290-File Utama Naskah-1239-2-10-20211026
290-File Utama Naskah-1239-2-10-20211026
290-File Utama Naskah-1239-2-10-20211026
Midwifery Departement, Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
*Corespondence Author : [email protected]
Latar belakang: Agregat remaja merupakan salah satu kelompok usia yang
memiliki angka kecanduan smartphone yang tinggi. Kualitas tidur yang buruk pada
remaja merupakan salah satu dampak negatif dari adanya kecanduan penggunaan
smartphone tersebut. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian minuman
kunyit tradisional terhadap kualitas nyeri dysmenorrhea primer pada remaja putri
SMPN 7 jember tahun 2017. Metode: Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi
experiment (eksperimen semu) dengan metode penelitiannya menggunakan one
Group Pretest Posttest design. Model pendekatan cross sectional dengan jumlah
sampel 50 remaja yang mengalami dysmenorrhea primer. Instrumen dalam
penelitian menggunakan skala nyeri Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) Analisis data
menggunakan paired t-test / Wilcoxon Matched Pair Test. Hasil: Didapatkan hasil
p-value 0.000 < α (0.05) dengan demikian H0 ditolak Artinya Terdapat pengaruh
pemberian minuman kunyit tradisional terhadap kualitas nyeri dysmenorrhea primer
remaja putri SMPN 7 Kabupaten Jember. Kesimpulan: Kunyit mampu menurunkan
kualitas nyeri dysmenorrhea.
Methods: Results:
The research design uses research type The results of the study were obtained from
which quasi experimental aims to determine a collecting data on 50 adolescents with
change that arises as a result of certain dysmenorrhea who met the inclusion criteria.
treatments. The research method used is one The following are the characteristics of
Group Pretest Posttest design (Nursalam, respondents based on age, ethnicity, religion,
2008). The sample was assessed for the quality age at menarche for adolescents at SMPN 7
of the dysmenorrhea pain, then given Jember Regency.
traditional turmeric and the quality of the
dysmenorrhea pain was assessed again. Table 1. Frequency distribution based on age,
Likewise, the other groups before and after ethnicity, religion, age at menarche and the
consuming analgesics were measured the activities of adolescents experiencing primary
quality of the dysmenorrhea pain. The dysmenorrhea at SMPN 7 Kabupaten Jember.
approach model used is cross sectional, so Control Treatment
there is no follow-up (Siyoto & Sodik, 2015). Categoryf % f %
This research was conducted at SMPN 7 Age 13 years
5 20 10 40
Jember Regency in August - December 2017. 14 years
17 68 10 40
The population used was all students of SMPN 15 years
3 12 5 20
7 Jember Regency in 2017. The sample used Total 25 100 25 100
was 25 students as the intervention group and 11 years 3 12 2 8
Age 12 years 16 64 14 56
25 students in the control group. The sampling
Menarche 13 years 5 20 7 28
technique used was simple random sampling. 14 years 1 4 2 8
Using measurement tool Standard Operational Total 25 100 25 100
Procedure (SOP) and NRS scale checklist. Ethnic Javanese 3 12 2 8
The data collection technique is to record Madurace 22 88 23 92
each class who has primary dysmenorrhea. Total 25 100 25 100
Then explain the description of the research Religion Islamic 24 96 25 100
and ask the willingness to be a respondent. Catholic 1 4 0 0
Then the researcher gave informed consent and Total 25 100 25 100
measurements were taken before treatment Activity Resting 3 12 4 16
then given 1g turmeric powder drink with a During pain Exercise 2 8 3 12
dose of 0.5 mg each or with a dose of 50 mg of As usual 20 80 18 72
curcumin in each package, then explained the Total 25 100 25 100
rules of drinking 3 times a day with an interval Length of < 3 days 4 16 4 16
of 8 hours for each drink turmeric for 5 days. menstruation 3-7 days 18 72 15 60
To avoid mistakes in making traditional >7 days 3 12 6 24
turmeric drinks, the respondents were also Total 25 100 25 100
given SOPs on making traditional turmeric
drinks. On days 3 and 5 after drinking From Table 1, it is obtained an
overview of most respondents' ages are 14
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : LP3M STIKES dr. Soebandi Jember
years old, most of whom experience primary Pain before taking 25 5.58 1.661 0.332 0.000
dysmenorrhea occur at the age of 12-13 years analgesics 0 0 0
Pain after taking
of menarche, and many occur in respondents analgesics on day
whose menstrual duration is 3-7 days. Specific 5
data about the quality of dysmenorrhea pain Pain before given 25 5.52 1.735 0.347 0.000
before carrying out the paired t-test were turmeric treatment 2.32 1.345 0.269
carried out by testing the basic assumptions to Pain after drinking
determine whether the data was normally
turmeric on day 3
distributed or not. Pain before 25 5.52 1.735 0.347 0.000
being treated 0.32 0.267 0.125
Table 2. The results of the data normality basic with turmeric
assumption test in the treatment group were Pain after
given traditional turmeric and the control drinking
group used analgesics. turmeric on day
Type of data p-value Information 5
Shapiro The test is significant if the p-value is < α (0.05).
