Soal Pedagogy

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No Indikator Esensial
1 Memetakan kompetensi bahasa (language proficiency) peserta didik dalam
kelas bahasa Inggris.

1. What should the teacher do with the class of which most of the students are poor in
A. Ask the students to make a group of conversation
B. Ask the students to read graded reading materials
C. Ask the students to discuss their difficulty
D. Ask the students to share their experiences in learning English

2. Most of the students fail to submit their work on time. They complain that the task
assigned to them is too difficult to accomplish. What do you think the teacher
should do?
A. give penalty to the lazy students
B. compensates the students with an easier assignment
C. helps the students to solve the problem
D. review the material for better understanding
2 Menjelaskan kesulitan belajar yang dialami oleh peserta didik berdasarkan tipe
belajar peserta didik.

3. A learner makes very few grammatical mistakes in writing expository composition.

What is her/his level of proficiency?
A. Beginner
B. Intermediate
C. Advanced
D. Post intermediate

4. Consider the following description of a student’s attitude in a school report: “Anita is

considered sociable, humble, always cares to the other peers. He never comes late
to class. What grade will the student have?
A. Poor
B. Fair
C. Good
D. Excellent

3. Menjelaskan teori dan prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

5. What should a teacher do to cope with learners in class with relatively same in
social behavior?
A. Asking the students to conduct self-study
B. Asking the learners to work in groups
C. Asking the learners to work individually
D. Asking the learners to hold outdoor program

6. Consider that an indicator which is derived from the basic competencies reads:
“students retell the narrative using own words”. What is the best assessment
instrument to achieve the indicator?
A. Multiple choice test
B. Essay test
C. True false test
D. Cloze-procedure test

4 Menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip pengembangan kurikulum bahasa Inggris.

7. Which of the followings is true dealing with the authentic assessment.

A. Authentic assessment complements the traditional assessments
B. Authentic assessment is only applied when the students are ready
C. Authentic assessment replaces the traditional assessment
D. Authentic assessment is the best assessment to be applied

8. Structure or grammar is not given separately in English class because the English
subject emphasizes the communicative competence. What should the teacher do to
help students who have difficulties in grammar?
A. Exercises in grammar are given for a homework
B. Grammar is explained intensively in the classroom
C. Grammatical feature is explained when students ask the teacher to
D. Grammar is not necessary in competency-based curriculum

5 Mengaitkan pengalaman belajar peserta didik dengan materi pembelajaran untuk

mencapai tujuan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

9. Mini drama performance belongs to authentic assessment because….

A. It can be scored subjectively
B. It requires integrated language skills to demonstrate
C. It is not multiple choice
D. It needs a scoring rubric

10. A learning indicator reads: “students infer the moral values of the story in a
narrative text.”
What type of test item is suitable to measure the indicator?
A. Multiple choice question
B. Performance assessment
C. Essay type
D. Port folio
6 Merumuskan indikator penilaian.

11.Consider this learning indicator: “Identify the vocabulary items related to the
descriptive text”. The best instrument to measure the learning outcome is…
A. Matching
B. Writing a descriptive text
C. Paraphrasing
D. Retelling

12.One of the principles in implementing the 2013 Curriculum is “ Do not tell the
students, but let the students find by themselves”. This principle implies that…
A. Learning must be student-centered
B. Teacher is a facilitator
C. The students are potential to study by themselves
D. There must be more students talking time, than teacher talking time

7 Merumuskan instrumen penilaian.

13.“A set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language and the
nature of language teaching and learning”. That statement is a definition of…
A. Approach
B. Method
C. Technique
D. Strategy

14.The 2013 English curriculum is basically adopted the concept of ….

A. Genre-based curriculum
B. Competency-based curriculum
C. Inquiry-based Instruction
D. Content-based Curriculum

15.Cooperative Language Learning is “an approach to teaching that makes maximum

use of cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of learners in the
Classroom” (Richards and Rodgers, 2004). The followings are the benefits of
Cooperative language learning, EXCEPT…
A. Reducing anxiety
B. Promoting interaction
C. Increasing self-confidence
D. Generating motivation

16.As a teaching procedure, Genre-based Approach begins with . . .

