Coggle Group Work On Assessments

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Ranking and reporting.

Provide teachers, parents and

students the information of
how well students complete
the learning tasks and

A period of time,
Periodic report

Teachers determine the progress or application of What, when, and Why?

knowledge or skills against a standard. Tests
Formal assessment
Assessment of Learning
(Summative Assessment) Exams

Essays in controlled conditions


Learners are their own assessors, and they take Essays in uncontrolled conditions
responsibility for their own learning and asks Portfolios
Informal assessmeng
questions about their learning and the learning Coursework
process and explores how to improve. What, when and why? Teacher assessment
Assessment as
Continual reflection assessment

Deeper learning and learning how to learn, help

students to become longlife learners

Self-assessment, self-reflection, self-

monitoring, and self-adjusting Examples Teachers use assessments to moniter
students during the learning process and
modify their teaching based on students
need to be successful.
What, When, and Why? During the learning process, and
usually more than once. Enables of evaluation of how well students have
achieved the unit, identification of teaching,
learning and assessment practices that may need review

Is the process of evaluating (and grading) the

Assessment of, as, and for Provide students with effective What is it? learning of students against a set of specified
Provides a shared language between
teachers, students and assessors about
feedback, and modify teacher's qualities or criteria, without reference to the assessment Resources learning achievement of others (Brown, 1998; Harvey
teaching accordingly. Improve learning identifies what is valued in a curriculum and
10/understanding-the-curriculum/assessment/approaches 2004) ensures that what is measured by assessment
is the same as the skills, knowledge and
Assessment Formal Criterion Referenced understandings defined by the intended learning
Target setting Assessment
for Learning assessment Why is it used?
(Formative Tests and exams
Examples Enables reliable and valid judgements about Assessment) Target setting student work

px?q=assessment%20as%20learning Makes explicit to students and assessors what evidence of achievement is expected at
t-are-criterion-referenced-tests- each of the grade standards
Questioning-to enable the learner, with the help of
Supports students to develop strong self
their teacher, to find out what level they are at.
Informal evaluation capacity, providing tools for
them to review, refine and improve their
assessment Oral feedback
own work

Written feedback

Additional NsKr75Pw
feedback Learner self-assessment Resources
Collaborative peer
feedback -between-criterionreferenced-

Resources Advanced Placement Exams
summative-formative-assessment/ Additional
Resources Links and Audio Elements
sa/k-10/understanding-the- True or False Questions
Types of Criterion
Referenced Assessments
Rubrics (Criteria Sheets)

Questionnaires and
Enable the teacher to identify Examples
Assesses students strengths, weaknesses, knowledge and misunderstandings students may have
skills pre-instruction.

Helps a teacher understand the level of the students so they

can adjust their teaching plans and curriculum to better suit
their students level Multiple Choice Questions
Can be compared to tests at end of unit to assess students Generally short and quick checks
improvement and inform future adjustments to teaching. What, when and why?

May be done at the beginning of the year, at the beginning of

Adapt the process of teach and assess
units or beginning of a lesson.
Why it is used?
Helps a teacher plan differentiated work for individual
Low-stakes methods are often preferred in the classroom
Use to find strategies appropriate for the Open Ended Questions
student's learning
(informal) but there are also standardized diagnostic
assessments for creating baselines for comparison to
summative assesments.
Diagnostic Assessment Formative
Types of Assessments Use to check student mastery Placemats
Concept sorts An ongoing assessment that happens
throughout the lesson
National Assessment of
Samples of previous work
Double Entry Journals Educational Progress
Reading Running Records
Use for immediate
Helps the teacher to assess if the classroom
Awareness surveys insights to guide objectives are met or reached
Quizzes instructions Discussions
Questions an discussions designed to elicit knowledge
around a topic
Fact fluency assessments (which often includes timed and
What is it? Are easy to implement and offer immediate
quick quizzes) aimed at understanding students overs all fact results that lead to instant intervention or
fluency rather than in depth knowledge and ability.
instructional adjustments
Concept Maps

Can be individual or group strategies

Choral Response
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) ,
Developmental Reading Assessment 2 (DRA-2) and
Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI), Gray Oral Reading Test Use to determine if the students are
(GORT) and Reading Fluency Progress Monitor (RFPM) maintaining the right pace
Standardized Diagnostic Test Examples
KeyMath-3 Diagnostic Assessment
The goal is to evaluate student learning at the end of an What, when and why?
Group Mathematics Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation instructional unit, term or year.
Assessments should be compared to a standard or Summative Assessment
They may include school and state assessments.
There is an element of teacher accountability and evaluation.
![image](attached://c96ed49399e5922605fef1eb6d58a68b 150x96

They can measure students yearly progress, know as

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in America.
Individual Whiteboard
Gives an overall picture of what information has been
retained and mastered.

It can help identify common gaps in student learning and can

be used to asses the strengths and weaknesses of teaching
plans as a whole. Performance or Types of Formative Brainstorming

"Authentic" Assessments
Standardized tests such as SATs, GCSEs A-Levels,

End of unit, midterm, end of term and end of year tests. Examples Entry/Exit Tickets

Cumulative types such as final projects and portfolios

May include written tests, online tests and interviews.

What is it? Dipsticks

It involves the demonstration and Hand Signals

application of knowledge, skills
and work habits through what is
known as a performance task.

Short Quiz (Kahoot)

Every 6-8 weeks, midterms, mock exams.
What, when and why?
Used on a district of school level to identify gaps in student
Data can be used in the classroom, at school level or district
level to help inform decisions.
Data often used to predict student results in final exams/
summative assessments.

Interim Assesment
Why is it used? Poll Questions/Quiz

Mock exams
Midterm tests, end of unit tests (where unit may be revisited
before final exam)
They put responsibility for monitoring what students are learning-
what teachers are teaching
They provide valuable, in-depth information for
parents, administrators and other policy makers.
Demonstration Stations

Allow teachers to evaluate each student's Computer Surveys

progress using information obtained from
ongoing classroom interactions with
materials and peers.
Systematically document what students know
and can do based on the activities they
engage in on a daily basis
Additional Resources Quick Writes

Allow teachers to plan a comprehensive,

developmentally oriented curriculum based on their
knowledge of each student.

Used in variety of ways

like for reading, math
and writing skills sment/perfassess.htm

A type of standardized test

Used to understand how
students' scores compared to a Why is it that compares student's
predefined population with
similar experience. used? performances to one another
SAT What is it?
Types of Performance
Assessments Exhibits and Fairs

GRE Test
Tests that are graded on
a curved Norm Referenced Assessment
Reports whether test takers developing-norm-referenced-
performed better or worse assessments/ Developmental Checklists Presentations
than the average students

IQ Test

https://yo Examples Summary Report Links and Audio Eelements

Ck- Additional Resources

2IyYe8 Portfolios


Performances (Drama)

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