Wilk (data
<50) Analysis of the data from the table
Pain before taking 0.054 Data are not above shows that the p-value of the control
analgesics normally
group's pain quality before being given
Pain after taking 0.000 Data are not analgesics and the control group's pain quality
analgesics on day normally after being given analgesics up to day 3 is
3 distributed 0.000 <α (0.05), so it can be concluded that
Pain after taking 0.000 Data are not there is a significant difference in pain quality.
analgesics on day normally The p-value of pain quality in the control
5 distributed group before being given analgesics and pain
Pain after drinking 0.145 Data is quality in the control group after being given
traditional turmeric normally
on day 3 distributed
analgesics up to day 5 is 0.000 <α (0.05), so it
Pain after drinking 0.000 Data is not can be concluded that there is a significant
traditional turmeric normally difference in pain quality. Furthermore, the p-
on day 5 distributed value of pain quality in the treatment group
Pain before being 0.096 Data is before being given turmeric and pain quality in
given turmeric normally the treatment group after being given turmeric
treatment distributed up to day 3 is 0.000 <α (0.05), so it can be
Data is normally distributed if p-value> α (0.05).
concluded that there is a significant difference
Based on Table 2, there is data that is in pain quality. and finally the p-value of the
not normally distributed, so the statistical test quality of pain in the treatment group before
used is a non-parametric statistical test, namely being given turmeric and the quality of pain in
the Wilcoxon Matched Pair Test. the treatment group after being given turmeric
up to day 5 is 0.000 <α (0.05), so it can be
Table 3. The results of the statistical analysis concluded that there is a significant difference
of the quality of dysmenorrhea pain in in pain quality.
adolescents before and after being given
traditional turmeric and analgesic drinks at Discussion:
SMPN 7 Jember Regency Based on the results of research on the
Pain Quality N Mean SD SE Sig characteristics of the respondents above, most
Pain before taking 25 5.58 1.661 0.332 0.000 of the respondents were 14 years old. The
analgesics 0.48 0.714 0.143 incidence of primary dysmenorrhea is very
Pain after taking much influenced by age. The pain that is felt a
analgesics on day few days before and during menstruation is
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : LP3M STIKES dr. Soebandi Jember
usually due to increased secretion of the Based on research, primary
hormone prostaglandin, a chemical in the body dysmenorrhea occurs mostly in respondents
that causes contractions, in excess amounts can whose menstrual duration is 3-7 days when
cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, back pain, compared to respondents whose menstrual
and severe cramps during menstruation duration is> 7 days and <3 days. However,
(Setyowati, 2018). Disminore primer will from the results of the study it is known that
usually disappear in the mid-20s or later than respondents with a duration of menstruation <7
after delivery. Based on a national survey, the days, it turns out that there are still many who
average age at first menstruation for young experience primary dysmenorrhea. According
women in Indonesia is 12.96 years (Larasati & to (Lestari, 2013) the longer menstruation
Alatas, 2016), Meanwhile, based on (Lestari, occurs, the more frequent the uterus contracts,
2013) primary dysminorrhea occurs in consequently the more prostaglandins are
adolescence, usually after 12 months after the released. Due to the excessive production of
first menstruation. Based on the data of prostaglandins, there is pain. In addition,
students who experienced primary continuous uterine contractions also cause the
dysminorrhea at most at 14 years, this shows blood supply to the uterus to temporarily stop,
that there is an agreement between the theory resulting in primary dysmenorrhea. Although
and the results of the research. The based on the theory, it is explained that the
reproductive organs develop at that age, length of menstruation has an effect on the
besides that there is still a narrowing of the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea, because in
cervix, causing pain when menstrual blood the results of this study the difference in the
comes out. The older a person is, the more percentage of respondents experiencing
often he experiences menstruation and the primary dysmenorrhea in various categories of
wider the cervix, the less prostaglandin menstrual duration is not very significant, so
secretion will be (Lestari, 2013). In addition, as after statistical testing was not found a
time goes by when the body's hormones are significant effect So it can be explained that
more stable or changes in the position of the the length of menstruation has no effect on the
uterus after marriage and escaping incidence of primary dysmenorrhea.
dysmenorrhea, it will decrease. Based on the quality of dysmenorrhea
The results also showed that the majority pain in the treatment group, it can be seen that
of primary dysmenorrhea occurred in of the 25 adolescents who experienced
respondents with menarche age of 12-13 years. dysmenorrhea pain before being given
The results of this study indicate that with treatment, the average pain quality was 5.52
normal menarche age, they still experience with SD 1.735 while after being given
primary dysmenorrhea. The results of this treatment by giving traditional turmeric drinks
study are different from the opinion(Angelia, for 5 days the average pain quality was 0.32
Sitorus, & Etrawati, 2017) that menarche at an with SD 0.267. After analysis, it was found
earlier age can increase the incidence of that the p-value of pain quality in the treatment
primary dysmenorrhea, while the results of this group before being given turmeric and pain
study indicate that at a normal age of menarche quality in the treatment group after being given
there are still quite a lot of primary turmeric up to day 5 was 0.000 <α (0.05), so it
dysmenorrhea. The transition from children to can be concluded that there is a significant
adolescence, namely 12-21 years, is a period of difference in pain quality.
