Deeplog: Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis From System Logs Through Deep Learning
Deeplog: Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis From System Logs Through Deep Learning
Deeplog: Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis From System Logs Through Deep Learning
each log entry = log key + parameter value vector A new log entry
Log Key Log
Train model Parser
Anomaly Detection
Construct workflow model Anomaly?
D etection Stage
log key
Training Stage
normal execution
log file Workflows No, +
Log Diagnosis vector parameter
...... Update
Parser value vector
model if
Train models
...... false positive
Parameter Value
Anomaly Detection Anomaly? No
...... model
for each log key
anomaly detection model to check whether the incoming log key is 3 ANOMALY DETECTION
normal. If yes, DeepLog further checks the parameter value vector
3.1 Execution path anomaly
using the parameter value anomaly detection model for that log key.
The new entry will be labeled as an anomaly if either its log key or We first describe how to detect execution path anomalies using the
its parameter value vector is predicted being abnormal. Lastly, if log key sequence. Since the total number of distinct print statements
it is labeled being abnormal, DeepLog’s workflow model provides (that print log entries) in a source code is constant, so is the total
semantic information for users to diagnose the anomaly. Execution number of distinct log keys. Let K = {k 1 , k 2 , . . . , kn } be the set of
patterns may change over time or were not included in the original distinct log keys from a log-producing system source code.
training data. DeepLog also provides the option for collecting user Once log entries are parsed into log keys, the log key sequence
feedback. If the user reports a detected anomaly as false positive, reflects an execution path that leads to that particular execution
DeepLog could use it as a labeled record to incrementally update order of the log print statements. Let mi denote the value of the
its models to incorporate and adapt to the new pattern. key at position i in a log key sequence. Clearly, mi may take one of
the n possible keys from K, and is strongly dependent on the most
2.3 Threat model recent keys that appeared prior to mi .
DeepLog learns the comprehensive and intricate correlations and We can model anomaly detection in a log key sequence as a multi-
patterns embedded in a sequence of log entries produced by normal class classification problem, where each distinct log key defines
system execution paths. Henceforth, we assume that system logs a class. We train DeepLog as a multi-class classifier over recent
themselves are secure and protected, and an adversary cannot attack context. The input is a history of recent log keys, and the output is a
the integrity of a log itself. We also assume that an adversary cannot probability distribution over the n log keys from K, representing the
modify the system source code to change its logging behavior and probability that the next log key in the sequence is a key ki ∈ K.
patterns. That said, broadly speaking, there are two types of attacks Figure 2 summarizes the classification setup. Suppose t is the
that we consider. sequence id of the next log key to appear. The input for classi-
(1) Attacks that lead to system execution misbehavior and hence fication is a window w of the h most recent log keys. That is,
anomalous patterns in system logs. For instance, Denial of Service w = {mt −h , . . . , mt −2 , mt −1 }, where each mi is in K and is the log
(DoS) attacks which may cause slow execution and hence perfor- key from the log entry ei . Note that the same log key value may
mance anomalies reflected in the log timestamp differences from appear several times in w. The output of the training phase is a
the parameter value vector sequence; attacks causing repeated model of the conditional probability distribution Pr[mt = ki |w] for
server restarts such as Blind Return Oriented Programming (BROP) each ki ∈ K(i = 1, . . . , n). The detection phase uses this model to
attack [5] shown as too many server restart log keys; and any at- make a prediction and compare the predicted output against the
tack that may cause task abortion such that the corresponding log observed log key value that actually appears.
sequence ends early and/or exception log entries appear. Training stage. The training stage relies on a small fraction of log
(2) Attacks that could leave a trace in system logs due to the entries produced by normal execution of the underlying system.
logging activities of system monitoring services. An example is For each log sequence of length h in the training data, DeepLog
suspicious activities logged by an Intrusion Detection System (IDS).
Input: h recent LSTM
Output of last state
log keys up to DeepLog is forwarded as
Output: conditional probability
of next log key given the input current input state
recent sequence
Roll out
Figure 2: An overview of log key anomaly detection model. LSTM LSTM LSTM
block block block
Detection stage. DeepLog performs anomaly detection in an on- LSTM LSTM LSTM
line, streaming setting. To test if an incoming log key mt (parsed block block block
from an incoming log entry et ) is to be considered normal or abnor-
mal, we send w = {mt −h , ..., mt −1 } to DeepLog as its input. The Input
output is a probability distribution Pr[mt |w] = {k 1 : p1 , k 2 : p2 , ...,
kn : pn } describing the probability for each log key from K to Figure 3: A detailed view of log key anomaly detection
appear as the next log key value given the history. model using stacked LSTM.
In practice, multiple log key values may appear as mt . For in-
stance, if the system is attempting to connect to a host, then mt language model, a LSTM-based one can encode more intricate pat-
could either be ‘Waiting for * to respond’ or ‘Connected to *’; both terns and maintain long-range state over a sequence [34]. Complex
are normal system behavior. DeepLog must be able to learn such patterns and interleaving log entries from concurrent tasks in a sys-
patterns during training. Our strategy is to sort the possible log tem log can render a traditional language model less effective. Thus,
keys K based on their probabilities Pr[mt |w], and treat a key value DeepLog uses a LSTM neural network [18] for anomaly detection
as normal if it’s among the top д candidates. A log key is flagged from a log key sequence.
as being from an abnormal execution otherwise. Given a sequence of log keys, a LSTM network is trained to
3.1.1 Traditional N-gram language model. The problem of as- maximize the probability of having ki ∈ K as the next log key value
cribing probabilities to sequences of words drawn from a fixed as reflected by the training data sequence. In other words, it learns
vocabulary is the classic problem of language modeling, widely a probability distribution Pr(mt = ki |mt −h , . . ., mt −2 , mt −1 ) that
studied by the natural language processing (NLP) community [24]. maximizes the probability of the training log key sequence.
In our case, each log key can be viewed as a word taken from Figure 3 illustrates our design. The top of the figure shows a
the vocabulary K. The typical language modeling approach for single LSTM block that reflects the recurrent nature of LSTM. Each
assigning probabilities to arbitrarily long sequences is the N-gram LSTM block remembers a state for its input as a vector of a fixed
model. The intuition is that a particular word in a sequence is dimension. The state of an LSTM block from the previous time
only influenced by its recent predecessors rather than the entire step is also fed into its next input, together with its (external) data
history. In our setting, this approximation is equivalent to setting input (mt −i in this particular example), to compute a new state
Pr(mt = ki |m 1 , . . . , mt −1 ) = Pr(mt = ki |mt −N , . . . , mt −1 ) where and output. This is how historical information is passed to and
N denotes the length of the recent history to be considered. maintained in a single LSTM block.
