Mudarabah: Week 4
Mudarabah: Week 4
Mudarabah: Week 4
Week 4
Unrestricted Mudarabah
• The investor has granted the working partner the permission to undertake any
lawful investment.
• The working partner is allowed to invest in any suitable investment that is
reasonably expected to yield profits.
• It is the responsibility of the working partner to avoid unlawful and high-risk
investments, and
• The working partner is liable for any losses suffered from such investments.
Restricted Mudarabah
• The investor has specified investment details in the Mudarabah contract and has
restricted the working partner within the scope of such specifications.
• Due care and precaution must be taken by the working partner to honor the
restrictions imposed by the investor.
• The working partner is liable for any losses suffered from such investments.
Roles of Rabb-ul-Maal
Mudarabah Capital
The contracting parties should stipulate The profit sharing ratio should be
in the contract the profit shares (in Specific; and of the profit expected to be
defined terms) for each one earned by the venture
When all assets are in form
of cash and some profit has
At any time by either of the been earned on the principle
two parties after giving a amount, it shall be
notice to the other party distributed between the
parties according to the
agreed ratio.
Application of Mudharabah
• Project Financing
Differences between Musharakah & Mudharabah
Musharakah: Mudarabah:
− The contribution comes − The contribution comes
from Rabbul Maal (the
from all partners in form investor).
of cash, commodities, − The Rabbul Maal (investor)
services is not permitted to manage
− The work, as a general the business.
rule, is to be done jointly − The Mudarib will only
by the parties. manage the business.
− Loss is solely borne by the
− A partner or some
capital provider unless
partners may be sleeping. negligence, misconduct or
− Loss is shared according breach of contract from
to the invested capital Mudarib
Thank You