physical, biological and psychological The pain that occurs in adolescents
maturation. In the process towards biological before being given treatment is due to the
maturation, adolescents will experience presence of large amounts of prostaglandins in
menstruation which is a physiological matter menstrual blood, especially PG2 which is
but can also experience problems resulting known as a vasoconstrictor. The production of
from menstruation such as dysmenorrhea large amounts of prostaglandins is influenced
(Lestari, 2013). by cyclic AMP, decreasing amounts of
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : LP3M STIKES dr. Soebandi Jember
estrogen and progesterone, and tissue trauma amount of PGF2α available in the body is the
(Manuaba, 2010) main method that can reduce dysmenorrhea
This prostaglandin hormone appears (Varney, 2003)
rapidly as a response to inflammation and Primary dysmenorrhea can also be
tissue hypoxia. Hydrolysis of membrane caused by psychological stress or stress. The
glycerophospholipids is accelerated by tissue psychological stress that a person experiences
trauma, this results in the release of will increase catecholamines. This results in
arachidonic acid (a prostaglandin precursor), vasoconstriction and ischemia of uterine cells.
which is the main route for arachidonic acid Then an inflammatory process will occur
metabolization. The formation of which is a triggering factor for the occurrence
prostaglandins in the endometrium is assisted of primary dysmenorrhea, besides the stress
by hypoxia which is caused by blood static in that occurs can cause suppression of the
the spiral arteries which are very winding in sensation of the hip nerves and muscles of the
the phase of endometrial growth regression. lower back, causing dysmenorrhea (Lestari,
Prostaglandin formation may also be a cause of 2013).
vasodilation which is often accompanied by Giving turmeric drink has basic
static blood flow in the spiral arteries. PGE2 properties as analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
and PGI2 (prostacyclin) both cause The active agent in turmeric that acts as an
vasodilation. As a result, the acceleration of anti-inflammatory and antipyretic is
prostaglandin formation in the endometrium is curcumine. Meanwhile, curcumenol is used as
most likely the result of tissue hypoxia and an analgesic. Turmeric contains medicinal
menstruation. compounds called curcuminoids.
These prostaglandins undergo a very fast Curcuminoids consist of curcumin,
metabolism and the results of their metabolites demectocycurcumin, and bisdemetoksi
because myometrium contraction, curcumin (Andareto, 2015).
vasoconstriction of blood vessels, tissue Curcumin will work to inhibit the
ischemia, impaired menstrual blood flow, cyclooxygenase reaction, thereby reducing the
endometrial disintegration and pain followed. occurrence of inflammation. And curcuminol
This pain is caused by a combination of tissue as an analgesic will inhibit the release of
ischemia due to vasoconstriction, increased excessive prostaglandins through the uterine
intrauterine pressure and impaired menstrual epithelial tissue and inhibit uterine
blood flow (Manuaba, 2010). contractions, thereby reducing the occurrence
Several studies have suggested that of dysminorrhea (Anindita, 2010).
prostaglandins are the cause of dysminorrhea, The most important biochemical
namely, giving PG2α to women can cause mechanism that is inhibited by curcumine is
symptoms similar to those of dysminorrhea, the influx of calcium ions into the epithelial
which are often associated with normal cells of the uterus, so that uterine contractions
ovulatory menstruation (menstruation after can be reduced or even eliminated so that
progesterone withdrawal). Administration of dysmenorrhea does not occur. This is in
PG2α to no pregnant women will also cause accordance with the theoretical review that has
dysminorrhea, this response is predicted by been previously disclosed regarding the active
endometrial spiral artery vasoconstriction ingredients contained in turmeric and tamarind
triggered by PG2α. The researcher is able to as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and
conclude that the main point of dysmenorrhea antipyretic, as well as a sedative that can
is prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) It can be prevent sympathetic nervous stimulation from
concluded that the main cause of dysminorrhea stress that is often experienced by young girls
is prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) which is due to their daily activities
produced in the endometrium. In adolescents So overall, according to the opinion of
with dysminorrhea, PGF2α production was the researchers previously mentioned,
higher than normal. The act of reducing the regarding turmeric which is then processed
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : LP3M STIKES dr. Soebandi Jember
into drinks, that this component contains much faster than giving analgesics. From the
various natural active ingredients that can two treatments, it can be concluded that there
reduce the activity of the cyclooxygenase is an effect of giving traditional turmeric
enzyme so that it can reduce inflammatory drinks and analgesics on the quality of primary
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Publisher : LP3M STIKES dr. Soebandi Jember