Speed and Torque Characteristics of DC Motors: NEE 2106 - 1ME Subject & Section

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106 Samson Rd., Caloocan City


Experiment No. 2
NEE 2106 – 1ME
Subject & Section

Mediodia, Rafael Ronald Rodrigo A.

Student Name

Student Number

Engr. Sinforoso D. Cimatu, Jr.

Faculty Name

September 03,2021 September 10,2021

Date Performed Date of Submission
I. Introduction:
The dc motor is a mechanical workhorse that can be used in many different
ways. Many large pieces of equipment depend on a dc motor for their power
to move. The speed and direction of rotation of a dc motor are easily

In a series dc motor, the field is connected in series with the armature. The
field is wound with a few turns of large wire, because it must carry full
armature current.

This type of motor develops a very large amount of turning force called torque.
Because of this characteristic, the series dc motor can be used to operate small
electric appliances, portable electric tools, etc.

Another characteristic is that the speed varies widely between no-load and
full-load. Series motors cannot be used where a relatively constant speed is
required under conditions of varying load.

A shunt motor is connected in the same way as a shunt generator. The

field windings are connected in parallel with the armature windings.
The compound dc motor is fundamentally a combination of series and shunt
connected dc motors. The series winding is arranged so its magneto motive
force either assists or opposes that of the shunt. This makes it possible to
attain a selection of torque/speed characteristics. By adjusting the relative
strengths and ratios of the windings, it is possible to obtain any characteristics
of the shunt and series motors. In most compound motors however has the
magneto motive force produced by the shunt winding.

Both the field coils provide for the required amount of magnetic flux, that links
with the armature coil and brings about the torque necessary to facilitate
rotation at the desired speed. As we can understand, a compound wound DC
motor is basically formed by the amalgamation of a shunt wound DC motor
and series wound DC motor to achieve the better off properties of both these
types. Like a shunt wound DC motor is bestowed with an extremely efficient
speed regulation characteristic, whereas the DC series motor has high starting
II. Drawings :

Run 1 – Results Tables and Graphs (Shunt Motor)

Table 5-1
Armature Armature Field Input Output
Torque Speed Efficiency
Voltage Current Current Power Power
(Nm) (Rev/Min) %
(V1) (I1) (I2) Watts Watts
220 0.42 0.23 0.14 3030 143 44.42 31.06%
220 0.53 0.22 0.3 3010 165 94.56 57.31%
220 0.85 0.21 0.5 2980 233.2 156.03 66.91%
220 1.33 0.21 0.7 2900 338.8 212.58 62.75%
220 1.67 0.21 0.8 2895 413.6 242.53 58.63%
220 2.0 0.21 0.9 2860 486.2 269.55 55.44%
220 2.48 0.21 1.0 2840 591.8 297.4 50.25%
220 3.0 0.21 1.1 2820 706.2 324.84 46%

Pin = (Vf)(If)+(Va)(Ia); Vf = Va
Po = 2πNT/60
Efficiency % = (Po/Pin)x100

Pi 1=220 (0.42+0.23)=143W
2 π (0.14)( 3030)
Po 1= =¿ 44.42W
Pi 2=220 (0.53+0.22)=165W 60
Pi 3=220(0.85+0.21)=233.2W 2 π (0.3)(3010)
Po 2= =¿94.56W
Pi 4=220 (1.33+0.21)=338.8W 2 π ( 0.5)(2980)
Po 3= =¿156.03W
Pi 5=220(1.67+0.21)=413.6W 60
2 π (0.7)(2900)
Pi 6=220(2.0+ 0.21)=486.2W Po 4= =¿ 212.58W
Pi 7=220(2.48+0.21)=591.8W 2 π ( 0.8)(2895)
Po 5= =¿242.53W
Pi 8=220(3.0+0.21)=706.2W
2 π (0.9)(2860)
Po 6= =¿ 269.55W
2 π ( 1.0)(2840)
Po 7= =¿297.4W
2 π (1.1)(2820)
Po 8= =¿324.84W

