SRM Syllabus
SRM Syllabus
SRM Syllabus
BM0501 Applied Mathematics 3 0 0
To develop analytical capability and to impart knowledge in Fourier transform, Laplace transform and z-
transforms and their applications in Engineering and Technology and to apply these concepts in
Engineering problems they would come across.
At the end of the course, Students should be able to, Understand transform techniques concepts Logically
explain the concepts Apply the concepts in solving the engineering problems.
This course will present all the major methods for measuring physiological signals from the human
Students are introduced to the principles of physiological sensors
The course provides an overview of the architecture of electronic instruments used to measure
physiological parameters and an in-depth analysis of the major functions integrated in these instruments
The cell - Body fluids - Action potential - Resting potential - Electrodes for bio physical sensing - Medical
surface electrodes - Microelectodes - Bioelectric amplifiers. Transducers and other sensors - Resistive
transducers - Inductive transducers - Capactive tranducer - Temperature transducers - Matching sensors
to circuits - Biosensors - Chemical Sensors - Nano sensors.
The heart - the circulatory system - Electroconduction system of the heart - Electrocardiographs - Magneto
Cardiography - Vector cardiography - Foetal Hart rate Maesurement - Arrhythmia monitor - Blood pressure
measurements - Blow flow measurements - Implantable Blood flow measurement - Phonocardiography -
Plethysmography - Cardiac output measurement - Defibrillators - Defibrillator circuits - Pacemaker - Heart
lung machine.
Human respiratory system - Gas laws - Internal repiration - External respiration - organs of respiration -
Mechanism, parameters and regulation of respiration - Respiratory transducers and Instruments - Apnoea
monitor - Spirometers - Co2 analyser - Disease states - Terminology of ventilation - Oxygen theraphy -
Nervous system structure and function - the Neuron - central, peripheral and Autonomic Nervous system -
Cerbral Angiography - Cranial x rays - Brain scans - Ultrasonic equipment - EEG - telemetry system -
Visual and Auditory Evoked potential recordings - Electrical Stimulation.
Blood - Blood tests - colorimeter - flame photometer - spectrophotometer - Blood cell counter - pH/ Blood
Gas Analysers - Glucometer - Chromatograph - Autoanalyzer - Surgical Diathermy - Basic renal physiology
- Renal failure - peritoneal dialysis - Hemodialysis machine - High flux and high efficiency Dialysis -
Electrical safety precautions - Typical faults, troubleshooting and maintenance - Basics of Biotelemetry.
Joseph .J. Carr and John M. Brown, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Pearson
Education Asia, 2nd Edition, 2001
Khandpur R.S. "Hand Book of Biomedical Instrumentation", Tata McGraw Hill, 1987
L.A. Geddes and L.E. Baker, "Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation", John Wiley &
Sons, Inc, 1989
Richard Aston, "Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement", Merrill Publishing
Company, 1990
Jacobson B. and Webster J.G., "Medical Clinical Engineers", Prentice Hall Inc., 1979
John .G Webster, Editor, "Medical Instrumentation, Application and Design", John Wiley and Sons
Inc, 1998
Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell, Erich A. Pfeiffer, Bio Medical Instrumentation and
Measurements, PHI, 2nd Edition, 1980
Prof. S.K. Venkata Ram, Bio Medical Electronics and Instrumentation, Second Edition, Galgotia
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003
Cell structure and organelles, function of each component of the cell, membrane potential. Blood, blood
cells, composition, origin of RBC, estimation of RBC, WBC, and platelet.
Structure and functioning of heart, structure and functioning of lungs, trachea and its branches, general
circulation. Capillary circulation, venous return, neural control of cardio vascular system. Pulmonary
Ventilation, Regulation of breathing, hypoxia.
Structure and function of nervous tissues, reflex action, afferent nervous system, regulation of posture,
physiology of emotion, regulation of temperature, cerebrospinal fluid, sensory end organs, tongue,
mechanism of sight, hearing and smelling.
Structure of alimentary canal, related digestive glands, liver, mechanism of alimentary canal, secretion of
digestive fluids, function of liver. Structure of kidney, bladder and colon, physiology of perspiration,
physiology of urine formation, physiology of micturation, physiology of defaecation.
Pituitry gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, pancreas, ovary and testis.
J.Gibson, Modern Physiology and Anatomy for Nurses. #CCCCCC; Well scientific Publications.
Sarada Subramanyam, Madhavan Kutty K. and Singh H.D., "Text Book of Human Physiology"
S.Chand and Company, 1996
Arthur.C.Cuyton, "Textbook of Medical Physiology" Prism Book (P) Ltd, 1996
Ranganathan, T.S. "Text Book of Human Anatomy", S.Chand&Co. Ltd., Delhi, 1996
Tobin, C.E., "Basic Human Anatomy", McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., Delhi, 1997
This course is an introduction to Biomedical Engineering and will demonstrate to students how to
apply their fundamental engineering skills to solving problems in medicine and biology
To familiarize the student with the generation, measurement and digital signal processing of some
of the most relevant signals of biomedical origin
The course will focus mainly on the Electroencephalogram (EEG), the Electrocardiogram (ECG)
and the Electromyogram (EMG), but the measurement principles and signal processing techniques
covered are of a general nature
Physiological origin of Biosignals, characteristics of bio signals, classification of signals, Signal conversion,
sampling, LTI system, correlation, Basics of z-transform and DFT, Basics of digital filtering-FIR and IIR
filters. Spectral analysis - power spectral densities function, cross spectral density. Estimation of Mean of
finite time signal.