For training, we can calculate this probability using relative fre- A series of LSTM blocks form an unrolled version of the recurrent
quency counts from a large corpus to give us maximum likelihood model in one layer as shown in the center of Figure 3. Each cell
estimates. Given a long sequence of keys {m 1 , m 2 , . . . , mt }, we maintains a hidden vector Ht −i and a cell state vector Ct −i . Both
can estimate the probability of observing the i t h key ki using the are passed to the next block to initialize its state. In our case, we
relative frequency counts of {mt −N , . . . , mt −1 , mt = ki } with re- use one LSTM block for each log key from an input sequence w (a
spect to the sequence {mt −N , . . . , mt −1 }. In other words, Pr(mt = window of h log keys). Hence, a single layer consists of h unrolled
ki |m 1 , . . . , mt −1 ) = count(mt −N , . . ., mt −1 , mt = ki )/count(mt −N , LSTM blocks.
. . ., mt −1 ). Note that we will count these frequencies using a sliding Within a single LSTM block, the input (e.g. mt −i ) and the previ-
window of size N over the entire key sequence. ous output (Ht −i−1 ) are used to decide (1) how much of the previous
To apply the N-gram model in our setting, we simply use N as cell state Ct −i−1 to retain in state Ct −i , (2) how to use the current
the history window size, i.e., we set h = N in our experiments when input and the previous output to influence the state, and (3) how
the N-gram model is used where h is the history sliding window to construct the output Ht −i . This is accomplished using a set of
size as depicted in Figure 2. We use this as a baseline method. gating functions to determine state dynamics by controlling the
amount of information to keep from input and previous output, and
3.1.2 The LSTM approach. In recent years, neural language mod- the information flow going to the next step. Each gating function
els that use recurrent neural networks have been shown to be highly is parameterized by a set of weights to be learned. The expressive
effective across various NLP tasks [3, 25]. Compared to a N-gram capacity of an LSTM block is determined by the number of memory
units (i.e. the dimensionality of the hidden state vector H ). Due to (PCA) and self-organizing maps (SOM). They are useful towards
space constraints, we refer the reader to NLP primers (e.g., [12]) capturing correlation among different feature dimensions. How-
for a formal characterization of LSTMs. ever, a major limitation of this method in the context of log data is
The training step entails finding proper assignments to the weights that often times the appearance of multiple log keys at a particular
so that the final output of the sequence of LSTMs produces the de- time instance is equally likely. For instance, the order of k 1 and
sired label (output) that comes with inputs in the training data set. k 2 in Table 1 is arbitrary due to concurrently running tasks. This
During the training process, each input/output pair incrementally phenomena, and the fact that the matrix is sparse, render these tech-
updates these weights, through loss minimization via gradient de- niques ineffective in our setting. Lastly, they are not able to model
scent. In DeepLog, an input consists of a window w of h log keys, auto-correlation that exists in a parameter value vector sequence
and an output is the log key value that comes right after w. We use (regular patterns over time in a single vector sequence).
the categorical cross-entropy loss for training. Our approach. DeepLog trains a parameter value anomaly detec-
After training is done, we can predict the output for an input tion model by viewing each parameter value vector sequence (for a
(w = {mt −h , . . . , mt −1 }) using a layer of h LSTM blocks. Each log log key) as a separate time series.
key in w feeds into a corresponding LSTM block in this layer. Consider the example in Table 1. The time series for the parame-
If we stack up multiple layers and use the hidden state of the ter value vector sequence of k 2 is: {[t 2 −t 1 , 0.61], [t 20 −t 10 , 1]}. Hence,
previous layer as the input of each corresponding LSTM block in our problem is reduced to anomaly detection from a multi-variate
the next layer, it becomes a deep LSTM neural network, as shown at time series data. It is possible to apply an LSTM-based approach
the bottom of Figure 3. For simplicity, it omits an input layer and an again. We use a similar LSTM network as shown in Figure 3 to
output layer constructed by standard encoding-decoding schemes. model a multi-variate time series data, with the following adjust-
The input layer encodes the n possible log keys from K as one-hot ments. Note that a separate LSTM network is built for the parameter
vectors. That is, a sparse n-dimensional vector → −
u i is constructed value vector sequence of each distinct log key value.
for the log key ki ∈ K, such that → −
u i [i] = 1 and →
−u i [j] = 0 for all Input. The input at each time step is simply the parameter value
other j , i. The output layer translates the final hidden state into vector from that timestamp. We normalize the values in each vector
a probability distribution function using a standard multinomial by the average and the standard deviation of all values from the
logistic function to represent Pr[mt = ki |w] for each ki ∈ K. same parameter position from the training data.
The example at the bottom of Figure 3 shows only two hidden Output. The output is a real value vector as a prediction for the
layers, but more layers can be used. next parameter value vector, based on a sequence of parameter
value vectors from recent history.
Objective function for training. For the multi-variate time series
3.2 Parameter value and performance anomaly
data, the training process tries to adjust the weights of its LSTM
The log key sequence is useful for detecting execution path anom- model in order to minimize the error between a prediction and an
alies. However, some anomalies are not shown as a deviation from observed parameter value vector. Thus, mean square loss is used to
a normal execution path, but as an irregular parameter value. These minimize the error during the training process.
parameter value vectors (for the same log key) form a parame- Anomaly detection. The difference between a prediction and an
ter value vector sequence, and these sequences from different log observed parameter value vector is measured by the mean square
keys form a multi-dimensional feature space that is important for error (MSE). Instead of setting a magic error threshold for anomaly
performance monitoring and anomaly detection. detection purpose in an ad-hoc fashion, we partition the train-
Baseline approach. A simple approach is to store all parameter ing data to two subsets: the model training set and the validation
value vector sequences into a matrix, where each column is a pa- set. For each vector → −v in the validation set, we apply the model
rameter value sequence from a log key k (note that it is possible to produced by the training set to calculate the MSE between the pre-
have multiple columns for k depending on the size of its parameter diction (using the vector sequence from before → −v in the validation
value vector). Row i in this matrix represents a time instance ti . →
set) and v . At every time step, the errors between the predicted
Consider the log entries in Table 1 as an example. There are vectors and the actual ones in the validation group are modeled as
3 distinct log key values in this example, and the sizes of their a Gaussian distribution.
