Irnss: (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System)
Irnss: (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System)
Irnss: (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System)
IRNSS is the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System that will provide high accuracy navigation
service for the Indian region. It is designed to provide accurate position information service to users in
India as well as the region extending up to 1500 km from its boundary, which is its primary service area.
IRNSS will provide two types of services, namely, Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and Restricted
Service (RS) and is expected to provide a position accuracy of better than 20m in the primary service
The proposed IRNSS system will consist of a constellation of seven satellites and a supporting ground
segment. Three of the satellites in the constellation will be placed in a geostationary orbit and the
remaining four in a geosynchronous inclined orbit of 29º relative to the equatorial plane. Such an
arrangement would mean all seven satellites would have continuous radio visibility with Indian control
Mission architecture
IRNSS-1A was launched on July 01, 2013 by PSLVC22 from SDSC, Sriharikota. The s/c mass at lift off was
1425 kg with a propellant loading of 810.4 kg. IRNSS-1A was injected into a sub-Geosynchronous Transfer
Orbit (sub-GTO) by PSLV with a 284 km perigee and 20,653 km apogee with an inclination of 18 deg with
respect to the equatorial plane.
The 440 N Liquid Engine (LE), mounted along negative roll axis, is used for orbit raising. The gyros
are used as attitude reference during LE burns (LEB). The gyros are calibrated using star sensor
attitude data. For the first time in ISRO’s geosynchronous missions, LEB operation is carried out with
thrust vector steering using uplinked attitude steering profile (ASP). The IRNSS constellation orbit
characteristics are given in Table 1 and the same is depicted in Fig. 1.
No of spacecraft in constellation: 7
IGSO : Inclined geosynchronous orbit
INCL : Inclination, RAAN : Right Ascension of Ascending Node
Longitude given in column#2 is at Equatorial Crossing for IGSO
The constellation orbit inclination and equatorial crossing longitude values were chosen by the
Navigation team (NAV) to meet the user position accuracy requirements.
The RAAN value is chosen for IGSO to minimize the number of days of eclipse over the mission life.
Inclination is targeted at 27 deg, at beginning of operational life (BOL), because the natural perturbation
increases inclination and NAV has allowed an inclination range of 27 to 31 deg for the IGS orbit. RAAN of
141 deg is chosen at BOL of IRNSS-1A so that RAAN reaches 135 deg about a year later by which time
IRNSS-1B will be launched which will also be positioned at 55 deg East with RAAN of 310 deg. The PSLV
sub-synchronous transfer orbit parameters are provided in Table 2. This paper provides the various
mission analyses carried out for the IRNSS1A NGS orbit mission covering launch window, maneuver
strategies and mission profile studies.
The following are the mission analyses carried out for planning the IRNSS-1A mission:
• Launch window
• Maneuver strategy design for nominal, backup and contingency scenarios
• LEB orientation phase studies
• Mission profile studies
• Range vector profiles in s/c frame in all phases
The launch time for IRNSS-1A mission is determined by the RAAN requirement. IRNSS-1B launch was
scheduled about a year after 1A launch. The RAAN variation in IGSO phase was found to be about -6
deg/year. IRNSS-1A RAAN of 143 deg is chosen at separation from PSLV so that after all the LEBs, it
reaches 141 deg. A year later, it reaches 135 deg and will be ready to be phased as desired with 1B. The
launch window was generated over the year. Launch window duration of 20 min is provided allowing for a
RAAN variation of 5 deg over the window, which had been cleared by NAV team. The ascent phase sun
aspect angles in s/c frame and transfer orbit phase eclipse pattern were studied as a function of the
launch date and time. In the ascent phase which is of 1220 s duration, using the launch trajectory and
attitude profile data provided by PSLV and considering the mounting of the s/c on PSLV, the sun aspect
angle profiles with each of the s/c axes and planes were generated and studied. The results were
provided to thermal sub-system for their analysis.
