rinkets of all is not as it appears.

the Hovel
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
end the curse is to return the stolen item to the hovel. Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Neck Slot
Tuxil’s home is a vast repository of wondrous objects
Trading with (which means it can contain any sort of treasure you
Enhancement Bonus: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
the Trinket Lord see fit). Two special items that the Trinket Lord cre-
ated for his own purposes are described below.
You gain an item bonus to Insight checks equal to the
amulet’s enhancement bonus.
Tuxil is always after new items and eagerly trades C Utility Power ✦ Daily (Minor Action)
with adventurers, but he is no fool. He becomes Effect: Close burst 10. You know the location of one secret
aggravated with those who make bad offers or seem Potion of Feyspeak door or trapdoor in the burst, and you gain an item bonus
to insult his knowledge of valuables. As a rule, the In his fox form, the Trinket Lord learns many secrets to Thievery checks equal to the amulet’s enhancement
gnome will trade for items of equal or greater rarity. from the beasts of the Feywild. Applying his own bonus until the end of the encounter.
Although he has no problem trading an uncommon C Utility Power ✦ Daily (Minor Action)
knowledge of magic, he brews potions to allow others
Effect: Close burst 5. Until the end of your next turn, you
item for a visitor’s rare item, he will never trade an to speak with these creatures as well. can sense the presence of creatures in the burst that are
uncommon item for a common one. subject to an illusion effect or a polymorph effect.
The most likely way for adventurers to meet the
Trinket Lord is as a patron. Over the years, Tuxil has
granted portions of his power to numerous fey pact Other Treasures
warlocks in the hope that they will bring him new The Trinket Lord’s hovel contains many seemingly
treasures from across the planes. mundane items. The following table presents some
The Trinket Lord is not above other forms of unusual nonmagical items he might offer to adventur-
bartering. For example, he might send a group of ers. Each item has a 1 in 5 chance of instead being the

