Mobile Programming 2 Blended INCOMPLTE

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Mobile Programming 2 Blended

Quiz 001

1.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
One of the advantages of Android is the ability for anyone to customize the
Google Android program.

2.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
WebKit library is responsible for the platform's browser support.

3.) What are the two components of Android Runtime?

(NOTE: Answers must be arranged accordingly)
- Core Libraries first and Dalvik VM second

4.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Android applications run in their own processes.

5.) “Donut” is what version of Android?

- 1.6

6.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Android is a software platform and OS for mobile devices.

7.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Android supports all kinds of wireless communications.

8.) “Nougat” is what version of Android?

- 7.x

9.)Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true

otherwise False
"Nutella" is the latest Android version of the OS.

10.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Tech-giant Google owns Android.

Projected Score: 9/10 or 90.00/100.00

Quiz 002

1.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
AutoComplete is a subclass of EdiText that provides suggestions to users as they
- True?

2.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Input controls are interactive components in your app's user interface.
- True

3.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

An on/off button with a light indicator.
- Hardware???

4.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

An on/off switch that can be toggled by the user.
- Accessibility???

5.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Google Play Billing allows you to perform license verification.
- True

6.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Checkbox options allow users to one option from a set.
- True

7.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
A button should contain both text and an icon.
- True

8.)Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true

otherwise False
SDK Platform includes an android.jar file.
- True??

9.)What are the three types of project in developing an Android application?

(NOTE: Answers must be arranged alphabetically)
- Android Projects, Library Projects, Test Projects

10.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Text fields also accept other input type such as number, password or email
- True

Projected Score: 4/10 or 40.00/100.00

Preliminary Exam

1.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
CERT.RSA file includes the certificate of the application.
- True

2.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Android Beta was released on November 5, 2012
- False

3.) The state called "Resumed" is when the activity is in the foreground and the
user can interact with it.
- True

4.) The state called "Paused" is when the activity is partially obscured by
another activity-the other activity that is in the foreground is semi-
transparent or does not cover the entire screen.
- True
5.) “Nougat” is what version of Android?
- 7.x

6.) Google Play Billing provides the static libraries and samples that allow you
to integrate billing services in your app with Google Play.
- True?

7.) “Donut” is what version of Android?

- 1.6

8.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Test Projects contain shareable Android source code and resources.
- False?

9.) The Android SDK was first issued as an "early look" release in November
- True

10.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

It consists of text or an icon that communicates what action occurs when the
user touches it.
- Button

11.) The application project is the main type of project.

- True

12.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Text fields also accept other input type such as number, password or email
- True

13.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
WebKit library is responsible for the platform's browser support.
- True

14.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
android:OnClick attribute defines the click even handler for a checkbox or radio
- False?

15.)Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true

otherwise False
Radio buttons allow users to select multiple items.
- False

16.) Spinner is a drop-down list that allows users to select one value from a
- True

17.) Android allows writing managed code in the Java Language.

- True

18.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

An on/off switch that can be toggled by the user.
- Toggle Buttons???

19.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
SDK Platform-tools are always compatible with older platforms.
- True??
20.) The birthdate of Android was on November 5, 2007
- True

21.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
You can specify an action button by setting android:action attribute.
- False?

22.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Text fields only accept single line input.
- False

23.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

A dropdown list that allows users to select one value from a set.
- Spinners?

24.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

A dialog for users to select a single value for a set by using up/down buttons
or via a swipe gesture
- ???

25.) What are the three types of project in developing an Android application?
(NOTE: Answers must be arranged alphabetically)
- Android Projects, Library Projects, Test Projects

26.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Checkbox options allow users to one option from a set.
- True

27.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Android is a software platform and OS for mobile devices.
- True

28.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Android applications run in their own processes.
- True

29.) Android is an open source software.

- True

30.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
SDK tools contain platform-dependent tools for the application development.
- False?

Projected Score: 24/30 or 80.00/100.00

Quiz 003

1.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Or plus sign means that this is a new resource name that must be created and
added to our resources.
- True?