The sun angles with star sensor bore axes were studied and results provided to Sensor designers. Since
star sensors are off during ascent phase, the bright light clearance required was specified as 20 deg from
the bore axis. The Sun-to-Star sensor axis angle profiles during ascent phase for three different seasons
are shown in Fig. 2, 3 & 4 respectively. For Mar 20 launch, it was found that sun comes within 20 deg of
star sensor South axis from about 731 sec past lift-off for a duration of 470 sec and the minimum angle is
about 11 deg which occurs at1031 sec past lift-off. For Jun 20 launch, sun comes within 20 deg of star
sensor North axis from about 826 sec past lift-off till injection for a duration of 474 sec and the minimum
angle is about11.8 deg which occurs at 1161 sec past lift-off. For Dec 22 launch, sun is well beyond the 20
deg limit from both star sensor axes throughout the ascent phase.
Figure-2: Sun-to-Star sensor axis angle profile during ascent phase (Mar 20)
Figure-3: Sun-to-Star sensor axis angle profile during ascent phase (Jun 20)
Figure-4: Sun-to-Star sensor axis angle profile during ascent phase (Dec 22)
The sun-orbit geometry varies as a function of the launch date which results in eclipse pattern variation
in T.O. phase. T.O. eclipse durations for IRNSS-1A were studied over the year. The T.O. eclipse summary
as a function of launch date is provided in Table 3. The maximum eclipse in T.O. phase is about 79 min for
launch in last week of February. During the orbit raising phase for the end February launch, it was found
that the eclipse duration increases to a maximum of 115 min in the intermediate orbits.
Sun T.O.
Launc RA Sun Eclipse
h (deg) Dec dur.(min)
Date (deg)
Jan 30 312.1 - No Eclipse
Feb 4 317.2 -16.42 No Eclipse
Feb 7 320.2 -15.51 27.0
Feb 9 322.2 -14.89 46.0
Feb 19 332.0 -11.52 77.2
Feb 28 341.4 -7.86 78.6
Mar 10 350.7 -4.01 68.6
Mar 20 359.8 -0.074 54.4
Mar 30 9.8 4.23 39.4
May 9 47.2 17.641 23.22
Jun 20 89.8 23.436 22.24
Aug 7 138.0 16.182 23.75
Sep 20 178.1 0.815 26.74
Nov 15 231.0 - 16.00
Dec 22 270.9 - No Eclipse
The Power subsystem engineers designed their charging scheme based on these predictions. The star
sensor bright light clearance constraint was examined during LEB maneuver orientation phases as a
function of launch date. Star sensor to sun angle should be greater than 40 deg in LEB orientation. In case
of any violation of this constraint, an appropriate bias is provided about the thrust direction (Roll) to
clear the sensor from the sun. The launch window for the launch period of June-July, 2013 is provided in
Table 4. The sun-orbit geometry for July 1, when IRNSS-1A was launched, is shown in Fig. 5.
The following are the launch windows for the launch.
The following maneuver strategy was proposed considering the Mission constraint of fully monitoring
each LEB:
Operationally Optimal Strategy: Two Near-perigee burns around Perigee#5 and Perigee#8 with
single station visibility during the burn and three apogee burns with dual station visibility.
The target drift orbit inclination was chosen as 27 deg to minimize the inclination correction in the
apogee maneuvers. Since the IGSO RAAN was 141 deg, the luni-solar gravitational perturbations increase
the inclination. The inclination control strategy proposed was to achieve 27 deg at beginning of life, allow
it to naturally build up to 29 deg and then use the available propellant to maintain the inclination around
29 deg. After using up the available propellant, allow the inclination to further naturally increase up to 31
deg. This way, the s/c operational life is enhanced over 5 years.
The second burn is carried out pre-perigee#8 and is supported by Hassan and Biak. The elevation profile
for network stations around perigee#8 is shown in Fig 10. Hassan elevation at burn start is about 24 deg
and Hassan LOS is over 3.5 min after burn start. Biak AOS occurs about 56 sec after burn start and its
elevation is about 6 deg at the time of Hassan LOS and about 8.7 deg at burn end. MVR#2 full burn
duration of 12.3 min is in eclipse. Eclipse starts 1.7 min before burn start and ends 7.8 min after burn
end. The delta-V imparted in the perigee burns is about 388.7 m/s. The propellant consumed is about
169.4 kg. The total perigee burn duration is about 1197 sec.
Three more burns are planned at apogees 9, 11 and 12 respectively to achieve the desired drift orbit.
