Name: . Class: Xii Subject: English Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

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Name : ……………………………………………….

Class : XII

Subject : English

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, D. To interrupt the woman.

C, D, or E! E. To ask about Dita.
4. Man : Everybody, sorry to trouble you. I
1. Woman : attention please! I have an have a bad news to inform.
important announcement. Woman : What is it?
Man : Is it serious? Man : Today we have to stay at school.
Woman : Yes, it is. Tomorrow we will have a There is a meeting after class to
biology test. Prepare yourself! discuss about our school
Man : Oh no, why is tomorrow? anniversary.
What does the man mean? Woman : ………………………….
A. He is happy with the announcement.
B. He is unhappy to hear that. What is the suitable response to say next?
C. He disagrees with the woman. A. Oh, that’s too bad.
D. He doesn’t like biology. B. I have a meeting today.
E. He thinks that the announcementis not C. Do you understand?
important. D. Can I go home?
2. Man : Excuse me? E. What for?
Woman : Yes, Sir. 5. Man : May I have your attention, please?
Man : Could you talk quietly? Look at the Woman : What are you going to inform?
sign! Man : Tomorrow is holiday. Mr. Irma
Woman : Oh, I’m sorry. wanted me to inform you.
Where does the dialogue take place? Woman : ……………………..
A. At the classroom.
B. At the restaurant. What is the best response to say next?
C. At the library. A. Thank you.
D. At the bookstore. B. Certainly.
E. At the shop. C. I see.
3. Man : Excuse me? Can I ask you D. What a strange!
something? E. Yes?
Woman : Sure. What is it? 6. Man : Look! That is interesting restaurant.
Man : Are you Dita’s sister? Woman : Where?
Woman : Yes, I am. Who are you? Man : Over there. That is a new
Man : I’m Rico. I’m Dita’s classmate. restaurant. My brother said that the
Why does the man ask for the woman’s dishes are delicious.
attention? Woman : ……………………………….
A. To ask for help.
B. To offer her something. What is the most appropriate response to say
C. To give information. next?
A. You don’t say it. A. How to give speech to many people.
B. Is that true? B. How to pay attention to the speech.
C. How come? C. How to get attention of a crowd.
D. I don’t know about it. D. The definition of animated
E. I was surprised. conversation.
This text Is for questions 7 to 9. E. How to involve in the crowd.
Pay attention, please! Have an 11. “ …………….. they may be involved in an
announcement from Mr. Lukman. We have animated conversation.”
to study the unit 1 until unit 3 because we The synonym of the underlined word is……
will have a test tomorrow. A. Energetic
7. Where do you usually hear this B. Lazy
announcement? C. Sportive
A. At home. D. Quick
B. At the classroom. E. Fast
C. At the canteen. This dialogue is for question 12 to 14.
D. At the shopping centre. Nia : 12)……………….. is that Mr. Ramli?
E. In the flag ceremony. With whom is he?
8. who probably ask for attention? Eli : with whom is he?
A. Mr. Lukman. Nia : Perhaps he is with his daughter.
B. A class leader. Eli : I heard that he lives alone.
C. A headmaster. Nia : 13)……………….. but his families
D. A teacher. are in another town.
E. A gardener. Eli : let’s meet him.
9. After hearig the announcement, what Nia : alright.
should the students do? Eli : 14)……………. , Mr. Ramli?
A. Have a test. Mr. Ramli : Yes. Oh, Eli and Nia. I’m glad to
B. Borrow a book. see you here.
C. Submit their papers. Nia : We’re glad too. Are you alone,
D. Do their homework. Sir?
E. Study hard. Mr. Ramli : No, I’m not. This is my daughter,
Yohana. She comes here to
This text is for questions 10 and 11. spend her holiday.
Getting the attention of a crowd can be Yohana : hello, are you my father’s
tricky. You don’t want to insult them, but on students?
the other hand, you do want them to hear Eli : Yes, we are. Nice to meet you.
you and pay attention to you when they Yohana : Nice to meet you, too.
may be involved in an animated 12. A. Hey!
conversation. It doesn’t take very many B. Look!
people involved in animated conversations C. Excuse me!
to drown out the person who is either at D. Come!
the microphone or at the front of the room E. Watch!
trying to call a meeting to order. 13. A. There’s right. D. You don’t!
B. Really? E. What!
10. What is the text about? C.Are you kidding?
14. A. Look D. Hey 17. Which of the following statements is not
B. Yes E. Attention, please true based on the text?