Time series analysis-linear prediction models, non-stationary process, adaptive segmentation, Spectral
estimation-#CCCCCC;man Turkey method, periodogram, Time - Domain filters-synchronized averaging,
moving averaging filters, Frequency Domain filters - Removal of high frequency and low frequency noise
using Butterworth filters.
Filtering - LMS adaptive filter, adaptive noise canceling in ECG, improved adaptive filtering in FECG.
Wavelet detection in ECG, structural features, matched filtering, adaptive wavelet detection, detection of
overlapping wavelets.
Signal classification and recognition, statistical signal classification, linear discriminant function, direct
feature selection and ordering, back propagation.
ECG Waveform analysis, ECG QRS Detection-Template matching methods, QRS Detection Algorithm,
Analysis of EEG signals - coherence analysis of EEG signal, Cepstral Analysis and homomorphic filtering
of speech signals.
Arnon Cohen, Biomedical Signal Processing, Vol I and II, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1999
John G. Proakis and Dimitris G.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Algorithms and Applications,
PHI of India Ltd., New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2000
Rangaraj. M.Rangayyan, Biomedical signal processing. by John Wiley, 2002 ed.,
Willis J Tompkins, Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, New Jersy, 1993
To study in-depth the various optical properties of tissues and light interactions with tissues
To study about various optical sources and instrumentation for various measurements
To study various applications of lasers
To understand the special techniques like photo dynamic therapy and optical holography
Refraction, Scattering, absorption, light transport inside the tissue, tissue properties, Light interaction with
tissues, optothermal interaction, fluorescence, speckles.
Instrumentation for absorption, scattering and emission measurements, excitation light sources - high
pressure arc lamp, solid state LEDs, LASERs, optical filters, polarisers, solid state detectors, time resolved
and phase resolved detectors.
Fluorescent spectroscopy for biomedical diagnostics, fluorescent probes in biomedical applications
Wavefronts, Interference patterns, principle of hologram, optical hologram, applications.
Laser in tissue welding, lasers in dermatology, lasers in ophthalmology, otolaryngology, urology.
Laser treatment for tumors, laser in Neurosurgery.
Living cell analysis using optical methods, Near field imaging of biological structures, Thermal imaging for
biological & medical diagnostics, in vitro clinical diagnostic, photodynamic therapy.
Tuan Vo Dirh, "Biomedical photonics - Handbook", CRC Press, Bocaraton, 2003 (Unit I - III, V)
Leon Goldman, M.D., & R.James Rockwell, Jr., "Lasers in Medicine", Gordon and Breach,
Science Publishers Inc., New York, 1971 (Unit IV)
BM0502 Biosensors 3 2 0
This course is to provide a solid foundation for graduate students and/ or advanced undergraduates to help
them understand modern biological sensor principles and application technology. And to provide the
student with the ability to operate with existing biosensor systems and transducers, as well as to design
new sensors, based on application of "smart" biomaterials.
An introduction to the field of biosensors and an in-depth and quantitative view of device design
and performance analysis
An overview of the current state of the art to enable continuation into advanced biosensor work
and design
To define the major performance characteristics of any biosensor and design an experiment to
measure that characteristic
To evaluate a sensor based on standard performance criteria and appropriateness for an
Study of biological sensors in the human body and their basic mechanism of action, organization of
nervous system - neuronal mechanism and circuit processing - Study of various corpuscles like pacinian -
functions and modeling - Chemoreceptor, hot and cold receptors, baro receptors, sensors for smell, sound,
vision, osmolality and taste.
Different Transduction principles - Temperature transducers - thermo resistive transducers, thermoelectric,
p-n junction, chemical thermometry. Displacement transducers - potentiometric - resistive strain gauges -
inductive displacement - capacitive displacement transducer.
Pressure transducer - indirect method - measurement of blood pressure using sphygmomanometer -
instrument based on Korotkof sound, strain gauge and LVDT transducers, capacitive and piezo electric
type, catheter tip transducers - measurement of intracranial pressure - catheter tip - implantable type.
Biosensors - Introduction, Advantages and limitations, various components of Biosensors, Biocatalysts
based biosensors, bioaffinity based biosensors & microorganisms based biosensors, biologically active
material and analyte. Types of membranes used in biosensor constructions.
Ion exchange membrane electrodes - oxygen electrodes - CO2 electrodes enzyme electrode - construction
- ISFET for glucose, urea etc. Electrolytic sensors - optical sensor - fiber optic sensors. Biosensors in
clinical chemistry, medicine and health care - Commercial prospects for biomolecular computing systems.
Michael R. Newman, David G. Flemming, "Physical Sensors for Bio Medical Applications", CRC
Press Inc, Florida, 1980
Aboul - Enein, H. V., Stefan, R. and Van Staden, (1999) Chemiluminiscence - based biosensors -
An overview crit Rev. Anal. Chem
Pearson, J.E. Gill, A., and Vadgama, P. (2000) Analytical aspects of biosensors Ann Clin Biochem
37, 119-145
R.S.C Cobbold, "Transducers for Biomedical Instruments", Prentice Hall
D L Wise, "Applied Bio Seonsors", Butterworth London
Image perception, Computer graphics and Image processing. MTF of the visual system, Image fidelity
criteria, Image model, Image sampling and quantization, Windowing, Neighborhood operations. 2D -
sampling theory, Image quantization, optimum mean square quantizer, Image transforms - 2D - DFT and
other transforms. Rotation, resizing, mathematical transforms of image.
