Debate Ee
Debate Ee
Debate Ee
Some scholars
would argue that its role in global politics is diminishing. On the other hand, others would say that it still
remains to be primary actor in political affairs. In this activity, you should be able to point out
contending views about such issue through a debate.
The states of France and China have been at the forefront of globalization as they have been aggressive
promoters for free trade and international cooperation, respectively. In light of this, some states believe
that nation-states are not as relevant anymore due to their reduced economic power and military
prowess under process and structures of globalization.
The state remains to be relevant amid the process and structures of globalization
1. Person/ Scholar
2. Study/Research
3. State/Nation
4. Events
The state remains to be relevant amid the process and structures of globalization. Here, I present how
the state is related to globalization. From that, I look into why or why not it is still required or relevant
among modern society. Lastly, I offer some propositions for how people could think about the relevancy
of the state in today's society where globalism has increased with tremendous speed and forcefulness.
The definition of the state is often an ambiguous one. It has been defined as a political entity with a
centralized form of government, sovereignty and proper territorial jurisdiction, and its citizens including
all their rights and privileges. To define the state in such terms is so vague that it can be used to fit any
country or country's structure, even when its not in fact necessary. Many references in this essay will be
to this version of the state; it is important to note this definition when reading further on and assessing
these propositions about the necessity or relevance of the state.
Globalization has worked more for export-centric economies. Broadly speaking, it has opened up the
emerging economy markets for behemoths from developed markets. ... Globalization remains, to this
day, a genuinely breakthrough idea. Its power to unlock growth remains unparalleled.
Some scholars have theorized that nation-states, which are inherently divided by
physical and economic boundaries, will be less relevant in a globalized world.
In our ever modernizing planet, globalization is compressing the world through
changes in the ‘spatial organisation of social relations and transactions creating
transcontinental and interregional flows and networks’ (Held et al 1999: 16).
Hyperglobalists believe that globalization has made the state superfluous
(Heywood, 2007: 103) while others believe it is ‘globaloney’ and has had no
effect on the state’s role whatsoever (Brown & Ainley, 2009: 177): the most likely
option is between the two, that globalization has changed the role of the state to
some extent. The original state role was created from the Westphalian Model,
portraying the state as the highest power with complete sovereignty, with an
internal role to provide to and govern for the people of the state and an external
role as an actor in world politics; the current role of the state is different politically,
socially, technologically and economically.
The impact of globalization in the Philippines changes a lot in terms of culture, values, and
economy. It also helps the improvement of infrastructure in the Philippines. It gives more
opportunities to all Filipinos to work abroad and help each country to stay connected.
The source of a state's legitimacy is not how effectively it can handle
globalization, but rather, how effectively it can provision public goods
vis-à-vis other actorsgiven that globalization is occurring. There are
certainly cases where non-state actors have undertaken that
responsibility in the face of government incompetence — witness
Hizbollah in Lebanon and Islamic charities in many East African