Legion Clone Wars Core Set Assembly Instructions
Legion Clone Wars Core Set Assembly Instructions
Legion Clone Wars Core Set Assembly Instructions
Some prefer to only remove a single miniature’s parts at a We recommend a plastic glue with a precision applicator.
time, though it is faster to remove all the parts at once. You This glue can be found at most hobby or craft stores where
can use an ice-cube tray to organize each miniature’s parts. they sell plastic model kits. Plastic glue is great as it does
We make it easy to sort each of these parts with a letter prefix not bond to skin, takes longer to set for slight repositioning
before each miniature’s parts. For example, Battle Droid 1 has of components, and it melts the plastic together to create a
parts A1-A10, while Battle Droid 2 is made up of parts B1-B8. stronger join. This is all very handy when working with small
parts that require multiple points of contact.
1 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
A S S E M B L Y T I P S - B 1 B A T T L E D R OI D S
Start by separating out the torso and a set of legs for a Trim any mold lines or excess material left from clipping
B1 Battle Droid. Note many of the parts for the B1s are the components from the frame with a hobby knife. When
interchangeable, but we recommend using the designated cleaning mold lines, try angling the blade away from you and
sets of arms and legs to get the best poses for your first unit. scraping backwards, always being mindful of your fingers.
After trimming the components, put a dab of plastic glue on Place a dab of glue on the bottom of each foot and glue the
the indent of each leg and push the legs onto the posts on miniature to a base. Repeat this process for the rest of the
either side of the miniature’s pelvis. Each peg and indent have unit. While these dry, you can move on to the cleaning and
flat sides used for alignment to get the proper leg poses. assembly of other parts of the miniatures.
Each Battle Droid head comes in two parts. There is a small Separate out a set of arms and a backpack for a Battle
slot on one half and a square peg on the other to help with Droid. Getting the three-point connection of the arms and
alignment. Place a dab of plastic glue on either side and weapon properly aligned can be a little tricky, but we have
press the two halves together, checking the sides for proper a suggestion to make the process easier. Find the left hand
alignment. Repeat this process for the rest of the unit’s heads, that is molded onto the barrel of each weapon. There are two
and set these aside to dry. raised wrist brackets on this hand.
2 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
A S S E M B L Y T I P S - B 1 B A T T L E D R OI D S
Place a dab of glue between the wrist brackets and then Put some glue on the round ball joints on either shoulder.
glue the tab on the end of the left arm to the recess. Try to Carefully pick up the two arm sub-assembly made in the
align the arm so the shoulders are in line with one another. previous step and push the round indents on the interior of
Set this aside to dry for a few minutes, but do not let it dry the shoulders in contact with the ball joints on either side of
completely. You want to use the flexibility of the uncured glue the torso. Check to make sure that the glued join at the wrist
to help align the arms to the shoulders in the next step. is still properly connected. Set this aside to dry and repeat
these steps on the next miniature.
Each of the optional backpacks have a raised tab used to align Put some glue on the interior recess of the head and glue it to
the backpack to the rear of the torso. Test fit and glue the the top of the neck. Gently adjust the angle of the head to get
backpack in place if you prefer. the desired pose.
The E-60R B-1 trooper droid has a few unique parts. Begin Glue the head of the E-60R B-1 trooper droid to the torso.
the assembly by gluing the range finder to the square recess Align the head to face forward with it’s chin pointed down to
on the interior of the missile launcher. start. Next, test fit the missile launcher to the miniature’s right
shoulder to ensure proper alignment with the miniature’s
eyes and the range finder.
3 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
A S S E M B L Y T I P S - B 1 B A T T L E D R OI D S
Put a dab of plastic glue on the wrist brackets of the left hand As before, put some glue on each shoulder ball-joint and slip
holding the missile launcher, much as you did for the standard the arms over top. Pinch the arms together to glue the arms
battle droid. Glue the post on the end of the left arm to the at the shoulders. Gently adjust the angle to get the range
missile launcher and set this aside dry for a few minutes. finder to align with the miniature’s eyes.
The E-5C B-1 trooper miniature has a special backpack with The unit leader also has some unique parts. Align and glue
an indent on the right side. This is for the miniature’s spare the binocular hands in place in a similar fashion to how you
E-5 blaster rifle. Glue the tab on the left side of the weapon to aligned the missile launcher range finder in the previous step.
the indent as shown above. Again, glue the arms at the wrists first and then glue the arms
to the shoulders of the miniature. Gently adjust as necessary.
The unit leader does not have a backpack. Instead it has Above are the miniatures assembled in the previous steps. As
an antennae and E-5 blaster rifle attached to its back. Glue mentioned before, you can interchange the parts to achieve
these pieces as indicated, using the small tabs on each part to different poses for your miniatures. You may find that it is
connect to the miniature;s back. best to keep the pairs of arms together as swapping either
arm for another may create alignment issues. Test fit the parts
before gluing and have fun customizing your unit!