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
The Trinket Lord

magic item presented to its right. You can describe The Trinket Lord Level 22 Elite Lurker C Sunder Relic (varies) ✦ Recharge 5 6
the items however you wish, embellishing their Small fey humanoid, gnome XP 8,300 Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in the blast); +25 vs. Reflex
descriptions to make the items seem more marvelous HP 312; Bloodied 156 Initiative +19 Hit: 3d10 + 9 damage, and ongoing 15 damage (save ends).
or downplaying them to make them seem ordinary. AC 36, Fortitude 32, Reflex 35, Will 34 Perception +20 Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Speed 7 Low-light vision Minor Actions
From the Hovel’s Hoard Saving Throws +2 (+5 against charm effects); Action Points 1 Elusive Invisibility (illusion) ✦ At-Will (1/round)
d20 Treasure Magic Item Traits Effect: The Trinket Lord becomes invisible until the end of
O Nullifying Aura ✦ Aura 5 his current turn or until he hits or misses with an attack.
1 Chair with minotaur-horn headrest Throne
Enemies in the aura cannot use magic item powers, other Change Shape (polymorph) ✦ At-Will (1/round)
of dominion
than powers of consumable items. Effect: The Trinket Lord alters his physical form to appear
2 Shadar-kai tattoo kit Tattoo of vengeance Indomitable Spirit as a Tiny fox until he uses change shape again or until he
3 Dragonchess set The immortal game Any dominating or stunning effect on the Trinket Lord ends drops to 0 hit points. While in this form, he takes no pen-
4 Necklace of dragon teeth Pale tooth at the start of his turn. alty to Stealth checks for moving up to his speed, and he
5 Spinning wheel Floating shield Magic Item Mastery gains a +10 power bonus to Stealth checks. He can make
6 Inkwell with hippogriff quill Spymaster’s quill Whenever the Trinket Lord attacks, choose two of the no attacks in this form.
following damage types: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, Triggered Actions
7 Crystal prism Ioun stone of perfect language
necrotic, psychic, thunder, or radiant. The damage dealt by C Fey Resolve ✦ Encounter
8 Sundial from the City of Brass Cinder of Gazra
the attack changes to the chosen types. Trigger: The Trinket Lord is first bloodied.
9 Chunk of meteorite Orb of enduring magic Standard Actions Attack (Free Action): Sunder relic recharges, and the Trinket
10 Wooden ocarina Tuathan road whistle m/r Activate Magic Item (varies) ✦ At-Will Lord uses it. He then becomes invisible until the end of his
11 Bar of magnetic ore Rod of smiting Attack: Melee 1 or Ranged 10 (one creature); +25 vs. Will next turn or until he hits or misses with an attack.
12 Sharkskin flippers Boots of swimming Hit: 6d6 + 9 damage. Skills Arcana +24, Stealth +20, Thievery +20
13 Lightning rod Daern’s instant fortress M/R Gnomish Tactics ✦ At-Will Str 16 (+14) Dex 19 (+15) Wis 18 (+15)
Requirement: The Trinket Lord must be invisible. Con 18 (+15) Int 27 (+19) Cha 24 (+18)
14 Ivory music box Pixie music box
Effect: The Trinket Lord uses activate magic item twice. Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
15 Hang glider Greater flying carpet
Equipment bracers, helm, 5 wands, 2 rings
16 Telescope Lens of discernment
17 Rowboat with oars Feather boat He or she can barter with the Trinket Lord or accept When the Trinket Lord enters combat, the DM’s
18 Gardener’s tools Hill tamer crook a quest to gain the desired object. Alternatively, as creativity gets a chance to shine. Tuxil’s powers
19 Vanity mirror Spying mirror (one of a pair) mentioned above, Tuxil seeks many treasures that are revolve around the magic items he has available, and
20 Hourglass Sands of restored opportunity scattered across the planes, and he might hire adven- there is practically no limit to what might be found in
turers to collect some of them for him. DMs can use the hovel. Perhaps the gnome begins a fight by wield-
Using the T rinket the Trinket Lord to advance their plots in this way. ing a fiery sword, switches to a gauntlet that ripples
For example, if you want your adventure to lead to a with lightning, and later picks up a wand that fills his
L ord dragon’s lair, Tuxil might recruit the player characters foes with fear.
to obtain an item from the monster’s hoard. As an alternative reward, Tuxil might give the fey
Being unaligned, Tuxil makes for interesting fey
The adventurers can also be hired to guard an gift scent of gold to those who please him, especially
interactions in campaigns. His bartering nature gives
item that is being sent to the hovel as part of a trade. If the fey warlocks he instructs to find various treasures.
DMs a way to weave adventures and rewards into any
the characters deliver the prize, they gain favor with
Feywild campaign, and he can introduce the player
the Trinket Lord, who will remember their service.
characters to a new world of powerful allies and
Perhaps later the gnome will provide information
they seek or introduce them to another prominent
Of course, the Hovel of Hansels is a good location
member of the Court of Stars.
to use if a character is searching for a certain item.

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
The Trinket Lord

E nemies, A llies, and The most common allies of the Trinket Lord are
the wandering animals of the Feywild. In his fox
rituals. It has passed among the gnarled hands of per-
secuted witches and hag covens. The Witch of Fates
M inions form, Tuxil can communicate with these creatures has promised the gnome many exotic items in trade
freely, and he has persuaded many beasts to remain for the cauldron, and he cannot resist her offer.
The Trinket Lord is a loner, preferring to stay in his close to his hovel in case he needs them to repel Tuxil believes the large, iron-red cauldron to be in
hovel with his treasures. However, he is not without intruders. The largest and most dangerous of these the possession of the Misteye Coven, a group of hags
servants and allies, and he has made his share of ene- creatures include displacer beasts and owlbears. that dwells deep within the Oblivion Bog, located in
mies throughout the years. In addition, various horrors from the Feywild lurk the Shadowfell. He has sent the call out to his war-
nearby in hopes of snatching easy prey. locks to retrieve it for him. In addition, the Witch of
Feygrove chokers also attempt to dwell around the Fates has offered to provide the services of a band of
demesne, but the Trinket Lord keeps them away so adventurers who might be able to retrieve the caul-
that would-be traders don’t fear for their lives. Every dron with Tuxil’s guidance.
Tuxil’s Constructs now and then, Tuxil hires adventurers to eliminate

