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kZKiv msµvš— Bs‡iwR cwifvlv¸‡jv †R‡b wbBt
kã A_© kã A_©
Consumption e¨envi Article cY¨ ev `ªe¨
Expenditure LiP Increase by †e‡o hvIqv
Deducting ev` †`qv Increase to †e‡o nIqv
Rebate Qvo/ n«vm Kiv Unit’s digit GKK ¯’vbxq gvb
Revenue ivR¯^/ Avq Reduced by K‡g hvIqv
Commodity cY¨ Reduced to K‡g nIqv
Inadequate Ach©vß Diminishes by n«vm cvIqv
Trebles wZb¸Y Worth g~j¨
Subsequently Gic‡i/wecixZ Equivalent mg ch©vq ev mgvb

kZKiv (Percentage) m¤úwK©Z cÖv_wgK aviYv

kZKiv Ggb GKwU fMœvsk hvi wb‡P memgq 100 _v‡K| A_©vr % = 100
‘Per’ A_© cÖwZ Ges ‘Cent’ A_© kZ| Percent A_© kZKiv| †Kv‡bv msL¨v‡K 100 Øviv fvM K‡i kZKivq cÖKvk
Ki‡Z nq| Ô55% cyyi“lÕ GB K_vwUi A_© n‡jv cÖwZ 100 R‡b cyi“l 55 Rb K‡i|

kZKiv n‡Z `kwg‡Ki I fMœvs‡k iƒcvš—i cÖwµqv

Percent (%) Fraction Decimal
1% 1 0.01
2% 2 1 0.02
100 50
3% 3 0.03
9% 9 0.09
10% 10 1 0.10
100 10
15% 15 3 0.15
100 20
35% 35 7 0.35
100 20
100% 100 1.00
120% 120 6 1.20
100 5
1 1 0.3333
333 % 3
2 2 0.6666
663 % 3

A2Z Publication 1
25% 1 0.25
50% 1 0.50
20% 1 0.20
40% 40 2 0.40
100 5
60% 3 0.60
80% 4 0.80
125% 5 1.25
133% 4 1.3333
150% 3 1.50
GLb kZKiv Aa¨vq †_‡K †h †h m~Î m¤úwK©Z Math me‡P‡q †ewk Av‡m †mB me m~Îvewj wb‡q K_v ejet

Rule 1
GKwU wbw`©ó wRwb‡mi g~j¨ cÖ_‡g GKwU wbw`©ó Percentage (%) G evo‡e|
c‡i g~j¨ wbw`©ó Percentage G Kg‡j g~‡j¨i bxU cwieZ©b n‡e wb‡Pi m~Îvbyhvqxt
g~‡j¨i bxU cwieZ©b % = A + B + 100
GLv‡b, A = e„w×i Percentage Ges B = n«v‡mi Percentage.

GLb Rule 1 msµvš— wKQz D`vniY †`wLt

Q: GK e¨emvqx GKwU c‡Y¨i g~j¨ 25% evov‡jv, AZtci ewa©Z g~j¨ †_‡K 25% Kgv‡jv| me©‡kl g~j¨ me©cÖ_g g~‡j¨i
25 (- 25)
Shortcut: 25 + (– 25) + 100
= – 6.25% A_©vr 6.25% Kg‡jv|
Q: wPwbi g~j¨ 20% Kg‡jv, wKš‘ wPwbi e¨envi 20% e„w× †c‡jv| G‡Z wPwb eve` e¨q kZKiv KZ evo‡jv ev Kg‡jv?
(– 20) (20)
Shortcut: – 20 + 20 + 100
= – 4%
Q: wPwbi `vg 20% K‡g †Mj, wKš‘ Bnvi e¨envi 20% e„w× †cj| G‡Z wPwb eve` e¨q kZKiv KZ evo‡jv ev Kg‡jv?
Solution: g‡b Kwi, cwiev‡i wPwb jv‡M x †KwR Ges cÖwZ‡KwRi `vg y UvKv
 †gvU LiP = xy UvKv
wPwbi `vg 20% Kg‡j UvKvq K‡g .2y UvKv Shortcut:
 cªwZ †KwRi cwiewZ©Z `vg = (y – .2y) = .8y UvKv (– 20)(20)
– 20 + 20 + 100 = – 4%
Avevi, wPwbi e¨envi 20% evo‡j x †KwR‡Z ev‡o .2x †KwR
 cwiewZ©Z e¨envi = (x + .2x) †KwR = 1.2x †KwR
 cwiewZ©Z †gvU LiP = (.8y  1.2x) = .96xy UvKv
myZivs wPwb eve` e¨q Kg‡e = xy – .96xy = .04xy UvKv A_©vr 4%

A2Z Publication 2
Q: hw` †Kv‡bv eM©‡¶‡Îi cÖ‡Z¨K evûi cwigvY 10% e„w× cvq, Z‡e Zvi †¶Îdj kZKiv KZ e„w× cv‡e?
Solution: g‡b Kwi, e‡M©i evûi ˆ`N¨© = x GKK; e‡M©i †¶Îdj = x2 eM© GKK
10 x
cÖwZ evû e„w× cvq = x Gi 100 GKK = 10 GKK
x 11x
 evûi cwigvY = x + 10 = 10 GKK
 bZzb e‡M©i †¶Îdj = 100 eM© GKK Shortcut:
10  10
121x2 21x2 10 + 10 + 100 = 21%
 †¶Îdj e„w× = 100 – x = 100 eM© GKK
21x 
 100  21x2
 kZKiv e„w× cvq =  x2  100 % = 100x2  100 = 21%

Q: hw` GKwU eM©‡¶‡Îi GK evûi ˆ`N©¨ 30% e„w× cvq Z‡e Zvi †¶Îdj KZ % e„w× cv‡e?
30  30
Shortcut: 30 + 30 + 100 = 69%

Rule 2:
GKwU wbw`©ó wRwb‡mi `vg cÖ_‡g evo‡e| e¨q AcwiewZ©Z ivL‡Z Kgv‡bvi Percentage †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
100  r
GLv‡b `vg ev g~j¨ e„w×i nvi r n‡j Kgv‡bv % = 100 + r %

GLb Rule 2 msµvš— wKQz D`vniY †`wLt

Q: Pv‡ji `vg 25% †e‡o hvIqvq GK e¨w³ Pv‡ji e¨envi Ggbfv‡e Kgv‡jb †hb Zvi mvsmvwiK e¨q AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K
wZwb Pv‡ji e¨envi kZKiv KZ fvM Kgv‡jb?
100  25
Shortcut: Pv‡ji e¨envi Kgv‡jb = 100 + 25 % = 20%

Q: wPwbi g~j¨ 25% e„w× cvIqv‡Z GKwU cwievi wPwb LvIqv Ggbfv‡e Kgvj †h, wPwb eve` e¨q e„w× †cj bv| H
cwievi wPwb LvIqvi LiP kZKiv KZ Kwg‡qwQj?
100  25
Shortcut: 100 + 25 = 20%

Q: †Kvb `ª‡e¨i g~j¨ 6% †e‡o †M‡j H `ª‡e¨i e¨envi wK cwigvY Kgv‡j †Kv‡bv cwiev‡ii H `ª‡e¨i Rb¨ e¨q e„w× cv‡e
Shortcut: 106 UvKvq Kgv‡Z n‡e 6 UvKv
6  100
 100 UvKvq Kgv‡Z n‡e 106
= 5.66%

Rule 3:
GKwU wbw`©ó wRwb‡mi `vg cÖ_‡g Kg‡e| e¨envi ev e¨q AcwiewZ©Z ivL‡Z evov‡bvi Percentage †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
100  r
GLv‡b `vg ev g~j¨ n«v‡mi nvi r n‡j evov‡bvi % = 100 - r %

A2Z Publication 3
GLb Rule 3 msµvš— D`vniY †`wLt
Q: †ccv‡ii `vg hw` 40% K‡g hvq Z‡e †ccv‡ii e¨envi kZKiv KZ evov‡j †ccv‡ii e¨q AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e?
100  40
Shortcut: evov‡bv % = 100 - 40 = 66.66%

Rule 4:
A Gi Avq hw` B Gi †P‡q r% †ewk nq Z‡e Gi gvb GB bq †h D‡ëvfv‡e B Gi Avq A Gi Av‡qi †P‡q r% Kg
100  r
n‡e; eis G‡¶‡Î Avq Kg n‡e| m~Ît 100 + r %

GLb Rule 4 msµvš— wKQz D`vniY †`wLt

Q: Avwi‡di †eZb evey‡ji †eZb A‡c¶v 50% †ewk n‡j, evey‡ji †eZb Avwi‡di †eZ‡bi kZKiv KZ Kg?
50 1
Shortcut: evey‡ji †eZb Avwi‡di †eZb A‡c¶v kZKiv Kg = 150  100 % = 333 %
 

Rule 5:
100  r
A Gi Avq B Gi Avq A‡c¶v r% Kg n‡j, B Gi Avq A A‡c¶v †ewk n‡e| m~Ît  100 - r  %
 

GLb Rule 5 msµvš— wKQz D`vniY †`wLt

Q: Avwk‡Ki gRywi evey‡ji gRywi A‡c¶v 30% †ewk n‡j, evey‡ji gRywi A‡c¶v Avwk‡Ki gRywi kZKiv KZ †ewk?
30 6
Shortcut: evey‡ji gRywi Avwk‡Ki gRywi A‡c¶v kZKiv †ewk = 70  100 % = 427 %
 

1.01 Basic Translation m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: What is 10% of 20% of 30% of 4,000?
a) 20 b) 24 c) 240
d) 12 e) None ans. B
Solution: Abyev`: 4,000 Gi 10% Gi 20% Gi 30% KZ?
Structure: G ai‡bi As‡K PviwU Term _vK‡et
i) What ii) is, are iii) of iv) %
Formula: Verbal ev Bs‡iRxi cÖkœwU‡K Math -G Transform K‡i wb‡Z n‡e wb‡Pi Chart Gi g‡Zvt
Verbal Mathematical
What P
Is =
% 1
of  (Product)
1 1 1
Shortcut: P = 10 × 100  20  100  30  100  4,000 = 24

A2Z Publication 4
m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb
Q: What is 125% of 125?
a) 131.25 b) 150
c) 13.25 d) 156.25 ans. D
Shortcut: P = 125  100  125  P = 156.25
Q: What number is 36% of 950?
a) 300 b) 330
c) 360 d) 342 ans. D
Shortcut: P = 36 × 100 × 950  P = 342
Q: What is 3% of 5?
5 3
a) 3 b) 20
3 3
c) 5 d) 200 ans. B
1 3
Shortcut: P = 3  100  5  P = 20

Q: 5 percent of 5 5 =?
a) 0.05 b) 0.25
c) 0.50 d) 0.10 ans. B
Shortcut: 5  100  5 5 = 0.25
Q: What percent of 20 is 16?
a) 70% b) 65%
c) 45% d) 80% ans. D
Shortcut: P  100  20 = 16  P = 80
Q: What is 0.05 percent of 6.5?
a) 0.13 b) 0.013
c) 0.325 d) 0.00325 ans. D
Shortcut: P = 0.05  100  6.5  P = 0.00325
Q: What number is 15% of 240?
a) 30 b) 36
c) 42 d) 48 ans. B
Shortcut: P =15  100  240  P = 36.
Q: 18 is approximately what percent of 44?
a) 41% b) 51%
c) 34% d) 43% ans. A
Shortcut: 18 = P  100  44  P = 41
Q: 12 is 5 % of what?
a) 20 b) 35
c) 40 d) None of them ans. D

A2Z Publication 5
2 1
Shortcut: 12 = 5  100  P  P = 3000
Q: What is 1.2% of 0.5?
a) 0.6 b) 0.06
c) 0.006 d) 0.0006 ans. C
Shortcut: P = 1.2  100  0.5  P = 0.006
Q: What is 5% of 6%?
a) 30 b) 0.30
c) 0.003 d) 0.0003 ans. C
1 1
Shortcut: P = 5  100  6  100  P = 0.003
Q: Which of the following is equal to 85 percent of 160?
a) 1.88 b) 13.6
c) 136 d) 188 ans. C
Shortcut: P = 85  100  160  P = 136
Q: What is 1 percent of 0.25?
a) 0.25 b) 0.025
c) 0.0025 d) 0.00025 ans. C
Shortcut: P = 1 × 100 × 0.25  P = 0.0025
Q: 10% of 3000 is how much more than 5% of 3000?
a) 100 b) 150
c) 175 d) None of these ans. B
1 1
Shortcut: [10  100  3000] – [5  100  3000] = 150
Q: 40% of 200 is what percent of 160?
a) 100 b) 80
c) 60 d) 50 ans. D
1 1
Shortcut: 40  100  200 = P  100  160  P = 50
Q: 5% of which number is 25?
a) 5 b) 250
c) 500 d) None of these ans. C
Shortcut: 5  100  P = 25  P = 500
Q: 0.1% of 0.11 is
a) 0.011 b) 0.0011
c) 0.00011 d) 0.111 ans. C
Shortcut: 0.1  100  0.11 = 0.00011
Q: What is 35% of 16 of 160?
a) 14 b) 12
c) 10 d) 38.5 ans. D
1 11
Shortcut: P = 35  100  16  160  P = 38.5

A2Z Publication 6
Q: If y% of x = 15, then x =?
0.15 1500
a) y b) y
c) y d) 0.15y ans. B
1 1500
Shortcut: y  100  x = 15 x= y
Q: What is 35% of 56 of 160?
a) 14 b) 12
c) 11 d) 10 ans. C
1 11
Shortcut: P = 35  100  56  160  P = 11
Q: Which of the following is equal to 0.45?
a) 0.045% b) 0.45%
c) 4.5% d) 45% ans. D
Shortcut: 0.45 = 0.45  100  100 = 45%
Q: If y% of x = 29, then x =?
a) 2900 b) y
c) 29xy d) None of these ans. D
1 2900
Shortcut: y × 100 × x = 29 x= y
3 6
Q: What percentage is 4 of 5 ?
a) 60% b) 75%
c) 80% d) 90% ans. D
1 3 6
Shortcut: p  100 = 4  5  p = 90
Q: What is 12.5% of 220?
a) 22 b) 11
c) 88 d) None of these ans. D
Shortcut: p = 8  24 p=3
Q: What is 20 percent of 5 percent of 240?
a) 24 b) 2.4
c) 2 d) 1.2 ans. B
1 1
Shortcut: p = 20  100  5  100  240  p = 2.4
Q: Taka 4 is 20 percent of which amount?
a) 25 b) 20
c) 10 d) 11 ans. B
Shortcut: 4 = 20 × 100 × p  p = 20
Q: What is the percentage equivalent of 4.5?
a) 450% b) 45%
c) 4.5% d) 0.45% ans. A
Shortcut: 4.5  100 = 450
A2Z Publication 7
Q: Written as a percent, 5 =?
a) 5% b) 50%
c) 500% d) 0.5% ans. C
Shortcut: 5 = 5  100% = 500%
Q: X is what percent of 20 percent of 15?
x 3
a) 100 % b) 100x
100 100x
c) 3x % d) 3 % ans. D
1 1 100x
Shortcut: x = p  100  20  100  15  p = 3 %
Q: 50 is what percent of 40?
a) 125% b) 90%
c) 80% d) 12.5% ans. A
Shortcut: 50 = P  100  40  P = 125
Q: What percent of 60 is 80?
1 1
a) 1333 b) 333
c) 60 d) 75 ans. A
1 1
Shortcut: P  100  60 = 80  P = 1333
Q: What is 40% of 7 ?
2 4
a) 7 b) 7
10 1
c) 28 d) 28 ans. B
1 10 4
Shortcut: P = 40  100  7 P=7
Q: What is 10% of 20% of 30%?
a) 60% b) 6%
c) 0.06% d) 0.006% ans. D
1 1 1
Shortcut: P = 10  100  20  100  30  100  P = 0.006%
Q: The number 45 is what percentage of 9000?
a) 0.05% b) 0.405%
c) 0.5% d) 4.05% ans. C
Shortcut: 45 = P  100  9000  P = 0.5
Q: 20% written as a decimal is
a) 0.001 b) 2.0
c) 0.02 d) 0.2 ans. D
Shortcut: 100 = 0.20
Q: Which of the following represent 5% as a decimal?
a) 0.005 b) 0.05
c) 0.5 d) 5 ans. B
Shortcut: 100 = 0.05
A2Z Publication 8
Q: The number 50 is what percentage of 10000?
a) 50% b) 0.5%
c) 0.05% d) 5% ans. B
Shortcut: 50 = P  100  10000  P = 0.5

1.02 Applied Translation: Word Problems m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

y 2y
Q: What is 10% of 3 , if 3 is 10% of 400?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4
d) 8 e) None of these ans. B
2y 1
Solution: 3 = 10  100  400  y = 60
1 y 1 60
P = 10  100  3  P = 10  100  3 = 2
Q: If m > 0 and x is m percent of y, y is what percent of x?
a) 100 m b) 1/100 m c) 1/ m
d) 10/ m e) None of these ans. E
Solution: x = m  100  y
 y= m
 y = P  100  x
100x 1
 m
= P  100  x
 P= m
y 2y
Q: What is 10% of 3 , if 3 is 10% of 600?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
d) 4 e) None ans. C
2y 1
Solution: 3 = 10  100  600
 y = 90
1 y
 p = 10  100  30
1 90
 P = 10  100  3
 P=3
Q: What is a percent of b divided by b percent of a?
a) a b) b c) 1
d) 10 e) 100 ans. C
1 1
Shortcut: P = a  100  b ÷ b  100  a P=1
Q: If 25 percent of p is equal to 10 percent of q, and pq ≠ 0, then p is what percent of q?
a) 2.5% b) 15% c) 20%
d) 35% e) 40% ans. E
1 1 p 2
Shortcut: 25 100  p =10  100  q  q = 5  100 = 40%

A2Z Publication 9
Q: If “basis points” are defined so that 1 percent is equal to 200 basis points, then 82.5 percent is
how many basis points greater than 62.5 percent?
a) .02 b) 0.2 c) 2000
d) 200 e) None of these ans. E
Solution: 1% = 200 basis point
82.5% = 82.5  200 = 16500
62.5% = 62.5  200 = 12500
 16500 – 12500 = 4000
Q: If ‘basis point’ are defined so that 1 percent is equal to 100 basis points, then 82.5 percent is
how many basis points greater than 62.5 percent?
a) 0.02 b) 0.2 c) 20
d) 200 e) 2000 ans. E
Solution: 1% = 100 basis point
82.5% = 82.5  100 = 8250
62.5% = 62.5  100 = 6250
 8250 – 6250 = 2000
Q: B and C are points on the straight line AD, on which AB = BC = CD. What percent of AC is
a) 50% b) 66.67%
c) 133.33% d) 150% ans. D
A x B x C x D
 p  100  2x = 3x  P = 150
Q: Out of a group of 80 applicants for a public service examination, 20 persons failed to appear
for the first part of the test. What percent of the total applicants appeared for this part of the
a) 4 b) 16 c) 25
d) 75 e) None of these ans. D
Solution: Appear = 80 – 20 = 60
 P  100  80 = 60  P = 75
Q: If an inspector rejects 2% of a product as defective, how many products did he examine if total
rejected products are 150?
a) 1500 b) 3000 c) 7500
d) 9000 e) none of these ans. C
Solution: Rejects 2 means = Total 100
Rejects 1 means = Total 2
 Rejects 150 means = Total 2  150 = 7500
Q: If an inspector rejects 0.08% of a product as defective, how many products will he examine in
order to reject 2?
a) 1500 b) 500 c) 2000
d) 2500 e) None ans. D
Solution: Rejects 0.08 means = Total 100
Rejects 1 means = Total .08
 Rejects 2 means = Total .08  2 = 2500
A2Z Publication 10
Q: A manufacturer finds that 0.4% of his production is defective and unsuitable for marketing.
How many of 1,000 units produced will be rejected?
a) 4 b) 40 c) 400
d) 140 e) None ans. A
Solution: Total 100 means = Rejects 0.4
Total 1means = Rejects 100
 Total 1000 means = Rejects 100  1000 = 4
Q: Three friends shared the cost of a tape recorder. If Andy, Barbara, and Donna each paid Tk.
12.Tk. 30 and Tk. 18 respectively, then Donna paid what percent of the cost of the tape
a) 10% b) 30% c) 333 %
d) 50% e) 663 % ans. B
Solution: Cost of tape recorder = 12 + 30 + 18 = TK.60
 18 = p  100  60  P = 30
Q: In a shipment of 120 machine parts 10% were defective. In another shipment of 80 machine
parts 5% were defective. For the two shipments combined, what percent of the machine parts
were defective?
a) 6% b) 7% c) 8%
d) 9% e) 16% ans. C
Solution: 120  10  100 = 12
80  5  100 = 4
 p × 100  200 = 16 P=8
Q: A silo is filled to capacity with w pounds of wheat. Rats eat r pounds a day. After 25 days.
What percent of the silo’s capacity have the rats eaten?
25r 25r r
a) w b) 100w c) 2500 w
 
r r
d) w e) 25w ans. C
 
1 r
Solution: P  100  w = 25r  P = 2500 w
Q: Faisal’s weight is 140% of Imran’s weight. Rahi’s weight is 90% of Milon’s weight. Milon
weigh twice as much as Imran. What percentage of Faisal’s weight is Rahi’s weight?
2 5 7
a) 647 b) 1559 c) 779
d) 1287 e) None ans. D
Solution: Let, I = 100; M = 200
R = 90  100  200 = 180
F = 140  100  100 =140
1 4
 p  100  140 =180  P = 1287

A2Z Publication 11
Q: Jim’s Weight is 140% of Marica’s weight; Bob’s weight is 90% of Lee’s weight. Lee weighs
twice as much as Merica. What percentage of Jim’s weight is Bob’s weight approximately?
a) 128.57% b) 129.20%
c) 130.00% d) 135.00% ans. A
Solution: Let, M = 100; L = 200
B = 90  100  200 = 180
J = 140  100  100 = 140
p  100  140 = 180  P = 128.57
Q: Mr. Tareq is twice as much rich as Mr. Kamal. Mr. Kamal has 55% of the wealth of Mr.
Toha. Mr. Haider has 60% of the wealth of Mr. Salam, who has 120% as much wealth as Mr.
Toha. Which person has the lowest wealth?
a) Mr. Toha b) Mr. Tareq
c) Mr. Kamal d) Mr. Haider ans. C
Solution: Toha = 100, Salam = 120, Haider = 60% of 120 = 72,
Kamal = 55, Tareq = 2  55 = 110; So lowest = Kamal = 55
Q: Sumana is a fat girl. Her weight is 210% of Rina’s weight, Limons’s weight is 70% of Liza’s
weight. Liza weighs twice as much as Rina. What percentage of Limon’s weight is Sumona’s
weight approximately?
a) 150% b) 151%
c) 152% d) 253% ans. A
Solution: Rina = 100, Liza = 200, Sumon = 210,
Limon = 70% of 200 = 140
p  100  140 = 210  P = 150
Q: Shahid’s salary is 120% of Rahim’s salary is 80% of Raman’s salary. The ratio of Rahman’s
salary to Shahid’s salary is
a) 23 to 25 b) 20 to 24 c) 25 to 24
d) 21 to 25 e) None of the above ans. C
Solution: Let, Rahman’s salary = 100
Rahim’s salary = 80  100  100 = 80
Shahid’s Salary = 120  100  80 = 96
Rahman: Shahid = 100 : 96 = 25 : 24
Q: Eight percent of the people eligible to vote are between 18 and 21. In an election, 85% of those
eligible to vote who were between 18 add 21 actually voted. In that election, people between 18
and 21 who actually voted were what percent of those people eligible to vote?
a) 8 % b) 4 % c) 3 %
d) 6.8% e) None of the above ans. D
Solution: Let, the totall number of people eligible to vote = 100
 Among them the number of voter between 18 and 21 = 8% of 100 = 8
Among these 8, actually voted 85%; 85% of 8 = 100  8 = 6.8
 The required percentage = 6.8%

A2Z Publication 12
Q: Alam spends 20% of her income on taxes and 20% of the remainder on rent. What percent of
her income does she spend on rent?
a) 8% b) 10% c) 16%
d) 20% e) 24% ans. C
Solution: Let’s Alam Income = 100 TK
Less: Income Tax = 20 TK
 The Remainder = 80 TK
Spend on Rent = 20% of 80 = 16
Q: If the price of a shirt increases form Tk. 350 to Tk. 700, the old price is what percent of the
new price?
a) 60% b) 50%
c) 75% d) 200% ans. B
Shortcut: 350 = P  100  700  P = 50
Q: If the price of a shirt increases from Tk. 500 to Tk. 800, the old price is what percent of the
new price?
a) 60% b) 62.5%
c) 75% d) 160% ans. B
Shortcut: 500 = P  100  800  P = 62.5
Q: If a jar contains 16 black marbles and 24 red marbles, what percent of all marbles in the jar
are red?
a) 33.33% b) 40%
c) 60% d) 66.66% ans. C
Shortcut: p  100  (24 + 16) = 24  P = 60
Q: If a jar contains 15 red marbles and 45 black marbles, what percent of all marbles in the jar
are black?
a) 15% b) 25%
c) 45% d) 75% ans. D
Shortcut: p  100  (15 + 45) = 45  P = 75
Q: If a jar contains 24 white marbles and 48 black marbles, what % of all marbles in the jar are
a) 663 % b) 60%
c) 25% d) 35% ans. A
1 2
Shortcut: p  100  (24 + 48) = 48  P = 663

1.03 GEOMETRY: Dual Change) (+, –) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: The length of a room is increased by 20% and the breadth decreased by 10%. Then, the area
of the room is increased by what percent?
a) 8% b) 6% c) 10%
d) 14% e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`: GKwU N‡ii ˆ`N¨© 20% e„w× †cj Ges cÖ¯’ 10% n«vm †cj| Zvn‡j Avcbv‡K †ei Ki‡Z n‡e H
i“‡gi †¶Îdj kZKiv KZUzKz e„w× †cj|
A2Z Publication 13
Description Symbol Given in Question
GKwU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Room
1 Value GKwU wbw`©ó %G evo‡e F 20% †e‡o‡Q A_©vr F = 20
Increase ej‡j (+) Ve A_©vr Positive

2nd Value GKwU wbw`©ó %G Kg‡e S 10% K‡g‡Q A_©vr S = – 10.

Decrease / Reduce ej‡j (–) Ve
A_©vr Negative n‡e
Area Gi Increase / Decrease % †ei %C ?
Ki‡Z n‡e
Formula: % C = F + S + 100
20  (- 10)
Shortcut: % C = 20 + (– 10) + 100

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: The length of a room is increased by 50% and the breadth decreased by 12%. Then, the area
of the room is increased by what percent?
a) 71% b) 66% c) 60%
d) 32% e) None of these ans. D
50  (- 12)
Shortcut: % C = 50 – 12 + 100
= 38 – 6 = 32%
Q: If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and the width is decreased by 20%, then the
a) decreased by 20% b) decreased by 4%
c) stay the same d) increased by 10% ans. B
20(- 20)
Shortcut: 20 + (– 20) + 100
= – 4%
Q: If the length of a rectangle is increased by 40% and the width is decreased by 20% the area of
the rectangle will increase by
a) 20% b) 12%
c) 8% d) None of these ans. B
40(- 20)
Shortcut: 40 + (– 20) + 100
= 12%
Q: The length of a room is increased by 75% and the breadth decreased by 12%. Then, the area
of the room is increased by what percent?
a) 71% b) 66% c) 60%
d) 54% e) None of these ans. D
75 (- 12)
Shortcut: 75 + (– 12) + 100
= 54%
Q: If the width of rectangle is increased by 25% and the length is decreased by 25%, the resulting
area is what precent of the original area?
a) 90% b) 100% c) 93.75%
d) 1.25% e) None of these ans. C
25(- 25)
Shortcut: 25 + (– 25) + 100
= – 6.25%
Resulting Area = 100 – 6.25 = 93.75%
A2Z Publication 14
1.04 GEOMETRY: Dual Change (+, +) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb
Q: If the length and breadth of a rectangle are both increased by 3%, then what is the increase in
its area?
a) 4% b) 6.9% c) 8.16%
d) 16% e) None of these ans. E
Structure: Av‡MiUvi g‡ZvB Z‡e cv_©K¨ n‡jv cÖ‡kœ `y‡UvB Increase % †`qv _vK‡e|
3% †e‡o‡Q A_©vr F = 3 and 3% †e‡o‡Q A_©vr S = 3
Shortcut: % C = 3 + 3 + 100 = 6 + .09 = 6.09
Q: If both length and width of a rectangular plot for a garden are increased by 20%, how many
percent of the plot would be increased?
a) 20% b) 24% c) 36%
d) 40% e) None of these ans. E
20 × 20
Shortcut: 20 + 20 + 100 = 44
Q: The length and breadth of a room are increased by 20 percent and 25 percent respectively.
What is the corresponding percentage increase in the floor area of the room?
a) 20 b) 25 c) 45
d) 50 e) 60 ans. D
20  25
Shortcut: 20 + 25 + 100 = 50
Q: If the length and breadth of a rectangle are both increased by 4%, then what is the increase in
its area?
a) 4% b) 6% c) 8.16%
d) 16% e) None of these ans. C
Shortcut: 4 + 4 + 100 = 8.16
Q: If the length and breadth of a rectangular garden plot were each increased by 20%, what
would be the percent increase in the area of the plot?
a) 20 b) 24 c) 36
d) 40 e) 44 ans. E
20  20
Shortcut: 20 + 20 + 100 = 44

1.05 GEOMETRY: Dual Change (–,–) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: The length and breadth of a room are decreased by 20 percent and 25 percent respectively.
What is the corresponding percentage decrease in the floor area of the room?
a) 20 b) 25 c) 40
d) 50 e) 60 ans. C
Structure: Av‡MiUvi g‡ZvB Z‡e cv_©K¨ n‡jv cÖ‡kœ `y‡UvB Decreased % †`qv _vK‡e|
20% K‡g‡Q A_©vr F = – 20 and 25% K‡g‡Q A_©vr S = – 25
(- 20)(- 25)
Shortcut: % C = (– 20) + (– 25) + = – 40
[N.B: – 40 gv‡b 40% Kg‡Q ev Decrease Ki‡Q| cÖ‡kœi †k‡l Decrease kãwU Av‡Q e‡j ïay 40 Ans. n‡e]
Q: If the length and breadth of a rectangle are both decreased by 4%, then what is the decrease in
its area?
a) 4% b) 6% c) 8.16%
d) 16% e) None of these ans. E
(- 4)(- 4)
Shortcut: – 4 – 4 + 100
= – 8 + 0.16 = – 7.84
A2Z Publication 15
1.06 GEOMETRY: Dual Change (–, +) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb
Q: If the length of a rectangle is reduced by 20% and the width is increased by 20%, then what is
the change in area?
a) Decrease by 10% b) decrease by 4% c) remain the same
d) Increase by 1% e) cannot be determined ans. B
Structure: 20% K‡g‡Q A_©vr F = – 20 and 20% †e‡o‡Q A_©vr S = 20
(- 20)(20)
Shortcut: % C = (– 20) + 20 + 100
Q: If the length of rectangle is decreased by 25% and the width is increased by 25%, the resulting
area is what percent of the original area?
a) 90% b) 100% c) 93.75%
d) 1.25% e) None ans. C
(- 25)  (25)
Shortcut: % C = – 25 + 25 + 100
= – 6.25%
 Resulting area = 100 – 6.25 = 93.75%
Q: If the length of a rectangle is reduced by 10% and the width is increased by 10%, then what is
the change in area?
a) Decrease by 1% b) decrease by 12% c) remain the same
d) Increase by 1% e) cannot be determined ans. A
(- 10)(10)
Shortcut: – 10 + 10 + 100
= – 1%

1.07 Square (–) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: If each side of a square decreases by 40%, then the area of the square decreases by
a) 30% b) 45% c) 64%
d) 96% e) None ans. C
Solution: Abyev`: hw` GKwU eM©†¶‡Îi cÖwZwU evû 40% n«vm cvq, Zvn‡j Avcbv‡K †ei Ki‡Z n‡e H eM©‡¶‡Îi
†¶Îdj KZUzKz n«vm cv‡e|
Structure: Square Gi evû PviwU mgvb|
ZvB First Value = Second Value A_©vr F = S n‡e
Formula: % C = F + S + 100
(- 40)(- 40)
Shortcut: % C = – 40 + (– 40) + 100
= – 64 [N.B: – 64 gv‡b n‡jv Decrease 64%]
Q: If the side of a square decreases by 20% then its area decreased by what percent?
a) 36% b) 44% c) 40%
d) 80 e) None of these ans. A
(- 20) (- 20)
Shortcut: – 20 – 20 + 100
= – 36%

1.08 Square (+) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: If each side of a square increases by 40%, then the area of the square increases by.
a) 30% b) 45% c) 60%
d) 96% e) None of these ans. D
Structure: Av‡MiUvi g‡ZvB Z‡e cv_©K¨ n‡jv cÖ‡kœ `y‡UvB Increased % †`qv _vK‡e|
40  40
Shortcut: % C = 40 +40 + 100 = 96

A2Z Publication 16
Q: If each side of a square increases by 30%, then the area of the square increases by what
a) 30% b) 45% c) 60%
d) 69% e) None of these ans. D
30 × 30
Shortcut: 30 + 30 + 100 = 69
Q: If the side of a square increases by 20% then its area increase by what percent?
a) 40% b) 44% c) 125%
d) 80% e) None of these ans. B
20  20
Shortcut: 20 + 20 + 100 = 44
Q: If the length of each of the sides of three square garden plots is increased by 50 percent, by
what percent is the sum of the areas of the three plots increased?
a) 350% b) 200% c) 150%
d) 125% e) None of these ans. D
50  50
Shortcut: 50 + 50 + 100 = 125
Q: If the side of a square increases by 40%, then the area of the square increases by:
a) 16% b) 19% c) 96%
d) 116% e) 140% ans. C
40  40
Shortcut: 40 + 40 + 100 = 96

