Effect of Low Temperature On Electric Vehicle Range: Matthias Steinstraeter, Tobias Heinrich and Markus Lienkamp
Effect of Low Temperature On Electric Vehicle Range: Matthias Steinstraeter, Tobias Heinrich and Markus Lienkamp
Effect of Low Temperature On Electric Vehicle Range: Matthias Steinstraeter, Tobias Heinrich and Markus Lienkamp
Institute of Automotive Technology, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstr. 15, 85748 Garching, Germany;
[email protected] (T.H.); [email protected] (M.L.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: A significant disadvantage of battery electric vehicles compared to vehicles with internal
combustion engines is their sharply decreased driving range at low temperatures. Two factors are
primarily responsible for this decreased range. On the one hand, the energy demand of cabin heating
needs to be supplied by the vehicle’s battery since less waste heat is available from the powertrain,
which could be used to cover heating demands. On the other hand, a limited capability to recuperate
at low temperatures serves to protect the battery from accelerated aging, which ultimately leads
to less energy regeneration. This paper analyzes the impact of both factors separately on a battery
electric vehicle’s driving range. Additionally, this paper provides technical requirements for the
implementation of an electrothermal recuperation system. Such a system has the potential to
reduce the impact of both abovementioned factors on driving range by enabling the direct usage
of regeneratable energy for heating when battery charging is limited under cold conditions. The
presented analysis is based on BMW i3 and Tesla Model 3 datasets, which combined cover more than
125 trips in and around Munich at different ambient conditions. The results show that the range can
decrease by up to 31.9% due to heating and by up to 21.7% due to limited recuperation, which gives
a combined maximum range decrease of approximately 50% under cold conditions. Additionally,
it was found that a heater with a short reaction time in the lower millisecond range and a power
Citation: Steinstraeter, M.; Heinrich, capability of 20 kW would be sufficient for an electrothermal recuperation system to enable the
T.; Lienkamp, M. Effect of Low utilization of unused regenerative braking potentials directly for heating.
Temperature on Electric Vehicle
Range. World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, Keywords: electric vehicles; regenerative braking; recuperation; driving range; energy consumption;
115. https://doi.org/10.3390/ heating system; HVAC
1. Introduction
Received: 29 July 2021
Accepted: 8 August 2021
The mitigation of climate change is one of society’s greatest challenges in the 21st
Published: 10 August 2021
century [1]. With the road transportation sector accounting for more than 15% of anthro-
pogenic CO2 emissions globally [2] (pp. 142–146), the automotive industry is set to play
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
an important role in mastering this global task. In recent decades, emission standards for
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
passenger cars have been introduced in the largest automotive sales markets, with the aim
published maps and institutional affil- of reducing the carbon footprint of road transportation [3]. The rising number of electric
iations. vehicles (EVs) available on the market in recent years [4] is evidence that manufacturers are
choosing to electrify their fleets in order to comply with new legal requirements. However,
despite the increase in the supply of EVs, vehicle registration statistics show that electric
vehicles have yet to be fully accepted by the customer [4]. In the particular case of battery
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
electric vehicles (BEVs), the limited driving range per charge, coupled with the associated
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
range anxiety, is one of the biggest barriers for customers today against adopting EVs [5–9].
This article is an open access article
Besides trip characteristics and driving style, a BEV’s range is primarily influenced by
distributed under the terms and three factors: the amount of energy that can be stored in the vehicle’s battery, the vehicle’s
conditions of the Creative Commons energy efficiency [10], and the auxiliary energy consumption [11]. While the first modern
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// BEVs to become commercially available in the early 2010s achieved driving ranges of
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ no more than 100–150 km per charge, improvements in electric powertrain and battery
4.0/). technology over the years have resulted in ranges of up to 500 km today [12]. However,
unlike internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), a BEV’s range suffers substantially
in cold ambient conditions [10]. The two main factors influencing the range of BEVs at
low temperatures are the heating energy requirements [11,13,14] and the temperature
sensitivity of the Li-ion battery cells [15], which are used primarily in modern BEVs for
energy storage.
Since electric powertrains have a higher efficiency than conventional ones, BEVs have
less waste heat available for cabin heating than ICEVs. For this reason, electric heaters are
installed in BEVs to ensure passenger comfort under cold ambient conditions [16]. As their
power is supplied by the vehicle’s battery, this adds to the amount of energy consumption
and thus affects the BEVs range [11,17]. Taggart [18] analyzed over 10,000 Tesla Model S
and observed energy consumption increases of up to 45% at −10 ◦ C, whereas short trips in
particular showed higher consumptions due to the transient heating up of the battery and
cabin. Delos Reyes et al. [19] performed driving tests with a Nissan Leaf in Canada and
found a range decrease of up to 70% at −26 ◦ C. Horrein et al. [13] performed a simulation
to show that heating requirements can cut a BEV’s range by up to 30%, which is almost the
same magnitude Michaelides [20] observed in his investigation simulating a sedan-style
EV equipped with a resistance heater at 30 ◦ C temperature difference between cabin and
ambient. Ramsey et al. [14] also investigated the impact of heating on a BEV’s range on the
basis of a simulation and found that heating requirements can cut a passenger car’s range
by up to 40%.
Apart from cabin heating, the decreased performance of the vehicle’s battery at
low temperatures also affects a BEV’s driving range. Cold conditions cause declined
reactivity and diminished ionic conductivity in Li-ion cells [15,21], which affects their usable
capacity [22] and impedance [23]. In this context, Nagasubramanian et al. [24] showed that
under extreme cold conditions (−40 ◦ C) a Li-ion cell can lose up to 95% of its energy and
more than 98% of its power capability compared to performance levels at 25 ◦ C. Similar
research shows that a cell’s capacity can drop by up to 23% at −20 ◦ C compared to the
capacity at 25 ◦ C [25]. Besides these temporary losses in cell performance, low temperatures
also promote Li-plating, which can lead to a permanent reduction in cell performance [26].
