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Bekiri abd erahmane & Mousselmal moussa
RIH ≠ pooh
Processus d'interventions pour faire face à des problèmes qui arrêtent la production
ou entravent l'efficacité de la production, le terme « exploitation des puits » désigne
l'ensemble des dispositions applicables aux puits eux-mêmes et ayant pour objet,
d'une part, la connaissance de l'évolution de l'état des puits ou le gisement et, d'autre
part La maintenance ou l'adaptation des puits afin de rester dans des conditions
d'utilisation aussi parfaites que possible, hors sur un puits sont nombreuses et peuvent
être regroupées en opérations de mesures, opérations de maintenance et de
reconditionnement ou opérations de récupération, elles se répartissent en deux
catégories : légères ou lourdes : les interventions légères sont des opérations de
travail de câble et des opérations de pompage basées sur des utilisations d'unités
légères et des opérations lourdes sont des unités lourdes (Use drill rig on the work
over operation and snobbing unit), Mots clés : intervention, mesure, maintenance,
filaire, coiled tubing, snub bing. retravailler.
يشير مصطلح "عمليات، عمليات التدخل للتعامل مع المشكالت التي توقف اإلنتاج أو تعيق كفاءة اإلنتاج
معرفة تطور حالة، من ناحية، البئر" إلى جميع األحكام المطبقة على اآلبار نفسها والتي يكون هدفها
صيانة أو تكييف اآلبار من أجل البقاء في ظروف االستخدام، ومن ناحية أخرى، اآلبار أو الرواسب
خارج البئر عديدة ويمكن تجميعها م ًعا في عمليات القياس وعمليات الصيانة، المثالية قدر اإلمكان
التدخالت الخفيفة هي: الخفيفة أو الثقيلة: فهي تنقسم إلى فئتين، وإعادة التعبئة أو عمليات االسترداد
، عمليات عمل الكابالت وعمليات الضخ التي تعتمد على استخدامات الوحدات الخفيفة والعمليات الثقيلة
والعمل على العمليات التي تعتمد على استخدام وحدات متعددة و الوحدات، وعزل، وهي أنابيب ملفوفة
القياس، التدخل: الكلمات الرئيسية، )الثقيلة (استخدم جهاز الحفر في العمل فوق وحدة التشغيل والصدم
انتهاء العمل. التنفيس بنج، األنابيب الملتفة، الكابالت السلكية، الصيانة،
Intruduction General :
Despite the revolution in techniques used up to this point in drilling for the recovery of
hydrocarbons the best known problem is the decrease in producio. a horizontal well was a
ideal solution for field development, but due to the size of the reservoirs, drilling
conventional new horizontal wells were not economically attractive.
Re-entry using boreholes. existing systems using Coiled Tubing Drilling (CTD) has been
determined as one of the best options for the development of fields thanks to the equipment
new techniques which confirm these advantages over conventional drilling.
A montage fast and shorter tripping times and generally result in higher production rates
than those obtained using conventional overbalance drilling techniques. Coiled Tubing Drilling
"CTD" is one of the newly introduced techniques on the field of Krechba deposit, it combines
between the concepts of TC and conventional drilling, There are important differences
between these two techniques.
The CTD offers several unique advantages and capabilities over the conventional drilling
method, it has there are several drawbacks and usage limitations.
The aim of the work scale is to gain a good understanding of drilling with Coiled Tubing, its
applications, its advantages as well as its limitations and to make a study to economize the
drilling of CTD and the cleaning conventional.
For this we chose the well drilled in the same area of Krechba deposit fields, the Teg-37 wells
conventionally using the Coiled Tubing unit Drilling.
Description of Coiled Tubing
ChapterI: Description of Coiled Tubing
ChapterI: Description of Coiled Tubing 2
I.1.Intruduction :
Coiled tubing involvespushing a pipe withdownholetoolsattached to its end into an oil or
gaswell to carry out workwithoutdisturbing, to complete the existingwell. Althoughthere are
disadvantages, there are advantagesthat have encourageditsdevelopment.
I.3.Definition :
Coil Tubing is a long metal pipe thatisspooledaround a large reel. The tube
iscontinuousinstead of a jointed pipe. It isnormally 1 to 3.25 in (25 to 83 mm) in diameter and
isused for interventions or workoveroperations in wellbores and sometimes as production
tubing in depletedgaswells. The tubing pipe isuncurledbeforeitispushedinto a wellbore .
ChapterI: Description of Coiled Tubing
I.5.1.Pumping applications :
Starting a wellwithnitrogen,
Neutralization of a well,
Removal of sand or sediments,
ChapterI: Description of Coiled Tubing
Removal ofhydraulicdeposits at high pressure (kerosene, salt ...
