Mil DTL 87269D

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The key takeaways are that this specification prescribes requirements for an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Database (IETMDB) to be constructed by a weapon-system contractor for the purpose of creating Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM).

The purpose of this specification is to prescribe the requirements for an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Database (IETMDB) to be constructed by a weapon-system contractor for the purpose of creating Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM).

The requirements for an IETMDB covered in this specification include the specification for the IETMDB, the interchange format for the database to be delivered to the Government, and the structure and naming of the elements of the database created and maintained by the contractor.

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This specification is approved for use by the Department of the Air Force and is available for use
by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.

1.1 Scope. This specification prescribes the requirements for an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
Database (IETMDB) to be constructed by a weapon-system contractor for the purpose of creating Interactive
Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM). These requirements cover the specification for the IETMDB and are
intended to apply to one or both of two modes as specified in a contract:
a. The interchange format for the database to be delivered to the Government; and/or
b. The structure and the naming of the elements of the database created and maintained by the
contractor for purposes of creating IETMs which are in turn delivered to the Government.
1.2 Paragraphs with limited applicability. This specification contains paragraphs and specific requirements
which may not be applicable to all Services. Such paragraphs or requirements are prefixed to indicate
the Services to which the limited applicability pertains: (A) for Army; (N) for Navy; (M) for Marines;
and (F) for Air Force.

2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3, and 4 of this specification.
This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this specification or recommended for
additional information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of
this list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements documents cited in
sections 3 and 4 of this specification, whether or not they are listed.
2.2 Government documents.
2.2.1 Specifications, standards and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form
a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these
documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.


MIL-DTL-87268 Manual, Technical - General Content, Style, Format, and User
Requirements for Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals
(Copies of these documents are available online at or by mail from the Standardization
Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)
2.2.2 Other Government documents, drawings and publications. The following other Government documents,
drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise
specified, the issues are those cited in the solicitation or contract.


DODM-5200.01 Department of Defense Information Security Program Regulations

DOD 5220.22-M National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual

(Documents may be obtained at
2.3 Non-Government publications. The following documents form a part of this document to the extent
specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the
solicitation or contract.


ISO 10744 Hypermedia/Time-Based Structuring Language (HyTime)
(Documents may be obtained at

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2.4 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the references
cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes
applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.

3.1 General requirements. An IETMDB developed in accordance with this specification shall conform to the
Content Data Model (CDM) specified in this document (reference Appendix A.1.1). The IETM Content Data
Model (CDM) provides a representation of technical information (TI) elements and their relationships. The
CDM is composed of three separate layers. The first is the "Generic Layer". It defines general characteristics
which are common across all applications. The second layer is the “Interchange Layer”. This layer has been
established to provide a content data model (i.e. DTD fragment) holding area for harmonized, commonly
used ETM and IETM data structures. The Interchange layer exists in two parts. Part 1 is a holding area for
harmonized standalone ETM DTD fragments that constitute contained subsets of or identified transforms to
IETM functional IETM data structures found in Part 2 of the interchange layer. The final layer is called the
“Content Specific Layer” (CSL) and it contains the defining elements for weapon system specific TI.
3.1.1 The "Generic Layer. The "Generic Layer" shall define the general elements which are common across
all TI applications. This layer contains resource objects that can be used for any ETM or IETM application.
The generic layer defines the templates, linking elements, primitive elements, and context filtering elements
which are used to create content specific DTDs. Templates define rules which must be followed in the
creation of content specific DTDs and document instances. The templates provide the structure for creating
composite nodes, context dependent filtering, user interaction and branching. The templates provide basic sets
of rules to which elements must adhere. Also included in the generic layer are configuration management
version control and incremental update entities and elements that are used in conjunction with declared
template attributes to support the selection and incremental update of revisable information units within
documents, the version control and interchange packaging of documents as spine SGML instances, and the
flagging of updated content. A basic security classification entity is also provided to allow consistent
identification of classified information within the IETM database. See DODM-5200.01 and DOD 5220.22-M
for information about the Department of Defense and the National Industrial Security Program.
3.1.2 The Interchange Layer. The Interchange Layer provides a DTD fragment holding area for harmonized,
commonly used IETM and ETM data structures. The Interchange layer exists in two parts.
a. Part 1 is a holding area for harmonized standalone ETM DTD fragments that constitute
contained subsets of, or have identified transforms to the interactive IETM data structures found
in Part 2 of the interchange layer.
b. Part 2 is a holding area for both harmonized and IETM-specific DTD fragments that employ the
Generic Layer architectural forms to implement interactive technical manual traversal.
3.1.3 The Interchange Layer Part 1. The Interchange Layer Part 1 contains the harmonized ETM DTD
fragments which define the common primitive elements and data structures. These elements and structures
can be referenced from or appended to ETM DTDs to maximize upward compatibility of their instance
data into an IETM database presentation environment while at the same time retaining their conventional
ETM "electronic book" functionality. This Part 1 interchange layer contains declarations for primitive
TEXT, GRAPHIC, AUDIO, VIDEO, PROCESS, and LINK entities and data elements, and declarations
for primitive LIST data structures. These harmonized primitive entities and elements, list data models
and table data model are vital to the achievement of harmonious data migration from conforming ETM
instances into IETM database environments. WARNING: THESE PRIMITIVE ENTITY, ELEMENT, AND
3.1.4 ETM data model. The above warning noted, ETM DTD data model developers are free to use all
or part of the remaining entity, element, data structure models and DTD fragments referenced in this
document. Undesired model content can simply be commented out. Data model developers are advised that
the less of the included common content that is used, the less the resulting ETM product instance will
be in harmony with the IETM database model.