4 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
You will notice that some of the part numbers on the frames of Assemble the two halves of the upper torso so the parts meet
the droidekas have numbers with both an “A” and “C”. This is flush together. The lower torso slots into the bottom of the
to indicate these parts are used for both poses of the droidekas. upper torso. Be sure to trim any excess plastic from the top
Parts labeled with a “B” are used for the wheel mode variants. and bottom of the lower torso to get a good fit.
The back carapace has two rectangular indents that align On the back of the lower torso, near the bottom, there is a
with the two rectangular pegs on the rear of the upper torso. raised rail of plastic that is used to attach the lower panels.
Apply some glue to the indents and affix the back carapace in Glue the channel on the lower panels to this rail.
place as shown.
At the top of the back carapace, there is a channel on the For the lower half, insert the front legs into the channel on
interior of the part. This is used to glue the tab on the neck of the lower half of the lower body. The part should rest flush
the head in place. Place a dab of glue on the channel and affix with the flat top of the lower body. When a proper fit is
the head in place. Adjust for proper alignment. Set this half confirmed, glue the front legs in place.
of the assembled droideka aside to dry.
5 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
The upper half of the lower body has two pegs used for Test fit the two sub-assemblies together. They should join
alignment with the two holes in the lower half. Glue this part securely by inserting the tab at the bottom of the upper
in place and then glue the rear leg in the rectangular hole at torso into the slot at the back of the lower torso. Trim the
the back of the lower body. tab on the lower torso with a hobby knife to get a good
fit if necessary. When the parts meet flush, glue the two
halves together.
Place a dab of glue on the bottom of each foot and glue the Each arm is made of a center piece and two halves of the
miniature to a base. Be sure that the notches on the base twin blaster cannon. These parts attach to the shoulder piece.
are aligned with the front and rear of the miniature, not the Begin by pushing the centerpiece of the arm between the
sides. You may want to put a little dab of extra glue where the two supports at the elbow of the arm. The round bumps at
foot meets the base for a stronger join. the elbow of the shoulder piece should fit in the recesses on
either side of the center piece of the arm.
Place a dab of glue in the square hole in the arm on the Place glue on the square tab at the front of the center piece and on
shoulder piece and then rotate the center piece of the arm so the holes on the back of the shoulder piece. Glue the outer half of
the square peg at the top of the center piece fits in the hole. the twin blaster cannon to the center piece and gently align the
cable so it fits into the bottom hole at the back of the shoulder piece.
6 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
Repeat the process of the previous step for the other half of Test fit the shoulder piece to the upper torso. This part aligns
the twin blaster cannon. This time, gently align the cable so it with the square tab in the center of the upper torso. Place a
aligns with the upper hole at the back of the shoulder piece. dab of glue on the recess on the inside of the shoulder piece
With the left arm complete, glue the two halves of the left and push it into place. That completes the assembly of the
arm twin blaster cannon in place in the same fashion as the standard droideka. Assembly of the wheel mode variant is
right arm. very similar and should be handled with the same methods.
General Grievous has several options for his construction. All versions of Grievous share the same torso and legs.
See the assembly diagrams in the Learn to Play for a Clip these parts from the frames. The torso has two halves
rundown of the parts needed for each configuration. with a hexagonal hole and peg for proper alignment. When
removing the legs and feet, try to keep the left foot (D6) with
the left leg (D4) to get the proper angle of the legs and feet.
Glue the torso halves together and then glue the feet to the Place a dab on the bottom of each foot and glue the feet to
legs and the legs to the torso. After gluing the legs in place, the base. Adjust the alignment slightly so the feet are flat on
gently adjust them while holding the miniature against the the base and the miniature is properly centered.
work surface so the feet lay flat.
7 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
Glue the neck piece to the oval-shaped recess at the top of the
torso. Be sure that the neck leans forward toward the front General Grievous has a number of arm options. These
of the miniature. Glue the two halves of the head by aligning examples show his non-split arm options. Mix and match the
the rail on the interior of the face plate with the recess on the arms together to achieve your desired pose.
interior of the back of the head. Don’t glue the head down yet if
you want to assemble Grievous with the cloak.
There is a square hole at the top of each arm. This is for Grievous’ split arms come in two parts. At the rear of the
attaching the shoulder pads. The narrow point of the lower arm on each side, there is a ball joint for attaching the
shoulder pad should point forward. These same shoulder second half of each arm. These arms also have a square hole
pads are also be used for the split arms assembly in the for attaching the shoulder pads, though you should leave
next step. these shoulder pads off if using the split arms with the cloak.
Grievous’ cloak comes in two parts. Test fit the two halves To affix the cloak, apply glue to the underside of the front of
together before gluing. Trim any excess material from the collar and to the flat surface on the back of the neck. Slip the
frame for a good fit. Apply plastic glue to the joining face of cloak over the neck and press it down on to the torso. Make
one part and press the two parts together. Be sure that the sure that the cloak meets the top of the chest plate and rests
edges and folds line up together well. Let the cape dry for on the back of the miniature securely.
5-10 minutes before proceeding to the next step.