1.09 Square (Side = ?) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: If the area of a square is increased by 44%, the side of the square is increased by:
a) 40% b) 30% c) 20%
d) 69% e) 130% ans. C
Solution: Abyev`: hw` GKwU eM©‡¶‡Îi †¶Îdj 20% e„w× cvq Zvn‡j Avcbv‡K wbY©q Ki‡Z n‡e H eM©‡¶‡Îi cÖwZwU
evû KZUzKz e„w× cv‡e?
Structure: Area Gi Increase / Decrease % change †`qv _vK‡e|
cÖwZwU evû KZUzKz e„w× cv‡e| †ei Ki‡Z n‡e
Formula: % C = F + S + 100
GLv‡b, Av‡MB evûi e„w× wb‡q
Shortcut: 44 = F + S + 100 KvR Ki‡Z n‡e| †¶Îdj
GLb cÖwZwU DËi †_‡K Back Solve Ki‡Z n‡e e„w× †`qv Av‡Q| G‡¶‡Î %
FS 40  40 FS
Ackb a) F = 40% n‡j % C = F + S + 100 = 40 + 40 + 100 = 96, C = F + S + 100 m~‡Îi
wKš‘ cÖkœg‡Z, % C = 44 ZvB GB DËi wU n‡e bv| evgc‡¶ 44 emv‡Z n‡e| Avi
30  30 eM© e‡j F = S n‡e| Gfv‡e
Ackb b) F = 30% n‡j % C = 30 + 30 + 100 = 69,
Avcwb `ª“Z mgvav‡b †cuŠQv‡Z
wKš‘ cÖkœg‡Z, % C = 44 ZvB GB DËi wU n‡e bv| cvi‡eb|
20  20
Ackb c) F = 20% n‡j % C = 20 + 20 + 100 = 44 GBwU DËi n‡e|
Ackb d) Ges Ackb e) Test Kivi `iKvi †bB †Kb bv Avgiv DËi †c‡q †MwQ|
Q: If the area of a square increases by 69%, then the side of the square increases by.
a) 13% b) 30% c) 29%
d) 69% e) 130% ans. B
A2Z Publication 17
Shortcut: 69 = F + S + 100  GLb cÖwZwU DËi †_‡K Back Solve Ki‡Z n‡e
FS 13  13
Ackb a) F = 13% n‡j % C = F + S + 100 = 13 + 13 + 100 = 26.69,
wKš‘ cÖkœg‡Z, % C = 69 ZvB GB DËi wU n‡e bv|
30  30
Ackb b) F = 30% n‡j % C = 30 + 30 + 100 = 69, cÖkœg‡Z, % C = 69
ZvB GBwU DËi n‡e Ackb c), Ackb d) Ges Ackb e) Test Kivi `iKvi †bB †Kb bv Avgiv DËi †c‡q †MwQ|

1.10 Circle (+) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: The radius of a circle is increased by 5%, and then its area is increased by what percent?
a) 10.25% b) 15% c) 20%
d) 21% e) None of these ans. A
Abyev`: GKwU e„‡Ëi e¨vmva© 5% e„w× †cj H e„‡Ëi †¶Îdj kZKiv KZUzKz e„w× cv‡e?
Structure: e„‡Ëi †¶‡ÎI, F = S = Radius ev e¨vmva© †`qv _vK‡e|
Area Gi Increase / Decrease % †ei Ki‡Z n‡e
Formula: % C = F + S + 100
Shortcut: % C = 5 + 5 + 100 = 10.25
Q: If the radius of a circle is increased by 6%, then the area of the circle is increased by.
a) .36% b) 3.6% c) 65%
d) 12.36% e) 36% ans. D
Shortcut: 6 + 6 + 100 = 12.36%

Q: The radius of a circle is increased by 10%, and then its area is increased by what percent?
a) 10% b) 15% c) 20%
d) 21% e) None of these ans. D
10  10
Shortcut: 10 + 10 + 100 = 21%

1.11 Circle (–) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: The radius of a circle is decreased by 5%, and then its area is decreased by what percent?
a) 6.25% b) 15% c) 20%
d) 21% e) None of these ans. E
Abyev`: GKwU e„‡Ëi e¨vmva© 5% n«vm †c‡j H e„‡Ëi †¶Îdj kZKiv KZUzKz n«vm cv‡e?
Structure: Av‡MiUvi g‡ZvB Z‡e cv_©K¨ n‡jv cÖ‡kœ `y‡UvB Decreased % †`qv _vK‡e| F = S = – 5%
(- 5)(- 5)
Shortcut: % C = – 5 + (– 5) + 100
= – 9.75
[N.B: – 9.75gv‡b % Kg‡Q ev Decrease Ki‡Q| cÖ‡kœi †k‡l Decrease kãwU Av‡Q e‡j ïay 9.75Ans. n‡e|
Q: If the radius of a circle is decreased by 30 percent, by what percent will the area of the circular
region be decreased?
a) 49% b) 51% c) 60%
d) 3.141% e) None of these ans. B
(- 30) (- 30)
Shortcut: – 30 – 30 + 100
= – 51

A2Z Publication 18
Q: If the radius of a circle is decreased by 10% by what percent is its area decreased?
a) 10 b) 19 c) 21
d) 79 e) 81 ans. B
(- 10)(- 10)
Shortcut: – 10 + (– 10 ) + 100
= – 19

1.12 PRICE (+, –) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: The price of rice in the year 2007 has increased by 20% from that of the previous year. In
2008, the price has decreased by 10% due to low production. In 2008, what was the increase in
price with respect to that of 2006?
a) 1% b) 3% c) 5%
d) 8% e) None of these ans. D
Solution: Abyev`: Pv‡ji `vg 2007 mv‡j c~‡e©i eQ‡ii Zzjbvq 20% e„w× †c‡q‡Q| 2008 mv‡j Drcv`b n«v†mi Kvi‡Y
Pv‡ji `vg 10% n«vm †c‡j 2006 mv‡ji Zzjbvq Pv‡ji `vg KZUzKz e„w× †c‡q‡Q|
Description Symbol Given in Question
GKwU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Rice
1st Value GKwU F 20% †e‡o‡Q A_©vr F = 20
wbw`©ó %G evo‡e Increase ej‡j (+) Ve A_©vr Positive

2nd Value GKwU S 10% K‡g‡Q A_©vr S = – 10 Decrease /

wbw`©ó %G Kg‡e Reduce ej‡j (–) Ve A_©vr Negative n‡e
Avcbv‡K cÖ_gUvi Zzjbvq †k‡liUvi %C
Net % Change †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
Formula: % C = F + S + 100
20 (- 10)
Shortcut: Net % Change = 20 + (– 10) + 100

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: A merchant increased the original price of an item by 10%. Then he reduces the new price by
10%, the final result in terms of the original price is
a) no change b) a decrease of 1%
c) an increase of 1% d) an increase of 11% ans. B
10 (- 10)
Shortcut: 10 + (– 10) + 100
= – 1%
Q: The price of a Toyota car rises by 30%, while the sales of the car come down by 20%. What is
the percentage change in the total revenue?
a) – 4% b) – 2% c) 4%
d) 2% e) none of these ans. C
30 (- 20)
Shortcut: 30 + (– 20) + 100
Q: If the price of an item is increased by 10% and then decreased by 10%, the net effect on the
price of the item is.
a) increase of 99% b) decrease of 1% c) no change
d) increase of 1% e) decrease of 11% ans. B
10 (- 10)
Shortcut: 10 + (– 10) + 100
= – 1%

A2Z Publication 19
Q: The price of sugar in 1994 increased by 10% from that in 1993. In 1995 the price decreased by
5% from that in 1994. In 1995 what is the increase in price with respect to price in 1993?
a) 4% b) 4.5% c) 5%
d) 5.5% e) 6% ans. B
10 (- 5)
Shortcut: 10 + (– 5) + 100 = – 4.5%
Q: The price of a house rises by 25 percent and them falls by 20 percent. The price after these
changes is:
a) 20 percent greater them the original price. b) 5 percent greater them the original price.
c) The same as the original price. d) 5 percent less them the original price.
e) 15 percent less them the original price ans. C
25 (- 20)
Shortcut: 25 + (– 20) + 100
Q: The number of passengers on Dhaka-Chittagong route increased by 40% following the
reduction of fare by 15%. What will be the percentage increase in revenue?
a) 17 b) 19 c) 20
d) 25 e) 12 ans. B
40 (- 15)
Shortcut: 40 + (– 15) + 100
= 19%
Q: In the Dhaka Stock Exchange, the price of Bata Share rose 30% yesterday and fell 20% today.
What is the total rise or fall in percentage?
a) 10% rise b) 8% rise c) 4% rise
d) 10% fall e) 6% rise ans. C
30 (- 20)
Shortcut: 30 + (– 20) + 100
= 4%
Q: The price of a share rose 25% yesterday and fell 25% today. What is the total rise or fall
a) 0.02 b) 0.2 c) 6.25
d) 200 e) 2,000 ans. C
25 (- 25)
Shortcut: 25 + (– 25) + 100
= – 6.25%
Q: If the price of an item is increased by 10% and then decreased by 10% the net effect of the
price of the item is:
a) an increases 99% b) an increase of 1%
d) a decrease of 1% c) all the same ans. D
10 (- 10)
Shortcut: 10 + (– 10) + 100
= – 1%
Q: The sales of Konka TV increased by 50% when its price was reduced by 20%. What was the
percentage change in the sales revenue of the company?
a) 20 b) 19 c) 22
d) 25 e) 23 ans. A
50 (- 20)
Shortcut: 50 + (– 20) + 100
= – 20%
Q: The number of passengers on Dhaka-Agortala route increased by 50% when the fare was
reduced by 20%. What was the percentage increase in revenue?
a) 17 b) 19 c) 20
d) 25 e) 12 ans. C
50 (- 20)
Shortcut: 50 + (– 20) + 100
= 20%
A2Z Publication 20
Q: The quantities a, b and c are positive and ab equals 4 . What must happen to c in order to
remain true if a is increased by 50% and b is decreased by 25%?
1 1
a) c decreases By 25% b) c decreases By 122 % c) c increase by 122 %
d) c increase by 25% e) c increase by 50% ans. C
50 (- 25)
Shortcut: 50 + (– 25) + 100 = 12.5%

1.13 PRICE (– , +) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: The price of rice in the year 2007 has decreased by 20% from that of the previous year. In
2008, the price has increased by 10% due to high production. In 2008, what was the decrease
in price with respect to that of 2006?
a) 1% b) 3% c) 5%
d) 12% e) None of these ans. D
Structure: 20% K‡g‡Q A_©vr F = – 20 and 10% †e‡o‡Q A_©vr S = 10
(- 20) (10)
Shortcut: % C = – 20 + 10 + 100
= – 12%
Q: If the salary of an employee is reduced by 10% for his attendance and then increased by 10%
on a pardon, how much does he lose?
a) 2 b) 1
c) 4 d) 5 ans. B
(-10) (10)
Shortcut: % C = – 10 + 10 + 100
= – 1%

1.14 PRICE (–, –) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: The price of rice in the year 2007 has decreased by 20% from that of the previous year. In
2008, the price has decreased by 10% due to low production. In 2008, what was the decrease in
price with respect to that of 2006?
a) 1% b) 3% c) 5%
d) 28% e) None of these ans. D
Structure: 20% K‡g‡Q A_©vr F = – 20, and 10% K‡g‡Q A_©vr S = – 10
(- 20) (-10)
Shortcut: % C = (– 20) + (– 10) + 100
= – 28%
Q: The price of a cycle is reduced by 25 percent. The new price is reduced by a further 20
percent. The two reductions together are equal to a single reduction of
a) 40% b) 45%
c) 50% d) 55% ans. A
(- 25) (-20)
Shortcut: % C = (– 25) + (– 20) + 100
= – 40%

1.15 PRICE (+, +) m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: If the price of a Bangla Link SIM was Tk. 100 in 2007 and the price increased at 20% per year
for two years, then what is the price of the Bangla Link SIM in 2009?
a) 120 b) 125 c) 129
d) 144 e) None of these ans. D
Structure: F = 20% evo‡Q, S = 20% evo‡Q
20  20
Shortcut: Net % Change = 20 + 20 + 100 = 44
Final Price = 100+ 44 = 144
A2Z Publication 21
Q: If the price of a product was Tk. 100 in 2006 and the price increased at 10 per year then what
was the price of the same product in 2008?
a) Tk. 121 b) Tk. 120
c) Tk. 110 d) Tk. 130 ans. A
10 (10)
Shortcut: 10 + 10 + 100 = 21% Now, 100 + 21 = 121
Q: Price of rice has increased by 15% form its original price. It has again increased by 15% form
the new price. What is the gross increase of the price of rice form its original price?
a) 32.25% b) 22.50%
c) 48% d) 28.75% ans. A
Shortcut: 15 + 15 + 100 = 32.25%
Q: Increasing the original price of an item by 15 percent and then increasing the new price by
another 15 percent is equivalent to increasing the original price by.
a) 32.25% b) 31.00% c) 30.25%
d) 35.54% e) None ans. A
Shortcut: 15 + 15 + 100 = 32.25%
Q: If the price of a product was Tk. 100 in 1990 and the price increased at 10% per year for two
years, then what is the price of the same product in 1992?
a) 110 b) 120 c) 121
d) 125 e) None of these ans. C
10 (10)
Shortcut: 10 + 10 + 100 = 21%
Now, 100 + 21 = 121

1.16 Successive Discount m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: Successive discount of 10% and 20% is equivalent to single discount of.
a) 32 b) 30 c) 31
d) 28 e) None of these ans. D
Abyev`: 10% I 20% Gi cici discount KZ % Gi GKK Discount Gi mgvb?
SL Description Symbol Given in Question
01 `y‡Uv % Successive discount F, S F = – 10 I S = – 20, Discount ej‡j (–) Ve
n‡e A_©vr Negative n‡e
02 Single discount †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
Formula: Single discount % = F + S + 100
(- 10)(- 20)
Shortcut: Single discount % = (-10) + (-20) + 100
= - 28

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: A T-shirt store regularly sells all stock at a discount of 20 percent to 40 percent. If an
additional 25 percent were deducted from the discount price during a special sale, what would
be the lowest possible price of a T-shirt costing Tk. 16 after any discount?
a) 7.1 b) 7.5
c) 7.0 d) 7.2 ans. D
(- 40) (- 25)
Shortcut: Single discount % = – 40 – 25 + 100
= – 55
Lowest Price = 16 – 16 (Discount %) = 16 – 16 (55 %) = 7.20
A2Z Publication 22
Q: A toy store regularly sells all stock at a discount of 20 percent to 40 percent, If an additional 25
percent were deducted from the discounted price during a special sale, what would be the
lowest possible price of a toy costing $16 before any discount?
a) 5.60 b) 7.20 c) 7.56
d) 8.40 e) None of these ans. B
(- 40) (- 25)
Shortcut: – 40 – 25 + 100
= – 55,
Lowest Price = 16 – 16 (Discount %) = 16 – 16 (55 %) = 7.20
Q: Successive discounts of 20% and 25% are equal to what single discount rate (%)?
a) 45 b) 40 c) 32
d) 50 e) None of these ans. B
(- 20)(- 25)
Shortcut: Single discount % = (– 20) + (– 25) + 100
= – 40
Q: During summer, a store offers 10% discount on some items. But due to a defect, an additional
5% was discounted from the discount price for a particular item. If the list price of the item
was Tk.400, what was the discounted price?
a) 338 b) 340 c) 342
d) 345.50 e) None of these ans. C
(- 10)(- 5)
Shortcut: Single discount % = (– 10) + (– 5) + 100
= – 14.5
Discounted Price = 400 – (400) (14.5 %) = 342
Q: A bicycle originally cost $ 100 and was discounted 10%. After three months it was sold after
being discounted another 15%. How much was the bicycle sold for?
a) $ 76.50 b) $ 75.00 c) $ 73.50
d) $ 71.00 e) $ 69.50 ans. A
(- 10)(- 15)
Shortcut: Single discount % = (– 10) + (– 15) + 100
= – 23.5
Discounted Price = 100 – (100) (23.5 %) = 76.5
Q: Successive discounts of 30% and 10% on an item are equivalent to a single discount of:
a) 40% b) 333 % c) 37%
d) 35% e) 25% ans. C
(- 30)(- 10)
Shortcut: Single discount % = (– 30) + (– 10) + 100
= – 37
Q: The price of a certain DVD is discounted by 10% and the reduced price is then discounted by
10%. This series of successive discounts is equivalent to a single discount of:
a) 3% b) 4% c) 6%
d) 19% e) 5% ans. D
(- 10)(- 10)
Shortcut: Single discount % = (– 10) + (– 10) + 100
= - 19

1.17 Successive Increase m¤úwK©Z wKQz Abykxjb

Q: Successive Increase of 10% and 20% is equivalent to single Increase of.
a) 32 b) 30 c) 31
d) 29 e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`: 10% I 20% Gi cici e„w× KZ % Gi GKK e„w×i mgvb?
Structure: `y‡Uv % Successive Increase n‡e| F = 10 I S = 20, Increase ej‡j (+) Ve A_©vr Positive
Formula: Single increase % = F + S + 100
10  20
Shortcut: Single increase % =10 + 20 + 100 = 32
A2Z Publication 23
Q: Successive Increase of 20% and 15% is equal to what single Increase rate (%)?
a) 45 b) 40 c) 38
d) 50 e) None of these ans. C
20  15
Shortcut: 20 + 15 + 100 = 38

1.18 % & Dual Change m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: If 50% of the workers are graduates, and of them 20% are male, what percent of the workers
are male and graduate?
a) 4% b) 6% c) 10%
d) 15% e) None of these ans. C
Abyev`: hw` 50% †jvK Graduate Ges Zv‡`i g‡a¨ 20% cyi“l nq, Zvn‡j KZ % †jvK Graduate Ges cyi“l?
SL Description Symbol Given in Question
`ywU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Graduate & male

F & S GLv‡b, F = 50 Ges

Zv‡`i individual % †`qv _vK‡e
F = 1st Value Ges S = 2nd Value S = 20
Zv‡`i Mix % †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| ?
Formula: Mix % = 100
50  20
Shortcut: Male and graduate = 100 = 10

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: In a certain class 40% of the students are girls, and 20% of the girls wear glasses. What
percent of students in the class are girls who wear glasses?
a) 6% b) 8% c) 20%
d) 6% e) none of these ans. B
40 × 20
Shortcut: 100
Q: If 40% of all women are voters and 52% of the populations are women, what percent of the
population are women votes?
a) 19.2 b) 20.8 c) 26.4
d) 40 e) None ans. B
40 × 52
Shortcut: 100 = 20.8 %
Q: In a class, 30% of the students are from Dhaka District and 20% of them from Dhaka city.
What percent of the total students are from Dhaka city?
a) .06 b) 0.6
c) 1.5 d) 6 ans. D
30 × 20
Shortcut: 100
Q: Experts say that 25% of all serious bicycle accidents involve head injuries and that of all such
head injuries, 80% are fatal. What percentage of all serious bicycle accidents involves fatal
head injuries?
a) 16% b) 20% c) 55%
d) 105% e) None ans. B
25 × 80
Shortcut: 100
= 20 %

A2Z Publication 24
Q: If 40% of the workers are graduate and of them 15% are male, what percent of the workers
are male and graduate?
a) 4% b) 6% c) 5%
d) 15% e) None of these ans. B
40 × 15
Shortcut: 100

1.19 % & Dual with given Number m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: A class of 10 girls and 20 boys arranged a picnic. However, only 15% of the girls and 30% of
the boys attended the picnic. What percent of the class attended the picnic?
a) 25 % b) 6% c) 10%
d) 15% e) None of these ans. A
Description Symbol Given in Question
`ywU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e f & s GLv‡b, f = Boys = 10 &
f = 1 Group Ges s = 2nd Group
st s = Girls = 20

F & S GLv‡b,
Zv‡`i Individual % †`qv F = 40 Ges S = 30
F = 1 % Value Ges S = 2nd %
Zv‡`i Total % †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| ?
(f × F) + (s × S)
Formula: Total % = f+s
(10 × 15) + (20 × 30)
Shortcut: Total % = 10 + 20
= 25

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: A class of 20 girls and 30 boys arranged a picnic. However, only 30% of the girls and 40% of
the boys attended the picnic. What percent of the class attended the picnic?
a) 32.5 b) 35 c) 36
d) 37.5 e) None of these ans. C
(20 × 30) + (30 × 40)
Shortcut: 20 + 30
= 36

Q: A class of 50 girls and 70 boys sponsored a party. If 40% of the girls and 50% of the boys
attended the party, approximately what percent of the class attended?
a) 40 b) 42 c) 44
d) 45.83 e) None of these ans. D
(50 × 40) + (70 × 50)
Shortcut: 50 + 70
= 45.83

Q: In a class of 80 students, 25% are girls. If 10% of the boys and 20% of the girls attended a
picnic, what percent of the class did attend?
a) 10% b) 12% c) 12.5%
d) 20% e) None of these ans. C
(60 × 10) + (20 × 20)
Shortcut: 60 + 20
= 12.5

A2Z Publication 25
1.20 % & Chart (Basic) m¤úwK©Z m~Î
Q: At Pathshala, 60% members are male and 70% members are graduates Also, 80% of the
graduate members are male. What percent of the members are female and not graduate?
a) 40 b) 20 c) 26
d) 60 e) 50 ans. C
Solution: Abyev`: Pathshala G 60% m`m¨ cyi“l Ges 70% m`m¨ Graduate ZvQvov 80% Graduate m`m¨
cyi“l| KZ % m`m¨ gwnjv Ges not graduate?
SL Description Given in Question
Kgc‡¶ 2wU wfbœ Group Gi Individual % †`qv _vK‡e G‡¶‡Î 60% male and 70%

Group `yBwUi Individual Gi Common % †`qv _vK‡e G‡¶‡Î 80% of the graduate are
†h‡Kvb GKwU Group Gi Individual Gi Common % †ei G‡¶‡Î Female and not graduate
Ki‡Z n‡e
Formula: wb‡Pi g‡Zv Chart AuvK‡Z n‡e|



Solution: Step: 1
Male Female Total
Graduate 70 → cÖkœvbyhvqx 70 % graduate
Not graduate
60 → cÖkœvbyhvqx 60% 100 → me wnmve % G †`qv Av‡Q e‡j Total 100
Male Rb aiv n‡q‡Q|
Step: 2
Male Female Total
Graduate (Graduate 70 Gi 80% 70
n‡jv 56 hviv Male)
Not graduate 30 → †h‡nZz 70% Graduate ZvB
(100 – 70) = 30% n‡jv Not graduate

40 → †h‡nZz 60% Male

Total ZvB (100 – 60) = 40% 100
n‡jv Female.

Step: 3 GLb we‡qvM Kivi gva¨‡g evwK Ni ¸‡jv c~iY Ki‡Z n‡e|
Male Female Total
Graduate 56 14 (70 – 56) 70
Not graduate 4 (60 – 56) 26 (30 – 4) 30
Total 60 40 100

A2Z Publication 26
m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb
Q: In Future language club, 70% of the members are married, and of the married members, 30%
are female. If 40% of the members are female, what percent of the members are unmarried
a) 11% b) 12% c) 18%
d) 22.5% e) None of these ans. A
Male Female Total
Married 49 21 70
Unmarried (11) 19 30
Total 60 40 100
Q: In a club 60% of the members are male and 70% are engineers. If 50% of the engineers are
male, then what percent of the club members are female and not engineers?
a) 40 b) 20 c) 15
d) 10 e) None of these ans. E
Male Female Total
Engineer 35 35 70
Not - Engineer 25 (5) 30
Total 60 40 100
Q: In a club, 40 percent of the members are men. If 20 percent of the men and 10 percent of the
women members went to a relief work, what percent of the total members went to relief work?
a) 29% b) 27.5% c) 28%
d) 4% e) None of these ans. E
Men Women Total
Relief 8 6 14
Non Relief
Total 40 60 100
Q: In the Excel Manufacturing Company, 46% of the employees are men. If 60% of the
employees are unionized and 70% of them are men, what percent of the non-unionized
workers are men?
a) 90% b) 87.5% c) 66.7%
d) 4% e) None of these ans. D
Men Women Total
Union 42 18 60
Nonunion (4) 36 40
Total 46 54 100
Q: In a certain club, 70% of the members are married, and of the married members, 60% are
female. If 60% of the members are female, what percent of the members are unmarried male?
a) 8% b) 12% c) 18%
d) 22.5% e) None of these ans. B
Male Female Total
Married 28 42 70
Unmarried (12) 18 30
Total 40 60 100
A2Z Publication 27
Q: In a club 60% member are male and 70% members are graduates Also, 50% of the graduate
members are male. What percent of the club members are female and not graduate?
a) 40 b) 20 c) 15
d) 10 e) 5 ans. E
Male Female Total
Graduate 35 35 70
Non -graduate 25 (5) 30
Total 60 40 100

1.21 % & Chart (Extra Value) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: In a Bata shop at Basundhara City, 60% socks are white & rest is black. 40% socks are made
of cotton & rests are made of wool. 25% white socks are made of cotton & 30 of the black
socks are made of wool. How many black socks are made of cotton?
a) 100 b) 90 c) 60
d) 50 e) 25 ans. D
Description Given in Question
Kgc‡¶ 2wU wfbœ Group Gi Individual % †`qv _vK‡e G‡¶‡Î 60% socks are white and 40% socks
are made of cotton.
Group `yBwUi Combined % †`qv _vK‡e G‡¶‡Î 25% white socks are made of cotton

Group `yBwUi Individual Gi Common Total †`qv G‡¶‡Î 30 of the black socks are made of wool
†h‡Kvb GKwU Group Gi Individual Gi Common G‡¶‡Î How many black socks are made of
Total †ei Ki‡Z n‡e cotton
Formula: wb‡Pi g‡Zv Chart AuvK‡Z n‡e|
Step : 1
White Black Total
Cotton 40
Total 60 100
Step : 2
White Black Total
Cotton 15 25 40
Wool 45 15 60
Total 60 40 100
In case of (Black + Wool)
15 % in chart = Total 30 in Question,
30  25
25 % in chart = 100 = 50 in Question.

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: In a shop, 40% socks are white & rest is black. 60% socks are made of cotton & rests are
made of wool. 25% white socks are made of cotton & 20 of the black socks are made of wool.
How many black socks are made of cotton?
a) 100 b) 80 c) 60
d) 50 e) 25 ans. A
A2Z Publication 28
White Black Total
Cotton 10 50 60
Wool 30 10 40
Total 40 60 100
10 % in chart = 20 in Question, in case of (Black + Wool)
20  50
50 % in chart = 10
= 100 in Question

1.22 % & Chart (Outer Dimension) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: In an Apex shoe store at Mouchak, the ratio of red socks to green socks is 4 : 1. The socks are
made of either cotton or wool. If 30% of the red socks are made of cotton and 60% of the
green socks are made of wool, what percentages of socks are made of cotton?
a) 32 b) 48 c) 50
d) 52 e) None of these ans. A
Description Given in Question
Kgc‡¶ 2wU wfbœ Group Gi G‡¶‡Î red socks : green socks = 4 : 1
Individual ratio †`qv _vK‡e

Group `yBwUi Individual Gi G‡¶‡Î 30% of the red socks are made of cotton
Common % †`qv _vK‡e and 60% of the green socks are made of wool
†h‡Kvb GKwU Group Gi G‡¶‡Î what percentages of socks are made of
Individual % †ei Ki‡Z n‡e cotton
Formula: wb‡Pi g‡Zv Chart AuvK‡Z n‡e|
Red Green Total
Total 80 (= 4) 20(= 1) 100 (= 4 + 1)
30% of the red socks = 30% of 80 = 24 = Red + cotton
60% of the green socks = 60% of 20 =12 = Green + Wool
Red Green Total
Cotton 24 08 32
wool 12
Total 80 20 100

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: In a store, the ratio of red socks to green socks is 3:2. The socks are made of either cotton or
wool. If 60% of the red socks are made of cotton and 80% of the green socks are made of wool,
what percentages of socks are made of cotton?
a) 44 b) 48 c) 50
d) 52 e) none of these ans. A
S: Red Green Total
Cotton 36 08 44
wool 32
Total 60 (= 3) 40(= 2) 100 (= 3 + 2)

A2Z Publication 29
1.23 Double Commodity & Same Price m¤úwK©Z m~Î
Q: A price of a pen is same as that of a screwdriver. If the price of a pen is raised by 15% and the
price of a screwdriver is decreased by 3%, how much or less will it cost to by 3 screwdrivers
and 3 pens?
a) 6% more b) 6% less c) 4% more
d) 4% less e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`: Kj‡gi `vg Ges ¯‹zWªvBfvi `vg ci®úi mgvb| hw` Kj‡gi `vg 15% ev‡o Ges ¯‹zWªvBfv‡ii `vg
3% K‡g Z‡e wZbwU Kjg Ges wZbwU ¯‹zWªvBfv‡ii `vg GK‡Î kZKiv KZ Kg ev †ekx n‡e?
SL Description Symbol Given in Question
Same price -Gi 2wU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Pen & screwdriver
1st wRwbmwU GKwU wbw`©ó % G cwieZ©b F 15% †e‡o‡Q A_©vr F = 15
n‡e Increase ej‡j (+) Ve A_©vr Positive

2nd wRwbmwU GKwU wbw`©ó % G cwieZ©b S 3% K‡g‡Q A_©vr S = - 3

n‡e Decrease / Reduce ej‡j (-) Ve A_©vr Negative
Avcbv‡K mgvb msL¨vK 2wU wRwb‡mi Net %C
% Change †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
Formula: % C =
15 + (- 3)
Shortcut: % C = 2

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: One dozen eggs and ten pounds of apples are currently the same price. If the price of a dozen
eggs rises by 10% and the price of apples goes up by 2%, how much more will it cost to buy a
dozen eggs and ten pound of apples?
a) 2% b) 6% c) 10%
d) 12% e) None ans. B
10 + 2
Shortcut: % C = 2
Q: A hammer and screwdriver currently have the same price. If the price of a hammer rises by
6% and tha price of a screwdriver goes up by 4%, how much more will ti cost to buy 4
hammers & 4 screwdrivers?
a) 5% b) 10% c) 24%
d) 40% e) 24% ans. A
Shortcut: % C = 2 =5
Q: A screwdriver and a hammer currently have the same price. If the price of a screwdriver rises
by 5% and the price of a hammer goes up by 8%, how much more will it cost to buy 3
screwdriver and 3 hammers?
a) 3% b) 4% c) 6.5%
d) 8% e) 24% ans. C
Shortcut: % C = 2 = 6.5

A2Z Publication 30
Q: One dozen of eggs and ten kilograms of potatoes currently have the same price. If the price of
a dozen of eggs rises by 10% and the price of potatoes goes up by 2% per kg, how much more
it will cost to buy a dozen of eggs and ten kilograms of potatoes?
a) 2% b) 6% c) 10%
d) 12% e) 12.2% ans. B
10 + 2
Shortcut: % C = 2
Q: One dozen eggs and ten pounds of apples are currently selling at the same price. If the price of
a dozen of eggs rises by 10% and the price of the apples goes up by 4%, then how much more
will it cost to buy a dozen of eggs and ten pounds of apples?
a) 2% b) 4% c) 6%
d) 7% e) 8% ans. D
10 + 4
Shortcut: % C = 2

1.24 Double Commodity & Ratio Price m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: A price of a pen is thrice that of a screwdriver. If the price of a pen is raised by 6% and the
price of a screwdriver is decreased by 2%, how much or less will it cost to by 13 screwdrivers
and 13 pens?
a) 6 % more b) 6% less c) 4% more
d) 4% less e) None of these ans. C
Solution: Abyev`: Kj‡gi `vg ¯‹zWªvBfvi `v‡gi wZb¸Y| hw` Kj‡gi `vg 6% ev‡o Ges ¯‹zWªvBfv‡ii `vg 2% K‡g
Z‡e 13wU Kjg Ges 13wU ¯‹zWªvBfv‡ii `vg GK‡Î kZKiv KZ Kg ev †ekx n‡e?
Description Symbol Given in Question
Different price Gi 2wU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e pen & screwdriver
wRwbm `yBwUi price -Gi AbycvZ †`qv _vK‡e

r1 : r2 p:s=3:1
1st wRwbmwU GKwU wbw`©ó % G cwieZ©b n‡e F 6 % †e‡o‡Q A_©vr F = 6
2nd wRwbmwU GKwU wbw`©ó % G cwieZ©b n‡e S 2 % K‡g‡Q A_©vr S = – 2
mgvb msL¨vK 2wU wRwb‡mi Net % Change †ei Ki‡Z n‡e %C ?
Fr +Sr
Formula: % C = r1 + r 2
1 2
6  3 + (- 2)  1
Shortcut: % C = 3+1

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: The price of a pen is twice that of a pencil. If the price of the pen is increased by 5% and that
of the pencil is decreased by 4%, how much more or less (in percentage) will it cost to buy 5
pen and 5 pencils?
a) 2% less b) 2.5% less c) 2.5% more
d) 2% more e) None ans. D
5  2 + (- 4)  1
Shortcut: % C = 2+1
Q: A price of a hammer is twice that of a screwdriver. If the price of a hammer is raised by 5%
and the price of a screwdriver is decreased by 4%, how much or less will it cost to by 3
screwdrivers and 3 hammers?
a) 2% more b) 2% less c) 4% more
d) 4% less e) none ans. A
5  2 + (- 4)  1
Solution: % C = 2+1

