diagonalizable eigenvectors X, X, · · ·, X invertible diag (λ, λ, · · ·, λ) eigenvalue
diagonalizable eigenvectors X, X, · · ·, X invertible diag (λ, λ, · · ·, λ) eigenvalue
diagonalizable eigenvectors X, X, · · ·, X invertible diag (λ, λ, · · ·, λ) eigenvalue
• Diagonalization Revisited
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [2]
a1λ1X1 + a2λ2X2 + · · · + aj λj Xj = O.
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [3]
a1λj X1 + a2λj X2 + · · · + aj λj Xj = O.
a1 = a2 = · · · = aj−1 = 0,
and aj Xj = 0, aj = 0, a contradiction.
Therefore, {X1, X2, · · · , Xk } is linearly independent. 2
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [4]
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [5]
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [6]
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [7]
(λI − A)X = O.
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [8]
• Diagonalization Algorithm
Let A be an n × n matrix.
1. Find all the eigenvalues λ of A.
2. For each λ, compute the basic solutions of (λI − A)X = O.
If there are n basic solutions in total, A is diagonalizable.
3. Construct the matrix P whose columns are (scalar multiples
of) basic solutions.
4. P −1AP is diagonal. (P is invertible.)
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [9]
0 0 1
Eg. A = 0 1 2, cA(x) = x(x − 1)2.
0 0 1
For λ = 1,
1 0 −1 1 0 0
λI − A = 0 0 −2 ⇒ 0 0 1 .
0 0 0 0 0 0
A is not diagonalizable.
1 2 3
B = 0 4 5 is diagonalizable.
0 0 6
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [10]
• Similar Matrices
Def. A, B: n × n matrices
We say that A and B are similar if B = P −1AP for some
invertible P . We will write A ∼ B for similar matrices A
and B.
1 −2 4 0
Eg. and are similar.
−3 2 0 −1
3 1
Indeed, for P = , we have
−1 1
1 −2 4 0
P −1 P = .
−3 2 0 −1
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [11]
Observations :
1. A is diagonalizable if and only if A is similar to a diagonal
2. Assume that A and B are similar. Then A−1 ∼ B −1,
AT ∼ B T , Ak ∼ B k . If one of A and B is diagonalizable,
then the other is also diagonalizable.
3. If A is diagonalizable, then A−1, AT and Ak are also
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [12]
1. tr(A + B) = trA + trB,
2. tr(kA) = ktrA,
3. tr(AT ) = trA,
4. tr(AB) = tr(BA).
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Linear Algebra [13]
Kyu-Hwan Lee