parameter value vectors are 2, 2, and 1 respectively. Hence, row At deployment, if the error between a prediction and an ob-
1 in this matrix represents time instance t 1 with values [t 1 − t 0 , served value vector is within a high-level of confidence interval
file1Id, null, null, null]. Similarly, row 2 and row 3 are [null, null, of the above Gaussian distribution, the parameter value vector of
t 2 − t 1 , 0.61, null] and [null, null, null, null, t 3 − t 2 ] respectively. the incoming log entry is considered normal, and is considered
We may also ask each row to represent a range of time instances abnormal otherwise.
so that each row corresponds to multiple log messages within that Since parameter values in a log message often record important
time range and becomes less sparse. But the matrix will still be very system state metrics, this method is able to detect various types of
sparse when there are many log key values and/or exists some large performance anomalies. For example, a performance anomaly may
parameter value vectors. Furthermore, this approach introduces reflect as a “slow down”. Recall that DeepLog stores in each param-
a delay to the anomaly detection process, and it is also difficult to eter value vector the time elapsed between consecutive log entries.
figure out a good value for the length of each range. The above LSTM model, by modeling parameter value vector as a
Given this matrix, many well-known data-driven anomaly detec- multi-variate time series, is able to detect unusual patterns in one
tion methods can be applied, such as principal component analysis
or more dimensions in this time series; the elapsed time value is the name of the program that created it. Another easy case is when
just one such dimension. the process or task id is included in a log entry. Here, we focus on
the case where a user program is executed repeatedly to perform
3.3 Online update of anomaly detection models
different, but logically related, tasks within that program. An impor-
Clearly, the training data may not cover all possible normal execu- tant observation is that tasks do not overlap in time. However, the
tion patterns. System behavior may change over time, additionally same log key may appear in more than one task, and concurrency
depending on workload and data characteristics. Therefore, it is is possible within each task (e.g., multiple threads in one task).
necessary for DeepLog to incrementally update weights in its LSTM Consider OpenStack administrative logs as an example. For
models to incorporate and adapt to new log patterns. To do this, each VM instance, its life cycle contains VM creation, VM stop,
DeepLog provides a mechanism for the user to provide feedback. VM deletion and others. These tasks do not overlap, i.e., VM stop
This allows DeepLog to use a false positive to adjust its weights. For can only start after VM creation has completed. However, the same
example, suppose h = 3 and the recent history sequence is {k 1 , k 2 , log key may appear in different tasks. For example, a log message
k 3 }, and DeepLog has predicted the next log key to be k 1 with prob- “VM Resumed (Lifecycle Event)” may appear in VM creation, VM start,
ability 1, while the next log key value is k 2 , which will be labeled VM resume and VM unpause. There could be concurrently running
as an anomaly. If user reports that this is a false positive, DeepLog threads inside each task, leading to uncertainty in the ordering
is able to use the following input-output pair {k 1 , k 2 , k 3 → k 2 } of log messages corresponding to one task. For instance, during
to update the weights of its model to learn this new pattern. So VM creation, the order of two log messages “Took * seconds to build
that next time given history sequence {k 1 , k 2 , k 3 }, DeepLog can instance” and “VM Resumed (Lifecycle Event)” is uncertain.
output both k 1 and k 2 with updated probabilities. The same update Our goal is to separate log entries for different tasks in a log file,
procedure works for the parameter value anomaly detection model. and then build a workflow model for each task based on its log
Note that DeepLog does not need to be re-trained from scratch. key sequence. That said, the input of our problem is the entire log
After the initial training process, models in DeepLog exist as sev- key sequence parsed from a raw log file, and the output is a set of
eral multi-dimensional weight vectors. The update process feeds in workflow models, one for each task identified.
new training data, and adjusts the weights to minimize the error
between model output and actual observed values from the false
positive cases. 4.2 Using DeepLog’s anomaly detection model
4 WORKFLOW CONSTRUCTION FROM 4.2.1 Log key separation. Recall that in DeepLog’s model for
anomaly detection from log keys, the input is a sequence of log
MULTI-TASKS EXECUTION keys of length h from recent history, and the output is a probability
Each log key is the execution of a log printing statement in the distribution of all possible log key values. An interesting observa-
source code, while a task like VM creation will produce a sequence tion is that its output actually encodes the underlying workflow
of log entries. Intuitively, the order of log entries produced by a task execution path.
represents an execution order of each function for accomplishing Intuitively, given a log key sequence, our model predicts what
this task. As a result, we can build a workflow model as a finite state will happen next based on the execution patterns it has observed
automaton (FSA) to capture the execution path of any task. This during the training stage. If a sequence w is never followed by a
workflow model can also be used to detect execution path anom- particular key value k in the training stage, then Pr[mt = k |w] = 0.
alies, but it is less effective compared to DeepLog’s LSTM model Correspondingly, if a sequence w is always followed by k, then
due to its inability to capture inter-task dependencies and non- Pr[mt = k |w] = 1. For example, suppose on a sequence “25→54”,
deterministic loop iterations. However, the workflow model is very the output prediction is “{57:1.00}”, we know that “25→54→57” is
useful towards enabling users to diagnose what had gone wrong in from one task. A more complicated case is when a sequence w is
the execution of a task when an anomaly has been detected. to be followed by a log key value from a group of different keys;
Given a log sequence generated by the repeated executions of a the probabilities of these keys to appear after w sum to 1.
task, there have been several works exploring the problem of work- To handle this case, we use an idea that is inspired by small
flow inference [4, 21, 42]. CloudSeer [42] represents the state of the invariants mining [21].
art in anomaly detection using a workflow model. CloudSeer has Consider a log sequence “54→57”, and suppose the predicted
several limitations. Firstly, the anomalies it can detect are limited probability distribution is “{18: 0.8, 56: 0.2}”, which means that
to log entries having ”ERROR” logging level and log entries not the next step could be either “18” or “56”. This ambiguity could
appearing. Furthermore, its workflow model construction requires be caused by using an insufficient history sequence length. For
a log file with repeated executions of only one single task. Other example, if two tasks share the same workflow segment “54→57”,
previous works [4, 21] on workflow construction from a log file the first task has a pattern “18→54→57→18” that is executed 80%
also suffer from this limitation. In practice, a log file often contains of the time, and the second task has a pattern “31→54→57→56”
interleaving log entries produced by multiple tasks and potentially that is executed 20% of the time. This will lead to a model that
concurrently running threads within a task. predicts “{18: 0.8, 56: 0.2}” given the sequence “54→57”.
