202AC13A Principles of Accounting

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Reg. No. : ..........................................

6001 Q.P. Code : [08 C 01/08 CCA 01/

08 CEC 01/09 CPA 01/
12 CIB 01/16 CAF 01/
17 CBPS 01]
(For the candidates admitted from 2008 onwards) (For
Commerce/ CEC / CPA / CAF (2008-2019) only)
First Semester
Part – III : Commerce/Commerce with Computer
Applications/E–Commerce/Professional Accounting/
International Business/Accounting and Finance/
Business Process Service
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
SECTION A — (10  1 = 10 marks)
Answer ALL the questions
Choose the correct answer :
1. The system of recording transactions based on
Dual Aspect Concept is called
(a) Double Account System
(b) Double Entry System
(c) Single Entry System
(d) Single Account System
Cμmøh A®\U P¸zvß Ai¨£øh°À
|hÁiUøPPøͨ £vÄ ö\´²® •øÓ –––––––––––
(A) Cμmøh PnUS •øÓ
(B) Cμmøh £vÄ •øÓ
(C) JØøÓ £vÄ •øÓ
(<D) JØøÓ PnUS •øÓ

2. Accounting does not record non-financial

transaction because of
(a) Measurement Concept
(b) Accrual Concept
(c) Realisation Concept
(d) Cost Concept
“PnUQ¯À” –––––––––––– Põμn©õP {v AÀ»õu
|hÁiUøPø¯ £vÄ ö\´¯õx.
(A) AÍÃmk P¸zx (B) vμmhÀ P¸zx
(C) EnºuÀ P¸zx (D) AhUP P¸zx

3. Balance Sheet is known as

(a) Position Statement
(b) Cash Flow Statement
(c) Funds Flow Statement
(d) Period Statement
2 6001
C¸¨¦ {ø»U SÔ¨¦ ––––––––––––GÚ
(A) {ø» AÔUøP (B) öμõUP Kmh AÔUøP
(C) {v Kmh AÔUøP (D) Põ» AÔUøP

4. Casting Errors are the result of Wrong

(a) Posting (b) Totalling
(c) Balancing (d) Entry
wºÁ ¤øÇPÒ uÁÓõÚ –––––––––––– Cß
(A) CkøP°hÀ (B) ö©õzu®
(C) \©{ø»¨£kzxuÀ (D) £vuÀ

5. Bill of Exchange Contains

(a) Order
(b) Unconditional Order
(c) Promise
(d) Unconditional Promise
©õØÖa^mk –––––––––––– öPõskÒÍx.
(A) Bøn
(B) {£¢uøÚ¯ØÓ EzuμÄ
(C) ÁõUSÖv
(D) {£¢uøÚ¯ØÓ ÁõUSÖv

3 6001
6. Epoque method of calculation of Interest is the
reverse of the –––––––––––– Method
(a) Product (b) Red Ink Interest
(c) Interest Numbers (d) Interest Tables
Ámi PnUQk® “G÷£õU •øÓ” ––––––––––––
•øÓ°ß uø»RÌ BS®.
(A) ö£¸UPz öuõøP (B) ]Á¨¦ ø© Ámi
(C) Ámi GsPÒ (D) Ámi AmhÁønPÒ

7. Losses arising in Consignment due to theft, fire

etc., is ––––––––––––
(a) Normal (b) Abnormal
(c) Total (d) Contingent
v¸mk, w ÷£õßÓÁØÓõÀ Aݨ¥kPÎÀ HØ£k®
CǨ¦PÒ ––––––––––––
(A) C¯À£õÚx (B) A\õuõμn©õÚx
(C) ö©õzu©õÚx (D) Cøh{ø»¯õÚx

8. Consignment Account is a
(a) Real Account (b) Personal Account
(c) Nominal Account (d) None of the Above

4 6001
Aݨ¥k PnUS J¸ ––––––––––––
(A) ö\õzx PnUS
(B) BÒ\õº PnUS
(C) ö£¯μÍÄ PnUS
(D) ÷©ØTÔ¯ GxÄ® CÀø»

9. Debit Balance in the Cash Book means

(a) Bank Loan
(b) Over Draft
(c) Favourable Balance
(d) Unfavourable Balance
öμõUP HmiÀ £ØÖ C¸¨¦ GßÓõÀ ––––––––––––
(A) Á[Q Phß (B) ÷©ÀÁøμ£ØÖ
(C) \õuP©õÚ C¸¨¦ (D) \õuP©ØÓ C¸¨¦