After MVR#4, the s/c is continuously visible to Hassan. After MVR#5 at 44.5 deg East longitude, which is
10.5 deg west of the slot, the inclination achieved is 27 deg and the longitude drift rate is about 1.7
deg/rev. The time taken for drift orbit acquisition is nearly 5 days from launch. The delta-V required for
station acquisition is 5.5 m/s and corresponding propellant expenditure is 1.5 kg.
The total delta-V for achieving the desired IGS orbit is about 1893.9 m/s and the corresponding
propellant requirement is 655.5 kg. For the on-orbit inclination control maneuvers, it was found that,
using the north/south thrusters resulted in significant cross components disturbing the longitude drift
because of the –Roll thrusters coming on for attitude control. The s/c has no thrusters mounted on the +
Roll side because atomic clocks and star sensors are located on this side. Therefore, it was suggested to
mission to employ only West (-Roll) thrusters for NSSK maneuvers.
283.9 20667 17.87 142. 125. 269.0 6.049
.4 1 8 2
295.7 25097 17. 142. 159. 250.4 7.283
.0 87 1 1 6
MVR 342.9 35964 17.88 141. 147. 200.2 10.622
.7 5 5 3
MVR 11936 35799 24.18 141. 94. 141.2 14.541
3 .5 2 5 8
MVR 31637. 35804 26.75 141. 17. 26.12 22.198
1 .8 2 9
MVR 35501. 35804. 27.00 141.2 44.5 1.70 23.822
9 9
The Maneuver Strategy for 3-sigma low T.O. is summarized in Table 9. The first three burns are perigee
burns with first burn almost centered on perigee#5 and next two are near-perigee burns carried out pre-
perigee#9 and post-perigee#13. Maneuver#1 is supported by Biak and next two burns are supported by
Hassan. The delta-v imparted in the perigee burns is about 402 m/s. The propellant consumed is about
175 kg. The burn duration is about 1232 sec.
Three more burns are planned at apogees 15, 17 and 18 respectively to achieve the desired drift orbit.
The time taken for drift orbit acquisition is nearly 7 days from launch. The total delta-v for achieving
desired NGS orbit is about 1913 m/s and the corresponding propellant requirement is about 662 kg. The
penalty in delta-v, as compared to the nominal strategy for expected nominal T.O. case, is nearly 19 m/s
and that in propellant is about 6.6 kg.
The total delta-V for achieving target NGS orbit is 2259 m/s and the corresponding total fuel is nearly 753
kg. The penalty in delta-V and propellant consumed with respect to nominal plan is 365 m/s and 97.5 kg
Second burn is planned at apogee-7, through this maneuver perigee will be corrected fully to the
synchronous height. The post-MVR#2 drift rate is about 92 deg/rev. Remaining correction is planned at
Apogee10. The total delta-V for achieving NGS orbit is about 2270 m/s and the corresponding total
propellant is nearly 746 kg. The penalty in delta v and propellant consumed with respect to nominal plan
is 376 m/s and 91 kg respectively.
ISRO has filed for 24 MHz bandwidth of spectrum in the L5-band (1164 – 1189 MHz) for IRNSS and for the second
signal in S-band (2483.5 – 2500 MHz).
Now we can look into the details of subsystems of the IRNSS Navigation system
Space segment
The IRNSS spacecraft are dedicated for navigation services and they are configured to be of a class that can be
launched by the Indian launcher PSLV. The design incorporates most of the proven subsystems available
indigenously tailoring it specifically for the navigation.
Figure : The IRNSS constellation with the daily lemniscate projection of the 4 GSO spacecraft onto Earth (image
credit: ISRO)
The space segment consists of seven satellites:
1) 3 satellites in geostationary orbit at 32.5°, 83° and 131.5° East.
2) 4 satellites in geosynchronous orbit placed at inclination of 29° with longitude crossing at 55° and 111.75°
3) The satellites are specially configured for the navigation. Same configuration for GEO and GSO which is
desirable for the production of the satellites.
The IRNSS satellites are configured around the spacecraft bus I-1K, which is similar to ISRO’s meteorological
satellite, Kalpana-1, with a dry mass of ~600 kg and a launch mass of 1,425 kg. The solar panels are generating a
power of 1600 W (with a payload power requirement of 900 W.
The spacecraft are 3-axis stabilized. Attitude control of the satellite is provided with yaw steering, a capability to
optimize the use of the solar panels and to support the thermal control of the satellite.
