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I just heard this morning that the keynote speaker at the summer conference is a proponent of

the racist ideology of "Critical Race Theory." bigotry cloaked in academic theory will never have
a place in our school district. This is just an extension of the bigotry that has defined the
American left back to the days of President Andrew Jackson. 

 1830 Indian Removal Act - President Andrew Jackson (Democrat aided by his democrat-
controlled congress)
 Perpetration of slavery in America through the compromises of 1820, 1850 & 1854 -
Democrats pushed these compromises to protect slavery
 The Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) Supreme Court Case – Democrats declared Scott was
not a man and had no rights
 American Civil War – Southern Democrats who formed the solid south – seceded from
the Union in 1861 over the issue of Slavery – stating Lincoln violated states rights
doctrine trying to end the democrat institution of slavery.
 The Klu Klux Klan – military wing of the Democrat party from 1865-1920s now replaced
by the modern military wing of the Democrat party – Antifa and Black Lives Matters –
both Marxist and Anti-American in their political ideology.
 President Andrew Johnson (Historians have stated he was a White Supremist) –
Democrat – gutted Lincoln’s Reconstruction Program and help re-install southern
democrats to political positions of power during the Reconstruction era
 Post-Civil War through 1968, Jim Crow Laws & Black Codes (early 1865-66) – both
created by White Southern Democrats who viewed the Democrat party as the “White
Man’s Party.” https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/jimcrow/stories_org_democratic.html
 Reconstruction Era bigotry (1865-1877) the democrats terrorized freed blacks, Jews, and
Catholics working to regain their control over southern politics using the Klu Klux Klan.
 Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall (New York City) – The corrupt Democrat Machine stole
millions of dollars from the people of New York (Held office from 1853-55) – in the
fullness of time – justice prevailed and Boss Tweed died in prison (1878) for his crimes
against the people of New York.
 Woodrow Wilson – Racist in the White House – held a screening of D.W. Griffith’s film,
“Birth of a Nation.”
Birth of a Nation was the first movie shown in the White House, in the East Room, on
February 18, 1915. (An earlier movie, the Italian Cabiria (1914), was shown on the
lawn.) It was attended by President Woodrow Wilson, members of his family, and
members of his Cabinet. Both Dixon and Griffith were present.
Release date: February 8, 1915
Based on: The Clansman; by Thomas Dixon Jr.
Woodrow Wilson praised the film and the Klu Klux Klan as the saviors of the “White Race.”

 FDR was Commander-in-Chief of an ethnically segregated Military through the end of World
War II. He also placed Japanese Americans and German Americans in what he called “relocation
camps” under the executive order 9066 (One might call these actions Racist)
 Senator Robert Byrd (Democrat from West Virginia) was a Member of the Klu Klux Klan in his
20s and 30s and continued to use racially charged descriptors when speaking about African
Americans up until his death in 2010.
 Senator Byrd also worked to derail the Civil Rights legislation of the 1960s – which only passed
because the democrat President LBJ had the support of the Republican party. (Hillary Clinton
eulogized Senator Byrd as a friend and mentor)
 Roe v. Wade (1973) Democrat party embraced the culture of death by denying the unborn their
humanity. They successfully created a distinction between being alive and being a human being.
So did Adolf Hitler when he took people’s names from them replacing their name with a
 Summer of 2020, the democrat support of racially motivated riots (Military wing of the
Democrat Party – Antifa and BLM) for political gain shows how they continue to use race as a
wedge to drive people apart.

Critical Race Theory is a bigoted politically distorted view of American history that uses racist language
to further drive a wedge between people from all walks of life. Instead of promoting a corrupted view of
history that villainizes European Americans, we should examine the cancer that is the democrat party
and highlight the corruption and ills it is responsible for unleashing on the American people for the
better part of the past 190 years. The problem Americans are facing has nothing to do with race and
everything to do with a political ideology that is designed to divide people and solidify political power.

We need to highlight the political corruption inherent in the democrat party (Democrat party is guilty of
systemic racism), identify where they have drifted away from the Founding Father’s vision for America
and get back to our Founding principles. My district will continue to teach the Christian heritage and
origins of the American Republic focusing on primary source documents from the founding era, writings,
and quotes from our founding fathers. We will make the case for preserving our Republic by turning
back to our founding principles; rather than rejecting them for Marxist, racist left-wing woke theories.

In closing, we would do well to heed the words of our first president, George Washington, 1796
Farewell Address to the nation.
Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political
prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable
supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of
Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great Pillars
of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of
Men & citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious
man ought to respect & to cherish them

Time to move away from godless corrupt woke, left-wing ideology and back to the devout
Christ centered Republic the founders envisioned.

Larry M. Volk, M.Ed. & Ed.S.

Starkweather Public School
[email protected]   

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