2.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
It is recommended to use hard coded pixel values in your application code for
screen independence.
- False

3.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Your application achieves density dependence when it preserves the physical size
of user interface elements.
- False?

4.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

Use this scaling ratio to create alternative bitmap drawables.
- 3:4:6:8

5.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
ArrayAdapter creates a view for each array item by calling toString() on each
item and placing the contents in a TextView.
- True

6.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

Two types of screen orientation.
(NOTE: Answers must be arranged alphabetically, no spacing and seperated by ;)
- landscape;portrait

7.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
You should always use dp units when defining your application's UI.
- True

8.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

A virtual pixel unit that you should use when defining UI layout.
- Density-independent Pixel

9.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

It defines the visual structure for a user interface.
- Layouts

10.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Screen size is measured using the screen's height and width.
- False?

Projected Score: 8/10 or 80.00/100.00

Quiz 004

1.) A window feature that identifies the user location, and provides user
actions and navigation modes.
- Action Bar

2.) A dialog fills the screen and is normally used for modal events that does
not require users to take an action before they can proceed.
- False

3.) The primary collection of menu items for an activity.

- Options menu and action bar

4.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

A small window that prompts the user to make a decision or enter additional
- Dialog
5.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.
It informs the user about a situation that requires their confirmation or
acknowledgement before proceeding.
- Alerts

6.) It displays a list of items in a vertical list that is anchored to the view
that invoked the menu
- Popup menu

7.) If you've developed your application for Android 2.3.x (API level 10) or
lower, the contents of your options menu appear at the bottom of the screen when
the user presses the menu button.
- True

8.) "<group>" allows you to categorize menu items so they share properties such
as active state and visibility.
- True

9.) The dismissive action of a dialog is always on the left.

- True

10.) It's easier to visualize the menu structure in XML.

- True

Projected Score: 8/10 or 80.00/100.00

Midterm Exam

1.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

These are three different action buttons you can add
(NOTE: Answers must be arranged alphabetically, no spacing and seperate answers
with ;)
- ??

2.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

A small window that prompts the user to make a decision or enter additional
- dialog

3.) To create a single-choice list, use the setItems() method:

- False


ArrayAdapter is a resource ID that's unique to the item, which allows the
application can recognize the item when the user selects it.
- False?


res/menu is a resource ID that's unique to the item, which allows the
application can recognize the item when the user selects it.
- False?

6.) It's easier to visualize the menu structure in XML.

- True

7.) It displays a list of items in a vertical list that is anchored to the view
that invoked the menu
- popup menu


Instantiate layout elements at runtime is one of the two ways to declare a
- True

9.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

Two types of screen orientation.
(NOTE: Answers must be arranged alphabetically, no spacing and seperated by ;)
- landscape;portrait


There are two ways to provide contextual actions.
- True?


fill_parent tells your view to size itself to the dimensions required by its
- False


Android divides the range of actual screen sizes and densities into general
sizes and general densities.
- True

13.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
You should always use dp units when defining your application's UI.
- True

14.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

It informs the user about a situation that requires their confirmation or
acknowledgement before proceeding.
- Alerts

15.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Aspect ratio of a screen is defined as long or not long.
- False

16.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
It is recommended to use hard coded pixel values in your application code for
screen independence.
- False

17.) Actions in a popup menu should directly affect the corresponding content.
- False

18.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

It defines the visual structure for a user interface.
- layout

19.) Content area introduces the content of your dialog.

- True?

20.) To see the details of the notification, the user opens the notification
- False?

21.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

This type of action continues progress toward the user goal that triggered the
- affirmative action


Screen Density is the total number of physical pixels on a screen.
- False?
A dialog fills the screen and is normally used for modal events that does not
require users to take an action before they can proceed.
- False

24.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
ArrayAdapter creates a view for each array item by calling toString() on each
item and placing the contents in a TextView.
- True

25.) It offers actions that affect a specific item or context frame in the UI.
- contextual menu

26.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Or plus sign means that this is a new resource name that must be created and
added to our resources.
- True?