The Trinket Lord’s collection of golems ranges from

the choker threats by finding their nests and destroy-
ing the monstrosities.
The Gnome Council
constructs made of mundane materials (such as stone For many years, the Gnome Council has petitioned to
and iron) to those made of rarer materials (such as the Trinket Lord, offering him a seat, and each time
obsidian), but you can refine the descriptions of the Golems he has turned it down. He would rather dwell among
bodies. Perhaps the stone golem (from Monster Vault) Within the hovel, it is not uncommon to see golems his treasures in silence than sit and listen to the end-
is made of pieces from several statues, and the iron of various kinds wandering among the items or help- less jabbering of his kin. Despite his feelings about
golem (from the Dark Sun Creature Catalog) is built of ing Tuxil sort his possessions. Many of these golems the council, Tuxil remains extremely friendly with
broken weapons that have been fused together. Think are made of broken items that end up in the hovel the Gnome Warrens, trading lore and knickknacks
about how Tuxil would turn the hovel’s trash into but have no real value. The constructs offer the Trin- frequently. When he is not at home or visiting the
something useful. For example, a street golem could ket Lord additional protection and are the first to Court of Stars, he is often found as an honored guest
be reimagined as a construct of junk and trinkets, respond if their master comes under attack. When in the warrens.
rising up amid the clutter. guests arrive in search of a particular item, one of the Karl Stoneshine, the head of the Gnome Coun-
Some guests of the Hovel of Hansels have seen golems might help them find the object they seek. cil, believes that the addition of the Trinket Lord to
golems made of torn scrolls and broken wands and the council would bring safety and security to the
vials. These constructs are scroll mummies (see Mon-
ster Vault™: Threats of the Nentir Vale™). Scholars know
Gloaming Fey warrens. Karl also thinks that the eladrin rulers
would show more respect to the council if Tuxil were
that the construction of a scroll mummy requires the Among the fey of dreams, mysteries, and wonder, the a member, because the eladrin hold him in high
essence of a lich. Did the Trinket Lord destroy one whimsical Trinket Lord has found favor. Members of regard.
or more liches while retrieving their treasures and the Gloaming Fey frequently seek him out for advice Not all members of the Gnome Council see the
secrets? Only Tuxil knows for sure. on the workings of certain magical creations and Trinket Lord as an ally. Some believe him to be a
There is a limit to the kinds of golems found in the baubles. Even when these fey choose not to trade, they threat because he deals too often with creatures
hovel. The Trinket Lord never uses flesh golems or any often visit the Hovel of Hansels to discuss the nature they consider to be the enemies of all gnomes. Lord
constructs made from body parts or dead creatures. of the arcane mysteries of the world. Stoneshine has been unable to heal the rift on this
His golems are created entirely from the objects and Recently, the Witch of Fates, a dark oracle of des- issue within the council. Recently, he has become
materials around him. tiny, requested a treasure that Tuxil does not possess: worried that an Unseelie threat might be influenc-
the bloodbond cauldron. This cooking pot has been ing some of the gnomes on the council, trying to sour
used for ages as an aid in weaving curses and casting relations with the Trinket Lord permanently.