44.42 W
Efficiency 1 = x 100=¿31.06%
94.56 W
Efficiency 2 = x 100=¿57.31%
Efficiency 3 = x 100=¿66.91%
Efficiency 4 = x 100=¿62.75%
Efficiency 5 = x 100=¿58.63%
413.6 W
Efficiency 6 = x 100=¿55.44%
297.4 W
Efficiency 7 = x 100=¿50.25%
591.8 W
324.84 W
Efficiency 8 = x 100=¿46%
Run 2 – Results Tables and Graphs (Series Motor)
Table 5 – 2
Motor Armature Input Output
Torque Speed Efficiency
Voltage Current Power Power
(Nm) (Rev/Min) %
(V1) (I1) (W) (W)
149.4 1.46 0.09 4999 218.124 47.11 21.60%
148.3 1.77 0.2 4601 262.491 96.36 36.71%
147.0 3.32 0.4 3975 488.04 166.5 34.12%
142.7 2.85 0.6 3530 406.695 221.8 54.53%
141.9 3.12 0.7 3350 442.728 245.57 55.47%
142.0 3.14 0.7 3348 445.88 245.42 55.04%
138.1 3.47 0.84 3095 479.207 272.25 56.81%
138.9 3.7 0.92 2971 513.93 286.23 55.69%

Pin = (V)(Ia)
Po = 2πNT/60
Efficiency % = (Po/Pin)x100
2 π (0.09)( 4999)
Pi 1=149.4 (1.46)= 218.124W Po 1= =¿ 47.11W
Pi 2=148.3 (1.77)= 262.491W 2 π (0.2)( 4601)
Po 2= =¿96.36W
Pi 3=147.0(3.32)= 488.04W
2 π ( 0.4)(3975)
Po 3= =¿166.5W
Pi 4=142.7 (2.85)= 406.695W 60
Pi 5=141.9(3.12)= 442.728W 2 π (0.6)(3530)
Po 4= =¿221.80W
Pi 6=142.0(3.14)= 445.88W 2 π ( 0.7)( 3350)
Po 5= =¿ 245.57W
Pi 7=138.1(3.47)= 479.207W 60
2 π (0.7)(3348)
Pi 8=138.9(3.7)= 513.93W Po 6= =¿245.42W
2 π ( 0.84)(3095)
Po 7= =¿272.25W
2 π ( 0.92)(2971)
Po 8= =¿286.23W

47.11 W
Efficiency 1 = x 100=¿21.60%
218.124 W
Efficiency 2 = x 100=¿36.71%
166.5 W
Efficiency 3 = x 100=¿ 34.12%
488.04 W
221.80 W
Efficiency 4 = x 100=¿ 54.53%
406.695 W
245.57 W
Efficiency 5 = x 100=¿ 55.47%
442.728 W
Efficiency 6 = x 100=¿ 55.04%
445.88 W
272.25 W
Efficiency 7 = x 100=¿ 56.81%
479.207 W
Efficiency 8 = x 100=¿ 55.69%
Run 3 - Results Tables and Graphs (Compound Motor)
Table 5 – 3
Field Armature Armature Field Input Output
Voltag Current Voltage Curren Torque Power Power
Rev/Mi Eff’y %
e (I1) (V2) t (I2) Nm (W) (W)
220.7 0.35 219.4 0.22 0.07 2898 125.344 21.24 16.95%
219.5 0.69 214.8 0.22 0.28 2791 196.502 81.84 41.65%
216.5 1.04 211.9 0.21 0.51 2712 265.841 144.84 54.48%
217.1 1.18 211.9 0.21 0.6 2681 295.633 168.45 56.98%
216.2 1.5 211.2 0.21 0.79 2615 362.202 216.335 59.73%
215.8 1.67 210.2 0.2 0.9 2579 394.194 243.065 61.66%
215.6 1.84 209.2 0.21 1.02 2538 430.204 271.094 63.02%
214.3 2.16 207.7 0.21 1.22 2482 493.635 317.096 64.24%

