Kingdoms of Amalur
Kingdoms of Amalur
Kingdoms of Amalur
Continue Selectlng this optlon wlll
automatlcally load up your most recent
save, which will more often than not be an
When startlng the game for the flrst tlme, you'll be able to create
a new character, representlng your return from the grave. You can
make a few cholces that wlll affect you throughout the game and so
they are worth considerlng Carefully. I er
Each Fiace wlll boost three of your Skills by one or two polnts.
You can see what polnts are glven ln the table ln additlon, dlalog will be slightly dlfferent Visual Appearance
dependlng on your F]ace. Certaln Patron Gods are also only avallable to certaln F]aces, whlch Your next cholce wlll allow you to select
are agaln listed below ln the Patron Gods table. from several Presets for your character's
visual appearance. Upon selectlng one of
Certaln F]aces lend themselves better to certaln Destlnytypes due to the Patron God these Presets, you wlll then be allowed
selectlon available as well as the bullt ln Sklll increases. lf you are alming for a Fiogue type to customize lt further by edltlng faclal
build, you should considerthe Dokkalfar orVaranl Races. Almain are good for Mlght types, features, halr type and accessorles. You wlll
whereas the Lj'osalfar and their Patron God selectlon ls better for Mage type bullds also have the optlon to randomize the vlsual
options here Conflrming on thls screen wlll
finalize all your cholces, so be sure before
Racial Bonus 3 dolng so.
Detect Hldden+1
The flnal cholce you will be able to make af-
Sagecraft+ 1 ter the next cut-scene will be to select your
Sagecraft+ 1 character's name.There will be an automatic
cholce avallable foryou based on your F3ace
and Gender cholce/ but you can also enter
your own selection.
Patron God
After selectlng your F\ace, you wlll then be offered a selectlon of Patron Gods based on your
cholce Of partlcular note ls Belen or Lopoku if you are playlng a Rogue type,Thyrdon or
Ynadon for a Mlght bulld, and Ethene or Lyrla for a Mage bulld.
You are allowed to malntain several save
Patron Bonus 2 files that you are allowed to load up at any
+1 O/a Chance to CrltICaI Hlt time. F\eckonlng also employs an Auto-Save
system, and thls is used both perlodically
+6O/o Mana F(egeneratlon
and whenever you use the FastTravel op-
+1 % Chance to Crltlcal Hlt
tlon, as well as any time you trlgger a load
+6o/a Polson Fieslstance door, such as when enterlng a buildlng or
+60/a Llghtnlng Reslstance certain dungeons Selectlng the Contlnue
Gameoptlon onthe main menu will load
up your last save automatlcally. You can also
+6O/a lee Fieslstance
disable Auto-Saves ln the Optlons menu.
+6% Flre Fieslstance
+50/a Armor
= ---
HuD Mini-Map The Ml"-Map ls an lncrec)lbly useful Aggressive mode and Quick-Use potions At-
tool that wlll Show you nearby POlntS Of Interest, aS tacklng a nan-hostlle NPC wlll yleld dlsappolntlng
well as the general dlrectlon you should be headlncl results, as you cannot attack them unless you enter
for objectlves, as well as the dlrectlon of your map Aggressive mode You'll be prompted to do thls
marker lfyou have placed lt The M"-Map can be when yc)u attempt the attack vla a pop-up ln thls
made to rotate as you do, or can be locked m place corner showlng you what to press to enter sald
regardless of whlch wayyou turn, vla the Optlons mode ln addltlon, uslng a Qulck Mane or Health
menu potlon wlll also pop an lndlcator up here showlng
how manyof sald potlon you have left
Notification area Thls area of the screen ls where Interaction Prompt When you are near some-
you'll see any pop-ups appear You'll see messages thlng that can be used wlth the Interact button,
related to quest status, equlpment condltlon, as you'll get a prompt on thls ponlon of the screen
well as Fate galns c)unng battle Keep an eye on Whether thls ls talklng to an NPC, lootlng a chest
thls area at all tlmes or uslng a jump polnt, you'll know when you are ln
range to do ltwhen thls prompt appears
PAUSE MENU Experience Here you'll see your current experl- AmorValue Thls statlstlc shows what yourac-
ence, as well as hc)w much you'll need to get to cumulatedArmorvalue ls Thls ls the statlstlc that
the next level Thls ls also shown vlsuallywlth a bar determlnes how much damage ls mltlgated from
The Pause Menu lsyour lifelinetoa mo- along the bottom of the screen that fllls up as you physlcal attacks you take, so ls very Important
nearthe next level Your current level ls shown on more lnformatlon on how your armor affects dam-
mentof respite ln the Faelands ltwlll be
the left of the bar, and your next level on the rlght age mltlgatlon, see the Combat Chapter
your most commonly used feature, and
allows you to access the most vltal optlons
regardlng your character Inventory Capacity A very Important statlstlc, Sub-Menus The bulk of yourtlme ln the Pause
thls shows you how many Items you have ln your Menu wlll be spent navlgatlng these Important sub-
The veryflrst thlng you'll see when openlng Inventory, as well as the maxlmum capaclty that menus, whlch are detalled further below
Destinies Options
The Destlny sub-menu wlll show you all avallable Destinles you have Thls allows you to access the same Option menu that ls on the
unlocked, in addltion to the unlock requlrements for all other Des- Main Menu.
tlnles.You can also change your equlpped Destlny here whenever
you're not in combat. Save Game
Select thls option when you want to save your game, but be warned
Moves thatyou can,t usethls lfyou are in the mlddle ofa battleagalnstan
ln thls sub-menu, you can take a look at all the moves you have enemy.
unlocked through yourAbilityll.ees. ln additlon, you can also see the
baslc moves of all weapon types.You'll be able to see howto per- Load Game
form them, as well as the Inputs required for each of them. A small Load up any prevlous Save Game that you have Unllke Save Game,
video demonstratlng the move wlll also play ln the corner. - thls can be used durlng battle,
--. = ----
Your equipment and items are the tertypes like Sorcery buIIds. As a result,
primary method through which you will some of the stronger armor wlll requlre you
make yourself a force to be reckoned to have a certaln amount ofAblllty POintS
with in battle. By using powerful weap- Invested ln a, so ln
ons, armor, accessories and potions in the case of Fiobes, Ablllty polnts Invested
conjunction, you'll soon turn into a well in Sorcery Weapons on the other hand are
oiled engine of destruction. restrICted by level, requirlng you tO be Of a
certaln level before you Can equlP them.
Inventory Space
EC|UIPMENT You beglnWIth a maXImum Of70 Inven-
tory slots to store items in.The onlyway
Your weapons, armor and accessorles form to Increase this capacity ls to purchase Back-
the crux of your offenslve and defenslve packs from merchants EyT y:1.There area a good balance between these weapons, so
potentlal. All your items are managed ln the total of 5 Backpacks m the world, and each try to avold somethlng like two long-range
Inventory sub-menu of the Pause Menu. one will increase your maxlmum capaclty weapons or a pair of slow weapons. F.^b ~~' #1
Wh"e the exact nature of what you fmd ls by 10 slots. As a result, the most Inventory
somewhat random, in general, equipment spaceyou can have ls 120slots. Onceyou Upon enterlng the Weapons sub-menu/
is dIVIded into five forms Of rarlty, WhICh are have a house, you can also store Items ln you'll see a llst of all your obtalned weap-
shown in the table. your Stash to save space. ons, separated bythelr type. HIghlightlng
onewIII bring up ltSStatS ln a WlndOWI
Some equipment ls also restrlcted by level Weapons whICh iSeXPlained m mOredetall ln the
or AbiIIty. Armor ls restricted by Ablllty TheWeapons sub-menu IS Where you Can example plcture below.
polnts, so certain equipment, like Robes for equlp both your Prlmary and Secondary
example, are deslgned for speclflc charac- weapons. F]ememberthat you want to strlke
Properties The most Important aspect of thls Description Thls area usually remalns blank un-
Equip Requirements Early on, Items wlll have no wlndow, thls shows what buffs and propertles less you are looklng at a Unlque Item ora plece of
equlp requlrements As the loot gets better, expect are afflxed to thls Item, as well as any Gems or armorthat ls part ofa Unlclue Set lt wlll explaln a
to see both level and Ablllty restrlctlons Sockets thatare placed ln lt llttle of the hlstory behind the Item
I-- = -I
" `\?,, ~=m ltems,GoldandLoot
The stet wlndOW When Viewing your armor lS almost exactly the
same as the one for weapons, wlth a few mlnor differences.
Instead of a Base Damage stet, you'll see the Armor value for that
partICular piece of armor i -,r:i £LThls value IS added uP between
all your equipped pieces of armor to glve you a total Armor stet/
whlch ls what is used to determine how much physlcal damage ls
mltigated when you recelve a hlt (for more informatlon on thls, see
the Combat Chapter).
You'll also come across armorwlth Gold colored names durlng your
adventures.This colorlng denotes that thls armor ls one plece of a
set.You wlll only see the true beneflts of thls armor when you wear
lt along wlth the other pleces m the set.When wearing only one
plece, you'll see a llst of buffs in the stet wlndowfor that piece.The
majority of them wlll be grayed out, wlth a number next to each
graved out stet, the number Indicates how many pieces of the set
you must wear before that buff becomes active.
Armor Accessorles are slmple forms of jewelry that do not contrlbute
Your armor ls the main form of defense you will have, and oper- dlrectly towards your Base Damage oryour total Armor points, but
ated ln a slmllar fashlon to your weapons Llke weapons, there are do glve you buffs You can equIP One Necklace and two FilngS at any
certaln armor types that are more suited to certain character builds time to receive these buffs.
Consumables are Items that are of a onetime use, usually ln the
form of a potlon. Consumables can be found, purchased or created
through Alchemy. To see a complete list of every Consumable, how
to make it and what lt does, head to Alchemy headlng of the Skills
Essentlally' everything else you pick up will come up underyour
Items sub-menu. Here you'll find quest related items, notes, Gems
and other miscellaneous items thatyou may have gathered that
don't flt ln the other categorles.Your Lockplcks and F3epalr Klts are
also placed here, and you'll have to actlvate your Fiepair Kits here to
use them.
Some of the items here also don't take up
any Inventory Space. ln partlcular, Alcheml-
cal Fieclpes, the Component Case, the
Fieagent Bag and the Sagecraft Pouch all
hold other Items and do not take up any
Inventory space, nor do the Items lnslde
them.Your Key Filng also holds all the keys
you have collected so they do not take up
Inventory space Individually.
Any plece of equipment or Item that you
select in one of the othersub-menu's can
be sent here, to your Junk pile.The Junk
pile acts as a sort of F3ecycle Bln; Items can
be sent here to be removed from the other
parts of your Inventory. When you go into
your Junk sub-menu, you will then be able
restore these items to thelr orlglnal posltlon/
or destroy them permanently. Untll you
choose to destroy an Item, lt wlll stlll take up space ln your Inventory, so you can't free up Difforence* Drop Modifier
space untll you make some hard declsions -ll (or more) -100%
-5 -95%
-3 -80 a/a
-2 -40%
ln F]eckonlng, Loot and Gold Drops are determlned by a few equatlons golng on behlnd
the scenes.Whlle the drops themselves are mostly random and cannot be llsted, we can I -20%
explaln the process behlnd how they work, and what you are likely to get O No modlfICatIOn
+1 -85 o%o
LootTables .99. 5 O%o
To declde whether an enemy you've just defeated should drop some loot, the Fieckonlng
englne will reference something called a LootTable. A LootTable ls a llst of posslble rewards +3 (or more) -100%
* between Item Level and Space Level
you can receive for kllllng a partlcular NPC or openlng a container. Each of these rewards has
a percentage attached to it that slgnifies the likellhood of lt dropplng, also known as the drop
welght. There are dlfferent LootTables for dlfferent levels of enemles and dlfferent types of
For example, upon defeatlng a Fled Leglon Bandlt, the game wlll ref-
erence the Underllng LootTable, whlch ls the LootTable associated
with that particular enemy Thls LootTable has three posslble drops,
along wlth the chance that nothing could drop at all. ln additlon to
thls, sometlmes a drop wlll have condltlons that must be met ln
order to even have a chance of dropplng. For example, the Essence
of Fate Fieagent wlll only drop lf the condltion that you were ln dur-
ing F]eckoning mode when the enemy was defeated ls met.There
are numerous such conditlons, but the majorlty of Items will slmply
drop based on thelr drop welght.?
As you can see from the table, the further the Item level ls from Gold drops work dlfferently from normal Loot Drops. Every enemy
the Space Level, the less llkely it lstodrop. lf lt lsthreeormore hasa percentage chancetodropgold, with the amount belng some-
levels above, then there ls no chance of lt dropplng Thls stops you where within a predetermlned range. ln general, stronger tlered
from gettlng overly powerful Items too early. Llkewlse, lf the Item ls enemles have a chance of dropplng larger gold amounts.Your Detect
around four or more levels below the Space Level, lt is very unllkely Hldden statlstlccan trlggereverytime youflnd a Gold Drop' see the
to drop also. Skllls section for more details.When openlnga COntalner, a Loot
Table ls agaln referenced and the system remalns the same.\^/hether
Other modlflers to Loot Drops Include the type of Destlny you have an Item that ls dropped has a sufflx or preflx (such as a Longsword of
equlpped. For example, if you have the Seer Destlny equlpped, Bleedlng orSavage Chakrams) ls agaln determlned bye LootTable.
_ _I__
i `< Character Control and Advancement
\^/alk and Stealth Slow refers Evade The Evade button wlll cause you to move out of harm's way
to moving slower by tllting an quickly wlth elther an acrobatic roll or a short range teleport For
analog stlck slightly should you more informatlon on the different types of Evade and how best to
be uslng oneto play Run and use them, see the Combat Chapter r
Stealth Fast refer to pushlng the
analog at full tllt You cannot ad- PrimaryWeapon Attack Press thls to attack with whatever
just your speed while swimming weapon you have equIPPed in your Primary Weapon SIot. Check out
with dlfferent stick pressure/ the Moves sub-menu ln the Pause Menu to see how to perform
but can stlll go faster using the dlfferent attacks wlth each weapon.
Sprlnt button.You can also go
a llttle faster by unequlpplng all SecondaryWeapon Attack This button wlll attack wlth whatever
armor whIIe swlmming. I .,ij weapon you have equlpped ln your secondary weapon slot
-I- -e -- t
more obvlous your presence is, and entering the NPC's line of slght
wlll fill thls very qulckly. Sprlntlng, attacklng, or uslng an abillty will
generally take you out of stealth.
Map and Menu These shortcuts wlll brlng up either the Map or
Pause Menu respectlvely.
Blade Trap
AItways AIctwe
Swinging Axe Alr Always Actlve
FlameTrap Ground
Man-Eater Plant Ground Proxlmity
Poison Pool Ground Touch
Your Map ls a vltal component ln the tools at your dlsposal, and
you'll be uslng it often. Here we'll go through the varlous types of
map you'll be uslng when playing.
Mini-Map The Mini-Map ls by far the most useful of the three Map
views lt shows you the same level of information the Local Map EBlacksmith A Blacksmlth
smith Forge, can often
and wlll restore be found ofnear
the Durability youra items
does, and wlll always polnt ln the general dlrectlon of your current for a prlce.You should try to use the services of a Blacksmith when-
objectlve as well as your marker if you have placed it. lt can also ever possible, leavlng your Repair Kits for emergencles. The cost for
show you any nearby objectives of non-active quests that you have repalr Increases based on how much Durabllity ls belng repaired
accepted, and locatlons that are nearby You can choose to lock
the Mlnl-Map ln place or have lt rotate to follow the dlrection your
character faces ln the Optlon menu
I_i e --
qulre a hybrld COmblnatIOn Of AbiIIty POintS Invested ln dlfferent AbiI-
SSagecrafter A Sagecrafter
have been socketed on ancan remove
Item foryou the
can dothat
this ltyTrees. Go intothe Pause Menu and see the Destlnysub-menu to
yourself, but only once you've reached level 10 ln your Sagecraftlng see whatthe requlrements are for unlocklng each Destlny' and plan
Skill. Until then, you'll have to rely on a Sagecrafterto do thls for you yourAblllty point investment early on Nothlng ls set ln stone though,
as you can vlslt a Fateweaverto Unblndyour Destlnyand re-allocate
SkillTrainer SkilllTainers can help ralse your proflclency your Ablllty polnts to unlock a dlfferent set of Destlnles
8gr ln a Sklll as long as you meet the necessary requlrements
You'll need to vlslt the rlght level of SklllTrainer dependlng on what See the Combat Chapter for a breakdown of the different Destlnles
your own level of Skill ls For more information on thls, check out and how bestto use each one.
the Skllls section,
servlce ofAallowlng
you toprovides
re-allocatethe very
your Skllluseful
and Ablllty
polnts, essentlally allowlng you to change your character bulld at any
tlme aS long aS you Can afford lt The cost of Unbindlng your Destlny Your total Health and Mana wlll Increase every tlme you level up.
wlll Increase wlth your level as well as every time you use lt, so plan What determlnes how much lt Increases by are how yourAbillty
lt out carefully before you try lt polnts are invested. By placlng more polnts ln a partlcularAblllty
Tree, you can Influence the amount by whlch your Health and Mana
increase per level.
Active Active Ab"ities are can be used in battle for the cost of
Mane These vary wlldly from devastatlng spells used by the Sor-
cery class to traps set by the Flnesse class.TheseAblllties must
be assigned to yourAbllity shortcut menu before they can be used,
so plck which ones you want to carry Into battle wlth you wlsely.
Destmles help determine your character bulld, and can confer numer-
ous buffs upon you Unlocking Destinles requlres you to investAblllty
polnts, so you'll need to level up several tlmes before you can unlock
some of the hlgher tlered Destlnles. ln addltion, some Destlnles re-
--- = ------
After speaking to Agarth, you'll have access to the powerful F]eckonlng mode. Entering thls
mode wlll allow you to slow down time and deal vastly increased damage to your enemies.
ln addltlon to thls, enemles that are near death wlll enter a special state whlle ln Fieckon-
lng mode. Golng near them whlle they are ln this state will allowyou to use the Interact
button to Fateshlft them, a special klll animatlon that wlll reward you wlth extra experience
lf you mash the correct button when prompted [xp>|1j 3j. Placlng multlple enemles into thls
weakened state before Fateshfiting one wlll allow you to Fateshiftthem all at once, givlng
you massive experlence multlpliers
To fill your F(eckoning meter, you have to collect Fate Thls is awarded to you durlng combat
by k"llng enemies, and uslng Flnlshers and Abilltles. Attacking stronger enemies wlll also
yleld extra Fate.Try to catch multiple enemies in your Finlshers and Abillty attacks, aS you
wlll be rewarded Fateforeveryenemythat ISStruCk by lt. i+ Z:i
Avoid repeat use of the same Flnlshers and Abllitles lf you are trylng to maxlmlze your Fate
intake. Every tlme you use the same Flnlsher orAbillty ln successlon, your Fate reward wlll
be dlvided by two.You wlll requlre 265 Fate to flll your meter, and once you have entered
Reckoning mode, lt will cost you 60 Fate to exit lt. Enterlng Reckonlng mode will also trigger
a large area of effect burst attack that wlll knock nearby enemles away from you. For more
lnformatlon on Reckonlng mode and how best to use lt, check out the Combat Chapter.
Twists of Fate areTarot cards that represent varlous mllestones and achlevements that you
accomplish durlng the course of the game. Each one will glve you a permanent buff, and
once you have collected several the effects will really become apparent There are 16 in
total, and their locations are shown in the table.
-- = ---
Throughout your journey' you'll come across numerous plague
Infested monsters that can Infect you wlth debllltatlng Dlseases You
may also flnd yourself gettlng Cursed after falllng to Dlspel a warded
treasure chest. \^/hile Diseases can be removed with a Purificatlon
Potion, Curses can only be removed by visltlng a Healer.
Main Quests The crux of the game and the maln storyllne are pro-
gressed by completlng Maln Quests These quests are the longest
and most arduous, but they yield the best rewards, lncludlng several
C|uESTS AND EXPERIENCE Twists of Fate.Yt)u also will not be able to access the eastern areas
of Klurlkon and Alabastra untll you complete the flrst nlne Maln
There are a myrlad of Quest types available ln the Faelands, along Quests, so lf you want access to all the Faelands, you'll have to
wlth a plethora of ways foryou to gather experlence Flrst, let's complete these.
cover the different Quest types One thlr,g to note about experlence
rewards, even those for all quests, ls that they are affected by the Other ways to gain Experience There numerous other actlvlties
Space Level of the area you accepted the quest ln or are recelv- outslde of completlng quests that can grant you experlence.Whlle
lng the experience ln.This is just another reason to make sure the the exact amount you recelve ls always based on the Space Level
Space Level ls as high as posslble ln everyarea you go into Be sure of the area you receive the experience ln, some are always worth
to check out the Enemy Strength sectlon to see how to do thls more than others.
Tasks These are small slde quests that generally requlre you to
collect somethlng or klll a certaln number of enemles. Whlle the
rewards are usually qulte meager for quests of thls nature, more
often than not they can be repeated ad lnflnltum.
Side Quests Slde Quests can vary ln size between fairly small
errands to giant monster kllllng adventures. The rewards you recelve
can change qulte a blt as a result. Side Quests are usually handed
out by NPCs in need of some help' and will be marked onyour Lo-
cal and Minl-Map with an exclamation mark, so keep an eye out for
- - a I-
\pr )< ~ _s±)a S,,Qo.!1
Lorestones are anclent reposltorles of knowledge and storles that they can convey lf you actlvate an entlre set of Lorestones, for ex-
can reveal the fables and rlch hlstory of the Faelands They are ample, all the Lorestones ln Alserund, you wlll recelve a permanent
spread out across the world, and can occasionally even be found buff associated wlth that set.
lnSlde dungeons and CItleS, although thIS IS rare. L^>l::,I 3';
You can check how many Lorestones are ln a set, how many you
Every tlme you actlvate a Lorestone, you wlll be glven a small por- have activated, how many you have left to actlvate and what buff
tIOn Of eXPerlenCe ThIS IS based, llke most things, On the Space you wlll get by completlng the set by checkmg the Pause Menu
Level of the area you actlvated it ln However, the maln beneflt ln Enter the Stets sub-menu, and then the Lorestones menu to see
seeklng out and actlvatlng Lorestones is for the permanent buff that this information.
One of the best ways to restore your
health and progress the passage of time
is to use a bed.They aren't particularly
commonplace, so try to memorize their
locations so you can use one when you
happen to be passing one nearby.Their
locations are listed in the table, as well
as whattype of bed it is and the require-
ments for mat(ing it usable. Upon using a
bed, you can select how many hours you
wish to sleep for,from a minimum of 1
in-game hourto a maximum of 24-
Player Housing
You can alsogaln aCCeSStO uPtO SiXOfyOur
own houses, free foryour own use These
houses wlll always contaln a Stash and a
Mirror as a bare minimum. For some hous-
ing, there ls also occasionally an NPC that
can renovate your house further for a price.
These renovatIOnS Can add Sagecraftlng
Altars, Blacksmlth Forges and Alchemical
Labs, as well as areas for Fieagents.
The process to gain each of your houses ls sllghtly different for each
one. Usuallyyou'll need to complete a speclfic side quest to unlock
your house, so read the side quest section to see exactly how to
go about dolng this.The only one that you have a serIOuS Chance Of
misslng permanently ls the flrst one that you wlll come across, the
player House in Canneroc.When you flrSt arrlVe here, yOu'll find an
NPC called GaranerVernt under attack. lfyou don,t save him ln time,
you'll lose the opportunlty to complete hls quest llne and hence lose
the opportunlty to galn your own house ln Canneroc.
-- __ = _ ..
Throughout the world and ln Various dungeons, you Will encounter a
natural resource often ln the form of Reagents. F]eagents are small
plants, trees, shrubs and other naturally occurrlng Flora and Fauna
that can be harvested and collected Once you attempt to harvest the
Reagent, your Alchemy Sk"I determines whether you wlll be success-
ful ornot. I,-v>=1 "
Regardless of whether you are, the Fieagent source wlll be used up,
and you w"I have to wait a perlod of in-game tlme before you the
Reagent source wlll grow back and you can access lt agam. All suc-
cessfully harvested Fieagents are stored ln your Reagent Bag and will
not take up extra Inventory SPaCe.Your F]eagent Bag can be accessed
through your Items sub-menu ln your Inventory.
Sagecraftlng Involves collectlng Shards to create Gems, powerful
augmentations to your weapons and armor.You'll need to Increase
your Sagecraftlng Sklll to make best use of thls, but lt can become the
strongest tool at your disposal See the Sagecraftlng entry in the Skills
sectlon fordetalled lnstructlons on how to get the most out of thls
SkIII. I.-\::i 29_i
Blacksmithlng ls the last of the Creatlon skllls, and could be the stron-
gest. lt requlres you to use Components to forge newweapons and
armor at a BIacksmlth Forge These Components can either be saI-
vaged fromTraps with a hlgh enough Detect Hidden SkllI, purchased
from Merchants, or salvaged from weapons and armor that you don't
use. See the Skills sectIOn for further detallS.
Increasing your Lockplcklng Sklll will make the sweet spot larger and
easlerto find, ln addltlon to maklng lt easler to force the lock. lf you
have a PrISmere Lockpick, you can force the lock and always succeed
I-. -e -
Gameplay Elements
Shrlnes are homages to the Gods of the Fa-
elands. Flnding these Shrines ln the world wlll
allow you to press the Interact button near them
and recelve the buff that each Shrine has. This
wlll last fora certaln perlod of time before it runs
out, after whlch you can actlvate the Shrlne agaln.
These are useful, cost free buffs that can make
the dlfference ln a battle.They can be ldentlfled
on your Local and Mlnl-Map by a green dot. ln the
Area Gulde chapter you'll flnd the locatlons of all
Shrlnes and the buffs they confer. i
- a -- -
Crlmes ln the Faelands wlll not be tolerated, and the punlshement
can be severe.Thankfully, you can always get out ofjall tlme lf you
are wllllng to pay the brlbe, or sllence the guard forever.The llst of
Crlmes and is as follows:
Theft Stealing an Item that ls ownecj by an NPC or factlon, or
you, unless you can get away for long enough, after whlch they wlll
steallng an Item from a chest that ls owned by an NPC go back to trylng to arrest you
or FactIOn
lf you attempt to escape, you must flrst sneak past the guards to
the chest containlng your equlpment (this wlll be the only chest in
Most of these crimes are self-explanatory' however, there is some
flnesse requlred when Plckpocketlng. To successfully plckpocket/
you must sneak up on an enemy unawares and press the Interact
button when prompted The llkellhood that you are caught when
attemptlng to steal one of Its Items ls shown as a percentage next
to each Item Thls percentage wlll be hlgher the more nearby NPCs
are aware of your presence (i e. the more fllled the Awareness loon
above thelr heads are). :
- - = --
each Jail). Upon lnteractlng wlth thls chest, your equlpment ls auto- for all enemles ln Ettlnmere based on whatyour level is and what
matically re-equlpped, and all of your Items are returned to you. lf the Space Level range ls.Thls enemy level is known as the Space
you try to leave the lall wlthout flrst retrlevlng your equlpment from Level.The Space Level for each area ls selected based on how close
thls chest, a message will appear telling you to go back and flnd the your level is to the Space Level range.
chest lf guards catch you trylng to escape jail, theywlll attempt to
klll you. lf you manage to kill the guards and escape, your crlmes Let's use Ettinmere as an example agaln. Ettlnmere has a deslgnat-
wlll not be cleared, and guards outside the jail wlll attempt to arrest ed Space Level range ofO3- 13 lfyouwalk lntothearea ate level
you again. lf you sneak out undetected, your crimes are cleared. between 3 and 13, the enemies here wlll be set at your level, thus
I- :
settlng the Space Level permanently. So, lf you walk into Ettinmere
at level 7, all enemles here wlll permanently be set to level 7 Even
if you proceed through the rest of the game and play for hundreds
of hours and return to Ettinmere later at level 30, the enemies will
ENEMY STRENGTH remain at level 7.
Durlng the course of the game, you may notice that the enemles So what happens if you enter an area outslde of the Space Level
you encounter occasionally have different colored names, and the range?The game will simply choose a level from the Space Level
same enemycan be strongerwhen encountered ln a different area. range that is as close as posslble to your level. So if you entered Et-
That ls because the strength of the enemy' that is to say its level, ls tlnmere at level 16, the closest level to you in the Space Level range
determined by you. would be 13, the maximum, soall enemieswould besetto level 13.
Llkewise, lfyou entered at level 2, the Space Level would be set to
Area Levels and Name Coloring 3, the closest lt can get to your level wlthln the range The map indi-
When you enter an area forthe flrsttlme, for example the first time cates the Space Level ranges of all the areas in the game, whereas
you walk Into Ettinmere, the game wlll permanently set the levels the table Indicates the Space Level ranges of all dungeons. L?`T: ¥]
£jiE-R Nytt&u±i
g\ (
a I
:Einta: ,
i_fuii) E£ `Jll
lIE, 6
lHE, a
lE@_i =-; -
ziE=jE- :
)EEEffil" -
As you might reallze, thls means that you can manlpulate the sys-
tem somewhatto ensure you always get the maximum possible
experlence from the strongest enemies. lf you enter an area at the
maxlmum upper llmlt of its Space Level range, you can ensure you
always get the strongest enemies in each area. So ln the prevlous
example, thls would mean entering Ettinmere at level 13, ensurlng
you flght the strongest foes to get the best loot and experlence.
Then, when you are nearing the upper llmlt of the Space Level
range of the next area, you can go Into lt for the flrst tlme to repeat
the process agaln.
\^/hlle there ls no way to identify the level of the enemy you are bat-
tling in game, there ls a visual indlcator that can roughly tell you Its
strength.The enemy's name will be colored dlfferently based on Its
strength ln relation to you, and the different colors are explained and
showninthetable. -
Certaln enemles are also restrlcted by level, so you wlll never see an
Anclent Leansh, for example, when the Space Level of the area you
are ln is too low to trigger it.This also works for weaker enemies, so
once you are in the hlgher Space Level areas, weaker enemies llke
Boggarts will stop appearing altogether ln certain areas.
-,-- a _.
Fire Most natural earthen type enemies are weak to thls elementa
attack ln addltlon, lf you can trlggerthe status effect accompanylng
FIre, you Will setyour enemies alight.This will do damage overtime
and can sometimes place certaln enemles Into a Panlc state, where
they wIIl run around and stop attacklng for a time iJ>rL: ij
Ice lce causes the most useful of the elemental status effects by
far.Triggering it will cause your enemies to slow down by 300/o, both
lntermSOf mOVementSPeed and attaCkSPeed ;~-r, ,1!
item, and will degrade the price based on the amount of Durability
that is lost. Durabllity can never lessen the base pnce of an Item by
morethan 70%, however. i 1
Once the base prlce has been established using these factors, a
Merchant wlll then buy orsell the item after a few more changes
to the value. Merchants will sell Items at 125% of thelr base PrICe,
whlle they will purchase them from you at 13% of thelr base prlce.
However, you can also manlpulate these percentages by lncreaslng
your Mercant"e Skill. Every polnt invested ln Mercantlle WIII reduce
item costs by 5O/o whlle also Increasing sale prlces by 2%
Buying and Selling
Buying and selllng ls a falrly slmple procedure. However, the calcula-
tlons to determlne the cost of these products lsn't nearly as simple
At Its most baslc level, each item has a base prlce.Thls value ls
elther set m stone for a partlcular Item, or it is calculated based on
what buffs it has on lt. Durability can also affect the base price of an
---- -a -----
Along with yourWeapons and Abilities, Skills are the third facet
to your arsenal. While they won,i directly influence combat,
they will strengthen your overall abilities and make several
other aspects of the game easier.
You will receive one Skill point per level, making it impossible
to level every skill up to the maximum.This means that you'll
have to make use ofTrajners and Skill Books, and make careful
choices about which skill to invest the most in.
Outslde of simply levellng up,Trainers will be an Important source of
Sklll points Trainers come at three levels, BaslcTralners, Advanced
Trainers and MasterTrainers. BasicTrainers can raise your Sklll lf lt lS
below 3 polnts, AdvancedTrainers can raise lt from between 3 and 7
polntS, and Mastertrainers can raise lt frOm 7to 10 points. ;.\, _ &i
ln addltion to uslngTralners and allocating polnts to your Skllls,
you can also collect and read Sklll Books ln order to ralse the cor-
respondlng Sklll by a slngle polnt Their locations are llsted in the
table. I-)
The Alchemy Sklll's prlmary functlon ls to increase the rate at whlch
you can successfully harvest Fieagents you flnd ln the world. In
additlon, at hlgher levels you can create better potlons using more
F3eagents at once.You'll need an Alchemlcal Lab to create potions
and use your F(eagents, and these can be found dotted around the
game world/ prlmarIIy ln towns. r i
Ordinarlly, you would need to flnd potlon recIPeS in the game world
or purchase them from Merchants to dlscover what F]eagents to
comblne to make potions. However, you can also randomly comblne
F\eagents at an Alchemical Lab in an attempt to create a potion.
Reagents are the most common freely avallable resource you will
encounter during yourjourney.They can be found on the world map
and m dungeons, wlth some belng rarer than Others.Your chance
of successfully harvestlng a Reagent - by movlng towards lt and
presslng the Interact button - ls influenced by yourAlchemy Sklll.
All successfully harvested F]eagents wlll be placed in your Reagent
Bag, while recipes you've collected will be ln yourAlchemlcal Reci-
pes book, and neither of these wlll take up Inventory space.
Yt)ur primary goal when ralslng thls Skill ls to be able to Increase
your chances of harvesting Reagents that let you create the most
effectlve potlons. Of partlcular Import are the Experlence Booster
set of potlons, whlch when combined with a Fateshift of multlple
opponents can lead to huge experlence rewards.
-- i- = -_-
save you from maglcal curses that you mlght Incur from falllng to
dispel a chest, they will cure you of debilltating dlseases recelved
from enemies as well as protecting you from them for a short
perlod afterwards i
Technical Data
6 Points Increases successful harvest chance want to maxlmlze experience gains as well as make battles much
7 Points Increases successful harvest chance easier you consider ralslng the Skill to at least 7 or 8.
8 Points Increases successful harvest chance
Wlth no polnts Invested ln the Sklll, falled potlons wlll result ln
9 Points Increases successful harvest chance
unusable garbage, however with at least one polnt Invested, a felled
1O Points Increases successful harvest chance, all reclpes avallable comblnatlon of F]eagents wlll result ln an Unstable potlon, whlch
glves you a random buff or rebuff You cannot consume multlple
Unstable Potions and must wait for the effects of one to wear off
flrst.Thanks to the handy list that follows though, you'll never need
Alchemy is a Skill that requlres you to Invest ln heavlly if you want to to blindly create potions and will only need to conslder ralslng your
fully reap its benefits Overall, it's not a vltal Sklll, slnce potlons are Skill to Increase your harvestlng chances and to make the best po-
never required and you can do everythlng wlthout them, but if you tlons uslng four F(eagents.
Reeg®nts Ftapuind
Satlva Flbers. 3 StarThlstle. 3 Scarwood Bark 2
Essence of Fate 4
) L'-H+ SklllS
II a- --
( mc2r-11LrdCr3, -
Scarab Salts
Scarab Salts/ Merchants, lnst. recover loo/a
48h 2 5 Usage
db Luck Dungeons of max. Mane
Blacksmlthlng, along wlth Sagecrafting and
Whlte Flake/ Containers, +10O^o Physical Detect Hldden, are arguably the best Skills to
a white Flake 24h 4 5
lee Dungeons Damage (10) Invest ln heavily. Using both Sagecrafting and
Seaflax/ Da-E +loo/a PoISOn
Blacksmlthlng ls an excellenttactic as they
72h 4 6
Armor Farms Damage (10) complement each other very well, The Gems
K-A lO% Chance to Burn
you create wlth a strong Sagecrafting Skill can
Scarwood Bark/
72h 4 6 then be used as Components to create pow-
Damage Forest, Swamp enem. whenAtt- (10)
erful equlpment wlth your Blacksmithlng Sklll.
Ysa's Breath/ Da-E +100/a Damage
Ysa's Breath 48h 4 7
Fieslstance Forest, Plalns F\esistance (10)
Remember that Instead of selling or destroy-
Edelweiss/ E-De lnst. recover 150/a of ing your spare Items, using the Blacksmithing
Edelweiss 48h 4 7
Beflectlon Plalns, Desert max- Health+Mane Sklll at a Blacksmlthlng Forge will allowyou
Leechwood Leechwood Bark/ Da-K-A 20o/a Chance to Steal to salvage the Item by extractlng Compo-
48h 4 8
Swamp, Forest 10HealthperHlt(10) nents from lt.What you get is determined
by a Component LootTable (thls is explained
Prismere Pnsmere Dust/ Da-De-A +8% ExperlenCe
48h 4 9 further in the Loot and Gold section), and to
Growth XP Caves Bonus (10)
some extent you can ensure what you will get
Fateshifted Essence of Fate/ Da-E-De-K-A Instantly galn
NIA NIA NIA and ltwon't be totally random.
Enemy Fate Fieckonlng Kllls 20 Fate.
-. -- a -,----
To really take advantage of more powerful forged weapons, you'll be to Invest at least 7 polnts Into BIacksmithlng' aS this Wlll allow
need the Components from Flare equIPment.You'II receIVe higher you to use all Support Components as well as belng able to use
levels of Support Components the betterthe equlpment you try to Gems ln the Craftlng' Including Eplc Gems when maklng complete
recover, but salvaglng better equlpment of course requires you to torso armor Reachlng level 10 wlll allow you to create Mastercrafted
have a hlgher level of Blacksmlthlng Sklll. equIPment, Which WIII confer an extra buff upon the final equIPment
you forge r*
Technical Data
The most Important aspect Of levellng up your Blacksmlth Skill ls All equlpment must adhere to Blacksmlthlng patterns when being
belng able to salvage better equlpment and using more Support forged. Whlle there are many types of Support Components, only
Components during the craftlng process An acceptable level would certaln types can be used ln comblnatlon when forging equipment
The table to the right lndlcates what equlpment can be forged using
what comblnatlon of Components Fiemember that the Core Com-
ponent and flrst Support Component are always requlred, whereas
the second and thlrd Support Components as well as the Gem are
optional, and only available to use once you level your Blacksmithing
Skill high enough
Use the table when you are not near a Blacksmithing Forge to see
lf you have the necessary Components to make the piece of equlp-
ment you are after. Fiememberthat all your collected Components
are in your Components Case.
The formula for determining exactly how effectIVe a Repalr KIt lS Step 2: EfFectiveness2 = Effectiveness1 + loo - Modifier
golng tO be iS here: Take the Effectivenessl value from the first Step tO find the next
Effectiveness2 value. The modifier iS Still a constant at 88. lt
Step 1: Effectiveness1 = (Skill * Modifier) / 100 should look like this:
To work out the Initial Effectivenessl value, tlmes your Sklll by
the modlfler.The modifier IS a constant Value, ln this Case 88.
Your Skill IS ten times What your current Blacksmithlng Skill level
is, so if your Blacksmlthlng Skill has three polnts Invested in it for Step 3: Effectiveness = (Effectiveness2 / 100) * Kit
example, for the purposes of thIS equatIOn the Skill value would The flnal step will gIVe you the actual EffectIVeneSS Of the F3epalr
be 30.ThIS makes the first Step Of the Sum, assuming your Black- KIT. Take your EffectIVeneSS2 value and dIVIde lt by 100, then
smlthlng Skill level ls 3, thIS: multlply it bythe Ftepalr KIT value, whICh IS a fIXed Value at 80,
The final equatIOn looks like thIS:
--- - = -I t
Detect Hldden is an extremely versatlle sklll
that wlll serve you well for the entlre length
of the game.The extra gold you wlll find ls
falrly Insubstantial, but the other benefits
you wlll receive as a result of Investing even
just a few points are Incredibly useful.Yt)u
can only recelve extra gold from chests or
corpses that can be looted, and even then
there is only a chance that you wlll recelve
extra gold vla your Detect Hldden Sklll (the
formula detalllng thls process wlll follow
laterU -- 'i i
As an absolute bare mlnlmum, you should ralse Detect Hldden to at 40 + (40 multlplled by 0.002 multIPIIed by 146) = 52 gold after belng
least level flve, as wlth thls you can ensure you won't mlss the ma- rounded up' which would be added to the inltial gold you found giv-
jority of secret areas and can dISarmTraps you mlght enCOunterYou lng you a total haul of 198gold
should also give serlous conslderation to raising the sklll to seven ln
orderto seeTraps on the Mini-Map' and lf you are also proflclent ln
Technical Data
-I-- = --=L
Dlspelllng ls the act of removlng magical
protectlon from a treasure chest or door.
The Dlspelllng Skill reduces the difficulty in
removlng these wards by glvlng you more
tlme to break the ward, removlng Dark Sig-
lls, decreasing the amount of glyphs, glvlng
you more time before each glyph reacti-
vates, lncreaslng your chances of succeed-
mg at an auto-attempted Dlspel and glvlng
you extra opportunltles to Dispel wlthout
punlshment if you've already falled.
By and large, you won't need to raise your
Dlspelllng Sklll by much, lf at all.There are
much fewer chests protected by wards
than there are locked chests and doors, and
even at the lowest levels, none of them are
partlcularly hard. However, the punlshment
for falllng to Dlspel ls severe, as you wlll be Cursed and must then which when used ln COnjunCtlOn WIth Saving and re-Ioadlng faIIed
visit a Healer before you can remove lt. Obvlously thls ISn't really attempts, should let you galn access to any warded treasure.
posslble in the mlddle of a dungeon, whlch is where you wlll find
most warded treasure chests. lf you are absolutely adamant about ralsing the Dlspelllng Skill, it
really comes down to how much help you think you'Il need. At two
lt ls highly recommended you save before attempting to Dlspel a points you get an extra attempt to Dlspel ln case you fall, which is
particularly dangerous ward, allowing you to re-load your flle should very useful for gauglng the difficulty Of the Ward Once the Dark
you fail.The dlffICulty will drop drastICally once you get to level Slglls are removed at level four, lt becomes substantially less rlsky
four and Dark Slgils have been removed from the ward No matter to attempt a Dlspel, and you can probably avold spending any more
what the dlfflculty, Its always posslble to Dlspel a chest wlthout polnts at thls point
even one polnt ln this Sklll, so thlnk very carefully before spendlng
your hard-earned Sklll points on Dispelling. Most llkely' you wlll be Slnce the next slgnlficant mllestone ls at seven polnts, you'll have
much better off slmPly uSIngTralnerS tO ralSe this Skill a few points/ to Invest heavlly before seelng any extra galns, and even then, two
extra opportunltles to Dlspel ls somethlng you could have recreated
Technical Data for free by loading up an earller save, even lf lt does take longer.
Slmllarto Dlspelllng, thls Skill wlll helpyou to galn accessto maklng lt eaSler tO find.ThIS Sklll will also Increase your success
treasure chests and locked doors that have been secured to some rate when auto-attemptmg to force the lock, guaranteelng its suc-
extent.Thls ls a more useful Skill to invest in than Dispelling' slnce cess dependant on your level and dlfficulty of the lock (
you wlll encounter many' many more locks than you wlll wards
This Sklll wlll dlrectly affect Lockpicking attempts ln two ways. There aren't many lntrlcacies to the Lockplcklng process other than
Flrstly' lt will widen the sweet spot, which IS the angle at WhlCh the what has already been descrlbed. lncreaslng your proflclency ln
plck wlll letthe lever move cleanly along the sllder, allowlng the lock Lockplcklng isn't recommended, slnce you can always break Into
to open.Thls angle ls harder to flnd the higherthe dlfficulty level even the hardest of locks wlthOut any POIntS invested in thIS Skill,
of the lock But having a hlgher Lockplcklng Sk"I wldens thls angle/ and Lockplcks are falrly cheap and easy to come by.
- a ------
u,. i- sJ3{A !! h,\"?a Skllls
Technical Data
The slgniflcant mllestones here are the levels that grant you guaran-
teed success when forcing a lock. Ordinarlly' a percentage is shown
on the Lockpicklng screen that shows how llkely you are to succeed
at an auto-attempt/ but lf you have reached a hlgh enough level,
you wlll always have a 1000/a chance of succeedlng.Very Hard locks
always have a substantlal chance of failing an auto-attempt, even
when you have invested 10 polnts ln this Skill.
Technical Data
The Mercantile SkIIl ls a fairly useful Sklll tO Invest in. Not only will
it let you recelve better prices from Merchants as well as get more
gold when selling' it will also glve you some gold back when you
destroy Items ln your Junk llst.This makes lt an invaluable source of
gold, since you will often run out of Inventory space ln the middle
of a dungeon and will continuously need to destroy Items to make
space for better treasure. Having a hlgh Mercant"e Skill ensures thls
process leaves you wlth something to show for lt.
You'll want a high Mercantile rating lf you tend to use Merchants
often. Unfortunately, the Mercantile Sklll doesn't affect the cost of
uslng a Healer, Sagecrafter, Blacksmith, or SkillTrainer. However, in-
creaslng the amount of gold you recelve when selllng items means
you'll have more gold to fund these other costs.
.m __ ____-P =
Overview Technical Data
The Persuaslon Skill directly influences your chance of success
when attempting a Persuasion option durlng dialog wlth an NPC
ln additlon, it wlll reduce the cost of paying off guards once you've Skill Level Effect
been caught after commltting a crlme. Succeeding at a Persuaslon 1 Point Increase successful Persuaslon chance. Brlbe costs
dlalog can open up alternatlve means to complete a quest, grant decreased by Zoo/o
you extra rewards, or help you glean more Information from an NPC 2 Points Increase successful Persuaslon chance
lt wlll also grantyou some experlence.
3 Points Increase successful Persuaslon chance, Brlbe costs
decreasecl by 30%
Usage 4 Points Increase successful Persuaslon chance
Persuaslon ls a useful Sklll to have.Whlle you wlll always have at
5 Points Increase successful Persuaslon chance
least a 5% chance to succeed at any Persuasion dialog, even wlth
zero polnts invested ln the Sklll, ralslng lt wlll increase your chance 6 Points Increase successful Persuaslon chance, Brlbe costs
for success substantlally. decreased by 40%
7 Points Increase successful Persuasion chance
While ordinarily you might save the game before a Persuaslon 8 Points Increase successful Persuasion chance
chance comes up so you can re-load should you fall, more often than 9 Points Increase successful Persuaslon chance
not you wlll flnd that you've already started the conversatlon and the
lO Points Increase successful Persuaslon chance, Bnbe costs
chance ls upon you, whlle the nearest save ls far too long ago to be
decreased by 50%
practlcal. Usually, you also can't leave the conversation when the
Persuasion chance comes up, you have to go for lt there and then.
You'll want a progressively hlgher Persuaslon as you proceed Trainer Name Trainer Level Area Location
through the game, as the challenges wlll Increase ln dlfflculty and Ellova Baslc Odarath House of Ballads
are scaled accordlng to the level space you are ln.The reduced bribe
Magessa Ohr Baslc Tywlll Coast Fiathlr
costs are something of a frlnge beneflt and somethlng that you
won't be uslng often, but are nice to have avallable. As a general ntainel Advanced Apotyre Adessa
rule, try to raise your Persuaslon level by one or two polnts as you adas Hyne Master Cursewood Mel Senshlr
move from one major area to another, so that when you reach Ala-
bastra, your Persuaslon Sklll ls at least at around 6 or 7
Overview also eventually be able to comblne the same level of Shards to create
Alongslde Blacksmithing, Sagecraftlng is the Sklll that wlll beneflt better quality verslons, glvlng you access to stronger Gems.Whlle
you most during combat lt ls arguably the best Sklll, and wlll allow ordinar"yyou would only be able to remove Gems uslng a Sage-
you to make any compatlble equlpment substantlally more powerful crafter's servlces, atthe hlghest level you will be able to removethe
for mlnlmal costs.You'll need access to a Sagecraftlng Altar, and Gems yourself at a Sagecraftlng Altar. Shards are stored ln your Sage-
Shards or Gems.Yt)u also need equlpment that has empty sockets craft Pouchandwon'ttake upspace ln your Inventory, butGems wlll.
available to slot your Gems Into.
Shards adhere to standard LootTable rules, but you can increase the You'll want to ralse thls Sklll as fast as posslble as early as possible/
probability of flndlng them when you raise your Sklll levelYou wlll preferably rlght after you ralse your Detect Hidden to a decent level.
The more Shards you can collect, the better qualltyyou will be able
to combine them into.
Technical Data
Keep an eye out for Gems you can readlly buy from Merchants.
While they may be expenslve, comblnlng them into equipment
Skill Level Effect will signlflcantly raise that plece of equlpment's value and make
1 Point Better Shards drop more often it substantially more useful You can also remove the Gem agaln
later lf you want to use lt on a superior devlce Always comblne
2 Points Better Shards drop more often, create Gems uslng
Lambent quallty Shards your Shards to the hlghest level possible.You won't gain access to
alternate Gem types wlth low level Shards, only weaker verslons
3 Points Better Shards drop more often, strengthen Shards
by comblnlng them
of them, so there ls no real benefit to using them Whlle comblnlng
Shards may lead to you havlng fewer to use overall, the hlgher qual-
4 Points Better Shards drop more often
itywill make upforthis.
5 Points Better Shards drop more often
6 Points Better Shards drop more often, create Gems uslng There ls really no reason to stop investlng polnts ln the Sagecraft
Prlstlne quallty Shards sklll Every polnt invested Increases the rate at WhlCh yOu'll flnd
7 Points Better Shards drop more often Shards, and the more you find the better. At a bare minimum, you'll
8 Points Better Shards drop more often, craft Eplc Gems want to keep Investing untll you get to level 6, where you can then
make powerful Gems uslng Prlstlne quallty Shards. Gettlng to level
9 Points Better Shards drop more often
10 ls not essential, since you can stlll pay a Sagecrafter to remove
lO Points Better Shards drop more often, unsocket Gems at an Altar
Gems from your weapons, but at level ten Shards wlll become
extremely abundant.
#!i:x5eei i - Gar¬.*: a.i.hj!!!!g - SkiIIs
This table shows what comblnation of Shards are needed to create The gems listed here are used to enhance weapons.The three
particular GemsTo get stronger versIOnS Of each Gem, slmPly use sets of created gems you'll see in the table represent the result of
a better quality of Shard. Each Gem has three verslons, correspond- comblning the dlfferent shard tlers. So the flrst set shows results
ing to each quallty of Shard. If you combine two Shards of different based on Cloudy shards, the second is for Lambent, and the last set
quality, only the lower quality Shard will determine the strength of is the PrIStlne gem results, all uslng the Shard types Shown in the
the Gem. first column.
you should always use the same quallty of Shards ln Gem comblna-
tions to avold wastlng hlgher quallty Shards.
___t.a -----
Sagecraf(ing Gems
ln this sectIOn yOu'll find the full set of Gems that can be created
along wlth thelr dlfferent buffs and effects The gems are organized
accordlng to the item type they are used to enhance. POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS
Trainers Cloudy Shard + CIoudy Shard = C/oudy I/'er Gem /sarr)e grade/
Cloudy Shard + Lambent Shard = C/oudy I/er Gem /dowr)grac/ed/
Cloudy Shard + Pristine Shard = Lambent 77er Gem /dowr)grac/ec//
Lambent Shard + Lambent Shard = Lambent I/er Gem /sar77e graC/e/
Lambent Shard + Pristine Shard = Lamber)I I/er Gem /downgradec//
Pristine Shard + Pristine Shard = Pr/'sf/r)e I/er Gem /same grade/
. --- a -I----_
Gem of Fire Gem of Fire
\" Q" Q" GemoIFheShield +5% FIre Fieslstance
+12% FIre Fieslstance
+16% FIre Fieslstanc,e
+3O/a Eemeflfal F!esis. Gem of Refuge +7% elemental Resls. Gem ofShelter _ +9% Elemental Resis.
+8% Polson Fieslstance Gem of Elixer +12% Polson F(eslstance Gem of Antidote +16c/c) Polson Reslstance
ngng - - GemoIRemedy
+5% Physic +9% Physical Fiesistance Gem ofDisplacing +12% Physical Resis.
Gem of
+9% Physical Fieslstance +12% Physlcal Fiesls Gem ofTempering +15% Physlcal Fiesls.
ngng - - GemolThasing Displacing
+17% Mana
ngng Sse\\& Qsese\ ife\ng Dlviner'sGem +10% Mane Augur'sGem +14Mana Mage,sGem
+a,2 Mane Regen per see. +1 Mane Regen persec, Infusing Gem +1.5 Mane Regen per sea-
+2 Mane Fiegen per see
Sqte lSgqes Qasng - RestoringGem +1 ManaRegenpersec lnfusingGem +15ManaRegenpersec Gem
+ll % Damage vs. lightly Conquerors +20% Damage vs. lightly
lmvader's Gem
wounded targets Gem wounded targets
+5% Damage vs. heavlly Oppressor,s +ll 0/a Damage vs heavlly TormOntor,s +20% Damage vs, heavlly
ngRE\ - - - Bully,sGem wounded tar ets Gem wounded targets Gem wounded targets
Gem of
+14% Stun Duration +20% Stun Duratlon
+1 Health Fiegen per see +1 5 Health F(egen per see
SS Sq® qteS - soothingGem +01healthRegenpersec !eeVjltaHzing Gem
em +14% Health +17% Health
qteq® - - Augur,seem +14%Mana Mage,seem +17% Mana Oracle's Gem +20% Mane
+5% Damage durin +10% Damage durmg Gem of +20yo Damage clunng
Gem of tight Daytime RadiallCe Daytime
Gem of
+20% Stun Duratlon +30o/c) Stun DuratIOn
Sics:rioefntation +14% Stun Duratlon Steu:eof:cation Staggering
of Dusk +5% Damage at N1'ght Gem of Gloom +10% Damage at Night Gem of Night +2OO/a Damageat Ni
Gem of Gem of
Gem of Skill +3% Chance to Crltlcal HIT +5% Chance to Cntlcal HIt +7c/a Chance to CntlcaI Hlt
Accuracy Precision
Revitalizing ifenewing Regenerating
+1.5 Health Regen per see. +2 Health Regen
Gem Gem Gem
Sq® - - paladin,seem +14%Health +17% Health Hero,s Gem +20% Health
-__-I- a ---_-.
shill. I
Craftlng Eplc Gems requires a great deal of Sagecraft experlence/ on rare pleces of torso armor Brandlshmg such modlfied armorwlll
but the rewards are great. Eplc Gems imbue some of the most pow- carry one of many of the following effects, and ls the slgn of a true
erful effects posslble, but may only be socketed into the Eplc socket master of Sagecraft
Gem of
+15% Gold Drops
+1 to the flrst4tlers of
Wizard,s Gem
unlocked Sorcery Abllmes
+l to the flrSt4tlerS Of
Outlaw's Gem
unlocked Flnesse Abllltles
Gem of tile
+8% Experlence Bonus
lnvestlng in thls Skill is useful to all character types, notjust Rogues.
All you need is a set of Daggers to effectively stealth klll a mal'or-
lty of the enemles you will come across, so any class that has
substantial points Invested in this Sk"I can effectlvely make use of
stealth klllS.
i- a -_-.--`
Take a moment to famlliarlze yourself wlth the way the game's baslc
attacklng and defenslve systems work. Masterlng your character's
movement all comes down to havlng a SOlid understanding Of the
game system mechanics.
The button labels and input methods vary depending on the
hardware you are using to play Reckoning and the way you have
your weapons/Abilities assigned in-gameTo avoid confusion, we
will instead refer to inputs based on their function. For example,
"attack input" will refer to the button/key which executes an
attack with the equipped weapon in question and "directional
input" refers to the stick/keys assigned to moving your character.
Ieadlng tO a more powerful fmlshlng strike. All strlkeS PreCedlng the
Lock On andTargeting flnlsher are Normal actlons; these wlll Instantly cancel or transltlon
Fieckoning uses an auto-targetlng system that will orient your Into any other type of actlon (except walk/run movement). Dur-
character to the nearest enemy when you enter an attack Input.Your ing the Normal actlon portion of the combo chain, you are free to
character wlll stay locked on to thls target as you dellverweapon change dlrectlon, Guard, or Evade as need be.The finishlng strike
strlkes and wlll not automatically swltch to a dlfferent target untll however ls considered a Speclal actlon: a Special action can only
your first target is elther dead or completely out of attack range.To Instantly cancel Into an Ablllty - you cannot freely change dlrection,
manually override this system, hold a dlrectional input as you begin Guard, or Evade durlng a Special action
attacklng and you wlll attack in the speclfled dlrection lt is also pos-
slble to change directlons as you lead from one strlke of a weapon Special Attacks and Abilities
combo chain to the next. Speclal attacks and Abllltles are character class-speclflc skllls that
are activated vla speclfic attack Inputs or vla the qulck menu overlay.
Like Normal actlons such as the combo chalns described previously/
TIP these techniques can be launched in any chosen dlrectlon by hold-
Using Guard to cancel any Normal weapon strlke action will lng a dlrectlonal Input as they are actlvated
allow you to almost instantly turn and strike in any speclfled
dlreCtIOn With your next attack input. Please see the Advanced A Speclal aCtIOn Such aS a Weapon-specific technique Can be
Techniques section for details. executed at almost any point, usually only requlrlng a combinatlon
of inputs or an Input delay ln orderto execute Ablllty actlons such
as spells are launched vla the qulck menu overlay and wlll cost you
a certaln amount of Mane forthelr aCtIVatIOn. All Ab"Itv aCtIOnS have
When uslng projectlle weapons, speciflcally the Longbow and a Cooldown requirement that must explre before the AbIIity can be
Sceptre, targetlng acts a llttle dlfferently. Entering an attack Input actlvated agaln
wIIl lock on to the nearest enemyand dlsplay a crosshalr FT5r-i x"
Pressing left/rlght on the right analog stlck wlll cycle the crosshalr The key dlfference between these types of skllls and regular
through all targets m range. Forthe PC version of the game, you wlll weapon strikes is that you cannot freely cancel them into other ac-
automatlcally lock on to whlchever enemy ls closest to the center tlons, judging the best time to make use of these technlques is vltal
of the screen, so you will need to adjust the camera angle to select ln battle - PIease see theActIOn Hierarchy section for full deta"s.
dlfferent targets.
Critical Hits
Combo Chains Wheneveryou hlt an enemywlth any type of attack - be lt an Abillty
An attack Input will execute an attack wlth the equipped weapon ln or a baslc hit from a Longsword -you have a small chance of land-
the dlrection of the enemy nearest to your character's positlon. Re- ing a Crltlcal Hlt.The base chance to score a Cntical Hlt is only 30/a,
peatedly presslng attack wlll cycle through that particular weapon's whlch means you won't get to see them too often, but luckllyyou
combo chain. Every weapon in F\eckonlng (wlth the exceptlon of can increase thls percentage through a number of dlfferent means,
the Bow and Sceptre) has a unique attack combo chaln, which is including potlons and Ablllties. When you do land a Crltlcal Hlt, the
executed vla repeated attack inputs. f^ofL i 2! enemy will receive 150% at Its base level of the damage that would
have been lnfllcted. Like your Crltical Hlt percentage, however, lt ls
Weapon attack chains are comprlsed of two dlfferent types of ac- also possible to Increase the damage modlfler of your Critlcal Hits
tlons: Normal actions and Special actions (see Action HIerarChy ln a number of ways, the most popular of whlch ls slmply equlpping
sectlon). A weapon's combo chaln conslsts of a serles of strlkes Flnesse Armor when posslble.
-.i:- a --- -
H!g flmH@B i=H_Hsoam ff-/
You can use various different methods to defend against enemy
attacks and a full understanding of the systems behind these
defensive measures will drastically improve your performance
in battle. ln this section we will look at all types of defensive
measures and explore the best places to make use of them.
Pressing Evade ln COnjunCtIOn WIth any dlreCtlOnal Input WIII have
your character Evade in that directlon. Up to two Evades can be
executed ln raPId Succession (Evade Chain) until your character ln
stopped in hls/her tracks by a short recovery animation. You are free
to change dlrection as you transltlon from the flrst Into the second
evade as well as performlng two successlve Evades in the same
Pressing Evade without SPeClfylng a direction Will have your
character Evade ln the dlreCtiOn he/She IS faCIng.
There are two types of Evade ln F(eckonlng: the Fioll and the Bllnk The aspect of actually phasing stralght through an OPPOnent'S body
The F3oll is the standard Evade, which all character classes start ls especlally useful agalnst large opponents (Trolls for example)/
their adventure with. It slmPly Offers a means tO move the Character whlch have damaglng frontal attacks Wlth the Bllnk you can quickly
outofthewayofan lnCOmingattaCkiLjx-- :?i It has no lnVInCIble Evade through theTroll's body when lt launches Its frontal attack
I \J 15i This WIII not only easlly dodge the attack, but lt Will gIVe you
frames, but the character,s hltbOX does Shift ahead Of hlS/her POSi-
tion upon executlon.Thls glves you a llttle more of a chance to es- a huge wlndow to attack the creature from behlnd.
cape a very tlght situatlon. There ls a slgnlflcant difference between
the first and the second Instance Of Fioll within an Evade Chain. lee BIink
The second roll in the chaln propels the character a much greater The Ice BIink awarded by the Sage Destiny Card (SorceryTier 4) IS
dIStanCe ln comparison tO the first. guaranteed to Inflict Freezing damage upon any enemy you Blink
through.Thls Freezlng damage wlll slow the target's movement by
Thls second Roll is an extremely useful method for dodglng pro- 300/o and last for 5 seconds. Blinklng through enemies and Slowing
jectile attacks wlth homlng propertles Performlng a slngle roll wlll thelr movement/ especlally the larger ones llkeTrolls and Ettln/
very often be lnsufflclent to successfully dodge such an attack The makes managlng a group of these enemles a much easlertask.
second instance of Roll, however, has a much greater chance of
outrunning a homing attack.The downslde tO the Second F3olI IS that
It has a SlgnifiCant recovery PerIOd, Where
you are left vulnerable and unable to do any
actlons, Including Guard Evadlng tO the SIde
of an incomlng homlng PrOjeCtIIe wlII very
often result ln the attack altering its trajec-
tory to track your posltlon.
The second type of Evade ls the Bllnk.This
Evade type IS unlocked once you have reach
TIer3 In a number Of dlfferent Destiny paths.
The Bllnk ls extremely useful as hit detection
lt,s also worth polntlng out that the Armor polnts from a Shleld,
Buckler/ orTalisman apply all the time once lt has been equlpped,
notjust when you are blocking.These items also have an extra
damage mitigation ablllty that is taken into account only when you
are actIVely blocklng ThIS IS the "BIocks X amount of damage
numberthat you can flnd ln the Information panel Shields/Bucklers/
Talismans When blocklng' the damage equIValent to the number
dISPlayed Will be dlreCtly mltigated Without going through any ad-
dltlonal modlflers, and thls only applles to thls extra amount that
you get from Shlelds/BucklersITaIISmanS -F,
Shield Parry
TIP Whlle Guardlng is falrly effective at lessenlng damage from enemy
Investment in the Frostshackle Ability Of the Sorcery Ablllty attacks, a Shield Parry wlll completely negate the damage from a
tree will extend the duration of all Freezing damage by up to large number of enemy actlons.To perform a Shleld Parry, simply
150%! press Guard lust before a physlcal attack connects. The window of
opportunity you have to execute thls technlque before the attack
hits IS IO frames.Thls is a very large wlndow, which makes lt Very
easy to score parrles just as long as you can antlcipate and react to
Poison Blink the attack ln questlon.
Similarto the Ice Bllnk, the Polson Bllnk allows you to Increase the
effectlveness of the normal Blink by placlng an addltlonal DoT status
effect on lt. Because Polson helps to lower enemy defense, it can
be very effectlve to quickly Bllnk through an entlre group of enemles
to weaken them all before engaging them normally
Physical Damage F]eduction Wlthln the Opponents Chapter of thls gulde, we wlll (wherever pos-
sible) detail the exact anlmation cues or sound effect whlch precede
enemy attacks to ald the player ln landlng the Shleld Parry' thus
helplng to vastly Improve your performance on the battlefleld.
The various actions the player can perform in battle are broken iii
down into four categories. Learning which actions can and can- ® i:I::-::--i=---- I-i:=-=I-=-==S= S-=
not be overridden or linked together will massively aid your
judgment on the battlefield.
All melee weapons in F\eckonlng have thelr own combo chaln, these
chalns conslst of a serles of weapon strlkes leadlng Into a more
powerful flnlshlng strike. All attacks precedlng the flnlshlng strlke
are considered "Normal" actIOnS. Normal actions can be freely can-
celled Into the anlmatlon of any other actlon (except walk/run/sneak executes, you wlll be able to malntaln a decent strlklng rate while
movement).Thls means that as you strlke an opponent wlth your malntalnlng the freedom to Guard or Evade as need be.
combo chaln, you wlll be able to Instantly Guard or Evade should the
need arise. Special
Speclal actions descrlbe the finishlng strikes and unique command
For example, If yOu are Striking an enemy directly in front of you attacks each weapon possesses (:*=:i 3].The last hit of every com-
whlle another enemy approaches from behlnd, you will be able to bo chaln and the weapon speclflc command attacks unlocked vla the
Instantly break your current combo and Guard or Shleld Parry the Might, Finesse, and Sorcery AbilityTrees can only be cancelled into
attack of the approaching enemy. Llkewlse lf you are busywlth one Ab"ities.
target, whlle another flres a project"e attack As long as you are
currently performlng Normal actlons, you wlll be able to instantly
cancel your attack sequence wlth an Evade and dodge the Incoming
Guard Cancel
Normal weapon strlkes (Prlmary and Secondary Inputs) can be
Instantly cancelled by quicklytapplng Guard.This will allow you to
cancel and repeat Normal weapon attack sequences Indefinitely
- I.--- -I _ ,--
The flnishing strlke of a weapon's combo
chain cannot be cancelled Into Guard or
Evade. FInIShing StrlkeS deal slgniflcantly
more damage than the strikes precedlng
them and award bonus effects such as Fate
energy and status ailment affllctlons. Key to
sklllful combat in F3eckonlng is the judgment
of exactly when lt is safe to use these rlsky
Stril(ing an enemy with an equipped actions, at speclfIC low-risk moments, untII the wearlng down strategy. Agalnst llghtly
weapon or Ability will cause different Its SuperArmor ls broken The moment an armored enemies you wlll not need to worry
reactions based on the enemy,s condition enemy's SuperArmor is broken, you wlll see about the SuperArmor state.You can con-
and the properties of the attack itself. a change in its reactlon to your attacks.The centrate on explorlng the varlous weapon
What follows is a complete breakdown enemy will nowvlslbly react to your weapon strikes avaIIable, InfIICting VarIOuS hit reac-
of these properties and how they affect strlkes, leavlng it unable to break your tions ln order to Interrupt or lmmobllIZe your
the enemy in battle. combo chalns and Ablllty mix-ups. targets. Please refer to the tables, whlch ac-
company each weapon's breakdown sectlon
Hit Reaction Certaln enemles can only have thelr Super for a full llsting of all possible attacks and the
Many enemy types ln the game have a per- Armor broken for a short time period; they hlt reactlon caused by each.
centage of thelr total HP asslgned as "Super recovertheir armor over tlme! So once you
Armor." Durlng the SuperArmor state, the visually conflrm that your attacks are now Interrupt
enemy wlll not react to yourweapon strikes, causing hlt reactlons, you wlll need to keep The Interrupt state is the most basic hit re-
and WIII actually attack through them.This an eye out for a reactivation of the Super actlon a weapon can infllct upon an enemy.
sltuatIOn Puts you at a major dISadVantage. Armor.Thls moment wlll be signifled bythe Strlklng an enemy wlth a melee weapon will
You wlll flrst need to wearthe enemy enemy ceaslng to react to your attacks. lt is cause lt to recoil briefly from the damage
down wlth Normal or low-rISk/raPld AbIIity your cue to keep your distance and resume As the name suggests, thls hlt reactlon wlll
J= a -T-
Interrupt any attack the enemy is attempt- tiononhlt: i :FL
lng to execute, or halt an attack currently ln when an enemyis
motion. stunned, it will be
completely lmmoblle
When strlklng a target wlth a weapon that for a whlle, depen-
has a rapld and prolonged strlklng rate, you dent on theAblllty.
wlII be Inflicting overlapping Interrupt states Strlklng an enemy
asyou strlke Thls meansthatitwlll notbe in Stun state wlll
able to break free from the attack sequence usually wake lt up/
untll the sequence ends Durlng this state so it is best used in
this enemy ls of zero threat, so shlftyour situatlons where you
attentIOn tO the enemies in your SurrOundlng are flghtlng multlple
area. During Normal actlons you can Guard powerful enemies.
or Evade at any tlme, so learn to shiftyour
focus away from your current target and lmmobilizlng one of
watch out for any cues, whICh Precede the a palr of such targets
attacks of the surroundlng foes. wlll give you enough tlme to break down subject to another delay as lt gets back on
the Super Armor defenses of the other. Its feet. Use this as an opportunlty to go ln
Stagger Then when you start deallng damage tO this for the next attack sequence
The Stagger effect ls applied as a result of target properly, you w"I be keeping lt locked
a partlcularly powerful weapon strlke and ln hit reaCtIOnS for the duratIOn OfyOurat- Knockdown
causes the enemy to recoll for a longer tack sequence. ThIS keeps your target from The Speclal actIOn flnlShlng Strikes Of
duratlon as compared to the Interrupt state. actlng' leavlng you tO focus your attentlOn weapon combo chains very often have
lt ls well worth taklng note of which weapon on what that other enemy is dolng the Knockdown property applled to them.
strikes applythls state, as an enemy will not Knockdown ls the actlon of blastlng a target
be able to lmmedlately counterattack once lt Launch backwards with a flnishlng strlke, leavlng
has been lnfllcted.Thls can be your opening Certaln enemy types, usually humanold ln them briefly lmmoblllzed as they get back to
to actlvate an Ablllty or unrelated attack se- slze, can be Launched Into the alrfor a spec- thelr feet ,,_.i This delay should not be
quence, whlch would otherwlse be vulner- tacular aerlal combo , :I?I Connecting wasted! After connectlng a weapon strlke
able to Interruption from a counterattack. any weapon strlke wlth Launch property ap- wlth Knockdown propertles, you wlll have
plled will blast the enemy Into the alr where enough time to fully charge a weapon's
Stun you can contlnue the onslaught with any Special attack. Speclal attacks deal a great
The Stun state can be applled ln many number of different comblnatlons of weapon amount of damage but also come wlth the
different ways. Generally Stun ls applled as strlkes, Speclal attacks, and Abllitles. Upon added bonus of lnflictmg status allments on
a result of certaln Abilitles havlng a certaln landlng back on the ground, the enemy is yourtarget, addlng damage over time (DoT)
percentage of a chance to apply the condl- effects to your sequence
After meeting with Agarth the Fateweaver you will be given
access to an epically powerful attack mode known as the Reck-
oning. Reckoning Mode massively boosts your attack power
and awards bonus experience points for all enemies killed
within a I)eckoning activation sequence.
-`- I------- a _ -
Cancel Cost
60 Fate
Deactivation -At any polnt durlng Fieckonlng you can hold the F3eck-
oning actIVatIOn input agaln tO deaCtiVate the mode, deaCtlVatIOn Of
Fieckonlng comes at a cost of 60 Fate
Fieckonlng Mode Here are some examples
seconds TIP
of attacks, which wlll qulckly reduce targets
to Fateshift state. Upon actlvation of the Fateshlft
flnlSher anlmatIOn, equip any eXPerl-
whlle Fieckoning Mode ls actlve, your Fate
Energy gauge wlll gradually decrease. The Might-Wlth a Mlght class character, lt's ence boostlng Items and drink any
key to Reckoning Mode is to deplete the the Greatsword and Hammer which deal experlence boostlng POtlOnS in your
lots of damage durlng Reckonlng !^ inventory The experlenCe galn these
Health gauge of as many enemies aS POS-
Investlng ln the Shadow Flare AbIIity of the Items provide will be stocked onto the
slble before your Fate Energy gauge explres
Finesse AbllltyTree wlll make you far more Fateshift experlenCe mUltlPlier
Depletlng the Health gauge of an enemy ln
Reckonlng Mode wlll leave lt lmmoblle and efflclent ln F(eckonlng Mode.The Bleeding
unable to attack, and if the enemy ls able damage Inflicted by the Shadow Flare wlll Tap all posslble button/key commands
to be Fateshifted, an attack input loon wlll Increase the damage of your weapon stnkes at once ln the lead up to the experi-
appear over it when you are wlthln CIose by 330/a ence booster's appearance. Pressing
all Inputs wlll Increment the booster
proxlmlty. Presslng that attack Input wlll
trlgger a special Fateshlft flnlshing attack Finesse - A Finesse bulld character can rely gauge durlng the brief moment lt
animation and an experlenCe booster gauge on the shadow Flare and Longbow Scat- takes to vISUally confirm the correct
tershot connected at point blank range to Input
will appear on screen. F]apidly tapping the
button/key input dlsplayed by the experlence rapidly Fateshlft opponents. i L
booster will increase the amount of experl-
ence galned by uP tO a factor Of +100O/o. Sorcery - A Sorcerer's spells are absolutely
devastatlng ln Fieckonlng Mode, the Mark of
As time IS Short, It iS Vitally Important that Flame and lee Barrage w"I rapldly Fateshlft
you ldentlfy your character's most power- just about any target.
ful attacks and employ them effectively to
deal as much damage as posslble while ln
-_ = -- -
The core principle behind your actions in KoA: Reckoning is overcoming fate and taking
control of your destiny, and that ties directly in to how you play the game.As you level up
your character you can assign Ability Points into three main disciplines. How you choose to
distribute these points and thus play the game directly influences which of the many different
Destiny paths you will follow. Each one offers a number of unique traits and bonuses that can
further enhance your chosen playstyle, and ultimately allow you to master your own Destiny.
Each of the three Destinles speclalize ln a
particular set of weapons whlch comple-
ment the Abllltles you unlock as you level
up.Thls gulde breaks down the weapon
sets of each Destiny to thelr lndiVIdual
attacks and dlsplays all relevant data in a
table accompanylng each text entry
Hits - Hits is slmply the number of tlmes an attack connects on JuggleType-JuggleType refers to the arc an enemy w"I travel ln
each attack input.Thls depends on the weapon being used,The when struck durlng an alrjuggle combo. Normal JuggleType wIIl not
Longsword for example wlll dellver one hlt per attack Input, while make any major changes to the way a character falls through the
the rapld Fee Blades can hit once, twlce, orthree tlmes dependlng alr, while Long wlll flatten and extend the arc as the enemytravels
on the current Input. i--+':_:i ®[ Float adds a slmple upward bounce to yourtarget, whlle conversely
Slam Out wlll blast the enemy downward and away from the player
.-- I- -a _ ---I.
Each Destlny has its own unlque set of Level - Spendlng an Ablllty Polnt on an
AbilitleS Which are unlocked through SPend- AbilityTree Item WIII Increase its level. As
Ing Ability PolntS On their reSPeCtIVe AbIIlty the Ablllty Increases ln level, the effect of
Trees as you level up.The more polnts you thatAbillty wlll Increase ln magnltude. All
spend on each Ablllty, the more powerful effects are presented ln the tables on a per
and potent it wlll become. As perthe weap- level basls.
on sets of each Destlny, thIS guide WIII break
each Ability down lndIVlduaIIy and present all Effect -The offensIVe Or defenSIVe advan-
relevant data ln tables accompanylng each tage each Abillty grants wIIl be listed ln thIS
text entry There are three dlfferent types sectlon. The range of effects is absolutely
ofAbIIitleS, WhICh you Can unlock vla the huge and lt's well worth studylng them to
MIght, FIneSSe, and Sorcery AbilltyTrees. work out whlch type of characterwould sult
Take a moment to famIIIariZe yourself With your style best.
the behavior of each type. NOTE
Sustalned AbllitleS Will aUtOmatlCally Frames-All frame values in tables are
Passive - Passlve Ablllties are always switch off lf you Change your Destlny based on the game runnlng at 30 frames per
there and requlre no actlon from the player. Card. F(emember to switch them back second. PC users should multlply thls base
Abilitles that grant damage boosts, status on after making such a changeI frame rate sllghtly as the game runs at 60
effects, and other useful benefits remaln frames per second on that platform
permanent and do not consume any Mane.
Hidden Levels - Any Ability state llsted after
Triggered -Triggered Ablllties are speclal the lower boundary of a table are speclal
attacks that are executed manually via attack AbilityTable Explanation - Each Ablllty en- hidden levels accessed by certaln Items
Inputs. AIITriggered AbllitieS WIII consume a try ls accompanied by a table, whlch llsts all and DestlnleS.Wlth the rlght SetuP' you Can
set amount of Mana fortheir execution and effects and provldes a quick means to see have your AbllltieS PerfOrmlng beyond thelr
requlre a certaln Cooldown period before the Inner worklngs of the various techniques standard capabillties.
theycan be usedagain. i-=>l Ail ln thelr entirety please take a moment to
famIIIarIZe yourself wlth a few addltIOnal
Sustained - Sustained Abilities remove a terms that will appear.
set portIOn Of your Mane gauge when actI-
vated and can be toggled on/off by repeated Cooldown -All Trlggered Abllltles require
actlvatlons of the technlque ln question. a speclflc amount of tlme to cool off before
You do not need to keep a Sustalned Ability theycan be usedagaln. ln all caseswhere
present ln your quICk menu Whlle it lS aCtIVe. a Cooldown ls requlred, thIS Value wlII be
Yt)u are free to replace ltwith anotherAbillty llsted ln seconds at the beglnnlng of that
of your choICe Once you,Ve SWitChed lt Onl partlcular technique's entry
and can have multiple Sustalned Ab"ltles
active at once. l^i21j :?i
-- I-_ ---..-
The Last Stand Ability WIII revIVe you Once your health ls completely depleted, return-
ing you to llfe with 20% health. However, your health will rapidly deplete after you re-
vIVe, and you Will quickly die agaln unless you flnd an enemy and defeat lt.Your vlctim
can be anyone, even an Innocent NPC! lf lt's your only option, conslder lt.
Last Stand IS USefUI when you suddenly find yourself overwhelmed. Quickly use a
health potlon after you return to life to gIVe yourself more tlme tO flnd an enemy tO
kill. lt's less useful agalnSt boss type enemies, SInCe lt'S Very Unlikely yOu'll be able
to return to llfe and defeat the boss ln the time you have before your health depletes
again. ln these Situations, unless the boss IS Close tO death, yOu're better Off lOadlng
up an earlier save and trylng agaln.
-I- a -----`.-
A Might class character primarily deals damage via weapon strikes and the trio of weapons
associated with the class offers wildly different combat styles. Choosing which pair of
weapons best suit your playstyle and concentrating on leveling just this pair will saveAbility
Points that can be used to unlock powerful magical attacks and stet boosting buffs.
The Longsword ls by far the most versatile melee weapon ln the arsenal There ls no melee
situatlon that cannot be set up or dealt wlth bythe Longsword's various techniques and at-
tack strlngs Varlous hlt reactions such as Stagger, Launch, or Knockdown can be qulckly and
effectlvely applled With ease leadlng to a large variety ofAb"itv setups and combos.
The third slash ln the Longsword combo chaln wlll apply a Stagger hit reactlon to the enemy
(as long as SuperArmor ls not actlve). lt is worth notlng thls nuance right from the start, as
the Stagger reaction wlll allow you to perform a follow-up attack without rlsk of the enemy
immedlately counterattacklng and Interrupting your actlon. lt is directly after thls thlrd slash
where you should be alming to cancel the combo chaln Into a Special attack or an Ablllty.
The finIShlng Strlke Of the Longsword combo chaln WIII apply a Knockdown hit reactlon and
any status effects your weapon possesses. After knocklng an enemy down, lt wlll be unable
to act for a bnef perlod whlle lt recovers.Thls provides an Ideal opportunlty to perform a
charged weapon attack, lt ls posslble to fully charge and execute such an attack before the
enemy recovers.
The optimum moment to cancel a weapon attack Into an Ablllty ls the very instant the attack
connects. A practlcal example of thls would be to cancel the finlshing strlke anlmatlon Into
the Harpoon Abillty on hlt.ThIS WIII apply any status ailment the weapon may possess to the
enemy, knock lt to the ground, and then immedlately drag lt back Into attack range where
you can instantly follow up wlth an attack Sequence Of your Choice
Abilities Can be aimed ln any dlreC-
tIOn. Holding a dlreCtIOnal Input while
trlggerlng an Ablllty WIll elm lt ln the
desired direction. Use this nuance to
strike at an enemy approaching from
behind after dealing a flnlShlng Strlke
tO your target.
. --i--- a ----..
The Upheaval is posslblythe most versatlle and effectlve Launch technlque in the game, A
Launch property technlque wlll blast an enemy upwards into the alr on contact; you are then
free to follow up with combo chalns and AbllltleS In any WayyOu See fit i -i
To perform the Upheaval, you slmply need to add an input delay between the executlon of
any Normal actlon performed wlth the Longsword So for example, lf you wanted to perform
a single slash followed by the Upheaval, perform a single attack Input followed by a delay- Oncethe enemyis lnthealr, the most baslc
then enter another attack Input to execute the Upheaval Llkewlse lf you want to perform the airjuggle combo would be to perform the
Upheaval after the thlrd Slash Of the Longsword combo chain/ perform three attack inputs, Longsword combo chain agalnThe three
and add a delay-then enter another attack Input to execute the Upheaval Normal actlon slashes wlll strike the enemy
repeatedly- keeping lt in the alr- before the
flnlshing strlke blasts lt to the ground.You
are free to mlx Normal, Special, and Ablllty
actlons in anywayyou seefltdurlng an alr
juggle combo. Please refer to the Advanced
Combat sectlon of this gulde to explore this
aspect further.
Comet Strike
The Comet Strlke ls a charged Speclal attack
delivering a slngle sword stab, whICh WIII
apply a Stagger hlt reaCtIOn. Enterlng an
addltlonal attack Input will dellver a power-
ful finishlng Strlke WhICh W"I floor most
opponents and apply any status effect the
weapon may possess ;?,( ;JjTo execute
a charged weapon attack, slmply hold your
attack input down to begln a Charglng anlma-
tlon The longer you hold the charge, the
more powerful the technlque becomes.
Level 3 - Holdlng your attack input past the flash of light indlcatlng a Level 2 charge wlll trlg-
geran additIOnal stronger flash of light F? fg F]eleaslngyOurattaCk lnPutatthlS POIntWIII
deliver a crushlngly powerful sword Stab; an addltIOnal attack input at thIS POlntWIII trigger a
powerful flnlShlng Strlke WIth Knockdown properties.
Level 1 - Hold your attack Input until the The Level 1 Comet Strlke ls a very useful means to cancel and repeat weapon combo chalns
charglng animation executes, release the or link Into an Ablllty.The Stagger hlt reaCtIOn aPPIIed Wlll ensure that most enemleS WIII not
attack Input the Very Instant the Charglng be able to interrupt you while you transltion between attack sequences. AdditIOnally' you can
animatlon beglnS.ThIS Input WIII execute a comblne the Comet Strlke wlth certain rapld Abllltles to increase the helght of a Launched
slngle sword stab; a very useful move for opponent durlng an airjuggle. Please see theAdvanced Combat sectlon of thls gulde for
llnking different technlques together and further details.
extending air juggle combos
The Level 3 Comet Strlke lS best used after aPPIylng a Knockdown effect, As soon as you
Level 2 - Hold your attack Input through the apply the Knockdown, start charglng the Comet Strlke.You wlll be able to fully charge thls
charglng anlmation until a single brlght pulse technlque by the tlme the enemy manages to get back to Its feet
of light occurs [rm, iliL Releaslng attack
at thIS POint WIII perform a more powerful
sword stab, presslng attack agaln will trigger
a flnlshlng slash capable of knocking most
opponents to the ground.
.-:Fas.?'FT i_:.
-'- a --=L
§ A, -rr, aL MlghtWeapons i
Phantom Edge
The Phantom Edge is best thought of as a combo extender Hold
Guard and perform a trlo of attack Inputs to execute a falrly rapld
palr of horlzontal slashes leadlng to a flnlshlng strike, which wlll
knockyouropponentdown !J, :: fJj.Asthe Phantom Edge ISa
speclal actlon, you can link stralght Into it from any Normal weapon
actIOn. In the case of the Longsword combo chain, cancelling into
the Phantom Edge on the third hlt of the combo cham will extend
the combo from four hits to SIX.
I,--- - = -----_-
Horizon Edge
deals a masslve 190O/a of weapon damage! against an lncomlng attack wlll cause a
Unlo¢ked I)y level
AIthough this finIShing Strike lS a Special concusslve shockwave to radlate from your
Brutal Weaponry lV 1 actlon, you can cancel Into an Evade very positIOn On Impact, InterruPtlng any actions
quickly once the move connects. ln fact, you the surrounding enemles are in the process
can pretty much cancel this flnlshlng strlke of attemptlng Executlng a F]lposte at thls
lntoan Evadeon hit! point w"I deal heavy damage to your target;
Parry FtesponseWindow - 31 Frames the technique ls rapid enough to almost
Versatility' speed, and raw power are the guarantee enough tlme to complete the
The Filposte is a falrly rapld 3-hit instant strengths that make the F\lposte shlne when 3-hlt combo chaln before any other enemy
counterattack actlvated by enterlng attack faced wlth multiple humanold or llghtly gets the chance to interrupt you.
Inputs dlrectly after a successful Shleld armored opponents. Scoring a Shield Parry
Parry ;I,j~ t~. Both the flrStand Second
slash in this aombo chain will transltiOn
into an Upheaval lf you leave an input delay
before entering an additlonal attack Input ActionType Damage lilts Dot HitFteact JuggleType
The second slash in the series is a Normal Type
action, which will enable you to Instantly 1 Parry then press Attack Speclal* 60% 1 No Interrupt Norms
cancel Into Guard or Evade should you spot 2 Press Attack Normal 50% 1 No Stagger Normal
an lnCOmlng attack. 3 PressAttack Special 190% 1 Yes** Knockdown Normal
"ybrld actlon, wlll transltlon Into an Upheaval ¥rWlth BrutalWeaponry lV at Level 2 orabove
Thethird slash ln thls chaln ls really
something speclal; thls flnlshlng strike
a -.--
Might Weapons
FInally, the flniShlng Strlke Of the Greatsword
Combo chaln wlll deal 1600/o weapon dam-
age, apply any status effects the weapon
possesses, and vIOlently slam its vICtimS
away from your posltlon
Each strlke Of the Greatsword combo chain applles a different hit reaction.The openlng SIash
w"I strlke ln a wide arc around your character and apply an Interrupt hlt reaction The second
slash ln the Series WllI Stagger any IIghtly armored enemies Caught in Its arc; this IS an Ideal
moment to cancel the combo chain on hit Into an Ablllty.
The thlrd hit iS a Launcher that will blast any enemleS Caught ln Its Wake Into the air much
hlgher than the equlvalent Longsword technique.
_- --- = --I-
Unlocked by
Brutal Weaponry ll
The Guillotine isa
powerful double
overhead strike
that can be tagged
directly onto any
Normal action
_ - _. Hold Guardthen enteran attack lnputtodellvera crushlng
Connecting the finIShing Strlke agalnSt a Launched opponent
will cause lt to be Instantly slammed to the ground.
-- S --I-
Might Weapons
Gravedlgger ls anothertechnique that only really starts to shine
once lt's comblned WIth a raPId-flre Abillty Such aS the Harpoon To
actlvate the Gravedlgger, perform an Evade and then enter an attack
Input durlng the Evade animatlon.Your characterwlll leap Into the alr
and perform a dIVIng sword Stab, PIerCIng the earth itself [-yLTJ #L
The force of this attack WIII Launch smaller or humanold opponents
within close range of the attack Into the alr,
--- -e - ---
A good way to extend this combo and
increase the damage you deal ls to cancel
the Normal action thlrd strlke straight Into
the Gu"lotine on hit-then cancel the GuiI- weapon damage Instead of the 1600/a applled by the GutThrust finisher alone. Additlonally,
lotlne flnlsher on hlt Into the Harpoon.Thls the Harpoon wlll drag the enemy stralght back Into a posltlon where you can follow up with
way, you will deal 80O/a and then 160% a new attack sequence.
The Hammer is slow and its attack range is limited, but the sheer force of each DAMAGE SPLIT
Hammer strike will rattle even the toughest of opponents. Combo potential is low Physical Pioroing
with the Hammer; instead it should be used simplyto deal as much damage as pos- 100o/o OO/a
sible against a single target. Once you have unlocked the Battle FrenzyAbility that
boosts your attack power, the Hammer will make short work of all but the strongest
enemiesinthegame,; i 2!j
-- - a I-_-
Hammer Combo Chain
The Hammer combo chaln is a slow movlng
but extremely powerful 3-hlt attack sequence
".i 1* The lnitlal hlt IS a hOrIZOntal attack
that wl" connect agalnst enemles ln close
proxlmlty to the front of your character The
second hit is a radial attack that will strike
enemles both ln front and behlnd your char-
acter.The flnlShlng Strike deals a huge 140%
of weapon damage, applies your weapon's
status effect, and applles a Knockdown hlt
reactlon AddltiOnally' the finiShlng Strike
of the Hammer combo chain causes a When fightlng small, quick enemies such as The Hammer is extremely effectlve when
radial blast around Its polnt of impact; any Sprltes or Boggarts, the slow stnking speed used in combination with the Fielentless
enemleS Withln thIS blast radluS WIII suffer of the Hammer wlll often result in your Assault AbIIity of the MIght Ab"ityTree
the damage from the attack. target outrunnlng your attacks A good way ThIS COmblnatiOn lS eSPeClally devastat-
to avold thls is to open your attack sequence lng against lightly armored enemles Wlth
For enemles who are weak against close wlth the Harpoon AbllltyThe Harpoon will Fielentless Assault activated, you wlll be
range attacks (such as theThresh), the Ham- drag a target Into close proxlmlty of your able to soak up the damage from lncom-
mer ls the stuff of nlghtmares! Presslng character, glvlng you a perfect opportunlty to lng attacks without being Interrupted Thls
Guard to Guard-cancel the second strlke of strike with the Hammer. In order to maintain allows you to complete full Hammer combo
the Hammer combo on hit, then repeat- a constant flow of attacks as you finish one chains in orderto clear the area of smaller,
lng the process, executes a repeatlng 2-hlt instance of the Hammer combo chain and annoylng enemles - leaving you free to flght
sequence that aThresh cannot do anything enter another, cancel the flnlshlng strlke of the strongest enemy ln the group wlthout
about Once you start strlklng Wlth thIS the combo chain wlth the Harpoon Abillty On interference.
technlque, you can repeat the process untll hit The Harpoon will Instantly bring you back
the creature dies. Into attack range of a target, perfectly fllling
the gap between combo chain Instances.
Minotaur Rush
Ublocked by Level
Brutal Weaponry I 1
-,-,-- _ = ---
many of the Fieckoning's enemy types, lt ls
possible to fully charge a Level 2 Mlnotaur
Flush after infllctlng a Stagger hlt reactlon Attack Input ActionType Damage Hits Dot HitReact JuggleType
The key here ls to release the charging por- No. Type
tlon of the Mlnotaur flush the very instant Hold Attack (short) Speclal 50% 1 No Interrupt
the Level 2 version of the attack activates Hold Attack (long) Speclal boo/o 1 No Interrupt
- i.e. the precise moment the flash of llght
2 - 2nd hlt Speclal 70O/a 1 No Stagger
occurs durlng a charge.
I 3. Press Attack Speclal 90% 1 No Stagger
4tl Press Attack Speclal 1 40o/c 1 Yes I * Knockdown ¬:::n::g:
TIP 'These attacks are only posslble afters long charge for the lnltlal attack
+-Wlth BrutalWeaponry I at Level 2 or above
Cancel the flnlshlng strike Of the
Minotaur Rush Into a Harpoon on hit
to set yourself up perfectly to execute
another Hammer combo chain.
Holdlng Guard whlle enterlng attack Inputs 1 Guard + press Attack Speclal 50% No Stagger Hlgh
wlll trlgger a variatlon of the Hammercombo 2 Press Attack Speclal 70% No Stagger Hlgh
chain, dellverlng a palr of Stagger hit reac- YesI Knockdown Hlgh
3 Press Attack Speclal 1 40o/a
tlon strlkes leadlng to a Knockdown.The x Wlth BrutalWeaponry ll at Level 2 or above
Spine Bender combo consists of a hlgh klck/
a hook punch, and finally an overhead flnlsh-
lng strlke.
Crushing BIow
Unlocked by Level Attack Input ActionType Damage Hits Dot HitFteact JuggleType
Parry then press Attack
Press Attack
Slam Out
The second use for the Crushlng Blow presents Itself once you
combine it with a rapid-fire Ablllty such as the Harpoon or Shadow
Flare Cancelllng the initlal Launcher attack of the Crushlng Blow
wlth one of these Abllltles wlll enable you to contlnue the assault
:i.:-i-:.TT.:__ '';¥i
with an airjuggle of your cholce By comblnlng the Crushlng Blow
with an Ablllty' you wlll transform the technlque from a slmple
counter Into the Hammer's Launcher, vastly extendlng the combo
potentlal of thls weapon The key here ls to cancel the Launcher
i ) ,i, , u 7 MlghtAbllltles
The Might AbilityTree focuses on increasing your overall attack power and defensive capa-
bilities.There are two distinct playstyles offered by the Might class and your upgrade path
through theAbility should be based on your preference. lf you enjoy bludgeoning your way
through the game with high-powered Hammer attacks, then the Relentless Assault path
is for you. lf you prefer a more technical style, concentrating on stylish combos then the
Battle Frenzy path is the way to go.
Type- Passive
Longsword Mastery
|iype - Passlve
Hammer Mastery
Type -
rtype - Triggered
I-T- - -= ----
Skillful Defense
rtype - Passive
The Sklllful Defense Ablllty boosts the efflclency of the Guard func-
tion, reduclng the damage dealt by blocked attacks.This ls an Ablllty
thatyou should elm to fully level as soon as posslble Wlth a good
set of armor and a Klte Shleld, you wlll eventually be able to defend
agalnst even the strongest attacks the game can throw at you, with-
out sustalnlng slgniflcant damage lf you are playing a Sorcery class
character, lt ls advlsed that you also Invest 5 points in this sklll; the
30% damage mltigatlOn WIII give yourTalisman some desperately
needed melee blocklng efflclency
Shield Bash
Type - Triggered
Talisman Base Sceptre
transltIOn Into anythlng afterwards
|iype - Passive
-.J.------- a -- ----_
Greatsword Mastery
1iype - Passive
Type - Triggered
a i:I----=-==---:±i===-:I-==-=== --=
ooldown - 2 Seconds
lnitlally the Quake ls a means of deallng direct damage only, no AirJuggle Finisher-The Quake is so powerful that it will even
addltlonal status effects are applled. However, lf you unlock the damage targets that are being held in the air by an airjuggle combo
Aftershock Ablllty' the final hlt of Quake can potentlally infllct Stun After connectlng a number of weapon combo chaln strlkes durlng an
status upon all targets struck by the technlque.There are 2 sltua- alrjuggle, cancel the flnal hit of your strlke sequence into Quake for
tlons where the Quake proves to be an effectlve means to attack: a stylish flnlsh. Please see the Advanced Combat sectlon to explore
these aerlal combo posslbilitles further.
Crowd Control -\^/hen faced wlth a group of tightly packed
close-range weapon-wleldlng enemles, the Quake can be used to Beware of uslng the Quake against large, heavily armored enemles
deal damage to many targets at once whlle keeping them from untll you unlockAftershock. A SuperArmored enemy wlll not react
approachmg your posltlon Also, ln sltuations where you are attack- to the Quake technlque; as such lt ls an ineffective means of attack
ing one target whlle the rest of the mob tralls behlnd you, you can The Aftershock Ab"ity, once unlocked, w"I cause the thlrd hlt Of
Instantly turn around and dellver the Quake ln the opposlte dlrectlon Quake to Stun the target.Thls opens up a great opportunlty to break
after blastlng your target away wlth a flnishlng strlke. down the target's armor ln safety.
Adrenaline Surge
Type - Passive
" Level Activation Condition Effect
Cooldown - 300 Seconds
30O/a chance to activate lf F(estores 20C)/a Health
Health falls below 25% +30% Damage for lO seconcls
The Adrenallne Surge has a certaln O/o chance to kick ln lf your health 40O/a chance to actlvate lf F(estores 20o/() Health
drops below 25o/a ActIVatlOn Of the Adrenallne Surge is slgnlfled by Health falls below 25% +40o/a Damage for 10 seconcls
a bright exploslon of energy around your character's body 50o/a chance to actlva1:e lf Fiestores 2O% Health
Thls technique wlll restore 20O/o of your health and Increase your Health falls below 250/a +5OO/a Damage for lO seconds
damage output by up to 70O/o for 10 seconds. 60% chance to actlvate lf Fiestores 20o/a Health
Health falls below 25O/a +Goo/a Damage for 10 seconds
Investment ln thls Ablllty totally depends on your play style. If you 70o/a chance to actlvate lf Fiestores 200/o Health
play "Tank" style and make good use of the Fielentless Assault then Health falls below 25O^o +70% Damage for 10 seconc]s
lt IS deflnltelyWOrth fully investing in thIS Ablllty.You WIII be sustaln-
lng a great deal of damage as you fight, so the chance of actlvatlng 80% chance to actlvate lf Fiestores 20% Health
the Adrenallne Surge ls qulte hlgh. lf you prefer a more technlcal Health falls below 25c/a +80o/o Damage for 10 seconds
approach to battle and rely on Shleld Parries while suffering llttle 90% chance to actIVate lf Fiestores 20% Health
damage, your Ablllty Points are better spent elsewhere. Health falls below 25O/o +900/a Damage for lO seconds
Hardy Constitution
Type - Passive
Type - Passive
Concussive Force ls a must-have Abillty lf you frequently make use
of the Aftershock Ablllty when flghtlng large, heavlly armored en-
emles (please see next sectlon). Usually' a target wlll Instantly wake
up from a Stun lf you connect an attack dunng thls state.When
fighting SuperArmored enemies however, the Stun state wlll not be
Interrupted by your attacks untll the enemy's Super Armor is broken.
At maximum level, the Concussive Force Ability will grant a massive
+60O/o damage boost against Stunned enemles -thls ls extremely
effectlve for breaklng down the heavlest armor
Requires - Quake
Type - Passive
I-_----- a - -
The duratlon of the Stun conditlon ls determined by the level of
the Aftershock Ablllty. Any equlpment, accessory' or Destlny buffs
assoclated wlth Stun condition will stack onto the set base value. Lovel Effect Additional Notes
Upon lnfllctlng a Stun condltion, the affected targets will be unable +loo/a Quake damage Quake Mane cost
to act for the duratlon of the condltion or untll they are struck by an Zoo/a chancefor3second Stun on flnal hlt Increased by 10
additlonal attack. Against lightly armored targets that are susceptlble +20O/a Quake damage Quake Mane cost
to hlt reactions, the Stun state wlll be broken as soon as you strike 25O/a chancefor3second Stun on flnal hlt Increased by 12
one of these targets agaln However, agalnst an enemy ln SuperAr- +30O/o Quake damage Quake Mane cost
mored state, your weapon strlkes will not break the Stun condltlonl GOO/o chancefor4second Stun onflnal hlt Increased by 14
not Stunned and lmmedlately attack them wlth weapon strlkes The +60O/a Quake damage Quake Mane cost
key here is to smash your target away from the main group, dealing 5Oo/a chancetor 5second Stun onflnal hlt Increased by 18
F]elentless Assault
Type - lTiggered
----I a -
i 3l{a5h!" Mlght AbllltleS
Power Strike
Type - Passive
Power Strlke will add a signlflcant boost to the Crltlcal Hit chance of
your weapon strlkes durlng the Adrenaline Surge. Heavy investment
in this technique will greatly boost your attacking power when your
health has been reduced to a crltical and dangerous level.This is
a good Abllityto invest ln if you employ a "Tank" style of play and
make frequent use of the Fielentless Assault. As you wlll be soaklng
up damage in battle, the chance of you entering the Adrenallne
Surge ls qulte high. Once the Surge klcks in you are free to heal
yourself so lt may even be worth purposely allowing your health to
drop ln order to take advantage of thls boost in attack power.
Additional Notes
|iype - Pa
Please see Mlght Weapons
sectlon for detalls
Brutal Weaponry Ill unlocks Speclal weapon attacks that actlvate Damage over tlme based on the
dlrectly after an Evade. These Evade Specials allow you to resume status effect of the equlpped
strlklng immedlately after dodglng an enemy attack The Horlzon Weapon
Edge can be used to stay on the move whlle deallng Stagger lnduc- 5 Fate awarded for completion
lng Longsword strlkes -very useful agalnst large groups of enemies of Horlzon Edge or Gravedlgger
while the Guillotine acts as an extremely effectlve Launcher, setting
up fantastlc air juggle combo situations wlth the Greatsword. As
these techniques are fast and easy to connect, lt is well worth level-
lng BrutalWeaponry Ill to Its maxlmum potentlal as soon as you can
to benefit from the additlonal Fate awarded.
Type- Pa
"..-- -= _ -
Battle Frenzy
Type - Sustained
Upon actlvatlon/ Battle Frenzy wlll reduce your Mana gauge by 30O/o
and apply a special damage boostlng buff ( : (. Whlle Battle
Frenzy ls active, killlng an enemy wlll grant a damage boost for a
set duratlon of tlme; each klll you make whlle the buff ls actlve wlll
reset thls tlmer.The more you level this technlque, the more your
damage output will increase with each consecutlve klll - eventually
leadlng to double damage!
rtype - Passive
lf you are going to play "Tank" style and rely on the F(elentless
Assault to bludgeon your enemies wlth raw power, then theVen-
geance Abilitywlll come ln very handy At its hlghest normal level/
thls Ablllty bestows a 20% chance that Incoming damage from an
enemy attack wlll be reflected stralght back onto the attacker.
Fate aspects of thls Abllity are only awarded upon the completlon
of the Rlposte, GutThrust, and Crushlng Blow Thls makes these
technlques useful agalnst a slngle non-Super Armored target, but
rlsky agalnst large groups
Type - Passive
|iype - passive
The number one problem you face when playlng ''Tank" style wlth
the F\elentless Assault ls keeplng your health up. Wlth Bloodlust,
each and every strike you perform has a 200/o chance to steal health
from your target. Bloodlust, ln comblnatlon wlth a Health Regen
Potion, wlll work wonders ln keeplng you healthy as you soak up
incomlng damage
Wal. Cl.I
Type - Triggered
Cooldown - 8 Seconds
damage you're soaklng up as you attack.The
second aspect ls the Knockdown property
that ls eventually unlocked through levellng
thls Ability.
An increase ln speed Wlll aIIowyou to complete combo chalnS quICker, lnCreaSIng your
damage efflciency wh"e Battle Frenzy is actlve AIso, alr juggle combo potentlal ls greatly Level Effect
Increased Whlle your Strlklng rate lS boosted.Wth Celenty you can connect a far greater 1 +5O/o attack speed durlng Battle Frenzy
number of hits durlng an alrjuggle and even create lnflnlte combo loops - keeplng an enemy 2 +100/a attack speed durlng Battle Frenzy
in the airuntll ltdleS!
3 +15o/a attack speed durmg Battle Frenzy
Celerlty boosts all weapon attack frames, mcluding the delay frames Of Special actlons. 4 +20o/a attack speed durlng Battle Frenzy
\Mth Celerity actIVated you need not be SO CautIOuS When delIVerlng combo Chaln flnIShlng
strikes, the speed Increase allows you to Evade out of the way of danger almost Instantly
after the strlke connects.
I Requires - Aftershock
Level Action Damage Damage Hits Mane Cost Mane Cost Hit Fteact a
Type - Ttiggered Type (Impulse) (Slam) (Activation) (Impulse) Type i:y:;g;
1 Ablllty 5O 300 2to5 120 10 Launch
lt's a long tlme comlng, but flnally the Mlght 2 Ablllty 55 360 2to5 130 10 Launch
class gets Its own ultimate crowd-control 420 2to5 140 lO Launch
3 AbllltY 60
Ablllty! Wrath draws all nearby enemles
4 Ablllty 65 480 2 to5 150 10 Launch
towards the player character, Launchlng the
entlre group Into the alr before slammlng 5 Ablllty 70 540 2 to5 160 10 Launch
them back down to the ground wlth Incred- 6 Ablllty 75 600 2 to5 170 lO Launch
ible force.
7 Ablllty 80 10 Launch Hlgh
clally lf backed up wlth Bleedlng status to boost the damage of your 5 Fieduces enemy Armor by boo/a 18o/a chance to cause PanIC
attacks. If you are playlng a Might class character, It iS Well worth 6 Fieduces enemy Armor by 60% 22o/a chance to cause PanIC
lnvestlng ln the Shadow Flare AbiIItY Of the Flnesse AbllltylTee.
7 F(educes enemy Armor by 70% 26% chance to cause PanIC
Shadow Flare ls guaranteed to infllct Bleedlng status on any enemy 8 Fieduces enemy Armor by 80o/a 30o/c) chance to cause PanIC
struck. Combine thls damage boost wlth the armor reduclng aspect
of theTerrortechnique and you will make short work of heavy en-
emleS IikeTrolls, Jottun, and Bolgan.Terror also lends Itself brllllantly
to the Battle Frenzy style of play F]educlng enemy armor wlll enable
you to make kllls faster as your weapon strlkes wlll deal slgniflcantly
more damage.
"--- a --
0 1 O
0 ll 0
0 109 0
After a successful actIVatIOn Of Evasion, you will have 7 seconds to use AssasslnatiOn
During this time, any enemy you attack will take Critical HIt damage, but lt Will be at
300%o! PICK your Victim Carefully When you have AssasslnatiOn activated, Since the
buff will Only apply tO your next attack. And don't take too long, because after seven
seconds, you will lose the buff/: ,,
-__- -= -_-
Finesse Play Style
Flight from the start lt is advised that you
choose between either the Daggers or
the Fae Blades as your cholce of Primary
weapon.The Longbow should act as your
Secondary weapon, as lt enables you to thin
out groups of enemies before you move
ln wlth melee weapon strlkes The battle
dynamlc of the Flnesse class dlctates that
you startyour battles from the outslde of
a group of enemles, plcklng off as many
targets as you can wlth the Longbow before
moving in close wlth the Daggers or Fae
---- a - -i
Mid Game strategy to gIVe you enough room tO complete your combos The
The FrostTrap and Icy Exploslon Abilitles should be unlocked and next technlque that lS Superb for aPPIylng a DoT ls the Crossflre
leveled at the earllest opportunlty. The FrostTrap adds an lnterestlng technlque wlth the Daggers. After performlng a combo Chain finish-
tactICal element to the crowd-control control dynamIC aS It Increases ing strlke, Perform the Just Frame Crossflre tO instantly, and with
the spaclng between enemles, glvlng you more tlme to make a klll lOOO/o certainty' apply an additIOnaI DoT and CrltICaI Hlt damage.
before being surrounded agaln ly. 2j When facedwlth a mob, lay Lastly' a Charged Shot courtesy of the Longbow wlll also apply a
a FrostTtap before engaglng Hold your posltIOn behlnd the trap and guaranteed DoT upon a target. Comblne these teChmqueS When
use Longbow Charged Shots and Storm Bolts to deal damage as attacklng tO StrIP away a target'S health effICIently
the enemles approach
End Game
Once the FrostTrap is trlggered lt WIll Stun both the enemy Who The next major change to the FIneSSe battle Style occurs when you
triggered lt and any Others In the lmmedlate Vicinity. Use thIS OPPOr- unlock the Smoke BombAbility The Smoke Bomb wlll allow you to
tumty to target any enemies not affected by the trap and klll them use stealth attacks mld battle for qulck mstant kills. Heavy Invest-
qulckly wlth the Shadow Flare before repeating the process ment in the Stealth SkIII ls hlghly recommended, as it wlll masslvely
boost your abillty tO Perform multiple instant kills in battle. Do not
The FrostTrap enables you to target and klll a group of weapon- spend anyAbIIlty Points on the Assassln'S ArtAblllty untll you have
wlelders ln the order of their attack range ln safety Suppose for unlocked the Smoke Bomb, but once you do, be sure to fully level
example that you are faced wlth a Dagger wlelder/ a swordsman, theskllI.
and an archer.The archer will hang back and attack from a dIStanCe
whlle the other two members approach Lay a FrostTrap at the start Aim to perform a stealth klll at the start of battle by sneaklng up on
of battle to have both of the melee fighters become immobilized as the mob undetected.Then once the mob IS alerted to your pres-
they approach you. ence, activate the Smoke Bomb and score another stealth klll. From
here you can revert back to your FrostTrap strategy' thinnlng the
Now you can qulckly go and klll the archerwlth the Shadow Flare numbers further before dlvlng ln WIth Weapon StrlkeS Or activating
before settlng another trap and repeatlng the process. This strategy the Smoke Bomb again. Be sure to fully level the Endurlng Agony
works against most of the enemles you wlll be faclng, whether they Abillty at the earIIeSt OPPOrtunlty too ThIS WIIl ensure that the
are heavlly armored or not When faclngTroIIs, lay a FrostlTap and al- Shadow Flare retalns Its power as a close range attack agalnst the
low thelToll to rush towards you before Evadlng at the last moment strong enemies you now face.
ln Its fury thell-OII wlth run stralght Into the trap, giving you enough
tlme to connect a Shadow Flare at polnt blank range. Groups of Jot- The Scattershot IS another teChnlque that Should be fully leveled as
tun are also not a problem, as they use dashing attacks one by one. soon as posslble, for lt will provlde another means to deal heavy
Yt)u can allow a Jottun to run into aTrap and become lmmoblllzed damage at close range lt also acts as a perfect complement to the
before quICkly k"ling another member of the group wlth the polnt Shadow FIare. Against heavlly armored opponents, COnneCtlng a
blank Shadow Flare before repeating the process Scattershot at polnt blank range llnklng stralght Into a Shadow Flare
wlll qulckly break down SuperArmor. From thls polnt addltiOnaI Scat-
The Lunge is another technlque that makes a slgnlflCant difference tershot/Shadow Flare loops wlll quickly see off even the strongest
to the battle dynamlc Yt)u need only spend a single polnt on thls enemies.
Ablllty, aS It'S the freedom Of movement that Will beneflt you, not
the attacklng power.When gettlng to grIPS With the Lunge lt is best
used against speclfic attacks performed by heavlly armored enemles TIP
such asTrolls. As theTroll swlngs Its Weapon towards you, Perform To quickly Fateshlft a large enemy in Reckonlng Mode connect
the Lunge to phase straight through Its body and immedlately attack Scattershots at point blank range!
from behlnd wlth the Shadow Flare.This ls usually enough to break I
down aTroII's armor Instantly. As soon as you have broken Its armor
perform a few weapon strlkeS until the Shadow Flare recharges and
unleash ltagaln fora quick kill Li,I:~ ¥J Finally, the Gamblt lets you throw down a carpet of bombs, whlch
wlll make lt extremely dlfflCult for IIghtly armored enemleS tO ap-
Polsons are another specialty of the Flnesse class and the Enven- proach your posltlon The Gambit wlll allowyou to hold your ground
omed Edge Ability should be used wlth a good understanding of and deal damage from a distance with the Longbow i' ny=T-i =lj WhIIe
how polson DoTs are applied.You can stack multiple DoTs upon an lt ls not the ultlmate crowd-control tool the hlgh level Mlght and
enemy by uslng a COmblnatIOn Of teChnlqueS FIrStly, the flniShlng SorceryAblllties provlde, the Gamblt is still an effectlve means to
strlke of a weapon combo chain wlll apply a DoT, use the FrostTrap keep large numbers of enemles at bay.
I-. = -J -
The deflnlng features of both melee weapons associated with the Both the Daggers and the Fae Blades are extremely effective for
Finesse class are rapld strlklng rates and the ablllty to move a target staying on the move as you strike, keeplng your character away
a great distance away from its initlal posltlon as you strlke. As a from other members of a mob as combo chains are executed.The
Finesse character does not have the defenslve capabilltles of the Longbow should be used to thin the numbers of mobs from a dls-
Might class, it ls important that you make absolutely sure you are tance, and you can contlnue flring as you close ln for a melee attack
never surrounded or overwhelmed by enemy attacks.
An attack wlth Daggers deals a hlgh number of strlkes withln a very short space of time DAMAGE SPLIT
These blades are the perfect weapon for a character that deals damage wlth poisons, for Physical Piercing
what they lack ln attack power, they more than make up wlth thelr ablllty to lnfllct status
50% 50%
effects wlth absolute precision. They also beneflt from a very high plercing damage split,
so a large portion of the damage they do lnfllct wlll dlrectly bypass enemy armor.
No Interrupt Normal
No Interrupt Normal
No Interrupt Normal
No Interrupt Normal
-- a ---
Finesse Weapons
Shadow Strike
. I._=T a --i--.
Cross SIash
No Interrupt High
-- -- -e .-
perfect helght for a contlnuatlon of the
sequence with a Dagger combo chaln
No Stagger
No Blended
No Blended
Yes ¥ Knockdown
WIth Preclse Weaponry IV unlocked, the
Daggers galn an effectlve counterattack
actlvated after a successful Shield Parry
I -f- *ti To perform the PunIShmentteCh-
nique, simply enter an attack Input wlthln Punishment ls a great technique when battllng larger foes that employ attacks you can
the 32-frame response window after scorlng Shield Parry, in partICular the Bear and Ettln enemleS. After performlng a Shleld Parry agalnSt
a Shleld Parry. Once actIVated, the Punish- one of these, execute the Punishment and then cancel the last hlt into the Lunge AblIIty.The
ment technlque will see your character Lunge wlll cause your character to shift behlnd the target, so immediately follow-up with the
perform a high-speed serleS Of Stabbing Shadow Flare to deal huge damage and apply a Bleeding status allment.
attacks, all of whlch you are free to cancel
out of Into an Ablllty Of your ChOICe.
ffiRERE5mffi5mH H
You galn access to thls attack once you have put at least one Ablllty
polnt into the Assassln's ArtAblllty. lt lS adVISable tO dO thIS aS early
as posslble, because Backstab ls one of the most powerful attacks
wlth the Daggers.To triggerthls attack you wlll need to approach
an enemy from behlnd undetected. Once you are withln range, an
attack prompt will appear for whichever weapon slot you have the
Daggers equIPPed ln.
.--- a --_--
The Longbow beglns as a very humble weapon wlth llmlted use on the battlefleld. But per-
severance and Investment in the Various associated AbllitleS W"I unleash a truly terrlfylng
weapon, capable of dellverlng both huge damage to single targets, as well as laying waste
to entire mobs with ease.