10. The Receipts and Payments Account records

receipts and payments of ––––––––––––
(a) Capital Nature Only
(b) Revenue Nature Only
(c) Both Capital and Revenue Nature
(d) None of the Above
5 6001
ö£ÖuÀ ö\¾zuÀ PnUS –––––––––––– EÒÍ
ö£ÖuÀ ö\¾zuÀPøÍ £vÄ ö\´QÓx.
(A) ‰»uÚ C¯ÀÄ ©mk®
(B) Á¸Áõ°Ú C¯À¦ ©mk®
(C) ‰»uÚ® ©ØÖ® Á¸Áõ°Ú C¯À¦ Cμsk®
(D) ÷©÷» Psh GxÄ® CÀø»

SECTION B — (5  3 = 15 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

11. (a) Distinguish between Book-Keeping and

¦zuP £vÄ ©ØÖ® PnUQ¯À BQ¯ÁØøÓ
(b) Give Journal Entries for the following
2018 June, 1 Kumar Started Business with 1,00,000
2 Paid Salary for the staff 5,000
3 Cheque received from Kaniyan 10,000
4 Deposited the above Cheque into
5 Sold Goods to Krishnar for Cash 60,000
8 Paid Arun by Cheque 2,500
15 Purchases from Ganesh 25,000

6 6001
¤ßÁ¸® |hÁiUøPPÐUS SÔ¨÷£mk
£vÄPøÍ u¸P.
2018 áúß, 1 S©õº öμõUPzxhß öuõÈÀ 1,00,000
2 FȯºPÐUS Fv¯® ÁÇ[Q¯x 5,000

3 PÛ¯Ûhª¸¢x ö£Ó¨£mh 10,000

4 ÷©ØPsh Põ÷\õø»ø¯ Á[Q°À
öh£õ]m ö\´ux
5 Q¸èn¸US öμõUPzxUS ÂØÓ 60,000
8 Põ÷\õø» ‰»® £n® ö\¾zv¯ 2,500
15 P÷næhª¸¢x öPõÒ•uÀ 25,000

12. (a) Prepare Trading Account of Mr. Kannan for

the year ending 31.12.2018.
Particulars Amount
Sales 8,00,000
Purchases 2,50,000
Stock on 1.1.2018 30,000
Wages 20,000
Freight Charges 2,000
Returns Inwards 5,000
7 6001
Particulars Amount
Returns Outwards 10,000
Carriage Inwards 3,000
Gas, Water and Fuel 1,000

Additional Information: Stock on 31.12.2018

is Rs. 50,000
v¸ PsnÛß 31.12.2018 Ehß •iÁøh²®
BsiØPõÚ Â¯õ£õμ PnUøPz u¯õ›UP.
ÂÁμ[PÒ öuõøP
ÂØ£øÚ 8,00,000
öPõÒ•uÀ 2,50,000
1.1.2018 AßÖ \μUQ¸¨¦ 30,000
T¼ 20,000
\μUS Pmhn® 2,000
EÒ v¸¨£® 5,000
öÁÎ v¸¨£® 10,000
EÒ yUS T¼ 3,000
G›Áõ², }º ©ØÖ® G›ö£õ¸´Í 1,000

TkuÀ uPÁÀ 31.12.2018 AßÖ \μUQ¸¨¦


8 6001
(b) Prepare a Profit and Loss Account from the
following extracted from the Trial balance of
Mrs. Yogeswari for the year ending
Rs. Rs.
Purchases 1,00,000 Discount 400
Salary 4,000 Bad Debts 1,200
Insurance 2,000 Telephone 1,100
Wages 1,500 Gas, Water 500
and Fuel
Advertisement 1,400 Trade 900
Office Rent 1,000 Gross Profit 22,000
Carriage 800 Rent Received 1,000
Printing and 1,200 Sales 1,40,000
Salesmen's 3,200