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
The Trinket Lord

The Sea Lords psychological scars. He will, however, aid warriors

and adventurers who want to strike blows against the
About the Author
Karl Resch has been writing and creating characters his
The treasures that lie at the bottoms of the great entire life. He is excited to have his first work published in
tyrants and to free the slaves that still dwell under-
ocean chasms cannot be counted. Many of these Dungeon. When not writing for Wizards of the Coast, he
ground. Those who ask Tuxil for help against the
items would never be seen again except for the enjoys updating his blog, Artificer’s Intuition. He also enjoys
fomorians are allowed to choose certain items from
efforts of the aquatic fey and merfolk treasure hunt- running and playing Frisbee.
the hovel to take with them into the depths. The
ers. They search forgotten grottoes and dangerous
Trinket Lord requires nothing in trade, but the adven- Developer
depths, bringing ancient, mysterious artifacts to the
turers must bring him proof of their success against Tanis O’Connor
Sea Lords in the Court of Coral. The aquatic fey send
the fomorians, or they will suffer his curse. Before the
items they do not need to the Trinket Lord, hoping to Editor
heroes leave the hovel, they must agree to a pact that
trade for other relics they seek. Ray Vallese
details how much time they have to complete their
Currently, the archfey twins Elias and Siobhan are
mission before the curse takes effect. Managing Editor
looking for the three remaining pieces of the Levia-
Fomorian spies have told their corrupt rulers Kim Mohan
than’s Maw. That is the name given to a set of thirty
about the tales of fantastic treasures hoarded by the
scrimshawed teeth from a great beast of the depths. Development and Editing Lead
Trinket Lord. In their jealousy and lust for material
Carved on the teeth are the histories of the Sea Lords Jeremy Crawford
possessions, these lords have hired drow raiders to
and lost rituals of oceans and rivers. Legends say
find the Hovel of Hansels, slay the gnome, and bring Senior Producer
that the Leviathan’s Maw also has directions to a lost
back as much wealth as possible. The fomorian rulers Christopher Perkins
city that sunk beneath the waves long ago. One must
have also sent cyclops warriors and quickling assas-
possess all the pieces of the Maw to study the clues Producers
sins to end Tuxil’s life. So far, he has been able to Greg Bilsland, Stan!
leading to the sunken city.
thwart these threats, but they have begun to increase
The Trinket Lord knows the whereabouts of the
in number and strength. Tuxil is looking for a way to Senior Creative Director
last three teeth and desperately wants to gather them Jon Schindehette
stop the raids and send a message to the fomorians
and trade them to the twins. One is in the hands of a
that he is not to be trifled with. As always, though, he
pirate lord in the Elemental Chaos, the second is part Art Director
will not journey below ground, so he seeks a group Kate Irwin
of a black dragon’s hoard, and the last is being used
that is willing to help him.
as a holy symbol by a group of Far Realm cultists that Illustrator
worship a kraken. Tuxil is on the lookout for adven- Tony Foti
turers who are already dealing with these threats,
hoping they will trade the scrimshawed treasures Digital Studio Consultant
with him. Daniel Helmick

Publishing Production Manager

The Fomorian Kingdoms Angie Lokotz

Although the Trinket Lord remains neutral regarding

many of the schemes concocted by the Court of Stars,
he is one of the first to lend support against the threat
of the fomorian rulers in their subterranean realms.
Tuxil will not return to the Feydark under any
circumstances. The horrors he experienced in
Inbharann were too great, and he bears many

A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Stocking the Shelves
By Matt Sernett
Illustration by Howard Lyon

A noble’s parlor, a wizard’s study, the scroll “fact” that pelicans feed their young blood from their
vault in a monastery, the Library of Korran­berg breasts.
in Eberron, Candlekeep in Faerûn, the Great The bestiaries in your campaign might be just as
Library of Greyhawk—like the real world, D&D “fanciful” as those of the real world, or they might
worlds are filled with places that are filled with relate facts that your players can rely upon and use.
books. It’s great fun to imagine the PCs riffling If you want to use a D&D monster in a unique way or
through scrolls among the dusty stacks or discov- present some particular truth about your campaign
ering a treasure trove of lore in the dungeon . . . (vampires can’t cross running water, basilisks are
but then what? As a DM, what do you fill those born of snake eggs warmed by cockerels, or a medusa
bookcases with? can be turned to stone by seeing her own reflection),
It can be tough to come up with titles for such a bestiary can be a great way to accomplish that.
works on the spur of the moment, let alone their
contents and authors. And creating the material
in advance means putting a lot of work into some-
Annax’s Armorial
thing the characters might not experience. Annax’s Armorial, also called The Heraldry of Heaven,
That’s where this article comes in. Here are is a large, leather-bound volume written and beauti-
some ready-made ideas for fantastic books, as well fully illustrated by the meticulous hand of Annax,
as advice on using works of great (or not so great) a wizard who converted to worship of Ioun and
literature to add to the flavor of your campaign. became a priest of high status. It records the name,
rank, allegiance, appearance, mission, and person-