We can address this issue by training models with different
4.1 Log entry separation from multiple tasks history sequence lengths, e.g., using h = 3 instead of h = 2 in this
An easy case is when multiple programs concurrently write to the case. During workflow construction, we use a log sequence length
same log (e.g., Ubuntu’s system log). Often each log entry contains that leads to a more certain prediction, e.g. in the above example the
2. [18, 54, 57] -> {18: 0.8, 56: 0.2} 2. [18, 54, 57] -> {24: 0.8, 26: 0.2}
3. H: [39, 40, 39] -> {40: 1.00}
18 56 24 60
25 18 54 57 31 25 18 54 57 2. H: [37, 39, 40] ->{39: 1.00}
56 18 26 37
1. H: [26, 37, 39] -> {40: 1.00}
1. [25, 18, 54] -> {57: 1.00} 1. [25, 18, 54] -> {57: 1.00} 26 37 39 40 39 40
3. [54, 57, 18] -> {56: 1.00} 3. [54, 57, 24] -> {60: 1.00}
[54, 57, 56] -> {18: 1.00}
[54, 57, 26] -> {37: 1.00}
24 60
25 18 54 57 31
25 18 54 57
56 26 37 26 37 39 40
(a) An example of concurrency detection (b) An example of new task detection (c) An example of loop identification
Figure 4: Examples of using LSTM for task separation and workflow construction.
sequence “18→54→57” will lead to the prediction {18: 1.00} and Table 2: Co-occurrence matrix within distance d
the sequence “31→54→57” will lead to the prediction {56: 1.00}. k1 … kj … kn
If we have ruled out that a small sequence is a shared segment k1 pd (1, 1) pd (1, j)
from different tasks (i.e., increasing the sequence length for training …
fd (k i , k j )
and prediction doesn’t lead to more certain prediction), the chal- ki pd (i, 1) pd (i, j) = d ·f (ki )
lenge now is to find out whether the multi-key prediction output …
kn pd (n, 1) pd (n, j)
is caused by either concurrency in the same task or the start of a
different task. We call this a divergence point.
We observe that, as shown in Figure 4a, if the divergence point is same task always appear together, but log keys from different tasks
caused by concurrency in the same task, a common pattern is that may not always appear together as the ordering of tasks is not
keys with the highest probabilities in the prediction output will fixed during multiple executions of different tasks. This allows us
appear one after another, and the certainty (measured by higher to cluster log keys based on co-occurrence patterns, and separate
probabilities for less number of keys) for the following predictions keys into different tasks when co-occurrence rate is low.
will increase, as keys for some of the concurrent threads have In a log key sequence, the distance d between any two log keys is
already appeared. The prediction will eventually become certain defined as the number of log keys between them plus 1. For example,
after all keys from concurrent threads are included in the history given the sequence {k 1 , k 2 , k 2 }, d(k 1 , k 2 ) = [1, 2], d(k 2 , k 2 ) = 1
sequence. (note that there are two distance values between the pair (k 1 , k 2 )).
On the other hand, if the divergence point is caused by the start of We build a co-occurrence matrix as shown in Table 2, where each
a new task, as shown in Figure 4b, the predicted log key candidates element pd (i, j) represents the probability of two log keys ki and k j
(“24” and “26” in the example) will not appear one after another. If appearing within distance d in the input sequence. Specifically, let
we incorporate each such log key into the history sequence, the f (ki ) be the frequency of ki in the input sequence, and fd (ki , k j )
next prediction is a deterministic prediction of a new log key (e.g., be the frequency of pair (ki , k j ) appearing together within distance
f (k ,k )
“24→60”, “26→37”). If this is the case, we stop growing the workflow d in the input sequence. We define pd (i, j) = dd ·f i(ki )j , which shows
model of the current task (stop at key “57” in this example), and the importance of k j to ki .
start constructing workflow models for new tasks. Note that the f (k ,k )
For example, when d = 1, p1 (i, j) = 1 f (ki i ) j = 1 means that for
two “new tasks” in Figure 4b could also be an “if-else” branch, e.g., every occurrence of ki , there must be a k j next to it. Note that in this
“57→if (24→60→…) else (26→37→…)”. To handle such situations, definition, f (ki ) in the denominator is scaled by d because while
we apply a simple heuristic: if the “new task” has very few log keys counting co-occurrence frequencies within d, a key ki is counted by
(e.g., 3) and always appears after a particular task Tp , we treat it as d times. Scaling f (ki ) by a factor of d ensures that nj=1 fd (i, j) = 1
part of an “if-else” branch of Tp , otherwise as a new task. for any i. Note that we can build multiple co-occurrence matrices
4.2.2 Build a workflow model. Once we can distinguish diver- for different distance values of d.
gence points caused by concurrency (multiple threads) in the same With a co-occurrence matrix for each distance value d that we
task and new tasks, we can easily construct workflow models as have built, our goal is to output a set of tasks T ASK = (T1 ,T2 , ...).
illustrated in Figure 4a and Figure 4b. Additional care is needed to The clustering procedure works as follows. First, for d = 1, we
identify loops. The detection of a loop is actually quite straightfor- check if any p1 (i, j) is greater than a threshold τ (say τ = 0.9), when
ward. A loop is always shown in the initial workflow model as an it does, we connect ki , k j together to form T1 = [ki , k j ]. Next, we
unrolled chain; see Figure 4c for an example. While this workflow recursively check if T1 could be extended from either its head or
chain is initially “26→37→39→40→39→40”, we could identify the tail. For example, if there exists k x ∈ K such that p1 (ki , k x ) > τ ,
repeated fragments as a loop execution (39→40 in this example). we further check if p2 (k j , k x ) > τ , i.e., if k j and k x have a large
co-occurrence probability within distance 2. If yes, T1 = [k x , ki , k j ],
4.3 Using density-based clustering approach otherwise we will add T2 = [ki , k x ] to T ASK.
4.3.1 Log key separation. Another approach is to use a density- This procedure continues until no task T in T ASK could be fur-
based clustering technique. The intuition is that log keys in the ther extended. In the general case when a task T to be extended
has more than 2 log keys, when checking if k x could be included Actual Execution
as the new head or tail, we need to check if k x has a co-occurrence
probability greater than τ with each log key in T up to distance d 0 ,
26 37 38 39 40 41
where d 0 is the smaller of: i) length of T , and ii) the maximum value
of d that we have built a co-occurrence matrix for. For example,
Prediction (Correct Path)
to check if T = [k 1 , k 2 , k 3 ] should connect k 4 at its tail, we need to 37: instance: * Terminating instance
check if min(p1 (k 3 , k 4 ), p2 (k 2 , k 4 ), p3 (k 1 , k 4 )) > τ . 38: instance: * Instance destroyed successfully
The above process connects sequential log keys for each task. 39: instance: * Deleting instance files *
40: instance: * Deletion of * complete
When a task T1 = [ki , k j ] cannot be extended to include any sin- 41: instance: * Took * seconds to destroy the instance on the hypervisor
gle key, we check if T1 could be extended by two log keys, i.e., if 67: instance: * Error from libvirt during unfilter. Code=* Error=*
there exists k x , ky ∈ K, such that p1 (ki , k x ) + p1 (ki , ky ) > τ , or Figure 5: Anomaly diagnosis using workflow.