Li plating is the deposition of metallic lithium on the cell’s anode [27]. This reduces the
number of cyclable Li-ions and increases the cell’s impedance [27]. Both of these effects are
in part irreversible [26], leading to a permanent reduction in the cell’s energy and power
capability. To reduce such cell aging processes, the battery management system (BMS) limits
charging and discharging currents at low temperatures. Steinstraeter et al. [28] showed that
a BEV’s ability to recuperate is strongly dependent on the battery’s temperature. Limited
recuperation under cold conditions is a particularly critical factor of a BEV’s driving range,
since the energy restored through regenerative braking under warm conditions (without
limitation) can contribute 18% of the total energy required for a trip [29].
To reduce the impact of limited recuperation and an increased heating energy de-
mand at low temperatures on a BEV’s range, Lieb et al. [30] and Steinstraeter et al. [28]
investigated the utilization of unused regenerative braking power for cabin heating by
bypassing the battery with a heater that is fed directly with recuperation power from the
electric machine(s). Lieb et al. [30] could demonstrate a regained range potential at low
temperatures of up to 8% by implementing such an electrothermal recuperation (ETR)
system in their simulation. However, they set the battery’s charging capability to zero and
did not consider that the battery can still be charged at cold temperatures even though
charging is limited. Furthermore, due to the high thermal capacity of the simulated brake
resistor, range can even decrease at medium temperatures. Steinstraeter et al. [28] chose a
layer heater instead of a brake resistor for their ETR simulation and came up with range
increases of a similar magnitude.
Besides the approach to increase a BEV’s range under cold climatic conditions through
ETR, other technical solutions have also been suggested to address the range issue of
BEV’s at low temperatures. Michaelidis [20], for example, showed that a BEV’s heating
energy demand can be reduced by up to two-thirds when a heat pump is used instead
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 3 of 26
of a resistance heater to supply the cabin with heat. However, practically two factors
restrict the performance of heat pumps at low temperatures, which need to be addressed to
ensure proper operation under any condition. Firstly, the coefficient of performance (COP)
decreases at lower temperatures, and secondly, heat pumps show a risk of freezing when
the temperature drops below the coolant’s freezing point. Both factors can be addressed
by using an additional resistance heater to keep the heat pump’s performance at any time
at a high level and to ensure unrestricted operation under any conditions. Auer et al. [31]
proposed a predictive thermal management system for battery electric vehicles, which
utilizes navigation information of planned trips to optimize the heating strategy. The
strategy includes a thermal battery and cabin preconditioning, as well as the utilization of
electric machine waste heat to minimize the energy that needs to be supplied by the battery
for heating during a trip. Finally, they demonstrated that at an ambient temperature of
−18 ◦ C and an energy consumption reduction of more than 5% is achievable with the
system for the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC).
The datasets were selected since the available signals allow the analysis of the vehicles’
heating and recuperation behavior. Both datasets were recorded via CAN split connectors.
The BMW i3 data was obtained by reading the vehicle’s CAN- and LIN-Bus communication
via a Vector VN1611 device and the signals were then recorded via the software Vector
CANoe. For the Tesla, the data recording was performed by a self-developed logging
device [43]. Both vehicles’ logs use the same sign convention, where discharge currents are
defined as negative and charge currents are positive. However, we used the definition that
charge currents are negative and discharge current are positive for our analysis. Table 2
shows the available and relevant signals sampled for each vehicle.
The trips within the database cover a wide range of ambient conditions as well as
different battery temperatures, which is ideal for analyzing the effect of temperature on
the vehicles’ recuperation and heating behavior. Due to the different project affiliations of
the test vehicles, different routes with different planning backgrounds are present in the
database. These routes can generally be classified into two categories. Trips on designed
routes, on the one hand, and commuting trips on random routes on the other hand. Table 3
gives an overview of the random trips for both vehicles.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 6 of 26
While the data from trips on random routes allows just a limited, more general analysis,
the data from trips on designed routes allows an extensive, comparative analysis of the
the low-temperature
low-temperature effects on effects
the teston the testrange.
vehicles’ vehicles’
Therange. The designed
designed routes androutes and the avail-
the available
able log data from the respective designed routes are presented in the following
log data from the respective designed routes are presented in the following subsections for subsec-
each oftions for each
the two of the
vehicles two vehicles separately.
Route **
Distance in km
Distance in km 19.2
Duration in min
Duration in min 26.3
Average velocity in km/h 43.8
Average velocity in km/h 43.8
Number of trips 9
Battery temp. of trips
range in ◦ C 9
Battery temp.
SOC rangerange
in % in °C 1|15
SOC range in % 20.0|86.1
3.2. Tesla Model 3—Designed Route Data
The TeslaModel
Model 33—Designed
trips are part Route
of anData
ongoing project at the FTM to quantify the range
and efficiencyTheofTesla Model 3 trips
state-of-the-art areTopart
BEVs. of an ongoing
investigate projectthree
these factors, at the FTMhave
routes to quantify
been the
designedrange andon
based efficiency of state-of-the-art
typical European BEVs. To[44].
driving patterns investigate
The threethese factors,
routes threearoutes
city, a have
and adesigned
highwaybased on typical European
trip, respectively. All three driving patterns
Tesla routes [44]. The
are round tripsthree
identical a city,
start and a rural,and
endpoints andeach
a highway
route istrip, respectively.
covered withoutAllanythree Teslastops
planned routesin are
clockwise with identical start were
All routes and endpoints
driven underanddifferent
each route is covered
ambient without
conditions andany planned
different SOCs. Table 5 shows the designed route characteristics.
stops in the clockwise direction. All routes were driven under different ambient condi-
tions and with different SOCs. Table 5 shows the designed route characteristics.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 7 of 26
World Electr.