Stimulation treatments (production column, matrix treatment by: acid, reformate,
treated water, xylene)
Cement squeeze includingothertreatments for zone isolation (withsand, orpolymer),
Installation of mechanicalstoppers,
Mechanicalremoval of deposits,
Mechanicalcutting of tubing .
ChapterI: Description of Coiled Tubing
Performance .
Computer prepares to optimize job design .
Fast .
Tubing Management.
ChapterI: Description of Coiled Tubing
I.8.2. Limitation of use of coiled tubing :
No additional rotation,
Limited draftingcapacity,
Small diameters,
Low circulation (in case of smallinnerdiameter of the production case),
Short pipe life,
Costcanbe high.
ChapterI: Description of Coiled Tubing
ChapterI: Description of Coiled Tubing
At the moment of passage on the gooseneckwhen the tubing passes from the straight
state to the curved state and vice versa.
At the moment of passage from the gooseneck to the injection headwhen the tubing
passes from the curved state to the bending state to the straight state and vice versa.
A fatigue cycle for a Coiled Tubing isdefined as the set of sequences, fromfromunwinding
and rewinding on the drum, to lowering and rewinding on the goose neck. and thisreduces the
tensilestrength by about 5 to 10% of itsyieldstrength. of itselasticitylimit.
The service life of a Coiled Tubing isgenerallyconsidered to bearound 80 cycles,
withouttakingintoaccount the effects of pressure withouttakingintoaccount the effects of
pressure, acidification and weight.
I.10. Conclusion :
In the end itwasdiscoveredthatthere are more benefitsthandisadvantages in usingcoiled tubing
Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
II.1.Introduction :
The Coiled tubing is a unit consisting of all the equipmentnecessary for the
continuousexecution of tubing lengthoperations in the field. The unit consists of two main
parts :
Surface equipment.
The bottomtools .
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
II.2.Surface equipment :
II.2.1Control cabin :
The design of the CT unit control boothmayvaryamongmanufacturers, but normally all
controls are located on a remote console panel. A schematic of a typical CT unit control panel
isshown in Figure II.3 . The console assemblyiscompletewith all the controls and gauges
needed to operate and monitor all the components used and canbeskid-mounted for offshore
use or permanentlymounted as for land-basedunits. The skid-mounted console
canbeplacedwherever the operatorwishes at the well site. The reel and injectormotors are
activatedfrom the control panel by valves thatdetermine the direction of casing movement and
operating speed. Also on the console are the control systemsthatregulate the pressure of the
drive string, stripper assembly and variouswell control components...
The operator must have all the necessarycontrols in front of him to operate, control and
monitor the followingparameters :
Circulation pressure
Wellhead pressure
Casing weight
Operating speed
Circulation flow rate
Pumped volume Winch
Injection head
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
the first circuit with a maximum working pressure of 3000 psi issupplied by
twopumps (60 and 30 g/min)pumps (60 and 30 g/mn) and drives the injection head.
the second circuit with a maximum working pressure of 2000 psi drives the winch
The third circuit, with a maximum working pressure of 2,500 psi, drives the devicethat
guides the winding and unwinding of the tubing.
the fourth circuit is the BOPs circuit whichallows the accumulators to berecharged to a
maximum pressure of 3000 psi.
The fifth circuit iscomposed of storagecylinderspressurized to 2000 psi which, with
the help of regulators, performs the followingfunctions and organsfunctions and
components by means of the regulators:
tensioning the innerchain of the injection head at a pressure of 1500 psi.
the tension of the outerchain of the injection head at a pressure of 400 psi.
the speed of the injection head at a pressure of 600 psi.
the forward/reverse rotation of the injection head at a pressure of 600 psi
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
cab position adjustment at 600 psi.
Hydraulic winch drumbraking system at 350 psi.
the coiled tubing synchronization system on the drum at a pressure of 2000 psi.
The system for adjusting the high or low position of the injector at a pressure
of 600 psi.
the sixth circuit used to supplyauxiliaryauxiliaryequipment of the coiled tubing unit
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
Bothhydraulicmotors are driven by the same pressure source to avoid phase shift between the
twothe phase shift between the twochains.
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
The traction capacity of the injection headis a functionof :
FigureII.8 : Gooseneck
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
1. Axes de liaison
2. Gripper
3. Chaîne à rouleaux
4. Goupilles fendues
II.2.4.4. Weightindicator :
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
II.2.5. Packer (stripper) :
The stripper ( Figure II.12 )is a sealingelementwhichisinstalledunder the injection headvery
close to the grippingelements of the injection headchain in order to prevent the
coiledtubingfrombucklingduring the operation.
The stripper is the primarybarrierwhen the coiled tubing is in the well, itensures a
perfectsealaround the coiled tubing like the gland in cableoperations.