9 6001
31.12.2018 Ehß •iÁøh²® BsiØPõÚ
v¸©v. ÷¯õ÷PìÁ›°ß C¸¨£õ´ÂÀ
¤›zöukUP¨£mh ÁØÔ¼¸¢x C»õ£ |mhU
PnUøPz u¯õ›UPÄ®.
¹. ¹.
öPõÒ•uÀ 1,00,000 uÒУi 400
\®£Í® 4,000 ÁμõUPhß 1,200
Põ¨¥k 2,000 öuõø»÷£] 1,100
T¼ 1,500 G›Áõ², }º ©ØÖ® 500
ÂÍ®£μ® 1,400 ÁºzuP ö\»ÄPÒ 900
A¾Á»P ÁõhøP 1,000 ö©õzu »õ£® 22,000
EÒ v¸¨£® 800 ÁõhøP ö£ØÓx 1,000
Aa_ ©ØÖ® 1,200 ÂØ£øÚ 1,40,000
ÂØ£øÚ¯õͺ 3,200

13. (a) On 1.5.2018 Mohan gave his acceptance for

three months bill of Rs. 6,000 drawn by of
Mathan. Mathan sent the bill to bank for
collecting the amount on maturity. After
maturity Mathan received intimation from
the bank that the bill was duly honoured by
Mohan and Bank charged Rs. 20 for
collection. Show the entries in the books of
Mathan and Mohan.

10 6001
1.5.2018 AßÖ ÷©õPß HØÖUöPõsh ‰ßÖ
©õu ©õØÖa^mk JßøÓ ¹.6,000 US ©uÚõÀ
Áøμ¯¨£mhx. •vºa]¯øh¢u öuõøPø¯
Á`¼¨£uØPõÚ ©õØÖ^møh ©uß Á[QUS
Aݨ¤Úõº. •vºa]¯øh¢u ¤ßÚº,
©õØÖ^møh ÷©õPÚõÀ •øÓ¯õP HØP¨£mhx.
Á[Q Á`À Pmhn©õP ¹.20 Âvzux. ©uß
©ØÖ® ÷©õPß C¸Áμx HkPξ® SÔ¨÷£mk
£vÄPøÍ u¸P.


(b) Jayaraj has purchased goods, the due dates

of which are as follows, he wishes to give a
bill for the total amount due, the bill to be
drawn payable on the average due date.

April 15th 1,100 Due May 18th

May 21st 625 Due Jun 24th

May 27th 1,000 Due Jul 30th

June, 15th 1,750 Due Aug 18th

11 6001
öá¯μõä GߣÁº \μUøP öPõÒ•uÀ ö\´uõº,
AuØPõÚ öuõøP ö\¾zu ÷Ási¯ uÁøn
÷uvPÒ ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ. \μõ\› uÁøn |õÎÀ J÷μ
ö\¾zu¼ß ‰»® AøÚzx öuõøPø¯²®
ö\¾zu ¸®¦QÓõº. BP÷Á \μõ\› uÁøn
|õøÍ Psk¤iUPÄ®.
H¨μÀ 15 1,100 uÁøn ÷© 18
÷© 21 625 uÁøn áúß 24

÷© 27 1,000 uÁøn áúø» 30

áúß, 15 1,750 uÁøn Aug 18

14. (a) David sent goods costing Rs. 5,50,000 on

consignment basis to Dhana on 1.1.2018
@ 7% commission. Rs. 75,000 was spent on
transportation by David. David spent
Rs. 45,000 on unloading. Dhana sold 85% of
the goods received for Rs. 6,25,000, 10% of
the goods for Its. 85,000 and she took over
the balance @ 5% below the cost price and
sent a DD for the amount due from her to
David. Show consignment A/c and Dhana's
A/c in the books of David.

12 6001
1.1.2018 AßÖ ÷hÂm GߣÁº Aݨ¥miß
Ai¨£øh°À uÚõÄUS ¹.5,50,000 ©v¨¦ÒÍ
\μUSPøÍ 7% PªåÛÀ Aݨ¤ øÁzuõº.
÷hÂm ÷£õUSÁμzx ö\»ÁõP ¹. 75,000 ®
\μUSPøÍ C¯USÁuØPõP ¹.45,000®
ö\»Âmhõº. uÚõ ö£ØÓ \μUSUPÎÀ 85% I
¹. 6,25,000US® 10% I ¹.85,000 US® ÂØÓõº.
«u•ÒÍ \μUSPøÍ 5% AhUP Âø»USU R÷Ç
AÁº GkzxU öPõshõº ÷©¾® ÷hÂmUS
uõß ö\¾zu ÷Ási¯ öuõøPUS J¸
Áøμ÷Áõø»ø¯ Aݨ¤Úõº.
÷hÂm–ß ¦zuP[PÎÀ Aݨ¥mk
PnUøP²® uÚõÂß PnUøP²® u¸P.