Veh.Veh. J.J.2021,
J. 2021, 12,12,
2021, x12,xx 7ofof
77of 2626
Route * * **
Distance kmin
in in inkm
km km 8.18.1 20.1
20.1 35.2
Number of
Number trips
of of trips
trips 33 3 5 555 5555
Average 2222 24 25
duration in minin min
duration 2222 2424
24 252525
duration in in
Average 22.3 51.4 83.7
velocity in km/h 22.3
22.3 51.4
51.4 83.7
temp. range inin
in in
km/h km/h
km/h −6.0|5.0 −2.5|24.0 −9.5|25.0
Battery temp.
temp. in % range
range in°C
in in
°C °C −6.0|5.0
−6.0|5.0 −2.5|24.0
−2.5|24.0 −9.5|25.0
SOC range
range in
in in
%% % 34.0|99.5
34.0|99.5 27.8|99.2
27.8|99.2 7.7|99.1
4. Method
4. Method
Method of of Analysis
of of Analysis
The The
Thedata data
data analysis
analysis is is
is divided
is divided intointo
twotwo sections.
sections. The
TheThe first
first section
section deals
deals with
with the
the the
the heating
analysis and
and and
andthe the
thethe second
second one
one is is about
is about
is about the
thethe regenerative
regenerative braking
braking analysis.
analysis. InIn
In In both
both sections,
sections, aa aa
two-stage analysis
analysis is is performed.
is performed.
is performed.
At the beginning of each section, a general, theoretical analysisregarding
At beginning
thethe beginning
beginning ofofeach
section, aageneral,
a general,
general, theoretical
theoretical analysisregarding
analysis regarding therespective
the the respec-
aspecttive aspect
isaspect is
conducted. conducted.
In this In this
part, part,
the the
energy energy
shares shares of
of heating heating
andandand recuperation
recuperation of ofof all
all trips
tive aspect is conducted.
is conducted. In Inthisthis part,
part, thethe energy
energy shares
shares of of heating
heating and recuperation
recuperation of
trips in the database are analyzed and range implications are deduced based on the find-
in in
thethe are analyzed
database areare and range
analyzed and and implications
range are deduced
implications areare basedbased
deduced on the
based ononfindings.
thethe As
ings. As part of the general recuperation analysis, the battery temperature dependent re-
part ofAs
ings. the
As general
partpartof of recuperation
thethe general
general analysis,analysis,
recuperation the battery
analysis, temperature
thethe battery
battery dependent
temperature regenerative
dependent re-re-
generative braking power limits are identified as well.
braking power braking
limits power
are limits
identified areareidentified
as identified
well. as as well.
In the second part of each section, a detailed comparative analysis between trips on
In In
Inthethethe second
second part
of ofeach
eacheach section,
section, adetailed
aadetailed comparative
comparative analysis
analysis between
between trips
trips onon
trips on
the same route is conducted for both vehicles. The direct comparison of trips with the
the same same
same routeroute
route is is conducted
is conducted
conducted for
for for
both vehicles.
vehicles. The The
The direct
direct comparison
comparison of of
of trips
trips withwiththethe
with the
same vehicle on an identical route allows for the determination of measured and therefore
same same
same vehicle
vehicle onon
on anan
an identical
identical route
route allows
allows for
the determination
determination of of measured
measured and and
and therefore
practical range implications, particularly regarding limited recuperation. Additionally,
practical range
range implications,
implications, particularly
particularly regarding
regarding limited
limited recuperation.
recuperation. Additionally,
for therange
detailed implications,
analysis of the particularly
recuperation regarding
behavior, limited recuperation.
a longitudinal dynamics Additionally,
the thethe
detailed detailed
detailedanalysis analysis
analysisof theof of
thethe recuperation
recuperation behavior,
behavior, a longitudinal
a longitudinal dynamics
dynamics simulation
was set up to assess the recuperation
vehicles’ recuperation behavior, a longitudinal
performance dynamics
throughout a simulation
trip based on was
set up set
the to setup upto to assess
assess thepossible
theoretically thethe
vehicles’ vehicles’
vehicles’ recuperation
regenerative braking performance
performance throughout
potential. throughout a trip based a a
triptrip based
based onon
on the
thethe theoretically
theoretically possible possible
possible regenerative
regenerative braking
braking braking potential.
4.1. Heating Analysis—Heating Energy Share
4.1. Heating
Heating Analysis—Heating
Analysis—Heating Energy
Energy Share
To determine how heating affects the test vehicles’ range, the vehicles’ energy con-
To determine
sumption howhow
was analyzed. heating
heating affects
on the
the test
sampled vehicles’
current range,
and the
voltage vehicles’
signals of energy
the con-
sumption was
and thewas was analyzed.
battery, Based
the heating on on
on the
energy the sampled
share (HS) was current
current andand voltage
and for
identified voltage signals
each trip. of of
the the heater
of the heater
All integrals in
and andthethe
this battery,
study thethe
were heating
computed energy
using share
share (HS)
(HS) was was
was identified
cumulative forfor
for each
trapezoidal trip.
trip. AllAll
trip. integrals
numerical integralsin inin
thistion study
study were
(cumtrapz) computed
computed using
using MATLAB’s
MATLAB’s cumulative
cumulative trapezoidal
function.using MATLAB’s cumulative trapezoidal numerical integration
were computed numerical
numerical integra-
Rt 𝐼 𝑈 𝑑𝑡
𝐻𝑆 =0 I𝐼Heat 𝐼 U 𝑈 𝑑𝑡
𝑈Heat dt 𝑑𝑡 (1)
𝐻𝑆𝐻𝑆 ==R=t 𝐼 . 𝑈 𝑑𝑡 (1)
𝐼 . .U
0 I𝐼Bat.Dis 𝑈 𝑑𝑡
𝑈 Bat dt𝑑𝑡
The reference value used in Equation (1) represents the discharged energy from the
The reference
throughout valuevalue
value used
a trip used inin
Equation (1)
considering (1)represents
represents the
recuperated the
the discharged
energy. This energy
is from
indicated the the
battery throughout
battery throughout
the discharge aa trip
current a Itrip
trip without
in Equation considering
considering recuperated
(1). Therecuperated
heating energy energy.
shareThis This
was is is indicated
is indicated
defined byby
like this by
the discharge
thethe discharge
because current
it allows usIIBat
current to
Bat .separate
Dis .Dis
Dis in
in in Equation
the impact (1).