There are three types of stripper on the market :
the conventional stripper
the conventional stripper
radial stripper
The operating principle of all types of strippers is the same, itconsists of hydraulicallymoving
a piston to directly or indirectlycompress a seal, whichhydraulically move a piston to directly
or indirectlycompress a seal, which in turnsealsaround the coiled tubing.[4]
FigureII.12: stripper
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
The twoupper and lowersleeves help guide and center the tubing in the packer. seal. A ring
mountedbetween the uppersleeve and the sealprevents the sealfrombeingforcedbetween the
uppersleeve and the seal. A ring mountedbetween the uppersleeve and the sealprevents the
sealfrombeingforcedbetween the sleeve and the Coiled Tubing.
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
II.2.5.3Radial stripper :
The Radial Stripper ( Figue II.15 )is a stripper withjawsdesignedspecifically for Coiled
Tubing stripping. It wasdeveloped to overcome the problemsencounteredduring the use of
conventional strippers (single or double).
The radial stripper has a reducedheight, ease and simplicity of change of elastomerscompared
to the conventional stripper.
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
II.2.6.1Quadruple BOP :
This type of standard stackingis the most responsive of the BOPsused in Coiled Tubing, itis a
solid block composed of four rams arranged(Figure II.17 )from top to bottom as follows .
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
II.2.6.2. Combinaison BOP :
The BOP COMBINE ( Figure II.18 )is a double shutterwhichfulfils the samefunctions as the
BOP QUAD but withonlytwo rams, itiscomposed of :
A Blind/Shear rams top plug, used to cut the tubing and seal on an emptywheel.
A lower pipe/slip rams plug, used for hanging and sealing on the tubing.
Each valve isequippedwith a pressure equalization valve. A kill line inletlocatedbetween the
thetwoobturatorswhichallows to pumpinside the tubing if necessary.
II.2.6.3Annular BOP :
The Annular BOP isused more frequently in specialoperations at the Coiled Tubing, for
example the assembly of very long tool strings thatrequire the use of a deployment system.
The main purpose of using an annular stopper in a CoiledTubing stackis to be able to close
stackis to be able to close tightly on differentdiameters of Coiled Tubing and tooling.
Its position in the stackdepends on the nature of the work to bedone. above Quad, below the
deployment system, the ring shuttercanbeused as a back up as a back up for the stripper if
The characteristics of the annularshutter must besimilar to those of the clamshellshutterswith
the with the additionalpossibility of closing on an empty ho
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
FigureII.19 : Annular BOP
II.2.6.4Shutters (shear/seal) :
In some countries wheresafetyregulations are very strict, an additionalshear/seal rams (Figure
II.20 ) must beinstalledbetween the production head and the BOP assembly, and isused as a
tertiarybarrier if necessary.
This type of valve requires a large volume of hydraulicfluid, whichiswhy an
independenthydraulic unit (koomey) isrequired. The working pressure of the koomey unit
isusuallybetween 1500 and 3000 psi .
The stackingcanbecomposed of :
one shear/seal rams on top and one pipe rams on bottom.
a tubing /slip rams plug at the top and pipe rams to guide the tubing at the bottom.
The advantage of using the deployment system under the QUAD or the COMBI is to be able
to to assemble the different sections of a relatively long toolpathwhenlowering and to
assemble themwhenraising of a relatively long toolpath in completesafety.[4]
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
FigureII.22 : onshoredeployment
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
It is a set of parts thatconstitutes the main element of coiled tubing (the train or the probe of
coiled tubing).
The coiled tubing train isvalid for the differentcoiled tubing operations, such as cleaning, re-
drilling, stimulation, acidification ... etc, attached to the end of tubing. The main elements are:
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
II.3.3. Hydraulicdisconnector :
Hydraulicdisconnector( Figure II.24 )is a shearloweredwith the tool train to release the
Coiled tubing in case of jamming, the principle of use of the Boss is to pump a ballinside the
Coiled tubing and continue to rise in pressure untilshearing the pins of the disconnectors and
release the Coiled Tubing.[4]
FigureII.25 : disconnector
II.3.4. Centerers :
The centeringdevices are securelymounted in the coiled tubing tool set to keep the tools or the
thetools or the tip awayfrom the walls of the tubing material.
Elasticbladecenteringdevice :
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
Elasticbladecentering machines usually have three flexible curvedblades. The elasticity of the
bladesallows for effective centeringwithin a certain range of insidediameter.
Rigidcenteringdevice :
Rigidcenteringdevicesusually have three or four fins mounted on a central sleeve. sleeve. The
outsidediameter of these fins isslightlysmallerthan the smallestinsidediameterencountered in
the diametersencountered in the packing throughwhichitis to belowered.