EPS (Electrical Power Subsystem) Two solar panels generating 1660 W, one lithium-ion
battery of 90 Ah capacity
ADCS (Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem) Zero momentum system, orientation input from sun & star
sensors and gyroscopes; reaction wheels, magnetic
torquers and 22 Newton thrusters as actuators
Mission life 10 years
Figure: Photo of IRNSS-1A undergoing test in Figure: Photo of Irnss-1A after its integration
the clean room. (image credit: ISRO) with the PSLC-C22 (image credit: ISRO)
The electrical power required for the functioning of the spacecraft is generated using two solar
panels of 1660 watts. The solar panels are aligned in their specific positions after the
spacecraft is placed in its orbit. The power generated by the solar panels is stored in a 90 Ah
battery. The required power is transferred to different devices from the battery with the aid of
on-board computer system.
1) It maintains the satellite at certain attitude for the proper functionality of the payloads.
2) Satellite attitude needs to be maintained for reception of a sufficient amount of solar flux to generate
power. The orientation of solar panels are controlled for optimum power generation.
3) The ADCS ensures that the antennae point in a particular direction for proper communication by the
communication subsystem.
4) It also maintains the angular rates of the satellite within a particular threshold for proper operation of the
payload and proper communication between the satellite and the ground station.
The structure of the satellite is designed so that all sensors and actuators be placed such that the principal axes of
inertia should be oriented as desired and also not hindering the sensitivity of any of the sensors.
components of ADCS in IRNSS-1A include a zero momentum system, sun and star sensors for
orientation input, gyroscopes, reaction wheels, magnetic torquers and 22 N thrusters as
Figure: On board computer diagramatical representation.
The on-board computer performs several different tasks. The most important are :
1) Receive and respond to commands from the ground station as well as handle the general housekeeping of the
2) Collect the telemetry data, format and encode the data for transmitting to the ground station.
3) Attitude determination and control by monitoring earth’s magnetic field using control algorithms.
4) Monitors temperature of all subsystems and maintains the satellite in specified temperature range using
5) Store payload and telemetry data during non-visible period for transmission during visibility.
The IRNSS 1A carry a navigation payload in a redundant configuration. A separate C-band transponder for precise
CDMA ranging is included in the payload configuration. The important functions of the IRNSS 1A payload are:
Transmission of the navigational timing information in the L5 bands; transmission of navigation, timing information in S-
band; generation of navigation data on-board, CDMA ranging transponder for precise ranging.
The navigation payload will have the following subsystems: NSGU (Navigation Signal Generation Unit), Atomic clock unit,
comprising of Rubidium atomic clocks, clock management and control unit, frequency generation unit, modulation unit,
high power amplifier unit, power combining unit and navigation antenna. The design incorporates most of the most of
the proven subsystems available indigenously tailoring it specifically for the navigation
IRNSS-1A carries two types of payloads navigation payload and ranging payload in addition with a retro-reflector array..
The navigation payload of IRNSS-1A transmits navigation service signals to the users .The ranging (CDMA) payload
consists of a C-band transponder which facilitates accurate determination of the range of the satellite
The design of the payload makes the IRNSS system interoperable and compatible with GPS and Galileo.
3) kIRNSS-1A carries also corner cube retro reflectors for laser ranging.
Ground segment:
The IRNSS ground segment includes the major systems for controlling the satellite constellation and will consist of the
IRNSS Spacecraft Control Facility (IRSCF), IRNSS Navigation Control Facility, IRNSS Range and Integrity Monitoring
Stations , ranging stations, a timing center, IRNSS TTC and uplink stations, and the IRNSS Data Communication Network.
Seventeen IRIMS sites will be distributed across the country for orbit determination and ionosphere modeling. Four
ranging stations, separated by wide and long baselines, will provide two-way CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
ranging. The IRNSS timing center will consist of highly stable clocks. The navigation center will receive all this data
through communication links, then process and transmit the information to the satellites.
IRNSS will have a network of 21 ranging stations geographically distributed primarily across India. They provide data for
the orbit determination of IRNSS satellites and monitoring of the navigation signals. The data from the
ranging/monitoring stations is sent to the data processing facility at INC where it is processed to generate the navigation
messages. The navigation messages are then transmitted from INC to the IRNSS satellites through the spacecraft control
facility at Hassan/Bhopal. The state of the art data processing and storage facilities at INC enable swift processing of data
and support its systematic storage.