A. The whole text as the unit in focus
B. The sentence as the unit in focus
C. The paragraph as the unit in focus
D. The essay as the unit in focus
17.What is the appropiate instrument to assess the students’ English competence in
designing an invitation card?
A. Use of port folio
B. Use of project
C. Use of essay test
D. Use of product

8 Menerapkan berbagai strategi komunikasi yang efektif, empatik, secara santun lisan
atau tertulis

18.The process affects the learner’s attitudes, views, or behavior in the form of
encouraging and inviting activities, so the learner performs activities consciously. It
means a teacher conduct:

A. informative communication
B. persuasive communication
C. instructive/coercive communication
D. direct communication

19.The followings are means, in which teachers can do to develop positive attitudes of
learners in learning activities, except:
A. Provide reinforcement of the advantages or success of learners
B. Avoid the tendency to compare learners with others
C. Demonstrate responsiveness, sympathetic, friendly, understanding and patient.
D. Show some errors made by the learners.

20.A teacher not only conveys the subject matter, but also plays a role of behavior
change towards the learners. Based on the learning theory, the most effective
communication model in learning is:

A. mechanistic model.
B. interactional model.
C. psychological model.
D. pragmatic model.

9 Menerapkan komunikasi yang efektif, simpatik, dan santun kepada peserta didik
dengan bahasa Inggris

21.A teacher is giving motivation of learners in the class. The correct and acceptable
utterance in English is ...
A. Come on guys! You can do it.
B. Good. You have done it well.
C. Thank you. I appreciate it.
D. That’s very good performance.

22. A Teachers has a conversation with students in the classroom as follows:

Teacher : Okay, Students. We have already discussed about discussion text.
What does the last paragraph tell us about? Who knows?
Student A : Conclusion
Teacher : Great.
This type of communication aims to:
A. motivate
B. give instructions
C. commend
D. give reinforcement

10 Menjelaskan prinsip2 penilaian dan evaluasi proses dan hasil belajar sesuai dengan

23.Utilization of an assessment does not just know the achievement of learning

outcomes, but how the assessment can improve the ability of learners in the
learning process. If the learners are involved in formulating procedures, criteria, and
guidelines on assessment, it includes performing:
A. Assessment of learning
B. Assessment for learning.
C. Assessment as learning.
D. Assessment in learning.

24.Assessment of knowledge is conducted to determine the level of mastery of

students' thinking skills in the dimensions of factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive knowledge. The level of mastery that are classified as Lower Order
Thinking Skills are:
A. recalling, analysing, and implementing
B. recalling, understanding, and implementing
C. considering, evaluating, and implementing
D. recalling, implementing, and creating

11 Mengembangkan instrument penilaian dan evaluasi proses dan hasil belajar

25.The accuracy in choosing the assessment technique must consider the demands of
the indicator. If the demands in the indicator contain the element of performing
analysis, then the most appropriate assessment techniques are:
A. Portfolio
B. Product
C. Project
D. Performance

26.Choose the correct one

A. Portfolios are used by educators to monitor the development of students'
knowledge, skills and attitudes in a particular subject.
B. Portfolio contains a collection of students' academic activities are arranged
systematically and coherently taken during the learning process.
C. Portfolio is an on-going assessment that is based on a collection of information
that shows the development of the ability of learners within a specific period.
D. All are correct
12 Menentukan strategi pemecahan masalah pembelajaran melalui PTK

27.To determine the most effective learning method in order to achieve the goal of
teaching, the most appropriate classroom action research is ……
A. Diagnostic.
B. Participant.
C. Empirical.
D. Experimental

28.If there is a lack of harmonization of the relationships among students in the

classroom, the most appropriate classroom action research is ……
A. Diagnostic.
B. Participant.
C. Empirical.
D. Experimental.