FigureII.26 : Centerers
ChapterII: Operating principle of the Coiled Tubing
II.3.7. The tool :
There are several types of tools(Figure II.27 )used, depending on the operationwemake the
choice (of tool). The cuttingtool, the cleaningtool, and fishing ... etc.[4]
FigureII.28 : differenttools
II.4. Conclusion :
We note that the coiled tubing group consists of manyequipment on the surface as well as the
bottom, whichmakesit more advantageous, coordinated and efficient than the rest of the
groups, and thishelps the drillingprocess and gives a distinctive result.
ChapterIII: case study
Teg-37 was drilled and completed by KCAD T220 on 10th November 2012, The well was put
on production on the 5th April 2013, and after 15 days flowing the well started to be loaded
with production fluid ( heavy fluid) and caused the dead of the well , The static Gradient
surveys analysis indicated that the top of this heavy fluid is at 2500 m, and this fluid has a
pressure gradient of 0.4 psi/ft, above this fluid we have a dry gas with SG = 0.628 and 9.2
mol % CO2.
The 4-1/2” Slotted liner is this well is not is installed properly deep in the well and is
suspended completely inside the 7” Casing, as you can see below Schematic, This was due to
a problems encountered during the completion of the well.
Mud losses were observed during the drilling of the 6” Hole, Estimated quantity of OBM lost
is as below.
A fish was left inside the 4-1/2” Slotted line during the completion of the well, dimensions of
the fish are mentioned below .
III.2. Objectives :
operation is planned to be performed on this well, therefor JV‐Gas has requested
days the well started to be loaded with production fluid (heavy fluid) and caused the
deadof the well , The static gradient surveys analysis indicated that the top of this heavy
fluid is at2500 m, and this fluid has a pressure gradient of 0.4 psi/ft, above this fluid we
have a dry gaswithSG= 0.628.
To kickoff the well with N2 and flow it until it is clean from hydrocarbon liquid using
Schlumberger Well Test Unit and HES Coiled tubing unit, The aim of the displacement is to
recover all liquids from the well and draw the well to lowest possible FWHP and get
measurement of the Condensate Gas Ratio (CGR) in the end of the clean up, All clean up
fluids will be taken to the flare pit and burned / evaporated .
ChapterIII: case study
III.3. Program Overview :
RU with Slick-line and drift tubing and Tag HUD with appropriate drift size, use 3.35” fluted
drift (1-3/4” CT will be used), then rigged down with Slick line, RU with Schlumberger Well
Test equipments and Pressure test surface equipment, Coiled Tubing will then be rigged up
and run in hole, and the well will be unloaded using N2. The aim is to run the coil to inflow
the well and clean up. After the well observed flowing continuously in the flare pit, pull out of
the hole while circulating at low N2 flow rate to surface, continue flowing the well until
confirming the well is cleaned up from liquids.
deposit was discovered in 1957 by drilling KB1 which returnedcountered the Tournaisian
Carboniferous and Siegenian – Gedinnian reservoirs of theLesser Devonian at a depth of
1,700 to 3,350 meters. The different drilled wells produced gas flows in all three
reservoirs.1This deposit constitutes, with those of Teg and Reg and, further south, those of
theIn Salah region (HassiMoumen, Garet el Befinat, Gour Mahmoud and the struc-ture of In
Salah), a large gas complex operated as part of the tionSonatrach – BP – Stat Oil. After
treatment, the gas produced is transported to HassiR’mel located 450 km north of Krechba
( FigureIII.2 ). [5]
The Krechba deposit appears to be a large anticlinal structureclosed, structurally simple. The
current architecture of the Krechba was modeled at the end of the Carboniferous during the
"Hercynian orogeny born ". This is an anticline that developed as a result of cutbacks deep in
the base. These were accompanied by a network of north-south faults intersecting, to the west
of the deposit, the formations of the Ordovician and the Silurian.
The location of the paleovalley, in which the sandstones of the Tournaisien were deposited,
was influenced very presumably by these flaws. The structure of Krechba underwent post-her-
cynians. The structural map of the Krechba deposit has was established on the basis of the
interpretation of the seismic 3D carried out in 1998, the three reservoir horizons having then
been mapped in detail. The interpretation shows an elongated submeridian NNO-SSE
ChapterIII: case study
anticline with fer-metures with steep sides (FigureIII.3). Figure 2.51 shows the stratigraphic
column as well as the nomenclature adopted in the series.
III.4.3.The Carboniferous:
Carboniferous sandstones, deposited in an environmentofpaleovallée, are located at a depth of
1,700 m. These sandstones are well developed (up to 24 m thicktotal) over a large part of the
deposit, but are absent in parts of western and southern field. The Carboniferous sandstones
are of good quality, with porosities up to 22% and permeabilities up to 200 mD. The body of
water at the level of Carboniferous is at the level of –1 330 mss, which gives a closed area of
130 km2. This body of water was confirmed by pressure measurements and recorded tests.
