WEEK 1 - Definition of Globalization
WEEK 1 - Definition of Globalization
WEEK 1 - Definition of Globalization
LEGEND - Described as cross-border relations between
Remember Lecturer Book Presentation - "Globalization" = incomes a growth of international
✦ ✱ ✤ ❂ exchange and interdependence
- The word that is used to describe the growing - Means a process of removing state-imposed
interdependence (mutual relationship) of the world's restrictions on movements between countries in order to
economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by create an "open", "borderless" world economy
cross-border trade.
- The process by which countries, and regions have - This means, "global" describes "worldwide", and
been integrated (bonded) in a global network "globalization" is the process of spreading various
objects and experiences to people all-around the
- Enables human beings on the earth’s surface to come world.
together in all aspects of life - Globalization-as-universalization is viewed at
standardization and homogenization with worldwide
- A societal phenomenon wherein social barriers no cultural, economic, legal and political convergement.
longer exist and the only thing that separates people
from each other is time ❂ WESTERNIZATION or MODERNIZATION
- It is also called Americanization.
✱ STANDARDIZATION - Here the social structures of modernity like
capitalism, rationalism, industrialism, bureaucratism,
- described as a negative effect of globalization, the
individualism are spread all over the world, destroying
way of life became the same with the other countries
earlier-existent cultures and local self-determination in the
OTHER DEFINITIONS OF GLOBALIZATION - Globalization in this sense is sometimes described as
imperialism of McDonald's, Hollywood, and CNN.
❂ GLOBALIZATION- is increasing the interdependence of - It is often interpreted as colonization, Americanization,
national economies in trade, finance, and macroeconomic policy. and “westtoxication”
- Diffusion(spread) of practices, values and technology ✦ Western Europe and North America have ranked among the
that have an influence on people's lives worldwide. most enthusiastic promoters of contemporary globalization