Agency Profile A
Agency Profile A
Agency Profile A
best interest of these children.
To strengthen PPA’s rehabilitation
efforts, Executive Order No. 468 dated October
nvestigation Parole and Probation
11, 2005, was issued to revitalize the Volunteer
Probation Aide Program now called Volunteer
To properly screen, select and place offend-
ers in a community-based treatment program,
Probation Assistant (VPA). This places PPA investigation is conducted in probation, parole, Redeeming lives. Restoring relationships.
in the forefront in relation to crime preven- executive clemency or suspended sentence for first
tion, treatment of offenders in a community- -time minor drug offenders.
based setting, and the overall efforts in the
administration of criminal justice.
The monitoring of selected offenders in a
PROBATION is a privilege granted by the community correction program to ensure
court to a person convicted of a criminal strict adherence to and compliance with the terms
offense to remain in the community instead of and conditions attached to their conditional re-
actually going to prison / jail. lease whether probation, parole, pardon with parole
PAROLE is the conditional release of a condition or suspended sentence, and likewise pre-
prisoner from correctional institution after vent further reoffending.
serving the minimum period of prison
sentence. ehabilitation
EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY. Under This is the “meat and bone” of community
Section 19, Article VII of the Constitution, the -based correction. PPA employs the com-
President may grant reprieves, commuta- munity-based intervention through a three-pronged
tions and pardons, and remit fines and for- approach: Restorative Justice (RJ), Therapeutic
feitures, after conviction by final judgment. Community (TC), and Volunteerism through Volunteer
Executive clemency rests exclusively within Probation Assistant (VPA).
the sound discretion of the President.
OFFENDER (FTMDO) is availed only Printed by:
once by an accused drug dependent who Public Information Section
is a first-time offender over fifteen (15) PAROLE AND PROBATION ADMINISTRATION
years of age at the time of commission of 2/F DOJ Agencies Building
the violation of Section 15 of RA 9165 NIA Road corner East Avenue,
Diliman, 1100 Quezon City, Philippines
(Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
of 2002) but not more than eighteen Phone: +(632) 927-0004
(18) years of age at the time when judg- Telefax: +(632) 927-6821
ment should have been promulgated. Email: [email protected]
Brief History Finally, on July 24, 1976, President
T o rehabilitate probationers, parolees and Ferdinand E. Marcos signed the proposed decree
pardonees and promote their development as he adult probation as a reformation idea known as Presidential Decree No. 968 (PD 968) or
integral persons by utilizing innovative interventions was twice attempted to be implanted in the “Adult Probation Law of 1976”. With its enact-
and techniques which respect the dignity of man and the country’s justice system. First was in 1935 and ment, it created the Probation Administration. The
recognize his divine destiny. late Congressman Teodulo C. Natividad recognized
second in 1972.
as the Father of Philippine Probation was appointed
On August 7, 1935, the Philippine Legisla-
its first Administrator.
Vision ture passed Act No. 4221. This Act created the
With PD 968, probation became an added
Probation Office under the Department of Justice,
headed by a Chief Probation Officer appointed by the component of Philippine Corrections System and
T he Parole and Probation Administration (PPA) is Control on July 22-24, 1976. The bill underwent DDB Resolution No. 2 dated July 19, 2005, and the
mandated to conserve and/or redeem convicted eighteen (18) technical hearings and submitted to a Memorandum of Agreement between Dangerous
offenders and prisoners who are under the probation selected group of jurists, penologists, civil leaders, Drugs Board and PPA. However, with RA No. 9344
and parole system. social and behavioral scientists and law practitioners enacted known as “The Juvenile Justice Welfare Act
before it was endorsed for approval. of 2006”, these minor drug offenders were now
included in the probation supervision program of