p1 (k j , k x ) + p1 (k j , ky ) > τ . Suppose the latter case is true, the next
thing to check is whether k x and ky are log keys produced by con- task, users could easily identify the current execution point in
current threads in task T1 . If they are, pd (k j , k x ) always increases the corresponding workflow, and further discover that this error
with larger d values, i.e., p2 (k j , k x ) > p1 (k j , k x ), which is intuitive happened right after “Instance destroyed successfully” and before
because the appearance ordering of keys from concurrent threads “Deleting instance files *”, which means that this error occurred
is not certain. Otherwise k x and ky do not belong to T1 , thus we during cleanup after destroying a VM.
add T2 = [k j , k x ] and T3 = [k j , ky ] into T ASK instead.
Finally, for each task T in T ASK, we eliminate T if its sequence 4.5 Discussion
is included as a sub-sequence in another task.
Previous works [4, 21, 42] focused on constructing workflows from
4.3.2 Build workflow model. Once a log key sequence is sep-
multiple executions of just one task. The basic idea in their approach
arated out and identified for each task, the workflow model con-
follows 3 steps: 1) mine temporal dependencies of each pair of log
struction for a task follows the same discussion from Section 4.2.2.
keys; 2) construct a basic workflow from the pairwise invariants
4.4 Using the workflow model identified in step 1; 3) refine workflow model using the input log key
sequence. A major limitation is that they are not able to work with
4.4.1 Set parameters for DeepLog model. In Section 3.1, we’ve
a log sequence that contains multiple tasks or concurrent threads
shown that DeepLog requires several input parameters, in particu-
in one task, which is addressed by our study. Our task separation
lar, it needs the length of history sequence window h (for training
methodology also provides useful insights towards the workflow
and detection), and the number of top д log keys in the predicted
construction for each task.
output probability distribution function to be considered normal.
Setting a proper value for h and д is problem dependent. Gen-
erally speaking, larger h values will increase the prediction accu-
racy because more history information is utilized in LSTM, until DeepLog is implemented using Keras [6] with TensorFlow [2] as the
it reaches a point where keys that are far back in history do not backend. In this section, we show evaluations of each component
contribute to the prediction of keys to appear. At this point contin- and the overall performance of DeepLog, to show its effectiveness
uing to increase h does not hurt the prediction accuracy of LSTM, in finding anomalies from large system log data.
because LSTM is able to learn that only the recent history in a long
sequence matters thus ignore the long tail. However, a large h value 5.1 Execution path anomaly detection
does have a performance impact. More computations (and layers) This section focuses on evaluating the log key anomaly detection
are required for both training and prediction, which slows down model in DeepLog. We first compare its effectiveness on large
the performance of DeepLog. The value of д, on the other hand, system logs with previous methods, and then investigate the impact
regulates the trade-off between true positives (anomaly detection of different parameters in DeepLog.
rate) and false positives (false alarm rate). 5.1.1 Previous methods. Previous work on general-purpose log
The workflow model provides a guidance to set a proper value anomaly detection follows a similar procedure: they first extract a
for both h and д. Intuitively, h needs to be just large enough to log key from each log message, and then perform anomaly detection
incorporate necessary dependencies for making a good prediction, on the log key sequence.
so we can set h as the length of the shortest workflow. The number The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method [39] assumes
of possible execution paths represents a good value for д, hence, we that there are different “sessions” in a log file that can be easily
set д as the maximum number of branches at all divergence points identified by a session id attached to each log entry. It first groups
from the workflows of all tasks. log keys by session and then counts the number of appearances
4.4.2 Using workflow to diagnose detected anomalies. Whenever of each log key value inside each session. A session vector is of
an anomaly is detected by DeepLog, the workflow model can be size n, representing the number of appearances for each log key
used to help diagnose this anomaly and understand how and why in K in that session. A matrix is formed where each column is
it has happened. Figure 5 shows an example. Using a history a log key, and each row is one session vector. PCA detects an
sequence [26, 37, 38], the top prediction from DeepLog is log key abnormal vector (a session) by measuring the projection length
39 (suppose д = 1), however the actual log key appeared is 67, on the residual subspace of transformed coordinate system. This
which is an anomaly. With the help of a workflow model for this approach is shown to be more effective than its online counterpart
online PCA [38] especially in reducing false positives, but this is pairs such as “Stop-Start”, “Pause-Unpause” and “Suspend-Resume”
clearly an offline method and cannot be used for online anomaly may randomly appear from 0 to 3 times within a life cycle. INFO
detection. The implementation is open-sourced by [17]. level logs from nova-api, nova-scheduler and nova-compute were
Invariant Mining (IM) [22] constructs the same matrix as the PCA collected and forwarded for analysis using Elastic Stack [33]. Three
approach does. IM first mines small invariants that could be satisfied types of anomalies were injected at different execution points: 1)
by the majority of vectors, and then treats those vectors that do neutron timeout during VM creation; 2) libvirt error while destroy-
not satisfy these invariants as abnormal execution sessions. This ing a VM; 3) libvirt error during cleanup after destroying a VM.
approach is shown to be more effective than an earlier work [11] Set up. To execute PCA-based and IM-based methods, we group
which utilizes workflow automata. The implementation is open- log entries into different sessions by an identifier field, which for
sourced by [17]. HDFS log is block_id and for OpenStack log is instance_id. Each
TFIDF is developed in [44]. Although its objective is for IT system session group is a life cycle of one block or a VM instance respec-
failure prediction, which is different from anomaly detection as tively. We then parse each log entry into a log key. DeepLog can be
shown in [39]. Nevertheless, we still included this method in our applied directly on log keys to train its weights and subsequently
evaluation as it also uses a LSTM-based approach. There are several be used to detect anomalies, while other methods require one more
key differences. TFIDF groups log keys by time windows (each time step. They need to count the number of appearances for each dis-
window is defined by a user parameter), and then models each time tinct log key within each session, and build a matrix where each
window (called “epoch”) using a TF-IDF (term-frequency, inverse column is a distinct log key (so there will be n columns) and each
document frequency) vector. The Laplace smoothing procedure it row represents a session vector, and the value of a cell Vi j in the
uses requires the knowledge of the total number of epochs (hence matrix represents the count of log key k j in the i-th session.