Bestiaries ality of 222 angels and 111 devils, all purportedly

granted in visions to Annax. The author spends little
Bestiaries gained popularity in our real world space on these features besides a summary for each,
during medieval times, but an example of the and instead devotes most of each left-hand page to
form existed as early as the second century AD: a picture of the immortal’s coat of arms and heral-
the Physiologus. Many such works incorporated ele- dic badges. The meaning of each element is then
ments of story and moral teachings in addition to described in great detail on the following right-hand
describing the creatures. The bestiaries’ authors page, unless the feature already lies among those gen-
ascribed ethical and emotional attributes to the eral heraldic elements described in the long foreword
creatures such that the animals and mythical beings of the book. While the accuracy of this information
became symbolic shorthand. Often, bestiaries per- has not been determined, many have attempted to
petuated falsehoods about the creatures, such as the steal Annax’s Armorial because it is thought to harbor
the true names of the immortals described within,

TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. A u g u s t 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 5
Stocking the Shelves

which are said to give any conjurer of an immortal particularly after having infiltrated a covey of dop- Riot spreads like a disease among the lower classes,
absolute power over it. The names are believed to be pelgangers. Blood spatters what should be the final the wealthy increasingly retreat into isolation and
not in text itself, but coded in the heraldry. page of the Folio of the Formless, leaving the reader to debauchery, intrigue and divisive coups threaten the
wonder about the fate of the author and how the book ruling families, and whispers of demonic incursion
Folio of the Formless found its way into circulation. spread. All this occurs as the long-simmering conflict
with Arkhosia seems to finally be coming to a boil.
Somewhat befitting its title, the Folio of the Formless
is a large leather binder containing looseleaf notes L egends and L ore Lady Von Harken clearly believes the empire to be
poised on the brink of destruction.
in script that at first glance appears to have been In a world of magic, myths are history. The stories we The goal of the book is not, however, to save Bael
made by several different hands. The sketches on the might call fairy tales and legends could describe very Turath and turn the empire from its path, but instead
many broad sheets of parchment, however, reveal the real events. to entreat the reader to hasten its end. According to
consistent style of a single artist and author. By sort- Lady Von Harken, to end the empire “would be a
ing through the many pages, one can glean a rough
outline of the story of this mysterious author. Appar- The Jotun Edda mercy granted the world.”
Ever since the original copy was discovered, schol-
ently he or she used a hat of disguise and other similar The Jotun Edda tells the story of the Dawn War from
ars have argued about its authenticity, with many
magic to infiltrate the small societies of various types the point of view of giantkind. This poem in the Giant
asserting it to be a piece of Arkhosian propaganda.
of shapechangers in order to record and ultimately tongue is inscribed in fine Davek script around the
Regardless, the manuscript offers many accurate
reveal their secrets. When read in order, the notes curves of seven 5-foot-long, 5-inch-wide cylinders
details about Bael Turath before its fall, which trea-
reveal an increasing paranoia on the part of the of black stone, the stone giant equivalent of scrolls.
sure hunters have oftentimes found useful.
author and an inability to trust his or her own eyes, An unknown carver cleverly crafted each pillar so
that the poem could be read around its diameter in
successive vertical lines that use the letters of the Literature
horizontal words for new verses. The Jotun Edda sup- Even in a world where magic is real, people enjoy fic-
posedly describes many evil deeds performed by the
BOOKS AS TREASURE tion. The drive to create and tell stories and to revel in
immortals that the gods hid from mortal memory. the written word drives people of all stripes to record
A picture might be worth a thousand words, but just These secrets of the gods might reveal where gods
how much is a thousand words worth? their ideas in poetry, plays, novels, and other forms of
and primordials fell, and therefore where potent written expression.
The simple answer is that you can decide what- weapons and armor might lie forgotten.
ever value you like for books as treasure. Of course,
different people are likely to value a book differently,
Rise and Fall of the Turathi The Versifier at Work
depending on their background and inclination. An The real name of the elf author known as the Versi-
average person likely has no interest in buying a book Lady Dania Von Harken, a human writing in the fier was Adriel Eisryn, but the moniker she was given
that a collector or someone more knowledgeable decade before the calamitous fall of Bael Turath, by her human patron, King Theymos the Third,
might pay hundreds of gold pieces for. On the other crafted Rise and Fall of the Turathi as an impassioned stuck. The Versifier’s plays are regularly performed
hand, in a world where writing and printing are less plea to her compatriots. A member of the elite herself, on stages two hundred years after her death, and orig-
common than today, more people place value on she describes the history of the Turathi Empire from inal copies of her plays and poems fetch high prices
the written word just on principle, and certainly any its earliest days to its sorry state during her lifetime. among cultured collectors. This untitled work, unlike
illuminated manuscript is likely to be viewed by most She spends most of the book describing Bael Turath her finished and titled works, demonstrates the Ver-
people as a work of great effort and art. in her era: a nation ruled by dissolute aristocrats sifier’s creative process. Through the scratched-out
and bloated with conquest, unsteady as it stands lines, notes in the margins, and appended scraps of
on the backs of its slaves and subjugated enemies.