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3.1.5 The Interchange Layer Part 2. The Interchange Layer Part 2 is the holding area for a harmonized set
of common content entity, element and structure declarations and DTD fragments that employ the semantics
and primitive elements found in the generic layer to implement interactive presentation models. The common
elements and data structures contained in this area are provided as building blocks for content-specific layer
data model developers and as harmonized pathways for the migration of ETM content that was developed
employing the harmonized entities, elements, and structures found in Part 1 of this layer. Data model
developers are free to use all or part of the entity, element and data models provided in this document
by commenting out undesired content. Data model developers are advised however that commenting out
of any table or list models provided in this area will also necessitate the removal of their entity
declarations from the generic layer. IETM table and list functionality is dependent upon the presence of
both this Part 2 Harmonized IETM Interchange Model Area DTD and the generic layer DTD in the
Content-specific Layer DTD Content Data Model.
3.1.6 The bottom layer. The bottom layer, the content specific layer (CSL), shall employ the generic layer
when defining elements for weapon system specific TI. Many content specific layers can be developed in
accordance with the generic layer. An example CSL DTD is available for download. (See Appendix A.1.1.)
3.2 The CDM generic layer. The CDM generic layer is the DoD standard for any IETM technical
information data base procured using this specification. In addition, unless otherwise specified by the
procuring activity, the content specific layer Document Type Definition (DTD) (see 6.2b.)The IETMDB can
be invoked by a procuring activity in either one of two modes as follows, depending on whether a database
is (1) specified for interchange and delivery to the Government, or (2) being developed and maintained for
the subsequent preparation of IETMs, but not actually delivered to the Government.
a. Database interchange requirements. When specified, IETMDBs which are to be delivered to the
Government under this specification shall be structured and tagged in accordance with the DTDs
and the tag set descriptions referenced in Appendix A (see 6.2c.).
b. Database structuring and data element naming requirements. Unless otherwise specified, a
deliverable instance created under this specification shall be structured in accordance with the
hierarchical relationships defined in the CDM DTDs referenced in Appendix A, and created and
named using the tag set descriptions contained in the referenced DTD. When a tagged instance is
not specified for delivery, the contractor shall maintain the ability to map the internal element
names to the specified content specific DTD names (see 6.2d.).
3.3 Format free technical information. The IETMDB shall consist of an assemblage of data elements,
including a listing of the specific attributes possessed by the data elements; and a list of explicit relationships
providing logical links among the data elements. The relationships incorporated into the database, by the
IETMDB author, shall provide the basis of the technical structure of the IETMs and other logistic support
TI which will be extracted from it. The IETMDB shall not contain format directions in the sense of
arrangement of text and graphics on a display screen for presentation to the end user. The IETMDB itself
shall require a "format" (database structure) but this specification does not impose structural requirements on
the actual Database Management System (DBMS) methodology to be employed (i.e., the database may be
either relational or object oriented). The exterior view of the database to be used for updating, adding cross
references, producing tagged output files, etc. shall conform to requirements of this specification.
3.3.1 Data portability. Formatting requirements shall be eliminated from the IETMDB to reduce the overall
magnitude of database and data interchange standardization effort. This shall also permit the use of a less
complex DBMS by the contractor which is, in turn, less expensive and easier to modify. The "format-free"
nature of the IETMDB shall provide the Government the capability to:
a. Acquire or access the data in a variety of ways (IETMs, other types of logistics reports,
training TI, etc.).
b. Subsequently format and style the data in a variety of ways for electronic display options.
3.3.2 Integration support. IETMDBs shall provide direct, on-line data access to a variety of users and to
a number of automated logistic support and management information systems throughout the services.