Image enhancement, point operation, Histogram modeling, spatial domain operations, Frequency domain
operations, Image restoration, Image degradation Model, Inverse and Wiener filtering.
Image Analysis, Image Spatial feature extraction, edge detection, Image segmentation, Classification
techniques, Color image processing.
Image reconstruction from projections, Random transform, filter back projection algorithm, Algebraic
methods, 3D Tomography, Imaging methods in CT scanners, Reconstruction of CT images, Imaging
methods in MRI images, Fourier reconstruction of MRI. 3D imaging. Depth from Triangulation, Time of
flight, multiple projections.
Image compression - Lossy & Lossless compression, transform coding, pixel coding, predictive coding,
Interference coding.
Gonzalaz. R and Wintz P. "Digital Image Processing:, Addision Wesley Publishing Co, 2007
Anil. K.J "Fundamentals of digital Image Processing", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
Bernd Jahne "Digital Image Processing", 6th revised and extended edition, Springer
Semmlow John L. "Biosignal & Biomedical Image Processing - MATLAB based applications",
Marcel Dekker Inc.,
Albert Macouski, "Medical Imaging systems", Prentice Hall, New Jersey
Eric Kresetl, "Imaging Systems for Medical Diagnosis", Siemens
Alfred Horowitz, "MRI Physics for Radiologist-Visual Approach", Springer Verkerg, New york
System analysis - fundamental concepts - Physiological control systems analysis - Differences between
Engineering and Physiological Control Systems - The science of modeling - Generalised system properties
- Models with combinations of System Elements - Linear Models of Physiological systems - Linear and Non
Linear Compartmental model for regulation of glucose - Distributed parameter versus Lumped Parameter
models - Linear systems and Superposition Principle - Impulse Response and Linear convolution - State
Space Analysis. Open loop versus closed loop Systems - Determination of the steady State Operating
point - Regulation of cardiac Output - Chemical Regulation of Ventilation.
Linearized Respiratory Mechanics - Open loop and closed loop Transient Response - First Order Model -
Second Order Model - Descriptors of Impulse and Step Responses - Open loop versus closed loop
Dynamics - A Model of Neuromuscular Reflex motion.
State Space Responses to Sinusoidal Inputs - Graphical representation of Frequency response -
Frequency response of a model of circulatory control - Frequency response of Glucose - Insulin
Stability and Transient Response - Root Locus Plots - Routh - Hurwitz Stability Criterion - Nyquist Criterion
for Stability - Relative Stability - Stability Analysis of the Pupillary light Reflex - Model of Cheyne - Stokes
Basic problems - Parametric, Non Parametric and Modular approach for Identification - Identification of
closed loop systems - Identification under closed loop conditions, Optimization - Single Parameter
Optimization, Constrained Optimization - Adaptive Control - Neural Networks for Physiological Control.
Michael C.K. Khoo, Physiological Control Systems - Analysis, Simulation and Estimation, Prentice
Hall of India Private Ltd., New Delhi, 2001
David O Cooney, "Bio-Medical Engineering Principles", Marcel Decker Pub, Co,
Rushmer, "Medical Engineering", Academic Press
Milsum, Biological Control System Analysis
Milhorns, The Application of Control Theory to Physiological Systems
Systems-level functions and dysfunctions of the nervous system from a scientific and engineering
To develop the skills of students in the area of human nervous system, neurophysiology
Central and peripheral nervous systems - Structure and function of neurons - types of neurons - Synapses
- Glial cells - myelination - Blood Brain barrier - Neuronal differentiation - Characterization of neuronal cells
- Meninges and Cerebrospinal fluid - Spinal Cord.
Resting and action potentials; Mechanism of action potential conduction - Voltage dependent channels -
nodes of Ranvier - Chemical and electrical synaptic transmission - information representation and coding
by neurons.
Synaptic transmission, neurotransmitters and their release - fast and slow neurotransmission -
characteristics of neuritis - hormones and their effect on neuronal function.
Visual Prosthetics - Auditory Prosthetics - Prosthetics for pain relief - Motor Prosthetics - Bladder control,
Prosthetics for conscious control of movement - Sensory Prosthetics.
EEG - Event Related Potential - fMRI, PET, SPECT in Brain Imaging - Single and Multi Unit Recording.
Become familiar with health and physiological effects of ionizing and nonionizing radiation
Be familiar with related regulations and exposure standards
Be able to anticipate hazards in typical industrial setting
Be able to evaluate and assess the exposure with applicable instrumentation and methods
Be able to apply applicable measures to control exposures
Ionizing Radiation - Target theory, single hit and multi target theory, cellular effects of radiation - DNA
damage, depression of Macro molecular synthesis - Chromosomal damage. Radio sensitivity protocol of
different tissues in human - LD 50/30 effect of radiation on skin - blood forming organs - lenses of eye -
embryo and Endocrinal glands. Threshold of linear dose effect, relationship, factors affecting frequency of
radiation induced mutation, Gene controlled hereditary diseases.