The ofThe
The heating
heating energy
from the share
share was
impact wasofwas
defined defined
(limited) like
like like
this because
peration it
iton allows
it allows tous
us to
theusvehicles’ to energy
separate thethe the
consumption impact
of of of heating
and from
thus the
its from
the the
range. impact
Since of of (limited)
the computed recu-
peration onon
share reflectson the
the vehicles’
relation energy
between aconsumption
trip’s actual and and
and thus
energy its its
demand range.
range. and Since
the the the
energy computed
share reflects
share reflects
reflects the relation
thethe relation
relation between
between aatrip’s
trip’s actual
actual energy
energy demand
demand andandthethe energy
energy portion
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 8 of 26
required for heating throughout the trip, it translates directly to an equally high reduction
in the vehicle’s range due to heating for the trip.
where IBat .Chr is the battery charge current. Since the computed energy share RS represents
the regenerated energy in relation to the actual energy demand of the traction system for a
trip, RS translates to an equally high range increase through recuperation for the respective
trip compared to the same trip without using regenerative braking at all. Consequently,
when losing the capability to recuperate due to low temperatures, the gained range increase
through recuperation gets lost, which would result in a range reduction of RS for the
respective trip. However, since heating is not considered in RS, the determined range
reductions are theoretical.
(a) Velocity
(b) Altitude
Noise filtering
Noise filtering of
thesetwotwosignals waswas
signals particularly important
particularly due todue
important the to
of speed
use of
and altitude gradients as core inputs for the simulation to predict the vehicle’s
speed and altitude gradients as core inputs for the simulation to predict the vehicle’s driving
driving and, in turn,
resistance its turn,
and, in regenerative braking potential
its regenerative (Section 4.4.2).
braking potential Before
(Section filtering,
4.4.2). Before
the simulation
filtering, detected a detected
the simulation large amount of short
a large and strong
amount deceleration
of short and strongand incline phases
deceleration and
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, x 10 of 26
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 10 of 26
throughout the trip due to noise, which led to a highly dynamic driving resistance profile
(Figure 2c). Filtering
incline phases was applied
throughout the triptodue
correct the observed
to noise, which ledphysically
to a highly implausible profile
dynamic driving
resistance profile (Figure 2c). Filtering was applied to correct the observed physically
We applied profile characteristics.
a weighted moving average filter (Gaussian smoothing) to the signals
sinceWethisapplied a weighted
allows noise moving and
to be captured average
in (Gaussian
even more smoothing)
dynamic sectionsto thewithout
extensively disrupting the information in the data. After assessing the effect of the with-
since this allows noise to be captured and revised in even more dynamic sections algo-
out extensively
rithm’s smoothing disrupting
parameter the information
(bandwidth in the
b) on bothdata.
inputAfter assessing
signals and thethe effect ofout-
simulation the
put, we found smoothing parameter
that b = 16 (bandwidth
was a reasonable b) onfor
choice both input signals
eliminating and theimplausible
physically simulation
values we found as that b =as
well 16unrealistic
was a reasonable
profilechoice for eliminating
characteristics (noise).physically implausible
For validation of the
values (outliers),
applied smoothing as technique,
well as unrealistic profile characteristics
we compared the measured (noise).
battery Forpowervalidation
signal toof the
applied smoothing
computed technique,
driving resistance we compared
power (Figure 2c). theInmeasured
the case ofbattery
positive power signaldriving
predicted to the
computed driving resistance power (Figure 2c). In the case of positive
resistance, the measured battery power is always slightly higher than the predicted driv- predicted driving
ing the measured
resistance. This can bebattery power
explained byisthe
always slightlyefficiency.
powertrain higher than thethe
Since predicted
supply mustThis can be explained
compensate by the losses,
for powertrain powertrain efficiency.
the discharge Since power
battery the battery
to be
supply than
greater mustthe compensate
actual power for required
powertrain losses, the discharge
for propulsion battery
on the wheels. Forpower
the caseneeds
of neg-to
be greater than the actual power required for propulsion on the wheels.
ative driving resistance, the difference to the measured battery power is higher than for For the case of
the case ofdriving resistance,
positive the difference
driving resistance. tocan
This the bemeasured
explained battery power
by the is higher than
circumstance for
that the
the case of positive driving resistance. This can be explained by the
required braking power is not always supplied by the electric machine (recuperation) but circumstance that the
by brakingfriction
the vehicle’s powerbrakes
is not always
instead.supplied by the electric machine (recuperation) but
by the vehicle’s friction brakes instead.
4.4.2. Drivetrain Moment of Inertia
4.4.2. Drivetrain Moment of Inertia
Knowledge of the drivetrain’s moment of inertia is needed to accurately estimate the
Knowledge of the drivetrain’s moment of inertia is needed to accurately estimate
vehicle’s driving resistance (Section 4.4.3). Due to the lack of available information in sci-
the vehicle’s driving resistance (Section 4.4.3). Due to the lack of available information in
entific publications on BEV drivetrain moments of inertia, we reverse-engineered a CAD
scientific publications on BEV drivetrain moments of inertia, we reverse-engineered a CAD
model ofof aa BEV
BEV drivetrain
drivetrain (Figure
(Figure 3)
3) on
on the basis of
the basis of publicly
publicly available
available information.
Figure 3.
3. Drivetrain
Drivetrain CAD
CAD model.
model. Numbers
Numbers refer
refer to
to Table
Table A1.
However, the information necessary to reconstruct the drivetrain was not completely
available for either of the test vehicles. We
We therefore collected and combined information
about the
the drivetrains of both vehiclesdesign
drivetrains of both vehicles to the model
to design the and estimate
model a general drivetrain
and estimate a general
moment ofmoment
drivetrain inertia. of
Table A1 in
inertia. Appendix
Table A shows the
A1 in Appendix information
A shows collected. collected.
the information Since the
Since thedrivetrain design concepts
general drivetrain and architectures
design concepts of both test
and architectures vehicles
of both are the same,
test vehicles it
are the
was possible to merge the data (Table 1). As a result, a general drivetrain model (compact
same, it was possible to merge the data (Table 1). As a result, a general drivetrain model
car) of a single motor, rear axle driven BEV with a two-stage spur gearbox was designed.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 11 of 26
where V is component volume and r ⊥ is the radius perpendicular to the rotational axis of
the component.