Normal Shot
A single attack Input WIII flre a Smgle arrow The Normal Shotcan also be usedtojuggle
wlth the Longbow, thls shot wlll deal 45% opponents after sending them Into the alr
of weapon damage and apply an Interrupt wlth a Launcher attack. ,,, The attack prop-
hlt reaction. F]epeatedly pressing attack In- erty of the Normal Shot during an alrjuggle
puts WIII flre a raPId VOIIey of shots until your IS "Juggle Normal"This means that the
quiveris empty r.`,. i" Once depleted/ enemy on the recelvlng end of these shots
your arrow supply WIII automatlcally replen- wlll lose only a llttle height as each shot
ISh after a brief Cooldown perIOd. connects,ThIS allows you to keep an enemy
ln the alr and flylng away from you aS Shots
are connected. lt ls entlrely posslble to con-
NOTE nect all arrows ln your quiver wlthln a Slngle
FIring an arrow While yOurquIVer IS airjuggle combo
reloadlng Will Cancel the reload State.
lt is well worth holding off firing more
arrows until your quIVer IS completely
reloaded. 5 Second delay before refllllng starts, and then
addltlonal arrows are added every 0 75 seconds
Charged Shot
Holding an attack Input with the Longbow Hii-rm--a-ex- <-m)x< ~
Level 1 - Level 1 of thIS attack iS Signified Instant the anlmatlon holds.This allows you to fire a falrly rapld volley of Level 1 Charged
by your character holdlng the draw posltion Shots. Manually swltchlng targets durlng thls process wlll allowyou to apply status allments
with the bow; releaslng your attack input to multlple targets ln successlon
at this polnt Will flre a slngle shot dealing
100% of the Longbow's attack power and Level 2-A Level 2 charge ls slgnlfled by your character executlng an addltlonal draw
applying any status effects the equlpped anlmatIOn i-. ) ¬:i Fieleasingyourattack lnputatthls polntWillflre a SIngleshotthatw"I
weapon possesses Take note of the exact deal 160o/o of the Longbow's total attack power and a DoT effect. Exactly as wlth the
moment your character starts to hold the Level 1 Charged Shot, take note of the exact tlme your character enters and holds the
Longbow ln place after the draw anlmatlon; second draw animatIOn F(eleaslng your attack input to colnCIde With the exact moment
you can release your attack Input the very thls state IS entered WIII ensure that your flrlng rate IS effiClent.
-- = =T: -
As the Charged Shot is consldered a Normal
actlon, you are able to Instantly cancel the
charglng POrtIOn Of the attack into any Other
action, as well as Instantly cancel or transI-
tlon into another action once the shot has
been fired.This animation cancel feature IS
extremely useful m battle Should you flnd
yourself about to be Interrupted due to an
Incoming attack, you Can Instantly Guard or
Evade as need be.
Arrow Storm
flred, the Arrow Storm wIIl raln projectlles
onto your targets from the air causing a
rapld SuCCeSSIOn Of Interrupt hit reactlons.
volley of 24 shots that wl" raln down On your enemies. Each shot
wlll apply any status allments your weapon may possess onto
targets struck by the technlque
Even though the Arrow Storm Itself flreS uP tO 24 shots at
once, each Instance Of the Arrow Storm counts as only a
slngle arrow ln your qUIVer!
As theArrow Storm counts as a Special actIOn, you are free
to cancel the animatlon straight Into an Ability actIOn Of your
choice the Very instant the Shots are fired.
-- a ---.I-
--T=-- a -=- --
Of all the weapons available ln the game, the Fee Blades are by far the most effectlve at
movlng a target away from Its Inltlal positlon as you strlke.The dIStanCe you travel is so
signlfICant that Other enemleS In the group W"I have a hard time keeplng Pace and attaCklng
from behlnd Addltlonally, as many strikes within the Fae Blades combo chaln hlt with a full
360o range around your character, you can dive rlght Into the heart Of a group Of enemleS
and blast them apart as you strlke
The Fee BIades combo chaln COnSIStS Of fIVe Parts !ily+ 3+The first two attack Inputs WIII
trigger a rapld SPInning attack, Capable Of Strlklng enemleS 360o around your character. These
strlkeS are Very effeCtIVe against a tightly bunChed group Of IIghtly armored enemleS: you
can storm right Into the heart of the group wlth these splnnlng attacks wlth llttle chance of
lnterruptlon.The thlrd strlke ls a frontal hook, whlch wlll cause a Stagger hlt reactlon Thls ls
an excellent polnt to transltlon Into a Speclal attack orAbillty.
The fourth strike ln the Sequence IS an addltlOnal SPIn attack SImIIar to the lnltlal StrlkeS Of
the combo chaln that also InfIICtS a useful Stagger reaction.The fourth strlke lS your POInt deal 160% of the weapon's base damage, a
of no return. It slgnifleS the last tlme you W"I be able to freely cancel your attack anlmatlOn DoT effect and apply a Knockdown
into Guard or Evade. It IS worth learnmg tO reCOgnIZe the anlmatIOn Of thIS Strlke ln Order tO
glve you time to make the decision whether or not to complete the combo chaln lf you have Fee Blades are not partlcularly powerful
space around your positlon and are not at rlsk from outslde attacks, enter one more attack compared to other weapons, but they more
Input tO execute the finIShing Strike Of the Fae BIades combo chalnThe flnIShlng Strike WIll than make up forthIS ShOrtCOmlng by deaI-
Ing SignifICantly more StrlkeS Wlthin each
combo chaln. lfyou are golngto usethe Fee
Blades as your melee weapon of choice, it ls
advised that you mvest heavIIy ln the Enven-
omed Edge and Shadow Flare Abllltles of
the Finesse AbiIItyTree Flrstly, Envenomed
Edge wlll bestow a certaln o/a chance of
applying poison damage to each and every
strike you perform PoISOn Wlll cause dam-
age over a set tlme period and weaken the
target's attacks by 33% As the Fae BIades
strlke the target far more often than other
weapons, your chances of applylng Polson
status mld-combo are slgnlflcantly higher
Secondly, the Shadow Flare wlll apply Bleed-
lng damage to your target Thls status effect
wlll Increase the damage of your attacks by
33O/o, while deallng damage over tlme.
Twisted Claw
I i-- = ___
current target away from other enemles on the fleld, whlch will limit By far the deadliest use of theTwlsted Claw ls the corner-trap.
the chance of your attacks being interrupted by attacks from dlffer- Take note of your surroundlngs; lf there ls a corner nearby, push
ent angles. Alternatlvely/ theTwisted Claw can be used as an open- the enemy towards lt with the Fee Blades combo chaln. Once you
lng strike against a slngle approachlng target. Fully charge a Level are withln reach of the corner, complete the combo chaln to apply
2Twisted Claw as the enemy approaches and you wlll most likely a Knockdown. Now you w"I have enough tlme to fully charge the
connect every hlt of the technlque. Cancel the last hlt Into Shadow Twlsted Claw and the target will have no cholce but to soak up
Flare to deal a huge amount of damage and Inflict Bleedlng status every hit of the technlque. Cancelling the last hlt Into a full Shadow
Flare wlll deal huge amounts of additional damage.
Level 1 -To actlvate aTwlsted Claw, hold your attack Input and your
characterwlll enter a charglng state. Fielease the attack Input as
soon as you begin charglng.The Level 1 varlatlon of thls technlque
only advances your position a fairamount, but the speed of execu-
tlon makes lt worthwhlle to mlx into your combo chalns. A great
place to actlvate a Level 1 Twisted Claw ls after any weapon strlke
that infllcts a Stagger reactlon. Cancel the ending frames of the
Twlsted Claw Into the flrst hlt of the Shadow Flare and then begln
another combo chain.Thls sequence will allow you to get stralght
back into another Fee Blades combo chain with minimal delay
Talon Strikes
Unlocked by Level
Attack No. Input ActionType Damage Hits Dot Hit Fteact
PrecISeWeaponry lll 1
1 Evade, and then press Attack Speclal 50% 1 No Launch
The Cyclone will Launch on the very flrSt hlt against any enemy
whlch can be alrjuggled.Therefore you can use it as a single-hlt
Launcher to lead on into an alrjuggle combo wlth weapon stnke
and Ab"itv mlx-ups. There are two effectlve ways of cancelllng the
Cyclone on the flrSt hit the Shadow FIare and the Harpoon AbIIi-
tleS. Cancellmg the Cyclone on the first hltWIII let you Immediately
follow-up wlth a combo chaln/Ablllty sequence of your cholce.
Savage Wing
Silent Scythe
Thls attack is very famlllartO the Backstab SILENT SCYTHE PROPERTIES
wlth the Daggers/ but unlike that weapon,
the Fee Blades don't have any unlque klll
anlmatIOnS.You do still getthe guaranteed Press Attack after
Guaranteed Stun
CrltICal Hit though, and lt also gives you a 220 a/a 1 No wth a 6 second Long
:npS:oe::thhi:rgo:nbeenheiTdy speclal
guaranteed Stun on the opponent, which and undetected duratIOn
---.I = --,-
The FinesseAbilityTree is a set of highly
technical Skills and buffs geared towards
a higher level of play.There is no choice
of playstyle to choose from as we,ve seen
with the Might and Sorcery classes; to
excel in combat you will need to employ
every trick at your disposal with preci-
sion' A,,
Dagger Mastery
rtype - F)assive
your qulver, further Investment in this Abillty 6 + 7 Physlcal Damage, + 30% overall damage wlth Longbows -
wlll grant you ever-greater boosts in the
overall attack power dealt by the Longbow. lt 7 + 8 Physlcal Damage, + 35% overall damage wlth Longbows
is well worth investing in Longbow Mastery 8 + 9 Physlcal Damage, + 40% overall damage wlth Longbows
as lt wlll augment the Ab"itles unlocked
further along the Longbow AbllltyTree.
-.- a -
Shadow Flare
N/A No 20 Stagger Normal
|iype - ltiggered
Usually, the Launched enemy wlll fall out of the air while you are
still stuck in the recovery anlmatlon of theTalon Strikes. lfyou
cancel theTalon Strlkes the very instant the Launch property strlke
connects with the flrst hlt of the Shadow Flare, you wlll be able to
almost Instantly contlnue the combo wlth weapon combo strlkes
to keepthe enemyin the alr
-- = -
Assassin's Art
Level Damage Effect Additional Notes
|iype - Passive
Unlc)cks Speclal Sneak Attacks wlth Daggers
1 +1O% Crltlcal damage frc)m Sneak Attack
Assassln's Art vastly increases the damage and Fas Blades
dealt by Sneak Attacks, which are stealth +30o/a damage wlth Dagger and Fee Blade
2 +20% Crltlcal damage from Sneak Attack
technlques performed wlth elther the Fee sneak attacks
Blades or Daggers upon unsuspectlng +60% damage wlth Dagger and Fas Blade
3 +30o/a Crltlcal damage from Sneak Attack
targets. Sneak Attacks are so powerful that sneak attacks
ln the early stages of the game you do not +goo/a damage wlth Dagger and Fee Blade
4 +40% Crltlcal damage from Sneak Attack
need to worry about levellng thls Abllity ln sneak attacks
order for them to be effectlve. However, +120% damage wth Dagger and Fas Blade
5 +50% Crltlcal damage from Sneak Attack
once you unlock the Smoke Bomb Abil- sneak attacks
lty, the frequency of your sneak attacks +150O/a damage wlth Dagger and Fee Blade
6 +60% Cntlcal damage from Sneak Attack
and the strength of the enemies they are sneak attacks
Preclse Weaponry ll unlocks delayed input Speclal attacks for the Crossflre and Talon Strlkes
Damage over tlme based on the
Daggers and Fae Blades.The Dagger Crossfire technlque ls a means now apply addltlonal damage
status effect of the equlpped weapon
over tlme
to 100% guarantee a status effect lnfllctlon and Crltlcal Hlt through
a carefully tlmed executlon.TheTalon Strlkes with the Fee Blades Crossflre andTalon Stnkes now 5 Fate awarded for completlon
ls a Launcher property attack, whlch allows you to set up airjuggle award bonus Fate of Crossflre orTalon StrlkeS
combo chain is that the strlkes you dellver actually hlt all around 6 +7 Physlcal damage, +30o/a overall c]amage wlth Fee Blades
2 15% chance to deal 20 Polson damage over 5 seconds
Envenomed Edge 3 15% chance to deal 30 Polson damage over 5 seconds
4 15% chance to deal 40 Polson damage over 5 seconds
Type - Sustained
5 150/a chance to deal 50 Polson damage over 5 seconds
The Envenomed Edge Ablllty will apply a 6 15o/a chance to deal 6O Polson damage over 5 seconds
15O/a chance for every weapon strlke you
7 15% chance to deal 70 Polson damage over 5 seconds
perform to lnfllct polson damage upon your
target - . PoISOn damage reduces the
target's damage output by a masslve 330/o I
Actlvatlng thls Ablllty wlll reduce your Mana
gauge by 25O/o, but will not cost you any ad-
L= 15% chance to deal 80 Polson damage over 5 seconds
lt makes sense to fully Invest ln thls Ablllty
at the earliest opportunlty; poison status
lnfllctlons can be slacked to apply a large
amount of damage over time ln addltion
to your weapon strlke damage Thls ls
especlally effectlve agalnst heavlly armored
foes llkeTrolls, whose armor may be near
Impregnable, but is lneffectlve agalnst plled via your combo chaln, you Can quICkly
status ailments like polson. A Polson status apply an additlonal guaranteed DoTwlth an NOTE
affliction ls signlfled by a green haze around executlon of the Crossflre Dagger technlque lf you change Destlny Card, any sus-
a target's body. Once you have vlsually before startlng another combo chaln to ap- tained Abllltles like Envenomed Edge
confirmed that a polson DoT has been ap- ply another DoT and so on will deaCtIVate. Yiou must assign and
re-activate the Ability again ln these
|iype - tiriggered
Cooldown - 2 seconds
-- = --
When flghtlng a group of heavlly armored
opponents, place a FrostTrap ln thelr path to
slow them down , Freezlng damage Let,el ActionType Ice Damage Hits Dot Mane Cost Hit React
Damage Type
will slow the overall speed of all affected
targets by 300/a, glvlng you enough tlme to 4 Freezlng damage
1 Ablllty 30 1 Yes 2O Knockdown
fc)I 2 seconds
single out and break down the armor of a
target with the Shadow Flare. 6 Freezlng damage
2 Ablllty 35 1 Yes 25 Knockdown
for 3 set,onds
Use the Plant Snappers ln dungeons
to your advantage by settlng uP a
defensive wall nearby. The Plant Snap-
per will bite any enemy attempting to
I e -., ---
FinesseAbilities I
Requires - Envenomed Edge
Level Damage Effect
1 +100/a PoISOn reSIStanCe
Type - Passive
2 +Zoo/a Polson reslstance i.-]]F+I
Icy Explosion
Requires - Frostltap
Level Damage Effect
Type - Passive
1 +10 FrostTrap damage, 20% chance to Stun for 3 seconds
Against LightlyArmored Opponents -When fightlng a group of 7 +40 FrostTrap danlage, 40% chance to Stun for 6 seconds
lightly armored opponents, the most common situation arlslng is the
mob funnellng ln behlnd you as you attack and move a target out-
wards from the group. Lay a Frostll.ap after applylng a Knockdown
hlt reaCtlOn tO your target, ensure that you remaln allgned With the and work to deplete Its SuperArmor and cause as much damage as
FrostTrap, and the tralllng opponents wlll walk stralght Into it posslble before the rest of the group wake up The Freezing damage
of the FrostTrap wlll slow the movement speed of all targets caught
Against HeavilyArmored Opponents - Lay a FrostTrap ln the path wlthln the blast radlus by 30O/o, maklng lt much easler to set up and
of heavily armored foes such asTrolls, Bolgan, and Ettin and walt to repeat the Stun process
conflrm a Stun has taken effect. Next, slngle out a remalnlng target
Type - lTiggered
Cooldown - 3 seconds
- = -.
ls that the Lunge ls an Ablllty actlon, meanlng the delay frames of Easy Evades -\^/hen flghtlng large enemles likeTrolls, you can
Speclal attacks orthe flnlshlng strlkes of combo chalns are no longer really take advantage of the delay frames of thelr more powerful
hlgh-rlsk techniques With the Lunge you can Instantly Evade ln any attacks to open opportunltles for breaklng down thelr Super Armor
dlrectlon you llke at any polnt durlng Speclal actlons, whlch usually ln safety. The most effectlve dlrectlon to Evade when faced with a
carries a high risk. masslve melee attack ls straight towards the opponent- llke the
Bllnk Evade, the Lunge allows you to do thls The key ls to perform
Back Attack - Executlng the Lunge towards a nearby target wlll the Lunge stralght at the attacklng target and lust before Its attack
cause your character to shift stralght through the opponent's body hltS, SO yOu'll sell straight through lt.
and deliver a slngle strike from behlnd . From thls posltlon
you have enough tlme to follow-up wlth a Shadow Flare to apply Since lt ls not the damage deallng aspect of the Lunge that makes it
Bleedlng damage before contlnulng your attack sequence with useful, it is advised that you save yourAbillty Points and do not max
another combo chaln. out thls technlque. Spend one Ablllty Polnt to unlock the Lunge then
save the rest to spend on far more damaglng technlques further up
Crowd-Control -When faced with a group of llghtly armored the FlnesseAbllltyTree.Thls wlll also ensure that the Mane cost of
enemles and strlklng a single target away from the group' the the Lunge ls keptas lowas posslble: onceyou getthe hang ofthls
Lunge can be used to open up a completely new attacking sltuatlon techniqueyou wlll be uslng its loll
I Wth the tralllng mob approachlng from behlnd, keep an
eye out for the exact moment one of them launches a melee attack.
At that moment, activate the Lunge towards your orlglnal target to
phase through hls body; the tralllng attack wlll mlss and you wlll end
up behlnd your orlglnal target and faclng the whole group. Now you
can dellver a Shadow Flare before dlvlng Into the group with a Fae
Blades combo chain, or simply blow them up with an executlon of
the Gamblt.
Cross Slash and Cyclone now apply addltlonal Damage over tlme based on the status effect of
Preclse Weaponry Ill unlocks Speclal attacks damage over tlme the equlpped weapon
executed from an Evade for the Daggers Cross Slash and Cyclone now award 5 Fate awarded for completlon of Cross Slash
and Fee Blades. Both the Cross Slash and bonus Fate or Cyclone
Cyclone will Launch small to mld slzes
enemles Into the alr on hlt, allowlng for
lmpresslve aerlal combos. Please see the
Flnesse \^/eapons sectlon for full detalls of
these technlques
-- 9- --
Finesse Abilities
Smoke Bomb
Type - Ability
Lovel ActionTyp® Damage Flange StLln Dura- Hidden Dura- Mane Hit Fteact
Cooldown - 6O seconds lion (sees) lion (sees) Cost Type
1 AbIIIty 7 6 meters 2 6 4O Stun
Upon executing the Smoke Bomb, all 2 Abll Itv 10 6 meters 3 6 45 Stun
enemles caught wlthln the Ablllty's circular 3 Ablllty 14 6 meters 4 6 50 Stun
blast radius will be stunned for a set dura-
4 Ablllty 19 6 meters 5 6 55 Stun
tion i-+ i During thls time your character
will be completely undetectable. Attacklng 5 Ablllty 25 6 meters 5 6 55 Stun
any of these Stunned enemies from behind
wlth elther the Daggers or Fee Blades wlll
trlggera sneakattack -
ln order to extend the duration of the
Stun condltIOn aPPIIed tO enemies
caught up ln Its blast radiLJS, you
should Invest ln this technique at the
earliest opportunity
Tr +.I.--F.;:iLi\-¥gi:F
a sneak attack.
Barbed Arrows
Requires - Arrow Storm Investment in the Barbed Arrows Ablllty wlll add an ever-Increasing
chance to Inflict Bleedlng damage to targets struck by your arrows.
The lnltial level of thls technlque wlll also add an extra arrow to the
Type - Passlve
maxlmum stock of your qulverand the Bleedlng effect lnfllcted
upon enemies wlll increase the damage suffered from subsequent
attacks by 33O/o Maxing out the Barbed Arrows Abillty wlll further
augment the most effectlve means to deal heavy damage to a
Lovof Demnge Etoct Additional Nartes single opponent wlth the Longbow - the Scattershot!
loo/a chance to lnfllct 80 Bleedlng damage
Max arrow stock + 1
for 5 seconds
--- a -- -
Enduring Agony Blade Honing
rtype - Passive Blade Honing Increases the damage output of any Critical Hlt at-
tacks you perform. Once fully leveled, thls Ablllty wlll stack a +30O/o
lf you llke to get up close and personal wlth the Shadow Flare increase on top of the +50O/o damage output Increase a Crltlcal Hlt
technique, then fully advanclng Endurlng Agony ls an absolute must has to a weapon strike. Once thls Ablllty ls actlvated lt wlll remain
The Shadow Flare ls an incredibly powerful move at the start of the actlve untll you perform the Ablllty agaln to swltch lt off, so you are
game, but bythetlmeyou hltthe mid partyou wlll flnd thatthe free to remove Blade Honing from your qulck menu ln order to free
Shadow Flare ls not qulte the powerhouse lt once was Endurlng up a space for anotherAblllty.
Agony takes care of this by boostlng the Shadow FIare damage up
to 50% and Increasing the duratlon of all polson and Bleedlng dam-
age status effects by up to 70%.
Level Damage Effect Mama Cost
1 +1O% CrltlCaI HIt damage 150/a total Mane
2 +15o/a Crltlcal Hlt damage 15% total Mana
Level Status Effect Duration Shadow Flare Damage
3 +20% Crltlcal Hlt damage 150/a total Mana
1 +20o/o +loo/a
4 +25% Crltlcal HIT damage 15% total Mane
2 +30% +20%
5 +30o/a CntICaI Hlt damage 15O/a total Mane
3 +40% +30%
4 +55 % +40o/a 6 +35% Crltlcal HIT clamage 15O/a total Mana
5 +70 c'/a +50% 7 +40% Crltlcal HIT c)amage 15o/o total Mane
L=:oa/o__ +60a/a
Requires - Precise Weaponry Ill flurry that deals decent damage to a single Typ. - Passive
target, whlle SavageWlng ls a rapld counter-
attack capable of Launchlng multlple targets lf you play a stealthy character that makes
rtype - Passive into the alr simultaneously. Please see the effective use of the Smoke Bomb mld battle,
Flnesse Weapons section for full details of you should fully Invest ln Polson Bomb.Thls
Punlshment and SavageWing are Speclal these technlques. technlque wlll apply a DoT aspect to the
attacks unlocked for the Daggers and Fee Smoke Bomb technique, applying poison
Blades that can be executed dlrectly after damage to all targets caught ln the blast
a Shleld Parry. Punlshment ls a rapid blade radlus.
1 Unlocks Punlshment and SavageWlng Please see Flnesse Weapons sectlon for detalls +60 Polson damage over 5 seconds
Punlshment and SavageWlng now apply ad- Damage over tlme based on the status effect of +90 Polson damage over 5 seconds
dltlonal damage over tlme the equlpped weapon +120 Polson damage over 5 seconds
Punlshment and SavageWlng now awarcl 5 Fate awarded for completlon of Punlshment
bonus Fate or SavageWng +150 Polson damage over 5 seconds
Requires - Barbed Arrows each shot has the potentlal to deal a DoT on top. So in theory' you
can have 7 instances of poison damage stripping away a target/s llfe
at once, all off a slngle Scattershot!
Type - lTiggered
There are many sltuatlons where the Scattershot proves the Long-
Scattershot replaces the Longbow's Level 2 Charged Shot and flres bow to be one of the most (lf not the most) powerful weapons ln
a greater number of charged arrows at once each tlme you level up the game. Please see the Longbow section for a full breakdown of
the technique. At Its maxlmum level, the Scattershotwlll launch 7 the most effective uses for the Scattershot.
charged arrows at once ~. _I Connecting thls technlque at polnt
blank range deals an absolutely obscene amount of damage and
----- a- --
Requires - Inoculation
Type- Passive 150 Polson damage
Type - Thriggered
I Cooldown - 10 seconds
enemies ls approachlng from behlnd as you
strlke a target, apply a Knockdown to thls
target then launch a Level 1 Gambit ln the
opposlte dlrection - towards the group of
approachlng enemies, Thls w"I cover your
rear glving you enough tlme to klll your
original target in safety.
------- a -- -
of 18 bombs in awidearea in thedirection
your character ls faclng Thls varlatlon ls best
used when positloned outside and away I.vol Action Damage #ofTraps Mane Cost Hit R®act JuggloTypo
from a group of enemles. Laylng the Gamblt Type Type
as these enemles approach will make lt 1 Ablllty 80 7 (press), 18 (hold) 80 (press) 120 (hold) Launch Normal
next to lmposslble for them to surround and 2 Ablllty 90 7 (press), 18 (hold) 80 (press), 120 (hold) Launch Normal
attack you 3 Ablllty 100 7 (press), 18 (hold) 80 (press), 120 (hold) Launch Normal
Paralytic Poisons
Requires - MysteriousToxins
L®vct Effect
Type - Passive
1 2% chance to Stun a Polsoned enemy for 5 seconds
I_______ _____
--- = -
Combat Difficulty - Low
Discipline Investment Required
; Title Effects Might Finesse Sorcery
+250/a Elemental Damage,
Tier 1 -Acolyte 0 0 1
loo/a Mane Cost Fieductlon
17O/a Mane Cost Fieductlon,
Tier4- Sage 0 0 49
+1 Mane Begen persec,
+15o/o DuratIOn Ice BIInk 1
---- = _ -
Ensure that you unlock Arcane \^/eaponry I as soon as posslble.
The charged attacks thls Abillty bestows are perfect for damaglng TIP
multiple targets at once Keep your dlstance and move around the Use Sceptre Charged Shots and alternating attack SPellS tO
whole group of enemies you are faclng untll they are positloned mop up any remains after a Mark of Flame detonation tO earn
single flle or ln a row.The Staff combo chaln can then be used to bonus Fate,
strike all targets at once, eventually leadlng to a Knockdown of the
entlre group. From here you can fully charge a Charged Entropy wlth
the Staff and cause heavy damage to the group as they recover
Mid Game
A Shleld Parry performed wlth aTallsman equlpped wlll apply a DoT lf you flnd it dlfflcult to manage groups it may be a good Idea to
wlth the equlvalent elemental effect of theTalisman to all targets unlock and level the Sphere of Protectlon, Sphere of F3etrlbutlon/
caught wlthln the blast radlus of the parry shockwave Should you and Healing Surge technlques. On the other hand, lfyour crowd-
find yourself surrounded, performing a Shleld Parry wlth an lee control game ls solld, you should concentrate on leveling your attack
Tallsman equipped wlll slowthe movement of all nearby enemles spells. A fully leveled lee Barrage ls devastating against larger,
- presenting you wlth enough tlme to follow up with an area attack heavily armored opponents. The Summon Faer Gorta technlque
such as the Charged Entropy or Maelstrom. makes deallng wlth crowds even easler, as lt wlll drawthelr atten-
tion away from you. Pnoritize levellng the spell augmentlng ablllties
of Smolder, Chaln Llghtnlng, and Frostshackle to greatly boost your
TIP attack power.
Connecting a Charged Entropy will apply the elemental effect
of your equIPPed Staff. Burning damage Wlll OCCaSIOnally The summoned Faer Gorta wlll eventually act as your healing spell;
cause targets to Panic and run around almleSSly, Freezing unlocklngTransference wlll cause damage dealt by the Faer Gorta to
damage will Slow enemy SPeed by 30%, and Shocking dam- transfer over to you as health A great strategy to use ls to summon
age can propagate between targets. your Faer Gorta before engaglng a mob and have it run ahead and
commence the attack.The group will crowd around the Faer Gorta
leavlng you the opportunlty to attack wlth the Mark of Flame from
Tip When faced wlth larger, heavily armored opponents, keep your
Keep a selection of Staves and Sceptres of different elemental distance and retaliate wlth the lee Barrage after Evading one of their
effects ln your Inventory. This way you can select the best tool attacks .When fighting a group of such enemles, use the
for the job based On enemy Weaknesses. lee Barrage on each target in successlon to slow the movement of
the whole group. From here lt is much easler to manage incoming
attacks and set up tag and detonatlon sequences wlth the Mark of
The Mage's Vortex technique unlocked vla Arcane Weaponry ll
makes crowd-control with the Staff even more effective. Ensure End Game
that you unlock ArcaneWeaponry ll as soon as posslble. Uslng the Once you have unlocked the Elemental F]age, Meteor, and Wlnter's
same strategy as before, begln a combo chaln agalnst a row or Embrace abilitles, you can pretty much do away with all crowd-con-
bunch of enemles, but thls time cancelllng Into the Mage'sVortex trol strategiesand k"I entire mobswlth one shot - -i -. Theonly
after connectlng the second hit The Mage'sVortex w"I cause the enemles you really need to follow exactlng strategles agalnst at this
group of enemles to be sucked towards a central polnt, clumplng point are the game's boss characters - everythlng else wlll quickly
them together very tlghtly. Thls ls the perfect opportunity to launch fall to your overwhelmlng power.
a spell and klll all targets at once, the Ideal spell for thls sltuatlon
belng the Mark of Flame. Against mobs of lightly armored enemles activate the summoned
Faer Gorta and Wlnter's Embrace to draw enemy attentlon away
Tagging and detonatlng the Mark of Flame agalnst groups of from you and slow the movement speed of all targets.Then use the
enemles ls the most effectlve way to deal with groups of enemles Meteorto wipe them out all at once. ln sltuatlons where you are
Smaller enemles such as Boggarts usually congregate ln a tight surrounded by lightly armored enemies, the Elemental Fiage acts as
group prlor to battle. Qulckly approaching and performing a tag and an all-ln-one crowd-control, attack, and escape sequence, blasting all
detonate sequence wlth the Mark of Flame wlll kill them instantly. surroundlng targets with huge amounts of damage before moving
you to safety
- --- = -
The Sorcery playstyle involves keeping your distance and setting up spell attack situations
from the outside of a group of enemies.The Staff is the perfect weapon for this purpose. Its
elemental blasts will damage multiple targets at once, as they cover a corridor leading ahead of
your position -you do not need to attack at close range in orderforthe weapon to be effective.
lf you prefer a more technical style, whlch relles on knowledge of styllsh means to create extended attack sequences and alrjuggle
varlous hlt reactlons, then the Chakrams make a good cholce of combos.Whetheryou use the Staff or the Chakrams as your Prl-
main weapon.The Chakrams are geared more towards keeplng en- mary weapon, the Sceptre should be used as a Secondary weapon
emles at bay rather than locking down thelr movements. Once you The Sceptre's Charged Shots will apply status effects from a dls-
unlock the Orbital Blades technique you will find Chakrams a very lance and mop up any remaining enemles after a spell executlon.
The Staff is by the far most effective means to damage many
targets at once with weapon strikes. Just about every move ln the
repertolre of Staff technlques ls geared towards shifting or locking Staff El®mant Elemental i I® Th a: D aT
enemies Into the perfect position ln preparation of a spell. Fire
Staff Combo Chain
The fundamental dlfference between playlng a Mage class and
Lightning ; ;I
aWarrior or Fiogue is the way you use posltionlng ln battle. As a
melee flghter, you will mostly flnd yourself in a sltuation where you
are flghting your way outwards from a group.The targetyou are
attacklng wlll be pushed away from the other members of the group
as they approach you from behind. Crowd-control mostly comes
down to Shleld Parrles agalnst these approaching enemies. Things uL!9nh: L g5 ng
are very different when playlng as a Mage: the key here ls to herd Ei;I
enemies together into a bunch, and the Staff combo chain is the
perfect tool for the lob.
The flrst hit of the Staff combo chain will damage and Interrupt
targets ln a 30oangle cone shape, toe distance of six meters ln
the dlrectlon you are faclng.The second strlke has the same attack
range but applles a Stagger hlt reactlon.Thls provldes an Ideal point
to transltion into an Abillty. Against any enemy susceptible to a hit
reactlon, the Stagger wlll grant you enough time to launch a charged
attack (Charged Entropy for example) or an Ability. The flnlshing
strike of the Staff combo chaln has a wider attack range and will
cause a Knockdown hit reaction. lf you have managed to knock all
nearby enemies to the ground, lt ls a good Idea to follow up wlth a
fully charged area attack or a tag and detonation sequence wlth the
Markof Flame. i- 3_j
lt ls posslble to turn 180o as you lead from one strike of the Staff
combo chaln to the next and the flnishlng strlke can be Instantly ; i;;nTi
cancelled Into an Abllity ln sltuatlons where you are between a
palr of llghtly armored enemles, a good strategy ls to attack them
alternately. Swltch dlrectlon on each strlke
of the combo chaln and once again as you
actlvate your Abllity after connecting the
flniShlng Strike. The result IS a 4-hit slde-tO-
slde sequence that wlll keep both enemles
from approachlng.
The Charged Entropy ls a wlde radlus attack Hold Attack (medium) Speclal 100o/a yes¥ Knockdown 5g6e;:rS, Normal
capable of striking a large number of targets
slmultaneOuSly ( I.This technlque Hold Attack (long) Speclal 120O/a Yes¥ Knockdown 7metres, 360o Normal
engulfs the ground in a large radlus wlth an I Wth ArcaneWeaponry I at Level 2 orabove.
Level 1 - Hold an attack Input down and you wlll begln a charglng sequence that sees your Level 3 - Keep your attack Input held
character levitate off the ground as the spell ls prepared ; _ To perform the qulckest, down through the charglng anlmatlon and
but least damaglng verslon of charged Entropy, release your att_ack input the very Instant a second even brlghter flash of llght will
the charging anlmatlon beglns.The Level 1 Charged Entropy wlll Stagger any enemles struck occur ,. F]elease attack at thls polnt to
within a 3-meter radlus. lt is possible to tag a Level 1 Charged Entropy onto the second hlt unleash the fully charged versIOn Of Charged
of the Staff combo chain Hold your attack Input down upon executlng the second hit of the Entropy, Like the Level 2, a Knockdown hlt
combo chaln to begln charging as soon as the attack animatlon has finished. Fielease your at- reaction and status effect wlll be applled to
tack lnputthe very instant the charglng anlmatlon beglns to cause another Stagger reaction your opponents. But unllke the Level 2, the
and a status effect afflictlon. attack radlus ls much larger. At seven me-
ters, this ls more than enough to lmmobillze
Level 2 -To actlvate the Level 2 version of Charged Entropy, keep your attack Input held a whole group of llghtly armored enemles.
down through the charglng anlmation untll you see a brlght flash of llght accompanied by
a sound effect I- -?_i Fieleaslng the attack Input on or dlrectly after thls flash of light wlll The Level 3 Charged Entropy is best
actlvate a Level 2 Charged Entropy.Thls wlll apply a Knockdown hlt reactlon and apply your used in conjunctlon wlth otherweapons,
weapon's status effect to all targets wlthln a five meter radlus. status effects, and techniques. A power-
ful comblnatlon would be to tag a group of
Since thls verslon of the Charged Entropy takes longer to charge, it ls not advlsable to use enemles wlth the Mark of Flame, perform a
lt when surrounded by enemles ln close quarters. An Ideal tlme to use thls technique would Staff combo chain to knock them all to the
be after applying a Knockdown state from another attack. For example, lf you connect the ground, and then charge and release a Level
full Staff combo chaln, you wlll have enough tlme to charge a Level 2 Charged Entropy 3 Charged Entropy. lf any targets survlve
before your target has a chance to act thls onslaught, detonate the Mark of Flame
to clean up any remalns.
Arcane Fury
Unlocked by
ArcaneWeaponry lil
The strength of the Chakrams ls thelr large attack range coupled
with a rapld striking rate. Even if you are surrounded by enemles
who are all launching attacks at different tlmes, the Chakrams can
easlly keep the entlre group from launchlng a slngle actlon Because
they are the only strlklng weapon that does no Plercing Damage,
you wlll need to take advantage of elemental weaknesses agalnst
heav"y armored enemles wlth them
Chakrams Combo Chain
Each hit of the Chakrams combo chain
Involves the weapons being thrown and CHAKRAMS COMBO CHAIN PROPERTIES
dealing damage along the entlre length of Attack Input ActionType Demege Hits Dot Hit FteactType JuggleType
thelrfllght path before returnlng wlth a boo-
merang actlon The strlklng dlstance of the 1 Press Attack Normal I.:'.:: :
No I nterrupt Normal
Chakrams is quite long - by far the longest 2 Press Attack Normal No Interrupt Normal
of all melee weapons.This aspect allows 3 Press Attack Normal No Stagger Normal
the skllled Chakrams userto deal Interrupt
4 Press Attack Speclal No Interrupt Normal
hit reactions to enemles preparlng to attack
4 2nd hlt Speclal Yes Knockdown Normal
while surroundlng the player character, as
well as dealing damage to multlple targets
at once from the outside of a group.
That's not all: the actlon of the Chakrams returnlng actually causes
their fllght path to move around and behlnd your character's
positlon.Thls means that in extreme sltuations where you have a
target approachlng from behlnd, you can use the finlshlng strlke
as a means to strlke the enemy behlnd you wlthout breaklng your
combo chain.
I-_T[.FFb I--I-=LH±Jffi]
finlshing strlke of the Chakrams combo chaln wlll miss all but the
Unlocked by Level
lnpllt ActionType Damage lids Dot HitFteect AreaofEffoct Juggle
Arcane \^/eaponry I 1
Type Type
HoldAttack (short) Speclal 8OO/a 2 Yes_ Interrupt 2 meters, 360o Normal
- a- --
Maelstrom has a very large attack range and wlll lnfllct the status
effect of your weapon upon all targets struck Chakrams Imbued with
the Freezing damage effect are absolutely devastating lf used to per-
form thls technique. Freezlng damage wlll slow all enemies caught in
the Maelstrom by 3OO/o for a set duratIOn. Furthermore, If yOu spend
polntS On the Frostshackle Abillty' any Freezing damage effect you In-
flict will have Its duratlon masslvely increased. Slowlng an entire mob
to a crawl ls entlrely possible wlth the Maelstrom alone.
Another great use of the Level 1 ls during those sltuatlons where you
have an addltlonal enemy sneaking up from behind as you strike a
target ln front of you. Begin charglng the Maelstrom upon executing
any Normal weapon strlke, then release the very Instant the charglng
anlmatlon beglns.Thls should keep your actlons seamless as you
qulckly Interrupt the approaching enemy
Level 2- Hold your attack Input through the charglng anlmatlon untll
a flash of llght occurs, release on or dlrectly after this llght to perform
a Level 2 Maelstrom I->=J :EulLThe Level 2 Maelstrom benefits from a
much larger attack radlus.Thls is a great technlque for use ln applylng
status effects to large numbers of targets at once.
Performing a Shield Parry with an lce elementTalisman
equipped Will Slow the movement Of all enemies Caught in the
parry shockwave by 30%, this wlll give you enough time tO
charge a Level 3 Maelstrom
Elemental Escape
The EIemental
Escape ls a means
to deliver a Stag-
ger hit reactlon and
move your character
backwards and away
from approachlng
enemies i+=f:?jThIS IS best uSedtOSet uPa Markof Flametagand
detonatlon sequence or an area attack such as the Maelstrom The
backwards leap wlll putjust enough distance between you and the
targets to enable you to execute such a follow-up ln safety.
-I----- a --._
When uslng the third strike of the combo
chaln, thlngs get a little blt trlckler.To acti-
vate the Elemental Escape after the third hlt
of the combo chaln, delayyour next attack
input until after your character has caught
the Chakrams - durlng the anlmation in
whlch he/she ls returnlng to neutral stance
Thls is quite a slgnlflcant delay' and due
to thls it ls advised to use the Elemental
Escape only afterthe first or second hlt of
the Chakrams combo chain.
Orbital Blades
The Sceptre ls the perfect choice as a Secondary weapon for a Sor-
cery class character. Shots flred by the Sceptre have the potential to
Inflict elemental status effects upon a target By swltching between
targets as you flre shots you wlll be able to apply DoTand status
effects qulckly and easllyto multlple targets from a dlstance,
-_ =- -
Normal Shot
Charged Shot
-_ - a -_-_` -+-
Warding Blast
The Sorcery AbllltyTree is comprlsed of both attack and defense
spells and a huge range of buffs to complement your play style. lf
you want to play an offensive style, whlch focuses on raw power,
concentrate on levellng the Mark of Flame, Storm Bolt, and Ice
Barrage attack spells first. lf you are finding yourself subject to high
damage on the battlefield, levellng the defensive abllitles such as
the Sphere of ProtectionwiII makethings easierforyou. ,'? ` ^xl
rtype - Passive
Additlonel Notes
Spending a singleAblllty Polnt on Arcane Please see Sorcery Weapons
Weaponry I wlll unlock charged Special section for detalls
attacks with the Staff and Chakrams and Damage over tlme based on the elemental
reduce the Mana cost of Sceptre shots from effect of the equipped weapon
6O/o to 5% total Mana.The Charged Entropy 5 Fate awarded for completlon of Charged
and Maelstrom techniques unlocked vla this Entropy or Maelstrom
Ability are a pair of huge area attacks per-
formed with elther the Staff or Chakrams. At
Level 2 these techniques will apply damage
over time based on the elemental properties
of the equlpped weapon and finally, at Level
3, bonus Fate ls awarded for the completlon
of elther technlque.
-- -e -
33llzlr)ic.I i,y - r?iilik:3(ii-; ¢S9u C;(m!i!c££ , SorceryWeal.ons
Sceptre Mastery
Staff Mastery
Staff Mastery wlll grant a damage boost to all Staff attacks each
tlme you spend an Ablllty Point on the technique.The most Im-
portant aspect of the Staff is Its abllity to bunch together crowds
of enemies ln preparatlon for a spell, the attackmg power of your
sequence ls purely down to the spells you cast. Due to this, lt ls
advISed that you dO not spend Abllity Points on Staff Mastery until
you have fully leveled your attack spells. As long as you have the
Mage'sVortex unlocked (vla Arcane Weaponry ll), you can deal wlth
any crowd situatlon with ease and apply huge damage wlth spells
such asthe Markof Flame,
Storm Bolt
This technique ls also great for finishlng off any remaining
targets after a Mark of Flame setup. Alternate between the
Storm Bolt and lee Barrage to clean up any mess left after a
Storm Bolt ls an Ablllty that proves useful regardless of your charac- Mark of FIame to gain extra Fate.
terclass. lnitlaIIy, thIS technique iS Simply meantto deal a fairamount
of llghtnlng damage againsta slngle targetwith a swlft bolt of energy
fri>r ) 3L Investment beyond Level 4, however, wlII brlng forth a
whole hew aspect, whlch wlll prove Invaluable agalnst the game,s
stronger opponents: the Storm Boltwlll gain the abllityto Stun an
enemy for upto fourseconds and deal addltlonal Shocking damage.
The Shocking damage aspect of the Storm Bolt causes equal parts
of damage to be infllcted upon the enemy over a brlef time perlod.
The Stun aspect causes anytargets caught in the Storm Bolt blast
radius to be rendered immoblle for up to four seconds or untll
struck.The exploslve nature of the Storm Bolt coupled wlth the Stun
aspect make thls technlque extremely useful against groups of en-
emies lt ls possible to Stun many opponents at the same time; for
a Might or Flnesse class characterthls makes dealing wlth crowds
of enemies much easier.The feature is also useful when faced with
multlple SuperArmored opponents. Stunning one of these enemies
wlll glve you a clear space to attack and break the SuperArmor of
the other.
ArcaneWeaponry ll
Chakram Mastery
The Chakrams are not as effective for deallng wlth crowds com-
pared to the Staff, so lf you've chosen Chakrams as your maln
weapon then lt is worth boosting thelr attack power early on to en-
able qulcker kills. Each Ablllty Polnt you spend on Chakram Mastery
will grant a physical damage boost to each and every Chakram
attack slacked with an overall damage boost of up to 30% when
fully leveled.
Sphere of Protection
.--- =- `J -
L|i=;Jill. 2 - Cizjas:,¢,..a fe2* a,rJrFeF!,:t¬ ,- SorceryWeapons
Mark of Flame
TIP Allow all four hits of the Mage's Vortex to connect when setting up a Mark of Flame,
The tag aspect of the Mark of Flame This will ensure that you are awarded any bonus Fate due for completing the Mage's
inflicts an Interrupt hit reaction. WIth VIortex,
lightly armored enemies lined up
ahead of your positIOn, repeatedly
tagging wlth the Mark of Flame will
keep these foes from attacking or SurpriseAttack! -The tagglng aspect of the Mark of Flame ls not affected ln any way by
approaching. the envlronment. ln otherwords you can tag and detonate enemles through solld barri-
ers. Let's say for example you are ln a situation where you know that an enemy is standing
behind a closed door.Yt)u can tag and detonate through the door and
kill the enemy before lt even knows you're there. Keep an eye on
your surroundmgs and take advantage of any solid barriers ln your
Conservative Casting
level through theTier 1 AbilitiesThis ls an Ablllty whICh IS Very use-
ful for all character classes, especlally if you are playlng the Flnesse
Conservative Castlng reduces the Mane cost requirement for all class Seriously conslder spendlng ten Ablllty Points in the Sorcery
spells, Fully levellng this technlque wlll reduce all Mane costs by AbllltyTree foryour Flnesse class character; put five on Storm Bolt
22%. lt isa good ideatofullylevelthlsAbllltyas soon as posslble and flve on Conservatlve Casting.
Spllt polnts between Conservatlve Castlng and Storm Bolt as you
--___ O - -
Spending 10 Points of Sorcery wlll also allow a Flnesse or
Mlght class character to equip certaln types of Sorcerer armor
which will automatICally recharge the Mane gauge.
50 120
60 120
65 120
Thls Abllity allows you to summon a single 70 120
FaerGorta toasslstyou ln battle l>LJ li.
75 120
The summoned Faer Gorta wlll draw enemy
attentlon away from you, whlch ls especlally 80 120
Upon executlon, the summoned Faer Gorta will remaln at your slde ln either case you st"I have the upper hand ln the sltuation, tag and
untII Its time limlt eXPIreS, Its HP IS depleted, you leave an area, detonate the Boggarts wlth the Mark of Flame to leave you free to
or if you manually deactlvate lt by executing the technlque agaln klII theThresh wlthOut risk Of lnterruPtIOn.When faced wlth multIPIe
Leveling thls technique wlll Increase both the attacking power and foes which rely on projectile attacks - a palr Of PrOjeCtlle splttlng
HP value of the summoned Faer Gorta, but ln general lt wlll always Leanshe for example -the Faer Gorta wlll keep one of them busy
have state comparable to Mlnlon tler enemles, based on the Space whlle you lmmoblllze the other wlth your attacks.
Level of the area you are ln
When wlthin slght of a mob, the Faer Gorta wlll automatlcally run
ahead of your posltion and attack.This wlll draw the attention of the
group and cause them to bunch together and surround the Faer
Gorta. Use this opportunity to tag all foes at once wlth the Mark of
Flame. Thls technlque ls especially useful against smaller targets
such as Sprltes, who are otherwlse dlfflcult to herd together.
Healing Surge
I- S -
#itapteer # - ¬!ass¢s & a;i`mfrex6 - SorceryWeapons
.. _ __
Chain Lightning
Ice Barrage
ln situations where you are facing a SIngle POWerful target,
connect the Ice Barrage at point blank range after evading an
attack, Connecting the barrage at point blank Will ensure that
all pro/ectlles fired meet their mark.
favors attacking power through spells, then
Type - Passive
the summoned Faer Gorta andTransference
Transference will siphon any damage dealt are an absolute must. At its hlghest level
byyour summoned Faer Gorta back toyour Transference has a massive 70O/o chance to
characterashealth , :-A.ThISAblllty slphon health from enemles; combine thls
completely does away wlth the need for with a decent stock of potions Grafted via
a heallng spell and makes managlng your Alchemy and health management durlng
character's health in battle a much easler battle wlll become a non-issue.
task. lf you have taken an upgrade path that
Sphere of Reprisal
-- 9- --
All the waythrough the game, the Markof Flame proves Itself agaln
and agaln to be the most reliable spell ln yourarsenal Asyou progress
though, you wlll notice that enemies are gradually able to wlthstand
thls damage to a greater degree Smoldertakes care ofthls problem
byawardlng a slgniflcant damage boostto the Mark of Flame (and any
other Burning damage) ln order to malntaln the effectiveness of the
Mark of Flameas you progress through the game lt ls highly recom-
mended that you fully level Smolder at the earliest opportunlty
Masterful Construction
I- ----- a -
Elemental Rage
Type - ltigg Level _Action Attack Damage Hits , Flange Mane HitReact Juggle
|iype No. Cost Type Typ.
1st attack = 90
ooldown - 6 seconds 3 7 Meters 55 Speclar Normal
Llghtnlng damage
2ndattack = 130
1 Ab"Itv 2 3 5 Meters 55 Launch Normal
Elemental Fiage ls an all-ln-one crowd- Flre damage
you, a Launcherwhich applies Flre and Burn- 3rdattack = 110 lee Knock-
1 6 Met:ers 65
lng damage, and a finishing strike which damage down
applles lee and Freezing damage. ;-: 1stattack = 120
3 7 Meters 65 Speciar Normal
Lghtnlng damage
The Elemental F(age ls best used ln situa-
Launch Normal
tlons where numerous lightly armored en-
emles are posltioned around your character, Knock-
Bandlts for example wlll often attempt to down
surround and overwhelm you with weapon
Speclal* Normal
strikes. ln thls sltuatlon the Elemental Fiage
will automatically drag all targets towards
Launch Normal
you before propelllng you out of the center
of the group. Additionally, due to the Freez- Knock-
lng damage applied by the flnishlng strlke of down
the technique, all enemles caught up in the
Elemental F\age will suffer a speed reduc- Speclar Normal
Speclar Normal
A Shield Parry IS a lifeSaVer When
Launch Out
tightly surrounded. Cancel the anima-
tion Of a Successful Shield Parry Knock-
straight Into the Elemental Rage to down
immoblllZe all nearby enemies before
Special* Normal
leaping tO Safety.
Launch Out
Type - ltiggered a Knockdown reaction to all targets wlthln Its huge blast radlus. lf
you happen to get hlt with a melee attack before the charge has
been completed, but after the initial flash, the charging actlon will
Cooldown -3.5 Se
get Interrupted and all of the current that has been stored up to that
point wlll be released
Tempest is an absolutely huge area attack, whlch deals a great deal
of lightningand Shocklng damage ->- , Toexecute thlstech- The charglng anlmatlon of theTempest ls qulte long and you Wlll be
nique, hold down your storm Bolt activatlan Input untll your charac- totally open to attack for its duratlon. To get around this, theTempest
ter enters a new charging anlmatlon. Once charging ls complete, a should be employed at the start of battle before a mob has a chance
huge llghtnlng spell will be deployed, which will damage and cause to ready Itself, or as a flnlshlng strike after a Mark of Flame tag and
-- C ----.
detonatlon sequence After tagglng and
detonatlng a group of enemies, Immedi-
ately execute theTempest. lt wlll execute Flange IVIana Cost Hit Flea
Let's say for example that you are faced 12 Meters 145 Knockdown
wlth a group of Bandlts and they have not
yet readied themselves for battle, Tag and 12 Meters 155 Knockdown
detonate the whole group at once wlth the
Mark of Flame and Bllnk directly ahead as 12 Meters 165 Knockdown
soon as the blast executes to keep yourself
in range. Performlng theTempest directly
12 Meters 175 Knockdown
after your Blink w"I have it execute before
the group has a chance to take any actlon.
12 Meters 175 Knockdown
Type - Passive
i Thype - Triggered
Cooldown - 25 secon
-- e ----
mobwlth a singleshot! As long asyou have
a target selected, the Meteorwlll auto-
matlcally home ln on thelr locatlon, but if no
target is selected, it wlll land approximately
15 meters ln front of you.
40 lee damage
1 hltper
Ablllty 10 Freezlng damage over 3 seconds, 15 seconds 220 None
Winter,s Embrace 35 PIerClng damage
Type - Triggered
The most useful aspect of theWinter's Embrace Abllity ls the Freezlng damage. Slowlng the
Cooldown - 2.5 Seconds
movement of enemies makes lt much easler to manage larger groups.This technlque should
be launched at the start of battle, ldeally alongslde the summoned Faer Gorta that wlll
Once you have unlocked Winter/s Embrace/ draw enemy attention. From here you wlll have a much easlerjob of bunching the enemies
holdlng down your lee Barrage input wlll together for a Mark of Flame sequence or ln preparatlon for a large area attack.
trlgger a new charging anlmation - once
charging ls complete a large vortex of Icy An extremely effectlve attack sequence agalnst large groups of lightly armored enemies ls to
projectlleswill be launched ,-. :_ ._ The ice launch the\^/inter's Embrace and summon the Faer Gorta before engaglng the mob. Allow
vortex wlll automatically track enemles while the Freezing damage to take effect as the Faer Gorta storms the group. From here use the
applylng lee, Freezlng' and Piercing damage Mage'sVortex to bunch all enemles together before tagging them wlth the Mark of Flame
to all targets wlthln Its radlus. (no detonatlon yet). Next, launch the Elemental Fiage or Meteorto deal heavy damage to the
whole group before detonatlng the Mark of Flame to clean up any remains
The flnal hit of the combo chaln wlll applya Knockdown to all targets
ln range, leaving you wlth enough time to charge and execute the
Wlnter's Embrace. lf no enemy ls targeted, Wlnter's Embrace will
travel forward away from you, so if you see enemles in the distance,
or expect an ambush, you can cast lt ahead of tlme and let it lnltlate
the battle for you.
-- - C -rr
This section covers the four combinations of Destinies that increase the diversity of
your character,s combat potential. Hybrids allow you to mix and match your favourite
abilities from the primary Destinies to form your ultimate combat build.
On activation, powerful ice, lightning and fire Projectiles will burst forth from the
corpse of a defeated enemy and home ln on any other enemies in the vicinity. lf the
projectiles collide With the floor Or Walls, they unfortunately dOn't Pass through but
disappear. When hitting, they Will inflict the status effect that corresponds to their
type, meaning you can potentially inflict three status effects on an enemy at once as
well as damaging it.
You may be better served keeping a different Might or Sorcery specific Destiny
equipped when you are dealing with small groups or boss type enemies. You can
then switch to the Champion Destiny when facing larger groups of weaker enemies,
increasing the likellhOOd Of a HarmonIC Overload activatlon.
Recommended Weapons
By raislng the relevant Abilitles for Mlght and Sorcery, you'll become proflcient in the use of
Longswords, Hammers, Greatswords, Chakrams, Staves and Sceptres. Of these, the best
combinatlon, and arguably the best comblnatlon of weapon types in the game, is the Ham-
mer and Chakrams combo.
The Hammer weapon type offers the best damage output per second of any weapon, the
weaknesses being their terrible range and speed. This is rectifled with your secondary
weapon, the Chakrams, They have excellent range, above average speed and the best crowd
control attacks ln the game. By first opening up with an attack ortwo wlth the Hammer,
and then cancellng into the Chakrams, you can be sure that you Inflict maximum damage
and can interrupt and reach all opponents. Uslng Sceptres can also work well with elther
the Greatsword or Hammer, but Chakrams work better overall. The Longsword and Staff
are good overall weapons, and work well with all otherweapon types.
Summoning a Faer Gorta wlthTransference will make you even more of a tank, and will keep
your health lopped up while you wade in with Relentless Assault The increased ablllty to
stun your enemles thanks to theAftershockAblllty will buy you more tlme to heal and cast
offenslve spells. Upgrade your Sphere of Protectlon and keep lt actlve whlle using Relent-
less Assault to mitigate its effects. Upgrade your Storm Bolt and its related Abllltles to In-
crease the likelihood of stunning enemies, and then use Hammers and Concusslve Force to
deal shattering blows to them.
-- ---- e I- -
Fat 'l a:luQ.I ±J, ilJ,i.i,I I &l`'\l f
Once it has been activated, you'll do an extra 15% Physical Damage, as well as getting
gold. with every strike you land during the five-Second buff, yOU'll get 20% of the
damage as a gold drop. Overall, you'll pull in the most money with Weapons that Strike
a multitude of times rather than slower, more powerful weapons. Daggers and Fae
Blades will yield the biggest gold hauls You'll also have a +1% chance to steal Health
The best way to take advantage of this is to use a weapon that can knockdown quickly
as your primary Weapon, and haVIng Daggers or Fee Blades as your secondary weap-
ons to maximize damage and gold drops. Using a Longsword ln the Primary Slot iS a
good option, as its charged attack can knockdown an enemy very quickly.
-- -e ---_-
Hyblid Destinies
" - u .,I i _ _ _` i _ I . .i
This is the slgn that theyare PaniCked.They won't be in this state for long, and the
speed at which they run around can make them hard to hit, but once you do, the first
hit you land iS guaranteed tO be a Critical One When wleldlng a weapon that already
has built ln buffs tO Critical hit damage, this Can be absolutely devastating.
Recommended Weapons
Finesse and Sorcery weapons excel at long range, so at least one of your weapons should
naturally be Chakrams, Sceptres or Longbows. Longbows in particular become incredlbly
powerful when the rlght Finesse Ab"ities are ralsed, and once you have Arrow Storm, they
should be your weapon of choice.
To accompany them, you have to decide whetheryou want speed or power Staves can offer
you great elemental damage, status effects and good range, but are slow and take a whlle
to recover from speclal attacks. Daggers and Fee Blades hit a multitude of tlmes but lack raw
damage. However, the Chakrams can cover both range and elemental damage, allowing you
to keep Daggers on hand for close range encounters and stealth kills.
Level up the Conservative Castlng Abillty as early as posslble, to help stave the costs of all
your otherAbllltles. FrostTrap can dothejob of slowlng down your enemles, so you should
conslder not Investing ln lee Barrage and Instead concentratlng on Mark of Flame and other
Abilities early on. Use Summon Faer Gorta often, and support your summoned ally from long
range with the Arrow Storm and Scatter Shot attacks.
Once you have, Gambit ls your most powerful tool. Fire off a charged Gamblt amidst a group
of enemies, and then use Elemental Fiage to draw them ln, trlggering the mlnes as they pass
throughthem f->
(y L) a lL,g\uh~( ___., I-®~ || I,I _v .'
Since you will be spreading your points OVer three diSCIPIIneS, lt IS Unlikely you Will be
able to spend enough polntS ln any One diSCIPIIne tO galn access tO the Dodge and
Parry speclal attacks of each disclpllne, SO this Unique AbIIity ls useful for this alone.
- a - --
We have covered the basic defensive
strategies already in the Combat chapter,
but here we will explore an additional set
of tricks the skilled player can use to gain
the upper hand in battle.
The basic combo chains the game provides you with for each
weapon are great, but to really be effective in battle you will
need to mix between the various actions and Special attacks
in order to extend the number of hits in your attack sequences
and keep enemies locked in hit reactions for longer. Here we
will build from the most basic combo extensions right up to
highly complex sequences, which require expert timing and full
knowledge of the Action Hierarchy system.
I- . -a --I-
Weapon Link Extensions
The best combos ln the game all stem from the abllity to link the Normal actions of one
weapon into the Special actions of another. Any command Special will Interrupt the Normal
actlons of any weapon seamlessly. Here are some examples of this system:
Primary Weapon: Longsword extend the combo further with an alrjuggle PrimaryWeapon: Staff
SecondaryWeapon: Greatsword Perform two hltS Of the Hammer combo SecondaryWeapon: Sceptre
Perform three hits of the Longsword combo chain, and then cancel the second hlt as The SceptreWardlng Blast wlll llnk beautl-
chaln then Cancel the third hit as soon as lt soon as it connects into two hits of the fully onto the second hlt of the Staff combo
connects into the Greatsword GulllOtine for Phantom Edge. Leave an Input delay after chain.The second hit of the Staff combo
a powerful finish ora greatwayto extend an the second hit of the Phantom Edge to then causes a Stagger hlt reactlon. lf you cancel
alr juggle. Launch the opponent wlth the Upheaval. thls attack on hit Into the charging anlma-
From here you are free to contlnue the tlon of theWardlng Blast you can qulckly
Primary Weapon: Longsword sequence wlth Longsword combo strikes Launch the opponent before lt has a chance
SecondaryWeapon: Hammer to react.ThIS iS a fantastic combo tO use
Perform three hlts of the Longsword combo Primary Weapon: Greatsword lfyou are playing a Mage type character/
chaln, and then cancel the third hlt as soon Secondary Weapon: Hammer and perfectly compllments the Mage's
as it connects Into the Splne Bender.Thls The third hit of the Greatsword combo chain Vortex crowd-control setup. lf you flrst tag
wlll extend your Longsword led ground is an excellent Launcher, but make sure yourtargets with the Mark of Flame then
based sequence from four hlts to slx you take notethat Ills classed ass Normal perform two hltS Of the Staff combo chain
actIOn! This means that you can instantly llnking Into theWarding Blast, you can then
PrimaryWeapon: Hammer cancel Into any command Speclal the Instant detonate all Launched targets as they fly
SecondaryWeapon: Longsword the Launcher hlts, Agreat practlcal use for through the alrl r-+- ' *j
lf you cancel the second hit of the Hammer this behavior is to cancel the Launcher on hit
combo chaln Into the Longsword Phantom Into the Hammer's Spine Bender sequence Primary Weapon: Greatsword
Edge, you will Increase the number of hlts for a powerful airjuggle which can easlly IInk SecondaryWeapon: Staff
on the ground and open up the possibllity to lntOAbllityaCtIOnS.i?i § A spellsword type character can perform
three hits of the Greatsword combo chaln,
then cancel the Launcher property's thlrd
hit Into the Mage'sVortex the very Instant
itconnects.ThISiS a meanStOadda huge
amount of helght to aTarget, perfectly set-
tlngthem upforan alrjuggle combo.
PrimaryWeapon: Longsword
SecondaryWeapon: Sceptre
The thlrd hlt Of the Longsword combo chaln
lnfllcts a Stagger hit reaction Thls glves
you enough tlme to connect the command
Speclal actlon of any other weapon before
the enemy can react, even for slower
techniques like the Warding Blast. Cancel
the thlrd hit of the Longsword combo chaln
into a fully charged Wardlng blast to perform
a five-hit sequence, whICh WIII Launch the
enemy mto the alr lf you then cancel the
second hlt of theWarding Blast straight into
an Abillty actlon such as the Harpoon you
wlll be able to extend the alrjuggle combo
wlth addmOnaI Longsword strlkeS.
PrimaryWeapon: Greatsword
Secondary Weapon: Sceptre
A speIIsword or jack-of-all-trades type char-
acter can Instantly connect an unCharged
Sceptre Wardmg Blast directly after connect-
Ing the thlrd hit (Launcher) of the Greatsword
combo chaln.TheWardlng Blast glves the
target an upward boost, whlch can then be
llnked into an Ablllty action to extend the
combo We wlII explore thIS combo in full
in the Alr Juggles sectlon of thls chapter.
- --I C -i.-- --
Once you are accustomed to the way you can mix attack sequences to extend your com-
bos against ground based targets, you can then begin to explore the combo possibilities
presented once you,ve connected a Launcher property attack. Here we will explore a
variety of air juggle combos by shifting between various weapons and Abilities.
_--.-- -e I_--
Ability Linkers
Ablllty Llnkers are rapldly executmg Ablllty
actlons, whlch let you cancel any Normal
or Special actlon wlth minimal delay The
two most notable Ablllty actlons for thls
purpose are the Harpoon and the flrst hit of
the Shadow Flare.These actlons not only
enable you to cancel your current actlon
and nearly instantly lead Into another, they
also provide an upward boost to anytarget
within an alrluggle state. Let's look at some
basic examples of how thls works, uslng
both ground based and airjuggle examples beglnS tO execute the Greatsword Whlrl- the move connects allowlng you to perform
ifiI- ill wlnd. lfyou are neara cornerorawall/ an alrluggle Perform the Normal actlons
which wlll prevent the enemy from flylng of the Fee Blades combo chaln leading Into
backwards, cancel the Whirlwind on the theTalon Strikes. Cancel theTalon Strikes as
third hlt Into the Quake or other such Ablllty soon as it connects Into the Shadow FIare,
action. juggle the opponent wlth five hltS Of the
Dagger combo chaln before flnlshlng the
PrimaryWeapon: Greatsword sequence wlth an Ablllty actlon
SecondaryWeapon: Hammer
Perform three hits of the Greatsword combo Fae Blades Infinite
chain, cancel into the Gulllotine as soon as lf you move a target over to a corner wlth
the Launcher connects, then Immediately the Fee Blades combo chaln lt ls posslble to
Weapon:All Melee weapons cancel the first hit of the GuIIIotlne into perform an lnflnlte alrjuggle lf you use the
While using any of the melee weapons, the Shadow Flare lmmedlately charge and Shadow FIare as a llnker. Launch an enemy
you can cancel the last Normal action of a release the Mlnotaur Rush to juggle and llnk in the corner wlth theTalon Strikes and
combo chain into the Harpoon or Shadow straight Into the Harpoon. Hold your Prlmary lmmedlately cancel Into the Shadow Flare
Flare, then Instantly repeat the combo chaln attack Input down durlng the Harpoon and From here if you loop the firsttwo inputs
or any other actlon.This is especially useful release to execute theWhlrlwlnd. lf you are of the Fee BIades combo chaln mtO the
for a Finesse based character.The Daggers near a wall, whlch wlll stop the backward Shadow Flare you can keep the enemy ln
and Fee Blades strlke a large number of motlon of your target, you can then cancel the airuntil ltdies.
tlmes as they move a target a great dlstance the thlrd hlt Of theWhlrlWind Into an AbIIIty
across the battle area Seamlessly cancelllng action. PrimaryWeapon: Fae Blades
and repeating these combo chalnS Will allow SecondaryWeapon: Longbow
you to retaln forward momentum, WhICh W"I Primary Weapon: Longsword Afteryou've Launched an enemy for an alr
keep you away from tralling enemies. Secondary Weapon: Fae Blades juggle you can connect a rapid volley of
Here we wlll use multIPIe llnkers to transl- arrows to keep the target held ln the alr, but
Primary Weapon: Longsword tlon qulckly between Special and Ablllty ac- each shot fired wlll move the enemy farther
SecondaryWeapon: Hammer tions. Perform three hlts of the Longsword away from you. lf you begln your combo so
Hold down your attack Input after Launching combo chaln, two hlts of the Phantom Edge that a wall wlll stop the target's backward
an enemy wlth the Upheaval, release the then Launch wlth the Upheaval. Cancel the motIOn When you Start firlng arrows, you
attack input the very Instant the Charglng Upheaval wlth the first hlt Of the Shadow can then use the arrows to extend your alr
animatlon for the Comet Strike beglns.The Flare as soon as lt connects, hold your Pri- juggles.Wlth a wall nearby' perform the
Comet Strike will connect agalnst the air- mary attack Input durlng the Shadow Flare/ Fas Blades combo chaln leadmg Into the
borne enemy, then Immediately execute the then release to execute a single-hit Comet Talon Strikes. Cancel theTalon Strikes into
Harpoon as a linker. Hold and release your Strike. Cancel the Comet Strike on hit into the Shadow Flare then fire three arrows.
Secondary attack Input durlng the Harpoon the Harpoon; hold your secondary attack Harpoon the enemy when the thlrd arrow
to execute a Level 1 Minotaur Flush. Let input durlng the Harpoon and release to connects and link straight into theTwlsted
the single-hlt Mlnotaur Rush connect and execute the Fee BIadesTwisted CIaw This Claw, and then cancel theTwisted Claw on
execute the Quake to juggle the enemy. will juggle the enemy forthree hlts. Flnally the thlrd hit into the Shadow Flare.
cancel theTwisted claw animation on the
PrimaryWeapon: Longsword thlrd hlt Into a complete Shadow Flare. Primary Weapon: Greatsword
SecondaryWeapon: Greatsword SecondaryWeapon: Sceptre
Perform an extended ground combo wlth PrimaryWeapon: Greatsword A Mlght/Sorcery hybrld character wlll greatly
the Longsword combo chain and Phantom SecondaryWeapon: Fae Blades beneflt from an Ablllty point spent on the
Edge leadmg lntoan Upheaval. Execute a Now we wlll use an Ab"Itv lmker to connect Harpoon and Shadow Flare. Comblnlng the
Comet Strike dlrectly after the Upheaval both weapons' Charged Speclal attacks, Might and Sorcery class weapons leads to
then cancel lntothe Harpoon on hltwh"e Perform three hltS Of the Greatsword combo some great combo potential, especlally lf
holdlng your Secondary attack Input F]e- chaln, hold your Primary attack input down you use the AbIIlty linkers. Perform three
lease the Input as soon asthe charglng upon executing the thlrd hlt and release to hits of the Greatsword combo chain, and
anlmation begins to execute the Greatsword execute the Whirlwind. Cancel the Whirl- then cancel thethird hitassoon as ltcon-
\^/hirlwind, Then cancel into the Quake on wind on the thlrd hlt into the Harpoon then nects Into theWardlng Blast Cancel the
the third hit. hold and release your Secondary attack Warding Blast Into the Shadow Flare, flre a
Input tO execute theTwisted Claw Finally, slngle Sceptre shot to juggle the target then
PrimaryWeapon: Greatsword cancel theTwisted Claw on the thlrd hit Into immedlately execute the Harpoon. Hold
Secondary Weapon: Hammer the complete Shadow Flare to flnlsh. your Pnmary attack Input durlng the Har-
Perform three hits of the Greatsword combo poon and release to execute the \^/hirlwlnd.
chain; cancel the third hit as soon as it PrimaryWeapon: Fae Blades Finally cancel theWhlrlwind into the lee
Launches Into the Hammer Splne Bender. SecondaryWeapon: Daggers Barrage to flnlsh off the sequence.
Connect two hits of the Splne Bender to The Fee BladesTalon Strlkes are highly inef-
juggle, then llnk straight Into the Harpoon as fectlve ln combos due to the large amount
soon as the second hit connects. Hold your of delay frames applied to the move after it
Primary attack input durlng the Harpoon and connects. By uslng an Ablllty llnkeryou can
release as soon as the charglng animation cancel these delay frames the very Instant
- e --
Advanced Techniques
Now that we,ve covered examples of how the game,S combo mechanics WOrk, We
will move on to some additional game mechanics, which will massively increase the
combo potential and damage of your attack sequences.
Another AbIIIty, Which greatly boosts combo POtentlal, IS Celerity
of the MIght AblIItyTree.ThIS Ability wlll Increase your overall attack
speed by 15% whlle Battle Frenzy ls actlve The speed Increase
makes a masslve dlfference to alrjuggle combos. As there ls less
delay between each strlke you perform, the target will be held ln the
alrfor a greater duration. Here are a few examples of the difference
Celerity makes when strmglng actions together.
u miELim BEBiiii aR
Each entry in the Opponents Chapter will present an individual enemy with a break-
down of its attacl(s and skills accompanied with a data table for quick reference.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the terms used:
At the start of each enemy entry you will notice aTier categoriza-
tIOn The enemy tler denotes the combat difficulty a player will face
against that partlcular enemy, a complete listlng of enemy tlers ls as
These are the weakest of enemles, wlll usually die in a slngle hit.
Underllngs require only a small amount of damage to klll, a slngle
Abillty actlon or combo ls enough to see them off.
Average dlfflculty enemy.Thls enemy type has the means to defend
Itself and can be quite troublesome in groups.
Captalns are partlcularly difficult enemies that requlre very exacting
strategies in order to defeat.
These are very difficult enemles who possess lncredlble attack
power and a wlde range of attack and defenslve capabilitles.
The absolute cream of the crop' these are the toughest enemies in
the game.
Hit Points
This field llsts the base amount of health a particular enemy pos-
sesses.This value Increases as the level of the enemy Increases/
meaning they wlll need to suffer largeramounts of damage as you
progress through the game.
Super Armor
The SuperArmor value speclfieS the amount Of an enemy'S HP
that acts as a near Impervious barrlertO attacks. During an enemy's
SuperArmor phase lt wlll have far hlgher defensive CaPabilltleS
than normal and not react in any way to elther physlcal or magical
This identlfies a partlcular enemy's weakness to elemental or status
effects applled by Certaln Weapons Or Ability actIOnS Attacklng Wlth
such actlons wlll dO SigmflCantly more harm
Certaln enemies are also Immune to certaln types of elemental
damage or status effects, Attacking wlth lee elemental attacks
agalnst an enemy immune to lee, for example, wlll see the damage
of that attack belng drastlcally reduced and the Freezlng DoT and
associated speed penalty nulllfied
t ( i A,:i), ¬=liiitL=; -- Enemy DataTables
Juggle (Yes/No) denotes the behavIOr Of an enemy On the receiving
end of a Launcher attack. Enemles that can be juggled wlll be blast-
ed into the alr upon belng struck wlth a Launcher attack, allowing
you to follow-up with an alrjuggle combo. EnemleS that Cannot be
juggled wlll ignore the Launcher properties of the strike and remaln
on the ground. Damage wlll stlll be lnfllcted but the enemy wlll only
dlsplay an Interrupt hit reactlon,
Enemies in Super Armor state cannot be Launched until the
Super Armor is broken.
Enemies that can be Fateshlfted will permlt you to actlvate the
special death anlmatlon sequence in Reckonlng mode agalnst
them Pay close attentlon to whlch enemles can be Fateshlfted and
which cannot. Entering Fieckonlng mode and reduCIng the health Of
enemies whICh Cannot be Fateshlfted W"I Cause them tO SImPIy dle
and you will mlss out on the XP boostlng aspect of a Fateshlft klll.
Damage Modifier
The Damage Modlfier shows you the percentage of an enemy's
Base DamageValue that each attack wlll do lf you are hlt by lt.
Because the Base Damage values rlse as enemies increase in level,
the actual damage done by the attack wlll Increase slgniflcantly as
you come across hlgher level verslons of each enemy
The most basic player hlt reaCtIOn SImPIy interrupts your current
actlon as incoming damage ls lnfllcted
Stagger wlll leave you momentarlly unable to act and wlll leave you
completely open to follow-up attacks
Knockback IS a Similar reaction to Stagger, but causes your character
to be shifted backwards by the force of the attack.
Knockdown ls the longest of the player hlt reactlons and wlll leave
you unable to act untll your Character IS back On his/her feet. Durlng
thls tlme you wlll be completely open to attack so be ready to use
potions to restore your health.
Guard Crush take note of the exact timings requlred for Shleld Parrles and evades
Attemptlng to block or Shleld Parry a partlcular!y powerful attack wlll as you chip away atthe target's armor. Once you have depleted
repel your shleld and leave you in a Stagger-llke state. During thls enough of an enemy,s HP to break through Its SuperArmor (slgnl-
tlme you are completely open to addltlonal attacks Be sure to take fled by your ablllty to start applying Hlt F]eactlons), your attacks will
note of which attacks can be blocked and whlch can be parrled. unfurl thelr true damage potentlal agalnst the target, keeplng up a
rapld sequence of strlkes at thls polnt wlll lock that target ln hit reac-
Super Armor tIOnS untll Its armor regenerates.
A certaln portion Of an enemy'S health may be asslgned aS Super
Armor. SuperArmor IS an lnCredlbly strong barrier against both The key to deaIIng with SuperArmored enemleS IS uSIng the exact
physICal and magical damage, whICh completely nullifies all hit moment between Its attacks to deal damage safely, and then deal-
reactlons assoclated wlth player attacks. Durlng an enemy's Super ing as much damage as posslble durlng thls short space of time
Armor state, as no hit reactions are applled, lt ls imposslble to lock when the armor is deactlvated You only have 6 seconds to Inflict
that enemy down wlth hlt reactlons and keep lt from strlklng back; as much damage as possible when an enemy's SuperArmor is
Super Armored enemles can strlke stralght through your attacks and destroyed before lt regenerates. ln all cases we wlll advlse the best
Interrupt your sequence. Durlng thls phase lt ls lmperatlve that you course of action in this situation.
The Shleld Parry blast effect ignores Certaln physlcal or maglc attacks have the abilityto lnfllct damage overtlme to a target.
Super Armor. Even against the most These effects will strip away a target's health ln equal chunks over thelr duratlOn, and ln
heavily armored opponents, the Shield some cases cause a status allment which Impedes attack or defensive capabllltles
Parry can be used to interrupt thelr
actions, Buming
Fire ls the strongest of all elemental attacks and has the ablllty to lnfllct Burnlng damage to a
target Burning status also comes with the added bonus of a small chance to cause targets
to go into a state of blind Panlc LLl:-: #1.ThIS PanIC effect WIII cause a target to stop attacklng
and run around almlessly' while the flames engulf Its body. Stnking a target durmg a Panlc
state wlll snap that target back to its senses. Burnlng and the resultlng Panic state are very
helpful in sltuatlons where you are faclng a large group of enemies A Sorcerer can use a
FIre element Sceptre orthe Mark of Flame AbiIIty tO lnfllCt thlS Status quICkly across many
targets at Once.
Freezlng damage will slow the movement speed of a target by 300/o The most notable
player Ab"itleS trlggerlng thIS Status effect are the Frostll.ap of the Flnesse class and the
lee Barrage or lee BIInk Of the Sorcery class.The Freezing effect IS inCredlbly useful agalnSt
Attack Weight groups of enemles, slowing the movement speed of enemles drastically reduces the fre-
The AttackWelght system ls a behlnd-the- quency of attacks and makes keeplng up wlth the player character's movements far more
scenes game mechanlsm, deslgned to dlfflCult rap9rj #. Applying this status to many targets ln succession with an Ice Sceptre, or
ensure that not all on-screen enemles attack lee Bllnklng through multlple targets ls a great way for a Sorcererto slow down a group of
the player at the same tlme. Each enemy approachlng enemles
attack has an AttackWelght Value asslgned,
whlch is based on the damage the attack in-
flicts and the dlffiCulty lt poses tO the player
ln combat.The maximum welght value
permltted ln battle is determlned by the
dlfflculty settlng of the game Let's say for
example that you are faced wlth aTroll and
a group of Boggarts. A powerful attack such
as theTrolI's Overhead Smash has an Attack
Welght value of 7, while a weaker attack
such as the Boggart's Swlpe has an Attack
Welghtof 5. ln Normal modea maximum
AttackWelght of 10 ls applied, so lf theTtoll
attacks wlth its Overhead Smash no Bog-
garts wlll be allowed to execute an attack
untll theTroll completes hls -the maxlmum
weight value can never be exceeded.
Llkewlse, lf two Boggarts execute thelr
Swlpe and apply a total AttackWelght of 10,
theTroII w"I not be allowed to execute his
Overhead Smash until both Boggarts flnlsh
their attacks lfyou then ramp the game's
dlfflculty up to Hard, the maxlmum Attack
Welght value wlll Increase to 14. So m battle
lt wlll be possible for smaller enemles to
attack at the same tlme as a larger one.Yt)u
can, for example, have aTroll execute hls
Overhead Smash while a Boggart executes
the Swipe.
-.-i- a- ---- I
Shocking damage is another status effect, whlch works wonders
agalnSt large groups of enemles The sparks thatflicker around a
target's body wh"e Shocklng damage ls actlve have chance to propa-
gate to anothertargetwlthln a range Of 6 meters i.NI,. `, ,!i When
the sparks cross overto anothertarget they have a 33o/o chance
to inflICt an Interrupt hlt reaCtIOn and a 17O/o chance to Stagger the
target.What thls means tactically ls that applylng Shocklng damage
across manytargets at once wlll randomly cause theiractlons to be
canceled When faclng a large mob of weapon wlelders, or enemies
that overwhelm with frequent attacks (like Sprltes), Shocklng dam-
age wlll make crowd-control easler and reduce the chances of your
actIOnS being interrupted
I ___ __
A "blended" hit reaCtIOn Will Cause the target tO fllnCh, but Will
not Interrupt Its current aCtIOn.
Poison status wlll reduce the damage output, or ln other words, the
attack powerofa target by33% i ,, ':+ Agalnst proleCtIIeflnng
enemles llke humanold spellcasters or Sprltes this status effect is
an extremely valuable tool in battle Flnesse class characters are
most proflclent at lnfllctlng thls status allment, because the Long-
bow makes lt posslble to infllct Poslon status upon many targets ln
successlon, or even slmultaneously via the Scattershot. \^/hen faced
wlth maglc users or projectlle flrlng enemies IIke SprlteS, it lS a good
idea to first weaken them with PoISOn before going in for the klII.
Bleeding damage wlll Increase the damage a target suffers from
weapon or magical attacks by 33%.This status effect is vISually
expressed by a spurting blood effect, whlch wlll engulf the target for
the duration oftheeffect+, :sj ThIS OfCOurSeWOrkS both Ways:
the player can Inflict Bleedlng damage upon enemles vla Abllltles
and enchanted weapons, whlle certaln enemy attacks wlll apply
thls status upon the player Bleedlng damage is especially effectlve
agalnst enemles wlth SuperArmor.The Shadow Flare ls the most
notable player technique causlng thls effect Be sure to apply Bleed-
lng damage frequently to Increase the power of your weapon strlkes
and to break down thls defenslve layer qulckly.
----- C ----
i':ii-±?)lee? * - F-"t=iEiy fllliL;(-3. Fodder andWildlite
Standing too close to the head of an Aurochs wlll result ln lmpale-
ment, courtesy of the creature's sharp horns.There is barely a
slgnpost or wlnd-up animatlon precedlng thls strlke, when attacklng
an Aurochs - stay away from Its horns!
Mule Kick
When attemptlng to defend Itself an Aurochs will try Its best to face
away from Its attacker, in orderto deal damage with its powerful
hlnd legs Llsten closely forthe quiet growl the Aurochs wlll sound
just before lt strlkes, press Guard directly afterthls audlo cue to
perform a Shield Parry. ]-v>: i E!t
These creatures really aren't bullt for fightlng They'll try to defend creature side on, away from Its horns and out of reach of Its hlnd
themselves with thelr llmlted ab"itv, but will easily fall lf you keep legs. Flnesse and Sorcery characters should use ranged attacks to
up a solld barrage of attacks. Might characters should attack the deal damage wh"e staying out of the creature's reach
There are a lot of hostile factions and bandit groups through attempt to pick you off from a distance with a Longbow. lt is
Amalur, so coming across these enemies will be a very regular this diversity that makes each encounter with them unpredict-
occurrence. Amongst these enemies you will find those that able and a challenge. Learning how to best counter each type
excel at fighting up close with Fae BIades, and those that will - both singly and as a group -will be an essential skill.
SwordsmanJt i ( SpearVIffelder* Daggerwjetder* Blader* A
Encounter Level Range Level 0 to 45 Level 0 to 45 Level 0 to 45 Level 0 to 45 Level 0 tc) 45 Level 0 to 45
JIIgale Yes Yes Yes Vies
-` = '--.
L1//,-,u?t\ 3 - g-Fie"?\, i?tLclL - HumanoidWeaponWielders
Overhead Slash lf you take damage from the first hit, hold Guard to block the second hlt then Immediately
As soon as an enemy Swordsman man- release the input after blocking. lf you then press Guard agaln just before the thlrd hlt con-
ages to get ln close he wlll attack uslng an nects, you will perform a Shield Parry and Stagger the opponent.
Overhead Slash or a 3-hit sword combo. The
Overhead slash is preceded by a leaping Comet SIash
anlmatlon, press Guard at the apex of this From middle dlstance a high level Swordsman will begln charglng the Comet Slash technique,
leap to perform a Shleld Parry or simply the same Abillty Might class characters unlock through the BrutalWeaponry I Abillty , -
hold the input to block. Evadlng becomes When charglng is complete, the Swordsman wlll charge towards the player character and de-
a good option when you unlock the Speclal liver a qulck stab, which wlll cause a Stagger, Immediately leading into a radlal slash, whlch
attacks from evade for your character class. causes a Knockdown.Thls technique is employed by boss level enemles who wlll most
Performlng Normal actlons for as long as deflnitely have SuperArmor, so interrupting the Comet Slash is not an option. Instead you
possible before evadlng an Incoming strlke w"I have to evade, block or parry the strlke Llsten closely to the sound whlch accompanles
is a good wayto lead into an attack against the charging animation, the "ching!" sound that chimes as the technlque executes gives the
another target and manage crowds of exacttiming needed to Shleld Parry and interrupt the technique. As thls sound is absolutely
enemies. linked to the attack commencing, lt can be used as a means to track thIS technique, even lf it
is executed from off-screen.
3-hit Combo
The 3-hit sword combo wlll only be per-
formed when a Swordsman is in close prox-
imity to the player character. Each hit of the
3-hit Combo can be deflected with a Shield
Parry or slmply blocked, beware however
that blocking wlth aTalisman wlll not be ef-
fective at negatlng the damage from attacks
llke these. lt is posslble to ralse your shleld
and block after taking damage from the flrst
or second hit of the combo, then perform
a Shield Parry after blocking. For example/
I nterrupt 6
I nterrupt N/A
Knockdown N/A
Stagger 5
Knockdown N/A
Leaping Slash
As soon as a Gnome Swordsman manages
to get close to the player character he will
attack using the same Overhead Slash cov-
ered previously, and an additional Leaplng
Slash The Leaplng Slash technlque sees a
gnome leap Into the air and deliver a single
sword slash upon landlng i.-A:=y :JLThe exact
time to press Guard for a Shleld Parry ls
during the downwards decent after the apex
of the gnome's jump. Be sure to remember
that the sword slash is performed after the
jump and not during.
Interrupt N/A
Knockdown N/A
Interrupt 5
I-- a -====r
Spear Lunge 2-hit Combo
The Spear Lunge may seem simple, but its attack propertles make lt downrlght lfa SpearWleldermanagesto getwlthln close
devastatlng when you're faced with a group of enemles This technique ls executed proxlmlty of the player character, he wlll attack wlth
when a Spear\Melder is a falr dlstance away from the player character. He will leap a slmple2-hltspearcombo,TlmeyourShield Parry
ln and dellvera single stabbing attack.Thls wlll cause a Guard Crush lf you attempt to colnclde wlth instant the SpearWlelder draws his
to block or parrythe hlt, leavlng you momentarily open to attack from other enemles arm backas he preparesthe first hit. lfyou blockthe
ln the vlclnlty Deal wlth thls technlque by ellmlnating SpearWlelders from the group first hlt of the Spear Combo, Immediately releasing
as a priority. Locklng these enemles in hit reactlons will nullify the chance of them Guardand pressing ltagaln justasthe second hlt
strlklng wlth the Spear Lunge. commences, you wlll Shleld Parrythe second hit.
Yes Interrupt 2 5 7
Yes I nterrupt 3 5
Burning Rush player character Press Guard to Shleld Parry when the Fas Blader reaches a range of about
From middle distance, a Fae Blader will 1 character space away from your positlon.
draw upon hls full strength (slgnlfled by an
exploslve glowing aura) and charge at you Vortex Blades
wlth a high speed dashing attack. Ensure TheVortex Blades area pairofwhirllng Fee Blades strlkes, whlch areexecutedwhen a Fee
that you take note of and memorize thls at- Blader is close to the player character. Perform a Shleld Parry by presslng Guard the instant
tack cue, to time your Shield Parry executlon you see a Fee Bladerdraw hls arm back preceding the attackanlmatlon. lfyou choose to
based on the Fee Blader's proximity to the defend by blocking, ensurethatyou hold Guard pasttheflrst hitofthetechnique in orderto
blockthe second. lt ls not possible to Shleld Parrythe second hltafter blocklngtheflrst.
Vortex BIades (2nd hit) 1 boo/o N/A No Yes Knockdown N/A N/A
---- - a -
) i / LO I Humanoid Weapon Wielders
The cower sequence has a maximum
ation of 3 seconds, interrupt the
her or move out of melee striking
ge in order to avoid the Cheap Shot
N/A 10 0
Blended 0 0
Blended 0 0
N/A 0 0
Interrupt 0 0
Might ll.ap/arrow attack sequence, then slngle out remaining targets in the order of their attack
Weapon wielders should be tar- range Strlke ln such a way thatyou are leading yourtarget away from the group.The Fee
geted and kllled in the order ofthelr Blades are the most effective weapon for movlng a target away from a group as you strlke.
attack range lnltlally' lead all melee flghters Lay a FrostTrap after infllcting a knockdown hlt reaction or upon kllllng your current target
away from anyArchers.Then use the gap and repeat the process At higher levels, you can use the Scattershot and Arrow Storm to
you've created to quickly rush over and kill thin the numbers of weapon wielders from a distance. As before, laylng a FrostTrap at the
any Archers ln the group first. Next should start of battle and holdlng that posltion untll lt ls trlggered, wlll make lt far easier to manage
be SpearWlelders: drag these enemies a large group of enemles
away from the melee flghter group wlth the
Harpoon and attack ln such a waythatyou
are moving them away from the group as TIP
you strike. Use Normal actions to strike, this When about to receive an attack from behind as you strike your target away from the
wlll ensure thatyou are Instantly readyto group' perform a Lunge to phase through your target.Your target will act as a barrier be-
block or parry any attacks from behind. Once tween you and the group' allowing you to Immediately folio-up wlth a Shadow Flare.
the Spear\^/ielders are out of the way you
w"I have an easyjob clearing outany remain-
ing fighters, due to thelr llmlted attack range.
"iqT Sorcery
A Sorcery class character does not need to be qulte so plcky when selectlng tar-
lnitlally, lay a FrostlTap and attack
with arrows until the melee fight-
gets. A good strategy is to first attack from a distance uslng Sceptre Charged Shots
and the Storm Bolt to thln the numbers of the group, or to apply a Stun condltlon and Shock-
ers of the group trigger theTrap and become lng damage.The most efficlent way to deal with a group of weapon wielders is to herd them
temporanly lmmobillzed. Use thls opportu- together into a tlght bunch by circling them by runnlng or uslng the Bllnk evade. Smash any
nityto quickly rush down theArchers with loose targets towards the center of the bunch wlth Staff strlkes, before further compressing
Weapon Chaln to Shadow Flare loops. Once the group with the Mage'sVortex Allow all four hits of the Mage'sVortex to connect, then
you've killed the Archers, repeat the Frost tag and detonate the group wlth the Mark of Flame.
I- -e . i-
Spellcasters will often be a part of any humanoid enemy group/ Summoners also fall under this category/ and their ability to
where they will provide long-range support for the weapon keep summoning additional enemies into the battle can quickly
wielders. Many of their spells are either homing/ or have a large put the odds against you. Because of how much they can affect
area of effect, and they are designed to try and hit you while your normal combat routines, you should always try and take
you are trying to evade attacks from other enemies.The deadly spellcasters out first.
Magical Barrier evade. Execute a sideways evade just before the vortices reach you
Sorcerers wlll almost contlnuously cast a dome-llke magical barrler and you wlll clear all three of them. ->
ln battle to protect themselves from attacks ,i.. This dome
completely nullifles all projectile attacks, whether they are physlcal Fireball
or magical. Arrows, Storm Bolt, lee Barrage or any other projectlle Another spell a Sorcerer employs as a ranged attack ls the Fireball, a
attack w"I simply evaporate upon contact with the barrler. Melee series of three Fire elemental homing projectiles launched in qulck
weapon strlkes and AoE damage however are not hlndered by this succession. From a distance, it is best to dodge these projectiles
barrier, so Melee flghters are advlsed to storm ln and attack wlth sldeways in relatlon to thelr approach Performing a slngle evade to
everything they've got ln order to kill a Sorcerer quickly. the slde ls enough to clearthe first pair of projectlles, then an addl-
tlonal evade ln the OPPOSlte direCtIOn WIll dodge the flnal shot. i.)lJ 3J
A Sorcerer has various offensive spells to choose from and all are
very effectlve long range attacks. The first ls the Whlrlwlnd, a spell TIP
that launches a trlo of vortices wlth homing properties. lmmedlately lf you stand as close as possible directly in front Of a Sorcerer
after launch, the vortices form a llnear pattern and approach wlth as he executes the FIreball technique, you Will Only need tO
a wall-llke conflguration, which makes evadlng dlfficult. However/ block or evade the third Fireball in the sequence.
lf you back away and allow the vortlces to travel a while, they will
clump together as theytrack your posltion.Thls is the Ideal tlme to
I-- e- -I- --
- ,i i.3+asp Humanold Spellcasters
Frost Blizzard
This homing projectlle attack is extremely TIP
troublesome! Hlgh level Sorcerers have the TheTieleport has a cooldown of 10 seconds. lf you are unable to keep a Sorcerer
abillty to create a chunk of ice and propel it locked in hit reactions and he manages to escape, you then have 10 seconds ln Which
as a project"e towards the player character. to chase down and damage the Sorcerer before he regains theTeleport.
lf this Icy projectile connects it wlll apply
Freezlng damage and slow your overall
speed by 30% for the duration of the DoT
effect. The key to evadlng thls attack is to
watch the animation of the Sorcerer/s arms,
hewill hold hisarms infrontof hlmWhile
creating the projectlle then perform a throw-
lng actlon as the projectlle is launched.Time
your evade to coincide wlth the outwards
throwlng action to ensure you are not
tracked dunng your evade animation
Mama Drain
Certaln hlgh level Sorcerers (usually Quest
bosses) have the ability to drain Mane
from the player character.The Mana Draln
technique will draln 500/o of the player char-
acter's total Mana, regardless of whether
the attack connects or is blocked.The Mane
"EL ::::_:+-.._.ihi.:i:_:t\_.._.i.-I.i._ ___:.-
Draln Itself ls a purple colored projectlle
attack, be sure to evade as soon as the
projectlle is thrown m order to safely clear
Its Path.
Sorcerers and Summoners have a speclal hlt
reaction, whlch ls triggered upon recelv-
lng melee attack damage,TheTeleport
will cause the Sorcerer to almost instantly
de-materlalize and then reappear ln another
-a_----`-i\ - =\=e-- _.i= \T
posltlon as soon as heorshe ls struck bye
weapon. Like all hlt reactions, theTeleport
can be Interrupted. Keeping up a rapid series
of strikes wlll halt theTeleport sequence
before it has a chance to complete.The
Longsword, Daggers and Fee Blades strike
rapidly enough for thls task.
Sorcerers are by far the most troublesome humanoid enemies. diagonally towards the Sorcerer to close the gap whlle dodglng
When facing a mixture of various weapon wielders backed up clear of the projectiles. When you start strlklng a Sorcerer, the flrst
by a Sorcerer, make absolutely sure that your number one prior- thing he wlll do isTeleport to a different location as a hlt reaction
ity is taking down the Sorcerer first! The Longsword combo chain has a fairly hlgh chance of Interrupting
theTeleport sequence, so lt is good practice to always begin your
:a+++i+a , Might attack sequence with the Longsword. Attack using three hlts of the
The key to handling Sorcerers is to keep them locked in hit Longsword combo chaln then link stralght Into the Phantom Edge
reactlons for the entlre duratlon of your attack sequence. as soon as the thlrd hlt connects. Add an input delay to the second
Upon engaglng a Sorcerer, he will actlvate hls Maglcal Barrler and hlt of the Phantom Edge, then lead Into the Upheaval to begln an
fire projectlle attacks while positloned safely inslde. The Harpoon airjuggle combo Try to deal as many hits as you posslbly can, once
wlll be completely lneffectlve whlle the barrler ls actlve, so the only you are out of the range of the Magical Barrier you can use the
course of actlon you can take is to storm in and attack with weapon Harpoon to drag the Sorcerer back Into range and begln another
strlkes. The best way to approach a Sorcerer is to evade towards attack sequence.
him as a means to dodge one of his project"e attacks. Alm to evade
I- = _ -
"i,_ i++
Finesse Sorcery
The Flnesse class' weapons strlke rapidly enough
to be able to almost certainly interrupt a Sor-
EE The Maglcal Barrlers Sorcerers actlvate at the start of battle wlll
completely nullify your long range project"e attacks The Mark of
cerer'sTeleport hit reactlon. The Sorcerer wlll actlvate hls Flame however ls completely unaffected.Tag the Sorcerer with the Mark of
Maglcal Barrler at the start of battle and attack using long Flame while he hides behlnd hls barrler, then approach after dodglng his pro-
range projectile spells lTy to evade dlagonally towards the jectlle attacks. Attack wlth a weapon combo chaln to trlgger the Sorcerer to
Sorcerer as you dodge one of hls spells. As soon as you are Teleport, then detonate the Mark of Flame The Sorcererwlll now be unable
wlthln range attack with a full weapon combo chain to apply toTeleport again for 10 seconds, whlle the Knockdown hit reactlon wlll glve
a Knockdown hit reaction. lTansitloning straight Into the you enough time to storm in and perform a complete combo chaln leadlng
Shadow Flare upon applying a Knockdown and then begin- to anotherAblllty actlon Tryto link as many actions together as possible to
nlng another combo chain will keep the Sorcerer locked in a make the kill before the Sorcerer ls able toTeleport agaln!
loop, try to keep thls going untll he's dead.
TIP At higher levels when you have unlocked the ultimate AoE spells like
Connecting a POint blank Scattershot after applying a theTempest and Meteor, you can use these techniques to lay waste
Knockdown will kill a Sorcerer very qulckly! to Sorcerers regardless of their Magical Barrler being active Or not.
Summon Minion
Summoners, as their name suggests, are
capable of summonlng and command-
ing creatures to do thelr blddlng ln battle
-_ .The defaultenemytype, a Sum-
moner, can call upon sprltes, but depending
on the Quest and situation these enemies
can also be capable of calllng out far more
powerful mlnlons such as the fearsome Ni-
skaru Bloodhunters.The number of minlons
summoned and thelr type are determined
by the Quest and the sltuatlon. For example,
the Queen of Splders known as "The
Widow" can summon a large number of
Glant Splders and Venomspltters to qulckly
overwhelm her opponents.
All minions Called forth by the Sum-
monerwill be blessed with a buff
which doubles their maximum HP
Heal Minion
lf you reduce the HP of a Summoner's
minion by 700/o or more, the Summoner wlll
attempt to heal that mlnlon. lithe heallng
spell ls allowed to execute/ lt wlll heal 50O/o
of the minion's maximum HP value.The
heallng spell anlmatlon sees the Summoner
hold hls staff aloft as a brlght yellow glow is
emltted , Thls actlon stops the Sum-
moner from movlng or attacklng. Depend-
ingonthesltuatlon, it may beagood Idea
to break off from attacklng the mlnlon and
engage the Summoner directly while he ls
locked in this animatIOn.
Energy Bolt
Summoners are also capable of firmg a
projectile attack and wlll use ltfrequently in
battle. The Energy Bolt sees the Summoner
swing hls or her staff around ln a wlde clrcle
before blastlng a bolt of energy ln your
dlreCtiOn i -`, : -I,i,. Your posltion IS tracked
for the entlrety of thls wlnd-up animation, be
sure to evade exactly as the Energy Bolt is
flred (colnciding with the downwards swlng
I- e --
C31,29{l`{ `?: El-Curl 3 i,. Humanoid Spellcasters
of the Summoner's staff) to eliminate the well away from the Clrcle of Flame whlle Its active, Might characters should use the Har-
chance of belng tracked during your evade poon to drag the Summoner away from the circle in order to deal damage safely. Finesse
animation. and Sorcery characters should attack from a dlstance with projectlles until the Clrcle of
Flre disappears.
Circle of Fire
The Clrcle of Fire sees the Summoner slam
hls staff to the ground, then draw a circle of
flames around his positlon.Thls technlque
has two aspects, the slammlng of the staff
andtheflamlng CIrCIe ltselfL ..The
staff slam (blast) wlll deal on-the-spot dam-
age and will cause a Guard Crush should
you attempt to block it and the flaming circle
(flames) will cause Burnlng DoT at a rate of
once per second if you come into contact
wlth lt.The best course of actlon ls to stay
N/A 9 0
Stagger 7 5
Knockback 10 0
The baslc Summoner enemytype behaves very much llke a Looking at the Summoner Fioutine table, you will notice that there
Sorcerer and should be attacked using the same strategy. They wlll are a number of unlque Summoners withm the game. Instead of
summon a minion then attack from a distance uslng the Energy Bolt Summonlng one ortwo creatures at a time and replacing a defeated
whlle frequently uslng the Circle of Fire for defense. lf you choose minlon wlth anotherl these enemles follow a very strict routine/
to concentrate on attacking a Summoner's minion flrst, the only usually based on their remalnlng HP As you reduce a Summoner's
attack you need to be mindful of whlle striking the mlnlon ls the HP beyond a certaln threshold lt will trlggerthe summoning of a set
Summoner's Energy Bolt. Make absolutely sure you use low-risk number of minions.The worst possible thing you can do agalnst thls
Normal actlons whlle engaging the mlnlon and evade exactly as the type of enemy ls to dive ln and deal as much damage as possible,
Summoner flres the Energy Bolt ln order to dodge safely. as doing so wlll result in overlapplng waves of minions whlch will
completely overwhelm you. Instead, you should be mindful of each
enemy's summonlng trlgger HPvalue and deal wlth each wave of
TIP minlons completely' before reduclng the Summoner's HP to the
The Summoner'sTeleport takes 30 seconds to recharge. Bear next trigger value.
this In mlnd lfa Summoner escapes your combo chain Se-
quence. Chasing a Summoner down and attacking during his Summoners can call upon a large variety of creatures and allies in
or herTeleport cooldown will make escape impossible. battle. Please refer to each enemy type's entry for a complete analy-
sis and strategies for beatlng each type.
I--- C-- _
Battles against Small enemies are the most frequent ones tacks, these enemies focus on quick strikes that are designed
you will have as you play through the game, and what these to interrLIPt your attacks and leave you OPen tO attacks from
enemies may lack in size, they more than make up for in speed other enemies, and considering that you will mostly face these
and aggressiveness. Rather than using slow, high damage at- enemies in groups, that tactic can be very deadly.
Regardless of which character class you are playing as, the key
to battling Giant Rats is to keep your distance. Do not allow
these enemies to surround you, as multiple rats executing
attacks at different times is a difficult situation to read and
defend against.
Use the Harpoon from as great a distance as posslble to
drag Individual rats away from the group and strike from
behind, thls wlll move your character and your target away from the
rest of the rats as you make the kill F\epeatthe process for each Gi-
ant Fiat, ensuring thatyou keep your distance from the main group
at all times. i-;i_, :`!1
Lay a FrostTrap at the start of battle and attack from afar
wlth Longbow Charged Shots. Allow a rat to trigger the trap
then immediately retreat to a new position and repeat the process.
At later levels, use the Scattershot and Arrow Storm in conjunction
wlth FrostTraps and the Gambit to ensure that a group of Glant F(ats
cannot approach your positlon. ; -i i (:i.i
Eia _E~. Use a comblnation of Sceptre Charged Shots, Storm Bolt
and Mark of Flame to gradually thin the numbers of Giant
Fiat mobs from a dlstance. Never engage these enemies at close
range, as thelr bite attacks are next to impossible to read in battle.
A Sceptre Charged Shot linking stralght into Storm Bolts against
successive targets is a great wayto build Fate.
----- - e -
A common sight in the enchanted forests, Beggar(s are small wood-sprites, manifesting
in the brush and branches of nearby debris, More mischievous than truly evil, their games
can still prove fatal to mortals, as they have no true understanding of death.
BASE Sluts
i Boggart Plaguebaaror , BoggartTumbl¢r Beggar( Zealot
Attribute Boggart
Encounter Level Range Level O to 10 Level 3 to45 Level 7 to 25 Level 7 to 25
Resistanco Bleedlng and Llghtnlng Bleedlng and Llghtnlng Bleedlng and Llghtnlng BIeedlng and Llghtnlng
At close range, a Boggart w"I attack with a single swlpe of Its claws
before evading to a different posltiOn r>r, fiL Perform a Shield Parry
by presslng Guard the very instant you see a Boggart draw Its arm
back before it strlkes. Enemles who are part of a group will attack
sequentially, never will a single target repeatedly strlke with the
same attacks, they always take turns. The attack ''turn" ls shifted
across the group after each attack, so target the nearest Boggart
other than the one which just struck you and you,ll very likely be
interrupting an attack before it can be executed.
Leaping Swipe
Boggarts wlll often alternate between the Swlpe and Leaping Swipe
when attacklng at close range. Just llke the regular swipe, the leap-
ing verslon wlll trlgger an evade anlmatlon from the Boggart after
executlon. Perform a Shield Parry at the apex of the Boggart's leap
animation, once you've scored the parry you should target another
Boggart m the group and strlke fast
- ---- = -.-
Hit Reaction Cooldown Attack
Interrupt 3 5
Interrupt 3 5
Spinning Claw the Plaguebearer lands after its inltial jump Into the air.The aerlal
Boggart Plaguebearers follow a different attack pattern than the portlon ofthlsattack looks like it should hit, but it's nothing buta felnt
regular variety. At close range, a Plaguebearer will repeatedly strike action-learn to ignore thejump and parrythe landlngl
wlth the Spinnlng Claw-a single swipe followed by a defensive
back-step. The tell-tale sign that thls attack is about to commence
is the unlque "sklpping" anlmatlon the Boggart wlll dlsplay.This
skipplng motion ls a unique animation preceding the Spinning Claw/
learn to recognlze the difference between this and the normal walk-
ing anlmatlon to correctlyjudge your parries- pressing Guard durlng
the sklpping animation wlll activate a Shield Parry.
Claw Cyclone
The Claw Cyclone is a rapld multl-hit attack whlch ls only executed
at mid range,The Boggartwlll leap intothe alr, then perform a rapid
series of spinning claw attacks when it lands [co>=| z!1.This technique
wlll either be employed as a Boggart approaches, or after a defenslve
back-step followlng a Splnning Claw.Tlming a Shield Parry against
this attack ls tricky, especlally if you have a lot of motion to process
when surrounded.The exacttiming fora Shleld Parry is the moment
Interrupt 3 5
Stagger 3 7
Rolling Attack
A BoggartTumbler has an addltlonal technique, which it will employ
at mld range, the exact same distance the Plaguebearer executes
its Claw Cyclone attack, This attack sees theTumbler do exactly as
its name suggests: itwlll curl into a ball and tumbletowardsyou at
high speed [irJ =xLThe anlmatiOn Cue fOrthIS attack lS eaSytO spot,
press Guard as the tumbllng Boggart approaches to score a parry.
Antlclpating thls attack should be based on proximlty, lf a Boggart
Tumbler evades backwards after a melee action, it is certain to use
the F\olling Attack next. Llkewise for an approachingTumbler; when lt
reaches mlddle dlstance from your character and lf no other attacks
are being used by other enemles, then prepare for the F]olling Attack
Interrupt 3 5
Interrupt 30 7
- ------ a ----
Soul Blast ruptthe instant lt snares a target, and if you immediately follow up wlth weapon strikes you
The Boggart Zealot flghts ln exactly the can make the klll before the Boggart has a chance to detonate. A Finesse character should
same fashlon as theTumbler, except for use the Longbow Charged Shot and Storm Bolt lf avallable and a Sorcerer should use ranged
one very major difference. The Zealots will spells like the Mark of Flame.
self-detonate and deal an incredible amount
of damage lf you are ln close proxlmlty of
the blast. Precedlng this attack, a Zealotwill NOTE
emit a bright glow before removlng Its mask The Soul Blast's attack power will increase lf the Zealot IS engulfed ln Burning damage
and running at you, detonatlon wlll occur as upon detonation.
soon as lt is within range of your character
1;. lfyou have lotsof roomtospare,
simply run away untll the Boggart blows up
on its own (about 4.4 seconds), but when
ln a tight situation you need to stop the
Boggart from detonating. The best way to
deal wlth this attack is to apply an Interrupt
hit reaction from a distance and kill the
Boggart before lt has a chance to detonate.
Boggart Zealots wlll only explode when they
are close to your character, at all other times
thelr animation can be canceled. A Might
character should use the Harpoon to cancel
a Soul Blast.The Harpoon wlll apply an Inter-
Boggarts are a complete non-issue on their own, but in a group they can quickly oven^/helm you
with their rapidly striking and frequently overlapping attacks. Micro-managing these attacks will
get you into trouble.The key is to strike hard and fast to ensure they never gain the upper hand.
- e- i-- -
These simple Fae creatures are winged manifestations of the elements, flitting about the land
and pursuing simple amusements - often to the misfortune of anyone they find.ltavelers who
mistake them for enticing beauties or playful animals seldom live to warn others.
A Sprite,s baslc attack ls a slngle-hit Swoop, which ls easlly blocked, helght before strlklng Evade as soon as you see thls sparkle effect,
evaded or parrled.Watch out forthe animatlon cue precedlng the at- or press Guard to Shleld Parry at the apex of the Sprlte's upwards
tack the Sprlte will emlt a green sparkle as lt flaps Its wlngs to galn motlon.
------- -a __ --
Flame Dive Dive Kick
The Flame Champlon wlll often attack by The Dive Klck technlque ls a rapid serles of three strlkes, whlch are executed only when a
engulflng its body in flames before hurllng Flame Champion is withln close range of the player character.Tming of a Shield Parry is very
itselfatyouwith lnCrediblespeed I y',' 'H. slmilar to the Swoop attack used by regular Sprites. press Guard at the apex of the upwards
The attack cue for this technlque is very fllght motion precedlng the strlke to safely Shield Parry.
clear, but exactlytiming an evade or parry
requires a keen sense of judgement.The
Sprite will momentarlly stop in place and a
very brlght glow wlll surround Its body. Key
to precisely timing an evade or parry is learn-
ing the exact time the attack commences af-
ter its lnltlal power-up sequence. Fortunately
there is a sound effect which triggers when
the Sprlte enters Its burnlng state before
launching. Take note of the tempo between
the sound effect and the attack commencing
to judge the exact moment to evade-you
need to press Guard the very instant the at-
tack commences ln order to land a parry.
lee Shard
A Frost Champlon will prlmar"y attack by summonlng a shard of lee and launchlng it as a
projectlle. The animatlon cue preceding this technique sees the Sprite halt Its motion and
hold its arms in a cradle-like fashlon as it
creates a shard of ice. When this projectile
ls launched lt w"I loosely home in on your
positlon and inflict Freezing damage, should
you take the hlt 1-,,lJ a,i. As this projectile
is launched from a fairly high angle, it is
posslble to roll dlrectly underneath it. lf your
character has a Fioll evade, execute this
technique dlrectly at the ice projectlle and
the Sprlte who flred lt. Attacklng directly
afteryour roll wlll glve you a chance to score
an easy kill.
The Storm Champlon, in contrast to the ever it ls near the player character,Tlmlng a Shield Parry against this attack requlres a keen
Flame and Frost varlety, does not possess eye.The Sprite will somersault twice ln the air before the strlking aspect of the ElectrlcTal
a long range attack. Instead lt wlll perform a executes. Press Guard upon the completlon of the second somersault to safely parry the
diving Llghtning elemental tail whlp when- attack.
r;) "1,( :- =F)?3rrt./, C3i9rJ(; -Sprites
ln the presence of Sprite Champions, regular Sprites gain boosts to their health, armor and
elemental resistances. Up to three Champions may exist on the field at once and the bonuses
these Champions bestow upon their minions stack.When fighting large groups of Sprites in the
presence of multiple Champions, these usually small and weak enemies become a force to be
reckoned with.
When faced wlth a group of Sprlte Champlons, posltionlng
ls crucial Approach whlle clrcling, the goal ls to have all
Sprite Champions aligned or bunched so that you can tag all at once
with the Mark of Flame i-~`,l| 3". If they are not bunchlng togetherl
repeatedly use the Mark of Flame tag to hold targets in positlon " +ir+-:
.---- e -i- -
Do not be fooled by the Brownies, innocent appearance - these dangerous trickster Fae enjoy little
more than catching their enemies unaware! Packs of Brownies have been known to lure in larger
predators with their gentle appearance, only to bare their teeth and tear them apart.
moving ln and attacklng them quickly wlth
normal strikes, and then try to parry lf one
attacks. Fianged attacks can also be very
effective because their low health means
you can often pick them off before they get
close. i-;,r--. i t
----- = -
Leaping Bite slgnpost precedlng this technlque ls the actlon of the Brownle stopping Its motlon and roar-
As soon as a Brownle manages to get close ing. Afterthls roar ltwIIl charge atyou and execute the bite when wlthin range [i}r| #l.The
to the player character, it w"I repeatedly reveallng actlon leading uptothls attack ls easily read butthe exact tlmlng fora Shleld Parry
strike with a Leaping Blte attack i^¢1j ffiLThe is verytrlcky. Use the roarlng as a cueto be readyto block orevadethe lncomlng strlke,
anlmation cue preceding this strike sees
the Brownie crouch low to the ground, pay
careful attention to thls attack slgnpost. lt
ls a good Idea to create a save polnt before
flghtlng partlcular mobs of enemies for the
purpose of learning the exacttlmlngs of
attacks Frequently attacklng enemies like
Brownles may seen completely random
and unreadable at flrst, but upon careful
inspectlon you wlll notice patterns and easily
judged tlmlngS. Listen to the sound the
Brownie makes as it crouches before strik-
ing wlth the Leaplng BIte: lt WIII grunt twice
before leaplng. Press Guard to parry dlrectly
afterthe second grunt to land a parry Us-
lng sound when tralning ls an easy wayto
memorize tlmlngS. With practlce your Shleld
Parry tlmings wlll become almost subcon-
Charging Bite
\^/hen a Brownie ls outof melee striklng
distance of the player character it wlll at-
tack wlth a Charging Bite attack.The attack
The key to fighting Brownies is not to get begged down in trying to micro.manage their attacks.
Strike down many targets at once with broad, sweeping attacks and stay on the move in order to
avoid being oven^/helmed as they chip away at you.
Might group wlth the Daggers. At later levels lt is worth uslng the Scatter-
Use the wlde sweeplng Greatsword slashes to strike multl- shot andArrow Storm in conjunctIOn Wlth the Gambltafter lmmObI-
ple Brownles at once, whlle retalnlng the ablllty to instantly IIZlng a group Of Brownieswlth a FrostTrap. AIlowthe trap to trlgger,
evade, block or Shield Parry as need be. lt may help to positlon the then back awaywith an evade and laydown the Gambit Now keep
camera so thatyou are looking down at the battle from a hlgh angle/ up a constant barrage of the Scattershot and Arrow Storm to keep
keep movlng and allowthe Brownies to funnel towards you. Strike the Brownles from surroundlng you as you deal serlous damage.
with the Normal actions of the Greatsword combo chain (three hltS
of the combo) before evadlng away from the group and repeatlng 'ith: Sorcery
the process. During your strlklng sequences lt ls usually only the Brownles are no problem whatsoever for a character
Leaplng Bite you wlll need to be ready to evade, dodge or parry versed ln Sorcery As you never need to approach these
when you see a nearby Brownle crouch as its preparlng to strike. enemles ln ordertodeal damage, there ls no needto bewaryof
thelr attacks. Ideally you want the Brownles to be chasing you as
Finesse a tlght group.Work on herding them ln this fashion untII you get
Lava FrostTrap atthe startof battle and stand behlnd it. the deslred formation. Keep your distance, open the attack wlth a
Plck off the Brownies as they approach wlth Longbow Charged Shot from your Sceptre, Immediately cancel into the Mark
Charged shots untll thetrap ls trlggered Connectlng a Shadow FIare of Flame and tag the targets (as they are bunched up, you should
agamst the bunch of Brownles lmmob"ized by thell.ap wlll wreak elm to tag all at once), then detonate. Should any Brownles survlve
lots of hurtatthls polnt. Continue the attack by sllclng through the your attack, mop up the remains wlth shots from the Sceptre.
----- = -- -
This group of enemies are a step up from Small Enemies, not up to the deadly Champion levelThresh, Each of these enemies
just in terms of their size, but in the strength of their attacks as will generally require your primary focus in battle if they are ac-
well.There are a number of different tiers of enemies through- companied by smaller enemies, as leaving them unchecked can
out this group, ranging from a lowlyWolf Underling, all the way be a deadly mistake.
Charging Bite
Wolves only have a slngle attack: theywlll
surround you and take turns to execute a
Charglng BIteAttack [J>F-_i " The slgnal for
lmmment attack is aWolf letting out a roar
before beglnning its charge. Shleld Parry by
presslng Guard when theWolf gets wthin
a single character space of your posltion.
An Evade can be executed wlth the same
timing -or simply hold Guard to blockthe
When fightingWolves you can bet that you will absolutely always end up surrounded; these
animals will then take turns to charge in for a bite attack.The recipe to fightingWolves is to learn
their attack cueTake your time and concentrate on performing Shield Parries against each attack
in turn, while dealing damage using Normal actions in the gaps between these attacks.
