Action Pure Applied Descriptive Explanatory Correlation

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Reem Alghanim/Giana Nadine Oloraza Grade 11: HUMSS



Action Pure Applied Descriptive Explanatory Correlation

F. A. E. I. H. C.
K. B. D.
G. L. J.

Theory of Relativity – The Theory of Relativity was discovered by Albert Einstein. This theory is
important as it explains the behavior of objects in space and time, and it can be used to predict everything.

University Belt Street Foods – Im sure everyone has either tasted street foods or has enough knowledge
to know how tasty they can look and be. But no matter how delicious they can be we can’t always be
fooled as you need to be careful on where and what you’re eating incase it may be unsanitary.

Landline V.S. Cellphone – Today most individuals own a cellphone rather than using a landline. Using
cellphones are more convenient nowadays as if the power goes out you still have your phone ready to
operate. Landlines also have their advantages such as the drawbacks to cell phones is that your address is
not visible to the emergency operator unlike landlines. At best, the cell phone will list your latitude and
longitude, which are not always as easy to find as an address.

Reasons Behind Tuition Fee Increases – We students need to know the reasons behind tuition fee
increases as some might not be understandable. Having to know this is important so you could be
understandable on sudden increase. If you are knowledgeable on this matter surely you can know wether
the school is being reasonable on increasing tuition fee or adding unnecessary payments.

Manila Flash Flood Solutions – Manila has always went through its struggles by this we can gain
knowledge and ensure the safety of the community by finding solutions to stay safe.

College Assessment Practices – The importance of this as a Senior High School Student college

assessment practices is a key component of learning because it helps students learn. This can help in order
to have wider knowledge of what course I am planning to take.

Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking in Learning-Teaching Situations – Critical Thinkinbg

enhances language and presentation skills. Thinking clearly and systematically can improve the way we
express our ideas. In learning how to analyse the logical structure of texts, critical thinking also improves
comprehension abilities. Critical thinking plays a crucial role in evaluating new ideas, selecting the best
ones and modifying them if necessary

The Why and How of Internet Use.-

It is needed to gain more knowledge on what is happening around the world. It is important because
internet provides us data and information about certain topics.

Effects of Korean Telenovelas on Filipino TV Viewers -

It makes you understand and see what korean beauty and their culture is like. Whenever you get inspired
to travel and go to their country at least you will have good amount of knowledge of what to do.

Digital Age-

You can learn where computers started to transfer information freely and quickly. It is important because
where we live in right now where internet and email are available that is how our teachers share school
works for us students to work on.

Teaching through PowerPoint Presentations-

We need to gain more knowledge to this because of COVID-19 and schools are being done online. It is
important because in this time students and teachers are not able to teach face to face and so we have no
choice but to learn through powerpoint slides.

Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy-

This becomes useful in calculating the density or specific gravity of an object. It is important when you
are really dedicated to become a scuba diver because Scuba divers who have perfected their buoyancy
skills glide through the water effortlessly, conserve their air more economically, use less energy and can
hover in all sorts of different positions.

2. In the space provided, make a graphical presentation of the classification and types of research.
Classifications and
Types of Research

According to Purpose: Predictive or

Prognostic Research it has the purpose to According to the Level of Investigation
determine the future operation of the Exploratory Research – the researcher
variables under investigation with the aim studies the variables pertinent to a
of controlling or redirecting such for the specific situation.
Descriptive Research – the researcher
Directive Research – it determines what studies the relationships of the
should be done based on the findings. variables. Experimental Research – the
researcher studies the effects of the
Illuminative Research– it is concerned
variables on eachother.
with the interaction of the components of
the variable being investigated.

According to Goal: Basic or Pure

Research – it is done for development
of theories and principles. It is
conducted for intellectual pleasure of
learning. Applied Research– the
application of pure research. This is
testing the efficiency of theories and

According to the Types of Analysis

According to Scope
Analytic Approach – the researcher
attempts to identify and isolate the Action Research: This involves the
components of the research situation. application of the steps of the scientific
method in the classroom problems.
Holistic Approach – this begins with the
total situation, focusing attention on the This type of research is done on a very
system first and on its internal limited scope to solve a particular
relationships problem which is not so big.
Classifications and
Types of Research

According to Choice of Answers to

According to Statistical Content According to Time Element
Quantitative or Statistical Research – Historical Research – describes
Evaluation Research – All possible
is one in which inferential statistics what was.
courses of action are specified and
are utilized to determine the results Descriptive – describes what is.
identified and the researcher.
of the study.
Developmental research – the focus Experimental Research – describes
Non – quantitative Research – this is what will be.
is on finding or developing a more
research in which the use of the
suitable instrument or process than
quantity or statistics is practically not
has been available.

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