III.4.4.The Devonian :
The Devonian reservoirs are located at a depth between 2850 and 3350 m; they come under
the form of alternating sandstone levels separated byc lay levels. These sandstones are of
"little marinedeep ”to“ marginal sailor ”. Gedinnian sandstones (D30 to D10) have a
significant lateral extension and are of medium quality, with porosities up to 15% and
permeabilities reaching 150 mD. The sandstone from the Siegenien (D40) are of poorer
quality does diagenesis; porosities are generallyless than 10%. In the Devonian levels
(D40,D30 and D20), the trapping mechanism is complex.The area of the roof closure of the
D40 is 100 km2 with a structural closure of 65 m. However, for the two tanks D40 and D30-
20, the gas columninterpreted from the logs exceeds the height of the structural closure. For
D40, the trapping mechanism is probably mixed, structural or stratigraphic / diagenetic. Gas /
water contact has been confirmed at -2,420 mss by tests and pressure measurements. [6]
Tank C10.2
The DSTs of existing wells, despite their short lifetimes, show variation in
productivity from one well to another. This variation in flow rate is a function of
reservoir qualities and is an indicator of its heterogeneity. [7]
ChapterIII: case study
The results indicate maximum production in wells not damaged, which varies from 300,000
m3 / d on the sides to 700,000 m3 / d in the center of the structure. Analysis of the fluids
collected indicates a variation in the gas composition, with a maximum condensate content of
11.2 m3 / million m3 obtained on the KB-9z well. The maximum condensate flow obtained
has summer of 1.4 m3 / d.
D30 tank The test results show a variation in the production rate. TheFlow rates obtained
from the wells in the north of the field were greater.
Some wells provided appreciable flows. The flow variation is directly linked to the qualities
of thereservoir and indicates its heterogeneity. The production of water observed during
certain tests confirms the complexity of the body of water in this reservoir. We will note other
share the high concentration of CO2 (9%) obtained on the effluent of the KB10 well.
ChapterIII: case study
Last DownholeOps:Drift HUD and performed SBHPS (Static bottom hole pressure surveys)On
27-April-2013, Tagged HUD at 2757m(WL)
kh 4229 md-ft
ChapterIII: case study
Estimated Mud losses 946 bbl of OBM (during drilling 6” Hole)
Fish dimensions: The fish was left during running the 4-1/2” Liner, and was tagged
during Slick line job with 3.35” fluted drift at 2757 m (WL).Lost tools string composed
Tie cable/clamps will be used in all upstream lines. Swamp weight shall be used on the
flare lines.
Function test the ESD, from all shut down points check the set pilots low and high
All pressure testing will be with appropriate permits, and test area barricaded
The material safety data sheets for all chemicals stored on-site during testing
operations will be made available.
Thickness testing of the flow lines should be conducted every 1-2 hrs, during the clean
up Periods, If significant amounts of solids are lifted, then the thickness measurements of
the pipes should be more frequent (less then 1 - 2 hours), paying particular attention when
there is an increase in flow rate and when the slotted liner is being jet blasted
ChapterIII: case study
III.5.2. Responsibilities of Halliburton Coiled tubing crew
If only one stripper is supplied with the CT spread there must be two pipe rams. This is
to comply with two barrier policy. If two strippers are used then the upper stripper is
the one which should be used when carrying out the CT operation. When shear seals
are employed all connections to the tree or wellhead must be flanged and double valve
isolated, thereby excluding elastomers from connections beneath these BOP’s. Ref: BP
DWOP (BPA-D-001- Section 23. Coiled Tubing Operations).