Might sklll wlth the Shleld Parry. Allow theWolves to charge in; one by
Once the \^/olves have taken up posltlon around your one they wlll attempt thelr blte attack. Perform a Shleld parry when
character, they wlll sequentially charge ln and strlke with a the Wolf gets within a slngle character space of your posltlon. After
blte attack. Use this opportunlty to train yourself and Increase your a successful parry/ you wlll have enough time to either hit once or
--i a -- -
£haepeter S - E!ig\my GL"r!S -, Medium Enemies
twice wlth the Hammer before you need to member of the group. After stopping the attack of one enemy, use the Storm Bolt to attack
cancel your Normal actlons ln order to parry the next enemy whlch executes Its attack cue,Thls method can be used to klll a pack of
another lnCOmlng Wolf. Fiepeat thIS Process Wolves one by one in situations where it ls not posslble to bunch them together sufflciently
untII alIWolves are dead. It is well worth cre- forthe Mark of Flame tag and detonatlon method.
ating a save polnt before you reach a pack
of Wolves so that you can do thls exerclse. Another excellent method of deallng with enemies who crowd in thls fashlon ls to use
Once you get this technlque down, you wlll charged weapon attacks. Both the Charged Entropy and the Staff and the Maelstrom wlth
be able to use it agalnst all Ettln andWolf the Chakrams attack in a large clrcular area, large enough to damage a whole pack of\^/olves
mobs present ln the Ettlnmere area. Belng at once The ideal situatlon to charge and execute one of these attacks is dlrectly after a
able to track and Shleld ParryWolves whlle Shleld Parry, Allow aWolf to execute Its attack cue then press Guard just as the attacklng
deallng Wlth an Ettin will see you through Wolf is about to reach you. Immediately upon scorlng the Shield Parry, cancel the parry ani-
that sectlon of the game wlthout any hassle mation Into the charging anlmatlon of eitherthe Charged Entropy or Maelstrom and release
Stall. the very instant charging ls complete. [ii|| 3]
Exactly as the Mlght strategy' you TIP
should take thls opportunlty to An lee element Staff or set of Chakrams are ideal when surrounded. An area attack
Improve your Shleld Parry game Allowthe performed by such a weapon will deal Freezing damage to all surrounding enemies
Wolves to surround you and then parry thelr and slow their speed by at least 30%.
bite attacks as they sequentially charge ln,
After a Shleld Parry you should strlke the
Wolf you have just deflected with normal
actions of a combo chaln, the Daggers are
qulte effectlve here, before performing an-
other Shleld Parry agalnst the nextWolf that
storms ln. Keep thls sequence going untll
allWolves are dealt with. lt ls well worth
tralning up agalnstWolves atthe start of the
game, as your Shleld Parry sklll wlll make
the Ettin andWolf mobs of the Ettinmere
area an absolute breeze.
You can cancel the Shield Parry anima-
tion directly into any Ability action.
Canceling straight Into a Shadow Flare
or FrostTirap can be very helpful for
controlling crowds of enemies.
TffiF- Agalnst a slngleWolf, a combo
chain to Storm Bolt sequence w"I
be enough to klll in mostcases.
When faced with a group of Wolves, they
wlll posltion themselves so that they sur-
round you and one by one launch an attack
signaled by an audlo-visual cue.This ls a
good place to train yourself to recognlze at-
tack cues and learn how the game's enemy
attack routines work. Enemies will never
attack using the same technique all at once.
They will take turns to attack you and each
attack performed requires a set cooldown
perlod before lt can be used agaln,
- - 9--- - I--,.
Kobolds are humanoid bandit-like raiders with a slightly rat- throw their weapons. All Kobolds have the ability to be quite
like appearance, living mostly underground in caves, dens, or stealthy and can appear to ambush from thin-air.These crea-
ruins.They are communal creatures, living in groups of at least tures are often found wearing tattered clothing/ likely stolen
3-4, though more often can be found in larger familial groups. from houses or found on corpses.
They are primarily a melee opponent, but do have the ability to
-- S --i
When out of melee strlklng dlstance of animatlon cue precedlng thls strike is a crouchlng actlon, followed by a leap as the spear is
the player character, a Kobold Savage will thrown, Dodge thls technlque by tlmlng your evade to colnclde wlth the apex of the Kobold
throw his spear as a projectile weapon.The Savage's leap,
Stagger 6 7
I nterrupt 5 7
Bomb Combo
At close range, a Kobold Fiogue will attack
with a single slash of hls blade followed by
an exploslve bomb blast i--;i:, Di] The blade
aspect of this technlque can be parned, but
the bomb blast cannot. lf blocking' ensure
that you hold block during the entirety of
this attack sequence to reduce damage
from the bomb blast.To Shield Parry thls
technique, press Guard the very instant the
_:-life.r,.i:,__-i ''--i_.i't._=' tTi:i:ii?::i
F(ogue draws hls arm back preceding the
blade strike.
F3ogue wlll attack by throwlng a bomb Watch out forthe attack slgnpost precedlng this
BombToss technlque; the Rogue wlll flrst hold the bomb above his head before throwlng it The best
When sltuated out of melee striking dls- way to deal with this attack ls to evade, perform your evade to the side the Instant the
tance of the player character, the Kobold bomb ls thrown, to safely dodge the attack.
Stagger 12 7
Bomb Blitz
The Kobold Nlghtblade will dlsplay far TIP
greater sklll than his Rogue counterpart by Wait untll the lnstantthe second set of bombs are thrown before you evade for a second
throwing multlple bombs ln rapld succes- tlme.The NIghtblade wIIl track your posltIOn and adjust his elm if you evade too early.
slon. The slgnpost precedlng this attack is
qulte striking' you wlll see the Nightblade
hold a bomb m each hand before he starts
his throwlng sequence. The flrst two bombs
are thrown in rapid successlon, a slngle
evade to the slde is enough to clear thelr
path.The next palr of bombs are thrown at
once, execute a slngle evade ln the opposite
dlrectlon to the flrst to dodge the second
set. Eta.rLl :-21
-T=-- = __
Attack Name Dmg Modifier Elemental/Status Effect Guard Crush Shield Perry Hit Fleaction Cooldo\^/n AttackW®ight
Bomb Combo (1st hit) 100o/o None No Yes I nterrupt 3.5 7
Kobolds should be targeted and killed in the order of their will simply walk at a slow pace towards your position, only at-
attack range. Kobold Savages, Rogues and Nightblades are all tacking when they,re within very close range. By taking out the
capable of long range projectile attacks and will employ them long range attackers first, you can then kill off the remaining
very frequently in battle. Regular Kobolds on the other hand Kobolds without risk of intemJPtiOn.
The way you tackle Kobolds is
based upon the types of Kobolds
present in the mob and thelr spacing.
Generally you should target and attack each
Kobold based on their attack range. Lock-
lng a Kobold wlth long range attacks ln hlt
reactions wlll llmlt the chance that you are
Interrupted mid flow by such attacks. Target
Savages, F]ogues and Nlghtblades first The
best way to attack them ls to have your
back to the rest of the mob so that you are
movlng your target away from the mob as
you strlke. lf spacing ls tlght, llmlt yourself a distanceTry and klll these enemy types before engaglng the remaining members of the
to Normal actions so that you are freely group ln close combat. Once you have thlnned their ranks, target and attack the remaining
ableto blockorevade lfneed be lfa group Kobolds uslng the Daggers or Fee Blades.The Dagger combo chaln intermlxed wlth the
of Kobolds are tlghtly packed together, use Crossflre and Shadow Flare will qulckly klll an enemy whlle keeplng a near constant forward
the wlde sweeping arcs of the Greatsword momentum. lf you are uslng the Fee Blades, mix theTwisted Claw and Shadow Flare into
slashes to strlke all of them at once. lfyou your combo chain to Increase the dlstance covered, ensurlng that you retaln a gap between
have a decent amount of space between yourself and the tralling mob.
your character and the rest of the mob, you
can have serlous fun linking together various
attacks, Specials and Abllitles Into combo Tip
chains as you attack. Please refer to the Cornerlng an enemy and then Performing the Shadow Flare will produce a lot of
Advanced Combat section for full details on destruction On single targets, even human Sized enemies like Kobolds.
combo attacks.
TIP Sorcery
Harpooning a target from as great a
distance as possible, then attacking
RE As a Sorcereryou do not need to worry too much about the exact order of engage-
ment when deallng with enemles llke Kobolds Against a single Kobold, a combo
that target moving lt away from the chain linking straight Into the Storm Bolt ls usually enough to win the battle. Against a group,
mob will give you enough SPaCe tO stay on the move and circle the whole group by running or Blinking. Once you have them
make the kill before the mob closes herded together Into a rough bunch, perform two strlkes of the Staff combo chaln Into the
the gap. Mage's Vortex. Once all four hits of the Mage's Vortex have connected and the enemles are
tlghtly clumped together execute a Mark of Flame tag and detonation sequence i--),I i " I
The Mark of Flame will blast all targets away from you glvlng enough tlme to fully charge the
Charged Entropy as a follow-up. ln situatlons where Kobolds are spread out and long range
attackers are included in the group, target the most distant long range attackers flrst with
Finesse class characters have the the combo chaln to Storm Bolt sequence described prevlously, before settlng up the Mage's
ablllty to remove a target a great Vortex to Mark of Flame sequence.
dlstance, whlle a combo chain ls belng
executed. lf you quickly remove long range
attackers from the mob before diving in with TIP
weapon strikes, you will be able to outrun A Staff applying Shocking Damage is extremely effective against groups of lightly
the remalnlng close range attackers as you armored enemleS.The Shockwave dealt by each strlke of the Staff combo chain Will
slngle out a target and perform combo Induce an Interrupt hit reaction across a Very Wlde area On each hit.
chains, Use the Longbow to target Kobold
Savages, Fiogues and Nlghtblades from
- = --
C`t!4!i31e) '5 l=fsc-=l-t-l`,, £iL!iC3g -- Giant Spiders
From theWebwood to Detyre, there are many breeds of giant spider in Amalur, easily recognized
by their strong/ dangerous webbing, Normally skittish around humans and AIfar, the recent war
has left them plenty of carrion to feed on, and many have developed a taste for flesh.
Smaller than thelr glant brethren, these spiders are much more dan- launched. Aftertime you wlll be able to judge when thls attack ls go-
gerous - ratherthan webblng a foe and starving them, theyweaken ing to execute wlth ease, even lf its belng fired from off-screen.
their prey by splttlng venom on them, Worse still, they often nest
with larger breeds, sharlng their prey and strengthenlng their brood. Double Pincer
Spiders have only one close range attack and they will strlke with it
Venom Shot repeatedly as soon as they are within reach of your character. The
When out of melee strlklng range of your character, Venomspitters Double Pincer is a single-hit attack, whlch ls easily blocked, but lt ls
w"I attack by firlng globules of venom from their bodies as projec- far more effective to Shield Parry thls technique as the blast effect
tiles. There is a clear audio-visual cue preceding thls attack.. the Ven- of the parry will Interrupt all nearby Spiders and glve you a chance to
omspitter will stop moving and rattle its abdomen. The shot itself kick some spider-butt. The exact timing requlred for a Shleld Parry is
is fired dlrectly after the rattling sound and will be accompanied by upon the execution of the sound effect assoclated wlth the Double
a hiss. As this sound is absolutely llnked to theVenom Shot attack Pincer animation. As soon as you hearthe sound effect commence,
you should use it to judge your evades.Train yourself to associate press Guard for a Shleld Parry.
the rattling sound with the imminent threat of aVenom Shot being
I.-- e
Web Net
TheWeb Net ls a totally unblockable attack whlch will leave you momentarlly entangled the web wlll trlgger a blast wave, which
withln a splder Web untll you manually break Out. Failure to do so will result ln the Giant acts just llke the Shleld Parry blast.This will
Splder closing ln and deliverlng a plncer strlke. Fiapidly press the button indlcated on-screen Interrupt the actlons of any nearby enemles
to break free of the web before the splder has a chance to attack. Successfully escaping aE
EL^ , 5f
Begin rapidly tapping the designated
interact button the very Instant you
are caught in the web,The inputs wlll
be counted a moment before the on-
SCreen Prompt appears, guaranteelng
an escape.
Keeping Fire elemental weapons in your inventory is a very good idea when venturing into an area
where Giant Spiders are the prevalent enemy. Giant Spiders have a limited number of attacks, but
their sheer numbers can quickly become oven^/helming if kills are not made quickly.
-- e .-
"i* Sorcery
Venomspitters are easyto read and wlll only make use ofa or loosely spaced Glant Spiders ln place of the Mark of Flame, as
single long range attack Keepyourdistance and herd them the lee Barragewlll award 10 Fate upon completlon.When faced
together by clrcllng before bunchlng them up wlth the Mage'sVortex with Gant Spiders backed up byVenomspitters you wlll often find
and killlng with the Mark of Flame. Againsta slngle Giant Splder/ yourself surrounded.You can turn this sltuatlon to your advantage
the bestcourse of action isto burn itto death with a Fire element by equipping a Staff or Chakrams that apply Freezing damage and
Staff Perform a Staff combo chaln lntothe Storm Bolt leadlng toa scorlng a Shield Parry.The Shield Parrywlll open up a wlndowjust
Mark of Flame tag and detonatlon.The complete Staff combo chain wide enough so that you can charge and execute elther the Charged
and Storm Boltwlll award you with 10 Fate, it is well worth perform- Entropy or the Maelstrom.The Freezlng damage applied wlll slow
ing these extra attacks to maxlmlze Fate galn in battle. Once you the movementofthe splder mob by at least 30O/o, glvlng you more
unlockthe lee Barrage, this technlque should be used against slngle than enough time to reposition and attackwith the Mark of Flame.
These enchanted fae-wolves prowl forests and plains, searching for unwary meals. Barghest are
smarter than their mortal cousins, and can even master rudimentary magic to help in their hunts'
Double Bite
Barghest posses onlya single attackand will use it repeatedly, butonly in close proximity of NOTE
the player character.The Barghest wlll lunge at you with a palr of bite attacks, both of which The second bite will Only activate if
can be blocked or parried with easeJo perform a Shield Parry' time your Guard input to coln- the first connects (blocked or not). lf
cide with the momentthe Barghest rears up on its hind legs precedlng the attack. A Flnesse you evade the first bite, the Second
character ls advised to lmmedlately counter with the Shadow Flare, the large frame of the bite will not execute.
Barghestwlll cause all thrown bladesto connectatonce and deal a hugeamount of damage
-- -- e ---
The Arcane Barghest is a hlgher level variant of the normal one that can be problematic for all classes, for Sorcerers that are almost
ls signiflcantly more deadly. Although lt only has the same attacks totally reliant on Mana forthelr attacks, Guarding the Double Blte
as a regular Barghest, Its Double Blte now has the added effect of becomes an even hlgher priority.
stealing ZOO/a of your Mana reserves when lt connects. While thls
Double Bite 100O/a Steals 20% of total Mana_ No Yes Knockback 2.5 7
Despite their size, Barghest will quickly fall due to their lack of SuperArmor. Do not
be afraid to dive in and attack at close range. Special and Ability actions which strike
across a wide area will make short work of Barghest and keep them from attacking.
Might up any remalns wlth the Greatsword. lf you have the Shadow Flare
A good strategy to use against Barghest ls to circle the avallable, you should use thls to open your attack sequence before
group from the outside until you have them llned up you start strlklng wlth the Greatsword. lf you need to make a quick
roughly single file.The slze of their bodies stops them all from kill before the rest of the Barghest close the gap on you, perform a
closlng ln to melee attack range at once. Use thls shortcoming to polnt blank Shadow Flare at your target to klll lt Instantly.
youradvantage and deal damage to the whole group at once with
the Normal actIOnS Of the Greatsword combo chaln i-.TJ ¬!.i lf you
manage to strlke all targets at once and they still remaln bunched EFinesse
Due to the large slze of the Barghest's body and Its weak-
together, perform the Quake for some bonus Fate before mopplng ness to Bleeding damage, the Shadow Flare ls absolutely
devastating agalnst this enemy, especlally lf connected at point
blank range. Begln your attack sequence by herdlng the Barghest
together, then attack with the Shadow Flare Immediately, llnklng
Into a weapon combo chaln. Shleld Parry the inevltable blte attack
then Immediately execute another Shadow Flare and repeat the
process. When strlklng a slngle Barghest, try to strlke lt away from
other members of the group, Barghest do not follow at speed so lf
you sustain an attack sequence wlth good forward momentum you
can make a klll before the group catches up to you.
I:uei -E+ Barghest should be killed all at once after herdlng them
together wlth the Staff combo chaln and Mage'sVortex
ln factthe Mage'sVortexalone ls enough to bunch together an
approachlng group of Barghest. Tag and detonate wlth the Mark of
Flame once the vortex is complete, then mop up any remains with
Sceptre Charged Shots canceled into the Storm Bolt for bonus Fate
Murghan are an ancient race of Unseelie Fae sea creatures who in mist, studded with small islands of earth and stone.They
invaded the lowland swamps of Klurikon.They rule Klurikon,s wield tridents as melee weapons. ln the presence of the Ban-
Drowned Forest, a large lowland swamp, perpetually shrouded shaen, their attacks are imbued with lightning magic.
EIit® Mur9han
Level 20 to 45
- 162 --
On their own, Murghans flght Very Similar
to Kobolds by employlng a quick close range
3-hlt combo that it deslgned to keep you
ln place whlle other enemles move ln to "+--
attack.They also have a long range Leaplng
Spear attack that they wlll use to close in on
you, and judging the ranges at which they
will use either of these attacks is one of the
I:--::i:ffiit+.-- -JT-:.==--:====----=I
key thlngs when deallng with this enemy.
F=,i_) zwl?1
Stagger N/A
Knockback N/A
Interrupt 6
Interrupt 0
-.- a --_---
Spear Combo you a moment to plan your next move based on which attack the
The 3-hit Spear Combo the Murghan employ at close quarters ls the Murghan has chosen.
exact same technique used by the Kobolds, except that it is imbued
wlth Lightning damage. Deal with thls technlque using the exact Storm Call
same tlming and technlques as dlscussed in the Kobold enemy The Storm Call is a spectacular technique, whlch is only used when
section. Murghan are in the presence of a Banshaen. lt is the Banshaen
who instigates the technlque, the Murghan add a projectile attack
Leaping Spear Into the mix. Upon execution of the Storm Call, all Murghan that
The Murghan's Leaping Spear attack ls also the same technlque accompany a Banshaen wlll hold their spears aloft to draw Llghtning
used by the Kobolds, butwlth added Lightning damage. Shleld Parry power from the heavens before slammlng thelr spears down and
this technique by pressing Guard the instant the Murghan reaches sendlng an electrlc bolt through the ground towards you. Evade at
the apex of his leap precedlng the strike. As wlth the Kobolds, hold the exact moment the Murghan's spears connect with the ground
block when unsure which attack is golng to be used -this gives to dodge the bolt.
Murghan are very weak enemies when they are not in the presence of a Banshaen. In
this section we will look at Murghan on their own. Please refer to the Banshaen entry
in the Large Enemies section of this guide for details on how to tackle these enemies
when they are at their most powerful.
Might Sorcery
When dealing with Murghan on
thelr own, the battle ls a simple
EE As Murghan cannot move very qulckly, they are very easy to bunch together wlth
the Mage'sVortex. Circle the group of Murghan, uslng Staff strlkes to bash any
affalr due to their low speed and lack of targets which stick out towards a central point before executlng the Mage'sVortex - l- I
ranged attacks. Use the Harpoon from as far Allow all four hits of theVortex to connect (to ensure a Fate award is given) then tag and
away as possible to drag a Murghan away detonate wlth the Mark of Flame. Clean up any remalns uslng the Sceptre Charged Shots to
from any others on the field, run behind earn a little more Fate for each hit. lfyou can get away wlth mlxing the Storm Bolt in too, by
him, then attack with your back to the group all means do so. Although the Murghan are immune to Llghting damage, the Storm Bolt wlll
I -,\E IL lf you have created a large enough still award flve Fate for each target you strlke wlth it.
gap between yourtarget and the rest of the
group, you can attack with no rlsk of being
Interrupted. Flepeat thls process for each
Murghan, and attack wlth the longest and
most stylish combos you possibly can.
Use a FrostlTap at the onset of the
battle and attack with arrows until
the approaching Murghan trlgger the trap.
Nowsingleouta Murghan and keep upa
constant loop of weapon strlkes Into Shad-
ow Flare to move your target away from the
group as you make the kill. lf uslng Daggers,
make frequent use of the Crossflre to
Increase the dlstance between you and the
trailing group. Fae Blades users should mlx
theTwisted Claw Into thelr sequence for the
same effect.
While those unfamiliar with magic call them living skeletons, creature available. Commonly used by Mages as guardians or
Faer Gorta are just magical puppets built from the bones of any soldiers, they have no intelligence of their own.
Faer Gorta are a relatively rare enemy' and outside of a few select en- long to become famlllar enough to be able to dlspatch them quickly. lf
counters, you will mostly have to face them ln conjunction with enemy you are actively engaged wlth a Summoner and there are Faer Gorta
Summoners.Thankfully, because they do not have many attacks, and around, however, you should always be aware of thelr posltlon, slnce if
the ones they do have are qulte slow and easy to read it does not take they do manage to hltyou, their attacks are conslderably powerful
Double Chop
Like the Kobold and Murghan, the Faer Gor-
ta have two attacks to choose from when
they are within close range of your charac-
ter.The Double Chop ls a slmple 2-hit axe
combo technlque, whlch ls easlly blocked or
parrled I-i_ I -3]. After blocking the flrSt hit Of
the Double Chop, if you release Guard then
press again just before the second Chop
executes you will score a Shleld Parry. To
- ---- a-
parry the first hlt of the Double Chop' tlme Leaping Chop
your Guard Input to coinclde with the exact Thls is a very slmllartechnlque to the one employed by Kobolds and Murghan.The Faer
moment the Faer Gorta's axe swings over Gorta will leap Into the alr and dellver a single blow wlth Its axe on the way down. Hold
Its head as it prepares to strike. Guard to block thls attack, or qulckly press Guard when the Faer Gorta reaches the apex of
Its jump to perform a Shleld Parry.
Faer Gotta cannot attack from a dis- dive into close combat against these foes; their simple attacks are easily deflected or
tance, they rely solely on the hope that intemJPted. lf you Want tO be Where the action iS, Start With Normal attacks before
they can oven^/helm their enemies with deflecting an incoming strike with a Shield Parry.You can indefinitely repeat this loop
their sheer numbers. Do not be afraid to if your timing is up to scratch.
Might together before trapping them with the Mage'sVortex. Use the Mark of Flame afterthe
As Faer Gorta do not possess any fourth hlt of the Mage'sVortex connects to either klll or Knockdown all targets at once From
long range attacks, you do not here, either use Charged Shots wlth the Sceptrel area attacks wlth the Staff or Chakrams or
need to be plcky about selectlng targets. ranged spells to flnish them off.
lf these enemies are tlghtly bunched, use
the Greatsword to damage all at once and
blastthegroupapartL,. lil. From here TIP
you can attack uslng Normal actions until After tagging a group Of lightly armored enemleS WIth the Mark of Flame, perform two
the numbers are reduced, before switchlng hits Of the Staff combo chain Into the Sceptre's Warding Blast. The Warding Blast will
over to more elaborate combos lf you want launch all targets Into the air, then detonate the Mark of Flame as they fly for a stylish
to strlke a Faer Gorta away from the rest of combo.This technique should be used in exactly the same situation Where you WOuld
the mob, a good strategy to use ls to flrst normally use the Mage'sVortex.
Harpoon a target from as great a distance as
possible before attacklng lt wlth your back to
the mob Use three hlts of the Longsword
combo chaln, linking Into the Phantom Edge
fortwo hits. From this point you can elther
use the Greatsword Level 1 \^/hirlwind for
additional forwards momentum, or the
Longsword Upheaval to start an air juggle.
When flghtlng Faer Gorta, especial-
ly the large hoards of them which
appear ln the mld sectlon of the game, you
should use the forward momentum of your
Dagger and Fae Blades combo chains to
their fullest extent. These enemies cannot
attack from a dlstance, they wlll only strike
using melee attacks at close range There-
fore you can slngle out a slngle target and
move lt away from the mob and only need
to worry about the Leaplng Chop attack
belng executed from behlnd you. To cover
your rearyou should lay a FrostTrap after in-
flicting a Knockdown hit reactlon upon your
current target, thls wlll brlefly lmmoblllze the
group behind you and glve you tlme to make
your kIIl ___ 3]
Faer Gorta should be treated in ex-
actly the same as any other lightly
armored, close range weapon wielding en-
emy. Do not allow yourself to become sur-
rounded, stay on the outside of the group
uslng single Staff strikes to knock them
I I _ __ -.
fll iu\,I > Ill
Wild Fae driven mad with sorrow and loss, the Leanshe have grown more common
since the Crystal War. While many mortals have found inspiration in their tragic tales,
many more have lost their lives to the Leanshe,s life-draining grief.
Fortheir slze, Leanshe are very agile creatures and they can move lf you do get into close range agalnst a Leanshe, lt will predoml-
around the battleground with deceptlve speed. Most of the time nately use Claw Swlpes to attack you, that is of course untll you get
you are engaged wlth a Leanshe, they wlll be trying to create dis- it below 50O/o of its health, at whlch tlme lt can also use the Charge
tance so that they can use thelr Scream attack from outside of your attack in an attempt to steal a large amount of your HF) Because
fleld of vlslon.Thls can be a very effective tactic since you will often nearly all of these attacks Inflict Poison damage, it is recommended
encounter this enemy in pairs, and keeping the camera trained on to equip Poison resistant armor or accessorles to try and mltigate
both of them can be very dlfflcult. some ofthls damage.
I nterrupt N/A 5
Stagger 15 7
Interrupt 7 5
- -a - -
Claw Swipe
At close range, the Leanshe wlll attack wlth
a rapld 2-hit Claw Swlpe whlch has a 3O/o
chance to cause theToxlc Slurry disease
on hit.There ls very little wlnd-uP anlma-
tion associated with this attack so watch
closely: the Leanshe wlll increase Its helght
ln a SImIIarfashion as the Sprites when lt
draws its arm back ln preparatlon to strike.
Press Guard at this exact moment to score
a Shield Parry.
Charge Attack
lf you reduce a Leanshe's HP to 70o/a or be-
low lt wlll activate a special Charge Attack.
From a dlstance, the Leanshe will rapidly
charge in and rlp past the player character
'3+.This attack can steal 500/a of the
The Leanshe wlll scream before launching a
vlle substance at the player character from
a distance i_ - ' _.This attack has three
distlnct sounds associated with lt and all can
be used to correctlyludge an evade, even lf
the attack ls comlng from off-screen. When TIP
the Scream animation cue is executed, one As the Scream projectile IS fired from a high angle, lt IS possible tO roll underneath lt
of three dlstlnct audlo samples wlll sound and towards the attacker, setting you uP nicely for an attack SeCIuenCe
The attack Itself will execute the very instant
the audlo sample ends -time your evade to
colncide with this moment. \^/hen flghtlng
tough opponents backed up by Leanshe, try
to tune Into these sounds. As soon as you NOTE
hear either of the screams, stop your actlon The Ancient Leanshe can fire two Projectiles In succession during the Scream attack
in preparation for an Evade Execution of this Second Shot iS random SO Stay fOCuSed. lf it connects the Second
shot of the Scream lt will celebrate, use this opportunity to counteFattaCk!
-- = ----
Leanshe are not a problem on their own, but in groups they cues. Once you manage to single one of these creatures out
can be very troublesome, especially if you fall victim to their make absolutely sure you strike with everything you,ve got for
life stealing ChargeAttack. Pay close attention to their attack a quick kill!
® A slngle Leanshe can be qulckly defeated by first Harpooning and dragglng lt
towards you and then attacklng wlth a looping combo chain. As long as you keep
the cooldown period between these attacks
to slot ln a counter-attack. lf you have the
Summon Faer Gorta ablllty unlocked, this ls
your striking sequence constant and immediately follow-up after dellverlng a Knockdown, a a good sltuatlon to make full useofit. lithe
Leanshe cannot escape the sequence.Things get a little blt trickier when you're deallng wlth Leanshe focus their attention on the Faer
many Leanshe at once. As you strlke one target and keep lt locked in hlt reactlons, other Gorta, try to tag and detonate the whole
Leanshe on the field wlll keep thelr dlstance and attack uslng the Scream projectile. How- group wlth the Mark of Flame, then Im-
ever, as the Scream has a very dlstlnct audlo cue assoclated wlth lt, all you need to do is mediately follow-up wlth a Storm Bolt or lee
llsten closely and evade or block after one of these samples. Once you tune ln to the audio Barrage against a remalning unit
cues you wlll be able to antlclpate an Incoming projectile, even from off-screen. lf you're fac-
lng more than one Leanshe, llmlt yourself to Normal actlons once you Harpoon one of these When deallng wlth a palr of Leanshe, the
targets and begin attacklng Use Guard to cancel your combo chaln and immedlately repeat Chakrams are a good weapon to use ln
Llsten out for the telltale sound and Evade the proJeCtlle before Harpooning your orlglnal order to lock one unlt in hlt reactIOnS Whlle
I -
target and repeatlng the process. you Interrupt the actlon of the otherwlth a
spell. Let's say for example that you have a
Finesse pair of Leanshe keeping thelr usual distance
The Longbow is a good bet against Leanshe. Fire Charged Shots whlle keeplng from your character, as you strlke one with
your distance and evade any projectile attacks these creatures launch. At close the Normal actlons of the Chakrams (uslng
range both the Daggers and Fae Blades work well if intermlxed wlth the Shadow Flare for Guard to cancel and repeat your chalns)/
additlonal damage. lf you manage to corner one of these enemies, make sure you connect the other wlll attempt an attack. Execute an
a Shadow Flare at polnt blank range, if all blades connect, the damage wlll be huge. Abllity actlon in the dlrectlon of the attacklng
Leanshe to Instantly break your sequence
A very fast way of dealing wlth Leanshe ls to connect Scattershots at polnt blank range.Thls and flre off a spell. Alternatlvely, you can
attack ls also a nlce, because both the charglng anlmatlon and the shot Itself are consldered play lt even safer and use a slmllar strategy
Normal actlons, meaning you can evade or block at anytime.The Scattershot technlque ls we first explored with the Wolves. Allow the
very slmple, begin charglng as you approach a Leanshe and release the shot as close as pos- Leanshe to surround you, and use the flrst
slble. Keep a close eye on yourtarget and if you see it start an attack, evade or Shield Parry two hits of the Chakrams combo chain to
before attemptlng the Scattershot agaln strlke each Leanshe ln succession to keep
them from attacklng. lf you press Guard
after the second hlt of each sequence, you
TIP wlll cancel and repeat the same two hits.
Yiou can fully charge a Scattershot directly after the Blast effect of a Shield Parry. The This will be a slow process, but once you
parry blast will cause a hit reaction lust long enough for the Scattershot to charge. get used to the way you can control these
Fielease as soon as charging IS complete tO deal some Serious damage. enemies wlth the Chakrams, you can start
slotting Abllity actlons Into the mlx and klll
them off quickly.
Sorcery i:- - -
EE! When flghtlng multiple Leanshe, keep your dlstance and attack with Charged Shots
wlth the Sceptre, canceled stralght Into the Storm Bolt or lee Barrage. lt ls best to
connect a single set of thls sequence after flrst evading a Scream attack. Take advantage of
These pitiful creatures are failed experiments in the Gnomish
pursuit of eternal life. Often made using the corpses of soldiers,
these shambling half-dead still retain lingering memories of
war, seeing all creatures as their foes.
Son of Laz
I -e - ----
Horizontal SIash
The Horizontal Slash is a slngle sideways
chop wlth the sword the Sons drag along
with them.Youwill knowthe slash is
about to execute from a sudden onset of
sparks across the blade of the sword as it
ls dragged along the ground precedlng the
¥#Lifeife-.--:'',.:;::;--__i-.,-,:-:.__i_:_i,-! strlke . Sons of Laz have variable
SuperArmor, which will actlvate as soon as
a Son enters Its attack anlmatlon - do not
attempt to Interrupt the attack animation of
these enemlesl Elther go for a Shleld Parry
or evade to safety.
Overhead Slash
The Overhead slash ls another slngle-hlt
sword attack, which, llke the Horlzontal
Slash ls lmposslble to Interrupt once the ani-
matlon has begun, Look out for the change
ln posture as he prepares thls strike. He wlll
i-T".i ------ i--.--i vlslbly put more strength Into heavlng the
sword and lean backwards precedlng the
strike . Press Guard just as the strlke
executes for a Shleld Parry, but agalnst
these enemies it's far safer to evade.
Be careful when engaging the Sons of Laz at close range.These enemies have variable Super
Armor and during their attack animations they are completely immune to hit reactions. Nothing
other than a Shield Parry or a killing blow will stop them once they,re in motion.
Might only when thls target ls between attacks; do not attack durlng Its
Due to the Super Armor of these enemles, it is dlfflcult to attack anlmatlon unless you are golng for a Shield Parry.
get stuck rlght ln wlth close range attacks and keep them
at bay. A good strategy to use is to activate the Battle Frenzy and at- A very safe yet hlghly damaglng attack to use against Sons of Laz
tack with the Normal actions of the Greatsword combo chain wh"e ls the Scattershot.The Scattershot ls a Normal actlon; you are free
encircllng the mob.Try to bunch the whole mob together by clrcllng to move or evade as you llke during the charglng anlmation and the
from the outslde. Once you spot a tlghtly bunched part of the mob/ shot itself.The tnck ls to evade away from these enemies as soon
attack uslng a slngle slash of the Greatsword combo chaln (to strike as you've flred the shot. Get as close as posslble to one of these
all bunched units at once) canceling on hitting Into an evade away enemies before flrlng, then evade away as soon as the shot is fired.
from thegroup (-,i ,:". Keepthis up untllyOu SCOrea klll and gain
the attack power boost from the Battle Frenzy. As you reduce the Special attacks actlvated from evade are also useful agalnst them/
numbers further, you can attempt more hlts before evadlng away but be verycareful ln thewayyou use them. Only use such attacks
from the group and startlng a fresh sequence. Keep a close eye on against a single Son of Laz posltioned away from the mob. After evad-
the unlts closest to you. lf no hlt reactlon ls dlsplayed lt means an lng away from the Son of Laz as itswlngs Its sword, evade stralght
attack ls lmmlnent and you should evade right away before attempt- back in with an evade speclal.The Daggers are most effectlve here/
ing another pass. the Launcher attack actlvated from an evade allows you to follow-up
with an airjuggle comboand deal somedecentdamage. Although
the Sons of Lazare notweakto Bleedlng damage, the blades of the
The number one polnt to rememberwhen flghtlng Shadow Flare stlll doa greatdeal of damage if connected polnt blank
lfyou need to make a qulck klll asyou move one of these enemies
Sons of Laz ls not to dlve Into the group.Thelr Super
Armor makes lnterruptlng thelr actlons difflcult and the damage away from the mob wlth combo chalns, go fora Shadow Flare.
thelr attacks lnfllct ls devastatlng. Sons of Laz are usually found ln a
dormant state wlthln dungeons and wlll immediately surround and Flnally, the Gamblt is devastatlng agalnst this enemy type and w"I
overwhelm Throwlng a Smoke Bomb and maklng a few stealth kllls make deallng wlth large groups far easier. lt's best to flrst activate
at thls polnt wlll make lt much easlerto manage thelr numbers once and herdthe mob lntoa bunch then laythe Gamblt lnthelrpath,
you start attacklng proper. A good game plan is to take advantage a constant barrage of Scatttershots and/or Arrow Storms will deal
of thelr slow speed and attack the unit farthest away from where decent damage to the whole mob whlle keeplng them away from
these enemies are most concentrated. Attack wlth a combo chain you -
-- -S -- -
space. lf you flnd yourself tightly surrounded, the Maelstrom or Charged Entropy wlll allow
TIP you to clear some space to escape. lf you actlvate elther of these moves before the Sons of
Sons of Laz can sometimes be found Laz move Into close range and begin their attack animatlons, you will be able to repeatedly
In a dormant State aS you enter an execute either technique to keep them at bay with hlt reactions.
area. ln these situations, try laying aS
many FrostTiraps as you can on their
bodies. This will make life a little easier
when the fight kicks Off.
I ____ __________
i:ifei-'i'i,'',I 'i.. ,4:.-:::-i_-i-1'1:i::ij.. 'S''' I:i
EE These enemles are no problem at
all for a Sorcery class character, as
you never need to wade mto close range ln
order to deal heavy damage.You should use
the Sons of Laz to earn lots of Fate energy
Always stay well outside the group and fire
Sceptre Charged Shots canceled Into the
lce Barrage at each unit in turn. As the mob
starts to get close to you, use the Blink or
simply run to another positlon and score as
many of these Charged Shot to lee Barrage
repetltlons as posslble before bunching the
remaining unlts together and kllllng them
wlth the Mark of Flame. As a general rule,
use the Charged Shots and lee Barrage +==-ir
sequence in open spaces, and the Mark of
FIame ifyou're ln ajam Or ln a Verytight
Some tell stories of withered trees, gnarled and malevolent, who bear a terrible hatred
for those who wall( beneath their boughs.These cruel tree-spirits are theThresh, and
few travelers escape their grasping roots.
Attack Name Dmg Modifier EIomeutal/Status Effect Guard Crush Shield Pal..y Hit F)eaction Cooldown AttackWeight
Branch Swipe 75O/a None Yes Interrupt 6 5
Vine Storm (Vines) 100% Nc)ne No Interrupt 16I Sit
Vine Storm
The Vlne Storm sees theThresh plant Itself
into the ground and fire a serles of vines
through the ground at the player character.
A serles of four vlnes wlll rlp thelr way
towards you, accompanied by a blast wave
which emanates from theThresh's body as
lt flres each vine. Dodge this attack by rolllng
from side to side as each vlne approaches.
Keep your dlstance and ensure you are out
of range of the circular blast effect as you
perform your evasive actlons
-- a -
TheThresh may seem oven^/helming at first, but once you un- weapon strikes. Make sure you keep your distance until the
derstand how this enemy works, it is actually fairly easy to deal chance to attack presents itself.TheThresh will follow a very
with.The number one point to take note of is its SuperArmor. regimented attack routine as long as you are out of melee strik-
This enemy/ like the Sons of Laz, has variable SuperArmor, ing distance and its actions are lOO% predictable.The routine
which only activates at certain points during its attacl( routine' is as follows: theThresh will plant itself into the ground and
When theThresh is rooted to the ground during itsVine Storm perform theVine Storm, then uproot and fly sideways as it fires
attack it will activate its SuperArmor and will not react to any its rapid Soul Arrows.Then it will fire a pair of Soul Arrows at
attacks, but as soon as the creature uproots itself in order to the same time before planting itself and repeating the pattern.
move, it is completely open to and defenseless against melee
The first thlng you need to take care of when fighting a EFinesse
The first thlng you need to do when faclng aThresh is take
Thresh ls any Boggart minions whlch may accompany it. care of Its mlnions. AsThresh are mostly seen ln wooded
Concentrate on evadlng theThresh's attacks and strike the Boggarts areas, use the terrain to your advantage and posltlon yourself so
ln the gaps between theThresh,s various project"es. For example, that a tree or another such obstacle ls obstructlng theThresh's vlew
during your evasive actlon as theThresh attacks wlth its Vlne Storm/ of your character, Use the Daggers, Longbow or Shadow Flare to
you can slot a Longsword strike after each evade you perform. Then, remove all Boggarts from the battle, wh"e taklng cover from the
during the sequence where theThresh uproots itself ln orderto flre Thresh's projectile attacks I - :.3~¬. If cover is not an option, you wlll
the Soul Arrows, you can execute three Longsword strlkes before have to multl-task; thls ls not as dauntlng as lt may seem. As long
you have to evade the lncomlng projectile. Once you have dealt as you use Normal actlons when taklng out the Boggarts (speclfl-
wlth the Boggarts/ you'll have an easyjob kllling theThresh. Allow cally combo chalns and Charged Shots), you wlll be able to evade at
theThresh to execute itsVlne Storm once more and then charge ln any point durlng your attack animatlons. Use slde to slde evades to
as it uproots Itself. Perform a complete Longsword combo chaln to avold theThresh's Vine Storm attack whlle slottlng Longbow shots
cause a Knockdown. From here you can repeatedly attack using full or Dagger strikes Into the gaps between your evades to attack
combo chains to trap theThresh in a loop which always results in a the Boggarts. Once the Boggarts are taken care of, you can target
Knockdown. and attack theThresh without rlsk of lnterruptlon. Dodge the Vlne
Storm and immedlately charge at theThresh to deliver a polnt blank
Shadow Flare as soon as lt uproots itself. Contlnue attacking using
TIP the Dagger combo chaln until you apply a Knockdown.You can lock
At later levels, the F]elentless Assault makes the Boggart kill- theThresh in an endless loop from thls point on. Performlng another
ing Sequence much easier. Activate the ability aS SOOn aS you dagger combo chaln on the downedThresh wlll force lt to stand and
engage the mob and clulCkly lay Waste tO the Boggarts with become knocked down agaln.The only problem you w"I face when
the Hammer or Greatsword. repeatlng this loop is the dlstance you'll move theThresh as you
strlke, lf you want to stay wlthin the same area, roll past theThresh
after deliverlng the Knockdown blow, then attack ln the other dlrec-
tlon. Performlng a Shadow Flare at polnt blank immediately followed
lf you want to keep up a constant barrage of hits, the Longsword by the Dagger combo chaln is a great way to add additlonal damage
ls your best bet. Perform three slashes of the Longsword combo to thls loop.
chaln, two slashes of the Phantom Edge, then the Upheavel leadlng
straight into a Level 1 Comet Strike Into Harpoon. F]epeatlng thls Sorcery
sequence wlll lock theThresh ln hlt reactlons until it dles. Flrst of all, deal with any Boggart Mlnlons theThresh may
have. Dlspatch them with the Mark of Flame and Sceptre
Charged Shots The best time to tag the Boggarts wlth the Mark
TIP of Flame is dlrectly after theThresh's Vine Storm or Soul Arrows
TheThresh ls absolutely defenseless against the Hammer techniques. Once you have dealt wlth the Boggarts, it's tlme to turn
combo chain. Use Guard to cancel the Hammer combo after your attentlon to theThresh.
the second hit and repeat, you can lock theThresh down
completely with just these two simple hltS! Attack primarlly wlth the Sceptre, slottlng in Charged Shots be-
tween evades as you dodge theThresh'sVlne Storm The moment
you are waltlng for is when theThresh uproots Itself after ltsVine
Storm attack. Land a Charged Shot durlng thls animation then
cancel straight Into the Mark Of Flame and lmmedlately detonate
This should be enough to knock theThresh over. From thls polnt on
it will be completely helpless lf you keep up a constant repetltlon of
Charged Shot into Mark of Flame.
lf there ls no barrier behind theThresh to stop Its motion, Per-
form a forward evade as soon as the Mark of Flame detonates
and knocks theThresh down This WIll make Certain you Will
stay within attack range to repeat the process.
- I.I- a -I-
Knockback 3 7
Niskaru Bloodhunters may look like terrifying enemies, but as you get used to their attack cues and the timing required
once you get used to their attack cues, they're actually really for a Shield Parry' you,ll be able to explore ever more elaborate
easy to beat.You should create a save point before an encoun- ways to kill them off. Niskaru Bloodhunters make excellent
ter with these enemies to train yourself to recognize their at- combo targets! Please refer to the Advanced Combat section
tack cues and counter these strikes with a Shield Parry. As soon for full details on combo attacks and air juggles.
combo chain to contlnue the juggle. Finally' execute the Quake (for
When faclng a slngle Nlskaru Bloodhunter, a fully charged
Hammer Minotaur Rush can be connected after a Her-
two hits) lmmedlately upon connectlng the second hlt of the Ham-
mer combo chain to complete thls snazzy 10-hlt sequence.
poon- Execute the Harpoon then immediately hold your attack input
to begin charging the Mlnotaur F(ush. Fielease your Input as soon Thlngs change when you are faced wlth multlple Bloodhunters,
as charglng ls complete to unleash thls powerful attack sequence ln where Shield Parrles are an absolute must to keep the enemleS un-
safety.\^/hlle the Minotaur Flush will do the job, lt's a blt borlng to der control.While you have multlple Bloodhunters present, lt ls best
use a preset sequence when fightlng a slngle target such as thls to limit yourself to Normal actlons. Ensure Battle Frenzy is actlve if
Try somethlng more adventurous Wlth the Greatsword and Ham- avallable and perform Normal actlons wlth Hammer or Greatsword
mer equlpped, perform three hlts of the Greatsword combo chaln agalnst one of these targets until one of the others comes ln to
then cancel straight Into the Hammer Splne Bender (block special) attack Shield Parry thls attack before resumlng striklng your Orlglnal
as soon as the Launcher connects. Now connect two hits of the target. Keep repeatlng thls loop untll you have only one Bloodhunter
Splne Bender as an alrjuggle, then launch the Harpoon to boost the remalnlng, which ls your chance to go for an elaborate combo.
Bloodhunter's height before connectlng two hlts of the Hammer
174 -
H Ideally you should posltlon yourself so that you are surrounded by the Niskaru,
with one target dlrectly ahead, whlch you will lock down wlth Normal actlons while
Connecting a fully charged Scattershot
others ln the group funnel towards you from behlnd. Strike the Niskaru in front of you with linking straight Into the Shadow Flare
Normal actions unt" the followlng Nlskaru perform one of thelr melee attacks, Shield Parry will deal huge damage to foes Immo-
thls attack then lmmedlately perform a Shadow Flare at your orlglnal target. Fiepeat this bilized by the FrostTTap.
process unt" all but one Nlskaru remain - k"I thIS remalnlng enemy WIth combo ChalnS and
polnt blank Shadow Flares.
You can cancel the animation of a
Knockdown property attack Into an
Abillty actlon ln the other direction
ngfTRT:,I;i:.:.:.:,-,...,",."j`.iS,-i::-..,::;..'*;i.I lnstantly!
Fae giants of living stone,Trolls are creatures of simple needs, but can be very territo-
rial, However, when trained by theTuatha,Trolls can be living siege engines wielding
battering rams as clubs and charging over any foe.
Attribute Rocl(TroII MountainTroll PrismoreTro«
Encounter Level Flange Level 0 to 15 Level 10 to 25 Level 20 to 45
Super Armor 10% of HP 6 seconds untll re-actlvatIOn 20% of HP 6 seconds untII re-actIVatlOn 30O/a of HP 6 seconds untll re-actIVatlOn
25O/a FIre, Ice and LIghtnlng reSIStanCe 25% Flre, lee and Llghtnlng reslstance 250/a Flre, lee and Lghtnlng reslstance
No No No
Overhead Smash to evade the weapon strlke Itself - not the charge. Once thell.oll
The Overhead Smash wlll only actlvate lf you are withln very close reaches your posltlon lt wlll slam Its tree to the ground dlrectly in
range of theTroll. Keep an eye out for a distlnct anlmatlon cue. the front of Its body. Evade to the left or right then lmmedlately counter-
tree thell.oll carrles wlll begin to glow wlth energy. Do not evade attack as theTroll recovers
upon confirmlng the cue Itself, because theTroll can track your
positlon until the very frame the technlque connects. Instead, evade RocI( Blast
outwards as thelToll swlngs the tree downwards -a slngle evade TheTroll wlll stop movlng before slammlng Its tree Into the ground
is enough to throw you clear of the attack. A Mlght or Finesse char- wlth such force that projectlles will scatter from the impact and
acter would be advised to immedlately evade stralght back ln after shoot ln your direction The animation precedlng thls attack ls unlque
dodglng the Overhead Smash, attack wlth weapon strlkes lf you're a - make sure you take the time to learn how to vlsually recognlze
Warrlor, or a Shadow Flare at polnt blank lf you're a F3ogue. the vlsual cue precedlng thls attack.The Rock Blast w"I only be
executed lf you are out of strlklng range of theTroll. A Sorcerer wlll
Charging Smash flnd hlmself ln thls sltuatlon frequently and tlmlng the executlon of
The actlvatlon of thls technlque ls governed by dlstance. lf you are a Blink wlll see you evadlng thls attack wlth relatlve ease. Evading
a fair distance away from theTroll lt will charge at you and dellver the Flock Blast ls extremely tricky due to the fact that the attack wlll
a slngle crushlng blow wlth Its weapon. I I.The anlmatlon cue track your positlon untll the very frame lt ls released ln the heat
precedlng thls attack ls Its tree beglnnlng tO glow. Be prepared to of battle thls ls very dlfflcult to judge preclsely' but vlsually your
dodge an lncomlng attack upon conflrmlng thls cue. Durlng the best bet ls to confirm the exact moment theTroll's tree strikes the
charging portion of the technlque thelToll can track your posltlon ground and evadlng sldeways at that moment
and alter Its path on the fly The tnck to dodging thls technlque ls
--- e -
The Backhand ls only executed when you
are close to aTrolI.Thls move IS SImPly a
means to keep you away as you attempt to
deal weapon stnkes durlng aTroll's SuperAr-
mor phase Llsten out forthe speclflc sound
effect trlggered as theltoll draws Its arm
back ln preparatlon to strlke. Evade outward
and away from theTroII upon conflrmlng this
audio-vlsual cue. lf you are playlng a Mlght
character, evade back towards theTroll
".:.Tse`_TFT'.-ii',.L` ±J`
after dodglng the Backhand and contlnue
attacklng with weapon strlkes A Flnesse
character would be advised to connect a TIP
complete Shadow Flare at polnt blank range Evade straight back ln after dodging a Backhand attack ThIS WIll give you enough time
after evadlng back ln. to connect weapon strikes Or a Shadow FIare after dodging the Backhand.
Knockdown 10
Stagger 10
Stagger N/A
Stagger N/A
Knockback 10
Giant Swing
The MountainTroII will execute an addi-
tlonal attack after performlng Its Overhead
Smash : -L Upon slamming its weapon
to the ground, the creature wlll violently
swlng to the left or right (dependlng on your
position) a wide sweeplng attack, which
will strike almost 360o around its body.The
trlck to dodglng the Glant Swlng ls to evade
outward as the Overhead Smash executes.
Evade away from thelToll in the same dlrec-
tlon as the strlke. Once you have evaded the
Overhead Smash aspect, contlnue runnlng
ln the same directlon to ensure you are clear
of the Giant Swing -just a slngle step after
your evade is enough to clear lt.
Double Swing (2nd hit) 1 00 a/() None Yes No Knockdown N/A N/A
The crucial aspect when dealing withTrolls is an understand- broken down aTrolI,s SuperArmor, you will have six seconds
ing of the SuperArmor system. A portion of theTroII,s HP is to deal as much damage as possible before the SuperArmor
assigned as SuperArmor.TheTroll will not display any hit reac. regenerates. While aTrolI's Super Armor is broken, it will display
lions during this state, and as such you should only attack the all hit reactions and will be unable to act while you attack.
creature during the gaps between its attacks. Once you have
lf you are playlng a Might or Flnesse character it ls well worth safest sltuation to attempt a stun Once you have conflrmed the
lnvestlng flve points to fully level the Shadow Flare of the Flnesse stun has taken effect, charge ln wlth complete combo chains wlth
Abllity tree. Otherwlse breaklng down aTroll's SuperArmor is a the Greatsword or Hammer.
slow and rlsky process The Shadow Flare wlll apply Bleedlng dam-
age to thelToll, which wlll Increase the damage lnfllcted by your Greatsword Close I)ange Loop
weapon strikes by 33O/o. Connectlng the technlque at polnt blank The Gravedigger technique actlvated from an evade ls very useful
range will apply the damage of all five of the thrown blades at once. during the SuperArmor breaklng phase of a MountalnTroll battle,
especlally if you have an lee element Greatsword equlpped. Once
When facing a palr ofTrolls, the Storm Bolt (Sorcery) and Aftershock you get ln close to a MountalnTroll it wlll only use two attacks: the
(Mlght) Abllltles should be used to immoblllze one enemy while you Backhand and the Overhead Smash/Giant Swlng sequence. Attack
concentrate on the other. lf you are playlng a Flnesse character, the wlth the Greatsword combo chaln (Normal actions only) until the
FrostTrap lald ln the path of Trolls wlll slow them sufficiently to make Troll performs elther of the aforementloned attacks. Evade out-
their attacks manageable. Against more than twoTrolls lt is advlsed ward and then back ln, actlvating the Gravedlgger as soon as you
to use F]eckoning mode and klll at least two of them. For Might and are within range Fiepeat thls process untll theTroll's SuperArmor
Sorcery characters, polnt blank Shadow Flares ln F]eckonlng mode breaks, then attack with full combo chalns and Speclal attacks.
will make short work of even these heavlly armored foes.
i,,f Finesse
Might The Shadow Flare wlll qulcklyand efficlently break down
Attack theTroll at close range, evading each of its attacks anylToll's SuperArmor and should be your primary manner
as detalled prevlously Wlthln the gaps between thelToll's of handing out hurt throughout the battle. As a Rogue, lt ls best to
attacks perform Normal actions wlth the Greatsword or Hammer. stay wlthln close range of aTroll and attack wlth the Shadow Flare
F]epeat the process untll you conflrm a hlt reactlon from theTroll/ durlng the gaps between the creature's attacks. The best place to
slgnallng that Its SuperArmor ls broken. Once you have conflrmed counter wlth a Shadow Flare is dlrectly after dodglng an Overhead
the SuperArmor ls down, strlke wlth combo sequences -try and Smash; evade stralght back ln and connect the Shadow Flare at
deal as much damage as you posslbly can before the SuperArmor polnt blank range. Agalnst a RockTroll, once ls usually enough to
regenerates, The very instant you confirm that your weapon strikes break down its SuperArmor, Mountaln and PrlsmereTrolls requlre a
are not trlggering hlt reactlons, revert back to evading theTroll's at- few more repetltlons. Once the SuperArmor is broken, attack uslng
tacks at close range and slottlng Normal actlons Into the gaps combo chaln to Shadow Flare loops.
When flghting more than OneTToll, use
stnke from theTrolI.Whlle thIS near tO a F]ockTroll you can use the Lunge to safely dodge the Storm Bolt to Stun one of them
the Overhead Smash attack and strike from behind with a Shadow FIare. Beware however while you concentrate on evading the
that thIS technique WIII not work agalnst the Mountaln and PrlsmereTroIIs, the GIant Swlng attacks of the other. "Tir=
added to the end of the Overhead Smash wlll strlke you lf you attempt to phase through
with the Lunge.
Flrstand foremost, make sure you have learned the various anlmatlons and attack TIP
cues precedlng theTroll's attacks and howto evade them.Then, tag theTroll with lt ls a googd Idea tO eqUiPP a Sceptre
the Mark of Flame from a distance. Only attemptthls technlque ln a break between the dealing Freezing damage when flght-
Troll's attacks Your chance to weaken theTroII's armor wlll come after Successfully eVadlng lng aTtoll The Freezlng damage will
hls Charglng Smash attack. Evade to the slde and then outward, away from thell-oll and lm- slow theTroll suffICiently tO enable you
medlately counter-attack wlth a Sceptre Charged Shot canceled straight Into an Ice Barrage to score a Level 2 Charged shot after
Contlnue thIS evade-attack Sequence untll you vISually confirm a hlt reaCtIOn from theTroll - successfully evading any attack.
then detonate the Mark of Flame. Contlnue tO tag and detonate theTroll durlng it'S Weak-
ened state, then repeat the process from the beglnnlng once theTroII recovers its armor.
Ground Pound
At close range, the Bearwlll rise up to its full helght before crashlng the Bllnkandthe Lungecan be used hereto phasethrough the
down claws flrSt.Time the executIOn Of your Shield Parryto colnCIde Bear's body' a perfect opportunlty to attack wlth a Shadow Flare
wlth the moment the Bear has drawn itself up to Its full helght. Both or an lee Barrage.
i -e ---
CIaw Frenzy
As soon as a Bear gets wlthln close to your character it will usually
alternate between the Ground Pound and this 3-hit claw attack.Time
your Shleld Parry to colncide wlth the exact moment the Bear ralses
Its arm before Strlklng, Press Guard when the arm ls at Its hlgheSt
polnt tO score a Parry. fi.
Bears begin their battles in a SuperArmored state and their actions cannot be interrupted while this
armor is active. Initially/ be very careful regarding which actions you attack with, because you need to
ensure that you can instantly cancel your attack string into Guard to score a Shield Parry.
TIP Get Into close range and perform a Shleld Parry when the Bear strlkes, then Imme-
lt ls possible to sneak past bears diately counterwlth the Shadow Flare. A single Instance of Shadow Flare should
undetected as they sleep. be enough to kIIl a Bear lnStantly' but if not, Simply repeat the process AIternatively' perform
a Lunge as soon as the Bear attacks and lmmedlately follow-up with a Shadow Flare from
behind.This should be enough to break the SuperArmor, lf not klll a Bear outrlght.
Might Sorcery
Go ln with a heavy weapon/ .i¢ft` A Sorcerer does not need to worry about the close range Shleld Parry setup when
perform Normal actlons only untlI flghtmg a Bear. Slmply keep up a constant barrage of projectiles The Storm Bolt or
performlng a Shleld Parry agalnSt the Bear's Ice Barrage are very effectIVe agalnSt a Bear, especlally lf used in conjunctlon wlth the Mark
attack. Contlnue strlklng WIth Normal ac- of Flame Open the battle with a Mark of Flame tag, keep your dlstance and connect a Scep-
tIOnS untll you confirm a hlt reaCtIOn, then tre Charged Shot, llnklng stralght Into the Storm Bolt or lee Barrage. lf the Bear survlves the
begln uslng more powerful technlques such Storm Bolt or lee Barrage, detonate the Mark of Flame to flnlsh lt off.The Bllnk can be used
as the Greatsword Guillotine or Hammer to safely phase through both of the Bear's melee attacks Bllnk dlrectly ahead, stralght at the
Minotaur Flush. Bear and lmmedlatelyfollow-up with an Ice Barrage from behlnd.
While the two.headed Ettins share the giant size and savagery of their Jottun cousins,
they harness the power of storms rather than stones. Few can withstand the lightning of
their deadlyWarpriests.
i--- S I-=-
Backhand slap lfyou want to dodge elther of the Ettin's close range attacks. ln thls
The Ettin Brute wlll alternate between the Backhand Slap and One- situation Sorcerers are advised to use the Blink instead of the Shield
Two Punch when you are close to lt.The Backhand Slap ls easily Parry. BIink through the Ettln'S body and lmmedlately follow-up with
" iT-"=-
parrled lf you tlme your Guard to colnCide WIth the Very instant the an lee Barrage from behind
Ettin's arm ls retracted to its fullest extent, before it delIVerS the first
hit Performlng a Shleld Parry wlll cancel the attack anlmatlon and Body Press
leave you enough tlme tO COunter-attack. The most effective close Ettln are Surprisingly nlmble for thelr SIZe When out of melee flght-
range counter-attack ls the Shadow Flare Strlve to connect this lng range these brutes wlll run at you and perform a dIVlng body
technlque after parrylng either the Backhand SIap or the One-Two attack Evade thls attack sideways, relative to the dlrection the Ettln
Punch. ls commg fromTlme the evade based on the Ettln's jump: start
moving the very Instant the lump IS Performed. If you have the Har-
One-Two Punch poon abIIity, use lt tO CIose ln and attack wlth Weapon Strikes aS the
Both of the Ettin Brute's melee attacks have very slmllar wlnd-up Ettln PICKS himself uP Off the ground. Use Normal actIOnS untII the
animatIOnS and tlmlng Of the Shield Parry is ldentICal regardless of Ettin stages elther of its melee attacks, Shleld Parry the attack and
whetherthe Backhand Slap or One-Two Punch ls executed. Perform resume striking. A FIneSSe Character Should Immediately counter
a Shleld Parry by presslng Guard at the very Instant the Ettin's arm wlth the Shadow FIare after a Shleld Parry. A single Shadow Flare is
ls retracted to Its farthest POlnt durlng the Wlnd-uP anlmatiOn ThIS IS usually enough to break the Ettln Brute's SuperArmor Instantly.
also the exact moment an evade should be carried out-to the side
Shocking Bolt
When out of melee strlklng range, the Ettin Shaman orWarprlest
wlll hold hisaxe hlgh lntheairbeforeslammlng ltdown, causlnga
bolt of lightning to fire ln your dlreCtIOn F>rL:) #L Like most projec-
tlle attacks, the Shocking Bolt wlll track your posltlon untll the very
frame it is released Ensure that you keep your dlstance and tlme
your evade to colnclde wlth the moment the axe strikes the ground
After evadlng the shocklng Bolt Immediately counter-attack wlth the
Ice Barrage or tag with the Mark of Flame.
==---- a -- --/.I
I nterrupt 4
Knockdown N/A
Knockdown 4
Knockback N/A
I nterrupt N/A
Axe Swing
When you are wlthln melee fighting range of an Ettln Warprlest lt back Into melee strlklng range.The Axe Swlng ls easy to Shleld
wlII alternate between the Axe Swing and the Shocking BIast area Parry, and lmmedlately counterlng with the Shadow FIare wlll break
attack.The Axe Swing ls a single-hit attack, which wlII knock you to down the WarprleSt'S Super Armor very quICkly.
the floor lf lt IS not evaded, blocked or parried iJ)i: ;1The exact
moment foryour evade or parry ls the very Instant theWarpriest's
arm allgnswlth his leg as he swlngstheaxe (the lowestpoint his
arm reaches). As wlth the Ettin Brute, the most effective close
range attack to counter wlth after a parry ls the Shadow Flare ln
many cases the Shadow Flare wlll require only a slngle polnt blank
executlon ln order to break the Warprlest's Super Armor.
Shocking Blast
TheWarprlest wlll hold hIS axe m both hands before drIVIng it into
the ground.The sheer force of the Impact causes an exploslon of
Llghtnlng damage across a large clrcular area. At close quarters/
the Warpnest wlll attack with the Shocking BIast before revertlng
back to the Axe Swlng until the blast's cooldown expires.Thus, after
performing the Shocklng Blast, theWarpriest wlll only have the Axe
Swlng tO rely on at close range A MIght Or Finesse character should
take advantage of thls sltuation and lmmedlately Harpoon or evade
Ettin do not pose much of a threat on their own, but in groups or in conjunction with engaging. Ftogues should make frequent
other enemy types, they can be quite tricky to deal with.When facing groups of Ettin use of the FrostTrap and Shadow Flare to
it is always worth using Reckoning mode to kill all of them at once, taking advantage make quick kills, and Sorcerers are well
of the large XP gains for doing so. If Reckoning is unavailable, Might characters are advised to take advantage of the Storm
advised to use the Quake,sAftershockAbility to Stun as many units as possible before Bolt,s Stun effect at every opportunity.
TIP AIthough the varIOuS types Of Ettln have dlfferent Stets
Attacking a Stunned Super Armored enemy WIII not break the and varlous extra moves here and there, the way you flght
Stun condition. Use this nuance to your advantage. Stunning them ls slmllar, regardless of whICh type yOu're faCIng When ln
one of these targets first will allow you tO remove its Super close range of an Ettln, lt wlll always attempt Its baslc melee attack
Armor ln Safety. Use thelr predlctable nature against them and keep control with
well tlmed Shleld Parrles. Against a single Ettln, storm Into close
range and attack with the Normal actlons of the Hammer combo
chaln before Shleld Parrylng the inevltable melee attack lt is best
to Guard cancel and repeat the flrst two hlts of the Hammer combo
chaln, slottlng Shleld Parrles into your sequence as the Ettln StrlkeS.
--i-- e ---
far fewer attacks to antlclpate. Perform a Shield Parry agalnst the Ettln's melee attack or an
NOTE lncomingWolf and lmmedlately counter with the Shadow Flare. Alm the Shadow Flare at the
The Ettin Shaman and WarprleSt Will Ettln. A Brute can die ln a single shot, while Shamans andWarprests will requlre at least two
occasionally attempt an area attack repetltions.
when you engage them at close
range. simply evade Outwards tO avoid When flghtlng Shamans andWarprlests, the strategyyou need to follow ls very slmllar
the blast, then Immediately back in tO to the Brute. Get ln close, then Shleld Parry the inevltable melee attack and lmmedlately
nue striking counter wlth the Shadow Flare. Thls should be enough to Instantly destroy the Super Armor
of your target. lf this target is alone, continue the attack wlth a weapon combo chaln untll
you inflict a Knockdown -then connect another Shadow Flare and repeat the process.When
flghting a group of Ettln, consistlng of Shamans, Warprlests as well as Brutes, lt ls a good
Idea to use F\eckonlng mode and take advantage of the large XP gain resulting from Fateshlft
Keep thls Normal actlon and Shleld Parry kllls. lf Reckoning ls not avallable, you can stlll use a slmllar strategy as you would agalnst
sequence up untll the Ettln's SuperArmor single Ettin after spacing the targets out. Bait the group towards a FrostTrap (with Icy Explo-
breaks. Nowyou can keep the Ettln locked sion).This w"I apply a Stun condition, then immediately rush any Ettln that ls not affected by
in hit reactlons until hls SuperArmor the trap and klll uslng the polnt blank Shadow Flare technique. Once thls target is down, lay
automatlcally regenerates. A good Hammer another FrostTrap and repeat the process.
sequence to use ls two hits of the combo
chaln, llnking stralght Into the Splne Bender. Sorcery
Thls sequence will lead to a Knockdown ih:E The flrst tlme the Ettlns are Introduced, they are mostly slngle unlts accompanied
with the Ettln's Super Armor about ready to byWolves. First of all, tag all of theWolves wlth the Mark of Flame and detonate
klck back in. At this point you should resume once you have all of them covered. lf you are able to strlke from a dlstance before engaglng
your orlginal Normal action and Shleld Parry the mob, use Sceptre Charged Shots canceled Into the Storm Bolt on each of theWolves in
sequence untll the Ettin dles. turn Once you have the Ettin singled out, repeated Mark of Flame sequences will quickly
see these enemles off. When engaglng multiple Ettin, ensure that you attack from as great
a dlstance as posslble Do not engage them at close range! Once you have successfully
TIP executed one loop of the Mark of Flame, you can repeatedly carry out the technique as the
Large groups of Ettln should be killed Ettln are recovering to keep them locked down.
uslng Reckonlng mode. The XP gain
(especially When augmented WIth PO-
tIOnS and Certain items Of eCIUiPment) TIP
will be hUge! The Mark of Flame tag aspect ls not affected by the environment. lt is possible to tag
targets even if they are on the opposite Side Of a Wall Or Other Such barrier.Take note
of your surroundings and always attempt tO tag from behind COVer.
i Ti-_i Finesse
When faced with a slngle Ettin/
the quickest and easlest way to
makea kill lstoconnecta Shadow Flareat
point blank range lmmedlately charge the
Ettln and perform a Shield Parry agalnst Its
close range melee attack then counter wlth
the Shadow FIare ; ,,-. At low levels this
techniquewlll klllan Ettln ina slngle shot, at
hlgher levels it may take a repetltlon before
the Ettln dles. Durlng the Ettinmere area
quests, Ettln are usually accompanied by
Wolves, ln these Instances a good strategy
IS tO use the blast effect Of the Shleld Parry
to control the whole crowd. Concentrate
on the Ettln primarlly' but be mlndful of the
attack cues of the \^/olves. lf you stay wlthln
close proxlmlty of the Ettin you wlll have
- -e- -- -
The nor(ale ofthe Faelandstell effaces in the woods-facesthat its thick tail. A typical Crudok's body' while dangerous enough
appearto be in pain, crying out for help.These silent faces often on its own, is hostto a horde of insects as well as a number of
appear atdusk, peering out ofthe woods and bogs in the dim foul poisons and disease.This makes fighting the creature all the
shadows of the early evening.Those foolish enough to approach more deadly, asthe Crudok will use any means at its disposal,
them will be metwith the horror ofthe Crudok, a fleshy creature launching infected secretions and belching up swarms of wasps,
that stint(s of wet carrion and bears a vicious barb on the end of in order to subdue, dissolve, and devour its prey.
Flrst and foremost you must
remove any minions the Crudok
may have from the battle, since the Brown-
ies which often accompany these creatures
make lt nextto impossible to get a clear
shot. Use the Relentless Assault, Battle
Frenzy (or both) to clearthe area of any
Brownies, using the wlde sweeping slashes
of the Greatsword.The Crudok itself is
simpleto beat once Its SuperArmor ls bro-
ken and the Aftershock provides the safest
means to remove this armor.Take defenslve
or evaslve actlon agalnst the Crudok's attacks
until lt executes the Polson Spray, stand
away from Its body and activate the Quake.
lf the Aftershock applles a Stun condltion, go
ln forthe klll, if not, repeatthe process from
the beglnnlng. Once you've broken the Cru-
dok's Super Armor ensure that you maintain
a constantstrlklng rate and kill lt beforethe
armor regenerates. A good weapon to use in
this situation is the Greatsword; Iinkthethird
hitofthe combo chain intothe Guillotine,
then actlvate the Harpoon upon connect-
lng the second hlt of the GulllOtine linklng
stralght Into a Level 1 Whlrlwlnd.
Use the Longbow and FrostTrap
crowd-control strategy to pick off
the Crudok's minions from a distanceto
begln the battle. Once you have the Crudok
slngled out, the bestwayto remove Its
SuperArmor is to connect the Shadow Flare
at polnt blank range.To set up thls sltua-
tion, block the Crudok's Poison Swarms
and evade Its Body Press untll lt performs
the Poison Spray attack, dodge around to
the slde of the Crudok's bodyand do the
Shadow Flareas soon as the second pass
of the spray flnlshes i(i*[| 2jThe next attack
the Crudok attempts will almost certainly be
the Scorpion Stlng. Evade the first hitof the
sting then evade back towards the Crudok
when the second hlt passes lmplementthe
Shadow Flare as soon as you evade back Sorcery
towards the Crudok.Thls should be enough lf at all posslble you should send your Summoned Faer Gorta Into battle flrst to
to break its Super Armor (repeat the process draw the attention of the group before you attack. Initially you should concentrate
from the beginning lf not). Once you have on taklng out the Brownles, but try to Include the Crudok ln yourtagglng sequence. Once
broken lt, keep up constant weapon strlkes the Brownles are taken care of, keep your distance and walt for the Crudok's Poison Swarms
to Shadow Flare loop, attemptlng to kill the to dlssipate before you begln attacklng again.The moment you are waitlng for ls the landlng
creature before Its Super Armor regenerates followlng the Crudok's Body Press Ensure you keep your distance and attack using the lee
Barrage as soon as the Crudok lands [±l::i 3j. lf the creature does lts Polson Spray attack, hit
lt agaln wlth another lee Barrage. Keep up this sequence untll the beast dles, ensurlng that
you stay well away and only attack after lt has landed from a Body Press durlng its Super
lfyoLJ are able tO Sneak UP On a Crudok Armor phase.
and perform a Stealth Kill, Immediately
follow-up with a Shadow Flare.This se-
quence will in most cases break down
the creature's Super Armor instantly; lf the Crudok turns Its attention tO your Summoned Faer Gorta at the start of battle,
weapon combo chain tO Shadow Flare Its PoISOn Swarm attack: will not track you. Use this opportunity tO Strike hard Wlth
loops will then klll lt quICkly. repeated Mark of Flame tag and detonation sequences.
Most of your battles against the Jottun forces will be primarlly made to demand respect on the battlefield. The JottunWarrlor ls armed
up of encounters with the humble JottunWarrIOr AIthough they wlth a formldable glant stone hammer, whlch glves them slgnlflcant
may lack some of the elemental attacks that the higher ranklng Jot- range on all of thelr attacks both in terms of range and radius
tuns can use, thelr baslc group of attacks are st"I effectlve enough
Overhead Smash Jottun,s hammer, that you evade dlrectly away from or to the slde the
At close quarters you only havetwo actlons to antICIPate When flght- InStantyOu See the Jottun begln tO SWlng hlS axe. uSIng the Lunge
lng a JottunWarrIOrOrChleftaln the Overhead Smash and the Belly or BIinkto phase through the Overhead Smash works perfectly, set-
Bounce The Overhead Smash IS a Single downwards SWIng Of the tlng you uP nlCelyfora Shadow Flare or Ice Barrage from behlnd
-- S- --
Belly Bounce Charging Hammer
The Belly Bounce is employed only at close range and acts as a The Charglng Hammerwlll be executed when you are out of melee
means to keep you off a Jottun as you attack with weapon strlkes. striking range of a Jottun,The Jottun charges atyou and dellvers a
Evade directly away from the Jottun the moment you confirm the slngle powerful hammer swlng ltwill activelytrackyour positIOn aS
wind-up anlmatlon preceding the Belly Bounce -a golden glowwlll It runs and WIII not stop running untll itelther hits you, OryOu rePOSI-
be emitted as he hunches over and crosses his arms in front of tlon yourself behlnd lt. Attemptlng to block any of the Jottun's attacks
hlm. Both the Lunge and the Bllnk can be used to safely evade thls will result ln a Guard Crush, so evasion ls the best course of actlon ln
attack, opening an efflclent attack loop for a Finesse class character all cases. Dodge this attack by evading to the sidejust as the Jottun
uslng the Shadow Flare, whlch wlll break down the Jottun's Super reaches your position; the Lunge or Bllnk can alsc) be used here to
Armor qulckly (please see Jottun Strategy section) phase through the Jottun and reposltlon dlrectly behlnd hlm.
The Jottun Runewielder ls near the plnnacle of the Jottun hlerarchy, underestimated, slnce your main advantage against these enemies
and at thls stage they have the abllity to apply rudlmentary elemen-
tal properties to some of thelr attacks. The extra danger they bring
to the battle through the ablllty to use lee based attacks ls not to be
ls speed, having the freezlng effect on your character can easlly lead
to your demise. es
Might Once you've dlluted the mob a blt with the Frostll.ap sequence, the rest of the Jottun wlll
A pure Might character wlll have fall easily' especially lf you use the Lunge. Perform the Lunge dlrectly at a Jottun during one
serlous problems agalnst a large of its attacks, then immedlately connect a point blank Shadow Flare from behind L,r= nil
mob of Jottun without the Relentless As- The Shadow Flare w"I remove a Jottun,s SuperArmor ln one shot, leaving you ire_e to follow-
sault abillty or the Shadow Flare. Whlle lt up with weapon combo chains or another Shadow Flare lf you want the unit dead as qulckly
ls posslble to chlp away at the group wlth as posslble. lt ls advlsed that you use Reckoning mode as frequently as possible against Jot-
Greatsword and Hammer Normal actlons, tun forthe large XP bonus gained. Once agaln, the point blank Shadow Flare ls the fastest
lt is a long and rlsky process. lf you have way to klll Jottun - especially in Reckoning mode
the Fielentless Assault ablllty unlocked,
make sure you stock up on Health potions Sorcery
before tackllng an area full of Jottun. Boost
your attack power vla potions as much as
H= Jottun are powerful enemies and due to thelr Charglng Hammer attacks it ls impos-
slble to keep your distance.You wlll have no choice butto deal with them up close.
posslble, then activate the F]elentless As- The best time to attack when faced with a Jottun mob is directly after evadlng a Charglng
sault upon engaglng the mob. Attack Jottun Hammer Only one Jottun at a time ls allowed to execute this attack, so concentrate on
WarrIOrS first With full combo chalnS, trylng Bllnking through this attack, then strlke from behlnd wlth the lee Barrage I id=<L-I( 2-+ There
to focus on a slngle target and maklng the won't be time to follow-up with additional spells if faced with many Jottun, so after you land
kill before the Relentless Assault explres. As the lee Barrage look out for the next Charging Hammer and repeat the process.Take out all
soon as the Relentless Assault deactivates, Warrior type Jottun first by repeating the Blink to lee Barrage sequence on each Instance of
use Normal actlons only as you enclrcle the the Charglng Hammer in turn
mob while evading their attacks. Keep this
up untll the F\elentless Assault ls available
agaln. Reactivate the Ablllty as soon as pos- TIP
slble and revert to attacking wlth full combo Jottun will not stop chasing you once the Charging Hammer begins. Use this Peculiar-
chains while topping up your health at every ity to lead a single target away from the mob This will give you more time tO land the
opportunlty. lee Barrage from behlnd Safely.
your attacks by 330/a. Contlnue your attack
with three Longsword slashes into the
Shadow Flare, and repeat this attack loop
until the Jottun dies. Wlth the Battle Frenzy
now actlve, allow another Jottun to charge
with Its hammer, lead it away from the mob
and do the Longsword/Shadow Flare loop
sequence agaln for a faster kill.
When venturlng into an area
contalnlng Jottun mobs, make ab-
solutely sure that you have a decent stock of
Mana potlons. The fastest way to terminate
a Jottun is with the Shadow Flare. At lower
levels this technlque wlll drain your Mana
gauge very qulckly, so ensure that you keep
the gaugetopped upatall times! lfyou are
able to engage a unit without immediately
waklng up the whole mob, lay a FrostlTap
before strlklng with arrows from as great a
dlstance as posslble. When the FrostTrap
is triggered, storm ln close to the affected
Jottun and connect a Shadow Flare at polnt
blank range.
_ a ---
The fearsome, serpentine Banshaen are she-hag mothers of the Murghan.lTavelers
who wander into a Banshaen's territory can quickly find themselves oven^/helmed by
her spawn, if they aren,t killed by her lashing tail first.
Banshaen are often found ln the company of a small group of thelr sprlng durlng the battle. Although thelr general movement is qulte
Murghan offspring, ln the same swampy areas that they lnhablt. slmilar to a Leanshe, they tend to stlck to one spot most of the time
Even lf you flnd them alone, however, theywill never be so for very when they flght, whlle uslng thelr offsprlng to run Interference for
long, since they posses the unlque abillty to rapldly blrth more off- them.
Knockback 6 7
Knockback 6 O
Interrupt 15 5
Knockback I0 7
At the onset of the encounter, the Banshaen wlll spawn uptothree Murghan by splttlng
their birthing pods from Its mouth. Everytlme you klll one of them, the Banshaen wlll slmply Hit Points Time Till Hatcl1
replace lt wlth another. ln orderto puta stop tothls endless loopyou must klll the Banshaen 4 seconds
The Banshaen's behavlorcan be dlctated to some degree by killlng Its Murghan minions. Kill-
lng a Murghan w"I command the Banshaen to spawn another one as a top priority, a Finesse
=-- e - --
character can make the most of thls behavior by connecting a polnt
blank Shadow Flare agalnst the Banshaen durlng its spawning
anlmation.Thls will qulckly break down the creature's Super Armor
leadlng to a quick klll.
Murghan pods can be destroyed before they hatch.
Frenzied Charge
The Banshaen wlll execute the Frenzied Charge when you are out
of melee strlklng range of the creature.The Banshaen makes a mad
dash in your directlon, coverlng a great dlstance as lt attempts to
ram into you . lt is the dlstance the Banshaen travels, which
ls actually Its undolng. By allowing the Banshean to execute this
technique you can lead lt away from Its Murghan underllngs, where
you can then apply vlolence without rlsk of outside Interruption. The
animation cue precedlng the Frenzled Charge ls the Banshaen wrap-
plng Its tall around its body as it lets out a growl. Upon confirmation
ofthecue, makea run for lt. F]unasfarawayfromthe Murghanas
you can and evade the Banshaen as it exits the charge anlmation.
Tail Whip
When flghtlng a Banshaen at close range it will attack uslng a single
whlp of Its tall, whlch wlll produce a Knockback hlt reactlon ; i:i.
Thls attack can be deflected wlth a Shleld Parry and should be
exploited lf you are playlng a Mlght or Finesse character. After lead-
ing the Banshaen away from its Murghan minions while it executes
the Frenzied Charge, lmmedlately rush ln close and begln attacklng
wlth weapon combo chalns.The Banshaen will then attempt the
Tall Whip, parry thls strlke and lmmedlately contlnue your attack
sequence - Flnesse characters should Immediately counter wlth a
Shadow Flare to qulckly break down the Banshaen's SuperArmor
Storm Bolt
The Storm Bolt flres a slngle bolt of llghtning energy from the splne
ontheBanshaen'sheadrL: _ Thisattackhasaspookytendency
to "guess" your posltlon before or after an evade, it's actually pos-
slble that your evade will lead straight into the path of the bolt.To
avoid this, keep your dlstance when you see the Banshaen's spine
begln to glow and visually confirm the bolt's direction before evad-
lng lt lfyou do not havethetlme orthe spacetodothls, tlmeyour
evade to colnclde wlth the "grunt" sound emltted when the bolt ls
Storm Call
The Banshaen and Its Murghan cohorts comblne thelr powers to character can power ln wlth polnt blank Shadow Flares to quickly
deliver a masslve area and projectlle attack, whlch infllcts a great remove the Banshaen's SuperArmor in these Instances. lf you are
deal of Llghtnlng damage.The Storm Call conslsts of two com- dead certaln you wlll be able to remove the SuperArmor in time,
ponents: the Banshaen wlll summon a blast wave whlch radlates interrupting the Storm Call will give you a free pass to attack and
outward from its position, while the Murghan wlll fire a synchro- kill the Banshaen without lnterruptlon.
nlsed projectile attack.The wind up animatlon for this attack ls very
strlklng and you'll never mlss lt.The Banshaen wlll draw itself up to
Its full height whlle the Murghan hold thelr spears to the heavens
A "grunt'' sound will come from the Banshaen just before the pro- TIP
ject"e aspect of the attack commences. Time your evade to begln Tagging all Murghan with the tag aspect Of the Mark of Flame
just after thls sound effect to dodge safely Fiemovlng a Banshaen's will Instantly Cancel them Out Of the Storm Bolt Sequence!
SuperArmor durlng its Storm Call wind-up animatlon wlll cancel the
Banshaen's actlon but keep the Murghan locked ln place A Flnesse
- -e I
Due to its ability to infinitely spawn Murghan to the field, the a replacement.Take out this creature quickly or you will end up
Banshaen will totally dictate the duration of the battle. Killing fighting endless waves of Murghan minions.
a Murghan will immediately cause the Banshaen to belch out
spawnlng sequence uslng full combo chalns. As the Banshaen wlll not retallate untll all three
TIP Murghan are spawned, you will have enough tlme to break Its SuperArmor and lock lt ln hit
The endlessly spawning Murghan reactions before the Murghan close in.
are a good way to farm Fate energy
for your F]eckonlng gauge. Lead the Finesse
Banshaen away from the Murghan as lf you are able to engage a Banshaen before it has a chance to spawn Murghan Into
lt performs Its Frenzied Charge before the battle, do so lmmedlately wlth a polnt blank Shadow Flare to weapon combo
doubling back and quickly killing the chain loop. During the Banshaen's Murghan spawnlng sequence, lt wlll not attack with the
weaker units, TailWhipatclose range untll all Murghan are onthefield. lfyou keep upa steady barrage
I _ of Shadow FIare Instances, the Banshaen's SuperArmor will quICkly break down and the
creature wlll dle before lt has the chance to spawn a full set of Murghan
Might A simllar strategy applies lf the Banshaen ls accompanled by Its Murghan mlnlons Aim to
lf you flnd yourself ln a sltuatlon connect a series of polnt blank Shadow Flares for a quick kill. Allow the Banshaen to perform
where you can storm a Banshaen Its Frenzled Charge, lead the creature as far away from the Murghan as posslble and rush in
before lt beglns its Murghan spawning to close range as soon as the charge flnlshes. Attack uslng a weapon combo chaln, Shleld
sequence, attack uslng full combo chalns Parry theTallWhip attack and then land a point blank Shadow Flare.The Banshaen WIII
andalm to make as much damageas pos- almost certainly attempt a Storm Call at thls point. lf you then contlnue strlklng wlth a pomt
sible in a short time.The Banshaen will not blank Shadow Flare to weapon combo chaln loop you wlll break the Banshaen/s SuperArmor
attack durlng Its spawmng sequence, so use and lock lt ln hlt reactions before the Storm Call has a chance to unfold. From this point, at-
thls opportunlty to deal full combos wlth tack uslng the Shadow Flare, then a single weapon strlke, another Shadow Flare and so on
the Hammer or Greatsword. ln all other This sequence will kill a Banshaen in seconds -just make sure that you keep your Mane up
sltuatlons, as long as you lead the Banshaen atalltimesI
away from Its Murghan offspring you wlll
not be at risk of being overwhelmed by Sorcery
multlple slmultaneous attacks, Keep your Your primary attack agalnst the Banshaen should be the lee Barrage. At close range
dlstance from the Murghan and allow the thIS WIIl qulckly remove the SuperArmor, whICh WIII let you follow-up wlth a combo
Banshaen to do Its Frenzled Charge.Try to chain leadlng Into another Ice Barrage or Mark of FIame tag and detonatIOn. If you are able
outrun the Banshaen as lt chases you and to engage a Banshaen before lt has a chance to spawn Its Murghan, repeated lee Barrage
lead it as far from the Murghan as possible. attacks at close range durlng the spawnlng sequence will qulckly kill the Banshaen. ln all
As soon as the Frenzled Charge flnISheS, other sltuatlOnS, you Should follow a slmilar Strategy tO the MIght and Finesse classes and
use your weapon combo chains before lead the Banshaen away from Its Murghan by outrunnlng its Frenzled Charge. Use the lee
parrylng theTail WhIP attack, Which Will Barrage as soon as the Frenzied Charge finishes, unt" you can conflrm a hit reaCtIOn from
always come shortly after you engage the the Banshaen. Executlng a Staff combo chain at this polnt wlll apply a Knockdown, which
Banshaen at close range E3F=, 4j. Once you sets you up nicely for another lee Barrage. F]epeat this routine untll the Banshaen dles
Shleld Parry theTallWhlp' the Banshaen i¥L| B!.The remalnlng Murghan are easily dealt wlth Vla the Mage'sVortex. enclrCle the
will most likely attempt the Storm Call as its group untII they are herded togetherthen attack uslng the Mage'sVortex leadlng into the
next attack From here you can either contln- Mark of Flame.
ue strlklng durlng the Storm Call animatlon
in an attempt to break the Banshaen's Super
Armor before the attack goes through, or
back away and ball another Frenzled Charge
to repeat the sequence
lf yoLJ have the Shadow Flare available,
perform this technique directly after
parrying theTall Whip. This wlll almost
guarantee that your weapon combo
chains will break the Banshaen's Super
Armor during the Storm Call.
I.-.-.-.--- S --=rJ --
An ancient race of Fae titans, the Bolgans once ruled the night plains ofAlabastra until they
were over(hrown by theWinter Court. Since then, their noble lines have degenerated to a breed
of corpulent warriors, scarring themselves to resemble their heroes and clinging to remnants of
their past glory.
attack to the slde as soon as you see the
Bolgan pull hls arm back in preparatlon to
strike. MIght and FIneSSe Characters Should
lmmedlately power ln With Weapon StrlkeS.
Connectlng the Shadow Flare at polnt blank
range in thIS SItuatiOn Will also be extremely
-.-_--- a ---
-i,i -"-£- Bolgan i
Despite its size, this is a very simple enemy to beat due to its melee attacks. Make absolutely sure you know how to handle
lacl( of SuperArmor. Don't rest easy though! The BolganThug its attacks and when you strike - and strike hard!
is more than capable of inflicting very heavy damage with its
remaln immobIIe.
An efficlent way to deal with a BolganThug is to attack
from behlnd. Perform a Lunge to phase through one of the
creature's melee attacks then strike from behind wlth the Daggers.
At the end of each combo chaln perform a Shadow Flare and Im-
leadlng any spell Of your Choice
Blink through a charging BolganThug and attack with an lee
Barrage from behind!
mediately begin a fresh chaln. lf you keep thls going' you wlll make
short work of a BolganThug -very useful if you are facing many
opponents at Once.
3-hit Sword Combo your posltlon and beglns the sword strlke. Evadlng to the side wlll steer you clear of the attack
At close quarters, the Bolgan Brute will most while keeping you close enough to make a counter-attack possible. Immediately assault from
often attack wlth a falrly rapld 3-hlt sword to behind, whlle the Bolgan recovers wlth the same techniques you would use after evadlng the
shleld swlng combo. All hlts dealt by thls at- Sword Combo.
tack will break yourguard, so do not attempt
to block or Shleld Parry. Instead, dodge thls
attack by evading to the slde the very Instant TIP
you conflrm the wlnd-up anlmatlon (the A Sorcerer has a guaranteed Instrument for quickly and Safely Stopping a Charging
Brute drawlng his arm back in preparation to Bolgan. Tag the creature with the Mark or Flame as lt Charges. This will instantly Cancel
strike).The Brute will not stop striking even the Charging Slash animation.
though he'll be hitting nothlng butairatthis
point. A Mlght character should lmmedlately
attack from behind and a Finesse character
should go forthe polnt blank Shadow Flare. Shield Parry
Both the Flnesse Lunge andthe Sorcery Performing melee attacks dlrectly at a Bolgan Brute wlll prompt the creature to ralse his
Bllnk are superb ln thls situatlon: execute shield and block. Contlnuing to strike at the brute wlII result in a Shield Parry, which wlll inter-
these techniques dlrectly at the Brute with rupt your actlon, leaving you completely exposed to the resultlng follow-up sword strike. The
the exact same tlmlng you would normally best way to avold thls sltuation ls simply to never allow lt to happen. Do not lnltiate a head-
execute an evade. Attack from behind with on attack on a Bolgan brute with weapon strlkes -always attack from behlnd.
a weapon strlke to Shadow Flare loopwlth a
Flnesse characteror launch an lee Barrage lf
you're playlng Sorcery.
Charging Slash
lf you are outslde melee striklng distance
of the Bolgan, hewill chargeatyou and
deliver a slngle crushing blow wlth hls sword
I Cruclal for evading this technlque
is timing' the Bolgan wlll track your positlon
as he runs, soensurethatyou evadeatthe
very last moment, justasthe Bolgan reaches
Knockdown 15 7
-- -e - -
The Bolgan Brute possesses no SuperArmor, but the shield it carries is extremely effective at miti-
gating incoming damage.A frontal assault with a Might or Finesse character is unwise: instead
you should strike from behind in order to deal damage safely'
Get up close and walt for the Bolgan to perform his Sword TIP
Combo. Evade to the slde and immedlately Harpoon ln to The most powerful attack to counter with after getting behind
attack from behlnd. Use a constant flow of attacks to keep the brute a Bolgan ls the Longbow Scattershot. Use the Lunge to phase
locked in hit reactions until death.The Greatsword is a fantastic through a Bolgan's melee attacks then Immediately begin
weapon to use ln thls sltuationTo keep up a steady stream of charging the Scattershot, release thIS attack at point blank
attacks simply Guard cancel the third hlt of the combo chain and range to deal extremely heavy damage.
repeat. Once the Bolgan's llfe ls crltically low, perform the Gulllotlne
for a styllsh flnish When faclng a group of Bolgan, actlvate the Re-
lentlessAssault before settlng up the attack from behlnd. As long as
you are not Interrupted you can quickly conclude the skirmish wlth Sorcery
even a group of these enemles. i!J B±! A Sorcery class character can make a dlrect frontal assault
on a Bolgan Brutewlthout consequence Make absolutely
Finesse sure you are way out of the Bolgan's reach and attack wlth lee Barrage
Evade to the slde or use the Lunge to pass around to the repetltlons - lt ls possible to klll a brute outrlght with just thls attack.
back of a Bolgan when he performs hls Sword Combo, At close quarters, Bllnk through the brute's attacks and counter with
then lmmedlately attack from behlnd uslng the Shadow Flare and a weapon combo chain to lee Barrage from behind immedlately fol-
weapon combo chalns. Against a group of Bolgan, plant a Frost lowed bythe Markof Flame Performlng a Markof Flame directlyata
lTap (Icy Exploslon) ln thelr path to apply a Stun Immediately rush Bolgan will usually result in the tag aspect of the attack belng blocked.
towards any Bolgan unaffected by the Stun and evade Its Sword However, you can interrupt a Brute's Charging Slash anlmation wlth
Combo or Charglng Slash Attack from behlnd uslng a weapon strlke the Mark of Flame tag.Tagglng a Brute ln thls fashion whllefaclng a
to Shadow Flare loop untll you make the klll before repeatlng the group of Bolgan is an effectlve means of crowd-control.The resulting
process from the beglnnlng agalnst the remaining Bolgan. explosive damage of the Mark of Flame detonatlon wlll damage all
nearby Brutes, whether they have thelr shlelds ralsed or not.
Frost Blizzard
Mane Draln
Summon Faer Gorta
None unlque
--- e ---
Atthe end of the "Enemies in High PIaces" quest,you mustchase these assassins wlll trigger Octienne to deactlvate his barrier and
the gnomeThemplar Octienne across the scaffolding high above allow the flght to continue into the next sectlon There are three open
the city ofAdessa.The fight will take place in various locations areas in which you will be ambushed by assassins. Only after kllllng
and Octienne will alter his attacks depending on the location. all of them will you be able to cornerand confront Octienne.
Across the narrow walkways leadlng to each open area, Octlenne wlll
attack wlth the Frost Bllzzard technlque, as archers positioned on high TIP
platforms take pot shots from theirvantage point + , `. Once you Octienne's Frost Blizzard iS a fiendishly dlffICulty attack tO
reach an open area Octlenne will activate an impenetrable barrier as dodge.The key to timing an evade lS the movement Of
you are ambushed by a group of weapon wieldingWhite Palm assas- Octienne's arms: evade at the very instant he throws his
slns. Durlng these open area sections, Octlenne wlll add the Flreball arms outward as he flings the projectile.
and Mane Draln techniques to his attack sequence and take pot shots
at you while you busy yourself with the assasslns L:.T| ,??t KiIIIng
-- -- -e -
Might with Greatsword Normal actlons until they regroup, then repeat
Primary weapon: Greatsword the Gravedlgger setup again. Keep this going until all assasslns are
Secondary weapon: Longbow or Sceptre dead, collect the treasure from the nearby chest and then head over
to the next walkway
lf by any chance you have a Longbow or Sceptre ln your inventory,
it is well worth equlpping lt as your secondary weapon ln order to Thls part ls trlcky lf you do not possess a Longbow or Sceptre.
easily klII the Archers that wlll periodICaIIy obstruct your path durlng As you progress along the next walkway you will be attacked by
thls battle. lf you do not have a Longbow or Sceptre handy, you wlll Octienne, an Archer on the left, a lone Swordsman and an additional
need to use elther the Quake Harpoon or Storm Bolt to take out the Archer on the right Immediately rush ahead along the walkway,
annoying Archers. As soon as you exit the Livrarium you wlll emerge evade Octlenne's Frost Blizzard then Harpoon (or one hlt of Quake)
up on a narrow walkway wlthTemplar Octlenne ln the dlstance the Archer on the left whlle Standlng nght in front Of hlm. Hold your
ahead of you Octienne will teleport away from you as a hlt reactlon dlrectlonal Input towards the Archer to ensure that your lock-on ls
to weapon strikes, so attacklng him dlrectly requlres a little trlckery not overrldden Evade another of Octlenne's lee shots and hurry
ln order to hold him ln place.The teleport Itself can be interrupted. lf ahead towards the Archer on the rlght. Agaln stand right in front
you rush ln and perform the Greatsword Gravedlggerto deal heavy of hlm and klll hlm wlth the Harpoon. Now quickly run back to the
damage, Octienne wlll qulckly teleportaway as soon as he starts beginnlng of the walkway leadlng the Swordsman away from Octi-
hurting. However, lf you perform the Harpoon the very Instant the enne, which will give you a little more room to make the klll wlthout
Gravedlgger connects you will Interrupt and drag Octlenne towards too much Interference. Wlth the Swordsman out of the way, attack
you before he has a chance to escape. So to start wlth, qulckly rush Octlenne by lnterruptlng hls teleport wlth the Harpoon and deal as
along the walkway and lmmedlately klll the Archer on the right wlth much damage as you can before he escapes to the next open area.
a slngle hlt of the Quake before attacklng Octlenne. Begln your
attack sequence with the Gravedlgger, then cancel into the Harpoon When you arrlve at the second open area, a group of four Dagger
on hlt to Interrupt Octienne's teleport. Lead Into as many Normal and Sword wleldlng assasslns wlll lle ln ambush. lmmedlately rush
weapon actlons as posslble before you have to evade the gnome's towards the far right corner of the platform to avoid Octlenne's
Frost Blizzard attack, Evade the Frost Blizzard by rolllng past attacks and deal wlth the assassins, uslng the Greatsword's Normal
Octiennethe very instant the shot ls fired, whlch wlll allow you to actlons to keep them at bay and the Gravedlgger setup when thlngs
execute an addltlonal Gravedlgger to Harpoon sequence Keep thls get too crowded Thls is the best place to actlvate F]eckonlng mode
up for as long as possible and eventually Octlenne wlll retreat to the during this battle to speed thlngs up and avold damage. Head
flrst open area and activate hls impregnable maglcal barrler towards the next narrow walkway once you have kllled the four as-
sasslns and get ready for another set of Archers
Once you have reached the first of three open areas, Octlenne will
attack wlth the Fireball technlque in addition to the Frost Bllzzard as lmmedlately sprint along the walkway unt" you getto a pair of
a group of three Dagger wielding assassins ambush you Imme- Archers on your left. Klll these two with a single hlt of Quake, then
diately rush to the far corner of the platform (near the far scaffold- lmmedlately double back to the beglnnlng of the walkway. A lone
ing tower) to completely stay clear of Octlenne's attacks - Swordsman wlll joln Octlenne ln blocklng your path ahead.The
Controlling the assasslns whlle hldlng ln the corner can be trlcky, key here is to hang back and bait the enemles, separating them to
but not if you use trlcks of your own! lf you evade towards the edge provlde you with enough room to klll the Swordsman without too
of the platform either as the assassins approach or dlrectly after much Interference Hang back and keepthe camera faclng Octienne
scoring a Shield Parry, you can execute an evade wlthout shiftlng as you lure the Swordsman Into Harpoon range. Drag hlm over as
your position much at all.Thls wlll allow you to land an on-the-spot soon as he's near enough and attack hlm from behlnd while still
Gravedigger that wlll act as an AoE attack capable of Launching any keeplng yOurVieW fixed On Octlenne. HIt hlm WIth Normal actions
number of enemies at once. After Launchlng the assassins, attack before evading Octlenne's Frost Blizzard shot; resume your attack
immedlately after evadlng, Keep thls up untll the Swordsman dies
then contlnue chasing Octlenne along the walkway' batterlng hlm as
much as posslble before he escapes to the next open area
Upon reachlng the next open area Octienne will throw up hls shield
and attack with the Mane Drain, Flreball and Frost Blizzard tech-
nlques as a group of three Fae blade and sword wleldlng assas-
slns ambush you. Just llke you dld during the flrst open area, rush
overto the far corner and use the wlde sweeplng slashes of the
Greatsword to keep the assassins at bay whlle you hold your ground
ln the corner. Use the Gravedlgger after evadlng towards a wall or
dlrectly after a Shleld Parry to blast the group apart and away from
you should thlngs get a llttle too crowded. Once all three assas-
slns are done with, Octlenne wlll deactlvate hls shield Flush in and
strik.e hard to drain the last of his health and trigger a Fateshift kill
- - e -
Primary weapon: Daggers EE= Primary weapon: Staff
Secondary weapon: Sceptre
Secondary weapon: Longbow
When chasing Octlenne up through the stairway of the Livrarlum You will start the battle on a narrow walkway leading to the flrst
you will emerge on a narrow walkway. Attack Octienne wlth arrows of the open areas where you wlll be ambushed byWhlte Palm
until he retreats to the flrst of three open areas and activates his assassins. Hang back and use Sceptre Charged Shots to deal as
impenetrable maglcal barrier. Make your way across the walkway much damage to Octlenne as posslble, untll he makes hls way to
towards the first open area and use your Longbow to kill the Archer the open sectlon and actlvates hls maglcal barrler. Once you have
posltloned on the hlgh platform to your rlght As soon as you reach confirmed that Octlenne has moved on, follow along the platform
the flrst open area you wlll be ambushed by three Daggerwlelders, and use the Sceptre to klll the Archer on the rlght. As soon as you
so run straight towards the far corner near the scaffoldlng tower. As reach the first open area, Immediately run over to the far corner
long as you stay in thls locatlon, Octienne wlll not be able to flre any (near the farthest scaffolding tower). Octlenne will now swltch over
of hls attack spells at you. Lay a FrostTrap just before you reach the to attacklng wlth the Flreball technlque as three Dagger wlelding
corner.The assasslns wlll trlggerthe trap, allowing you to quickly klll Whlte Palm assasslns ambush you. Stay ln the corner to completely
them off wlth Dagger combo chalns, Scattershots and the Shadow avoid Octienne's attacks and take on the assassins with the Staff
FIare. and Mark of Flame.
Arm Coml)a (2nd hit) 100O^o None Yes No Knockdown N/A N/A
--- = -
hlt Of the Sequence beginSJry to have your
character posltioned dlrectly ln front of the
Tyrant after executlng the second evade,
because this will allow you to begln strlklng
lmmedlately wlth Normal actions as you
Charging Tackle
lf your character ls situated outside melee
stnking range of theTyrant, lt wlll attack
uslng three dlfferent long range techniques.
One of these ls the ChargingTackle, a
single hit rammlng attack, which wlll cause
a Knockdown if lt connects Recognlze the
anlmation cue leadlng to thls attack: the
Tyrant will growl as it crouches down and a
bright blast effect wlll burst from Its body
the moment the attack begins ' -
Fireball + -
FIame Breath
TheTyrant will shake Its head from slde to
side as lt places Its left hand on the ground
to steady itself Thls anlmatlon cue precedes
a powerful flaming breath attack, which
causes damage across a large area. lf you
are playing a Might or Finesse character, lt
ls advlsed that you stay in close range wh"e
attacklng ,so that you do not need to worry
about theTyrant's long range technlques. A
Sorcery class character however wlll have to
deal wlth these attacks after connectlng an
Ablllty actlon, which wlll ln most cases push
theTyrant out of melee strlklng distance.
lf you evade to the slde the moment the
Flame Breath ls executed, you will safely
dodge the technique. A better evaslon
method to use against thls technlque ls to
Bllnk behlnd theTyrant durlng the anlmatlon
cue leadlng tO thlS attack After landlng an
lee Barrage at close range, theTyrant wlll
be pushed backwards by the force of the
blast.Thls wlll place theTyrant out of melee
striking distance and will usually trigger it to
perform the Flame Breath Visually conflrm
the anlmatlon cue precedlng the attack, then
Blink through theTyrant's body so that you
end up behlnd lt . From hereyou can
attack with the lee Barrage whlle theTyrant
stays locked ln its attack anlmatlon.
I e --
The Armageddon ls a huge AoE burst attack, which is executed at wlll draw into Its body. Central to evading this technique properly
close range to break your attack sequence and keep you away from ls recognlzlng the exact moment the start-up anlmatlon beglns. As
theTyrant Thls technique ls deslgned to force you to move your soon as the anlmatlon cue beglns, run two steps away from theTy-
character away from theTyrant so that lt can attack using safer long rant and lmmedlately evade outwards. The blast radius will fall short
range actlons,There is, however, a very useful method of evading of your character's posltion, so allow the blast effect to disslpate
this, which allows you to stay ln attack range and dictate theTyrant's then evade back towards theTyrant , L ThIS evasion method
actlons, locklng lt ln an endless attack loop.The flrst thlng you need wlll ensure that you are always wlthln close range of theTyrant/
to learn ls to instantly recognize the animatlon cue leadlng to thls limltlng Its actlons tojust three moves (Tail\^/hlp, Arm Combo and
technlque.TheTyrant will stop attacklng and a brlght aura of energy Armageddon)
Arm Combo (2nd hit) lOOO/a None Yes No Knockdown N/A N/A
The key to quickly and efficiently killing a NiskaruTyrant is full don. lf you evade back into close proximity of theTyrant once
knowledge of its various attack cues and exactly when and the damage dealing portion of theArmageddon attack passes,
where to strike. This enemy may seem completely oven^/helm- it will simply repeat the sequence.This can go on indefinitely;
ing at first, but fear not: watch its actions closely and you will you can even use this pattem for training. Once you,ve got the
notice a predictable pattem, which is easily exploited. At close hang of evading theArm Combo then parrying theTailWhip,
range, the NiskarvTyrant can be locked into a set sequence of slot Normal actions into the gaps to mutilate safely until the
actions. All you need to do to achieve this is simply stay close Tyrant,s SuperArmor breaks. As soon as the SuperArmor is
to it. Staying close to theTyrant, will provoke its first attack, disabled, you will be able to lock theTyrant in hit reactions until
theArm Combo, then theTaiIWhip followed by theArmaged- its armor regenerates.
Might run two steps away from the creature as soon as the Armageddon
Primary weapon: Longsword wlnd-up animatlon begins, then evade outwards. As soon as the
Secondary weapon: Greatsword or Hammer blast effect of the Armageddon passes, run two steps towards the
Tyrant then evade back ln Try practising thls routlne fora whlle.
Take out any enemles accompanylng the NlskaruTyrant flrst: use The key to keeping it going ls getting the Armageddon evade down
the Fielentless Assault and/or Battle Frenzy to remove these extra perfectly. As soon as you are used to this sequence, begin inserting
unlts as qulckly as posslble. Once you have theTyrant all to yourself, attacks. Use Normal actlons ln the gaps between your evades and
rush ln to close range after evadlng one of Its long range attacks. parries untll theTyrant/s Super Armor breaks. \^/hen thls happens,
There are two possible attack patterns theTyrant w"I follow from you will have a chance to perform a full combo chaln -try and deal
thIS POint: as much damage as posslble before the SuperArmor regenerates.
That's all there ls to it! Simply keep repeatlng the pattern and the
1' Arm ComboJail Whip, Armageddon' Nlskaru Tyrant won't stand a chance.
2Tail Whip, Arm ComboJail Whip, Armageddon.
Notlce how the Armageddon always executes dlrectly after aTall Primary weapon: Daggers
WhIP, Which follows an Arm Combo?Thls behavIOr iS Set ln Stone Secondary weapon: Longbow
lf you are close to theTyrant. As long as you stay close, thls pattern
will never break So after evading back Into close range, dodge or Wlth a Flnesse class character you can follow a similar strategy as
parry the attacks as described, before evadlng the Armageddon To dlscussed for the Mlght class, except weapon strikes are backed up
ensure you stay close to theTyrant after evadlng the Armageddon, wlththe point blank Shadow Flare Duetothe high Mane costof
200 -
frequent Shadow Flares, lt ls recommended that you always keep Sorcery
a good stock of Mana and Mane regen potions ln your inventory. Primary weapon: Staff
Flrst of all, take any addltlonal unlts off the fleld: connect point blank Secondary weapon: Sceptre
Shadow Flares to get rld of them quickly' while avoiding theTyrant's
long range attacks.When theTyrant ls alone, get Into close range Usually lt ls best to attack from a dlstance when playing a Sorcery
after avoiding the Flreball, Flame Breath or CharglngTackle, so you class character Against the NlskaruTyrant however, lt ls much easler
are ready for theTyrant's very slmple assault pattern: to start your attack sequence from close range The spell you wlll
need to attack wlth ls the lee Barrage; connecting this spell at close
1. Arm ComboTail Whip, Armageddon. rangewlll deal a huge amountof damagetotheTyrantand break
2Tail Whip, Arm ComboTail Whip, Armageddon. down Its SuperArmor qulckly. Make absolutely sure that you remove
all additional units from the battle flrst, keep your dlstance from theTy-
lf pattern 1 ls executed, connect a polnt blank Shadow Flare after rant and kill any weaker enemles such as Nlskaru Bloodhunters flrst,
evadlng the Arm Combo, then perform Normal actions untll you before engaging theTyrant.You wlll not be able to lock theTyrant ln an
Shleld Parry theTallWhlp. Once you've parrled theTallWhlp' as actlon loopas seen wlth the Mlghtand Flnesseclasses, butthanksto
soon as the wind-up anlmation of the Armageddon beglns, run two the lee Barrageyou wlll beableto klll the creature much more qulckly.
steps away from theTyrant then evade once ln the same dlrectlon.
This wlll clearthe blast radlus of theArmageddon and allowyou to The best tlme to attack ls directly after evadlng the Arm Combo or
evade back in to close range as soon as the blast effect ls gone. dlrectly after Shleld Parrylng theTallWhip. ln elther case, connect
the lee Barrage at point blank range.You will get the chance to flre
lf pattern two is executed, Shleld Parry theTallWhlp then connect thls spell twice (once after the Arm Combo and once after theTall
a point blank Shadow Flare Next, evade the Arm Combo and per- Whlp) before theTyrant executes the Armageddon AoE attack.The
form another point blank Shadow Flare as soon as you evade back lee Barrage should break theTyrant's SuperArmor before it has a
towards theTyrant, contlnue strlklng wlth Normal actlons untll you chance to execute theArmageddon, the spell wlll then push the
parry the upcomingTail Whlp. TheTyrant will now do the Armaged- Tyrant out of close range From thls posltlon, the lt wlll either attack
don As soon as the wlnd-up animatlon forthe Armageddon com- wlth the Flame Breath, the Fireball or the CharglngTackle -there
mences, run two steps away then evade to clearthe blast radius
before evadmg back ln when lt ls safe again.
are three courses of actlon you can take:
1. Flame Breath: Blink through theTyrant's body and attack with
the lee Barrage from behind.
TIP 2. Fireball: Back away and evade as soon as each Fireball is fired
Attack using the Daggers when facing a NISkarUTyrant The from theTyrant,s mouth, keep your distance and wait for the
Dagger combo chain will connect while keeping you POSi- Charging Tackle to execute.
tloned directly ln front Of the CreatUre'S bOdy' Where you Can 3. ChargingTackle: Keep your distance and allow theTyrant to
easily evade or parry as required. perform the tackle straight at you. lf you evade directly away
from theTyrant as it performs the tackle you will outrun the
technique and be in the perfect position to begin another
close range attack sequence. I
Keep followlng thls pattern untll you confirm a hlt reaction (which
won,t take long if you,re performlng polnt blank Shadow Flares)/ Once back ln close range, repeat the orlglnal assault sequence.
strike with a loop of two Dagger strlkes followed by a Shadow Evade the Arm Combo parry theTallWhip' ln both cases lmmedl-
Flare. Keep this golng untll hit reactions are no longer dlsplayed, you atelyfollow-up with an lee Barrage. A couple of repetltlons of thls
should be able to connect at least two polnt blank Shadow Flares complete sequence wlll qulckly see off any NlskaruTyrant.
before theTyrant regalns its Super Armor. Now repeat the process
from the beginning, ensuring you keep theTyrant's actlons locked
down by staymg ln close range.
Durlng the NiskaruTyrant's "emerge" anlmatIOn (aS Seen
during the Fellfire Bloom quest), you can connect a series Of
point blank Shadow Flares before the creature has a chance
to begin its attack sequence, lf you're quICk enough you Can
ctually kill theTyrant before it has a chance to begin fighting!
- -- e ==T----
The greatest and most fearsome of theThuatha,s generals is theWitch-
Knight Malwyn. His ageless arcane power summoned Balor, and his
fearless swordsmanship countered the greatest of mortal generals.
3-hit Combo
Thls is the same 3-hlt sword combo that is performed by the
standard Swordsmen you have encountered throughout the game.
Durlng thls flght, the best moment for a melee character to apply a
Stun condltlon ln orderto deal damage safely' ls dlrectly after per-
forming a Shield Parry - Make absolutely sure you are able to
recognlze the anlmation of this attack and press Guard to parry lust
as the first hit is about to land.
Rending Slash
The attack anlmatlon of the F(ending Slash ls the same as the Over-
head Slash performed by regular Swordsmen: however the proper-
ties of the Fiendlng Slash set lt apart.The Flending Slash ls a power-
ful overhead strlke which wlll cause a Guard Crush lf you attempt
to block lt. Melee characters are advlsed to observe that Malwyn
will loosely alternate between the F\ending Slash and 3-hlt combo
when engaged at close range. Learn to recognlze the dlfference in
the start-up anlmatlons. the Fiendlng Slash opens with an upward
leap, -\ `, AssoonasyouseeMalwynbeginhlsleap' evadethe
attack before immedlately storming back Into close range The next
attack performed wlll almost certalnly be the 3-hlt combo, so be
prepared to parry the first hlt for the opportunlty to lnfllct a Stun.
Comet Strike
The Comet Strlke ls the same technlque a Might class character has
accesstovla BrutalWeaponry I and is a procedure employed byall
boss level Swordsmen. Malwyn will actlvate Comet Strlke when
your character is outslde of melee strlklng range. As usual, the key
to readlng thls attack lsthe start-upanlmatlOn. Malwyn wlll hold a
charging stance for a moment, before charglng ahead to deliver the
strike. lt is possibleto Shield Parrythls attack bypressing Guard the
very instantthecharglng portlon of the technlque begins I , I
Take note of the "Chlng! " SOund effect emltted upon eXeCutI_On Of
the charge. Activate your Guard input coincldlng with the exact mo-
mentthe sound effect ls played. lfyou cannot gets feel forthe Shleld
Parrytlmlng, slmplyrun away from Malwyn as soon asyou see the
charglng portlon of the Comet Slash begln The distance a character
wlll travel during a Comet Strike ls around four widths of the charac-
ter: as long asyou are outofthls rangeyou will avold the hlt.
Malwyn'sWhlrlwlnd ls the same Cyclone attack employed by the av-
erage Sorcerer ln the game. A trio of homing vortices wlll be launched
in situations where your character stands outside Malwyn's melee
attack range (+,I edj. Duetothe homlng
properties of thIS attack, it iS Very diffICult tO
dodge Increase your chances by keeping
your dlstance; the longer the vortlces travel/
the more they wlll bunch together as they
home in onyour position. Evade atthevery
last moment to the side and attempt to have
all three vortlces pass by as you perform a
slngle evade
Malwyn js a mixture of different types of enemies (Swords- character class. Pay special attention to these strategies as they
man and Sorcerer) and possesses unbreakable SuperArmor. draw upon the strengths of each class to give you the edge in
The way to 1.ackle Malwyn varies greatly depending on your this battle.
Primary weapon: Longsword NOTE
Secondary weapon: Greatsword or Hammer When you are within close range of Malwyn, he will alter-
nate between the 3-hit sword combo and the Rending Slash.
Before engaglng Malwyn, you wlll need to remove hls accompany- Attempt to parry the first hit of the 3-hit sword combo and
lng Archers from the battle Storm these weaker characters and slmPly block the Rending Slash by holding Guard.
perform the War Cry (lf you haveTerror unlocked) to reduce thelr
armor before kllllng them wlth weapon combo chalns. Wlth the Ar-
chers out of the way, turn your attention to Malwyn. ln his repertolre
the most difflcult technique to evade or parry ls the Comet Strlke. ln
the midst of battle lt lS Very diffICult tO judge the exact time the at- TIP
tack w"I execute - especially lf the game's framerate is fluctuatlng lf you have the War Cry andTerror unlocked, actIVate the
Eliminate this technlque by staying within close range of Malwyn as ability upon scoring a Shield Parry to reduce Malwyn's armor
you strlke with Normal actlons.You will get a chance to Stun him by value. Upon landing your next Parry and Stunning Malwyn
landing a Shleld Parry against any hit of hls 3-hlt sword combo. with the Quake, he will Suffer greater damage from the Great-
sword or Hammer attack sequence you lead into.
--- -e -.
