Rental Agreement: Parties and Rented Space
Rental Agreement: Parties and Rented Space
Rental Agreement: Parties and Rented Space
Thank you for becoming our customer. You want and agree to rent a self-storage space from Public Storage on these
“Your Space”
(Storage or Parking Space #): D062
Space Size (Approximately): 10' x 10'
Your Information
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3.5.5 No Conducting Business, Habitation or Loitering. You will not use Your Space to conduct business or as living
space for humans, animals or any living thing. You will not use a Facility as your business address. You will not
loiter at the Facility or Your Space.
3.5.6 Other Restrictions.
• If Your Space has a light source, it may be used only to light Your Space for convenience in accessing stored
goods. No alterations may be made to Your Space without our prior written consent. You may not bring
electricity into Your Space from any source.
• You will comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances of any and all governmental authorities.
4.1 We are not responsible for and you release us from any liability, loss or damage, including without limitation injury to
persons, from any cause (“Loss”), including without limitation, our active or passive acts, omissions, or negligence, unless
the Loss is directly caused by our intentional or reckless conduct. To the extent permitted by California law, our liability
for Loss from any cause will not exceed a total of $5,000.
4.2 You are responsible for, you release us from, and you agree to indemnify us against, any Loss in any You
way arising out of or relating to this Rental Agreement, Your Space or your use of the Facility, including
injury to or Loss by your visitors or invitees, and any Loss that could have been insured, unless the Loss ¶4 and agree
is directly caused by our intentional or reckless conduct.
4.3 You waive any right for any insurance carrier to be reimbursed by us for any claim it pays on your [initial here]
behalf (waiver of subrogation).
4.4 You waive any claim against Public Storage arising out of or relating to this Rental Agreement that you do not make within
12 months from the date it arises. You understand that the law may otherwise afford you a longer period in which to bring
claims, and you are giving up that right by agreeing to this waiver.
4.5 Even if climate controlled, the temperature and humidity levels within Your Space may not be constant at all times. We do
not guarantee temperature or humidity ranges anywhere in the Facility, including in Your Space, and you assume all risk
of Loss due to fluctuations in temperature and humidity from any cause.
5. OUR LIEN AND RIGHTS TO PROPERTY IN YOUR SPACE. We have a lien upon all property you store at the Facility for
Monthly Rent, labor, fees or other charges that accrue under the Rental Agreement, and for expenses reasonably incurred in
the sale or other disposition of the property. If any part of your Monthly Rent, fees and/or other charges remain unpaid for 14
days after the due date, we may deny your right to use or access Your Space, your property will be subject to a claim of lien
and may even be sold to satisfy the lien, as such actions are authorized by Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 21712.
5.1 We may enforce our lien and may sell all property stored in Your Space, to satisfy payment of your unpaid Monthly Rent,
late fees, and/or other fees and charges, and we will charge you lien and lien sale fees.
5.2 We will send you a lien notice prior to the lien sale, and we will advertise the lien sale in a local newspaper and/or on
5.3 Lien notices may be sent to you and to your alternate contact by electronic mail (email).
6.1 INFORMAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Before filing a claim against us in any forum, you agree to attempt to resolve the
dispute informally by notifying us of your claim by sending an email to [email protected] or
sending a letter to the Dispute Resolution Department, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, California 91201. The
notice must specifically describe the nature of the dispute and the relief you seek. You will give us 60 days from the
date we receive your notice to try to resolve the dispute. Either party may file a claim if the dispute is not resolved after
60 days.
6.2 BINDING ARBITRATION. Both you and Public Storage agree to arbitrate any and all disputes or claims arising
out of, in connection with, or in any way relating to the relationship between you and us, including claims that
arose before the signing of this or any prior lease or rental agreement and the attached Addendum and any claims that
may arise after the termination of this Rental Agreement and the attached Addendum, including, but not limited to,
claims relating to advertising. All disputes concerning the arbitrability of a claim (including disputes about the
interpretation, breach, applicability, enforceability, revocability or validity of this Rental Agreement and the attached
Addendum(s)) shall be decided by the arbitrator. Nothing in this agreement shall be read to preclude the potential
availability of public injunctive relief in arbitration to the extent such relief is available under applicable law. By agreeing
to arbitrate, both parties are giving up the right to proceed in court. Arbitration is a method of claim resolution that is
less formal than a traditional court proceeding. It uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury and is subject to
limited review by courts.
6.3 The arbitration will be governed and administered by the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of Judicial
Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (“JAMS”) then in effect and as modified by this Rental Agreement, by one
commercial arbitrator with substantial experience in resolving commercial contract disputes, who will be selected from
the appropriate list of JAMS arbitrators in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS.
To the extent JAMS is not available in your state, the arbitration will be governed and administered by the American
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Arbitration Association Consumer Arbitration Rules, as modified by this Rental Agreement. The right to arbitration
under this arbitration provision is protected by, and any arbitration will be governed by, the Federal Arbitration Act (9
U.S.C. § 1 et seq.). Both parties agree that our business and the relationship here involve interstate commerce.
