Cod Liver Oil The Ratio of Vitamins A and D Freque
Cod Liver Oil The Ratio of Vitamins A and D Freque
Cod Liver Oil The Ratio of Vitamins A and D Freque
Cod Liver Oil, the Ratio of Vitamins A and D, Frequent Respiratory Tract
Infections, and Vitamin D Deficiency in Young Children in the United States
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Michael F Holick
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Cod Liver Oil, the Ratio of Vitamins A and D, Frequent
Respiratory Tract Infections, and Vitamin D Deficiency in
Young Children in the United States
Linda A. Linday, MD; John C. Umhau, MD, MPH; Richard D. Shindledecker, MA;
Jay N. Dolitsky, MD; Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD
We would like to take this opportunity to respond to the Commentary by Cannell and his distinguished
colleagues' (herein referred to as the "Commentary"). We agree that extensive basic research and adult clini-
cal research performed in the past few decades have demonstrated that the levels of vitamin D required for
optimal health are much higher than those needed to prevent rickets in children or osteomalacia in adults; it
is also clear that vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, newly defined for optimal health, are widespread.2
However, as discussed below, we take a different view on several issues criticized by Cannell et al' in their
Cod liver oil, available without a prescription for hundreds of years, is a valuable source of vitamins A
and D, as well as long-chain omega-3 fatty acids,^ all of which may be important in the prevention of respira-
tory tract illnesses in children (see below. Frequent Respiratory Tract Infections in Young Children). In many
populations around the world, cod liver oil continues to be a valuable source of these important nutrients. The
across-the-board dismissal of cod liver oil as a supplement advocated by the Commentary ignores this reality.
Since the advent of synthetic vitamins in the 1950s, cod liver oil has gone out of favor in the United States, and
a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids has thereby been lost. Only 2% (2 of 94) of children entering Linday's
randomized sites supplementation study had a history of cod liver oil use on study entry.'*
One teaspoon of cod liver oil historically contained 400 International Units (IU) of vitamin D, and it was
used for the prevention and treatment of rickets .^ However, manufacturing processes for the production and
purification of cod liver oil have changed substantially over the years.^ Historically, cod liver oil was "cold-
pressed,"'^ meaning that the oil was obtained by pressure alone .^ Modern manufacturing methods remove both
impurities and vitamins (particularly vitamin D); vitamins A and D may or may not be added back to various
Cod liver oil is not currently regulated or standardized in the United States, and the concentration of both
vitamins D and A can vary with the manufacturer, as well as over time. Indeed, as noted in the Commentary,'
some modern cod liver oils contain very little vitamin D. One such formulation is Nordic Naturals' Arctic Cod
Liver Oil, which contains only 1 to 20 IU of vitamin D per teaspoon.^ On the other hand, the same company's
Arctic-D Cod Liver Oil currently contains 1,000 IU of vitamin D per teaspoon,^ whereas in 2005 the formula-
tion bearing the same name contained only 400 IU of vitamin D per teaspoon.
In their previous work, Linday et aF-'O-' 1 used Carlson Laboratories' lemon-flavored cod liver oil. Where-
as the concentration of vitamin D in this product has remained constant over time at 400 IU per teaspoon, the
concentration of vitamin A has steadily decreased. The cod liver oil formulation used in their first supplemen-
tation study contained 2,000 to 2,500 IU of vitamin A per teaspoon'"; that used in their subsequent research
contained only 1,000 to 1,250 IU of vitamin A per teaspoon"*"; and the current product contains only 700 to
1,200 IU of vitamin A per teaspoon.'2
For children, a formulation that contains 400 IU of vitamin D per teaspoon is consistent with the current
recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).^ Use of higher doses of vitamin D should
Dr Holick is supported in part by the UV Foundation, McLean, Virginia.