ChapterIII: case study
III.6.1.CustomerWellboreschematic :
Table III.1 :completionSchematic
WellType: 7x5"Prod Endofstring: 2603m OriginalRTE: 9.15 Size(in.) Weight Grade Thread MD(m) TVD(m)
XMASTREE CAP Cameron 6.3/8"FLS 5M 9.1/2"OTIS Quick Union 7"Liner 1794 29ppf L80 VamTop 2868 2868
XMASTREE Cameron 6.3/8"FLS 5M 71/16"APIStudded 4½"SlottedLiner 2600.8 12.6ppf L80 VamTop 2793.8 2794
2STAGEWELLHEAD Cameron SSMC 5M 135/8"Flangelock
TUBINGHANGER Cameron 135/8" 5M
MHPPackermidelement(mBRT): 2557.43
Nearest7"Casingcouplings(mBRT): 2572.5
VamTop Cameron 0.0
1 Partnumber:2180000-04-02 0.250 8.92 6.276 14.080 B
2 7"PupJoint,26ppf,13CrL80 1.589 9.17 6.276 7.677 PxP
Cameron 0.2
3 7"Tubing, 26ppf,13CrL80 12.029 10.76 6.276 7.677 BxP 1 ISG 1.7
4 7"PupJoint,26ppf,13CrL80 1.724 22.79 6.276 7.677 BxP 1 ISG 2.0
5 7"PupJoint,26ppf,13CrL80 3.096 24.51 6.276 7.677 BxP 1 ISG 2.3
7 7"PupJoint,26ppf,13CrL80 3.100 63.71 6.288 7.587 BxP
ISG 7.3
7"FlowCoupling,13Cr,L8026ppf. VamTop
8 Part number : 1.780 66.81 6.221 7.603 Halliburton 7.5
ternalLockProfile VamTop
9 3.283 68.59 5.963 9.231 Halliburton 7.9
Part number: 101412309 BxP
SerialNumber: 1937674-1
VamTop Halliburton 8.1
10 Partnumber:428865Seri 1.782 71.87 6.258 7.606 BxP
alNumber: 1855564
11 7"PupJoint,26ppf,13CrL80 1.939 73.66 6.289 7.579 BxP
ISG 8.3
12 7"Tubing, 26ppf,13CrL80 1697.097 75.59 6.276 7.677 132 ISG 221.4
15 5"PupJoint,15ppf,13CrL80 2.930 2552.86 4.423 5.481 BxP
ISG 267.0
LatchLocatorSSR(RotaretoReleaseLatch) Halliburton 267.0
16 0.740 2555.79 3.956 5.484 VamTopB
Part number:142137
SerialNumber: 2340702-08
NewVAMB, Halliburton 267.1
17 Part 1.815 2556.53 3.930 5.857 5"18ppf
Top,13Cr NewVAM5"Px5" Halliburton 267.1
18 0.155 2558.35 4.273 5.018 VamTopP
19 5"PupJoint,15ppf,13CrL80 1.869 2558.50 4.472 5.483 BxP
ISG 267.3
21 5"PupJoint,15ppf,13CrL80 2.985 2572.34 4.380 5.448 BxP
ISG 268.2
VamTop Halliburton 268.2
22 Partnumber:137354Seria 0.400 2575.33 3.813 5.525 BxP
23 5"PupJoint,15ppf,13CrL80 1.914 2575.73 4.439 5.457 BxP
ISG 268.3
24 5"Tubing,15.0ppf,13CrL80,R3 11.979 2577.64 4.408 5.470 BxP 1.0 ISG 269.1
25 5"PupJoint,15ppf,13CrL80 2.925 2589.62 4.397 5.468 BxP
ISG 269.2
BottomofString 2603.00
34 HydraulicNonRotatingLinerHanger Assy.CTH 1.610 2612.98 4.330 5.910 VamTop BxP Weatherford 0.4
35 5"Tubing,15.0ppf,13CrL80,R3 13.022 2614.59 4.408 5.470 BxP 1.0 ISG 1.2
39 160.500 2633.33 3.958 4.960 VamTop BxP ISG 9.5
Note:4.5"Stinger Packoffat3014m.ID1.50".
BottomofStringc/wGuideShoe 2793.83
ChapterIII: case study
Rig Name:KCAD Teg-37
RTEtohangoffpoint: 9.39
Casing Depth(mDDbrt)
30" 5.0
18⅝" 76.8
13⅜" 908.0
10¾"x9⅝"CrossOver 91.0
9⅝" 1865.0
7"LinerPBR Top 1794.0
7"LinerShoe 2868.0
4½"SlottedLiner PBR Top 2606.9
4½"SlottedLiner Shoe 2793.8
7"TRSV 68.6
"5.963"'RPT'ProfileonTRSV 68.6
X-over 7"x5" 1772.7
RatchetLatch-RotateType 2555.8
7"MHRPacker 2556.5
3.813"R Nipple 2575.3
3.813"RNNipple 2592.5
Bottomof5"Tubing 2603.0
Reservoir Isolation
FlapperValve 2630.6
BPVset in tubinghanger
Pressure 2317PsiaTBC
Temperature 144°C
Initial: OzgurOzbay
ChapterIII: case study
FigureIII.5 : Teg-37SuspensionSchematic-Final
ChapterIII: case study
III.7.1.Wellbore Teg-37 :
III.7.2.Reservoir :
5 psiEstimatedReservoirTemperature(D40)
FracPressureatMidofLiner 7,219
psiHydrostaticPressureoffluidinwell(0.41psi 346
psiMaximumWellheadPressure Basedonthe
MaximumCoiledTubingPressure 5,000psiEquipementLimitation
III.7.3 Fluids :
FreshWater 1,389gals
Nitrogen 7m3
FreshWater requiredfortheoperationwillbesuppliedbyclient
ChapterIII: case study
III.7.4 EquipmentRequired :
1ea. 1-1/2" x 0.109" Wall Thickness, QT - 900
Coiled Tubing Unit1ea. ClamMixingUnitwithHT-
III.7.5.BHA :
1ea ServiceConnector
1ea DoubleFlapperCheckValve
1ea HydraulicDisconnect
1ea KnuckleJoint
1ea 1MeterStraitJoint
1ea WashNozzle
ChapterIII: case study
III.9. Procedure :