User segment:
The single frequency and dual frequency receivers shall receive both SPS (Special Positioning System), which is provided
to all users, and RS (Restricted/Authorized Service) signals, which is an encrypted service provided only to authorized
The IRNSS user receiver calculates its position using the timing information embedded in the navigation signal,
transmitted from the IRNSS satellites. The timing information being broadcast in the navigation signal is derived from the
atomic clock on-board the IRNSS satellite.
The IRNWT (IRNSS Network Time) is determined from a clock ensemble composed of the cesium and hydrogen maser
atomic clocks at the INC (Indian Navigation Centre) ground stations. As with UTC, IRNWT is also a weighted mean
average time, but with two substantial differences. IRNWT will be made available in real time and is a continuous time
without leap seconds. The IRNSS satellites carry a rubidium atomic frequency standard on-board. At INC through
navigation software, these on-board clocks are monitored and controlled. The deviation between each of the satellite
and IRNWT is modelled with a quadratic function of time, and the parameters of this model are calculated and
transmitted as a part of the IRNSS broadcast navigation messages.
The parameters are often called as clock bias (A0) or the clock offset (in seconds), drift (A1) or the relative frequency
instability (in seconds/second) and aging (A2), also referred to as relative frequency shift (in seconds/second 2). Apart
from these corrections, any IRNSS users should consider the necessary relativistic time adjustment. With these
adjustment parameters, which are usually calculated once per day, are then transmitted to the satellites, thus the
satellite clock errors are expected to be well within 5 -10ns which fulfils the requirement.
The estimated accuracy is < 20 m over the Indian ocean region, and < 10 m over main land India.
IRNSS signals:
The IRNSS constellation is expected to provide a position accuracy of better than 20 m over India and a region extending
outside the Indian land mass to about 1,500 km. The system will provide two types of services:
Both of these services will be provided at two frequencies, one in the L5 band and the other in S-band.
SPS will use bi-phase shift keying BPSK (1) modulation, whereas the RS service will employ binary offset carrier (BOC (5,
2)) modulation. An additional BOC pilot signal is being provided for the RS Service in order to help provide better
acquisition and performance. As each L5-band and S-band contains three signals, the IRNSS design adds an interplex
signal in order to maintain the constant envelope characteristic of the composite signal. The transmission is done using
the L-band and S-band helix array antenna to provide global coverage in right-hand circularly polarized (RHCP) signals.
Thus, user receivers can operate in single-and/or dual-frequency mode.
Figure: Illustration of the IRNSS coverage which includes an area of ~1500 km around the Indian land mass (image credit:
Three different parameters comprise this group delay: a fixed/bias group delay, a differential group delay and a group
delay uncertainty in bias and differential value.
The fixed delay or hardware group delay is a bias term included in the clock correction parameters transmitted in the
navigation data and is, therefore, accounted for by the user computations of system time in the appropriate GPS
interface specifications. More specifically, this delay represents the amount of time it takes the signal to start from the
common clock, travel through each code generator, modulator, up-converter, transmitter, and finally emerge from the
satellite antenna.
The hardware group delay uncertainty reflects the variability in the path delay due to changeable conditions in the
operational environment and other factors. The effective uncertainty of the group delay will be in the range of few
nanoseconds (on the order of 1-3 ns).
Each IRNSS navigation signal has two hardware paths — main and redundant. The hardware will be different for each
path in terms of data generator, modulator, up converter, travelling-wave tube amplifier (TWTA), cable, and integration
In case of failure, the signal will be diverted from the main subsystem to the redundant subsystem. The delay of main
and redundant subsystem will be different and thus cause a difference in the mean path delay based on the selected
path for the navigation signal.
Differential group delay is the difference in delays between two navigation signals. It consists of random plus bias
components. The mean differential is defined as the bias component and will be either positive or negative. For a given
navigation payload redundancy configuration, the absolute value of the mean differential delay shall not exceed a few
nanoseconds, i.e., on the order of 15 to 30 ns.
Major of our content is influenced from websites on Mission Design of IRNSS