The total drivetrain moment of inertia IDT was then calculated using:
IDT = ( IRot + IG1 )(i1 i2 )2 + IG2.3 i12 + IG4 + IDS.L + IDS.R + 2( IBD.RA + IBD.FA ) + 4( IRim + ITire ) (4)
with the following moments of inertia: rotor IRot , first spur gear IG1 , second and third spur
gear IG2 .3 , fourth spur gear IG4 , left driveshaft IDS .L , right driveshaft IDS .R , rear axle brake
disc IBD .RA , front axle brake disc IBD .FA , rim IRim , and tire ITire . The gear ratios of the first
and second gearbox stages are indicated by i1 and i2 . The moments of inertia of the gears
and rotor include the inertia of the shafts on which they are mounted. The result of the
drivetrain inertia calculation is 10.42 kg·m2 for the reverse-engineered CAD model.
where PAcc is the acceleration power (Equation (6)), PAer is the aerodynamic drag power
(Equation (7)), PRol is the rolling resistance power (Equation (8)), and PSlo is the slope
resistance power (Equation (9)).
PAcc = mveh + a x,veh v x,veh (6)
rdyn 2
where mveh is the vehicle mass, IDT is the moment of inertia of the rotating drivetrain parts,
rdyn is the dynamic tire radius, ax .veh is the vehicle’s longitudinal acceleration, and vx.veh is
the vehicle’s longitudinal velocity.
where ρAir is the density of air, cd .veh is the vehicle’s drag coefficient, and Aveh is the vehicle’s
cross-sectional front area.
∆s2 − ∆h2
PRol = mveh g c Rol v x,veh (8)
where g is the gravitational acceleration, cRol is the rolling resistance coefficient, ∆s is the
distance covered within a time step by the vehicle, and ∆h is the change in altitude of the
vehicle within a time step.
PSlo = mveh g v (9)
∆s x,veh
The regenerative braking power potential PRBP is determined according to Equation (10)
and the regenerative braking energy potential ERBP is defined according to Equation (12)
PDR ,PDR < 0 ∪ ITS ≤ 0
PRBP = , (10)
0,PDR ≥ 0 ∩ ( PDR < 0 ∪ ITS >0)
The second parameter is the potential regenerative braking share PRS (Equation (14)),
which gives an insight into how much of the required traction energy demand for a
trip could have potentially been covered by recuperation. This value assumes that the
powertrain efficiency is at 100%, which makes it a theoretical number. Due to power losses
during the recuperation process, the PRS can never be fully achieved by a vehicle.
0 PRBP dt
PRS = R t (14)
0 IBat.Dis UBat − IHeat UHeat dt
The measured range reduction (MRR) (Equation (15)) describes the range loss due to
limited recuperation on one trip compared to a reference trip with the same vehicle on an
identical route.
MRR = RSRe f − RSx (15)
with the regenerative braking energy share of the reference trip RSRef and the regenerative
braking energy share of any trip on an identical route with the same vehicle RSx . Even
though the MRR represents the difference between energy portions, the analysis setup
allows for the translation of this difference to an equally high range reduction. The reason
for this assumption is that RS is a value that is normalized by the respective trips’ actual
energy demands and both considered RS values relate additionally to the identical route
with the same length and driven by the same driver. However, it needs to be mentioned
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 13 of 26
that the trip characteristics (velocity and acceleration) on the respective route can still vary
due to traffic differences and variations in powertrain efficiency. Therefore, the absolute
energy demand of the traction system that serves as a reference value for RS might not
be identical for two trips on the same route driven by the same driver, which results in
some uncertainty regarding the accuracy of the MRR. Still, due to the analysis setup, the
MRR gives a good indication of practical range reductions due to limited recuperation on a
specific route.
The last parameter is the unused range potential URP (Equation (16)). It describes
how much range could have been gained additionally through recuperation when the
predicted regenerative braking potential would have been utilized entirely compared to
the range increase that was achieved through the actual recuperated energy.
For the URP, the same assumption and therefore also the same uncertainty applies as
for the MRR to allow the deduction of range implications based on energy share values.
Additionally, the efficiency assumption for the PRS applies as well for the URP, which
makes the URP also a theoretical value.
Figure 4.4.Heating
Figure Heatingenergy
relation to
to the total
total energy
Model3 3and
and BMW
BMW i3.i3.
our analysis we found
6 summarizes that the energy
the consumption used
figures for as
used heating canfor
the basis total up to
Figure 4. aThe
(Tesla) and 30.0% (BMW) of the total energy required for a trip.
trips on designed routes for each vehicle. The selected trips were driven Therefore,
the same routes to enable a better comparison. The table shows that it is not only the ab-
solute ambient temperature that determines the heating requirements. This becomes clear
when comparing the heating requirements of trips R01 and R02 with the Tesla Model 3
and similarly for trips FTM01 and FTM06 with the BMW i3. The warmer trips require
more heating energy, both in absolute and relative terms, which appears implausible at
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 14 of 26
according to Section 4.1, heating can cut a BEV’s range by almost one third. These findings
are in the same range as the simulated results by Horrein et al. [13], Ramsey et al. [14],
Iora et al. [11], and Michaelides [20]. The slightly lower proportion of heating energy in
our results compared to Iora et al. [11], Ramsey et al. [14], and Michaelides [20] is due
to all of them using standardized, less dynamic driving cycles or even constant speeds
for their simulations. This approach leads to a lower traction energy demand and thus a
higher heating energy share compared to the heating energy share we have determined
based on more dynamic experimental driving data. On the other hand, the results of
Taggart [18] (45%) and specifically the results of Delos Reyes et al. [19] (70%), which are
both based on experimental data as well, exceed our findings. However, both authors
assessed the total range reduction of BEV’s under cold ambient conditions and they did
not distinguish between the different effects leading to the range reduction. Furthermore,
Delos Reyes et al. [19] determined their maximum range reduction under extreme cold
conditions of −26 ◦ C. Such low temperatures were not investigated as part of this study,
but the trends displayed in Figure 4 indicate that the heating energy share would have
been higher for our test vehicles at such low temperatures as well.