(b) Amar enters into Joint Venture with Binod.
The following transactions took place during
the course of business of joint venture.
Amar Binod
Cash Sent by – 15,000
Cash received by 15,000 –
Goods purchased 1,20,000 60,000
Goods into joint venture from 30,000 15,000
own stock

13 6001
Amar Binod
Expenses incurred by 21,900 10,950
Goods sold by 2,10,000 60,000
Goods unsold taken away by 3,400 2,700

You are required to prepare necessary ledger

accounts in the book of Amar Assuming the
final settlement between Amar and Binod
was made by cheque. They share profit
A©º CønÂøÚ Ai¨£øh°À ¤÷Úõm
Ehß Tmk •¯Ø]°À ~øÇQÓõº. Tmkz
öuõÈ¼ß ÷£õx ¤ßÁ¸® |hÁiUøPPÒ
A©º ¤÷Úõm
Aݨ¤¯ öμõUP® – 15,000
ö£ØÓ öμõUP® 15,000 –
\μUS öPõÒ•uÀ 1,20,000 60,000
ö\õ¢u \μUQ¸¨¤¼¸¢x 30,000 15,000
CønÂøÚUS Aݨ¤¯ \μUS
ö\»ÄPÒ 21,900 10,950
\μUS ÂØ£øÚ 2,10,000 60,000
Gkzxa ö\À»¨£¨£mh ÂØP¨£hõu 3,400 2,700

14 6001
A©º ©ØÖ® ¤÷Úõz Cøh÷¯¯õÚ CÖv
PhÚøh¨¦ Põ÷\õø» ‰»® ö\´¯¨£mhx
GßÖ P¸v A©º HmiÀ ÷uøÁ¯õÚ ÷£÷μmk
PnUSSøÍ u¯õ›UP. AÁºPÒ »õ£zøu
\©©õP¨ £Qº¢x öPõÒQÓõºPÒ.

15. (a) Subscription for the year 2018 received was

Rs. 15,000. This includes Rs. 1,500 for the
year 2017. Subscription outstanding for the
year 2018 was Its. 5,000. How much is
credited to Income and Expenditure A/c for
the year 2018.
2018–ß BsiØPõÚ ö£Ó¨£mh \¢uõ
¹.15,000 CvÀ 2017–® BsiØPõÚ \¢uõ
¹.1,500 BS®. 2018–® BsiØPõÚ
{¾øÁ°À EÒÍ \¢uõ ¹.5,000 BS®. 2018–®
BsiØPõÚ Á¸Áõ´ ö\»ÂÚ PnUQÀ
GÆÁÍÄ \¢uõ ÁμÄ øÁUP¨£h ÷Ásk®?

(b) State the need for preparation of Bank
Reconciliation Statement.

Á[Q \›UPmk® £mi¯ø»z u¯õ›¨£uß

AÁ]¯zøu öu›ÂUPÄ®.

15 6001
SECTION C — (5  6 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

16. (a) What is Accounting? Explain the Accounting


(b) Enter the following transactions in the
Proper Subsidiary Books of Mr. Manik.
2018 Jan 1 Bought Goods from Arun 6,000
2 Sold Goods to Balu 3,000
6 Sakila sold Goods to us 3,000
10 Bharathi Bought Goods from us 1,800
11 Received Goods returned by Balu 240
13 We returned goods to Arun 200
15 Dharani Returned Goods 300
18 Sold Goods to Velu 1,400
23 Purchased Goods from Madan 1,600
25 Returned Goods to Sakila 200
31 Sold Goods to Anwar 2,400

16 6001
v¸. ©õoU–ß \›¯õÚ xøn HkPÎÀ
¤ßÁ¸® |hÁiUøPPøͨ £vÂhÄ® 2018
áÚÁ› 1 A¸ohª¸¢x \μUS öPõÒ•uÀ
2018 áÚÁ› 1 A¸ohª¸¢x \μUS öPõÒ•uÀ 6,000
2 £õ¾ÄUS \μUS ÂØÓx 3,000