A2Z Publication 31
Q: In the football league of 1998, Arambag won 50% of their games. In 1999, Arambag won 65%
of their games. If there were twice as many games played in the second season as in the first,
what percentage of the games die Arambag win in the 2 years?
a) 115% b) 60% c) 57.5%
d) 55% e) 40% ans. B
50  1 + (65)  2
Shortcut: % C = 1+2
= 60

1.25 Triple change m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: The length and breadth of a container tank are increased by 10% and 20%percent
respectively and the height is decreased by 25%.The volume of of the container is decreased by
what percent?
a) 1% b) 25% c) 50%
d) 56% e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`: GKwU K‡›UBbv‡ii ˆ`N¨© Ges cÖ¯’ h_vµ‡g 10% Ges 20% evo‡j Ges D”PZv 25% Kg‡j
K‡›UBbviwUi AvqZb ev Volume KZUzKz Kg‡e?
SL Description Symbol Given in Question
GKwU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e container tank
1 Value GKwU wbw`©ó %G cwieZ©b F 10% †e‡o‡Q A_©vr F = 10
n‡e Increase ej‡j (+) Ve A_©vr Positive
2nd Value GKwU wbw`©ó %G cwieZ©b S 20% †e‡o‡Q K‡g‡Q A_©vr S = 20
n‡e Decrease / Reduce ej‡j (–) Ve A_©vr

Negative n‡e
3rd Value GKwU wbw`©ó %G cwieZ©b T 25% K‡g‡Q A_©vr T = 25
n‡e Decrease / Reduce ej‡j (–) Ve A_©vr
Negative n‡e
Avcbv‡K cÖ_gUvi Zzjbvq †k‡liUvi Net %C
% Change †ei Ki‡Z n‡e
(100 + F) (100 + S) (100 + T)
Formula: % C =  100 – 
100  100
Shortcut: % C =  100 – 99  = 1
(110) (120) (75)
NB: cix¶vi n‡j †h fv‡e Ki‡ebt % C =  100 –  =  100 – 99  = 1
100  100

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: A cube has an edge, which is four long. If the edge increased by 25% then the volume is
increased approximately?
a) 25% b) 48%
c) 73% d) 95% ans. D
(125) (125) (125)
Shortcut: % C = 100 - = |100 – 195.31| = |– 95.31| = 95.31
 100  100 

A2Z Publication 32
1.26 Practice for Written & MCQ
Q: 5 of 30% of 0.60 =?
a) 0.12 b) 0.13 c) 3.6
d) 0.36 e) 0.036 ans. E
Solution: 5 Gi 30% Gi 0.60 Gi gvb KZ †ei Ki‡Z n‡e?
1 1 30 3600
 30%  0.60  5  100  0.60  10000 = 0.0360.
Q: 75% of 0.08 = ?
a) 0.04 b) 0.50 c) 0.06
d) 0.060 e) 6.0 ans. C
1 1
Solution:75  100  0.08 %  100
1 8
= 75  100  100 of  
= 0.06 [cÖ‡kœ % Gi cwie‡Z© 100 Ges of Gi cwie‡Z©  ewm‡q Simple Solution Ki“b]
Shortcut: 0.75  0.08 = 0.0600.
Q: If 18 is 15 percent of 30 percent of a certain number, what is the number?
a) 9 b) 26 c) 40
d) 81 e) 400 ans. E
Solution: Abyev`t †Kvb msL¨vi 30% Gi 15% nq 18?
awi, msL¨vwU x
 x Gi 30%  15% = 18
30x 15
 100  100 = 18
 x = 400
Q: What number divided by 250 gives 15%?
a) 25 b) 15 c) 37.5
d) 60 e) 80 ans. C
Solution: Abyev`t †Kvb msL¨v‡K 250 w`‡q fvM Ki‡j fvMdj 15% nq?
awi, msL¨vwU x hv‡K 250 w`‡q fvM Ki‡j fvMdj 15% nq|
 250 = 15%
x 15
 250 = 100
15  250
 x= 100
= 37.5
Q: Number 29 is 10 percent of what number?
a) 87 b) 270 c) 269
d) 249 e) 290 ans. E
Solution: Abyev`t †Kvb msL¨vi 10% nq 29?
awi, msL¨vwU = x
cÖkœg‡Z, x Gi 10% = 29
 x  100 = 29
 x = 290
A2Z Publication 33
Q: If 18 is 15 percent of 30 percent of a certain number, what is the number?
a) 9 b) 36 c) 40
d) 81 e) 400 ans. E
Solution: Abyev`t hw` †Kvb msL¨vi 30% Gi 15% gvb nq 18? Zvn‡j msL¨vwU KZ?
awi, msL¨vwU x
 x Gi 30% = 100
30x 15
Avevi, 100  100 = 18
 9x = 18  200
18  200
 x= 9 = 400
Q: If 2% of X is 0.03 then X equals to
a) 150 b) 66.67 c) 15
d) 6.67 e) 1.5 ans. E
Solution: Abyev`t hw` x Gi 2% nq .03 Z‡e x Gi gvb KZ?
x Gi 2% = 0.03
 100 = 0.03
 2x = 3
 x = 2 = 1.5
Q: 0.03 times 0.05 is:
a) 1.5% b) 0.15%
c) 0.015% d) 0.0015 ans. D
Shortcut: 0.03  .05 = .0015
Q: What is 1 percent of 0.025?
a) 0.25 b) 0.025
c) 0.0025 d) 0.00025 ans. D
Solution: Abyev`t .025 Gi 1% KZ?
100 Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q = 1
 .025 Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q = 100 = .00025
Q: 10% of 3000 is how much more than 5% of 3000?
a) 100 b) 150
c) 175 d) None of these ans. B
Solution: Abyev`t 3000 Gi 10%, 3000 Gi 5% A‡c¶v KZ †ewk?
3000  10% = 3000  100 = 300
3000  5% = 3000  100 = 150
 †ewk = 300 - 150 = 150
Q: In a group of 60 probationary officers, 40% of them were promoted, 12 of them were
terminated and rest to them were placed on probation for the second time. What percent of
the probationary officers were placed on probation for the second time?
a) 60 b) 50
c) 40 d) 30 ans. C

A2Z Publication 34
Solution: cÖ‡gvkb †c‡q‡Q 60  100 = 24 Rb
PvKzix P‡j †M‡Q = 12 Rb|
wØZxqev‡ii gZ cÖ‡gvkb n‡q‡Q = 60 – (24 + 12) = 24 R‡bi
24  100
 wØZxqev‡ii gZ cÖ‡gvkb n‡q‡Q = 60
= 40 Rb ev 40%|
Q: If it is 300 kilometers from Dhaka to Chittagong and 180 kilometers form Dhaka to Comilla,
what parentage of the distance from Dhaka to Chittagong is the distance from Dhaka to
a) 40 b) 50
c) 60 d) 70 ans. C
Shortcut: Abyev`t hw` XvKv †_‡K PÆMÖvg 300 wK‡jvwgUvi Ges XvKv †_‡K Kzwgjøv 180 wK‡jvwgUvi nq Zvn‡j XvKv
†_‡K PÆMÖv‡gi `~iZ¡ XvKv †_‡K Kzwgjøvi `~i‡Z¡i kZKiv KZ?
XvKv †_‡K Kzwgj­vi `~iZ¡ 180
XvKv †_‡K PÆMÖv‡gi `~iZ¡  100% = 300  100% = 60%
Q: The sum of the pay of two officers is Taka 24,000 per month. If the pay of one officer is
decreased by 9% and the way of the second is increased by 17%, their pays become equal.
Find the pay of each officer.
a) 10,500 Tk. b) 11,500 Tk. c) 12,500 Tk.
d) 13,500 Tk. e) 14,500 Tk. ans. A
Solution: Let the pay of first officer Tk. x
 The pay of second officer = Tk. (14000 – x)
At 9% decrease, the pay of first officer become = 100 Tk.
117(24000 - x)
At 17% increase, the pay of second officer become = 100
91x 117(24000 - x)
According to question, 100 = 100
 91x = 2808000 – 117x
 208x = 2808000
 x = 13500 Tk.
 Pay of first officer = 13500 Tk.
 Pay of second officer = (24000 – 13500) = 10500 Tk.
Q: When heated an iron bar expands 0.2%. If the increased length is 1cm, what is the original
length of the bar?
a) 500cm b) 5cm c) 0.97cm
d) 1.97cm e) 0.95cm ans. A
Solution: Abyev`t Iron bar †K Zvcw`‡j 0.2% cÖmviY N‡U| hw` cÖmvwiZ ˆ`N©¨ 1cm nq Zvn‡j Iron bar Gi
Original ˆ`N©¨ KZ wQj?
cÖkœg‡Z, 0.2% cÖmviY = 1 cm
100 100  10
 100% cÖmviY = 0.2 = 2
= 500cm.
Q: A family had dinner in a restaurant and paid $30 for food. They also had to pay 9.5% sale tax
and 10% for the tip. How much did the pay for the dinner?
a) $ 35.85 b) $33.60 c) $35.45
d) $36.55 e) $ 36.35 ans. A
Solution: Family wU Lvevi eve` †`q = $30
30  9.5
Sales Tax eve` †`q = 100
= 2.85
A2Z Publication 35
30  10
Tip eve` †`q = 100 = 3
†gvU Dinner G LiP nq = 30 + 3 + 2.85 = $35.85
Q: In a group of people solicited by a charity, 30% contributed Tk. 40 each, 45% contributed Tk.
20 each and the rest contributed Tk.12 each. What percentage of the total amount came from
people who gave Tk. 40 each?
a) 25% b) 30% c) 40%
d) 45% e) 50% ans. E
Solution: awi, Total participant msL¨v = 100
 Total contribution of 30 % people = 30  40 = Tk 1200;
 Total contribution of 45 % people = 45  20 = Tk 900;
 Total contribution of rest [100 – (30 + 45)] % = 25 % people = 25  12 = 300 Tk.
 Total contribution of all 100 % people = (1200 + 900 + 300) = 2400 Tk.
Zvn‡j kZKiv Contribution of Tk.40 each i.e 30 % people n‡e = 2400  100% = 50%
Q: The length of a rectangle is increased by 25%. By What percentage should the width be
decreased so that the area of the rectangle remains unchanged?
a) 30% b) 25% c) 20 %
d) 35 % e) None of them ans. C
Shortcut: Formula: (+ 25%, – 20%)
hw` G ai‡bi As‡K Dc‡ii †h‡Kvb GKwU % †`qv _v‡K, Z‡e Ans. n‡e Aci % wU|
Dc‡ii m~ÎwU‡Z (+) gv‡b increase Avi (–) gv‡b n‡jv Decrease
Solution: (+ 25%, – 20%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 25% increase e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 20% Decrease
Q: Organizers of a trade fair projected an increase of 20% in the number of visitors over the
previous year, but the number of visitors actually increased by 50%. By what percentage was
the actual number of visitors greater then the projected of visitors?
a) 20% b) 25% c) 30%
d) 50% e) 125% ans. B
Solution: Avkv Kiv n‡qwQj Visitor MZ eQi †_‡K 20% evo‡e|
awi, MZ eQ‡ii Visitor wQj 100 Rb
G eQi Visitor Avkv Kiv n‡qwQj (100 + 20) = 120 Rb
cÖK…Zc‡¶ G eQi Visitor n‡qwQj (100 + 50) = 150 Rb
Visitor †ewk Dcw¯’Z n‡qwQj 150 – 120 = 30 Rb
120 R‡b †ewk Dcw¯’Z n‡qwQj = 30 Rb
30  100
 100 R‡b †ewk Dcw¯’Z n‡qwQj = 120
= 25 Rb|
Q: The price of corn rose 20% two years ago and 15% last year. What is the combined percent
increase in price?
a) 5% b) 17.5% c) 25%
d) 35% e) 38% ans. E
Shortcut: Corn 2 eQi c~‡e© 20% e„w× cvq Ges MZ eQi 15% e„w× cvq| Corn g~j¨ GK‡Î KZ kZvsk e„w× cvq?
GwU GKwU n«vm e„w×i AsK
Avgiv Rvwb, If F = 1st % & S = 2nd %, then
FS 20  15
Combined percent increase = F + S + 100 = 20 + 15 + 100 = 35 + 3 = 38

A2Z Publication 36
Q: If the length and width of a rectangule garden plot were each increased by 20%, what would
be the percent increase in the area of plot?
a) 20% b) 24% c) 36%
d) 40% e) 44% ans. E
Solution: hw` GKwU AvqZvKvi evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ 20% e„w× cvq Zvn‡j evMv‡bi †¶Îdj KZ Increase nq?
F + S + 100
20  20
 20 + 20 + 100 = 44
Q: If the length of a rectangle is increased by 30% and the width is decreased by 30%, then the
area will be
a) Decreased by 9% b) Increased by 9% c) Decreased by 18%
d) Increased by 16% e) Increased by 15% ans. A
Solution: GB ai‡bi A‡¼i †¶‡Î Avgiv wb‡gœi m~ÎwU e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwit
F + S + 100 F = 1st change = 30%
30  (- 30)
= 30 – 30 + 100
S = 2nd change = 30%
=–9 Increase n‡j  + Decrease n‡j  –
A_©vr, Decreased by 9%.
Q: A student first reduced a number by 20% and then increased it again by 20%. If the
difference between the last number and the original number is 8, then the original number
a) 200 b) 250 c) 300
d) 450 e) 400 ans. A
Solution: g‡b Kwi, Original msL¨v = 100
20% K‡g eZ©gvb msL¨v = (100 – 100 Gi 20%) = 80
Avevi, 20% e„wׇZ bZzb msL¨v = (80 + 80  20%) = 96
 msL¨v `ywUi cv_©K¨ n‡e (100 – 96) = 4
4 cv_©K¨ n‡j Original msL¨v = 100
 8 cv_©K¨ n‡j Original msL¨v = 2  8 = 200

1.27 % & Commission m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: A salesman achieves total sales of Tk.450000 and gets 1.25% commission on the sales Taka
amount he achieves in the month. How much commission will the salesman get in the month?
a) 5600 b) 5630 c) 5625
d) 5680 e) None of these ans. C
Solution: Abyev`: GKRb †mjmg¨v‡bi †gvU weµq 450000 UvKv Ges weµ‡qi Dc‡i wZwb 1.25% Kwgkb cvb| Z‡e
cÖkœn‡jv †mjmg¨vb H gv‡m †gvU Kwgkb KZ UvKv?
Description Symbol Given in Question

Total sales †`qv _vK‡e 450000


% commission †`qv _vK‡e 1.25%

Total Commission †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
% Commission  Total sales
Formula: Total Commission = 100
1.25  450000
Shortcut: Total Commission = 100
= 5625
A2Z Publication 37
m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb
Q: A salesman achieves total sales of Tk.75000 and gets 2.5% commission on the sales Taka
amount he achieves in the month. How much commission will the salesman get in the month?
a) 1875 b) 5630 c) 5625
d) 5680 e) None of these ans. A
% Commission  Total sales 2.5  75000
Shortcut: Total Commission = 100
= 100
= 1875
Q: A sales person earns a commission of 5% on all sales between Tk. 2000 and Tk 6000 and 8%
on all sales over tk. 6000. What is his total commission in a week in which his sales total Tk,
a) 500 b) 540 c) 620
d) 720 e) none of these ans. C
5  6000 8  4000
Shortcut: Total Commission = 100
+ 100 = 620

1.28 % & Commission m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: A salesman gets a salary of Tk. 4500 per month plus 1.25% commission on the sales Taka
amount he achieves in the month. How much sales, in lakh Taka, he has to achieve in a month
in order to get a total income of Taka 7500 including his salary in the month?
a) 3 b) 3.6 c) 2.4
d) 5.6 e) None of these ans. C
Abyev`: GKRb †mjmg¨v‡bi †eZb 4,500 UvKv Ges weµ‡qi Dc‡i wZwb †eZ‡bi mv‡_ 1.25% Kwgkb cvb|
†mjmg¨v‡bi gvwmK Avq hw` 7500 UvKv nq Z‡e cÖkœ n‡jv H gv‡m wZwb †gvU KZ UvKv weµq K‡i‡Qb?
Description Symbol Given in Question
Salary †`qv _vK‡e 4,500

Total income †`qv _vK‡e


% commission †`qv _vK‡e 1.25%
Total sales †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
Formula: i) Total Commission = Total income – Salary
100  Total Commission 100  (Total income - Salary)
ii) Total sales = % Commission
= % Commission
100  (7500 - 4500)
Shortcut: Total sales = 1.25
= 2, 40,000 = 2.4 lakh

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: A salesman gets a salary of Tk. 3000 per month plus 1.25% commission on the sales Taka
amount he achieves in the month. How much sales, in lakh Taka, he has to achieve in a month
in order to get a total income of Taka 7500 including his salary in the month?
a) 3 b) 3.6 c) 4
d) 5.6 e) None of these ans. B
100  (7500 - 3000)
Shortcut: Total sales = 1.25
= 3,60,000 = 3.6 lakh
Q: A sales person earns as commission 5% on all sales between Tk. 2000 and 6000, and 8% on all
sales over Tk. 6000. If in a week his commission is Tk. 460, what were his total sales?
a) 8000 b) 9000 c) 10000
d) 12000 e) none ans. A
5  6000
Shortcut: If sales = 6000 Tk., then Commission = 100
= 300 Tk.
100  (460 - 300)
Total sales = 6000 + 8
= 6,000 + 2,000 = 8,000

A2Z Publication 38
Q: A salesperson receives a salary of Tk. 100 a week and a commission of 5% on all sales. What
must be the amount of sales for a week in which the person’s total weekly income is Tk. 360?
a) Tk. 6,200 b) Tk. 5,200 c) Tk. 2,600
d) Tk. 7,200 e) Tk. 5,600 ans. B
100  (360 - 100)
Shortcut: Total sales = 5
= 5200
Q: A salesman receives daily wage of Tk. 250 and earns a commission of 15% on all sales he
makes. How much Taka worth of sales does he needs to make in order to bring his total daily
income of Tk. 1,000?
a) Tk. 4,500 b) Tk. 5,000 c) Tk. 5,500
d) Tk. 6,000 e) Tk. 7,500 ans. B
100  (1000 - 250)
Shortcut: Total sales = 15
= 5000

1.29 % & Consumption Change K (+, ?) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: Price of paper has increased by 40%.How much paper usage must be curtailed so that
expenditure for paper remains the same?
a) 28.57% b) 12.33% c) 16.66%
d) 24.33% e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`: †ccv‡ii `vg hw` 40% †e‡o hvq Z‡e †ccv‡ii e¨envi kZKiv KZ Kgv‡j †ccv‡ii e¨q
AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e?
Description Symbol Given in Question

GKwU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Paper

`vg GKwU wbw`©ó %G evo‡e r 40% †e‡o‡Q
Kgv‡bvi % †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
100  r
Formula: Kgv‡bv % = 100 + r
100  40
Shortcut: gv‡bv % = 100 + 40 = 28.57%

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: The length of a rectangle is increased by 50%. By what percent would the width have to be
decreased to maintain the same area?
a) 33.33% b) 45% c) 50%
d) 66.66% e) None ans. A
100 × 50
Shortcut: 100 + 50 = 33.33%
Q: The length of a rectangle is increased by 60%. By what percent would the width have to be
decreased to maintain the same area?
a) 40% b) 50% c) 60%
d) 62.5% e) None of these ans. E
100  60
Shortcut: 100 + 60 = 37.50%
Q: Price of paper has increased by 20%. How much paper usage must be curtailed so that
expenditure for paper remains the same?
a) 8.66% b) 12.33% c) 16.66%
d) 24.33% e) None of these ans. C
100  20
Shortcut: 100 + 20 = 16.66%

A2Z Publication 39
1.30 % & Consumption Change (– ,?) m¤úwK©Z m~Î
Q: Price of paper has decreased by 40%.How much paper usage must be enhanced so that
expenditure for paper remains the same?
a) 28.57% b) 23.33% c) 66.66%
d) 24.33% e) None of these ans. C
Solution: Abyev`: †ccv‡ii `vg hw` 40% K‡g hvq Z‡e †ccv‡ii e¨envi kZKiv KZ evov‡j †ccv‡ii e¨q
AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e?
Description Symbol Given in Question

GKwU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Paper

`vg GKwU wbw`©ó %G Kg‡e r 40% K‡g‡Q
evov‡bvi % †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
100  r
Formula: evov‡bv % =
100 - r
100  40
Shortcut: evov‡bv % = = 66.66%
100 - 40

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: Price of paper has decreased by 30%. How much paper usage must be enhanced so that
expenditure for paper remains the same?
a) 28.57% b) 23.33% c) 66.66%
d) 24.33% e) None of these ans. E

1.31 % & Consumption Change (Magic % Rule) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: Price of paper has increased by 25%. How much paper usage must be curtailed so that
expenditure for paper remains the same?
a) 20% b) 12.33% c) 16.66%
d) 24.33% e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`: †ccv‡ii `vg hw` 25% †e‡o hvq Z‡e †ccv‡ii e¨envi kZKiv KZ Kgv‡j †ccv‡ii e¨q
AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e?
Description Symbol Given in Question

GKwU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Paper

`vg GKwU wbw`©ó %G evo‡e r 25% ‡e‡o‡Q
Kgv‡bvi % †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
Formula: Type -K Abyhvqx mgvavb Ki‡Z cvi‡eb A_ev wb‡Pi m~ÎwU †evSvi †Póv Ki“b|
(+ 25%, - 20%)
hw` G ai‡bi As‡K Dc‡ii †h‡Kvb GKwU % †`qv _v‡K, Z‡e Ans. n‡e Aci % wU|
Dc‡ii m~ÎwU‡Z (+) gv‡b increase Avi (–) gv‡b n‡jv Decrease
Shortcut: (+ 25%, - 20%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 25% increase e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 20% Decrease

A2Z Publication 40
m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb
Q: Price of pen has increased by 25%. How much pen usage must be curtailed so that
expenditure for pen remains the same?
a) 20% b) 12.33% c) 16.66%
d) 24.33% e) None ans. A
Q: After 25% increment in the price of goods, what percentage of the increased price should be
decreased to be in the previous state?
a) 31.25% b) 20%
c) 15% d) 18.75% ans. B
Shortcut: (+ 25%, - 20%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 25% increase e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 20% Decrease
Q: When price of sugar was raised by 25%, a person cut down sugar consumption in such a way
that his expenditure on sugar was unchanged. By what percentage the person reduced sugar
a) 15 b) 18
c) 20 d) None of these ans. C
Shortcut: (+ 25%, - 20%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 25% increase e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 20% Decrease
Q: When price of rice was raised by 25%, a person cut down rice consumption in such a way that
his expenditure on rice was unchanged. By what percentage the person reduced rice
a) 15 b) 18
c) 20 d) none of these ans. C
Shortcut: (+ 25%, - 20%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 25% increase e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 20% Decrease
Q: If an organization increases its staff salary by 25%, by what percent must it now decrease the
salary to return to the original amount?
a) 15 b) 18
c) 20 d) none of these ans. C
Shortcut: (+ 25%, - 20%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 25% increase e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 20% Decrease
Q: Price of onion goes up by 25%. By how much should usage be reduced to keep total expense
for onion as before?
a) 25% b) 20% c) 33.33%
d) 24% e) 17.5% ans. B
A2Z Publication 41
Shortcut: (+ 25%, - 20%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 25% increase e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 20% Decrease
Q: Due to booming business, a company increased its staff salary by 25%. By what percent must
it now decrease the salary to return to the original amount?
a) 15 b) 18 c) 20
d) 22.5 e) none of these ans. C
Shortcut: (+ 25%, - 20%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 25% increase e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 20% Decrease

1.32 % & Consumption Change (Magic % Rule) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: Price of paper has decreased by 20%. How much paper usage must be enhanced so that
expenditure for paper remains the same?
a) 28.57% b) 25% c) 66.66%
d) 20% e) None of these ans. B
Solution: Abyev`: †ccv‡ii `vg hw` 20% K‡g hvq Z‡e †ccv‡ii e¨envi kZKiv KZ evov‡j †ccv‡ii e¨q
AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e|
Description Symbol Given in Question

GKwU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Paper

`vg GKwU wbw`©ó % G Kg‡e r 20% K‡g‡Q
evov‡bvi % †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
Formula: Type - L Abyhvqx mgvavb Ki‡Z cvi‡eb A_ev wb‡Pi m~ÎwU †evSvi †Póv Ki“b|

(+25%, - 20%)
hw` G ai‡bi As‡K Dc‡ii †h‡Kvb GKwU % †`qv _v‡K, Z‡e Ans. n‡e Aci % wU|
Dc‡ii m~ÎwU‡Z (+) gv‡b increase Avi (–) gv‡b n‡jv Decrease
Shortcut: (+25%, - 20%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 20% Decrease e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 25% increase

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: Price of wheat has decreased by 20%.How much wheat usage must be enhanced so that
expenditure for wheat remains the same?
a) 28.57% b) 25% c) 66.66%
d) 20% e) None of these ans. B

A2Z Publication 42
1.33 % & Consumption Change (Magic % Rule) m¤úwK©Z m~Î
Q: Mr. Shabbir sells his business English Book to Mr. Firoz and makes a profit of 25%. Mr. Firoz
sells it to Mr. Ruhi at a loss of 20%. If Mr. Ruhi buys it for Tk. 300, what price Mr. Shabbir
paid for it?
a) 310 b) 300 c) 140
d) 150 e) none of these ans. B
Solution: Abyev`: mvweŸi mv‡ne Zvi Business English eBwU wd‡ivR mv‡n‡ei Kv‡Q 25% jv‡f weµq K‡i‡Q|
Gici wd‡ivR mv‡ne H eBwU i“wn mv‡ne Kv‡Q 20% ¶wZ‡Z weµq K‡i‡Q | i“wn mv‡ne hw` eBwU 300 UvKv w`‡q
wK‡bb Zv‡e mweŸi mv‡ne eBwU KZ w`‡q wK‡b‡Q ?
Description Given in Question
GKwU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Business English Book

cÖ_g Rb wØZxq R‡bi wbKU 25% jv‡f weµq Ki‡e

Gici wØZxq Rb Z…Zxq R‡bi wbKU 20% ¶wZ‡Z weµq Ki‡e
†k‡li R‡bi µq g~j¨ †`qv _vK‡e 300
cÖ_g R‡bi µq g~j¨ †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
Formula: †Kvb msL¨v ev wRwbm cÖ_‡g 25% evo‡j Ges †k‡l 20% Kg‡j msLvwUi ïi“i Value Ges †k‡li
Value GKB n‡e|
Initial value = (+ 25%, – 20%) = Final value
Dc‡ii m~ÎwU‡Z (+) gv‡b increase Avi (–) gv‡b n‡jv Decrease
A_ev, x hw` y †_‡K 25% †ewk cvq Ges y hw` z †_‡K 20% Kg cvq| Z‡e x = z n‡e|
Shortcut: Initial value = (+ 25%, – 20%) = 300
Q: Mr. Opu sells a pen to Mr. Basher and makes a profit of 25%. Mr. Basher sells it to Mr. Nur
at a loss of 20%. If Mr. Nur buys it for Tk. 100, what price Mr. Opu paid for it?
a) 310 b) 300
c) 140 d) 100 ans. D
Shortcut: awi, Acyi µqg~j¨ x UvKv
125x 5x
 Acyi weµqg~j¨ = 100 = 4
5x 80 5x 4 5x
Avevi, 20% ¶wZ evkv‡ii weµqg~j¨ = 80% of 4 = 100  4 = 5  4 = x
evkv‡ii weµqg~j¨B b~‡ii µqg~j¨ = x = 100

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: In a school, 25% more students were enrolled in January. But in February, 20% of the
students left and the number of students remained was 100. What was the original number of
a) 105 b) 100 c) 85
d) 80 e) None of these ans. B
Shortcut: Initial value = (+ 25%, – 20%) = 100
Q: X sells a product to Y and makes a profit of 25%. Y sells it to Z at a loss of 20%. If Z buys it
for Tk. 140, what price X paid for it?
a) 210 b) 175 c) 140
d) 150 e) none of these ans. C
Shortcut: awi, X Gi µqg~j¨ x
125x 5x
 X Gi weµqg~j¨ = 100 = 4
5x 80 5x 4 5x
Avevi, 20% ¶wZ‡Z Y Gi weµqg~j¨ = 80% of 4 = 100  4 = 5  4 = x
Y Gi weµqg~j¨B Z Gi µqg~j¨ = x = 140

A2Z Publication 43
1.34 % & Consumption Change (Magic % Rule) m¤úwK©Z m~Î
Q: Price of paper has increased by 33.33%. How much paper usage must be curtailed so that
expenditure for paper remains the same?
a) 25% b) 12.33% c) 16.66%
d) 24.33% e) None of these ans. A
Abyev`: †ccv‡ii `vg hw` 33.33% †e‡o hvq Z‡e †ccv‡ii e¨envi kZKiv KZ Kgv‡j †ccv‡ii e¨q AcwiewZ©Z
Description Symbol Given in Question

GKwU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Paper

`vg GKwU wbw`©ó %G evo‡e r 33.33% †e‡o‡Q
Kgv‡bvi % †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
Formula: Type K Abyhvqx mgvavb Ki‡Z cvi‡eb A_ev wb‡Pi m~ÎwU †evSvi †Póv Ki“b|

(+33.33%, - 25%)
hw` G ai‡bi As‡K Dc‡ii †h‡Kvb GKwU % †`qv _v‡K, Z‡e Ans. n‡e Aci % wU|
Dc‡ii m~ÎwU‡Z (+) gv‡b increase Avi (–) gv‡b n‡jv Decrease
Shortcut: (+33.33%, - 25%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 33.33% increase e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 25% Decrease

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: Price of potatoes has increased by 33.33%. How much potato usage must be curtailed so that
expenditure for potatoes remains the same?
a) 25% b) 12.33% c) 16.66%
d) 24.33% e) None ans. A

1.35 % & Consumption Change (Magic % Rule) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: Price of paper has decreased by 25%. How much paper usage must be enhanced so that
expenditure for paper remains the same?
a) 28.57 % b) 33.33 % c) 66.66 %
d) 20 % e) None ans. B
Solution: Abyev`: †ccv‡ii `vg hw` 25% K‡g hvq Z‡e †ccv‡ii e¨envi kZKiv KZ evov‡j †ccv‡ii e¨q
AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e|
Description Symbol Given in Question

GKwU wbw`©ó wRwbm _vK‡e Paper

`vg GKwU wbw`©ó %G Kg‡e r 25% K‡g‡Q
evov‡bvi % †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
Formula: Type L Abyhvqx mgvavb Ki‡Z cvi‡eb A_ev wb‡Pi m~ÎwU †evSvi †Póv Ki“b|

(+ 33.33%, - 25%)
hw` G ai‡bi As‡K Dc‡ii †h‡Kvb GKwU % †`qv _v‡K, Z‡e Ans. n‡e Aci % wU| Dc‡ii m~ÎwU‡Z (+) gv‡b
increase Avi (–) gv‡b n‡jv Decrease

A2Z Publication 44
Shortcut: (+ 33.33%, - 25%)

†h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ 25% Decrease e‡j‡Q ZvB DËi n‡e 33.33% increase

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: Price of glass has decreased by 25%.How much glass usage must be enhanced so that
expenditure for glass remains the same?
a) 28.57% b) 33.33% c) 66.66%
d) 20% e) None ans. B

1.36 % & Consumption Change (Magic % Rule) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: The salary of Mr. X is 33.33% more than that of Mr. Y, and the salary of Mr. Y is 25% less
than that of Mr. Z. If the salary of Mr. Z is Tk. 2222, what is the salary of Mr. X?
a) 2222 b) 1800 c) 1750
d) 1500 e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`: X -Gi †eZb Y †_‡K 33.33% †ekx Ges Y -Gi †eZb Z †_‡K 25% Kg| hw` Z -Gi †eZb
2222 UvKv nq Z‡e X -Gi †eZb KZ?
Structure: cÖ‡kœ 33.3% †ekx Ges 25% Kg kãØq _vK‡e|
Formula: x hw` y †_‡K 33.33% †ewk cvq Ges y hw` z †_‡K 25% Kg cvq| Z‡e x = z n‡e|

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: The salary of Mr. X is 33.33% more than that of Mr. Y, and the salary of Mr. Y is 25% less
than that of Mr. Z. If the salary of Mr. Z is Tk. 20000, what is the salary of Mr. X?
a) 20000 b) 18000 c) 17500
d) 15000 e) none of these ans. A
Shortcut: X = Z = 20000

1.37 % & Consumption Change (Magic % Rule) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: Three workers, X, Y and Z are paid a total of Tk. 6600 for a particular Practice. X is paid
133.33% of the amount paid to Y and Y is paid 75% of amount paid to Z. How much is paid to
a) 1,750 b) 1,850 c) 1,950
d) 2,400 e) None of these ans. D
Abyev`: X, Y Ges Z GKwU KvR K‡i 6600 UvKv cvq| X hw` Y -Gi 133.33% Ges Y hw` Z -Gi 75% UvKv
cvq Z‡e Z †gvU KZ UvKv cv‡e?
Structure: cÖ‡kœ 133.3% Ges 75% kãØq _vK‡e Ges wZb R‡bi †gvU UvKv †`qv _vK‡e|
Formula: x n‡jv y Gi 133.33% gv‡b n‡jv x, y †_‡K 33.33% †ewk cvq Ges y n‡jv z Gi 75% gv‡b n‡jv y,
z †_‡K 25% Kg cvq|
cÖ‡kœ x, y, z Gi †gvU UvKv †`qv _vK‡j x : y : z = 4 : 3 : 4 n‡e|
Solution: m~‡Îi z value (†h‡nZz x : y : z = 4 : 3 : 4)
Z=  6600 = 2400
Abycv‡Zi ivwk¸‡jvi †hvMdj A_©vr x + y + z
A2Z Publication 45
m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb
Q: Three workers, X, Y and Z are paid a total of Tk. 5,500 for a particular Practice. X is paid
133.33% of the amount paid to Y and Y is paid 75% of amount paid to Z. How much is paid to
a) 1,750 b) 1,850 c) 1,950
d) 2,000 e) None of these ans. D
Shortcut: Z = 4 + 3 + 4 × 5500 = 2000

