Dear Jack London

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-Write a letter for the author about your conviction on “The Story of


Dear Jack London,

Greetings! Your story entitled “The Story of Keesh” is a

tremendous impact about avenging ones right to equality, never to
mention what his father has done for the people in his time, there is an
instance one can’t get gratitude after you sacrifice your life for the
benefits of the majority. Just like a soldier, buried and forgotten as time
passes by. A good judgement by portraying the true condition of the
weak, old and the young by the character of Keesh and his mother
unable to provide for themselves due to their unavoidable circumstances.
Were the weak and poor are more abused were we should be sheltering
them from harm of nature instead of pushing them more into danger.
You have brought in to life and truthfulness the character of villains.
Words that was put in every line speaks the truth on how people lived in
those times of starvation. When food is scarce and the weather is the
enemy. When heaven favors the strong and pities the weak. The time
that unity and sharing could have prevailed to overcome crisis. The
setting was pictured conveying the tradition and culture people can
relate too, even in this time of modern era just like our heroes died
sacrificing for the goodness of our nation. How strong and confident you
characterized Keesh that could almost picture him on one’s mind clearly
and vivid, emblazoned in one’s head while avenging his right to have
what’s right to be his. It’s astonishing that a small young boy was put
into such power and flame to stand and proclaim what is done to stop
this, they have been deprived of their rights to live comfortably and the
shield from life’s adversaries pushes them to set on their ways to find
means in able to survive may it be good or evil. These are samples why
Children are put into work at a very young age, I commend you for
giving Keesh conviction to do what is due.

-Alternative ending of the story “The Last Leaf”.

-Johnsy was so happy staring at the last leaf not knowing it is just an
artwork made by Mr. Behrman, Johnsy was slowly recovering and
showing convalescent. Friends decided to have a simple celebration for
the patient. That night, a huge storm and strong wind came, but Johnsy
was already asleep that time, the last leaf that was made by Mr. Behrman
was gradually disappearing, that night, Sue had a dream, she saw Mr.
Behrman and Johnsy painting the Bay of Naples and happily just staring
at her, morning came, when Sue asks Johnsy what food she likes for
breakfast, she’s not responding, almost 2 minutes without responding,
until Sue find out that Johnsy was already dead by feeling her hands ash
white and stone cold, she abruptly opened the window to find out what
had happened to the last leaf and she beheld it’s smeared, faded and
couldn’t be distinguished.

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