1. Conductsafetymeeting,ensureinvolvedpeopleandcompanymanarepresent.
2. RigupCT,pumping&N2units,RigupsurfacelinestoCTFunctiontestBOP.(SeeNote#5bel
3. FillcoiledtubingandsurfacelineswithFreshWaterforpressuretesting.
4. CooldownNitrogenunit
5. PressuretestCTagainstswabvalveandN2pumpinglinesseparatelyto500/4000psifor5/1
6. OpenSwabvalve,Openwingvalveandcirculatetoseefluidreturns
7. UseN2toDisplaceFreshWaterfromCTtotheflarepit
8. Openwell(makesureTRSSVisopen)andstartRIHat20fpmuntilpasstheTRSV(68.6m/22
9. Continu RIH to 2,300 m @ 65 fpm, safe running speed with out pumping N2.
Perform check weight every2,000ft.
10. ContinuRIHto2,745m@30fpmwhilepumpingN2at20l/mn
11. StopCTat2,745m,Pump0.5m3ofliquidNitrogenathighrate(40‐60lpm)
12. Slowdownnitrogenratetothe20‐25lpm,makesureallthefluidabovethisdepthhasbeendis
placed,untillonly N2observedonsurface.
13. ContinuepumpingNitrogenat20‐25lpm,untilwellstartstoflowandcansustaintheproduc
14. POOHtosurface,whilemaintainingN2circulationatminimumrate15lpmifneeded.
15. Closetheswapvalve,securethewellandrigdownInjector.
16. Leavethewellflowingforcleanup.
III.9.1 Note:
bbl .
voidexcessivedrawdown .
ChapterIII: case study
ChapterIII: case study
ChapterIII: case study
III.13. Slick Line and Clean Up Operations step by step :
Prior to any operations hold a safety meeting with all personnel involved, and ensure
that all safety signs are in position and well test area is enclosed by barrier tape.
Ensure the manual production wing valve, UMV and LMV is locked in the closed
Rig up Schlumberger surface test equipment to Schlumberger ESD and out to the flare
ChapterIII: case study
the choke manifold The flare line should be chocked up so it can be screwed straight
onto this outlet.
All lines to choke manifold tested to 3500 psi. And all lines down stream the manifold
must be tested to 1200 psi .And the area must be cleared when that pressure test is
Ensure that there are no intrusive probes in any of the upstream or downstream lines
(thermo wells, etc) especially during the clean-up period. Rocks can damage these
probes and cause leaks if not sealed in. Any intended in-line probes in the lines must
only be inserted after the well has been cleaned up, Risk Assessed, and ensured to
have a positive and rated pressure seal (needle valve, gauge, etc).
Get 2 radios to communicate between pump operators and well test chief operator.
Discuss test procedure with pump operator and all the other personnel involved
highlighting risks.
Make sure all valves to flare are open before flushing lines.
Start flushing lines at pumping rate of 1.5 bbl/min with centrifuge pump. Once clear
returns are observed at flare line end, stop pumping.
Install 6” 206 Test plug on flare line with valve on test plug open.
Stop flushing and isolate flare line (close valve on test plug).
From SLB Unit apply 300/1200 for 5/10 min. ( Record all pressure test on chard
Bleed off at the 6” test plug at flare end and remove plug.
ChapterIII: case study
Apply 300/3500 for 5/10 min against upstream valves on choke manifold.
If the pressure test passes, bleed off pressure from surface lines and secure the well
area before leave the well.
Ensure to have a valid flaring permit in place before commencing the job, Inform the
OLC and the military prior to start the flare.
Carry out gas check prior to moving CT unit to the well.
Confirm tree valve status.
Spot and rig up the CT unit and associated equipment as per HES’s standard
operating procedures and JVGAS regulations.
Prepare N2 equipment.
M/U BOP and CT nozzle ( CT tools string composed by, Roll on Connector 1.75”,
Bomb Sub 2”, Dual Flapper check valve 1.7” , Hydraulic disconnect 1.81”, Straight
bar 1.69”, Wash Nozzle 2 ” ).
Ensure hydraulic disconnect will work if needed to release CTand also use an
appropriate bull size.