1.38 Type: 12 (+ , –) m¤úwK©Z m~Î

Q: The price of a newspaper rises from Tk. 10 to Tk. 20. What is the percent increase in price?
a) 200% b) 100% c) 300%
d) 400% e) None of these ans. B
Solution: Abyev`: cwÎKvi `vg hw` 10 UvKv †_‡K e„w× †c‡q 20 UvKv nq Z‡e kZKiv e„w×i nvi KZ?
Description cÖ‡kœ hv †`qv Av‡Q

Original Amount †`qv _vK‡e 10 Tk

New Amount †`qv _vK‡e 20 Tk
% Change †ei Ki‡Z n‡e ?
New - Orginal
Formula: % Change = Orginal
× 100%
# Result (+) n‡j Increase; # Result (–) n‡j Decrease
20 - 10
Shortcut: % Change = 10 × 100% = 100%
Q: The price of a newspaper rises from Tk. 20 to Tk. 40. What is the percent increase in price?
a) 200% b) 100% c) 300%
d) 400% e) None of these ans. B
New - Orginal 40 - 20
Shortcut: % Change = Orginal
 100% = 20  100% = 100%

m~Î Abyhvqx mvaviY Abykxjb

Q: If the price of a good increased from Tk. 30 to Tk. 42. Find the percentage increase in the
a) 12% b) 20%
c) 40% d) 45% ans. C
42 - 30
Shortcut: 30
 100% = 40
Q: If the price of a good increased from Tk. 20 to Tk. 25. Find the percentage increase in the
a) 5% b) 20%
c) 25% d) 30% ans. C
25 - 20
Shortcut: 20
× 100% = 25%
Q: If the value of XYZ Company stock drops form 25 per share to $21 per share, what is the
percent of the decrease?
a) 4 b) 8
c) 12 d) 16 ans. D
21 - 25
Shortcut:  25
   100% = 16
A2Z Publication 46
Q: The value of a certain stock declined from Tk. 250 per share to Tk. 150 per share. What was
the percent decline in the value of a share?
a) 20% b) 30%
c) 40% d) 60% ans. D
150 - 250
Shortcut:   100% = 40 %
 250 
Q: Karim bought a ticket to cricket match for Tk. 25 and later sold the ticket to Rahim for Tk.
75. What was the percent increase in the rice of the ticket?
a) 400% b) 300% c) 200%
d) 100% e) 50% ans. C
75 - 25
Shortcut: 25
× 100% = 200%
Q: If the population of a town was 20000 in 1970 and 16000 in 1980, what was the percent decline
in the town’s population?
a) 50% b) 25% c) 20%
d) 10% e) 5% ans. C
16000 - 20000
Shortcut: 20000
× 100% = – 20%
Q: If a stock average was 500 points at the beginning of week and 400 points at the end of the
same week, by what percent has it decreased during the week?
a) 20 b) 22 c) 25
d) 27 e) 30 ans. A
400 - 500
Shortcut: 500
 100% = – 20%
Q: GKRb we‡µZv GKwU wRwb‡mi `vg 25% evov‡jv| AZtci ewa©Z `vg †_‡K 25% Kgv‡jv| me©‡kl `vg me©cÖ_g
`v‡gi Zzjbvq -
a) 3.25% K‡g‡Q b) 5% †e‡o‡Q c) 6.25% †e‡o‡Q
d) 4.5% K‡g‡Q e) †KvbwUB bq ans. E
Solution: GKRb we‡µZv wRwb‡mi `vg evov‡jv = (100 + 100 Gi 25%) UvKv = 100 + 25 = 125 UvKv
AZtci ewa©Z `vg 125 UvKv †_‡K 25% Kgv‡jv = (125 – 125 Gi 25%) UvKv
= (125 – 31.25) = 93.75 UvKv
 `vg K‡g‡Q = (100 – 93.75) = 6.25%
Shortcut m~Î : Exam Shortcut:
% e„w× / n«vm = A + B +
AB GLv‡b A = + 25; B = – 25
100 25  (– 25)
% C = 25 + (– 25) + = – 6.25%
Super Shortcut Exam Shortcut:
GKB % hw` ev‡o Ges K‡g Z‡e †h‡nZz, cÖ_‡g 25% hw` ev‡o Ges c‡i 25% K‡g
(GKB %)2 (25)2
P~ovšÍ % = – ZvB P~ovšÍ % = – 100 = – 6.25%
Q: If 32% of 650 is equal to 3 rd of x, what is the value of x?
a) 208 b) 416
c) 975 d) 312 ans. D
Solution: hw` 650 Gi 32% Gi gvb x Gi 3
As‡ki mgvb nq, Z‡e x Gi gvb †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
GB cÖkœwUi †¶‡Î Avcwb Bs‡iwR evK¨‡K MvwYwZK ev‡K¨ wb‡Pi g‡Zv K‡i cwieZ©b Ki‡ebt

A2Z Publication 47
32 % of 650 is equal to 2 of x
       
32 1  650 = 2  x
100 3
32 2x
 100  650 = 3
 3
= 16  13
 2x = 3  16  13
 x = 312
Q: Mr. Bakhtiar works in the procurement department of a library. Under a new purchase
policy, he increased the total number of books in the library by 20%. But soon afterwards, as
part of the library cleaning process, 10% of the total library book stock is disposed of. What is
the net change over the initial number of books in the library?
a) Increase of 10% b) Increase of 30%
c) Decrease of 8% d) None of these ans. D
Solution: Abyev`t Rbve eLwZqvi GKwU cÖwZôv‡bi jvB‡eªix‡Z †gvU eB‡qi 20% eB e„w× Ki‡jb| wKš‘ wKQz w`b c‡i
jvB‡eªix cwi¯‹vi Kivq 10% eB bó nj| Zvn‡j eZ©gv‡b cÖv_wgK Ae¯’vi †P‡q eB‡qi wK cwigvY cwieZ©b n‡jv?
awi, †gvU eB‡qi msL¨v 100 wU
GLb 20% e„wׇZ †gvU eB `vovq = 100 + 20 = 120 wU
Avevi, GB 120 wU eB‡qi Dci 10% eB bó n‡j †gvU eB bó nq = 120  100 = 12 wU
 eZ©gvb eB‡qi msL¨v = 120 – 12 = 108 wU
 eB‡qi kZKiv cwieZ©b = 108 – 100 = 8% e„w×
Shortcut: GB AsKwU Avcwb A + B + 100 GB m~Î †_‡KI Ki‡Z cv‡ib|
†hLv‡b A = + 20 Ges B = – 10
20  (- 10)
 Change = 20 + (– 10) + 100
= 8%
Q: †Kvb c‡Y¨i c~e©g~j¨ t eZ©gvb g~j¨ = 5 t 7 n‡j, kZKiv g~j¨ e„w×i cwigvY KZ?
a) 40% b) 20% c) 50%
d) 35% e) 12% ans. A
Solution: awi, c~e© g~j¨ wQj 5x UvKv Ges eZ©gvb g~j¨ 7x UvKv
g~j¨ e„w× cvq 7x – 5x = 2x UvKv Shortcut: g~j¨ kZKiv e„w× cvq
2x 7-5
 g~j¨ kZKiv e„w× cvq = 5x  100 % = 40% = 5  100% = 40% UvKv
 
Alternative: e„w× cvq = 7 - 5 = 2 UvKv
5 UvKvq e„w× cvq = 2 UvKv
2  100
 100 UvKvq e„w× cvq = 5 = 40 UvKv
Q: If Salina’s salary is 25% more than that of Sauna’s salary, then what percent is Sauna's salary
less than that of Salina?
a) 25% b) 20%
c) 33.33% d) 16.66% ans. B
Shortcut: Abyev`t hw` †mwjbvi †eZb mvjgvi †eZb †_‡K 25% †ewk nq, Z‡e mvjgvi †eZb †mwjbvi †eZb †_‡K
kZKiv KZ Kg?

A2Z Publication 48
`yBRb e¨w³i GKR‡bi †eZb AciRb n‡Z GKwU wbw`©ó Percentage cwigvY †ewk n‡j AciR‡bi †eZb Dwj­wLZ
e¨w³i †eZb A‡c¶v KZ Percent Kg †hUv wbY©‡qi wb‡gœv³ m~ÎwU g‡b ivLybt
Sauna’i †eZb Salina’i †eZb A‡c¶v Kg = 100 + r  100 % [GLv‡b r = cÖ`Ë kZKiv cwigvY]
 
= 100 + 25  100 = 20%
 
Q: GKRb dj we‡µZvi cwien‡bi mgq †gvU d‡ji 10% Ges ¸`vgRvZKi‡Yi mgq †gvU d‡ji 10% bó n‡q hvq|
†m hw` 640 †KwR Avg wK‡b Av‡b Z‡e Zvi †gvU KZ †KwR Avg cwie‡bimgq Ges ¸`vgRvZKi‡bi mgq bó
a) 63 b) 70
c) 128 d) 140 ans. C
Solution: cwienY I ¸`vgRvZKi‡Yi mgq bó nq = (10 + 10)% = 20%
100 †KwR‡Z bó nq = 20 †KwR
640  20
 640 †KwR‡Z bó nq = 100 = 128 †KwR
Q: In a class, 120 students are male and 100 students are female. 25% of the male students and
20% of the female students are engineering students. 20% of the male engineering students
and 25% of the female engineering students passed the final exam. What percentage of
engineering students passed the exam?
a) 5% b) 10% c) 16%
d) 22% e) None of these ans. D
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q †h, GKwU †kªYxK‡¶ 120 Rb QvÎ Ges 100 Rb QvÎx Av‡Q| G‡`i g‡a¨ 25% QvÎ Ges evwK
20% QvÎx BwÄwbqvwis c‡o| 20% BwÄwbqvi QvÎ Ges 25% BwÄwbqAi QvÎx evwl©K cix¶vq cvk Ki‡jv| BwÄwbqvi
QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i g‡a¨ kZKiv KZRb cvk Ki‡jv?
Male engineering students = 120  25% = 30
Female engineering students = 100  20% = 20
Total engineering student = 30 + 20 = 50
Male engineering students passed = 30  20% = 6
Female engineering students passed = 20  25% = 5
Total engineering students passed = 11
11  100
 Percentage = 50
= 22

Q: Mr. Jaman is insured completely for Tk. 150000 of damages to his machinery. For any damage
over Tk. 150000, the insurance company will pay Tk. 150000 plus only 15% of the additional
amount. For a recent accident, Mr. Jaman was paid Tk. 156000 by the insurance company.
What was the total amount of the damage estimated?
a) Tk. 40000 b) Tk. 190000
c) Tk. 104000 d) Tk. 80000 ans. B
Solution: Abyev`t Avnmvb mv‡ne 50,000 UvKvi Car Insured K‡i‡Qb| hw` Gi †ewk ¶wZ nq Z‡e BbwmD‡iÝ
†Kv¤úvwb 50,000 Gi AwZwi³ ¶wZi 20% cÖ`vb Ki‡e| †Kv¤úvwb †gvU 56,000 UvKv cÖ`vb K‡iwQj| †gvU KZ
¶wZ n‡qwQj?
cÖkœg‡Z 50,000 UvKvi AwZwi³ ¶wZc~iY cÖ`vb K‡iwQj = 56,000 – 50,000 = 6,000 UvKv
GLb, 15 UvKv †`q hLb ¶wZ nq = 100 UvKv
100  6000
 6,000 UvKv †`q hLb ¶wZ nq = 15
= 40,000 UvKv
 †gvU ¶wZi cwigvY = (1,50,000 + 40,000) = 1,90,000 UvKv|

A2Z Publication 49
Q: Increasing the original price of an item by 15 percent and then decreasing the new price by 15
percent is equivalent to increasing the original price by
a) 1.20% b) 1.40%
c) 1.50% d) None of these ans. D
Solution: Abyev`t GKwU wRwb‡mi g~j¨ cÖ_‡g 15% evwo‡q c‡i H ewa©Z g~j¨‡K Avevi 15% Kgv‡bv n‡jv| GLb cÖkœ
n‡jv H wRwb‡mi g~j¨ cÖK…Z c‡¶ KZ kZvsk Kg‡jv?
A + B + 100 - m~‡Î
A = 15 Ges B = – 15 emv‡j cvB
15  15
Net effect = 15 - 15 - 100  % = – 2.25%
 
A_©vr Original price K‡g‡Q 2.25%
Q: A worker union contract specifies a 6 percent salary increase plus a Tk 450 bonus for each
worker. For a worker, this is equivalent to 8 percent salary increase. What was this worker’s
salary before the new contract?
a) Tk 21,500 b) Tk 22,500
c) Tk 23,500 d) Tk 24,300 ans. B
Solution: Abyev`t GKwU kªwgK msMVb cÖ‡Z¨K kªwg‡Ki †eZb 6% evov‡bvi cvkvcvwk Av‡iv 450 UvKv †evbvm wn‡m‡e
†`qvi Rb¨ wVK Ki‡jv| GLb GKRb kªwgK †h †eZb cvq †mUv g~jZ c~‡e©i †eZ‡bi 8% †eZb e„w×i mgvb| †eZb
I †evbvm e„w×i c~‡e© GKRb kªwg‡Ki †eZb KZ wQj?
g‡b Kwi, c~‡e© Salary wQj x UvKv
cÖkœg‡Z, (x  6%) + 450 = x  8%
6x 8x
 100 + 450 = 100 Shortcut
6x + 45000 8x †`Lyb 22,500  6% + 450 = 1,800
 = 100
100 Avi 22,500  8% = 1,800
 6x + 45,000 = 8x  †eZb e„w×i c~‡e© g~j †eZb wQj 22,500 UvKv
 2x = 45,000
 x = 22,500
Q: Last week, Sohan’s hourly wage has been increased by 10 percent. After this increase, Sohan's
total weekly wage was Tk. 1375. If his weekly hours were to decrease by 10 percent from last
week’s total hours, what would be the Sohan's total weekly wage?
a) Tk. 1200 b) Tk. 1125
c) Tk. 1350 d) None of these ans. D
Solution: Abyev`t m¤cÖwZ Sohan Gi cvwikªwgK NÈvq 10% e„w× †cj| cvwikªwgK e„w×i c‡i Zvi †gvU gRywi n‡jv
1375 UvKv| hw` Zvi mvßvwnK Kg© NÈv MZ mßv‡ni †_‡K G mßv‡n 10% K‡g hvq Zvn‡j Zvi mvßvwnK †gvU gRywi
KZ n‡e?
10% e„wׇZ Sohan Gi Weekly Income = 1375 + (1375  10%) = 1,512.5 UvKv
Weekly hours 10% K‡g hvIqvq Zvi Income I 10% K‡g hv‡e|
 10% K‡g Sohan Gi bZzb Income = 1512.5 – (1512.5  10%) = 1361.25 UvKv
Shortcut: A + B + 100 - m~‡Î
A = 10 Ges B = – 10 emv‡j cvB
10  (- 10) 100
Net effect = 10 + (– 10) + 100
= 10 – 10 – 100 = – 1%
 me‡k‡l 1% K‡g Sohan Gi bZzb Income = 1375 – (1375  1%) = 1375.00 – 13.75 = 1361.25 UvKv

A2Z Publication 50
Q: Babu gave 20% of his marbles to Sadeq, and 20% of the rest of marbles to Tipu. If he now has
320 marbles, how many did he have originally?
a) 420 b) 500 c) 640
d) 720 e) None of these ans. B
Solution: Abyev`t evey mvw`K‡K Zvi †gvU gv‡e©‡ji 20% w`j Ges evwK gv‡e©‡ji 20% wUcy‡K w`j| GLb Zvi Kv‡Q
320 wU gv‡e©j Av‡Q| Zvi Kv‡Q KZwU gv‡e©j wQj?
awi, eveyi Kv‡Q †gvU x wU gv‡e©j wQj|
x 4x Alternative: †gvU gv‡e©‡ji msL¨v 100% n‡j 20% gv‡e©j
cÖkœg‡Z, x – 5 + 25 = 320
mvw`K‡K †`Iqvi ci evwK _v‡K = (100 – 20)% = 80%
5x + 4x
 x –  25 Avevi, GB 80% gv‡e©j †_‡K wUcy‡K †`Iqvi ci evwK
  = 320
_v‡K = 80 – (80 Gi 20%) = 64%
 x – 25 = 320 cÖkœg‡Z, 64% gv‡e©‡ji gvb n‡jv 320 wU
25x - 9x 320  100
 = 320  100% gv‡e©‡ji gvb n‡jv = 64
= 500 wU
 25 = 320
320  25
 x = 16 = 500
Q: GKwU MÖv‡gi †jvKmsL¨v 8% nv‡i †e‡o 1620 n‡j c~‡e©i †jvKmsL¨v KZ wQj?
a) 1400 b) 1450
c) 1500 d) 1550 ans. C
Solution: 8% e„wׇZ †jvKmsL¨v = 100 + 8 = 108 Rb|
eZ©gv‡b MÖv‡gi †jvKmsL¨v 108 Rb n‡j c~‡e©i †jvKmsL¨v = 100 Rb
 eZ©gv‡b MÖv‡gi †jvKmsL¨v 1 Rb n‡j c~‡e©i †jvKmsL¨v = 108 Rb
100  1620
 eZ©gv‡b MÖv‡gi †jvKmsL¨v 1,620 Rb n‡j c~‡e©i †jvKmsL¨v = 108 = 1,500 Rb
Q: A circular logo is enlarged to fit the lid of a jar. The new diameter is 50 percent larger than the
original. By what percentage has the area of logo increase?
a) 50 b) 80
c) 100 d) 125 ans. D
Solution: GKwU e„ËvKvi Logo †K GKwU cv‡Îi XvKbv AvUvK‡bvi Rb¨ eo Kiv n‡jv| bZzb e¨vm g~j e¨v‡mi 50%
†e‡o †M‡j Logo †¶Îdj kZKiv KZ evo‡e?
g‡b Kwi, e„‡Ëi e¨vm 20 GKK
 e¨vmva© n‡e = 2 = 10 GKK AB
Shortcut: A + B + 100
 e„‡Ëi †¶Îdj r2 = (10)2 =   100 = 100 eM©GKK 50  50
30 = 50 + 50 + = 125.
e¨vmva© n‡e = 2 = 15 GKK 100
[ GLv‡b A = B = 50%]
 bZzb †¶Îdj = (15)2 =   225 = 225 eM©GKK
 e„w× cvq (225 – 100) = 125 eM©GKK
A_©vr e„w×i cwigvY = 125%
Q: If 40% of all women are voters and 52% of the population is women, what percent the
population are women voters?
a) 18.1 b) 20.8
c) 26.4 d) 40 ans. B

A2Z Publication 51
Solution: Abyev`t †gvU bvixi 40% n‡jv †fvUvi Ges †gvU RbmsL¨vi 52% n‡jv bvix| GLb cÖkœ n‡jv †gvU RbmsL¨vi
KZ kZvsk bvix †fvUvi?
g‡b Kwi, †gvU RbmsL¨v = 100 Rb AB 40  52
Shortcut: 100 = 100 = 20.8
 Women †`i msL¨v = 52 Rb
 Women †`i †fvUvi msL¨v = 52  100 = 20.8
Q: If both length and width of a rectangular plot for a garden are increased by 20%. How many
percent of the area of the plot would be increased?
a) 20% b) 24%
c) 36% d) None of these ans. D
Solution: Abyev`t AvqZvKvi GKwU evMv‡bi ˆ`N©¨ I cÖ¯’ DfqB 20% K‡i evov‡bv n‡jv| GLb cÖkœ n‡jv H evMv‡bi
†¶Îdj KZ kZvsk e„w× cv‡e?
20 × 20 A×B
20 + 20 + 100 = 44 [A + B + 100 GB m~Îg‡Z]
Q: In a factory, there are workers, executives and clerks. 59% of the employees are workers, 460
are executives and the remaining 360 employees are clerks. How many employees are there in
the factory?
a) 1500 b) 2000
c) 2500 d) 3000 ans. B
Solution: Abyev`t cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q †h, GKwU Factory †Z 59% workers, 460 Rb Executives Ges evwK 360 Rb
Clerk Av‡Q| cÖkœ n‡jv, Factory †Z †gvU KZRb Employees Av‡Q?
g‡b Kwi, †gvU Employees Av‡Q 100 Rb
 Executive Ges Clerk Av‡Q = (100 – 59)% = 41%
cÖkœg‡Z, †gvU 41% (Executive Ges Clerk) Employees Gi cwigvY = 460 + 360 = 820 Rb
820  100
 m¤ú~Y© Factory †Z mKj A_©vr 100% Employees Gi cwigvY = 41
= 2000 Rb
Q: What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of the number?
a) 5 b) 12 c) 17.5
d) 28 e) None of these ans. D
Solution: Abyev`t †Kvb msL¨vi 15% hw` 12 nq Z‡e H msL¨vi 35% KZ?
g‡b Kwi, msL¨vwU x
cÖkœg‡Z, x Gi 15% = 12
 100 = 12
 20 = 12
 3x = 240
 x = 80
 80 Gi 35% = 80  100 = 28

Q: The difference between the value of a number increased by 20% and the value of the original
number decreased by 10% is 42. What is the original number?
a) 140 b) 160 c) 172
d) 178 e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev` GKwU msL¨v‡K 20% evov‡bv n‡j †h msL¨vwU nq Ges 10% Kgv‡bv n‡j †h msL¨v nq Zv‡`i cv_©K¨
42 n‡j msL¨vwU KZ?
g‡b Kwi, g~j msL¨vwU x

A2Z Publication 52
cÖkœg‡Z, (x + x  20%) – (x + x  10%) = 42
 x + x – x – x  = 42
 5  10
5x + x 10x – x
  5  –  10  = 42
   
6x 9x
 – = 42
5 10
12x - 9x
 10
= 42
 3x = 420
 x = 140
Q: A CD player and a DVD player have the same price. If the price of the CD player goes up by
10% and that of the DVD player is decreased by 5%, how much more will it cost to buy 5 CD
players and 5 DVD players?
a) 5% b) 10% c) 15%
d) 20% e) None of these ans. E
Solution: Abyev`t GKwU CD player Ges GKwU DVD player Gi g~j¨ mgvb| hw` CD player Gi `vg 10% e„w×
cvq Ges DVD player Gi `vg 5% n«vm cvq Z‡e 5 wU CD player Ges 5 wU DVD player µq Ki‡Z c~‡e©i
†P‡q KZ UvKv †ewk LiP n‡e?
awi, GKwU CD player Ges GKwU DVD player Gi g~j¨ wQj 100 UvKv K‡i|
10% e„wׇZ GKwU CD player Gi `vg = 100 + 100  100 = 110 UvKv
 
Ges 5% n«v‡m GKwU DVD player Gi `vg = 100 - 100  100 = 95 UvKv
Zvn‡j 5 wU CD player I 5 wU DVD player wKb‡Z GLb †gvU LiP n‡e = (5  110) + (5  95) = 1025 UvKv
c~‡e© GB 5 wU CD player I 5 wU DVD player wKb‡Z LiP n‡Zv
= (5  100 + 5  100) UvKv = 500 + 500 = 1,000 UvKv
1025 - 1000 25
 kZKiv †ekx LiP n‡e =   100 % =  
 1000  1000  100 = 2.5%
Q: The ratio of salaries of A, B and C is 1 : 2 : 3. The salaries of B and C together are Tk. 6,000.
By what percentage is the salary of C more than that of A.
a) 100% b) 200% c) 300%
d) 600% e) None ans. B
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, A, B Ges C Gi †eZ‡bi AbycvZ 1 : 2 : 3. B Ges C Gi †eZ‡bi mgwó 6,000 UvKv|
Zvn‡j A Gi PvB‡Z C Gi †eZb KZ kZvsk †ewk?
awi, A, B Ges C Gi †eZ‡bi cwigvY h_vµ‡g x, 2x Ges 3x UvKv
cÖkœg‡Z, 2x + 3x = 6,000
 5x = 6,000
 x = 5 = 1,200
AZGe, A Gi †eZb n‡e = 1,200 UvKv Ges C Gi †eZb n‡e = 3x = 3  1,200 = 3,600 UvKv
A Gi PvB‡Z C Gi †eZb †ewk = 3,600 – 1,200 = 2,400 UvKv|
 kZKiv †ewk = 1200  100 = 200%
 
A2Z Publication 53
Q: Recently, Sohan’s hourly wage has been increased by 10 percent. Before this increase, Sohan’s
total weekly wage was $137. If his weekl were to decrease by 10 percent from last week’s total
hours, what would be the change, if any, in Sohan’s total weekly wage?
a) An increase of $1.37 b) An increase of $0.55
c) A decrease of $0.55 d) A decrease of $1.37 ans. D
Solution: Abyev` t m¤cÖwZ Sohan’i cwikªwgK NÈvq 10% e„w× †cj| cvwikªwgK e„w×i c~‡e© Sohan’i †gvU gRywi wQj
137 Wjvi| hw` Zvi mvßvwnK Kg© NÈv MZ mßv‡ni †_‡K G m߇n 10% K‡g hvq Zvn‡j Sohan’i mvßvwnK †gvU
gRywii †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e wK?
awi, Sohan mßv‡n KvR K‡i = x NÈv
 Sohan'i NÈvq gRywi = x Wjvi
NÈvq gRywi 10% e„w× cvq
137 137 137 137  100 1507
bZzb NÈvq gRywi = x + x  10% = x + 100  x = 10x
x  10 9x
mvßvwnK Kg©NÈv 10% Kgvi ci bZzb mvßvwnK Kg©NÈv = x – x  10% = x – 100 = 10
9x 1507
bZzb mvßvwnK gRywi = 10  10x = 135.63
 Sohan’i mvßvwnK gRywi Kg‡e = 137.00 – 135.63 = 1.37 UvKv
Q: A student has to obtain 33% of the total marks to pass. He got 125 marks and failed by 40
marks, the maximum marks are
a) 1000 b) 800
c) 500 d) 300 ans. C
Solution: Abyev`t cvk Kivi Rb¨ GKRb Qv·K 33% b¤^i †c‡Z n‡e| †m 125 b¤^i †c‡q 40 b¤^‡ii Rb¨ †dj Kij|
m‡e©v”P b¤^i KZ?
awi, m‡e©v”P b¤^i x
cÖkœg‡Z, 33% of x = 125 + 40 Shortcut: Marks = 33  (125 + 40) = 500
 100 = 165
165  100
 x= 33
= 500

Q: In an election a candidate who gets 84% of the votes, is elected by a majority of 476 votes.
What is the total number of votes polled?
a) 848 b) 749
c) 700 d) 672 ans. C
Solution: Abyev`t GKwU wbe©vP‡b GKRb cÖv_©x 84% †fvU †c‡q 476 †fv‡U wRZj| wbe©vP‡b KZ¸‡jv †fvU c‡owQj?
awi, †gvU †fvU c‡owQj x wU
cÖkœg‡Z, 84% of x – 16% of x = 476 Shortcut: 84% – (100 – 84)% = 68%
 68% of x = 476 68 % Gi gvb = 476
68x 476  68
 100 = 476  100% Gi gvb = 100
= 700
476  100
 x= 68
 x = 700
A2Z Publication 54
Q: In one year, the population of a city increased by 20%. The next year, it decreased by 10%.
What was the percentage increase in the population over the two years?
a) 8 b) 10
c) 15 d) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`t GKeQ‡i GKwU kn‡ii RbmsL¨v 20% evo‡jv| c‡ii eQi Zv 10% Kg‡jv| Zvn‡j `yB eQ‡i
Overall wK cwigvY RbmsL¨v evo‡jv?
GB As‡K A = e„w×i Percentage Ges B = n«v‡mi Percentage n‡j AB
A+B+ -GB m~‡Î 100
A + B + 100 A = cÖ_g gvb;
20  (- 10) B = wØZxq gvb
= 20 – 10 + 100 evo‡j (+) n‡e
= 10 – 2 Kg‡j (–) n‡e
= 8%
Q: The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school is 3 : 2. If 20% of the boys and 25% of
the girls are scholarship holders, what percent of the students are not scholarship holders?
a) 56 b) 70
c) 78 d) None of these ans. C
Solution: Abyev`t †Kvb ¯‹z‡j QvÎQvÎxi AbycvZ 3 : 2. hw` Qv·`i 20% Ges QvÎx‡`i 25% Holder nq, Z‡e kZKiv
KZ Rb wk¶v_©x Scholarship holder bq?
†h‡nZz QvÎ t QvÎx = 3 : 2
ZvB awi, QvÎQvÎxi msL¨v h_vµ‡g 3x Ges 2x
†h‡nZz, †Q‡j‡`i 20% Scholarship holder,
 †Q‡j‡`i = 100 – 20 = 80% Scholarship holder bq|
80 12x
 Scholarship holder bq Ggb QvÎ msL¨v = 3x Gi 80% Rb = 3x × 100 = 5 Rb
†h‡nZz, QvÎx‡`i 25% Scholarship holder,
 QvÎx‡`i = 100 – 25 = 75% Scholarship holder bq|
75 3x
Scholarship holder bq Ggb QvÎxi msL¨v = 2x Gi 75% Rb = 2x × 100 = 2 Rb
12x 3x 24x + 15x 39x
 Scholarship holder bq Ggb QvÎQvÎxi msL¨v =  5 + 2  =  10  = 10 Rb
†gvU QvÎQvÎx = 3x + 2x = 5x Rb
5x Rb QvÎQvÎxi g‡a¨ Scholarship holder bq = 10 Rb
 1 Rb QvÎQvÎxi g‡a¨ Scholarship holder bq = Rb
10  5x
39x  100
 100 Rb QvÎQvÎxi g‡a¨ Scholarship holder bq =
10  5x
= 78 Rb
Shortcut: †k‡l DËi Percent G †ei Ki‡Z n‡e e‡j †gvU Student = 100 ai“b|
Zvn‡j Boys = 100 × 3 + 2 = 60,
 Girls = 100 – 60 = 40.
 Scholarship holder = (60 × 20%) + (40 + 25%) = 12 + 10 = 22
 Not scholarship holder = 100 – 22 = 78 Rb
Q: Two students appeared at an examination. One of them secured 9 marks more than the other
and his marks was 56% of the sum of their marks. The marks obtained by them are:
a) 39, 30 b) 41, 32 c) 42, 33
d) 43, 34 e) None of these ans. C
A2Z Publication 55
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, `yBRb QvÎ GKwU cix¶v w`j| GKRb AciR‡bi †P‡q 9 b¤^i †ewk †cj Ges Zvi b¤^i wQj
`yBR‡bi cÖvß b¤^‡ii 56%. Zv‡`i b¤^i KZ wQj?
awi, GKRb cvq x b¤^i Ges Aci Rb cvq (x + 9) b¤^i
GLv‡b 2q Rb x †c‡j, 1g Rb cvq (x + 9) b¤^i
cÖkœg‡Z, x + 9 = (x + x + 9)  100 56
cÖkœg‡Z, x + 9 = (x + x + 9)  100
 100x + 900 = 112x + 504
GLvb †_‡K x = 33 †ei K‡i
 12x = 396
396 1g R‡bi b¤^i (33 + 9) = 42 †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
 x = 12 = 33
A_©vr GKRb wk¶v_©x cvq 33 Ges AciRb cvq = 33 + 9 = 42 b¤^i|
Q: 42 is what percent of 70?
a) 57% b) 60% c) 67%
d) 70% e) 167% ans. B
Solution: awi, 42 is x% of 70
A_©vr 70  100 = 42
 x  70 = 4,200
 x = 60
Q: If membership in the Elks Club increases from 120 to 150, what is the percent increase?
a) 15% b) 25% c) 30%
d) 40% e) 80% ans. B
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, GKwU K¬v‡ei m`m¨ msL¨v 120 †_‡K †e‡o 150 Rb n‡jv| KZ Percent evoj?
m`m¨ msL¨v evoj = (150 – 120) = 30 Rb
 kZKiv evoj = 120  100 = 25%
 
Q: If 4% of (P + Q) are 8 and P is a positive integer, what is the greatest possible value of Q?
a) 196% b) 197
c) 198 d) 199 ans. D
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q †h, (P + Q) Gi 4% n‡jv 8 Ges P GKwU abvZ¥K c~Y© msL¨v Q. Gi m¤¢ve¨ me‡P‡q eo gvb
Ack‡bi †KvbwU n‡Z cv‡i?
(P + Q) 4% = 8
 (P + Q)  100 = 8
4(P + Q)
 100
 4P + 4Q = 800
 P + Q = 200
GLb, Q Gi me‡P‡q eo n‡e †hwUB †mLv‡b P Gi gvb n‡e me‡P‡q Kg| Kv‡RB P I Q Gi mgwó 200 Ges P
abvZ¥K c~Y© msL¨v e‡j P Gi me‡P‡q †QvU gvb n‡e 1 Ges Q Gi m‡e©v”P gvb †m‡¶‡Î, 200 – P = 200 – 1 =
199 ch©š— n‡Z cv‡i| ZvB DËi d).
Q: In order to pass an examination, a student is required to get 35% of the maximum marks. If a
student scored a total of 381 marks and failed by 144 marks, determine the maximum marks
for the examination.
a) 1,350 b) 1,500
c) 1,750 d) 2,000 ans. B
Solution: Abyev`t cv‡mi Rb¨ GKRb Qv·K m‡e©v”P b¤^‡ii 35% b¤^i †c‡Z n‡e| GKRb QvÎ 381 b¤^i †cj Ges
144 b¤^‡ii Rb¨ Fail Kij| m‡e©v”P b¤^i KZ?