Table 6 summarizes the consumption figures used as the basis for Figure 4. The table
shows three trips on designed routes for each vehicle. The selected trips were driven on
the same routes to enable a better comparison. The table shows that it is not only the
absolute ambient temperature that determines the heating requirements. This becomes
clear when comparing the heating requirements of trips R01 and R02 with the Tesla Model
3 and similarly for trips FTM01 and FTM06 with the BMW i3. The warmer trips require
more heating energy, both in absolute and relative terms, which appears implausible at
first sight. However, it is likely that passenger comfort and weather conditions [45] also
need to be considered when explaining the observed phenomenon. Since the driver was
the same for all trips, it is assumed that the former factor can be neglected for explaining
the phenomenon. The latter, however, was recorded for the trips on the designed routes,
and the recorded data suggests that the cabin heat input from solar radiation on sunny
days reduces the heating requirements. On the other hand, contact between the body and
windows of the car with fluids of higher specific thermal capacity and a higher thermal
conductivity than air (e.g., rain or snow) increases the heat transfer away from the cabin,
which has a negative effect on the heating requirements. Although this is considered a
likely reason for the observed phenomenon, the available dataset does not allow a detailed
analysis of the impact of weather conditions on the test vehicles‘ heating requirements.
Therefore, this factor remains open for further research.
RegenerativeBraking—Limitation and Range
Braking—Limitation and RangeImplications
gaina abasic
understanding of the vehicles’
of the vehicles’ability
regenerate energy
energy at at different
battery temperatures, the maximum detected recuperation power values in
battery temperatures, the maximum detected recuperation power values in our databaseour database
temperature, as
as shown
shown inin Figure
Figure 5. 5. Regenerativebraking
Regenerative brakingpower
limitation strategies—Tesla
strategies—Tesla Model
Below 10◦ C,
the maximum
maximum permissible
permissible recuperation
recuperationpower powerofofboth bothtest vehicles
test vehicles
showsa astrong,
shows strong,approximately
approximately linear, dependency
dependency on onbattery
temperature. Above
Above °C,◦ C,
10 10
limitation can can be
detectedeither forfor
either thethe
Tesla or the
Tesla BMW.
or the BMW.On theOnbasis of
the basis
recorded data, thethe
data, Tesla enabled
Tesla regenerative
enabled regenerativebraking when the
braking battery
when the reached
battery areached
a perature
temperature of −4 of
°C.−For4 ◦the BMW,
C. For theno exact no
BMW, statements can be made
exact statements can regarding
be madethe minimumthe
battery temperature for allowing recuperation due to the lack
minimum battery temperature for allowing recuperation due to the lack of operating of operating data at lower data
at lower temperatures. However, based on the available data, the lowest measured tem-
temperatures. However, based on the available data, the lowest measured battery battery
perature at which
temperature at which regenerative
regenerative braking
brakingcould be detected
could was −1.5
be detected was°C −1.5in the
◦ C BMW.
in the BMW.
The observed power limitations for regenerative braking
The observed power limitations for regenerative braking can have a major can have a major impact
impact onon
the vehicles’ energy consumption and thus their range. This becomes
the vehicles’ energy consumption and thus their range. This becomes particularly clear particularly clear
when lookingatatFigure
Figure6.6. The
The figure
figure displays
displaysthe theregenerated
regeneratedenergy energy ininrelation
relation to to
amount of energy required to supply the traction system’s (TS) energy demands over a
amount of energy required to supply the traction system’s (TS) energy demands over a trip
trip for all trips in the database. Considering the TS energy demands as the reference value
for all trips in the database. Considering the TS energy demands as the reference value only,
only, rather than total energy demand, which includes heating energy requirements, al-
rather than total energy demand, which includes heating energy requirements, allows an
lows an isolated analysis of the effect of limited recuperation on the vehicle’s energy con-
isolated analysis of the effect of limited recuperation on the vehicle’s energy consumption
sumption and the resulting range implications. Our analysis showed that the recuperated
and the resulting range implications. Our analysis showed that the recuperated energy can
energy can cover up to 42.2% (Tesla) and 38.6% (BMW) of the traction system’s energy
cover up to 42.2% (Tesla) and 38.6% (BMW) of the traction system’s energy requirements.
requirements. This potential decreases with lower battery temperatures. By losing the ca-
This potential decreases with lower battery temperatures. By losing the capability to
pability to regenerate energy at low temperatures, a BEV’s range can therefore theoreti-
cally dropenergy at low temperatures,
by approximately a BEV’swhen
42% at the extremes rangerecuperation
can therefore theoretically
is disabled drop
approximately 42% at the extremes when recuperation is disabled
depending on the trip length and the battery starting temperature the theoreti- entirely. However,
depending on the trip
cal range decreases length and
indicated the battery
by Figure 6 maystarting
not unfoldtemperature the theoretical
entirely, because range
the battery
decreases indicated by Figure 6 may not unfold entirely, because
temperature may not stay below the critical temperature where no recuperation is possi- the battery temperature
ble not stay below
throughout the critical
a whole temperature
trip. The where no (length
route characteristics recuperation is possible
and duration) andthroughout
the bat-
a tery
whole trip. The route characteristics (length and duration) and
starting temperature are therefore the decisive factors for the identified theoretical the battery starting
temperature are therefore
range reductions to unfold. the decisive factors for the identified theoretical range reductions
to unfold.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, x 16 of 26
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 16 of 26
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, x 16 of 26
BMW i3
Tesla Model 3
40 BMW i3 (linear)
Tesla Model 3 (linear)
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Battery Temperature at Trip Start in °C
Figure 6. Recuperated
Figure Recuperated energy
6. Recuperatedenergy ininrelation
energyin relation to
relationto the
tothe traction
the traction systemenergy
traction system
system energydemand—Tesla
energy demand—TeslaModel
demand—Tesla Model
Model 3and
3 3and BMW
BMW i3.
subsequent detailed recuperationanalysis,
detailed recuperation analysis,we
analysis, weselected
we selected
selected twotwo
two trips
trips of the
of of
i3i3ononthe FTM route (Figures 7 and 8) and three trips
trips of the
the Tesla
the FTM route (Figures and 8) and three trips of the Tesla Model 3 on the Rural Model
Model 3
3 on
on the
the Rural
route (Figures 9
9 and
route (Figures 9 and 10) 10)
10) at
at different
different battery temperatures. The first figure displays thethe
different battery
battery temperatures.
temperatures. The first figure
figure displays
displays the
vehicles’ speed,
vehicles’speed, the
speed, the battery
the battery temperature
temperature and
battery temperature and the
andthe SOC
theSOC profile.