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Establishment of standard identifiers, data entity relationships, and multiple path access routes to individual
data elements shall be part of the IETMDB design and construction.
3.3.3 Data maintainability. The IETMDB shall be constructed with provisions that allow incorporation
of any change to automatically update all aspects of the database affected by that change. This
data-maintainability requirement shall involve the following two kinds of changes to the IETMDB:
a. Additions to, eliminations of, or changes to individual data elements and attributes.
b. Changes to relationships including establishment of new relationships or elimination of old
3.3.4 Additional content specific DTDs. When specified, additional content specific DTDs shall be used in
addition to or instead of the content specific DTD provided by TMSS (see 6.2e.). These DTDs shall be
incorporated into the overall CDM in accordance with the requirements of para 3.3.2.
3.4 Generic layer. The generic layer of the CDM is defined in the DTD provided by TMSS. This DTD
provides templates, which shall be used to define content specific elements. The generic layer includes a
definition for each template and the attribute lists associated with the template. The DTD provides a
definition of three other data types; primitive data elements that shall remain standard across all content
specific applications; user interaction elements, called dialogs; and the context filtering elements, which
shall be used to provide the most appropriate information to a user. The following paragraphs describe
the components of the generic layer:
3.4.1 Templates. Templates shall be used as described in the DTD to define elements declared in content
specific DTDs. The generic layer shall contain five templates: Node, Node Alternatives, Node Sequence, If
Node, and Loop Node. Each template shall have two components: (1) a set of semantic rules that govern
the template’s activities and (2) a list of attributes. Node template. All elements conforming to the node template shall provide the capability for
creating composite structures within the content specific layer. Composite structures shall contain primitives,
links, and preconditions. When a composite structure contains other composite structures within its
content model, this implies hierarchy. Node Alternatives (Alts) template. All elements conforming to the Node Alts template shall contain
a list of mutually exclusive nodes, only one of which shall be used at the time of presentation. Node Sequence (Seq) template. All elements shall conform to the Node Seq template group
elements together and provide an order or presentation sequence to the elements. The elements conforming
to the Node Seq shall also allow an author to define branching logic within the TI. IF node template. Elements conforming to the if node template shall provide a method for
conditional branching. These elements shall use the same logic as the IF-THEN-ELSE statement in a
programming language. The "IF" part is the expression in the content model. The "THEN" part is the first
node seq and is selected when the expression evaluates to true. The "ELSE" part is the second node seq,
which is optional in the CDM, and is selected when the expression evaluates to not true. Loop node template. The loop node template shall provide the equivalent of a loop in a
programming language. This element shall provide the capability to create either a "FOR" loop or a
"WHILE" loop within the data. The expressions and assertions shall be developed in accordance with
this template and provide the testing criteria for the loop. The node sequence shall contain the actual
elements to be repeated within the loop.
3.4.2 Relational links. Elements shall have relationships to other elements in the TI, when applicable.
These relationships shall be represented through two or more link ends. The link element shall provide the
capability to show the relationship between several elements. The contractor shall include the specific
cross-references to elements within the IETMDB as well as information sources outside the IETMDB. Links to reduce redundancy. Links shall be used to reduce the number of redundant elements by
referencing common elements. The templates defined within the generic layer CDM DTD shall define
attributes to reduce redundant elements.