6.4 EXCEPTIONS TO ARBITRATION. Both parties retain the right to seek remedies in small claims court for disputes or
claims within that court's jurisdiction. Both parties also retain the right to pursue any eviction, action to enforce a lien,
and/or unlawful detainer remedies or defenses in any court. We retain the right to conduct a lien sale. Any other
claims, however, such as claims for violations of the self-storage lien laws, derivative claims (including but not limited
to claims under state or federal consumer protection statutes), conversion, negligence, breach of contract, or other
violations of state or federal law, must be brought in arbitration.
6.5 CLASS ACTION WAIVER. Both parties agree to give up the right to a jury trial. Each may bring claims against
the other only in its individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action
lawsuit or representative proceeding or consolidated action. Further, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than
one person's claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding or
consolidated action. This arbitration agreement does not stop you from bringing issues to the
attention of federal, state, or local agencies, who may seek relief against us on your behalf.
If this specific provision, known as the “Class Action Waiver,” is found to be unenforceable,
any defective provision shall be severed from the enforceable portions of this agreement. understand
¶6 and agree
Under no circumstances shall any claim or dispute be resolved through class arbitration.
6.6 For all claims and counterclaims together valued at less than $25,000, the parties must proceed [initial here]
with a documents-only arbitration hearing, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by both
6.7 Notwithstanding any provision in this Rental Agreement to the contrary, if we make any future change to this arbitration
provision (other than a change to the notice addresses in paragraph 6.1), you may reject any change by sending
written notice within 30 days of the change to us, ATTN: Opt-Out, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, California 91201.
6.8 THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION IS OPTIONAL. You may decline this agreement to arbitrate by sending written and
signed notice to us, ATTN: Opt-Out, 701 Western Avenue, Glendale, California 91201, within 30 days of signing this
Rental Agreement.
7.1 You (check one) are or are NOT ✘ in the military.
Please check
7.2 If in the military, you are, at the time of signing this Rental Agreement (check one or both if relevant
applicable) in the reserves or National Guard and/or on active duty. box(es) in
¶7.1 & ¶7.2
7.3 You will immediately notify us in writing of any changes in the information you provide us about
your military status or assignment.
8.1 You will grant us access to Your Space upon 3 days' written notice.
8.2 If criminal activity is suspected, in an emergency, if you fail to grant us access upon 3 days' written notice, or if you default
under this Rental Agreement, we or a governmental authority have the right to remove your lock(s) and enter Your Space
without providing notice or seeking your consent, in order to: (1) examine Your Space or its contents, (2) make repairs and
take other action to preserve Your Space or the Facility, (3) comply with any law or regulation, or (4) enforce our rights.
8.3 If we relocate the property stored in Your Space to another space in an emergency, all of the terms of this Rental
Agreement still apply and the relocated space will be considered "Your Space."
8.4 On our demand, you will pay all expenses we reasonably incur: (1) if the Facility or Your Space is damaged due to your
negligent or deliberate acts or omissions; or (2) for any cause for which you are otherwise responsible; or (3) if you fail to
remove your property upon termination of this Rental Agreement.
9. RELEASE OF YOUR CREDIT INFORMATION. If you have an unpaid balance when Your Space is vacated, we will refer your
account to a collection agency and the unpaid balance may be credit-reported.
10. OUR PRIVACY POLICY. You have received and reviewed our Privacy Policy and agree with its terms. You authorize us to
release any information required by law or requested by governmental authorities, or to others for marketing and similar
purposes consistent with our Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change our Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will
be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised Privacy Policy on and your continued rental
of Your Space indicates your consent to use your information consistent with our Privacy Policy posted on
11.1 You may terminate this Rental Agreement at any time by giving 2 days' written notice to us; however, you must still pay
all amounts due (including the full Monthly Rent for your last month of the term).
11.2 You are in default if you fail to pay Monthly Rent or other charges when due, you fail to comply with applicable law or any
provision of this Rental Agreement, if anything you represent to us in this Rental Agreement is or turns out to be untrue,
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or if we have reason to believe that you or any of your Authorized Access Persons have engaged in criminal activity. We
may terminate this Rental Agreement if you are in default by giving 2 days' written notice to you. If we discover you or
your Authorized Access Person is a restricted party (see paragraph 19), we may immediately terminate this Rental
Agreement by posting notice of same on Your Space or by sending you email notice.
11.3 We may terminate this Rental Agreement even if you are not in default, by giving you written notice at least 7 days before
the expiration of your rental term.
11.4 Upon termination of this Rental Agreement, you will promptly remove all of your property from Your Space and the
Facility unless there are unpaid charges secured by our lien rights. You will also immediately deliver possession of Your
Space to us in the same condition as delivered to you on the Rental Date, except for reasonable wear and tear. Any
property remaining in Your Space or at the Facility will be considered abandoned and may be sold, destroyed, or
otherwise disposed of at our option.
11.5 We will terminate this Rental Agreement without notice to you if we reasonably determine that you have vacated or
abandoned Your Space.