the entire log file). TFIDF constructs a LSTM model as a binary DeepLog needs a small fraction of normal log entries to train its
classifier, which needs both labeled normal and abnormal data for model. In the case of HDFS log, only less than 1% of normal sessions
training. Not only are anomaly log entries hard to obtain, but also, (4,855 sessions parsed from the first 100,000 log entries compared
new types of anomalies that are not included in training data may to a total of 11,197,954) are used for training. Note that DeepLog
not be detected. In contrast, DeepLog trains its LSTM model to be can pinpoint which log entry (with its corresponding log key) is
a multi-class classifier, and only requires normal data to train. abnormal, but in order to use the same measures to compare with
CloudSeer is a method designed specifically for multi-user Open- competing methods, we use “session” as the granularity of anomaly
Stack log [42]. It builds a workflow model for each OpenStack VM- detection, i.e., a session C is considered an abnormal session as long
related task and uses the workflow for anomaly detection. Though it as there exists at least one log key from C being detected abnormal.
achieves acceptable performance on OpenStack logs (a precision of Table 3 summarizes the two data sets. Note that PCA and IM
83.08% and a recall of 90.00% as reported in the paper), this method are unsupervised offline methods that do not require training data,
does not work for other types of logs (e.g., HDFS log) where the whereas DeepLog only needs a training data produced by normal
patterns of log keys are much more irregular. For example, Cloud- system execution, and TFIDF requires both normal and abnormal
Seer only models log keys that “appear the same number of times” data to train.
in every session. In HDFS logs, only 3 out of 29 log keys satisfy
this criterion. Furthermore, this method cannot separate log entries Log Number of sessions n: Number
for different tasks in one log into separate sequences. It relies on data set Training data (if needed) Test data of log keys
multiple identifiers to achieve this, which is not always possible for HDFS 4,855 normal; 553,366 normal; 29
general-purpose logs. Thus it is not compared against here. 1,638 abnormal 15,200 abnormal
OpenStack 831 normal; 5,990 normal; 40
5.1.2 Log data sets and set up. 50 abnormal 453 abnormal
HDFS log data set. It is generated through running Hadoop-based Table 3: Set up of log data sets (unit: session).
map-reduce jobs on more than 200 Amazon’s EC2 nodes, and la-
beled by Hadoop domain experts. Among 11, 197, 954 log entries In addition to the number of false positives (FP) and false nega-
being collected, about 2.9% are abnormal, including events such tives (FN), we also use standard metrics such as Precision, Recall
as “write exception”. This was the main data set firstly used by an TP (TP stands for true positive) shows
and F-measure. Precision= TP+FP
offline PCA-based [39] method, and subsequently used by several the percentage of true anomalies among all anomalies detected;
other work including online PCA [38] and IM-based [22] methods. TP measures the percentage of anomalies in the data
Recall= TP+FN
Details of this dataset could be found in [38, 39]. set (assume that we know the ground-truth) being detected; and
OpenStack log data set. We deployed an OpenStack experiment F-measure= 2·Precision·Recall
Precision+Recall is the harmonic mean of the two.
(version Mitaka) on CloudLab [30] with one control node, one net- By default, we use the following parameter values for DeepLog:
work node and eight compute nodes. Among 1, 335, 318 log entries д = 9, h = 10, L = 2, and α = 64 and investigate their impacts
collected, about 7% are abnormal. A script was running to con- in our experiments. Recall д decides the cutoff in the prediction
stantly execute VM-related tasks, including VM creation/deletion, output to be considered normal (i.e., the д log key values with top-д
stop/start, pause/unpause and suspend/resume. VM tasks were probabilities to appear next are considered normal), and h is the
scheduled with the pattern of a regular expression (Create (Stop Start) window size used for training and detection. L and α denote the
{0,3} (Pause Unpause) {0,3} (Suspend Resume) {0,3} Delete)+. A VM life number of layers in DeepLog and the number of memory units in
cycle starts with “VM create” and ends with “VM delete”, while task one LSTM block respectively. For all other methods, we explored
PCA IM TFIDF N-gram DeepLog 1.1
PCA N-gram
0.9994 0.9998
false positive (FP) 277 2122 95833 1360 833 1.0 0.98
IM DeepLog 0.98
Clearly, DeepLog has achieved the best overall performance, with 0.6 0.6
LSTM-based approach is more stable as shown in Section 5.1.4. 0.02 0.05 0.03
0.0 0.0
Precision Recall F-measure Precision Recall F-measure
Figure 6b investigates the top-д approach used by DeepLog’s (a) Accuracy on OpenStack I. (b) Accuracy on OpenStack II.
prediction algorithm. Let D t be the set of top-д log key values
predicted by DeepLog at t, and mt be the actual log key value Figure 7: Evaluation on OpenStack log.
appeared in the data at t. To see the impact of this strategy, we
study the CDF of Pr[mt ∈ D t ] for different д values. Among over In general, the performance of DeepLog is fairly stable with respect
11,000,000 log keys (that are labeled as normal) to predict, 88.9% to different values, i.e., it is not very sensitive to the adjustment of
of DeepLog’s top prediction matches mt exactly; and 96.1% mt ’s any one or combinations of these parameter values. This makes
are within DeepLog’s top 2 predictions. When д = 5, 99.8% of DeepLog easy to deploy and use in practice. The results are fairly
normal mt ’s are within D t , meanwhile the anomaly detection rate intuitive to understand as well. For example, Figure 8c shows that
is 99.994% (only one anomalous session was undetected). a larger д value leads to higher precision but lower recall. Thus,
Figure 7a shows the performance over OpenStack data set. The д could be adjusted to achieve higher true positive rate or lower
PCA approach shows reasonable performance on this data set but false positive rate. Lastly, DeepLog’s prediction cost per log entry
with low precision (only 77%), whereas even though IM has achieved is only around 1 millisecond on our standard workstation, which
a perfect recall in this case, it has very poor precision of only 2% could be further improved by better hardware such as using a GPU.
(almost all VM instances are detected as abnormal executions).