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Stocking the Shelves

paper, the reader can see a true masterpiece taking

Heward’s Mistake inhabitants of the area, which is made more difficult
by the fact that some of the folk songs are from the
Heward’s name appears down through history in
The story in this work is a tragedy that features the Feywild and contain methods for return crossings.
connection with music and instruments as well as
intrigues of three noble families in the empire of Ark-
odd magic items. Tales of Heward suggest that he
hosia and a love triangle involving one character from
each family. As the only one of the Versifier’s works
was both mortal and divine. Although none can now M aps
be certain, it is generally assumed by scholars that The earliest known maps in the real world show not
to feature dragonborn as lead characters and the only
Heward was a mortal elevated to the role of exarch in the landscape but the stars. Cave paintings depict
one to reveal how she approaches her craft, it would
service to some deity, likely Ioun. Heward’s Mistake is the positions of bright stars such as Altair, Deneb,
be virtually priceless to the right buyer, and any per-
a symphony that Heward composed using his fabled and Vega. When you think about it, it makes perfect
formance would be sure to find success.
Mystical Organ. This enormous pipe organ supposedly sense that humanity would depict the heavens before
had at least a dozen keyboards and was large enough mapping the earth. Cartography proved difficult and
Infernal Curiosa to fill a cathedral. The symphony, written for the unreliable until the twentieth century, and the pur-
Furtive monks and disreputable booksellers have many instruments the Mystical Organ could replicate, pose of a map of the landscape is to navigate the land
been making copies of the thin illuminated volume has been fully performed three times throughout his- as you move. That’s hard to do when the map is stuck
known as the Infernal Curiosa for generations. Suppos- tory, and each performance caused disaster. Although at home on a cavern wall.
edly originally penned by an imp in the Nine Hells, it was supposedly the most sublime piece of music Of course, maps today come in all forms: treasure
it describes in lurid detail the temptations and the ever heard when played upon the Mystical Organ, maps, architectural drawings, tourist pamphlets,
traps used to ensnare various mortal souls. The Proud legend has it that the musicians of the orchestras that property plats, navigational charts, and so on. Any
King, the Greedy Merchant, the Lustful Sailor, and played it were driven mad. Nevertheless, some des- such maps might exist in a D&D world.
other similar archetypal characters experience the perately seek true copies of Heward’s Mistake because
heights of gratification before their souls are inevita- of its rumored ability to grant the conductor of the
bly snatched away. piece a god’s control over all the landscape where the Lanthorn of Leng
Though this book might be seen as a series of music can be heard. The temptation and the resultant The legendary Lanthorn of Leng is a beautiful cylindri-
morality lessons, the fiendish author takes such disaster caused by the symphony earned the work its cal contraption of brass and glass roughly the size of
immense pleasure in describing the temptations that name. a firkin (a small cask). Five shutters of different sizes
consume the characters that the fate of their immor- can be opened in its sides, each opening revealing
tal souls seems an afterthought. Believed to inspire
exactly the wanton behavior it would seem to warn
Gilgallan’s Songbook a magnifying lens of curved clear glass and allow-
ing light to burst forth from the lanthorn when it is
The small leather-bound volume titled Gilgallan’s lit. Within the lanthorn’s interior are seven succes-
against, the Infernal Curiosa is taboo in polite com-
Songbook is the work of a gnome bard who traveled sively smaller cylinders of glass, each set within the
pany and outright illegal in many lands.
throughout elf, eladrin, and gnome settlements col- last, until at the center is a plate upon which various
lecting folk songs. After acquiring them, Gilgallan
Music altered the verses of the songs that were traditional
elements can be burned. These interior lenses are
painted with lines of various colors through which
Music courses through every culture but the most to those areas. The changes embody coded messages light can pass and gain their hues. By twisting these
alien and evil ones. Music survives and thrives even that can be understood only in the context of the lenses in the proper manner and opening the appro-
without being written down, but some works are so place where the normal versions of the lyrics origi- priate shutter or shutters, the Lanthorn of Leng reveals
complex that notes must be put to page. Scholars col- nated. Gilgallan’s words identify certain landmarks forbidden maps of the Labyrinth City of Leng and
lect folk songs to preserve them, bards compose and and reveal the secrets necessary to find and use vari- many other territories. Using different colored light
note their own tunes, and priests record holy music in ous crossings to the Feywild. Any who hope to use the sources causes some lines to vanish in the projected
hymnals. Some music is, quite literally, magical. book to make a crossing must hear the songs of the images and thus reveals new maps. The exact number