As soon as you score the Shleld Parry' cancel the animation Into the
Quake in an effort to Stun vla the Aftershock _. lf you manage TIP
to infllct a Stun, perform complete combo chalns wlth elther the lf you want the Malwyn fight over as qLJICkly aS possible, enter
Hammer or Greatsword to do as much damage as posslble. Keep Fleckonlng mode and repeatedly get in point blank Scatter-
thls routine golng for as long as possible, until Malwyn executes his shots and Shadow Flares. ln fact, the Scattershots alone are
Balor command sequence Then Immediately get as close as you enough to kill Malwyn within a SIngle Reckoning actIVatIOn,
can toTilera when she summons her maglcal barrler to protect you
from Balor's Eye Beam. When the Eye Beam sequence ends, Mal-
wyn will jump back down and engage you lmmedlately rush back
into close range wlth the lntentlon of landmg a Shleld Parry against Wear Malwyn down with Scattershots untll he commands Balor
the 3-hit sword combo and infllcting another Stun. This sequence to flre its Eye Beam. Qulckly move next toTllera, who will cre-
can be repeated over and over untll doom finally catches up with ate a magical barrier to shield you from the blast As soon as this
Malwyn. sequence ends, flre a Shadow Flare at Malwyn to apply Bleeding
damage, then continue the process of wearlng him down gradually
with Scattershots, FrostTraps and Shadow Flares. If you keep thIS
TIP up hewlll soon fall.
Despite the huge amount of Super Armor Malwyn possesses'
you can still Interrupt his actions WIth the Harpoon.
Unlocking and fully leveling Paralytic Poisons will make battles
with powerful boss characters much easier.This ability will ap-
ply a StLJn COndltiOn tO a Poisoned enemy. As Malwyn possess-
TIP es near Impregnable SuperArmor, striking this CharaCterWhlle
lf you have the Storm Bolt available and fully leveled, repeat- he's stunned will not break the condition.You can connect a
edly flre this Abillty from a dIStanCe tO Inflict a Stun ln safety. series Of POInt black Scattershots linking into Shadow FIares to
deal a staggering amount of damage in complete safety.
Primary weapon: Daggers Sorcery
Secondary weapon: Longbow i-Eii BH Primary weapon: Staff
Secondary weapon: Sceptre
lnltlally, Ignore Malwyn and concentrate on destroylng the Archers
that accompany hlm The fastest way tc) do thls ls to connect polnt Flrst of all summon your Faer Gorta and move well away from
blank Scattershots linklng stralght Into the Shadow Flare. Once Malwyn untll he turns hls attention away from you.Take your time
you've taken care of theArchers, lt's time to take on Malwyn and concentrate on taklng the Archers out flrst, use the Staff combo
You wlll notlce stralght away that Malwyn's Super Armor is pretty chaln linklng stralght Into the lee Barrage untll both Archers are
much unbreakable, but this doesn't mean thatyou cannot infllct dead. Now you can fight Malwyn wlthout interruptlon.The best
heavy damage upon this character. Connectlng the Scattershot way to deal damage to hlm safely ls to flrst Inflict a Stun Keep your
and Shadow Flareatpolntblank rangewlll deala hugeamountof dlstance and flre the Storm Bolt at Malwyn until you successfully
damage, whlle ensuring that you are able to Evade or Shield Parry apply a Stun, then lmmedlately get close and perform the lee Bar-
as requlred.There are two sltuatlons where you are able to safely rage.
connect the Scattershot:
1 I--- 3 ----
fJ:'J;, I iud -rU+"`
Watch out for when Balor's expresslon
changes the creature wlll draw Its head
back and a grimace wlll appear before lt lets
outa deafenlng rOari~.i #; ThISattaCk iS
notverydamaglng' lt ls moreofa tauntor
lntimldation attempt. Simply hold Guard
durlng the Start-uP anlmatIOn tO mltigate the
damage lfyou wanttotake nodamage at
all, slmply evade to the rlghttwice or stand
dlrectly under Balor's mouth as the Roar
start-up anlmatlon beglns.
+ -- -= --i--
CIaw Chain
This technique WIII begln ln the Same Way
as the LeftArm Stab, but this time Balor will
swltch hands after stabbing the platform
ly):i :U. lfthe leftarm is usedtostab
the plaiform, Balor w"I switch over to the
rlght arm to perform a repeated stabbmg
actlon and vlce-versa. Once the sequence
ls complete, you w"I have a chance to deal
damage to the claw while lt is trapped in the
-.- =- =p -
Make absolutely sure you can recognize Balor,s various attacl(s. this giant creature and get a clear shot at its head. Attacking its
This enemy can kill you in a single hit,so an en.or in judgement head directly will deal a vast amount of damage!
could be fatal. Once an attack chance has come up, strike hard
with your most powerful techniques in order to stun and topple
"i' ± Sorcery
Might Due to the colossal attack range of spells, a Sorcery class
Evade Balor's varlous attacks as previously discussed untll character has many more opportunities to infllct damage
it performs the LeftArm Stab. Evade the attack and then upon Balor, compared to the other two classes. For example, you
strlke the trapped claw wlth full Hammer or Greatsword combo can attack with the lee Barrage durlng Balor's Hlgh Eye Beam. Stand
chams Repeat this process until you stun Balor and cause Its head rlght at the front of the platform and execute the Ice Barrage, the
to fall to the platform. Attack the head wlth full Hammer or Great- projectlles wlll lnltlally miss Balor, but the homlng propertles soon
sword combo chalns. \^/hen you reduce Balor/s life gauge to 70O/o kICk ln and bend the Path Of all projectiles towards Its head leo;,_i: f:3^i
and below, lt wlll add the DoubleArm Stab and Low Eye Beam Into
Its attack routine.The Double Arm Stab presents another opportu- The attack chance you are waitlng for is when Balor's claw becomes
nitytodo harm: agaln strikeas hard asyou canwlththe Hammer stuck in the platform, following one of Its stabblng attacks (Left Arm
or Greatsword in orderto inflICt another Stun and a chance to attack or Double Arm Stab) The lee Barrage or Elemental Fiage Abillties
the creature's head. work very well against Balor's claw, especially when linked onto
the end of a Staff combo chaln Use thls attack sequence agalnst a
Finesse trapped claw at every possible opportunity until you Stun Balor. \Mth
The Longbow lets you attack Balorfrom a dlstance and the the creature's head within reach, you now have a chance to lnfllct
Scattershot abllity wlll immensely damage both Its claws an enormous amount of damage, so attack with the most powerful
and its head once you Stun and topple the creature to the platform spell ln your arsenal
When Balor executes the High Eye Beam, rush to the front of the
platform and flre a few arrows at Its head i->f:,i 5].The best chance The Meteor, lf used as a stand-alone technlque agalnst Balor's
to heavlly damage Balor and topple lt over ls dlrectly afterthe Left head, wlll wreak havoc with its healthl The damage thls technique
Arm Stab or Double Arm Stab. Get Into close range of a Claw and infllcts ls so great that Balorwill actually begln a new Stun instance,
fire repeated Scattershots or Shadow Flares. Thls wlll qulckly topple triggered from wlthln Its current Stun. lt ls actually possible to lock
the creature and give you a chance to pummel its head. Maltreat the Balor ln a permanent Stun state uslng thls technique! The wayto do
head uslng repeated polnt blank Scattershots and/or Shadow Flares thls ls to repeatedly perform the lee Barrage immedlately after the
to deal masslve damage and end the flght qulckly. Meteor. Whlle you execute the lee Barrage, tlme slows down for
all elements of the game except your character So you're actually
lncreaslng the amount of actual tlme Balor is held wlthln Its stun
TIP state whlle you perform the lee Barrage, just long enough for the
Lltterlng the ground with Gambit bombs will damage Balor as Meteor cooldown to expire! The exact sequence of attacks to use to
it performs Its RIght Arm Swlpe get thls golng ls: Meteor, Ice Barrage, Staff combo chain (two hits),
lee Barrage, Meteor. [vyJ,I "
FZeckoning Sequence
Once you've reduced Balor's llfe gauge, an on-screen prompt will
appear slgnifying a Fieckoning mode actlvatlon sequence. Follow the
on-screen prompts to trigger the next scene in the sequence, fallure
to enterthe correct input will cause Balorto escape death and
resume attack wlth a portlon of its health gauge restored.
I..- - S _--
Battle Horn: Power Upi
Durlng the battle, Dren wlll perlodlcally
teleport a safe dlstance away and blow his
battle horn, in a very simllarfashion to what
you've previously encountered in the flght
=¥I ___:=FII
agalnst Malwyn A .The battle horn
grants a 30% increase to Dren's melee
attack damage and activates the Cyclone
spell. Durlng hls powered-up state, Dren's
hands wlll glow and he wlll attack uslng the
Cyclone whenever he is situated outslde of
melee strlklng range of your character.
Fire Rune
A glowlng Flre Rune wlll be placed on
the ground at the locatlons where Dren
dlsappears and then reappears following
hISTeleport Ab"Ity , Be sure to stay
well away from these runes, as contact
wlll result in detonation and a great deal of
Dren is of the same character type as Malwyn, whom you the ability to launch a spell attack from a distance.Whereas i1:
faced during the siege of Mel Senshir and the strategy used was impossible to break through Malwyn's SuperArmor, Dren
to defeat him is very similar. Malwyn used his battle horn to only has 300/a of his HP dedicated to this armored state.Thus i1.
command the giant Balor to attack in his stead, Dren however is possible to break through Dren,s SuperArmor and lock him
uses the ins1:mment to boost his own attack power and enable within hit reactions as you deal damage.
flculty.The most baslc (and most rlsky) method ls slmllar to the Mlght class strategy ln that
NOTE you will beaimingtoscorea Shleld ParryagalnSt Dren's3-hit Combo, then counterlng wlth
The flght will begln WIth neither Dren the Shadow Flare leadlng into Normal actlons ln preparatlon for another Shleld Parry.The next
nor the player character able to dam- method Involves the Frostll.ap, speclficallythe lay Exploslon ablllty whlch augments the trap
age one another. lt is best to stay Layoneofthesetraps in Dren,s path andwaltuntil hetriggers lt. lfa Stun condition lsapplied,
away from Dren until an additional immedlately dive in with weapon combo chain to Shadow Flare loops. lf you want to boost the
dialog scene trlggerS. Once this dialog damage you inflICt after aPPIylng a Stun, connect the Scattershot at point blank range. { -!<i| #:i
IS complete, you Will be able tO fight
the true battle. The Scattershot w"I deal a monstrous amount of damage, if executed so close to your target
that all arrows flred connect at Once.You can actually kIII Dren using this smgle technlque
alone. As the entire Scattershot charge and release sequence conslst of Normal actions, you
are free to block or Shleld Parry at any point.Thls allows you to really take libertles wlth the
Might Scattershot and put ln the shots between Dren's attacks or directly before or after scorlng
Primary weapon: Longsword a Shleld Parry Initially try to connect the Scattershot dlrectly after a Shield Parry agalnst
Secondary weapon: Greatsword Dren's 3-hit combo, but as you get better you should tryto be more adventurous and make
the shot before you land a Shleld Parry-you can actually release the shot then parry directly
Staycloseto Dren forthe entlre duration of afterwards.
the battle.There are only two attacks you
need to payattention toat close range: the Sorcery
3-hlt Combo and the Rending Slash.Yt)ur "esH -_B Primary weapon: Staff
prlmaryfocus should be scorlng a Shield Secondary weapon: Sceptre
Parry agalnst the flrst hlt of the 3-hlt Combo,
becausethlswill allowyou to cancel the Dren wlll fall qulckly lf you keep up a steady barrage of hlgh Impact spells Flrstly, you should
Shleld Parry anlmation into the Quake (with keep your dlstance and attack using the Storm Bolt until you lnfllct a Stun. Once you've
Aftershock) to apply a Stun rJ,.i- `¥j. Once stunned Dren, a good attack to follow up wlth ls the Ice Barrage. But lf you want to keep
you have stunned Malwyn you can begln at- hlm locked down and deal heavier damage, the Meteor is your best bet. Launch the Meteor
tacklng proper Strlke with complete combo directly after applylng a Stun, then follow-up with the Ice Barrage [J},-_ TU. As soon as the
chains with the Hammeror Greatsword. If Ice Barrage flnlshes, simply Bllnk to back away and revert to the Storm Bolt in order to lnfllct
atany polntyou confirm a hit reaction due another Stun and repeat the process.
to Dren's Super Armor breaklng, attack wlth
an extended ground combo leading Into an
air juggle.You have six seconds untII Dren's
Super Armor automatlcally reactlvates,
deal as many strikes as possible and elm to
launch Dren Into the airjust beforethe time
IImlt eXPlreS.
lf a character's Super Armor reactI-
vates during an air Juggle combo, they
will be Subject tO all hit reactions aS
normal until they hit the ground.
Primary weapon: Daggers
Secondary weapon: Longbow
-. --i a ___ _
Hyper Frost Blizzard
This powered-up verslon of the Frost Bliz-
zard ls very slmilar to the projectlle attack
you will have seen many Sorcerers utlllse ln
battle. \^/hlle summonlng the lee projectlle,
Myrna w"I float in the air wlth a whlte magl-
cal glyph projected beneath her ,. El-
ther rush ln and Interrupt her actions as she
charges the attack or evade the projectlle
the very Instant it ls fired
Mama Drain
Myrna's body wlll emit a bright purple
glow as she charges a bolt of energy in
her hands before firing lt atyou.This bolt
wlll draln Mane power from your character
and transfer it to Myrna, she w"I then use
thls power to summon another Faer Gorta
! Make absolutely sure that you
elther evade thls attack, or interrupt Myrna's
actions before she has a chance to launch
it. Watch Myrna's arm as she charges the
attack, evade exactly as she throws her arm
outwards to avoid the bolt.
Wltch Knight Myrna's teleport IS Very Slmilar
to the technlque employed by other sorcer-
ers but wlth one very signiflcant difference.
The ground ln the locatlon where Myrna ma-
terializes w"I be covered ln a layer of frost
whlch will cause a great amount of Freezlng
damage should you come into contact wlth
lt. Stay well clear of anyfrosted sectlons of
the floor, Might characters are advised to
use the Harpoon to pull Myrna away from
thls area before attacklng i `
- = -.
Myrna may not seem to be a very power- use the magical power drawn from you to summon a Faer aorta, upto six of these
ful foeto begin with, but let her have her creatures can be summoned to do battle at any one time,The key to winning this
way and you will be faced with a truly battle is to turn the tables on the witch and overwhelm her with attacks of your own,
oven^/helming battle. Every time Myrna if you keep up a steady barrage of hits she will not getthe chanceto fire any of her
connects her Mama Drain attack, she will devastating spells.
Might 3.War Cry: ln exactly the same fashion Myrna with Normal actlons agaln. DIreCtly
Primary weapon: Longsword as described for theWrath, execute the after deflectlng the Faer Gorta's attack wlth
Secondary weapon: Greatsword War Cry-This attack will blast both Myr- a Shleld Parry' you wlll have enough room to
na and the Faer Gorta to the ground. lf launch the Shadow Flare at Myrna, only to
Most Important ls keeplng Myrna wlthln you have invested in theTherror ability/ resume strlklng With Normal actIOnS. Keep
striking dlstance and performlng a serles therewill be a chancethat Panic will up this looplng sequence untll Myrna dles -
of strlkes quick enough to lock her in hlt grip the Faer Gorta as you resume your and her Faer Gorta WIII dle WIth her.
reactions for a decent amount of tlme attack against Myrna, giving you more
before she teleports.The flrSt three hltS Of room to deal a greater number of hits.
the Longsword combo chaln (canceled and "P
repeated wlth Guard) are quick enough to Eventually Myrna wlll manage to teleport Keep striking with Normal actions
enable you to score a slgnlflcant number of away and wlll reappear surrounded by an ICY rlght UP untll the last POSSible mo-
hits before Myrna escapes the sequence area, whlch wlll apply Freezlng damage. Har- ment before you Shield Parry the Faer
wlth herteleport.When you begln strlklng poon Myrna outofthlsareathen run around Gorta's attack.The Fee Blades have
with the Longsword combo chain, the most behlnd her before you start strlklng again a very high Chance Of Striking thIS
frequent occurrence is that Myrna wlll at- lr }t1( 4i.ThIS WIIl move both your character approaching enemy as lt attempts an
temptto teleport afterthe first hlt, but this and Myrna away from the icy area and give attack, Interrupting Its actions.
teleport wlll be interrupted by the second you more room toattack Begln strlklngagaln
hlt lt ls ln these lnstancesthatyou should wlth the Longsword and repeat the strate-
extend your combo sequence to maxlmIZe gles detailed above unt" Myrna is dead.
the damage before the teleport cooldown Sorcery
explres. Attacking vla an alrjuggle combo is Primary weapon: Staff
also hlghly recommended, as Myrna wlll not Secondary weapon: Sceptre
be able to use herteleport to escape whlle lf you have Celerity unlocked and
she's ln a juggle state. Use the Upheaval leveled, you will easily be able to lock Before enterlng the hall where thls battle
to qulckly apply a Launch and follow up Myrna down wlth Longsword combo takes place, be sureto summon your Faer
wlth three strlkes of the Longsword combo chains.The Increased speed wlll make Gorta As soon asyou engage Myrna, she
chain, llnklng stralght into the Greatsword credibly difficult for the witch to willalsosummona FaerGortatoaid herln
GuIIlotine. port out of your sequences! battle. lgnorethls mlnlon and rush past Into
close range of Myrna and applya Knockdown
A good extended combo to use agalnSt wlth the Staff combo chaln As Myrna does
Myrna is as follows, not possess any SuperArmoryou can keep
Fimesse both herand her mlnlon completely locked
Primary, Primary, Primary, Guard+Primary/ Primary weapon: Fae Blades down if you followa slmple sequence/
Primary, I.I Primary, Primary, Primary/ Secondary weapom: Longbow perform a Staff combo chaln agalnst Myrna,
Primary, Guard+Secondary. then Launch the lee Barrage at her Faer
The rapld strlklng rate Of the Fae Blades Gorta. Make sureyou usethe BIlnktostay
Three hits of the Longsword combo chaln, make lt possible to lock Myrna into a wlthln close range of Myrna and always elm
two hlts of the Phantom Edge, Upheaval, contlnuous loop of hlt reaCtIOnS, effeCtlVely to Interrupt her actlons, never allowlng her
three hlts of the Longsword combo chaln, preventlng her from retaliating. The only ele- to completely recover from a Knockdown. lf
Guillotlne. lf you have theWrath ablllty ment of the flght that can interrupt thls flow you keep upthis level of pressure, lt ls pos-
unlocked, connect thls attack dlrectly after ls the Faer Gorta, which Myrna wlll summon slbleto kill Myrna before she has a chanceto
landing the Gulllotine to drag Myrna back as soon as you engage her, but you can fire off any spells.
into range and deal heavy damage. easily eIImlnate thIS OutSIde threat WIth Well
timed Shield Parries, At the onset of the
Durlng thls battle lt is best to concentrate encounter, storm Myrna and attack at close TIP
solely on attacking Myrna. Do not waste range wlth the Fee Blades.Move Myrna to Equipping an lee elemental Staff will
tlme attacklng the Faer Gorta, as it wlll glve the outer edge of the hall wlth the lntentlon make this boss battle even easier
Myrna an opportunlty to strike wlth her of cornering her, so that she is not moved WIth Freezing damage applied, Myrna
Mane Drain and summon additional minions away from your character when you strlke, will find it next tO lmPOSSlble to tele-
into the battle. There are three effective Use Normal actions (with Guard to cancel port out of your attack chains.
ways you can deal wlth the Faer Gorta as and repeat your chalns) until the Faer Gorta
you concentrate on attacklng Myrna; attacks you from behlnd. Shield Parry thIS
attack, then lmmedlately resume strlklng
1. Shield Parry: As the Faer Gorta ap-
preaches, attack Myrna using Normal
actions. Only parry as the Faer Gorta
strikes. Fiesume striking Myrna as soon
as the Shield Parry animation finishes.
2.Wrath: AIlow the Faer Gall:a to ap-
proach from behind as you perform
combo chains on Myrna, then execute
theWrath. Immediately Harpoon or
rush over to Myrna and begin striking
again immediately'
- - -e ----
ii__ii i- - ±±=iiirrfeE;RE
The Cur ofVengeance is an incredibly powerful opponent and Save your game just before you enter the hall where the Cur
you are well advised to make absolutely sure that your party resides and make sure all party members enter the battle
survives the battle through the House ofVengeance, so you before the gate shuts behind you. But( yourself up with any and
have adequate back-up in this battle.After fighting your way all damage boosting potions in your inventory and prepare for
through the House ofVengeance, you should have FZeckoning an epic battle!
mode available by the time you reach the Cur ofVengeance.
Might threeTuatha are dead, rush back to your party' perform the \^/ar
Primary weapon: Longsword Cry to reduce the Curls armor, then enter Fieckonlng. Use a heavy
Secondary weapon: Hammer or Greatsword weapon to hurt the Cur as much as posslble. Wlth all party mem-
bers attacking at once lt is posslble to klll the Cur before he has a
lf you have Reckonlng mode available, lt ls posslble to klll the Cur chance to summon his Niskaru Bloodhunters to the battle.
of Vengeance before thlngs become overwhelming. Make sure all
party members enter the battle, then run past them as they engage Without Fieckonlng' thls battle ls a little blt more problematlc, as
the Cur. Keep runnlng untll you meet a party ofTuatha who will it is almost guaranteed that the Cur will summon at least one set
enter the hall from a corrldor on the left. Wlth Battle Frenzy active, of Nlskaru Bloodhunters to asslst hlm. Begln the battle uslng the
buff yourself up as much as possible wlth potions and klll theTuatha same strategy as prevlously descrlbed: run past your party as
qulcklywlth\^/rath and a heavyweapon , . As soon asthe they engage the Cur and rush the trio ofTuatha Swordsmen. Buff
yourself up to the max, engage Battle Frenzy and defeat them as
- a ----- -
qulckly as posslb!e before rejolnlng your party. Perform theWar Cry lf possible to weaken that you wlll actually break the Curls Super
the Curls armor and hammer away at hlm before he teleports and sounds hls battle horn. Armor durlng the Stun condltlon Once you
The battle will now move towards the centre of the hall.Your party will contlnue tO attack conflrm a hlt reaCtIOn, extend your combo
the Cur so concentrate purely on taking out the Niskaru Bloodhunters. Attack using Normal as much asyou can andtransltlon into an
actIOnS and Shield Parry the Bloodhunter's attacks to keep the group under control. As alrjuggle to deal addltlonal hlts and keep
soon as you have the Cur singled out, use the same strategy as you dld agalnst Malwyn him locked ln hlt reactlonsforas long as
and Dren: Shleld Parry the flrSt hit Of the Curls 3-hit combo and lmmedlately Cancel Into the posslble Eventuallythe Cur wlll summon
Quake (wlth Aftershock) to apply a Stun f--`*J aj When the Cur ls stunned you will be able another set of Bloodhunters Repeat the
to attack wlth a heavy weapon safely. Make sure you contlnue to keep yourself buffed wlth process of killlng these foes before stun-
potions and strlke aS hard aS you Can unt" the Stun State eXPlreS.There IS a hlgh Chance ning the Curagaln andVICtOryWIII soon be
Primary weapon: Daggers
Secondary weapon: Longbow
Use the Smoke Bomb to stun the
Tluatha Swordsmen for the opportunlty
kill them neatly with Stealth attacks.
I- a -- --
3-hlt combo. Verify that the Stun has taken Sorcery
hold, then connect a point blank Scattershot Primary weapon: Staff
before laylng another FrostlTap directly onto Secondary weapon: Sceptre
the Curls posltion. This additlonal FrostlTap
wlll trlggeras soon as the Cur awakens from By the tlme you've fought your way through the House of Vengeance you should have
hls Stun and glves you a chance to Inflict F]eckoning mode avallable. Use lt to quickly exterminate the Cur of Vengeance. Before
yet another Stun. \Mth luck you can actually startlng the flght, ensure that all party members are safely past the gate leading to the hall.
lock the Cur Into a Stun loop from whlch he Rush past your party and move to the left hand side of the hall to meet wlth a trlo ofTuatha
will not be able to escape or summon hls Swordsman. Use any and all magic power boostlng potions ln your Inventory and attack
Bloodhunters. using a large AoE spell such as the Elemental Rage,Tempest or Meteor. Once theTuatha are
dead, return to your party and the Cur of Vengeance.Top up your buffs lf need be then ac-
tivate F]eckonlng mode. Attack the Cur uslng the Meteor or other such powerful spell, then
TIP follow-up with the lee Barrage. Keep up a steady flow of hlts by switching between spells
A high level F?ogue will be able tO take and you'll soon have the opportunlty to klll the Cur with a Fateshift.
advantage of the ParalytIC Poisons
Ablllty combined With the Envenomed Should you not have Fieckonlng avallable, begln the battle ln the same manner by kllllng the
Edge. Point blank Scattershots will Tuatha Swordsmen first before rejolnlng your party and engaging the Cur. Use the Storm
occasIOnally inflict an additIOnal Stun, Bolt from a dlstance to infllct a Stun, then attack uslng a hlgh powered spell followed by the
which will Permit you tO keep the Cur lee Barrage and then the Storm Bolt once agaln as soon as he wakes from the Stun !y.,)
locked in a Stun state more frequently. lf you keep yourself buffed wlth potlons and always make sure you keep the Cur stunned via
the Storm Bolt, you wlll be able to kill him before he has the chance to summon his Blood-
hunters into the battle.
Should the Cur manage to summon hls Bloodhunters, the way you treatthem should
lf the Cur manages to summon his Blood- depend on whetherthey focus on you oryour party. lf your party is targeted, attack each
hunters into the battle, the strategy you Bloodhunter with a Staff combo chaln linking Into the Ice Barrage. lf you keep yourself
should use is totally dependent on whether buffed vla potions you wlll be able to kill each one qulckly with this sequence. lf the Blood-
the Bloodhunters target you or your party hunters target you instead, use the most powerful AoE spell you have after herdmg them
members. lf the Bloodhunters focus thelr together wlth the Staff combo chaln and/or Mage,s Vortex. Once the Bloodhunters are dead,
attentlon on your party, then you should revert back to the Storm Bolt to Stun strategy agalnst the Cur and he should fall soon after.
concentrate purely on attacklng the Cur
using the technlques prevlously discussed.
lf the Bloodhunters target you, killing them
as qulckly as posslble should be your prlor-
lty. Lay the Gambit and stand withln the
carpet of bombs, use the Scattershot for
heavy damage to the Bloodhunters as they
approach or directly after you score a Shield
Parry. Once you have the Cur singled out
again, use the same Stun and Scattershot
technique to wear hlm down gradually and
win the battle.
- a --
-,-x S:j9i=SY|¥ !±:. Gadflow
Hyper Cyclone
The Hyper Cyclone ls the same Cyclone
spell used by the standard Sorcerers you
have already encountered, but wlth a
twist. Gadflow will launch a second set of
Cyclones directly after the first, meanlng you
wlll need to evade twlce ln alternatlng dlrec-
tions in order to clear both sets of vortices.
i ih"H BEE
Fire Rune
Once you have kllled the projectlons of
Gadflow, the real version wlll teleport to the
opposite slde of the hall and attack from a
dlstance. Upon teleportlng, Gadflow wlll
also lltter your path wlth countless Fire
Fiunes, maglcal lnscrlptlons, whlch will
explode on contact #y] Do not step on
the Fire F3unesl Make your way out from the
side of the array of runes whlle taking care
to evade Gadflow's long range attacks.
Reign of Fire
Upon casting the array of Flre Fiunes,
Gadflow wlll teleport to the opposlte slde
of the hall and attack with an extremely
powerful flame spell whlle hoverlng hlgh ln
the alr Fy*:: fe;.The Fieign of FIre iS initlally
a long range attack, where the Fee wlll
launch blasts of flre magic atyou, while you
negotlate the obstacle course of Flre Runes.
The key to evadlng thls technlque ls not to
watch the fire blasts, but Gadflow himself.
Gadflow wlll perform a throwlng mOtIOn
with his arms as each blast is flred, evade
when each throwlng motlon completes to
avold the imminent blast.
Gadflow's attack sequence consists of three phases.The first is canceled by your actions, the third phase begins.This is your
phase sees the Fae summon a pair of projections which will chance to attack Gadflow without interference, for he will fight
attack using magical spells. Once you've destroyed the projec- alone for a brief period. Use this opportunity to deal as much
lions, the second phase will begin: Gadflow will cast an array damage as possible before he summons another pair of projec-
of Fire Runes across the floor and attack from a distance with lions and restarts the sequence from the beginning.
the Reign of Fire. Once the Reign of Fire either ends by itself or
safety or cast a spell. Eventually Gadflow
wlll manage to summon hls prolectlons
again, so restart the whole process from the
beglnning for another chance to attack.
\ H -i- PrimaryWeapon: Daggers
I-- - -i±fiiiii I.i.
SecondaryWeapon: Longbow
`' " . I,
\ ..
af EF _-
A good Longbow and a leveled set of Long-
bowAbilitles will make this boss encounter
a much more manageable experlence. The
'iH i_-_iT=
/*\s¥tS*` Longbow ls very effective for taking out
Gadflow's projections from a safe dlstance,
and masslvely damaglng the real Gadflow
once you have hlm to yourself. Upon start-
4 ing the battle, Immediately lay a carpet of
-I-- a- -
ll )1a ..i*S Gadflow
Gamblt bombs dlrectly ahead of your character. Stand behind the F(unes and approach Gadflowfrom the side whlle taking care to
Gamblt and shoot the Gadflow projections wlth the Longbow. Try evade the Fielgn of Flre.The key to avoldlng the F3elgn of Fire is to
to klll each projectlon in turn with a volley of shots as you keep your watch Gadflow instead of visually tracking the flame attacks. Evade
dIStanCe and dodge thelr Venous magical attacks. I.7 as soon the as the throwlng motion Gadflow makes with his arm
flnlshes, this ls the exact moment a projectlle ls flred. Once you
Once both projectlons are gone, Gadflow wlll cast an array of Fire get within falrly close range, you can deal some damage by slotting
F]unes across the floor as he performs the F3eign of Flre technique Sceptre Normal Shots into the gap between your evades a 7i
from a dlstance. lmmedlately makeyourwayoutfrom the side of Stand slightly back and allowthe Reign of Fire to flnlsh (slgnlfled by
the Flre Fiune array and run towards Gadflow. Posltion the camera an AoE flaming blast wave on the ground as Gadflow lands). Make
sothatyou have a clearvlewof Gadflow's arms, evade upon the sure your Faer Gorta is actlve then rush ln to attack with physical
completlon of each throwlng motlon he makes, When you reach strikes.
Gadflow's posltlon he wlll contlnue to rhythmlcally cast Fielgn of Fire
shots. Flre a slngle arroweach time you dodge one of these shots
untllthe Relgnof FIreendSi ~-~ :f=. Keepyourdistanceandallow TIP
the Fielgn of Flre toflnlsh, taking careto be outofthe blast radlus A greatwayto deal with the FIre Runes is to summon your
of the flamlng shock wave triggered when Gadflow lands. Faer Gorta who will attempt to approach Gadflow. Follow
your Faer Gorta at a distance as lt triggers the FIre F?unes and
As soon as Gadflow ls grounded again, use the Dagger combo chain clears a path.
to quickly apply a Knockdown then immedlately begln charglng the
Scattershot ; =*. Connect polnt blank Scattershots in succession
ln order to Interrupt Gadflow's spell castlng actlons while deallng
a huge amount of damage. Keep this up untll Gadflow once again Once Gadflow has finished the Reign of Fire you need to lock hlm
summons his projections, and immediately lay down the Gambit down completely with hit reactlons, in orderto deal as much dam-
ahead of your posltlon and shoot the projections from a distance age as posslble before he summons his projections again. A great
to repeat the process from the beginnlng. way to do thls is wlth the Summon Faer Gorta. lf you have this
Abllity fully leveled (or thereabouts) the Faer Gorta's combo chain in
Sorcery conjunctlon wlth Alyn's attacks will work wonders ln keeping Gad-
E=L= qffl. Primary Weapon: Staff flow from attacking or escaping. Due to Gadflow's Immense maglcal
SecondaryWeapon: Sceptre defense, spells will not do much damage against him, but physlcal
attacks wlll stlll hurt him a lot.The best way to lock him down wlth
Flrst and foremost you must get rld of Gadflow's projectlons before your own attacks is to repeat two hlts of the Staff combo chaln/
you can deal decent damage to him. Use the Sceptre Normal or press Guard after the second hlt of the combo chaln sequence then
Charged Shot to Interrupt the actlon of a projectlon, then cancel the repeat. lf you keep repeatlng this looplng sequence whlle Alyn and
shot Into the Ice Barrage for signlfICant damage +,r^, T=lL Keep your your Faer Gorta add thelr own strikes Into the mlx, it ls possible
dlstance to have space to dodge the venous projectlle attacks the to reduce Gadflow's life gauge by 50O/o before he has a chance to
triowill throw, while slottlng the lee Barrage in as a counter-attack at summon hls projectlons I-., ,---The key to thls ls to keep Gadflow
every opportunity. ln range by Blinking towards him after the second hlt of the Staff
combo chaln should he be knocked away, Keep thls sequence going
Wlth the projectlons out of the way, Gadflow wlll lltter the ground for as long as posslble before Gadflow summons the projections
wlth Flre Fiunes and attack wlth the Reign of Fire from the opposite agaln and teleports away, start the whole routlne from the begin-
slde of the hall. Immediately make your way out of the array of Fire nlng once this happens.
-I- _I --
The God Under the Mountain,Tirnoch the Merciful promises to change the world once
the plague of mortals have been wiped from its face. AllThuatha serve her, and wish only
to prepare the world for her birth.
Atlribriie Splinter of Fate. Warrior " Splinter of Fate: Ftogue Splinter of Fate. Mag®
Encounter Level Range 2445 24-45 2445
SuperA-o' None None None
No No No
Extract Splinter Fioar
Upon starting the battle,Tlrnoch wlll drain your Fate gauge as she Periodlcally throughout the battleTirnoch wlll let out a masslve F3oar,
extracts the raw essence, a Splinter of Fate from your character so powerful that lt wlll cause a hit reactlon lf you are wlthin range of
vl.The only way you can damageTirnoch is to actlvate F(eckon- the blast i , L Watch out for whenTirnoch draws her head all the
ing modeandthe onlywayyou can gain Fateenergytodoso lsto way back, this signals that the Roar is lmmlnent. Avold damage by
klll the Spllnters of Fate. During the flrst phase of the battleTlrnoch holdlng Guard or slmply stand as far away fromTirnoch as posslble.
wlll tear out one Splinter at a tlme, cycling through the three baslc lf you hang back you wlll remaln outslde the blast zone.
archetypes your character ls based on Klll the Spllnters to bulld your
fate gauge and unleash Fieckonlng mode ln orderto move on to the
next phase of the battle
218 -=
Head Slam
Standlng near the front of the platform durlng the flrst phase of the
battle wlll trlggerTlrnoch to execute a headbutt attack against either
the front-left or front-rlght Of the platform i.L- 3iTo avold thIS at-
tack completely' stand as far back as you posslbly can. Should you
flnd yourself at the front of the platform,TIrnOCh WIIl flrSt draw near
to stare you down before executing the attack Itself.Tlme will slow
down durlng the Head Slam attack anlmatlon, giving you an opportu-
nlty to dodge dlrectly away from her to avold damage
Prismere Projectiles
TIrnOCh'S eyes Will glow as she lets out a terrifylng roar, three huge
Prismere shards wlll then levltate in the alr before blastlng stralght
atyou.These Prismere shards have homlng propertleS, the key tO
evadlng them ls to dodge to the slde at the very last moment. Alter-
nate the dlreCtIOn Of your evades, aS long as you time lt rlght- only
one evade per projectile ls requlred
Extract Splinters
Durlng the second phase of the battleTlrnoch wlll step up a gear
with her Fate extractIOn and extract two Splinters at once. TIrnOCh
will cycle through and extract palrs of Spllnters based on the three
posslble comblnations of archetypes. Fiogue and Warrlor, Rogue and
Mage, Mage andWarrlor. Exactly as during the flrst phase of the
battle, the only way to damageTlrnoch ls to bulld your Fate gauge by
kllllng the Spllnters and actlvating Fieckonlng mode.
Head Sweep
Just as we saw durlng the flrst phase of the battle, venturlng too
close to the front of the platform will trlggerTlrnoch to use a head-
butt attack. But this version of the headbutt strikes the entire front
portIOn Of the PIatform, there IS nO left Or rlght dlreCtiOnal VarlatiOn
this tlme round.The wind-up ammatIOn PreCedlng the Head Sweep
ls the actIOn OfTirnoch drawlng near and Starlng you down, tlme WIII
slow down as the attack ls executed to glve you a chance to dodge
towards the rear of the platform.The best course of action to take
agalnst thls attack ls to slmply not be there, stay away from the
front of the platform at all tlmes!
FIame Breath
Tryyour best to keep an eye onTlrnoch throughout the second and
thlrd phases of the battle She will flrst shake her head and open
her wlngS before blaStlng Out an Incredibly powerful flaming breath
attack Fi*= #j. A heavIIy armored character wlll be able tO block thIS
attack wlthout too much hassle, but a lightly armored character with-
out some serlous flame resistance will take heavy damage even
whlle blocking.The way to avold damage from thls attack ls to stand
behlnd one of the walls of Prlsmere posltloned on the platform, as
long as you are standlng behlnd one of these walls when the attack
executes you wlll take no damage
Extract Splinters
Durlng the flnal phase of this epic battleTlrnoch will extract three
Splinters of Fate at once - one of each archetype Defeatlng these
adversarles as qulckly as possible should be your top priority, but
be sure to keep an eye onTirnoch for her attack repertolre will now
Include the devastatlng Burnlng Stare.
Burning Stare
Tirnoch will open herwlngs as her Burnlng Stare causes the ground
beneath your feet to erupt in flame I-,>'j 5:5i. Watch out for the clr-
cular hotspots which appear on the ground_ during this attack, stand
away from these zones and ensure you do not come Into contact
with them.
-. -- -ft ----
Tirnoch has the power to draw the essence hlts of thls combo chaln can be blocked, if you are heavily armored slmply blocklng ls a safe
of whatwas/ or what could have been from means to avold damage.
any livlng creature. The Splinters of Fate
you wlll face durlng the battle with Tirnoch Hammer Blow
are the three archetypes your character's The Hammer Blow ls used as a follow-up attack afterthe Spllnter has landed his Shleld Bash
flghting style ls based upon. Be sure to learn technlque Be sure to ralse your guard and block the Hammer, for even lf you've suffered
what these Splinters of Fate are capable a Guard Crush fromthe Shleld Bash Ills stlll posslbleto blockorevadethe Hammer Blow
of as their technlques can be absolutely dlrectly afterwards. /
devastatlng I
Shield Bash
As aWarrlor type Splinter of Fate approaches
it w"I often raise its guard.This anlmatiOn
cue slgnifiesthata Shield Bash is imminent,
theWarrior wlll rush towards you and dellver
a devastatlng blow, which wlll Instantly break
your guard. Heavlly armored characters are
advised to stand thelrground and blockthe
attack, lightly armored characters should
evadetothe slde as soon as the attackcom-
The Harpoon technlque employed by the
Warrior Splinter is exactly the same tech-
nlque you wlll flnd ln the Mlght Ablllty tree
lf thls attack connects you will be dragged
towards the Splinter and attacked wlth the
Greatsword Combo chain. Be sure to hold
Guard as a Warrlor Spllnter approaches. The
Harpoon has a very rapld execution but ls
easily blocked, whlle the Shield Bash has a
long wind-up anlmatlon so you'll see lt com-
lng a mile off
Greatsword Combo
This llghtnlng fast Greatsword Combo may
seem veryfamlllar. Treat thls technlque
exactly as you would the combo chain of
regular Swordsmen. Press Guard to Shleld
Parry exactly when the Spllnter draws hls
arm back ln preparatlon to strlke All three
-- a -_-
Lunge into theTwisted CIaw instead. TheTwisted Claw w"I cause a Guard
The F\ogue class Spllnter of Fate wlll usually begin its attack Crush lf you attempt to block lt so make sure you are ready to evade
sequencewlth the Lunge Exactly as with the Finesse abllity' thls after blocking or dodglng the Fiogue Combo. I^-,--_-
Lunge wlll phase through your character's body allowlng the Spllnter
to follow-upwith a CrossflrefrOm behlnd tO aPPIya Knockdown. As
a Rogue Spllnterapproaches be readyto either block or parrythe
lnCOmlng Lunge A ParrywlII stop the attack dead, but lfyou block
make sure thatyou lmmedlatelyevade away from the Splinter as
he phases behlnd you, ln orderto dodge the Crossflre follow-up or
slmply hold Guard to blockthe strlke [^-fro:1:.¥j
Smoke Bomb
At close range, the Rogue Spllnterwlll throw a Smoke Bomb and
temporarily vanISh from SIght. lt WIII then reappear and perform a
splnnlng 3-hlt sneak attack wlth a pair of Fae Blades Keep an eye
out for the wlnd-up anlmation preceding thls attack, the Fiogue wlll
hold the bomb above hls head before throwlng lt (similar to the
Kobold Fiogues), a rapld weapon strlke orAblllty actlon can Interrupt
the Smoke Bomb if you react quickly enough. lf the F(ogue manages
to throw the bomb and dlsappears, lt ls posslble to Shield Parry the
sneak attack if you time your Guard Input to colnCide WIth the Very
Instant the F3ogue reappears
Rogue Combo
Once a Rogue Spllnter gets within close range of your character lt
will elther attack wlth the Smoke Bomb or a Dagger led weapon
combo chaln. lf you do not block or parry this technlque, the Splinter
will perform two hlts of the Dagger combo chaln then Instantly
follow-up wlth the SavageWlng as an airjuggle combo.To land a
Shleld parry, press Guard the very instant the F3ogue draws back his
arm forthe imtial Dagger strike
Twisted Claw
lf you block or dodge the F]ogue Combo, the Splinter wlll cancel
the attack on the second hlt of the Dagger combo chaln and lead
Twin Projectiles Chakrams Combo
The Mage type Spllnter of Fate wlll usually begin its attack se- Lucklly the Mage Splinter's throwlng rate wlth the Chakrams ls not
quence by launchlng a rapld projectlle attackThe anlmatlon preced- rapid enough to lock you ln hlt reactlons, but the dlfferent attack varl-
ing this attack sees the Mags Splinter hold Its arm aloft to charge atlons can still catch you off-guard.The Mage Spllnter wlll mlx up Its
the spell, evade exactly as the arm ls swung when the spell ls Chakrams attack sequences, throwlng the Chakrams twlce before
launched. lf you block or dodge this attack, the Splinter wlll follow-up performing eitherthe Elemental Escape or Maelstrom. All of these
wlth a secondary projectlle to catch you as you exlt your evade anl- hlts can be blocked, but none of them can be parrled. Either hold
matlon. Be sure to evade once agaln ln the opposlte directlon after your ground while blocking or evade outside of the striklng range of
dodglng the initlal projectile. Leave a very slight gap between your the Chakrams to avold these attacks, lf you are relylng on long range
evades so that your second evade executes exactly as the second- ablllties, walt untll the Spllnter ls locked ln the delay frames of the
ary projectlle is launched Elemental Escape or Maelstrom before you launch an attack.
The battle againstTirnoch consists of three phases.The first and Mage then Rogue andWarrior) and add the devastating
phase seesTirnoch extract one Splinter of Fate at a time (War- Fire Breath attack to her attack sequence. Finally, the third
rior, Mage then Rogue) as she attacks with her Head Slam, Roar phase sees three Splinters of Fate extracted at once asTirnoch
and Prismere projectiles. During the second phaseTirnoch will adds the Burning Stare to her attack repertoire.
extract two Splinters of Fate at once (Warrior and Mage, Rogue
® Primary weapon: Longsword
Secondary weapon: Greatsword
F]eckoning mode as soon as you are able to applya Stun toTlrnoch.
Move ln and attack wlth a heavyweapon to move on to phase three.
PHASE 1 During thls phaseTlrnoch will summon three Spllnters of Fate at
Stand back as far as you possibly can (stay ln this posltlon for the once The number of attacks being executed at once can qulckly
entire phase to eliminate the Head Slam attack) and walt forTlrnoch become overwhelming so aim to kill each Spllnter as qulckly as pos-
to extract a Splinter of Fate. Hold Guard and wait for the Spllnter sible. Stand in a similar positlon as you dld durlng the second phase,
to approach, Harpoon the Splinter and begln a Longsword combo far enough back to avoldTlrnoch's Head Sweep and close enough to
chain. Evade cancel your combo chaln and roll stralght towards the left Prlsmere wall to qulckly take cover. Buff yourself up as much
and past the Spllnter to attack from behlnd uslng the Horizon Edge as posslble wlth potions, then actlvate Relentless Assault and attack
-this will allow you to move both your character and your target the Splinters with the Greatsword Klll all three Spllnters and you
away fromTlrnoch as you strlke. lTansition from the second hlt of wlll once agaln be able to activate Fieckonlng mode and apply a Stun
the Horlzon Edge Into the Upheaval to begin an alrjuggle combo to toTIrnOCh. AttackTirnoch with the Greatsword once she's stunned
flnlsh off the Splinter. EvadeTlrnoch's attacks and k"I the Splinters of and you wlll be presented wlth a chance to flnlsh her off, follow the
Fate ln the manner descrlbed untll your Fate gauge is full. Actlvate prompt whlle standing dlrectly ln front of herto trlgger a Fateshift
F(eckonlng mode to stunTlrnoch and attack at close range with a klll sequence.
heavy weapon to move to the next phase.
Primary weapon: Daggers
PHASE 2 Secondary weapon: Longbow
Position your character so that you are far enough back to avold
Tlrnoch's Head Sweep attack, but close enough to the leftmost Pris-
mere wall so thatyou can qulckly seekcoverfrom her Flame Breath PHASE 1
Activate Fielentless Assault then Harpoon and klll each Spllnter of Tlrnoch wlll draw out one Spllnter of Fate at a time durlng thls
Fate as you did ln the flrst phase. Use the Horlzon Edge to attack phase. Stand as far back as you posslbly can and adjust your
from behlnd, moving your target away fromTlrnoch as you strlke. strategy for kllllng each Spllnter based on its type. Allow the\^/arrior
WatchTirnoch closely and take cover as soon as you see the wind-up Spllnter to approach, block its Harpoon then Lunge stralght through
animatlon of the Flame Breath attack. Remember that afterTirnoch lt and attack from behlnd wlth the Daggers. Perform a full Dagger
has executed her Flame Breath attackyou have 35 seconds untll she combo chaln to move the Splinter awayfromTlrnoch and apply a
can use it agaln, use thls time to venture out into the open and kill Knockdown. Connect polnt blank Scattershots once the Knockdown
the Spllnters. Keep thls up untll your Fate gauge is full and activate is applled to make the klll. Agalnst a Mage type Splinter, remain at
- -- = --
"i I(a¢~U r?_ ¬la TImOCh
the rear of the platform and attack with a rapid arrow volley whlle Sorcery
evadlng Its projectlles The Fiogue type Spllnter should be allowed
to approach. lt w"I perform the Lunge as soon as lt is wlthln range
Tfr` Primary weapon: Staff
Secondary weapon: Sceptre
Either lay a FrostTrap as the Spllnter approaches or Shleld Parry the
Lunge Itself before executing a Lunge of your own to phase through
the SpIInter Attack from behlnd With the Daggers then connect
point blank Scattershots after applylng a Knockdown, Keep thls up Durlng thIS PhaSeTirnoch wlII extract Splinters of fate ln the order of
whlle avoldlngTlrnoch's Prlsmere Projectlles untll your Fate gauge is Warrior, Mage then Fiogue Activate your Faer Gorta and attack from
full, then actlvate Reckoning mode and attack her at close range to asfarbackasyou posslblycan wlth the Markof Flame and lee Bar-
move on to the next phase. rage. Do not allow the Spllnters to approach, hold your ground and
keep up a constant barrage of spell attacks Once you have killed
three Spllnters you wlll be able to activate Fieckoning mode and stun
PHASE 2 Tlrnoch. Get in close upon applylng the Stun and attack wlth the
Tlrnoch wlll now extract pairs of Spllnters and attack perlodlcally Staff to move on to the next phase,
with her devastating FIame Breath.The flrst pair of Splinters wlII be
aWarrior, whICh Wlll appear On the left and a Mage which wlll ap-
pear on the rlght. PosltIOn yourself nearthe leftmost PrISmere Wall
just behlnd the Shards aS Indicated ln the SCreenShOt i(JaLl; if. Lay Durlng thIS Phase,Tirnoch w"I extract palrS Of Spllnters UnIIke the
the Gamblt or a number of FrostlTaps around thls area to defend Might and Finesse classes, a Sorcery class character does not need
against theWarrior and attack the Mags wlth a rapld volley of ar- to worry about varylng strategies dependlng on the type of Spllnters
rows. Be sure to buff yourself up as much as posslble wlth potlons he lsfacedwlth.Allyou needtodo lsslmply keepthem atbayand
to enable you to kill the Mage before your arrow stock depletes. belleVe lt Or not, it'S the trusty Old Mark of Flame that proves to be
F]epeat this strategy forthe next set of Splinters (Rogue on the the most effective spell during thls battle Upon startlng the second
left, Mage on the rlght), stay close to the Prismere wall to defend phase, lmmedlately positlon yourself behind the leftmost Prlsmere
agalnstTlrnoch's Flame Breath and always ensure that you attack wall to shield yourself fromTIrnOCh'S Flame Breath. Hold this posi-
and klll the Mage type Splinterflrst. Actlvate Reckoning mode as tlon asTirnoch extracts a palrof Splinters (one on the left and one
soon as you are able and once agaln attaCkTlrnoch at close range to on the right), ensure your Faer Gorta is actlve and keep the Splinters
move on to the next phase. at bay wlth repeated Mark of Flame tag and detonatlon sequences.
F(emember that the Mark of Flame can tag through solid objects, so
lf a Spllnter ls sltuated on the other slde of the Prlsmere wall, slmply
TIP tag through lt. Hold thls posltlon for the entlrety of the phase, tag-
The point blank Scattershot is also extremely effective against ging and detonating the Spllnters untll a" three of them have been
the stunnedTirnoch! kIIIed ActIVate Reckonlng mode at this point to stunTIrnOCh Once
agaln, attack at close range wlth complete Staff combo chalns llnk-
lng Into Ablllty actlons to move on to the next phase.
ln thls phaseTlrnoch wlll extract three Splinters of Fate at once. Use Tirnoch w"I now extractthree Spllnters at once to keepyou busy
a similar strategy that you employed durlng the second phase: lay while she attacks with her Fioar, Flame Breath and Burnmg Stare
the Gamblt or a series of FrostTraps around the leftmost Prismere Use the same strategy as you used ln the second phase: summon
wall and klll the Mage with arrows whlle the other Splinters are hin- your Faer Gorta and rush overtothe leftmost Prlsmere wall to shleld
dered by your traps Make sure that you buff yourself up as much as yourself fromTlrnoch's attacks As soon as the Splinters of Fate
posslble wlth potlons for the entlrety of thls phase. Once the Mage appear, perform a largeAoE spell then keepthe Spllnters at bay
is out of the way, be sure to use the Lunge and attack the remalning wlth repeated Mark of Flametag and detonation sequences. As ln
Splinters from behlnd ln order to move them away fromTlrnoch as the second phase, the Spllnters can be held at baywlth the Markof
you strike. Make sure you do not venture too far from the PrISmere Flame alone - keep upthls routlne untll all Spllnters are dead then
wall so that you are able to qulcklytake cover ifTlrnoch attacks with actIVate F(eckoning mode, OnceTIrnOCh IS Stunned, attack at Close
her Flame Breath. Once you have killed all three Spllnters, you will range wlth the Staff combo chaln and IInk Stralght intOAbllity aCtlOnS.
be able to actIVate Reckonlng mode and StunTirnoch. AttackTIrnOCh Use the strongest spells avallable to you in order to reduceTlrnoch's
at close range wlth POint blank Scattershots untll an input icon ap- HP gauge as much as posslble.WhenTlrnoch recovers from the
pears, press the lndlcated input while standlng dlrectly ln front of stun an input icon will be displayed. Stand dlreCtly in front Of herand
Tlrnoch to trlgger an epic Fateshift flnISh. enterthe dISPIayed lnputto trlggera Fateshiftflnish, [unp::, 2j
_ a- ___
DALENTAR" Lorestone Set Bonus: Oleyn's Wll: +8% Poise)n Resistance
Far away from the front of the war against theTuatha, Dalentarth is green and
thickly forested.The wild Fas of this area are relatively unthreatening' and there
are therefore many settlements dotted throughout the region.
The brlght forests of Odarath mark the end of the human lands to the west and the beglnnlng of the
lands to the east where the Fee roam and mix with mortals.The few Fee in thls area are therefore
Lorestone Set Bonus either visitors, or keep themselves at a dlstance from the human settlements.
Nature's Pnmacy: +4% Damage
wlth Meleevs. humans Region Overview
The vIIlage of Gorhart m the south IS the Central focus Of most Of the early quests you Will encounter
Level Range
As you leave lt, expect to be attacked by wlld Fee and anlmals, notablyWolves, Boggarts and Brownles
At the north of the map is a camp of the Fled Legion, who wlll mercllessly attack anyone who Intrudes
Enemies on thelr territory Note the Hidden Door wlth some loot in it contalned ln the northeast.
Wolves, Bears/ Boggarts,
Brownles, Red Leglon Bandits Shrines - Shrine of Mitharu,Altar of Belen, Shrine ofThydron
The Shrlne OfThyrdon to the north can be detoured to when golng to see Brother Egan for the side
quest "Crlsls of Faith'.'The Shrlne Of Belen IS Very useful for uslng before entering Agnur Farhal in the
slde quest "Fieclpe forTrouble,.,
These are the icons you'll flnd
on the maps throughout this
chapter. Lorestones and Shrines
are labeled wlth thelr names,
and NPCs are labeled ln places
where they first appear.
a JumpPoint
a Lorestone
4 shrine
Quest Area
t3 Blacksmithing
EP Fateweaver
# Healing
as Mirror
ciJ Repair
© sagecrafting
a Shop
gr Training
BE UnbindGems
AllestarTower IS an unaSSumlng Gnome workshop on a hlllslde in Dalentarth, Inltially
placed there a decade ago due to a rlch seam of PrISmere in the nearby Stonecandle Mine
Few know the truth behind the experlments going on ln its depths, and the Player may be
shocked to depart the darkness of the tower Into the brlght Sunshine OfAIIestar Glade.
1 rhOeOtGh:;sSetraffof 5712 39
1 ::nB:omoOdleSttlnogngsword 4602 47
1 :fraBClkd:nd:eDtt:ngggers 4051 36
The town of Gorhart can be considered a border town, between the human lands to the Apparel
westand the Faelands tothe east. ltwasfounded yearsago, bye caravan ofAlmaln who 1 Culrass of Dlsmantllng 4033 57
came to settle but were unable to penetrate the dense magical forest. As such, many 1 Squlre's Klte Shleld 1341 28
who llve there have lnherlted the prejudlces of the humans tothewest, and much of the
1 Iron Culrass 1090 30
quests the Fateless One wlll receive WIII Involve prejudlce or mIStruSt.
1 Squlre's Buckler 982 20
1 CopperTallsman 62 8
1 Crusader's Necklace 2277
16 Lockplcks 50
1 Eroslve Longbow 1134 19
Head west, make sure you avold the Bear
Traps, a good level of Detect Hidden ls helpful but not essentlal as long as you are careful
At the first large clearlng you wlll be attacked by a group of Kobolds. After defeating them,
continue south through the mlne. At the southernmost polnt, there ls a Hard locked chest,
and nearby you wlll have to face the remalnder of the Kobolds so that you can access a pair
of locked chests. Jump down from the lump polnt to the north, there ls another locked chest
(Average) with a BearTrap dlreCtly ln front Of lt, SO be CarefulI
Head east through the dungeon, then south
Make sure you get both of the Autumn Lo-
restones ln thIS area. Many of the Fled Legion you encounter wlll turn their backs and can be
stealth attacked lf you have daggers or faeblades The two offshoots of the maln path both
--- a ---i
~r\-- uJ ^L~ Dalentarth
( H( BB"fiB5m
HiHiEHi H,Hu! -,-
You must flnd GIZela's (presumed dead) husband Camden. lf you go Didenhll. You can Persuade
to Dldenhll, you can flnd Camden's "body'' on the eastern road, wlth him that his wife still loves
a death notICe upon it However, thIS IS NOT Camden, and GIZela hlm, but other options will
wlll deny hls death notlce. Camden ls in theThree Lamps Inn in result ln hlm Staylng Put.
Return to Gizela.The
quest WIII automatI-
callyend lfCamden has
returned, lf notyouwlll havetosaywhether he lsallve or not-lf
you say he ISaIIVe/ Gizela will join hlm lf you lle/ She Will stay ln
Gorhart, alone. fr5i i :*
- -- a ---=l-
Flnd Brother Egan ln the forest tO the north. an eye out for Llghtning Mines ln the Central Fieturn to Egan's camp and speak to the two
"Fae',I FInna and Arbos They WIII ask you
Defeat the Boggarts attacking hlm. Speak to sectlon Sprites wlll also spawn and attack
hlm and hewllltellyou that he leftthemls- you The SelkleVell at PolntA has LIghtnlng for theVell -you can either Persuade them
sion in ordertofindthe SelkieVeil. Head to Mines dlrectly around lt WhlCh you Should that lt IS Cursed, Or flght them for it. F3eturn
Waterhall Down, ln the northwest Speak to watch out forl More sprltes wlll spawn to Father Dynwel -the Mlsslon will now be
Egan and head through the tunnels, keeplng when you take lt open.
Quest Received From Nanne Hanri
Wlth no SuperArmor or teleport, the best strategyto take out or Dell, you must report to the one who is stlll alive. Delf w"I give
ldward is simplytostICktO him like glueand k"I him fast. Once he IS you the key to hls chest ln the Fiellquary basement, as he no longer
dead, take care of any minlons that have rushed to the area. needs it, oryou can loot ltoff hls body lfyou kllled hlm.
The juggle attack from the longsword and strlngs canceled
Into AbilltieS WIII kill Idward qulckly.
lf you are partlcularly cunnlng, you can plant Frost Mlnes
around the area before talklng to ldward Lure hlm or hls
troops Into them after he becomes hostlle, and then flnish
them off with attacks canceled into Shadow Flares.
rfefe Try and keep a chaln going wlth Chakram attacks canceled
into Storm Bolt or Mark of Flame. After kllIIng either ldward
Gorhart: Long Overdue OBJECTIVES
(completlng "Halr Of the Dog" will cause Syllareta
Speak to BrotherTll and he wlll tell you to move upstalrs, making it easier to steal) FIetrieve the 10 books
about hls mlsslng books.These can be 4- In Moon Camp in the NortheastTywlll Coast/ Retum them to BrotherTil
found all over the Faelands and as such, ln ErathelI
this is one of the most involved and lengthy 5 - In St. Hadwln'S MISSIOn m northwest Glendara,
quests in the game! ln Dalentarth
6- ln the Scholia Arcane Llbrary ln Rathir, in Erathell
Quest Received From BrotherTil
The locations of the books: 7 - ln the Adessa Llbrary in Adessa, Detyre
1 - ln the House of Ballads Library (mustcomplete 8- ln theAdessa Library Location of Quest Giver sRte"gga;yg9sf
the House of Ballads slde quests to unlock) 9- InAnker Edmure's House in Emaire, in the
Dungeon/AreaTravelled to Everywhere!
2- ln the houseofthe MayorofWhltestone, ln \^/est of the Forsaken PIaln
Reward Gold / XP
Apotyre, Detyre 10- ln CastleAnsllla ln the SOuth Of Caeled Coast
3 - ln theVauner House ln Webwood, Dalentarth ln KlurlkOn
--- a --
- \ ,{-"\ +-`+-,`\-ac-<.I),i==--.`_i,=*-I _ _-` a _
ee iar`+»:;?-,--:----n;apiLas`F:L~:
l! - ,as yt)lvan ls a large clearlng, where the Fee do not venture often.The ruins of anclent clties can be found
ln the area, and numerous wlld beasts roam wlthout fear of Fae hunters. However, thls area ls belng
Lorestone Set Bonus disrupted by some outslde force-the songs and tales of the House of Ballads to the north are becoming
Yolvan's Poison +loo/a Poison twlsted and altered. Yolvan is an area all about old tales, wlth new endings..
Damage vs Fae, Sagrell'sW"e-
+6% Damage wlth Faeblades Region Overview
The enemies inYolvan are entlrely anlmal ln nature.The playercan begln the flrst factlon quests of the
Level Range
game, by visitlng the House of Ballads to the northwest, or Shleldrlng Keep to the southeast.Yolvan ln
general ls relatlvely easy to navigate due to Its open areas.
Bears' BrownleS/ Giant SplderS, Shrines - Shrine of Mitharu, Shrine ofThydron, Shrine of Lyria
Venomspitters, Sprites, Wolves The Shrine of MItharu ln the SOuth Can be used before headlng tO OvergrownThlcket lf you have accepted
the Shieldrlng Quest ,,Ungentle Beasts,.,
The Shrlne of Lyria in the north ls very useful lf enterlng Gorguath for "The Song of SagreII" House of
Ballads Quest The Shrlne of Mitharu should be used when traveIIng east tO Glendara.
---- = -
HHEEfflEii!g Fig Fm EE flI i m fi,difiiEi! HHifi E"
Shleldring Keep is the home of theWarsworn inYolvan, and the flrst stronghold where you
wlll encounter these fierce mercenarles You can begln theWarsworn faction quests here,
The House of Ballads are a cc)llection of Fee
who llve through song and tale.Thelr faction
quests can be started here.
E'#ir,.f*&L;*:<¬i*5ii dr a:,..:kay,'it*
Thls dungeon ls a relatlvely stralghtforward trlp south from the entrance, flghtlng off two
groups of kobolds and a couple of barghests. lt ls almost unlque in that it has no hldden
items whatsoever!
-,-- = __
Enemies - BoggartTumblers, Boggart Zealots/ OCHDRAN FALL (SHIELDRING KEEP)
Pestllent Brownles, Threshes No. Item Name Price Ftating
The Internal sectlons of thls dungeon are
locked off unless you begln the House of 3 Iron Flame Dlsc 107
14 Repalr Klt 62
nA )qu|
nR #`lvy
Ballad, andforthatyou needto
find fourAntelope HeadsYou Kill 4 antelopes and loot
them for their heads
can flnd multlple antelopes to the
north, kill them and lootthe bodies Arrange them
for thelr heads (you can only re- Defeat Let(ka
trleve the heads durlng this quest).
Fieturn to Penrl and place the
heads lnthefourdlsplay polnts, ln
a square.Thlswlll summon thetroll Lekka the Corpulent. Defeat hlm/
maklng surethat Penrl ls not killed, and loot Lekka. Speakto Penrl.You
wlll havethe optlonto Persuade herto keepthe rlng. ;
--- a ---
A fat, aged rock troll.
One of the prIOrltleS When fightlng Lekka IS nOttO let hlm kIII Penri
-ln orderto dothisyou needto stagger hlm, soyou must break
hls SuperArmor Essentlally, try and break off 20% of his health as
quickly as posslble, and also attempt to stand closer to hlm than
PenrI SO that he focuses hIS attacks On you. i:-+ I |bi
Evade hls attacks up close, and attack wlth Greatsword or
Hammer blows to lnfllct as much damage as posslble. lf
you have Aftershock it ls a great way to stun him and break
hls SuperArmor
Shadow Flare ls the premlum wayto defeat Lekka, as all
the blades wlll hlt hlm Once you evade hls attacks, throw
a Shadow FIare into him. Once he's stunned, hit him with
the standard dagger combo and cancel the last hlt Into
Shadow Flare agaln
"ceE!C gag Storm Bolt ls an excellent way to stun Lekka (although Its
damage wlll be mltigated by his resistance) lf you keep
your dlstance, you can dodge hls F(ock Blast and Charglng
Smash relatlvely easlly.
AIternatIVely, steal It from Shieldrlng Keep.You will flnd lt ln a Chest in the Keep to the north-
east at PointA. Make sure you aren't seen when you steal Ill FInaIIy' lf you have one ln your
lnVentOry' you Can just give lt tO him. Once you have the potIOn, return tO Oleander.
Dungeon/AreaTravelled to Ettinmere
Reward Gold Experlence
-- -- a I--
TheWebwood is the dark area of Dalentarth, fllled wlth spiders who have blotted out the sun ln Its
forests wlth thelrwebs. However, the town of Canneroc has managed to llve ln harmony with theWeb-
Lorestone Set Bonus wood, maklng thelr llving from the spiders/ silk' Recentlythe splders have become more aggressive,
Widow'sWay: +6% Fire even golng so far as to attack the town. Legends abound of an Unseelie Fae called "TheWldow" who
Damage , Yolvan's Polson. once stalked these lands.
+loo/a Polson Damage vs Fee
Region Overview
Level Range
The prlmary quest llne of this area ls ln Canneroc.When you arrive in town, it ls very important that you
take out the splders as quickly as possible to preventthem closing off thls quest line, partlcularly as lt
Enemies wlll result in you galnlng your first house. Unsurprlslngly, the general enemles in theWebwood tend
Bears, Brownies, Crudoks, Rats, to be splders, so flame weaponry and spells are very much recommended forthls reglon.The Ballads
Splders, Sprltes, Wolves Library can be found to the northeast of this area,
_ AI = C
i RmuE!
CANNEROC i Workbenches Location
Blacksmithing Forge The Sllken Seat
Canneroc has been battered by the splders and lost several of Its vlllagers, leavlng them Alchemy Workbencll Vauner House
scared and w"llng to grasp any savlorthey can. lt is a ripe tlme forthe unscrupulous to take
advantage Thls vlllage ls the flrst place in the Faelands where you can get your own house/ Serv, Provider Name Loedlon
glvlng you somewhere to store your loot and rest up. The SIIken
BIacksmith Blllls Aldeh
No. Item Name
6 Mlnor Llfe Leech 497
12 MlnorLIghtnlngStorm 188
few secrets. Due to the lump down points belng faced towards the entrance, you can either 1 Mmor Mane Fiegen 1017
traverse lt clockwlse orantlclockwlse. ln each of the open areas after the comdors, a group 1 MlnorTracker's Draught 1017 -
of spiders wlll spawn and attack you. 1 Mmor Burnmg Sentlnel 1017
To progress through CastleYolvan you need Traps-Venus FlyTraps, SpikeTraps 1 Mlnor Warnor's Strength 1O17
!No. ltemName Prfco Rating
Sage Sceptre of the
8078 23
Toothed Chakrams of
5588 41
the Geyser
This dungeon must be completed by head- Traps-Venus FlyTraps, SpikeTraps Statlc Greatsword 1 831 43
helpful to have flre buffs or weaponry active/ because it is populated by splders, and also Blrch Sceptre 360 12
because theirwebs are blocking the entrances to some of the slde paths whlch contaln loot
- set them on fire to clear them as you dld ln the\^/ell of Souls back at the beginnlng.
- -= -i -
uo!g Nmfla BHiH
-.- a _
and klll heryourself. lf you declde to klll the
villagers for her, head back to Canneroc and
enterthe Inn. Speak to the vlllage leader/
and then klll all the vlllagers. Most wlll not
defend themselves. F\eturn to the Widow in
Cathrus for the reward of Gold, Experience
andYolvan Faeblades. lf you choose to kill
theWldow, she wlll dlsappear You must "_-- i
fight your way through Cathrus - head east
and make your way clockwise around the
Quest I)eceived From N/A (cant from Cutting theThreads)
dungeon. At each open area a group of spi-
Location of Quest Giver Castle Yolvan
dersw"I spawn-kIIIthem, or lf yOu are Par-
I Dungeon/AreaTravelledto Hollow of Cathrus / Canneroc
ticularly tough, get them to followyou to the
Golcl / Experlence / Canneroc Sllk and Gossamer House(supportvillagers)YolvanFaeblades(supportWdow)
Widow so you can F3eckonlng mode them all Fteward
at once! When you reach theWldow at polnt
Requirements Complete Canneroc 2: Cu"ng theThreads
A, defeat her and her arachnid minions and
Fateshlft her.
The\^/idow will summon numerous splders to ald her ln battle. She she teleports away, and the Storm Bolt may stun her. Stand outslde
will summonwavesat95%, 65O/o and40% of herlife bar, andwill herCircleof Flre lfshe uses ltand pepperherwith spellsl
also may summon a speclfIC "guardlan'' SPider Which IS tougher
to defeat than the others She will teleport frequently, maklng her Return to Canneroc and speak to the vlllage leader.Thls path grants
dlfflcult to lock down, but her SuperArmor is very easy to break, more Experience and better rewards, particularly if you use Fieckon-
so she can be kept ln a stunned state. F]eckoning Mode ls HIGHLY ing mode to defeat theWldow.You will recelve Gold, Experlence
recommended. Focus on theWldow ratherthan her splders, as she and Canneroc Gossamer, which can be sold for good money. ln
is the major threat addition, the villagers wlll deposit new Gossamer in your house
Wlth longsword, lt's a good Idea to keep her in a knocked
down orjuggled state, and chaln Abllities Into your attacks
to keep the pressure on. Use Harpoon or lust roll after her
lf she teleports awayl
t+,-ri+ +
As usual, Shadow Flare ls an excellent tactlc, particularly
if you chain a short combo into lt, as theWidow's Super
Armorwlll break very qulckly
Fin BRI As theWldow has no partlcular reslstances, flame or Llght-
nlng attacks are recommended, le Mark of Flame and
Storm Bolt, as the fire wlll continue to damage her even if
- - e ---- -
Forthe duratlon of thls quest, every
tlme you klll aVenomspltter SPideryOu
wlll beableto loot it fora venom gland
Once you have 15, return to Syllareta. In
additIOn tO the normal rewards, you wlll
be able to perlodically return to Syllareta
and she wlll glve you freeVenomguard
potions once the quest ls complete
Quest Received Treasures of Meropls Echostone
Use theTreasures of Meropis with the Echostone Location of Quest Giver Ballads Library
Find the fiveTreasures around Dalentearth Dungeon/AreaTravelled to Lorca F(ane, Dldenhil, Ettlnmere
I __ Reward Experlence, treasures can be sold for gold
Ftequirements Complete House of Ballads quest "Ballad of Bloody Bones
Canneroc: Gossamer End reagents)
You can speakto Billleandask hlm 5 - Basement expanslon (spawns a splder
to upgrade Gossamer End, your lnslde)
new house, in exchange for money, 6- In the Scholia Arcana LIbrary in Fiathlr,
Each timeyou ask him hewilladd ln Erathell
-- a -i
DIDENHIL Workbenches Location
Sagecraft AItar St- Hadwyn's
The peaceful village of Dldenhll has been overrun by boggarts, and is fighting agalnst the
Serv. Provider Name Location
pestilence that the creatures have broughtwlth them. Perhaps the vlllage ls destlned to die/
or perhaps there will be someone who can change Its destlny.. Sagecrafting Ansel Wetherlng St. Hadwyn's
Combat Escape- Plck the lock to your cell guards - crowd control attacks are recom-
(Very Easy).Then sprint out of your cell as mended as all three guards w"I lmmedlately
fast as you can to get to your belongings at gather round you. Head north to the exlt
Point B. Plck them up' then defeat all the when all the guards are dead.
L.;,<J.i ,
. -- -- -A ------
Thls ls a short dungeon whlch serves as a No. Item Name Price Flating \
brldge betweenYolvan and Glendara lt only 1 Sceptre of the Squall 1768 19
HUNTER}S PIT Level I)ange - 5-20 22 MInOr Mane Regen Potlon 497
Enemies - Kobold, Kobold Fiogues,
4 Mlnor Maglc Ampllflcatlon 497
Tuatha Fiaiders
This dungeon can only be accessed vla the 10 Mlnor Mane Potlon 188
Main Quest "The Hunter's Hunted" and IS
2 Mlnor Hardened Shell 188
covered ln more detall ln the walkthrough. lf you return to it, it will become overtaken by
10 Mlnor Heallng Potlon 188
kobolds, kobold Fiaiders and kobold Rogues. Keep an eye out for the Hldden Door (Detect
Hldden is useful here!) just to the southwest of the central section 22 MlnorHealth F3egen Potlon 188
8 Embereyes 40
8 Softsc,rabble Powder 40
Coilsbane Once you are Inside, move north, defeatlng the Kill the Jottun 1 Mlnor Assassln's Evaslon 1017 -
You can Persuade hlm that hls enemles are consplrlng agalnst hlm, whlch wlll cause him to Emboldellng Hammer
8417 62
leave, orflght hlm (recommended, forthe Experlence). Hewlll summon a group of Faer Gorta, of Daybreak
lt ls recommended that you actlvate Fieckonlng mode and Fateshlft them all together Wlth hlm Student's Chakrams
6187 30
Leave Collsbane Rulns and return to Kester. of Dusk
CrackIIng Longbow
4305 44
of Bloodlettmg
Fosterlng Sceptre
4147 22
of the Deluge
Warrlor's Culrass
934 1 83
of Dlsmantllng
Hardenec] Legglngs
5526 44
of the Hale
Apprentlce's Greaves
2310 21
of the Antlvenln
3 , --
£'rf:, !t, Glendara
Head northeast to Brother Fallon's overturned "+=J
cart at PolntA. Flnd the plagueshield and kill
the bandits. Head north to Point B -don't let
the bandit getaway or he will run all the way
tothe Easttoa Fled Leglon Camp! Continue
to the last plagueshleld at C and then return
to Astrid.
Collect the plagueshield to give to Astrid
Retum to Astrid
I - -- -a -----
\§ isLL,_ *+
The Mald ofWlndemere has taken overthis small area and used her powerful maglc to change ltfor her
own ends.The small town of Summer's End has been completelytaken over by her, and populated by
Lorestone Set Bonus bewitched wild Fee.The Castle ofWindemere is the ruined Fee cltadel where the Maid makes her home
\^/encen's Love +2O/o Chance to
Critical Hit, Belmald'S Ingenuity: Region Overview
+6% Damage with Hammers The region can only be reached vla the House of Ballads quest line lt ls also notable in that Castle
Wmdemere and Summer's End cannot be FastTravelled to from the world map -you wlll have to walk
Level Range
throughWindemere from the start.Therefore lt ls recommended that you clear out this area of lore
stones and Loot on the first time through!
Bears' Boggarts, Shrines -Altar of Belen
Brownles, Sprites, Trolls The only shrine in\Mndemere is the Altar of Belen ln Summer's End.Thls ls useful before you resurrect
(and must defeat) SIr EIswln forthe House of Sorrows faction quest "The Champions,.,
--T- a --- -
The Ettln have taken over thls breathtaking natural lake ln the southwest of Dalentarth. Only one human
survlves in Holnstead, hls survlval predlcated upon the tendency of Ettm towards Internal squabbles and
trlbal confllct The remnants of other groups llkeWarsworn and Gnomes who attempted to lnvestlgate
Lorestone Set Bonus Ettlnmere can be found scattered around the lake's edge.
Farrara's Zeal: +3%
Damage wlth Melee Region Overview
The central area of Ettlnmere ls made up of multlple small Islands.These often have two or more sepa-
Level F]ange
rate ''beaches" whICh Can COntaln hidden loot, so in orderto access them all you w"I have to do a falr
amount of swimmlng There are also several hldden loot drops ln whlrlpools ln the lake Itself.The maln
Enemies enemles to watch out for ln thls area are Ettln, whlch are often ln numbers and /or accompanled by
Bears, Boggarts, Ettl-n, wolves.
Leanashes, Threshes, Wolves
Shrines - Shrine of Mitharu, Shrine ofThydron
The Shrlne of Mltharu ln the southwest is highly recommended before you enter Dellach forthe Shlne
and Shadow or Into the Llght quests.The Shrlne ofThyrdon ls less immedlately useful, but can be used
before you klll One Of the Ettln Shaman ln "F(aIIylng Cry,.,
)i `\ z
Ettinmere has been almost abandoned by humans, and therefore
has no towns ln lt at all, just the small settlement of Holnstead.
This isa small building
owned by the House of
Ballads. lt can only be ac-
cessed through their fac-
tion quests Ballads Ora-
tory is a small area whlch
can only be accessed by
beglnning the House of
Ballad's quest "The Ballad
of Bloody Bones.
_ 7 k (;
nge - 4-24 Level Range - 4-20
Ettins, Kobolds, Wolves Enemies - Pestilent Brownies, Sprites, Sprite, Lightning Champions,
Arcane Barghests
This dungeon ls largely covered ln "Into the Llght" - head east and
make your way clockwlse around the dungeon, but make sure to go Thls dungeon ls largely covered in the House of Ballads quest
"Ballad of Bloody Bones.'' Look out forthelTap Pool in the corridor
to the Hidden Door in the western corner.
leadlng northeast to the northern part of the dungeon - lf you step
ln ltyouwlll be burned!
La!!!)I ) LZ a<``~
-I - S- -
c*>cjfvir 4 - &ztjie ijEiI;dti - Ettinmere
lf Enconeg IS St"I aIIVe/ you Can Start this mISSiOn by talklng tO hlm/
if not, then examine lmelda's Grave. Find the Ettin which stole it, in
the southwest and PointA, and steal or loot it from him. Return to
elther the grave or Enconeg
Head to DeIIach and confront KurtorIX, then klll hlm.You will discover
that Shlne and Shadow are just daggers. Return to AvICenn You can
Persuade hlm to glve you the daggers ln addltlon to the gold and
Experience-thls ls recommended lf you are a Rogue as they are an
excellent weapon forthIS SeCtIOn Of the game (assuming that you
are dolng SIde quests in approximate Order!)
The forests of Haxhl have been cut down by a group
of trolls in order to create a mighty dam, the purpose
Lorestone Set Bonus of whlch ls to stop the flow of the rlverto the tree Ny- Worl(b®n¢hos ( Location
Heroes'Wisdom: +3% Chance rallm to the southeast.The stumps of the trees lltter Sagec'aft Altar Haxhl Dam
to Critical Hitvs Fee the ground.The area has also been used for minlng,
although these mlnes have long since been deserted
Level flange
and taken over bywlld Fee.
Region Overview
Boggarts, Leanashes, Haxhi ls a small area with a few key quests ln -towards the north ls St. Eadnc's, whlch ls required for
Murghans, Sprltes, the House of Ballads faction line ln addltlon, there ls Haxhi Dam, where the player can dlscoverwho or
Threshes, Trolls what is behlnd the attempts to block off the water supply to Nyrallm. Splitrock Depths ln the southwest
is also important for a variety of quests.
_( iHmffim
After entering' you should head west and make your way clockwlse
around the dungeon. Detect Hldden is recommended to get the hld-
den Pile of Rocks loot whlch can otherwlse be dlfficult to spoil
-_- e ---
tl¥EIq@ H
Lorca Fiane represents the path from the Plalns of
Erathell to Dalentarth, and mortals whlch use that path
rarely stray from the road, as there are many danger- serv. provider Name Location
Lorestone Set Bonus ous enemles, such as the barbarous Jottun, waitlng Thorvald Ulfsson
to prey on any who misstep.You may find some who
have fallen foul of the Jottun already.
Level Range
Region Overview
Enemies Lorca Fiane ls a dlfficult area to navlgate, due to having paths on two separate levels When you are
Bandlts (quest), Bears, Crudoks, going somewhere, make sure you note whether lt ls above or below you, and where the paths Intersect
Faer Gorta, Kobolds, Leanashes, (normally to the north or south) lf it is Look out forthe packs of Jottun, as they are powerful enemies.
Splders, Wolves (quest) Stealth kills wlth daggers or sneaking past them entirely may be advlsable.There ls also a Baslc Lock-
plcklngTralner, Thorvald Ulfsson, hldden away ln the southeast corner
- a -i--
Trainer Name Location
Stealth Basic Hil.oen Karet Star Camp
Venomous Faeblades of
1 Steel Faeblades
1 Faeblades of Luck
1 Frosted Hammer
1 Decaylng Faeblades
1 Longbow,, of Bloodlettlng i:
BRUNUA" Level Range- 5-20 1 Canny Chakrams
Enemies - Barghests, Arcane Barghests
1 Canny Staff
ThIS level iS used for the FIowerlng, but IS Traps-Polson Pool 1 Frosted Sceptre
not explored much durlng the course of lt. lf
1 Elm Sceptre ;;; ;: ;:
you wish to explore lt, head to the eastern sectlon and then progress clockwlse. Make sure
you can get Into the Hldden Door at the northern end. Lastly' lf and when you jump down
Fiouslng Armor of
from the western Jump Polnt which leads to the central area, make sure you are aware of
LIghtnlng AversIOn
the nasty Polson Pool whlch ls there.
Warrlor's Hood of :`
Flre Averslon
Apprentlce's Cowl
BRIGAND HALL Level Flange - 3-20 of lce Averslon
2 Mlnor Magebane
Mlnor Experlence
OHNtS STAND Level Range - 17-37 Booster
Purlflcatlon Potlon
Mlnor Frostguard
---- a ----
After speaklng to Marga, head
northeast to the Jottun camp
at PolntA.There you will flnd Find O'eyn
the antelope has been kllled by Retum to Marga
Jottun, but Oreyn ls stlll allve Tell her what happened
Loot the antelope for a sllver
necklace and speak to Oreyn.
You may use the nearby lever
to release hlm, or leave hlm to rot lf you wish.
Speak to Jedda, then go into
Lorca-F]ane ruins. FindTurin
Ayle's body belng eaten by FindTurin Ayle's corpse
wolves at the southeastern Retum to Jedda Keming
side of the mapat PolntA. Klll
the wolves and loot him forthe
scroll lt ls sealed, butyou may
read lt lf you wish. F\eturn to Jedda.
Dungeon/AreaTravelled to Lorca-Fiane
Fleward Gold / Experience
I Dungeon/AreaTravelledto Brunuath
Reward Experience / Eplc Gem
I -a ---
_L' ®-,_.A
There are few places ln the Faelands as wlld and maglcal asThe Sldhe, a deep, enchanted forest whlch
protects the Fae clty ofYsa and the Court of Summer from mortal trespassers.Those few who have
Lorestone Set Bonus made their homes here must contend with strong maglc and the powerful wlld Fee whlch llve in the
Archltect's lnsplratIOn: woods. Some travellers pass through to pay homage to Nyrallm, or strlke out Into the Sldhe forYsa, and
+6% InsplratIOn often end up at theVorm Lodge in the central area. The monks of St Eadrlc's remaln determlned to
bring the light of Mitharu to the wllderness ln the northwest
Level flange
Region Overview
Enemies The Sldhe ls Important as a gateway to other areas -You can reach Detyre vla the southeast, andYsa ln
Bandlts (quest), Bears, Crudoks, the northeast. Make sure you vlslt the misslon ln the northwest as well.
Faer Gorta, Kobolds, Leanashes,
Splders, Wolves (quest), Bog- Shrines - Shrine ofYnadon, Shrine of Mitharu
garts, Barghests, Brownles, The Shrlne ofYnadon ln the south ls partlcularly useful as you can use lt for the mlsslons "Aggressive
Thresh, Sprltes Brownies',I "The Brownle Den" In F\undamlr, and "Lost" The Shrlne of Mitharu ln St EadrIC'S iS less
useful, although it can be used on your way intoThe Sldhe from Haxhl or Lorca-Fiane.
I"(lJ A) i `U ) TheSldhe
)?I \ rf2
Vorm lodge ls where the two brothers Vorm
live and mak.e a llvlng from the travellers
passing through the Sidhe. Havlng llved ln
the maglcal forest, they are more at ease
with and less hostile towards their Fee
Level Flange - 7-30
Enemies - Sprites'
lame Champions, Bar-
- _- -e -.-='J
ARDuA" Level Range- 10-20
Traps -Venus FIyTrap
I IiQuestF)eceivedFromS,ht"cVormI
Goto Rundamir Location of Quest Giver Vorm Lc)dge(
Speak to SihtricVorm
Kill the cudok ; :en:.a/fdreaT'av. to 3uo:d:aEmx;re"ence I
I Requirements Complete "Vorm Lodge 1 Aggressive Brow"es": I
Speak to Sihtric
After speaklng to Arhaus, leave
the Lodge and head north Into the
Sidhe to PointA.Take the Searstalk Find a Searstalk from
the northem Sidhe
and return toArhaus.
Return to Arhaus
I-- - a -__-u
m VA iHp=se" cti
The Gardens ofYsa are the ancestral meetlng place of the Court of Summer amongst the Seelie Fee.
OrlglnaIIy' the gardens were simply an area for meetlng in the SIdhe However, the great Fee klngYsa
opened lts borders to mortals and founded a mlghty clty where Fee and mortal could llve ln harmony.
Its bulldingS are grown Out Of the fabrIC Of the trees around them by powerful sorcerers. In thIS, the flrSt
Lorestone Set Bonus major clty of the game, the player will learn more about the Summer Court of the Fas here, as well as
learnlng that, llke mortals, the Fee have thelr own polltlcs and Internal confllcts, Amongst the mortals
Level Range
that live here are several shopkeepers, and a branch of the Scholia Arcane organIZatIOn Of mageS.
Region Overview
Boggart Plaguebearer (Den of The Gardens ofYsa work as the central hub for the Summer Fae, and a home for magIC.Therefore, there are
NIghtOnly), Spnte (Den of Nlght numerous maglcal tasks to accompllsh wlthin the clty The Scholla Arcane factlon quest can be begun here, by
only),Thresh (Den of Night only) vislting the Scholla Arcane Embassy and beglnnlng the quest "TrlaI By FIre." In addlt!on, there are numerous
tralners and merchants around, lncludlng FIIOna Hell, from whom you can purchase a very useful Backpack.
Ysa ls unlque ln that lt has all the shrlnes represented ln Its northwest corner lt ls recommended that
you use all of them beforeyou go lntothedungeon "Den of Nlght" orlfyou leavethe clty' fora huge
(although temporary) buff ln addltlOn, lt IS a powerful ''Iaunchlng Pad'' for Other mlSSIOnS If you are
struggllng wlth a quest, or wlsh to power up for one, then uslng qulck travel to return toYsa and using
all the shrlnes/ then qulck travelllng back to your destlnatlon will also prove extremely useful. As a result,
theYsa shrlnes are amongst the most useful in the game
--- a- -
i!mgBBmi!H iE iE!B i iidegm H
TheTrellis ls a walkway above the clty' that leads to the Sanctuarles of Summer and the
House of Ballads lt ls a sacrosanct area that only those who are trusted wlthln the city
are allowed to roam across it.
Thls dungeon ls a relatively stralghtfOrWard
trIP SOuth from the entrance, fighting Off
two groups of kobolds and a couple of bar-
ghests. lt ls almost unlque ln that lt has no hldden items whatsoever!
lfyou chooseto go lntothe Den of Nlght/
make sure thatyou have any flame buffs or
weapons actlve to take care of any boggarts
andThreshes you encounter. The walls are
llned WithVenus FlyTraps, whlch will Inflict
enormous damage
(regardless of how
well armored you
are!) so make sure
to avoid them and
roll past as qulckly as
posslble lf you have
to get close.There
are only three chests
in this dungeon so
there IS not much ln
the way of potentlal
loot to find. ri,f| 1_i
Dungeon/AreaTrace"ed to I:erll:sc,e!:Aso!e4PsPAOllretymentS,
-- a -I
a),i I, -a,`Jg-¬9C,a Yea
After speaklng to her, go to the western
Gardens at nlght to meet with Mythany
Keen at PointA. She w"I tell you to assassI-
nate Ambassador Brenner.ThIS Can be done
wlthout alertlng suspicion at nlght, at Polnt
B whilst the Ambassador walks around the
gardens - Ideally, sneak up behlnd her and
hold upon the d-padto go lntoaggres-
slve mode and stealth klll her, ensuring no
guards are around. Loot theVaranl blades
from her body.You wlll have to get rid of
them by selllng them or salvaging them at a
forge. Go and speak to Keen.
-- - e --
You must flnd the three thieving No. demName Plico Rating`_(
acolytes who robbed Jorum Quintis/ OBJECTIVES 8 Softsc.rabble Powder 34
and dlscover what happened to Find Cassandra, Bertran and Aloren in the Sidhe
8 Black Cohosh 34
them. Leavlng the Sldhe, you wlll Retum to Jorum and tell him what happened Sagecrafling
find their bodies at Points A, B and
2 Lambent LIghtnlng Shard 1633
C.Take theirjournals and read them
2 Cloudy Physlcal Shard lO20
lt wlll give you information on what
2 Cloudy Magic Shard lO2O
happened - return to Jorum and tell
hlm that Cassandra came up wlth Aloren was killed by beasts. lf you do this correctly, 2 Cloudy Flre Shard lO2O
the plan, Bertran was murdered and you wlll recelve the gem they tned to steal Alchemical FIecipes
1 Mnor SIashlng Fury 865
1 Improved Arcane Gnp 576
1 LmtprovedExecutloner's 576
Improved Prosperous
1 506
1 Lmapn;;:edBloodseeker's 506
back ln Asker's AIIey. Go Take the Bristletongue and bring fulcrums, rlvets (and pos-
tothe Font, and plckthe it back to Gertern slbly blndlngs and gems lf
Bristletongue, then return you have the necessary Blacksmlthing sklll) to create Honor Brands
to Gertern in Asker's Alley
Hlgher quallty components wlll make for blades you can sell for
more gold, but ln general lt ls worth uslng your weakest compo-
nents to create the Honor Brand Faeblades as hlgh quallty compo-
Quest Received From Gertern Asker
nents are worth more than the gold you wlll recelve!
Location of Quest Giver Asker's Alley
Dungeon/AreaTravelled to Understyle
Reward Experience, Gold
Quest Fteceived From Brlt Codgan
Location of Quest Giver Gardens ofYsa
Dungeon/AreaTravelled to
Reward Gold
- a --
Lorestone Set Bonus: Oleyn's Wlll. +8% Polson Fieslstance
The Erathi were the counterparts to Niskaru - powerful, pure beings of light which aided humanity
in the past.They made their homes on the great Plains of Erathell, wllich take their name. Now a
multitude of mortals and Fee llaVe Settled On the Plains, from refugees, tO bandits, tO towns,
. \ \ ,_
TheWolds ls a peaceful farmlng area, considered the "breadbasket" of the Plains of Erathell Bandlts
have also settled in this area.
Enemies Shrines -Altar of Belen, Shrine ofYnadon
Freemen Bandits, Banshaenl The Shrlne ofYnadon in the southeast ls useful for when travellng toTala-F]ane fromTheWolds or vlce
Bears, Murghans, Rats, Wolves verse, and the Altar of Belen ln the west ls useful when enterlng the area from Lorca-F\ane.
I- -- -= ---
Workben¢hes Location
The peaceful vlllage of AIchemicaI Lab Thorln's Apothec.ary
Ayten hldes a deep sad- Sagecraf[ Altar Thorln's Apt)thecary
ness -ten years ago the Blacksmithing Forge The Hammer Smlthy
Lord F]atofer recruited the
young of the v"lage to go Serv. Provider Name Location
off and fight theTuatha The Fateweaver Kellls Gen The Golden Plalns Inn
Tuatha were drlven out of
Fiathir, and Ratofer and his Blacksmith g#ah;nthe TheHammerSmlthy
troops pursued them, Into Sagecrafter Wenlret Soll The Golden Plalns Inn
fire and death. Now F\atofer
is the only survIVOr Of that
ill-advlsed battle, a broken
man lna vlllageoftheold,
No. Item Name Price Ftating
Frozen Longbow
of F(avenlng
JAIL - BRIGAND'S C||JARTERS 1 Noxlous Longbow :;60;263;:;28
1 Staff of MystICISm
The lall of Ayten has one patrolllng guard Stealth Escape- Plck or force the lock (Av-
1 Searlng Sceptre
and one guard who stays put, maklng lt erage) to your cell Wait by the rlght wall of
1 Oak Sceptre
favorable to a stealth approach. your cell until the patrolllng guard approach-
es your cell.When she turns around and Apparel
beglns walklng south qulckly stealth-dash Adept Handwraps
out behlnd her to your equipment at PointA/ of the Llarc)y
then quickly dash to the exlt before she has Chausses of Ice
time to turn around.
Hood of Flre Hlndrance
4 Shadow Prlsm 62
1 Gem of lee Aversion 13767
1 Fiepalr Klt 62
Greater Assassln's
8 Greater Flameguard
5 GreaterThlef's Cunnlng
5 Greater Magebane
Greater Merchant's
; i :
Greater Experlence
avold the Plant Snappers on the walls Polson F]eslstance ls hlghly recommended to combat
the sheer amount ofToxlc Slurry you wlll encounter.
264 i-
i,__7 a._;iUflrx The Plains of Erathell
I---- a -
u I_\ ulJb
Tale-Fiane's soaring mountains made it Ideal for the constructlon of fortresses, the greatest of whlch was
the cltadel Dolve Wayle, created by the Aster Famlly.
Lorestone Set Bonus However, the Aster family tore itself apart, dlvidlng Into its different offshoots whlch can be found
Scavenger's Luck: throughout the Faelands -the Fiatofers, the Kents, and the Scaith. ln thelr absence,Tale-Bane has
+3O/o Gold Drops become a breedlng ground for monsters.
Wockbonch®s Location
Helmgard Keep ls Blacksmithing Forge South end
the home of the
Warsworn ln the Serv. Provider Name Location
Plains of Erathell, Blacksmith Borrl Kura Sc)uth end
as commanded by
Grian Shane,
DIletante's Chakrams
59698 86
of the Perfectlomst
Archmagus' Chakrams
of the Avalanche
Archmagus' Sceptre
of the Wlldflre
lnclneratlng Hammer
of Fiavenlng
There are only small groups of relatlvely easy Filmy Staff of Starvatlon
enemles lnslde thls dungeon, and no traps whatsoever Outslde of the Ratofer's Pawns Slde Prodlgy'S Hammer
of Eradlcatlng
Quest you will have no real reason to venture Inside, but the ease of the dungeon means
that plunderlng lt for the loot lnslde alone wlll make lt worthwhile. Shrewd Faeblades
of Plenty
lnvader's Chakrams
of Ravaglng
lngenIOUS Sceptre
of the Storm
Polnted Longbc)w
of Breadth
1 Sylvanlte Hammer
1 Sylvanlte Faeblades
Scholar's Sceptre of
the Avalanche
1 Sylvanlte Longsword
1 Sylvanlte Longsword
1 Ash Longbow
1 Ash Longbow
1 Sylvanlte Greatsword
1 Sylvanlte Daggers
1 Sylvanlte Chakrams
1 Sylvanlte Chakrams
1 Sylvanlte Chakrams
1 lnvlgoramg Daggers
1 Ash Staff
1 Ash Staff
I 1 AshStaff
) 1 AshSceptre
1 Ash Sceptre
1 Ash Sceptre
I 1 AshSceptre
:64::3: ;:89::
I 1 Azurlte Longsword 2;:
1 Azunte Chakrams 498
Tmeless Fiobes
of Storm's Rage
Fienascent Culrass
of Dlstress
Juggernaut's KIte Shleld
of the lndomltable
--- a- I-I
ThIS dungeon Can Only be accessed via
theWarsworn Quest "Lock and Key"The
Fahrlangi wlll not be cleared out when you
complete thls quest, however- lf you return theywlll stlll be here! Ensure you check out the
Hldden Door ln the northeast, and look out for the lone SplkelTap guardlng the alcove ln the
tr--- -S ---- I
Take the contract forWanted: Freeman and
then leave to go to Lucky Mlne ln western
Acatha. Find GrinnlngVane ln the mine at
PolntA, who wlll be protected by multiple
Freemen. Kill him, loot his armband, then
return to Hanrik ln Helmgard
idi-_= --
Go to Mull Bane
Retrieve the five scrolls from the five Kobolds
Return to Hanrik Aulde in Helmgard Keep
Quest Received
Lanus Davril Klll lO Kobolds
Location of Southern Klll 5 Crudoks
Quest Giver Tale-Bane Klll 3 Ettln
Dng./Area Klll 3 Jottun
TI.aVeled tO F]eturn to Lanus
Reward GoId
- -_i- a
The Lords of Kandrlan hlstorlcally protected the plalns of east Erathell. However, the latest lord, lndre
Kandrian, has pulled hls forces back to hls castle, leavlng Kandrian open to bandlts andTuatha ralds.
Bardan lam was a merchant whose cart was attacked by bandits
and overturned, strandlng hlm ln the center of Western Kandrlan
An eccentric hermlt with a clouded past, there are rumors
that thls old man was once a legendary adventurer... A chest
within contains the Items Hellbane and Helm of the Coast.
The bandit chief Connovar uses this dun-
geon, and it lsfllled with hls menandthe
imprisoned innocents whom he has kidnapped
--- e _
!ffii i -mH- H58Ean fiHHii Em
Then Derfel wlll Send you tO Hendi ln Onarach, to reconstruct theAmrynthlan Band from the
items you have discovered Afteryou have talked to her, return to Derfel. He will explaln that
thls has all been to klll a certaln mercenary' who ls now walting outside Go outside, join
Derfel and klll Keurig Shaster and hls men
- = -i
\^/orkbenchos Location
The people of Mel Agllr are AIchemical Lab Kandrlan Goods
disiIIusloned with thelr lOrdl Blacksmitlling Forge Outslde
and looklng for virtually any
solutlon to hls spinelessness Sorv. Provider Name Location
-visit the F]avenTavern. Mel Healer DurantAlagbus Kandrlan Goods
1 :fr:hh:igvaUISa'nCc::krams 221782
With only one guard on patrol but several make sure your Lockplcklng skllls are up to 1 :fr:hhne`igvaUi'nScthaeff 158085
others waltlng ln the wmgs, the Kandnan par as well! 1 Enforcerer's Sceptre 151267
lall ls oneyou maywantto sneakout of to
escape!The lock on your cell ls tough, so Stealth Escape- Plck or force the lock 1 [Ghl:cAavla:acnecpht:e of 15It67
Boundless Tallsman
353722 66
Combat Escape - Plck or force the lock of Haven
Wlse Shoes of
Flre Wardlng
: Greater Health
Fiegen PotlOn
i Shadow Prlsm
accesslble from the front durlng the quest "The Lord Kandrian" Make sure you do not mISS 1 Gem of Slaughter
the stashes ln the water towards the exlt! 1 Fienewlng Gem
Gem of LIghtnlng
:3 ;8
1 Gem of Sparks ;; *
Thls dark and bloodstained dungeon is
covered in detail in the SchoIIa Arcana quest
"The Unqulet Bride'.I Make sure you have
good Detect Hldden as the corrldors are llned with BearlTaps and Polson
MIneSThe dungeon also has an exlt tO PatrICk Morkan's house!
Thls short dungeon ls where you go to flnd
Hendi for "DerfeI's Labors" Fire magic or weaponry is
helpful here to clear outthe crowds of BoggartTumblers
ThIS dungeon IS filled WIthTuatha enemleS
- crowd control attacks are recommended, or taklng them outwlth Stealth attacks If
posslble.Try to pICk uP the quest "Collections" formTirln'S Keep before exploring thls
dungeon, and make sure you fmd the HIdden Door ln the northeast of the area.
--iT = -+
EDa fi -H H=.iEN
TheTuatha have been clawlng at the Shores OfTywlll
for almost 15 years, and the land is ravaged and bat-
tered. lnflltratlng raldlng partles ofTuatha can stlll be
found roamlng the area.The strongholds of Dolve Arne
Lorestone Set Bonus andVlrki have been abandoned.
Region Overview
Level Range
TywllI Coast IS a narrow, north-SOuth band. If mak-
ing your way south, lt ls recommended that you talk
Enemies to Maedrlgal Fenn to get the "Deserter,s Desserts"
Bandits (Freemen), Bears, quest Freemen andTuatha wlll often spawn, so be on
Jottun, Sprites, Tuatha, Wolves your guard at all tlmes
- =- - --
#.iiaapser ,{ - A.-aJ:3 ¬?<Ji,L3S Tywili Coast
Moon Camp IS a light-hearted camp ofTravelers, almost akln tO a CIrCuS. Have a look atthe
stage in the center of the camp as you pass through!
----ii- -`_==- i-
1 Sylvanlte Daggers 11915 48
1 &Veed#oeLmo:nsghelter 76033
AlchemicaI FIeeipes
1 !Le;il:]rcaYlaognlc 1796
15 Fiepalr Klt 62
-I - a I-I-----
offiBi! ~
1 -The loop of road north of Dolve Arne (you will probably have already kllled
them to get here) at PolntA.
2-South of DolveArne, westofthe road (kllled by Freemen) at Point B
3- Furthersouth ofthls polnt (KIIIed by Leanashe) at PointC
4 -At the southernmost polnt ofTywlll Coast at Polnt D
5- ln the south-east cornerofTwylI COaStat Polnt E.
Talisman of Ame
I-- e- -
\® \LL,fi_b
Galafor seems completely untouched by the war ravaglng the coast, green and verdant. However, thls is
no accldent -the regenerative maglc of thls area was gathered and placed into the ground by the Seelle
Fae Epsilon. The town ofTirin's F]est, however, has taken thelr fortune to mean that they are especlally
Lorestone Set Bonus blessed by thelr goddess Lyrla.Thelr sense of entltlement and isolatlon means they want llttle to do wlth
BIood of Kings: +20% BIeedlng those around them, partlcularly refugees from the war.
Region Overview
Level Range
Tlrin's F3est ls the crux of most of the mlsslons you wlll recelve ln this area. Boggarts and Frost Sprite
Champlons are populous, and favor flame weaponry when dealing wlth them
Bandits, Bears, Jottun, Boggarts, Shrines - Shrine of Lyria, Shrine ofYnadon
Sprltes' Banshean, Murghan, The Shnne of Lyrla ls excellent for whenever you visltTlrin's Fiest (leTlrm's Secret).The Shrlne ofYnadon
Thresh, Barghest, Tuatha (quest ln the southwest is useful for the Scholla Arcana quest "Lightnlng in a Bottle" ln Skycrown.
only)I Wolves
Workbenches Location
TIrln'S F3est appears to be a Blacksmithing Forge Outslde
town populated by humble AIchemyWorkbench Cergren & Bred, Mercantlle
worshlppers of Lyrla. How-
Sagecraft Altar Tlrln's Sanctuary
ever/ underneath the surface,
there is a strong sense of Trainer Name Location
Intolerance that w"I become Locksmlths (lf freed
Lockpicking TefroyTar- dunng theWarswom
clear to you when you speak Basic quest "Lock and Key.,)
to any of the town elders.
Make sure to talk to people
Serv. hovid®r Nemo Location
ln the General Store and the
Healer DurantAlagbus Kandrlan Goods
Whilst the townspeople ofTirln's F3est can
be Intolerant, thelrjall ls surprlslngly easygo- No. ltemName Prfc® Flating
lng, as noneofthe guardsw"I attackyou lf Consumables
Stealth Escape - Plck the lock to your cell 5 Prlsmere LockpICk 3750 197
(Easy) then walk to PolntA to retneve your
1O Bepalr Klt 62 74
equipment. Nod to the guards as you leave.
5O Lockplck 50
Freynold Kassant ln the outer section may
be attack you, but you can run away from Miscellaneous
1O Fiepalr Klt 62
Barbed Longsword
Chakrams of Mystlasm
Enemies - Boggart Plaguebearers, Boggarts,
Sprltes, Sprlte Frost Champions, Bog Thresh
This dungeon is small but packed with TemperedTallsman of
dangerous enemles. Flame weaponry and Llghtnlng Attenuatlon
Abilities are recommended as most of the enemies found inside are weak to that 1 TrICkSter'S Buckler
4 Shadow Prlsm
1 Oppressor's Gem 13968
Level Range - 12-99
Enemies - Ettin Brutes, Ettln Shamans, Wolves
Traps - Lightning Mines
When you get there, your path will be blocked.You can ei-
ther Persuade the guard to open the door, or pick the lock
(Very Hard). ln the prlson at PolntA you wlll flnd Adar, an
imprlsoned Fas You can plck the lock (Very Hard), to open
the doorto free hlm. Persuade Nll to give you the key
back ln townl or PICkPOCket NIl.To galn the magic Phrase/
talk to the Prlestess ln town and press her- she wlll mentlon
the Sanctuary. Go there and flnd the Spell Book, then return to Adar
Quest Received Fl,om Kandir's Journal
Find the combination of the pools Location of Quest Giver Western Galafor
which summons a Boggart
Dng./AreaTraveled to -
Reward Tame Boggart
-- _. a- -
Closer to the front of the war agalnst theTuatha, the eastern slde of the Forsaken Plaln has no real
towns to speak of, but ls dotted with refugee camps and small settlements.
Region Overview
Lorestone Set Bonus This area ls falrly useful for Experlence farming, as strong enemies llke MountalnlTolls and Leanashes
are common. Lootlng any graves that you See (I) is useful as lt wlII allowyou to complete "Ralslng the
Dead" wlth more efficlenCy.
Level Range
Shrines - Shrine ofThyrdon, Shrine of Ethene
Enemies The Shrlne Of Ethene ln the SOuth gIVeS a Valuable experlenCe boost lf you accept Lord Cras' quest "The
Ettins, Faer Gorta, Jottun, Ko- Treasures of Culn'.I lf you travel through the center of the area, make sure to use the Shrlne ofThyrdon
bolds, Leanashae, Trolls, Wolves forThyrdon's Charge.
Flang® - 9-26
Enemies - Faer Gotta
Traps - Sliding Blades
Level Range - 13-20
Enemies -Kobold F(ogues, Kobold Savages
Traps -TripWires, Arrow Launchers, BearTraps
- - -= -.-
51hf;"x£r 4, Art?rJ 4fuici(= -- Forsaken Plain East
----- -= - ----,
The Forsaken Plaln marks the flrst place where the Fae everwent to war agalnst one another-the
great battle between the armies of theWInter Lord Ohn and the Summer LordYsa.They clashed on
the plain, leaving magical scars and a permanent strange aura to the area, whlch ls why so few mortals
will venture here.
Lorestone Set Bonus
Region Overview
The town of Emalre ls the maln town in thls area, however, lt actually has no slde quests whlch start
Level FIange
from lt.The task "LIfe'SWork" can however be picked up from the BIue BearTavern.
-- - a- -
Normally an Isolated
village close to the Fee
Cradle of Summerto
the north and far away
from the city of Rathir/
Emalre has recently
been overrun by refu-
gees fleelng from the
Tuatha to the east. lt is
famous for Its alchemy
H (
BRISTLETl|ORN e- 16-26
Boggart Plaguebearers, Boggart,
Zealots, Bog Threshes
ThIS beautiful, decaying dungeon Serves aS
a klnd Of Fae Memorlal Most of the caches hops-PlantSnappers
wlthln requlre Dlspelling' although few are
high dlffICulty.You can flnd a journal (Parts I to
IV) of the last mortal to be lost to it song inside.
There wlll be aThresh and Boggarts here, try notto get k"led bythem before you can use
thealtar. As soon asyou use it, activate F\eckonlng and showthem the powerofthe Fateless
One! Fieturn to Emalreand glvetheAmuletto Edwin (outslde) foritems, orWane Emundas
(ln his house) for money.
--- a --- -
Bears, NISkaru (quest Only), NIS- den Door ln the south - lt contalns the grave of Khas-tl
karu Hunters (quest only), Rats, (with her helm Inside) and an Alchemy Sk"I Book.
Spiders, Sprites, Trolls, Wolves
Shrines - None
There are no shrines in the Cradle of Summer.
-_-i-i a --. -
2 ;trreeantgetrhWa"lor's 1313
2 GreaterVenomguard 1313
5 TIndertWIg 107
5 StarThlstle 107
5 Blooc]root 107
5 Crlpplespore Caps 40
5 Satlva FIberS 40
5 Softscrabble Powder 40
5 Embereyes 40
5 Black Cohosh 4O
Alchemical Recipes
Greater Jeweled
URUL-TUSK Level Range - ll-3O Shlllelagh
When you haveall three staffs, go tothe forge behind the Blue BearTavern in Emaire. Salvage
the three staffs.Then forge RlvenerTarsus, Ender's Flre and Gloamfrost from the relevant
Dowels. if you are a Mage, you maywish to make these staffs as powerful as posslble- lfso
make sureyou use good quallty Shafts and Rlvets, and lf posslble (lfyou have hlgh enough
Blacksmlthlng) add good Bindlngs and Gems lfyou are nota Mageyou mayjust use poor
quallty components, but whatever you do bear ln mind that as these are UnlqueWeapons,
you cannoteverbreakthem down agaln oncetheyare made. Fieturn to Callor, and hewlll
decide that you can keep the staffs.
-- = ---
Once you have found all flve Cradle
of Summer Lorestones, you will be OBJECTIVES
transported back to Deep Slumber at Defend Terenia from the
waves of Unseelie Fae
the center of the CradleTerenia will
Speak toTerenia
speaktoyou. Unseelle Fee wlll attack
in several waves, lncludlng sprltes
andtrolls. Clearthe area of wild Fee,
andthen speaktoTerenla.?i-L| f23
This Dokkalfar clty has stood for a thousand years, and is the largest the player wlll encounter. lt has a
dlstinct upper, mlddle and lower class, whlch are represented by the Upper and Lower citles, and the
Lorestone Set Bonus LowerTunnels, and quests will vary from helplng the richest ofAlfar's nobles, to golng amongst Fiathlr's
poorest denlzens.
i-- -- a- _
iiHE!EH.i!EHH! uG if!iiiythi(^H i, B-EiHE i <ffi
Wlth a challenglng lock and multlple guards
who are on patrol wlth lnterSeCtlng routes,
F3athlr Jell IS undoubtedly the most dlffICult
prlsonto breakoutof ln all of the Faelands
F(af Klyr
Location of Quest Lower City, Alley next
Giver to Custom House
LowerTunnels, CIty
Dng./AreaTravel. to
Gold, Experience,
Fiagpicker's Fling
- _- = - -.
ll.avel to the LowerTunnels and buy the
Rose-of-Shadows from Delphyne Nargy-
fier, Leave, and go to the Barracks ln the
western Lower Clty
She w"I gIVeyOu One, any Others ln your F3athlr. Persuaslon can lower the prlce still
possesslon can be used to further lower hls further after gettlng hlm drunk!
Afterwards, return to Carasta for your
Others can be located in the basement/ reward.The lower the prICe you negOtlated/
store room of the Inn and Customs House/ the more moneyyou wlll earn
in the Scholia Arcana and dotted around
J -- a- I--
-;i gut -^!:sa. Flathlr
Quest Received From Telemachus F(asp
Location of Quest Giver Scholia Arcane Grounds
Dungeon/AreaTravelled to Gloamthicke1:
Take the Omnlbus Arcane, and go to the
following places and read lt:
1 -The courtyard
2- Rathlr Brldge ln the Lower City
3-Just north of Mel Agllr (PomtA)
4- Kandnan, southwest ofTam,sWagon (Pomt B,
where you will be ambushed by Barghests and
-- a- --
Cia;:33!¢r A - firrt)a (!Lligr1¢ - Rathir
a-J6;_tiiea6iv^gdint^ thch '
.-- -- = i--
DETYRE Lorestone Set Bonus: None
Detyre is the desert of the Faelands, where the sun beats down on the sands which stretch
out in every direction.There are not many towns in this harsh environment, but: many have
tried to eke out a living in the sand. Detyre has norle of its own Lorestones.
9 HHimHEiffl
-- = -.--
The Red Marches
Go to theTomb of Fyragnos
Follow Calm through theTomb
to the Fled Marches
Talk to Giran
Kill Giran
Talk to Colm
"--- -e ,-
Head totheTomb of Fyragnos Follow
Eathe to Exit 4.
Defeat them, and then flght hlm again. Fiepeat thls process twlce, and you wlll be able to
flniSh him Off, Preferably ln F3eckonlng Mode for the ExperlenCe bonus Speak to your survIV-
ing companlon(s)
I.--- = -i
Wlthln the soaring stone arches ofAlserund, the mys-
terlous "Narca" curse has been infectlng the Fee who
live ln the area and drivmg them mad, and appears
Lorestone Set Bonus to be spreadlng to the humans Perhaps the Fateless
Valor's Shleld: +5% Armor One can flnd the SOurCe Of the Problem...
\ -+--++ir
Thls ls the largest and most complex dungeon ln Alserund. Make sure you are wary of the
Plant Snapper traps, partlcularlywhen going to retrieve the loot at the southern end of the
two north-south corrldors A reasonable level of Dlspel is useful although not essent!al for
the Fas caches around the southwestern flooded area.
=BidiE, BHEHHi iE
Frama asks you to rescue her
husband from the Fee. Head
northeast to the CIrCIe of
Engard.Talk to Florion, who
wlll tell you that you must
complete the Rlte of Valor to
saveAlard Go northwest to
the Caverns of Ingress. Enter
and use the Erathl Slgll Stone
at PointA (-50% Damage
F3esistance). Make your way
north through the caverns,
dlspatchlng any Boggarts you flnd.There is a Crudok and Brownies
guarding the next SIgll Stone at Polnt B(-50o/a Damage). Go south to
the last Slgll Stone at Pomt C (-25O/o Chance to Evade). Go east, klll
theThresh at Point D, and loot the Kora Petal from itThen return to
Florion andtalkto hlm GIVeAIardthe potIOn
He wlll attack you. Klll hlml and place the bloom on the altar. Fieturn
to Maxen.Then, return to FIorion. Note -the Fee at the Circle of
Engard will leave after thls quest is completed.
The Hollowlands represent the outer edge of Gnomlsh progress - stlll w lid and untamed, yet slowly
belng encroached upon by the "modern" world. As such, many of the quests ln thIS area WIII Involve the
Lorestone Set Bonus confllcts between the different companles looklng to put their mark on thls area, and the Fee who llve
Divine Sacrifice: here.The maln spectacle of thls area ls the gigantic skeleton of some unknown creature lylng across the
+60/o FIre FiesIStanCe centre of the valley.
-.i a ----
HHHHHifi=HB Hg Hm=fi iH@EiHE !iEex
ThIS mlne IS unlque lnthe Faelands lnthatit This dungeon is covered ln more detaII ln theWarsworn Quest "The Mountain Prlson" and
has no enemies ortraps, and can therefore can only be accessed via that quest. lf you return to lt, lt wlll be empty of enemles.
be explored at your lelsure!
I--- _- a -I- ,I
BH i Hd iFM 5jEti mdilifH Effl
--_ a- ---
_i+L=_iL=__I=_T-he HaIIowlandsl
Quest Received
Apule Vlre
Location of Motus Mining
Quest Giver Outpost (outside)
Aron Excavatlon Offlce
Travelled to
Gold, Experience,
Fteward Aron Excavations
Complete "Motus
Mning 2: Bloodbane"
and "Motus Mining
1, Faeatthe Mlne"
1 - SagecraftAltar
2 - Blacksmithing Forge
3- PIants, chests, Sklll Book
Requitements CM:nme?!eitneI'i!OstaUnSdYimng 3,
I--- _ -e -
_ ___ `1 ,
_+! t|i&ifr:i-caMENETYRE
4, I
Menetyre is a complex maze of mesas, whlch are lnhablted by a varlety of creatures such as spiders,
as well as large trlbes of Jottun and kobolds The\^/arsworn have a strong presence here due to lronfast
Keep ln the northeast, based nearthelr sacred Hall of the Firstsworn in the south and Hurvll's Doorsll to
Lorestone Set Bonus the northwest.
Carver's Labor: +60/o Armor
Region Overview
Level Range
The main ISSue WIth naVigatlng Menetyre IS determlnlng When the deStlnatIOn IS above Or belOWyOu.