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MIL-DTL-87269D Location elements. Location elements are defined by ISO 10744. Elements shall be referenced by
other elements in accordance with ISO 10744. Logistics support and task-analysis link. The contractor shall establish linkages (information-access
capabilities) with the IETMDB when external logistics support and task-analysis systems have been developed.
3.4.3 Primitive elements. An IETMDB shall be composed of the primitive elements defined in the generic
layer DTD. Content and style for these elements shall conform to the requirements of MIL-DTL-87268. Textual information. Textual information shall consist of alphanumeric (i.e., character) data. When
required, textual information shall contain embedded references to some higher level elements, such as
those describing parts or consumables. Tables. Tables shall be represented as a series of separate entries, each entry being associated with
a specific row and column intersection (cell) of a table. Each entry in the table may be associated with
other primitive types of information presentation and attributes. Each entry may refer (through a relationship)
to any other template element or primitive element in the IETMDB. Graphics. Graphics (drawings, illustrations) information shall be structured in a hierarchical manner
and consist of logically related groups. Graphics shall be composed of a series of illustrations which can be
overlaid on each other to build a complete graphic. These graphic "building blocks" are called graphic
primitives. Graphic primitives may be combined to produce composite information which can be referenced
and selected. For Information about composing graphics (see Audio, video, and process elements. The audio, video, and process elements shall provide the
capability for the author to define an audio sequence, a video sequence, or a call to a software process. Dialog elements. Dialog elements are the basic element which provides the capability for user
interaction with the TI. During a presentation these elements shall be used to prompt the user to input a
response, select a choice from a set of alternatives, or to select items from within a text, table or graphic.
3.4.4 Context dependent filtering. Context dependent filtering shall be accomplished through author-defined
preconditions. Preconditions shall contain an expression which will contain all the information necessary to
identify what conditions must be present to display the TI. Preconditions. A precondition shall contain an expression which identifies the conditions which must
be present to display the TI. Precondition elements may be referenced by node elements. This implies that
the element’s information is relevant only if the precondition is true in the presentation situation. Post conditions. Post conditions shall assert the value of an expression to a property. Once
these property values are asserted, they shall be accessible to the presentation software for later testing
and processing to determine the user’s situation. Expressions. Expressions developed for an IETMDB shall conform to one of four types of
expressions defined in the CDM. The first is a binary operation between two expressions; the second is a
unary operation which is applied to an expression; the third and fourth are operations that identify a
unique property (variable) or a value to be used in an expression.
3.5 Content specific layer. All TI shall be structured in accordance with a content specific DTD. One content
specific DTD shall apply for an entire set of information regardless of the desired access to the information.
The CDM shall define the content and structure of the TI but shall not describe format information.
3.5.1 Control of content specific DTDs. The contractor shall not exchange TI with the DoD unless it has
been developed in accordance with the generic layer DTD and one or more of the latest versions of DoD
approved content specific DTDs. If a content specific DTD does not exist which meets the contract’s
requirements, the contractor shall submit a content specific DTD to the Government for approval.
3.5.2 Development of content specific DTDs. For guidance to develop content specific DTDs (see ). Use of generic DTD primitive elements. The generic layer of the CDM shall define a set of
primitive elements. Those elements shall be available to any content specific layer DTD that includes the
generic layer in an entity declaration and corresponding entity reference. Any element defined within a
content specific DTD which requires the use of any of the primitive elements need only include text, table,

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graphic, or dialog within its content model. The contractor shall not redefine primitive elements within the
content specific DTD. Those elements, using primitive elements, shall be restricted to the structure of
primitive elements as defined within the generic layer. Use of generic DTD template elements. Elements within a content specific DTD shall conform to
one of the templates defined within the generic layer. Elements shall include the attributes listed under
the generic layer’s definition of the templates. The two common attributes among the five templates are
identification (id) and CDM. Each element employing a template includes an identification attribute for
referencing. The CDM attribute identifies which template an element is employing.
3.5.3 Content specific DTD for Organizational Level (O-Level) maintenance. The following describes
requirements for the content specific DTD provided by TMSS. Item/System hierarchy. The vehicle, weapon system, or other equipment that is being maintained and
operated is composed of several layers of subsystems, components, and parts. This hierarchical representation
shall be accomplished by use of a system element that is used recursively, and which breaks down the
equipment into only those components that are being maintained or operated. Each component of this
hierarchy shall have one or more of the following four categories of information associated with it:
a. Descriptive information
b. Procedural information
c. Fault isolation information
d. Parts information Descriptive information. Descriptive information shall contain a hierarchy of narrative paragraphs.
Paragraphs, in turn, may refer to primitive elements. Descriptive information may provide information
on system (subsystem, component, part) physical arrangement, functional behavior, theory of operation,
and other aspects. Procedural information. Procedural information shall be composed primarily of task statements.
Each task element shall be associated with attributes which provide related information such as: estimated
completion time; maintenance level(s) where the task is to be performed; required conditions which shall be
met before performing the task; and the number of people required to perform the task. A procedural
element may be linked to other elements which define the support equipment and consumables that task
requires, through the establishment of appropriate relationships. Fault isolation information. Fault isolation information shall contain data necessary to isolate faults
found in a system. Fault isolation information shall contain fault elements, fault state elements, test
elements, outcome elements, and rectification elements. Fault elements. Fault elements shall identify potential faults which might occur in the system. Fault state elements. Fault state elements shall present a list of faults implicated as the result of a
test that has been performed. Each suspected fault in the list shall be weighted, based on the probability that
it is the cause of the observed malfunction. The fault state element may also present a list of possible faults
that have been eliminated from consideration as the result of tests performed. Test elements. Test elements shall contain a link to the procedural instructions a technician
must follow to carry out a required task at a particular juncture in the fault isolation procedure. Test
elements shall also provide all possible test outcomes. Outcome elements. Outcome elements shall contain definitions of new fault states associated with
the results of a particular test. Outcome elements shall also contain a description of the state of the item
being maintained. An outcome is based on one or more expressions (i.e., system states which shall be
established for the specific outcome to apply). The final outcome element of a fault isolation procedure shall
have a relationship which associates it with an identified fault. The identified fault has, in turn, associated
with it the initial element of the appropriate corrective maintenance action.