6 \Q»õ |©US \μUS ÂØÓx 3,000

10 |®ªh® £õμv Áõ[Q¯ \μUS 1,800
11 £õ¾ |©US v¸¨¤ Aݨ¤¯ \μUS 240

13 |õ® A¸qUS v¸¨¤ Aݨ¤¯ \μUS 200

15 uμo v¸¨¤ Aݨ¤¯ \μUS 300
18 ÷Á¾ÄUS \μUS ÂØÓx 1,400

23 ©uÛhª¸¢x \μUS öPõÒ•uÀ 1,600

25 \Q»õÄUS v¸¨¤ Aݨ¤¯ \μUS 200
31 AßÁºUS \μUS ÂØÓx 2,400

17. (a) The following are the balance extracted from

the books of Mr. Durai as on 31.3.2018.
Prepare Trading Account, P&L Account for
the year ended 31.3.2018 and Balance Sheet
as on that date.
Rs. Rs.
Capital 50,000 Wages 1,000
Opening Stock 10,000 Salaries 2,000
Machinery 20,000 Office Rent 1,000

17 6001
Rs. Rs.
Purchases 35,000 Insurance 500
Purchase Returns 500 Sundry Debtors 25,000
Sales 45,000 Sundry 14,500
Sale Return 500 Cash 500
Printing and 500 Bank 14,000

(i) On 31.3.2018 Closing Stock Rs. 10,000
(ii) Outstanding Salaries Rs. 500
(iii) Prepaid insurance Rs. 250
(iv) Bad Debts Rs. 500
(v) Provide 10% Depreciation on
31.3.2018 ÷uv°mh v¸. xøμ°ß HkPÎÀ
GkUP¨£mh C¸¨¦ ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ. 31.3.2018
Ehß •iÁøh¢u BsiØPõÚ Â¯õ£õμ
PnUS, C»õ£ |mh PnUS ©ØÖ® A¢u
÷uv°ß£i C¸¨¦ {ø»USÔ¨¦
BQ¯ÁØøÓz u¯õ›UPÄ®.
¹. ¹.
•uÀ 50,000 T¼ 1,000
öuõhUP \μUQ¸¨¦ 10,000 \®£Í® 2,000
C¯¢vμ® 20,000 A¾Á»P ÁõhøP 1,000

18 6001
¹. ¹.
öPõÒ•uÀ 35,000 Põ¨¥k 500
öPõÒ•uÀ v¸¨£® 500 £Ø£» PhÚõÎPÒ 25,000
ÂØ£øÚ 45,000 £Ø£» PhÜ¢÷uõº 14,500
ÂØ£øÚ v¸¨£® 500 öμõUP 500
Aa_ ©ØÖ® 500 Á[Q 14,000

(i) 31.3.2018 AßÖ CÖv \μUQ¸¨¦
(ii) {¾øÁ \®£Í® ¹.500
(iii) •ßTmi ö\¾zv¯ Cß`μßì ¹.250
(iv) ÁμõUPhß ¹.500
(v) C¯¢vμ® «x 10% ÷u´©õÚ® AÝ©vUP
(b) The following errors were found in the books
of Prabhakar and Sons. Give the necessary
entries to correct them.
(i) Salary of Rs. 1,000 paid to a Mohan due
to him has been debited to his personal
(ii) Rs. 1,500 paid in Cash for a typewriter
was charged to office expenses account.
(iii) Rs. 5,000 paid for furniture purchased
has been charged to Purchase account.