Linday et al. Commentary 65
be discussed with the child's qualified health-care practitioner. Further considerations, particularly important
for children, are the taste and purity of the product; information on purity must be obtained from the manu-
facturer. The toxic limits for contaminants are based on the size (weight) of the consumer. Whereas most cod
liver oils and fish oils are sufficiently pure for older children and adults (because of their larger size), only a
few products are sufficiently pure for infants and young children.'^
Cod liver oil contains vitamins A and D, as well as long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, and has been a tradi-
tional source of maintenance doses of these 3 constituents. However, it is not appropriate to use a combination
product, whether a pharmaceutical product or cod liver oil, to provide high doses of a single constituent. Thus,
if high doses of any single constituent of cod liver oil are needed, an appropriate individual product should
be used. For example, cod liver oil should not be used as the source of the high doses of omega-3 fatty acids
needed for the treatment of bipolar disorder'"* or hypercholesterolemia.'^
Reinhold Vieth, a co-author of the Commentary,' stated, "Basically, if you're taking your teaspoon full
of cod liver oil, it's fine...but higher levels are not associated with health.'''^ The fact that cod liver oil is not
currently standardized or regulated in the United States results in variability in the concentrations of vitamin D
and vitamin A in different preparations of this product. It is therefore essential that a well-informed and knowl-
edgeable consumer read the label before purchasing any given formulation of cod liver oil.
dren in the United States. In addition, Penniston and Tanumihardjo's^' published concern about possible sub-
clinical vitamin A toxicity was in regard to developing countries in which undernourished women and children
are given intermittent large doses of vitamin A.
Childhood cod liver oil consumption has recently been linked to decreased forearm bone mineral density
in perimenopausal and postmenopausal Norwegian women.^^ However, as those authors note, the vitamin A
content of Norwegian cod liver oil had been reduced by 75% by 2002 because of reports of detrimental effects
of excessive vitamin A intake on bone (see also the above section Cod Liver Oil). Moreover, even this finding
is debated; new research from the United States Women's Health Initiative Observational Study reported no
association between vitamin A or retinol intake by postmenopausal women and the risk of hip or total frac-
tures, and only a modest increase in total fracture risk in women in the low-vitamin D intake group with the
highest vitamin A and retinol i ^ ^
However, there are numerous potential modifiers of the effect of vitamin D on immunity, including age,
baseline vitamin D status, general nutritional status (including the status of other vitamins, lipids, and micro-
nutrients), the cause of respiratory infections (viral versus bacterial), and the anatomic site of the infection
(lower versus upper respiratory tract). For example. Roth et aH^ did not find an association between vitamin D
status and the risk of hospitalization for acute bronchiolitis in young Canadian children with relatively replete
vitamin D status. In another Canadian study, neonatal vitamin A deficiency appeared to be a significant risk
factor for acute otitis media and lower respiratory tract infections in preschool Inuit children in Quebec, Can-
ada.46 Vitamin A has long been known to have important effects on immunity.'*"''*^ Additionally, long-chain
omega-3 fatty acids, another important component of cod liver, have also been shown to have independent
positive effects on immunity in Thai schoolchildren.^9
Regarding susceptibility to infection, an interrelationship between vitamin A and other nutrients, includ-
ing vitamin D, iron, and zinc, has been previously reported.^^^i ^ recent report of a 9-month-oId child with
seizures and pneumonia revealed that he had vitamin D deficiency rickets, iron deficiency anemia, and severe
protein-calorie malnutrition and was also vitamin A-deficient (serum vitamin A level of 7 |a,g/mL; the labora-
tory reference range was 11.3 to 64.7 g/mL).52 In a recent review of nutrition and the global burden of acute
lower respiratory tract infection in childhood. Roth et al^' concluded that implementation and evaluation of
multicomponent nutritional interventions in developing countries should be a high priority, both to reduce the
mortality associated with these disorders and to decrease the overall disease burden. Noting problems in nu-
tritional research with the current use of the pharmaceutical model, in which a randomized control trial is per-
formed with a single nutrient, Heaney^^ suggested the use of a global index as the primary design end point
for most studies of nutrient effects.
tion project, begun in New Haven in 1923, which documented that rickets could be prevented with cod liver
oil and regular sunlight exposure beginning within the first month of life.^^-^o
Once fortification of milk with vitamin D became common in the 1930s, rickets was eradicated as a sig-
nificant public health problem in the countries using this practice, currently the United States and Canada.^^''''
In the 1930s, infants fed human milk were also provided with some form of vitamin D supplementation.^^
Recently, there has been a resurgence of rickets in the United States, particularly among dark-skinned infants
who are exclusively breast-fed without vitamin D supplementation.^^ The recognition that vitamin D status
higher than that needed to prevent bone disease may reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
and cancer has stimulated renewed interest in vitamin D in the pédiatrie age group.^^ Low levels of vitamin D
in black adolescents have recently been linked to obesity.^^ Along with the relationship of vitamin D to infec-
tion, these areas are likely to be the most fruitful research topics to provide the functional pédiatrie outcomes
for vitamin D sought by those who write the guidelines for the AAP.'*^
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