13 Menerapkan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris

29.The usual steps in a cycle of classroom action research are …….

A. (1) acting, (2) planning, (3) observing, and (4) reflecting
B. (1) planning, (2) acting, (3) observing, and (4) reflecting.
C. (1) observing, (2) planning, (3) acting, and (4) reflecting
D. (1) planning, (2) observing, (3) acting, and (4) reflecting

30.The purpose of action research is to improve the learning process objectively. To

avoid subjectivity, classroom action research should be done by……..
A. Collaborative.
B. Independent.
C. Interactive.
D. Experiments.

14 a. Menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip perancangan pembelajaran yang menidik

b. Mengembangkan komponen-komponen rancangan pembelajaran
c. Menyusun rancangan pembelajaran yang lengkap, baik untuk
pembelajaran di dalam dan di luar kelas
d. Memanfaatkan sumber belajar yg relevan dengan karakteristik peserta
e. Memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajara
bahasa Inggris
f. Menerapkan berbagai kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mendorong peserta
didik mencapai prestasi secara optimal
g. Menerapkan berbagai kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mengaktualisasikan
potensi peserta didik termasuk kreativitasnya
31.Humanistic principles have important implications for education. According to this
approach, the focus of education is …
A. Teaching
B. Learning
C. Training
D. Instruction

32.The followings are examples of positive reinforcement EXCEPT …

A. a verbal praise
B. a feeling of increased accomplishment
C. a good grade
D. a mock
33.Constructivism has the premis that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct
our own understanding of the world we live in. Thus knowledge must be …
A. constructed by the learner
B. handed down through generations
C. explained by the teacher
D. of the learner’s assumption

34.Classroom activities such as making outlines, copying what’s on the board, taking
notes, etc. are likely most suitable for … learners.
A. Impulsive
B. Auditory
C. Visual
D. Kinesthetic

35.The use of cooperative learning will be effective for classroom activities since
cooperative group work allows language learners to do the following things, EXCEPT

A. generate more ideas and be exposed to different point of view
B. learn from and teach one another in a supportive environment
C. realize that their talk help them to understand the material better
D. lose their confidence when learning with their peers

36.The assessment of the process and outcome of learning English can be used for
improving the quality of the English teaching program which covers the following
aspects, EXCEPT …
A. Materials
B. Method
C. social media
D. tests
37.A. Cognitivists,
B. Constructivists
C. Humanists
D Behaviourists
… consider learning language as problem solving tasks. They argue that language
learning is a process in which the learners actively try to make sense of data and it
takes place when the learners manage to impose some sort of meaningful

38.As a teaching procedure, Genre-based Approach begins with …

A. the essay as unit in focus,
B. the paragraph as the unit in focus
C. the sentence as the unit in focus
D. the whole text as the unit in focus

39.The following features are the typical learning in Cooperative Language learning,
A. positive interdependence among students
B. it gives emphasis on small group interaction
C. it improves individual and group accountability
D. it improves the students’ dependency on one another.

40.The aspects that should be considered in designing English syllabus are as follows,
A. analysis of the language
B. information about the learners
C. kinds of the texts
D. belief about language learning

No Indikator Esensial
1 Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri jenis teks advertisement.

Overseas publishing company needs smart, loyalty and hard-working personnel to sell our
product, a worldwide family of magazine.
You will get comprehensive and excellent training in London. Posting to Singapore,Dubai or
Toronto follows.
Generous base salary plus commissions in the industry.
Some successful and top agents have earned up to fantastic salary.
Candidates with international experience in the job very desirable.
No CV needed but call the HR Department mornings only
41. What is advertised in the text?
A. A new industry
B. A magazine
C. A job vacancy
D. A new product

2 Menentukan gambaran umum dari teks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk


42.What should a candidate who is interested in the position do first?