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Stocking the Shelves

of maps revealed by the lanthorn and what they

show is a secret lost to time, but rumor persists that
THESE BOOKS ARE REAL . . . there exists a code book that indicates the cylinder
When creating books for your game use the world around you as inspiration. Not only can your own bookshelf placement, shutter, and light source for each location
at home or the library give you ideas, you can plunder the wonders of the internet. Below are the results of a depicted in it.
quick search for interesting real-world examples of the written word.
Klencke Atlas: This book is taller than many people and takes six to lift it. A book fit for giants, it was designed Roll of Tears
to hold maps that would be removed and attached to a wall. An enormous map in the form of a scroll, the Roll of
World’s Largest Book: The so-called worlds’ largest book is engraved in huge stone tablets set in the sides of Tears can be unfurled along its great length to reveal
729 buildings called stupas, which stand outside the brilliantly gilded Kuthodaw Pagoda in Burma. details about the Valley of Tears. This broad and
Along the River During the Qingming Festival: This landscape painting is presented on a scroll less than a sandy plain between two cliffs served as the final
foot wide but over 17 feet long. Over the centuries since its creation, it has been copied several times due to its resting place for citizens of an empire now known
great fame and popularity. only as the Kingdom of Dust, and the site of the tomb
Yongle Dadain: This encyclopedia commissioned by a Chinese emperor took two thousand scholars five years of its last pharaoh, the legendary Ramman-Khul.
to complete. It had 11,095 volumes, and, incredibly, three copies were made. The leader’s name has yet to fade from the memory
of civilization because of his savage cruelty and
. . . AND THESE COULD BE! because of how far his soldiers roamed in search of
When making up books for your game, consider the fictional works other people have made up. Below are a few slaves. Some say half the population of the world once
you might recognize. You can use these fake treatises as inspiration or adopt them whole cloth into your campaign. labored under his rule. While that statement is surely
The Mimir: The Planescape setting adapted the idea of the figure of Mimir from Norse mythology. Instead of an exaggeration, another story—that a million slaves
the severed heads of storytellers carried by Odin, mimirs were magic items that could record and replay what died in the construction of his necropolis—is met with
they heard. In the Planescape: Torment computer game this idea appeared in the form of the character named more credence. The Roll of Tears is an architectural
Morte. In the Planescape line of roleplaying products, the concept came to life in the odd but delightful A Player’s map of the whole valley, showing the locations of
Primer to the Outlands. That book and an accompanying CD of the recorded stories and interactions of owners hundreds of tombs and often including small maps
of the mimir together formed a guide to various planes of existence and their inhabitants. and details about the traps therein. In the intervening
Necronomicon: Although many books have borne this title, none can claim to be the real book that inspired centuries, sand has buried the floor of the Valley of
the writings of H. P. Lovecraft. Instead, the stories written by Lovecraft and his many imitators have so often Tears, and few know its whereabouts. Equipped with
referenced the Necronomicon that it seems like it might be real. Supposedly, the Necronomicon contains informa- the Roll of Tears, however, one might become very
tion about the Old Ones and how to summon these alien and terrible beings. rich—assuming that one is also equipped with a lot of
Rules of Acquisition: “Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.” “You can’t free a fish from water.” shovels.
“A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience.”
If you watched Star Trek Deep Space Nine, you’ll recall that Quark and other Ferengi often refer to the Rules of
Acquisition, a set of aphorisms that seem to be equal parts religion and law in the hyper-capitalistic Ferengi culture.
Creating B ooks
The often ironic (and sometimes insightful) maxims of the Rules can be found online, but you could make a Ferengi with Hooks
happy and buy a copy of The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition from your local bookshop or an online retailer.
Tobin’s Spirit Guide: If you’re familiar with the Ghostbusters franchise, this title should ring a bell. Frequently The books described at length in this article are
referenced by the Ghostbusters in the movies, cartoon, comics, and electronic games, many have wondered all examples of how you can create a full backstory
if this catalog of spirits is real. Unfortunately, it’s not. However, Wizards of the Coast’s Kim Mohan did write a around a book you want the characters to engage
book by that name for the Ghostbusters International roleplaying game by West End Games.. with. The idea is to build in a hook—something that
tips off the players to how important that piece of