SOCprofile. Figures
profile.Figures 8
Figures and 10,
8 and
8 and on the
on onother
other visualize
otherhand, the respective
visualize the trips’ trips’
the respective
respective recorded battery
recorded power
battery signal
power against
signal the the
dicted brakingbraking
regenerative power potential
braking power PRBP and
power potential
potential the
RBP andunused
and the regenerative
unused braking
regenerative energy
energy potentialEERBP
ERBP (Section (Section
RBP (Section To
To emphasize
4.4.3). the the
emphasize thedifference
difference of of
difference thethe
of regenerative
regenerative brak-
ing limitation
limitation onpresented
on the
on the presented
the presented
trips,trips, an
an exemplary
trips, exemplary section
section in in
section inFigures
Figure 8a,b8a,b
Figures and
8a,band 10a–c
and is is
(a) Velocity
(a) Velocity
The detailed analysis of the BMW already showed how the recuperation capability
of a BEV is affected by cold conditions, however, the analysis of the Tesla trips shows in
an even more significant manner how the battery temperature impacts regenerative brak-
ing (Figure 10). While for the coldest of the three displayed trips (Trip R01), high amounts
of unused regenerative braking potential are visible throughout the trip, but almost no
unused regenerative braking potential can be identified for the warmest of the three rural
trips (Trip R05). The fact that the Tesla recuperated highly efficiently under warm condi-
tions is also underlined by the URP of a mere 3.46% for Rural Trip R05. For the coldest
trip, on the other hand, the visible regenerative braking restriction leads to a URP of
22.46%, and the inefficient usage of regenerative braking under cold conditions is also
reflected by the regenerative braking share of just 6.6%. Compared to the RS of Rural Trip
02, which was 17.13%, (b)that
FTM of Trip
Rural06Trip 05 was 28.3%. This finally leads to a measured
Figure 8. range
BMW i3 reduction of 21.7%
regenerative braking for the Tesla Model
performance on FTM3Trips
on the
07 rural route
(a) and due to limited recuper-
06 (b).
Figure 8. BMW i3 regenerative braking performance on FTM Trips 07 (a) and 06 (b).
ation under cold conditions (Table 8).
(a) Velocity
FigureFigure 9. Velocity
9. Velocity profileprofile (a), battery
(a), battery temperature
temperature profile
profile (b),(b),
andand battery
battery SOC
SOC profile(c)(c)ofofthe
profile theTesla
Model 33 on
on Rural
Rural Trips
Trips R01, R02, and R05.
R01, R02, and R05.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 18 of 26
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, x 19 of 26
Figure 8 compares the two trips with the highest and lowest battery temperatures on
the FTM route (Section 3.1) in the database for the BMW i3. It is clearly visible that during
the colder trip (FTM Trip 07), less regenerative braking energy potential can be used than
in the warmer trip (FTM Trip 06), as indicated by the more prominent blue areas during
the recuperation phases in Figure 8a compared to those in Figure 8b. The impact of the
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 19 of 26
observed recuperation limitation on the vehicle’s energy consumption and its range is
quantified and summarized in Table 7. While the vehicle could regenerate no more than
approximately 16% of the traction energy required for the colder trip, the figure increases
to almost one fourth for the warmer trip. According to the definitions in Section 4.4 one
can translate these numbers directly to the vehicle’s range implications. Consequently, the
8.33% difference between the discussed regenerated energy portions of the two presented
trips is equal to the range loss on FTM Trip 07 compared to FTM Trip 06 due to limited
recuperation (see MRR in Table 7).
Table 7 also reveals that even for the warmer trip, the predicted regenerative braking
energy potential was just 67.4%, which indicates that FTM Trip 06 was also affected by a
recuperation limitation. The URP shows that the vehicle could have gained an additional
range advantage of 11.74% for the FTM Trip 06 and 15.11% for FTM Trip 07 when it would
have used the respective predicted regenerative braking potential to the fullest (assumption:
powertrain efficiency of 100%).
The detailed analysis of the BMW already showed how the recuperation capability
of a BEV is affected by cold conditions, however, the analysis of the Tesla trips shows
in an even more significant manner how the battery temperature impacts regenerative
braking (Figure 10). While for the coldest of the three displayed trips (Trip R01), high
amounts of unused regenerative braking potential are visible throughout the trip, but
almost no unused regenerative braking potential can be identified for the warmest of the
three rural trips (Trip R05). The fact that the Tesla recuperated highly efficiently under
warm conditions is also underlined by the URP of a mere 3.46% for Rural Trip R05. For
the coldest trip, on the other hand, the visible regenerative braking restriction leads to a
URP of 22.46%, and the inefficient usage of regenerative braking under cold conditions
is also reflected by the regenerative braking share of just 6.6%. Compared to the RS of
Rural Trip 02, which was 17.13%, that of Rural Trip 05 was 28.3%. This finally leads to a
measured range reduction of 21.7% for the Tesla Model 3 on the rural route due to limited
recuperation under cold conditions (Table 8).