A2Z Publication 56
awi, m‡e©v”P b¤^i x
cÖkœg‡Z, 35% of x = 381 + 144
 100 = 525
 x = 1,500
Q: In a class, 120 students are finance major and 100 students are marketing major. 25% of the
finance students and 20% of the marketing students are male. 20% of the male finance
students and 25% of the male marketing students passed the final exam. What percentage of
male students passed the exam?
a) 5% b) 10% c) 16%
d) 22% e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`t GKwU †kªYx‡Z 120 Rb Qv‡Îi Finance major Ges 100 Rb Qv‡Îi Marketing major Av‡Q|
Finance Gi 25% Ges Marketing Gi 20% QvÎ n‡jv Male. Avevi Finance male Gi 20% Ges Marketing
male Gi 25% cix¶vq cvk Kij| kZKiv KZRb QvÎ cix¶vq cvk Kij?
Finance G Male Av‡Q = 120  100 = 30 Rb
20 Dfq Dept Gi Male msL¨v †ei K‡i Zv‡K †gvU
Marketing G Male Av‡Q = 100  100 = 20 Rb
(120 + 100) = 220 Gi kZKivq Avb‡jB mn‡RB
Finance male Gi cvk Kij = 30  100 = 6 Rb DËi cv‡eb|
25 Avi gy‡L gy‡LB wn‡me Ki‡Z cv‡ib †h,
Marketing male Gi cvk Kij = 20  100 = 5 Rb
120 Gi 25% n‡jv 30 Rb Avi 100 Gi 20% n‡jv
†gvU QvÎQvÎx Av‡Q = 120 + 100 = 220 Rb 20 Rb| Gici Avevi, 30 Ges 20 Gi 30% I
6+5 20% †ei Ki‡j Lye ZvovZvwo mgvavb cv‡eb|
 kZKiv cvk Kij = 220  100% = 5%
Q: What percentage of numbers from 11 to 90 has 0 or 5 in the unit’s digit?
a) 10% b) 15% c) 20%
d) 21% e) None of these ans. C
Solution: Abyev`t 11 †_‡K 90 ch©š— msL¨v¸‡jiv g‡a¨ GK‡Ki N‡i kZKiv KZwU 0 ev 5 Av‡Q?
11 †_‡K 90 Gi g‡a¨ msL¨v Av‡Q = 90 – 11 + 1 = 80 wU| Gi g‡a¨ GK‡Ki N‡i k~b¨ ev 5 Av‡Q Ggb msL¨v¸‡jv
n‡jv 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90.
A_©vr 11 †_‡K 90 ch©š— msL¨v¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GK‡Ki N‡i 0 ev 5 Av‡Q †gvU 16 wU|
 kZKiv cwigvb = 80  100% = 20%
2 3
Q: In a class, 50% of the male students and 3 of the female students speak French. If there are 4
as many girls as boys, what fraction of the entire class speaks French?
4 3 1
a) 7 b) 4 c) 4
d) 3 e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`t GKwU †kªYxi 50% Male students Ges 3 Ask Female students French fvlvq K_v e‡j| hw`
Class Gi evwjKvi msL¨v evj‡Ki msL¨vi 4 ¸Y nq Z‡e Total class Gi KZ Ask French fvlvq K_v e‡j?
awi, Boys Gi msL¨v = x Rb
 Girls Gi msL¨v = 4 Rb
50 x
Boys Gi msL¨v hviv French e‡j = x  100 = 2 Rb
A2Z Publication 57
3x 2 x
 Girls Gi msL¨v hviv French e‡j = 4  3 = 2 Rb
x x 2x
 †gvU = 2 + 2 = 2 = x
3x 7x
GLb evjK evwjKvi msL¨v = x + 4 = 4
x x 4 4
 Required Number = 7x = 1  7x = 7 .
Q: If 20 percent of 80 percent of a number is 12.8, then what is the number?
a) 80 b) 50
c) 40 d) 9 ans. A
Solution: Abyev`t GKwU msL¨vi 80% Gi 20% n‡jv 12.8. msL¨vwU KZ?
awi, msL¨vwU x
cÖkœg‡Z, x  80%  20% = 12.8
x  80  20
 = 12.8
100  100
 16x = 1280
 x = 16 = 80.

Q: 60 Rb Qv‡Îi g‡a¨ 42 Rb †dj Ki‡j cv‡ki nvi KZ?

a) 25% b) 28%
c) 30% d) 32% ans. C
Solution: cvk K‡i = 60 - 42 = 18 Rb
60 R‡b cvk K‡i = 18 Rb 60 - 42
18 Shortcut: cvk % = 60  100 = 30%
 1 R‡b cvk K‡i = 60 Rb
18  100
 100 R‡b cvk K‡i = 60 = 30 Rb ev 30%
Q: Out of 7,500 candidates 75% were offered to study in Arts and 45% in Business. How many
were offered both?
a) 1,000 b) 1,750
c) 2,000 d) 1,500 ans. D
Solution: Abyev` t 7,500 Rb wk¶v_©xi g‡a¨ 75% †K Arts I 45% †K Business G covi Offer †`qv n‡jv|
KZRb‡K Dfq wel‡q covi Offer †`qv n‡jv?
First approach ev cÖ_g c×wZt Second approach ev wØZxq c×wZt
†`qv Av‡Q, †gvU Students = 100% Avgiv Rvwb, Total = All single – Both + None
Arts = 75% & Business = 45%  100 = (75 + 45) – Both + 0
 Both = (75 + 45 – 100)% = 20% Students  100 = 120 – Both
GLb, 100% = 7,500  Both = 20%
7500  20  20% of 7,500 = 1,500
 20% = 100
= 1,500

Q: The price of a certain DVD is discounted by 10% and the reduced price is then discounted by
another 10%. This series of successive discounts is equivalent to a single discount of:
a) 20% b) 19%
c) 18% d) 15% ans. B

A2Z Publication 58
Abyev` t GKwU DVD cÖ_‡g 10% Discount †`qv n‡jv| Gici Discount g~‡j¨i Dci Zv Av‡iv 10% Discount
†`qv n‡jv| Zvn‡j c‡Y¨i Dci KZ Discount †`qv n‡jv?
Solution: awi, c‡Y¨i g~j¨ wQj 100 UvKv
10% Discount G g~j¨ `uvovq = 100 – 100  100 = 100 – 10 = 90 UvKv
Avevi, 10% Discount †`qvq g~j¨ `uvovq = 90 – 90  100 = 90 – 9 = 81 UvKv
 Single discount n‡jv = 100 – 81 = 19%.
Shortcut: A + B + 100 Gi m~Î g‡Z,
(- 10)  (- 10)
= (– 10) + (– 10) + 100 GLv‡b,
10  10 A = – 10%
= – 10 – 10 + 100
B = – 10%
= – 20 + 1= – 19%.
Q: 2 Gi KZ kZvsk 2.5 n‡e?
a) 8 b) 80
c) 125 d) 150 ans. C
Solution: awi, x kZvsk 2.5 n‡e|
cÖkœg‡Z, 2 Gi x% = 2.5
 2  100 = 2.5
 2x = 250
 x = 125.
Q: †Kvb kn‡ii †jvKmsL¨v 10 j¶| hw` cyi“‡li msL¨v 10% e„w× cvq Ges ¯¿x‡jvK‡`i msL¨v 6% K‡g hvq, Z‡e
kn‡ii †jvKmsL¨vi †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv| H kn‡ii cyi“‡li msL¨v KZ?
a) 3,00,000 b) 3,75,000
c) 4,25,000 d) 5,00,000 ans. B
Solution: awi, cyi“‡li msL¨v x Rb
¯¿x‡jv‡Ki msL¨v = (10,00,000 – x) Rb
cyi“l †jv‡Ki msL¨v 100 R‡b e„w× cvq = 10 Rb
 cyi“l †jv‡Ki msL¨v 1 R‡b e„w× cvq = 100 Rb
 cyi“l †jv‡Ki msL¨v x R‡b e„w× cvq = 10 Rb
Avevi, ¯¿x‡jv‡Ki msL¨v 100 R‡b K‡g = 6 Rb
 ¯¿x‡jv‡Ki msL¨v 1 R‡b K‡g = 50 Rb
3(1000000 - x)
 ¯¿x‡jv‡Ki msL¨v (10,00,000 – x) R‡b K‡g = 50 Rb
x 3(1000000 - x)
cÖkœg‡Z, 10 = 50
 50x = 30000000 – 30x
 80x = 30000000
 x = 3,75,000 Rb|

A2Z Publication 59
Q: GKwU e¨vs‡Ki Kg©Pvix‡`i 70% bvix I 60% weevwnZ| cyi“l‡`i 3 Ask hw` AweevwnZ nb, bvix‡`i KZ fvM
5 7 1
a) 7 b) 10 c) 3
d) 6 e) †KvbwUB bq ans. A
Solution: awi, †gvU Kg©Pvix 100 Rb
†h‡nZz, bvix = 70 Rb
 cyi“l = 100 - 70 = 30 Rb
Avevi, †gvU Kg©Pvix‡`i weevwnZ 60 Rb
AweevwnZ cyi“l = 30  3 = 20 Rb
 weevwnZ cyi“l = 10 Rb
 weevwnZ bvix = 60 - 10 = 50 Rb
50 5
 †gvU weevwnZ bvix = 70 = 7
Shortcut: wb‡Pi g‡Zv K‡i GKwU PvU© Ki“bt
bvix cyi“l †gvU
AweevwnZ 30  3 = 20 100 - 60 = 40
weevwnZ 60 - 10 = 50 30 - 20 = 10 60
†gvU 70 100 - 70 = 30 100
bvix‡`i g‡a¨ weevwnZ 50 5
 †gvU bvix = 70 = 7
Q: The sum of two numbers is 25 of the first number. The second number is what percent of the
Abyev` t `ywU msL¨vi †hvMdj cÖ_g msL¨vi 25 ¸Y| wØZxq msL¨vwU cÖ_g msL¨vi KZ %?
a) 12% b) 14%
c) 16% d) 18% ans. A
Solution: cÖ_g msL¨v x I wØZxq msL¨v y n‡j
cÖkœg‡Z, x + y = 25 x
 y = 25 x – x
28x - 25x
 y= 25
 y = 25
 25y = 3x
y 3
 x = 25
y 3
 x = 25  100%
 y = 12% of x
A_©vr wØZxq msL¨vwU cÖ_g msL¨vi 12 %.
A2Z Publication 60
Q: If the price of an item is increased by 10% and then decreased by 10%, the net effect on the
price of the item is -
a) an increase of 99% b) a decrease of 1%
c) an increase of 7% d) No Change ans. B
Solution: Abyev`t cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, GKwU Item Gi Price cÖ_‡g hw` 10% ev‡o Ges c‡i 10% K‡g, Z‡e Price Gi
Net effect wK n‡e?
awi, Item wUi Price wQj = 100 UvKv
10% evo‡j Price nq = 100 + 100  100 = 110 UvKv
Avevi, 10% Kg‡j Price nq = 110 – 110  100 = 110 – 11 = 99 UvKv
 Price Gi Net effect = 100 – 99 = 1% Kg‡e|
AB 10  (-10)
Shortcut 1: Net change = A + B + 100 = 10 + (– 10) + 100
= – 1%.

Super Shortcut Technique:

hLbB cÖ‡kœ Same % increase Ges Same % decrease _vK‡e ZLbB g‡b ivL‡eb
 Net % Change (% c) memgq Decrease n‡e|
Gici KZ % decrease n‡e †ei Kivi Rb¨ †`Lyb wb‡Pi
Mental Calculation
 cÖ‡kœ Same % -†K Gfv‡e wPwýZ Ki“b (10) %
hvi me© Wv‡b k~b¨ (0) Av‡Q
 Gici hw` Same % Gi me© Wv‡b k~b¨ (0) _v‡K Z‡e me©Wv‡bi cÖ_g k~b¨‡K Gfv‡e KvUzb
 Gici evwK †h msL¨v _v‡K Zv‡K g‡b g‡b eM© (square) Ki“b Gfv‡et 12 = 1 Gevi Dˇi 1% decrease wPwýZ
cix¶vi n‡j †hfv‡e Ki‡ebt cÖ‡kœi gv‡S hLbB `y‡Uv GKB msL¨v GKevi Increase Ges Ab¨ evi Decrease
cv‡eb ZLb cÖ‡kœi gv‡SB wb‡Pi g‡Zv K‡i Solve Ki‡ebt
Decrease = 12 = 1%
Q: If the sides of a square increase by 10%, how much will the area be increased in percentage?
a) 21% b) 22%
c) 23% d) 24% ans. A
Solution: Abyev`t GKwU PZzfy©‡Ri cvk¦© 10% e„w× †c‡j kZKiv KZ % †¶Îdj e„w× †cj?
10  10
†¶Îdj e„w× cv‡e = 10 + 10 + 100 = 20 + 1 = 21
Q: Sixty-five percent of a number is 21 less than four-fifth of that number. What is the number?
a) 140 b) 142
c) 144 d) 145 ans. A
Solution: Abyev` t †Kvb msL¨vi 65% hw` H msL¨vi Pvi cÂgvsk ev 5 th n‡Z 21 Kg nq Z‡e msL¨vwU KZ?
awi, msL¨vwU = x
cÖkœg‡Z, 65% of x = 5 x – 21

A2Z Publication 61
65 4
 100
x = 5 x – 21
 x = 140
Q: GKwU e¨vs‡Ki GKwU eªv‡Âi 60% Kg©Pvix cyi“l| hw` Kg©Pvix‡`i g‡a¨ 70% cyi“l Ges 90% gwnjv eb‡fvR‡b
AskMÖnb K‡i, Z‡e eªv‡Âi Kg©Pvixi KZ kZvsk eb‡fvR‡b AskMÖnb K‡i?
a) 80 b) 78
c) 76 d) 72 ans. B
Solution: †h‡nZz 60% Kg©Pvix cyyi“l
 gwnjv Kg©Pvix (100 - 60)% = 40%
eb‡fvR‡b Ask MÖn‡bi †¶‡Î,
 cyi“l Kg©Pvix eb‡fvR‡b Ask MÖnY K‡i = 60 Gi 70% = 42 Rb
 gwnjv Kg©Pvix eb‡fvR‡b Ask MÖnY K‡i = 40 Gi 90% = 36 Rb
 †gvU eb‡fvR‡b Ask MÖnb K‡i = 78 Rb ev 78%
(cyi“l  cyi“l%) + (gwnjv  gwnjv%) (60  70) + (40  90) 7800
Shortcut: cyi“l + gwnjv = 60 + 40
= 100 = 78

Q: KsKv wUwfi g~j¨ 20% n«vm Kivi d‡j hw` Dnvi weµ‡qi cwigvY 50% e„w× cvq, Zvn‡j †Kv¤úvbxi weµq Lv‡Z
AwR©Z ivR¯^ Av‡q cwieZ©‡bi nvi wKiƒc n‡e?
a) 25% e„w× b) 22% e„w×
c) 20% e„w× d) 19% e„w× ans. C
Solution: kZKiv cwieZ©b = F + S + 100 ; GLv‡b F = 1g gvb, S = 2q gvb; evo‡j (+), Kg‡j (–)
(- 20) (50)
 % cwieZ©b = (– 20) + (50) + 100
= 20%
Q: Anis, who owns 3 % of a factory, sells half of his share for Tk. 33,333. The value of the entire
factory is
a) Tk. 9,999 b) Tk. 66,666
c) Tk. 99,999 d) Tk. 133,332 ans. C
Solution: Abyev` t cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡q‡Q †h, Avwbm GKwU Factory’i kZKiv 3
As‡ki gvwjK| †m Zvi As‡ki A‡a©K
33,333 UvKvq wewµ Kij| cÖkœ n‡jv m¤ú~Y© Factory’i g~j¨ KZ?
200 200 2
Avwb‡mi gvwjKvbv n‡”Q Factory’i 3 % = 3  100 = 3 As‡ki
2 1 1
myZivs, 3 Gi 2 Ask = 3 Ask
A_©vr Avwbm 3 Ask wewµ K‡i = 33,333 UvKvq
 Avwbm 1 ev (m¤ú~Y©) Ask wewµ K‡i = (33,333  3) = 99,999 UvKvq|
Q: An employee pays 3 workers – X, Y and Z. a total of Tk. 610 in a week. X is paid 125% of the
amount Y is paid and 80% of the amount Z is paid. How much does X make a week?
a) Tk.150 b) Tk.175
c) Tk.180 d) Tk.200 ans. D
Solution: Abyev` t ejv n‡”Q, x, y Ges z GK mßv‡n 610 UvKv cvq| x cvq y Gi 125% Ges z Gi 80%. cÖkœ n‡jv x
KZ UvKv cv‡e?
125 5y
†`qv Av‡Q, x = 100 y = 4

A2Z Publication 62
cÖkœg‡Z, 80% of z = 4
80 5y
 100 z = 4
 z = 16 .
cÖkœg‡Z, x + y + z = 610
5y 25
 4
+ y + 16 y = 610
 y = 160
5  160
AZGe, x cv‡e = 4
= 200 UvKv
weKí c×wZt hw` z 100 UvKv cvq Z‡e x cv‡e = 80% of 100 = 80 Tk.
Avevi, x = 125% of y = 4
 5y = 4x = 4  80 = 320
 y = 5 = 64.
 x + y + z = 80 + 64 + 100 = 244
GLb wZb Rb 244 UvKv †c‡j x cvq = 80 UvKv
80  610
 wZb Rb 610 UvKv †c‡j x cvq = 244
= 200 UvKv
Q: A trader dealing in pressure cookers reduced the price by 20% as a result of which his sale
went up by 80%. What is the net effect of his sales income?
a) 44% decrease b) 44% increase
c) 64% increase d) 66% increase ans. B
Solution: Abyev`t Dealing in Gi A_© n‡jv e¨emv Kiv| cÖkœ n‡”Q, GKRb Pressure cooker e¨emvqx Zvi c‡Y¨i `vg
20% Kgv‡jv| Gi d‡j Zvi weµq 80% †e‡o †Mj| GLb cÖkœ n‡jv G‡Z Zvi Net income G wK Effect nj?
awi, †m 100wU Pressure cooker weµq K‡i Ges cÖwZwU Cooker Gi `vg 100 UvKv
 Selling Price = 100  100 = 10,000 UvKv
GLb weµqg~j¨ 20% Kgv‡j Selling Price n‡e 80 UvKv|
Aciw`‡K weµq 80% †e‡o †Mj Selling Gi cwigvY †e‡o `uvov‡e = 100 + (100  100  100 = 180 wU
GLb Selling Price n‡e = 180  80 = 14,400 UvKv
14400 - 10000
AZGe, Net income effect = 10000
= 44%.
AB 80  (- 20)
Shortcut: A + B + 100 = 80 – 20 + 100
= 60 – 16 = 44%.
Q: A student first reduced a number by 20 percent and then increased it again by 20 percent.
If the difference between the two new numbers was 8, then what is the original number?
a) 40 b) 50
c) 75 d) 100 ans. B
Solution: Abyev` t cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q †h, GKRb QvÎ cÖ_‡g GKwU msL¨v‡K 20% Kgv‡jv Ges c‡i Zv‡K Avevi 20%
evov‡jv| `ywU msL¨vi cv_©K¨ 8 n‡j g~j msL¨vwU KZ?
awi, g~j msL¨vwU = x
20x x 5x - 4x 4x
msL¨vwU 20% Kgv‡j msL¨vwU nq = x – 100 = x – 5 = 5
= 5 .

A2Z Publication 63
4x 4x 20 24x
GLb GB msL¨vwU Avevi 20% evov‡j msL¨vwU nq = 5 +  5  100 = 25 .
24x 4x
cÖkœvbyhvqx, 25 – 5 = 8
24x - 20x
 25
 4x = 8  25
8  25
 x= 4
 x = 50.
Q: Novera bought a ticket to a cricket match for Tk. 25 and later sold the ticket to Nahid for Tk
75. What was the percent increase in the price of the ticket?
a) 50% b) 100%
c) 200% d) 300% ans. C
Solution: Abyev` t cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡q‡Q Novera GKwU Cricket match †`L‡Z 25 UvKv w`‡q GKwU Ticket wKbj Ges
c‡i Zv Nahid Gi Kv‡Q 75 UvKvq wewµ Kij| cÖkœ n‡jv Ticket Gi g~j¨ KZ evoj?
Ticket Gi g~‡j¨ evoj = 75 – 25 = 50 UvKv
 kZKiv ev‡o = 25  100 = 200%.

Q: The value of a machine is Tk. 6,250. Its value decreases by 10% during the first year, 20%
during second year and 30% during the third year. What will be the value of the machine
after 3 years?
a) 2650 b) 3050
c) 3150 d) 3750 ans. C
Solution: Abyev`t cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q †h, GKwU Machine Gi g~j¨ 6,250 UvKv| cÖ_g eQ‡i Gi g~j¨ 10%, c‡ii eQ‡i
20% Ges Zvi c‡ii eQi 30% K‡g| 3 eQi ci Machine wUi g~j¨ KZ n‡e?
cÖ_g eQi c‡i g~j¨ n‡e = 6250 – 6250 Gi 10% = 6250 – 6250  100 = 6250 – 625 = 5625 Tk.
wØZxq eQi c‡i g~j¨ n‡e = 5625 – 5625 Gi 20% = 5625 – 5625  100 = 5625 – 1125 = 4500 Tk.
Z…Zxq eQi c‡i g~j¨ n‡e = 4500 – 4500 Gi 30% = 4500 – 4500  100 = 4500 – 1350 = 3150 Tk.
Q: If 35% of a number is 175, then what percent of 175 is that number?
a) 35% b) 65%
c) 280% d) None of these ans. D
Solution: Abyev`t hw` GKwU msL¨vi 35% Gi gvb 175 nq, Zvn‡j H msL¨vwU 175 Gi KZ kZvsk n‡e?
awi, msL¨vwU n‡jv x Ges Required percentage n‡jv y %
cÖkœg‡Z, 35% of x = 175
 100  x = 175
175  100
 x= 35
= 500
Avevi, y % of 175 = 500
 y  100  175 = 500
500  100
 y= 175
= 285.714

A2Z Publication 64
Q: If 50% of x equals the sum of y and 20, then what is the value of x – 2y?
a) 20 b) 40
c) 60 d) 80 ans. B
Solution: 50% of x = y + 20
x 1
 2 = y + 20 [50% = 2 ]
 x – 2y = 40
Q: If x% of y is equal to z, what percent of z is x?
y2 y
a) 100 b) 1002
100 1002
c) y d) y ans. D
Solution: Abyev` t x% of y n‡jv z Gi mgvb| z Gi KZ kZvsk x Gi mgvb|
cÖ_g Ask n‡Z x  100  y = z
 100 = z ....................... (i) †`qv Av‡Q, z = x% of y
xy 100 z
wØZxq Ask n‡Z, awi wb‡Y©q Percent n‡jv p  z = 100 x= y
1 x
 p  100  z = x  wb‡Y©q kZvsk = y  100 %
 
1 xy 100z 1 1002
 p  100  100 = x [(i) n‡Z] =  y  z  100 % = y
 
 p= y .
Q: A number, when 35 is subtracted from it. Reduces to its 80 percent. What is four-fifth of that
a) 70 b) 90
c) 120 d) 140 ans. D
Solution: Abyev` t †Kvb msL¨v †_‡K 35 we‡qvM Ki‡j Zv msL¨vwUi 80 kZvsk nq| msL¨vwUi 5 Ask KZ?
awi, msL¨vwU 5x [5 Gi †¶‡Î n‡i 5 Av‡Q e‡j msL¨vwU 5x aiv n‡jv]
cÖkœg‡Z, 5x – 35 = 80% of 5x
 5x – 35 = 5 of 5x
 x = 35.
4 4
 msL¨vwUi 5 As‡k 5x Gi 5 = 4x = 4  35 = 140.
Q: What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have squares that end in the digit 1?
a) 1 b) 14
c) 20 d) 21 ans. C
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, 1 †_‡K 70 ch©š— msL¨v¸‡jvi g‡a¨ KZ kZvsk msL¨vi GK‡Ki A‡¼ 1 A_ev 9 Av‡Q?
1 †_‡K 70 ch©š— msL¨v¸‡jv‡Z 1 A_ev 9 Av‡Q Ggb msL¨v¸‡jv n‡jvt 1, 9, 11, 19, 21, 29, 31, 39, 41, 49, 51,
59, 61, 69 = 14 wU|
 wb‡Y©q kZKivi cwigvY = 70  100 % = 20%
 
Q: In a city, 40% of the people are illiterate and 60% are poor. Among the rich, 10% are
illiterate. What percentage of the poor population is illiterate?
a) 36% b) 40%
c) 60% d) None ans. A
A2Z Publication 65
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q †h, kn‡ii †gvU †jvKmsL¨vi 40% Awkw¶Z Ges 60% †jvK Mixe| abx‡`i g‡a¨ 10%
Awkw¶Z Mixe‡`i kZKiv cwigvY KZ?
GUv Box Gi AsK|
Rich Poor Total
Illiterate 40 Gi 10% = 4 40 – 4 = 36 40
Literate 60
Total 40 60 100
†bvUt 40 – 4 = 36 n‡”Q Illiterate poor people Gi kZKiv cwigvY KviY Avcbv‡K Total Population n‡Z
KZRb Awkw¶Z Mixe ZvB †ei Ki‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q| Poor Gi g‡a¨ KZRb Awkw¶Z Zv †ei Ki‡Z ejv nqwb|
Q: In an examination, 34% of the students failed in Mathematics and 42% failed in English. If
20% of the students failed in both the subjects, then the percentage of students who passed in
both the subjects was:
a) 44 b) 50
c) 54 d) 56 ans. A
Solution: 34% MwY‡Z, 42% Bs‡iRx‡Z, 20% Dfq wel‡q †dj Ki‡j Dfq wel‡q kZKiv KZ Rb cvm Kij
Common sense Gi mvnv‡h¨ wPš—v Ki“b| 100 Rb †_‡K hw` Dfq wel‡q cvm we‡qvM K‡ib Z‡e KZ Rb MwYZ,
Bs‡iRx Ges Dfq wel‡q †dj K‡i| Zvi msL¨v cv‡eb
 Dfq wel‡q †dj = 34 + 42 – 20 = 56%
 Dfq wel‡q cvm = (100 – 56)% = 44%.
Q: A number is decreased by 10% and then increased by 10%. The number so obtained is 10 less
than the original number. What was the original number?
a) 1000 b) 1050
c) 1500 d) 2000 ans. A
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, GKwU msL¨v cÖ_‡g 10% K‡g Ges Gici 10% ev‡o| G‡Z †h msL¨v cvIqv hvq Zv g~j
msL¨v †_‡K 10 Kg n‡j g~j msL¨v KZ?
awi, g~j msL¨v = 100x
10% Kg‡j `uvovq = 100x – 10% of 100x = 90x
 90x msL¨vwU 10% evo‡j bZzb msL¨v
= 90x + 10% of 90x = 99x
cÖkœg‡Z, 100x – 99x = 10  x = 10
 wb‡Y©q msL¨v 100x = 100  10 = 1,000
(GKB %)2
Super Shortcut: GKB % Kg‡j Ges evo‡j Net effect = – 100
 % Change = – 100 = – 1%
1% Gi gvb = 10
 100% Gi gvb = 10  100 = 1,000
Q: In a college, 45% of the students are boys. If 40% of the boys and 20% of the girls went on a
picnic, what percentage of the total students went to the picnic?
a) 18% b) 24% c) 29%
d) 30% e) None of these ans. C
Solution: Abyev` t GKwU K‡j‡R †gvU QvÎQvÎxi 45% evjK| hw` H K‡j‡Ri 40% evjK Ges 20% evwjKv wcKwb‡K
†h‡q _v‡K Zvn‡j †gvU QvÎQvÎxi kZKiv KZ Rb wcKwb‡K wM‡qwQj?
awi, K‡j‡R †gvU QvÎ QvÎxi msL¨v = 100 Rb
100 R‡bi g‡a¨ evj‡Ki msL¨v = 45 Rb
 evwjKvi msL¨v = (100 – 45) = 55 Rb
hviv wcKwb‡K wM‡qwQj Zv‡`i g‡a¨ evj‡Ki msL¨v = 45  40% = 18 Rb
A2Z Publication 66
Ges evwjKvi msL¨v = 55  20% = 11 Rb
 †gvU QvÎQvÎxi kZKiv (18 + 11) = 29 Rb wcKwb‡K wM‡qwQj
(Boys  Boys%) + (Girls  Girls%) (45  40) + (55  20)
Shortcut: Total
= 100
= 29.
Q: Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B is two-third of the sum
of 6% of A and 8% of B. What is the ratio of A and B?
a) 1 : 1 b) 2 : 3 c) 2 : 5
d) 4 : 3 e) None of these ans. D
Solution: Abyev` t cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡q‡Q A Ges B `ywU msL¨v| A Gi 5% Ges B Gi 4% †hvMd‡ji mgvb hw` A Gi 6%
Ges B Gi 8% nq Z‡e A Ges B Gi AbycvZ †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
†`qv Av‡Q, 5% of A + 4% of B = 3 (6% of A + 8% of B)
5A 4B 2 6A 8B
 100 + 100 = 3 100 + 100
 
5A + 4B 2 6A + 8B
 100
= 3  100
 3(5A + 4B) = 2(6A + 8B) [100 w`‡q ¸Y K‡i]
 15A + 12B = 12A + 16B
 3A = 4B
 A:B=4:3
Q: The number of passengers on Dhaka-Rangpur route increased by 30% when the fare was
reduced by 10%. What will be the percentage change in revenue?
a) + 3% b) – 3%
c) + 17% d) + 20% ans. C
Solution: awi, c~‡e© hvÎx msL¨v wQj 100 Rb Ges c~‡e© hvÎx cÖwZ fvov wQj 100 UvKv|
 Avq wQj (100 × 100) = 10000 UvKv|
 hvÎx 30% evov‡Z eZ©gvb hvÎx msL¨v (100 + 30) = 130 Rb
Ges fvov 10% Kgv‡Z eZ©gvb fvov (100 – 10) = 90 UvKv|
 eZ©gvb Avq (130 × 90) = 11700 UvKv| Shortcut:
 c~‡e©i †P‡q Avq ‡ekx nq (11700 – 10000) = 1700 UvKv| AB
Net % Change = A + B + 100
10000 UvKvq Avq †ekx nq = 1700 UvKv|
1700 × 100 30  (- 10)
 100 UvKvq Avq †ekx nq = = 17 UvKv| = 30 + (– 10) + 100
= 17%.
Q: What is 2x% of 50?
a) x b) x/25
c) 2x/50 d) None of these ans. A
Solution: 2x% of 50 = 100  50 = x.
Q: Mr. Ahsan is insured completely for Tk 50,000 of damages to his car. For any damage above
Tk 50,000, the insurance company will pay Tk 50,000 plus 20% of the rest of the damage
amount. For a recent accident, Mr. Ahsan was paid Tk 56,000 by the insurance company.
What was the total amount of the damage estimated?
a) Tk 30,000 b) Tk 280,000 c) Tk 104,000
d) Tk 80,000 e) Tk 86,000 ans. D
Solution: Abyev`t Avnmvb mv‡ne 50,000 UvKvi Car Insured K‡i‡Qb| hw` Gi †ewk ¶wZ nq Z‡e Insurance
†Kv¤úvwb 50,000 Gi AwZwi³ ¶wZi 20% cÖ`vb Ki‡e| †Kv¤úvwb †gvU 56,000 UvKv cÖ`vb K‡iwQj| †gvU KZ
¶wZ n‡qwQj?
A2Z Publication 67
cÖkœg‡Z 50,000 UvKvi AwZwi³ ¶wZc~iY cÖ`vb K‡iwQj = 56,000 – 50,000 = 6,000 UvKv
GLb, 20% ¶wZi mgg~j¨ = 6,000 UvKv
100  6000
 100 % ¶wZi mgg~j¨ = 20
= 30,000 UvKv
 †gvU ¶wZi cwigvY = (50,000 + 30,000) = 80,000 UvKv|
Q: Two outlets of a motor manufacturing company reported that revenue from outlet X in 2013
was down 11 percent from 2012 and revenue from outlet Y in 2013 were up 7 percent from
2012. If total revenue from outlet X & Y in 2013 was up 1 percent from 2012, what is the ratio
of revenue from outlet X in 2012 to revenue from outlet Y in 2012?
a) 1 : 2 b) 4 : 5 c) 1 : 1
d) 3 : 2 e) None of these ans. A
Shortcut Chart:
Revenue from outlet X Revenue from outlet Y Revenue from outlet ( X + Y)
2012 awi, 100x awi, 100y  100( x + y)
2013 100x – 11 % of 100x 100y + 7 % of 100y = 107y 100(x + y) + 1 % of 100(x + y)
= 89x = 101 (x + y)
cÖkœg‡Z, 89x + 107y = 101 (x + y)
 101x – 89x = 107y – 101y
 12x = 6y
 x:y=1:2
Q: The difference of two numbers is 20% of the larger number. If the smaller number is 20, then
the larger number is:
a) 25 b) 45
c) 50 d) 80 ans. A
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, `ywU msL¨v- GKwU ¶z`ªZi Avi Av‡iKwU e„nËi| msL¨v `ywUi cv_©K¨ n‡jv e„nËi msL¨vi
20%| ¶z`ªZi msL¨vwU 12 n‡j e„nËi msL¨vwU KZ?
awi, e„nËi msL¨vwU x
cÖkœg‡Z, x – 20 = 20% of x
 x – 20 = 100
 x – 20 = 5
 5x – 100 = x
 4x = 100
 x = 25
Q: A 6% stock yields 8%. The market value of the stock is:
a) Tk. 48 b) Tk. 75
c) Tk. 96 d) Tk. 133.33 ans. B
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡q‡Q †h, 6% stock Gi †kqvi 8% jf¨vsk w`‡j cÖwZwU †kqv‡ii evRvig~j¨ KZ?
8 UvKv Av‡qi Rb¨ wewb‡qvM Ki‡Z nq = 100 UvKv
100  6
 6 UvKv Av‡qi Rb¨ wewb‡qvM Ki‡Z nq = 8
= 75 UvKv
 100 UvKvi Stock Gi evRvi g~j¨ n‡e = 75.

