Lab Activity: Radiative Heating of Land and Water: Student Sheet 1

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Student Sheet 1


Radiation from the sun heats up Earth’s landmasses

and oceans. The weather and climate on Earth are
directly dependent on this heat energy transfer, and
so are all the phenomena that accompany weather, such
as winds, tornadoes, hurricanes, rain, snow, and ocean

The heating and cooling differences of land and water affect the
temperature and movement of air masses above the land and water.
Because water has a much higher heat capacity, or specific heat, than do
sands, soils or other materials, for a given amount of solar irradiation
(insolation), water temperature will increase less than land temperature.

Regardless of temperature scale, during daytime, land temperatures might

change by tens of degrees, while water temperature change by less than half
a degree. At the same time, water's high heat capacity prevents rapid
changes in water temperature at night; while land temperatures may drop
tens of degrees, the water temperature remains relatively stable. Moreover,
the lower heat capacity of crustal materials often allows them to cool below
the nearby water temperature. It takes less energy to change the
temperature of land compared to water. This means that land heats and
cools more quickly than water and this difference affects the climate of
different areas on Earth.

Different energy transfer

processes also contribute to
different rates of heating
between land and water. One
reason water heats more slowly
than land is that it is a mobile
medium. The ability to mix in a
circulatory motion allows heat
to be distributed through more
volume than conduction. The

Student Sheet 2

opaqueness of water is less than that of land. Therefore, radiation is able to

penetrate deeper into water and distributes the energy more evenly. Solar
radiation only reaches a few centimeters into land while, depending on the
clarity, solar radiation can reach several meters into water. The result is
that a greater volume of water is heated at a slower rate. The smaller
volume of land however attains higher temperatures.

Earth's oceans are far more important than the land as a source of the heat
energy which drives weather and climate. Not only do the oceans cover more
than 2/3 of the Earth's surface, they also absorb more sunlight and store
more heat. Additionally the oceans retain heat longer. The Sun's rays also
penetrate the oceans to a depth of many meters, but only heat up the top
layer of the sand or soil. Water has to lose more energy than the sand (dry
land) in order for the temperature to decrease.

Climates in coastal areas are moderated by the

ocean. Because water does not heat up as easily
as land does, oceans can help keep coastal areas
cooler during the summer when inland
temperatures soar. This phenomenon can be
experienced by comparing coastal and inland
cities in California. The average
temperatures of San Francisco fluctuate
very little over the course of a year due to
the moderating effect that the ocean has on
temperatures. In contrast, the inland city of
Bakersfield is much cooler in the winter
months and warmer in the summer months
than San Francisco, in response to the
differential heating and cooling of the
surrounding land mass.

Student Sheet 3


DATA TABLE 1: Temperature Measurements While Heating

Time (min) 0 3 6 9 12

Water Temp.

Soil Temp.

DATA TABLE 2: Temperature Measurements While Cooling

Time (min) 15 18 21 24

Water Temp.

Soil Temp.

Student Sheet 4


1. Which material heated up the fastest: water or land? Support your

answer with evidence from the lab.
2. Which substance required the most energy to change its temperature?
3. Which material cooled the fastest once the light was turned off?
Support your answer with evidence from the lab.
4. How do these results compare to your hypothesis?
5. Air in the troposphere is heated from the bottom up by heat given off by
the surface. Locate Seattle, Washington and Bismarck, North Dakota on
the map. If the sun shines equally on both Seattle and Bismarck, which
location would get hotter during the day? Explain.
6. Based on the results of the lab, which city would probably have a bigger
difference between its day and night temperatures?
7. Anchorage (southern coast of Alaska) is several hundred miles north of
Helena, Montana, yet its January temperatures are similar to Helena’s.
Explain why.
8. Based on the data, what can you infer about the effects on the air
temperature above land compared to water during the daytime? In other
words, will the air heat up faster or slower over land compared to water.
Explain your answer.
9. Draw and label a diagram of an area where land and ocean meet and one
where the opposite type of location is shown. Show the temperature
changes due to absorption of thermal energy during the day and radiation
of thermal energy at night. Indicate the convection currents produced
and the direction the wind will flow.

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