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Name: _________________________________________ Date:__________________

As a teacher education student think of a subject you plan to teach and make workable tasks
which are applicable to your teaching situation in the different types of performance assessment.

Types of Performance Tasks Performance Task to be Workable Tasks

Undertaken ( Authentic )

Shows how the student use teaching method used to

Demonstration tasks knowledge and a kills to communicate an idea with the
complete well defined tasks aid of visuals such as flip
charts, posters, power point,

specific activities that require utilize to assess critical

er as
students to demonstrate thinking and problem solving

Solving a problem mastery of knowledge or skills

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are each aligned with a
through application within the specific thinking type

rs e task.
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Completing an inquiring students are able to explore Activities that practicing
and solve open-ended and professionals perform or
complex questions. naturally relate to daily living.
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shows how the students use

knowledge and skills to
Determining position Requires student to make complete well-defined
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decision clarify a position complex tasks.

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Developing exhibits visual presentations or summative assessments,


displays that need little or no but the process of building

explanation from the creators up to a final exhibition
includes ongoing
assessment, feedback, and
The student Recite a work of The student will do oral
literature (as a poem or play) interpretation, where a reader
Dramatic Reading with an interpretative or would read a story in a dramatic
dramatic use of the voice and voice.
often of gestures.

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B. Plus- Minus – Interesting Framework

Write down the pluses and minuses of using Performance –Based Assessment.
Plus (+) Minus (-) Interesting (?)

Example: Clarifies the Requires a considerable time To what extent does

meaning of complex learning to construct complete and Performance – based
targets in authentic contexts. score. assessment measure the level
of Authenticity
Can be adopted and Norm data may be user How can check the results
implemented quickly. norms rather than true against those obtained from
national sample. other assessment


er as
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Can test large numbers of It’s going to be stressing Why it is embedding the
students. and more pressured test as part of a course’s

rs e requirements may improve
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Provide for external validity. Measures relatively superficial How to select carefully based
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knowledge or learning. on faculty review and

v i y re

determination of
match between test conten?.
ed d

Can make longitudinal May be cost prohibitive to If possible, select tests that
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comparisons. administer as a pre- and post- also provide criterion-

test. referenced results
sh is

It will force us to update our We won’t have the time Could we simply replace the
content and streamline during the time left this term flash element
to update the existing

Are scored objectively. Measures relatively superficial Check results against those
knowledge or learning. obtained from other
assessment methods.

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Name:__________________________________________ Date:_______

A. Form a group with 3-5 member each. Brainstorm on the nature of the

performance based-assessment and create a webbing as a graphic organizer.

Webbing is a graphic organizer that provides picture of how words or phrases connect to
an object, concept or topic.

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Providing information
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B. List down five activities which are considered as performance – based outputs. From the list
you have made. What do you think are the competencies to be accomplished

Activities Competencies Assessment Procedures

Presentations Providing information Students may choose to add in

visual aids or a PowerPoint
presentation or Google Slides
to help illustrate elements in
their speech.

Making Portfolio Student portfolios can include Students create a portfolio of

items that students have their written work that shows
created and collected over a how they have progressed

period. from the beginning to the end

er as
of class.

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Performances Dramatic performances are Students must be provided

rs e one kind of collaborative time to address the demands of
activities that can be used as a the activity; resources must be
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performance-based readily available and meet all
assessment. safety standards. Students
should have opportunities to

draft stage work and practice.

Projects Projects are commonly used Projects may require students
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by teachers as performance- to apply their knowledge and

based activities. They can skills while completing the
include everything from assigned task. They can be
research papers to artistic aligned with the higher levels
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representations of information of creativity, analysis, and

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learned. synthesis.
Debates A debate in the classroom is Skills associated with debate
one form of performance- include research, media and
based learning that teaches argument literacy, reading
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students about varied comprehension, evidence


viewpoints and opinions. evaluation, public speaking,

and civic skills.
Exhibits and Fairs Teachers can expand the idea Students might be required to
of performance-based explain or defend their work to
activities by creating exhibits those attending the exhibition.
or fairs for students to display
their work.

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