Adult Learning Needs
Adult Learning Needs
Adult Learning Needs
ADE 411
8. Conclusion
9. References
Hernandez (2013) submits that learning occurs during every stage of life yet
it is not something that one is continually aware of. Learning is an activity that
occurs in many ways, in many situation and under many conditions, learning is a
process that leads to o a permanent change in a living creature.
The above definitions try to explain that the environment in which individuals
reside, do not only comprise the climatic or structural properties like buldings,
trees, roads, rain fall, among others but that the environment is also made up of
social and cultural factors that influence the individuals' health, growth, progress,
level of awareness and many more. The implication of this is that, the issues and
problems that affect the society affect the individuals in it. The adult needs
paradigm is as a result of the problems or issues emanating from the
environment. Hence, a need to expose the adult learners to the Concept of
Environmental Education. The question now is what is Environmental Education
and why is it so important to the needs of the adult learners?
According to. (2017), Environmental Adult Education sensitizes the
adult person to be aware of the problems associated with the environment and to
develop basic skills for dealing with them.
The above diagram is a graphic representation of the relationship that exists
between immediate environment of the adult learners, their needs and that the
realization of their needs will make or Mar the development of the society. Adult
education slot signifies that adult education is a means through which adult
learners' needs are developed and realized with a view to improving their quality
and standard of living and of the society at large. It should also be noted that the
needs of the adult learners are influenced by the condition of the environment or
society. For example, in an environment conditioned with high rate of illiteracy
and poverty, the adult needs will therefore be the desire be literate and acquire
skills to raise the standard of living. With this, adult educator is expected to design
an instructional programme or content that will help in the realization of these
Knowles (1980), admitting the potency of and the pressure being exerted
bythe basic human needs, postulates that the pressure being exerted on
individuals is just a starting point in that many alternatives to satisfy the needs are
open to people. Also, that the alternative to be chosen is mediated by or at least
influenced by some cultural forces (such as laws, morals and economic
conditions) and by one’s character (including abilities, goals, values, attitudes and
interests). Thus, Knowles' formulation is very relevant to adult education, because
while an adult is propelled towards satisfaction of his needs, he does so along the
norms of his socio-cultural environment and psychological orientation. That is, an
adult does not act instinctively, but subjects his choice of actions to socio-cultural
and moral approval.
Having considered the relationship that exists between Environment,
Adult Needs, Society and Adult Education, it is of necessity to elucidate the adult
needs through Abraham Maslow theory of need in relation to the environment of
the adult individuals.
Adult have various needs which serves as motivation factor in enrolling in adult
learning programmes. These needs are said to divers between individuals due to
the different environment adults reside. In explaining the needs of the learners, I
will be responding from Abraham Maslow's and Paulo Freire's view of Adult
Maslovian Theory
(a)it is only when a person partially gratifies a more basic and pressing need that
the next level on the hierarchy rears up its head;
(b) deprivation of a satisfied need best equips one to seek a way to restore the
gratification of the need in future; and
(c) when basic needs have been met, people become healthy and motivated to
actualize their highest potentialities. The Maslovian hierarchical arrangement of
human needs presented below.
The most basic needs for an organism’s survival are the physiological needs for
food, water, sex, air and elimination of wastes. Satisfaction of these needs equips
one to proceed to the next level of Safety Needs, which make for self-
preservation. When one attains safety insurance against pain and danger of life,
his energy is then directed to the Love and Belongingness Needs. These
affectionate needs draw one to be part of a group and to experience sharing
within peer groups and the general community. Next are the esteem Needs which
result in self-respect, self-confidence and feeling of fullness. Gratification of these
needs makes one to have emotional satisfaction and stability, but failure to attain
them results in poor self-concept and loss of age identity. The highest level on the
hierarchy is the self-actualization Need, which makes one to fulfill one’s
individual nature in all its ramifications and thereby to have feeling of ecstasy,
wonder and awe, and becoming free from cultural and self-imposed restraints.
Maslow sees this need as a healthy man’s prime motivation.
Adult Learners' Needs in relation to Abraham Maslow Theory of Needs
This are the basic and fundamental needs of the adult in the society. They are
food, shelter, clothing, sex etc. Striving to meet these needs propel them into
many activities and responsibilities like working, marriage, catering for their
children and spouse etc. And of course this underlines their multi-tasking nature.
Therefore, it is the expectation of the adult educator to understand this by
making sure the adult learning program is scheduled to time and venue
convenient to them.
Having gotten the physiological needs under control, the adult individuals are
more of concerned with the security of their lives and property in the society as
lives and properties are loss as a result of conflicts and poor health habits or poor
sanitation. Therefore, apart from the fact that adult educator is expected to make
provisions for a condusive environment for learning to take place, it will be of
paramount value if adults are exposed to Health and Environmental education for
the purpose of sensitizing them on how to tackle interpersonal conflicts,
environmental polution, scourge of diseases like HIV/AIDS, STDs, Cholera and
many more that result to destruction of adult health life and peaceful coexistence
in the society.
The contact of Adults with other individuals in their environment is likely going to
have an effect their desire. This is as a result of the attitude of some adults who
don't want to be left out in socializing with their peer in the society. For example,
an individual who is not well educated in the midst of many educated friend of
his, would want to enroll in adult learning programme for the purpose of making
up in order to be reckoned with in the society. His lack of education would them
be his driving force (instrinsic motivation). Therefore, it is expected that the adult
educator make contact with adult individuals in the society to know their needs
and design a programme to meet these needs for self-enhancement and
development of the society at large.
Adult individuals like to be respected, autonomous in the society and this drives
them into adult programmes with a view to improve their living standard. On this
note, adult educators and facilitators are expected to design programmes that
will be suitable for them. This is where vocational training and functional literacry
programmes come to play, as they intend to make individual to be self employed.
This is the highest level in the heirachy. It makes one to fulfill one’s individual
nature in all its ramifications and thereby to have feeling of ecstasy, wonder and
awe, and becoming free from cultural and self-imposed restraints. Maslow sees
this need as a healthy man’s prime motivation.
The basic human needs are universal fundamental biological and psychological
requirements such as postulated by Maslow. The educational needs are
constituted in the gap between what-is and what-ought-to-be. That is the gap
between the present level of competencies of adults and the higher level required
for effective functioning in their societies. For adult education curriculum to be
effective, it should aim at satisfying both the basic and the educational needs.
Adult Human beings tend to have needs and these are varied from individual to
another. It should be noted that adult needs are dependent on the socio-
economic condition of the society where the individuals reside. Attempt was
firstly made to explain the concept of Adult and Adult learning and also the link
between their needs, interests and their immediate environment. Having
considered the relationship between environment, learners' needs and interest,
attempt was made to explain The Maslovian theory of the hierarchy of human
needs and how it relates to adult learning needs.Thus any activity, including
learning, which relates to satisfaction of a need, attracts the interest of an adult.
3. Knowles, M.S. (1980). The Modern Practice of Adult Education: From Pedagogy
to Andragogy. Chicago: Association Press/Follett Publishing Company.