This is because that OpenStack logs were generated randomly as Precision Recall F-measure
1.0 1.0
described in Section 5.1.2. Note that how many times that log keys
like (Stop Start) may appear in a life cycle of a VM (defined by a 0.9 0.9
pair of Create and Delete) is uncertain. This makes it really hard for 0.8 0.8
PCA method which detects anomalies by variance not working. 0.7 0.7
CI=98% 1.0 CI=98%
(a log entry with a much longer VM creation time than others). 1.0
CI=98% CI=98%
3 3
to see if these anomalies could be detected by DeepLog.
2 2
Anomaly detection. As described in Section 3.2, we separate log
1 1
entries into two sets, one set is for model training and the other
0 0
set (called the validation set) is to apply the model to generate the 0 50 100
VM id
150 200 250 300 0 50 100
VM id
150 200 250 300
Gaussian distribution of MSEs (mean square error). In subsequent (c) Value vectors for log key 53 (d) Value vectors for log key 56
online detection phase, for every incoming parameter value vector
v , DeepLog checks if the MSE between → −v and the predication Figure 9: Anomaly detection for parameter value vectors with dif-
ferent confidence intervals (CIs).
output (a vector as well) from its model is within an acceptable
confidence interval of the Gaussian distribution of MSEs from the
entries, of which 348,460 entries are labeled as anomalies. We chose
validation set.
this data set because of an important characteristic: many log keys
Figure 9 shows the detection results for the parameter value
only appeared during a specific time period. This means that the
vectors of different log keys, where x-axis represents the id of the
training data set may not contain all possible normal log keys, let
VM being created (i.e., different VM creation instances), and y-axis
alone all possible normal execution patterns.
represents the MSE between the parameter value vector and the
5.3.2 Evaluation results. We conducted two experiments, one
prediction output vector from DeepLog. The horizontal lines in each
uses the first 1% normal log entries as training data and the other
figure are the confidence interval thresholds for the corresponding
uses the first 10% log entries for training. In both settings, the
MSE Gaussian distributions. Figure 9a and 9b represent two log keys
remaining 99% or 90% entries are used for anomaly detection. We
where their parameter value vectors are normal during the entire
set L = 1, α = 256, д = 6, h = 3.
time. Figure 9c and 9d illustrate that the parameter value vectors
for keys 53 and 56 are successfully detected as being abnormal at without online training with online training
exactly the two time instances where we throttled the network 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.00
0.90 0.88
speed (i.e., injected anomalies). 0.82
0.8 0.8
For each abnormal parameter value vector detected, we identi-
fied the value that differs the most with the prediction, to identify 0.6 0.6
the abnormal column (feature). We found out that the two abnor- 0.4 0.4
0.27 0.28
mal parameter value vectors for key 53 are due to unusually large 0.2 0.16 0.2 0.16
elapsed time values. On the other hand, key 56 is “Took * seconds to
build instance.”, and not surprisingly, its two abnormal parameter 3 U H F L V L R Q 5 H F D O O ) P H D V X U H0.0 3 U H F L V L R Q 5 H F D O O ) P H D V X U H
value vectors were caused by unusually large values (for seconds). D ) L U V W G D W D V H W I R U W U D L Q L Q J E ) L U V W G D W D V H W I R U W U D L Q L Q J
Figure 10: Evaluation on Blue Gene/L log.
5.3 Online update and training of DeepLog
Figure 10 shows the results for without and with online training
Section 5.1 has demonstrated that DeepLog requires a very small
for both experiments. In the case of “without online training”, we
training set (less than 1% of the entire log) and does not require
run DeepLog to test incoming log entries without any incremental
user feedback during its training phase. But it is possible that a
update. While for the case of “with online training”, we assume
new system execution path may show up during detection stage,
there is an end user who reports if a detected anomaly is a false
which is also normal, but is detected as anomalous since it was not
positive. If so, DeepLog uses that sample (now a labeled record)
reflected by the training data. To address this issue, this section
to update its model to learn this new pattern. Figure 10 shows
evaluates the effectiveness of DeepLog’s online update and training
that without online training, with only 1% offline training data,
module as described in Section 3.3. We demonstrate this using
this results in many false positives (hence very low Precision rate).
the difference in detection results with and without incremental
Though increasing its training data to 10% slightly increases the
updates, in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency.
Precision, its performance is still unsatisfactory. On the other hand,
5.3.1 Log data set. The log data set used in this section is Blue
DeepLog with online training significantly improves its Precision,
Gene/L supercomputer system logs 1 , which contains 4,747,963 log
and hence F-measure scores. With a true positive rate of 100%
1 CFDR Data, (perfect recall) in both settings, online training reduces false positive
rate from 40.1% to 1.7% for 1% training data, and from 38.2% to 1.1% 5.4.2 BROP attack detection. Blind Return Oriented Program-
for 10% training data, respectively. ming (BROP) attack [5] leverages a fact that many server applica-
Table 5 shows the amortized cost to check each log entry. For tions restart after a crash to ensure service reliability. This kind
the online training case, we reported time taken for both detection of attack is powerful and practical because the attacker neither
and online update (if an update is triggered). The results show that relies on access to source code nor binary. A stack buffer overflow
online update and training does increase the amortized cost per log vulnerability, which leads server to crash, is sufficient to carry out
entry, but only slightly. This is because many log entries will not this attack. In a BROP exploit, the attacker uses server crash as a
trigger an update. Note that online update and online detection can signal to help complete a ROP attack which achieves executing a
be executed in parallel; an update is carried out while the model is shellcode. However, the repeated server restarting activities leave
using the current weights to continue performing detection. many atypical log messages in kernel log as shown below, which is
easily detected by DeepLog.
Table 5: Amortized cost to check each log entry nginx[*]: segfault at * ip * sp * error * in nginx[*]
training data percentage 1% 10% nginx[*]: segfault at * ip * sp * error * in nginx[*]
nginx[*]: segfault at * ip * sp * error * in nginx[*]
without online training (milliseconds) 1.06 1.11 ......
with online training (milliseconds) 3.48 2.46
5.5 Task separation and workflow construction
We implemented the proposed methods in Section 4 and evaluated
5.4 Security log case studies on a log with various OpenStack VM-related tasks. Both LSTM
Anomalies having log keys that never showed up in normal logs approach and density-based clustering approach could successfully
used for training (e.g., “ERROR” or “exception” log messages) are separate all tasks. The first method requires LSTM; it is a supervised
easy to detect. DeepLog can effectively detect much more subtle method which requires training data to be provided. The second
cases. For example, in HDFS log, “Namenode not updated after method uses clustering on co-occurrences of log keys within a cer-
deleting block” anomaly is shown as a missing log key in a session; tain distance threshold, which is an unsupervised method. Hence,
and “Redundant addStoredBlock” anomaly is shown as an extra log it doesn’t require training, but it does require parameter τ as the
key. This means that for any attack that may cause any change of distance threshold.
system behavior (as reflected through logs), it can be detected. In Specifically, for density-based clustering approach, with a suf-
what follows, we investigate system logs containing real attacks to ficiently large threshold value τ ∈ [0.85, 0.95], there is a clear
demonstrate the effectiveness of DeepLog. separation of all tasks. Note that the value of τ cannot be too large
5.4.1 Network security log. Network security is of vital impor- (e.g., setting τ = 1), as a background process may produce log en-
tance. Both firewall and intrusion detection system (IDS) produce tries at random locations that will break log entries from the same
logs that can be used for online anomaly detection. task apart.