Biological effect of microwave and RF wave. Variation in dielectric constant and specific conductivity of
tissues - Sources of exposure of RF waves - Exposure guidelines. Refrence levels for general public
exposure at various RF frequencies. Penetration and propagation of signals effects in various vital organs,
Protection standards.
Electric and Magnetic property of biological tissue - Biological effects of static magnetic field, Magnetic
effects on chemical reactions, Biological effects of time-varying gradient fields - Biological effects of
exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF), Magnetic Resonance Imaging Safety - RF Heating of
Patients. International commission on non ionizing radiation protection (ICNIRT).
Spectral Ranges and Health effects of optical radiation, Exposure guidelines for optical radiation, Synthesis
of Vitamin D in early and late cutaneous effects, Phototherapy, Photo hemotherapy, exposure level,
hazards and maximum permissible exposures - Laser Physics - Characteristics of Laser radiation, Laser
speckle, biological effects, laser safety management - Guidelines on limiting exposure of nonionizing
Acoustical properties of matter - speed of sound; characteristic impedance - attenuation and absorption
coefficients - reflection and scattering of ultrasound - specular reflection and the plane-wave approximation
- coherent and incoherent scattering - propagation of ultrasound in tissue - attenuation, absorption and
biological effects.
Glasser. O.Medical Physics Vol.1, 2, 3 Book Publisher Inc Chicago, 1980
Moselly, 'Non Ionising Radiation' Adam Hilgar Brustol 1988
Branski.S and Cherski.P 'Biological Effects of Microwave' Hutchinson & ROSS Inc. Strondsburg
Tuan Vo Dirh, "Biomedical photonics - Handbook", CRC Press, Bocaraton, 2003 (Unit I - III, V)
Leon Goldman, M.D., & R.James Rockwell, Jr., "Lasers in Medicine", Gordon and Breach,
Science Publishers Inc., New York, 1971 (Unit IV)
P. Fish, Physics and Instrumentation of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound, John Wiley & Sons:
Chichester, 1992. ISBN 0-471-92651-5
S. Webb (Editor), Physics of Medical Imaging, Adam Hilger, 1988
BM0XXX Elective - II 3 0 0
Total 15 4 4
Total Contact hours 23
Semester 3
Two types of specializations are offered as follows: i) Medical Instrumentation; and ii) Rehabilitation
Engineering. Students have to select either one.
BM0XXX Elective - IV 3 0 0
BM0XXX Elective - V 3 0 0
BM0603 Seminar 0 0 2
Total 9 0 14
BM0XXX Elective - IV 3 0 0
BM0XXX Elective - V 3 0 0
BM0603 Seminar 0 0 2
Total 9 0 14
Total Contact hours 23
Total 0 0 36
Summary of credits
Semester Credits
I 18
II 18
III 16
IV 18
Total 70
Total number of credits to be earned for the award of degree :
Electives: Semester I
BM0551 Medical Imaging Systems Using Ionizing radiations 2 1 1
This course gives an overview of major modern diagnostic imaging technologies. A comprehensive
introduction of x-ray imaging, computed tomography, image reconstruction and analysis are included. The
fundamental physics and engineering underlying each imaging modality are reviewed and a performance
analysis approach to each system is examined.
To understand the underlying physics of the imaging system, including the physical mechanisms
of data generation and acquisition;
To support more in depth investigations into radiography and nuclear medicine imaging modalities
Production of X-rays-X-ray tubes-Insert, housing, filtration and collimation-X-ray generator circuit design -
Image production. Computed radiography Charge coupled device flat panel detectors - Direct and Indirect
detection. Fluoroscopy - Chain components - peripheral equipment - Flat panel digital fluoroscopy.
Basic of digital angiography - Image processors for digital angiography - processor architecture - Digital
subtraction angiography. Mammography - X-ray tube design - X-ray generator and photo timer system -
Image production. Digital mammography.
X-Ray computed tomography - Basic principles Tomographic acquisition and reconstruction-Historical
Development - scanner - image formation principles - conversion of x-ray data in to scan image - 2D image
reconstruction techniques - Iteration and Fourier methods.
Nuclear Medicine - Radionuclide production - radiopharmaceuticals - Mechanism of localization - Anger
scintillation camera - Design principles of operation - Image formation.
Emission Tomography imaging - SPECT - Image acquisition and reconstruction - PET - Design and
principles of operation - Two and three dimensional data acquisition - comparison of SPECT, PET and
combined PET/ X-ray CT.
S Webb, "The Physics of Medical Imaging", Adam Highler, Bristol Published by CRC Press, 1988
2 A C Kak, "Principle of Computed Tomography", IEEE Press New York, 1988
K. Kirk Shung, Michael B.Smith, "Principles of Medical Imaging", Academic Press. 1992
Jerry L.Prince & Jonathan M.Links 'Medical Imaging Signals and Sytems'. Pearson Prentice Hall
To study in-depth the principle of laser action and the characteristics of laser
To study about various types of laser and its mode of operation
To study various applications of lasers in medical field
To understand the laser safety regulations and precautions
Principle of Laser action, Interaction of light with mater, molecular energy levels, Absorption, stimulated &
spontaneous emission, scattering. Optical cavities: gain & losses in optical cavities, optical oscillations, Q-
snitching, Mode locking, Pico second to femto second pulse compression.