Make sure you check forthe green arrow which polnts up ordown on your destinatIOn. In partlcular, the
Enemies hlgh "spine" of mesas that has the Jottun camp atop it, whICh runs from the east tO the West Of the
Bandits' Kobolds, Fiats/ Wolves, map can be easily confused wlth the Part below it- make sure you go to the junctions ln the west and
Jottun, Splders southeast to make your way up there if you need to
-- a --
(:i!&!-i>cr.(:; - f9,¬.-Zi (3usiijg` - Menetyre
lronfast Keep ls one
of the mainWar-
sworn Strongholds.
lt is commanded by
Ode Celfred. History
is very important ln
thIS Warsworn Keep/
and one of the major
slde quests here
involves the reforg-
lng of a famous
Warsworn sword.
This dungeon is covered ln more detaII In
the Warsworn quest "The Mystic Hammer.
Detect Hldden ls very useful forthls area due to the proliferation of
Llghtning Mines, partlcularly lf you have Level 10 or above as you can
salvage them for high quality shards.
I ----- = --------- i
Speak to Adrlth Deofrlt
and shewlll glve you Quest Fleceived From Contract Board
the (non-equlp-able) Location of Quest Giver lronfast Keep
surgeon's knives Head Dungeon/AreaTravelled to Basilica Gnostra ln Adessa
to the Basillca Gnostra Fteward Gold, Experlence
and gIVe them tOVian
2-Jottun Grist to the northeast, at the highest level of the canyons at Polnt B. Find Spider Sac
=ind Jottun Grist
3-The Splder Sac IS SOuthWeSt, OUtSlde the Hall of the FIrStSWOrn at Point C.
F\eturn to Efyr
-I- a - --
If the Hollowlands are the untrled areas Which the minlng COrPOratIOnS are just mOVIng into, then
Apotyre ls the area whlch ls left behlnd when the seams are tapped and the ores dry up The town of
Whitestone has run out of money' and the prevIOuSIy powerful minlng famllleS Of the Zungar, Darkvarl
and CynrICS have now turned tO Crime, thelr mines SurrOundlng the town now Illegal hldeouts.
Lorestone Set Bonus
Desert SurvlvaI: +40/a Health F!egion Overview
Apotyre ls an area densely packed with dungeons and the first majortown that you wlll flnd ln Detyre
Level Range
WhlteStOne Should deflnltely be yOur flrSt port Of Call, as it functlons as the startlng POint for a Varlety Of
quests whlch are completed by heading to the dlfferent dungeons ln the area Check lf you can perform
Enemies more than one Slde Quest at once when lnvadmg a dungeon, and also make sure you check out the
Bandlts, Kobolds, Rats, Wolves ThlrstyWenchTavern. Sun Camp is also useful, particularly lf you are followlng theTraveIIer's factIOn.
3 S:::etce[rIODnamage 1313
4 Softscrabble Powder 40
4 Black Cohosh 40
12 F\epalr KIT 62
9 Fn:ee:I:ge:nSco:cerer's 1313
---- e I-
Sun Camp ISthe
Detyre contlngent
of the Traveller's
factIOn. If you com-
plete the lTavel-
ler's Faction, this
area wlll become
"- .
ThIS mlne must be Progressed through by
taklng the path round the outslde. Make sure
you look out for theTrlpwire /Arrow launcher in the corrldor facing south
Yt)u can use thejump down polntto return once clearlng the mine, but
beware the beartrap nextto it!
_ ,)y ll
---- a -
Quest Received From Cant, from "Whitestone 2: BoneTown"
Location of Quest GiveI. Whltestone General Store
Dungeon/AreaTravelled to Skoria Mine
Reward Noble's Culrass, Gold, Experlence
Complete "Whitestone 2-. Bc)neTown',I quit
working for the Mayor
Steg wants to escape, and needs Beorn's key who is on the
southern entrance to the town. You can klll Beom and take
hls key (thls does not alert the guards / count as a crlme), Get Beom's key
pICkPOCket lt, Persuade him, or bribe him. Fieturn to Steg and
let hlm Out.Thenyou WIII havetogotothe Darkvarl mlne (lt
ls suggested that you activate the Darkvarl Mlne quest before
golng). Make your way round the mine to get to Steg,s trunk,
and loot the Mysterious Parchment.
i-..-- -a -- .:-
Gotothe mlne
southwest of
WhlteStOne and
k"I all the Darkvari
Fieturn to Hera
Orhelm in Whlte-
you complete "Out of theVem (Skorla Path)I.I Open ItWIIl sendyou in circles!You can flnd LIna OutSlde
--- -a ups rJ)c"`<` Apotyre
1 -Vonne Gortan, at the northwestern entrance to 3- Edwin Leodwald ln the Lumlnary Leaf in F3athir When you have dellvered the messages, return to
Whltestone. 4-Frldl Edstar inthetavern in Mel Senshir. Squlre Coran.
2-Cady Dydyn ln lronfast Keep
Retrieve 5 Culminite Ores from around the
map (there are 6 butyou only need 5!)
1 - Zungar Shaft
2 - DarkvarI Colllery
3 - Charnok Quarry
4-Skoria Mine
5 - Charam's Mine
6- Snaketall Grotto
Sell rat meat to Bera
--- a I-
` `
Adessa ls the capltal clty of Gnomlsh culture, ruled over by a devlous and Machlavelllan councll lt was
created over a hundred years ago from a Gnomlsh outpost set up ln a deep and mysterious crater !eak-
lng amblent energy.The Influx of sclentlsts and officials coming to study the crater led to the gradual
Lorestone Set Bonus expanslon of the outpost, resultlng in the teeming metropolls you see before you
F]egion Overview
Level flange The gnomes pnde themselves on thelr analytlcal minds, and the player wlll encounter many sclence-
based quests, some of whlch will test their mmd as well as thelr physical abillty! ln addltion, the player
may have to contend with consplracleS and maChinatIOnS WIthin thelr complex POIItICal system.
Gent F(ats (Adessa Mine),
Kobolds (Adessa Mlne), Mountaln Shrines - None
Trolls (quest only), Leanashe The pragmatlcand sclentlfic mlnds of the gnomes ofAdessa have notlme for mystlc lore orgods, and
(quest only), Boggarts (quest only) there are therefore no Shrlnes or Lorestones in the clty!
-----_-- = -- --
HELfiifrfflGEE H RE! BEiitEiEN'EN Elm EBEE ELF [EiR ilH
Headto Polnt Cand plckthe lockor usethe prlsoners are k"led the gnomes fighting
key-you can force lt this tlme lf you wlsh. them will notice you. Make your way to
Go inside the chamber and use the lever. the exlt and pat yourself on the back as a
Walt until the prlsoners are all fighting the
guard, then sneak up to Polnt D.There is
a last guard who wlll not become Involved Combat Escape - Plck the lock to your cell
lnthefighting-do not let hlm seeyou. lf (Average) then run to your equipment at Polnt Weapons
your Stealth ls low, the best solution ls to D None of the Praetorlan guards are good Searlng Staff of
45O25 126
at distance attacks, so you should be able to BIoodthlrst
go across the corrldor from your equlpment,
dash across to it, quickly take it/ and then sprlnt right pastthem Plck upyourequlp- Barbed Longsworcl
26984 49
of Fiavaglng
dash back before he can notice you fully. ment and either run forthe exitor kill them all
Make sure all thls lsdone qulckly-ifallthe Crowd control technlques are recommended 1 Sylvanlte Hammer 26140 141
Azurlte Longsword
Oak Longbow
1 Azurlte Greatsword 7438 73
This mlne appears empty when you flrst
encounter lt ln the quest "Applied Sclence"
TrICkSter'S GIoves
but once the quest is complete, Glant Rats of the Ellxlr
22725 40
and kobolds wlll spawn in the open areas. 1 Handwraps of the Hardy 14901 17
Look out for the BearTraps and theTrlpwlre and Arrow Launcher.
1 fchea::nSde[SanO!e 10422 77
1 i:naethSetrudL:;gdlngs 9231 61
FORBIDDEN HALL level® - l5-25
1 Hood of Flre Hlndrance 6384 51
Enemies- 'F'-.t'..EI I.=.I d=
1 Gauntlets of Preservatlon 5073 39
This dungeon can only be accessed vla the
1 Sylvanlte Gauntlets 401 9 56
Traveler's Quest "Purlolned Letters" and cannot be returned to once lt has been completed.
1 Lmapnrd::edl"umlnator's 880
` ` ` _ ,
5 Greater Magebane 1706
I.- a- _, -
Head toAdessa Mine. Meetwith Feride at
PointA, and he will make you fight several
waves of enemies:
3 Pestilent Brownies
2 - 3 Plaguebearer Boggarts
3-3 Kobolds
4-A MountainTroll
Experience, Gold,
Common Magearmour,cancomplete
"New inTown
= -- --- i
Talkto Fieddle, you can Persuade hlm to glve
you an advance. After speaking to F(eddle/
complete at least two petitlons on the board
in the HospltaIIS Quarters Return, and speak
tohlmagaln.;-,> _. i¬
1 - Praetorlan Gamson
2 - Laboratorles Quest Fteceived From Adessa Book
3 -The Domus Polmca Location of Quest Giver Llvrarium
4-The Grand Bursar's Dungeon/AreaTravelled to All Aclessa locations
5 -The Arcadlum Reward Skill Book: Persuasion
6 -The Baslllca of Gnostra
7 -The Forum
---- = -i-
Head to Adessa Armory
and destroy the 6 pleces
of contraband, contained +_
in crates at PointsA, B
andC.Thiscan bedone
atthe same time as
"Outslde the Box" forthe _i'N`...
Travellers Faction. Return
toAbbIIer in HospltalIS.
You can Persuade them, lfyou fall then theywill charge you more
when you buy from them in the future. Fieturn toAbbelier ln HospI-
talls Quarters.
-- a --I
+- ft\:i:.,. L~ gl4t(x Adessa
Quest Received From N/A (cont frc)m "Adessa Under Watch ")
Location of Quest Giver N/A
Dungeon/AreaTravelled to Grand Bursars
Chests, Blacksmithing Forge, Alchemical Lab
ln Sandstone Vllla
"Adessa 5: UnderWatch"
After speaklngto Francois, you can go to
the SparrlngArena. Go to the central area
and unlock one of the doors contalnlng the
enemles and defeatthem. Note -thls quest
wlll not appear in your Quests llst and has
no rewards bar those you get from defeatlng
the monsters dlreCtly.
----,-- a --
KLUR]KON Lorostono Sot Bonus: Humlllty. -loo/a Equip F\eclulrements
Bogs choked with weeds, razor-sharp rocl(s, and monsters living in an atmosphere
of filth and decay.This is Klurikon, the no-man,s land that the Fateless One and the
Altar army must make its way through.
5=fl HH RE5iid
ln the west, it appears that the Altar may have succeeded ln pushing back nature to bu"d thelr clvlllza-
tlon.The Cursewood exists seemingly to laugh at that notIOn - anClent rulnS are just VISIble Withln its
Lorestone Set Bonus malevolent depths, In the Process Of being SWallowed whole.What mlghty CIVIIIZatIOnS Were lost to this
forest's patlent creeplng?
Level Range The Balor Fioad cuts through the center of the Cursewood, the path of destruction whlch Balortook on
his way to MeI Senshlr.Wth the Greater NISkaru dead, It now Serves aS a Path OfTuatha retreat
Barghests, Bolgans, Leanashes,
Region Overview
Murghans, Spiders, Threshes, When you head down into the Drowned Forrest, make sure you start the quest "The Lost Squad" from
Trolls Captain Drefan at the gates to Mel Senshir, as lt wlll allow you to complete "Deadeye" and contmue
"The LostSquad" atthe sametlme. Enemles ln this areatend tO roam ln groups, InCludlng Ellie
T--.- a --
E!fifiifE ffi,B Hes P9H'E ii! EL! mRE- B= ,HHEifiEEl
This dungeon is densely packed with loot but also with dangerous
Bolgan enemles! Head rlght to travel around the dungeon.Thls
dungeon also connects to "Foe's Hearth" InThe Mldden, allowlng lt
to act as a passageway toThe Midden, Iir3 ¬l
a i -._ .
Make your way through the mine
to Deadeyeat PolntA The Bolgan OBJECTIVES
Brutes can be kllled by Stealth. Go Into Shattertier Mine
Alternatively, you can try and lure the Defeat Deadeye
last palr of Bolgans towards Deadeye Return to Ellas
herself, turn on Fieckonlng and klll four
Bolgans and Deadeye for an Experi-
ence Boost. Fieturn and talk to Elias.
-..-- a- --I
| ` __ ,
The fortress of Met Senshlr has already fallen once to theTuatha, and it was only thanks to the efforts
of GeneralTllera that it was recaptured. However, her forces were defeated shortly afterwards by the
Lorestone Set Bonus deadly greater Niskaru, Balor. Now, the forces of the Alfarwalt ln fear in Mel SenshlrfOr Balor to appear
again, and forthe last great push by theTuatha that may wipe them out..
Level Range
1 5-30
F]egion Overview
When you arrive ln MeI Senshlr, It WIII be locked untII you complete the Siege However, you can st"I use
Enemies theTralners as they are outdoors, whlch ls recommended lf you have the gold to spare. Whllst small,
the quests ln the area of Mel Senshlr have a surprISing amount Of hlgh ranking enemieSI
Shrines - None
There are no Lorestones nor ShrlneS ln Mel Senshir to aid you on your travels.
I- a -
RE B fflH!id EEEEE ELIELfi!fi
--- = - --
`u.\Lrd, ,i
The Midden ls the graveyard of the Fae, where decaywas celebrated by the House of Sorrows as a part
of the great Cycle. Since the war began, it has been desecrated by theTuatha, who have filled it wlth
Lorestone Set Bonus Altar bodles, maklng the entlre land into a tool to lnfllct horror on thelr enemles
Sorrow's Beneflt:
+6% Bleeding Damage Region Overview
The maln focus of The Midden ls the House of Sorrows, and lt ls recommended that you accept Blsa-
Level Range
rane's offerwhen you meet him on the road. When you head Into the Mldden Itself, look out for large
groups of spiders, and leanashes whlch will spawn ln the vlclnlty.
Barghests, Boggarts, Bolgans, Shrines - Shrine of Lyria, Shrine ofThydron
Faer Gorta, Leanashes, Murghans' The two Shrlnes of Lyrla ln the northwest can be used when arrlvlng ln the Midden itself, and the Shrlne
Spiders, Sprltes, Threshes, Trolls ofThyrdon leading toThe Keenlng can be used forThyrdon,s Charge if you are travelllng ln that direction,
but the central area of The Midden is an area devoid of shrines.
-, a -----
aifH Euffifi» EH! FI EH iH fflJid fi ifH FTi&H HHHfiH
The House of Sorrows are the undertakers (of sorts) of the Fae, and thelr dark halls can only
be accessed by acceptlng thelr faCtlOn quest from Bisarane, on the road Into the Midden.
r ||
Quest Received From Kreger the Devout
Find altar earrings
Loo. of Quest Giver The Midden
on corpses and de-
liver them to Kreger Dng./AreaTravel. to
I formoney Rewal.d Gold
I.--- a -.i-
` | \ `_ `
The Drowned Forest is a murky swamp, littered wlth
fleelngTuatha, lost Altar patrols, and monsters lurking
ln the gloom. Workb®nch®s Location
Lorestone Set Bonus Alchemical Lab Bonnlach, southeast
Shrines - Shrine ofThyrdon, Shrine of Mitharu, Sagecraft Altar Bonnlach, southeast
Shrine of Ethene
Level Range The Shrine of Mitharu in the northeastern area can be Serv. Provider Name Location
1 6-32
used when arriving in the Drowned Forest.The Shrine Healer Lucent Prlnn Altar Camp
-.LJ- -= - - =iT--
Level Range - 17-35
Enemies - Giant Spiders, Sprltes, Sprite Frc)st
Champion, Boggart Zealots, Boggart Plague-
" bearers
Level Flange - 17-32
Enemies - Banshaen, Elite Murghans
Level Range - 22-37
Enemies - Bolgan Thugs, Bolgan Brutes, Cave
I Murghans
- -- a --
C!1uprtLt,, <? - fS-rcy£z! GLlist¬j - Drowned Forest
Return to Carrag
----Li -a -- _
. \c^J\_i-u
The Keening takes Its name from the waillng wlnds
that blow through the desolate ridges of thls harsh
land Khleran, a powerful FaeWitch Knight, holds the Trainer Name Location
stronghold of Ghennlg' where he conducts grlsly ex- Sage-
Central / Outslde Rathnll (lf you
Lorestone Set Bonus crafting Llordran
periments on the mortals who fall Into hls hands.Wlth Master
complete "True to the Cycle")
theTuatha in retreat, the Altar are beglnning to push
their way intoThe Keening.
Level Range
1 6-32
FIegion Overview
Enemies The Keening ls falrly small.\^/etch out for the road next to Llordran - a NlskaruTyrant wlll spawn over lt
Boggarts, Jottun/ Sprltes, Tuatha, the flrst tlme you passl Try to ensure you have Reckonlng mode avallable to take lt out qulckly.
Shrines - Shrine ofYnadon, Shrine of Ethene
The relative lack of size of The Keenlng means that lt ls posslble to use the Shrlne of Ethene in the east
and the Shrlne ofYnadon ln the west for any mlsslon you may undertake in thls area, although there
are often Jottun protectlng the Shrine of Ethene. lf you have not reached the Level cap (Level 40) it ls
particularly recommended that you use the Shrlne of Ethene for the Experience boost!
-- - - -a -----
g_aaJ\\ (A,r`\(\\
Level Flange - 17-35 evel FZange - 17-3
Enemies - Arcane Barghests/ BogTftyeshes, Enemies ans, Boggarts, Leanashes
This bright dungeon ls host to a variety of enemles whlch are Khleran, the\^/itch Knight of Ghennlg, has an obsesslon wlth mortal
vulnerable to fire attacks, and often contalns more than one Bog biology' and his experlments have been lmprlsoned in cages or
Thresh. lt must be navlgated by heading southwest at the start, and locked behlnd maglcal barriers. Headlng north in thls dungeon leads
heading clockwise around the map. towards loot, heading south goes towards the \^/itch Knight himself.
Level Range - 17-35
Enemies - Crudoks, Faer Gorta, Ancient Leanashe
This dungeon is covered ln more detail in the House of Sorrows quest "A House Divlded." lf
you return, it is crammed with very strong enemies llke crudoks and leanashes. Make sure
you use the Shrlne ofThyrdon in the centre to survlve the onslaught!
- --- = --,:-
The Caeled Coast ls why Mel Senshir is the only pomt of access to the Unseelle Faelands - gnm and
Inhospitable, its needle-llke rocks tear any boat foollsh enough to approach Its shores Into matchwood.
Lorestone Set Bonus This northern slde represents the territory of the Gastyr Thls noble family ruled over Its shores for years
Hunter'sThoughts: +3% Dam- after the creatlon of Mel Senshir. However, thelr bltter rlvalry with the Ansilla to the south blinded them
age with Ranged to the real threat When the bolgan came, they crushed both houses mercllessly and swlftly. Now, all the
Gastyr are gone. Or are they?
Level Range
Region Overview
Enemies As soon as possible, you should head to the east to Aloft the Hunter to galn the quest "Worthy of
Banshaen, Barghests, Bolgans, Chernobog" - it requires you to klll 10 Bolgans and there are many you wlll probably have to slay in this
Murghans, Tuatha area. Also make sure to open the Hidden Door ln the east - in the chest lnslde you wlll flnd aTuatha
Cowl, which ls a unique piece of Mage armour. ln general, this area ls heavily overrun with bolgan, often
flghtlng ln groups.
--I- -a --
1_Ki)Vt,'i``i?;'3 iji- _a,?.gT'r i i=-;..1iyFs'TS
This small camp lswhereyouwill flnd Brunthe Bard, ayoung man
who may be a crlminal, a deserter, a lordling' or all three,
Enemies - Murghans, Elite Murghans, Ban-
This dungeon ls covered ln more detail in the House of Sorrows quest "The Eldest." You can ; sheen, sprites, sprlte FrostChampion
only access the second area (the door ls above the Stone of Autumn) vla that quest.There
are many Murghans and a couple of Banshaen ln this dungeon.The chests inside often
requlre Dispelllng and can be fairly hlgh-level.
I " ._`r`-- -
Quest Fleceived From Aloff the Hunter
Location of Quest Giver Northeast Caeled Coast
Dng,/AreaTravel. to -
Gold, Experience, Chernobog's Eye(canbesoldforreasonablemoney)
I- -a- --
--- e -i-
j,.ik a-Cff.v~-:a
T3! " ;i1\,¥r(\`'¬ '^ `| <````b S\A
Level flange - 17-
Enemies - Bolgan Brute, Bolgan Thug
- BearTraps
Level Range - 17-37
Enemies -Tuatha SoldI'erS, Tuatha Zealots, Tuatha Priests
Thls huge castle can only be accessed through the quest "The Lost
Squad." lt ls part of multiple quest lines, which should be actlvated
before you go ln to prevent backtracking. When you enter orlglnally,
you will come in bythesldeentrance. lfyou make ittothe main en-
trance, you can then unlock lt from the inslde.There ls a Sagecraft-
ing altar ln the small chamberto the east
I.i,y.i_ \` ) -Tr(i_
---- a i,--..--
(?-!lcaF)!er j£ -- ,*r(:c± SS|ii,ice - Caeled Coast - South
lf you use the dolls from your Items menu, they w"I
reveal gems inslde them. F3eturn to Private Janara. lf
you have revealed the gems, you wlll keep the gems (note - lf you just reveal one, you wlll
stIIl receIVe all the gems at the quest end), If not She W"I gIVe you FiareArmor.
Merchant in Seawatch, Sagecraft Altar, Alchemical Lab
_- -- = ---.
ALABASTRA Lorestone Set Bonus: AnagnonsIS. +4% Damage FiesIStanCe
`| \- --
High Fulgen ls one of the primary battlegrounds between theTuatha and the Alfararmies, demarcatlng
the llne between the attaCkmg Altar and retreatingTuatha. Once, this land was populated by Bolgan, but
they were marshalled by theTuatha and sent north Into the Caeled Coast to topple the lord of Gastyr and
Lorestone Set Bonus Anella.The mortal troops ln thls area are cut off by the lands of Klurlkon behlnd them, often Inexperi-
Anagnorlsls: +4% Damage enced and desperately ln need of any help they can get.
Region Overview
Level Range
The most promlnent area ln High Fulgen is Camp Moondown, held by Captaln Canwen, a new soldier
who has seen her troops declmated. lf you talk to her, you may be able to swlng the tlde of battle.
Enemies Primordia ln the west is a mysterlous dungeon which cannot be accessed until you flnlshed the Maln
Barghests, Bolgans, Faer Gorta Quest. ln general, large groups ofTuatha or Faer Gorta are the norm ln thls area - make sure your crowd
Sprites, Tuatha control tactlcs are sharpened.
J=-- 3 -I
Hlgh Fulgen
ll l\`\ ` a
16 i:egaetnerp:t::lth 1838
6 Edelwelss 263
6 StarThlstle 149
2 Prlstlne Maglc Shard
PRIMORDIA Level Flange - 3540
Enemies - Sprites, PnsmereTrolls, Barghests,
Banshaen, Murghans, Chicken Overlords
I, I- _I -
Defend Camp Moondown
Find Calm the Healer
Heal Colm
Find Anella the weaponsmith
Find the Breath ofAbra
Defend the Camp
Shadow Pass ls a dark and gloomy chasm leading
Into the heart ofTuatha territoryTo pass through/ SHADOW PASS SERVICES
a warrlor must be stout of heart and force his way tiralnor 1\lem¢ Lo¢atlon
Lorestone Set Bonus through the enemles that wait on the path and on
the ridges. 3ltaesa1:? Tlcneranl #::i:Oare::sOfDark
------- ---- a I
nftJf*t:)`/\)F1> cii i_
Level Flange - 2445
emies - Sprites, Sprite Frost Champion, msmereTroll
Thls dungeon has three different exits.The exits ln the east and
south are notable for havlng BearTraps ln front of them. Make sure
you get the Stone of Autumn in the central area.
lf you have Reckoning avallable, you should definitely use it. lf not,
Dessidyn is essentlally a relatlvely standard Swordsman, so use the
general tactics you would agalnst mobs - stay away from hlm and
clear out his sorcerer's first!
Stay away from Dessidyn, chase down hls Sorcerers and
use harpoon and juggllng attacks to keep on top of them
Finesse Sorcery
Lay down Gamblt mines (lfyou have them) to add some Elther play a run away game where you call down powerful
chaos to the battlefield, then chase down his Sorcerers spells like Meteor as theTuatha chase you, or chase down
with Dagger-= Shadow Flare combos his Sorcerers and defeat them with Chakrams.
------ -a --`
The Unseelie villages ofAshmoor and Eventlde lived in trust of theWinter Court.When Gadflow
came to power, this proved to be their mlstake.Theytried to protest his war, and thelrvlllages were
razed to the ground by hls soldiers, their communlties slaughtered wholesale. Now, the warlord
Cask commands hls troops and watches overthe rulns with a cold eye. ln the nearby mines, the
Lorestone Set Bonus remnants of the villagers stlll survlve, in an underground railroad of sorts. Perhaps they could be
Level Range
Region Overview
At this stronghold of Gadflow's emplre, lone enemles are rare, and generally those powerful
Enemies enough to be left alone, llke Crudoks and PrlsmereTrolls Large groups ofTuatha are common. ln
Banshaen, Murghans, the northeast, there isa palrofjump points-go north of them, then use both of them. lfyou ap-
PrISmere Troll, Tuatha, SprlteS proach them from the northeast, you can use both tojump down into a pool, where you can find
the unlque armor "Ergel,s Luxurious Legwear"
" -- a ----
=HEB5Efii a oHp _ i
Flange - 234
Enemies - Cave Murghans, <BolganThug' Banshaen
; Level Range-2343
i Enemies-Cave Murghans
I Level Range-2240
To progress through this dungeon, you will need to head south and I Enemies - Cave Murghans
make yourway around clockwlse. ln order to gain entrance to the
last chamber, you wlll need Ordo (the Fee ln the cage) to unlock lt
foryou in hlsquest. Make suretogetthe lootbehlndthe Hldden Thls dungeon ls an area where theTuatha have been experiment-
Door to the northeast. ing on their fellow Fee and the Murghans Using the levers near
their cages, you can release the Murghans whlch wlll prioritlze their
Tuatha tormentors overyou, but they will stlll attack you unless you
have the amulet from the quest "Bareth!"
i -\.
Finally, you must defeat Cask who wlll appear to the south at Point C. He is faclng away
fromyou and lt ls possibletosneak up behlnd hlm andstealth klll hlm wlth daggers if you
took out the guards previously Go north and speak toAluck
-_ = -.
ff!1aPiLSr 4 - Aerea ffiwic)a - Twilight Pass
Onceyou enter, talktothe Fee in the cage and usethe
leverto free him.To get to Maura the Fateweaver, you wlll
have to go around the dungeon ln a clockwise direction to
get to Polnt B.When Ordo opens the enchanted doorto
the Great Chamber in the southwest corner at PolntA, pro-
tect him.Then enterthe chamber. Maura WIII explain that
she needs to devour Ordo's life energy to leave Weconai.
You can allow herto, or klll her Elther way' the rewards are
slmllar but you WIIl get more Experience for kIIIIng MauraI
The additlonal HP that Maura has may make thls battle take longer
than normal, but the XP rewards are more than worth it [ieH 2]
Maura ls a relatively normal Sorcerer, albelt one who can take more
hlts than usual. lt ls advlsed that you stay ln close and take advan-
tage of her lack of SuperArmor.
Mlx up the longsword cancelled Into quake and harpoon,
and you should be able to finish her off falrly quickly.
You can plant Frostll.eps or Gamblt Mines (or both if you
are sadlstlc!) before talking to Maura to start the fight,
When fighting her, chase down herteleports and hit her
with dagger chalns Into Shadow Flare.
rRIi_ SERE Asshewlll often put upa Maglcal Barrler, lt ls recom-
mended that you attack Maura wlth your Chakrams. As
with Might and Flnesse, an aggresslve strategy is recom-
mended so that she cannot regroup and throw spells
Amaura is the flnal stretch ofTuatha territory before Bhalle and the House of Vengeance.The armles of
Gadflow have retreated here, andTuatha are thlck on the ground.TheWltch KnlghtAnlra plots a revenge
Lorestone Set Bonus strike against the mortal armies from hls stronghold in Cann-Bane.
Enlightenment: +6O/o CrltlcaI Hlt
Damage wlth Magic Region Overview
Amaura ls overflowing wlthTuatha and has several PrlsmereTrolls - make sure you are well stocked up
Level Range
and powered up as much as posslble before entering this dangerous area.The slde quests in this area
are found within Cann-Bane, where you must destroy theWitch KnightAnlra. lf you head down the
Enemies Jump Point next to the northern entrance to Cann-Bane, you can find a chest with the unlque weapon
Banshaen, Murghans, Tuatha,
Sprites, PrISmere Trolls
Shrines -Altar of Belen, Shrine of Mitharu
You should definltely be using the Altar of Belen on the path intoAmaura before you arrive here.The
Shrlne of Mltharu to the north wlll requlre you fighting yourway through a swarm of enemies before you
can reach lt, and ls therefore only really useful just before entering the House of Vengeance to begin the
final battle. However, consldering that thls is close to the end, you may wlsh to slmply qulck travel to
Ysa, getALL the shrine buffs, then quick travel back to the House of Vengeance lnstead!
-- a -
(yZi,--2l)i(-.; 4 -- /,:,,rc-i* CizJfidrJ; -- Amaura
ln the Prismere Basin, theTuatha are at war
with the splders which have llved here. lf
you step into the open areas to the south/
west and north,Venomspitters and giant spl- lump point downwards to the south, and
ders wlll spawn around you.The jump points from the central point northwards There ls a
allowyou to progress from the southeastern Fae healer in the western alcove.
This dungeon ls the lair of the\^/itch Knight
Anira. However, there are several Fee who
have their own Issues with theWitch Knight, ing, Sagecrafting, and even a merchant. lt
whoyou can find lnthearea. lfyou usetheir also has two Hidden Doors, one towards
help you may be able to defeat her once the north and the other in the northwest,
and for all...This dungeon also serves as the although the northern one can only be
closest equlvalent to a "town" thls close reached via completing the "Cann-Fiane"
to the heart of theTuatha, with Blacksmith- quest line.
Master Belne
Location of Quest Giver Cann-Fiane, next to forge
Dungeon/AreaTravelled to
Reward Belne's Daggers / Sword / Staff Experience
I---- a --
Go and find the three Flaw Prismere Shards
in cheststothesouthat PolntA, B and C.
Fieturn to Master Farraglen. lf/when you Obtain the 3 Raw Prismere Shards
have Master Belne's weapon of Ire, you can Fletum to Master Farraglen
socket the gem Into lt to make it especially
effective against the Wltch Knlght Anira.
I-- a
-- a --
l` \ I `
L|evel Range - 24-45
;) Enemies -Tuatha Soldlers, Tuatha Zealotsl
i Tuatha Priests, Tuatha Overlords
Level Range - 23-45
Enemies -Tuatha Zealots, Tuatha Prlests'
PrismereTrolls, Niskaru Hunters
Level Range - 24-45
Enemy - Gadflow
a ---- -
After bearing wltness to the apparent dlsposal of your lifeless body, you will flnd yourself
somehow resurrected and standlng at the foot of a plle of your less fortunate predecessors.
With no clue of what has happened, and no means of defendlng yourself, your first objective
ls to find a way out of the lmmedlate area, and then dlscover howyou ended up here.
lf you start walklng towards the Oblectlve A marker, you will come to a spllt in the path. to
the left you wlll be able to flnd some Items, lncludlng a note wlth some lnformatlon about
the area, and to the right there ls a lever that you can pull to lower one of the other bodies
Into an lncinerator When you are ready to contlnue, go towards the doorlust to the left of
the incinerator and remove the Fiusty Sword from the corpse leaning agalnSt lt i i
Now that you have a weapon, you at least have a means of defending yourself whlle you
continue to lnvestlgate. Keep presslng forward through the tunnels for a short distance and
you will eventually come to an openlng, from whlch you wlll be able to see a battle break-
lng out between two opposing groups Wlth no means of affecting the outcome either way,
your only choice is to push on further through the tunnels to see what lles ahead.
After rounding the next corner, you wlll encounteryour first group of enemies, ln the form of
two Glant F]atsTry to focus your attentlon on one of the Fiats at a tlme, and remember that
you can cancel the baslc attacks with the weapon Into either an Evade or Guard to keep you
safe They do not have very much health, and the first three strlkes of the Longsword's at-
tack string is all it takes to dispatch one of them. Once they have been kllled, contlnue along
the tunnel and you wlll soon Start tO hear Calls for help COmlng from uP ahead.
Throughout your JOurney in the Faelands, you'll come across crates, pots and other
breakable objects. Destroy these whenever you find them; not only IS there a good
chance of finding some gold inside, but if you destroy 1000, you'll be awarded the
Bull in a China Shop Achlevementflrophy.
Movlng towards the plea for help wlll lead you to a small platform overlooklng an area below/
where a Gnome has been cornered by a small group of soldiers.Your new objective is to
rescue the Gnome in case he has any information, and to do so you will need lump down
from the end of the platform and Into the flght As soon as you land the twoTuatha Soldlers
wlll move to engage you, and they are a lot tougher than the Fiats you faced earller.
- - a -i-
To helpcontrolthe enemies, you should
make use of some of the other combat
moves that you can do wlth the Longsword,
such asthe DelaySpeclaltojuggleoneof
them, orthe Flnlsherto knockthem back.
Oncethefight lsover, the Gnome Encelwill
approach you to offer hls thanks, and lt turns
outthatresculng hlmwasawlse moveas
heseemsto knowwhat lsgolng on. Encel
Informs you about theWell of Souls, and tells
youthatyou needto meetwlththe person
ln charge of the experiment, Professor
Hugues Encel wlll giveyou some healmg
Items ln caseyou needthem, buttlme ls of
the essence, andyou needtoescapethe
area qulcklywith hlm, to make ltto Hugues
Laboratory before the invadlngTuatha can
Stop you.
Followlng Encel will lead you Into a large
open room, where you wlll be able to see
someTuatha Soldlers up above you, trying
to destroy the machine responsible for
your resurrection. Since you are unable to
stop them from here, contlnue through the
room until you come to a large door, whlch
you can open wlth the nearby lever At the
end of the nexttunnelyou will cometoan
old storage room, and Encel recommends
that you take one of the Shlelds from the "+'=
weapon rack to help you.There are a num-
ber of other useful Items that you can obtaln
from the chests scattered around thls room,
so lootthem flrSt before you approach the
objective polnt,
Here's an Achievementflrophy you
can getatanytlme, bUtnOW iSaS
good a time aS any Encel seems like
a friendly enough chap. We'll see how
friendly he still ls after this. F]emove
all your clothes, Including all armor,
weapons and shield and then SPeak
to him. This will unlock the Streaker
AchleVementflrOPhy. While you can
actually unlock this by speaking to
anyone while naked, Encel is the first
person you meet, so this ls the earli-
estyou can get it.
i ---- -= __-,-
After equlpplng the Bow and rounding the
corner, you wlll see twoTuatha Soldlers ln
the dlstance on a platform that you cannot
access. Both of these soldiers are also
equipped with Bows and they wlll begln
firlng as you get close to them.The quickest
way to take them out ls to use Charge Shots
with your Bow, so use the crates llnlng the
sides of the tunnel for cover, and then move
out and release your shot when lt ls safe to
doso! )y 1; RepeatthISPrOCeSSfOrthe
second soldler and then continue movlng
through the tunnels.
Roundlng the corner Into thls long sec-
tion of tunnel, you wlll see aTuatha Soldler
crouched down near a body ln the dlstance.
Follow Encel's advice and enter Stealth
Mode stralght away so that you can sneak
upandgetthe dropon him. lfyou havethe hTJRI=- Well of Souls
When you enter thls room the unlque plants
wlll respond to your latent natural maglcal
powers, and you will galn theAblllty Storm
Bolt. lfyou usethe Storm Bolt lnthis room
it will automatlcally target the devlce ln the
center, so you can use that to practice with
lf you wish. Contlnue down the tunnel on
the other slde of the room when you are
ready. As you round the next corner, a Giant
Splder will emerge out of the ground.These
Splders are capable of infllctlng polson,
which makes you take more damage from
thelr subsequent attacks so you will need to
be careful.
- ----- a --.
¬Lefipri.#r 5 - TJ¥,1fi%3,a =fJ)-ajc=r&.i3{ O1 - Out of the Darkness
Splder webs block the path and the only thlng that can clear them
out of the way ls flre. Equip the Staff and use Its baslc attacks to
cleartheweb !i.i _: 3{ Onthe othersldea grOuPOf Splderswlll at-
tack, so lt ls worth keeping the Staff equipped to take advantage of
their weakness to fire.
Spiders are extremely VUlnerable tO fire Weapons. Be it a
dedICated flre Staff or Sceptre or simply a Longsword that has
some fire element attached tO lt, the Spiders will fear it. You
can also use any fire weapon to burn their webs, LlnlOCklng
hitherto sealed areas.Try to keep at least one fire element
weapon with you at all times.
After battling past another group of Glant Splders, you wlll eventu-
ally come to the armory, where a group of Gnome Praetorians
are holed up ir-*L=! #grj.This IS aSfaraS Encel WIII takeyou, and he
mforms you that Hugues' lab should be just up ahead When saylng
your goodbye's to Encel, you'll have an opportunity at a Persuasion
chaIIengewith hlm. Succeedlng at ltWIIl guilt him lntOgIVIngyOu a
few consumables to aid you on yourjourney.
You can make your wayto Hugues now, but before you go through
the gate make sure to lootthe contents of the chests ln the armory
as they contain some very useful Items.When you are ready, go
through the gate and after stopplng brieflyto inspect theWell of
Souls, continue on through the next door Into the Laboratory.
As you run up the stalrs towards the Laboratory you will trigger
a conversatlon wlth Hugues, durlng whlch he wlll tell you some
details of the experiment you have been Involved m. Escaplng the
area before theTuatha can overrun the area takes precedence over
telllng the whole story, however, and Hugues wlll be forced to lure
the attackers away so that you can contlnue your escape
As you move down the corrldor, the tower wlll start to collapse
around you/ so make sure to stay clear of any falllng debrls You
wlll eventually come to a room and have to battle two moreTuatha
Soldlers. When they have been defeated, go through the gate and
contlnue up the stairs towards the exit until you reach the next
gate Ontheothersldeofthls gateyouwlll havetodo battlewith a
fearsomeTroll, and thls enemy has extremely hlgh defense and can
Inflict a lot of damage lf you are not careful.
There are also twoTuatha Soldiers with thelToll, so try and take
them out flrSt before dealing with theTrolI.You can use your environ-
ment to your advantage, by using your attacks to force theTuatha
back Into areas away from theTroII. \^/hen fightlng theTroII, use
your Storm Bolt as much as you can, slnce it ls the most powerful
slngle hit at your disposal at the moment.You should also focus on
evading thell.oll's attacks rather than trying to block them, and then
attack him durlng the recovery tlme [i>L g;i Once theTroII has been
defeated you are free to exit the tower and take your flrst steps out
Into the world.
Escaplng theWell of Souls and AllestarT7ower with your life ls
the first step to conquering Fate, and to mark the occasion,
you will unlock the Reborn Achievementfflrophy.
- --: a -_ _-I
i,,+JI`` -,.+- I--- _`-
You will emerge from the ruins of theWell of Souls and into the world for the first tlme now
Get yourself accllmated/ and take a look around the area you wlll emerge ln, Allestar Glade,
which lsa small sectlon of the largerareathat lsOdarath -
There is practically no llmltatlon on where you can now go ln the world.The entlre western
slde of the Faelands are freely avallable to you, however, the two eastern areas, Klurikon and
Alabastra wlll not be accesslble untll you complete certaln key quests.The further you go,
enemles will of course be stronger, but this is related to some extent to yourown level For
more informatlon on howthe enemy levels correlate to you and the areas, see the Game
Every area has its own set of enemles, but where they appear and their number ls some-
what random. Consult the Area Gulde (Chapter 4) everytlme you head to a new area to see
what an area has to offer ln addltlon to enemy data, you can see what slde quests and other
notable things are available in each area.
For now, check out your surroundings, and talk to the Gnomes that escaped theWell of
Souls wlth you to find out the current happenlngs ln the world. Before contlnulng with
your next oblectlve ln Gorhart, take a quick detour and check out Polnt 2.
A Bear is attacking an Innocent Gnome, or so lt seems i - L Bears are much quicker than
they appear, but their close-range attacks can easlly be evaded wlth a backwards roll. Strlke
from a dlstance or use hit and run tactics to take down the bear, and rememberto use
Storm Bolt whenever it ls available. After defeating the Bear, the Gnome wlll turn out to be
Guran, one of the workers in theWell of Souls.The flrst dialogue optlon you pick, regardless
of whlch lt ls, wlll lead you to discover that Guran leaked the details of theWell of Souls
project to an outslde party' which could well have led to theTuatha finding Its location.
The next set of dialogue optlons w"I let you decide what to do wlth Guran You can let hlm
live despite his greed, or punish hlm for hls crlmes by death There ls also a Persuaslon
optlon avallable, which if you succeed ln, wlll allow you to extort some gold from Guran.
However, lf you fail ln this Persuasion challenge, you will have to flght and klll hlm anyway.
When you are done, move on to Polnt 3.
As you approach thls clearlng on the way out ofAllestar Glade, you wlll encounter the leg-
endaryAgarth, once the greatest hero ln all the Faelands, and now the master Fateweaver
that Fomorous Hugues told you to flnd.
A Fateweaver's power lles ln hls ablllty to see the destlny of an Individual through the power
of card readlng, and Agarth has never been wrong He wlll tell you that Hugues is very likely
dead, as he knew that theWell of Souls would eventually succeed in Its task, but on the
day of Hugues' death Eventually, you w"I reach a Persuasion optlon ln the dlalogue wlth
Agarth. Succeeding in lt will promptAgarth to grant you a Greater Health Regen Potlon and
a Greater Mane F3egen Potlon. Once you are done and Agarth dlscovers your ldentity' he
will warn you of impendlng danger, so prepare yourself.
ThreeTuatha Soldiers wlll lmmedlately enter the clearlng Thankfully, Agarth is as handy
with a blade as he lswith a pintofale, andwill help substantlallyin the comlngflght.These
Tuatha Soldlers are more or less the same as the ones you encountered ln theWell of Souls,
and shouldn't be too hard to take care of. However, as soon as you do defeat them, you wlll
be confronted by a more powerful group of adversarles
ThreeTuatha F]ogues will jump Into the clearlng now. However, they wlll soon meet a swift
and brutal end, because you are about to master F]eckonlng mode, your most powerful tool
ln battle. Activate Fieckonlng mode now, and watch the world slow as you flow wlth strength.
Reckoning Mode slows all your enemles down and lets you do substantlally more damage.
However, fllllng the meter to have Reckoning Mode avallable takes a whlle and a lot of batt-
les, so you wlll want to be selective wlth where you activate lt. The biggest advantage of
defeating enemles whlle ln F]eckoning Mode ls the Increased experlence you wlll receive for
Fateshiftlng multiple foes at once For more mformatlon, be sure to read the Combat Chapter.
I_- a - -
Keep an eye out for any situation ln Which you are faced with + -ro
five foes Or more at Once, lf you are, activate F(eckonlng mode
and put them all Into a state where they can be Fateshlfted.
Take them all out, and enjoy your Reckoning Rampage
Picking the right Destiny here lS One Of the most Important de-
cisions, and it will affect you throughout the rest of the game,
There are three Destiny related AchievementsflrophleS: Some
ofThls, Some of That, which requires Unlocking a Class two
Destlny; lt lsYour Destlny' which requires unlocklng a top tier
Destiny; and Jack of AllTrades, which as the name Implies, re-
quires you to unlock a Jack of all trades Destiny.The best way
to get all three IS tO first raise the SklllS In all three SPeClaltleS
(MIght, FIneSSe, and Sorcery) high enough for you tO Unlock
the first Jack of all trades Destiny' and then to specialize ln One
class until you reach the top tier Destlny for that Class, Which
wlll unlock the remalnlng two Achlevementsflrophies
Thls cholce should complement the type of character you are strlv-
lng towards. Asyou Increase your abllltles in a partlcular field, be
lt Mlght, Flnesse, or Sorcery, you wlll unlock more Destlnles that
wlll help you in areas that fltyourdeslred role. For more detalls on
thls, read the Combat and Classes Chapter. Make your cholce and
continue to speak to Agarth.
Agarth wlll suspect thatyour fate is yours to write, but wlll want
a second opinIOn. He w"I suggest consultlng Wlth Arden, another
Fateweaver nearby He wlll mark the location of his hut on your
map' and take his leave Make your way there now.
-.-- a- -I
As you make your way through Odarath and intoYolvan, you wllI When you are ready to move on, go to Arden's Hut lnYolvan. It's not
pass the vIIlage of Gorhart ,i -,, i lt's worth taking a short sab- far from your current locatIOn, but you WIIl probably encounter many
batical here, and seelng some of t^he slghts of GorhartThere are of the denlzens of Odarath as you pass by, includmg many Boggart
several side quests avallable, as well as merchants selling all sorts Plaguebearers. Flght your way through to Arden's Hut, to flnd an
of Items The DLC chest ls also avallable from this vlllage, so lt'S unpleasant surprise
an Important locatlon to keep ln mlnd. ChecktheArea Guldefor
detailed information on what is available in Gorhart.
Inside is a corpse and someone examining lt Ira-!rJ 2t-3. Don'tjump to
conclusIOnS, but instead talk to thIS Suspicious indIVIduaI: Alyn Shir
ls one of the most important people you wlll encounter throughout
the Faelands.
Thankfully, Agarth will soon make hls appearance. Speak to hlm, and
explam the current situatlon. Agarth wlII conclude thatthe only thlng
left to do ls go to Dellach, a place that ls sacred to Fateweavers
Leave hlm to mourn Arden and get out of the hut.
You wlll flnd Agarth walting for you on the brldge to the ruins of Del-
lach. He will explain the reason foryour being here DeIIach houses
theTheatre of Fate, a mystical device that allows one to see the qee
entlre tapestry of fate, includlng one's own place ln lt. Agarth is hop-
lng thls wlll fill the void of who you are and whatyour fate ls. Follow
Agarth lnslde Once he has flnlShed speaking
Enterlng the flrst door ln Dellach, you wlll flnd a room that has four
Wolves and an Ettln Brute lylng in Walt fOryOu i.ri,`fyrj 3].TheWolves
are quick and you can never outrun them. Instead, look out for thelr
telltale howl.Thls wlll Indicate that they will charge at you. Parry this
attack and punISh theWolf There IS nO Way around the enemleS, SO
you have to battle them before movlng on.
While there are two exits from this room, the western exlt ls irrel-
evant for now, as it leads to a one way route.Take the southern exlt
out of thls room and proceed to Point 08.
This room contains five moreWolves and another Ettin Brute. Use
the same tactlcs as before, concentrating on avolding the Ettln
Brute's attacks while picking off theWolves. Be sure to loot the two
chests that are on elther slde of thls room Continue down the pas-
sage and through the door.Thls leads to a falrly empty room wlth
a chest waitlng foryou to loot. ln the comdorjust beyond thls four
Kobold F3ogues are waltlng foryou. Next to them ls a treasure chest
ln this room, you'll see what appears to be a lone Kobold examlnlng
something in the rubble LJSrLf; 4i! However/ as you approach hlm,
slx more Kobolds wlll erupt from the ground all around the room
Defeat them, and be sure to loot the chest on the east wall before
taklng the southern exlt out of the room
On the bridge you'll see two more Kobold Fiogues facing away from
you.This ls a good opportunlty to go for a stealth klll, remember that
you don't need any proflclency in stealth to land a successful stealth
kill, only a set of Daggers Kobolds can be taken out wlth a stealth
kill, andyou should doso now
-e -------.
After you have cleared the room, find a treasure chest along the
eastern wall of the room and loot lt.Take the door that leads north/
as Agarth ominously tells you that you are soon nearlng the polnt
atwhich hewlll no longerbeableto helpyou.
Here you WIII flnd yourself confronted by an Ettln WarprleSt. Agarth
wlll charge headlong Into battle, adamant that thls ls as far as hls llfe
lsfatedto last. Of course, fate ls butawordtoyou, soald hlm ln
defeatlng the beast instead of )ust watchlng him dle TheWarprleSt
ls a powerful and resilient foe, packlng a lot of SuperArmor to
boot (for an explanatlon of how SuperArmor works, check out the
Combat and Classes Chapter Let hlm target Agarth and attack hlm
from afar untll hls SuperArmor breaks, then wade ln with powerful
combos until he goesdown. i- 7
This room contalnS SIX Kobolds and two powerful Kobold Savages Agarth will be aghast at what you have done Wh"e you have saved
Try to keep both groups of enemles separated from each other, hls life, your deeds have changed fate's weaver and could result ln
watchlng out for the ranged attack of the Kobolds whenever pos- untold disaster. Hewlll be ln even moreofa hurrytogetyou tothe
sible. Check out the treasure chest in the western corner of this Theatre of Fate, so proceed
room before movlng on
The next room ls empty' but the northern and southern rooms con-
nected to lt are not_The northern room contains two chests, and
ED]RT-- the southern room one. Loot these before moving on. Carry on up
You are at a dlstlnct advantage when enterlng the next room, as two the stalrs towards your objectlve, and on your wayyou wlll run Into
Ettln Brutes as well as four Kobolds are ln pltched battle wlth four another group of four more Kobolds
Kobolds, no doubt overwho gets the last tasty morsel of mortal
flesh I-,LL? ;.Your hlgh vantage point w"I aIIowyou to raln arrows Go through the door and Agarth wlll explaln that you are nearing
from above, as well as any ranged spells you mlght have at thls theTheatre of Fate. As you proceed along the narrow path afterthe
polnt. As soon as one slde, be lt the Ettins or Kobolds, has eradlcat- door, there wlll be a glowlng symbol on the floor. As you near it, four
ed the other, the survivors w"I turn their attention to you, so be sure Kobolds wlll erupt from the ground around you Dlspose of them
to take advantage of their distractIOn rlght from the beglnning. before proceedlng tO Point 13.
---- a- -- -
i O2 - Into the |Ight
Enterlng theTheatre of Fate towards your
objective, two Nlskaru Bloodhunters spawn
below you. Don't use your F]eckonlng Mode
on them, despite them belng powerful
adversarles, as you will need lt for the battle
afterwards. Bloodhunters move very quickly
and strlke wlth deadly power, but they are
susceptible to being parrled. ln fact, you
should walt for them to make the first move
every tlme and parry lt, as they can Interrupt
your strikes and dodge you lf you lnltiate
aggresslon. ( i
wayYou'll need thls for the comlng battle.
To begin thIS quest, yOu'll have to flnd Agarth ln Dldenhll, a moderately sized town located
ln Glendara, an area that houses a lot of enemles Thankfully they are mostly of the Boggart
and Brownle Varlety' SO none Of them Should cause you much difflculty at thls polnt
ln Dldenhll, Agarth predictably can be found ln whlchever establishment can get hlm the
drunkest, ln thIS Case, theThree Lamps Inn. Head lnSIde tO flnd Agarth falllng at giving an ac-
curate fate readlng to a customer Whether thls is down to your Interference ln hls fate or hls
drunken stupor ls unknown F\egardless of thls, speak to hlm to flnd out what he has found
out about yourTuatha pursuers.
Agarth wIIl lament the fact that he ls stIII breathlng.You savlng hlm from What he thought
was an inevltable death at the hands of the Ettln has lead hlm to questlon everythlng, Includ-
ing hls own legacy and what the future holds. F3eassure hlm, and he wlll reward you with an
accessory. Eventually he will move on to theTuatha. He wlll explaln that they have followed
and tracked you all the way from the western lands uslng a devlce called the Eyes ofTlrnoch
lf you wISh tO Proceed WIthOutTuatha interference, you wIIl need to destroy the eyes.
TheTuatha are holed up ln the Hunter's Plt, a locatlon ln the north of Glendara. Agarth wlll
suggest two ways of entry, eitherthrough the heavlly guarded maln entrance, or stealthlly
vla the rear entrance.
Yt)ur cholce will largely be based on the ablllties you have invested ln thus far.The rear
entrance features much less combat, but ls trap laden, so havlng a hlgh ratlng ln the Detect
Hldden Sklll is very deslrable.This route also features less combat, and so wlll be less
rewardlng ln terms of experlence. Havlng a few polnts ln the Stealth sklll also wouldn't go
amiss here, and remember to make sure you have at least one set of Daggers wlth you if
you go thIS Way.
Going through the maln entrance ls much shorter, and of course will feature much more
combat. Any character bulld can go this way' but a durable Mlght bulld is of course more
likely to survIVe the SuStalned assault We'll cover both optIOnS, Startlng WIth the Stealth
route. Select lt, and then followAgarth to Polnt 02. lf you choose to pursue the frontal as-
sault, begln readlng from Polnt 08.
Once you reach the eastern entrance of Hunter's Plt, Agarth wlll leave you, headlng to the
main entrance to create a dlstractlon as only a drunken warrior past hls heyday can. As you
go in, you'll lmmedlately see aTuatha Fialder walklng away from you just ahead. Stay ln
Stealth Mode and make your way to hlm. Fiemember that you can roll whlle in Stealth Mode
to cover ground qulcker without making extra nolse, but when you are close enough, stop
rolllng and sneakthe restoftheway before executlngyourstealth klll. -` )
When you're in a cavern type area like the Hunter's PIt, keep an eye OUtfOr Reagents.
Collect them wheneveryou can, if only to make a stable potion and getthe lt Dldn't
Explode! and Green Thumb AchievementsflrophleS.
At thls point, you'II flnd a Set Of threeTuatha warmlng themselves by the flre.Wh"e none of
themwlll be looklng dlrectlyatyou asyou nearthem, lt lsvery unlikelyyouwlll beableto
take them out stealthlly before they see you The closeryou get to the group, the more llkely
you wlll be seen, although lf you are quICk, you may be able tO Stealth klll the One Closest tO
you before the others engage you Once the battle beglns, take them out quickly.
Yt)u have two options now as to how to proceed The eastern exlt leads to a group of resting
Tuatha that can be reached through a passage fllled with traps However, you are much bet-
ter off headlng through the northern exlt from thls polnt, for reasons that wlll be explalned
shortly. For now head to Polnt 04.
Before lumplng down to the room below, ensure the single patrolling
Tuatha Fielder ls walking away from you, behlnd the rock plllar When
ltlssafetodoso,jumpdownandstealth kill hlmThentakea lookat
thewestern slde of the room.You should flnd a lever. Activatlng this
wlll release some captured BarghestthattheTuatha were holding
prisoner Don'tworry, theywill never harm you, and upon releaslng
them, theywill immediatelyattack any nearbyTuatha. Fielease them,
and watch the ensulng carnagewith glee.
Look into the chest below the jump polnt, make sure you walt untll
the Barghest have engaged theTuatha in the next point and con-
tinue.There ls a ramp to the north of this room that wlll allow you to
proceed to the next room undetected.
Thls room contains eight powerfulTuatha warrlors, but the Barghest
will be distractlng the majorlty of them. F]un along the ramp over-
looklng the actlon, and lump down As soon as you do, run stralght
past theTuatha towards Polnt 6, where you will flnd another lever
L .-L Actlvate it to release another set of angry Barghest upon
theTuatha in the main room. Go back into the room with this sec-
ond set of Barghest and ald them ln clearlng theTuatha infestation.
lt's important to note that you can't actlvate a lever lf there are
hostlle enemles nearby that have detected you. lf you run past the
Tuatha, one ortwo of them may pursue you, and you may have to
flnlsh them off before actlvating the second lever. Once you've done
so, and you and the Barghest have cleared the room, loot the chest
along the south wall of the room and proceed south of Point 6.
out stealthily' for the experlence and loot you wlll recelve.There ls
DnTIRI=- also a chest here, as well as a Blacksmlthlng Forge. Unfortunately/
Just south of the lever is an optional short room, where you wlll the Barghest won't help you with this fight.Whether you choose to
find slxTuatha Raiders, almost all of them facing away from you and engage theseTuatha or not, your next port of call is to the north, at
dlstracted with other things, lf you so choose, you can take them all Point7.
---- a I-
As you enter thls area, a large group ofTu-
atha will be grouped near the western door
Agarth wlll enter from this door, causlng
an almlghty ruckus that wlll dlstract them.
Use this opportunlty to go for the Eyes of
Tlrnoch They are belng minded by aTuatha
Fialder mage, who wlll be faclng away from
you. Stealth kill hlm, and then destroy the
crystal - Thlswlll causean emana-
tlon of Gadflow hlmself to appear from the
wreckage of the eyes. Speak to the gloatlng
Fae, and tremble at hls words, or remain
steadfast ln the eyes of the tyrant.When he
ls done, loot the chest nearthe eyes. After-
wards, help Agarth mop up the remalns of
theTuatha. Speak to hlm and he will suggest
taklng upAlyn Shlron herofferof help by
meetlng her at the House of Ballads
Follow Agarth through Glendara, taklng
out any enemles en routeYou will eventu-
ally flnd yourself in front of the western
entrance of Hunter's Plt, which ls the heavlly
guarded main entrance Agarth wlll leave
you here to lnflltrate through the eastern
entrance, so head Inside after he leaves.
£t:_-ciS+er ¬ - (tf'iairs fJ2Lfei,i_ - 03 -The Hunters Hunted
The moment you enter, twoTuatha Fialders wlll face you ln the
passage ahead ly-,L~ i :-3i Upon spottlng you, they WIII Immedlately re-
treat to fortify their posltiOn, and jOIn thelr legIOn OfTuatha comrades
at Point 09,
Here, you will find elghtTuatha RalderS Waltlng for you. Thankfully,
you can create somethlng of a bottleneck at Polnt 09 to try to fun-
nel theTuatha through a kIIIing zone iqu3.I:)?j!] As you approach this
polnt, which is a staircase leadlng to the lower area of this room,
theTuatha wlll begin movlng up the stalrcase. Do what you have to
do. lf you stay near the top of the staircase, the two archers will not
be able to hit you. Let theTuatha come up to their death. Afew may
glve up and go back to thelr starting posltlons, forgettlng that you're
there You can actually stealth these few remalnlng stragglers.
After the battle ls over, get your reward from the chest that can be
found down the western side of the lower area.
ThreeTuatha Ralders wieldlng a Sword, a Spear and a Bow respec-
tlvely wlll attack you. Be especially wary of the Spear user, as hls
leaplng attack can hlt you from a great dlstance and will do blg dam-
age. F3oll sldeways to avoid it orjust block.
You'll notlce the path splits to the south, which leads to an apparent
dead end Head towards lt, and you'll find that lt is actually a secret
door lnslde IS a trIO Of Chests With gOOdleS fOryOu. Contlnue along
the maln path towards your oblectlve.
A blt later, the path splits again, to the east and north.They both
lead to the same place, a room wlth slxTuatha Fiaiders, but the
eastern route runs vla a jump POInt.You can use thIS high Vantage
point to snlpe your foes from afar, but be warned that a few of the
Tuatha below are also equlpped wlth Bows Upon spottlng you, they
wlll run toyourposltlon, atwhlch polnt lt lsa good ldeatousethe
jump point and separate yourself from theTuatha chaslng you, forc-
Ing them tO gO all the Way around agaln. [y-`pt:'j #irj
However you choose to do it, take out theTuatha, and then loot the
various Items in the room.There is a Pile of Rocks to the north, and
a chest hidden behind some breakable crates on the lower level.
There ls also another Pile of Flocks near the exit to the room, where
the archers were standlng Carry on to Polnt 12 when you are done.
Here, you wlll flnd yourself assalled by flve moreTuatha F]alders
There ls nothlng else in this room, so defeat them and move on.
These were the last defenders of the Eyes ofTlrnoch and thelr
wlelder, a mage typeTuatha F]alder. Approach hlm whlle he ls using
theeyes, and lfyou wlsh, you can stealth klll him and avoldtheflght chest next to the eyes and speak toAgarth. He wlll recommend that
i dy__ Sis; Regardless, Agarth wlll appearto ald you. Once you take
you next go to seeAlyn Shlr at the House of Ballads. Before you
out the raider, destroy the crystal ln front Of you.This w"I cause a leave Hunter's Plt, you may want to head through the routeAgarth
manlfestation of Gadflow to appear from the wreckage of the eyes. took to get here. All the enemles along that route have been killed,
leaving you free to loot the chests. Check out the stealth route walk-
Speak to Gadflow, defymg hls prophecles of doom and lgnOrlng hlS through forthis area forthe locatIOn Of each Chest, Startlng from
predICtIOn Of your eventual death L*:3i 61.When he is done, loot the Polnt 02 Once you're done, head back out to the world map
---- = --I-
" v LJr-t>U`\l i.-< ll- Lj al ,ulrd.
Alyn Shir is waltlng foryou at the House of Ballads, whlch is ln north Odarath, Once you
enter, proceed along the bridge until Galin brings you to a halt He ls the asslstant to the
Chancellor of the House of Ballads, and as such prlvy to much of the comings and golngs of
the House.Take thls opportunity to question him about the latest news ln the world of the
Fee. Of particular import is the news about an empty seat avallable ln the House of Ballads,
just walting to be fllled.
Proceed towards the three maln structures that compnse the House.You will flnd a Fee giv-
ing an announcement, and if you wlsh you can speakto him to begln the House of Ballads
Faction quests now (whlch ls hlghly recommended) , , For more informatlon on factlon
quests, see chapter 6. Otherwise, head towards the Hall of Accolades on your rlght to find
Alyn Shir will be converslng with Gllanal, Loremaster of the House of Ballads. He is an
expert ln the anclent knowledge of the Fee, and can shed some light on the Codex. Show it
to him, and curse hls stupldity when he calls it a forgery. Unfortunately' you wlll be unable to
convlnce hlm to take you to the Hlgh King' and he wlll refuse to dlscuss the Codex with you
further for fear of heresy.Thankfully, Alyn Shlr has another Idea.
She wlll suggest that you take the Codex to the Hlgh Klng yourself There ls a sllght problem
wlth thls plan however: the High Klng resldes lnYsa, a place forbidden to mortals.To gain ac-
cess, you will have to employ the help of the mysterlous Nyrallm, another one ofAlyn Shlr's
acquaintances, who can be found ln Caer Nyrallm, far to the southeast lnThe Sldhe Fast
travel as close as you can, and head towardsThe Sidhe.
The Sidhe ls a place thick with magic, and so houses more maglcal enemies than most
other areas. lt ls rlfe with Sprltes andThresh, along with more tradltlonal Boggarts and
Barghest. Head south to Caer Nyralim.
Once there, you wlll find varlous Fas tendlng to Nyralim They are frlendly' and will let you
contlnue to Nyrallm unhindered. Proceed along the path towards Nyrallm, maklng sure to
actlvate the Lorestone you wlll pass on your rlght ( ; Eventually' Nyrallm wlll beckon
you to come closer as you reach hlm.
Nyrallm ls the essence of all trees that take root across the world As such, he has known of
your comlng since you first began to make waves ln the Faelands Nyrallm knows much, but
much likeAgarth, your fate is unknown to him. He wlll requlre you to undergo a test, whlch
wlll help him evaluate the effectyou wlll have on the Fee, and indeed the world
ATroll affected by the nefarlous touch of Prlsmere has taken root ln Haxhl, and has unlted
varlous otherTroll trlbes beneath her.ThlsTroll, Gnarsh, must be stopped ln order for Dalen-
tarth to survlve Take your leave of Nyralim now, and leave for Haxhl, exltlng Caer Nyrallm.
Gnarsh can be found west of your current locatlon, at Haxhi Dam, ln Haxhl. Haxhl Itself ls a
dangerous area, and commonly has reslllentll.olls andThresh around nearly every corner.
\^/hen heading toward Haxhi Dam, try to ensure that the surroundlng area is free of en-
emies, because as you approach Haxhl Dam, the entrance wlll explode and a powerful Fiock
Troll will emerge L;_ch y1<.You don't want to get too close to the dam until you are ready, and
the area ls clear Defeat thislToll and go Inside the dam.
When you are fighting a solitary enemy and don't need to cancel your attack strings
with evasive rolls aS Often, try tO finish your combos with a FInISher aS Often aS POS-
slble. Doing this 100 times overthe course of the game will Unlock theWouldYou Like
FrleSWIthThat? AchleVementflrOPhy. After ending your combo with a FInlSher, Cancel
that into an Ability aS Often aS POSSIble tO get the Shock and Awe and AndThenThere
Were None AchleVementSflrOPhleS.
- a - --
ll'lrl-I- House of Ballads h'lrl-I- Hall of Accolades
D]LTlr=l=- lethal.ll.y to block these leaplng attacks, or preferably roll out of the
A bit lnslde the dam, you will flnd a pleasant surprlse. Nyrallm has way' all the whlle movlng towards the mage so you can lay hlm low.
sentAlyn Shlr to aid you on the hunt for Gnarsh.While she won't do F]emember that the magical barrler he can create wlll nulllfy your
much damage, Alyn can provlde a decent diversion durlng battles. spells and arrows, so you may be forced to get close.
There lsa Plleof Flocks ln the cornerofthe roomyou can loot, do
so before movlng on. Defeat thls bunch, and then check the Pile of Flocks in the corner of
the room The path wlll pass a Plle on thewaytoa palrof patrolllng
While you are passlng through Haxhi Dam, you maycome across Tuatha FialderS neara F]ockTrollthatis belng PuttOWOrk I-., ±L
small Scuttlecrabs L^.,I FIThese are non-violent creatures thatwill You can stealth kill one of the patrolllng guards, but as soon as you
dle ln one hltfrom anyweapon.Tryto kill them when you see them/ do, Alyn wlll declde she has had enough of sneaklng around and
as you can harvest thelr corpses for materials used ln Blacksmlthing. poke the FiockTroll wlth one of her tlny Daggers.
This wlll bring the FiockTroll stralght Into the battle, but thankfully it
DIl'lRE- wlll be targetlng Alyn. Use your tlme to defeat the remalnlngTuatha
When you get to thls polnt, you will find yourself under attack from Fiaider qulckly' so you can concentrate your remalnlng energies on
the flrSt Of manyTrolls you WIII encounterwhlle here Thls is a pow- the F3ockTroll Take out thelToll, and then check out the area near
erful FiockTroll variation.Take lt Out, and move On. where it was mlnlng to flnd a Pile of Flocks you can loot. Move on to
After defeating theTroll, there should be a Pile of Flocks nearby Con-
tinue along the path untll you'll find your old pals, theTuatha, waltlng
foryou. Four F]alders will emerge, eager to meet thelr fate at the
end of your blade. ObIIge them, and then continue On tO Polnt 07 Approach thls point stealthily' and you will be able to catch a few
enemleS unawares.You'll flnd fOurfuatha Soldlers examlning a Plle
of Flocks. Clearly their llves don't amount to much when the highllght
D]LTlr="- of thelr day ls looklng at rocks, so relleve them of the burden of life.
Anothertrlo ofTuatha F\aiders ls waltlng foryou, two of them Spear Unfortunately, Alyn Shlr wlll once agaln putthe klbosh on any stealth
users, along wlth a slngle mage type.Thls ls qulte a dangerous trio, related shenamgans you may have envlsloned, as she wlll wade ln
as the leaplng Spearattacks of the Spear wlelders are quick and afteryourflrst stealth klll. Stlll, one ls betterthan none.
These powerfulTuatha Soldiers are all wleldlng Faeblades, and are
tough foes. Watch out for thelr charged dashlng attacks in particular
ldy:-i ¬i] Once you are down to the last soldler, another RockTroll wIIl
burst through the wall of rocks, mad with Prlsmere Take it out, then
lootthe Pile of Rocks onthe sideofthe room.
ThIS tlme yOu'll flnd another OPPOrtunlty tO gain an early advantage
through stealth, BothTuatha F3alder mages are facing away from
you, and are easy to stealth klll, Get the one on the left flrst, whlch
will promptAlyn to attack the FiockTrolI. WhIIe she distracts the
Troll, stealth klll the other ralderwho wlll stlll be engrossed ln his
work. When they are both down, finish off the F]ocklToll ln the usual
Just up from this polnt wlll be the battle wlth Gnarsh, but before
you contlnue, enterthe short path to the south. ltwlll lead to three
chests, the contents of whlch could help you in the upcomlng flght.
Take everythlng and move on towards Gnarsh.
Gnarsh has all the usual attacks of aTroll that you are no doubt very
famlllar with at this polnt, except she has been conslderably strength-
ened bythe power of Prismere lf any of her blows connect, expect
almost certaln death Never before has Alyn Shlr been as useful as
she wlll be ln thls flght. lfyou have Fieckonlng mode, save lt untll
Gnarsh has to about two thlrds of her health, to ensure you can finlsh
and Fateshift her before your F(eckonlng meter runs out.
Save before speaking to Nyrallm, slnce you w"I have a Persuasion
challenge avallable durmg the conversation. Nyralim wlll know what
you have accompllshed and be grateful for lt lt's not all sunshine and
rainbows though; the doom of Dalentarth ls stlll assured, thanks to
the march of theTuatha.
The spot NyraIIm lS referring tO iS just before the entrance tOYsa.
Once you get there, no medltatlon will be requlred, as the barrlerto
Ysa wlll slmPIy open [ipF,i 5]. Head Inside Once lt does, completing
the quest.
lf you have completed both main quest three and four, the path to the majestic Gardens
ofYsa should open before you lnThe Sldhe. Enter and speak to Chancellor Erawn to begln
The Chancellor will explain that Nyrallm has informed them of your comlng. lfyou wlsh, you
can questlon hlm about the current status of both Summer andWinter Courts, as well as
Ysa Itself and Its High Klng When you are done, bld hlm farewell and enterYsa proper.
Ysa ls a massive clty, and there is much to see and do. For a full descrlptlon, you should
check out the Area Guide, but be sure to visit the Merchant ln Asker's Alley, on the northeast
edge ofYsa :~,A;I-_- 4l,j She will sell you a very rare Backpack, which WIII increase your maxi-
mum inventory llmlt by 10.The Unlted Merchants Delegation bulldlng to the west ofAsker's
Alley also has another two Merchants that wlll sell you weapons and armor respectively.
For more mystlcal products, there are two Merchants in the Scholia Arcane Embassy to
the south of the gardens. ln addltion to all the Blacksmithlng Forges, Alchemical Labs, and
Sagecraftlng Altars, there are numerousTralners dotted about the gardens - vlsit them lf you
need help in any partlcular skill, Slmply hlghlight theTralner with your cursor whlle vlewlng
your zoomed-in map to discover which sklll he can traln you ln.
lf you haven't tried it once already' try Grafting a piece of equIPment at One Of the
Blacksmithing Forges available lnYsa. Successfully creating one will grant you the
Shop Class AchleVementn7rophy. Keep raising your Blacksmithing Skill to eventually
craft a piece Of eqUIPment that lets you use all five component Slots.
One last thing to note before moving on is the Den of Nlght, located just to the southeast of
Asker's AIley ,-. :-i 2j.This is a correctIOnal faciIIty, designed tO PunISh mlSCreantS inYsa, and
help them see the errors of thelr ways. lt also houses very powerful enemles, and you wlll
likely find yourself overwhelmed and kllled if you stumble lnslde and plck a flght. Avold the
Den of Nlght unless a quest speclflcally requlres you to vlslt it
Once youlve done everythlng you need to ln the Gardens/ it,s tlme to move deeper intoYsa,
and the Hlgh Klng's Court. Head towards the Font, pass through it and then straight Into the
Court of Summer.
Yt)u will find Agarth already waltlng foryou, along wlth the High King himself and many
of hls court. Step forth and place the Codex of Destlny upon the pedestal. ; (
_ 38O ,
Now that the truth of the Codex has been unraveled and
your mastery of Fate is revealed, your path ls clear.T;o com-
memorate this event, enjoy the No Destlny' All Determination
At this point, you will have access to Main Quest 06 and 08.
You can complete either of these ln any Order, however, you
will not be able to start Main Quest 10 untll you complete
the follow up quests to quests 06 and 08, whICh are quests 7
9 respectively. The order presented below is the recom-
"ded order for maximum efficiency.
Tltarlon wlll explaln that the age of the Fae ls comlng to an end, and
they will soon leave this world for good. Whlle thelr fate is sealed,
the mortal races still have a chance to survive Gadflow and his mali-
cious god.The High King believes you and Gadflow, as well as his
god and theTuatha, are deeply llnked. Wh"e you have the power to
choose not to flght, theTuatha wlll keep comlng.Your only chance/
and that of all the Faelands, ls to travel toAlabastra to put a stop to
Gadflow and the forces that control him.
For that, you will need allles, so your next quests will involve
gathering them, to muster a force that can take back the western
lands from theTuatha. FIniSh SPeaklng tOTitarion and receive a
Tltarion wlll touch the stone, only to see a terrlble vlslon of the truth newTwlst of Fate, a permanent buff you earn by reachlng new
There IS a power behind Gadflow, glvlng hlm the strength to create milestones. You wlll receive the power of the Unwrltten One, a
and lead theTuatha and perform atrocitles far beyond the ken of permanent +3O/o Increase to your experlence galn and a +5O/a
mortal and Fee allke Gadflow is merely a puppet dancing to the increase to the amount of gold dropped by enemles. Accept thls
tune of thls greater power, and he and it must be stopped. and your other quest rewards and move on to your next challenge
I,u,`!l`nd ,.4+t£.->B ufo
After speaklng to High KingTltarlon, you can pursue two dlfferent quests that Involve recruit-
ing allies for yourwar agalnst Gadflow.The flrst of these ls your old ally Fomorous Hugues,
and Agarth wlll have some lnformatlon as to hls whereabouts, so speak to him flrst.
A powerful GnomeTemplar sponsors all Gnome scholars such as Hugues/ and ln thls case,
thatTemplar is Octienne. He has some lnformatlon as to Hugues' whereabouts, so vlsltlng
hlm ls the next objectlve.Take your leave of Agarth, but before departlng' speak toAlyn Shir
about the other maln quest,The Great General. Speaklng to her now wlll save you the trou-
ble of havlng to return here afterwards.The detalls of that quest wlll of course be covered
later, but for now set this quest as your main quest agaln vla the quest menu, and leaveYsa
Templar Octienne can be found in Overlook Camp inThe Hollowlands. Assuming you haven't
completed any side quests orfactlon quests lnvolvlng Detyre, this will be your flrst tlme en-
tering these lands, so you'll find a few new enemles here, lncludlng the Sons of Laz i [
They are slow-movlng enemles that swing large Claymores. Whlle not partlcularly reslstant
to anything other than plerclng attacks, they are not really weak to anything either.Thelr
attacks are powerful but slow/ and are difflcult to guard even wlth a strong Shield. However,
the slowness of the attacks means they are fairly easy to parry
Head towardsThe Hollowlands when you get to Detyre. You wlll llkely have to travel through
Alserund first if you have no closer FastTravel polnt. The topography of Detyre ls mostly
craggy outcrops of rock formations. lf you are havlng trouble moving around/ look at your
map.Wherever the ground ls shaded darker or lighterthan normal, a gradlentwlll lead to
lower or hlgher ground respectively' which wlll help get you to where you need to go.
Once atThe Hollowlands, take note of the Motus Mlning Post, which you will see when
enterlng from Alserund - i.Thls Gnome-run locatlon has numerous problems, and if
you complete the line of slde quests Involved you wlll be rewarded with another house
and a vltal Stash. Overlook Camp, your next destlnatlon, ls located ln the west, so head
Headlng Into Detyre as early as possible While Still at a low level Will increase the Chance
of you running Into much Stronger enemies.This IS important, aS yOU'll need tO beat an en-
emy at least four levels above you to unlock the Out ofYlour League Achlevementflrophy.
Approachlng Overlook Camp' you'll have to cllmb a steep passage that leads toTemplar
Octlenne's locatlon Loot the Pile of Flocks on top to your rlght before talklng toTemplar
Octlenne wlll explain that as Hugues' patron, he ls entltled to all his knowledge and achle-
vements. Hugues has become extremely paranoid after the Incident at hls tower however,
and relocated upon the sllghtest sign that Octlenne ls closing in on hls locatlon. As a result,
Octlenne wants you to find hlm, ln the hopes that Hugues will be more receptlve to you He
wlll reveal that Hugues is most likely in Saltwell Caverns, ln the south of The Hollowlands
When you enterthe caverns, the flrst room wlll have three Faer Gorta Sentlnels in it They are
slmple foes thatyou should be qulte famlllarwlth by now, so parrytheir telegraphed attacks
and take them out. Once the room is clear, raid the two chests ln the corners of the rooms.
One of these is a hard locked emergency supplies chest lf you are not comfortable wlth
trylng to pickthe lock, you'll get the keyforthe chest very soon by defeatlng a Son of Laz.
-FT -- -a - ---
ILTIr=-- Saltwell Cavems
Approach the corpse and take what lt holds. As you mlght expect/
this trlggers the revlval of the Sons of Laz ln the room, who wlll sur-
round you.There are six ln total.
Sons of Laz, and other slow-moving enemies without Super
Armor, are prime candldateS for being juggled. Use a launching
attack and then a quick Weapon like Daggers or Faeblades to
keep hittlng yOurenemy ln the alr. Land at least 5 hits and you
will get the Juggler Achievementflrophy.
There are also some lab notes avallable on the table that will give
you some inslght on the contlnuatlon of the research being carried
out ln Saltwell Caverns. When you're ready, move on to the adjacent
room Yt)u'll flnd the corpse of a Gnome in the center, as well as the
ominous presence of several Sons of Laz dotted about the room.
-- a ---
As you enter thls area, three more sons of
Laz that run Into the room wlll attack you.
When battllng them, take care not to attack
them whlle they are in mld-attack. Once
they begln swinging thelr swords, they have
SuperArmor and cannot be hlt out of their
attacks, whlch means attacking them will
just leave you exposed and lead to you tak-
lng blg damage.
Three Faer Gortas and two Faer Gorta Senti-
nels will run Into thls room to Intercept you.
Another falrly easy battle, but try to target
the Faer Gorta Sentinels first. F]emember to
try to defeat your foes using Flnlshers and
Abllities whenever posslble to galn more
Fate, helping you to flll your F]eckonlng
meter qulcker for tougher battles
At thls polnt, the path splits.The southern
path leads to a short area, laden with Splke
traps and two Sons of Laz walting to arlse.
But on the rlght hand wall, you'll find a lever.
Actlvate lt to cause the Spike traps to erupt
in flames. After dolng so, walk towards the
traps, whlch wlll cause the Sons of Laz to
get up.They'll approach you and walk Into
thedeadlyflre, killing them _- .You can
now dlsarm the traps if you wlsh, but make
sure you dlsable the lnclnerator before dolng
so.There isa small spacetothe leftofthe
traps that hldes a chest, so pllfer it before
returnlng to the split in the path and going
384 ---
O6-An old Fnend
as one sees you, they wlll all rlse and attack.You can attemptto Of course, Octlenne WIII never wllllngly give you thlS informa-
roll ln and stealth klll at least one that ls closestto you before the tion, and would much rather see you dead.You'II need to brlng
battle begins, but this lsn't recommended, as the long stealth kill Octlenne's crlmes to light, and blackmall hlm Into giving you the
anlmation will allow the other Sons to get close to you and begln Information you need.The best way to do thls ls to visltTemplar
attacklng before you can do anythlng. Yt)u are better off attacking the Jorlelle, an enemyof Octlenne, who can aldyou in brlnging hlm to
Sons head on before they are risen and prepared, gettlng as much justICe. Hugues will then gIVe you a document listing Octienne's
damage done as posslble before movlng away and using hit and run crimes.Thisw"I brlng thls questto a close, and setthe scene for
tactics to take them down. the next one.
With the Sons down, look for a chest in the eastern corner of the Before leaving Saltwell Caverns, there are two chests in Hugues
room. Also, there wlll be a Gnome corpse on the western slde of room that you should loot. One of them is hidden behind one of the
the room, so be sure to check lt out. lt will have the key to the emer- wooden structures, and you'll have to destroy some crates to get to
gency supply chest you passed ln the previous room, ln additlon to lt. Afteryou do, jump down back to the entrance of the caverns.
other items.Take what you need, and then move off to Point 08.
D]zTJr=".- Here you'll find twoWhlte Palm AssasslnS and awhile Palm
The path wlll split again here.There is another emergency supplies Marksman looklng at a nearby body .You can approach them
chest along the path, but no more emergency supply keys, so lf you stealthlly, as long as you keep to thelr sldes. Of course, you'll only
want the contents of thls one, you'll have to pick the lock.The east- be able to take out one before the others see you, so go for the
ern path leads to a small area with a chest, guarded by three Faer Marksman and then fight the othertwo. Once they,re taken care of/
Gorta, Klll them and empty the chest, before returnlng to the split exit Saltwell Caverns.
and heading south, to find Fomorous Hugues hard at work.
see you, but before you can discuss anythlng ln detall, you wlll be
Interrupted by theWhite Palm i -, ::y, specifICally' fourWhite Palm
Assassins and twoWhite Palm Marksmen. Every time you defeat
two of theWhlte Palm, two more will spawn in the corridor leadlng
to the room up to six more can spawn thls wayYou should keep
thls in mlnd lf you trigger your Fieckoning Mode at the start of the
battle, slnCe Once you Fateshlft the original six, slx more wlll run ln
anyway' so you may want to save your F3eckonlng forwhen you are
in trouble.
Durlng the battle, you will have access to the entlrety of Saltwell
Cavernsto run around ln, so ifyouwantto, you can run lftheflght
beglns to overwhelm you. Alternatively, you can run and try to make
theWhlte Palm lose sight of you, then go into stealth mode and
plck them off one by one while they attempt to chase you and get
separated from each other. i
After you explaln that Octlenne ls the one who sent you, Hugues
will deduce that he must have sent the assassins to eliminate
the both of you, since he already knows theWell of Souls works
and slmply wishes to keep it for himself. Hugues wlll also explaln
thatVentrlnlo, Hugues' old lab partner, ls the one who wrote the
lab notes and lsthe creatorofthe Sons of Laz. He ls the only
one who knows how to galn access to Alabastra, so you'll need
hls help. However, the only one who knows the whereabouts of
Ventrinio isTemplar Octlenne.
FvliJJ-±ui\a .i~¬\h-L=>,,k ,-\a 6r
This is a contlnuation of the prevlous quest, and Involves you trylng to extractthe locatlon
ofVentnnlo fromTemplar Octlenne.To do so, you'll have to vlsltTemplarJorlelle ln the great
Gnomlsh clty of Adessa lt ls located ln Apotyre, far to the east of Detyre -and quite a jaunt
lf you have nowhere closer to FastTravel to.
Apotyre has a ton of bandlts and outlaws loiterlng in its lands ,a. Remember that all
humanold type enemies can be stealth killed, so if you encounterthem ln small numbers,
don't hesltate to go for a free stealth klll or two Head lntoAdessa when you're ready.
Apotyre is a great area to try go for the Cleaning up the Streets Achlevementflrophy'
as the area is crawling with bandits
On entering the city a Gnome will confront you.Thls is Cennar Bruge, whose lob lt ls to keep
a record of all who enter the city, and to determine their proper place within lt. Regardless
of the dialogue optlons you choose, the conversation wlll end in the same way. Cennar will
reallze you are the one he was told to wait for, and give you the keyto SandstoneVllla Whlle
gettlng a free villa might seem a llttle susplclous to some people, you should never look a
gift horse ln the mouth.Take the key, and head further Into town.
SandstoneVilla will be to your immedlate rlght as you enter, so you can go there now lf you
wish.Your bedroom and Stash are on the north side of the second floor.Yt)u can also cus-
tomize your appearance ln thls room. ln addltion, there is a Gnome near the entrance who
can healyou fora fee. Dowhatyou need to, andthen return tothe clty
There are numerous Merchants and slde quests available ln Adessa, as well as a fewTraln-
ers. Remember, lfyou have raised a sklll too much for aTralner to help you ln lt, you can vislt
a Fateweaver to reset all your sklll and ablllty polnts.This wlll reduce everythlng to zero, and
allow you to tram yourself in any skills again.You can then allocate your polnts again, on top
of the ones you galned from tralning.You shouldn't do thls too often, as the cost of resettlng
your skllls from a Fateweaver increases each tlme you do it, so try to make sure you vlslt
everyTralneryou can afford every tlme you try thls Conveniently' there ls a Fateweaver ln
Adessa, Slmeon Crowe, who ls near the west end of the city
When you have done everything you need to ln the clty flndTemplar Jorlelle ln the Domus
Politica. First look for a Gnome named Senecer Macit, who is a Merchant and wlll be marked
onyourmapassuch Most llkelyhewill beon the ground level and fairlyeasytofind. He
sells an all-Important Backpack to increase your Inventory llmit, so be sure to purchase it
from him. s_-
There are also a palr of chests you can open here. Be warned however, that the contents of
these ls someone else's property, and taklng it wlll be stealing lf you thlnk you can pull it off
wlthout belng spotted, you'll find one of the chests on the rlght hand slde of the central path
on the ground level, and another chest ln the far southwest corner, also on the ground level.
Once you are done steallng from these wealthy Gnomes, head up the southern staircase to
the room ofTemplarJorlelle on the very top floor. Speak to herto glve her the notes on Octl-
enne's crlmes you got from Hugues, and to see how she can help you brlng hlm to justlce.
Jorlelle wlll explaln that the wlse and all-knowlng mlghty Gnomes employ a legal system
by which no one can be charged wlth crlmes unless one confesses,You'd think somebody
would notice that this concept ls sllghtly flawed, but alas,Templars can only be brought to
justlce lf they confess thelr crlmes, so Octlenne is practlcally untouchable... or so lt would
first appear. Jorlelle wlll 'accldentally' mentlon where Octienne can be found, so visit hlm
nexttotrytoget hlm to payforhis crlmes
Asyou attempt to leave the Domus Polltica, you wlll be stopped by one of Jorlelle's aldes.
He wlll explaln that Jorlelle was required by protocol to glve you that offlclal answer, but ln
reallty she wishes to punish Octlenne as much as you for crlmes she has long suspected
--- - a - --
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hlm of.The letter of the law must stlll be obeyed however, and Octl- Octlenne ls medltatlng in a back room amongst the ancient col-
enne must be made to publlcly confess to his crlmes in some fash- lected knowledge of the Gnomes ofAdessa. Confront him, and
ion. Go to the Livrarium nowto see what can be done aboutthis. prepare for battle.
_ -= .-
ItTJ-- Adessa Scaffolds ITlr=lid-
Octienne ls a powerful mage, and very resilient. He wlll begln wlth
using an ice based projectile attack against you.This takes a long
time to form, but the projectlle itself ls very fast. Keep blocking, and
then try to roll out of the way when the projectlle is fired towards
you.This way, even if you mlss the tlmlng and roll incorrectly, you
wlll still be able to guard some of the damage. Keep close to Octi-
enne, attacklng him wlth melee attacks or spells between his own
attacks. He wlll teleport backwards along the scaffold as you chase
him down, until you get to Polnt 06.
When Octienne gets to thls point, he wlll erect a powerful maglcal
barrler and stay in lt.Thls is different from other magical barrlers you
may have seen, as not only does it stop all arrows and maglc attacks
from penetratlng' but you yourself can also not enter, maklng Octl-
enne effectlvely lnvlncible for a short period
- 388 -
Flnlshers orAblllty based attacks, as these cannot be roll cancelled.
There will be one more ambush llke thls further on, so avold uslng
your F]eckoning Mode until then unless you absolutely have to
Once you've defeated the assassins, Octlenne's health will be slg-
niflcantly reduced, and he will drop the barrler and resume runnlng
On yourway to the next point and the final ambush, you wlll agaln
come across the usual configuratlon of two archers and an assassln.
The two archers will both be standing on the same platform, making
them susceptlble to a single well placed spell. Lure the assassin
away from Octienne and take him out to your lelsure. Attack Octl-
enne agaln, prompting hlm to teleport and form his last barrier, ln a
flnal desperate attempt to overwhelm you wlth numbers.
Once again, Octienne wlll create a barrier and begln hurllng magic
attacks at you ln addltion to hls lee and fire spells, he wlll also begin
to use a Mana dralnlng projectlle agalnst you whlch can be far more
detrimental than his other attacks. ln addltion, you will have to face
two assasslns and a stalker.The assasslns are thls time equlpped
with Faeblades, which will do far more damage.
There ls a safe spot on this platform thatwlll protect you from Octi-
enne's attacks, however.The Point 08 marker on the map indicates
exactly where you should stand and battle theWhlte Palm assasslns
By keeping the wooden structure between you and Octlenne, he will
stop firlng spells atyou and you can easllytake out theWhite Palm
Once you have done so, Octienne's health wlll drop agaln and he
will beonthevergeofdeath. Chase hlm down oneflnal tlmeto put
an endtothis.
To get hlm to drop the barrler, you'll have to approach Octlenne
Doing so will cause threeWhite Palm Assasslns to burst forth from
the varIOuS Crates around you ;- slL At the same tlme, the scaf-
foldlng behind you wlll collapse, forcing you to battle the assassins Octiennewill run outofcroniestothrowatyou, and hls backwill be
in a small area. Slmultaneously, Octlenne wlll be launchlng fireball tothewall. Rush him down and finish him. He is much less ofathreat
attacks at you.You must defeat the assasslns as qulckly as posslble without any\^/hite Palm members to back him up. Once you have
for Octienne to drop his barrler. As you defeat them, Octienne's reduced all his health, goforone of the most hllariouslyepic Fateshlft
health will also decrease. Finlshers in the game, and envy your character as lt gets to smack a
small personthrough a windowwlth a glant Hammer. i -x>
The assassins themselves are slmple enemies, and qulte easy to
subdue.The real Issue ls the flreballs that Octlenne wlll be launchlng Once you've made Octlenne regret havlng ever met you, follow him
at you continuously. Keep an eye him at all tlmes, and roll when he and lump down through the Gnome-shaped hole in the wlndow you
fires them at you He will fire two together, then a single flreball have made Into the Forum, where you'll flnd Jorlelle and several
sllghtly later. Be sure to roll once to avold the flrst two, and save other Gnomes scurrying about in the aftermath of Octienne's messy
your second roll for the last fireball. Fiolllng twice ln quick succes- landing.
slon wlll result ln signlficant recoverytime afterthe second roll, so
make sure you are efflcient with your evaslve rolls. Jorlelle wlll be pleased that Octlenne has been brought to justlce,
even if it was in your own inimltable way. She wlll also explaln
After taklng out the assasslns, the barrler surrounding Octlenne wlll that Hugues has managed to extract some information from the
go down, but rald the chest here before chasing hlm again. Once Livrarium before Octlenne's pyromanlacal tendencles lald lt all to
you have, resume your pursult. On the way to the next polnt, you ash. Hugues ls convenlentlyjust enterlng the Forum, so conclude
will be attacked by anotherWhlte Palm Assassln, and two more your business wlth Jorlelle and go speak to him.
archers wlll appear on platforms to your left and right.Take out the
archers flrst wlth an arrow shot each, before kllllng the assassln Hugues wlll explain that while Octlenne destroyed almost all the
lf you have to, head back along the scaffold to get some space evidence ln the fire, he managed to save his dlary, lt detalls the
between you and Octlenne so you can defeat the assassin without locatlon ofVentrlnlo, off the coast of Klurlkon, deep lnTuatha ter-
hlm lnterferlng.When the path is clear, continue your assault. rltory.This of course leads to the problem of how to get there,
whlch wlll be dealt with in the next few quests. But for now, bld
your old friend Fomorous Hugues goodbye and wish hlm well as he
pursues a career in Gnomish politlcs, and enjoy your newTwist of
Octienne has set up anotherambush here, very similarto the last Fate, 'Unraveler,I which will give you a nlce +5% bonus to all future
one. He wlll erect another powerful barrler, and four more members expenence gains.
of theWhite Palm wlll burst forth from the surrounding crates.This
tlme, you'll have to deal wlth two assasslns and two stalkers. Stalk-
ers are slower but more powerfulWhlte Palm members that wleld
Longswords.You can use slmllartactics here agaln, and as before. ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHYTIP
As you deal damage to his cohorts, Octlenne's health wlll also go Octienne has been brought to Justice the hard Way, and Will
down. regret havlng ever Crossed you. Enjoy your VICtOry WIth the
Turning the Tide Achievementflrophy.
Try to keep the enemles grouped together, and attack them with
wlde ranglng attacks L,i :.,1j. StICk tO Short combos Without using
a _, --
" -qr- --,- -J
lf you spoke to AIyn Shir while she was stlll ln HIgh KlngTltarlon's court lnYsa, you will have
already completed the flrst objectlve of thls quest and can head to Emalre. lf you haven,t,
FastTravel back toYsa and speak to Alyn there flrst.
Then you'll want to head to the Forsaken Plaln, ln the Plalns of Erathell Barghast and Free-
man Mercenarles heavily populate thls area, but both are simple to deal wlth Your destlna-
tlon is a small vlllage known as Emalre, located ln the west of the Forsaken Plalns. Go inslde
and Into the Blue BearTavern to flnd Alyn Shlr waitlng.
Alyn Shlr will explaln the hlstory of GeneralTllera and how she was once tasked with battllng
theTuatha and protectlng Mel Senshlr, but was driven back by theWltch Knlght Malwyn and
all but lost the clty. She has been exiled and has been trylng to redeem herself ever slnce/
desplte every Fateweaver ln the Faelands telllng her she ls destlned to fail. Her latest at-
tempt has led herto the Cradle of Summer, near the rulns of UrulTusk. Go vlsit her and see
what she's up to.
ln the Cradle of Summer expect a lot of fast-movlng wildllfe, mostly of theWolf variety.
GeneralTilera ls encamped wlth a small squad just outside of Urul-Tusk, to the far west of
Introduce yourself toTllera, who w"I be unlmpressed by a slngle mercenary. She wlll explaln
that UrulTusk houses the Plerclng Llght, a dlvlne weapon carved from the tusk of an anclent
Nlskaru that can destroy any darkness, lncludlng that of the Balor, the Niskaru Lord that
routedTilera and led to her defeat at Mel Senshlr.
The entrance to Urul-Tusk is sealed however, and the lnscrlptlon nearthe seal indlcates that
theWlndstones dotted about the Plalns of Erathell are the keys to openlng it.Tllera is fated
to never open the door, but Fate has no such sway overyou.Take the ErathiWindchime from
Tilera and see lf you can make the nearestWindstone respond to lt.
The first\^/lndstone is lmmedlately to the west ofTllera, a shortjaunt away Activate it using
your chlme, and ltwlll lmmedlately respond Every time you actlvate one of these\Mnd-
stones, of which there are flve in total, you wlll galn some Fate, wlth this flrst one grantlng
you 50 -- , Even if your Reckonlng meter ls full, lt ls highly recommended that you
don't actlvate Fieckonlng mode until you get to the flnalWlndstone, as that is the only battle
where you might need lt
Yt)u wlll also have to face some Nlskaru enemles that spawn near theWindstone.The flrst
one wlll cause a slngle Nlskaru Bloodhunter to spawn. lf you want, you can run back to
Tllera, leadlng the Nlskaru to her.Thls wlll draw her and her squad into the fight, dlstractlng
the Niskaruforyou and maklng itmuch easlerforyou to klll lt.
"--- -a ---, -
After lt's been dealt wlth, speak toTllera agaln, She wlll be amazed
thatyou dld ln mlnuteSWhatShe COuld not inyearS. ShewiII ask
that you vlslt the remalnlng four\Mndstones whlle she guards the
entrance of UruI-Tusk from emerglng Niskaru. ObIIge her, and make
your way to the nextWindstone.
The next nearestWindstone is in the Forsaken plains. Head there
now, uslng any FastTravel options that you have avallable ThisWind-
stone wlll glve you 75 Fate upon activatlon, and cause two Nlskaru
Bloodhunters to spawn near you. lf you have access to them, lay
some FrostTraps before activating the WIndStOne. i-art( £t(
_` - -e --
nd,`},lt ) a/_-±,, ._ - 08-TheGreatGeneral
actlvate theWlndstone before they arrlve to get 100 more Fate and
slgnlflcantly fill your Fieckoning meter. When you're done, make your
way to the fourth Windstone.
You are closest to the one that is in south Kandrlan, so head there
next. Take the eastern path connectlngTala-Fiane to Kandrlan and then
head south.There is a large concentration of Freeman bandits in thls
area, with a Freeman camp nearthe centre i-, - 2LYou woulddo
well to avoid them and circle around the edges to get to the southern
part of Kandrian, where theWlndstone ls located.This polnt/ Polnt 06,
marks the posltion of the camp.
Actlvate theWlndstone for 125 more Fate and the usual pair of Nls-
karu Bloodhunters. However, as you defeat these two, two more will
spawn to replace them.You will never have to deal with more than
two at once though, slnce another does not spawn until one of the
other has been defeated. Once you've taken care of four, this area
wlll be clear.Take the contents of the chest neartheWindstone be-
fore leaving. There is also a chest to the northwest of thls \Mndstone/
not too far away' which you may wlsh to consider looting Now make
your way to the flnal Wlndstone, and prepare for a dlfficult battle.
Before activatlng this Wlndstone, clear the area lmmedlately sur-
roundlng it of any stray enemies, since you don't want them jolnlng
the battle after lt gets under way. lf you have access to the FrostTrap
or GambitAbllltles, lay some traps around theWindstone to fortify
the posltion. Pick up the contents of the chest next to theWlndstone
and save your game before actlvatlng lt.
Fiememberthat you also don't really have to flght Whlle the experi-
ence you would get from defeating theTyrant ls fairly decent, and the
loot he ls llkelyto drop wlll also be qulte good, you can slmply run
away from the area.The Bloodhunter andTyrant wlll chase you for a
llttle whlle, but wlll eventually give up.
However you choose to handle the sltuatlon, you wlll have activated
all flveWlndstones, which means the way to UruI-Tusk should now be
open. FastTravel back there to see what happens.
As you arrive, the sealed entrance to Urul-Tusk wlll sense your pres-
enceandopen i-a .:'gj.TIIerawill be dumbfounded, butthere ls no
time to waste.The Plerclng Llght walls Inside, along wlth throngs of
Niskaru, so enter now.
After hlklng through a long passage, you wlll be confronted by three
Niskaru Hunters, hungry for your blood. Use the usual tactICS Of Short
combo strlngs and reacting to attacks wlth parries to defeat them
Tilera should also be able to distract at least one of the Nlskaru.
After they have been defeated, be sure not to mlss a small slde path
tothe northjustafterthe polntthe Nlskaru spawned i - ¬".There
you,Ilfinda Pile of Rocksyou can loot, aswe" asa chest. Carryon
along the main path to the next point.
--- =- - ---
your partner, allowlng you to move around more freely, and launch
ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHYTIP long-range attacks or get Into a better posltlon to strike. lf you can
Hopefully you've raised your Detect HIdden Skill tO a high getTilera to hlt both of the Hunters, they will both target her.
enough level that lt allows you to see where hidden Items are
lf you have, and have been finding them, you Will nO doubt Once vlctorious, loot the chest in the south of the room, and then con-
soon unlockThe Great DetectIVe AchleVemenVIrophy tlnue on your way, headlng west through the door on to the next point
Three Nlskaru Hunters will come in from the doorway as you enter
F(ight away' two Nlskaru Hunters wlll run Into the room belowyou thls room. UseTllera to your advantage and defeat them. lf you
Unfortunately' the rubble strewn about here wlll prevent you from used up your Fieckonlng meter earller on ln the quest, you'll need
belng able to use your vantage pointto flre arrows or spells at them to use these battles to rack up as much Fate as possible.Try to
Before golng down to engage them, loot the chest that ls to the catch multlple opponents ln your Flnlshers and Abllitles, especlally
south When you're ready' head down Sorceryspells i -,- ,?LAIl ofthesewlll leadtobig Fate bonuses,
\Mth an Al partner helplng you ln battle, llkeTllera ls now, try to ma- After defeating the Nlskaru, loot the chest in the back of the room
neuveryour enemles so that your partner manages to hit as many and move on The next few areas are falrly empty, and the only thing
of them as posslble As soon as they do, your enemles will target of note whlle you travel to the next polnt are two sets of Giant Fiats
--- = i--
O8 -The Great General
you will encounter. Whlle they are easy enemles, make absolutely
sure nottogethitbythem atall, asthere is a sllghtchanceof
contractlng a deadly disease from them wlth every hlt. A dlsease ls
something you can ill afford considerlng the tough battles up ahead.
Loot the two chests before contlnulng east.This wall ls a door
that lsopened bythe Erathil Sigil Stone nextto lt, so pull ltand go
Save before reaching thls point, as you are about to flnd the Plerclng
Llght.Tilera wlll pounce onto Its pedestal and attempt to draw it
from Its restlng place.This wlll trlgger a retallatory response from
the Niskaru guarding lt, so get ready.
All the paths around the pedestal wlll be sealed off wlth maglcal
barrlers, and two Nlskaru Hunters wlll appear, followed by three
more Immediately after thelr demlse Save your Fieckonlng meter
lf you stlll have it, as you'll face a much tougher foe later. i-
At thls polnt ln the game, you probably have a large stockpile of
consumable potions Be sure to use them on battles like these/
as they serve no purpose slttlng unused in your Inventory, and wlll
slmply take up space. After defeating the three Hunters, get ready
for Azaghaal.
Popping out and firing long range attacks atAzaghaal ln thls fashlon
wlll probably prompt hlm to try to attack you, so qulckly run around
the pedestal and hit hlm agaln whlle he ls using an attack agalnst a
target that ls no longer there Use these tactlcs untll you can visu-
ally conflrm that you've broken hls super armor, then run ln with a
powerful melee weapon to do big damage. rated and full of beliefthattogetheryou can end the slegeof Mel
Senshir.Your next task will be to liberate the beleaguered city,
Eventually' you'll be able to Fateshlft and finish AzaghaaI. Con- but for now, loot the two chests near you. Also, remember to loot
venlently,Tilera wlll also retrieve the Pierclng Llght at the same the corpses of all the Niskaru here, ln partlcular that of Azaghaal.
tlme. Speak to her nowto finish the quest.Tilera will be relnvlgo- There ls nothing else here, so exltvla the path to the east.
",i--UUN x;:uli£.-.-i/b ,`J>
The next step ls to llberate the besieged city of Mel Senshir, under constant attack from
the forces of theWItCh Knlght Malwyn and his mlghty Niskaru Lord, Balor.The higher-ups at
Fiathlr have declded to cut all tles wlth the lost cause that is Mel Senshlr, and are no longer
sendlng relnfOrCementS Your flrSt task Will be to convlnCe EIund Carth that the clty can stlII
Tour to F]athir/ which ls located at the edge of the PIalnS Of Erathell on theTywlII Coast/
As soon as you enter,Tilera wlll meet you and explaln that Elund Carth ls refusing to send
the troops to Mel Senshlr, deemlng lt a polntless endeavor. Agarth has gone to try to talk
somesense Into hlm, sogoand see lf he has been successful.
Fiathlr ls the grandest clty ln all the Faelands, and there ls plenty to see and do. Vlslt the nu-
merous Merchants to see lf anything tickles your fancy' and pursue some of the side quests
The path tothe UpperClty lsatthe north oftheclty
Asyou approach the Elund, you'll seeAgarth trylng and faillng to convince hlmto send troops
''__ i. HewIIlwalkofflnahuff, IeavlnglttOyOu SpeaktoCarth, andseewhathehastosay
earth will put forth a convlnclng argument. Rathlr has sent ald to Mel SenshlrfOr ten years/
wlth nothing to show for it. And now the general that falled in the flrSt place IS demandlng
to be taken back, all at the cost of the taxpaylng cltlzens of Rathir. Use your sllvertongued
skills to convlnce Carth that lt's somehow a good Idea, which lsn't as hard as lt sounds.
Yt)u will also get the opportunlty for a Persuaslon dlalogue. lf you wln lt, not only will Carth
authorIZe the troops, but he WIII be moved enough to give you Elund's Filng, a unlque acces-
sory Eltherway' the boatwlll sell to Mel Senshlrsincethetroops lnthecltydemand lt, so
your mode of transport is secured. Leave thIS bureaucrat tO his devices and speak Wlth the
captaln back ln the Lower City
Captaln Dodwyn wlll be waitlng for you on the pler, whlch ls at the far south of the Lower
City - ---in.When you are ready to leave, speak to hlm
At Mel Senshlr head a blt Into the clty to speak to the commander of the army stationed
here, Commander Owalglyn. Owaiglyn wlll explaln that Mel Senshlr has stood forten years
agalnst theTuatha onslaught, but now Balor ls about to move agalnst them TheWltch Knlght
Malwyn is controlling Balor, so the real objectIVe Of the COmlng battle IS fOryOu andTIlera tO
assassinate hlm, hopefully sendlng Balor Into frenzy and attacklng theTuatha. Once Owalg-
lyn has explalned the plan, he will go to the gates, and send his troops to engage the enemy
when you glve the word.
Mel Senshlr doesn't have much more than the bare essentlals a Healer, a Fateweaver and a
Merchant. Nowthat you've been here, you can FastTravel back to the western lands if you
want to, and return via FastTravel later. lf you're ready to go, speak to Owalglyn near the
gates, but before you do, speak to one of the Merchants ln the central area, lllyn Doldran
I. He sells a Backpack, so buy lt nowto make sureyou have spaceforall the lootyou
are about to get. when you,re done, tell owalglyn to release hls troops and begln the attack.
The battle wlll begln in earnest Thankfully' you won't be on the front lines, but among the
outer walls, searchlng for Malwyn.Tllera will suggest that you take dlfferent paths to try to
find Malwyn as fast as possible. Essentlally thls means she won't be around to help you
during the majorlty of your search, but not to worry, there's plenty of cannon fodder around
in the form of random soldlers On thewayto PolntO5you'll pick up some soldlerStO help
Here you'll flnd aTuatha Fialder ln pltched battle wlth a soldier of Mel Senshlr. Klll the Fialder
to add another ally to your ranks as you proceed Up the stalrs wlll be aTuatha Soldier Take
hlm Out, and try tO aVOld letting your allled soldiers fight for you here, since they are very
fraglle and wlll dle qulckly You'll need them as dlstractlons fortougher flghts up ahead
---- -a --
Flathir Lower City
..- - a -i-
Move ahead and three moreTuatha Soldlers wlll run towards you the average soldler, and wlll go down qulckly. Don't thlnk you can
amldst the carnage and falling rubble.You'll llkely lose a few of lust let them keep climblng up and kllllng them to harvest the expe-
your allles in the ensulng fracas, but not to worry' you'll plck up a rlence elther, slnce after the flrst two they won't glve you any.They
few more soon. Flght more defenslvely agalnst full-fledgedTuatha can bea good sourceoffarmlng Fatethough, soyou can flll upyour
Soldlers, since they are stronger than your bog standardTuatha F]eckonlng meter here
Knocking the ladders themselves down ls a slmple task. Simply hit
the two planks on elther slde of the ladder to cause them to fall/
EZ>]LTIr="- nettlng you a hefty amount of experlence ln the process ) )
ln thls room, you'll flnd a single survlvor of a massacred squad. Get rld of both ladders, then defeat any soldlers left in the area
There are varlous chests dotted about thls room, but as you move Alyn wlll remain behind to ensure no more ladders are used. As you
towards the doorway leadlng to the next area, the portcullls will move to leave, a scout wlll come running Into the area Scout Edoel
close and twoTuatha Prlests wlll appear. Brelt wlll explaln that hls company was overwhelmed by theTuatha
and are being held prisoner nearby. lf you wlsh, you can save them
Concentrate on taking one out as fast as posslble while your allies for a decent experience bonus
die fightlng the other. These Prlests can be surprlslngly reslllent,
so don't be afrald to bust out the blg combos and Abllitles. Once
they've been dealt wlth, loot the three chests ln the corners of the
room before movlng On. Atthls point, the path spllts lfyou takethe southeastern route, you'l
run headlong into the captured company the scout mentloned earlier/
ln the corrldor past thls room, you'll flnd the city defenses have along with thelrTuatha captors lfyou gothls way, theTuatha wlll
been actlvated and various traps bar your path. Carefully pick your spotyou immedlately, and begln trylng to klll you and the prlsoners.
way through, or dlsarm them if your Detect Hldden Sklll is hlgh Whllethere ls no real reward for savlng the prlsoners, if at leasttwo
enough. FIrSt, roll past the Swinglng AxeTrap. After that, you'Il flnd For everyprlsonerthatyou manageto save and that makes lt back to
a Splnnlng BladeTrap on the left wall. Either dlsarm lt, or roll past lt frlendly territory, you will receive some experlence.
Don't roll too farthough, or you'll end up going head flrst Into the
next Swinging Axe. The other path to the southwest also leads to theTuatha and thelr
prlsoners, but in a more roundabout way. lf you approach from thls
Fioll past thls Swlnglng Axe Into the gap behlnd lt, and then move direction, you can sneak up on theTuatha, and stealth klll all of them
around the wall ln front of you, belng careful not to walk near the qulte easlly, ensuring every prisoner survlves and avoldlng a bloody
SawlTaps on elther slde of you.That wasn't all though, as the cor- battle.
rldor after thls has Splnning BladeTraps on both walls You can't roll
past the first one here, as you wlll end up recovering ln front Before you take either route, loot the two chests next to you lf you
of the second one, so just run through both of them. wlsh to engage them dlrectly' you will have to contend wlth flve
Tuatha. lf you go the stealth way, you'll flnd oneTuatha along thls path
faclng away from you, glvlng you an easy klll -. Afterthat, there
D][Tlr=-- w"I be anotherTuatha standlng guard He wlll alternate between fac-
These ramparts overlook the battle, and are part of the outermost Ing you and turnlng aWay' SO yOu'll have tO time ltand roll towards him
wall As such, theTuatha are laying Siege-Ladders agalnst lt and are whlle he ls faclng away. Klll him, and thlswlll leave three.
inflltratlng the clty. You'll have to knock the Slege-Ladders off. Luck-
lly' Alyn Shlr has somehow also ended up here, and will aid you These last three are standing overthe pnsoners, but thankfully
each of them ls facing away from you.Take out the one on the left
TwoTuatha Soldlers are defendlng the ladders, but they will likely be flrst, thentheoneon the rlght Getthefinal one tocompletea brll-
preoccupled wlth Alyn.The ladders will result ln a steady stream of llant rescue, with nary a life lost other than those of the worthless
Tuatha Soldlers cllmblng up, but thankfully these are weaker than Tuatha. Move onwards with your new buddies in tow.
-.- =
i=fafagJSeF 5 fdi;3i:i fJ2=j¢9l - O9 - Breaking the Siege
You'll have to deal wlth more Slege-Ladders here, but withoutAlyn
Shirto help you.Yt)u'll flnd threeTuatha Soldlers already engaglng two
defenders of Mel Senshlr. Ignore thelr battle, and head straight to
the ladders. Some more soldiers have already climbed up, but Ignore
them and knock both ladders off.
Thls wlll llkely leave you wlth flveTuatha Soldiers and some dead
allles. Lucklly, two of theseTuatha will be weak ladder cllmbers, so try
to single them out and drop them flrst. Use any area of effect attacks
you have, llke Quake, Elemental Fiage, Mark of Flame,Tempest, or
Gambit. The charged attacks of the Chakrams, Staff, and Greatswords
also serve well for clearlng groups of enemles, and all attacks with
the Faeblades will hit all around you - great for crowd control
After defeatlng the soldlers, head into the next room.Thls must have
been some kind of treasury' since there are a total of flve chests
strewn about, In addltlOn tO a Blacksmlthlng Forge. Steal everything in
slght, and then move out to the Ramparts.
You'll emerge unto a battle between twoTuatha Soldiers and a Priest
versus four Altar Soldlers. Unfortunately, your allles won,t last long,
but use the brlef dlstraction they provlde to take out the prlest as
fast as possible.The soldlers are using Faeblades, so be wary of thelr
dashlng charge attack, and roll out of the way when you see them
going for lt. Before you move further along the ramparts, save your
game, since you wlll soon be battllng theWitch Knlght Malwyn.
You arrlve lust ln tlme to see the eplc battle between Malwyn and
TIlera [3iJ d&] Unfortunately, before you can stop hlm, Malwyn w"I
summon Balor, and the mlghty Nlskaru Lord is quite a sight to behold
After he destroys a large apart of Mel Senshirwith a beam of energy/
you'll be thrust into battle agalnst Malwyn.
This pattern wlll occur repeatedly until you reduce Malwyn's health
and klll hlm (he doesn't have a unique Fateshlft anlmatlon, he will
simply drop dead). Upon doing so,Tilera will attempt to dlsrupt the
control of Balor by kllling the rider on hls head. Unfortunately, smce
--.-_ a ----_,
TIlera spends too much tlme talking and not enough On throwing
spears, a facelessTuatha Archer shoots her.
Belng the great general that she ls though, she won't let a pesky
arrow through the mldrlff Stop her. Hurllng the Piercing LIght WIth the
last of her strength, she w"I dISruPt the control of Balor and send him
wlldly out onto the battlefleld. Mourn her noble sacrlfice, and then get
ready to go about the task of huntlng Balor Before headlng through
the door, remember to loot Malwyn's corpse. LootingT"era's corpse
is unfortunately not an option.
Back on the battlements of Mel Senshlr, you'll have to navlgate your
way through to the other slde to get to Balor. Before you, you'll find a
Tuatha Prlest battllng some AIfar Soldiers. SInCe the PrleSt haSn't Seen
you, you can actually enter Stealth Mode and stealth klll hlm wlth
your Daggers equipped.
AnotherTuatha Soldler wlII also enter the fray, but so w"I the mlghty
Agarth.Take out the remalning SOldier and speak tO Agarth, elther
telllng hlm aboutTllera or observlng the glee he flnds ln wanton
carnage. He wlll leave you for now, so move on tothe next room.
ATuatha Soldler accompanled by twoTuatha Archers that are at the
top of the stalrs. lf some of your allies from the previous room have
survlved, you can force the soldler to follow you back in there to
make them help you deal wlth him, whlch wlll also help you escape
the arrows of the archers Once the soldier ls dead, rush up the stalrs
to take out the archers from close-range Before moving on, loot the
chest on the bottom floor.
Keep golng through the corrldors untll you get to another rampart
wlth threeTuatha SoldlerS Wielding Longbows f-ny:i ffi3 They'II actually
be faclng away from you, flrlng their Puny arrOviS at mighty Balor ln a
futlle attempt to take him down. lf you wlsh, you can slmply run past
them Into the other doorway onwards to the next area, and they'll
never know you were there; alternatively you can try stealth kllllng
them. Even lf they spot you, they onlywleld Longbows and so are
easIIy disposed of. Make your choICe and then Carry On tO the next
Here, you'll flnd two moreTuatha Soldlers flghtlng two Altar Soldlers.
Agaln, you can sneak up on the soldier closestto you and stealth klll
him before he manages to kill the useless Altar, maklng the resulting
battle a slmple one on one. Clearthe room, and then get ready for a
tough battle ln the next one.
Just past this door, Captaln Mys is tendlng to some wounded soldlers
-h :yLTalkto hlm, andyOu'Il havea Persuasion option avaIIable. If
you wln it, you can convlnCe the good CaPtaln tO join you On your Sul-
cldal mlsslon. He won't last long, but lt's good to have the company.
Before stepplng past this polnt, be very careful Balor ls llterally rlght
outside, flrlng beams In aWIdearCthatWIll hityOu if yOu gOtOOfar
forward.You must walt for hlm tO flre One, then qulCkly run out and
stand behlnd the large piece of rubble m the centre of thls platform,
There ls also a chest near lt, but be very careful when retrlevlng Its
contents, lest you be struck down by Balor's beam.
