Analisis Permintaan Uang Kuasi Di Indonesia
Analisis Permintaan Uang Kuasi Di Indonesia
Analisis Permintaan Uang Kuasi Di Indonesia
Pembimbing: Tri Sukirno Putro dan Anthony Mayes
This study aims to determine the influence of gross domestic income, the
rupiah/US $ and 3-month deposit rate of the quasi money demand in Indonesia
period 2000-2014.This study uses annual time series data obtained from the
Central Bureau of Statistics, Economic and Financial Statistics Indonesia and
Bank Indonesia. The analysis model used in this study is motode Multiple Linear
Regression with SPSS version 22. From the results of tests performed with
Simultaneous Regression Test (Test F) indicate that significant value 0.000> 0.05,
which means jointly variables gross domestic product, exchange rates (exchange
rate) and the 3-month deposit rates affect the demand for the number of quasi-
money in Indonesia the period 2000-2014. Partial Regression Test (Test t)
produces t value of gross domestic product> 14 314 t table> 2,262 gross domestic
product, which means a positive effect on demand for quasi-money. Exchange
rate variable yield amounted to 1,611 t value <2.262, which means, the rupiah
positive effect on the demand for quasi-money in Indonesia. Variable 3-month
deposit rate has a value t is smaller than t table is 0.790 <2.262 means that the
deposit rate 3-month positive effect on the demand for quasi-money in Indonesia.
The magnitude of the effect caused by the value (R2) is 0.981, which means that
jointly gross domestic product, exchange rates and 3-month deposit rate affects
the demand for quasi-money in Indonesia amounted to 98.1% while the remaining
1.9% is affected by the other variables not examined in this study.