Cloud One - Network Security: Trend Micro

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Trend Micro


Powerful network layer security designed for the cloud

Whether you’re starting out on your cloud migration journey or looking for defense Multiple, Flexible Deployment Scenarios
in-depth by adding another layer of security to your environment, Trend Micro Cloud One™ –
Designed specifically for inline cloud
Network Security can provide you with network layer security in minutes.
deployment, Network Security has a myriad
Network Security is deployed transparently within the network fabric as an actionable, inline of deployment scenarios. For example, you
solution. Designed to detect and prevent attacks at the network layer, for ingress, egress, can deploy via AWS VPC Ingress routing,
and east-west scenarios, Network Security enables your organization to securely deliver Transit Gateway, or beside the Microsoft®
business outcomes by utilizing existing architecture and processes. Gain broad runtime Azure® Firewall. Our cloud network security
protection quickly against unpatched vulnerabilities and emerging threats with a single experts will be happy to work with you
instance, so you can meet compliance requirements without the need to deploy agents to identify the best deployment options
or re-architect. within your existing environment. Available
Using an agile deployment approach and flexible failover scenarios, your team will be for AWS and Azure deployment, with GCP
empowered to protect cloud networks without disruption to your applications. Network coming soon.
Security gives you industry-leading coverage across multiple threat vectors, offering
comprehensive protection that includes virtual patching, vulnerability shielding, exploit
blocking, and high-accuracy defense against known and zero-day attacks. Network Security is part of Trend Micro
Cloud One, a cloud security services plat-
form, which also includes:
• Trend Micro Cloud One™ – Container Image
Security: Image scanning in your build
Network Security can be transparently and easily deployed using step-by-step guidance
directly in the solution. You’ll be provided with deployment templates, pre-configured filters,
and security controls—giving you the tools needed to protect entire VNets and VPCs. • Trend Micro Cloud One™ – File Storage
Security: Security for cloud file and object
• Insert and remove inline without disruption storage services
• Deploy inline within existing architecture • Trend Micro Cloud One™ – Application
• Inspect ingress and egress traffic with single deployment Security: Security for serverless functions,
APIs, and applications

• Trend Micro Cloud One™ – Workload

Security: Runtime protection for workloads
Network Security protects against all phases of the attack life cycle (virtual, physical, cloud, and containers)

• Trend Micro Cloud One™ – Conformity:

Cloud security and compliance posture

Vulnerability Malware Command and Lateral Movement Data

Exploits Installation Control Attacks Attempts Exfiltration



• Inspection at network speed:

Your cloud provider has many native-security controls to help you secure your
Inspect ingress and egress traffic directly
environment, including firewalls, policy and access controls, and analyzers. These tools are
inline, with network speed capabilities.
important, but as organizations expand their cloud operations and footprints, many are
recognizing that there is a gap in network layer security. • Active and actionable security:
Don’t take a passive approach to your
There are several governance and compliance requirements, network security network layer security. Protect against
approaches, and network security controls that aren’t covered by the native solutions. threats, get notified of attacks, and take
Network Security can help with the following network-layer security controls and action.
compliance requirements related to:
• Network-based virtual patching:
• Network layer virtual patching
Deploy intrusion prevention system (IPS)
• Egress filtering security at the network level to quickly
• Deep packet inspection provide protection from network threats,
allowing you to secure your VPC and
• Lateral movement
obtain compliance rapidly.

• Flexible deployment scenarios:

WHY NETWORK SECURITY? Insert cloud network security where you
need it without requiring complex cloud
Protect your cloud network and meet compliance requirements: Secure entire VPCs formation, network re-architecture, or
at scale without the need to deploy an agent with active, actionable, security that is re-IPing.
undetectable inline. Network Security includes a flow-based engine to meet your security
and networking needs while supporting governance and compliance requirements. • Backed by Trend Micro Research:
Get protection before vulnerability
Cloud friendly network security: Take advantage of the best elements of the cloud disclosure and gain advanced threat
though the efficient use of cloud resources and the ability to inspect traffic at the speed intelligence with Trend Micro Research
of your cloud network. Leverage cloud benefits such as SaaS management, consumption- and the Zero-Day Initiative.
based billing, and marketplace procurement options.

Deploy simply, seamlessly, and transparently: No disruption to your business, network,

applications, or DevOps processes, and stay undetectable to hackers—without losing
visibility. With multiple, flexible deployment scenarios, you don’t need to rearchitect
to meet your security needs. No need to deploy additional load balancers or pairs of
appliances. Network Security allows you to inspect ingress and egress traffic on a single
instance where you need it.

Partner confidently with your security provider: Trend Micro™ Research has over 500
investigators worldwide, including successful programs like the Trend Micro™ Zero Day
Initiative™, providing filters for Network Security customers, so you can protect, detect, To learn more about our hybrid cloud security
and respond to threats faster and with greater knowledge. capabilities or to take a test drive, visit
Cloud security simplified: Network Security is a part of Trend Micro Cloud One, a security
services platform for cloud builders. With centralized visibility and control, a unified
procurement experience, and security for your cloud footprint, Network Security gives
you automated, flexible, and all-in-one security.

© 2020 Trend Micro Incorporated and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Trend Micro and the t-ball logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Trend Micro and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Third-party
trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.



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