Summing up Section 5.2, the following findings could be made:
The regenerative braking analysis shows that a BEV’s recuperation capability is
subject to control strategies that limit the maximum permissible regenerative braking
power depending on the battery temperature. The lower limits to allow any recuperation
at all were found to be −4 ◦ C (Tesla Model 3) and −1.5 ◦ C (BMW i3), while above 10 ◦ C no
significant recuperation power limitation could be identified for either vehicle. The general
recuperation analysis shows that theoretically, a range reduction of up to 42.2% is possible
when the recuperation is completely shut off for a whole trip. However, the detailed
comparative regenerative braking analysis shows that practically, range reductions due
to limited recuperation of up to 21.7% are more realistic. The reason for the considerable
deviation between the theoretical and practical identified range reduction was found to
be an increased battery temperature throughout a trip, which leads to a less restricted
recuperation behavior with trip progression. Therefore, a complete recuperation shut off
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 20 of 26
throughout a trip and the resulting massive range reduction of up to 42.2% due to limited
recuperation are unlikely to occur.
Figure 11.
11. Recuperation
Recuperation characteristics—BMW
characteristics—BMW i3.
i3. Duration
Duration (a)
(a) and
and Mean
Mean Power
Power (b).
Figure 12. Recuperation characteristics—Tesla Model 3.
3. Duration
Duration (a)
(a) and Mean Power (b).
Figure 12.
12. Recuperation
Recuperation characteristics—Tesla Model 3.
characteristics—Tesla Model Duration (a) and Mean
and Mean Power
Power (b).
The power
power of regenerative
observations, braking
regenerativethe again
braking illustrates
illustrates the
again can
the effect of
of the
the one-pedal
be derived
effect feeling.
for an electrother-
one-pedal feeling.
In the BMW i3,
the the
BMW i3, the share
share of recuperation phases with powers ≤2.5 kW is at about 90%,
system. of recuperation phases with powers ≤2.5 kW is at about 90%,
while for
for the
the Tesla
Tesla such
such recuperation
recuperation phases
phases make
make upup at
at least
least 60%
60% of
of phases
phases over
over the
World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 115 22 of 26
• Response times in the lower millisecond range: The system should have a fast response
and a short ramp-up time to capture short recuperation phases below 1 s.
• Power transformation of up to 20 kW: The system should be able to transform up to
20 kW of electric power into heating power.
The identified power requirement can only be fulfilled by high-voltage auxiliary
consumers, namely the heating and air conditioning system. While a rapid high power
transformation cannot be implemented at the air conditioning compressor, an ohmic
resistance heater is able to represent such a power sink. However, it should be noted that
such a heater needs to be controlled directly via CAN bus and not, as is usually the case,
via CAN and LIN bus. Such a system was investigated by Steinsträter et al. [28] and they
could show that a BEV can achieve a range increase of 8% at −10 ◦ C compared to a BEV
that is not able to use regenerative braking potentials directly for heating (ETR) under the
same conditions. Even though a range increase of 8% under cold conditions is considerable,
it does not compensate for the identified range losses in this paper due to heating and
limited recuperation. The main reason for this circumstance is the limited conversion of
regenerative braking power potential to heat by the vehicle’s in situ heating requirements
and the ability of the coolant to absorb heat energy. This means when cabin heating
requirements are satisfied (e.g., cabin temperature is already at the desired temperature)
and when the coolant has already reached its maximum temperature, no further usage of
ETR is possible. Another factor is the heater’s power limitation of 20 kW, which does not
allow for the utilization of peak regenerative braking power potentials above 20 kW for
the ETR.
Author Contributions: First Author: M.S.; conceptualization, M.S.; methodology, M.S. and T.H.;
software, M.S. and T.H.; formal analysis, M.S. and T.H.; investigation, M.S. and T.H.; resources,
M.S.; data curation, T.H.; writing—original draft preparation, M.S. and T.H.; writing—review and
editing, M.S. and T.H.; visualization, T.H.; supervision, M.S. and M.L.; project administration, M.S.
and M.L.; funding acquisition, M.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE.
Data Availability Statement: https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/battery-and-heating-data-
real-driving-cycles (accessed on 11 July 2021).
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Florian Schmid, Nikolaos Wassiliadis, Josef
Gandlgruber, and Andreas Glatz for supporting this study with recorded Tesla Model 3 drive trips.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Component (Figure 3) Property in Unit Value Property of
Component Property in Unit Value Property of
(Figure 3)
Diameter in mm 50 BMW i3
Width in mm 40 BMW i3
Number of teeth 24 BMW i3
Spur gear 1 2 2 Weight in kg 1.0 BMW i3
Predicted moment of inertia 0.0002 BMW i3
in kg·m2
Diameter in mm 167|75 BMW i3
Width in mm 40 BMW i3
Number of teeth 80|31 BMW i3
Spur gear 2 and 3 2 3 Weight in kg 4.6 BMW i3
Predicted moment of inertia 0.0110 BMW i3
in kg·m2
Diameter in mm 218 BMW i3
Spur gear 4 Width in mm 40 BMW i3
Number of teeth 90 BMW i3
including 4 Weight in kg 6.5 BMW i3
differential 2 Predicted moment of inertia 0.0410 BMW i3
in kg·m2
Diameter in mm 30 BMW i3
Length in mm 583.5|768.5 BMW i3
Drive shafts
(left|right) 3 5|6 Weight in kg 5.1|6 BMW i3
Predicted moment of inertia BMW i3
in kg·m2
Diameter in mm 280 BMW i3
Thickness in mm 20 BMW i3
Brake disc front axle 7 Weight in kg 5.2 BMW i3
Predicted moment of inertia 0.0600 BMW i3
in kg·m2
Diameter in mm 280 BMW i3
Thickness in mm 8.2 BMW i3
Brake disc rear axle 8 Weight in kg 4.1 BMW i3
Predicted moment of inertia 0.0490 BMW i3
in kg·m2
Dimension 5J × 19 ET BMW i3
Weight in kg 11.0 BMW i3
Rim 9 Predicted moment of inertia 0.3290 BMW i3
in kg·m2
Dimension 175/60 R19 BMW i3
Weight in kg 6.0 BMW i3
Tire 10 Predicted moment of inertia 0.6340 BMW i3
in kg·m2
1 Weight composed of rotor weight from [47] and weight of self-designed shaft for rotor; 2 Number of teeth and dimensions estimated on
the basis of [33,37], weight derived from CAD model designed with density of steel (7.8 g/cm3 ); 3 Estimate based on [33,52].
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