Hospitalii Vacancy - Part1
Hospitalii Vacancy - Part1
Hospitalii Vacancy - Part1
2E0l5/l l912012-H
Covernment of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
(Hospital - II Section)
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
for gra-ntiug
Sub: Implerirentation of the Rccommcndations of the 7rh Central Pay Commission
of Eospitrl Pstient care Allowancc (EPCA)/Patient care Allowance (PCf) to Group
(Non-minirterial employees) Allied Healthcare Profcasiouals workiug in vrrious
Central Goveroment Ilealthcart Facilities - reg.
In continuation of this Ministry's O.M. of even number dated 17.05.201E and consequent
ttre decision taken by tho Covernment on the recommendations of the 7t Central
Pay Commission
(CPC), the approval of Competent Authority is conveyed for payment of IIPCA/]CA to all Group
& .B' (Non-ministerial employees) Atlied Healthcare Professionals excluding Nurses working in
Matrix, if
various centsal Govemment Healthcare Facilities as per cell RlH3 of the Risk and Hardship
underlying conditions of their exposure as per this Ministry's letter No. Z.2EO|5D4I2001-H
04,02.2004 are satisfied, in the following manner:
than one calendar month.
(ii) HPCA"/PCA may not be admissible in case of the individual proceeds on leaveltraining
for equivalent and more than one calendar inonth.
(iii) HPCA"/PCA should not be admissible in case of unauthorized leave'
4. This issues with the concurrence of Department of Expenditure, Ministry ,.tf Finance vide their
tDNo. A-27023nl2ol7lB.ll Bnth cPClPt. dated 30.07.2019, 16.0E.2019 & I1.09.2019.
@I"K. $ingh)
Under Secretary to the Govemnlent of lnrlia
Tele: 2306157.1
l. Heads of atl Subordinate Ghc,r, tinder the i+r,hol of Dirpclorate General of Heallh
2. All Addl. DGyDDCaDire.ctr;t" (CCHS)
3. Ministry of Finance, I)epartment of Expenditure, North Block, New Delhi .
4. Ministry of Railway, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi
5. DoPT,North Bloch New Delhi
6. Ministry of Defence, South Block, New Delhi
7. Ministry of Labour, Shram Shahi Bhawan, New Delhi
New Delhi
8. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowermen! ShastriBhawan'
9. Ministry of Urban Development, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
10. Secretary, Department of Health Research, New Delhi
11. Secretary, Departnent of Higher Education, M/o
IIRD' New Delhi
tz. Medical Superintendent, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi
13. Medical Superintendent, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
14. Director, LHMC and Associate Hospital, New Delhi
15. DDA, AIIMS,New Delhi
to all recognized union' etc'
16. JCM Section, MoHFW with request to circulate this oM
Singh Sehrawat, General Secretary, Joint Forum
of Medicat Technologists
t7. Shri Kaptan
of tndia, New Delhi
All india CGHS Employees Association, Saket Kunj, sector-9,
18. General secretary,
Rohini Delhi
I9. presiden! union of Allied Healthcare Professionals, AIIMS, New Delhi
20. Integrated Finance Division (IFD), MoHFW, New Delhi
21. tltC, tvtlo HFW with request to place the same in the Ministry's website'
22. Chairman, UGC, New Delhi
Order dated 27 '02'2019 in
23. section officer (Judicial), cAT (PB), New Delhi (w.r.t' cAT
OA No. 35t712018)
Copy to:
(i) Alt Joint Secretary in MoHF'W for circulating OM to all the HospitalJlnstitutes
under their administrative,;ontrol'
(i i) PPS to Seoetary (HFW)/Secretary (Ayushy AS&FA/AS(H), MoIFW'
(M.IC Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India