__.- a- -----
Go Into the next room and attempt to pass through lt, only for the Balorhasfourmaln attacks. Hecan roaratyou, fires beam in a
portcullis to slam shlt and twoTuatha Zealots to appear. They are pattern, swing his arm horlzontaIIy or swing lt VertlCally, whlch IS the
uslng Faeblades, so be careful.Take them out, and then save your attack that leads to lt belng stuck
game before movlng on to the next polnt.
lf you stay at the rear of the platform and keep blocklng, you can
avoid three out of four of these attacksYou will block his roar, and
EE}nTJr="- his two arm attacks cannot reach you.The only thlng you have to
You'll see aTuatha Prlest attemptlng to conjure somethlng up, and watch out for IS hlS beam attack.To avoid this, you have to run and
you'II see what lt IS Very ShOrtly' as a NiskaruTyrant rISeS uP from roll very qulckly to the far front of the platform, either the far front
the floor Actlvate your Reckonlng Mode immedlately and remove left side or far front right slde. Stay near the very edges and the
the prlest as fast as posslble, before golng after theTyrant. beam cannot touch you [l,':i ife3
There ls a trlck you can use here to make thlngs a llttle easler. As As soon as the camera shlfts and zooms out sllghtly' you know
soon as theTyrant beglns to spawn, run all the way back to the pre- Balor is about to use hls beam attack. Use thls slgn to lmmedlately
vlous room and all the wayto the first dooryou emerged through. make a move towards the front edges to dodge it
You'll find it barred, but go into stealth mode and walt close to it.
lf you were qulck, theTyrant wlll begln to pursue you but then lose When Balor uses his vertical arm strlke, you can attack lt after it
slght of you, retreatlng back to its room.The Prlest w"I probably flnd gets stuck. Use your most powerful combos and Abllltles so that hls
you, buton hISOWn he iS much lessofathreat. [i,r1 ¬¬] head falls, and then attack that. lf you have Fieckonlng mode ava"-
able, you can actlvate lt and do massive amounts of damage quickly
This Priest packs a few trlcks up his sleeve. He doesn't run the lf not, just keep avoldlng hls attacks and pumshlng him.When hls
usual gamut of spells you are famlllarwlth, and Instead can flre dark health has depleted, you wlll be able to execute an eplc Fateshift to
energy bolts. He can also create a ring of flre to protect hlmself, destroy the mighty Balor once and for all.
and create a close range magical exploslon.Whlle these attacks are
fancy, they aren't that dangerous; introduce hlm to the cold edge of
your blade.
You'll find yourself back in the rubble of Mel Senshlr. Speak to
The NISkaruTyrant IS YOur typical one. Use whatevertactics you are Commander Owalglyn who should be right ln front of you. He will
most comfortable wlth against him, but try to save some heallng understandably be overjoyed that you managed to free Mel Senshlr
potions forthe battle agalnst Balor, which wlll be rlght after this. Yt)u wlll also have an interestlng cholce as to how to portray the
last actions of GeneralTilera. Should you so choose, you can claim
D__iffiEi= that she ran away and that you single handedly saved Mel Senshlr.
Oryou can tellthetruth. lfyou clalm she ran, youwlll getan extra
Step out onto the ramparts and face Balorforthe final tlme.This reward, likely ln the form of a consumable, nothlng partlcularly un-
battle wlll be a lot easler than it mlght appear lf you follow a few mISSable. If you thlnk lt'S worth beSmlrChlngTilera's good name, go
slmple rules and move quickly. for lt. Eltherway, you will forever from this point on be known by all
as the Slege-Breaker, and have a newTwlst of Fate to prove lt
Whlle Balor can be attacked at anytime wlth long-range attacks, or
you can sllnk to the edge of the platform and attack his belly/ you
will dothe mostdamage lfyou waltforhlmtostrlke one of hls ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHYTIP
clawed arms Into the ground [«S<f:=t #1. Striklng the Stuck arm does Balor lies dead at your feet and word spreads Of your Incred-
major damage, and wlll lead to Balor's face collapsing onto the plat- ible might. All will soon know the name of the Siege-Breaker'
form, which you can then attack for even more damage. the Hero of Mel Senshir.
ffi-fflEHH HEH=H_m HRE
lf you've completed both the Enemles ln Hlgh Places and Breaklng the Slege quests, you'll
now have access tothe eastern lands of Klurlkon. However, if you chose to flnlsh Breaklng
the Siege first and then completed Enemies ln High Places, you'll have to speak to Agarth
in the Forum ln Adessa before you can begln thls quest. lf you did it in the recommended
order, simply head out of Mel Senshir Into Klurikon.
Just outslde, you'll flnd aWlnter Fee trying to gain access to Mel Senshirto try to speak to
the Slege-Breaker. Of course, thls ls you, so go and speak to thls Fae.
He ls Cydan, a member of the House of Sorrows. He has been flghtlng a guerilla war agalnst
hls once fellow\^/inter Fee that have now become theTuatha, and wants the help of the
infamous Siege-Breaker. Cydan wlll be loathe to say much more out ln the open, and wlll
requestthat you meet hlm ln Foes' Hearth, on the path connectlng Cursewood andThe
Midden. Head there now.
Klurlkon ls at the forefront of the war between the mortals and theTuatha, and as you get
deeper Into lt and closer to Alabastra, the more often you will encounterTuatha squads.
There are also powerful enemles such as Anclent Leanshes and BogThreshes throughout
As you approach Foes' Hearth, you'll run into Bisarane, a member of the House of Sor-
rows He will ask foryour help to save the house from Internal strlfe andTuatha subterfuge
Accepting thls offerwlll lead to the House of Sorrows factlon quests, which you can now
pursue lf you wlsh. Contlnue on to Foes' Hearth when you're ready
Cydan will explain that he and his Bitter Frost are the last of theWlnter Fee that are wllllng
to stand and flght against the corruption that has permeated everything they hold dear. They
wishtosee Gadflowand his Ilk purgedfromtheir lands as much asyou do, andwill ask for
your help to clear Klurlkon ofTuatha. Cydan wlll take you toVentrlnlo, who knows the way
into Alabastra.
Gadflow spreads hls Influence all over Klurlkon vla Chantrles, whlch are guarded by hls
Tuatha followers You must three Chantrles that must be destroyed, two ln the Drowned
Forest, and one ln the Keenlng
The mostefflcient path totake lstofirstvisitthe Chantry in the Keenlng before maklngforthe
two in the Drowned Forest. Leave Foes' Hearth nowand head southeast intoThe Midden.
March stralghtsouth through here until you arrlveatthe Keenlng.
You'll want to be very careful of the hlgh volume of Jottuns that abound ln the Keening.
Tuatha patrols are also more common here, and you are llkely to encounter some on the
way to the Chantry,
As you approach this first Chantry' the Gadflow emanatlon will detect you, and warn theTu-
atha about your presence.TheTuatha near the Chantry wlll not budge; however, a squad of
Tuatha w"I spawn behlnd you. Don,t engage the troops near the Chantry just yet. Instead,
turn around and defeat the ones coming from behlnd you.Thelr exact number and composi-
tlon wlll vary' and can Include monsters other than theTuatha, such as Boggarts.
Once you've defeated these, you can tackle the group ofTuatha near the Chantry.There are
flve of them, all facing inward toward the Chantry.You wlll be able to approach the one near-
est to quletly and stealth klll hlm, but beyond that, stealth won't work due to the dlrectlon
the others are faclng.
Eliminate them, uslng the terraln to your advantage.The Chantry Itself ls a useful tool for
blocklng off some of theTuatha, whlle you Isolate others and finlsh them off After killing
theTuatha, Gadflowwlll deem you worthy of hls attentlon and speak to you. After a blt of
friendly banter, destroy the crystals surroundlng the Chantry to put it out of commlssion.
Loot the two chests next to it before leavlng for the next one.
I-I - S --i- -
The final two ChantrleS are ln the Drowned Forest, and the quickest available as a battlefield, so create some dlstance if you need to,
way to them wlthOut using a FastTraveI Iocatlon IS tO head West Destroy the crystals, and then engage ln another lively phllosophlcal
and cross Into the forest via Balor's Crossing Thls path ls dangerous debate with Gadflow before movlng on.
though, and you'll llkely come across numerous Nlskaru along the
path, wlth the posslblllty of running Into a NlskaruTyrant
When you arrive at the Drowned Forest, you'II encounterthe typical Cross overto the northwest corner of the forest to find the flnaI
forest type enemies you will be fam"iarwlth, InCludlng Boggarts Chantry.Thls battle wlll be the same as all the others, wlth flve
and Sprltes.There ls also a healthy number of Murghans ln the area/ Tuatha surrounding the Chantry. Take them out, destroy the crystals
and you may encounter randomTuatha. Head to the Chantry ln the and shootthe breeze with Gadflow one final time.
southeastern corner of the Drowned Forest first.
FastTravel backto Foes/ Hearth once the deed ls done. Inside,
Cydan wlll knowwhatyou have accomp!lshed The malorlty of
BIITIr=lan- theTuatha have been drlven back toAlabastra, but the path ls stlll
Thls Chantry has the same setup as the other, wlth flveTuatha sur- blocked by the House of Pride and Its inVinCIble defender, Dren.
roundlng lt.Try to clearthe surroundlng area of any other enemles OnlyVentrlnlo knows the way past him, and Cydan can take you to
before you approach, so they don't get drawn Into the ensuing flght him. He will arrange to meet you on the Caeled Coast, where you
You can use the same tactics forthls battle, as nothing has really wlll be heading next. For now, flnlsh thls quest and take Cydan's
changed. Fiemember that you have the entlre Drowned Forest Faeblades wlth you as a reward.
you,ll need to meet your allles on the Caeled Coast, which ls ln south Klurlkon.There ls a
special mode of transportatlon there thatwill allow you to access Dannestar Isle, where
ventrinio continues hls own research on theWell of Souls.
Head Into the Caeled Coast now Watch out forthe hlgh denSIty in Bolgans here, as you
make your way west towards the ShadowWalkthat wlll take you to Dannestar Isle. As you
approach, you'll flnd AIyn Shlr Waiting for you, and She WIII accompany you to Dannestar
Tower. Go through the ShadowWalk when you're ready. i-i Ii
Dannestar Isle ls qulte tiny, and there's not much to it except for the ominous tower, whlch
you should aim for As you do, you will likely be ambushed by more ofVentrinio's felled
experiments, the Sons of Laz.Try to group them all together and keep them away from you/
slnce when they start swlnging their swords they cannot be knocked out of the attack. Flght
your way through to the next polnt.
There ls a sllght split in the path here. A chest IS Stashed away tO the north. lf you gO SOuth/
you'll run Into Sons of Laz, Defeat them; look around for a corpse you can loot and then head
Into DannestarTower. Alyn Shir wlll undo the protectlve seals allowing you to enter.
ln the first room three Sons of Laz will emerge to attack you. Defeat them and walk up the
stairs. There's aTripwlreTrap at the top, whlch w"I be trlggered regardless of whether either
you orAlyn Shlractually step on lt. After the ensulng exploslon, two Faer Gorta will emerge
to attack you.Waste them and continue up the stalrs. On the next floor, Alyn w"I decide to
stand guard and block any reinforcements. As you pass through the doorway after you leave
her behind, look out for a chest on your left.
ln these corridors, you'll come across Faer Gorta trapped in cages.There's a lever nearthe
first cage that wlll open the doors of all the cages Alternatively' you can be extremely cow-
ardly and slmply klll the Faer Gorta while they are still ln thelr cages... then actlvate the lever
anyway.Watch out for falling rubble as you move through here, it can hurt you qulte severely.
When the screen shakes, stop movlng and wait for the rubble to fall before movlng on.
As you enter this room, you/ll agaln be ambushed by four Sons of Laz. Dispose of them/
then loot two chests that are in each corner of the room.There are also some more ofVen-
trlnlo's notes on the table, detailing his failures slnce he moved Into DannestarTower.
Leavlng thls room, you'll flnd a Son of Laz looklng away from you.You can stealth him since
he ls a humanoid type enemy +. \. Stroll through thls area, keeplng an eye out for some
more notes on the table.These are from Octienne, and detall the lengths he has gone to in
order to see some results produced from Hugues andVentrinio's early research You'll also
be attacked by more Sons as you pass through, so dispose of them.
At this polnt, you'll have heardVentrlnio speaklng through a sort of PA. system, hoping that
you come up to rescue him sooner ratherthan later. On reachlng thls room, a slngle Son
of Laz will try to attack you.There are also numerous Faer Gorta ln cages around the room,
and someone wlll release them.They wlll immedlately attack the Son of Laz.Whlle they are
doing so, take out a few of the Faer Gorta yourself, since as soon as the Son of Laz is down,
theywillturn onyou. Flnlsh all butane of the FaerGorta, andthen ellmlnate both hlm and
the Son lf hestlll standlng
There are a few large stonewalls ln thls room, and behlnd one of them ls a chest.Take its
contents and go into the next room.This one has a trlo ofAnclent Leanshe waitlng foryou,
but agaln someone wlll release some Faer Gorta to aid you. Leave the Faer Gorta alone thls
time, as you can really use thelr help agalnst the annoying Leanshe.|ty to leave two to them
I-- a ---
-. --- -e ---,
wh"e you attack the other, but keep an eye on the others just in case
it uses Its long-range projectlle attack on you. Be careful not to hit one
of the Faer Gorta accidentally, as they can turn on you qulckly.
Clear the room and move on to the next point, tosslng some levers
on the way lf you feel llke lnclneratlng a few corpses... not llke they
can come back to llfe, rlght? Oh walt.
This room is a treasure trove of... treasure.There are four chests,
make sure to take everythlng you need. Save here, as the next major
room you go into will be whereVentrlnlo ls holed up.
You should save your F]eckonlng Mode for the later waves, as activat-
ing lt nowwllllust meanyou can only klll theenemies ln theflrst
wave Ventrlnlo ls also a mage ln hls own rlght, and wlll cast spells
to aid you. He is also lnvlncible, so don/t worry about protectlng him,
and leave hlmto hlsown devlces. lf need be, you can run pastthe
enemles back to the prevlous room to create space, to separate your-
self from those enemies that are attacking Ventrlnlo, letting you lead
the ones targeting you into a more open area.
The flnal wave wlll have Leanshe and more Sons approaching from
the dlfferent paths leadlng to theWell. Allow some of the enemies
to targetVentrinio then plck one of the paths to run up. Some of the
enemles should break off to chase you, leaving you wlth a smaller
group to deal wlth.This ls the last wave, so use your Fieckonlng if you
need to. After defeatlng the last of thls wave, you'll want to loot the
corpses as fast as possible/ since theTower will begin to collapse,
forcing you to leave.
-= a L= --
uEidEH! liE E!EEunHEmREm ®i 5ffi
Nowthat you have the means wlth which to penetrate the realm of Alabastra, lt's time to
face Dren, the legendarydefender of the House of Pride.Ventrinio supposedly has a method
you can win theflghtwlth, SO it'StimetOSee if itWIII work.
You'll have to rendezvous wlth your allies ln the field of Huber, which IS near Slnsear Travel
to the far south of KIurlkOn and yOu'Il find your allles waltlng for you near the border be-
tween KIurikon and AIabastra, with only the House of Prlde barrlng your Path.
Agarth will speak to you when you get to the fleld lt appears thatVentnnlo has yet to arrlve,
but speak of the devll; he will arrive just as you are saylng this. SpeaktoVentrlnlo next
He wlll finally unveII the strategy enabling you to survive your encounterwlth Dren.Whlle
he was conductlng hls experlments wlth theWell of Souls, he once captured the essence
of Dren's twln slster.The condensed form of this essence will renderyou Immune to Dren's
attacks, but at the same tlme, he will be Immune to yours You'd thlnk thls would lead to a
stalemate, and you'd be rlght, but face Dren anyway,
Approach Dren and he w"I warn you to leave. Of course, this ISn't an OPtlOn for you. Plck one
of the flrst set of dlalogue optlons, lt doesn't matterwhlch The next set wlll also contaln a
Persuasion optlon. Succeedlng at itwlll convlnce Dren that your lntentlons are honorable,
but he ls forced to fight you regardless. All of the options will lead to a battle wlth Dren. Of
course, slnce you have the Essence of Valor and Dren ls a badass, nelther of you wlll be able
to damage each other [ ^plLyJ 5ff.You should use the short time you have before Dren reallzes
this to get used to hls attack patterns, and learn the parrytlmlng forthem.
Eventually' Dren reallzes that thls frultless battle wlll lead nowhere, and suggest another
course of action. Follow the dialogue options, and they wlll lead to the conclusion thatyou
should both remove the magical spells that protectyou, and fight lt out llke men. After Dren
suggests thls, you can slyly ask Dren to remove hls protection flrst wlth a Persuaslon chal-
lenge. Unfortunately' you can't double-cross hlm and keep yours On, but Winnlng thIS Persua-
sion challenge wlll allow you to get the drop on hlm for a few hlts whlle he draws his sword.
Yiou can actually continuously battle Dren whlle lnVlnC;lble lf you pick the dialogue OP-
tions that Insist On you COntinUlng tO fight.This iS a good C;hence tO gO for the Polled
Again! AchievemenVIrophy, as you can keep trying to parry him, wlth no risk for fall-
ing. lf you have the speclal attacks Out Of Parry for any Weapons, Use them aS Well tO
also get the Rlposte! Achlevementflrophy
ILTlrE"=- House of Pride
Dren ls by far the most dangerous sword fighter you wlll have faced
up to now. He has a trlple sword strike combo, but all three hlts
can be parrled. HIS SIower verslon of thIS Cannot be Parried, but try
anyway. Even lf the parry fails, you can block lt. He also has an ex-
tremely powerful dash attack. Hls sword wlll first flash whlte while
he charges lt, afterWhlCh heWill run atyOu ThIS ISall but lmPOSSIble
to dodge, and very hard to block. It can be parried however, so block
itoncetolearnthetlmlng' lt'sa lotlaterthanyouthlnk i ,! : ygj
Dren also has access to maglcal attacks, namely the trlple tor-
nado spell. Hls flnal attack ls a maglcal exploslon that leads to hlm
teleportlng away.When he teleports, he wlll leave a circle on the
ground, and create another clrcle wherever he teleports to.These
clrcles act as traps, and lf you step on them, flreballs will emerge
and hlt you. Avold these clrcles and they wlll eventually dlsappear.
Don't be afrald to use some of your consumable potlons lfyou have
them. F3eckonlng Mode will also go a long wayto helplng you wln,
you won't face a foe thls powerful agaln for a while. However, the
real keyto wlnnlng thlS battle iS gettlng the Parry timing down for
Dren's varlous sword attacks. Landlng them COnSIStently wlll keep
you safe from Dren's most damaglng attacks. Dren has SuperArmor
also, so attacking wlthOut a Clear OPPOrtunlty IS dangerous. This
SuperArmor can be broken though, so when lt does, go all out.
Once Dren is defeated, be sure to ransack hls body for some hlgh
level loot Agarth wlll be pleased at your victory, but lt's not overyet
The path leading toAlabastra ls still sealed, and only clearlng the
House of Prlde Of theTuatha w"I open the way. Head inslde When
you're ready
You'll be accompanled by three allled soldlers whlle here. Unfor-
tunately, seelng as they are not main characters, they can all be
killed.They are very useful to have around though, so try to keep
them allve. lf you notlce one of them belng overwhelmed or get-
tlng combo'd relentlessly by theTuatha, do what you can to save
them. They provlde great dlstractlons when battllng large groups of
enemles, as wlll be evidenced rlght now
- -e -- --
*!¥irzf#r !! ffafL,±m
Loot the two chests ln the back Of the room before moving On. In
the next small clrCular room, PICk uP the Chest nearthe Wall, and
then carry on untII you encounterthe Knave of the House of Prlde
He and hIS house won,i be able tO Offer you any dlreCt aSSIStanCe,
but you'Il be pleased to know they are cheerlng you On from the
sidelines.The only thlng that remains IS defeatlngWitch Knlght
Myrna to free the house once and for all
The battle agalnst Myrna ISn't aS dlffICult as you may expect. Myrna
is a mags that speclalizes in frost type spells she wlll use the com-
mon large frost projectIIe that you WIII be famlllarwlth, but She Can
also use a more powerful verslon of thls that freezes all the ground
near her. Standing ln thIS area WIII infllct you wlth ice/ SIOWIng your
movements and contlnuaIIy damaging you ;7-1ul *j She can also
use a Mane dralnlng dark Project"e; avoid thlS lf you Want access tO
your Abillties.
Myrna can summon Faer Gorta's to ald her durlng battle.The amount
she summons is dlrectly related to how much damage she has
taken.The less health she has, the more Faer Gorta's you wlll have
to deal wlth. Atthe start of the battle, she wlII summon only one.
When the battle begins, don't touch Myrna. SImPly ellmlnate the +giv==
FaerGorta shesummons.ThISWIII make ita oneon one battle, untII
As you try to head to the next area, your passlonate comrades will she takes some damage and trles to summon another Faer Gorta.
run ahead again, opening the doorThIS WIII trigger someTuatha However, now that you have no other dlstractions, Myrna ls as good
relnforcements.Try to place some traps ln front of the door before asdead.
lt opens, PartICularly FrostTraps that will slow down theTuatha and
leave your followers less at risk FTry= 2.i Head through the door after Myrna has no SuperArmorwhatsoever, and all of her attacks and
defeating theTuatha, and wh"e you may notICe a Chest in the bot- abIIItieS have SignifICant Start uP time, including her teleportatlon
tom rlght corner of the room, Ignore and stay with your buddles. and ablllty to summon Faer Gortas.Thls means that you can use
a falrly qulck weapon and just attack relentlessly untll Myrna ls
Your allles may have already trlggered the next wave ofTuatha by completely defeated, never glvlng her a chance to do anythlng. Fae-
now, so go and ald them qulckly before they're all wiped out You blades are the best for thISl but Daggers, Chakrams/ Longswords,
may want to use Fieckonlng mode temporarily' if only to slow down and Staves wlll also work well, just make sure you always knock her
time and allow you to knock down theTuatha, gIVIng you and your out of her teleport. iun*| a;is]
team the advantage Exlt Reckonlng mode without uslng a Fateshlft
to save most of your meter. Before moving on to destroy the Chantry, look for a chest in one of
the small alcoves that encircle this room. lt wIIl be ln the alcove that
The likelihood is that your allleS Will probably be dead by now, so istothe rlghtofthe paththat leadstothe Chantry Go north outof
use the last preclous seconds of their lives to use them as dlstrac- this room to flnd a short passageway that leads to a chest. Nowyou
tlons while you take out theTuatha Priests that wlll be a part of thls can destroy the Chantry
group. lf you have managed to save your allles until the next battle/
well done. Don't forget to grab the chest before leavlng thls room.
a ,_
pm.uHuuE EitH=HHH H E2
welcome to AIabastra. If this IS your first time ln Alabastra, you have to fight This quest es-
sentlally requires you to travel through the entlrety of Alabastra, rlght to Gadflow's throne ln
the southeastThe Area Guide forthe locatlons in AIabastra wlll be vital to you, so lt's highly
recommended you read them all before continuing. When you're ready to go, meet your
allies at Hlgh Fulgen at Point 01.
Desplte going to the trouble of paving the way for the Altar army to get into Alabastra, Alyn
Shir w"I explain that they will be busy contalnlng the remalnlngTuatha troops, and you'll
have to fight your way through to Gadflow's throne on your own. Once you've flniShed
speaklng to Alyn, check your map.The next objectlve wlll be to meet with your allles ln
Amaura, and as you can see, it is clear on the other side of Alabastra. Prepare yourself for an
extremely arduous journey.
The flrst area youlll have to get through ls High Fulgen. Expect legions ofTuatha Zealots,
Soldiers and Priests.You'll want to deal with these enemles a little differently based on what
your most powerful Abllltles are. lf posslble, try to run past several groups of enemles, mak-
lng them gather together while chasing you.When they have, use powerful AOE attacks, or
use traps and Longbows to damage them whlle they chase you I-,,lT=J fi'j. lf yOu're a melee
typetankbulld, you'll wanttotackle each groupofenemiesoneatatlme, in as small a
group as posslble.
You,ll come across a makeshift camp that the army ls using as a foothold Into Alabastra here,
known as Camp Moondown.There's a Blacksmith Forge and an Alchemy Lab for use, along
wlth a couple of side quest options you can pursue.This place is more useful for the hlgh
concentration of allied soldiers that are here though.
lf you can gather up a large number of enemy troops and get them to chase you, you can
lead them back to Camp Moondown and the Alfartroops stationed there wlll rush into
battle.There may be some casualtles, but it will make yourjob of beatlng them much easler.
There are two possible paths to get to Point 03 ln High Fulgen. lf you contlnue to proceed
west along the wlder maln path, you can get there qulcker However, golng south wlll allow
you to plck up some more loot on the way
Along whlchever way' travel through High Fulgen. Remember that lf you want to avold some
battles, you can tryto sneak past some of the enemles that are facing away from you L-,`l ) ,r£L
Hopefullyyou've raised your Detect Hldden enough at this polnt, to be able to see the
direction your enemles are faclng on the Mlnl-Map.This will give you a good Indication of
whether you can get past undetected.
Contlnue onwards through Hlgh Fulgen. Along this narrow path, you'll encounterVentrinio
and Alyn Shir.Ventrinio will have worked out the mystenous means through which you re-
turned via theWell of Souls. lt turns outTirnoch's power dlrectly Influenced you both ln death
and rebirth. Her power grows stronger by the minute, so take your leave ofVentrinio and
Alyn Shlr and move on to the Shadow Pass. Before you do though, actlvate the Lorestone
and grab the chest that ls opposlte the Lorestone.
After you emerge Into the Shadow Pass/ youlll come by Arlad Camp. There,s not much here,
except for some chests and\^/eapons Flacks Field them, and move on. Nearthe exit of
the camp' you'll flnd DesideruslTav He offers you a side quest that Involves taking out the
groups ofTuatha mages that are defendlng the Shadow Pass.Taklng hlm up on the offerwlll
also enllst his help when battllng through the legions ofTuatha, but he wlll only proceed once
the mages flanking the path have been exterminated Take hlm up on his offer lf you wish.
\^/hen you get to this polnt, you'll come across the first of many spllts ln the path through
Shadow Pass.Thls minor side road as usual leads to someTuatha, some of whlch need to
be defeated for Deslderusll.av's slde quest. On one of these slde paths, you'll flnd Agarth
klcking ass and taklng names. Gather a large group ofTuatha and lead them to the lnvinclble
Agarth to make your battle much easler. i--
Battle through theTuatha, who will be appearing in larger and larger Agarth, leading a large group of enemles to the nearby area so he
groups.You mlght also come across a PrismereTroll or two.Their can dlstract them, maklng your life easier. You'll start encounter-
SuperArmorwill make any group they're ln much more powerful, lf lng a greater varlety in the compositlon of enemy forces now, wlth
you run Into one, don't hesltate to use your Reckoning meter on the Barghest and Sprltes appearing. lTy to flnlsh large groups with your
flght.You'll be fightlng so much here that you're bound to rebulld Abllities, or catch them with yourweapon arts to ensure you get a
lt soon enough. Make sure you're waging war on a huge group blg haul of Fate.
of enemles when you do trigger it though, to ensure a blg haul of
This smallTuatha camp is led by another powerfulWitch Knight,
ED]LTJrj]r=- named Dessadyn,You don't have to fight hlm by any means, and
The last of your core group of allles, Cydan, has gotten the furthest can slmply run pastthewholecamp/ but lfyou doclash with hlm/
Into Alabastra, and you'll find hlm hereYou can use him just llke you'll get some good loot from his corpse, as well as a signlficant
-- ----. a -
amount of experlence Bulld up your F3eckoning meter on other
enemles before you get here to take out the whole group quickly.
Contlnue on along the path after Dessadyn's camp.You'll likely be
ambushed by Sprltes or other monsters spawnlng now.
TheTywilight Pass ls the last major area before you get to recon-
vene with your allies ln Amaura.Tuatha Overlords wlll become more
common now, and thelr powerful maglc attacks and hlgh defense
can spell doomThe northern part of theTywlllght Pass hldes an
alternate side route that also has many battles but contains a high
volume of loot along the way.
Letyour allies face the brunt of the attack, whlle you brlng up the
rear. lfyou take more of a passlve role ln thls battle, you can expect
the Bitter Frost and Altar allles you have to die, as there are slmply
too manyTuatha for them to avold getting hlt.You can wade in with
the speclfic Intent to try to protect these two, as the more allies you
have, the smaller the chance you wlll be targeted by your enemies.
lf they get separated, it,s very unllkely you'll be able to protect both,
so lf you have to settle for one, save the Bltter Frost member; she
can annoy the enemy wlth her long-range spells, and is less likely to
die ln general.
These flrStTuatha aren't even the only enemleS in the room. After
defeatlng this group' you'll find another group praying sllently ln
the western corner of the room. Head over to them and glve them
somethlng tO Pray about. [rd<|J 3'j
After defeatlng the flrst group, your allles w"I run ahead and walt
just before the entry to the next area, and won't help you with the
second groupYou can approach them stealthlly and take out one,
maybe two if you are lucky' before you are seen bythe others. De-
feat the remalnder, and loot the two chests that they were near.
There are three paths out of this room that you can pursue.The
western one leads further towards your objective, but the northern
and southern routes lead to some great loot. And at thls pomt, you
w"I be plcklng up good, hlgh-level end game loot that ls extremely
powerful, definitely maklng these detours worth lt. Your allles only
have their objective in mind though, and won't accompanyyou on "¥=+I-
your materlalistic hunt for treasure, but that's okay, you can handle lt
solo. Let's head north first.
There are fiveTuatha ln the room, along with an Alchemlcal Lab and
a SagecraftAltar,There are also two chests along the north and
south walls respectlvely.TheTuatha are all In Prlme POSitIOnS tO be
stealth kllled, except for one.The one on the rear wall wlll be facing
inwards towards the room, and wlll spy any mischlevous throat cut-
tlng that you may attempt Idyl- 1 ife] You can get away with one, but
after that it's all actlon. Defeat theseTuatha that dared to interrupt
your stealthy deallngs.
However, Agarth wlll tell you that he has no idea where Alyn Shir or
Ventrlnlo are, and wlth hls natural mlstrust of all thlngs Dokkalfar, When you take the southern path, before long lt wlll spilt agaln Take
w"I automatically assume Alyn has betrayed you. Regardless of the the southern route when you reach thls spllt, to find a room wlth
veraclty of this clalm, you wlll have to proceed through Amaura now flve more praylngTuatha. Stealth agaln won't be much of an optlon
and retake the House of Vengeance, so get ready for the flnal push. here, since they are crosslng each other's lines of slght. Wade in
wlth some sustained and actlve Abllltles, and go to town.Take them
Gadflow will start throwing everythlng but the kltChen Slnk at you out, and then getthe contents of the three chests ln the room too.
at this polnt, but it wlll actually be a lot easierthanks to your allies/ Return to the second split in the path and now take the western
two of which are lnvlncible. Let them engage the enemy flrst, and route.
plck off the stragglers. Flght your way through to the entrance of the
house, maklng sure to plck up the buff from the Shrine of Mitharu ThreeTuatha are engaged ln a Starlng contest With each Other ln thlS
before you enter fry,L| ffj.You'II have to walt for your allleS tO get room Snap the closest one to you out of his reverle wlth a stealth
there before you try and go ln though, so help them to end any kill, which will alert the others [ckt+i 5].TwoTuatha soldiers are small
disputes they're in or let them take forever to get there, beans at thIS POInt though, SO dispose Of them quiCklyThere ls only
one chest available in this outer room; however, there are three
more behind a locked gate on your left Plck the lock and ransack
EE)]LTJr=".- the three chests.Thls ends the tour of the House of Vengeance, so
Once you enter, all your allles wlll be grouped together, and the Altar get back to Agarth and Cydan who are probably wonderlng where
soldler and Bitter Frost members wlll also maglcally reappear, even you've gone.
"- -e _,.
Havlng met uPWith yOuraIIies agaln, carry
on westward. When you get to thls point/
you'll be attacked by' you guessed lt, more
Tuatha Soldiers For some reason, they don't
take klndlytoyou Invading their houseand
k"llng all their friends. Addthem toyour llstof
vlctims and move on.Whlle you are moving
through the house, keepan eyeoutforthe
Prlsmere Dust Reagent. lt is extremely rare/
andthis area IS abundant ln lt.
--- O --
Before you move on, activate the Lorestone ln front of you. Bhaile is harder it wlll be to dodge hls flame projectiles. Play lt safe and stay
a small area, so actlvating all the Lorestones and getting the perma- away' only moving to dodge the flame shots
nent bufffordolng so is a simple enough task.
Eventually Gadflow will revert to creating clones and attacklng you
Proceed along the path and you,ll encounter a few smaller groups with conventlonal magic. Gadflow has no SuperArmor, so attack
ofTuatha. Defeat them and press onYou'Il also start to run Into NI- with your most powerful combos Obvlously, hIS CIones wlII make
skaru Bloodhunters as you advance to make your llfe more dlfficult. this dlfflcult, so lf you have F]elentless Assault, use lt and just
Fiemember that they can be parrled easily' and that they have no soak up the attack of the clones whlle you concentrate on the real
Super Armor Gadflow.
Weapons that have launching attacks are the best optlon here, as
D]vTJRI- they wlll allowyou to combo Gadflow for lengthy perlods of tlme
There ls another Lorestone here on your right, along wlth a Chest wlthout the chance of him teleporting away. The speclal attacks after
on your left. As you move through Bhaile, you wlll be ambushed by uslng an evaslve movement forthe Daggers and Greatsword are
Tuatha, as ls to be expected. However, be especlally wary of the good optlons for thls, as they will allow you to stay close to Gadflow
Tuatha Priests ln this area They wlll be exceptlonally powerful and whlle launchlng hlm at the same time, lettlng you follow up for a blg
can flre dark magic projectlles that are Immensely damaglng' as combo, flnIShedWith anAbIIIty !*, i t5j
well as heal themselves.
Eventually' Gadflow wlll go down. He doesn't have any other attacks
Carry on, and when theTuatha come charging towards you over the when his health drops, so once you have the pattern down, lt's just
brldges, tryto lay down FrostTraps or use Gamblt. lf unavallable, rlnse and repeat until he drops Of course, it would never be that
activate Relentless Assault or use Summon Faer Gorta in prepara- easy/ and lt will turn out that thls was actually an llluslon of Gadflow
tIOn, and use the narrow brldge aS a bottleneck i-.>l-^1 gP-1 After the Alyn Shirwlll tell you that he must be closer stlll toTlrnoch herself,
flrst bridge you cross, look for a Lorestone on your left. ln Amethyn. For now, take the loot from the four chests in the room
and finish thIS quest.
Havlng crossed both brldges, you wlll be attacked agaln by a mass
ofTuatha forces Defeat them and loot the chest to your rlght before
movlng on
Descend the stalrs here, and you'll be attacked by moreTuatha
and a PrismereTroII. LetAIyn move forward flrSt While you retreat.
With any luck theTroII will target her, leaving you free to defeat the
Tuatha.Take them out, and then activate the two Lorestones to
the north and south of you, and grab the chest next to the north
Contlnue along the path, and you will pass another Lorestone to
your rlght. Here you will be attacked by yet another drove ofTuatha
warrIOrS.Thrash them and follow the windlng Path unt" you near the
end, confrontlng the flnal set ofTuatha.This wlll be comprlsed of
some high level warrlors so don,t take them lightly. Afterthe vICtOry/
look to your left for the flnal Item of interest ln Bhalle, a treasure
Before you enter, Alyn Shlr wlII give you one last pep talk.You have
a Persuasion option here to flnd out howAIyn truly feels about you.
The mISSiOn comes flrSt nO matter What though, SO Save your game
and step lnslde to face Gadflow.
Gadflow ls extremely dangerous, as you mlght imaglne. He wlll
begln the battle by maklng two clones of hlmself, whlch you can
ldentlfy bythelr red glow.They wIIl use the conventional mage
attacks, and can be destroyed, although destroylng them wlll do no
damage to Gadflow himself, and Gadfloww"I slmply recreate them
right away
.- a --I-
"ir`"i t``+_`_I -.
You'll begln the quest rlght where you left off, ln the Court ofWlnter. Head out of the rear
exit intoAmethyn, the deepest part of theWlnter Court. Go to Polnt 01, and get ready to
face a new enemy.
Tirnoch will use your own mastery of Fate agalnst you. Extractlng all the collected Fate you
have inside you, she will spawn a Spllnter of Fate ( -i i i. Despite belng directly extracted
from you, there are actually three predetermlned verslons that you mlght face. Whlch you
get ls completely random.You wlll have to face elther a Mlght type Spllnter, a Finesse
type Splinter, or a Sorcery type Splinter. Each one will use weapons and Abllitles from that
partlcular class, although they wlll be limlted to certaln Abllltles. Defeating one will also grant
you slgnlflcant Fate
The Mlght Spllnter uses a Greatsword and Hammer He has the highest defense and attack
powerof all three Splinters, butwill be quite slow movlng He will use HarpoonAbllltyto drag
you towards hlm, as well as the Shleld Bash attack. Parry hls slow attacks at close range, or
preferably' stay back and attack with long range weapons whlle blocklng his Harpoon.
The Flnesse Spllnter ls very fast movlng' and uses Daggers and Faeblades. He w"I also have
access to the FinesseAbllltles Lunge and Smoke Bomb.The Lunge wlll pass stralght through
you even if you guard it, and he wlll follow up wlth an attack almed at your back, so keep
blocking forthe duration of thls sequence (you can't parry any part of lt),The Smoke Bomb
will renderthe Spllnter lnvlslble for a few seconds, and he will llkely announce hls presence
with a charged attack wlth the Faeblades. Just keep blocking untll he reappears.
ln general, you'll want to avoid parrylng since the Finesse Splinter's attacks are much too
quick for that, and you can't parry the Lunge or Smoke Bomb anyway The Spllnter's attacks
are also dipped in polson, so keeplng your guard up is lmportantTry to use wide hitting
weapons such as Chakrams to avold lettlng the Spllnter get away from you.
The Sorcery Spllnter is the easiestto deal wlth. lt boasts the lowest health and defense, SO
as long as you can close the dlstance, lt wlll go down qulckly. lt prlmarlly uses Chakrams,
and lt only uses Its Sceptre to flre a pair of launchlng projectlles. lt can also use the Storm
BoltAbility. Be wary of the speed and range of the Chakrams, and slowly Inch forward whlle
blocking. When you're up close, the Sorcery Splinter has very few optlons and wlll go down
Defeat thls flrst Splinter and then take the contents of the chest near the west wall of this
area. Move on towards Polnt 02, and as you do, look out for a passage on your rlght that
leadstoa small roomwith a chestin it.
A new Splinter of Fate wlll once agaln spawn here to try to stop you. Keep an eye on what
weapons it wields to see what you will be dealing with, and respond accordlngly. Fiemem-
ber to keep an eye out for any Prismere Growth Reagents lying around Even though you are
- S- -i-
\ +++++++ +
nearing the end of the game, all your items will carry over if you are Grab the chest that ls near the south wall here, and then flnd a
contmulng afterwards. container holdlng two Staffs leanlng agalnSt the north Wall L+i,,_i; 3j
Contlnue to the next polnt.
Speaklng of Items, there are a few things of note here Throughout
Amethyn, you will flnd powerful Weapons Iylng around fOryOu tO
plck up.They won't be in chests or onWeapon Flacks, but rather
just lying there ln the game world As such, they won't show up on Look fora table here. On ityouwlll find a Longbow, a setof Dag-
your Mini-Map' so keep your eyes peeled forthem..orjust follow gers and a Shield Take these and continue along the maln path untll
thls guide to flnd them all. Even if you plck up the same Item several you get Into another flght wlth a Spllnter of Fate. Defeat lt, and then
tlmes, lt's worth keeplng as Its resale value wlll be very hlgh. check out the stash of weapons leanlng agalnst the wall to your left
--- a -.
You should find two Greatswords, a Shield and a Hammer. Near ln order to damageTirnoch, you wlll need to actlvate your Fieckonlng
the south wall you'll find two more tables, with a Longsword and a mode However, even lf you entered the battle wlth a full Fieckoning
Hammer on them. Move on to Polnt 04 when you're done meter,TIrnOCh Wlll draln you Of some Of lt tO fOrm a Spllnter of Fate.You
w"I need to beat the Splinters to retrleve your Fate and enter Fieckonlng
mode. Onceyou do,Tlrnoch wlll be stunned, and you wlll have a brlef
D]lTyr=lit- perIOd Of tlme tO attack her WIth COnVentlOnal attacks. I3~=, 3!
Two more Spllnters of Fate wlll attackyou here. Perfect your most
efflcient way of kllllng these Splinters, as lt wlll be Integral to the Tlrnoch has a few attacks that are based on where you are standing
final boss battle.There are two chests on the west slde of thls on the platform in front of her.The worst place to stand is close to
area, so grab these.There are also two more weapon stashes, one her, as thls will trlgger her horn attack, an extremely powerful attack
contalnlng two Staves and another with a Greatsword, a Hammer that ls unblockable. At mld to far range,Tirnoch will elther blast you
and a Shield. I-,`L__, rii] wlth her fetld breath, Or fire PrISmere Crystals at you I->I #LThis
attack involves three floating crystals that wlll zoom at you one after
A llttle further on there wlll be a chest on your left, whlle on the right another.To avold these, you must roll at the last second, or else
ls another table wlth a set of Daggers, a Longbow, and a Shleld they will adjust and catch you.
Keep pushing on and you'll soon reach the entrance toTirnoch's
domaln. Alyn Shir wlll be unsure as to whether she can trust you The most risk free tactlc ls to stay at the back of the platform,
to keepTlrnoch's secret, but lt's a moot pomt, since you are the far away fromTlrnoch. Let the Splinters of Fate come to you, and
only one that can stop her. Say your goodbyes, and save the game defeat them here. You can blockTirnoch's roar attack and dodge the
before faclng the flnal battle in the Heart ofAmethyn. crystal attack Defeat enough Spllnters until the F(eckoning mode ls
avallable, and then activate lt.Thls wlll cause you to fire a beam of
concentrated Fate atTlrnoch, stunnlng her. Attack her now, although
PIuTJ-.- you won't be able to do much damage before she gets up again.
When you get to the end of thIS OmlnOuS Path tOWardSTlrnoch, you Thls wlll trlgger a jump to the next platform.
w"I trigger the cutscene that leads tothe Inescapable battle agalnst
Tirnoch, so make sure you are completely ready before getting Once you land,Tlrnoch wlII thIS tlme Summon two SpIInterS Of Fate
there. [ir :2j at once, Whlle thIS WIIl allowyou to buIId Fate quicker lt'S ObVIOuSly
much harder to deal wlth, Move to the rear agaln, but be ready for a
Tirnoch wlll welcome you with open arms and open the way foryou few differences.Tirnoch has added a flame attack to her arsenal, but
to enter AIyn Shirsays her Fatedoes not llethere, SOyOu Will have thls can be guarded She wlll also use a dlfferent close range attack,
to face the upcoming trlals alone. Head inslde, and flnd Gadflow whereshewill swipeatyou wlth her head lt ls much qulckerand
waitlng.Tlrnoch wlll flnally emerge, and the mlghty dragon's flrst has better range, glvlng you even more reason to stay back,
task w"I be to reward Gadflowfor all his hard work. All other distrac-
tlons removed, all that WIII remain is you andTlrnoch and the battle Take out these Spllnters, and activate Fieckoning Mode agaln.Thls
will begln in earnest, time, you'Il have a little more time, but don't dawdle. lf you can
- ----- a ----
reduceTirnoch to at least half her health now, you'll leap to the next recover. lt's a good Idea to use multiple projectlle attacks here, slnce
platform. lfyou don't get herto half health before she gets up, you'll Tlrnoch presents such a huge target that all the projectiles are guar-
have to stun her again, so use your most powerful weapons and anteed to hit. A fully charged Gambit or spread of charged arrows
Abilities. will do huge damage.
Naturally, this tlmeTlrnoch will make you flght three Spllnters of Once you reduce all ofTlrnoch's health, you wlll be prompted to go
Fate at once. Whlle this ls hard enough, she will also galn some vari- forthe biggest Fateshift of all tlme. Move near her chin, and activate
ations on her attacks, as well as a new devastatlng one. Her flame it lt can be difficult to find the sweet spot forthe Fateshlft, and lf
breath wlll now sweep across the entire platform you are standing you take too long she wlll recover some health.
on, and her close-range attack isn't just for close-range anymore, as
lt Can reach halfway across the platform. I -*il fa;i Afterthe battle, you/ll get to hearAlyn Shlr/s final message to you.
Hear her heartfelt words for the flnal time, as when you recover,
She can also cause a huge eruption of multiple flame plllars across you wlll find yourself in the Orbocant's Quarters ln Fiathlr, a new
the platform, whlch wlll cause major damage lfyou stand on them. resldence for you. Enjoy your newfound freedom and the finallivist
Keep a watchful eye on the floor. lf you see small flaming clrcles of Fate, Destlny Deflant.
begin to appear, move to a portion of the ground that is clear. lfyou
getcaught in thls, ItWill do hugedamage. livu Si
Use consumables that will buff your attack and defenslve power ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHYTIP
whlle battling these Spllnters, and keep your health lopped up. Ylour /ourney ls over, andTirnoch will slumber for eternity
lf you have access to the Harpoon Abillty' lt can be a good idea thanks to you. Fate's shackles are unbound, and the Destiny
to pull one of the Spllnters away from his allies to attack.Try to Defiant AchleVementITrophy IS yours lf you followed the Walk-
target the Sorcery Spllnter, as it has the lowest health and wlll die through, hopefully you accomplished this feat On the Hard
the fastest. Difficulty, and also unlocked the Destiny Dominated Achleve-
When you have raised your Reckoning meterthls time, the battle
wlll soon be over. Actlvate lt, and finlsh offTlrnoch before she can
I a -TT
The House of Ballads is a placewhere Fae heroes come to train before performing feats
that make them into legends.These feats are stories written in song/ which are given to
each hero.The main goal forthe House of Ballads is to repeatthe past for the good of
the coming future.
.r||_p_-,.I-,|\; +I I
This Faction's quest line beglns wlth talklng to Hallam theWhlte at the House of Ballads. He
will tell you that Slr Sagrell, the previous leader of the House of Ballads, has died.Then he
instructs you to defeat aThresh and recover Sagrell's Filng to take hls seat ln the House of
Ballads Tell him that you wish to flll the seat, and thus yourjourney begins,
Make your way into Gorguath cave m Odarath. Keep advancing untll you come to a group of
Fae. One of them wlll approach you with an aggresslve toneTell hlm you wish to help, and
he will let you know about theThresh and hls tactlcs on how to kill lt. Now there are two
possible routes you can take, elther of whlch is flne as you go around in a circle. Golng west
wlll net you some extra goodles, so lt's best to do that first. Continue on the western path-
way and you will come Into contact wlth a group of BoggartTumblers and Boggart Plague-
bearers that are easy picklngs. Wlth them out of the way' advance plcklng up any Fieagents
you see on the way. Pull on the flrst Heartvine you wlll come to and contlnue along the path
You wlll soon come Into contact with more Boggart Plaguebearers After kllling them loot the
chest ln the area.To the left of thls chest ls a secret door, which leads to a Gorguath Stone.
On the western slde of the maln area ls a hldden lootable Pile of Flocks Make your way
back to the area with the secret door and continue advancing to the area with the second
Heartvine. Pull lt and proceed to the eastern path.
Yt)u wlll soon be greeted by some Pestllent Brownies Agaln, these are easy pickings, so
make quick work of them Thls area has a hldden Plle of Flocks towards the northern corner/
and a chest that can both be looted. Contlnue on the southern path to make your way to the
thlrd and flnal Heartvlne After pulllng on the Heartvine, go to the next area, whlch contains
a few more Pestllent Brownles You will find Reagents and a chest here. Keep golng south
to be confronted by more Pestllent Brownles. lt ls posslble to sneak attack one of them.
The path forks off into two here. the eastern path contalnlng a Gorguath Stone and a chest,
whlle the western path continues towards the objectlve.
- a .
Make your way to the starting polnt where
you met Pledge Flcon, and the vine-covered
doorwill now be open Advance down thls
path/ but just before you enter the room
in which the GraveThresh resides, there is
a hidden door to the left.This secret door
room contains a few BoggartTumblers,
some F]eagents, Dlve Polnts and a chest.
Move on to the GraveThresh and begln the
battle Take out the Boggarts that are there
first, and then take on the GraveThresh.The
GraveThresh has a variety of very powerful
projectile attacks that can be very difflcult to
avold at range. lt's vltal you stay close to the
GraveThresh, so you will be able to interrupt
most of its attacks. Once the GraveThresh
is down, advance north. On the way there is
a Gorguath Stone. [T,L| #]
Loot the body once you come Into a vast
open spaced room to retrleve some Fae-
blades, but more importantly' the Ballads
SIgnet Fling. pledge Ficon will talk to you.
He seems confused and will state that
somebody has changed the song of Slr
Sagrell. Once the dialogue ls over, you wlll
enter battle once again. TwoThreshes WIII
spawn, they are weaker versions of the
GraveThresh and you should use the same
tactics you dld on that, whlle focuslng on
one ofthemata time.
To make this battle slightly easier, you
may want to consider going into the
two side rooms to dispatch the Bog-
garts before picking UP the ring, That
way you do not have to fight them at
the same time as the twoThreshes.
- a __-
. ,-._J..+_+,..` .._i
Hallam theWhlte will send you on yourway to the Ballads Oratory and glve you a Fiesur-
rectlon Potion, whlch you wlll need to complete your quest. Make your way to the Ballads
Oratory' whlch is located ln the south of Ettlnmere You wlll need the Ballads Signet Ring to
unlockthe entrance, but you do not have to have it equlpped Talk to KlngWencen, he will be
impressed you have taken the Seat of Sagrell and ask you to aid Slr Farrara ln the Ballad of
BIoody Bones. itiSrJ 6n
Make your way to Uduath, which IS the northernmost POint ln Ettlnmere. In the cave, follow
the path around to the left and make yourway to the objectlve polnt Slr Farrara wlll be con-
fronted bye groupofSprlteS. Killthem andtalkto hlm. HethlnkSthe KIng iS Playlng ajOke
sendlng a human.Ask him whatyou should do, and hewlll statethat Bloody Bones has not
followed hls ballad and wlshes to change lt.Your objectlve now ls to free the prlsoners who
are locked into cells.
One of the cells ls in the same room as you met Slr Farrara. Move on to the western path,
where you will be greeted by a group of enemles. After kllllng them, open the cell and loot
the two chests (one ln the cell and the other to the left of the advanclng pathway). ln the
next sectlon there ls another group of enemies, and depending on their conflguratlon, you
can often get a sneak attack on one of them, gaming an early advantage ln the battle, lf you
approach them stealthlly. Open the thlrd cell and loot the hidden Plle of Rocks once you have
taken care of the opponents. i-irL_ 2j
Contlnue on the northern path until you come to another group of enemles, take them out
in your preferred manner, then loot the chest and open the fourth cell.Take the eastern path
Chasr)^l&1 6 - Fz:cl!clrl thlia`.>ts-- The House of Ballads 02 - Ballad of bloody bones
Take the eastern exlt and speak to Bloody
Bones. He asks you to leave ln return for
knowledge lf you stay' he wlll threaten to
klll you.There ls a speech challenge you
can get some bonus experience of But
regardless of which optlon you choose, you
wlll haveto kill Bloody Bones Oncethe
battle beglns a group of Sprltes will spawn.
Take them out flrst then switch your focus
to Bloody Bones. Bloody Bones ls a Fee
that uses magic; so try to stayclose to hlm,
which will limit his use of maglc, because
you can interrupt most of hIS spells. L>L_i f3j
Fieturn to the House of Ballads and talk to
KlngWencen to complete the quest. Klng
Wencen will be ln dlsbellef about what hap-
pened to Sagrell and Bones. He w"I tell you
that you must travel to the Llbrarlan. Choose
l'm ready'' to start your next quest.
|u--| +I \ ,-, \,_I
KlngWencen will tell you to travel to a cottage ln the north of Haxhl, where the Llbrarian
resldes. He wishes for you to retrieve a ballad from her collectlon of Fae Calrns called "The
Hero and the Mald'.'Travel to the Llbrary' unlock the door with the Ballads Slgnet Filng' enter
and speak withTenhwa, the Llbrarian, inslde
She tells you that the Mald ofWlndemere has left her in a sticky sltuatlon and that your mor-
tal lngenulty wlll prevall over Fae's There ls a maglcal barrier surroundlng her, whlch keeps
her from movlng and anyone getting close. lf you try you will take a small amount of damage
and be repelled backwards. Ask herwhat has happened to learn that the Maid and Nix the
Troll have stolen all her Calrns that contaln the counter spell Wlthout them she wlll not be
able to reclte lt. After the talk withTenhwa, you wlll set out to recover the Fae Cairns.
There IS a Cairn unrelated to this ballad sitting On a desk in the Library. lf you take lt tO
the Echostone you can open up a new side CIUeSt by reCItlng Its ballad
Make your way to the Sundur Caverns, whlch are located ln Haxhl. Do not enter the Caverns
justyet; instead go south of the mlnes to flnd the flrst Calrn on the slde of a small cliff edge
Now go back to the Caverns and a group of Sprltes wlll spawn, you can elther flght them or
just run rlght Into the Caverns.
Advancing Into the Caverns, you wlll meet SlrAlrmer.Talk to hlm to learn thatthe Maid of
\Mndemere is nowhere to be found, and then tell him you are looklng for the Calrns He will
tell you that he has managed to flnd one of the Calrns, and that the Mald has leftthe area.
She dld, however, leave behind her companion, Nlx theTroll, and Alrmer wants you tojoln
hlm ln the battle agalnst the beast. ln thls same area there ls a hldden Plle of Flocks thatyou
ITTr_rid_jiiE Court of Enchantment
I, - -a ___._-,
_'||JJI\Jl\ I,1
Hallam asks you to seek out Father Etalr, who is an alchemlstand a trusted friend Etairwlll
have the answers that are needed. Make yourwayoverto St. Eadric's Mission, whlch ls lo-
cated in the northwestern region ofThe Sldhe, lf you haven't been there before, slmply follow
the path connecting Haxhl toThe Sldhe and you will come across it. Once there, enterthe
Bunkhouse and go upstairsto find Father Etairdead. F3eturn outside and speak tothe Monk.
He will tell you that Etalr mostly spends histime indoors worklng On hIS research. i->= q i
Tell him Etair was murdered, and he wlll tell you that Etalr was argulng with somebody. Ask
hlm who he was argulng with, to be told lt was with one of his apprentlces, Brother\^/ulf.
He wlll tell you to search the Bunkhouse for any clues. Go back Into the Bunkhouse and
search the drawers near the entrance.They are locked (Very Hard), but once you get Inside
them, take the storage case and descend the well, whlch is located outslde.
lf you have picked the lock on the desk, go down to the basement of the Bunkhouse
and open the chest in the room to the north, where you will find the key.
Once inslde the well your objectlve wlll change to Flnd the Missing CrystalsTothe east is
a chest you can loot. Follow the western path around to the north. Before long you will run
into a group of Kobold F]ouges; take them out one by one and loot the chests. Continue
north until you come across someTripwires; you can either dlsarm thelTlpwire or roll across
it to avoid taklng damage from the Arrow LauncherTrap.There will also be a BearTrap on the
floor and a group of Kobolds and Kobold Nlghtblades.
Try leading one of them over the BearTrap for some extra damage, and then take them out
one by one. Continue headlng north, looting any Reagents on the way but be cautious of
one moreTrlpwlre.You will come to a pack of Kobolds again one of them will be holding the
first Crystal. lf you are spotted, the one wlth the Crystal wlll run away to another location.
You can easily take out the Kobolds one by one wlth the vast open space making it easy to
avold the bombs they throw. After killlng them all you should have your first Crystal. lf not
you can followthe objective marker to locate the Kobold who has lt. Loot the chest they
were guardlng and advance north to the Jump Polnt.
e ---
Jumplng dOWnyOu Will land on one of three Now head north into the second water area He ls a very easyflght because he has such
convenlently lald BearTraps A group of Ko- where you can search around for more Dive low health, so just relentlessly attack hlm
bolds will be walting here ln ambush to.You Points to loot. Go onto the small platform to and take him down before he can launch an
can easlly take them out one by one, using flnd BrotherWulf lylng on the floor. He tells attack of his own.When he has been de-
the corner of the wall to block any bombs you to stay back and wlll not glve you his feated, check hls body to retrieve aWhlstle
they throw at you whllst damaglng the oth- Crystals Hewlll alsotellyou that he killed Head north to the small patch of ground just
ers. Unlock the chest they were guarding Father Etalr because he trled to destroythe south of the exit. Use the\^/histle to make
and then head west.Yt)u will come to some Crystals Then he wlll talk about a strange the flnal Crystal appear nearby. Once you
waterthat you can swlm ln; search for some woman who had told hlm about the Crys- have it, head north agaln, and then exitthe
Dive Points for extra loot. tals' power, Yt)u can questlon \^/ulf if you well. [3|j 2j
--- = -- -
Hallam theWhlte informs you that you are the last knlght of the House of Ballads and there
ls llttle you can do to prepare. He will give you a F3esurrection Potlon and tell you that the
rest ls up to you. Make yourway toWindemere by foot, whlch ls northeast of the House of
Ballads. Onceyou enter, the Maidwlll greetyou. Shewilltellyouthat ltis herrealm and
people who set foot inWindemere must face her challenges, the flrst challenge belng the
Wall of Thorns. Her only hlnt is thatyou need speclfic armor Contlnue on the pathway taking
outenemiesasyou go until you eventuallycometo SIrAlrmerinthe north. i-\l I
From SlrAirmer you learn that there can only be one Champlon and lt will be hlm.Tell hlm
you need hls armor. He will thlnk you are joklng and say that you can help choose between
the two who would make the best Champion. Continue the conversation and you wlll be
able to choose either of the two characters to duel for thelr armor. Once you have chosen
whom you wlll fight, two Crudoks wlll spawn Thls wlll be an annoying flght: the two Cru-
doks havea lotof health anda bothersome move setso now lsa goodtlmetomake use
of Reckonlng Mode lf you have lt avallable. i-> __- ,2!
lt does not matter whether you choose to flght Alrmer or Creth: your reward will be the
same Both opponents have a similar move set conslsting of melee attacks; the only dif-
ference lsone usesa Lanceand theother usesa Sword, HaveyourShleld upatalltlmes/
slnce the Crudoks tend to be very aggressive and have some powerful attacks.You can try
to lead the Champlon you are fighting Into the log you entered in for some quick damage/
__ =- .-
but the Crudoks will eventually come in.Try kIIling the Champion realizlng that he died.Tell him you need to kill hlm and prepare fora
first and then focus on the Crudoks After havlng taken care of battle. Sir Elswin is a mage that uses all the baslc mage attacks, so
them, loot the Champlon's body and equip the House of Ballads this fight shouldn't be too problematlc, because of the narrow gorge
armoryou acqulre, so that you can advance through the nearby you are in, Just stay up close and don't give him an openlng; he will
Wall of Thorns. drop in no tlme.That done, make yourway back uptotheWeeping
Gorge and cross lt. [i*_i 3!
Once through theWall of Thorns you can unequlp the House of Bal-
lads armor lf you WISh, Since lt lS nO longer required, and the objec- After crossing the Gorge, you wlll flnd whlchever of the potential
tlve will be updated to Cross the Gorge. Head towards the objectlve Champions you dld not kill outside of theWaII of Thorns (eitherAIrmer
marker, but before you get too far aTroll wlll emerge.You can elther or Creth), who will tell you that he belleves he IS the true Champlon.
fight it or run away and continue wlth the objectlve. lt has the basic Fiegardless of the speech optlon you choose, it will result ln battle.
move set of otherTrolls so it won't be too hard a flght lf you choose Thls time you w"I be battllng the Champion and aThresh.TheThresh
to engage lt. At top of the Gorge the Mald wlll appear. She wlll tell makes an annoylng opponent with Its use of long-range magical at-
you that theWeeplng Gorge ls the second challenge, and that to tacks lf you have AbilltieS/Weapons Of a fire type use it On theThresh.
raise the bridge you must k"I SIT Elswin, who is already dead. Good Take theThresh out flrst by creatlng space between theThresh and
thing you have a Resurrection Potlon. the Champlon You will then be able to hlttheThresh for free damage
after lt has rooted itself to the ground and sent out four shockwaves
of Its roots WIthOut fear Of the Champion attacking you. Once the
Dlmr=-=- Thresh ls down, take care of the Champlon who only uses a melee
Fieturn down the slope, step into the rlverand follow it along untll you assault. Stay up close to the Champlon, block his attacks, and then
cometothebodyofSlrElswln Usethepotlon on hlmtobrlng hlm punlsh accordlngly. After he ls dead, advance Into Summer's End to
backto llfe. Once he is resurrected, talkto him. He will be confused complete this quest. I->r_i #j
about you not being the same opponent he was flghting, before
I---- a -- -,-
The Mald of\^/lndemere wlll talk to you once you have advanced a short distance into Sum-
mer's End. Shewill be ln dlsbeliefofyou maklng ltthlsfarand askyou tojoln her.Answer
howeveryou wlsh, and then shewill contlnuetotalkandtell you where KlngWencen is.The
creatures in Summer's End are all doclleforthe momentastheyarealso underthe spell of the
Malden, SOyOu Can freelywanderaround wlthOutWOrrylng abOutgettlng into battles. :,,1 6U
Make your way to the objectlve marker and enter a bulldlng called the Chantry.There ls a
chest next to lt that you can loot too. Once Inside, talk to Sagrell. He wlll talk of the Mald's
plans and how ludlcrous they areTell hlm that you are the Sagrell, and he will say that he
used to be Sagrell and that the Mald uses the Crystals to create a calm and peaceful Illusion
on the land. Hewlll goontosaythatthe Crystals are hldden aroundthe vlllageand onlyap-
pear when summoned by a musICal tone.TIme tO get blowing on yourWhIStle! i,^>:1: £.1
You'll need to use theWhistle a number of tlmeS during this SeCtIOn, SO It lS worth
mapping it tO your Quick Select area, otherwise you would have to keep going Into
the menu to access it.
-- = -_- -
i ) .* - f.ndr.-9l (;s`--, TheHouseofBalladsO6-CursedKingdom
Go back outslde and use theWhlstle. All of the Crystals wlll appear
for a short period of tlme and then dlsappear agaln, so you will have
to remember thelr locatlons or use theWhistle again. Once you are
nextto a Crystal, attack lt tO destroy lt. Don't worry lf the Crystals
disappear as they always spawn ln the same locatlon. After destroy-
lng all five Crystals, the creatures in thls area wlll turn hostile. F]un
back to the Sagrell in the Chantry; kill enemles along the way lf you
wlsh. Sagrell tells you that the Maid wlll be a more formldable foe.
You should ask him how to get Into the castle. Sound again is the
way ln, so he wlll glve you aTalisman and the BellTower Key, whlch
opensthevillage Bell House L-
Go back outslde and head north towards BellTower. Unlock it wlth the
key and head upstalrs to pull the Bell F]ope.Take a look around to find
some Reagents and chests to loot. Head back outslde and go Into the
Castle to the north. Once you walk along the pathway ln the Castle
the quest wlll be completed.
I,---- -S _I-I+ -
- . |JJu. I ++, i \l a
As you advance/ the Mald wlll appear, welcoming you to her home. Ask where the Klng ls/
and she wlll tell you that he is here along with hls Court of Enchantments. She states that
it'stlmefora newstartandtowrltea new ballad forthe House Oncethedlalogue has
flnlshed, head north to meet Slr Farrara, lootlng any Fieagents on the way
lf you have hlgh enough Dlspel Sklll you can Dlspel the curse that haunts Slr Farrara, if not,
you will have to fight hlm regardless of whlch speech optlon you choose. As soon as you
cease talklng to hlm, a group of Sprltes wlll appear; take them out first Slr Farrara wlll use
melee attacks only' so he won't be too much of a problem, just block/parry and punlsh. After
you have killed Sir Farrara, look around for any F]eagents to plck up and contlnue golng north
\^/etch out for the twoVenus FlyTraps that wlll blte you lf you get too closeTo avold thelr
attack, roll past them, and then contlnue north Into the next area.
This area contalns a group of Boggart Zealots.These enemles pack a nasty attack ln whlch
they blow themselves up when on very low health.Take them out one by one to avold thls.
Try to make sure you are well clear of the Sewer F(ot after defeating the first group of en-
emies, as a larger group of remforcements wlll follow shortly' and lf they surround you lt can
be dlfficulty to get clear. Once you have cleared them all out, take the northwest pathway to
the next objectlve marker. Along the way you will come across another small group of Bog-
garts, whlch agaln wlll be followed up by a much larger group once they have been k"led.
F(un through the Sewer Fiot to flnd KlngWencen Talk to hlm to hear about the Mald and
how she has become corrupt by the Crystals, power.Tell hlm that you wish to flnlsh thls,
and then Klng\^/encen wlll help you wlth the other objectives. Make sure to loot the chest
behlnd hlm before golng to the northern room for more loot inside chests Just watch out for
theVenus FlyTraps behind the doorway, and then return back the way you came
Take the southeast pathway and follow the objectlve markers. Dlspatch the two Anclent
Leanshes with the help of the Klng. Uslng an lee weapon on these wlll speed up the pro-
cess. Keep following the path and soon you will come across Queen BelmaldThe Queen
alsoseemsto be underthe lnfluenceofthe Maid, and again you can Dlspel herandthe
Lady to avoid a confrontatlon. lf you can't Dispel them, however, you wlll have to flght both.
As soon as the fight starts two Anclent Leanshes wlll spawn Take them out first by leadlng
them upthestairs on the slde, soyou can avoldthe Queen and Lady's magic. Both the
Queen and Ladyuse the exactsame magic, butwlththe helpofthe Klngyou can focus on
one wlthout too many problems arislng Stay up close and personal and you can Interrupt
their maglc. After kllllng them both make your way back to the large central Sewer F3ot pool
Castle Windmere
The House of BalladsO7-The He,a and the Maid i
lf you are having trouble battllng the Queen and the Lady at Oncethe BogThresh ls down, revert backto the Mald.The Mald
the same time, there IS a trick you Can use tO Separate them. wlll now have another move ln whlch she casts a rlng offlre
When you approach the entrance to the room, the Queen will around her. lfyou stand ln the ring offlre you wlll take damage
start walking towards you, and the conversation (and following over time so try to either interrupt the spell before she casts it, or
battle) will not Start Until She lS Close tO you. As soon as you see back away and switch to long range attacks to keep safe while lt ls
her start walking towards you, retreat Out Of the main rOOm' actlve Once the battle is over, the Mald wlll speaktoyou and glve
back to the smaller one you passed through on the way there. you three options:
The Queen will follow you tothls location, soyou can set the ARule togetherwlth her-you let the Mald live, and she will appear
area withTTaps lf you WISh. When she is close, the fight will ln the Court of Enchantments by herself and all the Faes you had
begln aS normal, but you Will Only have tO battle the Queen Dlspelled wlll not be ln the Court of Enchantments.
alone. Once she has been defeated, go back to the main room Blgnore her-wlll leadyoutoflnlshing heroff by kllllng herwlth a
to finish Off the Lady, which will be considerably easter with- Fateshift. Go back to Hallam theWhite at the House of Ballads/
out having tOdeal with the Queen at the same tlme. lf you are where he wlll tell you that you are now Klng of the House of Bal-
using this method for the fight you Will Probably not need tO lads. Any characters you had Dispelled will appear ln the Court of
use your Reckoning Mode lf you had lt, Which means you Can Enchantments.
use lt ln the upcoming decisive battle. -i-- CKill her-same resultas B.
The Mald will saythatyou and herare the same, thatyou challenge
the past and strlve to rewrite the future. When she has stopped talk-
lng you wlll engage ln battle wlth her. As soon as the battle starts a
Sprlte and an Anclent Leanshe will spawn.Take them out first so you
can have a one on one wlth the Mald. Be careful ofyoursurroundings,
as there areVenus FlyTraps near the walls, and lf you knock enemies
backtoo close to them you wlll not be able to contlnue attacklng.
lfyou got here with a full Fate gauge you are much better
off handling the battle ln a different manner. Ignore all Of the
smaller enemies that get summoned during the fight, and
constantly focus on the Maid, attacking her from an angle
that pushes her into one of the small alcoves away from the
Venus FlyTraps. Getting her away from the FlyTraps means
that you can keep attacking her Without having tO worry about
them, and lf you are in the alcove you can use the walls to
shleld yourself from the attacks of the smaller enemies. Once
you have the Maid down tO about 50% of her health, enter
Reckoning Mode and try to finish her Off quickly before She
can summon some of the more powerful enemies. i
---- -a -----
TheWarsworn are a group of honourable mercenaries who believe in protecting those
in need '.. for a price' Originally a force formed to deal with the ancient Niskaru threat,
theWarsworn have become soldiers of hire, as well as defenders of the Faelands from
the ever-present danger of theTuatha.
5¢'|d,.:i)a_Ju'L./i _ ,:J,I I
D]'',r±-i- EBl]\']r±-i-
Thls is the flrstWarsworn quest you wlll lTy to get the attentlon of the Fled Legion
have access to, and lt has no progresslon members in Osgar's camp wlthout dlrectly
prerequisites before you can attempt it engaging hlm, thus drawing them out of the
Ost Ordure wlll tell you that you'll need a camp Osgar hlmself ls an archer, and will
recommendation from hlm ln order to loln attack you from long-range. Use the terraln
the ranks of theWarsworn, but thls is in fact to your advantage, and move to an area wlth
a lie You can just go stralght to Shleldrlng obstacles that will get ln the archers' way.
Keep and beginThe F(oad Patrol quest/ Plck them off one by one, and take Osgar's
which ls the quest that will enable you to Dagger from hls corpse when you're done.
become a \^/arsworn member, However,
that quest will lead to the death of Ost
Ordure, so you should at least accept thls Before you leave the camp' there are a few
quest first, things to loot. Check out theWhlrlpool ln the
rlverjust to the south of the camp.There
is also a chest east of the camp, behind
D]'TIRIr!- some boxes, and another south of the
Once you do, you'll need to set about the camp, between some tents. Flnally check
task of retrlevlng the daggers from the the Overturned Cart on the north side of the
infamous Krast brothers. The one closest camp and the chest next to lt
toyou ls Osgar Krast, who istothe north
of Gorhart. Whlle F(ed Legion members
populate thls entlre area, there are a few
near Osgar's camp that wlll come to hls Next ls Medgar Krast, who ls on the far
aid when you try to attack hlm. Speciflcally, eastern side of Odarath. Head south and
there are three Red Leglon Archers and two then through the pass that leads to east
Bandlts close by. You can't really approach Odarath.
the area stealthily, due to lookouts standlng
guard and watchlng both the southern and Medgar Krast's camp ls lnhablted by three
western approach. Fled Leglon Bandlts, an Archer, and Medgar
I- = ---
hlmself. Agaln, stealth lsn't really an optlon here, as there ls only
one approachtothe campand lt ls ln clearvlewof manyofthe Red
Leglon present. Since there ls only one archer here, and Medgar
hlmself ls a Spear user, this wlll be a more close-range battle than
the one at Osgar's camp.
The bulkofthequestcompleted, allthat remains lsto hand lt ln and
collectyour reward. lf zou wish to get Ost's commendatIOn return tO
him ln Gorhart, otherwlse head stralght to Shleldrlng Keep Slmply
keep golng south through Odarath and lntoYolvan, and the great
ramparts of Shleldrlng Keep will soon hover into vleW.
Enter and find ldwold Freward in the central area. Inform hlm Of
your success, and hand hlm the Krast brothers' Daggers as proof to
complete the quest.
I._,_/. i I .: i.+
You can actually start thls quest before dolngThe Commendatlon, however doing so wlll
render that quest unavallable to you, so be sure to do lt first To lnitlate this quest, head to
Shleldrlng Keep. lt ls located in the south ofYolvan and will be marked on your map lf you
dldThe Commendation quest flrst.Yolvan has enemies common to most areas of Dalentarth
- mostly Boggarts, Brownles, and Splders - butyou can refer to the Area Gulde for further
Shleldrlng Keep ls guarded heav"y and you wlll be able to spot ltfrom falrlyfar off thanks to
patrolllng\^/arsworn outslde. lnslde go to the central hub area to speak toTlne Delfrlc, flrst of
theWarsworn. He will require you to perform a somewhat slmPle job tO Prove yOurWOrth be-
fore bestowlng the tltle ofWarsworn upon you. Unknown assallants have attacked a common
tradlng route frequently, and you are tO be Part Of the Patrol thatwllI InVeStlgate thlS LexjQ.ii ''4]
While you're at Shleldring Keep, lt's worth notlng that there are a few shopkeepers, along
with a Blacksmlthmg Forge and alTalner Make use of these facilitles lf you need to before
movlng On WIth yOur firSt ObleCtIVe, tO meet another HIreIIng, Wyl F(endlg, in DidenhII.
Didenhil ls a falrly large town located ln GIendara, which ISn't far from Shleldrlng Keep.
Head east from there to get to Glendara Wyl Fiendlg can be found ln the Healer's Cottage,
watchlng over hls sickly mother, Inform hlm of the patrol, and move on to the next objectlve,
which is to meet with some more Hirellngs and aWarsworn veteran to begln the patrol.
The locatlon of the attacks ls a spot next toWarden,s Bridge in Lorca-Fiane. Head east from
Dldenhll to get to Lorca-F3ane, lt's a fairly short jaunt but you may run Into some Jottun on
the way, so be wary of these humungous foes. Once you get to the patrol, speak to Ost
Ordura to flnd OuteXaCtlyWhatyOuWIll bedOIng L-, i ,::1
Thls partlcular trade route has been attacked frequently, so you wlll have to move along lt
together wlth the other Hlrellngs and Ost Ordura and search for clues as to the nature of the
attackers,The locatlon of each of these clues wlll be marked on your map. Head to each one
and use the Interact button to mvestigate and try to piece together an Idea of what manner
of assailant you are dealing wlth
As you move along from polnt to point and complete the flrst leg of your lnvestigatlon before
regrouplng wlth the others, you'll flnd a stealthy foe has managed to pick off one of your
numberwith nary a whisper, leaving you wondenng who or what could be behlnd it Don't
bother reloadlng a save and trylng to spot the foe ln the process of hls attack, you won't
be able to. Accept the loss of your comrade, regroup at the fork ln the road, speak to Ost
Ordura and move onto the second leg
----- a- - ---
RE I ..:
DEiiniT- DEiffiiFTiii'
You knowthedrlll atthis polnt: gotoeach one of the cluesand Once Ost ls done, accompany hlm ln hls attempt to follow the trall
investlgate it. And once again, as you mlght expect, another one of of the Niskaru. On the way you'll probably run mto someWolves
your numberwiII fall prey to the enigmatIC killer in your mldSt. lnVeS- that naturally populate this area, so help Ostto take care of these
tlgate all the polnts, and speak to Ost Ordure at the next fork Ost quickly before moving on. Don't worry about protectlng hlm: hers
will clalm he caught a gllmpse of the assallant and that it went Into lnVlnCIble. When you reach the end of the trail, you'Il flnd yourself in
the rulns, so the final leg of your investigatlon wlll take place there. front of the entrance to Brlgand Hall, along wlth two Niskaru Blood-
Move along after speaklng to him. hunters waitlng tO greet you.
D]tRT=lid- EE}F[ThTniT-
As you investlgate, the unseen predator wlll finally make Itself known When flghtlng Bloodhunters, a qulck weapon llke Daggers or
toyou. lt ls a deadly Nlskaru Bloodhunter (and lfyou worked lt out Faeblades is preferable, slnce they have no Super Armor to protect
before thIS from the CIues, well done, a cookleforyou!). Itw"I at- them from Hit Stun, and so can be combo'd endlessly wlth llttle
tempt to attack the remalning Hirellng wlth you, and unfortunately, chance of retallatlon. Defeating both of these Nlskaru is the last task
even lfyou defeatthe Niskaru before ltcan hurtthe Hlrellng, he or you wlll face on this Ill-fated patrol. Speak to Ost afterwards and he
shewlll die automatlcallyas soon as you defeatthe Niskaru. Speak wIIl gIVeyOu a mOnetaryreWard, and ask ifyOuWISh tOjOln hlm ln
to Ostafterthe battle, and hewlll tell you he must mourn the dead mvestlgating Brlgand Hall Caverns. Exlt the conversation before ac-
before resuming the huntforthe NISkaru. GIVe him some SPaCe aS ceptlng lf you don't want to start the next questjust yet, or accept lt
he attempts to pay tribute to the fallen, before glvlng up halfheart- to start the next part of theWarsworn story' the Heart of Slbun.
edly. i-a.LT' :3i
"'-i-- - C ----i
When you are ready' speak to Ost Ordure who is walting OutSlde Of Brigand Hall Caverns ln
Lorca-Bane ThIS IS a direct COntlnuatiOn from the PreVIOuS quest, and Involves you lnVeSti-
gatlng the source of the Nlskaru that are responslble for declmatlng your patrol. Follow Ost
Into the caverns when you're ready
Rememberthat any tlme you go Into a Cavern Or dungeon Such aS Brigand Hall (whICh
you will be doing often), there will always be an abundance Of Reagents foryou to col-
lect. Make sure you do, as collecting enough wlll allow you tO Unlock the GreenThumb
Brigand Hall Caverns is a trap-laden den of danger, so ralslng your Detect Hidden Sklll to
the polnt where you can at least disarm traps will be extremely useful The first room has a
corpse you can loot with a dangerous BearTrap next to lt, SO be Careful.
Afters llttle whlle, Ost wlll speak to you, telllng you about the dangers of Brlgand Hall The
door leadlng to the next area is sealed, but thanks to Ost's prevlous experlences ln the hall,
he will rememberthe trick to unlocklng lt, openlng the path forward. Once he has done so,
contlnue On tO Point O3.
As you move along thls path, Ost wlII stop to warn you of lmmlnent danger The path wllI
suddenly become Infested wlth traps, but Ost knows thelr whereabouts Look where he
steps and follow where he walks exactly, all the whlle keeplng an eye on the ground to
ensure you don't misstep. AIternatIVely, if you have raised the invaluable Detect HIdden SkIIl
enough, you can slmply dlsarm each of the traps yourself Move through the SplkeTraps,
belng especlally careful lf the lure of the Reagents proves too much and you slmply have to
collect them. Eventuallyyou will reach another door.
The doorwlll be sealed, and Ost thlnks you should do the dirty work and flnd an alternate
path toopen the doorfromtheothersldefor him Head leftandjumpdown to PolntO4, and
once agaln be careful wlth the leglons of traps awaltlng you down here Thls time you wlll
not have Ost to gulde you through them, so keep a vlgllant eye on the floor for Splke and
BearTraps. Whlle BearTraps can be rolled past, SpikelTaps cannot and wlll repeatedly knock
you back whenever you try
There are also powerful swlnging axes, which you obvlously cannot disarm, so roll through
these carefully Be wary when rolling through the second axe, as there are BearTraps rlght
behlnd lt.The slngle tripwlre wlll set off a BladeTrap set ln the wall, so elther disarm the
tripwlre, or set it off but then stop to let the blades from the wall pass by harmlessly.You
can also dlsarm the BladeTrap on the wall separately. F]ound the corner to flnd the leverthat
wlll let Ost through and open the door on your left, whlch will let you contlnue onwards
Thls wlll lead to a clearmg wlth several butchered Red Leglon thleves strewn about The
Nlskaru are responsible for the deaths, and a Bloodhunter will appear as you go further.
Dlspatch it, and then loot the bodles for treasure. Be sure to check the\^/eapon Fiacks before
leavlng the area, along with a chest, whlch ls behlnd some crates. Ost wlll ask you to lead
from here, so move on when you're ready
\^/hen you move through the next door, there wlll be a hlghly susplclous wall ln front of you
Of course, lt's more susplclous when you have ralsed your Detect Hidden (you should really
ralse thls Ablllty) Sk"I and can see on your radarthat it's actually a secret door, but I dlgreSS.
lnvestlgate it to open it lnslde you will find a verltable cornucopla of loot, so take what you
wlll and move on.
---_-_-- a -- --
mEN==- Brigand Hall Caverns
The path next to the secret door ls agaln populated wlth traps, so
watch out forthem. Eventually you'll come to another clearlng Wlth
more Fled LegIOn corpses. Loot them mercilessly and check out the
single \^/eapon Fiack before movlng on
Further on you'Il flnd the source of the NISkaru Presence - mageS
wielding chaos maglc they have llttle understandlng of. Defeat these
FahrlangI Cultists and Archmages quickly' concentrating on the
cultists first, While ordlnarIIy ln thIS SItuatIOn you WOuld take Out the
mages flrst to avold havlng to deal with their ranged attacks, once
you take out both archmages, the spells blndlng the Nlskaru Blood-
hunters near you wlll be undone and they wlll attack. Watch out Once all the enemies have been dealt with, search the area for
for the powerful tornado spells of the mages, and block with your loot.There are several corpses of the Red Legion here, along wlth
shleld lf you have to, as dodglng them wlth rolls can be tough. three treasure chests. Be careful of the last corpse on the rlght, as
there ls also a Flre Mine near lt. Once you've satISfled your hunger
Once you flnish off the Archmages, the Niskaru Bloodhunters wlII for loot, move on to the next area.You may also want to save your
escape and take the mlghty Ost Ordure by surprlse, stabblng hlm game now.
through the heart Thls ls one tale he won't be embellishing in the
tavern later Defeat the Bloodhunters and then loot the area, lncludlng
the corpse of the fallen Ost.There ls also a chest nearby, tothe left of
the stalrs leadlng to the door Go through the doorwhen you're done. Continue along the path untll you begin to hearthe mad ravlngs of a
desperate mage. Thls foolish Fahrlangl Archmage ls meddllng wlth
B]lw-i- forces far beyond hls meager comprehenslon, and soon pays for
lt wlth his llfe Unfortunately' his death wlll do nothlng to halt the
The next path ls once again a trap fllled one. lt features varlous advance of the huge mountaln of death that ls the NlskaruTyrant he
Mlnes, whlch wlll activate when you pass close to them lfyou're has summoned, leaving lt all up to you.
qulck, you can slmply run past them all and escape the blast radlus
before they detonate Carry on through the next door The NiskaruTyrant ls dangerous at both close and long-range, so be
careful wherever you are. At long-range, theTyrant wlll use a fireball
attack that ls qulck and tracks well, but can stlll be dodged lf you roll
DIITJr="=- at the last second. He wlll also run towards you and charge lf you
This area IS another former Fled Legion domiclle, now Inhabited stay at that distance for too long.Tryto use lee-based weapons to
by patrolling Fahrlangl Swordsmen lt offers a good opportunlty for explolt theTyrant's elemental weakness, and don't be afraid to use
stealth, as these swordsmen wlll elther be statlonary or patrolling potlons to increase your strength. Once you break theTyrant's Super
set routes, maklng it easy for you tO approach them from behind Armor, be absolutely relentless wlth your attacks, going Into your
unseen Once you engage one of them, a Nlskaru Bloodhunter lnventoryto swltch to a heavler hittlng weapon lf need be For more
wlll appear ln the area and begin attacklng the other swordsmen, detalled tactlcs on how to defeat the NlskaruTyrant, check out the
provldlng a handy distraction. Allow the Nlskaru to keep one of the Enemles Chapter.
swordsmen occupled whlle you concentrate on the others. When
they are defeated, you can flnlsh off the lone Nlskaru Bloodhunter. Oncethedeed is done, plck upthe HeartofSlbun, ananclent
Warsworn artefact thought to be safely locked away Don't forget to
check the chest nearby' as well as the plle close to the exlt Once
you,re satisfied/ leave the Brlgand Hall Caverns via the nearby exlt,
ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHYTIP then Fastll-avel back to Shieldrlng Keep.
You should take advantage of any opportunity for stealth kills
thatyou can find, even if yOu are not a Finesse type build, as
getting at least 20 Backstabs will net yoLJ theThey Never Saw
lt Comlng TTophy/Achievement Enter Shieldring Keep and speak toTlne Delfrlc. He wlll bestow upon
you the title of Pledgeshield, maklng you a fully-fledged member of
theWarsworn. Show hlm the Heart of Sibun to complete the quest.
----- a --
The Heart of Slbun ls a legendaryWarsworn of the Fahrlangi are statlonary and faclng
artefact that should have been safely locked away from you, allowlng for easy kllls.
away in the AnclentVault Its theft has
promptedTlne DelfrIC tO gIVe you your next
mlsslon: to vlslt the Castellan of Helmguard
Keep, Grlan Shane, to flnd out the status of There ls also one patrolllng ln the centre/
the AncientVault. and two converslng near hlm Take out the
patrolllng guard whIIe waitlng near one
Helmguard Keep ls located lnTala-Fiane, an of the plllars he passes.You wlll likely be
area ln the PlalnS Of ErathelI. It's qulte atrek seen now by the two remalning Fahrlangl/
lf you don't have any nearby FastTravel loca- although they wlll be easy to defeat wlthout
tlons available, so refer to the Area Gulde to their comrades to help them.
see what you WIII encounter if lt's your first
tlme VISitlng the Plains. r, Once they've been dealt wlth, you can rald
the Warsworn's treasured Vault for loot.
Once you get to Helmguard Keep' speak to There ls a chest near where the rlght-hand
Grlan Shane. He will tell you the locatlon of guard was patrolllng' along wlth two more
theVault and send Oathblade Gwyn Anwy at the rear of the bottom area. On the upper
ahead of you to guard lt and meet you there level, there are two loot plles at the rear/
Head to theVault next. along wlth a secret door on the left, whlch
has even more loot. Flnally, there is a locked
door on the rlght, WhICh you Can Pick. Inside
E»]ITJr=-=- is the flnal treasure chest. You've probably
The AncientVault is also located inTala- just stolen more stuff from theVault than
Fiane, to the south, along the path that the Fahrlangl themselves dld, good lob.
leads toTheWolds. Once you get there,
Gwyn Anwy wlll greet you by lamentlng Upon defeating the mages, Gwyn Anwy will
the fact that only a slngle Pledgeshield was flnd a key, llkelyto bea copyofthe onglnal.
sent to ald in such a grave matter, and then She wlll recommend returnlng to Helmguard
reveal that whlle lt was her solemn duty to Keep to report thls to Grlan Shane, so do
guard the AncientVault, she vlslted lt Once this now.
a fortnlght, ln other words, whenever she
could be bothered She wlll suggest that
you lnVeStlgate the interior Of theVault, so
follow her ln. Thls probably wasn't Gwyn's best Idea, as
when you return you'll find she has been
lalled. Grlan suspects her compllclty ln the
BILTJRI=- thefts, and the plot thlckens when you flnd
Inside you'll flnd that the Supposedly Secure she hasn't told Grian about the key you
Inner doors have been penetrated, and some found. Goand speakto Gwyn ln thejall
Fahrlangl have taken root wlthln.The central
chamber sllghtly ahead has some Fahrlangl
Cultlsts and Mages present, which you wlll Thls will unvell qulte a lotaboutthe state
have to dISPOSe Of, This is a good opportunlty of theWarsworn and her own past.You wll
to thin their numbers via stealth kIIIs; several have a few Persuaslon optlons when you
--- ae -i- -
speak to her.Wlnnlng the flrst allows you to find out how she truly Eventually, the absent-mlnded Gwyn wlll recall somethlng about a
feels about theWarsworn leadershlp, and unlocks the next Persua- key. After she gives lt to you, go back to Grian Shane and show hlm
slon option, more Information about her parents.Wlnning thls one the key Vlsltherroomtopick upthe rlng nowlfyou wlsh. ltwlll
will also convlnce Gwyn to trustyou enough to allowyou the use be marked on your map. Grlan will consent that the key ls Indeed a
of her mother's rlng, whlch ls located in the box near her bed. Of copy, and agree with Gwyn's suggestion to visit a master locksmith
course, you could have just stolen lt, but it's nice to have permlssion to determlne Its origin.The locksmlth ln questlon lsTarlon, and he ls
located lnTlrln's F]est ln Galafor. lf you don't have a closer FastlTavel
optlon, the quickest way there is to go north through the Forsaken
ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHYTIP Plaln and then east into Galafor.
Remember to always attempt every Persuasion dialogue op-
tion that you Can, even lf the rewards are meager. Succeeding
at 50 will unlock the AWInk And A Smiletrophy/Achievement.
EnterTarlon's home to find things eerlly qulet. Proceed Into his lab
at the rear of the building. Proceed along slightly unt" you hear the
shouts of some uncouth Fahrlangl Swordsmen There are three, and
they are here for the same reason you are, to seek outTarlon.
They won't have seen you lf you stop as soon as you hear thelr voic-
es and immedlately enter Stealth Mode From here, you can take
them out one by one via stealth kills before they see you coming.
Once you have dealt wlth them,Tarlon hlmself wlll emerge from hid-
ing Speakto hlmto unvellthetruth thatthe key ls indeeda copy,
and he created lt The request to make lt came from a Pledgeshield
named Fenan.With this invaluable lnfOrmatlOn, It'S time tO return tO
Helmguard Keep. Before you go, check out the two treasure chests
ln this area, and if you want askTarion to educate you ln the flne art
of thievery, also known as Lockplcklng.
Onyour return, flnd Grian Shane and Inform hlm ofthetruth. Hewlll
take Immediate actlon and apprehend Pledgeshleld Fenan, and you
wlll complete the quest.
ife I- warswomvault
I _/ -J I + _/ +}
After the revelatlons of the last quest, Livlan Fenan ls captured and ln jell Grian Shane wants
you to bethe onetoquestlon her, sogoand listen towhatshe hastosay.
Fenan is full of regret and ready to confess She will reveal that her nalvet6 led herto believe
the words of one EIbln Meroch, a man clalmlng tO be from the AIfar army and wIShing tO
end the war wlth theTuatha by uslng the weapons stored ln the AnclentVault Fieport to
Grlan Shane afteryou're done He wlll next order you to pursue EIbln Meroch, and extract
whatever information from hlm that you Can.
EIbln Can be found conspicuously south of the actual army's encampment, in theTyw"i
Coast, south of F]athlr.You should be able to at least FastTravel toTlrln's F\est lf you have
nowhere closer, based on the events of the prevlous quest. From here, you can head east
towards Rathlr and then SOuth Into theTywllI Coast.
lf you select any dlalogue option other than the Persuasion one, an unavoldable battle will
ensue agalnst Elbln and hls gang. Defeatlng them will prompt Elbin to splll the beans, and
explaln that a character by the name of Mad Harst is the mastermlnd behlnd the plot to steal
the Warsworn artefacts.
However, if you wln the Persuaslon optlon against Elbin, he wlll believe that you are m on
the plot and reveal the same lnformatlon without havlng to be beaten senseless Overall/
lt's probably worth havlng the flght anyway, for the potentlal loot and experience you wlll
get from defeatlng hls llttle frlends, not to mentlon the satlsfactlon you will get from smack-
Ing around a Character With Such an annOylng VOICe.
lf you choose to fight, you will start off at a dlsadvantage as Elbln's four allles are already
surroundlng you. As soon as posslble, try to slngle out one of them, attacking him away
from his allles. lf one of the others attempts to attack you, be ready to cancel your attack
by guardlng and parrylng the oncomlng attack, glvlng yourself some breathing room.
Whlchever method you choose, your next stop will be F]athlr and the area under the Cus-
toms House, where Mad Harst ls supposedly based. However, you wlll need a password to
gain access, so head to the Customs House now to try to glean it.
Once you enter the grand clty of Fiathlr and make your way to the Customs House, you
have several options avallable to try to gain access to the Catacombs where Harst ls
entrenched. Before you do any of them though, lt's worth headlng to the Storeroom, whlch
is an unguarded room houslng one of the blggest stashes of loot and treasure ln the game,
Taklng any of lt does not count as stealing and it ls freely available, however, almost all of the
chests are locked with average to very hard levels of securlty Yt)u may want to return here
wlth a plle of Lockplcks, or after you have ralsed your Lockplcklng ablllty.
To get hold of the password, you have a few optlons.You can go directlyto the secret grill ln
the basement, and try to bluff your way Into the Catacombs lf you wln the Persuasion chal-
lenge, the not so sawy guard behlnd the grlll wlll open the secret path to the Catacombs and
let you stralght through. However, lf you attempt to guess the password, the guard wlll grow
suspiclous and summon some of his fellow Fahrlangi to sllence you.Yt)u can defeatthem
and head through the secret path that they have convenlently opened for you.The enemy
composltion ls made up of a Cultlstand two mages, nothlng particularly dlfficult i-A
You also have another optlon. OnethTansand, the glorlfled receptlonlst behlnd the counter of
the Customs House, ls quite the corrupt offlclal. He knows the password, and for a frankly
extortlonate amount of gold, he wlll tell you what lt ls Alternatlvely' you can threaten hlm
wlth grlevous bodily harm and win the Persuasion challenge to flnd bollcal plan, namely that he works for someone named Lord Besln
it out for free. lf you choose to learn the password thls way' talk to andthat he has fled to Eamonn's Isle. Nowthat he has outlived his
the grill agaln andyou will havetheoptlonto use it. usefulness, begln the battle versus Harst, who ls accompanled by a
slngle Cultist, a Nlskaru Bloodhunter, and a powerful Archmage
D]LTJr=li]- lf you have your Reckoning meter full, actlvate lt and target Harst
Howeveryou choose to do it, eventually you wlll gain access to and the Archmage.Thelr powerful magic IS Very damaging and
the Catacombs Thls area is sparsely populated by more Fahrlangi/ removlng that threat ls the prlority. Outslde of reckonlng mode, you
most of whlch can be dealtwlth easily via stealth.The flrst one you should try to use the terraln ln thls area to your advantage to block
encounter ls a lone FahrlangI Cultlst patrolling. Walt untll hIS back off the mages line of slght.There are two large rock pillars at one
is turned kill him.There is also a chest here; however that area also end of the room, stay near these and try to keep them between you
hldesa trIO Of Giant Ratsthatare lylng in Walt.There ISa PalrOf and the mages at all times so thelr maglc attacks cannot reach you.
BearlTaps, whICh you Can lure them Into. Once everything has been Take out the Niskaru and CultISt While flghtlng here, and then move
dealt with, loot the chest and move on. out to take out the mages afterwards
Once the battle is over, search the room.There's another area that
BIl'Jrm- has some more of those sneaky Glant Rats, but no treasure chest
Further on ls another lone patrolllng Fahrlangl Cultist, begglng to be this time.There are two treasure chests elsewhere in the room
stealth kllled. Obllge him, and then search the nearby area fortwo though, along wlth aWhirlpool you can raid. Once you're done, head
more hidden Glant Fiats, a BearTrap and another treasure chest. out through the water and up the ladder back to Rathlr Jump down
Further down the path ls yet another patrolling Cultist, wait for hls and head on over to the Quays to meet up wlth Gwyn.Tell her about
back to turn and silence him forever. Besln, and she will give you your reward for completlng thls quest
ln the next room you'll flnd a group of two Fahr!angi Swordsmen
and a Fahrlangl Cultlst.Whlle they will be unaware of your presence,
ltwlll be harderto stealth klll all three, duetothem being in each
other's flelds of vlslon and being statlonary.Try to stealth klll at least
one of the swordsmen before flghtlng the other two. ln the back of
thls room there ls .you guessed it, more hldden Glant Fiats, Bear
Trapsand a Hldden Lootstash ln a plleof rocks. Haveyourflll, and
then move on.
The next room houses Harst, who is ready and waltlng for you You
may want to save here, as there wlll be a major battle. Speak to
Harst, and llkeall goodvillains, hewlll glve upthe detailsofhlsdla-
-- -- a --.-,--
I _ .,I . ` -, _ -.i
-- 448 --
The final room ln the Fortress ls the Chapel of the Firstsworn, a
treasure trove of anclentWarsworn knowledge, rlch ln the lore of
Eagonn and Eamonn.The room will first appearto be empty' but as
you move in, a Nlskaru Bloodhunter and Fahrlangi Mage will spawn
and attack you.Try to keep one of the alcove walls between you and
the Mage, so hls spells can't hlt you. Defeatlng these two will lead
to another Bloodhunter and Mage spawning; use the same tactics
on them.
The final wave is the most dangerous.You wlll be faced with three
Cultists, a Mage and an Archmage.They wlll spawn from all around
you, but retreatlng to one of the alcoves ls still a good idea, as thls
w"I create a bottleneck and protect you to some extent from the
Mages. At thls point ln the battle, it can be worthwhile entering
Fieckonlng Mode to make short work of the remaining Fahrlangi and
net a large amont of XP in the process.
Gwyn wlll piece together the truth based on the evidence around
her; namely, that Besln wlshes to do what the Mage Fahrlang could
not; summon the Nlskaru Lord, Khamazandu.The ancient tales of
theWarsworn say that he can only be stopped by using the Mystic
Hammer, forged by Eagonn hlmself for his son Eamonn. Discover-
lng this, Gwyn decldes that you must report back toTlne Delfric at
Shieldring Keep' so exit the Fortress now.
youractivities, and will tell you more about Besin, including his un-
Jump down from your high exlt pointand go back to the shlp.You will natural obsession with the Niskaru. Delfric will explaln that the Mystlc
llkely be ambushed again by some comblnatlon of Splders or Crudoks Hammer ls ln Eagonn'sTomb, and that onlyan Oathblade level mem-
here, so be careful. Speak to Gonthorm when you,re ready to leave, beroftheWarsworn may access lt. And so, he w"I bestow upon you
but be warned that you won't ever be able to return here, so ensure the rank of Oathblade, as well as glving you the keywhich will letyou
you do everything you need to before leaving. Fastll.avel all the way access many of the Warsworn's most sacred places.The next stop is
back to Shleldrlng Keep and speak toTine Delfrlc. He ls aware of all Eagonn'sTomb, but for now this Quest ls concluded.
- -- a ---i---
` __ : _) .. _ :
After speaklng WIthTIne DelfrIC, It'S tlme tO Set Off tO the SOuth Of the Faelands, and into
Detyre.ThIS iS quite a trek lf you dOn't have any CIose FastTravel locatIOnS aVaIIable, but lf
you're completlng these Factlon quests concurrently wlth maln quests, your natural progres-
sIOn Wlll soon take you Into Detyre.
Eagonn'sTomb IS located in the narrow Pass COnneCtlng AIserund andThe HoIIowlands.
Make your way south into AIserund and head towards the pass
Eagonn'sTomb IS exactly that; a simple shrlne tO the legendary warrIOr. Walk towards the
tomb slowly and prepare yourself. for absolutely nothlng. For once, there ls no ambush or
sudden enemies spawning all overyou, just a simple case of grave robbery Take what's left
of the MystIC Hammer and loot the two other treasure chests in the room before moving on.
The next stop IS lrOnfaSt Keep/ the last of theWarsworn strongholds Gwyn Anwy is there,
desperately searchlng for lnformatlon on the Mystlc Hammer and how lt mlght be used.
Ironfast Keep ls in Menetyre, to the southeast. Once you get there, you,ll flnd Gwyn ln
the llbrary Show herthe remains of the Mystlc Hammer, and shewlll explain that Eagonn
forgedthe legendaryweapon lnthe Hall of the Flrstsworn She wlll tell youto meet her
there, and then leave in a hurry. Head overto the Hall of the Firstsworn next, whICh IS Still in
Menetyre, to the south.
At the Hall Gwyn will explaln that she left ln such a hurry, because her mother was last seen
leavlng for this Very hall. lf you wlsh, you can now learn more of hertragic past, as she wlll
flnally be readyto reveal everythlngTo galn access tO the mythICaI Forge where Eagonn
supposedly forged the Hammer, Gwyn will explaln that you WIII need to flnd a Secret Pas-
sage, so get ready to begin explorlng
Thls flrst room has two paths. the southern one wlll be sealed by a maglcal door, so head
east. A slngle Kobold Fiogue patrols thls area, but you can use the short slde passage just
before hlm towaltfOrhlm tO PaSSandthen Stealth kill him lfyOu dO klII him sllently, heWIII
be unable to alert the group of Kobolds in the next area There ls also a chest c)n along the
northern wall.
The next area features a palr of Kobolds and another palr of Kobold Rogues congregated
together. It can be tough to stealth klll them slnce they are all so close together, but uslng a
large Area of Effect attack here can cause substantlal damage before the Kobolds even have
a chance to move. Once you have dlsposed of the Kobolds, move on after lootlng the chest
that was lust ln front of them.
Thls point ls a large room populated bythree Kobolds, two Kobold F3ogues and a Kobold
Nlghtblade. \^/hlle there are some low walls here that you can hlde behlnd ln wait for a
Kobold to pass by, clearlng this area vla stealth ls not likely. Once the battle does start, try
to target the Nlghtblade, as it ls the blggest threat. Once you're done, there won't be any-
thlng else of note in thls room, so carry on through the door
The next area has a Kobold Nightblade and three regular Kobolds.The Nightblade and one
of the Kobolds will be patrolling' so walt for the Nlghtblade to separate from the rest of the
Kobolds and take hlm out lt doesn't really matter lf you get spotted whlle doing so, as the
remaining Koboldswon't pose much ofa problem Klll them all, andthen move ontothe
--- = ----
As soon as you enterthe next room, you wlll be set upon by a slngle Yt)u will be repelled by a mystlcal, unseen force, and somewhere
FiockTroll Fiemember thatTrolls are reslstant to most types of ln the afterllfe Eagonn will laugh atyou as you fall flat on your face.
attacks, so you are better off flghtlng from a dlstance while Gwyn Gwyn wlll next attempt to open the door, desplte havlng watched
flghts thelToll up close, distractlng it. Attack it from long range untll you fall not moments ago. Predlctably, she wlll also be repelled
you see that theTroll has lost Its SuperArmor, and is recolllng from At this polnt, Gwyn wlll lmmedlately give uP and CIaim that the
attacks. As soon as thls happens, go steamlng in with your most whole endeavor ls polntless and Impossible and you may as well go
powerful melee weapon. Once lt re-establishes Its Super Armor, go home now. Before you do however, a volce wlll speak out from the
back to long range attacks Eventually' lt will go down. darkness, perhaps that of Eagonn hlmself. lt will tell you that only
those who have mastered fate can proceed beyond thls polnt.Thls
Thls room has several exlts.The western route wlll take you to your of course counts out Gwyn, but not you. Move closer and Fateshlft
objectlve and the end of the quest, however, golng thls way will seal the hell out of the door. lt will open and grant you (and by relation,
the door behind, meanlng you'll have to go all the way around lf you Gwyn) access, so proceed through it
wlsh to come back to explore the other routes. As such, you should
check those out before golng west.The northern route will lead to
a room wlth two Kobolds, a Kobold Savage, and two Barghests, the
southern route to four Kobolds and a slngle Kobold Savage.There ls The bodlless volce wlll Inform you that the Hammer must be reforged/
actually nothing else ln thls room, but lt might be worth kllling the and that the mystical Forge lies ahead, so continue along the corridor
Kobolds lf you are desperate for the expenence or the chance of a until you come to lt.Toss the remalns of the Mystlc Hammer Into
decent drop' or are just an lnsatlable killer Vlaskar's flery Forge, and reclalm lt, all shlny and new. Afterwards, be
sure to ransack the two chests that are in the corners of the room.
D_I_I'Tri=- Speaklng to Gwyn, will reveal how Impressed and moved she ls by
When you're ready to move on, go back to Polnt 09 and through the seelng the newly forged Mystic Hammer. She will then go on to
western path.You wlll come across a corpse, which unfortunately say that the next step ls to destroy the Nlskaru Lord's Crown - an
for Gwyn, ls the elder Mrs. Anwy, Gwyn's mother.\^/hile Gwyn pays ephemeral emanatlon of the Nlskaru Lord's own belng, whlch wlll
her respects and laments how close her mother came wlthout actu- soon translate into hlm enterlng the real world Only the Mystlc
ally accompllshlng anything, try to go through the door ahead Hammer can destroy the Crown, so the next stop ls the mountaln
prison FinISh the conversation tO complete thIS quest.
--- -a - -
" |¢ ___'L:a, b.iJ; I \u I,,_I,'1J9
Gwyn Anwy has gone to gather relnforcements, and has asked you to meet her outside
Cloudcrest, the mountain where the Nlskaru Lord ls sealed, and where Besln has no doubt
gone. CIoudcrest IS at the SOuthern edge Of The Hollowlands, whICh IS falrly easily reached
from your current locatlon of Menetyre, assuming you have started thIS quest rlght after
completlng the last one.
Once you get there, you'll find that Gwyn has managed to rustle up an lmpresslve two extra
people, although one of them is Grlan Shanel so lt lsn,t all bad. Gwyn will explaln that Besln/
somewhat impresslvely, has cut his own path through the mountaln, and that ls the path
you will betaking Follow her ln
The path before you wlll spllt as soon as you enter the mountaln.The western path ls slmply
the route you wlll come back from when you leave Cloudcrest, so you can leave explorlng
that untll later (although a Niskaru Bloodhunter may round the corner and see you anyway/
forcing you to fight).The eastern path is the way you need to go, so do that now.
The flrst room wlth enemles you come to wlll feature two Fahrlangl Cultlsts and two Mages.
Whlle they are all ln prlme posltlon to be stealth kllled, slnce they are all stationary and fac-
lng away from you, your bone-headed allies will choose to go ln guns blazlng as soon as you
execute your first stealth kill, so you'll have to resort to flghtlng them normally lt should be a
short fight with your allles in tow. I I I
Contlnue along and the path wlll eventually split agaln.Taklng the northern path wlll lead to
a room wlth a treasure chest ln lt, guarded by four Fahrlangl.They conslst of two Cultlsts, a
Mage, and an Archmage. Stealth wlll be impossible here, as they are all facing the entrance.
Naturally, you should target the Archmage and Mage, although slnce you have a couple of
distractlons with you, lt's worth walting for them to select thelr targets flrst, and then attack-
lng whoever ls left, ensurlng you won't have to deal wlth multlple enemies at once. Once
you've looted the chest, head backto the split and take the southern route.
As you get to the next area, some more Fahrlangi with a death wlsh wlll come running Into
the area, wlth the usual team of two Cultlsts and two Mages. Let your allies engage them
first, forclng them to stop thelr advance, and then support your team from the rearwlth
long-range attacks, uslng them as shields against the Mages' attacks when needed (it's all
good, they're lnvlnclble). Once they've been dealt wlth, check out the southeast wall for a
HIdden Loot pIIe.
The next room doesn't have much of anythlng ln lt except for some F]eagents, so move on.
Along the path afterthis ls a small slde passage that has another Hidden Loot pile, so check
thls out before proceedlng
The next room features a single Niskaru Hunter/ but lf you go runnlng ln, a Fahrlangl Mage,
Archmage and Swordsman wlll soon join him. However, if you enterthe room ln Stealth
Mode, only the Mage will loln the battle.You can then attack the Archmage and the Swords-
man afterwards, while they wait patiently in the corrldorjust after the room
Move along after you've defeated them, and you'll come across the first of the plllars
that represent Khamazandu's Crown. As you reach lt, you'll come under attack from three
Fahrlangi Swordsmen and an Archmage that enter the room from behlnd you.Your allles
wlll remaln here to hold them off, but you may as well help to steal the experlence and any
potential loot.
Destroying the plllars representlng the Crown ls as slmple as equip-
ping the Mystic Hammer and strlklng the plllarwlth lt once, causlng The next plllarwlll have two Nlskaru Hunters defendlng lt Concen-
lt tO Crumble. All other weapons WIII bounce off, so just equIP the trate on attacklng one, and watching for the other one to attack
hammerto destroythe pillar and then go back to whateverweapon When it does, cancel your attack with a block and parry the attack,
you preferto use. Once you've destroyed thIS flrSt Pillar, go through and use the knockback from the parry to go back to attacking the
the gap it leaves and head up to CIoudcrest Peak. first Hunter until it is defeated. Make sure not to use the Finisher
attack forwhichever weapon you are usmg' as thls cannot be can-
celled wlth a block and will leave you very vulnerable, especially if
Drm"rm- using the Mystic Hammer Destroythese Nlskaru and thelr plllar and
Up on the Peak, the next pillarwlll be directly ahead of you along the move on to the next one.
path Proceed and be readyto deal wlth a Niskaru Hunterspawnlng
to defend the pillar.You maywantto use the Mystic HammerforthIS
area, as lt ls very strong agalnst Nlskaru, which wlll be commonplace
durmg thls segment of the quest. Klll the hunter, and then check out As you may have flgured out by now, the nextformatlon of Nlskaru
the small path to the left of the pillar, where you can flnd a corpse wlll be two Bloodhunters.The prlnclple ls the same as dealing wlth
you can loot. Do so, and then destroythe p"Iar before contlnuing. the two Hunters, exceptthe Bloodhunters are stronger. Use a few
potIOnS if you need tO, but Save your F3eckonlng meter When you're
done, destroythe plllarand move on.
As soon as you do, the next pillar will be vlslble a llttle further ahead,
complete with a more powerful Nlskaru Bloodhunter. lf you are
uslng the Mystic Hammer, its slow swlngs often lose to the speed The flnal plllar lsactuallyonlydefended bytwo Hunters, sotake care
of the Niskaru lf you try tO attack flrSt. Wait for the Bloodhunter to of them.There is alsoa Hidden Loot plle ln the cornerjust before the
attack flrst and go for a parry' leading to huge guaranteed damage pillar, so loot itand then destroythe plllar You wlll wantto savethe
from the Hammer. Destroy thIS PIIlar and move on. game now, asyou are aboutto progress totheflnal battlewith Besln
D][TIRIE[- to get some dlstance from the enemles and and the hit stun from your attacks wlII keep
Besln IS COnjurlng uP deVIIlsh manifesta- avold being Surrounded. Keep your Fieckon- hlm locked down endlessly. He may stlll
tions wlth hls followers, so go and crash lng Mode ln reserve forwhen you begln manage to summon one ortwo Bloodhunt-
the party. Besln wlll be lndlgnant wlth yc)ur to flght Besin.You can afford to take some ers, but whlle yOu're in Reckonlng Mode
interference ln hls plans, but plcklng the top damage here as long as you keep Fieckonlng thelr speed is hardly a threat and you can
dlalogue optlon firstwlll give you access to Mode free for Besln. Use the space avail- take them down too. Fateshift Besln to end
a Persuaslon challenge Wlnning it wlll reveal able to you to spread the enemles out, and hIS PathetIC dreams Of conquest. 1->)
that Besin is not in as much control of events avold the long-range attacks of the Mages.
as he believes, and ls slmplyan Instrument Watch out for the long-range lumping stabs lfyou don't have Fieckoning mode avall-
for Khamazandu's wlll, much as Fahrlang of the Cultists though, they'll use lt lf you able or choose not to use it forwhatever
was in the past. lfyou plckthe loweroptlon keep your distance. reason, then the flght WIIl of course go down
first or if you exhaust all other dialogue op- dlfferently Besin hlmself lsn't much of a
tIOnS,thebattleWlll begln. i>f 31 Once you've taken care of hls cronles, Besin threat and acts more as support The three
hlmself wlll teleport down and engage you. Bloodhunters he summons are extremely
Besln hlmselfwlll not be Involved initially, and As soon as he does, he will taunt you before dangerous however. He wlll use long range
will just teleport to the rear, near Khama- summonlng three Niskaru Bloodhunters to dark maglc attacks, whlch ls essentially a
zandu's seal.You WIII have to defeat his fol- ald him. As soon as he teleports, actlvate slngle tracking orb of dark energy, to attack
lowers to get to hlm.They are comprlsed of F]eckonlng Mode and start walllng away. you from afar whIIe his Bloodhunters keep
two Archmages and three Cultlsts. As soon Use your most powerful weapon and attack you occupled. Should you damage them
as the fight starts, move backwards to try relentlessly' as Besln has no SuperArmor enough, Besln can also heal them toe sub-
---.-_ a- -----
"!?~"( r:.M!+<*¬i> TheWarsworn 08 - The Mountain Prison
stantial degree. Not onlythat, but as soon talk to Gwyn afterwards, or Khamazandu will construe thls as you sldlng wlth the Warsworn
as you defeat all three Bloodhunters, Besin Assumlng you refused Khamazandu's offer, he will be done wlth you and no longer be recep-
will simply summon three more, and he can tive to your attempts at dlalogue. Leave and speak to Gwyn Anwy, who is waitlng nearby.
do this endlessly She will be ln awe atyour heroic deeds, and wlll tell you that she and other members of the
Warsworn wlll be awaitlng you lateratthe Hall of the Flrstsworn.Takeyour leave, and make
All thls essentlally means that flghtlng the your way off the peak and back into Cloudcrest.
Bloodhunters is pointless, and you should
concentrate on Besin himself.This is easier
said than done with three Bloodhunters
breathing down your neck. Never before wlll When you get back into Cloudcrest, you,ll notice the path to the north ls no longer blocked,
the parry be as useful as lt ls now. Concen- and the shortcut back to the entrance is available. Head towards lt, and jump down once.
trate on attacklng Besln, and watch for an Then turn around, and look forthe Loot P"e behind you. Before jumplng down to the next
incoming attack from the Bloodhunters. As area, wait for a moment.
soon as you see lt, cancel your attack wlth a
block and parry, which wlll stun your nearby
enemies and glve you more tlme to attack
Besln. lf possible, try to use lee effects on lfyou nevercleared this area on yourway up Cloudcrest, lt wlll stlll be populated by ene-
the Bloodhunters, to slow down their ac- mles.Yt)u can stay up at thls higher positlon and attack the enemles belowwlth Longbows or
tlons conslderably. Sorcery if you wish.Therewlll be two Fahrlangl Mages and two Cultlsts below You may have
a llttle difflcultyflndlng the correct place to stand to be able to target the enemles, but it can
As a Might user, you should try to use F]elent- be done.Try standlng to the right or left of thejump polnt and aiming from there.Watch out
less Assault and attack Besln, rushlng hlm so forthe Mages flreball attack, as thls can reach you lfyou stand too close to the edge,
he goes down as fast as posslble. Sorcery
users should use lee elementweapons and Howeveryou choose to dlspose of these enemles, take them out and then loot the treasure
maglc to slow down the Bloodhunters, givlng chest that is nearby. lf you dldn't take lt earller, there wlll also be another treasure chest down
you more time to attack Besln and making the passageway towards the entrance along the southern wall.There wlll also llkely be a
parrytlmlng easler. Flnesse users can try to Niskaru Bloodhunter here, so take lt out on your way
lay down some traps to keep the Bloodhunt-
ers at bay, and cancel attack strings into
evasive rolls to get away from them to keep
pressure on Besln Once you've exiled Cloudcrest, FastTravel back to the Hall of the Firstsworn. Go stralght
ahead, through the now open maglc door leadlng to the Forge.There you wlll find many hlgh-
Once you've defeated hlm, things will get rankingWarsworn lined up to greetyou, in a manner reminlscent of the end scene from a
really interesting. Khamazandu will speak certain movie franchise. All that is leftto do is bask in theiradulation asTine Delfric bestows
to you, and curse Besln for his weakness. upon you the hallowed rank ofTruesworn, whlch will also glve you theTwist of Fate of the
He will also have an interesting offer for same name. Soak in the glory as your\^/arsworn adventures drawto a close However, lfyou
you. Khamazandu w"I glve you the option chose to take up Khamazandu on hls offer earller, then read on..
of becomlng hls Instrument of vengeance/
brlnging his wrath to those who dared to
foil hls plans. He wlll grant you various gifts
lf you choose to do this, culminating in a
Twist of Fate that grants you +10% Physical
Damage, +1 to Mlght abllltles, and +5O/o Flre
Damage. Should you choose to take hlm
up on hls offer, the Mountain Prlson quest
will end here, andyouwlll moveontoan op-
tlonal extra quest, whlch ls detalled below.