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Stocking the Shelves

written matter is. For a book with a detailed history, About the Author
the hook is a natural outgrowth of that story. Matt Sernett is a writer and game designer for Wizards of
A hook doesn’t need to be that complicated, the Coast who has worked on both Dungeons & Dragons®
though. Starting with the story of your campaign as a and Magic: The Gathering ®. Recent credits include Halls
of Undermountain™, Neverwinter™ Campaign Guide, and Scars
backdrop, you can use books as both prizes and plot
of Mirrodin™. When he’s not making monsters or building
devices. Here are a few “books with hooks” that can worlds, he’s watching bad fantasy movies you don’t realize
turn an ordinary volume into one of extraordinary exist and shouldn’t bother to learn about. You can follow him
significance. on Twitter, where he’s @Sernett.
✦ A kingdom’s tax records with the dates and routes
of tax collectors Editor
✦ A business’s profit books, which list payouts for Stan!
“services rendered” on dates just after murders of
Managing Editor
some prominent citizens
Kim Mohan
✦ A lexicon of the Giant language with tips about
interacting with orcs and different orc dialects Development and Editing Lead
Jeremy Crawford
✦ A guide to corporeal undead made of undead; the
book moans and whispers as its pages are turned Senior Producer
Christopher Perkins
✦ The shipping records of a prominent merchant
company that reveal shipments of contraband, Producers
such as slaves Greg Bilsland, Stan!
✦ The ledgers of a metalsmith, which reveal the
Senior Creative Director
recent sale of a large number of weapons and Jon Schindehette
armor to a contingent of diplomats new to the city
Art Director
✦ A contract between an efreet and another indi-
Kate Irwin
vidual, promising aid on three occasions if the
contract holder merely says the efreet’s name; one Illustrator
more task remains (two having been marked as Howard Lyon
used), but there are scorch marks on the document
Publishing Production Manager
as well Angie Lokotz
✦ A genealogy of a noble family with a brilliantly
illustrated family tree that mentions one of the
character’s relatives among the branches
✦ A dwarven text describing the principles involved
in creating secure burial and treasure vaults

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