C. Excuse me A. The writer is an unemployer.
B. The writer had got an award.
This Letter is for questions 15 to 17.
C. The writer sent her curriculum vitae,
Jakarta, April 5, 2016
To :
D. The writer wants to have an interview.
Human Resources Department E. The writer was choosen the best
Jaya Finance marketing staff.
Dear Sir/Madam, This letter is for questions 18 to 20.
I would like to apply for the position of Dear Sir/Madam,
marketing staff in your company as advertised I am writing this letter for the position
in indopos on April 3rd, 2016. of student assistant that I saw advertised on
I graduated from management major of your website. I am interested in working in
Economy Faculty of reputable university in the teachers’ resource library, of in the
2011. I have worked as marketing staff in Dean
accommodation department.
Company since two years ago. Now, I want to
try a new challenge as one of your team.
I have recently graduated from the
I have a good communication skill. I had Australian Bussiness School in Sidney and
ever won an award as the best marketing staff received high grades in both my English and
in Glory Finance Company. I can work in a team Bussiness courses. In addition, we had to
well and sometime I can make good solution if use all of the Microsoft Office programs in
we meet some problems. the preparation of our finished
I enclose my curriculum vitae and resume assignments, so I am able to do most things
from my current workplace. with computers.
I would be glad if you give me a chance for In the past two years I have worked in
interview. I will be available anytime you want. the library, helping teachers and students
I’m looking forward to it.
to find and use the resources there. This
Yours sincerely,
experience has given me the ability to deal
with the needs of all types of people.
Mitna Andini I am a diligent person. I can also adapt
well. In addition, my studies and my
experiences have shaped me to be an
15. What position does the writer apply? accurate person, so I would not disappoint
A. A secretary you.
B. Marketing staff I look forward to hearing from you.
C. A manager Sincerely yours,
D. An accountant
E. A HRD staff
Tom Lemmar
16. Where did the writer know the vacancy?
A. From her recent company.
18. How did the writer know the vacancy?
B. From her friend.
C. From newspapers. A. From the newspapers.
D. From radio. B. From the radio.
E. From a pamphlet. C. From the website.
D. from his friend.
E. From the television. you are given. If a recruiter is using
19. What is the writer’s qualification? scanning software, you’ll also need to
A. He can operate computers well. ensure you include keywords for the
B. He can speak three languages. specific skills and qualifications that they
C. He can teach well. have asked for.
D. He can manage the company’s Some online application forms
account. include built-in psychometric tests, so it’s
E. He can lead his team well. useful to get some practice in first.
20. What is the writer’s experience? 24)……………… a copy for reference:
A. He has working in his father’s print out the form before you hit ‘send’.
B. He has thought for three years. 21. A. format D. sheet
C. He has worked in the library. B. registration E. card
D. He has a business at home. C. Form
E. He has assisted the teachers for five 22. A. formal D. informal
years. B. official E. slang
C. colloquial
For questions 21 to 24, complete the 23. A. photograph
following text with the suitable words! B. job application letter
Applying for a job online is similar to C. curriculum vitae
filling in a paper application 21) D. certificate
………………….. The questions will be the E. job description
same; onlu the format is different. 24. A. Save
Allow plently of time and make sure B. Throw
you won’t be disturbed. Some online forms C. Delete
allow you to ‘save and return’, but some D. erase
have to be completed in one sitting. E. Keep
If possible, print of the form, so you
can prepare your answer offline. This gives This text is for questions 25 to 27.
you thinking time and lets you check your Do you know what? I am very happy today. I
answers before pasting the text into the didn’t expect before. I have been chosen as
form. Use a word-processed document to the representative of our classroom to
write longer answers, so you can edit and participate in a singing contest. I like
spell check them first. singing, but I never participate in a singing
Write for online applications in the contest. When Mrs. Sita, my music teacher,