A2Z Publication 68
Q: A man buys Tk. 50 shares in a company which pays 10% dividend. If the man gets 12.5% on
his investment, at what price did he buy the shares?
a) Tk. 37.50 b) Tk. 40
c) Tk. 48 d) Tk. 52 ans. B
Solution: 10% dividend rate G Tk. 50 Gi Total dividend = 10% of 50 = 5
awi, †jvKwU †gvU x UvKvi Shares wK‡bwQj
cÖkœg‡Z, Total dividend A_©vr Tk 5 is 12.5 % of x 1
Clue: 12.5 % = 8
 x = 40
Q: Rahim mowed 75% of his lawn in 1.25 hours. Mizan, who works twice as fast, then started the
remaining work and finished it. How many minutes did Mizan work?
a) 12.5 b) 15 c) 17.5
d) 20 e) None of these ans. A
Solution: Abyev`t iwng 1.25 hours G Zvi Lawn 75 kZvsk gB †`b| Gici wgRvb evwK KvR †kl Kij| wgRvb
hw` iwn‡gi †P‡q wظY MwZ‡Z KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i Z‡e cÖkœ n‡jv wgRvb KZ wgwbU KvRwU K‡iwQj?
GLv‡b, 1.25 NÈv = 1.25  60 = 75 wgwbU
†h‡nZz iwng 75 wgwb‡U †kl K‡i 75% KvR|
 Kv‡Ri evKx _v‡K = 100 – 75 = 25% KvR|
GLv‡b, Puzzling welqwU n‡jv KvR
iwng 75% KvR †kl K‡i = 75 wgwb‡U I mgq| ÔwgRvb wظY nv‡i KvR K‡iÕ
Gi A_© n‡jv GKwU KvR iwng Ki‡Z
iwng 1% KvR †kl K‡i = 75 wgwb‡U hZ mgq †bq, H KvRwU wgRvb Ki‡Z
75 Zvi A‡a©K mgq †bq|
iwng 25% KvR †kl K‡i = 75  25 = 25 wgwb‡U
cÖkœg‡Z, wgRv‡bi KvR Kivi MwZ iwn‡gi KvR Kivi MwZi wظY|
A_©vr GKB cwigvY KvR Ki‡Z wgRv‡bi mgq jvM‡e iwn‡gi Kv‡Ri A‡a©K|
 25% KvR Ki‡Z iwn‡gi 25 wgwbU jvM‡j wgRv‡bi jvM‡e = 25  2 = 12.5 wgwbU|
Shortcut m~Î : Kv‡Ri MwZ hZ¸Y evo‡e, KvR †kl Kivi cÖ‡qvRbxq mgq ZZ fvM Kg‡e|
Q: If the radius of a sphere is increased by 50%, by what percent will the volume of the sphere
the increased?
a) 50% b) 125% c) 150%
d) 200% e) None of these ans. E
Solution: GKwU †Mvj‡Ki e¨vmva© 50% evov‡bv nj| cÖkœ n‡jv Gi d‡j †MvjvKwUi AvqZb KZ evo‡e?
awi, Sphere Gi cyiv‡bv 50% e„wׇZ Sphere Gi bZzb
Volume †e‡o‡Q
Radius Volume Radius Volume
10 4 10 + 50% of 10 = 15 4 4
(10)3 3
(15)3 3
[(15)3 – (10)3]
[(15)3 – (10)3]
 Volume kZKiv Increased = 4
 100 = 237.5%
Q: Successive discount of 20% and 15% are equal to single discount of
a) 30% b) 32%
c) 34% d) 35% ans. B
Solution: Abyev` t cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, ch©vqµwgK 20% Ges 15%. Discount Gi Single discount KZ?

A2Z Publication 69
100 †K hw` Avgiv Base msL¨v awi
Zvn‡j 100  20% = 100  100 = 20
evwK _v‡K = 100 – 20 = 80
Avevi, 80  15% = 80  100 = 12
evwK _v‡K = 80 – 12 = 68
 Single discount = 100 – 68 = 32%.
AB (- 20)  (- 15)
Shortcut: A + B + 100 = (– 20) + (– 15) + = – 32%. [Discount Av‡Q e‡jB (–) aiv n‡q‡Q]
Q: What percentage of numbers from 1 to 80 has 0 or 5 in the unit’s digit?
a) 10% b) 14% c) 20%
d) 21% e) None of these ans. C
Solution: 1 †_‡K 80 ch©š— 5 unitary digit Ggb msL¨v (5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75) A_©vr †gvU 8 wU Ges 0
unitary digit Ggb msL¨v (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80) A_©vr †gvU 8 wU
 †gvU msL¨v = 8 + 8 = 16 wU
16  100
 Percentage = 80
= 20%

Q: If w is 10 percent less than x, and y is 30 percent less than z, then wy is what percent less than
a) 10% b) 20% c) 37%
d) 40% e) 100% ans. C
Solution: awi, x = 100  w = 90
Avevi awi, z = 100  y = 70
 zx = 10,000  wy = 6,300
 †gvU Kg n‡e = 3,700 [we‡qvM K‡i cvB]
3700  100
 kZKiv Kg n‡e = 10000
= 37

Q: A survey of n people in the town A found that 50% of them prefer Brand X. Another survey of
100 people in the town B found that 60% prefer Brand X. In total, 55% of all the people
surveyed together prefer Brand X. What is the total number of people surveyed?
a) 50 b) 100 c) 150
d) 200 e) 250 ans. D
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, GKwU Rwi‡c †`Lv hvq †h A kn‡ii n msL¨vK RbM‡bi g‡a¨ 50% Brand X cQ›` K‡i
Ges Ab¨ GKwU Rwi‡c †`Lv hvq B kn‡ii 100 msL¨vK RbM‡bi g‡a¨ 60% Brand X cQ›` K‡i| `ywU Rwi‡c
GK‡Î 55% RbMb Brand X cQ›` Ki‡j, †gvU KZRb †jvK Rwic Kiv nq?
hw` Total number of people in survey = x nq, Z‡e A = 100 – x
cÖkœg‡Z, (100 – x)  50% + (100  60%) = x  55%
 5000 – 50x + 6000 = 55x [me c¶ †_‡K % ev` w`‡q]
 11000 = 105x
 x = 200
Q: The price of a TV was first discounted by a certain percent and then by another 20 percent of
the discounted price. If these two discounts are equivalent to a single discount of 32 percent of
the original price, what was the first discount?
a) 10% b) 12.5% c) 15%
d) 26% e) None of these ans. C
A2Z Publication 70
Solution: Abyev`t GKwU TV’i g~j¨‡Z cÖ_‡g GKwU wbw`©ó cwigvY Qov w`‡q cybivq H Qv‡oi Dci 20% Qvo †`qv
n‡jv| GB `yB evi Qvo †`qvi ci †`Lv‡Mj †h, Avmj ev Original g~j¨ n‡Z 32% discount ev Qvov †`qv n‡q‡Q|
GLb cÖkœ n‡jv, cÖ_‡g KZ % Qvo †`qv n‡qwQj?
g‡b Kwi, Original price 100 UvKv Ges First discount x%
 cÖkœg‡Z, x + (100 – x)20% = 32
100 - x
 x+ 5
= 32
5x + 100 - x
 5
= 32
 4x + 100 = 160
 4x = 60
 x = 15
 First discount 15%.
Q: In a university, 80 percent of the students lived in hostel, and 60 percent of the hostel students
are lucky to get a single room. If number of lucky students is 1200, then how many students
were there in the university?
a) 1800 b) 2000
c) 2400 d) 2500 ans. D
Solution: Abyev` t GKwU University †Z 80% QvÎ Hostel G evm K‡i Ges 60% QvÎ Hostel Gi Single room G
_v‡K| Single room G _vKv Qv·`i msL¨v 1200 Rb n‡j, †gvU QvÎ-QvÎxi msL¨v KZ?
awi, †gvU QvÎ QvÎxi msL¨v = x Rb
80 4x
 Hostel G _v‡K = x Gi 80% = x 100 = 5 Rb
4x 4x 60 12x
 Single room G _v‡K = 5 Gi 60% = 5  100 = 25 Rb
cÖkœg‡Z, 25 = 1200
 x = 2500.
Q: At an election involving two candidates, 68 votes were declared invalid. The winning candidate
secures 52% and wins by 98 votes. The total numbers of votes polled is:
a) 2382 b) 2450
c) 2518 d) None of these ans. C
Abyev` t GKwU wbe©vP‡b 2 Rb Candidate wQj Zvi g‡a¨ 68wU Votes bó (Invalid) n‡qwQj| Winning
candidates †cj 52% †fvU Ges †gvU 98wU †fv‡Ui e¨eav‡b RqxB n‡j †gvU Vote Gi msL¨v KZ wQj?
Solution: awi, †gvU Vote Gi cwigvY wQj = x
 Valid vote nj = x – 68
†h‡nZz, Winning candidate †cj = 52% vote
 civwRZ Candidate †cj = (100 – 52) % = 48% vote
(x – 68)52 (x – 68)  48
cÖkœg‡Z, 100
– 100
= 98
 (x – 68)  52 – (x – 68)  48 = 9800
 52x – 68  52 – 48x + 68  48 = 9800
 4x = 9800 + (68  52) – (68  48)
 4x = 9800 + (68  4)

A2Z Publication 71
 4x = 9800 + 272
 4x = 10072
 x = 2518.
 †gvU Vote wQj 2518 wU|
Shortcut: Rqx Candidate 52% †fvU †c‡q‡Q e‡j civwRZ Candidate cv‡e = (100 – 52)% = 48% †fvU
 e¨eavb (52 – 48)% = 4% †fvU †hUv msL¨vq 98 †fvU|
98  100
 100% †fvU †hUv msL¨vq = 4
= 2450 †fvU|
†h‡nZz 68wU †fvU bó n‡qwQj ZvB †gvU †fv‡Ui msL¨v = 2450 + 68 = 2518.
Q: 50 is divided into two parts such that the sum their reciprocals is 12 . Fine the two parts.
a) 30 and 20 b) 30 and 25
c) 30 and 40 d) 30 and 35 ans. A
Solution: awi, cÖ_g Part = x,
 Ab¨ Part = 50 – x
1 1 1
cÖkœg‡Z, x + 50 - x = 12
 (x – 20) (x – 30) = 0
 x = 30 and 20.
Q: It is estimated that cost of living will increase by 8.50 percent per year. How much should a
piece of candy cost in three years if it costs Tk. 1.50 today?
a) Tk 1.75 b) Tk 1.635
c) Tk l.37 d) Tk 1.915 ans. D
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡q‡Q, cÖwZ eQ‡i Cost of living Gi e„w×i nvi 8.50%. Avcbv‡K 1.50 UvKv 3 eQ‡i †e‡o †gvU
KZ UvKv n‡e Zv †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
GLv‡b, Avmj, p = 1.50 UvKv; e„w×i nvi r = 8.50%.
me„w×g~j, C = p(1 + r)n m~‡Î gvb¸‡jv ewm‡q cvB
C = 1.501 + 100  = 1.50 (1 + 0.085)3 = 1.50 (1.085)3 = 1.50  1.27 = 1.915
 
Q: 0.01 is what percent of 0.1?
1 1
a) 100 b) 10
c) 10 d) 100 ans. C
0.01 001
Shortcut: 0.1  100% = 010  100% = 10%

Q: If the price of onion is decreased by 60%, find by how much percent a man must increase his
consumption of onion so that the expenditure on onion remains same?
a) 60% b) 66%
c) 100% d) 150% ans. D
Solution: Abyev`t †cuqv‡Ri g~j¨ 60% Kgvq GKRb e¨w³ †cuqv‡Ri e¨envi KZUzKz evov‡j Zvi †cuqv‡Ri Dci †gvU
LiP AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e?
% Price decrease
m~Ît Increase in consumption = 100 - % Price decrease × 100
60  100
 So Increase in consumption = 100 - 60 = 150%
A2Z Publication 72
exRMvwYwZK m~Îvewj I Gi cÖ‡qvM
1.01 `ywU ivwki e‡M©i Aš—i
eM©-Gi cÖ‡qvRbxq m~Îvejxt
01. (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a – b)2 + 4ab 06. 4ab = (a + b)2 – (a – b)2
02. (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2 – 4ab a + b
a - b

07. ab =  2 – 2
   
2 2 2 2
03. a + b = (a + b) – 2ab = (a – b) + 2ab 08. (a + b + c) = a + b + c2 + 2(ab + bc + ca)
2 2 2

A_ev, a2 + b2 + c2 = (a + b + c)2 – 2(ab + bc + ca)

A_ev, 2(ab + bc + ca) = (a + b + c)2 – (a2 + b2 + c2)
04. 2(a2 + b2) = (a + b)2 + (a – b)2 09. (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab
2 2
05. a – b = (a + b) (a – b)
Q. Express (a + 2b)(3a + 2c) as the difference of two squares.
Solution: awi, a + 2b = x Ges 3a + 2c = y
4xy = (x + y)2 – (x – y)2
1 x + y2 x – y2
 xy = 4 {(x + y)2 – (x – y)2} =  2 – 2
   
(a + 2b) + (3a + 2c)2 (a + 2b) – (3a – 2c)2 4a + 4b2 – 2a + 2b – 2c2
 (a + 2b)(3a + 2c) = 
 2  – 2  = 2  – 2 
= (2a + 2b)2 – (– a + b – c)2 = (2a + 2b)2 – {– 1(a – b + c)2} = (2a + 2b)2 – (a – b + c)2 (answer)
Q. Express x2 + 10x + 24 as the difference of two squares.
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, x2 + 10x + 24
= x2 + 4x + 6x + 24
= x(x + 4) + 6(x + 4)
= (x + 4) (x + 6)
awi, x + 4 = a Ges x + 6 = b
cÖ`Ë ivwk, (x + 4) (x + 6)
1 1 a + b2 a – b2
= ab = 4  4ab = 4  {(a + b)2 – (a – b)2} =  2 – 2
   
(x + 4) + (x + 6)2 (x + 4) – (x + 6)2 2x + 102 – 22
= 2 2 2
 2  – 2  =  2  –  2  = (x + 5) – 1 = (x + 5) – 1 (ans)
Q. (6a + 9b) (7b – 8a) ivwk `ywU e‡M©i Aš—i KZ?
a) (8b + a)2 – (b – 7a)2 b) (8b – a)2 – (b + 7a)2
c) (8b – a)2 + ( b + 7a)2 d) (8b + a)2 + (b – 7a)2 ans. B
Solution: (6a + 9b) (7b – 8a)
2 2
= 6a + 9b + 7b - 8a – 6a + 9b - 7b + 8a
 2   2 
2 2 2 2
= - 2a + 16b – 14a + 2b = 2(8b - a) – 2(b + 7a)
 2   2   2   2 
= (8b – a)2 – (b + 7a)2
Q. xy †K `ywU e‡M©i Aš—iiƒ‡c cÖKvk Ki‡j cvIqv hv‡e
(x + y)2 (x – y)2 x + y2 x – y2
a) xy = – 2 b) xy =  2 – 2
2    
2 2 (x – y)2 (x + y)2
c) xy = (x + y) – (x – y) d) xy = 2 – 2 ans. B

A2Z Publication 73
Q. `yBwU ivwki e‡M©i Aš—ii~‡c cÖKvk Ki“bt (3x + 5y) (7x – 5y)
2 2 2 2
3x + 5y + 7x - 5y 3x + 5y - 7x + 5y 10x 10y - 4x
Solution: (3x + 5y) (7x – 5y) =  2 2
 2  – 2  =  2  –  2  = (5x) – (5y – 2x)
ans. (5x)2 – (5y – 2x)2
Q. `ywU msL¨vi e‡M©i mgwó 13 Ges ¸Ydj 6 n‡j msL¨v `ywUi e‡M©i Aš—idj KZ?
a) 4 b) 5
c) 7 d) 6 ans. B
Solution: kZ©g‡Z, x2 + y2 = 13 Ges xy = 6
(x  y)2 = x2 + y2  2xy = 13  2  6 = 13  12 = 1
 xy=1
 x + y = (x - y)2 + 4  xy = 12 + 4  6 = 1 + 24 = 25 = 5
 x2 – y2 = (x + y) (x – y)  5  1 = 5

1.02 †hvMdj c~Y©eM©

Q. k Gi †Kvb gv‡bi Rb¨ 4x2 – kxy + 25y2 ivwkwU c~Y©eM© n‡e?
a) 10 b) 5
c) 15 d) 20 ans. D
Solution: cÖ`Ë ivwk = 4x2 – kxy + 25y2 = (2x)2 + (5y)2 – kxy = (2x)2 + (5y)2 – 2  2x  5y20
 
awi, 20 = 1 n‡j,
cÖ`Ë ivwk, (2x)2 + (5y)2 – 2  2x  5y = (2x – 5y)2 hv c~Y©eM©|
GLv‡b, k = 20 n‡j kxy = 2  2x  5y wn‡m‡e †jLv hvq
ZvB k = 20 n‡j ivwkwU c~Y©eM© n‡e|
Q. p Gi gvb KZ n‡j 4x2 – px + 9 msL¨vwU c~Y©eM© n‡e?
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, 4x2 – px + 9 = (2x)2 – px + 3 2 = (2x)2 – 2  2x  3 + 32 = (2x)2 – 12x + 32 = (2x – 3)2
A_©vr p = 2  2  3 = 12 n‡j, 4x2 – px + 9 ivwkwU c~Y©eM© n‡e|
Q. 16x2 + px + 25 ivwkwU c~Y©eM© n‡Z n‡j p Gi gvb KZ n‡e?
a) 20 b) 10
c) 40 d) 15 ans. C
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, 16x2 + px + 25
= (4x)2 + 2  4x  5 + 52 = (4x + 5)2
A_©vr p = 2  4  5 = 40 n‡j ivwkwU c~Y©eM© n‡e|
Q. 16x2 + 16x + 2 Gi mv‡_ b~b¨Zg KZ †hvM Ki‡j GwU GKwU c~Y©eM© msL¨v n‡e?
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, 16x2 + 16x + 2
= (4x)2 + 2  4x  2 + 22 – 2 = (4x + 2)2 – 2
A_©vr ivwkwUi mv‡_ 2 †hvM Ki‡j Zv GKwU c~Y©eM© n‡e|
Q. x2 – 8x – 8y + 16 + y2 Gi mv‡_ b~b¨Zg KZ †hvM Ki‡j GwU GKwU c~Y©eM© msL¨v n‡e?
a) 4xy b) 2xy
c) 6xy d) 8xy ans. B
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, x2 – 8x – 8y + 16 + y2
= x2 + y2 + (– 4)2 + 2  x  y + 2  y (– 4) + 2 (– 4)x – 2xy
= x2 + y2 + (– 4)2 + 2xy – 8y – 8x – 2xy
= (x + y – 4)2 – 2xy
 c~Y©eM© Ki‡Z n‡j 2xy †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e|
A2Z Publication 74
Q. 4a2 + 9b2 ivwkwUi mv‡_ KZ †hvM Ki‡j †hvMdj c~Y©eM© n‡e?
a) 6ab b) 12ab
c) 18ab d) 24ab ans. B
2 2 2 2 2
Solution: (2a) + (3b) = (2a) + (3b) + 2  2a  3b – 2  2a  3b = (2a + 3b) – 12ab.
A_©vr 12ab †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e|
Q. x c~Y© msL¨v n‡j 16x2 + 16x + 2 Gi mv‡_ b~b¨Zg KZ †hvM Ki‡j GwU GKwU c~Y©eM© msL¨v n‡e?
a) 2 b) 1
c) 4 d) 3 ans. A
2 2 2 2
Solution: 16x + 16x + 2 = (4x) + 2  4x  2 + 2 – 2 = (4x + 2) – 2
 2 †hvM Ki‡j †hvMdj c~Y©eM© n‡e|
Q. 9c2 + 14c Gi m‡½ KZ †hvM Ki‡j †hvMdj GKwU c~Y©eM© n‡e?
49 14
a) 9 b) 9
c) 7 d) 3 ans. A
2 2
7 7 49 7 49
Solution: 9c2 + 14c = (3c)2 + 2  3c  3 + 3 – 9 = 3c + 3 – 9
  
 9
†hvM Ki‡j †hvMdj c~Y©eM© n‡e|
Q. a Gi gvb KZ n‡j 9 – 12x + ax2 GKwU c~Y©eM© ivwk n‡e?
a) 8 b) 6
c) 1 d) 4 ans. D
2 2 2
Solution: 9 – 12x + ax = 3 – 2  3  2x + ax
 ivwkgvjv n‡Z ¯úó ax2 = (2x)2 n‡j ivwkwU c~Y©eM© n‡e|
ev, ax2 = 4x2 n‡j ivwkwU c~Y©eM© n‡e|
 a = 4 n‡j ivwkwU c~Y©eM© n‡e|
Q. 9x2 + 16y2 Gi mv‡_ KZ †hvM Ki‡j †hvMdj c~Y©eM© ivwk n‡e?
a) 6xy b) 12xy
c) 24xy d) 144xy ans. C
Solution: g‡b Kwi, a †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e
9x2 + 16y2 + a
GLb cÖ`Ë ivwkgvjv 9x2 + 16y2 = (3x)2 + (4y)2 + 2  3x  4y – 24xy
 (3x + 4y)2 – 24xy
 a = 24xy

1.3 wZbwU ivwki e‡M©i m~‡Îi cÖ‡qvM

2 2 2 2
01. (a + b + c) = a + b + c + 2(ab + bc + ca)
02. a2 + b2 + c2 = (a + b + c)2 – 2(ab + bc + ca)
03. 2(ab + bc + ca) = (a + b + c)2 – (a2 + b2 + c2)
Q. a + b + c = 15 Ges a2 + b2 + c2 = 83 n‡j ab + bc + ca = KZ?
a) 70 b) 68
c) 72 d) 71 ans. D

A2Z Publication 75
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, a + b + c = 15 Ges a2 + b2 + c2 = 83
Avgiv Rvwb, a2 + b2 + c2 = (a + b + c)2 – 2(ab + bc + ca)
(a + b + c)2 - (a2 + b2 + c2) (15)2 - 83 225 - 83
 ab + bc + ca = 2
= 2
= 2
= 71
Q. a + b + c = 9 Ges a2 + b2 + c2 = 29 n‡j ab + bc + ca = KZ?
a) 52 b) 46
c) 26 d) 22 ans. C
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, a + b + c = 9 Ges a2 + b2 + c2 = 29
Avgiv Rvwb, a2 + b2 + c2 = (a + b + c)2 – 2(ab + bc + ca)
(a + b + c)2 - (a2 + b2 + c2) 92 - 29 81 - 29
 ab + bc + ca = 2
= 2 = 2 = 26
Q. If a + b + c = 6 Ges a2 + b2 + c2 = 14, n‡j (a – b)2 + (b – c)2 + (c – a)2 Gi gvb KZ?
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, a + b + c = 6 Ges a2 + b2 + c2 = 14
Avgiv Rvwb, (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2(ab + bc + ca)
(a + b + c)2 - (a2 + b2 + c2)
 ab + bc + ca = 2
62 - 14 36 - 14
 ab + bc + ca = 2 = 2 = 11
cÖ`Ë ivwkgvjv, (a – b)2 + (b – c)2 + (c – a)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2 + b2 – 2bc + c2 + c2 – 2ca + a2
= 2(a2 + b2 + c2) – 2(ab + bc + ca)
= (2  14) – (2  11)
= 28 – 22 = 6

1.04 Nb Gi m~‡Îi cÖ‡qvM

Formula – 1: a3 + b3 = (a + b)3 – 3ab(a + b) = (a + b) (a2 – ab + b2)
Formula – 2: a3 – b3 = (a – b)3 + 3ab(a – b) = (a – b) (a2 + ab + b2)
Formula – 3: (a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3
Formula – 4: (a – b)3 = a3 – 3a2b + 3ab2 – b3
Formula – 5: a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc = (a + b + c) (a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ca)
Q. a + b + c = 0 n‡j a3 + b3 + c3 Gi gvb KZ?
a) abc b) 3abc
c) 6abc d) 9abc ans. B
Solution: a3 + b3 + c3
= a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc + 3abc
= (a + b + c) (a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ca) + 3abc
= 0  (a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ca) + 3abc
= 3abc.
Q. a + b = c n‡j †`LvI †h, a3 + b3 + 3abc = c3
Solution: †`Iqv Av‡Q, a + b = c
 (a + b)3 = c3 [Dfq c¶‡K Nb K‡i]
 a3 + b3 + 3ab(a + b)= c3
 a3 + b3 + 3abc = c3 [a + b = c ewm‡q]
3 3 3
 a + b + 3abc = c (Showed)
Q. a + b = 5 Ges ab = 6 n‡j a3 + b3 Gi gvb KZ?
a) 30 b) 35
c) 40 d) 45 ans. B
A2Z Publication 76
Solution: a3 + b3 = (a + b)3 – 3ab(a + b)
= 53 – 3  6  5
= 125 – 90 = 35
1 1
Q. a + a = 3 n‡j a3 + a3 =?
a) 16 b) 18
c) 20 d) 24 ans. B
1 1 1 1
Solution: a3 + a3 = a + a – 3  a  a a + a
   
= (3) – 3  3
= 27 – 9 = 18
Q. x + y = 2, x2 + y2 = 4 n‡j x3 + y3 = KZ?
a) 8 b) 9
c) 16 d) 25 ans. A
Shortcut: x3 + y3 = (x + y) (x2 – 2xy + y2)
= (x + y) [(x2 + y2) – xy]
†h‡nZz x + y Ges (x2 + y2) Gi gvb †`qv Av‡Q| Avcbv‡K x y Gi gvb †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
(x + y)2 = x2 +2xy + y2
 (x + y)2 = (x2 + y2) + 2xy
 (2)2 = 4 + 2xy
 4 = 4 + 2xy
 xy = 0
 x3 + y3 = (x + y) [(x2 + y2) – xy]
= (2)  (4 – 0) = 2  4 = 8
1 1
Q. x + x = 5 n‡j x3 + x3 = KZ?
a) 0 b) 3 5
c) 5 d) 2 5 ans. D
1 1 3 1 1
Solution: x + x3 = x + x  – 3  x  x x + x 
   
= ( 5) – 3  5 = 5 5 – 3 5 = 2 5
Q. x + y = 2 Ges x2 + y2 = 4 n‡j, x3 + y3 Gi gvb KZ?
a) 2 b) 14
c) 8 d) 0 ans. C
Solution: x2 + y2 = 4
 (x + y)2 – 2xy = 4
 (2)2 – 4 = 2xy
 0 = 2xy
 xy = 0
x3 + y3 = (x + y)3 – 3xy(x + y) = (2)3 – 3  0  2 = 8 – 0 = 8
Alternative: x + y = 2
 (x + y)2 = 22
 x2 + y2 + 2xy = 4
 4 + 2xy = 4
 2xy = 0
 xy = 0
GLb, x3 + y3 = (x + y)3  3xy (x + y) = 23  3  0  2 = 8
A2Z Publication 77
1 1
Q. x – x = 1 n‡j x3 – x 3 Gi gvb KZ?
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4 ans. D
1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1
Solution: x – x 3 = x - x + 3  x  x x - x  = x - x + 3  x - x
       
= 1 3 + (3  1) = 1 + 3 = 4
a6 - 1
Q. a = 6 + 5 n‡j, a3 Gi gvb wbY©q KZ?
a) 45 5 b) 47 6
c) 46 5 d) 43 5 ans. C
Solution: a = 6 + 5
1 1 6- 5
 a = = = 6– 5
6 + 5 ( 6 + 5) ( 6 - 5)
 a–a =2 5
a6 - 1 a6 1 1 1 3 1 1
GLb, a3 = a3 – a3 = a3 – a3 = a - a + 3  a  a a - a
= (2 5) + 3  2 5 = 40 5 + 6 5 = 46 5
1 1
Q. x – x = 7 n‡j x3 – x 3 Gi gvb KZ?
a) 334 b) 322
c) 364 d) 354 ans. C
1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1
Solution: x – x 3 = x - x + 3  x  x x - x  = x - x + 3  x - x
       
= (7)3 + 3  7 = 343 + 21 = 364
Q. hw` a3 – b3 = 513 Ges a – b = 3 nq Z‡e ab Gi gvb KZ?
a) 54 b) 35
c) 45 d) 55 ans. A
Solution: a3 – b3 = (a – b)3 + 3ab(a – b)
 513 = 33 + 3ab  3
 9ab = 513 – 27
 9ab = 486
 ab = 9 = 54
Q. (a + b) = 4 n‡j (a + b)3 = KZ?
a) 3 b) 9
c) 64 d) 72 ans. C
Solution: (a + b) = 4
 (a + b)3 = (4)3
 (a + b)3 = 64
Q. (a + b)3 = KZ?
a) a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3 b) (a + b)3 + 3ab(a + b)
c) (a + b)3 – 3ab(a + b) d) (a + b) (a2 + ab + b2) ans. A
Solution: (a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3
1 1
Q. hw` a + a = 3 nq, Z‡e a 3 + a 3 Gi gvb KZ?
 
a) 0 b) 3
c) 4 d) 27 ans. A
A2Z Publication 78
Solution: †`qv AvQ, a + a = 3
 
 a + a= 3
 
 a + 1 = ( 3)3 [Nb K‡i]
 a
1 1 1
 a3 + a 3 + 3  a2  a + 3  a  a 2 = 3 3
1 1
 a3 + a 3 + 3a + 3  a = 3 3
1 1
 a3 + a 3 + 3a + a = 3 3
 
1 1
 a + a3 + 3  3 = 3 3 [ a + a = 3 ]
 
 a3 + a 3 = 3 3 – 3 3
 a3 + a 3 = 0
Q. a = y + z – x, b = z + x – y, c = x + y – z n‡j, †`Lvb †h, a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc = 4(x3 + y3 + z3 – 3xyz)
Solution: a = y + z – x ...... (i)
b = z + x – y ............... (ii)
c = x + y – z ............... (iii)
(i) + (ii) + (iii) bs †hvM K‡i cvB,
 a+b+c=x+y+z
GLb, (i) †_‡K (ii) bs we‡qvM K‡i cvB,
a – b = y + z – x – z – x + y = 2(y – x)
 a – b = 2(y – x)
Avevi, (ii) †_‡K (iii) bs we‡qvM K‡i cvB,
b – c = z + x – y – x – y + z = 2(z – x)
 b – c = 2(z – x)
(iii) bs †_‡K (i) bs we‡qvM K‡i cvB,
c – a = x + y – z – y – z + x = 2(x – z)
 c – a = 2(x – z)
GLb, evgc¶ = a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc
= (a + b + c) (a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ca)
= 2 (a + b + c) (2a2 + 2b2 + 2c2 – 2ab – 2bc – 2ca)
= 2 (a + b + c) {(a – b)2 + (b – c)2 + (c – a)2}
= 2 (x + y +z) {4(y – x)2 + 4(z – y)2 + 4(x – z)2} [gvb ewm‡q]
= 2  4 (x + y + z) {y – x)2 + (z – y)2 + (x – z)2}
= 2  2  4(x + y + z) (x2 + y2 + z2 – xy – yz – zx)
= 4(x3 + y3 + z3 – 3xyz) = Wvbc¶
 evgc¶ = Wvbc¶ (†`Lv‡bv n‡jv)

A2Z Publication 79
Drcv`‡K we‡k­lY (Factorization)
2 2
a – b = (a + b)(a – b) a + b = (a + b)(a2 – ab + b2)
3 3
a3 – b3 = (a – b)(a2 + ab + b2)

2.01 ga¨c`x c‡`i we‡k­lY

3 2
Q. a – a – 10a – 8 Gi Drcv`K †KvbwU?
a) a + 1 b) a – 1
c) a – 2 d) a + 4 ans. A
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, a3 – a2 – 10a – 8
= a3 + a2 – 2a2 – 10a – 8
= a2(a + 1) – 2a2 – 2a – 8a – 8
= a2(a + 1) – 2a(a + 1) – 8(a + 1)
= (a + 1) (a2 – 2a – 8)
Q. Drcv`‡K we‡k­lY Ki“bt x3 – 21x + 20
Solution: x3 – 21x + 20
= x3 – x2 + x2 – x – 20x + 20
= x2(x – 1) + x(x – 1) – 20(x – 1)
= (x – 1) (x2 + x – 20)
= (x – 1) (x2 + 5x – 4x – 20)
= (x – 1) {x(x + 5) – 4(x + 5)}
= (x – 1) (x + 5) (x – 4)
Q. x3 – x2 – 12x = 0 Gi g~j KZ?
a) 0, 3, 4 b) 0, 3, – 4
c) 0, – 3, 4 d) 0, – 3, – 4 ans. C
Solution: x3 – x2 – 12x = 0
 x(x2 – x – 12) = 0
 x(x2 + 3x – 4x – 12) = 0
 x{x(x + 3) – 4(x + 3)} = 0
 x(x + 3) (x – 4) = 0
 x = 0, – 3, 4
Q. Which one is the factor of a3 – a2 – 10a – 8?
a) a + 1 b) a – 1
c) a – 2 d) a + 4 ans. A
Solution: f(a) = a3 – a2 – 10a – 8
= a3 + a2 – 2a2 – 10a – 8
= a2(a + 1) – 2a2 – 2a – 8a – 8
= a2(a + 1) – 2a(a + 1) – 8(a + 1)
= (a + 1) (a2 – 2a – 8)
Q. Factorize: x3 – 21x + 20
Solution: x3 – 21x + 20
= x3 – x2 + x2 – x – 20x + 20
= x2(x – 1) + x(x – 1) – 20(x – 1)
= (x – 1) (x2 + x – 20)
= (x – 1) (x2 + 5x – 4x – 20)