- - a __-
Before even accepting thls quest of pure evil, there are a few thlngs you should know There
are some costly consequences of commlttlng such despicable acts ln Khamazandu's name.
Firstly, dolng thlS quest W"I result in the deaths of several key characters, as well as makmg
the entlreWarsworn clan your enemles for llfe. As a result, any quests relatlng to these
characters or the Warsworn wlll immedlately become unavallable, or lf you've started them
already' they will lmmedlately fall. AIso, maklng an enemy of all theWarsworn means they
wlll attack you wherever they see you, and allWarsworn strongholds and the facllitles they
offerwIIl become off-limits to you. In addltIOn, accepting thIS quest WIII end the Mountaln
Pnson quest prematurely' meanlng you wlll not be able to get theTrueswornTwist of Fate.
lf you deem the costworthy' then sell your soul and accept Khamazandu's offer and hIS
vague promises of glfts.Your first task may be the most cold-blooded one; your ally of sever-
al quests, comrade ln arms andWarsworn compatrIOt, Gwyn Anwy' must dle byyOur hands
Gwyn ls conveniently waltlng nearby. Go and speak to her, and before you even have the
chance to attack, she wlll reallze that you have betrayed everythlng you and the Warsworn
have fought for, and will move to attack you of her own accord
Gwyn isn't much of a threat. Her defense ls weak, but she has good melee range wlth her
spear.You wlll be famlliar at deaIIng Wlth SPearWielding opponents by nOWthankS tO all the
Fahrlangi Cultists you've dISPOSed Of, SO She ShOuldn't pose too much of a problem ;->L _ '¬j
After defeatlng her, Khamazandu wlll tell you the Helm worn by Besin is nowyours, your
flrSt gift ThIS iS SOmethlng Of a raw deal slnCe you COuld have just looted Besln's body and
taken the helm wlthout Khamazandu's permlsslon, but whatever Take the Helm and recelve
your next instructIOnS.
Your next taskwlll be no mean feat You must kill the Castellans and other hlgh-ranklngWar-
sworn members. Unfortunately' you can't do thls one at a tlme; all yourtargets wlll be ln one
place, lronICaIIy' to honor you ThIS means yOu'll have to klII them all at once, and each one
of them IS a POWerful foe. If you don't already have lt, It iS highly recommended that you flll
you Fieckonlng bar before you begln the battle by defeating other enemies before you go to
Leave Cloudcrest Peak and head back towards the entrance of Cloudcrest. See the prevlous
quest for detalls on thls, as there is some treasure and some enemles you may have to deal
wlth on your way out.
FastTravel to the Hall of the Flrstsworn, and then prepare yourself. Go lnSlde, and travel
stralght through tO the Forge.There, you wlII flndTIne Delfrlc, Grlan Shane, Sverrl Kura, Ode
Celfred and two hlgh-ranklng Oathblades waltlng for you The ceremony to honor you WIII
have to walt though, aS SOOnTine DelfrIC WIll become SUSPICIOUS.There will be no opportu-
nity for subterfuge unfortunately' as the blood on your hands and the betrayal ln your eyes
wlll tell theWarsworn all they need to know, and the battle wlll begln ln earnest
\^/hlle the Path ahead Of you IS Sealed, you can actually retreat all the way back to the
entrance lf you need to, and even leave the hall. lf you do, theWarsworn wlll stop pursulng
you, but they wlII just return to thelr Orlglnal posltIOnS near the Forge, so you wlll have to go
back to face them all eventually. However, retreat lf the battle IS becoming dire and you need
time to recover.
Hopefully, you w"I have a full Reckonlng bar when the battle beglnS, WhlCh WIII help Immensely.
Thankfully, none of theWarsworn have ranged attacks, although Ode and the two Oathblades
are equlpped wlth SPearS, SOWatCh OutfOrthe leaplng attackthat has good range Sverrl, Grlan
andTIne all wleld Greatswords, and are generally quite slow and have poor range.
- - -e --i
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After you've flnished the bloody deed, Khamazandu wlll once agaln
communicate with you, praislng your murderous performance He
wlll instruct you to retrieve the Warsworn Vault Key' and take the
Heart of Sibun from the AncientVault. Loot the bodies, and take
the key from the lifeless Grian Shane.
FastTravel to the \^/arsworn Vault, and enter. lf you mISSed any trea- The HeartofSlbun ls located on the upper floor, ln a room tothe
sure on your prevIOuS VISIT, now IS a good time tO gO looting. After southwest, restlng on a table Take lt, and complete the quest.You
all, lt's not as lfthere's anyWarsworn around to stop you won't get any gold or experience for completing thls quest, but you
wlll earn yourself Forsworn Twist of Fate, and a lifetlme of hatred
from the rest of the Warsworn_
I--:- -= -- -_
The House of Sorrows is a division of theWinter Fae that serve to revere the natural
decay and death of all things. Originally formed by theWeeping King/ and based in the
once sacred area of Klurikon known asThe Midden, they are now led by Bisarane, a
Foe that has caused much controversy concerning his leadership.
" Rl-I, L, k + . .
The quest glver, Blsarane, is located on the path leadlng to Foes' Hearth, a locatlon you will
llkely be heading towards durlng the Sllence Falls maln quest. Bisarane wlll meet you on
either path leadlng out of Cursewood, dependlng on the way you choose to go Blsarane
won't appear untll you get close to the path, and will automatlcally speak to you when you
He will explain that he represents the House of Sorrows, and that they are struggllng before
the Insidious Gadflow and theTuatha assault. He wlll have heard of your reputatlon as the
Siege Breaker of Mel Shenshir, and will requestyour ald. lf you accept, Blsarane will then
Inform you thatyou must flrst undergo a test to prove yourworth to the House of Sorrows.
He will glve you the Heartstone, which grants you access to the Provlng Halls, where you
wlll undergo your test.
The Proving Halls are located lnThe Mldden; sojust contlnue east after meetlng Blsarane to
get there. Once you arrIVe, yOu'Il find a door that can only be opened using the Heartstone
that was glven to you After going through, the door will be locked, forclng you to complete
this quest to reach the exlt.
A little further in, Bisarane wlll communICate With you through a Crystal, teIIIng you that he
will be observlng all yourwords and actlons as you proceed through the hall. lt doesn't mat-
ter which dlalogue optlon you pick, they all lead to the same outcome.
Right away a mob of enemles wlll spawn in the lmmedlate area lt,s a dangerous group,
comprised of twoAnclent Leanashes and a Crudok Use the wlde expanse of the room to
stay away from the Crudok at all tlmes, and always watch out for its multiple polson spit
attack, whlle you concentrate on ellmlnatlng the Leanashes. lf the poison ball catches up to
you before lt dlsappears, keep blocking untll you've absorbed all three hlts.
\^/hen they are low on health, the Leanashes can charge Into you and steal your health, so
be sure to block this or roll out of the way. Once the Leanashes are down, take yourtime
wlth the Crudok. Its leaplng attack from long-range ls very powerful so roll out of the way
when lt uses lt There ls a chest ln thls room also, on topofa steep hlll, whlch you can leap
off of Loot the chest and then move on to the next area, going through the door.
As soon as you enterthe room, a\Mnter Fee namedTalbreah wlll run over to you, rantlng
about a beast attacklng her.Talk to her, but you should know that whlchever optlons you
pick, the forthcomlng battle ls inevitable. Now four Boggart Zealots and an Ettln Warpriest
will run Into the room and immedlately attackTalbreah
UseTaibreah as a distraction to take out the enemies with ease.Though she is invincible,
she can be temporarlly lncapacltated. Concentrate on the Ettln Warprlest, whlleTalbreah can
still provide an adequate dlstractlon. Watch out for the warpriest's AOE attack, where he wlll
-..--- -a - -:
plant his Hammerln the ground Roll backwardstoavold lt. He has a moral d"emma to face here. Cadoroc wlshes for death, should you
a masslve amount of SuperArmor, so attempt to break thls whlle put hlm Out Of hlS mlSery?The PersuasIOn OPtIOn here Will reveal
Talbreah iS Still around. After defeating the Ettln WarprleSt, the Bog- that Bisarane ls the one who polsoned Cadoroc. Make your cholce,
gart Zealots are easily dealt wlth, although you should stlll be wary and be sure to check out the chest in the corner of the room before
of thelr self-destruct move, whlch can do massive damage. Before movlng On.
leavlng this area, be sure to empty the contents of the chest.
BFriEF- ln the next room, Bisarane agaln questlons the motlvatlon behind
ln the nextarea, you wlll onceagaln speakto Blsarane through the your declslons There ls another Persuaslon option avallable, whlch
use of a crystal. He wlll question your motlves regardlng savlng will reveal the House of Sorrows' need for new blood ln the battle
Taibreah and kllling the Ettln.There is a PersuasIOn OPtIOn here, but agalnst theTuatha, After the conversatlon, you will lmmedlately be
succeedlng at lt WIII only grant you a small amount of experience under attack by three Boggart Zealots and an Anclent Leanashe
and a llttle inslght into BISarane'S Intentions regardlng the trlal.
Bisarane wlll tell you about a polsoned Fae further ahead, and that Try to concentrate on battllng the Boggarts whlle keeplng the
your encounter wlth hlm IS Part Of the trlaI. Once the conversation Leanashe in camera vlew.The moment lt iS gettlng ready tO fire a
IS over, two Boggarts and a BogThresh w"I attack you. long-range projectile, get ready to roll out of the way. lTy to damage
the Boggarts just enough so that they use their self-destruct attack,
The BogThresh ls obvIOuSIy the maln threat, but you Should take andthe momenttheydo, roll outofthewayand moveon tothe
out the Boggarts flrSt, SO they WOn't dIStraCt you While battllng the next enemy. Slmply rush the Leanashe when lt is the last enemy
Thresh Since the BogThresh has no Super Armor, you can attack left There IS nothing else in thIS room, SO head tO the next area
lt relentlessly without rlsk of retallatlon once lt ls the sole enemy. when you are done.
Aftertakmg lt out, search the Loot Plle and lootthe corpse in an
alcove on the eastslde Of the room.
ln the last room, Blsarane himselfwaltsforyou orat leastwhat
ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHYTIP appears to be Blsarane He wlll explaln howthe strength of the
Any tlme you are battling a SIngleThresh, you should explolt House of Sorrows has dwindled and thelr grlp on the Faelands ls
Its lack Of Super Armor and always use a full attack strlng' In- now tenuous. Blsarane w"I have one flnal trlal fOryOu: he WIII ask
cludlng uslng your Finisheron lt. Make sure to do thIS at every you to strlke him down. A man chooses, a slave obeys regardless
opportunity, eSPeClally agalnStThreshes and other durable en- of your cholce, the end result wlll be the same, and Blsarane will be
emies Wlth nO Super Armor, to ensure you eventually unlock unharmed.
the Would Y(ou LIke FrleS WIth That? TTophy/Achievement
Speakto hlm agaln, and hewlll letyou knowthatthetnal lscon-
cluded, and you are now a member of the House of Sorrows. He
Leave the room along the passageway' making sure to check the
wl" also reveal that the Fee you encountered durlng yourtrlal were
facsimiles of existlng House of Sorrows members, which you wlII
meet later.You can now questlon hlm further regarding the house's
plight, or end the conversatlon and the quest now The true entrance
chest that you w"I pass on the left. Go on through the doorto flnd to the House of Sorrows ls directly ahead and you should go there
Cadoroc, the aforementloned poisoned Fee. You have somewhat of next, but be sure to flrSt CheCkthe Chest On your left.
"__ _ a- -----
. tl - , .` : `. ` -
Before completlng thls quest, a word of warning: the House of Sorrows will be devastated
upon Its completIOn, and many Of Its members dead Therefore should you wISh tO Pursue
any side quests, or use the servlces of any House of Sorrows members, you should do lt
before completing thls quest.
lf you startthls quest dlrectly after completlng the flrst House of Sorrows quest, head
stralght out of the Provlng Halls and into the House of Sorrows. Flnd Blsarane and speak to
hlm regarding your next task
He wlll flrst explaln how theTuatha are flghtlng a war of subtlety and subterfuge agalnst the
House of Sorrows, and the agent of discord leadlng theTuatha in thls endeavor ls someone
named Saturnyn, a shadowy flgure whose ldentlty remalns a mystery. Bisarane belleves
Saturnyn could be a member of the house, suspecting a Fee by the name of Cadoroc, whom
you may remember as the poisoned Fee durlng your trlal
Cadoroc has fled the house, murderlng a fellow memberwhlle doing so.Yourtask wlll be to
take a Delver of the house,Taibreah (also part of your trlal), to the body of Cadoroc's vlctlm
There she will commune wlth the sorrows lingering nearthe bOdy' and hopefully lead you to
Cadoroc's location.
Talbreah wlll be waltlng foryou outslde the House of Sorrows, so take the southeast exlt out
toThe Mldden and jump down to speak to her.Taibreah is a rarlty even amongst the House
of Sorrows, in that she IS the Only one that can hear the lingering sorrows ln all thlngs. Due
to the corruptIOn Of The Midden, monsters nowabound ln the area, andTalbreah Will require
an escort to the body Once you are ready' follow her
As you followTaibreah, the various monsters inThe MIdden WIIl no doubt assall you You
should refer to the Area Gulde for exactly what constltutes the various mobs ln the area/
but prepare for plenty of Boggart Plaguespreaders, Barghest and possibly a few Anclent
Leanashe on your way.
Thankfully,Talbreah isn't completely useless As a mage she can provlde a decent dlstractlon
when faclng enemles. She wlll be qulte safe when flghting, so only worry about clearing
the lmmedlate area of enemies when a battle begins so you can move on Whlle travelllng
throughThe Mldden, keep an eye out for corpses that you can loot on the way.These won't
appear on the Mlnl-Map, nor wlll they glve off the usual telltale glow of a searchable Item, so
youwlll haveto looksharplyto seethem ;
Once you arrIVe atyOur deStlnatiOn,Talbreah WIII need tlme tO commune WIth the sorrows,
and that this will no doubt attract unwanted attentlon from the denizens of The Mldden.
Once she beglns, prepare yourself for battle
ProtectlngTaibreah ls actually Irrelevant She IS lnVInClble and won't flnlSh untll you have
defeated every enemy that will attack, so all you really have to worry about ls winnlng the
battle. ln fact, an enemy attacklng her ls actuallythe best thlng that can happen, slnce thls
wlll provlde a dlstractlon. So tryto flght near her, ln the hope that she attracts the attentlon
of some earnest monster.
The enemles wlll attack ln waves. lf you are playlng a Flnesse class, lt's a good Idea to satu-
rate the area wlth FrostTraps or the mlnes set with the Gamblt attack. As a Sorcery build,
try to use yourAOE attacks early, while the wave of enemles approaches and is still grouped
The first wave is a simple one, try not to expend too many resources on deallng WIth lt. It
w"I be a trlo of Boggart Plaguespreaders, ready to mfllct pestllence. Keep your guard up and
block thelr attacks, as they have nothlng that can breakyour guard or any attacks that are
really powerful enough to penetrate lt and do damage, as long as your Shleld ls decent.Walt
for a gap in thelr attacks and strlke. Fiemember that flre-based attacks are effectlve against
The next wave ls a palr of Arcane Barghest.Whlle thelr attacks are damaging and can combo
you relentlessly' they aren't too much of a threat. Be aware thatArcane Barghest can also
-I--I--- e ---i-. -
sap your Mane wlth every attack Barghest are weak to polson- Sprites cannot benefit from the buffs lt wlll glve them. Afterthe
based attacks. Use thls to your advantage, They also have no Super flghtyou have a cholce as to how to proceed.
Armor, so you can attack wlth abandon and simply parry incoming
attacks from the other Barghest. The left wall in this room hides a secret door, which leads to a
huge shortcut to Cadoroc, with far less battles to contend wlth. Of
The flnal wave is a lot more dangerous.You wlll have to deal wlth course, going thls way means you will lose out on some experl-
four Boggart Zealots and a BogThresh. Naturally' you will want to ence and treasure that going the normal waywlll grant you. lf you
deal with the Boggarts first, otherwlse they will attack you inces- want the best of both worlds, you can take the shortcut to Cadoroc,
santly and not glve you time to fight theThresh. As usual, try to then after defeatlng him, take the normal route back to the outslde
damage them just enough so that they use their self-destruct move, lf you,re not interested ln the extra loot, after defeatlng Cadoroc,
and lmmedlately move on to the next one. Leave the Immediate slmply head back the wayyou came to the exit
area if you have to, there's no penalties for dolng so Use terrain
in the area to block theThresh's llne of sight whlle you battle the
Go through the secret door, and proceed a llttle way down the
passage. Two Giant Splders will emerge from the ground and attack
you. Make short work of them, uslng the flre tool of your choice,
After this final wave, speak toTalbreah. She will reveal the locatlon and then loot the chest to the left of the room before moving on
of Cadoroc in the Sloran Crypt in the Drowned Forest.Take your
leave ofTalbreah, who will go back to the house unescorted, and
head towards Cadoroc. The fastest way to the Sloran Crypt is to
go south lntoThe Keenlng/ and then west to the Drowned Forest, The next room contains three more Glant Splders -another easy
passing through Balor's Crosslng. lf you go thls way/ watch out for mob. F]oll out of the way of theirweb shots, which are the only real
Niskaru to spawn, as you pass through the crossing. annoyance you wlll have to deal with.Thls room doesn't contain
anything else, so continue onwards.
Once ln Sloran Crypt, you can go aboutthe task of findlng Ca-
doroc. Enterthe flrst room to flnd a Sprlte Frost Champlon and two Cadoroc wlll be waiting for you ln the next room. He will immedl-
Sprites. As with all Sprite mobs, klll the Champion first so the other ately ldentlfy you as Blsarane's pawn, and will deflantly cry that you
- a- I.
and your masterwlll never lay Clalm tO the Sorrows,Whlle thIS IS all BogThresh.Try to attack them from afarwlth a Single arrow Or Weak
very lntrlgulng, you WOn't have tlme tO mull It over, aS Cadoroc WIII spell, then lmmedlately turn around and go back the way you came.
attack right after he has flnlshed his rant. A Boggart Plaguespreader has spawned ln the prevlous room, and
would have attacked you from behind lf you had engaged the other
Cadoroc wields Faeblades, and while he isn/t much of a threat, group Take ltOutand gO baCktO Polnt 10
hedoes havea ton of HPandwIIl do masslve damage lfhe hits.
Thankfully, he doesn't have any SuperArmor, so you can lust attack The Zealots and BogThresh may chase you, but that's okay, as thIS
him overand overwithoutgIVIng hlma ChanCetO Strlke back lf he ls the easlest way of deallng with them.lTy to make theThresh use
does attack however, be especlally wary of hls charged dash attack the attack where it plants Itself Into the ground and flres projectlles
Cadoroc wlll ralse hls blades and glve off a burst of flame, before at you. Once lt does, lure the Zealots away to another area and
chargingthrough you You mustevadethIS, aS itCan kill you ln One finlsh them off wlthOut theThresh to bother you.Then you can take
hit if successful. out the BogThresh easlly.When fightlng it though, be Careful not tO
let the battle flow Into the other slde of the room, or you wlll draw
The battle wlll get a lot more dangerous when Cadoroc ls down to those enemleS into the flght.
about half hls health Apalrof Glant Splderswlll appearin the room/
and gettlng hit by thelr web shot wlll lead to a combo from Cadoroc Onceyou'redonewlth oneslde, move on tothe otherand deal
and almost certaln death lf you have a full Fieckonmg meter, now wlth the three BoggartTumblers. As usual, fire ls partlcularly effec-
is the time to actIVate it. If not, make sure to attack Cadoroc while tIVe. When battllngTumblers, be careful when attacklng them after
keeping your camera on the Splders Use potlons to Increase your they've been knocked down On wake-up they wlll use an lnVInCible
attack power if you have them, and use your most powerful attacks splnning attack that they Cannot be hit Out Of After clearlng thlS
to hit Cadoroc, especlallyAOE attacks that can hit both Cadoroc and room, loot the chest in the southeast corner and move on.
the Splders As long as you can contlnuOuSly keep Cadoroc in hlt
stun, the Splders cannot do enough damage to you to be a threat.
After Cadoroc IS down, three more Giant Splders wlII appear Mop The next room houses three Boggart PIaguespreaders. Use the
them up' and then search the chest ln the corner of the room for usual tactics to take them out, whlch should be slmple slnCe they
some loot Now, lf you're interested ln explorlng the rest of the have no larger monster to support them. Empty the chest ln the
dungeon, read on lf not, leavethewayyou cameand skipaheadto room and then consult the map.
PointO9. As you can see, the path splltS Into two from here.The southern
path will lead back to the exlt, and the eastern path houses a Shrlne
and some loot. Go thls way flrSt
Contlnuing onwards, the next room WIII appear empty, but sure
enough, three GIant Splders WIII erupt from the ground. Spam your
fire attacks, preferably from long-range, and dodge the web shots Follow the path and you wlll come to a room wlth some short pas-
comlng your way. F]emember that at close-range they wlll never sages on elther side, along with three Boggart Zealots and a Bog
use the web shot, and you can parry thelr close-range melee attack Thresh near a Shrlne OfThyrdon. Get the attention of the Boggarts
Waste them and clean out the chest ln the corner. andThresh from long-range, and then walt untll theThresh plants
itself ln the ground. When lt does, head Into one of the slde pas-
In the next room, as you move to lootthe chests, two SprlteS and sages and flght the Zealots without hmdrance from theThresh. If
a Sprlte Storm ChampIOn WIII spawn.Target the ChampIOn tO make the Boggarts use thelr self-destruct move, be ready to roll past and
things much easlerfOryOurSelf Try to attack lt from long-range, aS run out of the passage
the lightnlng-based attack of these sprltes ls a close-range attack
Afterthey've been defeated, loot the two chests on elther slde of After defeatmg them, use the Shrlne if you wlsh and check out one
the room and moveon. of the southern passages fora chest Head backto Point ll now
and take the southern path Thls wlll lead back to the entrance, but
two Boggart PIaguespreaders wlll guard the passageway. Take them
ED][TJru"- out on the way. Once you reach the entrance, leave and then Fast
The next room IS a dlffICult One A pillar ln the centre separates thIS Travel back to the House of Sorrows, where you'll flndTaibreah walt-
large chamber, and there are enemles on elther side of it On the lng foryou by the entrance. Speak to her to flnd out some alarmlng
side closest to you, you wlll see two Boggart Zealots worshlppmg a news, and to complete the quest.
--- e -
frtiferaij¬sr ® y. frjlr,lit+!s ST?^u-»srs -Tile House of
.,...l`,L¥.i,.i i.\;
Taibreah wlll explain that the members of the House of Sorrows have finally had enough
of Bisarane's Incompetence and have rlsen up to revoltagalnst hlm The consequences of
this are unknown toTalbreah, and she ls desperate to see what has become of Bisarane.
She wlll take the lazy route and simplyteleport Inside, while you will have to go all the way
through the Provlng Halls again to gain access FastTravel to the Provlng Halls now
The first room wlll contain a BolganThug and Bolgan Brute, along wlth anotherThug lolnlng
the fray as you walk ln. Bolgans are heavy-hltting but cumbersome enemies that have strong
defense. They move very slowly when not uslng thelr dash attack, so you can safely attack
one at a time whlle keeplng your distance from the other two Concentrate on the thugs
flrst, as they wlll guard much less often and are each to rush down. Once they've been dealt
with, finISh Off the brute
lf you followed the walkthrough foryour last vlsit to the Proving Halls, you wlll have already
looted all the chests here.The next room houses two Arcane Barghest, whlch are easlly
dealt with from long-range. A poison Longbow will make short work of them, but any other
long-range attacks will also work well. Continue on the path to Point 03.
Thls room has a restlng Bolgan Brute and two moreArcane Barghestfor you to contend wlth
Bolgans can actually be stealth killed with Daggers, regardless of your proflclency with thls
weapon. Stealth wlll be dlfflcult here due to the Barghest, but should the opportunity present
Itself, any Bolgan can go down ln one strlke. Agaln, tryto flghtfrom long-range here, watch-
ing out fordashlng charge attacks from the Brute. Clearthis room and go to the next one,
ln thls room you wlll flnd a Bolgan Beastmasterand a slngle Arcane Barghest.Take out the
Barghest first so you can concentrate on the beastmaster.The beastmaster wlll block wlth
hls large Shleld wlth great frequency, and occasionally even parry your attack and counterat-
tack. Once you see hlm Start tO guard your attacks, Stop attaCklng Or Cancel into an Ablllty
and get some distance. Hls attacks are powerful but like wlth all Bolgans, they can be rolled
around easlly. Fiememberthat you can't parry Bolgan attacks, maklng evadlng them even
more Important.
The next room has two Bolgan Brutes and a BolganThug You can try to sneak around to the
back of one of the Bolgans to go fora stealth kill, most llkely on the one closest to the door.
lf you wait for a short whlle, he will get up and turn away from you, glvlng you tlme to sneak
upto hlm andflnlsh him.Thlswlll eventheoddsa llttleand leaveyouwlth onethugand one
brute. As usual, concentrate on the thug first, slnCe lt Cannot block, dOdglng the dashing
attack of the brute whenever it comes. FInISh Off the brute at your lelSure When he lS the last
One remalnlng
EBlltTlr=-=- the rebels are ln thereWIth him To open thlsdoor, you'II haveto
Those were the last of the Bolgans you wlll have to contend with, actlvate three Siglls that are strewn about the hall.The flrst Slgll ls
so head Into the House of Sorrows unlmpeded and survey what's rlght next to you Activate it, and lt will open the flrSt dOOrtO the
left of lt. Almost everyone will be gone, and the house wlll be in Holdfast, grantlng you access tO the flrSt room Don't enter yet, but
dISarray Seek out BISarane ln hIS maln room. i-¥.:i-,?I Instead make for the second Slgll, whlch is along one of the slde
paths you saw earIIer. Go to the closer southeastern path. L;:ir:: ¥j
Blsarane tells you that rebels of the House of Sorrows have de-
fled hls rule and decided to take the flght to theTuatha They are
gatherlng atthe Fallen Hall, and Blsarane would llke you to take thls
opportunlty tO flnally flnd and kllI Saturnyn, wlth a much lesser prior- Whlle approachlng the end of the path/ the door here wlll open,
lty on savlng the members of hls house from certaln death.Taibreah unleashlng twoTuatha Priests, two Faer Gortas, aTuatha Zealot and
will also accompany you on your mISSiOn. a PrISmereTroll.This IS a tough battle, and it'S Probably a good Idea
to use your F3eckonlng Mode if you have lt.
Diiini ThelToll ls the most dangerous enemy here, so keep your dlstance
Leave the House of Sorrows lntoThe Mldden through the western from lt. As soon as they emerge, retreat backwards down the path
exlt The Fallen Hall can be found ln the SOuthern Part Of The Keen- you came from. Keep the camera locked behlnd you as you run, so
lng, an area that can be reached by headlng south of your current you can dodge any incomlng maglc attacks. As you retreat, a few of
locatIOn.The Keenlng IS densely POPulated With Tuatha and Jottuns/ the enemles wlll chase you, but most of them wlll go back to thelr
often worklng ln unlson, so be wary of gettlng overwhelmed. starting positlons. Once a few have separated from the pack, take
them out. F\epeat thls method to thin out the ranks of the enemy
Once you get to the Fallen Hall, you'II flndTalbreah just inSIde Wait-
IngfOryOu. Shew"I tellyou Saturnyn ISdeePerln the hall along wlth While you are moving away, many of the enemles wlII resort to at-
the rebellious members of the house. Proceed through the doors tackingTalbreah, Which IS a great OPPOrtunlty for you tO attack from
long-range with Longbows or Sorcery Try to separate the prlests ln
partlcular, as they are easily dealt with on thelr own but present a
EZP]in]ir- huge problem in a group. If theTroll chases you, stay away from it
lnslde fiveTuatha Soldiers are in pitched battle wlth a pair of House and use hlt and run tactlcs untll Its SuperArmor breaks, then cause
of Sorrows members. There are no repercusslons for lettlng them as much damageasyou can
dle, and likewise no benefltS from SaVlng them. If elther of them
survlves the flght, they Will simply wait here and not help you in any
way' so just use them as distractlons to take out the soldiers
After you've dealt wlth thls wave of enemies, loot the corpse ln
front of and to the rlght of the door. Now head further ln towards
ACHIEVEMENT/TROPHYTIP the actual SiglI. FourTuatha Zealots are guardlng it lf you Want, you
Fiemember that any time you battle a humanoid type enemy, can use the same tactic agaln to lure them away and pick them
such as aTuatha, you can Launch them with the right attack. off, but they're not as dangerous without prlests backlng them up.
When you do, try equipplng Daggers or Faeblades and jug- Actlvate the Slgll when you've beaten them, and take the contents
gling your opponent ln the alr for at least five hits, tO Unlock of the chest in the back of the room_
the Juggler Trophy/AchleVement.
After actlvatlng the Slgll, head back to the maln path, and then north
Through the next door you'll flnd a group of threeTuatha Priests along lt. Some new enemies have spawned on thls path at Point
Try to equip something magic resIStant, and Preferably aTaIISman ll, namely a group of fourTuatha Soldiers. If you're careful, you can
to blockwlth, for they will Inundate you wlth magic attacks F3egard- sneak up on them by approachlng from the side and rolllng behlnd
less whatyou pick, you'll be guarding often to avoid damage, since the group before they can fully detect you The others wlll llkely see
most of thelr attacks wlll track you, maklng lt hard to dodge.Yt)u you afterone ortwo kllls, butltwlll stlll help Defeatthem, andthen
unfortunately can't use stealth here either, because the priests are proceed along the path until it branches off again, this tlme ln the
watching the entrance. Deal wlth them and move on. northwestern direction.
D]LTJr=lrm- D]L'Jr=--
Contlnuing along thIS Path, yOu'll notlce lt SPIItS Off: Once tO your There is a maglcal barrier along this path that wlll dlssIPate aS you
rlght and again later to your left Ignore these paths for now, and approach lt. Behind lt Will be twoTuatha Zealots and two Faer Gorta
contlnue down the central route. At the end you'll see aTuatha Sentlnels - a falrly easy to beat group. Deal wlth them and move on
standing behlnd a door, Which WIII close.Talbreah WIll jump tO the to the room that houses the SIgiI.Two moreTuatha Zealots, a Faer
conclusIOn that this must have been Saturnyn, and that the rest of Gorta, and a Faer Gorta Sentlnel WIII guard lt.You could clear this
I---- a --I--
Proving Halls
ATuatha Soldler and a Priest wlll attackyou.Take them out/
and then loot the chest.There ls also a Shrlne ofThyrdon ln
thls room, so actlvate lt to get the buff. Proceed further Into
the next part of the Holdfast, golng through the passage-
way When you do, three Faeblades-wleldlngTuatha Zealots
wlll spawn to attack you. Be wary of thelr charged dashing
attack. Head back to the prevIOuS room lf you need more
room to fight Take them out and carry on.
The next room has the mysterIOuSTuatha you saw earller
lylng in Walt lt isn't Saturnyn unfortunately' but rather one
of hIS agents, Myrcyr. He WIII engage you in combat after
the conversation is over.
.--- a- ---.
i ' ,_ ,_` ) -- l _
Continue to speak to Blsarane to glean more detalls as to what the Sorrows actually are.
They are the concentrated magical energies of millennla of sorrow, a deadly weapon that
can declmate entlre armles. Blsarane wlll tell you that only two Fee know of the locatlon
of the Sorrows: the Eldest, a pair ofWlnter Fee that reslde ln Damalroc.Thelr sanctum ls
protected by a securlty system called the Great Scale, which wlll be explalned later. For now/
take your leave of Blsarane and make your way to Damalroc.
Damalroc ls located far to the south of KIurlkOn, In Caeled Coast Your closest FastTravel
location should at least be as close as Sloran Crypt in the Drowned Forest The Caeled Coast
lsn't heavily populated wlth enemies, but those there are mostly powerful Bolgans, so be
wary of flghtlng them ln great numbers.
When you approach the entrance to Damalroc, a Banshaen Prlestess wlll sprout from the
ground ThIS annoying enemy WIII flre off Murghan Pods that wlII hatch into Ellie Murghans.
Destroy the pods as soon as the Banshaen PrleSteSS SPitS them Out, SO you WOn't have tO
deal with the Murghans.Take out the Prlestess, and then check out the loot plle just ln front
of the door before headlng Inside.
To begln, turn right and head down the Short Path tO find a Staircase With a Chest at the top.
Take the contents and proceed along the path ln the other directlon.
As you go along, two Sprltes and a Sprlte Frost Champlon wlll ambush you Quickly target
and take out the Frost Champlon to llmit the capabillties of the remalnlng two Sprltes and
then finish them off. Keepgoing andyouwIIl cometoa branch lnthe Path.
The path will branch off to the north and south, as well as continue On tO the east.The
eastern path leads to the obleCtlVe, but the northern and SOuthern Paths lead tO some
rewarding treasure hordes. We'll cover the northern route first
Go through the door, and proceed to a clrcular area that has paths splitting off east and
west Two Sprltes, a Frost Champion, and a Storm ChampIOn WIII spawn here.Two champi-
ons ln the vlclnlty mean that the Sprites will have both a llghtnlng based melee attack and a
long-range homlng lee attack.
Take out the Sprltes flrst, as they are actually the most powerful ones here. Flnlsh off the
Frost Champlon next, leaving the Storm ChampIOn last. Loot the hldden PIle Of Flocks in the
northeast corner, but take the western path out as the eastern one simply leads back to the
central area.
Followthe path around to the door, and go ln to loot the chest.There's no ambush waltlng
for you, so you can take the contents of the chest without repercusslons. Do so and return
This tlme go through the southern door.You wlll get to another clrcular area, ldentlcal to the
one along the northern path, and the same conflguratlon of Sprltes will spawn here too Thls
tlme they will spawn ln a more spread out formatlon, maklng lt easlerto eithertarget the
two champlons and the Sprite on the left slde or the slngle Sprlte on the right. Use the pit ln
the centre as a bamer between you and the Sprltes and take them out from long-range
There is another hidden Pile of Rocks in the western corner of this room, so raid it before
taklng the northeastern path out of thls area.The door at the end of the path ls locked and
wlll have to be plcked.Take the contents of the chest in the room, and loot the hldden Plle of
flocks on the rlght before returnlng to Polnt 02 agaln
-._' -- a ---I---
EE>_]ril'riFT- EZ}]lrJrtlg=- BrmmE-
Head to Polnt 05 from here via the main The next room contalnS the SeCurlty System There ls hldden PIIe of Flocks that you can
path You'll come to a room wlth three EIite protecting the Eldest, the Great Scale. The loot on your left ln the COrrldOr leading tO
Murghans inside, but as soon as you arrlve a concept ls simple: the Slgil in the centre of the first of the Eldest. Contlnue tO find the
Banshaen Prlestess wlll also appear. lt won't the room w"I summon a group of four Cave Eldest, Caelrod. He wlll explaln the hlstory
fire off any pods, as there are alreadythree Murghans when pressed These Murghans of theWeeplng Klng and the House of Sor-
Murghans in the area, so lt will go straight wlll congregate to one of the symbols on rows. Hewill bewilllngto lead Blsaraneto
to attacking you. Stay close to lt, as Its the floor, eltherthe one in front of the rlght the Sorrows, but only lf you also COnVlnCe
close-range tail strlke can be parrled easlly, door or the one in front of the left doorTo hls other half, Alarane, tojoln you ln thls
Watch out for its team attack with the other open elther one of the doors, you must kill endeavor.You'II have to return to the Scale
Murghans.When you see them begin to at least three enemies whlle they are stand- and open the other door, but before you
absorb llghtning, move away from them and lng on the symbols do, lootthe chestthat is ln Caelrod's room
wait for the IIghtnlng Projectile that they W"I Return to Point 07.
flre off. Roll past lt when lt gets nearyou. You wlll notlce that whlle standlng on
the symbols, the Murghans appearto be Whlle here, lf you haven,i already done so,
After you've defeated the enemles, check bleeding.This indICateS thatthey are m a lootthe chest that rests in the western cor-
out the back of this room for a Lore Stone/ valid posltlon and lf killed here, it wlll count ner of thIS room When you're ready, press
one of the few occaslons where you wlll find towards the blood cost requlred to open the the Sigil to summon another four Cave
one Inside a dungeon Actlvate it and head door. Don't worry if you mess up and kill Murghans to the remalnlng symbol. Do the
east up the stalrcase and through the door. two or more off the symbol, you can press same as before and balance the scales to
the Slgll an lnflnlte number of tlmes to keep open the door Follow the path around and
summonlng Murghans.The Murghans wlll you wlll meet the rema!nlng Eldest, Alarane.
B)llTlr=-=- alternate between the two symbols every Tell herwhatyou need, and shewlll sense
Contlnue along thls path, to flnd three more tlme they are summoned. that Caelrod has already acquiesced to your
patrolling Murghans They are all falrlyfar wishes, so shewllljoln hlm Beforeyoufol-
apart, and can be stealth kllled lndlvldually. You yourself do not need to stand on the low herto the central room, check the chest
Use the varIOuS bltS Of rubble in the corrldOr symbol, so you can use long-range attacks that is here.Take its contents, and then
to wait behind in Stealth Mode until the while the Murghans are there. A powerful follow her as she joins Caelrod.
Murghans turn around, and then go about AOE spell here ls particularly effectlve, slnce
your buslneSS.The flrSt Murghan wlII always the Murghans will group together of their This room also contains a chest in the
be faclng away from you, butthe second ls pa- own accord.You wlll have to go through southeast corner, so rald lt before you speak
trolllng' so watch out for hlmThe last WIII also both doors, but the flrst group of Murghans to the reunited Eldest. Approach Alarane
patrol, but when he ls the only one remaining, will stand in front of the doorto the south- once you're done to complete the quest and
lt doesn't really matter if he sees you. east. Go through after opening lt. recelve your reward.
I _I __' _ I
Contlnue speakmg with the Eldest regardlng your next task. It seems that finding the
Sorrows won't be as simple as flndlng the Eldest You wlII also need a key to unlock thelr
secrets Thls key ls located ln Slnsear, and you wlll have to select one of the Eldest to ac-
company you forthe duratIOn Of thIS quest.
AIarane is a melee-centrIC fighter, and She uses her Faeblades to flght uP CIose.This makes
her a useful supplement to a long-range flghter, so if you fight pnmarlly With Longbows or
Sorcery, she w"I help to keep your foes occupled at close-range while you devastate them
Caelrod IS a magIC user, and comes complete WIth the usual complement of spells, lnclud-
lng a trio of fireballs, tornadoes, or lce proleCtlleS. Caelrod IS useful for separatlng enemy
forces. Slnce he wIIl want to attack from further away, any enemy that focuses on hlm will
move away from the maln pack, whlch makes fightlng large crowds up close less of a daunt-
ing task, and allows you to thln an enemy force's ranks much easier
Make your choICe, after Which your Chosen Eldest WIII shadow-step stralght to SInSear/
whereas the one you have not selected wlll go to the House of Sorrows Yt)u wlll have to
make your own way there
Head back towards the entrance of Damalroc On yourway, a squadron of four Sprites and
a slngle Sprlte Storm ChampIOn WIll ambush you. Use the narrow confines of the corridorto
lay traps or use long-range attacks as you move backwardsTake outthe SprlteS and Carry On.
When you get back to this polnt, three Ellte Murghans wlll attack you.Take them out and go
on towards the entrance/ where you wlll encounter the last group of enemies ln Damalroc,
three Sprites WIthOut a ChamPIOn tO back them uP, you Should be able to make short work
of them. Kill them and exit Damalroc.
Slnsear ls also located ln Caeled Coast, but further south of your current locatlon The further
south you go, the more you'll flnd droves OfTuatha, Make yourway pastthem and Into Slnsear
Once you step lnslde, speak toyour chosen Eldest and recelve theVotive of Stone You'll need
thls and three otherVotlves to open the path tothe key
Further lnslde yOu'll encounter three Boggart Zealots They should be easy enough to deal
wlth, especlally wlth the Eldest helplng you out. After defeatlng them, find the chest ln an
alcove to the south ofthls room before movlng on
ln the next room, you'Il flnd two more BoggartZealots and a BogThresh.The BogThresh IS
holdlng theVotIVe Of Leaf, soyou wlll have to defeat lt Flush ln and attaCktheThresh, taking
advantage of Its lack of Super Armor. lf you see a Boggart about to attack, cancel your attack
Into a parry. Fiemember thatyou cant dlsrupt a BogThresh when lt ls planted in the ground and
is firing projectIIes atyou, sojust dodge whlle lt is dolng thIS. Defeat lt, and take theVotlve
The path will split at thIS POlnt.Take the eastern path flrst to get to the nextVotlve Thls
one ls bemg held bye Sprite Flame Champlon, whowlll bejolned bytwo Sprltes, asyou
get closer A Flame Champlon, and subsequently all other Sprltes ln the vlclnlty' wlll have
accessto a charglngflre attackthat does blg damage lf lt hlts, but lsn't much ofathreat
otherwlse When you see one of the Sprltes charging up forthls attack, get ready to roll to
the side. Once the Flame Champlon IS dead, take theVotIVe Of FIame from its body.
Follow the path to the south around to the holder of the flnalVotlve, a sleeplng Banshaen
Priestess Approach thls room stealthlly and sneak up to the Banshaen Prlestess. lt should
be faclng away from you and won't notlce you. Once you are close enough, use your most
powerful attacks, and try to break its SuperArmor before lt can
throwoutanypods lfyou doso, you can keepthe Priestess in hlt
stun wlth your attacks without glvlng it a chance to do anythlng,
much less generate relnforcements Take the Votlve of Water from
its body' and loot the chest ln the corner ln the south of the room
before movlng on.
Your Eldest ally wlll tell you of your next task now, the puzzle of the
Crying Eyes Leave this room vla the Western Path for now, uSIng
yourVotives to open the sealed door.
Further on, you will reach a clearing' where a squad of three
Sprites, led bya Sprlte Storm ChampIOn, WIll ambush you This is
your typical Sprite battle, where taking out the champion will slg-
nlflcantly weaken the others. Take advantage of the storm squad's
lack of a long-range attack and keep your distance. Check the short eternlty The puzzle here is exceedlngly simple: ln front of each of the
path that leads to a chest in the south of the room before movlng three statues lies a lever. Yt)u must activate these three levers in the
on. Contlnue along the main path to Polnt 09, Iootlng the hidden correct sequence to gain access to the key The statues themselves
Plle of Rocks on your right as you pass by. wlll tell you the correct order.
--- __ a- --- -
Afterthis, all threewlll stop weeping, and
you'll haveto pull the levers ln the same
sequence: left, right, andthen middle.
Dolng thIS Will unlockthe path tothe key.
Be warned that if you activate the levers in
the incorrect order, two Sprltes and a Sprlte
Frost Champion w"I spawn in the room, and
you will have to defeat them before trylng
again.Thiswlllonlyoccuronce. [-, fj
Proceed forward to claim your prize. Ahead
of you, you'll flnd a wlthered old branch Thls
ls no ordlnary piece of wood however; lt is
in fact a branch from the ancient Gallows
lTee. lt wlll serve as the gateway foryou
to get tothe Sorrows.Take lt, and loot the
chest on the west slde of the room, and
make haste back to Blsarane.Your Eldest
ally wlll shadow-step ahead of you, whereas
you w"I have to make your way there the
old-fashioned way... vla FastTravel. iir_: :?1
Bisarane is Saturnyn, and Saturnyn ls Blsa-
rane.The whole pursult of Saturnyn was a
ruse/ speciflcally deslgned for this purpose,
unlocklng the path to the Sorrows And llke
a wllllng marionette, you have danced to
Blsarane's tune Now that he has everythlng
he needs from you, the subterfuge is over.
He will summon Myrcyr to flniSh you Off/
while he leaves to claim the Sorrows.
---- a -
#E(Xae*£y a; ,- Fr±r+al¢"i riLj,S:<,i= -- The House of Sorrows 06 - Such Sweet Sorrow I
""J7_.:'_-- ` `,1t.
Speak wlthTalbreah after BISarane'S aSSaSSInS have been dealt Wlth, and Prepare for the final
truth:Taibreah IS theWeeping King relncarnate, whICh lS a Stroke Of good luck as this means
she can take you to the Sorrows wlthOut the need for the keyyOu WOuld have received from
When she asks lf you,re ready to go, tell heryou aren't yet. Loot the bodleS that are Strewn
about due to the aftermath of the previous quest's events, especlaIIythose of the EIdest and
Myrcyr Be sure to do anythlng you need before travelling to Esharra, as you won,t be able to
leave until you complete the quest.
Once you're prepared, speak toTalbreah and tell heryou're ready to go. She wlll then pro-
ceed to transport the both of you to Esharra
Esharra ls a magical realm where few mortals have the wlll to tread. Fortunately, your
Indomitable will has left you whole and you survlve the journey, Speak to theWeeplng Klng
verslon two, orTalbreah. She wlll explain that the large tree ln the centre is the true form of
the GallowsTree, and that lt was builtto contaln the Sorrows Blsarane ls already there, but
he has sealed himself off wlth a maglc barrler.
To dlsrupt lt, you will need to dlsable four Nexuses that are controlllng lt. Each one ls pro-
tected by a powerful foe you wlll recognlze, so prepare yourself for some tough battles, and
move to the first Nexus.
+\++T, -,
The flrst one wlll be guarded by one of the Eldest, Caelrod. He has been revlved against hls
wIIl by BISarane and forced tO fight you. Aiding him will be an Ancient Leanashe, whlch WIII
spawn behind you. As you may remember, Caelrod is a maglc user, and wlll try to keep hls
distance.The Leanashe IS also a dIStanCe fighter, SO you WIII likely find that your two oppo-
nents wlll be far apart, and you can only concentrate on one at a time
Thankfully'Taibreah w"I stlll be aldlng you. Wait to see whlch enemy she targets, then con-
centrate your efforts on the other unimpeded.Talbreah should be able to keep her enemy ln
check long enough foryou to dispose of yours, whlch will then allow you to double-team the
remaining one. Disable the Nexus, save your game and heal lf you need to, then move on.
Head towards the next Nexus, but take a short detour before reaching lt.Yt)u will notlce the
path spllts before you, with the Nexus belng along the left-hand rising path. Go straight and
you will find a Shrlne tO theWeeping KIng' Which Will grantyou the Death'sTouch buff.ThIS IS
incredlbly useful, as it grants you a 150/a chance to steal twenty mane or health per hlt After
touchlng the Shrlne, go back to the split ln the path and head towards the second Nexus
ILT]'=-!- The Midden
Your old vlctlm, Cadoroc, defends the fourth
and flnal Nexus Desplte hls noble inten-
tions to stop Blsarane/ a ruthless assassln,
namely you/ cut him down. LIke the Others,
Blsarane has ralsed hlm to combat you, and
the battle will be very remlnISCent Of your
first encounter.
---I, a --
<T:i,"-j{r£gf # F.i-l%:f:Lr`S.5 i:,Utj->Jrti - The House of Sorrows 06 -
Talbreah ls also extremely key ln thls flght. Stlck close to her at all out. Even aftertaklng him out, Blsarane can summon another, and
tlmes, asshe can aldyou lntwoways Flrstly' shecan castthe then one more after you kill that oneYou're better off concentratlng
maglc barrler spell/ whlch wlll block the Spiders, projectlle attacks, on bringing Bisarane's health down to 750/o and trlggerlng the next
but allows yours to pass throughThis will let you make the battle wave whlle defendlng from theTender's attacks,
a close-range affalr; greatly aldlng Might bullds ln partlcular. Also,
the closer you are toTalbreah, the greater the chance Cadoroc wlll The nextwave IS a trlO Of Leanashes. Again, you should concentrate
target her, leavlng you tO deal wlth the Spiders unhlndered on attacking Bisarane and brlnging hls health down to trlggerthe
next wave. The Leanashes can steal your health, and Blsarane will
After dealing wlth the defenders of thls last Nexus, deactlvate lt and heal them perlodically to make them dlfflcult to flnlsh off.
preparefortheflnal battle. lt ls worth golng all the way backtothe
Shrlne of theWeeplng Klng to refresh your buff, as you'll need every The thlrd wave is a legion of Faer Gorta Sentlnels They are gener-
advantage in this battle. Save your game, and then confront Blsarane ally easlerto take out, and wlll group together often, maklng them
easy targets for a Finesse player's traps or a Sorcery user's large
area spells. At thls polnt, Blsarane will almost certainly be excluslvely
BIITImI=- targetlngTaibreah, leaving you to take out the sentinels. Once you
Before the battle beglns, you can win a Persuaslon challenge agalnst have, use the lull in the combat to heal yourself, and let yourablllties
Blsarane Every dlalogue option Inevitably leads to the climactlc cool down. Attack Blsarane again, and brlng hls health down to 25O/o
battle, but winnlng the Persuaslon challenge wlll glve you some to trlgger the final wave.
lnSIght into Bisarane's motivations. It turns out BISarane IS trylng tO
ensure theWinter Fae's survival, and his fear has led him to believe The flnal wave wIIl present you wlth four NISkaru BIoodhunters. lt
that only theTuatha can survive the comlng flre. F3egardless of what ls tough to play a range game agalnstfour qulck Nlskaru, so you
he has to say, the battle wlll begin. should probablytryto keep lt a close-range flght Letthem surround
you, and attack one, but cancel your attack wlth a block to parrythe
You have two optlons wlth whlch to tackle thIS flght. lf you have attacks of the other Niskaru.Whateveryou do, make sure you do not
saved your F\eckoning meter for now, you can activate it the mo- use the special Parry Attack Abillty if you have lt unlocked, as this
ment the battle starts and use lt to destroy Blsarane very qulckly. cannot be cancelled and wlll leave you exposed to the other Nlskaru
While he does have superarmor, hls attacks are maglc based and After the parry, walt a moment before attacklng to ensure you do not
take a whlle to actlvate.You wlll very llkely break his SuperArmor trlgger the attack.
before he can hltyou, after whlch lt is only a matter of time before
hegoesdown i-i i.:i
lf you don't have Reckonlng Mode avallable, it is obvlously a very dlf- ThIS Can be a great OPPOrtUnlty tO get the Foiled Agaln!
ferent flght. Bisarane hlmself ls a magic user, wlth several attacks. TTophy/Achievement. As long as Blsarane IS flghtlngTalbreah'
Two of these are close-range attacks, deslgned to dlsrupt melee us- you can stand among the NISkaru unlmPeded and Parry all Of
ers.The flrst is a short range AOE attack, where Blsarane wlll ralse their attacks. SInCe there are SO many Of them, the attacks
his Staff and strlke the ground, causing an exploslon all around wlll come thick and fast and you will soon unlock thisTrophy/
hlm.Thls IS powerful, and aS soon aS you See him raise hIS Staff to Achievement.
charge, you should roll away. Bisarane can also create a rlng of flre
around hlm, deslgned to keep you out.Touchlng the flre wlll Inflict
the burnlng status on you, but you can actually get through the ring
and stay close enough to him so that the flre cannot contlnuously Once the Niskaru are dealt with, only Blsarane wlll be left.Take
harm you hlm out, whlch will be easlerwhen he does not have any back-up.
Fateshift hlm to brlng hls pltlful existence to an end.
At long-range, Blsarane wlll use a slow, but incredibly powerful dark
magic attack This is a single projectile that travels along the ground Unfortunately' this won't save the Sorrows. They have already begun
at an average speed and ls fairly easy to dodge, but will do huge escaplng thelr seal, and only theWeeping King can stop them. F\e-
damage if lt hits. Blsarane can also heal hls allles wlth a long-range grettably'Taibreah wlll have to sacriflce herself ln order to do so. ln a
heallng projectlle, and we'll look atthem next final act of vanlty' she wlll ask that you watch her do so. As soon as
the conversation is over,Talbreah will move into positlon. Be sure to
Blsarane will summon different allies based on his current health. At loot all the corpses before you move nearTaibreah, as doing so will
full health, he wlll summon a SorrowsTenderto help hlm. At 75% automatlcally trlggerTalbreah's last act. When you're ready' move
health, it will be two Leanashes and a singleAncient Leanashe to towards her and watch the final sacrifice of one of the last members
help him At 50o/o health, six Faer Gorta Sentlnels wlll show up. And of the House of Sorrows.
finally, at 25%, you will have to deal with four NISkaru BIood hunters.
lt's Important to note that every tlme a new wave comes, any survlv-
lng enemles from the previous wave wlll automatlcally dle.
When the battle starts, Blsarane will summon a single SorrowsTen- You wlll soon flnd yourself back lnThe Mldden. ln front of you on an
derto ald hlm This is a durable, hlgh health Faeblades userthat uses altar, is the last remnant of the Sorrows, in the form of a Staff called
all the typical Faeblade attacks.While he won't do much damage, the The Sorrow. PICK it uP tO receive theTwist of Fate "Child of Autumn/
Tender does have a lot of health, maklng hlm qulte a chore to take and to end the saga of the House of Sorrows
__ __
The Scholia Arcana are a group of scholars and mageS Who teach those Willing
to loam the art of magic and knowledge,They were formed when three individu-
als, Elodan Bloodgood, Marus|Torix and Eleranor Brea wanted to start a resistance
against a powerful magic entity known asThe Dark Empyrean.The order is led by
theArchsage, a Human named Jublas Caledus, a venerable but skilled warmage.
I_,__;a,_I., J,a
To begln the questsforthls Factlon you wlll need to go to the cltyofYsa, and speak DocentAugra
Tenet in the SchoIIaArcana Embassy. AIternatIVely, you Can also start thIS quest in Fiathlr. ln Fiathir/
you'l! have to make yourwayto the ScollaArcana Grounds, whlch are located ln the Upper CITY
sectlon, Once you are ln the Grounds, make yourway dlrectly south to the Maln Hall The quest-
giver's name isWren Penderghast and you'll find him dlrectly ln front Of yOu aS you enterthe Maln
Hall, slttingona chalrbehlndatablefullofscrolls. HewilltellyouwhattheSchollaArcana ls:a So-
clety Of learned mageS and scholars.. OrSO they aPPeartO the Outside world.To truly understand
what the Scholia Arcane are about, you mustjoln the Factlon to galn enlightenment
Chooslng the "Tell me how tojoin" optlon wlll promptWren to tell you thatthey have had thelr
eyes on you for qulte some tlme and you have already been asslgned a mentorand thus your
journeywlthln the Scholla beglns Your flrsttask is to travel toYsa to talk to DocentAugraTenet
(note that you can skip talklng toWren and go stralght tO DocentAugraTenet). Fast travel toYsa
and make yourwayto the Scholla Arcane Embassy to tell Docentyou want to joln. She wlll say
thatyou need to complete alTial of lnltlation, and will glve you the Scholla Arcane (Book), whlch
descrlbes how the Scholla Arcana was founded. She also gives you an Ornate Key and tells you
to speaktoSavant Engar ln the Delvlng Hallwhenyou are readyto begin
) i"a i L.I( fr?U+~
DInr=-a- can go backtoflndthree mounds ofp"ed form of two moreTuatha Soldiers. Nearthe
Your next quest objective ls to speak to skeletons and some rocks. Behind the rocks second bridgeyou hearAethan saythat he
"senses another presence ln the trial"
Savant Engar, so backtrack to the Garden of is a hidden treasure of lootable Flocks, and
Ysa and take a left.Your newly acqulred key behlndtheskeleton mound lsa Reagent.
wlll openthe Delving Hall. Continuethrough Advance over the bridge to find slxTuatha
the Hall, openingthe maglcal doorand Proceed upthe stairs lnfrontofyoutoflnd Raiders flghting agalnst a Sorceress. After
proceedlng down the flight of stairs. ln thls more FaerGorta and a FaerGorta Sentinel to defeatlng theTuatha reslstance, engage ln
room there are two chests that need to be defeat. Agaln thls is not too hard, so just take dialoguewith her. She will not knowwhere
Dlspelled before looting. Make your way to on the Faer Gorta first and leave the Sentlnel she is, but if you have enough persuasion
Aethan Engarandtalktohlm Helslncharge for last. Continuetothe nextarea andflght skiIIyoucan askher"Whyareyou here?"
of yourTrlal of lnitlatlon, and wlll say that you yet more Faer Gorta and Faer Gorta Sentl- atwhlch polnt she casts you back tothe
are unlque before glvlng you the chance to nels. On your route to the objective marker/ Delving Hall.
askquestions. He'lltell you thatthe purpose there are some F]eagents for collectlng.
of this initiation isto... survive. Doesn't Aethan will tell you to proceed, as the flrst
soundtoo promlslng' does it? Hetellsyou
phase ofthetrial is complete, soyou needto
thathe'll bewatchlngyOu in yOurtrlaI, soto godeeperto seewhat llesbeyond... On your return tothe Delvlng Hall, you wlll
begin thetrlal, step lnsldethe Fiitual Glyph. be greeted by an unpleasant change of
scenery: whatwas once a Filtual Glyph ls
i, .1'U
D-lTlr="- now nothlng but flames, dead bodies of
As you enterthe newarea, lootthe Over- mages and Aethan Engar crouchmg down
D]LTIr!lan- turned Cart, go through the waterfall, and on one knee.TalktoAethan Engarwhowill
Entering the Filtual Glyph will teleport you kill twoTuatha Soldiers.These should not explain what happened. Ask hlm aboutthe
lntoan area whereyou must klll a group pose any kind of threatwith thelr slow and trlal if you are curious and tell him whatyou
Faer Gorta and Faer Gorta Sentlnels.Taklng sluggish attacks, whlch are very easy to encountered. He will then bestow member-
outthe FaerGorta lseasler, asthe lower HP parry. Followthe path along to a narrow shipofthe orderand thetltle of Neophyte
valuesallowyoutoequal upthe numbers brldge, and once you cross ityou'll come ln upon you. Now you have completedTrlal by
much earller. After kllllng the Faer Gorta, you contact with more blade/maglc fodder in the Flreand can begln the real trlal
./ |L)a~;:t;i a j|J,ll \! `lJ,,A:Zj
Aethan Engar wlshes to know why the Fiuin of Aodh's maglcal defenses have been breached.
He belleves lt had something to do wlth yourTrlal of lnitiatlon.Thls wlll prompt the next
quest. He will glve you the Key toAodh, whlch wlll beglnThe F3uln ofAodh quest. Make
your way out of the Delvlng Hall and travel to Aodh, in the Sldhe The keyAethan gave
you will open the Ruins, so proceed inslde and get ready to explore.
As you make yourway along the path, there wlll be a F]eagent to the left of you Contlnue
advanclng until a group of Sprltes and a Sprlte Flame Champion appear. Dlspose of them
quickly by using an lee-Imbued weapon/maglc on the Sprlte Flame Champlon and plcklng
off the three Sprltes one by one. Next, loot the Skeleton and continue advanclng. Be care-
ful along the path, as there wlll be a lot of FlreTrap Mines, whlch are visible as circular dlscs
on the floor.These explode when you get withln a certaln distance, but worry not, there are
two ways around them
1 lfyou havea hlgh enough Detect Hldden Sklll, you can dlsarm the mineand loot itTodo
thls you must get close enough to be prompted to Disarm Flre Mlne and then press the
Action button. But look out: if you step any closeryou wlll trlgger the mlne, and if you've
pressed the Actlon button, you'll attack and the mlne wlll explode as you enter the anlma-
tlon, so you'll take full damage from it
2 Sprlnt over them and let them explode. By sprinting over them quickly enough you'll clear
the area in whlch thelr blasts cause damage.
Keep golng advanclng along the path.You'll come to a sectlon where there is a glyph on the
floor of an elevated circular platform, lt has four FlreTrap Mines on lt, and to the left of these is
a chest, which you can loot. As you contlnue along the pathway' Sprites will spawn just before
an archway' so k"I them and advance inside.
- - -e -.--
Brm- Golng to the west exlt, you'll see a Sprlte Flame Champlon, two
This room contalnS two PrleStS OfVraekor and three Barghest. Make Sprltes, and a Barghest. lt ls posslble to get a sneak attack on the
sureyou sneaklnandtakeoutthe PrlestofVraekoronthe left Hls Barghest by tlmlng your sneak and rolls so that the Sprltes don't
blood wlll nicely decorate any decent Daggers you have equlpped notlce you lf you don't sneak attack the Barghest, take out the
Nowthatyou have alerted the attentlon of the other enemles, you Sprlte Flame Champion flrst, followed by the two Sprites, and then
can letthe Barghest chase you outslde, and lfyou completelyavoid- the Barghest As you contlnue tO follow the Path, SPrinting Can be a
ed the FireTrap Mlnes earller, baltthem overto the mlnes and then good Idea, as there are a lot of FlrelTap Mlnes (unless you wlsh to
go lnforan easyklll Takeoutthe Barghestone byoneandthen deal dlsarm them all) There is also a lootable chestjust before you enter
wlth the last prlest.You should tryto keep the priest on one slde the obleCtlVe POInt area.
of the centerplece ln this room and the Barghest on the otherside.
Thls lets you kill the Barghest easIIywlthOutthe rlSk Of lnterruPtIOnS
from the prlest's magic (note that Barghest are resistantto Ice).
Once in the objectIVe room, you WIII have access to the Shrlne Of
Mltharu and Altar of Belen, whlch glve you the Mltharu's Protection
(0 50/o Health F3egen/Sec) and Death'sTouch (15% chance to steal
From here you have three dlfferent ways you can go:The room Health and Mane perhlt) buffs. lnthls room Nuala lgnaswllltalk
to the north contains very little, the only real thlng of note IS the toyou, and hervolce soundsveryfamIIiar.. she asksto readyour
body of a skeleton that you can loot lf you head eastyou'll come fortune, but can't.You can answer her questlons as you wish, slnce
to another room that is sealed by a door, and openlng itwlll pltyou you must klll her regardless.
against a group of enemles. Once they have been defeated, make
sure to grab all of the F\eagents and scourthe Plles of Rocks for SprlteS WIII contlnuOuSIy spawn here, so don't focus on them;
some hidden loot. instead, center your attacks on Nuala lgnas (Human Mage type).
Nuala uses a lot of flre maglc, though lt's not the most powerful
Taklng the southern route wl!l allow you to press on towards your maglc Paired wlth the Sprltes, though, lt can easily get annoylng
oblectIVe. Watch out for the FireTrap Mlne and move on until you She has an attack ln Which She hurls three fireballs at you, and lt's
come to a door, after whlch you'll be greeted by another small very Important to block these, because gettlng hlt bythem can lead
group of enemles, but thls flght shouldn't be too difflcult Contlnue to more of the Sprlte's attacks hlttlng you. Nuala wlll also, from tlme
through the hall, dISarmlng OraVOidlng all the FIreTrap MIneS, Of totlme, flyup in the airand caste shockwave offire, which lseaslly
whlch there are elght altogether, loot the Skeleton, and finally open evaded or blocked. lf she does fly up Into the air, a qulck counter to
the door at the end when you come to lt. Agaln, multlple pathways this IS the MIghtAblllty. Harpoon, because lt drags her rlght ln front
greet you ln thls next hallway. Both the east and west paths lead of you for a guaranteed assault
to small rooms that contaln numerous FlreTrap Mlnes that you wlll
have to navlgate past in orderto reach the Chests they are guardlng
Wlth Nuala dead, the objectlve will change to Search Nuala lgnas/
B_-Trl-lTI_i_i so proceed to do so and you'll receIVe the Sun Stone. Loot the
Contlnue south and make your way around to the west side of this chest and Dlspel the other chest ln thls room.You can also harvest
area to continue to your objectIVe (Watch Out for FIreTrap MIneS some Fieagents here, and afteryou have done so continue north'
around the outskirts).You can also explore the east and south open the door, and loot the chest on the rlght, Open the next door
optIOnS, the east OPtIOn Will have six FlreTrap Mines, a lootable and Dlspel a chest (Average) on the left hand slde. Continue fol-
Skeleton, and a chest that spawns a group of Sprltes ln the south- lowlng the path, harvesting the Reagent on the left, and then jump
ern dooryou'll be confronted wlth two Prlests ofVraekor and a Hlgh down when prompted to do so. ExltAodh and make your way back
Priest ofVraekorThIS room also contains a lootable chest. to Aethan Engar lnYsa to give hlm the Sun Stone. Once he's fin-
lshed being amazed by the Sun Stone, tell hlm what you know and
ask him for your next asslgnment
-, --i--_-- -a -. i_-
Talk toAethan Engar about your next asslgnment afteryou have completed "The Ruln of
Aodh'.I He wlll tell you that you must to go investigate the dlsappearance of some people
from a vlllage, who happen to be members of the Scholla Arcane.You are to meet hlm at
the Fiathir Chapter House once you've done this.
MakeyourwaytoTala-Bane in the Plains of Erathell/ fast travel to Corgan Hold (lf posslble),
and go dlrectly east of this polntto meetyour contact Once here, loot all the Corpses and
Overturned Carts and proceed to talk to the contact, whlch turns out to be Jubal Caledus,
theArchsage of the SchollaArcana. He sensesthatthetwo of you wlll be attacked and that's
exactly what happens.Three Freeman Assasslns appear: one archer and two Dagger users.
You should have notrouble killing them wlth the asslstance ofJubal Afterthe battleJubal will
glve you a letterand tell you togoto Mel Agllrto speakto Patrlck Morkan to find outaboutthe
mlssing Adapt Fel.
- -- -e ---
EE)urlTrm- Follow the path untll you come to three and his dead wife, Jane Morkan (Undead
Your quest objectlve wlll now change to Kobolds.YOU can dispatch at least one with a Human).
Speakto Patrick Morkan, so make yourway sneak attack lf you have FaeBlades/Daggers
to Kandrian, which is east ofTala-Bane, and equlpped. Otherwlse, just dispose of them Talkto Patrick, and as soon asthedlalogue
find MelAgliron the eastern partofthe quICkly and contlnue into the Cave. Movlng ends, a battlewlll ensue. GetJanefirst.
contlnent. Once you have arrived, go Inside on to the next area, you wlll encounter two She has very slow attacks, whlch are easily
the barcalledThe Raven. Patrlck Morkan Kobolds, one Kobold Nightblade and a chest blocked.Turn your attentlon to Patrlck once
lmplleSthatyOu remlnd hlm Of death.. You (Easy) Now the path forks off Into two, the hlswife ls dead (again), Patrlck usesthree
canaskhim if he hasseen Lerkara Eel, but eastern path leadlng to the lower level of a flreballs and summons two mlnl tornados,
he either doesn't know her whereabouts, Jump Polnt (and two Kobolds and a Kobold which are both easily blocked. Stay close
ordoesn'twanttotell you. Go upstalrs and Rogue), so continue wlth the northern Path tohlmandheWillfallinnotime.Withboth
loot Lerkara's Footlocker: you should take the of them dead, there aretwochests, one of
item called Lerkara's Journal and read itto Careful wlth some PoISOnltaps, dISarm Or run which IS locked (Hard)The quest objectIVe
update your quest. past them before they explode. ln thls part of wlll nowchangeto Speakto Lerkara Fel.
the cave you'll encounter Faer Gorta and Faer
Gorta Sentlnels. Klll them quickly and make
D]l'Jr="- your wayto the objectlve point by openlng the
Make yourwaytoTulan, whICh IS directly door and followlng the path around YOU wlll Go backto Lerkara Fel. Shewill eitherbe in
north of Mel Agllr. lnTulan contlnue following see Lerkara Fel locked in a prlson cage,Talk to the locked cell (where you prevlously met her)
the path and you will see some BearlTaps, her and she WIII tell you about Patrick Morkan orshe'll beback ln herrOOm atThe Fiaven.
whlch you should dlsarm or avold. Next, you'll and his dead wife. Because you recelved the keyto the Morkan's
come across two Kobolds and one Kobold house when you defeated them, you can use
Rogue: dlspose of them qulckly and contlnue the nearby doorto entervla the basement
golng deeper Into the cave, Soon afterthe
EE>xp="- of thelr house in Met Aglir.Talk to Lerkara,
flrSt COnfrOntatIOn, you W"I engage with two Yt)uwilI learn that PatrICk Morkan is a nec- who glves hergratltude and Instructs you to
Kobold Fiogues and one Kobold. lt's posslble romancerand that hiswife died of natural go back to the Savant Engar in Rathlr. F]eturn
to sneak attack for an Instant death, leavlng causes, but nothlng natural bought her back to the Scholia Arcane (Fiathir) and talk to the
you wlth an easier battle agalnst two Kobolds Your objective W"I now Change tO Kill PatrICk Savant, Aethan Engar, to complete the quest
Keep advancing through the cave, being cau- Morkan.There's also is a chest that needs and recelve the Docent's F3lng.
tlons of the BearTraps that are neatly placed Dispelling. Continue deeper Into the cave
ln front of some Reagents untll you see Patrick Morkan (Human Mage)
_ - -e --- I:-I
Aethan Engarwlll instructyou to meetAnker Edmure, who is located ln Emaire Whlleyou are
dolng thls questAethan wlll be studylng the Sun Stone you had presented hlm ln a prevlous
quest Travel to Emaire, in the Cradle of Summer, and makeyourwaytoAnker Edmure, who
ls located in a bullding called Edmure Home. Anker Edmurewlll tell you that Shardfall has
changed, but he does not knowwhat he is deallng wlth He tells you that hls assistant, Don-
nel Gutty, wenttothe cave (Shardfall) to collect some samples, but never returned. i -2 1,i
He requests foryou to get hlm an item, a Paragon Barghest's Heart, whlch lsthe mlsslng
plece of a pendant he ls creatlng that ls reslstantto the sheer cold of Shardfall Travel tothe
north of Emalre and continue north past Brlstlethorn, where you'll soon find the Paragon
Barghest, whlch is a strongerversion of a normal Barghest. lt should not be too much of a
challenge. Loot the body and head backtoAnker Edmure. He wlll take the Heartand glve you
an Item called Pendant of Warmth (lt's notvital thatyou equlp this Item, but ltwlll help' as a
lot of enemies attackwith the ice element).
Makeyourwayto Shardfall, whlch ls ln
the northwest part of Cradle of Summer, TIP
behind a waterfall. Inside the cave, follow the lt is worth bringing Weapons that are
southern path untll you see three Sprites and fire based with you tO Shardfall to help
one Sprite Frost ChampIOn spawn. Go for the combat the icy minions that dwell
Frost Champlon wlth a fire based weapon within.
andhewlllmeltlntoapuddlein notlme,
maklng lt easytotake out each of the Sprltes
--- -a -I
There is a P"e, whICh you Can lOOtand a Fieagent. Furtherdown the
path you encounter a Bear and twoWolves. With any luck theWolves
will setoffthe Ice MlneTraps and dle instantly. If not, just baitthe Bear
with a long-range weapon/attack and take lt Out One On One, ]t7\-l`( ;!prj
After defeatlng them, keep golng deeper Into the cave. A few more Ice
MlnelTaps wlll be here, which are eas"yavoidable, andthere ls a slde
covewlth a Plle thatcan be looted.When you come toan area where
four Sprltes appear (or sometlmes three Sprites and one Sprlte Frost
Champion), klllthem There wlll be another Plleto loot, protected by
four Ice MlneTraps. Sprlnt to the next area to avold any contact WIth
thetwo Ice MlneTraps.Thls area wlll have a MountalnTroll and four
lee MlneTraps ln the mlddle.
After kIIIIng the enemies you Can dlSCOVer a HIdden Door facing west
of the Scarab Salts. Golng through thIS Doorw"I netyou some loot
from Dlve Polnts and lootable Plles, plus some Fieagents to be found.
Make yourway back to the room ln WhICh you dISCOVered the Hidden
Door and contlnue going north, agam dISarming/SPrlntlng PaStthe Ice
Minell-eps and you will soon come to a dead body.You guessed it: It'S
DonneI Gutty.When you get near hIS body four Sprites and one Sprlte
Frost Champlon wlll spawn all around you Afteryou,ve kllled these,
loot his body (there's also a Hldden Object near hlm to the east) and
gosouth iJ= 4.i
Agaln dISarm/SPnnt Past the lee MineTraps and lump down to flnd a
person called Cadoc F3een, whose voICe SOundS Very famlllar..,Talk
to hlm and he WIll Saythat he kllled DonneI Gutty.You'II then start
flghtlng WIth hlm and some SprlteS, Focus on kllIIng Cadoc F\een, as
the Sprltes wlll contlnuously spawn He uses Ice elemental maglc and
ls vulnerable to flre. He has a slowly charglng lee ball that he hurls at
you.Try to knock hlm out of thls charglng phase before he releases
the Ice ball Stay close to hlm at all tlmes and roll/block any sprltes
that come ln for a swooping attack. After klIIIng hlm, loot his corpse
to flnd the Frost Stone, and your objectlve wlll change to Reportto
Aethan Engar, so followthe southern route and jump down for a
quICk eXlt Of Shardfall. r i
Fieturn Donnel's Filng toAnker, who will elther be outslde of Shardfall
or back at hls home.When talking to him, select the optlon of Donnel
Gutty, and Ankerwlll take back Donnel's rlng and reward you wlth
Gem Cuttlng Handwraps.
Travel to F3athlrand talktO Fran Methneen. He wlll tell you thatAethan
EngarwISheS tO meet you On top Of Skycrown mountaln, and WIII also
gIVe you an Adept's Ring whICh means you have rlSen uP the ranks ln
thIS FactIOn.
This questwlll start onceyou have finished the prevlous one and gone backto Fran Meth-
neen. He,ll tell you thatAethan Engar has gone to Skycrown and glve you a letter. ln the letter,
Aethan apologlzes for not belng there m person upon your return from Shardfall, but he wants
to experlmentwlth the Sun Stone. He wlshes foryou tojoln hlm atop Skycrown Mountaln.
Make yourwayto Skycrown, whlch IS In Acatha, and enterthe cave Contlnue down the hall-
way untll confronted byaWolf and Ettln Brutes Try pICklng Off theWolfflrStthen concentrate
your focus on the Ettin Brutes one ata tlme. After kllllng all the enemles, explore the room
to flnd some Llghtnlng Mines (dlsarm then lootthem), a few Fieagents, and a Dlspel Chest
(Easy). Followthe north/western path and you wlll come to a room that has llghtnlng bolts ln
the background
On thIS Pathway there are a few LIghtnlng Mines you can disarm/avold Go on until you
come across an Ettln Shaman, Ettm Brute, and aWolf Agam focus your efforts on theWolf
flrStthen PICK Off elther Ettm.You can also use the Llghtning Mines, provlded you had not
dlsarmed/set them off, to deal extra damage to the enemles
Contlnue fOllOWing the Path and dlSarm/aVOId the four Lightning Mlnes placed on a glyph on
the floor, then a few more Lightnlng Mines on the walkwayjust pastthe waywith a p"Iar
ln the mlddle of it As you advance from here some Spntes wlll spawn just before a door.
Quickly klll them and contlnue through the door.
Followlngthe path, you wlll sees glyph on
and then lootthechestonthe edgeofthe
cliff. When you come to another wooden
of Reagents here to farm and some Spntes
to klll.As soon asyou pass nearthe Objec-
the floor. Once you pass near thIS glyph, fence, an Ettln wlll spawn behlnd lt, so draw tlve Marker, lt will change to the southern
some Sprites and Sprlte Storm Champion hlm Out byrunnlng at hlmtOflght, WlthOut part of Kandrlan, so make yourway there
wlll spawn.Take out the Storm Champlon aggravatlng the other Ettln near the hut. by elther fast travelllng to CaerTosal and run-
flrst and then attend to the Sprltes. After Proceed to kill the Ettin nearthe hutandthen nlng' OrjuSt runnlng from Where you are. As
you have dISPOSed Of them, you Can disarm lootthe chest Make yourway upthe stairs soon asyou getcloseto hlm, "He" wlII start
some more Llghtnlng Mlnes, loot a Fieagent and unlock the (Average) chest on the left of talklng "His" volce has changedtothat
ln the western part of the room and Dlspel the stairs, then go on toAethan Engar untII a familiar voICe. After talking to Aethan, the
(Hard) a chest. After you have done all this, cutscene ls trlggered. voice wlll tell you she is calledThe Empy-
continue advancing through the hallway and rean You wlll engage ln battle wlth her after
Dlspel (Hard) another chest and then contlnue the dlalogue has flnished.
through the Skycrown Peak doors.
Aethan talks about the woman that had SprlteS WIII spawn led bya Sprlte Storm
possessed the bodles ln prevlous quests. Champion, but concentrate on killingThe
EBt]L'Jr=lD- Then hls body gets knocked off the cllff ln a Empyrean flrst, then take care of the Sprltes.
Now that you are at Skycrown Peak, there llghtning storm that had been conjured.Your The Empyrean will use maglc attacks
will be an Ettin variant (Shaman, Brute/ oblectIVe now IS tO Find Engar's Body. It ls conslsting of three flreball projectlles, three
Warprlest)You should try to aggravate him by found between Acatha and Kandrian on the mlnl tornado projectiles, a Mane draln attack
using a long-ranged attackon hlm, SOthatyOu world map, but you cannot fast travel out of (drains Mana even when blocked), an antI-
cantakecareofhim oneon one, andthendo thIS location, so take the short cut and lump magic shleld and, flnally, a teleport attack.
the sameforthe other Ettin.You could also down from the Jump Polnt.You wlll be able Stlck up close and personal with melee as-
try using stealth attacks on them, whlch ls to loot a Skeleton and chest from the first saultsandshewlllgOdOWn ln nOtime.
slightly harderto do, but posslble.There ls a Jump Point and go back through Skycrown
chest(Average) neartheflre ) , ch ll Cave. Backtrack all the way through lt, being
wary off any LIghtnlngTrap MIneS that you
Next up are a pack of Wolves and another Et- did not disarm/set off. i -:ri::I: 23 After killlng the SprlteS andThe Empyrean,
tln. KIll theWolves flrStthen advance. Dlrectly lootthe bodyand go backto Fiathlr. Heretalk
to yourthe right, just after the wooden fence to Fran Methneen, who wlll tell you thatthe
is a locked chest (Very Hard), and thls area
BnT'ENiI.- Archsage has requested to see you ln hls
IS likelyto be hometosomeWolvesand Once you exlt Skycrown Cave, go south to- quarters, brlnglngthls questto an end.
Ettln/ so try to take care of any\^/olves flrst/ wards the Objectlve Marker.There are a lot
--.--- a .--..I
_ __ _r ® _ ` `/
After your conversatIOn With Fran Methneen, leave for the Archsage's Quarters. Contlnue
down the hall and examme theArchsage's body' lt seems as though he ls dead Examlne his
bodyand choose "Place your hand ln the empty space"; you wlll be teleported Into a dlfferent
realm called Dreamworld.The Dreamworld ls theArchsage's mlnd L
Talk toJubaI Caledus, who wlll tell you aboutthe "Creature" who had used the bodies of the
Savants as her host He wlll glve you the true hlstoryofThe Empyrean, ln the form of a Book
Item calledThe Dark Empyrean. Aftertalking to Jubal, followthe path and Dlspel the chest
namedThe PossessIOn BeglnS (Hard) and you wlll get a Mantle Key.
Keep golng and twoAncient Leanashe wlll rise from the ground. Gets sneak attack on elther
one of them to get some easydamage, and then focus your attacks on them one ate time
Take care of them qulckly wlth an lee-Imbued weapon/maglc, open the chest calledThe
Mantle Passes and getthe Patronage Key Take the northern route, where an EttlnWarprlest
and Ettln Brute WIII be waltlng foryou. Afteryou klll them, unlock the chest calledAn Odd
Patronage, take the Left Keyand followthe route untll you come to a NPC called Indifference
--i- a ---
f:U:spigfr lT; - Fj*¬:£as:"? ¬:2+:z±t-1->! - The Scholia Arcane O6 -A Crowded Mind
ltturns outthat lndlfference lsThe Dark Empyrean Afterthe dla-
logue, three Nlskaru Bloodhunters will spawn. An easywayto deal
wlth the Nlskaru ls to putyourself ln a corner, then roll back outso
that all three of them are ln the corner, and then hitthem all at Once
wlth a weapon such as a Greatsword. Afterthe Nlskaru Hunters, the
real battle begins Indifference ls a Mage Humanoid type, and uses
the three projectlle fireball attack and three mini tornados. After kiII-
lng Indifference, loot the body and unlock the chest calledThe\^/orld
I Leftto get aTalent Key.
Backtrackto the fork ln the pathway nearthe startand take the
southern route. Get rld of the group of Faer Gorta Sentinels, loot
all the Skeletons and unlockthe chest calledThe Human'sTalentto
recelve a Flame Key. Followthe path untll you come acrossan NPC
called AmbltiOn.Talk to AmbltIOn tO learn more about the Archsage's
past and your "purpose." After the dlalogue is over, prepare for battle
wlth three mage types.The battle wlth Ambltlon has two ,Sacrlflces,
both of which are clones ofAmbitlon. lfyou klll Ambitlon, you don't
have to klll the Sacrlflces, andyou can use the sametactlcs you used
agalnSt Indifference. After the battle, open the chest calledTheWild
FIame and make yourway backtoJublas !i,l=j ,i?I
When talklng toJublas, he wlll tell you thatyou have llberated hls
mlnd and that he no longerfeelsThe Dark Empyrean's presence ln
hlm Jublas wlll give you the choice between two rewards for defeat-
lngThe Dark Empyrean and freelng Jublas' mlnd: Fearlessness and
DiscIPIineTwists of Fate. Fearlessness glvlng you +5% EIemental
Damage and +1 to SorceryAbllltleS, WhllSt Disclpline givesyou +50/o
Elemental Resistance and +1 to Sorcery Abllitles. After chooslng
your reward, ask Jublas to send you back.
Back ln theArchsage,s Quarters, head north to exltto the Maln Hall,
make yourway outside of the Scholla Arcana and talktotheArch-
sage. As soon asyou talkto him you wlll complete the questand
receive the Savant's Ring, onlythen does heteII you thetruth of the
order. He tells you of CIara Sydanus/The Dark Empyrean and how ln
orderto destroy her; you mustflrst release her, which leadsyou on
to the next quest
- a ------
L~-/-.I -_' I ~,` 6
TheArchsage will tell you to placethe three Stones, Sun, Frost, and Storm, on each of the
statues' hands, whICh WIII result ln freeing Clara Sydanus.The quest objectIVe Will then
change toAldArchsage Caledus Advance towards Jubal, who wlll run lntothe flames and
Clara Sydanus will appear and starttalking toyou lnqulre aboutthe Archsage to be told that
he ls now placed ln the very same spell that had bound Clara, so choose any other optlon
and prepare toflght
This fightwlII prove to be challenging, with CIara haVIng Verydamaglng spells and completely
locklng off most of the envlrOnment.ThIS battle IS fought in Stages, each Of WhICh depends
on how much llfe She has remaining At 100O/o she wlII stickto castlng storm tornados. At
75% of Ciara's health she will summon two Possessed Students, which are weak Humanoid
Mages.Theyshould not be too much of a problem, but can become a nuISanCe aS the fight
goes on, sotake them outthen focus back on Clara.
Hlde behlnd the trees so thatthe maglc does not hityou, then go ln forthe attack, whlle the
students are in thelr recoveryanimatlons Clara wlll now also start uslng an lee ball attack;
thls is the easiest stage at whlch to deplete Clara's health. Just stay very close to her and
watch the Ice balls completely mlss. At 50 O/o Health, Clara wlll summon two Faer Gorta
Sentinels, once you k"I the two Faer Gorta, she wlll spawn more. Afteryou have kllled SIX Or
so, she wlll stop summonlng them Don'tworrytoo much in dealing damage to Clara atthls
stage, as she only ever uses a Mane Draln attack.
Aftershe stops summonlng the Faer Gorta castyourfocus back on Clara. At 250/o health
Clara will summon two more Possessed Students and start using flre based attacks. She wlll
startwlth three fireball projectlles and she,ll fly lntothe alrand shoot outa Flre Shockwave,
whlch can be easilyevaded lfyou have access to theAbillty Harpoon you can snag herout
ofthls animation and ground heragaln. Once down to 00/o, press the correspondlng button
totrlgger a Fateshifttoflnlsh heroff. After kllling her, loot her body.
Fran Methneen wlll rush towards you congratulatlng you, saying that you have done some-
thing that no other person in the Scholia Arcane has ever done beforeYou have now com-
pleted all of this Faction's mlsslons and have acqulred the tltle ofArchsage.You wlll getthe
Archsage Filng' a Letter from Archsage (Jubal) Caledus, and a KeytoJubal's Quarters. Now
that theArchsage Quarters are yours, you are free to go down there atanytime and loot
any containers or use the services avallable
TheThavelers are a bunch of highly skilled thieves that followthe prophecies of the
Hierophant.They set their sights on loot of noticeable worth and pride themselves
upon theirthievery skiIIs. Due to their quick eyes and clever hands, theltavelers are not
suited forthe arts of magic or swords, but prefer lighter armor and smaller weapons.
There are three Items In total that you must steal to complete the task: GrllrlCaS Medal-
lion from a noble ln thetOWn Of DidenhII, St. EadrIC'S FiemalnSfrOmthe Chapel In St.
EadrIC'S MISSIOn and Draug'sToothpICkS from Gunnar Frode who works out ofVorm Lodge.
lt doesn't matter ln WhICh Order you Steal the Items, but we,Il start wlth going for the re-
malnS.Take the southern exlt out of Star Camp and head east towards St. Eadrlc,s MISSIOn
lf you want to stealthlly Steal the remalnS, the best tlme tO enter the Chapel is around
midday ln gametlme, asthere should only beone monk lnsldeatthattlme. slmplywaltfor
hlm tO either Pray at the altar, Or tO Start SWeePIng On the OPPOSlte end Of the Chapel and
then enter Stealth Mode near the side of the remalnS. Once the Awareness symbol above
his head IS emPty' take the remalnS from the Sarcophagus.You could also choose to kill
the Monk at this tlme lf you WISh, just make Sure tO leave before any Others come Into the
Chapel and spot you.
I- a -
Now that you have St. Eadrlc's F\emalns, travel south toVorm The downside to this is that the whole town Wlll become host"e
Lodge.Talk to Gunner Frode, who wlll change the terms of the towards you After gettlng the map, a marker wlll be Placed ln
deal.ThIS WIII present you wlth three OPtiOnS. you Can gIVe hlm the The Sldhe to the north, east of Arduath. Go there to get Draug's
money he asks for, persuade hlm tO gO lower, or refuse to pay Re- Toothplcks.
fuslng tO Pay hlm Will result in him telIIng you that you ShOuldn't try
anythlng funny, as he has hldden Draug,sToothplcks inThe Sldhe,
buthe has a mapthat ls secured ln a Strongbox in hlS room. He
holdsthe keytothls boxon hls person atalltimes. The thlrd item lS located ln the town Of DldenhlI, In the Glendara re-
gion once you are there, go Inside theThree Lamps Inn and make
There are a number of ways around thIS Firstly, you can choose your way to the back room where you wIIl meet Ealfwlg GrllriCaS,
to pICk the lock of the strongbox to get Gunnar Frode's Map, his the noble you are seeklng. He wlll gIVe you a rather cold welcomel
Footlocker IS located upstairs ln the first room On the left.You can sowaltfOrhimtO IIe On his bed andthenWhen nObOdyiS Iooklng,
pay hlm the money he asks for and get the key, uslng Persuaslon pickpocket hIS medallIOn. Agaln, you COuld kIII hlm if you wISh, but
to get him to lower the price. Every time you fall the PersuasIOn he lt WIll most likely turn the town hostile so the choice IS yours. After
wlll raISe the amount Of Cash you have tO Pay. Flnally, you can go you have the MedalIIOn, return back tO Star Camp and talk to Crllga-
Into aggressive mode and klII hlm, then loot his body for the key rln to complete the quest and recelve some useful Items.
When talking to CrIIgarln, She WIll tell you to pray at the HIerOPhant Shrine The HIerOPhant
wlll ask you to steal another item, thls tlme lt's Buru's Boots that once belonged to a famed
hunter called Ametalr Your objectlve wlll now change to Meet wlth Aergase, whom you wlll
flnd nearAodh inThe Sidhe.
Meet with Aergase and she wlll tell you that she wishes for you to retrieve the Boots, and
tells you that the Lord of the Hunt has isolated himself ln Arduath You WIII learn that the
Lord of the Hunt has succumbed to the curse of the Boots, and regardless of what optIOn
you choose when you talk to Aergase, you wlll have tO kIIl him. Make your way toArduath,
whICh IS dlreCtly tO the north, Once you have finIShed SPeaklng tO her.
In Arduath, unlock the magICal looklng door and advance forward Ametair's voICe Will speak
toyou and askyouto leave, but hewill succumbtothe curseandtell you thatyou are hIS
next prey. If you have a high PersuasIOn SkIII, you can getAmetairto admlt and accept that
he IS Cursed and be rewarded Wlth an accessory (necklace) calledThe Hunter,s Frlend. If you
cannot Persuade him, picking any of the other dlalOgue OPtIOnS WIIl cause hlm tO Say that
the Bootsare hisandyou must kill hlm lfyOuWantthem
-- -.I - = ---_--
walk Into Ametalr's den and prepare to flght Ametalr ls an annoy- Make note of each doorthat is locked, as lt wlll be the next area he
Ing opponent, because after every few attacks he WIll become inViS- will advance to. Once he re-appears, he will usually use his lunglng
lble, hls attacks cannot be Interrupted. Eventually, Ametalr's attacks attack followed by the double melee attack. Block them both and
will also inflICt BIeedlng Status On hit. Once he becomes vISIble get some damage in, and once enough damage ls done, the door
attack him; you can block his attacks then get one ortwo attacks on will open and you can follow. Because you can always seeAmetair
hlm. AIthough he turns lnVISIble during the flght, if you lnflICt a Status as you approach each new area, using any ranged offensive optIOnS
effect on hlm you will stIII be able to see the damage ticks coming you mayhave, can beveryeffectlveas hecloses ln :- .,'l Repeat
off, andthus canfollowhIS movements ,: ,- TL Onceyoudeal thlsand hewillgodown in notlme, SOyOu Can loot hIS bOdyfOrthe
some damage, the next area wlll open up. He wlll always go lnvis- Boots.Your objective wlll update, so make your way back Crllgarln/
lble, and become vlsible once you get tothe next area.Watch out for who will tell you that the Grlm Onwig has not returned from hIS mIS-
a lunglng attack, ln which he slldeS across the ground atYOu WIth hIS slon, promptlng the end of thls quest and settlng up the next one.
blades, and fora double melee attack when he IS uP CIose to you
I,--- a- -
\, I_a ,::>``J/ lJ.+J; u tz |JL)
Crllgarin wlll tell you about Grim Onwlg and ask you tO gO flnd Out What has become Of hlml
so make your way to Ohn's Stand, whICh lS ln the SOuth Of Lorca-F3ane. If you can't fast travel
there, Ieavlng VIa the northern eXIt form Star Camp WIII result ln a much ShOrterjOurney.
Enter Ohn's Stand and continue up the pathway. Grlm IS locked in a cell with two GnomISh
Sentrles patrolllng .You can stealth kill both of the patrols for easy kllls lf you have
the requlred equlpment TalktoGrlm, whowlll be pleasedto seeyou, andaskhlm howhe
gotcaught. Hewlll clalm hewas set upandtellyouthatthe Gnomeswlll klllyou both for
what they are looking for.You wlll have a number of optlons for gettlng hlm out of the cell.
stealthe cell key, plckthe lockand get hlstoolsso hecan sneakout, orgetthe Mlsslvesto
use as a bargalnlng chlp for hls freedom
There isa SplkelTap ln the mlddle of the floor; stICktOthe SIde Of the Path tOaVOid lt ln this
nextarea, anytime an enemy notlcesyou, a groupofthree enemleswlll come and attackyou.
EnterStealth Mode and hide behlnd the rocks until the Gnomlsh Sentry ls faclng away from
you, then sneak up behind hlm and take hlm down wlth a stealth klll leavingtwo mul.a Grloll-lea
in thls area.Takethem out uslng Stealth kills to makethingseasler, and then move SC/ull1.
- a ------
(':ls#T.X"!hr l3 i 3,-LU
Open the doorandfollowthe path down
until you cometo Centurlon Gastet.You can
elther use Stealth kill, klll him conventlonaIIy/
or pICkPOCket hlm for his key. lfyOu WISh
toavold hlm all together, open the chests
nearbyto get Grlm'S Stealth KItWhile he ls
not lookmg.
Optlng to getthe Mlsslves to bargaln for
Grlm's freedom is the longest way to go
about lt, butyou wlll getto explore the
whole of Ohn's Stand and discover more
lootTo reach the Missives follow the east-
ern path untll you come to a Jump Point.
Nowfollowthe path around until you come
across a Jottun.You can elthertry tO Sneak
around him ortake him out.
Crllgarln wlll appreclate your helplng free
Grlm, but She WIIl befarfrom happyabout
Grlm'S accusations agalnSt the HIerOPhant.
Crilgarin wIIl then tell you of the Moon
Camp, where the leader, IrlonTaI, will be
walting foryou, brlnglng thIS queSttO an end
Moon Camp ls on theTywllI Coastjust south of Rathlr.Talk to lrlon nearthe center of the
camp. Despite his arrogant nature, he will soon swltch to a more sorrowful mood when he
hints that Maire has gone mISSing.Though he feels he shouldn't botheryou wlth hIS Personal
problems, he goes on to give you your mISSiOn.Your objectIVe WIII change to Pray at the HI-
erophant Shrine.The Shrlne wlll tell you of the Items you must Steal, and Wlll gO Onto Say that
Maire ls also interested in one of them...
Once agaln you must purloln three Items tO Prove your worth: theWyvyrn-GIfre SIgnet Filng,
the ChaIICe Of ForcedVintage and the Cowl of the Maiden - all three of whICh Can be found
in the port clty of Fiathlr ln Rathlr enterthe SeafoamTavern, whlch can be found ln the north
of the LowerClty FindVeinrich the PeddlerandteII hlm to hand overthe ChaIICe. HewiII tell
you that it's not for sale, so lt'S tlme tO use yOurthleVing Sk"lS and Pickpocket him.
After speaklng toVelnrlch, he wlll go outside. Follow hlm to near the middle part of town
where the traders are. Enter Stealth Mode and choose your moment to try and steal the
Challce. lf you keep gettlng spotted, walk around for a whlle so that nobody sees you and
then try agaln. lt's also a good Idea to save before you plckpocket hlm, so that you can reload
lf you get detected and do not want to be caught committing a crime
lf you have the Smoke Bomb FIneSSeAblIIty you Can Use lt tO become invisible and
thus pickpocket your target at any time, even lf he's still ln theTavern.
-.-I- a ----
Rathir Upper City
Now set out for the Upper Clty ln Fiathlr, where the remalnlng two
Items are.The flrSt One tO gO for iS the SIgnet RIng, Which IS best
done lnthe mlddle Of the nlght ln gametlme, SOthatyOurtargetiS
tucked away in his bed. Go to HouseWyvyrn-Gifre to the west of HouseWyvyrn-Girfe
the Upper CIty' in Whose Western Part you WIIl find EbsoIWyvyrn-
GIfre ln bed Simply activate stealth, move up to hIS bed and take
the Signet Filng from hls still sleeplng body before he knows what
has happened. Once you have the RIng, head back Outside and gO
to the north of the area, where you wIIl flnd the entrance tO the
Temple of Lyria
Agaln, lf you have the Smoke BombAbIIIty you Can Simply
steal the Ring from Ebsol no matterwhere he is.You wIIl not
have to walt for the righttlme.
Paying her for the Cowl ls the simplest optIOn, but lf you Persuade
her she wlll return tO Moon Camp' and dolng thlS Wlll also get you
an addltional reward at the end of the mISSiOn. Once you have all of
the items, head back to Moon Camp and speak with lrion again to
complete thls quest, and get started on the next.
--. - a- _- -
Phasmerwill greetyou from the opposlte
slde of a locked gate and then open a door
on your slde. Advance through untll you
come to a room occupled by some Free-
man Deserters. Hide behind the crates and
pick them off wlth stealth kllls one by one
lf you are spotted, a group of three
Freeman Deserters wlll rush intothe room
and you wlII have larger numbers to fight.
Once you have disposed of them proceed to-
wards Phasmerwho ls waltlng to the north
You will arrive at a room wlth four enemies:
two sitting down and two patrolling the
room.Tryto get a sneak attack. on one of the
patrolling guards to gain an early advantage
Focus on the Mages flrst as thelr long range
attacks can make it dlfflcult to battle the
other enemles lf left unchecked. Loot the
chests ln the room once they have been
defeated, and then contlnue south. Open
the door and down the hallway you'll meet
Phasmer. Stand on the pressure plate to
open the door, where Phasmer wlll PICK uP
the Amulet. Suddenly Phasmer wlll not be
able to move.
After learning of the Hierophant,s betrayal, Grlm WIII have his own devIOuS Plan On how tO
extract revenge He asks you to steal the class of Ambient to locate the MissIVeS Once more
The GIass of Ambient IS In the Blackened Hall that ls rumored to be guarded by demons, but
acqulrlng lt iS a necessary Step towards deallng with the HIerOPhant To reach BIackened Hall,
exlt F(Ithen down the SOuthern COaSt agaln untll you reach lt
lf, however, you lose the Boots before maklng lt all the Way across, all IS not lost You can
dlsarm the traps before you step on them lf yOu WISh, tO Slowly but safely make yourway
across, and there IS also a fasterway.When you step on one of the traps, the sequence
thatthe flames move ln is always the same. Once you knowthe pattern you can tlme your
movements to avold lt. on the second set of traps, the flame always starts on the outslde
set of traps, before comlng back down the mlddle set All you need to do then is run along
the mlddle untII the flame IS about tO Start COmlng back, and then move across tO the OutSiC!e
lane and contlnue CrOSSIng. On the thlrd and flnal Set Of traps, the flames WIII go down the
left hand slde, before COmlng back along the rlght, so simply adjust your route aCCOrdlngly.
Because of the sheer number of traps ln this area, It IS an excellent place to acquire
Blacksmlthlng Components by dISarmlng them lf your Detect HIdden Skill IS hlgh
enough This IS quite a lengthy Process, though.
how often they can close in and attack you These attacks Include a slow flre projectile,
If you use the ErathI Sigll-Stone you wlll dis- Once they have been defeated you wlll have a long flre breathlng ranged attack, a rushlng
arm all of the traps you just passed, so you to exlt the room vla the south exit, as the assault, a melee swlng WIth Its arm followed
can go back qulckly and safely lfyou wish to one leading eastwlll be closed off when you by a second slammlng strlke, and a close
plck up any mlssed loot. ln the room ahead approach lt. Use the same tactlcs from the range tall swlng This battle is not as gruellng
there ls a Nlskaru Bloodhunter, and as soon previous room ln the next One you come tO. as lt WOuld flrst seem. Keep your Shield up
as lt spots you anotherwill appear ln the Keep followlng the Path along once you have at all tlmes and studythe attacks that are
room as well.Try to get a powerful stealth dlspatched the Nlskaru, which w"I keep fun- easyto see coming You can use the pillars
hlt on the first one to weaken lt before you neling you ln a Single direCtIOn by CIoslng Off to avold the flre based attacks altogether;
have to contend with both of them at the others as you get close to them simply run around the pillar and hlt lt ln its
same tlme.When theyare down, you can back for some free damage, but beware of
open the door to the west where you wlll itstallswlng: , :-i:iJustbepatientand
flnd a couple of chests to loot/ although you
EE>rmH- block, and ltWIII bedown in notlme.
will have to quickly avoid another small set of ln thls clrcular room you will have to do bat-
traps that dld not get dlsarmed.There ls also tle wlth another group of Niskaru Bloodhunt- When that happens, place theAmulet on
another chestto the south that you should ers before belng able to take the southern it and it will resurrectwith around 30O/o
open before taking the eastern exlt out of exlt to the next area, and then before you health. Agaln it has the same attacks wlth
the main room. open the door ln that room, another Niskaru the addition of an AOE charged up explo-
Bloodhunter will ambush you. Once you slon attack that blows up the area around lt.
lf your Detect Hldden Skill ls hlgh enough/ are through the door, keep advanclng along Once you have k"led lt agaln, remove Grlm'S
you wlll flnd a Hldden Door about halfway the long corrldor, taklng out each Niskaru Gem and pick up the Glass ofAmblent
along the next corrldor that has a chest BIoodhunter as you come to it. In the narrow from the pedestal to the north of the room.
behlnd lt,The next room you come to ls very spaces of the corrldor, lt can be very benefl- Before you leave, explore the room to find
slmIIarto the previous one, only thIS time clal to try and stealth kill the lone Nlskaru, two locked chests, and then make you way
two additIOnaI NISkaru BIoodhunters will loin ratherthan fighting the group, if you do not backto where you found Grim's Stash near
the flghtwhen the flrst one spots you, so mlnd losing a small amount ofXP the entrance to meet the man himself and
gettlng ln as much damage early on the first complete the quest All of the maglcal walls
one ls even more Important. that were blocklng your path prevlously have
been removed, so notonly WIII yourtrip back
When flghtlng more than one of them, try Get ready for a flght! The Guardlan ls a be qulcker, butyou can also get the chest
to keep the central column in between the variant of a NlskaruTyrantthat uses a lotof to the south of the dungeon thatyou was
one you are flghtlng and any others, to limit fire based attacks as well as melee attacks, unreachable to before.
I ---- -e .
L~~, `- ` + - I . `
D±:I--- -- - - - - ---
when speaklng to Grlm Onwlg, he Will te" you that you and he have tO Part Ways for a Whlle/
butthatyou should seek outArglne, the leader of anotherTravelers camp, Sun Camp, to get
some work ln an attempt to distract the Hierophant. Sun Camp lies far to the south, along
the eastern edge of the Detyre ln the regIOn, SOyOu WIIl have a long way to travel if you
have not been in that area before. once you get there, Arglne WIll Say thatYOur amVal
is a blessing of the HIerOPhantS and hlnt at Grlm Onwig's rebelIIOn.
Ask forwork to receIVe the flrSt quest from Sun Camp, and she w"I tell you to pray at the
Hierophantfor more deta"s. Follow the objectIVe markertO the Hierophant and hear a tale
about the sun and an eagle. She wISheS tO Squash the rumors Of Gnm's rebellIOn and asks
you to steal the Master,s Pick, a lockplck that IS Sald tO open any lock! Head south to the des-
ert clty of Adessa, and then flnd your Way Into the LaboratorleS just SOuth Of the Central area
upstalrS m the Laboratones tell Eloren Criet you are looking forthe Master's Pick. EIoren wlII
be outraged and tells you to leave, atwhICh tlme you Can elthertry tO Persuade hlm or pay
gold; elther option has the same outcome Eloren wIIl say he doesn,i have any Master's PICk,
lust a strange box that he IS unable tO open, and that has SInCe been confiscated and IS now
resldlng ln the Adessa Armory :
Exltthe LaboratorleS and make your Way SOuth tO the Armory; the boxyou are looklng for
is located ln the southwest corner Loot the Contraband Boxto receIVe the Ornate Box and
a Note, and bnng them both backto Sun Camp. Arglne W"I be pleased you brought the box
back, but dlspleased about it stlll being locked.
you wlll learn from Arglne that she wants you to break mto Guian's lab to use the Amvus En-
glne tO free the Master,s PICk from the box. Head overto Motus Minlng Headquarters whICh
IS northwest Of Sun Camp. Here you can talk to Guian, who wlll refuse you access tO the lab,
meanlng you w"I not be able to use the Arrivus EnglneYou can either pICkPOCket hlm fOrthe
keyto hls lab, or pick the locked lab door.
__- a -.
Inside the lab advance untll you come to a room where two Faer
Gorta Sentinels are on patrol They both have set patrol routes so you
can easily get stealth kllls on them both. lf, however, they see you, a
group of Faer Gorta wlll swarm you and you wlll have to kill them all.
Make yourway Into the lab area that has an AlchemlcalWorkbench
lf you need it (watch out for the SpikelTaps on the floor), and use
theArrivus Englne ln thewestern cornerofthe room ¬-:f ,¥1.When
done, return toArglne back at Sun Camp.
Arglne wlll be surprlsed when you return the Master's Plck to her, or
rather, the fragments lt has been shattered Into. She begins to ques-
tion the Hlerophant, but quickly dlsregards her questlons and tells
you of anothertask the Hierophant wishes of you
- - = --
»p=,_uREmE mRI
Maun Colntaker, an enemy of theTravelers, has been sentenced to execution, and the HIerO-
phant wants you to confront Maun to receive a keyto hIS hoard Maun IS at Convlct,s Cavern,
which is between Sun Camp and Motus Mlning Headquarters. Over there elther plck the lock
or steal theWhlteStOne PrISOn Key from the guard ln front of ConvICt'S Cavern. -
Once inside, advance to the objectIVe POInt, but be Wary Of the tWOITlpwirelTaps and con-
frontMaun . -. MaunwlllgIVeyOuhlSkey'butitSeemStObeOnlyaPartOfit. Hegave
the other parts to the Zungars and Darkvarls at Snaketail Grotto but these are more than llkely
ln confllct trying to flnd lt Enter SnaketaII Grotto, whICh iS tO the West, and begln your Search
forthe remalnlng pleCeS :
As you enterthe Grotto you will see plenty of Zungar and DarkvarI corpses Loot all the
corpses and head east, following the path around unt" you can turn south towards the bot-
tom half of the dungeon Atthe next crossroads, take the eastern path and follow lt around
unt" you come to a large room where the DarkvarIS and Zungars wlll be engaged ln a flerCe
battle i - - LTheywlll alwaysattackeach otheruntil oneofthe Factlons has been com-
pletely killed, and then they WIII turn on you Take them out one by one, swltchlng between
each FactIOn Afteryou have dealtwlth all the enemleS, get the Zungar Key from the chest
Now return the wayyou came and follow the western pathway untII you w"I come across
more zungar and Darkvari Klll them all and continue south Agaln deal wlth both Parties, and
once they have been defeated, Iootthe chest to get the DarkvarI Key.
Now that you have completed the key' your next objective lS tO retrleVe Maun's Stash, so go
north out of thIS room, and take the first Westerly Path that Will lead you to a small dead end
and Maun,s Stash .. Upon lnSPeCtlng the loot PIleS YOU flnd nOthlng but Cheap brass
and glass beads, and when you open the chest, there ls nothing but a letter inSIde lt Seems
ltwasalllusta devlous ployby Maun, and he neverhada real stash ofaII hIS riches, SOyOur
only choICe IS tO return tO Sun Camp and speak wlth Arglne. Before you can reach the exlt Of
snaketail Grotto, however, you'II run across an old friend ln the form Of Grim Onwig
speak to Grlm Who knows that Maun pulled the wool over everybody's eyes He has found
the location of the MISSIVeS, but needs you tO retrieve them for him He will also show a
more sensltIVe SIde and admlt he Was Wrong fOraCting upon Vengeance aS It COuld damage
the future of theTravelers. You'll need to travel to Adessa Llvarium to flnd the MISSiVeS, but
you won't have to do lt alone because he has arranged for Phasmerto meet you there and
showyou the way ln
-- S -
-- = --.-I
uu_`,a +- I - 'J -,
After speaklng with Grim go south toAdessa, and then take the northern entrance to reach
The lslesThe Livarlum iS On the northern end Of The Isles, and after enterlng you WIII flnd
Phasmer in the northern corner of the maln room. He explalns that the maln problem wlth
stealing the Missives is that the Gnomes have placed a spell on lt, lettlng them know where
lt lsatalltlmes Lucklly, he hasa maglcal ShroudofOmissionthat hewlllglvetoyou, that
wlll block the effects of thelr spell.The Mlsslves are belng held deep ln a Gnomlsh vault, and
Phasmer tells you that the best wayto enter ls through a nearby grate, so when you are
ready' drop down the grate Into the vault below.
Go down the stalrs untll you eventually come to a room, where you qulckly have to dlspatch
two Gnome Sentrles.The dooryou need to go through to contlnue your quest ls to the north-
east of this room, but lt iS locked With a Very dlffICult lock. EIther try tO Pick the lock, Or lfyOu
are not confident ln your lockplcking skllls, go southwest to an adjacent room where you wlll
flnd a Keymaster. Klll him and take the key from his body' so that you can get pastthe door.
Advance through the now unlocked doorand termlnate the sentrles you meet ln the next
room.The lever here opens a hldden passage leadlng to the Forum above, but for now, con-
tlnue through the nearby doortowards the Missives Another large room sealed off agaln by a
locked door that you wlll elther have to lockpick, or flnd the Keymaster to retrleve the correct
key.The Keymasterthis tlme ls a bltfarther away, and to reach hlm you wlll need to leave thls
room via the northeastern door.
Followthe path around and down the stalrs untll you come to a room dlrectly below the one
you were just in ThIS WIII be filled with a number of Glant F(ate and you wlll have to flght your
way past them after smashing through some crates Once they have been defeated, stay on
the path and you wlll eventually come to some llving quarters where two Keymasters happen
to be sleeplng. Elther steal the keys from them as they sleep, or fight them forthe XP to get
the keys you need.Then pull the leverto return to the room with the locked door, whlch you
can now open wlth the keys.
Stealing both Of these keys Will make reaching your goal much easier and allow you tO
bypass a puzzle later on, sc) they are well worth going out of your way for.
--r-- a ---- -
nTJ,=li[- Adessa - Hospitalis Quarter
lf you want to head stralght towards your so, but if they were already burnlng, they llng lt, both of whlch are easlly dealt wlth
goal, take the second path headlng south- wlll then Cease tO This means you have by stealth kllls. Advance to the Misslves of
west it wlll take you into a large square to be very selectlve about whlch ones you Sable and choose toWrap the Book, whlch
room.You can, however, take a more scenic activate, and in whlch order. wlll lead to you recelvlng the Mlsslves of
route by uslng the path stralght ahead, whlch Sable (shrouded) Tlme to make your escape!
wlll allowyou to vlslt a number of smaller Stand ln the center of the room facing the
rooms contalnlng some loot and enemles to northeast entrance. The Brazier ahead and Go back to the prevlous room wlth the chest
klll. When you eventually reach the square sllghtly to the rlght of you w"I be number that contalned theVault Key' where a Keeper
room you will need to make it past another 1,thenextnumber2,then3...andsoon. (mage) and sentry will spawn. Klll them
locked door, but lfyou already have a spare HIt Braziernumber 1 andthen numbers. 6 both and make your way back to the very
Vault Key from the sleeplng Keymaster Braziers should be lit now. Next hlt 2 and 6; north of the area, where the secret passage
earlleryou can advance easlly. lf you do not 4 Braziers are left allght. Now hlt 3 and then leading to the Forum ls located Just before
have that key, there is another one Inside the 7; only 2 Braziers opposlte each other should you reach the ladder, you wlll come across
chest ln the middle of the room, but to open be torched now. Hlt 4 and 8 to finish the a group of Gnomes. EIther flght them, Or
it you will need to solve a puzzle puzzle and be rewarded wlth the chest being sneak past uslng the bookshelf as cover, and
Dispelled for you to get aVault Key. then rolllng to the ladder. Exitthe Forum to
The chest can only be opened if all the make yourway all the way back to theWalls
Keystone Brazlers around lt are allght, but and enter the Hospltalls Quarters, where
interacting wlth one not only causes the one
D][Tlr!-- you will flnd Grlm Standlng ln the SOuthern
you interacted wlth to change status, but Once you advance through the door, follow corner of the top floorwlth somejulcy
also the two on either slde of lt. So if those the pathway down and enter a library-llke information.
torches were not Ill, then they wlll become room. ThIS room has two SentrieS Patrol-
- a ---
> hia._/J" \|j/I\I ,.|#
Grlm WIII reveal thatthe Hlerophant ls actuaIIyArglne Of Sun Camp and she has asked to
meethlm ln the Erathl ruins belowSun Camp ForhIS PIantowork, you needtoplantthe
Mlsslves on her whlle she is distracted, so that the Gnomes can do the rest ln one of the
graves in Sun Camp he has made a secret entrance for you to reach the rulnS, SO make YOur
way back there and use the entrance to drop down Into the rulns below.
As soon as you enter the rulns, take the path leadlng north, where you wlll be greeted not
by Crllgarln, butArglne She knows about Grlm'S deVIOuS Ploy tO frame her, but Instead Of
lashlng Out against you, She asks you tO jOIn her and frame Grim Instead Whether or not you
choose to do so, Arglne wIIl stIII give you the Key to the Hlerophant's Court, and tell you that
Grlm lS ln the EastWlng there After the door has closed you should turn around and head
south unt" you come across the real CrIIgarln Slttlng Calmly ln a Small alcove
Crllgarln warns you about the Hlerophant's forces and the various enchantments within this
denyou can elther lleto herortell thetruth about howArglne had aPPrOaChedyOu, buttelIIng
herthetruth wlll reveal thatthe Keyyou recelved can also be usedto reachArglne herself, Who
ls located lntheWestWlng of the HIerOPhant'S Court To getthere, however, you wlll flrSt need
to find a way past theWatcher, an lnCredlbly powerful trap that guards the entranceYou will
needto steal a Bag ofWlndsfrom one of the guards, asthls Item ls capable ofbllndlngthetrap
Advance intothe nextroom, whereyou wlll comeacross a groupofguards Thefirstguard IS
usuallypatrolllng nearthe entrancetothe room, and lfyou usethe stalrsand nearbyplllarsfor
cover, you can usuallytake heroutwlth a stealth klll lfyou wlsh Once she has been dls-
patched, you can elthertake Outthe remalning guardSaSyOu Please, OrSImPIysneakaround
the walls and take the southern exit without alertlng them.
when you reachthe next room, there wlll agaln beoneguard patrolllng nearthe entrance, and
alsothreeotherguards praylng atthe Shrlne lfyOu dO nOtWISh tOengagethem openly, YOU
can agaln bideyOurtlme and geta Stealth klII on the patrolllng guard and letthe remalning OneS
live when you are ready, contlnue headlng SOuth UPthe StalrS and fOllOWthe Path around untll
you comeacross the guard carrylngthe Bag of WIndS Theguard ls preoccupled SOyOu Can
easllySneak uP behlnd hlm and Steal the Item lfyOu WISh, OrYOu Can klll hlm and lootthe body/
whICh W"I also Ietyou lootthe chests m thearea peacefully. Onceyou havethe Bag ofWmds,
start back the way you came
- --- e- --.
lfyou do notsneakupon hlmand he m the flght, and then aCCOmPanyyOu from
detects you, you wlll have to do battle with that polnt on Keep presslng forward tO the
Take the eastern exlt from thIS room, and gO your old frlend. Grlm PredOmlnantly uses a next room, where you will come across a
until you come face-to-face with the \^/atcher. Bow, so try to stay close and clrcle around group of Gnomes and guards dolng battle
As soon as you reach the bottom of the stairs, hlm Whlle attaCklng tO tryand avoid hIS ar- against each other. You can easily pick these
usethe BagofWlndsto blowoutthetwo rows. Once he isdownyouwlll beableto enemles off while they are focused on
nearby torches, allowlng you to pass by safely plantthe MissIVeS On hlm. each other for some free XP which will be
r^y\ . If you do not usethe Bag of WIndS made easler lfyou sided wlth Grlm slnce
Crilgarln WII also be there to glve you some
you w"yl have to face three more guards
before you can contlnue Once past the
EZ}EiEFT- assistance.The rooms to either side of this
Watcher, you wll arrive at a room where you Golng WeStWIIl allowyou to frame Arglne, one contaln numerous Chests that you Can
mustflnaIIy choose between golng eaSttO but you must flrst agaln navlgate your way open, so you should go explorlng before you
frame Gnm (Polnt 6) orwestto frame Arglne through a room containlng One PatrOIIIng and continue.