P/T to 500/4000psi for 5/10 minutes for CT PCE and surface lines..
Open TRSSSV using Enerpac hand pump. Keep it open at 300 to 320 bars.
Open Swab valve and UMV. Record WHP.
Ensure that the TRSSV is kept open all the time when CT is down hole..
Start RIH. Take extra care when running through X-mas tree valves and TRSSSV.
Once through TRSSSV come on line with N2 at minimum rate. Get weight. checks
every 500 m while RIH
Open the well at choke manifold on adjustable choke (128/64”) to flare pit.
RIH with the Coiled Tubing not faster than 6 m/min.
Visually inspect the line-up from the tree to the burners and check that all valves are in
the correct position. The Intervention Supervisor and the Well Test Supervisor
should witness this.
ChapterIII: case study
Once clear of the TRSSV increase RIH speed to 15 to 20 m/min and start pump N2 at
minimum rate, When at depth below 2500 m, start injecting nitrogen at a minimum
of 500 scf/min
Insure that “A” and “B” annulus are monitored during the flow period to ensure they
do not exceed maximum allowable pressures, No more then 500 psi.
Conduct pull test every 250 m and compare weights with calculated weights. Slow
down running speed going through the landing nipples and the top of liner, returns
are to be taken to the flare pit. Monitor fluid returns closely for any signs of gas,
Ensure that the pilots are lit.
Continue RIH in steps of 250 m each parking the coil for 5/10min maintaining
nitrogen rate at 500 scf/min until the well starts flowing or until the end of the coiled
tubing is at 2745 m (Last HUD-10 m), continue to pump nitrogen until the
hydrocarbon liquid (Top of hydrocarbon liquid proximately 2500 m )has been
displaced with nitrogen.
N2 has to be shut in prior to closing the well for the not frac the formation,
Once it is confirmed that the well will flow without N2, POOH with CT into the
lubricator and close the Swab valve. Clean up the well at the highest rate possible and
at lowest possible FWHP
Monitor the flow line for signs of erosion, especially if solids are produced. Record
Ultrasonic thickness measurements.
If there is any indication of flow line erosion, well must be secured and lines have to
be opened and inspected.
Flow the well until all of the hydrocarbon liquid has been flared
The length of the clean up period is a judgment call of the well site OPS Intervention
Bleed off and maintain annulus pressure below 500 psi during the clean up. Record
the volume and type of fluids recovered and report on the OPS daily report and Well
test report.
Obtain pressures at various choke settings with estimated flow rate at the Data
Acquisition Unit, and reported in well test reporting.
Obtain condensate gas ratio (CGR) measurement in the end of the clean up operation.
ChapterIII: case study
III.14.4.Day 4: Rig Down of Well test equipments :
This step is to be done after confirming the well iscleaned up and not necessary in the 4thday .
With the UMV, Manual Wing Valve, Actuated Wing Valve, and Kill wing closed,
open the swab valve and bleed down the pressure through the choke manifold and
inflow test of tree-x.
Open the kill wing valve keep all valve closed and flush the Schlumberger test
equipment with fresh water.
Open the kill wing valve to bleed any trapped pressure and then close it again.
Remove the 2-1/16” flange x 2” 1502 WECO from the kill wing.
Pressures test the companion flange to 5000 psi with a hydraulic hand pump against
the kill wing valve.
With the Wing Valve, Actuated Wing Valve, and Kill wing closed, open the swab
valve and close the swab needle valve.
Slowly open the UMV to test the tree cap installation, the tree cap flange and cap
needs to be tested to 5k. All pressure tests should be recorded and retained.
Close the UMV and bleed off the pressure above the UMV through the swab needle
After rig down of all equipment, check the site to verify it is as clean as before the
Notify the Area Authority and Teg Operations Superintendent that the cleanup is
complete and sign off on the permit.
ChapterIII: case study
HUD = 2757 m
Total weight of Gas column and hydrocarbon column to (HUD – 10 m) = 324 + 1456 =
1793 psi.
Bottom hole pressure at Gauge depth (at 2750 m WL) = 1848 psi
(Pressure Gradient Surveys Job on the 27/04/2013).
ChapterIII: case study
ChapterIII: case study
Conclusion General
ConclusionGeneral :
According to the present study and before highlighted the importance and the effectiveness of
the couled tubing interventions the wells, with all the advantages to the intervention on the
wells is production. Among the advantages can be Technological development in terms of
dealing with problems. impede production processes (Tools and calves treatment programs
and the establishment of modern processes to restore, protect and increase productivity, New
chemicals more effective than those currently used
✓multiesed tool multiesmultized in the same process increases the success rate
✓The development of the mechanism used in the interventions creates a price increase
✓The disruption of safety during new interventions in the pilot phase of the primary