8 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
Place glue on the rounded recess of each arm. Slide each arm Apply glue to the recess in the underside of the head. Glue it
under the cloak and onto the shoulder ball joint. Push the to the ball joint on the top of the neck. Adjust the angle of the
cloak down and adjust the arms to get a good fit. You will find head to get the desired pose.
the cloak restricts the arm positioning, but the plastic glue will
allow you to experiment with the posing while it dries.
These are just a few of the myriad of options available depending on what components you choose and how you pose them.
A S S E M B L Y T I P S - B AR C S P E E D E R
Unlike the Separatist miniatures, the Republic BARC speeder is Begin assembly by gluing the turbines into the engine
not supplied on a frame. The parts above are used for the BARC housing. The rail that runs along the bottom of each engine
speeder. Separate these parts out and confirm that you have insert aligns with a channel at the bottom of the hole in the
everything. Contact Customer Service is anything is missing. engine housing.
9 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
A S S E M B L Y T I P S - B AR C S P E E D E R
Glue the turbine in at the front of the lower half of the BARC Glue the engines to the lower half of the BARC Speeder. Use
speeder and glue the seat in place. Press the parts against the the secondary peg and hole for proper alignment. Make sure
guides to make sure the parts sit flush. You may need to trim that the part sits flat against the lower half.
excess frame material off of the parts for a good fit.
Glue the top cover to the upper half of the BARC Speeder. Glue the foot pedals in place by placing a dab of glue on the
Lightly apply glue to the pegs and around the rim of the top tab where the two pedals come together. Insert the tab into
cover. Wipe away any excess glue that comes out of the sides the hole on the bottom half of the BARC Speeder. Make sure
when you press the parts together with a paper towel. the tab rests flat in the groove inside the hole.
Glue the upper half of the BARC Speeder to the lower half. Glue the side panels on either side of the rear of the BARC
As before, lightly apply glue to the pegs and around the rim Speeder. The rear panels have unique tabs and slots on either
of the lower half. Wipe away any excess glue that comes out side to ensure they are matched up correctly. For the front
of the sides with a paper towel when you press the parts panels, glue them in place so the weapons are on the lower
together. You may want to use rubber bands to hold the two side. Adjust the panels slightly so they are parallel with the
halves together while the glue dries. central axis of the BARC Speeder’s hull.
10 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
A S S E M B L Y T I P S - B AR C S P E E D E R
Use super glue to assemble the driver. After building the driver, These are the parts used to assemble the optional sidecar.
put a dab of super glue on each foot and on the bottom of each As these parts are made of hard plastic like the rest of the
handlebar. Insert the handlebars into the two slots on the top vehicle, you may use plastic glue to assemble these parts.
cover of the BARC speeder and then press the driver into the seat
so his feet touch the pedals. Hold until the glue cures.
Assemble the two halves of the sidecar base and glue the Place the sidecar rear hinge over the post at the back of the
outer cover to the right side of the sidecar base. sidecar base. Place some glue on the top of the sidecar base
near the second post, but be careful to not get any glue near
the hinge if you want the sidecar to be able to swivel later.
Glue the rear cover to the top of the sidecar base, over top Glue the sidecar seat in place and then glue the seat supports
of the sidecar rear hinge. Test the movement of the hinge to on either side of the seat, aligning the support so it goes over
make sure it moves properly. the post on the side of the seat and the bottom tab goes into
the slot at the bottom of the seat.
Glue the foot pedals to the bottom of the front of the sidecar. When gluing the sidecar front to the sidecar base, place the
The pedals should angle diagonally downward toward the gunner’s legs in the seat to make sure that the angle of the
back of the sidecar to allow the gunner’s feet to fit properly. sidecar front puts the pedals in contact with the feet.
11 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.
A S S E M B L Y T I P S - B AR C S P E E D E R
The gunner can be assembled with one of three different Glue the tabs on either end of the v-shaped support to the
weapons options. As with the driver, you must use super glue two holes on the bottom of the BARC speeder.
to assemble this part of the miniature.
Glue the L-shaped peg at the end of sidecar rear hinge to the This image shows how the sidecar swivels. Simply glue the
similarly shaped hole at the rear of the BARC Speeder lower tab on the v-shaped support to the slot on the sidecar base if
half. Test the hinge to make sure that the slot in the sidecar you do not want your BARC Speeder to swivel.
base aligns with the tab on the v-shaped support.
Flip the BARC Speeder upside down and insert the clear peg Before attaching the BARC Speeder peg to the base, make sure
into the hole on the bottom of the vehicle. Twist the peg until your desired placement aligns the front and rear of the BARC
it sinks deeper into the hole and feels snug. Test fit the BARC speeder with the notches on the front and rear of the base.
Speeder with attached peg over the base until you get the Attaching the clear peg requires super glue. Place a dab on the base
placement you like and make note of the position. and hold the miniature in place until the glue cures. This concludes
assembly of the hard plastic miniatures in the core set. We hope
this guide proves useful getting your forces ready for the tabletop!
12 © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFG logo is a ® of Fantasy Flight Games. Permission to print and photocopy for personal use granted.