(Polnt 7). three praylng guards.Take them out as you
wISh, tO continue along the Path untII you \^/hen you are ready' move north untll you
meet wlth your contact, WhlCh WIII be elther
DrmTi=- get close to Arglne. Sneaking up behlnd her
ls agaln the easler method as you can plant Grlm OrArglne depending On Who you
lfyouwlsh to frame Grlm, head eastall the the Mlsslves before she knows what's golng slded With.You will now need to escort your
way uptoa room wlthfourguards one ls on, but lf you choose to fight, she wlll use a contact to safety, so contlnue along the path
mage's style, so stay close and try to Inter- untll you come across another mlnOr COnflICt
patroIIIng Whlle the Otherthree are Praylng.
Agaln, Stealth kllls areyourbest betto gain an rupt her attacks. Once you have planted the between the Gnomes and Argine's forces.
early advantage before taklng on the remaln- Misslves on her, destroy the pots and then Take out the enemles and head up the stairs/
where you wIIl fmally be safe and can talk
lng guards. Contlnue uPthe Path and Sneak use the Jump Polntto reach the area below.
behind Grlm, InteraCtlngWIth hlmtO PIantthe wlth Whomever you Slded Wlth For success-
MISSIVeS. Watch as some Gnome Sentries fully uncovering the truth and settlng the
come upbehlnd hlm and assaulthlm. Use Travelers on a new path you wlll be awarded
theJump Polnttogetdown tothe area below Once you have jumped down, continue wlth a neWTwlst of Fate; Arglne WIII gIVe
(Polnt 08). alongthe path untllyOu reach adOOr Onthe youTemperance and Grlm WIII bestow you
other slde Of the dOOryOu WIII be assaulted withThe Chariot. Congratulatlons, you have
bythree Gnome SentrleS, but lf yOu Sided completed thls Factlon's questllnel
with Grlm, Phasmer wlII be there to ald you
-,- a- -. _.I
The House ofValor offers subterfuge, back-stabbery, and gladiator combat in a tidy
little package. An arena carved out of the bedrock of Detyre, competitors travel from
all over to test their mettle and achieve their ambitions among the bloodthirsty spec-
tators of the House ofValor.
I._~-. i ; I , .
The House of Valor ls nestled amongst the crags ofAlserund, ln Detyre.You wlll naturally
progress into Detyre when you complete the slxth and seventh main quests, so you may
wantto hold off attemptlng the House of Valor untll you get that far Alserund ls frequented by
the Narca, a clan of rovlng Fee.They differ from the usual bandlts you wlll have encountered
up untll now In that they have mageS ln their ranks, SO Watch Out for SOrCery attacks Should
you run Into them Head Into eaStAIserund to flnd the House of Valor when you're readyto
proceed. +,-
The entirety of thls Factlon's quests take place here, on the House of Valor grounds, so
famlllarlze yourself wlth the area ln addltlon to the arena Itself, you can find a market
complete wlth the usual servlces such as a Blacksmithing Forge, SagecraftAltar, and several
Merchants ;.^>i 2i There IS a multltude Of Chests PePPered throughout the grounds, aS Well
as a few small en6my groups that may appear The terraln is domlnated by two important
-- a -I-.
The second of your fellow Crows mem- Aesa's speed ls his blggest asset. Hewlll
structures: the arena itself and the Cham-
bers lsAesaAlfarlnn Aesa lsa qulck strike quICkly and often, and will interrupt the
pIOn'S house.The house is your final reward
for completlng thIS Faction Dagger-wleldlng rogue He joined up with spells of magesandtheflrlng patterns of
the House ofValorto prepare hlmSelf Bow-wlelderS. Unfortunately, he does very
for real combat wlth theWarsworn, and llttle damage wlth hls strlkes, and !s better
Flnd Jakin Madsen, who should be marked
his inexperience shows. Despite this, he used as an annoyanceto help set upyour
on your MInI-Map wlth an exclamation mark.
He wlll be nearthe entrance tO the Gladi- ISan ableflghterthat ISVeryuSeful in own attacks. He also has below average
certain battles. health, and wlll be incapacltated falrly qulckly
ator pit, which leads to the arena. Jakln is
the manager of the fighters, as well as the
matchmaker for the most part. He will be
your flrSt port Of Call In most quests, SO VISIt
himtoflnd OutWhOm yOuWIIl be faclng.
Speak to him now to flnd Outthe Current
situation of the Crows,
Onceyou have, head intothe GladlatOr
Plt behlndJakln, WhereyOu'll findyour
fellow Crows, aswell asa bed allocatedfor
competitors that you can use at any tlme.
You'II also be able tofindthe nextteam you
are scheduled to fight prepanng themselves
here, soyou can geta sneak prevlewof
whom you will be flghting. SpeaktoVlgor
Broadshleld, the veteran member of the
team. f-:a , L%'!
_---,--- a _._,-..
spells She can also teleport herself out of
danger, so she has decent mobllity, and
slnce she ls always floatlng, can be hard to
hit Herspellstakea whlletocastthough,
so agalnst speedler enemies she isn't very
useful She also gets lncapacltated the
quICkeSt Of all three Crows,
Durlng battles ln the arena, yourchosen ally
wlll flghtwlth you \^/hlle theycan never
be outrlght k"led, they can be knocked
unconsclous, and lt wlll take them a long
tlme to recover, effectlvely removlng them
fromthe battle i-} ::_i lt's lnyOurbeSt
lnterestto end these flghts as qulckly as
possible, golng all outwith AbIIitleS. Save
your F3eckonlng Mode unless you absolutely
need to use it,
--- a ---
forces, clrCIing the outskirts of the arena while pepperlng them WIth dlstance needed to safely cast spells. Desplte thls, the Staff and
arrowshots )= :?3 Leave FrostTraps inyourwake, and flre Offa chakram weapon types arethe bestweaponsyou can use lnthe
shadow FIare lf any Of the enemies get too Close.When only Re- arena, and are excellentfor hitting all yourenemies atonce, since
mus ls left, use hlt and run tactlcs with qulck weapons llke Daggers theywlll almostalways be grouped together Refraln from using your
or Fee Blades untll his SuperArmor is knocked off, and then combo spells until only Remus remalnS, uSIngthe large hitboxes of your
him to death. weapons to take out the lesser enemies
sorcerytypes ln general havea tough tlme ln thearena.ThIS IS Afterthe battle is over, bask in the glow of the audlence's apprecia-
because the small conflnesyou flndyOurSelf ln don'taIIowforthe tIOn, andthen gO baCkintOthe GIadiator PIt, SPeaklngtOyOurCrows
for words of congratulations lf you Wish. Head back out to the House
ofvalorgroundsand speaktoJakln Madsen foryour reward. In addI-
tlon to your reward, Jakin wlll tell you that one JokulI Fangard wishes
tospeaktoyou, and awaltSyOu in the Gambling Den Headthere now.
Jokull can be found ln the lower levels of the Gambllng Den, a place
to satISfyOne'S needs for both gambllng and alcohol.There isalso
a Fateweaver here should you need oneatanypoint, along wlth a
chest ln the baCkOfthe room thatyOu Can lootwlthout commltting a
crime SpeaktoJokull now
He will reward you for your victory, and w"I explaln that he SImPIy
wISheS fOryOu tO COntlnue fightlng and continue WInnlng, He IS WIII-
Ing tO sponsor you aS long as you are vICtOrlOuS Accept hls reward
and flniSh the quest.
-- _-_ = ---
- - - , ` ` .
Speak to Jakln agaln in front Of the arena. He WIII have your next flght llned uP, this tlme
againsta team of mages They are led by Bodlne Borgue, a researcherwho has struck a deal
wlth the ChampIOn,Tyr Magnus ln return for competing in the arena, he wlII be allowed to
keep the bodles of any foes he defeats for . research.
SInCe you know you Wlll be faCIng a myrlad Of magICal attacks, you may want to change some
of your equIPment beforehand. Equlpplng aTallsman as your Shleld is a wISe move, and lf you
don't have one, consider buylng one from the armor Merchant ln the market Chakrams are
also a good idea, as you will be able to Interrupt the mages qulckly and from long range,
You may have notlced the FIght Board next to Jakln OutSlde the arena. lt Offers a SeneS Of Pro-
gressively tougher battles agamst different groups of monsters, outside the storyline Factlon
Quests These wlll be covered in more deta" later For now, once you are prepared, head into
the Gladlator Pit to select your partner.
The entirety of thIS FactIOn'S quests take place here, on the House ofValor grounds, so
familiarlze yourself wlth the area ln addltion to the arena Itself, you can flnd a market
complete wlth the usual Services Such aS a BIacksmithing Forge, SagecraftAltar, and several
Merchants.There ls a multltude of chests peppered throughout the grounds, as well as
a few small enemy groups that may appear.The terraln ls domlnated by two Important
structures: the arena Itself and the Champlon's house.The house is yourflnal reward for
completlng thls Factlon.
Find Jakln Madsen, who should be marked on your MInI-Map wth an exclamation mark. He
wlll be near the entrance to the Gladlator Plt, whlch leads to the arena. Jakln ls the manager
of the flghters, as well as the matchmakerforthe most part. He wlll be your flrst port of call
ln mostquests, sovisit hlmtOflnd OutWhOmyOu Wlll be faCIng. Speakto hlm nOWtOfind
out the current sltuatiOn Of the Crows.
Jakin wlII explain that the upcomlng match is in danger of belng Cancelled, unless the Crows
can flnd someone to lead them Into battle.The Crows are unlque ln thattheyarethe Only
team allowed to bring only two flghters into the arena, whereas the opposing team can
bring a full complement.Thls ls because all the Crows' members are the last remalmng sur-
vlvors of thelr orlglnal teams, and as such are deslgnated Crows as punlshment for not dolng
enough to help their teams You'Il meet your fellow Crows team members soon enough, but
for now, accept Jakln's offer to become thelr leader.
---- a --
ErTTT- different attacks. The first of these is a circle A Flnesse user should place priorlty On
You'll find Bodlne and hls mages preparlng
themselves here, speak to them to dlscover of flre they wlll create around themselves evading the attacks of the Summoners whlle
thelr motlvatIOnS ifyOuWISh fJF~ ±?L In i ^try,i zgLThls wlll damage you lf you touch it. movlng close to Bodine. Once you have
terms of selectlng your ally' you need to They can also create a short-range exPIOSIOn closed the dIStanCe, use a combo endlng
take into conslderatIOn that thIS WOn't be an lf you Venture too Close.Thelrflnal attack is a wlth Shadow Flare and then keep the pres-
ordlnary fight agalnst mages Bodine hlm- slow-startlng dark energy PrOjeCtlle. sure on, or better yet, use Smoke Bomb
self ls a conventlonal sorcerer uslng flreball and immedlately Stealth klll one of the
and tornado attacks, albeit a very powerful All of these can be dodged easlly as long Summoners (Bodlne is immune to stealth
sorcerer However, hls two allles behave dif- as you maintaln your distance, WhICh you kllls) Leavethe Summonerstothe end lf
ferently than most mages, and wlll summon should dowhlle uSIng long range AbiIItieS posslble, but lf you're confldent in belng
sprlteS Into the battle. As a result, crowd and weapons, particularly Chakrams. Bodine able to dodge Bodlne's spells, take them out
himself ls a more conventional sorcerer, and flrSt While avoidmg hIS attacks
control is your number one prIOrlty
uses the triple tornado and flreball spells
Thls means that you should select Helga thatyou wIIl be veryfamlllarwlth atthls A Sorcery user can lay waste to Bodlne and
Swanwhlte to help you ln this battle Her point.These spells are powerful and hard hls gang if you have the Elemental Fiage
flreball spell m particular has a chance of to dodge, so hopefuIIyyou have aTalisman spell avallable, Slnce none of your foes
catching multIPle enemies in Its Wake, and equlpped thatyou can use to blockthe brunt have SuperArmor, they wlII all be dragged
slnCe the OPPOSing mageS dO not Put uP a of the spells. into the spell and take masslve damage
barrler to stop magic and projectile attacks, Falllng that, tryto keep your foes marked
she can launch them unhindered. Your priority when thls battle beglnS Should with Markof FIame atall times, so if you
betotakeout Bodlne. Hlsaretheonly see them ready to flre an attack, you Can
spells that are really a problem, the attacks detonate lt quICkly and Interrupt them.
DiiffiEiT- of the Summoners can be easlly avolded
Bodlne's two assistants will lmmedlately be- and the Sprites are barely actlve For a Defeat your foes and then proceed back
Might user, thls wlll largely come down tO out of the arena. Speak to Jakin to receIVe
gln the battle by summoning a Sprite each.
Ignore these Sprites; they aren't important uslng the Harpoon Abllltyto drag Brodine to your reward along wlth a gift from Jokull and
and are only there to dIStraCt you. KiIIlng you before unleashlng a powerful combo. complete the quest.
the Summoners will get rid of the Sprltes Keep Fielentless Assault actlve to make sure
anyway The Summoners will use three you aren't Interrupted durlng this.
. --- a ---i-`-
i._,, , - .I,I -.,I +
As usual, you'll need
to speak to Jakin to
conflrm your next
match. This tlme,
it will be Brogan
Adairand his team
of experlenced
rogues and flghters
ly-)iT,?!You'll have
As usual, the opposing team wlll be preparlng here. Brogan Adair doesn,t have anything
lnterestlng to say, so let,s move on to your teammate selectlon Desplte hls shortcomlngs/
you'll want to brlng Aesa Into battle wlth you here.
SInCe you Will be facing three archers along wlth a Single Sword flghter, you need someone
that can close the dIStanCe quICkly, Can Strlke Often and raPldly, and Can evade the enemy,S
shots when requlred. Aesa fltS the mold PerfeCtly' and won't go down that qulckly against
the enemy barrage of arrows Tell hlm yOu're brlnglng him along' and head Into the arena
nH_I Eii
i+i: iT* Bythetlme he makeSitOVertOyOu, Sorcery ls dlffiCult to use here, slnCe your
This fight IS falrly slmPle.The enemy IS the archers will be dead and he will be next. foes wlll knock you out of spells often wlth
composed of Brogan Adalr, two rogues Onceonly Brogan IS left, ItWill bea simple thelr nOn-Stop arrow barrage. You should
wleldlng Longbows, and a flghter uSlng a affalrto knock hIS SuperArmor off hlm keep moving untll you see thatyou have
Greatsword The flghter is a slow, lumber- dodged all three arrows flred at you from
lng foe that can be parried easlly The game A Finesse user can have a tough tlme. Since the archers at onceThis means thatyou
you wlll lose ln a long-range battle using have a slgnlfICant gap untll the next VOIley of
plan here is slmple; rush the two rogues and
take them out as fast as possible. Block or your own Longbow, and you don't have a arrowsand can flreoffa spell Useaquick
evade Brogan's arrows, but don't attack hlm reason to laytraps slnce the majorlty of your Mark of Flame to tag your foes, then dodge
justyet He has substantlal SuperArmor enemles wlll remaln statlonary (although the next volley of arrows before detonatlng
and will contlnue tO flre atyOu Should you lf you have access to Gamblt, showerlng lt I->yl| !?3!. Once you have, tag the archers
try to Interrupt hlm. your enemles with ltwlll end thls battle ln and flghter agaln while they are knocked
record time), Use a Smoke Bomb lf you have down.
A Might userwIII make quick work of thIS access to lt, then stealth klll the fighter [ryL1
battle. Activate your Relentless Assault and !%i lf not, use the charged attack of the Dag- Defeat Brogan Adalr and his Crew, and then
destroy the two rogue archers. At the start gers, dashlng through your foes rapidly whlle proceed to Jakin Madsen to collect your
of the battle, head to the edges of the arena attacklng them.You'll dodge any arrows flred reward and the usual glft from Jokull to end
and Harpoon the flghter towards you, and yourway, and lf you have raised theAbility the quest.
leave hlm here wh"e you run to the archers to level, Inflict status allments on your foes.
gm,u!H!EmHEilH REun
Speak to Jakln tO dlSCOVerthat the Current arena Champlon,Tyr Magnus, wlshes to speak to
you. Head overto the Champlon's manorto see exactlywhat he has to say
Magnus' manslon ls awash wlth treasure chests around every corner, includlng some behind
a secretdoorbulltinto hisflrePIace i-. 1L However, lfyouwantto rob hlm blind, you'Il
have to do lt whlle avoldlng the steely gaze of Magnus and hls two guards. Speak to Magnus
when you are ready.
Tyr Magnus has an Interesting PrOPOSItlOn for you. He has been watchlng your Progress WIth
Interest, and seeks to recoup some of the lasses that the patrons of the Gambling Den have
made betting agalnst you. He seeks to do thls byarranglng a special match: you flghtlng
alone agalnst an entire team Magnus promises thatyourfoes will be easy ones, and when
you wln you wlll recelve double the money as well as a spot on his team. lf all of thls sounds
too good to be true, you're right, lt IS
Whetheryou agree to thls battle or not, you have to go through wlth it tO Progress and COn-
tlnue your gladiatorlal career Make your cholce, and then leave the Champion to hls devlces.
As you move to speak to Jakin Madsen, JokulI Fangard wlII bring a warning that Magnus IS
notto betrusted i+`, 2i Hlspromisesofaddlngyouto hlsteam area lle; theteam llneup
has never changed before and likely won't now. Fiegardless, go and see Jakin Madsen and
tell hlm you are readyto fight.Your foe wlll be Mad Dog and hls crew, a devious and ruthless
group. Go Into the Gladiator Plt to meet him and make your flnal preparatlons before battle.
i-.--- a ---- --
Before golng' have a pleasant conversatlon
wlth Mad Dog if you want.This battle ISn't
quiteaseasyas Magnus made ltOuttO be
ln fact, It Will be by far yourtoughest battle
ln the arena SOfar.You'll bedolnga lotof
close-quarters combat agalnst quick foes
that are hard to run away from.
The battle beglns wlth Mad Dog and two
rogues.These lnltlal rogues are weak Dagger-
wielders, however, if you defeat them, they
will Immediately be replaced by stronger
rogues. Up to four more rogues wlll appear/
but no more than two at once wlll appear.
-._-.. = -rl
fl mmEHHH!E mHRE
Nowthat you knowthe Champion ls gunnlng foryou, things will only get harder from here on
out. Speak to Janlk to flnd out thatyour next battle wlll be agalnst theVlpers, a team made
up of several dlfferent fightlng styles and led by Holden LaFayette.Thls tlme you can take a
teammate ln WIth you, but the flght Will stIII be slacked agalnSt you Prepare yourself by vISit-
lng the Market lf you need to, and then Into the Gladlator Plt
You'II flnd theVlpers preparlng fOryOu here. As you can see, you'll have to contend with
a myrlad of versatlle flghters, Including a Sword user, Daggermaster, sorcerer, and archer
Holden hlmself ls a Spear user, roundlng out the weapon set However, thls ls not the full
extent of the enemleS you WIII have to face in the arena.
Magnus' treachery knows no bounds, and if you should defeat the dangerousvlpers, three
sorcerers w"I immedlately spawn ln the arena after them and you will be forced to continue
fightlng Brlng aTallsman and other magIC reSIStant equlPment With you SO you Can equIP It
when the mages appear.
This ls a tough battle agalnst varled opponents, so plcklng an ally largely depends on the
range you will flght at. lf you are a Might or FIneSSe type that llkeS tO fight uP Close, PICK
Helga to supportyou from long range.Whereas lf you prefertoflght from range, PICkVIgOr
- -a --I,
to glve your opponents a tough targetto Harpoon ls a great tool for maklng thls hap- gettlng a few hits ln, Or keep your distance
slowthem down. Aesa lsn't reslllent enough pen, as you can pull the archer or sorcerer and blast hlm With Abilities.
to survIVe On the front IIneS in thIS battle, away from hls comrades and attack hlm in
soselecting hlm lsn'ta good Idea You may ISOIation. Launchlng attacks that Can be aCtI- After he goes down, the real battle will
also want to conslder filling your Reckonmg vated out of evaslon, like those of the Dag- begln. ThreeVlper sorcerers wlll teleport
meter before you begln the battle. Once you gers and Greatswords, are also good tools ln, firlng Off trlPle tornado spells constantly.
are prepared, head Into the Arena. for closlng the distance to these targets and They can't use anythlng else, but all three of
attacklng them qulCkly.?i->.: `, #) them uslng thls spell results m a multltude
of hard to dodge tornados flltting all overthe
EEFiririin A Finesse user can have trouble target- arena. Now's the tlme to equlp aTallsman
The full array of Vipers will rush you as soon lng specific enemies with Longbows, and lf you have one, and tryto get close to one
as the announcer flnISheS speaking You traps can be actlvated by any enemy, so lt of the sorcerers. Agaln, uslng the Harpoon
should use slmllartact!cs here as when you can be tough to discriminate between your ls the best option here to isolate one of the
were fighting Mad Dog and his rogues. Obvi- foes Take out whomeveryou can rather sorcerers. Uslng the spread of Scattershot to
ously lt WIIl be much tougher smce you wlll than wastlng time belng SPeClfiC abOutyOur hlt multlple foes can qulckly make short work
have to contend with a sorcerer and archer targets A Sorcery user has slmllar issues, of these foes, as well as attacklng them all at
at the same tlme. Let Helga target one of but your foes wlll fall even faster before the once uslng Elemental Rage. i-*t| 2,ij
the enemles and attack hlm, slightly lowerlng might of Mark of Flame and Elemental Rage.
the number of foes you have to face. After defeatlng the sorcerers, there won't
Once the long-range support for the Vipers be any more unpleasant surprisesTake
Keep clrcling the outskirts of the arena, and is taken care of, elimlnate the Swordmaster your leave of the arena and speak to Jakln
watch out for the Swordmaster and Holden next. He also has access to the charge attack Madsen Hewill claim he dldn't knowany-
in particular, slnce they both have quick, of the Longsword, so ls a dangerous threat. thlng about the sorcerers, and is probably
devastatlng long-range attacks Holden has Once he ls down, flnlsh off the Daggermas- telllng the truth. Magnus' latest attempt
Super Armor, so don't even consider flghtlng ter and then begln to flght with Holden. to have you killed has thrown the whole
him untll the rest of the enemies are dead. Holden has massive amounts of Super House of Valor into chaos. For now, take
Keep away from the melee fighters among Armor and hlgh health, but has nothing new your reward and the gifts from Jokull and
theVipers and maneuveryourway to the to offer ln terms of attacks Keep close to flnish the quest
sorcerer or archer, and take them out as fast him and parry his slow Spear attacks before
as posslble.
"--- -a -- --
|` a_. I_,,I .I, , .I +I
Head to the location of the 'meetlng.'You'll flnd Instead a hlred mercenary bythe name of
Cyrus Erlin Cyrus and his fellow assassins have been hlred by Magnus to end your success
once and forall. However, atthls polntyour prowess ln the gladiator arena has become
legend, and you wlll be offered a Persuasion challenge agalnst Cyrus. Succeedlng at it wlll
convlnce him that fighting you len/t the best Idea, and he will abandon the wholejob and run/
allowing you to carry on. lf you fail the Persuasion challenge or choose a different dlalogue
optlon, then you'll have to flght.
Cyrus himself is a proflclent archer and will annoyyou with constant arrow shots. He will also
summon four Dagger-wielding rogues to surround you. As you defeat these original four, they
will be replaced one by one with four more rogues, for a total of eight.Thankfully' there is a
great tactlc you can use to make this battle much easler.
As soon as the rogues spawn, make your way back through the narrow passage towards the
market.The gladiators there won't take kindly to a group of assassins attacking one of thelr
own, and will leap to your ald i ,; They won't do much damage, butthey wlll dlstract your
enemles and makethem much, much easlerto klll. lf you find that the rogues and Cyrus only
follow you a little way before runnlng back to their orlglnal posltlons, try to lead them there by
staying close to them. Let them catch up to you slightly whlle you retreat towards the market
to keep them Interested. Use thls tactlc to plck them all off
Head back to Jakln toflnd out whatthe hell ls golng on. On your way, you wlll be Intercepted by
Jokull, who wlll explaln that Magnus has forced the rest of the Crows Into a match wlthoutyou/
and they are flghtlnglTolls. Jokull wlll also glve you the Gambllng Ledger, whlch shows how much
money Magnus has lost bettlng agalnst you. Speak to Jakln to conflrm thatyourteam ls currently
flghting for thelr llves, and then make haste Into the Gladlator Plt to try to ald yourteam.
Unfortunately, the entrance to the arena ls being blocked by Magnus' guards, who are under
orders to not let you pass --. Regardless of your response, you'll have to defeat them to
pass, lf you want a chance to save yourteammates Thankfully, lt's not a tough fight The guards
are slmple Sword-wlelding foes wlth no SuperArmor, so just keep strlnglng attacks together
until they fall. Don't worry about conservlng Health or Mane, slnce you can lust use the bed in
the Gladiator Pit to recover both. Do so after the battle, and then prepare yourself against a very
tough fight against a palr ofTrolls
--- a -_ -
lf you have a full Fieckoning meter, now is a good tlme to activate it.
The exact palr oflTolls you face is based on your level, however, one
of thelTolls wlll always be of a stronger type than the other, such as a
FiockTroll wlth a PrlsmereTroll. F3egardless, you wlll want to concen-
trate on the weakerTroll flrSt, SlnCe lt has lower health and eaSlertO
breakSuperArmor Onceyoutakeoutone, it lsa slmple matterto
deal with the other.
Thankfully' your entlre team ls here to help. ll-y to stay away from the
lTolls untll yourteam has begun attacklng them and has gotten their
attention. Once they have, you can make your way closer and attack
them at your lelsure. lf theTrolls do lock on to you, use yourteam
for protectlon. Get behlnd them and use them as shlelds; while they
might be incapacltated/ they can never die. You can.
As a Might user, it's tough to flght wlthout taking heavy nsks against fective here, but lfyou have Gamblt avallable, the huge bodles of the
theseTrolls. Since they have huge amounts of Super Armor, melee Trolls will set it off almost every mlne.
attacks are risky. You'll need to spam whatever long range Abllities
and weapons you have avallable, such as Quake. lf you absolutely A Sorcerer can also devastate thelTolls from long range, especially
must get closer, make sure you have Fielentless Assault activated if you make use of your fellow Crows Take up a positlon behlnd the
when you do. Use Harpoon to close the distance to aTroll once lt bulk of your allied forces and launch long-range spells llke Storm Bolt
uses its long-range projectile attack to punish it quickly. and Ice Barrage.Throw Chakrams or fire Sceptre shots through them
as well, and if you have accessto Blink, use ltto pass through the
Wlth Flnesse, you can stay at range and lay traps forthelTolls to Trolls' bodies ratherthan uslng ltto go around them.
great effect. lf you flnd yourself ln a tight sltuatlon wlth bothlTolls
surroundlng you, use Lunge to cancel whatever you are doing and Destroy your foes, and leave the arena wlth your team intact. Speak
dash through theTrolls to safety before they can land a hit.The usual to Jakln outslde to take your reward, and prepare for the flnal battle
tactic of uslng a Smoke Bomb to sneak ln a stealth kill won't be ef- agalnst the Champion and his team, the Lords of Valor,
I I --- = -----
.__.i,i:i`*,.:. .Vi
The time forthe flnal battle in the arena has come. Magnus has thrown everythlng but the
kitchen slnk at you, and nothlng has worked, so the Champlon has decided to flghtyou him-
self ln the arena. He and his team haven't been defeated in nlne tournaments, and for good
Before you go into the Gladlator Plt, make sure you take a good look around the market to
see if you can find anythlng that can help ln the impending battle. ln particular, consider pur-
chaslng Consumables that wlll buff your defense. You may also want to conslder fllllng your
Reckonlng meter by kllllng enemles in the nearbyAlserund area before contlnulng
with the battle.
Tyr Magnus, Aksel Dawn, Edgard Bastlon, and Emile Elvire are preparing for the final battle
agalnst you ln the Gladiator Plt. Speak to them to flnd out a llttle about each competitor,
particularly Magnus. He ls partlcularly irked by your continued livlng' despite his best efforts.
Tell him you'll see him ln the arena soon, and then prepare to select your teammate forthe
The Lords of Valor are simllarto theVlpers ln that they have a flghterfrom each of the major
flghtlng styles Each of them also packs a major punch, so forget about brlnging Aesa along.
The best cholce here lsVigor, slnce he can survlve the powerful assault of the Lords of Valor
long enough to actually be useful
Helga ls also a decent cholce, but the Bow of Edgard Bastlon and the spells of Emile Elvlre
can overwhelm her easlly. Elvlre can also erect a magical barrler that blocks projectiles and
maglc, making Helga less effectlve. She can stlll be a good cholce to complementyour close
range attacks lf you are a Mlght bulld. lf you intend to play a more hit and run style or flght
from long range, plckVigor to asslstyou Head into the arena once you are fully prepared.
the charge attack of the Longsword more Smoke BombAbllity' you should use itto
As the battle beglns, Aksel and Magnus, the than Magnus, so tryto keep hlm locked scorea stealth kill, andthen simplystall for
two close range flghters of the team, wlll down with contlnuous attacks whlle staylng tlme untII theAbllitycools down andyou can
begln advancing towards you. Be warned close to Magnus.This WIII prompt Magnus use itagalnforanotherfree klll.
that they can both use the charged attack of to use a slow slashlng attack ratherthan the
the Longsword, and Magnus' In Particular hard to dodge charge attack, and allowyou Sorcery users wlll have the toughest tlme of
wlll do huge damage, even when blocked. to parry it easily. allYou wlII have to rely heavlly on yourweap-
ThankfuIIy' they move slowly' so keep your ons and uslng general asslst spells such as
distance whlle you make yourway overto Once only Magnus remalns, keep close and Summon FaerGorta i.~ - ,(:1 Offensively,
Emlle Elvire, the mags of the group, parry hIS SIow attacks, punlshing hlm WIth using Mark of Flamels your_best bet, as you
one or two qulck strlkes before walting to can safely tag your opponents before waltlng
He has the lowest health among the Lords/ parry hlm agaln. As soon as his SuperArmor for an opportune tlme to detonate the marks
but is a serIOuS threat, thanks tO his flreball breaks, goall outand does much damage Any other spell has too much startup and wlll
and tornado spells He can also create a bar- as posslble HIS SuperArmorwlll regenerate leave you too vulnerable, especlally agalnst
rler that nullifies your projectIIes, whICh Can after a wh"e, so watch outforthis. the Super ArmoredTyr Magnus.
lead to hlm protectlng the rest of the team
from your attacks.Take hlm Out flrSt, keePIng For a Mlghttype character, this battle revolves Once the deed ls done and you have beaten
your camera tralned on the otherflghters to around your use of the Harpoon and F3elent- the supposedly unbeatable team, leave the
watch out for thelr attacks. Only Magnus has less AssaultAbllitiesTarget one of the Lords arena forthe flnal tlme tO CIalm your reward.
SuperArmor, so lf you Can Catch them all in of Valor at a tlme and drag them towards you Nowthat you are Champions, yourteam
an attack, go for lt wlththe Harpoon andtakethem outwlth a will disband and each wlll go their separate
strong Hammer or Greatsword combo, while ways Speak to Jakln Madsen one last time.
After Emlle, target the other long-range sup- ensurlng F3elentless Assault is active so you
port flghter on the team, Edgard Bastlon. Hls aren't interrupted l'riL:: Tl. Use defense and Take yourwlnnlngs, along wlth the keytO
arrows are annoylng and wlll stop you from attack boostlng c6nsumables before each the ChampIOn'S Manor.You now own lt, as
effectively mountlng a sustalned offense, but attack to mcrease your effectlveness well as the Gambling Den.Thls ls a great
wlthOut Emlle supportlng him from afarwlth source of revenue, and your old ally Jokull
spells, he ls much easler to defeat as long as As a Finesse flghter, yOu'Il have very llttle Fangard will be more than happy to run it for
you do it away from Aksel and Magnus. tlme to lay down traps orflre your Longbow. you Atthe end of every three ln-game days,
Thankfully' uslnga Smoke Bombwlll allow Jokull wlll pay out 5000 gold, the Income
When onlyAksel and Magnus remaln, yOu'll you to stealth klll any of your foes otherthan received from your new buslness venture.
naturally want to defeatAksel flrst due to hls Tyr Magnus instantly, maklng the flght drasti- Enjoyyour tlme at the top as the Champlon
lack of SuperArmor. He also tends to use cally easler. ln fact, lf you have access to the of the House ofValor.
The Fight Board is located next to Jakin Madsen outside the entrance to the Gladiator Pit,
and is available for use as soon as you begin the first House ofValor Faction Quest.You'll
have to face various groups of monsters and human enemies under different conditions,
with a gold reward for completing each battle. Upon selecting one of the challenges, you
will be immediately transpor(ed to the arena to begin the battle, so make sure you are pre-
pared before you begin-The later challenges must be unlocked by completing earlier ones.
You can complete a fight multiple times, but for a lesser reward.
Blades and Ablllties llke Quake, Mark of Flame, and Elemental Fiage and two Bolgan Brutes
The brutes can block your frontal attacks, so leave them to the
end and lust avoid them whlle you go after the Barghest. Arcane
FIGI|T 2: FROM PARTS UNKNOWN Barghest have the ablllty to draln your Mane when they hlt you, so
use yourAbillties earlyto ensure your Mane doesn't go to waste.
This fight is a very slmilar The Barghest have no SuperArmor elther, so catch them in an AOE
proposltIOn tO the first, WiI'ning Conditions attack before flnlshlng off the brutes. They are vulnerable when at-
except you wlll be fight- Defeat all the Enemles tacked from behlnd and after they mlss an attack
lng the stronger Sons of
Laz for the majority of Enemies Encountered
it.The first wave will be
comprised completely
Son of Laz
"-into/Lrg 1- - i *li ,{g i-,; - ,tc The HoJ!=±j!!:ri_I_6Fffie Fight Board I
r_ _________ - J
the lastone allve, as kiIIIng itWill immedI- to glow and start runnlng atyou, run away
ately trlgger the next Wave. While lt IS alive, as quickly as posslble to avold being caught
you can heal, letyour Mane regenerate or m the blast.lty to keep a Boggart allve here
lay traps around the arena. Once you are so you can heal before the final wave.
ready, klll the Boggart
The final group ls made up of several Bog-
The next wave contains a mlx of Boggart gart Zealots and two BogThresh.The Bog
PIaguebearers andTumblers. lf you have flre Thresh are very dangerous, despite their lack
based Chakrams, thelr charged attack wlll of SuperArmor Keep away from the entlre
destroy the entlre group ln seconds. Make group' evadlng the long-range attacks of the
sure you don't get cornered, as you will BogThresh whIIe using your own long-range
quickly be overwhelmed by multlple attacks attacks against the Boggarts, They will soon
from the Boggarts use thelr self-destruct attacks, savlng you
The next wave is comprised entirely of Bog- the trouble of kllllng them yourself.When
gart Zealots. ln additlon to all the attacks of only the BogThresh remaln, target One until
the prevlous verslons, zealots can also use a lt goes down Don't attack them when they
self-destruct attack that does huge damage have planted themselves in the ground, as lt
lf you see them remove thelr masks, begln wlll lead to you gettlng hlt more than them
-,,---- -- a -- --- -
block and eventually parry any frontal attacks The final wave contains one of each of the wlll break easiest. Once lt does, flnlsh him
agalnSt them. Attacklng them from the slde first enemy types.lTy to use Chakrams/ wlth more powerful close range weapons,
or afterthey have missed an attack ls the Longbows, Staves, or Sceptres to wear down Do the same for the Jottun Warnor, allowing
waytO gO. the Ettln Brute flrSt, Since hIS SuperArmor you to flght the Bolgan Brute more freely.
The PrlnCeSS Will slmply keep re-spawnlng break thelr Super Armor.
The second wave will send an army of Spi- projectlles Take thls opportunity to go all out Crudok
ders at you, both theVenomspltter and Gent and attack the Crudok relentlessly, before
Splder Varlety They wIIl re-spawn several the projectlles are released lf you are qulck/
times before the wave ls finlshed. Fiemem- you should be able to break Its SuperArmor
berto use flre element weapons if you have and stop lt from dolng anythlng at all
two Wolves and two Ettln Brutes. Take out versions of normal Jottuns, but the Runelord
Enemies Encountered
theWolves quickly flrSt, Since they have nO can launch long-range ice based projectlles.
SuperArmor Once only the Brutes remain/ Get the F3unelord flrSt, SO you dOn't have tO
Ettln Brute
stay close and parry thelr attacks untll thelr deal wlth these for long. lf you have access
SuperArmor breaks.Try not to use much to Smoke Bomb, you will be able to stealth Jottun Chleftaln
Mana, slnce you will need yourAbIIItleS for kill the Fiunelord immediately' otherwlse use Jottun F(unelord
the second wave. flre spells or weapons on hlm
-- a ---
For the flrSt and last tlme you Will be battllng do so whlle keeplng a watchful eye on the
Niskaru ln the arena for this challenge.They tyrant. As soon as you see it preparlng to VVInning Conditions
wlll attack you ln two waves, the flrst of launch Its flreball attack, prepare to roll out Defeat all the Enemles
which only has two NISkaru Hunters. If you of the way. lf itventures too close, get away
are unfamlllar wlth Nlskaru, use the opportu-
froemies Encountnd
and let the bloodhunters come to you.
NISkaru Hunter
nity to learn the tlmlng of thelr attacks.They
are quick and powerful, but very easy to When only the tyrant remains, try to keep Nlskaru Bloodhunter
parry' whlch ls the key to defeating them. closeto itand ball lt Into uslng a meleeat- Nlskaru Tyrant
Tyrant. Take out the BIoodhunters fast, but its fireballs are Incredibly quick.
Ettln Brutes. Parry thelr close range punches can take a more proactlve approach and lay
Et'chies Encotlnterod
and counterattack, lt is useful to have a these around the arena.
Ettln Brute
Tallsman with the ice attribute attached to
it, as a successful parry wlll inflict the Frost The flnal wave contains two of each type of Jottun Warrlor
status effect on your enemles, lowerlng enemy you lust fought. An interestlng thing Bolgan Brute
of Health, but not a dlfflcult one, even lf you to stay close to lt for too long, oryou could
Enemies Encounterod
have no long-range optlons. Stay away from be hit by a qulck swlpe or unblockable club
Mc)untaln Troll
theTrolI, waiting for it to use Its dashing strike. Don't be greedy when attacklng, and
attack' When it is about to slam its club, roll away when thlngS look dangerous. Ftoward
The enemy llst for thls last fight may look Brownles, constitutes the next group. Use Wirming Conditions
dauntlng' but lt'S a lot eaSierthan it appears. the opportunity to heal and recover before
Defeat all the Enemies
Keep a flre Weapon in your Inventory SO you the wave after, whlch is quite dangerous
can equip itlaterand stock upon Health and You'll be facing two Arcane Barghest and leg Encountcnd
Mana Potlons.You don't really need a full two Anclent Leanshe. Avoid getting hit by BoggartTumbler
Reckonlng meter when going ln, slnce it's the Arcane Barghest at all cost, as you can Ill
almost a certainty that you'll bulld lt by the afford havlng your Mana drained before the
tlme you need lt. last wave.Take out the Barghest while block-
ing the projectile attacks of the Leanshe, Sprlte Flame Champlon
The flrst wave is only a few Boggart leavlng them to the end. Brownle
--- a ---i_
This chapter will explain how to get everyTrophy orAchievement in Reckoning. Some of the
achievements may require a high level of a certain Skill to be used, such as Romancing the
Gem.This section of the guide will be split up into different categories, which will make it
easier for you to find a specific Achievement/Trophy.
These AchievementsITrophleS Will be unlocked as you play through
the Maln and Factlon Quest lines.You wlll get the Maln Quest re-
lated AchievementsITrophies lmes naturally as you progress through
the story' but the FactIOn AchievementsITrophles must be speclfI-
cally sought out. lt is highly recommended you do thls, as not only
wlll you get the AchleVementSITrophleS, but there iS also substantial
unique loot and rewards avallable
Reborn Complete the flrst storyline quest, Out of the Darkness. Destiny Dominated Complete the entire Maln Quest on Hard
You wlll receIVe the AchievementITrophy after you step out of the dlfflculty OurWalkthrough ls deslgned to be played on the Hard
crumbllng rulnS OfAIIestarTower. _ dlffICulty' so followlng it Closely Should See you tO getting thIS
No Destiny' All Determination After understandlng the full extent
of Gadflow,s plans, complete the Main Quest,The Comlng Storm/ House of Ballads Complete the House of Ballads Faction quest-
to unlock the AchleVementITrophy and leave to gather your forces. llneThis Faction can be started by talklng tO Hallam theWhite, who
IS located at the House of Ballads in Odarath.
Turning theTide Complete your business ln Adessa and leave the
clty wlth one less obnoxlous Gnome to worry about after f"shlng House of Sorrows Complete the House of Sorrows Factlons
the Main Quest, EnemleS in Hlgh Places, to unlock thIS Achleve- quest-llne Thls Faction can be started by talklng to Blsarane, who
mentITrophy. resldeS m Cursewood, just before Foes' Hearth ln KIurikon i `*(
Hero of Mel Senshir Complete the Maln Quest, Breaklng the Scholia Arcana Complete the Scholla Arcane Factlons quest-
Slege, and become the legend known as the Slege-Breaker. Iine_This Faction can be started in two different locations, either
by speaklng tO\^/ren Penderghast in the Maln Hall of the Scholia
Destiny Defiant Complete the maln storyline, finishlng the flnal Arcane ln F3athir, or by talkmg to AugraTenet in the Scholia Arcana
quest, F]eckonlng, and endlngTlrnoch's threat once and for all. Embassy atYsa
.hey 1 ,'¬, L}l ±-.`|
These AchlevementsITrophles will requlre you to have some points
Invested in particular Skllls, sometimes demanding you to max
out the Skill. A great tactlc ls to save your game before visltlng a
Fateweaver, then havlng your Skills reset. You can allocate them to
another Skill to unlock the AchlevementITrophy you need, only to
load your previous save agaln.
Breaking and Entering Thls AchlevementITrophy will be much Romancing the Gem YOU will need eight polnts Invested ln the
easier to get if you have a high Lockplcklng Sklll. Use Lockplcks on Sagecraft Skill for thls AchlevementITrophy. You must craft an Epic
chests and doors that have a lock.You can buy Lockpicks from varl- Gem, whlch can be made by going to a SagecraftAltar, selectlng
ous shops, see the Area Gulde to find out which Merchants wlll sell CraftGem, andthen EpicGem.You willthen be abletocomblneany
them.You wlll also flnd them as loot quite often. Uslng the Prlsmere two Shards to craft an Epic Gem Shards can be found by dlsarm-
Lockplck wlll open any lock wlth a 100O/a success rate Once you ingTraps ln caves, whlch wlll requlre at least four points Invested ln
have unlocked 50 locks, this AchievementITrophy wlll be yours. The Detect Hidden, or buying them from Merchants around the world.
Game System offers a more detailed descriptlon of how Lockpicklng
works. i --- You can also use certaln pleces of armor that Increase Skllls, such
as the Gem Cutting Handwraps, which are a reward from the Scho-
Open Sesame To unlock thls AchievementITrophy' invest ln the Dis- lla Arcana Factlon Quest Shardfall.These glve +1 to your Sagecraft-
pel Skill.The hlgheryour DISPeI Skill, the easier it ls to DISPel harder lng Sklll.The Sagecraft section of the Game System glves detalls on
chests. Exact details ofthls are available in the Game System. A Shard and Gem types.
lot of chests ln caves/dungeons are sealed wlth magic; they have a
purple aura around them To Dlspel the chest, all you have to do IS Diamond in the Rough At least slx polnts ln Sagecraftlng ls need-
Interact wlth ltand a mlnl-game will begln.You must avoid the Dark ed for thIS AchleVementITrophy. You must strengthen your Shards at
Slglls and hlt the wards as your marker passes through them.You a SagecraftAltar. lt takes two Cloudy Shards to make one Lambent
can save before attempting to Dispel a chest, as if you fall, you wlll Shard and two Lambent Shards to make one Prlstlne Shard Again
not only get cursed butyou w"I not be able to Dlspel lt agaln. After you can either buy the Shards from a Merchant or disarmTraps and
50 DISPels you w"I be awarded thISAchleVementITrophy., I #) loot them.The hlgheryour Sagecrafting Skill, the more llkely higher
quallty Shards wlll drop. )
Elixir of Fate Thls tlme, you'll need to ralse yourAlchemy Sklll.You'll
need at least fIVe POintS invested for thIS AchievementITrophy.Though
the actual requlrement for this AchievementITrophy IS tO use an Es-
sence of Fate (whlch has a low probablllty of appearlng after uslng
your Fateshlft on an enemy during F(eckonlng mode), all the vlable
potions that Essence of Fate ls needed ln, use four Fieagents.
You can check the Alchemy section ln the Game System chapter for
a llst of all of the reclpes that need four F]eagents, oryou can Invest
skIII points to maxlmIZeAlchemy to learn all the recipes in an instant.
These AchlevementsITrophles are all combat related Some are much
easler wlth a Certaln Character bulld type than Others SO ViSitlng a
Fateweaver ls advlsed if you wISh tO get them at a faster rate. Certain
enemies and areas are also highly recommended, as lt wlll be much
easler to learn thelr attack patterns, thus kllllng/manlpulating them for
the AchleVementITrophy quICker.
-- -e -i-
*is3`peilr i - |J;/rraj\ -Achie\/ement/Tfophy Guide
couple of tactics you can use. lfyou flnd Nlskaru, use equlpmentthat
ls effective e.g. Craftlng a weapon wlth a Greater llluminator's Hilt.
Description Thls component gives 12O/a Damage versus Nlskaru. Wth complet-
Klll 5 enemles wlth a slngle lng theWarsworn Faction line of quests you will/ among other thlngs,
get the Mystic Hammer, an extremely powerful weapon against
Niskaru. You can also try to out-level a certaln area where Niskaru
KIIl 25 NISkaru.
spawn/ then go backto kill them all for easy picklngS. . i
Kill an enemy 4 levels hlgher A great place to get Niskaru spawning ls durlng the slde quest
than you. called 'The Erathell's Blesslng', whlch beglns ln the city ofAyten (ln
TheWolds).Talk to a NPC called SInging Nell She WIII instruct you to
Klll 50 bandits
play theWlndstones. Each time you play the wrong tune, a Niskaru
Hunterwill appear. Just farm the Niskaru here and the Achievement/
FInd 10 unlque Items dropped lTophy wlll pop after 25 have been killed. See the Enemles chapter
by enemies. for detalls on howto go about defeatlng each Niskaru type.
Parry 100 times. OutofYourLeague The Game System hasa full explanatlon of how
Fieckonlng deals with your level and the level of enemies you en-
counter ln differentareas While enemiesyou meetwill beto some
Klll 25 enemles with traps.
extent on a level matching yours, you can venture Into areas far be-
yond your level and battle foes much stronger than you. At the start
Land 25 attacks out of Parry. of the game, you can get this AchievementITrophy very qulckly by
headlngStralghttODetyre, whileyouarestIIlatleveI 1 or2. i i $1
Reckoning Rampage Thls AchlevementITrophy is very easy once To theVictor Go the Spoils This AchlevementITrophy Involves
you have over-levelled a certaln area, As you progress through the plcklng up 10 Unique pieces of equipment. Unlque equlpment is
game, you wlll level up and become stronger, unlocklng more Abili- equipment that is colored purple,You will find numerous pleces
ties and gettlng much betterequipment. All this leads to you dealing through playmg even just the Main Quest and Factlons, so you
more damage per second. Add to the factyou have a lot more should unlock this AchievementITrophy automatlcally.
damage output in Fateshift, once you have become stronger than
the enemies in a certaln area, travel back and take out a group of FoiledAgain! Being good at parrying makes this Achlevement/
enemies e.g. Brownies or Boggarts. f-}::3.4.; Trophy much easierto get.You should also hold off getting this
AchievementITrophy until you can also get the F3ipostel Achieve-
Anotherwayto Improve your damage per second is to use a mentITrophy, since you can easlly get both at once.The easlest way
weapon that imbues an element of an enemy's weakness. So for to get this AchlevementITrophy ls to go to a place where Faer Gorta
Boggarts, which always travel in groups, use a flre based weapon/ are more llkely to spawn The Area Gulde will glve you an idea of
Abillty and take them all out in a matter of seconds.Yt)u could also where to find these.
try Fateshifting with an area of effect attack/Ablllty such as Meteor
from Sorcery.The damage output wlll have you killing everything ln Faer Gorta have very slow physical attacks that are very easy to see
the area in no time, letting you easily Fateshift a large group. comlng. Equlp some decent armor and have some potlons handy,
and get used to seelng and reactlng to thelrattacks.YOU can elther
Niskaru Slayer Thls AchlevementITrophy is about defeating a strong takethe FaerGorta on in a groupor kill all butoneofthemand use
enemy called Niskaru (variants such as Niskaru Bloodhunters count it for parrying practice. After 100 parries thls AchlevementITrophy is
too)To make these dangerous foes easier to deal wlth, there are a yours.
-- a- - --.I,-..
Trapper Use a FIneSSe build forthIS AchleVementITrophy. Unlock Shock and Awe This AchlevementITrophy ls easlest with a Sorcery
the Ab"ItleS FrostTrap and Gambit. Be sure to get the Icy ExplosIOn bulld A lot of the Sorcery abllltles have a large Area of Effect and
upgrade for Frostltap, so it wlll do more damage These are trap hlgh damage output, thus letting you klll multlple enemles very
AblIItleS, you need 70 polntS In FIneSSe (level 24 mlnlmum) and qulckly ThISWIII haveyou racklng uP kIIIs ln notlmeatall lfyou
maybe an extra few points in Gamblt to get more damage (level 25- choose not to use Sorcery' you can use MIght'SWrath Ablllty Or
26). Gotoan area wheretheenemiesare llttleto notroubleand get Flnesses' Gamblt and FrostTrap (whlch w"I also help you unlock
them down to low health uslng weaker weapons Lay down your Trapper).These AbllltieS have some area Of effect but lack the real
trap and ball them OVer lt for kIIls. After 25 kills by using traps, thIS damage output of the SorceryAbilltleS. After kllIIng 100 enemleS
AchleVementITrophy ls on your shelf. f XI wlth AbIIItleS you WIII be rewarded wlth this AchleVementITrophy
Riposte! This AchleVementITrophy can be unlocked in conjunctlon AndThenThereWere None Slmilarto ShockandAwe butwith
with Folled Agaln! You must land 25 attacks after activatlng a parry even more enemiesto klll.Try going to a lowerthan yourcurrent
Use the Faer Gorta agaln tO easily get thIS trophy.To land an attack level area place to pICk Off groups Of enemleS quICker. ;A?'^ d;i
out of a parry' just attack wlth a weapon as soon as you parry.You
MUST have, Brutal Weaponry IV, Precise \^/eaponry lV or Arcane Juggler Juggllng refers to the act of knocklng an enemy Into the
Weaponry IV levelled up at least once to attack with a parry attack alr consequently leavlng lt defenseless for you to contlnue your
As such, you probably won't be able to unlock thls Achlevement/ assault before sald enemy touches the ground agaln. A very easy
Trophy untII Iaterin the game, a_-ty n way to get this AchleVementITrophy IS tO use a Greatsword and
Dagger combinatlon. Use the 3-hlt strlke of the Greatsword, the last
WouldYou Like Fries with that? This AchievementITrophy is all knocklng the enemy up into the alr, and then swltch to your Daggers
about using attack chalns Stlck to weapons that have a low number and continue the aSSaultwlth a 5-hit combo before they touch the
of attacks to complete their attack chains, llke Hammers or Staves. ground to get thls AchleVementITrophy lf you kIIl enemleS before
For a quICk reference Check 'Moves' under the Pause Menu.This WIII you hlt them with the 5-hlt combo, downgrade your weapons or go
showyou all the attack chalns posslble. Complete 100 attack chalns to stronger enemleS. AIternatIVely try mISSing the first two StrlkeS
to get thIS AchlevementITrophy. j -,,i-in i¥; of the Greatsword combo and only hlt the third attack. I.J>r :ij
Five Finger Discount Thls w"I requlre you to have full Mercantile
Skill. At full Mercantile, you can sell stolen objects to any vendor in
the game. Pickpocket any NPC In any town and then Sell the stolen
Item (marker m your inventory by a red hand icon) tO the Vendor tO
getthIS achievement.Wthout a full Mercantlle SkIII, you'Il have to
vISIt aTraveIIer's camp and sell your stolen ltem'S tO One Of thelr
Merchant's See the FactIOn gulde tO flndTraveller's camps. ;nxir=?£]
- ---_- a -
These AchlevementsITrophies are all llnked tO your Fate and the
destlnyyou choose.The more you level up the better Destlnles
you will unlock by allocatlng polntS Into FIneSSe, Might or Sorcery.
Agaln lt ls recommended that you use a Fateweaverto re-allocate all
your ab"ity points so that you can get the dlfferent Achlevements/
Trophies quICker.
Some ofThis, Some ofThat This AchievementITrophy requires
you to unlock a two-class hybrid destiny.This is qulte easy and leads
to a very strong bulld (Battle-Mage).Thls can be got at a very early
level; just allocate your points accordingly to any of the requlre-
ments that are stated on the Destmy cards.You w"I need slx polntS
ln any two classes which means thls ls posslble to get at level 4.
a ,
"------ 3 -
l¢ K ) Achlevement/Trophy Gulde
The last few remaining AchlevementsITrophles are here. Some are erthey are placed ln somebody's home or a dungeon, just destroy
about explorlng what lsout in theopen world, others are about reach- them all. After 1000 objects have been smashed, thls Achievement/
lng a certaln m"estoneThere are a select few daunting Achleve- Trophy IS yours. fl.I
mentsITrophles that only the true hard-core gamer would get.
Streaker Talk to somebody with nothing at all equlpped No
armor, weapons, accessories.. nothlng. Your character will appear
ln underwear on the inventory screen.Talk to a NPC who you can
converse wlth and this AchlevementITrophy wlll be yours. ;?
Bull in a China Shop This mlght seem a little farfetched but wlth a
llttle time thls ls not a big deal. Smash ALL objects you see, wheth-
:- a -==+-
The world book "On Chickens" hints at a darker purpose to the fowls roam-
ing the Faelands, and these evil egg-layers appear to be a confirmation of
their perfidious nature,They can only be found in the dungeon of Primor-
dia, after the main quest line has been completed and Gadflow's power has
been destroyed.They live in a Hidden Area to the east of the dungeon, and
have three attacks - a vicious peck, flame breath, and an acid projectile.
Chicken Overlord
Power Peck
Engaglng a ChICken Overlord at close range w"I trlgger an epIC Peck 1S adVISed that you dO not attempt tO read Into this Sequence But
attack. Look out forthe exact moment a Chicken Overlord stretches lf you're daring, perform a Shleld Parry agalnst the Flame Breath at-
out Its Wings before Striking' Press Guard rlght then tO Perform a tack by presslng Guard the very instant the flames are emltted from
Shleld Parry. the Overlord.
5 Polson Damage
Acid Rain 1 000/a No Yes Interrupt 4 5 seconds
PoISOn DoT Damage for 5 seconcls
Might FiIleSSe
Get behind the ChICken Overlord to avoid its flame attack Slmllar to the Mlght strategy, run around to the back of
and strike hard wlth Weapon attacks. Use the Longsword a Chlcken Overlord after baltlng its Flame Breath attack
for Its faster Strlklng rate.Try to apply a Knockdown reactlon and Complete a full combo chaln with your Daggers to apply a Knock-
immediately follow-up wlth an Abllity actIOn down. lmmedlately follow-up wlth a Shadow Flare and another dag-
ger combo chaln at thls polnt should see off the Overlord
NOTE Sorcery
The Chicken Overlord cannot be pulled ln by the Harpoonl Use Keep your dlstance and attack from afar uslng Sceptre
EEies EiE
the Quake and Aftershock or Wrath as an Ability folio-up. Charged Shots and Mark of Flame tag and detonatlon
loops.As longasyou stayawayyou wlll not run the nskofbelng
overwhelmed by the power of the Chlcken Overlord
--- = I
-i , Unlqueltems
Scattered throughout the world ofAmalur are numerous powerful and extremely rare
items that you can obtain if you are lucky enough.All of these items have their own
unique design to set them apart from the standard things you can find, and more
often than not they also come with far better additional effects and bonuses than
normal items as well.While you can acquire some of these items, you get others as
rewards for completing specific objectives in various quests.The majority/ though, can
only be found as loot from defeated enemies or chests.
Llke most Items ln the game, all of these Items have a number of different varlatlons that
you can pICk dePendlng On your CharaCter'S level. The addltional effects assoclated with
the Item never changes, however, only the actual strength of the effect, so to keep thlngs
simple, we are only listlng the values for the lowest posslble level of the Item.
Req The number shown here lets you know the level your character must reach ln OrdertO be Req Llkewlth normal shlelds, these
able to use the weapon. unlque ones also requlre you to have
a certam amount of polntS Invested
Additional Effects Many of these weapons come with numerous bonuses that are applled to Into the dlfferent disclpllnes ln order
your characterwhen you equlp lt, and all of them wlll be llsted in thls area. to equip them. For the Kite Shlelds
you need polntS invested ln Might
Description Each of these umque weapons also has a history that wlll shown here. (M), for Bucklers you need points ln
Flnesse (F), andTallsmans requlre
Sorcery (S).
- --I a --i---..
- ------- a --,--.
) - Weapons
---- a ---
-- = --.--
Ci¬(h,i ' (
I ---__ -a - ---
A rlng markmg the bearer as havlng earned the nghtS and honors Of the
rank of Adept ln Scholla Arc,aha
Black as obsldlan wlth lnterlockmg waves of red, thls rlng augments the
user's natural afflnlty for flre
A ring marking the bearer as having earned the rights ancl honors
of the rank of Docent in Scholia Arcane.
A ring made to protect the Elund c)i Fiathir, given in the hopes that lts
blessitlgs may help save the sister city across the waters,
--i a .
----, -=- -+ -
Unlike the other unique items that you can find, armor comes in two different varieties:
Pieces and Sets.The UniqueArmor Pieces are purple items that, although form a match-
ing set visually/ provide no additional bonus for wearing the complete set.This allows
you to mix and match different pieces to give yourself the exact combination of effects
and bonuses that you want.
i ::i=:_-i -:i-i- E
yy- ~ y _ =Iy=
--.-- -= -- --
:rf".y,,=l ¬+,rJrS:. - UniqueA-or Pieces
_- - ______
I i---:-_ -_-_i- E
For avld hunters who prefer to
approach prey unnotlced
" Name rtypo Dur A-or Ft®q Additional Effects Dedption
+15% Mana Fiegen per see,
A Fas sorcerer helped the tc)urna-
+8% Fire Damage, +8% lee Damage.
ment spellsword Urlel Brugnar
UriellsVision 1 Head 41 49 S 25 +8% Llghtnlng Damage, +2 Mane Fiegen
create thls cowl to support hls
persec, +15% Status Effect Duratlon,
-10% Mane Costs aggresslve spellcastlng style
Powerful augmerltatlons created
by an outlaw Llosalfar sorceress
for the Southern plrate and com-
merce ralder, Ml<'Hall Gaudl
« (t,i?(~'`. riin1..
" ,.^`ngF*\l>Crown a sx,?<<:-cos;;i.z*#%:%z%_i:;¥i<c%;.,, ,";,<;zi*x,.iv1 1yes_, **;i?¢jj?ar:rx-;*, ,, - a +15%fGlorylHeac!4370S36+10%+60M L(*,e, #)¢;(g:y;*&&( :,ManaFiegenpersec,
tlPtlOnL - -rown'sownerwas murdered by an en-slngapprentlcewhostolethecrownandaItspotentenchantmentsonItscreator
_``_- `'_.L\.EL'&. .l\,- TF!*i')
a T'ee'+
"\ -`.®s'r4--^iT£¬g
S-.-``S+-=`- +
death by freezlng IS the C]igrtified arldfulwaytodispatchthewickedand
+15% Mana Flegen per see, +15% Flre Dam-
Gold thread compounded wlth stardust
age, +15% lee Damage, +15% Llghtmng Dam-
)i i)
Celestial Cowl 1 Head 45 84 S.43 supports the enchantments that ornament
age, +15% Elemental Fieslstance, +3 Mane
Z thls cowl
+100/o Mane Fiegen persec" +15% Fire Dam The Fateweaver Art:an F(aha clalmed to see
3Fate'sHandHands 45
S43 +15o/a lceDamage/ +15% LIghtnlngDamage, the weave of thls garment's enchantments
+3 Mana Fiegen persec 20% Mana Costs on the patterns he sawwlthm hlsown fate
~ ~ ~ ~ ~y~ ~ ~ ~ , ^ ^y -
___ a -
unjqueArmor Sets are gold items that give you additional bonuses for every Piece
of the set that you wear. Finding these items is extremely rare, but if you manage tO
complete an entire set, you will be able to take advantage of some of the extremely
strong bonuses that come from equipping higher numbers of pieces within that set.
These additional effects are displayed underneath the main table for the Set, With a
corresponding number to show how many pieces you must equip to get that bonus.
I --__--- a ----.-
--,- a ---i
-- a- -,_--
- S ---
Unlque Armor Sets
_- -a --`
| _ __ ____-
yT._----I -E
------ _
a+i v(` (.rfr y
-_,_-__ a- - --
-- a -. --.--
Throughout the known hlstory of Amalur, maglc had been the world's most preclous
resource. For some races, such as the elves, the control of magic was intultive, becomlng a
fundamental part of thelr culture. Other races, such as the humans, had no means of directly
employing magic; they could not learn to cast spells, no matter how diligently they studled
the arcane arts. Most other races fell somewhere in between, and a klngdom's place on the
maglcal spectrum had a profound influence on its overall standlng ln the world.
But at the dawn of the Age ofArcana, everything changed Maglc awakened ln the mundane
races, shlftlng the balance of power in fundamental ways. A new era for the kingdoms of
Amalur had begun.
The Ljosalfar city of Flerlol was home to the Order of the Ash, a guild of mages renowned
for thelr mastery of maglc. Many of the other kingdoms, lncludlng the Almaln, sent pupils to
the Order to learn from Its scholars.Yet even the most Intelligent humans had proven unable
to perform the simplest spells.
Then in the sprlng of 2031 NW, a youngAlmain student named Garvin Dulac was tidylng up
the llbrary of Master\^/ynnris, a revered Ljosalfar conjurer. Dulac came upon one ofWyn-
nris' spell books, open to a page of summonlng spells.The curlous human began reading
- ---- a --- -
the spell aloud, and to hls surprise, felt the
power of maglc welling ln hls volce. Aflash
of light dazed hlm for a moment, and when
he collected his wltS, a Stunned Dulac reaI-
lzed that a small alr elemental hovered in
the alr before hlm, awaltlng hls command.
- = -i-
- inrT
But the Ouranos was a notorIOuSly unstable alliance, held together
more by force than dIPIOmaCy. The ettlns, stlll bitter over losing lead-
ershIP Of the Ouranos, refused to help in the constructIOn, aS did
the savage barbarians known as the Deinir.The Kollossae and their
Jottun allies buIIt the city themselves, completlng its inltlal fortiflca-
tions ln 2106 NW The Kollossae made their homes ln the hlgheSt
parts of Ethenlas, the Jottun Inhabited the lower reaches of the city,
and the other Ouranos races were only allowed to settlejust wlthln
the outermost walls.
Amldst the harvest season of 2146 NW, the rebel army attacked.
The Kollossae and Jottun were driven back into Ethenias. Some
bands of Jottun, eager to return to the old ways, broke ranks and
slded wlth the rebels These ogres were called Rllsar, a Jottun word
meaning "traltOrS,'' Which they adopted Wlth reIISh.
Once winter hlt and the deep snows fell, condltions made fighting
ln the mountalnous terraln dlfflcult The rebel army laid siege to
Ethenias, so the Kollossae and Jottun remalned within the walls and
"iiF= ir
prepared for open warfare to resume ln the sprlng.
When at last the thaws came, the prlests of Ethene conducted rltu-
als to thelr dlvlne matron to ask for her guidance ln the battle ahead.
ln the midst of the ceremony, a shlmmerlng visage of the goddess
appeared.The high prlest was granted a vlslon of a dlstant place
where sharp mountains jutted upwards llke masslve teeth.
As the rebels prepared to launch their attack agalnst Ethenlas, a array of sacred rellcs to build the great floating city of Idylls. Once
great earthquake shook the land, openlng a deep chasm that cut off the city was finally established, the Kollossae were well on their
the advanclng army. The Kollossae prlests declared that thls was an- way to becomlng one of the great klngdoms of Amalur.
other slgn from Ethene; as the land was sundered, so the Kollossae
and the Jottun were to break away from the other giants. Instead
of contlnulng the War, the giants and Ogres made thelr Way down
the mountain toward the coast, where the Ouranos longships sat ln
harbor. A force of volunteers - mostly Jottun who scorned the Idea
of leavlng a fight unfinished -would remaln behind to hold off the Slnce the attack that wlped out thelr monastery centurles before, the
rebels so that the others could begln thelr pllgrlmage. gnomes had been reluctant to establlsh a slngle, centrallzed klngdom
They felt ltwiserto spread out ln smaller numbers, elther settling ln
The sacrlflce of those staylng behlnd - lmmortallzed as the "Stand quiet vlllageS located in friendly territory or livlng wlthln the cltleS Of
of the Blessed" by Kollossae bards and scorned as the "Cravens allled kingdoms. Slnce the gnomes often made beneflclal contribu-
Folly" by the rebels - bought the tlme necessary forthe Ethenlan tlons to thelr communitles, thelr allles appreclated thelr presence.
ships to depart from Jentllak.The enraged rebels slaughtered those
who remained, then marched to Ethenias and sacked the clty.The But wlth the surge of magic ln the world and the rlslng promlnence
ettins took control of the Ouranos agaln, abandoning any notlon of of other klngdoms, theTemplars belleved the time had come to
dlplomacy with the other klngdoms. demonstrate the full measure of gnomlsh accompllshment. After
squelching the few volces who expressed concern that drawlng so
The prlests of Ethene led the fleet eastward acrossthe Baleful Sea much attentlon to themselves may prove dangerous, the gnomes
to the heart ofAlfarla. A single word revealed tothem in thevlsion drew up plans for a grand city which would serve as the center of
from Ethene resonated wlthin their hearts. Hyperlan.Thelr faith knowledge and learnlng ln Amalur.
gulded them to the shores ofAlfarla, where they found the lagged
mountalns called theTeeth of Naros. lt was here that they received The enterprising gnomes selected a slte ln Detyre, located at the
yet another slgn. a shrlne decorated wlth an Image ofa great floating southern edge of the Faelands.Thls arld reglon was rlch ln natural
clty' tended by priests called theThrones of Ethene.The Kollossae resources and vlbrant with Fae maglc, and lt had not been clalmed
resolved to build a new city, one worthy of the goddess they revered. by any of the world's great kingdoms The city of Adessa was found-
ed ln 2195 NW, though constructlon would continue for decades
Flrst, however, the glants would need to tame the wilds of Naros, a as the gnomes sought to make the clty ever more Impressive
land fraught wlth peril lt would take many years, filled wlth count- The centerplece of Adessa would be a grand llbrary to dlsplay the
less trlals, before the Kollossae would dlscover how to employ an gnomes' masslve collectlon of anclent books, scrolls, and artlfacts
-i- = -- --
ln the great halls of the clty, the Scholars could conduct research galned the upper hand ln the war, pushlng back agalnst theTuatha
and experlments wlth the dlrectlon of theTemplars, all whlle safely incursion in a serles of conflicts that culminated in the Battle of the
under the protectlon of the renowned Praetorians. Caeled Cc)ast_
Wlth maglc in the world reachlng unprecedented levels of potency, Pushed out of Erathell, theTuatha regrouped ln Klurlkon and soon
lt was belleved that the gnomes' quest for lmmortallty- theWell of galned new momentum Malwyn,Wltchknlghtof the House of Prlde/
Souls -was close to reaching frultlon The sensltlve nature of these took hls revenge on theAIfararmy by summoning dark forces of
experlments requlred a helghtened degree of secrecy' as well as chaos to battle alongslde theTuatha.The elves had no choice butto
access to a cruclal resource: test subjects. When war broke out ln retreattothelrfortress of Mel Senshlron the Dayof Pale Swans.
the northern Faelands, the greatest mlnds were dlspatched to labor Though Mel Senshlrwlthstood theTuatha assault, the relentless Fae
ln secret toward the gnomes' ultlmate goal. began a slege of the fortress that would lastforyears The Alfarforc-
es slowly dwlndled whlle theTuatha only seemed to grow stronger.
-- a -
ln studying the rlsing tide of magic, gnomish
Scholars in Adessa began to notice pat-
terns emerglng aS lines of magical energy
that seemed to connect varIOuS locations
throughout the world began to manlfest
over time.
For over a century after the end of the Intent on touchlng Rhlanara and bendlng her =:-
Crystal War, the Ljosalfar debated amongst WAR OF THE ROT to his will.When Rhianara learned what had
themselves what their role should be in become of her former pupll, she gathered
world affairs. The more conservative ele- The harsh lands of Fortenmarwere home together her followers and went to meet hls
ments of their soclety urged that the elves to a legendary druid who communed wlth army on the edge of the Heaving Swamps
remaln Insular, malntalning Glen Suthaln and the spirits of nature unlike any other before The twlsted dlsclples of Borengar fought
staying clear of external conflicts. her. She was called F"anara, and some ac- the druids of Fihlanara in a battle that lasted
counts palnt her as the very personlflcatlon days.When one side advanced, the other
But ln thiSageOf rising magic, a more of nature itself. Fihianara traveled about Am- would drive lt back.
cosmopolltan vlewpoint was gradually alur, and wherever she stopped, followers
becoming popular amongst the Ljosalfar would gather and start their own enclaves As the costly stalemate wore on, F]hianara
elite. Other kingdoms were expanding thelr dedlcated to followlng her teachlngs. realized what must be done for balance to
Influence across the world, and a growlng be restored, During a darlng assault, she
number of llght elves thought they should One of her most devoted students was a broke the lines of battle and faced Borengar
follow a slmllar path. Ljosalfar named Borengar. The llght elf had directly. Borengar gazed upon the face of
come from afar to learn from the druid, and the woman he had once loved with a hatred
lt was declded that the Ljosalfar would the two traveled together for many years. so deep and so dark that the ground around
found a new settlement outside their Eldrith Borengar came to love F"anara, butthe him withered and blackened. ln one final
lands, a place where they could more easlly great matron focused only on her duties to act of loathlng' F]hlanara's fallen disclple
Interact wlth the other kingdoms. The wlnter the land. He persisted, bellevlng that in thelr wrapped his hands around her neck and un-
elves looked eastward to the tranqull beauty union the two would become more power- leashed the full force of hls corruptlve magic
of Laran, an area dotted with a few small ful than any before them.When Fihlanara Into her body
human vlllages Laran was also home to the reallzed that her pup" soughtto use her
peaceful Hylarans, an amphlbious race that knowledge for conquest, she cast him out Fiather than try to avold hls attack, F"anara
dwelled ln and along the Hessen Filver. Here and declared him a heretic. Instead absorbed hls dark energy Into herself
the elves bulltTolyndrae, a beautiful clty of and allowedthe powerof llfewlthln herto
maglc and wonder. Borengar was fllled with hatred for his overcome hls corruptlon Borengar screamed
former leader. He approached a cabal of sor- in horror as the dark essence held fostered
Wlthln thelr new city, the Ljosalfar bu"t a cerers called House Urdalen and formed an for so many years was drawn from his body.
campus for the Scholla Arcana. Masters of alliance. He combined the arts of the sorcer- With aflnal shrlekof paln-fueled rage, he
arcane knowledge from Rathlr traveled to ers with his own, pervertmg the teachlngs crumbled to dust before the eyes of hls fol-
Tolyndrae to teach alongslde the Order of he had learned as a druld and delvlng deep lowers.The ranks of Borengar the Darkened
the Ash. As Its reputation grew, Tolyndrae Into the ways of dark magic. Borengar's were driven from the battlefield and pursued
became renowned as a center of maglcal sorcerles unleashed a mallgnancy that cor- mercllessly by F"anara's drulds.
research and study.The light elves began to rupted his soul even further, and he became
rellsh their new role as mentors to the races known as Borengarthe Darkened. lt is sald Borengar may have been defeated and hls
stlll struggllng to understand the gift of maglc he had the ablllty to corrupt any living thing corrupt army scattered, but the prlce of victo-
he touched. The twisted Altar built an army ry was a terrlble one.The only way Fihlanara's
of followers and marched across the land, splrltcould survlve the ordeal was for herto
--- -e - -..-
give herself over to nature and become one
wlth lt. Her physlcal body disslpated, but
the purltyof hersplrlt lived on The ground
where she won her vlctory was renewed/
and it blossomed morethan any other place
in Fortenmar Called Fihianwood, the site
became a beautlful grove that would remain
a stunning source of purltyand naturewlthln
an often harsh and unforgivlng landscape.
ERATHELL CAMPAIGN ® Orieator's Stand - Final battle in Erathell, in which General
a Night of Fire and Blood -Tuatha invade Erathell under cover Orieator died while driving theTuatha out.
of night
® The Burning of Rathir -Tuatha break through heavily de- ® Day of the Red Swans (The Battle of Burning Masts) -The
fended Rathir and burn the southern edge of the city. Tuatha flight across the Phorian Strait.
® TheWar of the Plains - Mortal winter lasts well into spring; a The Battle of the Caeled Coast - ManyAlfar died, but gained
Fae "spring" fails to arrive. TheTuatha terrorize ErathelI, push. the upper hand and a beachhead.
ing nearly to Dalentarth.
® The Battle for Galafor plain - First decisiveAIfarVictory. ® Varlaine's March - Pushing theTuatha back from Caeled
® Orieator,s Lance - Maneuver that finally routed theTuatha.
a The Battle of Staggers - A series of small battles where the
® The Dawn March -Tuatha regroup under cover of night. Tuatha continued to lose ground'
March on AIfar army for surprise attack and victory.
a Malwyn,s Revenge -The Niskaru lord Balor appears on the
a TheWar of Parries -Another period where theTuatha seemed battlefield.
to be gaining momentum. ln fact, theAlfar were feinting in a
series of short encounters rparries") to build up falseTuatha a The Day of the Pale Swans -TheAlfar retreat to Mel Senshir
confidence. before the Niskaru's might. Troops reinforce the city.
a Varlaine,s Gambit - One of the key ruses. a The Siege of Mel Senshir -Takes us to the present day.
--= a- - --._.-_
Adessa is a gnomish city located in the SOutheaStern COrner Of Detyre, and is located on the edge Of an
enormous crater- lt is the center of gnomish civilization in the Faelands, ruled by a council of politicians,
some of whom are invested in the research being conducted inAllestar and Dannestar.The gnomes ofAm-
alur discovered the Adessa crater roughly a century before the Onset Of the Crystal War. Explorers survey-
ing Detyre for mineral deposits found potent, ambient magic emanating from the area, and in their desire
to study the phenomenon, they created a small research outpost at the westernmost ledge of the crater.
The gnomes of Amalur had dlscovered the Adessa crater roughly be an ideal locatlon to establlsh a clty thatwould serve as the cen-
a century before Fieckonlngls setting. Survey teams and explorer, ter of knowledge and learnlng ln the world. As constructlon began,
searching Detyre for mineral deposlts and other artlfacts were the gnomes transported a number of Important relics, along wlth a
drawn to the crater's strangely potent amblent magic emanatlng garrison of troops, to Adessa.Thls Influx of knowledge and culture
from the crater. Deslring to study lt, the gnomes petltloned to the soon brought other gnomes, along wlth a smattering of other young
Fae to create a small research outpost in the crater, to study what races, to the now fledglng clty.
they suspected to be a source of anclent magic.The Fee were
resistant at first, but ln tlme they reallzed they lacked the means to lnitlal constructlon of Adessa was completed ln 2195 NW, though
enforce thelr will ln Detyre for much longer They consented, allow- the clty WOuld remaln a work ln Progress, Seelng numerous Im-
lng the gnomes to begln thelr research provements and expansions well after its foundlng The centerplece
of the clty was its grand llbrary, a repository for all the gnomes had
The small station ballooned mto a major gnomlsh outpost as more learned and achieved Adessa truly became the center of knowledge
and more scholars were assigned to study the strange (and, qulckly ln Amalur, just as theTemplars had envlsloned-although a few
fadlng) energles ln the crater. Over tlme, theTemplars began to real- voices wlthln the Forum warned that drawlng so much attentlon to
ize the strategic vlrtues of the Adessa Crater, and declded lt would themselves made the gnomes vulnerable.
Rathir is the major city of the Dokkalfar. lt has stood in its place, built upon a
spire of stone I-utting Out Of the Waters Of the eastern Erathell coastline, for over
a thousand years. lt is here that the Dokkalfar grew to become their own distinct
kingdom, separate from their cousins far to the west. Ftathir is a city of great
magic, resplendent beauty, and hidden currents of power.
Followlng the concluslon of the Durek-AlfarWar (655 NW), resent-
ment festered between the Llosalfar and Dokkalfar over the fact
that the llght elves chose to end the war before killing the remaining
Durek. Whlle most hoped that these dlfferences would mend them-
selves, as had been the case wlth phllosophlcal dlsagreements ln
the past, both clans of elves found it hard to set aslde thelrfeelings
after so many years of war wlth the humans.
The outbreak of the CrystaIWar had profound effects upon the
clty and its people.The creatlon of a military base ln the southern
docks (the Burn) renewed Dokkalfar contact wlth the Ljosalfar - and
reminded the cousins of their dlfferenCeS. Trade with the Varani blos-
somed, causing some merchants to prosper even as certaln great
houses (such as Avergaweln) fell into decline.
The arcane energies that permeate the clty collect in the roots of
the trees of the Lunar Garden. Durlng the Plaguetlmes, the trees
and plants grew twlsted, polsonous, and hostile.
\^/hile all Rathlrl knowofthls rullng council, the Elund (Volce) ls the
only face of governance theysee. lt is the Elund who delivers the
Orbocant's wishes, publicly and prlvately' to the clty.The Elund also
hears complalnts and questions for the Orbocant, holdlng court and
renderlng judgments.
The wealthy and powerful famllles of Fiathlr live ln grand estates
hlgh up on the splre rock. ln additlon to possesslng conslderable
wealth and political influence, bloodllnes of arcane power run deep
among them.
The Scholla Arcana traces Its hlstory back to the flrstAlfar mages
who settled on the splre rock that would serve as Fiathir's founda-
tion. As Amalur's preeminent school of maglc, any mage of suf- MERCHANTS, TRADINGI AND NoN-ALTAR
ficlent repute has recelved tralning in its halls. Trade, mostly by sea, thrives in Rathir.There are plenty of rlch Altar
merchants/ andVarani and other traders can be found ln the clty/
OBEDIENCE some even havlng been allowed to set up shop. Forthe most part,
Rathir is a world unto itself ln ways not visible to the naked eye, ev- these are found ln the lower city. Few non-Altar linger outside of the
ery cltlzen of F]athir has tremendous pressures on them to perform trade and miIItary diStrICtS
thelr statlon, keeplng close to the rules and demands put on them.
ln turn/ every F3athlrl knows her or hls place, the clty holds them
close. Of course/ fallure to stay obedient can come with drastlc
consequences -exile more often than death, but some vlew the
former as a worse fate.
"I- a ---
The Gardens ofYsa have existed for as long as the Fee have populated Dalentarth, which far
predates mortal settlement of the area.The city's most unique feature is the Font, a large well-
spring of both water and magical energy. It is believed that the source of this energy iS Esharra
itself -the fabled land of magic unknown to mortal eyes. For many seasons, the Gardens ofYsa
were nothing more than a point of fellowship for clans of the Court of Summer, followers of Fae
lords and kings. Only in recent times, since the arrival and influence Of mortals, has the region
been shaped to resemble a traditional city.
Today, the clty remalnS Cloistered but has begun tO open uP tO the Eventually, the weakening of Summer Fae power manifested in the
outside world. Much of this awakenlng ls a result of the CrystalWar. physlcal degradation of the Gardens ofYsa The Font of Summer
Mortal races have clamored for the Court of Summer to ald them in IS drylng uP, and WIth lt, the GrandTrellis The Gardens ofYsa are
thelr flght against theTuatha forces, but Hlgh KlngTitarIOn refuses dylng.TltarIOn, the Current hlgh klng, knows this, aS dO hIS most
to enterthe conflict. However, the Influence of mortals has been trusted allles, Hallam theWhlte of the House of Ballads and the
felt. Ambassadors from each of the major races -the Almaln/ Varanl, other nobles on the HIgh Court lt ls perhaps their greatest secretl
Ljolsalfar, Dokkalfar, and gnomes - now reslde ln the once-hldden and thelr greatest cause of concern These fadlng Fae leaders see
clty, worklng to promote the causes of thelr lndlvldual communi- the Fateless One not only as an Important pawn in a greater game
ties. But desplte its beautlful, flourishlng appearance,Ysa is a place of gods and men, but also as a potentlal savior for thelr own kind,
of secrets -and there are many who wlll do anythlng necessary to
protect them
One of the first thlngs an outsider notlces about the Gardens ofYsa
FoRM^TION are the deep dlvlslons ln both its physlcal layout and way of llfe of
The Gardens ofYsa were created on a slte that had long been Its resldents. Mortals are a recent addltlon to the Fae city and have
revered and vislted by the Seelie Fee. lt is the locatlon of the Font been partltloned ln thelr own nelghborhood, humorously dubbed
of Summer, a magical sprlng whose waters nurtured the mlghty Felltown Wlth the exception of ambassadors and nobles, most mor-
trees of Dalentarth for untold ages. lt eventually fell to the Shapers/ tals ln the clty do not congregate wlth Fae citlzens, and vlce verse.
an ancient order of Fee, to found a clty by the Font and dlssemlnate Llfe in the Gardens ofYsa ls very much a dlchotomous exlstence.
the propertles of its waters throughout the western Faelands.
Uslng their ancient art, the Shapers formed the GrandTrellis, grace- AMB^SS^DORS
ful and monollthlc aqueducts of llving wood to carry the waters The Hlgh KlngTltarlon and the Court of Summer allow representa-
from the Font throughout their klngdom tives from the mortal races Into the clty As a result of thls new
development, the mortal section of the clty was created and
THE Count OF SuMMER ambassadors from each of the major cultures now reslde there.
The Great Cycle of Fee magic has gulded Seelle and Unseelle for Each ambassador has arrlved complete wlth a retlnue of aldes and
centuries, slnce the beglnnmg of tlme. And desplte occasional staff. A llmited number of mortal merchants, tradesmen, and other
moments of spontaneous confllct, the rlse and fall of the Courts of service providers have secured access to the clty as well, acting as
Summer andWinter was a peaceful, reliable pattern However, thls support for the growing mortal community.
all changed wlth the greatest of all Fee clashes, theWitherlngWar.
This battle was fought between two extraordlnary Fee heroes. Lord FELLTOWN
Ysa, of the Court of Summer; and Ohn, of the Court of Winter. Great The neighborhood of Felltown was orlglnally called the "mortal dis-
rlvals,Ysa and Ohn let thelr pride get the best of them and, breaklng trlct," which lacked personallty; therefore Its Inhabitants declded to
from the Great Cycle, waged war on one another. Followlng a great change the name to reflect thelr role ln the Gardens ofYsa Felltown
battle ln whlch Ohn was kllled, LordYsa offlclally cut all ties wlth the is where members of the young races are kept separate from the
Unseelie. He declared a new klngdom ln the western Faelands, a normal citlzens in the great Fas clty There ls an unspoken under-
"clvillzed" empire to be known as the Kmgdom of Summer
standing that mortals remain ln thelr part of town unless Important
buslness requires otherwlse. Felltown began as an empty space
As his flrst act,Ysa establlshed the great Houses of Ballads, Sea- flled only by the rudlmentary booths of the flrst ambassadors to
sons, andValor. Next, he grew the Gardens themselves as a testa-
ment to the glory of Summer.
The clty Itself was a marvel of nature and maglc Glfted Shapers
were called upon to create and then malntaln the GrandTrellls and
Its aqueducts.These Fae became the inltial population ofYsa. Over
time/ artisans and other Fee were drawn to settle around the Font/
and the clty began to grow qulckly' rlsing up Into the cllffs of the
Central Mountains.Ysa eventually dled, his essence returnlng tO the
Great Cycle.
-,--- a --
yet the Fee themselves claim to Orlglnate
from a realm of pure maglc, onethey say lles
beyond theVe". No mortal has ventured to
such a place, or lfthey have, none have been
known to return.
TheTuatha Deohn are a sect of\^/inter Fee
who have unleashed chaos upon Amalur.
When leadershlp of the Court of Winter was
usurped by the malevolent Gadflow, the new
klng selzed control of the Wlnter houses and
rallled hls people to war underthe bannerof
theTuatha Deohn. Gadflow's assault upon
the Altar klngdoms ls drlven by hls devotlon
to a newgod, whom the mad ruler clalms
ls being born within the remote crystalllne
fortress of Amethyn.
r = -T=
The human clans known as thevarani can be found throughoutAmalur, as much at
home on the high seas as in the villages and outpoststhey inhabit.Though not as
culturally refined as theAlmain, theVarani have brought commerce and a degree
of civilization to the wilds of the Faelands.
The Varanl are Wanderers and travelers With Seemlngly restless ublqultOuS across Amalur, either establlshlng Villages of thelr own or
souls Often nomadlc, they have never sought the path of conquest maklng homes wlthln the settlements of other klngdoms. This way
that other human kingdoms deslred. Instead, they built villages and of life seems well suited to the independentVaranl spirlt.
trading posts alongslde many of the other races, becomlng so wide-
spread that their language came to be used as a common tongue
spoken among all the great klngdoms.
Whlle lacking polltlcal motivation for involvement in the war agalnst
theTuatha, many Varani have found employment fightlng ln the As with many matters related to theVarani, cholce of worship is left
mortal armles as mercenaries, The battle-hardened fierceness of the up to the individual. Gamblers and adventurers honor Lupoku, god
Varani has glven them a well-earned reputatlon as a valuable ally in of mischlef and brewing. Fisherman and sallors often pray to Njordir/
the seemlngly unwinnable conflict. god of water, for favorable seas and tides. Blacksmlths often seek
the favor ofVraekor, god of fire and Patron of the Forge. Mercenar-
les frequently honorthe war god,Thyrdon, though many also glve
obelsance to Belen, god of death and the afterllfe.
Apart from a libertarlan assoclatlon of vlllage leaders known as the
Varanl Confederate, the Varanl have no formal government. Each
vlllage maglstrate is responslble for establishing and enforcing their
own laws.TheVaranl take prlde m not belng beholden to any klng TRADERS OF TTIE NoRTll
or queen slttlng upon a distant throne; they are free to make their Following the establlshment of the Bassawln and Almaln natlons
own way ln the world Though this sense of freedom and indlvldual- durlng the Middle Klngdoms, small clans of humans drifted away
lty has numerous beneflts, lt has also prevented theVaranl from from their kin to seek a destlny of thelr own. Bands of these hu-
becoming a major polltlcal power Instead, Varani have become mans mlgrated to the northern coastllne, establlshlng small villages
ranglng from the lcebrlne Coast to Dregshore.The locals referred to
the humane as theVaranl, a Jottun term for travelers and traders.
The Varani malntained generally good relatlons wlth the Almain,
though the northerners rebuffed any proposals for a formal alliance.
Several of the early Almaln klngs sought ways to peacefully absorb
some of the keyVarani settlements Into thelr klngdom, but the
traders resisted such attempts and maintalned thelr neutrality. The
Almaln leaders lacked the military strength to take Varani outposts
by force, and attempts to spread the teachlngs of the god Mitharu
proved equally futile
Sk"led listeners and clever llngulsts, the Dokkalfar rarely lle; rather, A \VoRLD REBORN
they position the truth wlth great care to achleve the deslred result. When at last the chaos of the Deep Gloam receded, the dark elves
Those wary of the dark elves flnd them pleasurable to converse emerged from the underground caverns that had shlelded them Into
wlth-even at the rlsk of reveallng thelr deepest secrets.The dark a harsh, frozen wasteland they called lcenwreth. Along wlth their
elves parleywlth any klngdom, whetherallyor rlval, and extend any beloved couslns, the Ljosalfar, they ventured south, seeklng more
gesture offriendship necessaryto achieve thelrgoals Butthe only temperate lands. After crosslng the icy Perllous Straits, they found
other klngdom they truly care for is the Ljosalfar; thelr strong famillal an Ideal home ln the reglon they named Eldrith.
bond with the llght elves forever unites them, desplte some deep
philosophlcal differences. ln thls land blooming with life, the elves founded their new home-
land, Glen Suthaln.They malntalned close tles tothe magical Erathi
From a very young age, every Dokkalfar ls taught that each and thelr mortal followers, the Mltharans. Captivated by the self
indlvldual represents thelr klngdom as a whole, and their dlsarm- dlscipline and magical prowess of the Erathl, the Dokkalfar carefully
lng, sometlmes provocatlve clothing must always be beautlful and studled the teachlngs thatthethe Erathl had collected ln a tome
Impeccably clean.Young dark elves who want to venture Into the called the Codex of Order, ln an attemptto learn thelr arcane secrets.
outslde world must flrst undergo the Rltes of lntroductlon.These
tests evaluate an lndlvldual's integrlty, ability to endure paln, and THE HuMAN h4ENACE
perseverance ln the face of danger Once completed, the young elf After the Erathl departed and the Mltharan culture fragmented Into
gains the trust of all Dokkalfar smallertrlbes, the Dokkalfar enjoyed a time of relative peace, ln-
habltlng the same region of the world as their Ljosalfar couslns.The
Influence of the Altar spread across the land, and soon the entlre
territory came to be known as Alfarla.
Peace crumbled when a bloodthlrsty clan of humans, the Durek,
The Dokkalfar worshlp Lyrla, goddess of maglc and fate. Commltted conquered most of Alfarla's human trlbes. The Dokkalfar urged thelr
ln thelr faith, the dark elves obey the tenets of Lyria and conduct falr cousins to Intervene, but it was not until the Durek launched a
elaborate, sensual ceremonles ln her honor. lt ls said that Lyrla surprlse attack that resulted ln the death of a member of the Ljo-
holds a deck of cards that can reveal all destinies. lnsplred by thelr salfar royal llne that the llght elves were spurred to actlon.Though
goddess, the dark elves protect these secrets of fate, believing that the savage Durek Inflicted conslderable losses on the elves, the
knowledge wlthheld is power galned. ln accordance wlth the old superlor tactics and powerful magic of the Alfarturned the tlde of
tradltlons of the Alfar, the Dokkalfar also honor Drlana, goddess of battle against the humans. Polsed to annlhllate the barbarians, the
nature. But the dark elves see nature as a resource llke any other- Justlcars decreed thatjustlce had been served and the war must
and are qultewllllngto bend lttothelrwlll. end.The Ljosalfar put down thelr arms, compelllng the dark elves
to end the war.Though the Dokkalfar loved the llght elves, they to the AIfar ln Fleriol and Informed both kingdoms Of What Ly"a had
realIZed that thelr Philosophical dlfferences were too pronounced shown her.Wth the support of their kin, the dark elvesjourneyed to
to continue livlng side by slde.The Dokkalfar knew they must leave the PIains of Erathell and built villages along the rocky coast.
Glen Suthain behlnd and seek their own destmy.
DIStanCe eased tensions between the Ljosalfar and Dokkalfar, and
JouRNEY TO THE EAST both kingdoms reaIIZed the COlleCtiVe beneflt Of Securing additIOnal
BayalaTirin, the hlgh prlestess of Lyna and a Dokkalfar mage of great resources ln new lands. Off the coast of ErathelI, the dark elves
renown, Went On a Pllgrlmage tO the Faelands, searching for a slgn founded the great port city of Fiathirand began to spread thelr Influ-
to resolve her peoples' differences. Awaklng from a ViSIOn Of a CIty ence to the east. Enjoying a tlme Of Cultural evolution and learning,
rISIng from Sea Off the COaSt Of northeastern AIfaria, TIrln returned they firmly establlshed thelr own ldentlty
other kingdoms. They have sought good relatlons with all parties,
though they have been observed to show favontlsm toward those
who share thelr goals The gnomes prefer to exert their influence
carefully and dlscreetly
Though the gnomes acknowledge they llve ln a world of rislng
maglc, they approach all problems and goals with a rational mlndset.
Their steady' methodical approach to matters large and small has
earned them a reputatlon as practlcal and pragmatic-a perception
willingly fostered by theTemplars.
- I.--- = _----
charged wlth preserving thelr cultural history, the Auspices took
thelr Sacred reIICS-inCludlng the fragments Of the Codex of Or-
der-and bu"I a monastery on the dIStant ISle Of Akre.Wary of dark
influences who sought to destroy knowledge, the gnomes kept the
location of Akre a secret.
As the mfluence of the gnomes spread across Amalur, tenslons
arose wlthln thelr leadershIP COunCIl. Due to the popularlty Of the
Ausplces and the Scholars, the Common House often slded wlth
them, and theTemplars found it dlfflcult to advance their agendaS.
TheTemplars sought ways to increase thelr Influence over other
races ln the world, but the majOrlty Of gnomes Were reSIStant tO
such plans.
_- = +
The Corthian FiepubIIC grew In PrOmlnenCe
and power, eventually controlllng much of
AdeIIa.The CorthlanS exploited the rICh jungles
and raln forests surroundlng them, produclng
a wlde variety of exotlc herbs and medl-
clnes that they sold to other klngdoms.The
Templars believed that Corthlan alchemlsts
may have made discoveries that could prove
helpful to thelrWell of Souls project, so they
dlspatched a member of thelr order, Emllle
Denard, to conduct research in Corthis.
- a I- -
charged with explorlng facets of the resurreCtIOn Process, Including
an ambitlous scholar named Fomorous Hugues.Though Hugues
ambltIOuS plans were largely theoretICaI, Hugues belleved he could
harness the rISIng level of magic ln the world to make them a reaIIty
TheAlmain are valorous humans who embody the ideal of Order in all things.They abhor Chaos,
imposing structure and ritual in ever\rfhing they do, One of the most imperialistic kingdoms in
Amalur, theAlmain are proud of their long and illustrious military tradition.Their patron deity
is Mitharu, god of Order, a belief that guides every aspect of their lives.
The Almain are bullders, generally preferrlng to llve ln clusters whlch
grow Into towns and clties They ralse chlldren wlth storles of the
days when thelr isolated ancestors faced Incursion by gnolls and
other threats... the days when Impudent sons and daughters were
carried away Into the nlght by horrlble monsters before they banded
together under the protectlon of the herolc Almere the Bold To the
Almaln, strength comes in numbers.
-- e _
an enormous global shift in the balance of power, and maglc began and crushlng defeat at the hands of the elves. whlle the remaln-
to domlnate the rellgious and scholarly aspects of Almaln culture. lng Durek were exlled, the peaceful human trlbes who had been
enslaved by the Durek were allowed to remaln ln Alfarla under the
stewardship of the elves.
Bythe era of the Mlddle Kingdoms, numerous human tribes had
The patron god of the klngdom is Mitharu, Lord of Order.TheAlmain establlshed vlllages and homesteads throughout eastern Alfarla.
Invoke his name wherever order ls Imposed and belleve in the con- Overtlme, the grOWlng POPulatIOn Of humanS Came Into conflict
cept of Mltharu overcomlng chaos to brlng structured clvlllzation to a wlth tribes of gnoIIs who also Inhabited the regIOnThe gnolls, under
troubled world They are servants dolng hls noble work-whenever the command of thelr leader Cynoc, pushed back agalnst the human
founding a new colony' one of the first bulldlngS they construct iS a Incursion, The gnolls found remarkable success against the humans,
temple to Mltharu. who lacked a strong leader.
Desplte the Influence of Mltharu, the Almaln are free to follow After years of sufferlng' a warrlor named Balforth Almere took lnltla-
any delty they choose. Almaln sallors and merchants are known to tive, bulldlng the local mllltla into a unlfled army that could stand
give prayers to Njordlr, god of the sea, in hopes of safe voyages. against the gnolls. He fortifled the settlements and drafted soldlers
Reverence for Ethene, patron goddess of the Kollossae, has spread to defend the roadways, uslng the small village of Port Myria as his
from nelghborlng Othyrls to the Almaln livlng in AlmereValley. And base of operations.
Almaln soldiers marchlng onto the field of battle would never forget
to ask for the blesslng ofThyrdon, god of war, even as the Jottun Hardened by defendlng thelr lands, Almere's army began a cam-
opposlng them do the same palgn agalnSt Cynoc and hls brood. FIghting for many bloody years,
they succeeded at drlvlng back the gnolls. Almere became a hero
to the people, and though reluctant at flrst, he gave ln to popular
demandandwascrowned KlngAlmerethe Bold ln 1855 NW ln
HISTORY honor of hls leadership, the people adopted the name Almain and
contlnued to build a proud heritage of their own.
The precise origins of humanklnd are the subject of debate among UNVEILING T|+I ARCANE
historlans and theologlans, but the Almaln clte an early At the dawn of the Age of Arcane, a young student named Galvln
civilization called the Mitharans as ancestors. The Mitharans were Dulac became the first Almain to wleld maglc when he felt the
a kingdom of humans gulded by the Erathl, maglcal beings who power swell ln hls volce as he read from a dusty tome. Even though
personlfied the influence of order. magical talent had long been considered Impossible for a human,
Dulac soon proved capable of performlng advanced spells At flrst,
When the Erathi departed the mortal realm, the Mltharans at- only a few examples of maglcally lncllned humans were found, but
tempted to hold together all that the Erathl had establlshed. But
the empire soon spllntered apart, dlvldlng Into rival factions, leaving
gradually more and more surfaced among the great kingdoms
By the tlme that the CrystalWar enveloped the Faelands, humans,
behlnd only segments of a vast tome called the Codex of Order as a such as the Almaln and the less sophistlcatedVaranl, could manliest
foundation for future cIVilizations. maglcal abllitles.Thls shlft ln power bolstered the growlng Almaln
klngdom, whlch was no longer rellant upon other races for maglcal
The human clans dispersed throughout Amalurl founding small, weaponry and defenses.
Independent villages. Those who settled ln the elven lands of Alfaria
were forced to unite underthe banner of the Durek, a tribe of fierce However, the cultural shlft resultlng from thls awaklng of maglcal
warlords who ruthlessly conquered thelr rlvals. Fueled by relentless abillty brought new challenges. Maglcally incllned nobles ln the
and foollsh ambition, north began to resent the leadershlp of tradltlonallsts ln Port Myrla
A struggle for power ensued, creating a polltlcal and philosophlcal
the Durek attacked the armles of the Alfar, leading to a costly war schlsm that undermined the stab"itv of the Almaln klngdom.
- a -.
A proud and insular people,the Ljosalfar strive to preserve nature and shape it tO their
will.The light elves resist change,flash-freezing their ancient homeland tO keep it in an
idealized, timeless state.The Ljosalfar revere the principle of Justice, fighting time and
again to defendAmalur against chaos and darkness.
The llght elves stand wlth thelr Dokkalfar couslns to battle the
relentless armleS Of theTuatha. Though far from thelr frozen
homeland, the Llosalfar are determlned to keep the fortress of
Mel Senshlr from falllng into the hands of thelr enemy.
The power among the Llosalfar polltlcal ellie ls shared between
three groups: the elected advlsers, who control the external-facing
poIItiCal and military OrganIZatIOnS; the monarch, Who rules over
internal affairs; and the Sclon, who serves as leader of the Justicars
Among the klngdoms of Amalur, the Justlcars are the most potent
symbol of the llght elves' Influence upon the world.
Ljosalfar may not be known as creatures of comfort, but more than
a few hungry, half-frozen travelers have recovered from frostbite af-
ter a few slps of thelr slckletusk boar stew ln tlmes of war, the light
elves have proven valuable allles to members of the Concordance:
the courageous elves are renowned for their sklll ln battle, relying on
thelr preternatural speed and grace to vanqulsh thelr enemies.
Compared to the more populous humans, the Ljosalfar are few ln
number and sustaln thelr economy with llmlted trade. Elven hunters
and trappers sell exotIC furs tO the hlgh SOClety Of the great king-
doms, securlng a comfortable proflt whlle ensurlng that the anlmal
world malntalns a healthy balance.
Along wlth the fauns with whom they share thelr vale, some elves
have become known for thelr wlnter wlnes, vlntages sought after as
much for thelr rarlty as for thelr dlstlnctlve flavor
As with thelr dark elf cousins, the Ljosalfar are more closely fled to
magic than any of the other mortal races. Maglc is Inherent to the
llght elves, as much a part of thelr culture and soclety as the snowy
I--- a -
venture forth. But the lands their ancestors departed and MItharan unlty Crumbled, the
had spoken of had become a frozen waste- Ljosalfar recovered a plece of the fragment-
land, vastly different from the days before ed codex and placed lt among
the Gloam. Harsh winters thinned their their most valuable artifacts.
numbers, and they decided to journey south
ln search of a more hospltable climate. The elves, especlally the Llosalfar, came to
love and appreclate the cold, beautlful lands
The elves braved the Perilous Straits, an icy that surrounded them With every passing
channel that clalmed manyoftheirwa- year, the llght elves utlllzed thelr powerful
tercraft and even more of thelr lives.They magic to malntaln the lee-covered landscape
established a new home in the cold northern of Glen Suthaln, preventlng it from thawlng
region theycalled Eldrlth, in a secludedvalley to keep it in an Ideal state To their eyes,
they named Glen Suthaln.There, durlngthe thelr home embodled perfect order: a bea-
time of the Emergence, the elves became con of truth ln a world ravaged by deceptlon
allies of the Mitharans-humans who served
the magical Erathl ln the Empire of Erathell. |VAR AND A PARTING
Durlng the era of the Early Klngdoms, many
PRESERVATION AND KINSHIP human settlements in Alfaria were con-
United by a common ancestry' the Ljosalfar quered by a warllke trlbe called the Durek.
and their charismatic cousins, the Dok- After some smaller-scale skirmlshes, the Du-
kalfar, coexlsted for many centurles. As they rek staged a surprlse attack that resulted in
watched the humans and other races build the death of the heirto the Ljosalfar throne
their fragile clvillzatlons, the elves cel- The elves-decisive and merciless when
ebrated the abiding kinship that transcended provoked-wlped out entlre legions of the
minor dlfferences ln philosophy. While the Durek ln response.The dark elves were par-
dark elves embraced change, the light elves ticularly vengeful, relentlessly cutting down
landscape they call home. Even in Amalur's belleved that any system of codes devlsed thelr human adversarles, drlvlng them to the
earllest history, they were able to channel by the celestlal beings of order would be a brink of extermination.
powerful maglc far before other races felt perfect manlfestatlon of law
the allure of its ausplces.Though other When the Erathl presented the mortal klng- The Justicars, rullng that the aggresslon of
races would gain a slmllar level of control doms wlth the Codex of Order, the Ljosalfar the Durek had been repaid, decreed that
over arcane forces, the Ljosalfar continue to fervently adopted the prlnclples of the the war must end before further bloodshed
be renowned as teachers of the mystlc arts maglcal belngs while the dark elves retalned blemished the integnty of the elves. Thls
their more malleable ethos. After the Erathi rullng, accepted as law by the Ljosalfar, was
Ljosalfar most commonly worshlp Driana
and Lyrla, with bellefs that tend toward
the veneration of nature and magic. \^/lth
their homeland's firmament held in eternal
twlllght, the elves glve equal reverence to
both Hellusand Lunala, the gods of sun and
moon. They are fully commltted tO juStICe
and order, and they are willing to shapeAm-
alur to match those Ideals.These bellefs put
them ln conflict with those who belleve that
nature should remain whole and untouched,
such as the more milltant wild elves, the
Driana, goddess of nature and weather, ls
both a source of life and a force of destruc-
tion. Lyrla, goddess Of magIC, Provides the
Ljosalfar wlth the vltality to mold the bless-
lngsof Drlanatosulttheirgoals. lntheir
unyielding dedication to justlce, they never
withhold judgment of wrongful conduct.
When the Deep Gloam receded and mortal
races flnally emerged from thelr hldlng
places, the Altar were among the flrst to
---- a I--
vehemently protested by the Dokkalfar Thls phllosophical schism the technlques necessary to harness the sudden prevalence of
between the two elven races became too great, and they reallzed maglc, bulldlng a settlement calledTolyndrae in the land called
that, ln order to preserve thelrfamlllal bond, the klnsmen would Laran. Founded as a fulcrum of knowledge and learnlng,Tolyndrae
need to llve apart.The dark elves would look beyond the EternalVale cemented the llght elves' role as arblters of arcane study.
for a home of their own.
Tralnlng other races to use magic changed from a polltlcal beneflt
^4ASTERS OF T1+I ARCANE into a mllitary necessltywhen the Faelands erupted mto war. Allied
Their confldence unshaken by the departure of the dark elves, the with the dark elves/ the CrystalWar lasted for more than a decade,
Ll'osalfarforged new alllances ln the Age ofArcana, a tlme when with the relentless attack of theTuatha Deohn taking an ever-greater
maglc began to flourish ln Amalur. As a race that had a longstand- toll The Ljosalfar soughta peaceful resolutlon to the confllct, but lust
ing mastery of the arcane arts, the Llosalfar taught frlendly natlons for powerand the words of theTuatha god had drlven the Fee mad
®Air - Ohnshan - also sky/ stars,winds
a Death - Belen
® Order - Mitharu
® Chaos Telogrus
® Nature - Driana
The followlng myth was passed down from structure, and Chaos exISted tO reclaim any construct of Order But MItharu rejOICed
the days of the Mltharans, who claimed structure for the Void. Order took a voICe at this creation, for he could gIVe a Shape tO
the tale was told to them bythe enigmatlc and a name, calIIng Itself Mitharu Chaos Maglcand blnd lttO hlSWIII. OutofShadow
Erathi. How much of lt lS true, lf anythlng/ would take no voice or name, but Mltharu stepped Fate, who took the name Lyna
no one can say' but manyofthosewho imposed the nameTelogrus upon lt. \Mth a soft whisper she seduced MagIC
worship the gods belleVe lt holds anclent se- away from the gods of Chaos and Order,
crets, while others dISmiSS the tale entirely. MItharu SOught tO aChleVe hIS greatest smlllng all thewhlle.
vlctory' and so he createdTlme, whICh he
At flrst there was a greatVold that con- belleved could be used to Impose Order Yet the Shadow realm was a hollow place
talned nOthlng, not even a Single COnSCIOuS upon all thlngS. But secretlyTelogrus was for the rlval gods to exert thelr Influence, so
thought. But even nothingness must i"led wlth glee at thlS Creation, for he Saw from thls emptlness sprang the elemental
eventually become a thlng' and so from the TIme aS the means for everything tO reach gods. Flrst Gaea, goddess of Earth, lay
Vold came Darkness and LIght Where they Its end. down and formed the world Her eager
met became Shadow, and from the Shadow brotherVraekor, god of Flre, sprang upon
came all forces that oppose one another. Telogrus made an lnventlon of his own, hls slsterto envelop her in hls warmth
which he called Magic. He Intended Maglc Njordlr, god Of Water, grew envIOuS, CraSh-
The flrSt forces tO Step Out Of Shadow were to be a weapon wlth whlch he could shatter Ing agalnSt Gaea to drlve back hIS brother.
Order and Chaos. Order existed to create Their sister Ohnshan, she of the AIr, Sent
her wlnds to push Njordlr back, creatlng
greatwaves upon the seas From the unlon
of Gaea andVraekor sprang Hellus/ the sun/
who warmed the world by day. Ohnshan
and Njordir brought forth Lunala, the moon,
who watched over the world by nlght With
her pale, ever-shifting eye
Alabastra -344 Castle GastyL . EIf's Best Frlend. " 332 Hammers .. 62,549
Alchemy 20,29 Castle Wlndmere.... Ellte Murghan 164 Haxhl. 250
Allestar Glade 227 CastleYolvan _ _ Emalre 289 Haxhl Dam 250
Alserund ...303 Castor's Wrath.. Enemles m Hlgh Places 386 Health .., 16
_-- =
.249 Travelers,The .
i:;i: 4:g;:8
252 Shadow of Enfanamlr ..
Klte Shlelds "_ 553 Ohn's Stand...
.347 Treasures of Culn
:4; ;
.. 326 Old Frlend, An 382 Shadow Pass. -
KIurlkon ,_ 307 Treasures of Meropls
_ _235 Old Frlends, Ne\^/ Foes 376 Shadowthorn.,
Knowledge Lost. .292 TrelIIS,The- ,
_,156 Onthe Hunt 332 Shardfall..
Kobold,. .484 Trlal by Flre
. 157 Onarach__...
277 Shardfall.
Kobold Nlghtblade
261 Shattertler Mlnes... .327 Trolls..,
Kobold F3ogue.., _ 157 OneDrop,
265 Shieldrlng Keep - .233 Trc)phleS
Kobold Savage -... ...157 One Man'sTrash.
316 Shlne and Shadow.... 249 Truetothe Cycle ,.
262 Shlnlng Labyrlnth . .286 Tuatha Vanguarcl
Order of OperatIOnS. -
351 Shlpplng Error-.. 324 Tulan
286 Shnnes.. _ ...21 TwIIIght Pass..
OrleatC)r'STomb ,.
.362 Sidhe,The - .254 TwIStS Of Fate .
Lady's Chlldren, The 343 Out of the Darkness..,
"231 Slege of Moondown, The- 346 Two Knlghts and aTroll
Last Gastyr,The.... 340 Out of the Past ,.
_284 Silence Falls. .402 Tywlll Coast.,.
Lawbreaker's Grotto .. 228 Out of the Flulns
167 Outlaw F)lt , .289 SIIent Step, The,. 496
Leanshe ,.
Learnlng Curve
LIfe'S Work
.. ....,298
. 290
Outslde the Box....
SIIverTongue, A....,
Slmply Mercenary..
l- _-+.
Lghtnlng ln a Bottle _ 486
Sloran Crypt 334 Ucluath c;:;
44Z I. JBiSBri:- Slsterly Love 293 UnderWatch_.,. _
Lock and Key
Lockplcklng . _20,36 Skllls 29 Ungentle Beasts..
Longbows 82,550 PaperTrall 323 Skorla Mlne 315 Unique Armor Pieces.. i!!¬ii
55,548 Pause Menu.., 8 Skycrown 282 UmqueArmorSets .
10,12 Persuatlon... 21,38 Sleep 19 Unlque Items -
251 PestIIent Brownle _ 153 Snaketall Grotto 315 Unlque Jewelry...
Lorca F(ane....
Lord Kandrlan. The _..277 Pickpocketlng.-. 22 Somethlng Borrowed 500 Unlque Shlelds
Lost Squad, The 342 Plains of Erathell,The , 263 Sorcerer 140 Unqulet Brlde,The..
Master'sTouch, A.,.,.. 312 Fiace agalnstTlme St Eadrlc's MISSIOn ". 255 Volces of the Dead
Meathgra's Den... 331 F3ace agalnstTlme St Hadwyn's Mission- - 243 Vc)rm Lodge... iii
Meetlng wlth Magnus 528 Fiahn".. StarCamp..,. 252
MelAgllr - 2:J6 Fiathlr Status Effects _ 27
Mel SenshlL 328 F3aISIngthe Dead. - Status Symbol 262
Members Only.... 230 FiaIIylng Cry - - Staves ,. 101,551
Menetyre - 310 Fieclpe forTrouble....- Stealth ".. 41 Warrlor Klngs-.
Mercantlle 37 Beckonlng ,.,. StebIC Lab.,.,. 316 Warrlor unlque Sets
Messenger,The - 319 Fieckonlng Mode - Stonecandle Mlne... _ 228 Warsworn Vault
MIdden,The_ 330 Fled lnTooth and clew Storm ChampIOm-. 150 Warsworn, The_
Mlght... 53 F(ed Marches, The... Strength ln Numbers.... 532 Waterhall Down. "
MlghtAbIIItleS.... 65,119,120,122 Fiemembrance , StrICt Accounts . 266 Waters of Madness
MIghtWeapons -. ..55 FieprISaI, FleprISed . Such Sweet Sorrow.. ,., I.473 Weapons
Mlners ln the Sand -308 Fiestlng the Bones.... Summer's End. _ .246 Webwood ...
Mrror, Mlrror 504 Fieturn to Sender _ Summoner.,. _ 142 Weconal
Mlsslng Keys .318 Fievelatlon _ Sun Camp,.,. I.315 Weeplng Klng,The..
Mlxlng BuslneSS "296 F]lngs.,.. Sundur Caverns . .250 What AlesYou
Moon Camp 279 Filse of Honor.., Swordsman .137 What lles beneath.,.,
Mordus-Torr 348 FilvenerTarsus ,. Whereabouts Unknown
Motus Mlnlng Headquarters 314 Fioad Patrol, The... Whlspenng Caves
Motus MInlng Outpost 307 Flock Collectlon... Wh ltestone
Mountaln Prlson, The 452 Flock Troll _ Whltestone Tarnlshed
Mountaln Troll 177 Fiogue Harvest Taklng Vengeance 410 Wldow's Wrath, The
Movement 13 Fiogue Unlque Set Tala-Fiane _ 267 WIIdIIfe "..
Mull-Fiane 289 FiulnofAodh _ TalISmanS _ ..554 WIndemere_
Murderer's Hold "243 Fiunaways -.,.. Tam's Wagon I.273 Wltch Knlght Myrna
Murghan .163 Fiundamlr.. , :7;; ;i TangledWeb, A.,. I.239 Wltch Knlght of Ghennlg
Mystlc Hammer, The "450 Fiunnlng wlth Scalpels. i Tearscotter MIne. 311 Wolds,The ,.
Templar Octlenne .195 Wolf...
The Aster lnherltanCe 269 \^/ood for the Flre_...
'| i_- The Orlson. _. 299 World Map -
TheyWalk Among Us 290 Worth Flghtlng for
Natural Order, The 244 Sagecraftlng 20,38 Thlck asThleves I I 512 Worthyof Chernobog .
Necklace _ 555 Saltwell Caverns. I . _3O7 Thresh..,. 172 \^/rath of the Storm
NowlnToun __ 321 Sanctuary Grotto.. - 334 TIdlngS Of War.... "297 \^/rest from Peace.
Nlahm's Labors 270 Sandstone Vllla_ _ _325 Tlme
NISkarU BIoodhunter.., I 174 Savlng 7 TIme Of Need 312
Nlskaru Homnox_ 198 Scavengers.. 533 Tlme to Fieap, A 331
Nlskaru Tyrant.. 198 Sceptres - 106,552 TInehIII .33 1 Yolvan
Scholla Arcane, The 478 Tlnker's Daughter, The ;:!!;iii
Scuttlecrab..." 135 TIrln'S F(est
I| ,-- Seawatch ,,.,., 342 Tlrln's Secret
Secret of the Fae Pools 284 Tlrnoch
Odarath_ 226 Servlces.... 15 Tlthes that Blnd,The .324
OdI'S Camp 339 SevenWldow Mine. _ 327 Tomb of Fyragnos "301 Zungar, The -
Oh, the lndlgnltaneS 260 Shade Filver Ca\/es. 238 Tralnlng "29 Zungar Shaft 3 3
--- a --