A2Z Publication 80
= (x – 1) {x(x + 5) – 4(x + 5)}
= (x – 1) (x + 5) (x – 4)
Q. x2 – 10xy – 11y2 Gi Drcv`K
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, x2 – 10xy – 11y2
= x2 – 11xy + xy – 11y2
= x(x – 11y) + y(x – 11y)
= (x – 11y) (x + y)
Q. 4x2 + 5x – 6 Gi Drcv`K
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, 4x2 + 5x – 6
= 4x2 + 8x – 3x – 6
= 4x(x + 2) – 3(x + 2)
= (x + 2) (4x – 3)
Q. 2x2 – x – 3 Gi Drcv`K
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, 2x2 – x – 3
= 2x2 + 2x – 3x – 3
= 2x(x + 1) – 3(x + 1)
= (x + 1) (2x – 3)
Q. 2x2 – xy – 6y2 Gi Drcv`K
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, 2x2 – xy – 6y2
= 2x2 – 4xy + 3xy – 6y2
= 2x(x – 2y) + 3y(x – 2y)
= (x – 2y) (2x + 3y)
Q. 12x2 + 7x – 10 Gi Drcv`K
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, 12x2 + 7x – 10
= 12x2 + 15x – 8x – 10
= 3x(4x + 5) – 2(4x + 5)
= (4x + 5) (3x – 2)
Q. 3x3 + 2x2 – 21x – 20 ivwkwUi GKwU Drcv`K n‡”Q
a) x + 2 b) x – 2
c) x + 1 d) x – 1 ans. C
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, 3x3 + 2x2 – 21x – 20
= 3x3 + 3x2 – x2 – x – 20x – 20
= 3x2(x + 1) – x(x + 1) – 20(x + 1)
= (x + 1) (3x2 – x – 20)
Q. x3 – 6x2 + 11x – 6 Gi Drcv`K
a) (x + 1) (x – 2) (x – 3) b) (x – 1) (x – 2) (x + 3)
c) (x – 1) (x + 2) (x – 3) d) (x – 1) (x – 2) (x – 3) ans. D
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, x3 – 6x2 + 11x – 6
= x3 – x2 – 5x2 + 5x + 6x – 6
= x2(x – 1) – 5x(x – 1) + 6(x – 1)
= (x – 1) (x2 – 5x + 6)
= (x – 1) (x2 – 3x – 2x + 6)
= (x – 1) {x(x – 3) – 2(x – 3)}
= (x – 1) (x – 2) (x – 3)}
A2Z Publication 81
Q. 4x4 – 25x2 + 36 Drcv`‡K wbY©q Ki“bt
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, 4x4 – 25x2 + 36
= 4x4 – 16x2 – 9x2 + 36
= 4x2(x2 – 4) – 9(x2 – 4)
= (x2 – 4) (4x2 – 9)
= (x2 – 4) {(2x)2 – 32}
= (x + 2)(x – 2)(2x + 3)(2x – 3)
Q. 9x2 + 18x – 40 ivwk‡K Drcv`‡K we‡k­lY Ki‡j, Drcv`K n‡e
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, 9x2 + 18x – 40
= 9x2 + 30x – 12x – 40
= 3x(3x + 10) – 4(3x + 10)
= (3x + 10) (3x – 4)
Q. a3 – 21a – 20 Gi GKwU DrcvK n‡”Q
a) (a + 2) b) (a + 1)
c) (a – 1) d) (a – 2) ans. B
Solution: a3 – 21a – 20
= a3 + a2 – a2 – a – 20a – 20
= a2(a + 1) – a(a + 1) – 20(a + 1)
= (a + 1) (a2 – a – 20)
= (a + 1) (a2 – 5a + 4a – 20)
= (a + 1) {(a(a – 5) + 4(a – 5)}
= (a + 1) (a – 5) (a + 4)
Q. x3 – x – 6 Gi Drcv`‡K we‡k­wlZ iƒc †KvbwU?
a) (x + 2) (x2 + 2x + 3) b) (x – 2) (x2 + 2x + 3)
c) (x – 2) (x2 – 2x + 3) d) (x + 2) (x2 – 2x + 3) ans. B
Solution: x3 – x – 6
= x3 – 2x2 + 2x2 – 4x + 3x – 6
= x2(x – 2) + 2x(x – 2) + 3(x – 2)
= (x – 2) (x2 + 2x + 3)
Q. x3 – 7x – 6 Gi Drcv`K KZ?
Solution: x3 – 7x – 6
= x3 – x2 + x2 – x – 6x – 6
= x2(x – 1) + x(x – 1) – 6(x – 1)
= (x – 1) (x2 + x – 6)
= (x – 1) (x2 + 3x – 2x – 6)
= (x – 1) {x(x + 3) – 2(x + 3)}
= (x – 1) (x + 3) (x – 2)

2.02 dvsk‡bi Drcv`K

Q. f(x) = x – 5x + 6, n‡j, f(x) Gi Drcv`K †KvbwU?
a) x + 2 b) x – 2
c) x + 3 d) x + 5 ans. B
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, f(x) = x2 – 5x + 6
= x2 – 2x – 3x + 6
= x(x – 2) – 3(x – 2)
= (x – 2) (x – 3)
A2Z Publication 82
Q. f(x) = x2 – 4x + 4 n‡j f(2) Gi gvb KZ?
a) 0 b) 1
c) 2 d) 4 ans. A
Solution: f(x) = x2 – 4x + 4 = x2 – 2  x  2 + 22 = (x – 2)2
 f(2) = (2 – 2)2 = 0
Q. f(x) = x3 + 27 n‡j f(– 3) + f(3) Gi gvb KZ?
a) 0 b) 27
c) 30 d) 54 ans. D
Solution: f(x) = x3 + 27
 f(– 3) = (– 3)3 + 27 = – 27 + 27 = 0
 f(3) = 33 + 27 = 27 + 27 = 54
 f(– 3) + f(3) = 0 + 54 = 54
Q. f(x) = 54x4 + 27x3a – 16x – 8a Ges f– 2a = 0, n‡j f(x) Gi Drcv`K †KvbwU?
 
a) 2x – a b) x + a
c) 2x + a d) x + 2a ans. C
1 1
Solution: f– 2a = 0 n‡j, GKwU g~j x = – 2a
 
 2x = – a
 2x + a = 0
 (2x + a) n‡jv GKwU Drcv`K|
Q. f(x) = x3 + 2x2 – 5x – 6 n‡j f(x) Gi Drcv`K †KvbwU?
a) x + 1 b) x – 1
c) x2 + 1 d) x ans. A
3 2
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, f(x) = x + 2x – 5x – 6
Ackb †PK K‡i cvB,
 Ackb a) †Z Av‡Q x + 1 = 0 ev, x = – 1
f(– 1) = (– 1)3 + 2  (– 1)2 – 5(– 1) – 6 = – 1 + 2 + 5 – 6 = 0
 f(– 1) = 0
ZvB, (x + 1) n‡jv GKwU Drcv`K|
Q. f(x) = x3 – x – k Ges f(2) = 0, n‡j k Gi gvb KZ?
a) – 6 b) 6
c) 8 d) 16 ans. B
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, f(x) = x – x – k
 f(2) = 23 – 2 – k = 0
 8–2–k=0
 –k=–8+2
 k=6
Q. x3 – x – 6 Gi GKwU Drcv`K (x – 2) n‡j Z‡e Aci Drcv`KwU KZ?
a) x2 + 2x + 3 b) x2 + x + 3
c) x + 2x d) x2 + x + 6 ans. A
Solution: cÖ`Ë ivwk, x – x – 6
= x3 – 2x2 + 2x2 – x – 6
= x3 – 2x2 + 2x2 – 4x + 3x – 6
A2Z Publication 83
= x2(x – 2) + 2x(x – 2) + 3x – 6
= x2(x – 2) + 2x(x – 2) + 3(x – 2)
= (x – 2) (x2 + 2x + 3)
Q. f(x) = x3 – 7xy2 + 6y3 n‡j f(– y) Gi gvb KZ?
a) x b) y
c) 0 d) 1 ans. C
3 2 3
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, f(x) = x – 7xy + 6y
 f(– y) = (– y)3 – 7(– y)y2 + 6(– y)3 = – y3 + 7y3 – 6y3 = 7y3 – 7y3 = 0
Q. eûc`x mgxKiY x3 – ax2 – 9x – 5 Gi GKwU Drcv`K (x – 5) n‡j a =?
a) 3 b) – 3
c) – 5 d) – 9 ans. A
3 2
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, f(x) = x – ax – 9x – 5
 x–5=0
 x=5
f(5) = 0
 53 – a(52) – 9 (5) – 5 = 0
 125 – 25a – 45 – 5 = 0
 75 – 25a = 0
 a=3
Q. p(x) = x4 – 5x3 + 7x2 – a GKwU Drcv`K (x – 2) n‡j, a =?
a) 2 b) 4
c) 5 d) 6 ans. B
Solution: p(x) = x4 – 5x3 + 7x2 – a
 (x – 2), p(x) Gi GKwU Drcv`K, ZvB x = 2 n‡j p(x) = 0 n‡e|
 p(2) = 24 – (5  23) + (7  22) – a = 0
 16 – 40 + 28 – a = 0
 a = 16 + 28 – 40
 a=4

2.03 mvaviY Abykxjb

Q. 9x – 16y Gi Drcv`K we‡k­lY wb‡Pi †KvbwU
a) (3x + 4y) (3x – 4y) b) (4y – 3x) (4y + 3x)
c) (– 4y – 3x) (4y – 3x) d) (3x + 4y) (– 4y – 3x) ans. Note
Solution: Note: cÖ`Ë ivwki y Gi cwie‡Z© y2 n‡j DËi n‡Zv (3x + 4y) (3x – 4y).
Q. x2 – y2 + 2y – 1 Gi GKwU Drcv`K
a) x + y + 1 b) x – y
c) x + y – 1 d) x – y – 1 ans. C
Solution: x2 – y2 + 2y – 1 = x2 – (y2 – 2y + 1)
= x2 – (y – 1)2 = (x + y – 1) (x – y + 1).
Q. 1 – a + 2ab – b2 Gi Drcv`K †KvbwU?

a) (1+ a + b) (1 – a + b) b) (1+ a + b) (1 – a – b)
c) (1+ a + b) (1 + a – b) d) (1 + a – b) (1 – a + b) ans. D
Solution: 1 – a2 + 2ab – b2
=1 – (a2 – 2ab + b2)
= 1 – (a – b)2
= (1 + a – b) (1 – a + b)

A2Z Publication 84
Q. Drcv`‡K we‡k­lY Ki“b: x4 – 64
Solution: x4 – 64 = (x2)2 – (8)2
= (x2 + 8) (x2 – 8)
= (x2 + 8) {x2 – (2 2 )}2
= (x2 + 8) (x + 2 2 ) (x – 2 2 )
Q. a4 + 4 Gi Drcv`K wK wK?
a) (a2 + 2a + 2) (a2 + 2a – 2) b) (a2 + 2a + 2) (a2 – 2a + 2)
c) (a – 2a + 2) (a + 2a – 2) d) (a2 – 2a – 2) (a2 – 2a + 2) ans. B
4 4 2 2
Solution: a + 4 = a + 4 + 4a – 4a
= (a2)2 + 22 + 2  a2  2 – (2a)2 = (a2 +2)2 – (2a)2
= (a2 + 2 + 2a) (a2 + 2 – 2a)
= (a2 + 2a + 2) (a2 – 2a + 2).
Q. x2 + x – 20 Gi Drcv`K KZ?
a) (x + 5) (x – 4) b) (x – 5) (x + 5)
c) (x – 5) (x + 4) d) (x – 4) (x + 4 ans. A
Solution: x2 + x – 20
= x2 + 5x – 4x – 20
= x(x + 5) – 4(x + 5)
= (x + 5) (x – 4)
1 1
Q. x2 + ax - x – 1 Gi Drcv`K wbY©q Ki“b|
 
1 1
Solution: x2 + ax - x – 1
 
1 1
= ax1 - x2 - 11 - x2
   
= 1 - x2 (ax – 1)
 
1 1
= 1 + x 1 - x  (ax – 1)
  
1 1
= (ax – 1) 1 + x 1 - x  ans.
  
Q. (a – 1) x2 + a2xy + (a + 1) y2
Solution: g‡b Kwi, a – 1 = p Ges a + 1 = q
pq = (a + 1) (a – 1) = a2 – 1
 cÖ`Ë ivwkgvjv `uvovq
(a – 1) x2 + a2xy + (a + l)y2
= px2 + (pq + 1) xy + qy2
= px2 + pqxy + xy + qy2
= px(x + qy) + y(x + qy)
= (x + qy) (px + y)
p I q Gi gvb ewm‡q cvB
= {x + (a + 1)y} {(a – 1) x + y}
= (x + ay + y) (ax – x + y) ans.
Q. 7p2 – p – 8 Gi Drcv`K †KvbwU?
a) p – 4 b)7p
c) 8 – 7p d) 7p – 8 ans. D
A2Z Publication 85
Solution: 7p2 – p – 8
= 7p2 – 8p + 7p – 8
= p (7p – 8) +1 (7p – 8)
= (7p – 8) (p +1)
Q. 2a2 + 7ab – 15b2 Drcv`‡K we‡k­l‡Y KZ nq?
a) (a + 5b) (2a – 3b) b) (a – 5b) (2a + 3b)
c) (a – 5b) (2a – 3b) d) (a + 5b) (2a + 3b) ans. A
Solution: 2a2 + 7ab – 15b2
= 2a2 + 10ab – 3ab – 15b2
= 2a (a + 5b) – 3b (a + 5b)
= (a + 5b) (2a – 3b)
Q. – 15 + x + 2x2 Gi Drcv`K KZ?
a) (x + 3) (2x – 5) b) (x – 3) (2x + 5)
c) (x + 3) (2x + 5) d) (x – 3) (2x – 5) ans. A
Solution: – 15 + x + 2x2 = 2x2 + x – 15
= 2x2 + 6x – 5x – 15
= 2x(x + 3) – 5 (x + 3)
= (x + 3) (2x – 5)
Q. x3 + 6x2y + 11xy2 + 6y3 Gi Drcv`‡K we‡k­lY †KvbwU?
a) (x + y) (x + 3y) (x + 5y) b) (x + y) (x + 2y) (x + 3y)
c) (x + y) (x + 4y) (x + 3y) d) (x – y) (x + y) (x + 2y) ans. B
Solution: x3 + 6x2y + 11xy2 + 6y3
= x3 + x2y + 5x2y + 5xy2 + 6xy2 + 6y3
= x2 (x + y) + 5xy (x + y) + 6y2 (x + y)
= (x + y) (x2 + 5xy + 6y2)
= (x + y) (x2 + 3xy + 2xy + 6y2)
= (x + y) (x + 3y) (x + 2y)
Q. Drcv`‡K we‡k­lY Ki“b: x2 – 3x – 28
Solution: x2 – 3x – 28
= x2 – 7x + 4x – 28
= x(x – 7) + 4(x – 7)
= (x – 7) (x + 4)
Q. x2 – x – 2 Gi GKwU Drcv`K-
a) x + 2 b) x – 3
c) x + 1 d) x – 1 ans. C
Solution: x2 – x – 2 = x2 – 2x + x – 2 = x(x – 2) + 1(x – 2) = (x – 2) (x + 1)
Q. x2 – 3x – 10 Gi mwVK Drcv`K †Kvb `ywU?
a) (x + 2) (x – 5) b) (x – 2) (x + 5)
c) (x + 3) (x – 5) d) (x – 3) (x + 5) ans. A
Solution: x2 – 3x – 10 = x2 – 5x + 2x – 10 = x(x – 5) + 2(x – 5) = (x + 2) (x – 5)
Q. x2 – 7x + 12 = KZ?
a) (x – 4) (x – 3) b) (x + 4) (x + 3)
c) (x – 3) (x + 4) d) (x + 4) (x – 3) ans. A
Solution: x2 – 7x + 12 = x2 – 3x – 4x + 12
= x(x – 3) – 4(x – 3) = (x – 4) (x – 3).

A2Z Publication 86
we›`y, †iLv I †KvY (Point, Line & Angle)
R¨vwgwZ m¤úwK©Z wKQz cwifvlvt
1) Geometry – R¨vwgwZ 2) Acute Angle – my²‡KvY
3) Acute Triangle – my²‡KvYx wÎfyR 4) Adjacent Angle – mwbœwnZ †KvY
5) Interior Angle – Aš—t¯’ †KvY 6) Altitude – D”PZv (Height)
7) Base – f~wg 8) Side – evû
9) Angle – †KvY 10) Line – †iLv
11) Area – †¶Îdj 12) Bisect – w`LwÛZ Kiv
13) Central Angle – †K›`ª¯’ †KvY 14) Chord – R¨v
15) Circle – e„Ë 16) Circumference – e„‡Ëi cwiwa
17) Complementary – c~iK/ cwic~iK 18) Supplementary – m¤ú~iK
19) Congruent – me©mg 20) Cube – Nb
21) Diagonal – KY© 22) Diameter – e¨vm
23) Radius – e¨vmva© 24) Edge – avi, cÖvš—, wKbviv
25) Equilateral Triangle – mgevû wÎfyR 26) Exterior Angle – ewnt¯’ †KvY
27) Face – Zj 28) Hexagon – lofyR
29) Inscribed – cwiwa¯’/e„˯’ 30) Isosceles Triangle – mgwØevû wÎfzR
31) Median – ga¨gv 32) Obtuse Angle – ¯’~j†KvY
33) Parallel – mgvš—ivj 34) Parallelogram – mvgvš—wiK
35) Pentagon – cÂfyR 36) Perpendicular – j¤^
37) Polygon – eûfyR 38) Quadrilateral – PZz©fyR
39) Rectangle – AvqZ‡¶Î 40) Right Angle – mg‡KvY
41) Right Triangle – mg‡KvYx wÎfyR 42) Scalene – welgevû wÎfyR
43) Semi-circle – Aa©e„Ë 44) Straight Angle – mij‡KvY
45) Similar Triangle – m`„k‡KvYx wÎfyR 46) Square – eM©‡¶Î
47) Triangle – wÎfyR 48) Volume – AvqZb
49) Vertex – kxl©we›`y 50) Axis – A¶
51) Regular Polygon – mylg eûfyR 52) Axiom – ¯^Ztwm×
53) Peremeter – cwimxgv 54) Theorem – Dccv`¨
55) Sector – e„ËKjv 56) Postulates – ¯^Ztwm×
57) Tangent – ¯úk©K/wZh©K 58) Bisector – wØLÛK
59) Cone – †KvY 60) Segment – LwÛZ Ask
61) Cylinder – wmwjÛvi 62) Converse – Dëv
63) Decagon – `kfyR 64) Convex – DËj
65) Distance – `~iZ¡ 66) Coordinate – ¯’vbv¼
67) Hypothesis – Aby w gZ cÖ ¯ — v e, Aby g vb, aviYv
68) Point – we›`y 69) Intersection – †Q`
70) Corresponding angles – Abyiƒc †KvY 71) Reflex Angle – cÖe„× †KvY
72) Minor Arc – ¶z`ª Pvc 73) Leg – evû
74) Major Arc – e„nËg Pvc 75) Length – ˆ`N©¨
76) Octagon – AófyR 77) Width – cÖ¯’
78) Plane – mgZj 79) Midpoint – ga¨we›`y
80) Proportion – mgvbycvZ 81) Sphere – †MvjK
A2Z Publication 87
82) Quadrants – PZzN©vZ 83) Transversal – †Q`K
84) Ratio – AbycvZ 85) Trapezoid – UªvwcwRqvg
86) Solid – Nbe¯‘ 87) Curve – eµ †iLv
88) Rhombus – i¤^m 89) Measure – cwigvc
90) Slope – Xvj 91) Elliptical – Dce„ËvKvi
92) Arc – Pvc 93) Inverse – Dëv

1.01 we›`y, †iLv I †KvY m¤úwK©Z cÖv_wgK aviYv

we›`y (Point):
 hvi ïaygvÎ Ae¯’vb Av‡Q, wKš‘ ˆ`N©¨, cÖ¯’, †¶Îdj, AvKvi ev AvqZb †bB, Zv‡K we›`y e‡j|
 we›`yi ïay Ae¯’vb Av‡Q wKš‘ †Kvb gvÎv †bB|
we›`y 

†iLv (Line): we›`y Pjvi c_‡K †iLv e‡j| †iLv `yB cÖKvit
K) mij †iLv : X Y
L) eµ‡iLv :
X eµ‡iLv
 †iLvi †Kvb cÖvš—we›`y †bB  mij‡iLv
 †iLvs‡ki `ywU cÖvš—we›`y _v‡K  †iLvsk
 ivwk¥i GKwU gvÎ cÖvš—we›`y _v‡K  iwk¥
 `yBwU we›`yi ga¨ w`‡q GKwU Ges †KejgvÎ GKwU mij‡iLv AuvKv hvq|
 `yBwU mij‡iLv GKwU Ges †Kej GKwU we›`y‡Z ci®úi‡K †Q` Ki‡Z cv‡i|
 `yB we›`yi ga¨ mij‡iLvi `~iZ¡B ¶z`ªZg|
 †hme we›`y GKB mij‡iLvq Ae¯’vb K‡i, Zv‡`i‡K mg‡iLv we›`y ejv nq|

Parallel Lines (mgvš—ivj †iLv)

 The symbol of parallel lines is 
 From the following Figures, A is parallel to (B)

†KvYt mgZ‡j `yBwU iwk¥i cÖvš—we›`y GKB n‡j †KvY ˆZwi nq|
iwk¥ `yBwU‡K †Kv‡Yi evû Ges Zv‡`i mvaviY we›`y‡K kxl©we›`y e‡j|
wP‡Î, OP Ges OQ iwk¥Øq Zv‡`i mvaviY cÖvš—we›`y O †Z POQ Drcbœ K‡i‡Q|

A2Z Publication 88
mij‡KvYt `yBwU ci¯úi wecixZ iwk¥ Zv‡`i mvaviY cÖvš—we›`y‡Z †h †KvY Drcbœ K‡i, Zv‡K mij †KvY e‡j|
wP‡Î, AB iwk¥i cÖvš—we›`y A †_‡K AB Gi wecixZ w`‡K AC iwk¥ AuvKv n‡q‡Q|
AC Ges AB iwk¥Øq Zv‡`i mvaviY cÖvš—we›`y A †Z BAC Drcbœ K‡i‡Q|
BAC †K mij †KvY e‡j| mij‡Kv‡Yi cwigvY `yB mg‡KvY ev 180| C A B

mwbœwnZ‡KvYt hw` mgZ‡j `yBwU †Kv‡Yi GKB kxl©we›`y nq I Zv‡`i GKwU mvaviY iwk¥ _v‡K Ges †KvYØq mvaviY
iwk¥i wecixZ cv‡k Ae¯’vb K‡i, Z‡e H †KvYØq‡K mwbœwnZ‡KvY e‡j| B C
wP‡Î A we›`ywU BAC Ges CAD Gi kxl©we›`y|
A we›`y BAC Ges CAD DrcbœKvix iwk¥¸‡jvi g‡a¨ AC mvaviY iwk¥|
†KvY `yBwU mvaviY iwk¥ AC Gi wecixZ cv‡k Aew¯’Z|
BAC Ges CAD ci¯úi mwbœwnZ‡KvY|

j¤^, mg‡KvYt BD GKwU mij‡iLv; A D³ †iLv¯’ GKwU we›`y Ges AC GKwU iwk¥|
d‡j BAC Ges DAC `yBwU mwbœwnZ †KvY| C

Giv ci¯úi mgvb n‡j G‡`i cÖ‡Z¨K‡K mg‡KvY

Ges AC I BD †iLv‡K ci¯úi j¤^ ejv nq|
myZivs †Kv‡bv †iLvs‡ki j¤^-wØLÊK Øviv Drcbœ mwbœwnZ †KvY `yBwU cÖ‡Z¨‡K mg‡KvY|
m~²‡KvY I ¯’~j‡KvYt GK mg‡KvY †_‡K †QvU †KvY‡K m~²‡KvY Ges GK mg‡KvY †_‡K
eo wKš‘ `yB mg‡KvY †_‡K †QvU †KvY‡K ¯’~j‡KvY ejv nq|
wP‡Î AOC m~²‡KvY Ges AOD ¯’~j‡KvY| GLv‡b AOB GK mg‡KvY|



cÖe„ׇKvYt `yB mg‡KvY †_‡K eo wKš‘ Pvi mg‡KvY †_‡K †QvU †KvY‡K cÖe„ׇKvY e‡j|
wP‡Î wPwýZ AskUzKz cÖe„ׇKvY|

c~iK †KvYt `yBwU †Kv‡Yi cwigv‡ci †hvMdj 1 mg‡Kv‡Yi n‡j †KvY `yBwUi GKwU AciwUi c~iK †KvY|
wP‡Î, BOD GKwU mg‡KvY| OC iwk¥ †KvYwU evû؇qi Af¨š—‡i Aew¯’Z| A

Gid‡j DOC Ges COB GB `yBwU †KvY Drcbœ n‡jv|

†KvY `yBwUi cwigv‡ci †hvMdj DOB Gi cwigv‡ci mgvb, A_©vr 1 mg‡KvY|
DOC Ges COB ci¯úi c~iK †KvY|

A2Z Publication 89
1.02 we›`y, †iLv I †KvY m¤úwK©Z mvaviY Abykxjb
Q: †iLvi cÖvš—we›`yyi msL¨v n‡jv
a) GKwU b) `ywU
c) wZbwU d) †Kvb cÖvš— we›`y †bB ans. D
Q: AB †iLvs‡ki Dci P GKwU we›`y n‡j †Kvb m¤úK©wU me mgq cÖ‡hvR¨?
a) AP = PB b) AB > AP
c) AB > AP + PB d) AP > PB ans. B
Solution: AB †iLvi Dci P GKwU we›`y e‡j

wPÎ g‡Z AP n‡e AB †iLvi GKwU Ask| ZvB AB > AP

Q: `ywU jvBb G‡K A‡b¨i †_‡K 2 wgUvi `~‡i mgvš—ivj fv‡e P‡j hv‡”Q| Zviv G‡K A‡b¨i mv‡_ wgwjZ n‡e KZ wgUvi
a) 200 b) 400
c) 600 d) KLbB bq ans. D
Solution: †h‡nZz jvBb `ywU mgvš—ivj †m‡nZz Zviv KLbI wgwjZ n‡e bv|
Q: `ywU †KvY ci®úi mgvb Ges G‡`i GKwUi evû AciwUi GK evûi mgvš—ivj| †KvY `ywUi Aci evû؇qi g‡a¨
m¤úK© wKiƒc?
a) Giv ci®úi mgvb b) Giv ci®úi mgvš—ivj
c) Giv ci®ú‡ii Dci j¤^ d) Giv ci®úi †Q`K ans. B
Solution: g‡b Kwi, ABC = DEF Ges AB || EF


wPÎg‡Zt BC || ED B E
Q: †Kvb wZbwU gvÎvq R¨vwgwZK Nbe¯‘ ˆZwi nq?
a) ˆ`N©¨, fi I mgq b) fi, IRb I NbZ¡
c) ˆ`N©¨, cÖ¯’ I fi d) ˆ`N©¨, cÖ¯’ I D”PZv ans. D

105 y y
y †Kv‡Yi gvb KZ?
a) 35.5 b) 36.5
c) 37.5 d) 38.5 ans. C
Solution: wP‡Î 105, y Ges y wZbwU †KvY wg‡j GK mij‡KvY Drcbœ K‡i|
myZivs (105 + y + y) = 180
 2y = 180 – 105 = 75
y y
 y = 37.5 105
Q. A Ges B m¤ú~iK †KvY Ges B = 180 n‡j A Gi gvb KZ?
a) 0 b) 90
c) 180 d) 360 ans. A

A2Z Publication 90
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, B = 180
A Ges B ci¯úi m¤ú~iK †Kvb †KvY ev Supplementary angle n‡j, A + B = 180
 A = 180 – B = 180 – 180 = 0
Q. A = x Ges A, B †KvY ci¯úi c~iK †KvY n‡j B =?
a) x b) y
c) 90 + x d) 90 – x ans. D
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, A = x
A Ges B ci¯ú‡ii c~iK †KvY n‡jv ev Complementary angle n‡j, A + B = 90
 B = 90 – A = 90 – x
Q. (180 – x) †Kv‡Yi m¤ú~iK †KvY KZ?
a) 90 b) x
c) 180 d) x + 90 ans. B
Solution: `ywU †Kv‡Yi mgwó 180 n‡j †KvYØq‡K ci¯ú‡ii m¤ú~iK †KvY ev Supplementary angle e‡j|
x †Kv‡Yi m¤ú~iK †KvY n‡e (180 – x)
Zvn‡j, (180 – x) Gi m¤ú~iK †KvY = 180– (180 – ) = x
Q. mgevû wÎfy‡Ri GKwU evû ewa©Z K‡i ewnt¯’ †KvY Drcbœ Kiv n‡j †mB ewnt¯’ †Kv‡Yi gvb KZ?
a) 60 b) 80
c) 90 d) 120 ans. D
Solution: mgevû wÎfyR ABC Gi cÖwZwU †KvY 60 A

 A = B = C = 60
GLb, ewnt¯’ †KvY ACB + C = 1 mij †KvY = 180
 ewnt¯’ †KvY ACB = 180 – C = 180 – 60 = 120 B



B 60 D
In figure, what is the value of ACD?
a) 50 b) 60
c) 70 d) 130 ans. D
Solution: ABC G A + B + C = 180
 C = 180 – A – C 70
 C = 180 – 60 – 70 = 50
Avevi, C + ACD = 1 mij‡KvY = 180 B

 ACD = 180 – 50 = 130

Q. In ABC, B = 90, AB = 12cm, BC = 5cm. What is the value of AC in cm?
a) 7 b) 13
c) 17 d) 30 ans. B
Solution: †`qv Av‡Q, AB = 12cm; BC = 5cm; B = 90
2 2 2
wc_v‡Mviv‡mi m~Î Abyhvqx, AC = AB + BC
 AC = AB2 + BC2 = 122 + 52 = 169 = 13cm.