The orientation may be in landscape or portrait, meaning that the screen's
aspect ratio is either wide or tall, respectively.
- True

28.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Screen density is usually referred to as ppi (pixels per inch)
- False

29.)An Activity is an application component that provides a screen with which

users can interact in order to do something, such as dial the phone, take a
photo, send an email, or view a map..
- True

30.) A window feature that identifies the user location, and provides user
actions and navigation modes.
- action bar


SimpleCursorAdapter is one of the two most common adapters.
- True?

32.) A dialog fills the screen and is normally used for modal events that does
not require users to take an action before they can proceed.
- False

33.) "<group>" allows you to categorize menu items so they share properties such
as active state and visibility.
- True

34.) In a contextual action mode, a menu appears as a floating list of menu

items when the user performs a long-click on a view that declares support for a
context menu.
- False

35.) Write True if statement is true otherwise False Most alerts don't need
- true


wrap_content tells your view to become as big as its parent view group will
- False

37.) In case you need to perform certain actions when the dialog goes away, you
can implement the offDismiss() method in your DialogFragment.
- False

38.) Navigation bar is a common user interface component in many types of

- False

39.) A context menu is a floating menu that appears when the user performs a
long-click on an element.
- True


To create alternative bitmap drawables for different densities, you should
follow the 3:5:6:9 scaling ratio between the four generalized densities.
- False

41.) The primary collection of menu items for an activity.

- options menu

42.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Resolution is the total number of physical pixels on a screen.
- True

43.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
General densities of an actual screen size of an android device can be small,
normal, large and xlarge.
- False

44.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Screen size is measured using the screen's height and width.
- False?


You still can use AbsoluteLayout for screen independence.
- False?

46.) Action bar provides a dedicated space for giving your app an identity and
indicating the user's location in the app.
- True

47.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Your application achieves density dependence when it preserves the physical size
of user interface elements.
- True

48.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

A dialog that can show a title, up to three buttons, a list of selectable items,
or a custom layout.
- AlertDialog

49.) By default, the custom layout does not fill the dialog window
- True


A context menu is a floating menu that appears when the user performs a long-
click on an element.
- True
Projected Score: 41/50 or 82.00/100.00

Quiz 005

1.) This class is the primary API for playing sound and video
- MediaPlayer?

2.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
To ensure that the CPU continues running while your MediaPlayer is playing, call
the setWakeMode() method when initializing your MediaPlayer.
- True?

3.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
A time interpolator defines how specific values in an animation are calculated
as a function of time.
- True?

4.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
When you create a new MediaPlayer, it is in the Idle state.
- True

5.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
A running service holds a higher level of importance within the system-the
system will almost never kill the service
- False

6.) Two animation systems provided by Android framework.

- property and view

7.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
View Animation involves displaying drawable resources one after another.
- False

8.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Audio Focus is cooperative in nature.
- True

9.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
ANR stands for Application Not Running.
- False

10.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
To request audio focus, you must call requestAudioFocus() from the AudioManager.
- True

Projected Score: 9/10 or 90.00/100.00

Quiz 006

1.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
The Android SDK includes a sqlite3 database tool that allows you to browse table
contents, run SQL commands, and perform other useful functions on SQLite
- True

2.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
SQLite databases store structured data in a private database.
- True

3.) You cannot specify whether or not to have an animation repeat when it
reaches the end of a duration and how many times to repeat the animation.
- False

4.) Identification. Write your answer on the space provided.

Store data on the web with your own network server.
- Network Connection

5.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Android provides full support for SQLite databases.
- True

6.) Drawable animation allows you to load resources and display them one frame
after another.
- True

7.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
Every Android-compatible device supports a shared "external storage" that you
can use to save files.
- True

8.) Identify if the statement if True or False. Write True if statement is true
otherwise False
The SharedPreferences class provides a general framework that allows you to save
and retrieve persistent key-value pairs of primitive data types.
- True

9.) Property animation was introduced in Android 4.0.

- False

10.) Android provides a variety of powerful APIs for applying animation to UI

elements and drawing custom 2D and 3D graphics.
- True

Projected Score: 10/10 or 100.00/100.00

Final Exam

1.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

If you create some static value for a given items it is better to put it on xml
file that must be under in what folder.
- res?