To test the performance of DeepLog on network security logs, we Next we use a part of the VM creation workflow, to show how it
used the VAST Challenge 2011 data set, specifically, Mini Challenge provides useful diagnosis of the performance anomaly in Section 5.2.
2 — Computer Networking Operations [1]. This challenge is to Recall in Section 5.2, parameter value vector anomaly is identified
manually look for suspicious activities by visualization techniques. on the time elapsed value of log key 53, and on the parameter
It comes with ground truth for anomalous activities. For all anom- position of log key 56 (which represents how many seconds to build
alies in the ground truth, Table 6 shows the results of DeepLog. The instance). As shown in Figure 11, once an anomaly is detected by
only suspicious activity not being detected is the first appearance DeepLog, we know the time taken to build that instance is abnormal,
of an undocumented computer IP address. but we don’t know why. Then, since the elapsed time between log
key 53 and its previous log key is too big, by investigating the
workflow model constructed by DeepLog, its previous key is 52:
Table 6: VAST Challenge 2011 network security log detec- “Creating image”, so we know that VM creation took longer time
tion than usual because the time to create image was too long. Further
suspicious activity detected? investigation following this procedure may reveal that it was caused
Day 1: Denial of Service attack Yes, log key anomaly in IDS log by slow network speed from control node to compute node.
Day 1: port scan Yes, log key anomaly in IDS log
Day 2: port scan 1 Yes, log key anomaly in IDS log
Day 2: port scan 2 Yes, log key anomaly in IDS log
Day 2: socially engineered attack Yes, log key anomaly in firewall log Primarily designed for recording notable events to ease debugging,
Day 3: undocumented IP address No system event logs are abundantly informative and exist practically
on every computer system, making them a valuable resource to
track and investigate system status. However, since system logs are
The only false positive case happened when DeepLog reported a largely composed of diverse, freeform text, analytics is challenging.
log message that repeatedly appeared many times in a short period Numerous log mining tools have been designed for different sys-
as an anomaly. This is due to an event that suddenly became bursty tems. Many use rule-based approaches [7, 15, 28, 29, 31, 32, 40, 41],
and printed the same log message many times in a short time range. which, though accurate, are limited to specific application scenar-
This is not identified by the VAST Challenge as a suspicious activity. ios and also require domain expertise. For example, Beehive [41]
44 51 23 52 53 a normal one, LogCluster [19] which clusters and organizes histori-
cal logs to help future problem identification, and Stitch [45] that
18 18 extracts different levels of identifiers from system logs and builds
57 54 32 a web interface for users to visually monitor the progress of each
56 25
session and locate performance problems. Note that they are for
44: instance: * Attempting claim: memory * disk * vcpus * CPU
51: instance: * Claim successful diagnosis purposes once an anomaly has been detected, and cannot
23: instance: * GET * HTTP\/1.1" status: * len: * time: * be used for anomaly detection itself.
52: instance: * Creating image
53: instance: * VM Started (Lifecycle Event)
32: instance: * VM Paused (Lifecycle Event) 7 CONCLUSION
18: instance: * VM Resumed (Lifecycle Event)
....... This paper presents DeepLog, a general-purpose framework for
56: instance: * Took * seconds to build instance online log anomaly detection and diagnosis using a deep neural
Figure 11: OpenStack VM Creation workflow. network based approach. DeepLog learns and encodes entire log
message including timestamp, log key, and parameter values. It
performs anomaly detection at per log entry level, rather than at
identifies potential security threats from logs by unsupervised clus- per session level as many previous methods are limited to. DeepLog
tering of data-specific features, and then manually labeling outliers. can separate out different tasks from a log file and construct a work-
Oprea [28] uses belief propagation to detect early-stage enterprise flow model for each task using both deep learning (LSTM) and
infection from DNS logs. PerfAugur [32] is designed specifically to classic mining (density clustering) approaches. This enables effec-
find performance problems by mining service logs using special- tive anomaly diagnosis. By incorporating user feedback, DeepLog
ized features such as predicate combinations. DeepLog is a general supports online update/training to its LSTM models, hence is able
approach that does not rely on any domain-specific knowledge. to incorporate and adapt to new execution patterns. Extensive eval-
Other generic methods that use system logs for anomaly detec- uation on large system logs have clearly demonstrated the superior
tion typically apply a two-step procedure. First, a log parser [9, 14, effectiveness of DeepLog compared with previous methods.
16, 23, 36, 37] is used to parse log entries to structured forms, which Future work include but are not limited to incorporating other
typically only contain “log keys” (or “message types”). Parameter types of RNNs (recurrent neural networks) into DeepLog to test
values and timestamps are discarded except for identifiers which their efficiency, and integrating log data from different applications
are used to separate and group log entries. Then, anomaly detection and systems to perform more comprehensive system diagnosis (e.g.,
is performed on log key sequences. A typical way is to generate failure of a MySQL database may be caused by a disk failure as
a numeric vector for each session or time window, by counting reflected in a separate system log).
unique log keys or using more sophisticated approaches like TF-IDF.
The matrix comprising of these vectors is then amenable to matrix-
based unsupervised anomaly detection methods such as Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) [38, 39] and invariant mining (IM) [22]. The authors appreciate the valuable comments provided by the
Constructing such a matrix is often an offline process, and these anonymous reviewers. Authors thank the support from NSF grants
methods are not able to provide log-entry level anomaly detection 1314945 and 1514520. Feifei Li is also supported in part by NSFC
(rather, they can only operate at session level). We refer the reader grant 61729202. We wish to thank all members of the TCloud
to [17] for an overview and comparison on these methods. project and the Flux group for helpful discussion and feedback,
Supervised methods [17, 44] use normal and abnormal vectors to especially Cai (Richard) Li, for his valuable input on BROP attack.
train a binary classifier that detects future anomalies. A downside of
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