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MIL-DTL-87269D Rectification elements. Rectification (i.e., corrective maintenance actions) elements shall contain
references to procedural rectification tasks, checkout tests used to report the success of completed rectification
tasks, and a list of all faults that the rectification shall repair. Parts information. Two types of parts information shall be included: (1) maintainer/operator
information, and (2) supply information. Elements containing either type shall refer explicitly to
corresponding elements of the other type. Parts information for the maintainer or operator. Parts information provided for a system
maintainer or operator shall include such items as units per assembly, usable-on code, mean time between
failures (MTBF), and reference designator, if applicable. Parts information provided for parts supply. Parts information provided for the parts supply
process shall constitute unambiguous identification of a part so that it can be reordered, and may
consist of such items as: the part number; Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code; Source,
Maintenance, and Recoverability (SMR) code; Hardness Critical Item (HCI) identification; and National
Stock Number (NSN), if applicable.

4.1 Verification. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order:
a. Validity of the accuracy and scope of the IETMDB technical content, user interface functionality,
and EDS-IETM interface shall be the responsibility of the contractor (see 6.2f.).
b. The contractor shall provide suitable facilities to perform the validation functions specified in
this document.
c. The contractor’s existing quality assurance procedures shall be used.
d. The government reserves the right to review any of the verifications.
4.1.1 Minimum verification requirements. As a minimum, verification shall ensure the following:
a. Suitability of the IETMDB for the intended maintenance environment.
b. Usability by the intended users.
c. Compatibility with other Government systems.
4.1.2 Compliance. All IETMDB shall meet all of the requirements of sections 3 and 4 of this specification.
The requirements set forth in this specification shall become a part of the contractor’s overall inspection
system or quality program. The absence of any requirements in this specification shall not relieve the
contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government
for acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract. Use of sampling inspections shall be in
accordance with commercially acceptable quality assurance procedures; however, Government approval for
use of sampling in QA procedures does not authorize submission of known defective material, either
indicated or actual, nor does it commit the Government to accept defective material.

(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)
5.1 Intended use. For acquisition purposes, the packaging requirements shall be as specified in the contract
or order (see 6.2g.). When actual packaging of materiel is to be performed by DoD personnel, these
personnel need to contact the responsible packaging activity to ascertain requisite packaging requirements.
Packaging requirements are maintained by the Inventory Control Point’s packaging activity within the Military
Department or Defense Agency, or within the Military Department’s System Command. Packaging data
retrieval is available from the managing Military Department’s or Defense Agency’s automated packaging
files, CD-ROM products, or by contacting the responsible packaging activity.

