Jovy Ann Zabala-WPS Office

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Jovy Ann Zabala. !



Identify and discuss the different special education program and services that we've
discussed last time.

1.The special education division of the bureau of elementary education is in charge of all the programs
and services in the country.
It has the following function:
Formulate policies
Develop standards of programs and services
Monitor and evaluate the efficiency of the program and services.
Conduct in service training programs to upgrade the competencies of special education administrators
,teachers and ancillary personnel


- operates on a " school within a school concept.
- follows the rules & regulations for a regular school but has advocacy programs to promote the
education of children with special needs.
- SPED teachers manage the following activities: special or self-contained classes, mainstreaming,
tutorial and mentoring resource room services, assesment, parent education, guidance & counceling,
advocacy programs.
- most popular SPED program
- the class is composed of students with the same exceptionality/disability
- teachers handle the class in the SPED center or resource room.
- allowing students with disabilities to study in regular classes.
- this program was previously called "integration" but is called "mainstreaming" row.

*PARTIAL MAINSTREAMING- students participate in limited subjects.

*FULL MAINSTREAMING- disabled students participate in all subjects.
*ITINERANT PLAN- SPED teachers moving from school to school to assist with mainstreaming
- a SPED teacher assist a regular teacher.
- serves 1 or more types of disabilities and has an available medical, psychological, & social services
- trained teachers teach in here.
- has special education, dormitory services, and houseparent services, diagnostic services, guidance &
counseling, recreation and social activities.
- The 1984 UDHR talks of a right to education of every individual and suit was reaffirmed at the 1990
world conference on education for all DepEd adopted the policy adopts it until now.

Discuss the different children with special needs including thier support services intended for

2.What is Inclusive Education?

- it is "including" disabled students in regular classes with supervision of SPED & Regular teachers, and
with curricula/ programs suitable for every students.
*What are its Salient Features?
- warm & accepting environment.
- welcomes diversity, respect.
- implements a multilevel, multimodality curriculum.
- has an adapted curriculum, uses special devices.
- prepares SPED & REGULAR TEACHERS to teach interactively.
- students work together & learn with each other.
- provides support for teachers to breakdown barriers of professional isolation

Medical & clinical specialists

- clinical Psychologist, School psychologist, Psychomatrician ( psychological testing)
- medical doctor, dentist ( general checkup).
- opthalmologist ( visual / eye conditions)
- otologist / otolaryngologist ( hearing / speech)
- Neurologist, child psychiatrist ( mental / emotional)
- Speech therapist ( laguage issues)
- physical/ occupational therapist ( physical disabilities)
- Deaf interpreters ( sign language)
- Orientation and Mobility instructor ( travel techniques)
2. Assistive devices ( tools to help disabled students)
- fror blind : Braille, talking books, tape recorder
- low vision: large print books, lenses
- Deaf: hearing aid, sign language book
- mental retardation: teacher made IEP
- physical disabilities: wheel chair, adjustable desk, adopted computer system.

What are talking hands? How do these talking hands help other children with
special needs most specialy to the deaf and the mute.

Talking Hands is a non-profit organization committed to empowering the Deaf

youth and their families.

That every Filipino Deaf child will be able to live the life he or she deserves – full
of passion and purpose. We believe that quality education empowers them to
work with an independent and productive mindset and the drive to contribute to
the country’s progress and innovation.


To fulfill our commitment on improving Filipino Deaf children’s lives by making

sure they are equipped with quality education, training and other necessary tools
until they are prepared to adapt to ever-shifting environments. By doing such, we
empower them to become confident, productive, innovative, and ultimately the
best versions of themselves.

The essential concepts of Special education

* Every students has their own unique traits & own characteristics
other students are:

Average pupils :
- learn very fast
- show creativity in work

Learning disabilities :
- blindness or low vision
- deafness
- asthma
- communication disorder
~ they do not learn as much as they can but they want to be:
- belong
- accepted
- loved
Capable of showing:
- appreciation
- gratitude
- love and friendship

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