Electrical discharge mechanism - Excitation Mechanism - power supplies - Mirrors - Helium - Neon - Argon
laser, Co2 laser - Excimer laser - {ion laser, He - cd laser, Nitrogen laser-chemical laser-X-ray laser.
Pumping Mechanism - flash lamp - Arc lamp - Diode pumping - cavity configuration - Ruby laser - Nd:YAg
Er doped laser, Intrinsic semiconductor laser - Doped semiconductor - conduction for laser actions.
Lasers in ophthalmology, Dermatology, Dentistry, Endoscopy, Laser in genetic Engineering, Laser in
medicine & surgery, cancer diagnosis.
Protection, Hazards, Laser safety national and international standards for lasers, safety regulation, specific
precautions, Medical surveillance.
R.B. Laud, Lasers and Non Linear Optics. New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi,
Leon Goldman, M.D., & R. James Rockwell, Jr., "Lasers in Medicine", Gordon and Breach,
Science Publishers Inc., New York, 1971
Pike, High Power Gas Lasers, Institute of Physics, London, 1976
Walter Koechver, Solid State Lasers Engineering, Springer Verlag, New York, 1992
J. Verde yen - Laser Electronics, Prentice Hall, London, 1989
To study the methods utilized for data storage, data retrieval and analysis
To study the concept of visual programming and to develop VB based medical information
To expose to various applications of computer in medical field like neural network, fuzzy system
and virtual reality
Based on the above knowledge to develop packages for transmission of medical information and
for training
Medical informatics - history - centre for MI Education and Training - Information Processing - Introduction -
Aspects of information - Information Entropy - Data in computers.
Introduction - DBMS functions - Physical data storage Private & Public data base - Patient database -
Pharmaceutical Industry database - DBMS modeling - database Programming - Object oriented
Programming concepts, Java Applications Java script - Creates events, inters active, forms, frames,
documents, spreads sheets windows.
Introduction - History of the Patient record - Computer based patient record - Data entry - coding &
standardization - clinical use of CPR - History of primary care information systems - functionality of Primary
care information systems.
Introduction - HIS in clinical use - HIS in Technical use - operational HIS - central registration module -
Patient care module - blood bank module - operation theatre module - Health information Resources.
Health level 7 - medical data formats - PACS (picture Archiving Communication system standards) -
DICOM standards, medical networks.
Medical Informatics - Mohan Bansal Tata MCGraw Hill publishing company - 2003
Hand book of medical informatics - J.H Van Bemmel, MA. Musen springer publications - 1997
R.D. Lele "computers in medicine", Tata MCGraw Hill Publishing compose
Harold sackman, Biomedical Information Technology Academic Press Newyork - 1997
P. Naughton & H schildt Java - 2, complete reference, Tata MC Grow Hill Company Ltd NewDelhi
- 2000
Electives: Semester II
BM0552 Computers in Medicine 3 0 0
To understand and model the dynamic behaviour of complex biological systems.
After completion of the course, the student will understand
To explore how the fundamentals of engineering analysis may be applied to explain the
functioning of life processes
To analyze the bio-transport phenomena in the human body
Introduction - Functional capabilities - need for computerization - securing of computer records - Data entry
- Primary care information systems - Hospital Pharmacy - patient database management - computerized
medical records.
Human - computer Interaction in health care - costs and Benefits of information systems.
Introduction - Internal medicine - cardiology - Critical care - Radiotherapy-Pathology Laboratory - clinical
chemistry & Hematology.
Computers system and software in nuclear medicine - Digital subtraction radiography - computerized
ultrasonography - CT - PET - NMR - General model CMD - Algorithmic methods - statistical pattern
classification - Decision analysis - Production rule systems - cognitive modes - Intermist and QMR - QMR -
AI / Rheum consulting system - KES - Rule based decision aid for TIA - future trends.
Digital therapy - data acquisition - Computer for care renal disorders - assessing prognosis - antibiotics in
renal failure - computer based cancer chemotherapy - radio therapy planning with computers - Diabetics
mellitus management - automated drug delivery - nutrient analysis and menu planning - cardiac assist
devices - electromagnetic controlled limbs - computer assisted fluid & metabolic balance - pulmonary and
cardiovascular evaluation.
R.D. Lele, "Computers in Medicine", Tata McGrawn Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi,
Hand book of medical informatics - J.H. Van Bemmel, MA. Musen, Springer Publications - 1997
Harnold Sackamn, "Biomedical Information technology", Academic Press, New York
S.K. Chachan, "PC Organisation", S.K. Kataria and Sons, Dehli 2000
Parameters of safety factors affecting the conditions of occupational and industrial safety - safety
Role of ergonomics in designing work place effects of work environment - light, ventilation, vibration, noise.
Work physiology and its relevant to safety. Performance evaluation of systems involving man and
Occupational health & hazards - physical - chemical - biological hazards. Occupational diseases -
prevention and control. Health protection measures for workers - health education - medical first - aid.
Management of medical emergencies.
Industrial safety standards. Accidents - definition - frequency rate - prevention and control. Work study -
work measurements - measurement of skills. Safety cost and expenses. Principles of functions and safety
Concepts of Safety Management systems. International safety certifications. OSHA compliance.