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(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)
6.1 Intended use. An IETMDB is the source data for the preparation of IETMs. IETMs prepared in
accordance with this specification are intended for use in the installation, operation, maintenance, repair, and
logistics support of equipment/systems or for the accomplishment of the assigned mission of users.
6.1.1 Nature and purpose of a revisable source database. For complex weapon systems and other types of
military equipment, adequate logistic support in all its forms requires an enormous amount of current, readily
accessible, accurate, and highly detailed data, consisting of TI. This information has been traditionally
prepared and distributed to the end user in paper form; but with new technology, it can be better and more
effectively displayed or presented electronically and interactively to an end user. The material presented is
derived from material stored in textual, graphical, audio, or video form in a revisable database which is
composed of logically connected but randomly accessible IETM data elements. It is this starting point of the
IETM electronic data chain that is specified in this document. An integral part of the IETM concept and, in
the larger arena of the DoD Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support (CALS) program, is that the
services can acquire and maintain large scale databases. They can also gain access to such databases
that are maintained continuously by a contractor.
6.1.2 IETMDB capabilities. An IETMDB is a complete collection of database elements relating to a
weapon system or other equipment acquired by the Government and constructed in a standardized manner
to provide the following capabilities:
a. The IETMDB can serve as the basis for construction and update of the entire suite of
electronically displayed, weapon system, IETMs through the use of automated authoring systems.
b. Government activities or DoD contractors concerned with logistic support for the weapon
system involved, can access the database directly to obtain needed logistic support information
for specific purposes.
c. The IETMDB, or portions of it, can be interchanged by means of standardized formats and
procedures throughout the DoD and its supporting contractors when needed for any purpose. References for composing graphics. Information about composing graphics may be found in
MIL-HDBK-28001, MIL-STD-1840 and ISO 8632-1. Development of content specific DTDs. Refer to MIL-PRF-28001 Markup Requirements and Generic
Style Specification for Exchange of Text and its Presentation, for guidance to develop content specific DTDs.
6.2 Acquisition requirements. Information for acquisition documents may include:
a. Title, number, and date of the specification.
b. If IETM program requires content specific layer elements other than the content specific
layer elements provided by TMSS (see 3.2.).
c. If the specification applies to the delivery and tagging of an IETMDB (see 3.2a.).
d. If the specification applies to the structuring of the IETMDB and naming of the IETMDB
elements which are created and maintained by the contractor (see 3.2b.).
e. Content specific DTDs other than the one provided by TMSS and whether these are to be used
in addition to or instead of the one provided by TMSS. (see 3.3.4).
f. If Validity is to be the responsibility of the Contractor (see 4.1).
g. Packaging requirements (see 5.1).
6.3 Technical information procurement options. Acquisition of IETMs may be carried out by one of several
optional approaches. This specification provides requirements for a standardized IETMDB which will permit
the Government to acquire TI by applying any of the following contractual options:
a. Acquisition of only the required final form IETMs. Although the author (equipment prime
contractor) will need to establish an automated equipment or weapon-system (source) database,
this database will not be acquired by the Government. The contractor will maintain, use, and

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control the database, both for the preparation of IETMs and for other purposes. The Government
under this specification requires that the database be structured and the individual data elements
named and attributed in a standard manner. However, an explicitly tagged data file need not
be prepared for delivery as no database delivery is required.
b. Acquisition of the IETMDB. Acquisition of the IETMDB may involve either of the following
1. Delivery to the Government, in standardized form, and subsequently maintained by the
Government (whether or not update information is supplied on a continuing basis
by the contractor).
2. Title to the IETMDB acquired by the Government, but with the database retained and
maintained in standardized form in the contractor’s plant. The Government could be
provided with online access to the database.
c. Acquisition of fully constructed IETMs (fully prepared and validated by the contractor), as well
as the IETMDB upon which they are based. Acquisition under this option may involve either
option (1) or (2) as given in 6.2.b. above.
6.4 Definitions of acronyms and terms. Acronyms and IETM terms not listed in MIL-STD-12 included in
this specification are defined as follow:
6.4.1 Definitions of acronyms.

CAGE Commercial And Government Entity

CDM Content Data Model
DBMS Database Management System
DD Department of Defense (document-number prefix)
DoD Department of Defense
ASSIST Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System
DTD Document Type Definition
EDS Electronic Display System
HCI Hardness Critical Item
IETM Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
NSN National Stock Number
QA Quality Assurance
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SMR Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability (Code)

6.5 Changes from previous issue. The margins of this specification are marked with vertical lines to
indicate where changes from the previous issue were made. This was done as a convenience only and the
Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors
are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of
the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous issue.
6.6 Subject term (key word) listing.
Generic layer

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Item/System hierarchy
The Interchange Layer
The loop node template
Database Management System
Content Data Model
Content Specific Layer