same way as you would for a paper form: told me that I would be the representative, I
beware of lapsing into the 22)……………. Style was very surprised. My friends supported
you might use when sending emails to me a lot. They said that my voice was
friends. beautiful. I hope I can do my best.
If you are asked to email your 23)
………it is likely to be electronically scanned. 25. What did the speaker feel when his teacher
You may have to use standard typefaces told the big news?
etc., so follow any instructions
A. Happy 29. Which of the following is not the
B. Surprised. requirement asked?
C. Sad. A. Five years work experience.
D. Disappointed B. Able to operate a computer.
E. Confused.
C. Able to speak and write in English.
26. What happens to the speaker?
D. Graduate from a reputable university.
A. He will be a music teacher.
B. He will participate in the singing contest. E. Application letter should be sent ten
C. He won a contest. days after this ads.
D. He got many support. 30. “ Only short listed candidates will be
E. He doesn’t like singing. notified.”
27. “ They “ said that my voice was beautiful .” The synonym of the underlined word is……
What does the underlined word refer to? A. Informed
A. The speaker’s teacher. B. Explained
B. The speaker’s family. C. Given
C. Many people. D. Accepted
D. The speaker’s friends. E. Decided
E. Many teachers.
This dialogue is for questions 31 to 33.
This text is for questions 28 to 30.
Ridho : Can I help you, Madam?
We, a mining consultant company, are
Mrs. Ima : Yes, please. Do you have a loose
looking for;
A Senior Secretary
Ridho : Sure, Madam. Follow me,
- Female, graduated from a reputable
Mrs. Ima : Alright.
- Min. 5 years of work experience
Ridho : Here are they, Madam. We
- Good command of English ( oral & written)
have a lot of style.
- Computer literate (min. Word, Excel,
Mrs. Ima : They are beautiful. I want to try
this one. Where is the fitting
Please, submit your complete application,
resume, and recent photograph not more
Ridho : It is over there beside the desk.
than 10 days after this ads to:
Mrs. Irma : Thank you.
Wisma Emha Wijaya I Street No. 11A,
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12170 Fax 31. Where does the dialogue take place?
A. At a shop.
no. 021-7207978
B. At a restaurant.
E-mail address: [email protected]
C. At a boutique.
Only short listed candidates will be
D. At a library
E. At a hotel.
28. What is the text about?
32. Who are the speaker?
A. Wisma Emha.
A. A customer and a teller.
B. A job vacancy.
B. A teacher and a student.
C. A senior secretary.
C. A receptionist and a guest.
D. An application letter.
D. A shop assistant and a customer.
E. PT Citra Energy Development.
E. A waiter and a cutomer.
33. Why does Mrs. Ima need help? Because…. Complete the following sentences with the
A. She could not find the blouse counter suitable words!
B. She wants to pay her blouse 37. I would like to ………………… for one of the
C. She could not reach the thing she needs positions advertised on daily newspapers.
D. She is tired A. Available
E. she needs a companion B. Apply
C. Worked
This question 34 to 36, complete the D. Interest
following text with the suitable words! E. Free
I am very happy because during these two 38. I have a current food hygiene………..
years my friends and I have been helping A. Certificate
people from different places. We went to B. Qualification
rural areas and walked for many hours to C. Scenes
visit different 34)……………. Families. We also D. Experience
went to 35)………….. our time and E. Jobs
experience with kids, young people, and 39. I am writing to express my …………….. for the
adults in several villages, hospitals, schools, position of secretary.
among others, and we had the pleasure of A. Free
playing and singing with them for almost B. Worked
half of the day. At the beginning, in 2014, C. Jobs
my other friends did not believe we could D. Interest
be able to help others. Nevertheless, they E. Available
36)……………… to start helping others or at 40. For additional details regarding my
least to visit the poor and the homeless to ……………. And expertise, please review my
spend some hours with them. attached resume.
A. Qualification
34. A. wealth B. Experience
B. rich C. Certificate
C. poor D. Available
D. strange E. interest
E. happy
35. A. talk
B. enjoy
C. retell
D. share
E. Spend
36. A. commited
B. decided
C. started
D. felt
E. remained

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