Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment Manual: Channeled by Dr. Rev. Tracey Loper, DD

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Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment Manual

Channeled by Dr. Rev. Tracey Loper, DD

For more Reiki Attunements, Workshops, Courses, Healing and


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This is a fixed priced system. The fixed price is $25.00.

All Contents of this manual are Copyright ©2010 Tracey Loper

This material is not to be re-published on other servers, websites,

yahoo groups, MSN, Reiki or similar groups, translated,

displayed, altered or in any other way used without the express

written permission of the author. The manual is not to be given

as a free attunement. An energy exchange must take place. This

manual is not to be displayed on any website of any kind. The

manual can be passed onto students as long as the manual stays

in tact. No text or portion of this manual may be copied or

Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment

This healing modality will help to bring in, awaken, enhance,

empower and activate your spiritual and psychic gifts and

abilities that are aligned with the divine blueprint made with

Spirit prior to you entering into this incarnation. Through using

the Psychic Gifts Flush you will flush out anything that has kept

you from developing energetic boundaries so that you have more

choice over what enters your field of energy. This will enable you

to open your field of energy to your Higher Self as well as your

Spirit Guides and other Higher Beings of Light such as the

Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, etc.

The energy will gently flush blocks that affect you at your

chakras and clear any blocks to your intuition. The

empowerment will activate and develop your strongest psychic

gifts. As the blocks are flushed from all of your fields of energy

and your energetic bodies the energy will actually integrate your

psychic abilities into your life successfully as well as into your

human side and mind so that you do not get stuck by any

skepticism the finite mind has come to adopt in form of false and

limiting beliefs about your abilities.

New energy will enter so that you adopt positive attitudes which

can help you be not only successful but confident in your psychic

abilities including things such as releasing anxiety about using

your gifts for self and or others. As the old is flushed away you

will develop the ability to tell the difference between intuition and

other things. Blocks to your Higher Purposes in life will be

removed and you will be opened to the possibility of your Higher

Positive core beliefs will enter so that you attract opportunities to

use your spiritual and psychic gifts that are financially abundant,

spiritually fulfilling, and in alignment with your Highest and

Best Good and Divine Life Purpose. Blocks to committing to and

taking responsibility for your gift will be removed so that you can

be open to committing to your life path and feel confident that

you are divinely guided in using your gifts and in your life path


All blocks to manifesting opportunities to use your gifts will be

removed as well as any feelings of being unworthy of gifts and or

opportunities will be removed. This will bring forward a powerful

manifesting energy as you realize you are worthy of your gifts

and co-creating with the Divine opportunities to help self and


Benefits to Using Psychic Gifts Flush

Adopt positive attitudes and core beliefs

Confidence in Psychic Abilities

Enhanced Intuitive Skills

Opening to Higher Purposes

Financial Abundance

Spiritual Fulfillment

Alignment with Higher Good and Divine Life Purpose

Commitment to Life Path

Worthiness of Gifts

Manifesting Energy

Removal of Skepticism in Gifts

Energetic Boundaries

Enhanced communication with Higher Beings of Light

Empower and Open Spiritual Gifts

Types of Spiritual Gifts









Remote Viewing

And any other Spiritual Gift you embody

Use of Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment

The Flush can be used as often as needed. If you find that you

have a lot of blocks to opening your gifts then you may have to

run the flush several times in a row. The Psychic Gifts Flush

Empowerment is activated by intention. There are no symbols

used with this empowerment. All that is needed is a simple

intention statement that the Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment

is to be activated. The empowerment will activate on its own with

an intention statement.

To use for Self Healing simply state aloud or silently, “I now

activate the Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment for my Highest

Good.” To use in healing for others simply state aloud or silently,

“I now activate the Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment for

__________________ (person’s name) for his/her Highest


In person healing is also possible. When activating the Psychic

Gifts Flush Empowerment in person place hands on the

recipient’s head and activate the Psychic Gifts Flush

Empowerment by intention by stating aloud or silently, “I now

activate the Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment for

________________ (person’s name) for his/her Highest Good.”

Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment Attunement

Activating this energy is not complicated therefore you can

activate the energy with any attunement procedure or method for

which you are accustomed or feel comfortable with using.

Before you begin the attunement process, activate the Psychic

Gifts Flush Empowerment for the person receiving the

attunement. Then ask the recipient of the attunement to sit in

front of you. Ask them to take two to three deep breathes and to

close their eyes.

At that time, all you need do is ask the Higher Self of the

recipient to receive the energies of the Psychic Gifts Flush

Empowerment that you are sending to the Crown Chakra. Ask

for the Divine’s assistance in the process. Focus the energy

through the Crown Chakra with the intention of attuning them to

the Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment for their Highest Good.

Distance attunements will be done in the same fashion except

you will be doing so by visualization, in your mind’s eye. You will

simply do everything mentioned above by visualizing in your

mind sending the energy to the Crown Chakra with the intention

of attuning the recipient to the Psychic Gifts Flush


No matter which procedure you choose for sending the

attunement, the recipient simply needs to state, either out loud or



HIGHEST GOOD.” Then all the recipient needs to do is let the

energy flow which takes approximately thirty minutes.

When you are done, thank the Higher Self and the Divine for

their assistance in the attunement process.

The Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment is not affiliated with any

form of Natural Energy Healing, Reiki or any other form of

energy and is not to be confused with any other form, attunement,

initiation or empowerment now or in the future. The Disclaimer:

This is a form of energy healing. As such, it always helps and

will never harm. If you have any type of illness, see your

physician immediately. Natural Healing is a great adjunct to

medical treatment but is not meant to be a replacement for

medical attention. This report has been written to provide you

with information about the Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment. It

is provided to you with the understanding that the author and

publisher are not engaged in rendering medical services of any


If medical attention is needed a competent professional should be

sought. Every effort to make this report as complete and accurate

as possible has been made however there could be typographical

or other mistakes. The purpose of this manual is to educate. The

author nor the publisher shall have neither liability nor

responsibility to any person or entity with respect to loss or

damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by

this report.

All Contents of this manual are Copyright ©2010 Tracey Loper

Do not alter this manual in anyway. Do not add anything to this

manual. Do not take anything out of this manual. Do not post

this attunement or manual on any yahoo groups, MSN, Reiki or

similar groups or give away as a free attunement on any website

or others. An energy exchange must take place. This manual is

not to be displayed on any website.

The fixed price of this attunement is $25.00

The Psychic Gifts Flush Empowerment is not affiliated with any

form of Natural Energy Healing, Reiki or any other form of

energy and is not to be confused with any other form, attunement,

initiation or empowerment now or in the future. The Psychic

Gifts Flush Empowerment Manual is compiled and channeled by

Rev. Tracey Loper.
Manual is compiled and channeled by Rev. Tracey Loper.

All Contents of this manual are Copyright ©2010 Tracey Loper

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