2.) This APIs make it easy for you to build location-aware applications, without
needing to focus on the details of the underlying location technology.
- Location?

3.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Exporting SDK file needs to be compiled, run and test first.
- true
4.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.
This element in a given xml can holds values which is a type of string.
- string-array?

5.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

These are the interactive components in your app's user interface.
- Input Controls

6.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

You were asked to create a tween animation of your image in what directory
you'll put your xml file.
- res/animation?

7.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

In what particular element does the value from a given list must be declared?
- xml

8.) You want to test your application that has web integration and you need to
test it in your AVD what address your going to use to locate your web server.

9.) Typically corresponds to one UI screen

- Activity

10.) To open the database.

- open()?

11.) They offers a variety of services that help you build new revenue streams,
manage app distribution, track app usage, and enhance your app with features
such as maps, sign-in, and cloud messaging.
- Google?

12.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

It provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup.
- Toast

13.) Refer to this. Given the following URI

What segment is used to determine the kind of data being requested?
- 13

14.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

An image type that is most chosen or preferred.
- png?

15.)A library that is responsible for browser support.

- None of the given?

16.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Which among these are NOT a part of Android's native libraries?
- Webkit?

17.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The value for Toast.LENGTH_SHORT
- 1000?

18.) Which of the following is best suited if you have application that set the
configuration enabled or disabled.
- Check Boxes

19.)It enables application to display customer alerts in the status bar.

- Notification Manager?

20.) Jof opens Twitter application and posts several tweets, and presses the
back button.
Simulation: twitter ->onCreate() ->onStart() ->onResume() -> (twitter running)
->onStop() ->onDestroy()
- finish()?

21.) Yolanda opens Minion Rush application and starts playing, then suddenly his
sister called. After they finished talking, he resumed playing.
Simulation: minion rush ->onCreate() ->onStart() ->onResume() -> (minion rush
running) ->onPause() ->onStart() -> (minion rush running)
- True

22.) To add record on a given table.

- insert()

23.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Given a Button control with an id value of @+id/btn. Which of the following is
the correct way of referencing the given button.
- findViewById(

24.) To update a record from a given table.

- update()

25.) A virtual mobile device that runs on your computer that is included under
your android SDK.
- Android Emulator

26.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Android is licensed under which open source licensing license?
- Apache

27.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The Dalvik executable format.
- .dex

28.) The latest android Lolllipop API.

- API Level 21

29.) A ________ manages access to a central repository of data.

- collection?

30.) An object that is used in starting an activity

- Intent

31.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The lastest Android API version name is Lollipop.
- False

32.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Which of the following is not an option to reference your controls?
- get the reference?

33.) Choose the letter of the correct answer. How you get access to a TextView,
named tView, in your XML file?
- TextView t = getViewById(tView);

34.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The XML file that contains all the text that your application uses.

35.) The return value for a given view control with onClick() event in xml
- View?

36.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The value of the element android:duration in frame animation are in?
- Milliseconds

37.) Which of the following is not required in developing android applications

- ADT?

38.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The value of the element android:duration in frame animation are in?
- Milliseconds

39.) You want to passed a single value from camera activity to another. What
method is appropriate to use.
- getIntents()?

40.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

What is ns stands for from xmlns.
- namespace?

41.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

What operating system is used as the base of the Android stack?
- Linux

42.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

This method is used to display the toast on your screen.
- show()

43.) Integrating your camera to your application need some declaration in

- android manifest file?

44.) It is the gateway to android platform.


45.) Choose the letter of the correct answer. This element must be the root node
for the file and can hold one more and elements.
- <XML>?

46.) To close the database

- close()?

47.) Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Which of these are not one of the three main components of the APK?
- Webkit?

48.) APK files are compressed package based on the _____ file format
- .zip?

49.)Refer to this. Given the following URI

What segment is the protocol?

50.)Choose the letter of the correct answer.

A Layout that arranges its children in a single column or a single row
- Linear Layout?

Projected Score: 28/50 or 56.00/100.00

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