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A.1.1 Scope. This appendix describes the standard Air Force (AF) tagged language digital tools created
for developing and delivering AF Technical Manuals (TMs). These tools are available as subsets in the
Digital Support Suites (DSS) provided by the AF Technical Manual Specifications and Standards (TMSS)
activity (see A.2). This appendix is a mandatory part of this detail specification. The information herein
is intended for compliance.
A.1.2 Template Tool. The Document Type Definition (DTD) is the primary tool that is used as a template
for authoring AF TMs and is based on rules outlined in MIL-PRF-28001 and ISO 8879. See A.2.1 for
information about the DTD specified for this appendix subset.

A.2 DSS.
The DSS is comprised of the following tools for authoring and rendering the TM. See A.3 for information
about obtaining DSS component files in digital format through the TMSS activity web site. For information
about the current status of DSS tools, see A.3.4.
A.2.1 DTD. The DTD provides the structure and content template in accordance with the content specific
requirements of this specification. To be delivered digitally, the TM shall be tagged using the applicable
DTD provided through the TMSS activity. DTDs are furnished in Standardized General Markup Language
(SGML); however, this does not preclude converting TMs authored in SGML to Extensible Markup
Language (XML), if directed by the acquiring activity.
A.2.2 Formatted Output Specification Instance (FOSI). The FOSI provides formatting for each element of
an SGML tagged instance for rendering as a page-oriented document. It contains formatting information that
conforms to the content specific requirements of this specification. It should be noted that the FOSIs
offered by the TMSS activity are written to be used with a specific document composition engine, i.e., DL
Composer™, available for use on the AF JCALS.
A.2.3 Tag Description Table (TDT). The TDT provides detailed descriptions of the elements contained in
the DTD. The TDT contains the element tagging structure, parent elements, full element name, source
paragraph, attribute descriptions unique to the element, and entities.
A.2.4 OmniMark™. OmniMark™ is a text processing language that is used by TMSS to allow authors to
auto-generate redundant material that may be difficult to tag manually. DSSs contain Omimark™ scripts
designed for use on the AF JCALS.


A.3.1 Obtaining files by users with .mil web site access. The following applies to those interested in
obtaining DSS component files who are on a .mil internet domain, having .mil web address access.
A.3.1.1 AF TMSS web site. DTDs, TDTs, and other files in the DSS can be accessed at the TMSS web
site at On the web page, the “Baseline” menu option in the left
pane contains three bulleted options called “Specifications”, “Standards”, and “Handbooks”. Hover the
cursor over “Specifications” and a listing of the TMSS specifications will appear. Hover over the desired
specification number and another drop down list will appear that contains an entry indicating the PDF
version of the specification and other entries for the associated appendices. To obtain the preferred subset
DTD, select the desired appendix from the list. The following items will appear on the downloading page:
The name of the specification, the appendix number and name, the current version of the DSS, buttons to
download specific DSS files provided and a “Download” button to download the entire DSS zip file.
A.3.2 Obtaining files by users with a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate or a Common Access Card
(CAC). The following applies to those interested in obtaining DSS component files who have a PKI certificate
or a CAC (see for information on PKI and CAC access requirements).

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A.3.2.1 AF TMSS SharePoint web site. DTDs, TDTs, and other files in the DSS can be accessed at the
AF TMSS Sharepoint web site:
A.3.3 Obtaining files by users without .mil access, PKI certificate, or CAC. Those seeking to obtain DSS
files who do not have .mil web access, a PKI certificate, or a CAC should contact their AF Program
Management Office (PMO) or see A.3.4 to obtain information.
A.3.4 TMSS Helpdesk assistance. Address any requests or questions relating to the DSS by E-mail to
[email protected] (organizational address: Wright-Patterson AFLCMC/HIAM_AF TMSS HLPDSK)
or by postal mail to Air Force Technical Manual Specifications and Standards, AFMC AFLCMC/HIAM,
4170 Hebble Creek Road, Building 280, Door 15, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-5653.

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Custodians: Preparing activity:

Navy - AS Air Force - 16
Air Force - 16 (Project TMSS-2014-001)

Review activities:
Navy - EC, MC, SA, SH, YD
Air Force - 11, 13, 19, 70, 71, 84, 99

The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date
of this document. Since organizations and responsibilities can change,
you should verify the currency of the information above using the ASSIST
Online database at


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