Scott. R. M., Basic Concepts of Industrial Hygiene, Lewis Publishers, New York, 1997
Peterson. R.D., and Cohen, J.M, The Complete Guide to OSHA compliance. Lewis Publishers,
New York, 1997
Diberardinis L.J., Hand book of Occupational Safety and health, John Wiley, New York, 1998
To make the students aware of various therapeutic equipments in use and to ensure the students to use
the therapeutic equipment in a safe and effective manner.
Effects of electric field on cardiac muscles and laws of stimulation. External, internal, and Programmable
pacemakers. Pulse generator: sensing, output and timing circuits. Power sources, electrodes and leads
system, pacing system analyzers. Defibrillators - basic principle and comparison of output wave forms of
different DC defibrillator, energy requirements, synchronous operation, implantable defibrillators,
defibrillator safety and analyzers.
Basic principles of ventilators, different generators, inspiratory phase and expiratory phase, different
ventillatory adjuncts, neonatal ventilators, ventilator testing. Anaesthesia: Need of anaesthesia, gas used
and their sources, gas blending and vaporizers, anaesthesia delivery system, breathing circuits.
Physical therapy principles, Electrical stimulators: Strength-duration curve, types of stimulators, an
electrodiagnostic / therapeutic stimulator. Nerve-muscle stimulator: peripheral nerve stimulator, Ultrasonic
stimulators, stimulators for pain and relief. Diathermy: IR diathermy, UV diathermy, short wave diathermy,
microwave diathermy, ultrasonic diathermy.
Principles and applications of surgical diathermy, Physics and engineering of ultrasonic lithotripter, basic
principle of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripter. Principle operation of LASER, various application of
CO2, argon, He - Ne, Nd - YAG & pulsed ruby LASER, Application of LASER in surgery.
Electrosurgery machine, electrosurgery circuits, solid state electrosurgery generator circuits, electrosurgery
safety, testing electrosurgery units, cautery, light sources, suction apparatus, and sterilizers. Baby
incubator, radiant warmer and phototherapy unit.
Medical imaging modalities - Ultrasonic - Physics of ultrasound - Principles of image formation - Capture
and display, principles of A-Mode, B-Mode, M-Mode. Design of scan converters, Design of frame grabbers.
High line and low line monitoring of ultrasound displays, Doppler Ultra sound and Color flow mapping of
scan conversion (real time imaging) - image processing.
Principles, Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Introduction - principles of MRI - MRI instrumentation,
magnets - gradient system - RF coils receiver system. Relaxation processes, pulse sequence,
image acquisition and reconstruction techniques, Functional MRI - Image acquisition in magnetic
resonance imaging - T1, T2, proton density weighted images, Artifacts in imaging advances and
processing techniques for flow and three - D imaging. Various types of pulse sequences for fast
acquisition of imaging.
Functional MRI - The BOLD effect - intra - and extravascular field offsets, source of T2* effects,
Creating BOLD contrast sequence optimization Sources and dependences of physiological noise in
Infra red Imaging: Physics of thermography, Imaging systems, clinical themography, liquid crystal
thermography. Special imaging techniques: Cineradiography, cinefluorography, stereoscopic
radiography, magnification radiography, microradiography, tomography, neutron radiography.
Microwave Imaging for Medical Applications - Microwave imaging sensors - Microwave imageing
for Breast cancer.
To understand the concept of automation and apply the same in the field of medicine
To appreciate the accuracy and precision achieved by robotic systems which is critically essential
in surgical procedures
To ascertain the design, integration and control of robotic systems and discover solutions to
challenges posed by the technical side of medical robotics
Motivation for the development of neural networks - Artificial Neural network - Biological Neural networks -
Typing Architecture - Setting weights - Common activation functions - McCulloch Pitts Neuron: Architecture
- biases and threshold - Linear separability - Hebb Net Algorithm and application - Perceptron Algorithm -
Perceptron learning convergence theorem - delta rule. Single layer percepton classification: Classification
model - features & decision regions training - classification using discrete perception - algorithm &
Back Propagation - Architecture, algorithm; Derivation of learning rules. Feed forward recall & error back
propagation training - learning factors Number of hidden layers - learning factors - Hopfield neural net -
architecture, Algorithm, applications.
Neural network based on competition: fixed - weight competitive nets; Kohonen self organizing
maps and application. Adaptive resonance theory: Basic Architecture and operation. Neural
controller for a temperature process. self tuning PID neural controller.
Basic concepts of fuzzy sets - Relation equation - fuzzy logic control - fuzzification - defuzzification
- knowledge base. Approximate Reasoning - Limits and Benefits of fuzzy control - Fuzzy logic of
rule-based systems - Fuzzy Control from an Industrial Perspective.
Fuzzy logic controller - functional diagram - membership functions - triangular, trapezoidal - scale
factors. Fuzzification: membership value assignments using trapezoidal - scale factors.
Defuzzification - max - membership principle - centeroid method - weighted average method - rule.
Choice of variables - derivation of rule - case study: fuzzy logic controller design for a temperature
process. Nonlinear Fuzzy Control.