A2Z Publication 91
Q. mgevû wÎfy‡Ri cÖwZwU †Kv‡Yi gvb KZ?
a) 45 b) 60
c) 90 d) 120 ans. B
Solution: mgevû wÎfy‡Ri wZbwU †KvYB ci¯úi mgvb|
†gvU Ave× †KvY 18
 cÖwZwU †KvY nq = 3 = 60
Q. ABC wÎfy‡R A = x, B = 2x Ges C = 3x n‡j wÎfyRwU †Kvb ai‡bi wÎfyR?
a) Right angled b) Acute angled
c) Obtuse angled d) Isosceles ans. A
Solution: Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfy‡Ri wZb †Kv‡Yi mgwó 180
A_©vr, A + B + C = 180
 x + 2x + 3x = 180
 6x = 180
 x = 30
 A = 30, B = 60 Ges C = 90
†h‡nZz GKwU †KvY 90, ZvB wÎfyRwU mg‡KvYx wÎfyR|
Q. ABC GKwU m~²‡KvYx wÎfyR n‡j wb‡Pi †KvbwU mZ¨?
a) A = 90 b) A > 90
c) B < 90 d) B > 90 ans. C
Solution: †h wÎfy‡Ri wZbwU †KvYB m~²‡KvY A_©vr 90 Gi †QvU Zv‡K m~²‡KvYx wÎfyR e‡j|
ABC m~²‡KvYx wÎfyR|
 B < 90

30 40
If the figure, y = what?
a) 10 b) 20
c) 30 d) 70 ans. D
Solution: ABC G A + B + C = 180
 A = 180 – B – C = 180 – 30 – 40 = 110 D
Avevi, BAC + CAD = GK mij‡KvY = 180 A
 A + y = 180
 y = 180 – 110 = 70 30 40

30 110

If the figure, x = what?

a) 30 b) 60
c) 80 d) 95 ans. C
A2Z Publication 92
Solution: ABC G ACB Gi ewnt¯’‡KvY ACD
 ACB = 180 – ACD = 180 – 110 = 70
Avevi, A + B + C = 180
 x + 30 + 70 = 180 [ C = ACB = 70]
 x = 180 – 30 – 70 = 80
Q. GKwU wÎfy‡Ri †KvY¸‡jvi AbycvZ 1 : 1 : 2 n‡j wÎfyRwU †Kvb ai‡bi wÎfyR?
a) Equilateral b) Isosceles triangle
c) Scalene d) Obtuse angled ans. B
Solution: awi, wÎfyRwUi †KvY wZbwU h_vµ‡g x, x Ges 2x
Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfy‡Ri wZb †Kv‡Yi mgwó 180
A_©vr x + x + 2x = 180
 4x = 180
 x = 4 = 45
Zvn‡j †KvY wZbwU n‡e 45, 45 Ges (2  45) = 90
myZivs wÎfyRwU mgwØevû wÎfyR ev Isosceles triangle
Q. 70 †Kv‡Yi m¤ú~iK †Kv‡Yi gvb KZ?
a) 290 b) 110
c) 100 d) 20 ans. B
Solution: `ywU †Kv‡Yi mgwó 180 n‡j †KvYØq‡K ci¯ú‡ii m¤ú~iK †KvY ev Supplementary angle e‡j|
x †Kv‡Yi m¤ú~iK †KvY n‡e = 180 – x
 70 †Kv‡Yi m¤ú~iK †KvY = 180 – 70 = 110
Q. C



wP‡Îi x Gi gvb KZ wWMÖx?

a) 15 b) 18
c) 20 d) 25 ans. B
Solution: ABC †Z A = 90 C

wPÎ n‡Z, C = 2x; B = 3x

ABC G A + B + C = 180 [wZb †Kv‡Yi mgwó 180] 2x

 90 + 2x + 3x = 180
 5x + 90 = 180 3x
 5x = 180 – 90 = 90
 x = 5 = 18

A2Z Publication 93
wÎfyR (Triangle)
2.01 wÎfyR m¤úwK©Z cÖv_wgK aviYv
wÎfyRt wZbwU †iLvsk Øviv Ave× wPÎ GKwU wÎfyR| †iLvsk¸‡jv‡K wÎfy‡Ri evû e‡j|
†h‡Kv‡bv `yBwU evûi mvaviY we›`y‡K kxl©we›`y ejv nq| A
wÎfy‡Ri †h‡Kv‡bv `yBwU evû kxl©we›`y‡Z †KvY Drcbœ K‡i|
wÎfy‡Ri wZbwU evû I wZbwU †KvY i‡q‡Q|
evû‡f‡` wÎfyR wZb cÖKvi (mgevû, mgwØevû, welgevû)| B C
Avevi †KvY‡f‡`I wÎfyR wZb cÖKvit (m~²‡KvYx, ¯’~j‡KvYx I mg‡KvYx)|
wÎfy‡Ri evû wZbwUi ˆ`‡N©¨i mgwó‡K cwimxgv e‡j| wÎfy‡Ri evû¸‡jv Øviv mxgveׇ¶Î‡K wÎfyR‡¶Î e‡j|
mgevû wÎfyRt †h wÎfy‡Ri wZbwU evû mgvb Zv mgevû wÎfyR|
wP‡Î ABC wÎfy‡Ri AB = BC = CA. A_©vr evû wZbwUi ˆ`N©¨ mgvb|
ABC wÎfyRwU GKwU mgevû wÎfyR| B C

mgwØevû wÎfyRt †h wÎfy‡Ri `yBwU evû mgvb Zv mgwØevû wÎfyR|
wP‡Î ABC wÎfy‡Ri AB = AC  BC. A_©vr `yBwU evûi ˆ`N©¨ mgvb|
hv‡`i †Kv‡bvwUB Z…Zxq evûi mgvb bq| ABC wÎfyRwU mgwØevû| B C

welgevû wÎfyRt †h wÎfy‡Ri wZbwU evûB ci¯úi Amgvb Zv welgevû wÎfyR|
wP‡Î ABC wÎfy‡Ri AB, BC, CA evû¸‡jvi ˆ`N©¨ ci¯úi Amgvb|
ABC wÎfyRwU welgevû|

m~²‡KvYx wÎfyRt †h wÎfy‡Ri cÖ‡Z¨KwU †KvY m~²‡KvY, Zv m~²‡KvYx wÎfyR| A

ABC wÎfy‡R BAC, ABC, BCA †KvY wZbwUi cÖ‡Z¨‡K m~²‡KvY|
A_©vr cÖ‡Z¨KwU †Kv‡Yi cwigvY 90 A‡c¶v Kg|
ABC GKwU m~²‡KvYx wÎfyR| B C

mg‡KvYx wÎfyRt †h wÎfy‡Ri GKwU †KvY mg‡KvY, Zv mg‡KvYx wÎfyR|
DEF wÎfy‡R DFE mg‡KvY, Aci †KvY `yBwU DEF Ges
EDF cÖ‡Z¨‡K m~²‡KvY| DEF GKwU mg‡KvYx wÎfyR|

¯’~j‡KvYx wÎfyRt †h wÎfy‡Ri GKwU †KvY ¯’~j‡KvY, Zv ¯’~j‡KvYx wÎfyR|
GHK wÎfy‡R GKH GKwU ¯’~j‡KvY, Aci †KvY `yBwU GHK Ges
HGK cÖ‡Z¨‡K m~²‡KvY| GHK GKwU ¯’~j‡KvYx wÎfyR| H K

A2Z Publication 94
2.02 wÎfyR msµvš— mvaviY m~Î
 wÎfy‡Ri †¶Îdj = 2  f~wg  D”PZv|
 GKwU wÎfy‡Ri wZb evûi ˆ`‡N©¨i †hvMdj‡K Gi cwimxgv ejv nq| wÎfy‡Ri cwimxgv‡K 2s Øviv cÖKvk Kiv nq|
GLv‡b 2s = a + b + c.
 wÎfy‡Ri wZb evûi ˆ`N©¨ †`qv _vK‡j †¶Îd‡ji m~Î n‡et s(s - a) (s - b) (s - c) eM© GKK
 mgevû wÎfy‡Ri †¶Îdjt 4 a2 eM© GKK
 mgwØevû wÎfy‡Ri †¶Îdjt 4 4a2 - b2 eM© GKK [GLv‡b a n‡jv mgvb mgvb evûi ˆ`N©¨ Avi b n‡jv f~wg]
GK bR‡i mg‡KvYx wÎfyRt
 †h wÎfy‡Ri GKwU †KvY mg‡KvY, Zv‡K mg‡KvYx wÎfyR e‡j|
 mg‡Kv‡Yi wecixZ evû‡K ejv nq AwZfyR|
 mg‡KvY msjMœ evû؇qi GKwU‡K f~wg Ges Ab¨wU‡K j¤^ e‡j|
 mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡Ri AwZfyRB e„nËg evû|
 mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡Ri mg‡KvY wfbœ Ab¨ `yBwU †KvY n‡e m~²‡KvY|
 mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡Ri m~²‡KvY ci®ú‡ii c~iK|
 †Kvb wÎfy‡Ri GKwU †KvY hw` Aci `yBwU †Kv‡Yi mgwói mgvb nq, Z‡e wÎfyRwU mg‡KvYx|
 ABC mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡R B = mg‡KvY, AC AwZfyR| A
 C Gi mv‡c‡¶ BC f~wg Ges AB j¤^|
 A Gi mv‡c‡¶ AB f~wg Ges BC j¤^|
 A , C cÖ‡Z¨KwU †KvYB n‡e m~²‡KvY|
 B = A + C B C
 A +B + C = 180°

cx_v‡Mviv‡mi Dccv`¨t GKwU mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡Ri AwZfy‡Ri Dci Aw¼Z eM©‡¶‡Îi †¶Îdj Aci `yB evûi Dci Aw¼Z
eM©‡¶Î؇qi †¶Îd‡ji mgwói mgvb| A

j¤^ AwZf~R
2 2 2
(AwZfyR) = (j¤^) + (f~wg) 
CA2 = AB2 + BC2 B f~wg C
Shortcut: cx_v‡Mviv‡mi Dccv`¨ Abyhvqx mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡Ri evû·qi AbycvZ|
j¤^ f~wg AwZfyR j¤^ f~wg AwZfyR 34
3 4 5 5 12 13
6 8 10 10 24 26 AwZfyR
9 12 15 15 36 39 30
12 16 20 8 15 17 C C
B f~wg
15 20 25 16 30 34
18 24 30 39 25
7 24 25 8 15 17 15 7
14 48 50 9 40 41

A2Z Publication 95
cx_v‡Mviv‡mi Dccv`¨ Abyhvqx mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡Ri evû·qi KwZcq AbycvZ

One Side Other Side AwZfyR

3 4 5
5 12 13
7 24 25
8 15 17
III) 30°-60°-90° mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡R evû·qi AbycvZ njt x : 3 x : 2x Q


A_©vr, r = x, s = 3 x Ges h = 2x.

hLb, x = 2 90° 60°

IV) 45° - 45° - 90° mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡R evû·qi AbycvZ njt x : x : 2 x.
A 4
hw` r = x nq, Z‡e s = x, h = 2 x. 2

r 45°
h 90° 30°
B 2√3
90° 45°
B s C

hLb, x = 2
45° 2√2


2.03 wÎfyR msµvš— m~‡Îi mvaviY Abykxjb

Q. GKwU wÎfy‡Ri f~wg 6 †mw›UwgUvi Ges Gi D”PZv 5 †mw›UwgUvi n‡j wÎfyRwUi †¶Îdj KZ?
a) 11 eM© †mtwgt b) 15 eM© †mtwgt
c) 30 eM© †mtwgt d) 25 eM© †mtwgt ans. B
Solution: Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfy‡Ri †¶Îdj = 2  f~wg  D”PZv
= 2  6  5 = 15 eM©‡mw›UwgUvi|
Q. GKwU mgevû wÎfy‡Ri cwimxgv 9 †m.wg. n‡j Gi D”PZv KZ †m.wg.?
3 3 3 3
a) 2 b) 4
c) 4 3 d) 2 3 ans. A
Solution: cÖkœwU ey‡S ey‡S wb‡Pi g‡Zv K‡i wPÎwU AuvwKt
awi, wÎfyRwUi GKevûi ˆ`N©¨ a
A2Z Publication 96
cÖkœg‡Z, 3a = 9
 a=3=3
3 3
mgevû wÎfyRwUi D”PZv x f~wg BC †K mgwØLwÊZ K‡i‡Q| GLv‡b BD = 2 Ges DC = 2
GLv‡b ABD GKwU mg‡KvYx wÎfyR Ges AD, ABC wÎfy‡Ri D”PZv|
wc_v‡Mviv‡mi m~Îvbymv‡it (AB)2 = (AD)2 + (BD)2
2 3
 (3)2 = x2 + 2 x
 B C
2 9 36 - 9 27 3 D 3
 x =9–4= 4 = 4 2 2

27 33 3 3
 x= 4
= 22
= 2
Q. ABC GKwU mgevû wÎfyR| Dnvi AB Ges AC evû‡K ewa©Z Ki‡j Drcbœ †KvY؇qi mgwó KZ?
a) 320 b) 280
c) 240 d) 290 ans. C
Solution: cÖkœ Abyhvqx wb‡Pi g‡Zv K‡i wPÎ AuvwKt A


60 60

GLv‡b me‡P‡q D‡j­L‡hvM¨ welqwU n‡jv mgevû wÎfy‡Ri `ywU evû ewa©Z Ki‡j †h ewnt¯’ †KvY Drcbœ Zv Aš—t¯’
†KvY؇qi mgwói mgvb| wÎfyRwU †h‡nZz mgevû, ZvB Gi cÖ‡Z¨K †Kv‡Yi gvb 60 n‡e|
 ewnt¯’ †KvY؇qi mgwó n‡e = 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 = 240
Q. GKwU wÎfyRvK…wZ Rwgi †¶Îdj 264 eM©wgUvi Ges f~wg 22 wgUvi n‡j D”PZv KZ n‡e?
a) 12 wgUvi b) 15 wgUvi
c) 24 wgUvi d) 28 wgUvi ans. C
Solution: Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfy‡Ri †¶Îdj = 2  f~wg  D”PZv
 264 = 2  22  D”PZv
264  2
 D”PZv = 22 = 24 wgUvi
Q. †Kvb 3wU evû w`‡q wÎfyR MVb Kiv hv‡e bv?
a) 2, 4, 5 b) 4, 5, 6
c) 2, 4, 7 d) 3, 4, 6 ans. C
Solution: Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfy‡Ri †h‡Kvb `yB evûi mgwó Z…Zxq evû A‡c¶v e„nËi n‡e| †mB wn‡m‡e
Ackb a) Gi 2 + 4 > 5; wÎfyR MVb m¤¢e| Ackb b) Gi 4 + 5 > 6; wÎfyR MVb m¤¢e|
Ackb d) Gi 3 + 4 > 6; wÎfyR MVb m¤¢e| wKš‘ Ackb c) Gi 2 + 4 > 7; ZvB GwU Øviv wÎfyR
MVb m¤¢e bq|
Q. GKwU wÎfy‡Ri wZbwU †Kv‡Yi AbycvZ 1 t 2 t 3| wÎf~RwU n‡e
a) mgevû b) m~¶‡KvYx
c) ¯’~j‡KvYx d) mg‡KvYx ans. D

A2Z Publication 97
Solution: wÎfyRwU †Kvb ai‡bi n‡e Zv Avgiv evû¸‡jvi cÖ`Ë AbycvZ †_‡KB †ei Ki‡Z ci‡ev|
Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfy‡Ri wZb †Kv‡Yi mgwó 180|
Avi †`qv Av‡Q, evû¸‡jvi AbycvZ 1 t 2 t 3|
evû¸‡jvi Abycv‡Zi †hvMdj 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
 wÎfyRwUi cÖ_g †Kv‡Yi gvb = 180 Gi 6 = 30
 wØZxq †Kv‡Yi gvb = 180 Gi 6 = 60
 Z…Zxq †Kv‡Yi gvb = 180 Gi 6 = 90
†h‡nZz wÎfyRwUi GKwU †KvY 90 n‡q‡Q, ZvB GwU mg‡KvYx wÎfyR n‡e|
Q. GKwU wÎfy‡Ri 3wU evûi ˆ`N©¨ 4, 5 Ges 3 n‡j wÎfyRwUi †¶Îdj KZ?
a) 20 b) 12
c) 8 d) 6 ans. D
Solution: awi, wÎfy‡Ri a = 4 GKK; b = 5 GKK; c = 3 GKK n‡j wÎfyRwUi Aa© cwimxgv
a + b + c 4 + 5 + 3 12
s= 2
= 2 = 2 = 6 GKK
 wÎfy‡Ri †¶Îdj = s(s - a) (s - b) (s - c)
= 6(6 - 4)(6 - 5)(6 - 3) = 6  2  1  3 = 36 = 6 2 = 6.
Q. mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡Ri evû¸wji AbycvZ †KvbwU?
a) 6 t 4 t 3 b) 6 t 5 t 4
c) 12 t 8 t 4 d) 13 t 12 t 5 ans. D
2 2 2 2 2 2
Solution: a) 3 + 4  6 b) 5 + 4  6
2 2 2 2 2 2
c) 4 + 8  12 d) 5 + 12 = 13 (mg‡KvYx wÎfyR)
Q. mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡Ri mg‡KvY msjMœ evûØq 3 I 4 †mw›UwgUvi n‡j Gi AwZf~‡Ri gvb KZ?
a) 5 †mw›UwgUvi b) 7 †mw›UwgUvi
c) 8 †mw›UwgUvi d) 4 †mw›UwgUvi ans. A
Shortcut: †h‡Kvb mg‡KvYx wÎfz‡Ri †¶‡Î evû¸‡jvi AbycvZ 3 t 4 t 5, †hLv‡b AwZf~R n‡jv 5|

4 †m: wg: AwZfyR =?

3 †m: wg:
Details Solution: †h‡nZz wÎfyRwU mg‡KvYx, wPÎt mg‡KvYx wÎfyR
(AwZfyR)2 = 32 + 42 = 9 + 16 = 25 eM© †mtwgt
 AwZfyR = 25 = 5 †mtwgt
Q. wÎfy‡Ri wZb evûi ˆ`N©¨ †`qv Av‡Q| †Kvb †¶‡Î mg‡KvYx wÎfyR AuvKv m¤¢e
a) 4, 6 I 8 †m.wg b) 2, 5 I 7 †m.wg
c) 4, 3 I 5 †m.wg d) 4, 5 I 6 †m.wg ans. C
Solution: AvgivRvwb, wÎfy‡Ri wZb‡Kv‡Yi mgwó = 180
GLv‡b Ackb c) Gi Abycv‡Zi ivwk¸‡jvi †hvMdj = 3 + 4 + 5 = 12
 †KvY¸‡jv 180 Gi 12 = 45;

A2Z Publication 98
4 5
180 Gi 12 = 60 Ges 180 Gi 12 = 75|
 gvb¸‡jvi †hvMdj = 45 + 60 + 75 = 180
 4, 3 I 5 †m.wg evû¸‡jv w`‡q GKwU mg‡KvYx wÎfyR AvuKv m¤¢e|
Q. GKRb e¨w³ åg‡Y 4 gvBj Dˇi, 12 gvBj c~‡e©, Zvici Avevi 12 gvBj Dˇi hvq| †m ïi“i ¯’vb †_‡K KZ
gvBj `~‡i?
a) 17 b) 28
c) 21 d) 20 ans. D
Solution: Avmyb cÖ_‡gB cÖkœvbyhvqx wPÎ AuvwKt C

4 4
12 S

GLv‡b, mivmwi `~iZ¡ AC Gi gvb †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| wc_v‡Mviv‡mi m~Î e¨envi K‡i AC Gi gvb †ei Ki‡Z cvwi|
†h‡nZz ABC mg‡KvYx wÎfyR, ZvB Avgiv Rvwb, wc_v‡Mviv‡mi m~Î mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡Ri †¶‡Î
(AwZfyR)2 = (f~wg)2 + (j¤^)2
wKš‘ GLv‡b j¤^ BC = 4 + 12 = 16
I f~wg AB = 12
 (AC)2 = (12)2 + (16)2 = 144 + 256 = 400
 AC = 400 = (20)2 = 20
Q. A triangle has a perimeter 13. The two shorter sides have integer lengths equal to x and x + 1.
Which of the following could be the length of the other side?
a) 2 b) 6
c) 8 d) none ans. B
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, GKwU wÎfy‡Ri cwimxgv 13| wÎfyRwUi `yB evûi ˆ`N©¨ x Ges (x + 1) n‡j wÎfyRwUi Z…Zxq
evûi ˆ`N©¨ KZ?
awi, e„nËi evû = p
cÖkœvbymv‡i, p + (x + x + 1) = 13
AvgivRvwb, wÎfy‡Ri †h †Kvb `yB evûi mgwó Z…Zxq evû A‡c¶v e„nËi|
GLv‡b `yB evû gv‡b (2x + 1) n‡e e„nËi evû p A‡c¶v e„nËi|
GB kZ©vbyhvqx Ackb c) 8 n‡e bv|
KviY, e„nËi evû = 8 n‡j evwK `yB evûi mgwó n‡e 5.
Ackb a) e„nËi evû n‡e bv KviY, 2 hw` e„nËi evû nq Zvn‡j evwK `yB evûi cÖ‡Z¨KwU 2 †_‡K eo nq|
hv MÖnY‡hvM¨ bq|
 e„nËi evû n‡e A_©vr 6
0 0
Q. GKwU wÎfy‡Ri `yBwU †KvY 30 I 55 wÎfyRwU †Kvb ai‡bi?
a) mg‡KvYx b) mgevû
c) mgwØevû d) ¯’‚j‡KvYx ans. D
Solution: Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfz‡Ri wZb †Kv‡Yi mgwó 180 |
myZivs wÎfzRwUi Aci †KvY = {180 - (30 + 55)}0 = (180 - 85) 0 = 950
†h‡nZz wÎfyRwUi GKwU †KvY GK mg‡KvY (900) Gi eo ZvB wÎfzRwU ¯’‚j‡KvYx wÎfzR|
A2Z Publication 99
Q. GKwU wÎfz‡Ri †KvY¸‡jvi AbycvZ nj 1 t 2 t 3 Ges ¶z`ªZg evûi ˆ`N©¨ 1 wgUvi| wÎfz‡Ri e„nËg evûi ˆ`N©¨ KZ
a) 4 b) 5 c) 2
d) 3 e) †KvbwUB bq ans. C
Solution: 30 t 60 t 90 ev 1 t 2 t 3 †KvY wewkó wÎfy‡Ri evû¸‡jvi AbycvZ nq x, x 3 Ges 2x. G‡¶‡Î ¶z`ªZg
evû A_©vr x = 1 n‡j wÎfyRwUi e„nËg evû Z_v 2x = 2  1 = 2 wgUvi n‡e|
(D‡j­L _v‡K †h 45, 45, 90 †KvY wewkó wÎfy‡Ri evû¸wj n‡e h_vµ‡g x, x Ges x 2 GKK|)
Q. GKwU mgwØevû mg‡KvYx wÎfz‡Ri AwZfz‡Ri ˆ`N¨© 10 †mwg, wÎfyRwUi †¶Îdj
a) 5 eM© †mwg b) 100 eM© †mwg
c) 25 eM© †mwg d) 50 eM© †mwg ans. C
Solution: g‡b Kwi, mgwØevû mg‡KvYx wÎfy‡Ri f~wg j¤^ = x
 (x)2 + (x)2 = (10)2
 x2 + x2 = 100
 2x2 = 100
 x2 = 50
1 1 1 1
 wÎfzRwUi †¶Îdj = 2  f~wg  D”PZv = 2  x  x eM© †mwg = 2  x2 eM© †mwg = 2  50 eM© †mwg = 25 eM© †mwg
Q. †Kvb GKwU wÎfz‡Ri `ywU evû h_vµ‡g 4 †mwg I 5 †mwg| Z…Zxq evûwUi ˆ`N©¨ KZ †m. wg. n‡j wÎfzRwU GKwU
mg‡KvYx wÎfyR n‡e?
a) 3 †mwg b) 4 †mwg
c) 2 †mwg d) 5 †mwg ans. A
2 2 2
Solution: Avgiv Rvwb, (AwZfyR) = (j¤^) + (f~wg)
 Z…Zxq evûwUi ˆ`N©¨ = 52  42 = 25  16 = 9 = 3 †m.wg.
Q. ÔLÕ Gi Ae¯’vb ÔKÕ Gi 5 wK.wg. c~‡e©| ÔMÕ Gi Ae¯’vb ÔLÕ Gi 10 wK.wg. `w¶Y c~‡e©| ÔKÕ †_‡K ÔMÕ Gi me©wb¤œ
`~iZ¡ KZ wK.wg.?
a) 11 b) 12
c) 13 d) 14 ans. D
Solution: DËi-`w¶Y eivei e‡j
L = M = 45 n‡e Ges ÔLÕ †K ÔNÕ ch©š— ewa©Z K‡i 90 †KvY AuvwK| GLb ÔKMNÕ GKwU mg‡KvYx wÎfyR hvi
10 5  2 2 5 L N
ÔLNÕ = = =5 2 K
2 2
10 10
 KN = 5 + 5 2 Ges MN = = 5 2 [ LN = MN]
2 M
GLb, wc_v‡Mviv‡mi m~Î Abymv‡i KMN wÎfyR n‡Z cvB
2 2
(KM)2 = (NM)2 + (KN)2 = (5 2) + (5 + 5 2) = 50 + 25 + (2  5   5 2) + 50
= 125 + 50 2 = 125 + 70.7 = 195.7  196
 KM = 196 = ( 14) = 14
Q. GKwU wÎfz‡Ri wZb evûi ˆ`N©¨ h_vµ‡g 5, 7, 8 wgUvi| wÎfzRwUi †¶Îdj KZ eM©wgUvi?
a) 14.69 eM©wgUvi b) 15.69 eM©wgUvi
c) 17.32 eM©wgUvi d) 18.32 eM©wgUvi ans. C

A2Z Publication 100

a+b+c 5 + 7 + 8
Solution: wÎfyRwUi Aa© cwimxgv S = 2
= 2 = 10
wÎfz‡Ri †¶Îdj = s(s  a) (s  b) (s  c)
= 10 (10  5) (10  7) (10  8) = 10  5  3  2 = 300 = 17.32 eM©wgUvi
Q. 17, 15, 8 †mwg evûwewkó wÎfyRwU n‡e?
a) mgevû b) mgwØevû
c) ¯’~j‡KvYx d) mg‡KvYx ans. D
Solution: wc_v‡Mviv‡mi wUªc‡jU Abymv‡i 17, 15, 8 †m.wg. evû wewkó wÎfzRwU n‡e mg‡KvYx wÎfyR|
GLv‡b AwZfzR = 152 + 82 = 225 + 64 = 289 = 17
Q. GKwU mgwØevû wÎfy‡Ri kxl© †KvY 80 n‡j Aci `ywU †Kv‡Yi cwigvY KZ?
a) 50 I 50 b) 55 I 45
c) 40 I 60 d) 60 I 60 ans. A
Solution: Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfy‡Ri wZb †Kv‡Yi mgwó 180|
 GKwU evû 80 n‡j Aci `yB evûi mgwó n‡e 100
GLb wÎfyRwU mgwØevû e‡j Gi `yB †KvY mgvb n‡e|
 †KvY¸‡jvi gvb n‡e 2 = 50
Q. GKwU wÎfz‡Ri wZbwU †Kv‡Yi AbycvZ 1 t 1 t 2 wÎfzRwU-
a) m~²‡KvYx b) mg‡KvYx
c) ¯’‚j‡KvYx d) mgevû ans. B
Solution: wÎfyRwU †Kv‡Yi AbycvZ 1 t 1 t 2
Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfy‡Ri wZb †Kv‡Yi mgwó 180
Abycv‡Zi †hvMdj = 1 + 1 + 2 = 4
1 
 wÎfyRwUi †KvY¸‡jv n‡e = 180  4 = 45
 
¶z`ªZi Aci †KvYwUI 45 n‡e|
2 
Ges e„nËg †KvYwU n‡e = 180  4 = 90
 
 1wU †KvY 90 e‡j wÎfyRwU mg‡KvYx n‡e|
Q. GKwU mg‡KvYx wÎfz‡Ri AwZfzR 5 †m. wg. Ges Aci GKwU evû 4 †m. wg. n‡j wÎfzRwUi cwimxgv KZ †m. wg.?
a) 5 b) 9
c) 3 d) 12 ans. D
Solution: wc_v‡Mviv‡mi m~Îvbyhvqx wÎfyRwUi Aci evûi ˆ`N©¨ n‡e = 52 - 42 = 25 - 16 = 9 = 3
Avgiv Rvwb, cwimxgv n‡jv wÎfy‡Ri wZbevûi mgwó|
ZvB wÎfyRwUi cwimxgv n‡e = 5 + 4 + 3 = 12cm.
Q. GKwU mgevû wÎfz‡Ri GKwU evû 16 wgUvi n‡j wÎfzRwUi †¶Îdj KZ?
a) 192 b) 32√3
c) 64√3 d) 64 ans. C
Solution: Avgiv Rvwb, mgevû wÎfy‡Ri GKevû a n‡j Zvi †¶Îdj 4 a2
3 3
 †¶Îdj = 4 (16)2 = 4  16  16 = 64 3 eM© wgUvi

A2Z Publication 101

Q. 17 †m. wg, 15 †m.wg, 8 †m.wg evû wewkó wÎfzRwU n‡e
a) mgevû b) mgwØevû
c) mg‡KvYx d) ¯’zj‡KvYx ans. C
Solution: GLv‡b wÎfyRwU mg‡KvYx n‡e|
KviY wc_v‡Mviv‡mi m~Îvbymv‡it AwZfyR (17)2 = 289
Ges (15)2 + (8)2 = 225 + 64 = 289
A_©vr GKevûi Dci Aw¼Z eM© Aci `yB evûi Dci Aw¼Z eM©Ø‡qi mgwói mgvb|
Q. †Kvb wÎfz‡Ri evû¸‡jvi AbycvZ wb‡Pi †KvbwU n‡j GKwU mg‡KvYx wÎfzR AuvKv hv‡e?
a) 6 t 5 t 4 b) 6 t 4 t 3
c) 12 t 8 t 4 d) 17 t 15 t 8 ans. D
Solution: mg‡KvYx wÎfyR A¼‡bi Rb¨ wc_v‡Mviv‡mi m~ÎwU Follow Ki‡Z nq|
m~ÎwU n‡jvt (AwZfyR)2 = (j¤^)2 + (f~wg)2
GLv‡b, e„nËg evû n‡jv AwZfyR| Avi DcwiD³ Ackb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †Kej Ackb d) wc_v‡Mviv‡mi m~Î Follow
K‡i| KviY (17)2 = (15)2 + (8)2
GLv‡b (17)2 = 289
Ges (15)2 + 82 = 225 + 64 = 289 (DËi)
Q. 13 †m. wg. e¨vmva© wewkó †Kvb e„‡Ëi †K›`ª n‡Z 24 †m. wg. `xN© R¨v - Gi Dci Aw¼Z j‡¤^i ˆ`N©¨ n‡e
a) 5 †m.wg. b) 6 †m.wg.
c) 7 †m.wg. d) 7 †m.wg. ans. A
Solution: Avgiv Rvwb, e„‡Ëi †K›`ª †_‡K Aw¼Z j¤^ R¨v †K mgwØLwÊZ K‡i|
Kv‡R AD = 24 n‡j AB = BD 12cm n‡e|
Shortcut: e„‡Ëi †K›`ª †_‡K Aw¼Z j¤^ R¨v-†K
†`qv Av‡Q, e„‡Ëi e¨vmva© OA = 13 cm.
mgwØLwÛZ K‡i - GB m~ÎwU g‡b ivL‡jB AwZ
j¤^ = AB Gi gvb †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
mn‡RB A¼ bv K‡iB Avcwb DËi †c‡q hv‡eb|
GLv‡b, OAB GK mg‡KvYx wÎfzR, O G‡¶‡Î R¨v‡K A‡a©K K‡i Zv‡K f~wg Ges
KviY OB  AD. 13 e¨vmva©‡K AwZfzR a‡i j‡¤^i ˆ`N©¨ †ei Ki‡Z
 wc_v‡Mviv‡mi m~Îvbymv‡i cvB, A 12 12 D n‡e|
(OA)2 = (OB)2 + (AB)2
24 2
 (OB)2 = (OA)2 – (AB)2 = (13)2 – (12)2 A_©vr j¤^ = (13)2 -   = 169 - (12)2 =
 (OB)2 = 169 – 144 = 25 169 - 144 = 25 = 5
 OB = 25 = 5
Q. †Kv‡bv wÎfz‡Ri evûi ˆ`N©¨ h_vµ‡g 6, 8 I 10 †mwg n‡j wÎfzRwUi †¶Îdj KZ?
a) 40 eM©‡mwg b) 30 eM©‡mwg
c) 24 eM©‡mwg d) 12 eM©‡mwg ans. C
6 + 8 + 10
wÎfzRwUi Aa©cwimxgv, s = 2
= 12 †mwg
 wÎfzRwUi †¶Îdj
= 12  (12  6)  (12  8)  (12  10)
= 12  6  4  2
= 26642
= 6644
= 62  42
= 24 eM©‡mwg
A2Z Publication 102
Q. The three sides of a triangle are x + 1, 2x – 1 and 3x + 1 respectively and the perimeter is 25cm.
The length of the smallest side is-
a) 5cm b) 3cm
c) 4cm d) 7cm ans. A
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, GKwU wÎfz‡Ri wZbwU evûi ˆ`N©¨ h_vµ‡g x + 1, 2x – 1 Ges 3x + 1. wÎfzRwUi cwimxgv
25cm n‡j ¶z`ªZg evûi ˆ`N©¨ KZ?
†h‡nZz, wÎfz‡Ri cwimxgv n‡jv wÎfz‡Ri wZb evûi mgwó| Kv‡RB,
x + 1 + 2x – 1 + 3x + 1 = 25
 6x + 1 = 25
 6x = 25 – 1 = 24
 x= 6 =4
AZGe 1g evû n‡e = x + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5cm.
2q evû n‡e = 2x – 1 = 2  4 – 1 = 8 – 1 = 7cm. Ges 3q evû n‡e = 3x + 1 = 3  4 + 1
= 12 + 1 = 13cm.
A_©vr m‡e©v”P †QvU evû 5cm hv Ackb a) †Z Av‡Q|
Q. The lengths of two sides of a right-angled triangle are 13cm and 5cm respectively. The length
of the third side is -
a) greater than 15cm b) less than 10cm
c) equal to 3cm d) equal to 12cm ans. D
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, GKwU wÎfz‡Ri `ywU evûi ˆ`N©¨ h_vµ‡g 7 Ges 4. Z…Zxq evûi ˆ`N©¨
Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfz‡Ri †h †Kvb `ywU evûi mgwó Zvi Z…Zxq evû A‡c¶v e„nËi Ack‡bi †KvbwU n‡e|
I mg‡KvYx wÎfz‡Ri †¶‡Î AwZfzR 2 = j¤^ 2 + f~wg 2 A

†m‡¶‡Î GKwU wÎfz‡Ri AwZfzR 13 I j¤^ 5 n‡j Zvi Z…Zxq evû Aek¨B 5 13
132 = 52 + x2
 x2 = 132 – 52 = 122 ev x = 12 Gi mgvb n‡e| 13
Shortcut: g‡b ivL‡eb, mg‡KvYx wÎfz‡Ri †¶‡Î 5 – 12 – 13 GLv‡b, `ywU evû 5 Ges 13 e‡j Z…Zxq evû Aek¨B 12 n‡e|
Q. In the triangle ABC if AB > AC then which of the following is true?
a) ABC > ACB b) ABC < ZBAC
c) ACB > BAC d) ACB > ABC ans. D
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, ABC wÎfz‡R AB > AC n‡j wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK?
Avgiv Rvwb, wÎfz‡Ri e„nËg evûi wecixZ †KvY ¶z`ªZg evûi wecixZ †KvY A‡c¶v e„nËi n‡e|

ZvB, AB > AC n‡j Aek¨B ACB > ABC n‡e| C B

Q. If the length of a side of an equilateral triangle is 4 cm its height is -

a) 2 3 b) 4 3
c) 16 3 d) 32 3 ans. A
Solution: cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q, GKwU mgevû wÎfz‡Ri cÖ‡Z¨K evûi ˆ`N©¨ 4 †mw›UwgUvi n‡j, Gi j‡¤^i ˆ`N©¨ KZ?
Avgiv Rvwb, mgevû wÎfz‡Ri kxl© we›`y n‡Z f~wgi AswKZ j¤^ f~wg‡K mg‡Kv‡Y mgwØLwÊZ K‡i| A
ZvB ABD wÎfz‡R cx_v‡Mviv‡mi m~Î cÖ‡qvM K‡i cvB, AB2 = BD2 + AD2
42 = 22 + AD2 4 4
 16 – 4 = AD2
 AD = 12 = 4  3 B C
2 D 2
 AD = 2 3
A2Z Publication 103

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