The Importance of TDM Timing
The Importance of TDM Timing
The Importance of TDM Timing
This paper presents a brief overview of the theory and practice of timing in pure TDM
and TDMoIP networks.
temperature changes, aging and slaving inaccuracies; while jitter conveys fast, erratic
jumps in UI caused by phase noise phenomena and bit-stuffing mechanisms. The
border between the two components is conventionally set at 10 Hz. In order to
eliminate bit slips, the standards impose strict limits on tolerable jitter and wander of
TDM clocks.
Timing Distribution
How are the absolute accuracy and variability (jitter and wander) limits attained?
Conventional TDM networks rely on hierarchical distribution of timing. Somewhere in
every TDM network there is at least one extremely accurate Primary Reference Clock
(PRC) or Primary Reference Source (PRS), with long-term accuracy of one part in 1011
as compared to UTC, the world time standard. The characteristics of this clock, known
in North America (see T1.101) as a stratum 1 clock, are described in ITU-T
Recommendation G.811. The accuracy of today’s atomic clocks is significantly better
than that required by G.811.
The PRC is the master clock from which all other TDM clocks in the network directly or
indirectly derive their timing. This hierarchy of time synchronization is essential for the
proper functioning of the network as a whole. A clock that ultimately derives its rate
from the PRC is said to be traceable to that PRC.
The distribution of clock information from the PRC towards other clocks exploits the
isochronous nature of TDM signals. When a TDM signal clocked by the PRC is
received, the receiver’s local clock is compared to the observed UI of the received bits.
If the observed rate is higher (lower) than the present rate, the receiver increases
(decreases) its local clock’s rate somewhat. This correction ensures that the long-term
average UI will be correct but introduces jitter, since the local clock’s rate was rapidly
changed. In addition, wander is introduced, as it can take a long time until small timing
discrepancies become apparent and can be compensated. Hence the secondary clock
will be somewhat degraded relative to the primary one. In North America this is called
a stratum 2 clock, and is historically used at tandem offices. This idea of a slave clock
deriving its timing from a master clock is continued in hierarchical fashion. TDM signals
whose source utilizes a stratum 2 clock are received by TDM receivers that adapt their
local clocks to track the stratum 2 clock. Such stratum 3 clocks, historically used at
local exchanges, already lead to appreciable bit slips. Finally, customer equipment such
as channel banks may use stratum 4 clocks; such clocks may lead to bit slips every few
When a slave clock loses the master clock signal it is expected to go into holdover
mode. In this mode it attempts to maintain clock accuracy, although it no longer has
access to its reference. For this reason the standard requirements are lower in holdover
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TDM Timing
mode, e.g. a Stratum 2 clock that during normal operation is required to maintain a
long-term accuracy of one part in 1011, is only required to keep up one part in
1.6 * 10-8 under holdover conditions. Stratum 4 clocks need not have any holdover
The process used by slave clocks to mimic the master clock’s rate is actually more
sophisticated than that described above. Due to noise and measurement inaccuracies,
the receiver needs to observe the difference between its local clock and the observed
TDM for some time before deciding to change its clock’s rate. The task of clock
recovery can thus be seen to be a kind of averaging process that negates the effect of
the random variations and captures the average rate of transmission of the original bit
stream. A phase locked loop (PLL) is well suited for this task because it can lock onto
the average bit rate, regenerating a clean clock signal that closely approximates the
original bit rate. If the incoming TDM is disrupted, and the secondary clock can no
longer remain locked onto the superior source clock; it must continue in holdover
mode to supply timing to yet lower-tier clocks.
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TDM Timing
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TDM Timing
to ensure that the basic single-bit duration is readily identified, irrespective of the data
being transferred. For example, data is scrambled in order to eliminate long runs
without transitions, and lines codes such as AMI and HDB3 are employed in order to
introduce additional transitions.
Second, TDM slave clocks attenuate jitter and wander that accumulate on their inputs.
They do this by using sophisticated circuitry in the Line Interface Unit (LIU). The precise
instant that a TDM bit is received equals the time it was transmitted plus the nominal
propagation time over the physical channel plus a zero mean stochastic component
attributable to temperature, oscillator noise, regenerator jitter, justification effects, etc.
In order to eliminate the stochastic component, some sort of averaging process must be
carried out to capture the average rate of transmission of the original bit stream. A
Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is well-suited for this task because it can lock onto the average
bit rate, regenerating a clean clock signal that approximates the original bit rate.
Third, the aforementioned hierarchy of TDM clocks forms a synchronization network,
whereby every clock in the TDM network is traceable to the PRC. The various
synchronization network elements have carefully designed jitter/wander tolerance,
transfer, generation and output characteristics. Tolerance refers to the ability of an
element to tolerate inaccuracies at its input, while transfer describes the cleaning up of
input inaccuracies. Generation expresses the intrinsic jitter and wander contributed by
the element itself, and the output jitter/wander are the result of the input deficiencies
and all of the above.
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TDM Timing
buffer‘ from which the data can be read out a constant rate for delivery to TDM end-
user equipment. The problem is that the time reference of the TDM source is no longer
available, and the precise rate at which the data is to be ’clocked out‘ of the jitter buffer
is hence unknown.
In certain cases, timing may be derived from accurate clocks at both endpoints, for
example, if the TDMoIP replaces a link in an otherwise isochronous network, or if
atomic clocks or GPS receivers are available at both sides. However, often the only
alternative is to attempt to recover the clock based only on the TDMoIP traffic. This is
possible since the source TDM device is producing bits at a constant rate determined
by its local clock. We receive these bits in packets that suffer PDV that can be
considered a zero-mean random process. The task of clock recovery can thus, once
again, be seen to be a kind of averaging process that negates the effect of the random
PDV and captures the average rate of transmission of the original bit stream. As in the
pure TDM case, a PLL is well-suited for this task, but now the jitter and wander are
orders of magnitude higher.
One conventional means of clock recovery is based on adapting a local clock based on
the level of the receiver's jitter buffer. To understand the operation of the conventional
mechanism, let us assume for the moment that there is no PDV but that the local clock
is initially lower in frequency than the source clock. The writing into the jitter buffer
occurs faster than it is emptied and thus the fill-level starts to rise. This rise is detected
and compensated by increasing the frequency of the local clock. When in addition to
clock discrepancy there is PDV, the jitter buffer level no longer smoothly rises or falls,
but rather fluctuates wildly about its slowly changing average level. By using a PLL that
locks onto the average rate, any frequency discrepancy between the source and
destination clocks is eventually compensated, and the receiver's jitter buffer will settle
on the level corresponding to precise frequency alignment between the two clocks.
This conventional PLL has several faults. First, the PLL must observe the sequence of
level positions for a long period before it can lock onto the source clock, and hence the
scheme exhibits lengthy convergence time. Second, the jitter buffer level may settle
down far from its desired position at the buffer center, thus making it vulnerable to
overflow and underflow conditions. Alternatively, the jitter buffer size may be increased
to lower the probability of underflow/overflow, but such a size increase inevitably
brings about an increase in the added latency. Finally, the low resolution of the jitter
buffer level leads to unnecessarily high wander generation.
By using advanced clock recovery algorithms, recovered TDM clocks can be made to
comply with ITU-T G.823 and G.824 specifications for many PSN configurations.
However, frequent congestion and/or reroute events may make it physically impossible
for pure adaptive clock recovery to conform to these specifications.
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