Timothy J. Ross, "Fuzzy logic with Engineering Applications". McGraw Hill, New York, 1996
Kosko. B, "Neural Network and fuzzy systems", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
Robert. J. Schalkoff, "Artifial Neural Networks", McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1998
Laurence Fausett, "Fundamentals of Neural Networks", Printice Hall, New Jersey, 1994
Draikov D. Helledron H., M. Reinframe: "An Introduction to fuzzy control", Narosa
Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1996
S N Sivanandam, S Sumathi, S N Deepa "Introduction to Neural networks using MATLAB
6.0", Tata Mc Graw Hills, 2006
Allard, J.L., and Kaemmerer, W.F., "The Goal/ subgoal Knowledge Representation for Real-
time Process Monitoring", Proceedings IJCAI'87, Milano, Italy, 1987, pp. 394-398.
D'Ambrosio, B., Qualitative Process Theory Using Linguistic Variables, New York, Berlin,
Springer-Verlag, 1989
To gain knowledge about different materials used for BioMEMs fabrication, different steps of micro
fabrication and manufacturing technology
To gain good knowledge about Biosensors for different applications
Substrates and wafers, Different materials - Silicon, Gallium Arsenide, ceramic, Quartz, Piezoelectric
crystals, Polymers for Packaging, Photolithography, Ion Implantation, Diffusion, Oxidation, wafer bonding,
CVD, PVD, Sputtering, Etching.
Bulk manufacturing, Surface Micromachining, LIGA process, Summary of Micro manufacturing.
Strain gauges, Accelerometers, Gas sensors, Impedance sensors, Pressure Sensors, Intra ocular pressure
measurement, Flow Sensors, Electro chemical Sensors, Molecular and cell specific sensors, Immuno
Ion sensitive FETs, Biomedical Micro actuators - Micromanipulators, Surgical micro instruments, Ultrasonic
transducers for medical imaging, Micro Electrodes, Micro pumps, Micro valves, Micro needles, Micro
Filters, Opto electronic sensors.
Micro Fluidic System, Micro Systems for Genetic Analysis, Enzymatic arrays, implantable medication
delivery system, cell based neural networks.
Mems and Microsystems - Design and Manufacture, First Edition, By Tai - Ran Hsu, ata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 2002
Fundamentals of BioMEMS and Medical Microdevices (SPIE Press Monograph Vol. PM153) by
Steven S. Saliterman
Introduction to Microfluids and BioMEMS: A Design and Problem-Solving Textbook By Li; Paul
Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications By Wanjun Wang, Steven A. Soper Published by CRC
Press, 2006
Dosimetric principles, quantities, and units - Photon fluence and energy fluence - Kerma, cema, absorbed
dose, stopping power - relationship between various dosimetric quantities - Cavity theory: Bragg-Gray
cavity theory, Spencer-Attix cavity theory - Burlin cavity theory for photon beams - stopping power ratios.
Radiation dosimeter: properties - Ionization chamber dosimeter systems: Chambers and
electrometers, cylindrical (thimble type) ionization chambers, parallel-plate (plane-parallel)
ionization chambers, brachytherapy chambers, extrapolation chambers - Film dosimetry:
Radiographic and radiochromic film - Luminescence dosimetry: Thermoluminescent dosimeter
systems and optically stimulated luminescence systems - Semiconductor dosimetry: Silicon diode
and MOSFET systems - Other dosimeter systems: Alanine/ electron paramagnetic resonance
dosimeter - plastic scintillator dosimeter - diamond dosimeter - gel dosimeter.
Primary standards: Primary standard for air kerma in air, primary standards for absorbed dose to
water, ionometric standard, chemical dosimetry standard, calorimetric standard - Clinical use:
Gynaecology - interstitial brachytherapy - remote afterloading systems - permanent prostate
implants - eye plaques - inravascular brachytherapy.
Radiation monitoring instruments - Area survey meters - Ionization chambers - proportional
counters - neutron area survey meters - Geiger-Múller counters - Scintillator detectors -
Semiconductor detectors - Invidual monitoring - Film badge - thermoluminescence dosimetry
badge - radiophotoluminescent glass dosimetry systems - optically stimulated luminescence
systems - direct reading personal monitors - calibration of personal dosimeters - properties of
personal monitors.
Radiation protection and safety - radiation effects - quantities and units used - basic framework of
radiation protection - basic framework of radiation protection - Governmental regulation and
national infrastructure - safety in the design of radiation sources and equipment.
This paper attempts to educate the student on the types of artificial organs, and its applications. Also, It
highlight the basics as well as applications of tissue engineering in the clinical practice.
The origins and modes of heart disorder, Artificial heart valves-Valves made from artificial materials -
Valves made from denatured animal tissues - Mechanical heart valves, Environmental and functional
requirements - Wear and fracture of heart valves, Effects on tissues and blood, Stents for cardiac blood
vessels, Implantation of pacemakers,Vascular implants, Neural implants.
Origins of dental decay and tooth loss Materials for dental implants, Oral implants - Bone graft materials,
Materials for dental fixators - Prosthodontic materials and implants, Dental restorative materials,
Orthodontic implants, Endodontic implants, Wear of restorative materials, Corrosion behavior of dental
restorative materials, Metal amalgam restorative materials, Ceramic and polymer restorative materials.
Diabetes and liver disease, Islet preservation and encapsulation - vascular immuno-isolation devices,
Extravascular immuno-isolation devices, Bio reactor for hybrid liver support.
Basic definition, Current scope of development, use in therapeutics & invitro testing, Structure &
Organization of tissues, Transport properties of tissues - Introduction to mass transfer, Diffusion of simple
metabolities, Diffusion & reaction of protein, Hormone & Growth factor signaling.