11.6 We may pursue any available remedy and our decision to pursue one remedy does not prevent us from pursuing other
12. CHANGE OF YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION. If any of the contact information (address, telephone, email address, etc.)
for you or your emergency/alternate contact person(s) changes, within 10 days of the change you will provide us with written
notice signed by you specifying the new or changed information (mailed to us by first class mail with proof of mailing, or
delivered in person at the Facility). You can also log on to your account at to make changes online.
Changes cannot be made by telephone or by listing such information on return envelopes or checks.
13. NOTICES; YOUR CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS. Notices will be personally served or served by first
class mail deposited in the U.S. mail with postage fully prepaid to the address and party provided in this Rental Agreement or
to the last known address you provided, or may be delivered electronically to your most current email address on record.
Service is complete upon delivery if personally delivered, on the date mailed if mailed, or on the date and time sent by us if
sent electronically. Any communications by us may be sent electronically, and you consent to electronic signatures. All
electronic communications have the same legal effect as if made in non-electronic form.
13.1 Check this box to consent to receive lien notices by electronic mail (email). ✘
14. OUR RULES AND REGULATIONS. You will comply at all times with our rules and regulations that are posted in a
conspicuous place at the Facility, which are considered part of this Rental Agreement. We may change these rules and
regulations at any time, and the changes will become part of this Rental Agreement upon posting.
15. ASSIGNMENT. You may not assign this Rental Agreement or sublease Your Space. We may assign this Rental Agreement
without your consent and will be released from all obligations arising after this Rental Agreement is assigned. This Rental
Agreement is binding upon your and our heirs, executors, administrators, representatives and any other permitted successors
and assigns.
16. NO WARRANTIES. We make NO implied or express warranties, guarantees, or representations of the nature,
condition, safety, or security of Your Space or the Facility. Per paragraph 3.1, you have inspected or you will inspect Your
Space and the Facility. You agree that we do not represent or guarantee the safety or security of Your Space or the Facility or
of any stored property. This Rental Agreement does not create any contractual obligation for us to increase or maintain any
particular level of safety or security.
17. LAW; JURISDICTION. This Rental Agreement is subject to the laws of the State of California and is also subject to the
or part of a provision of this Rental Agreement is unenforceable, the remainder will be enforced to the fullest extent of the law.
18. STORE AT YOUR SOLE RISK; INSURANCE (See Insurance Addendum to Rental Agreement). You store property at
your sole risk. You are required to have some form of insurance covering the property in Your Space. Insurance is
your sole responsibility. If you do not insure the property you store, you bear the full risk of loss or damage. We WILL
NOT purchase insurance on your behalf.
18.1 You may purchase the insurance that we offer as a convenience to you, but you are NOT required
to purchase it. IF you elect to purchase that insurance, your monthly payment will include an
additional amount for the coverage you select. See paragraph 2.1.3 about how payments are
¶18 and agree
18.2 You understand that the storage insurance program offered at Public Storage is reinsured [initial here]
by a wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Storage, and we may benefit financially if you
purchase that insurance.
19. CONFIRMATION THAT YOU ARE NOT A RESTRICTED PARTY. You confirm that you and your Authorized Access Persons
are not on any U.S. Government or other government list of prohibited or restricted parties (e.g., the Specially Designated
Nationals and Blocked Persons List maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury). You confirm that you and your
Authorized Access Persons are not acting on behalf of a party on any such list. If you are a business, you also confirm that
you, your Authorized Access Persons and all of your officers, directors and managers are not on any such list, and are not
owned or controlled by, or acting on behalf of, a party on any such list. Your confirmations in this paragraph are true and
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correct at all times during the term of this Rental Agreement, and you will immediately notify us of any change in writing.
20. CONSENT TO CONTACT. You expressly consent and agree that in the event we, our agents, affiliates, and/or service
providers contact you to discuss your account, including rental payments due, we may telephone you at any number,
including any mobile number, provided or obtained. This consent includes, but is not limited to, contact using automatic
telephone dialing system, prerecorded or artificial voice messages, and text messages.
21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; TIME. This Rental Agreement and any written addenda, any notices by us, and any rules and
regulations posted at the Facility are the entire agreement between you and us, and supersede all prior agreements and
understandings, oral or written. We make no representations, warranties, or agreements not fully set forth in this Rental
Agreement and have not authorized anyone else to do so. You acknowledge that none of our employees or agents have
made any promise, agreement, representation, or warranty whatsoever, and acknowledge that you have not signed this
Rental Agreement in reliance upon any such promise, agreement, representation or warranty that is not expressly contained
in this Rental Agreement. Except for changes described in paragraphs 2.2 (changes of rental terms), 6.7 (changes to
arbitration provision), 6.8 (your ability to opt out of the arbitration provision), and 14 (our rules and regulations posted at the
Facility), this Rental Agreement may only be amended by a writing signed by both parties. Time is of the essence in
performing all obligations of this Rental Agreement. Time is of the essence in performing all obligations of this Rental
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