Pin = (Vf)(If)+(Va)(Ia)
Po = 2πNT/60
Efficiency % = (Po/Pin)x100
2 π (0.07)(2898)
Po 1= =¿21.24W
Pi 1=220.7 (0.22)+ 219.4(1.46)= 125.344W 60
Pi 2=219.5 (0.22)+214.8 (1.46)= 196.502W 2 π (0.28)(2791)
Po 2= =¿81.84W
Pi 3=216.5(0.21)+ 211.9(1.46)= 265.841W
2 π ( 0.51)(2712)
Pi 4=217.1( 0.21)+211.9 (1.46)= 295.633W Po 3= =¿144.84W
Pi 5=216.2(0.21)+211.2 (1.46)= 362.202W 2 π (0.6)(2681)
Po 4= =¿168.45W
Pi 6=215.8(0.2)+210.2(1.46)= 394.194W 60
Pi 7=215.6(0.21)+209.2(1.46)= 430.204W 2 π ( 0.79)(2615)
Po 5= =¿216.335W
Pi 8=214.3(0.21)+ 207.7(1.46)= 493.635W 2 π (0.9)( 2579)
Po 6= =¿ 243.065W
2 π ( 1.02)(2538)
Po 7= =¿271.094W
2 π ( 1.22)(2482)
Po 8= =¿317.096W

21.24 W
Efficiency 1 = 125.344 W
x 100=¿16.95%
81.84 W
Efficiency 2 = 196.502W
x 100=¿41.65%
144.84 W
Efficiency 3 = 265.841W
x 100=¿ 54.48%
Efficiency 4 = 295.633W
x 100=¿56.98%
Efficiency 5 = 362.202W
x 100=¿ 59.73%
243.065 W
Efficiency 6 = 394.194 W
x 100=¿61.66%
271.094 W
Efficiency 7 = 430.204 W
x 100=¿ 63.02%
317.096 W
Efficiency 8 = 493.635 W
x 100=¿ 64.24%
IV. Answers to Questions and Solution to Problems

1. Compare with the torque equation, what do you notice about the shape of
the armature current vs torque graph of shunt motor? of series motor? of
compound motor?
- In Shunt Motor, Torque is directly proportional to the Armature Current.
As seen in the graph, as the Armature Current Increase or Decrease, the
Torque also Increase or Decrease. On Series Motor, the Armature
Current is affected by the Motor Voltage. Hence the value of Armature
Current varied at increasing Torque values. While Compound Motor has
almost the same results as for Shunt Motor.

2. What do you notice about the slope of the speed vs torque graph?
- As the Torque Increases, the Speed slope goes downward.

3. What do you notice about the slope of the efficiency vs torque graph?
- For Shunt Motor, the efficiency slope started as increasing and then
after reaching a certain Torque speed it started to decrease as the
Torque increases. The Series Motor slope tends to vary while the Torque
increases. This is due to the Armature Current being affected by the
Motor Voltage. While for Shunt Motor, the Efficiency Increases as the
Torque increases making Efficiency directly proportional to Torque.

4. List as many factors you can to account for the efficiency being less than
100%. Which of these will increase as the torque increases and which will
- Increasing the Torque will increase the Power Output, which in turn
increasing Efficiency. While a Decrease in Torque will also decrease the
Power Output which will decrease Efficiency.

5. What are the main differences between the torque/speed curves for the
shunt and series connected motor?
- None, Torque/Speed curves on both Shunt and Series motors decreases
as the Torque value increases.

VI. Findings and Conclusions

- In this experiment I learned how the Speed, Torque, Armature current,
and Armature voltage affects the efficiency and performance of a DC
motor. How the relationship of Speed and Torque, Armature current
and Torque, and Efficiency and Torque changes between a Series and
Shunt Motor as seen on the graphical representation that I made.

VII. References
 https://www.myelectrical2015.com/2021/03/compare-dc-shunt-

 https://www.lktechnical.com/2020/06/characteristics-of-dc-

 https://www.iceeet.com/speed-torque-characteristics/

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