19 6001
(iv) Repairs made were debited to Building
account for Rs. 250.
(v) An Amount of Its. 500 withdrawn by
the Proprietor for his personal use has
been debited to trade expenses account.
(vi) Rs. 200 Received from Shanthi and Co
has been wrongly entered as Shajahan
and Co.
¤μ£õPº Aß \ßì HkPÎÀ ¤ßÁ¸® ¤øÇPÒ
Psk¤iUP¨£mhx. AÁØøÓ \›ö\´¯
÷uøÁ¯õÚ v¸zu £vÄPøÍ u¸P.
(i) ÷©õPÝUS ö\¾zv¯ \®£Í® ¹.1,000 I
AÁμx ö\õ¢u PnUQÀ £ØÖ
(ii) umha_¨ ö£õÔUS ö\¾zv¯ öμõUP®
¹.1,500 I A¾Á»P ö\»ÄPÒ PnUQÀ
(iii) AøÓP»ß Áõ[P ö\¾zv¯ öμõUP®
¹.5,000–I öPõÒ•uÀ PnUQÀ
(iv) £Êx£õº¨¦ ö\»Ä ¹.250–I Pmih®
PnUQÀ £ØÖ øÁUP¨£mhx.
(v) E›ø©¯õÍμõÀ ö\õ¢u £¯ß£õmkUS
GkUP¨£mh öuõøP ¹.500 ¯õ£õμ
ö\»Ä PnUQÀ £ØÖ øÁUP¨£mhx.
(vi) \õ¢v Aß ÷PõÂh® ö£ØÓ öuõøP
¹.200–I uÁÖu»õP åõáPõß Aß ÷Põ
GÚ £v¯¨£mhx.
20 6001
18. (a)
From the following particulars Prepare an
Account Current to be rendered by Mohamed
to Nazar as August 31, 2018. Interest must
be calculated at 10% pa.
2018 June 11 Sold Goods to Nazar 1,020
15 Cash Received from Nazar 500
20 Sold Goods to Nazar 650
7 Sold Goods to Nazar 700
8 Cash Received from Nazar 1,100
¤ßÁ¸® ÂÁμ[Pμ¸¢x v¸. •í©x, v¸.
|õ\¸US 31.08.2018–À Aݨ£ ÷Ási¯
|øh•øÓU PnUøP u¯õ›UPÄ®.
2018 áúß 11 |õ\¸US ÂØÓ \μUS 1,020
15 |õ\›hª¸¢x ö£ØÓ £n® 500
20 |õ\¸US ÂØÓ \μUS 650
7 |õ\¸US ÂØÓ \μUS 700
8 |õ\›hª¸¢x ö£ØÓ £n® 1,100

(b) On 1st April, 2018, Deri sells goods to
Sherlin for Rs. 5,000 and draws a bill for 3
months for the amount due. On 1st June
2018, Sherlin retires her bill under a rebate
of 6% per annum. Pass journal - entries in
the books of Den and Sherlin.

21 6001
2018 H¨μÀ, 1 AßÖ, öhº› GߣÁº
Áøμ¢u ¹.5,000–PõÚ 3 ©õu Põ» ©õØÖ^møh
HØÓõº. 2018 áüß, 1 AßÖ, öåº¼ß uÚx
©õØÖ^mk BskUS 6% uÒУi²hß uÚx
PhøÚz wºzuõº. öh› ©ØÖ® ö庼ß
C¸Áμx ¦zuP[Pξ® SÔ¨÷£mk £vÄPøÍ

19. (a) Ramesh Brothers consigned 100 Scooters,

each costing Rs. 4,000 to Mahesh Brothers at
Chochin. Ramesh Brothers Spent Rs. 5,000
towards freight and Insurance. During
transit five Scooters were badly damaged
and the insurance company accepted the
claim of Rs. 18,000 only. Makesh Brothers
took delivery of the remaining scooters and
spent Rs. 1,900 towards direct expenses and
Rs. 800 towards indirect expenses. They are
entitled to 5 % commission on Sales. Eighty
Scooters were sold at Rs. 4,500 each.
Show Journal Entries and important Ledger
accounts in the books of both the parties.
μ÷©è ¤μuºì 100 ìTmhºPøÍ JÆöÁõßÖ®
4,000 ¹£õ´ ©v¨¤À ©÷Pè \÷PõuμºPÐUS
öPõa]ÝUS Aݨ¤Úõº. μ÷©è ¤μuºì \μUS
Pmhn® ©ØÖ® Põ¨¥mkUPõP ö\»Ä ¹.5,000
ö\»Ä ö\´uÚº. ÷£õUSÁμzvß ÷£õx I¢x
ìTmhºPÒ ÷©õ\©õP ÷u\©øh¢uÚ ©ØÖ®
22 6001
AuØPõÚ E›ø©U÷Põ›UøPø¯ HØÖUöPõsh
Põ¨¥mk {ÖÁÚ® ¹.18,000 ©mk÷©
ÁÇ[Q¯x. ©÷Pè ¤μuºì «u•ÒÍ
ìTmhºPøÍ öh¼Á› Gkzx öPõsk
¹.1,900 ÷|μi ö\»ÂÚ[PÐUPõPÄ® ©ØÖ®
¹.800 ©øÓ•P ö\»ÂÚ[PÐUPõPÄ® ö\»Ä
ö\´uÚº. AÁºPÒ ÂØ£øÚUS 5% PªåÝUS
E›ø© Esk. 80 ìTmhºPøÍ u»õ ¹. 4,500
¹£õ´US ÂØ£øÚ ö\´uÚº.
C¸Á›ß HkPξ® SÔ¨÷£mk £vÄPøÍ
u¢x •UQ¯©õÚ ÷£÷μmk PnUSPøÍz
(b) Differentiate Consignment from Joint
Aݨ¥mi¼¸¢x CønÂøÚø¯ ÷ÁÖ£kzxP.