Basic properties, Tissue engineering of bone marrow, Liver nervous system, Engineering of vascular
grafts. Regional patency thrombosis, Tissue engineering of cartilage, Kidney.
To explore how the fundamentals of engineering analysis may be applied to explain the
functioning of life processes
To analyze the biotransport phenomena in the human body
Feed back control system - homeostasis - Regulatory system - Servo mechanism - biological control
system - similarities and differences - components of living control system.
Mathematical approach, electrical analogues, etc. Introduction to various process controls like cardiac rate,
blood pressure, respiratory rate. central nervous system and gastro intestinal system. Phamaco modelling -
drug diffusion system.
Modeling of human thermal regulatory system: Parameters involved, control system model etc.
Biochemistry of digestion, natural membrane system types of heat loss from body, models of heat
transfer between subsystems of human body like skin - core etc. and systems like within body,
body environment, etc.
Respiratory system: Modeling oxygen uptake by RBC and pulmonary capillaries, Mass balancing
by lungs, Gas transport mechanisms of lungs, oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in blood and
Ultra filtration system: Transport through cells and tubules, passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion
and active transports. Methods of waste removal, counter current model of urine formation in
nephron, model of Henle's loop.
BM0679 Ergonomics 3 0 0
To study about the safe workplace and reduce work - related musculoskeletal disorders by adapting the
work to fit the person, instead of expecting the person to adapt to the work.
The design reduces stress and eliminates potential injuries and disorders associated with the
overuse of muscles, bad posture, and repeated tasks
It improves the quality, productivity and human performance by fitting products, tasks, and
environments to people
To understand the various assist devices for different disabilities of the body
To have a knowledge about the legal aspects and therapies related to rehabilitation
Assist Devices-Introduction to prosthetic and orthotic devices, auditory and visual aids, speech assist
Rehabilitation Technology - Selection, design or manufacturing of augmentive or assistive devices
appropriate for individual with disability.
Rehabilitation science - Knowledge about the basic and clinical research about the variation in the
physiological functioning and anatomical structure.
Rehabilitation advocacy - Legal aspects helps the handicapped people in choosing the device, the
provisions available to them in this regard.
Rehabilitation Medicine - Physiological aspects of functional recovery, neurological and physiological
aspects, rehabilitation therapies, training to restore vision, auditory and speech.
BM0683 Biomechanics 3 0 0
The course is designed to make the student better understanding of basic Biomechanics.
To gain knowledge about human skeletal, muscular anatomy and physiology, Bio Fluid
mechanics, spine mechanics and Human locomotion and analysis
To understand various loading effect, forces acting at different joints which is helpful for designing
artificial organs and assist devices
Bio Fluid Mechanics: Newton's laws, Viscoelasticity, Newtonian viscosity, mechanical properties of
blood vessels, Flow properties of Blood, hematocrit, thrombus formation and dissolution,
dynamics of circulatory system.
Biomechanics of Bone: Movements of the body, Osteology, Arthrology, Properties of Bone,
Maxwell & Voight Models of bone, Fracture mechanism, repairing.
Biomechanics of Muscles Mechanics: Muscle actions, Structure and Functions of connective
tissues, Biomechanics of Upper extremity - shoulder region, shoulder girdle, Biomechanics of
Lower Extremity-knee, hip, thigh and trunk.
Biomechanics of spine: structure of spine, movements, loads on spine, Extraskeletal system for
paraplegics, Scoliosis, Scoliosis correction techniques.
Human Locomotion and Gait analysis: Structure of foot and Ankle - Biomechanics of Foot and
Ankle - Common injuries to foot/ ankle - Gait Analysis and measurement techniques - Foot
pressure measurements techniques.
To understand and describe the principles of drug delivery systems and the science which
underpins them
To demonstrate a knowledge of physicochemical processing and biological barrier for drug
Compare the various strategies available for drug delivery
Research and evaluate most recently developed technologies and present findings in a
Introduction to the properties of drugs - Pharmacokinetic properties of drugs - conventional drug dosage
forms - sustained release drug dosage forms - controlled drug delivery systems - role of bio sensors and
transducers in diagnostics.
Polymer-classification, Applications for Polymers in formulation of controlled drug delivery systems,
Biodegradable and Natural polymers - Biocompatibility of implants - Automatically controlled feedback
devices and there application in biomedical controlled drug delivery systems.
Classification, Rate - programmed drug delivery systems, Activation - moduled drug delivery systems,
Feed back - regulated drug delivery systems, Invitro and in - vivo evaluation of controlled released drug
Implantable micro - pump systems - peristaltic micro pump - osmotic micro pump - diaphragm micro pump
- Fluorocarbon propellant driven micro pump - solenoid driven reciprocate micro pump - programmable
implanted drug administrative device (DAD).
Development in insulin therapy using biomedical controlled drug delivery systems - Other examples of
similar biomedical controlled drug delivery systems - Legal aspects and regulatory considerations in drug
delivery systems.
Handbook of Biomedical Engineering-Joseph Bronzino, Published by Academic Press, 2005
Controlled and Novel Drug Delivery; By N.K.Jain, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi,
First edition, 1997 (reprint in 2001)
Controlled Drug Delivery - Concepts and Advances; By S.P.Vyas and R.K.Khar,Vallabh
Prakashan, New Delhi, First edition, 2002
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