20. (a) From the following Receipts and Payments

Account for the year ending 31st Dec. 2018,
prepare an Income and Expenditure Account
for the year ending 31-12-2018 and a
Balance Sheet as on that date.

Receipts and Payments Account

Rs. Rs.
To Balance b/d 30,000 By General 2,000
To Subscription: By Salaries 12,000
2017 1,000 By Tournament 10,000

23 6001
2018 40,000 By Tax 3,600
2019 1,600 By Investments 40,000
To Tournament 21,000 By Electricity 12,000
To Other Income 12,000 By Furniture 20,000
To Entrance Fees 6,000 By Balance c/d 12,000
1,11,600 1,11,600

(i) Taxes Prepaid Rs. 300
(ii) Subscription Outstanding for 2017
Rs. 1,200
(iii) Interest on Investments Accrued
Rs. 1,000
(iv) The Book Value of Buildings on
1.1.2017 was Rs. 1,00,000
(v) Capitalize Entrance Fees
31 i\®£º 2018 Ehß •iÁøh²®
BsiØPõÚ ¤ßÁ¸® ö£ÖuÀPÒ ©ØÖ®
ö\¾zuÀPÒ PnUQ¼¸¢x, 31.12.2018 B®
÷uv²hß •iÁøh²® BsiØPõÚ Á¸Áõ´
ö\»ÂÚ PnUøP²®, A¢u ÷uv°ß£i
C¸¨¦{ø»U SÔ¨ø£²® u¯õ›UPÄ®.
ö£ÖuÀPÒ ¹. ö\¾zxPÒ ¹.
C¸¨¦ R/öPõ 30,000 ö£õx ö\»ÄPÒ 2,000
\¢uõ \®£Í® 12,000
2017 1,000 ÷£õmi ö\»ÄPÒ 10,000
2018 40,000 Á› 3,600

24 6001
2019 1,600 •u½kPÒ 40,000
÷£õmi ‰»® 21,000 ªß\õμ® 12,000
Cuμ Á¸©õÚ® 12,000 AøÓP»ß 20,000
~øÇÄ Pmhn® 6,000 C¸¨¦ ‰»® R/C 12,000
1,11,600 1,11,600

(i) •ßTmi ö\¾zu¨£mhÁ› ¹.300
(ii) 2017 B® BsiØPõÚ \¢uõ {¾øÁ
(iii) •u½kPÒ ‰»® vμmh¨£mh Ámi
¹. 1,000
(iv) 1.1.2017 AßÖ Pmih[PÎß ¦zuP
©v¨¦ ¹. 1,00,000
(v) ~øÇÄ Pmhnzøu ‰»uÚ©õUSP.

(b) From the following information, Prepare a
Bank Reconciliation Statement.
(i) Balance as per Cash Book Rs. 5,520
(ii) Cheque deposited but not yet to be
collected Rs. 12,000
(iii) Cheque issued but not presented for
payment Rs. 5,000
(iv) Insurance Premium paid by Bank not
entered in Cash Book Rs. 640
(v) Bank Charges Rs. 140 debited in the
Pass Book.

25 6001
¤ßÁ¸® ÂÁμ[Pμ¸¢x Á[Q \›UPmk®
£mi¯ø»z u¯õ›UPÄ®.
(i) öμõUP Hmiß £i C¸¨¦ ¹.5,520
(ii) Á`À ö\´¯¨£hõu Põ÷\õø» ¹.12,000
(iii) ö\¾zu¨£hõu Põ÷\õø» ¹.5,000
(iv) Á[Q ö\¾zv¯ Põ¨¥mk ¤Ÿª¯® öμõUP
HmiÀ GÊu¨£hÂÀø» ¹.640
(v) Á[Q Pmhn® ¹.140 ö\À÷»miÀ £ØÖ


26 6001

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