A. Mail a CV to the company
B. Call the HR Department in the morning
C. Attend the traning session
D. Come to the office for an interview
3 Menentukan informasi rinci dalam teks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk

43.In which of the following cities is a successful candidate NOT likely to work on a
permanent basis?
A. London
B. Singapore
C. Dubai
D. Toronto

4 Menunjukkan informasi tertentu dalam teks tertulis berbentuk manual.

How to operate a Digital Camera

Follow the steps below to take pictures.

1. Hold up the camera and center the object in the LCD.
2. Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want.
3. When you’re ready to take picture, hold the shutter halfway. It is very
important, so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed and various other
calculations. This may take a few seconds.
4. A light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.
5. Press shutter all the way down.

It may be necessary to turn off the LCD and use the view finder when there is
extreme sunlight or to conserve battery life. The glare from the LCD does not work
well with bright light.
44.What is the purpose of the text above ?
A. to explain how to take picture
B. to show how to create something
C. to tell how something is made 
D. to describe how something is achieved

5 Menentukan informasi rinci dari teks tertulis berbentuk manual.

45. The glare from the LCD … What does the underlined word mean ….
A. view finder
B. sunlight
C. battery life
D. brightness
6 Menunjukkan langkah-langkah aktivitas yang disebutkan dalam teks pendek berbentuk

46.What will happen to the LCD when there is more extreme light ?
A. the glare is broken
B. the glare doesn’t work well
C. the glare works well
D. the glare is unbroken

7 Menentukan gambaran umum dari teks tertulis berbentuk descriptive.

Questions 47-49

A rare, parasitic, rootless and leafless plant, Rafflesia arnoldii has the
largest known flower in the world. This southeast Asian plant has the largest
known individual flower in the world. It has no roots or leaves and most of the
time lives unobserved inside the woody stems and roots of its host. Rafflesia
arnoldii only becomes visible when its plump buds emerge through the bark of
its host and develop into the large, fleshy flowers. They are pollinated by
carrion-flies. While the flower is blossoming, it is has a very unpleasant smell.

The generic name, Rafflesi is derived from the name of the British
Governor General, Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles, who once governed and built
the Botanical Garden in Bogor. Thought it is called Rafflesia after Raffles, the
man who discovered the plant was Beccary, an Italian botanist who visithed
Sumatra in 1928.
47.Which statement is correct based on the text?
A. Rafflesia Arnoldi has a very nice smell.
B. Beccary built the Botanical Garden.
C. Stamford Raffles is an Italian botanist.
D. Berccary discovered Rafflesia Arnoldi.
8 Menentukan informasi rinci dari teks pendek berbentuk descriptive.
9 Menentukan rujukan kata/tujuan komunikatif dari teks pendek berbentuk descriptive.

48.Rafflesia arnoldi is unusual because of its ........ size.

A. small
B. tiny
C. big
D. long

49.The word they in the sentence “They are pollinated by carrion-flies” refers to..
A. The carrion-flies.
B. The parts of rafflesia
C. The plump buds
D. The flowers

10 Menentukan rujukan informasi tersirat dari teks tertulis berbentuk procedure.

11 Menentukan langkah-langkah kegiatan yang tersebut dalam teks berbentuk procedure.
12 Menunjukkan hubungan antarbagian dalam teks procedure.

Questions 50-52

• 150gram of butter.
• 150gram of dark chocolate.
• 300 gram of flour                 
• 4 eggs.
• 600 gram of regular sugar
• 1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Melt the chocolate with the butter.
2. Stir the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla extract.
3. Preheat the oven at low temperature
4. Combine the mixes you made.
5. Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon.
6. Grease a brownie tin.
7. Add a little flour to cover the tin.
8. Add the brownie dough.
9. Bake for 10-30 minutes.
10. To check the brownies, put a knife in the mix. It must be moist!
11. Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out of the oven.
50.What is the purpose of the text?
A. To operate an oven used to make brownies
B. To accomplish how to make brownies
C. To use a knife
D. To melt chocolate

51.What should you do after oiling a brownie container?

A. Stir the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla extract.
B. Add the brownie dough.
C. Add a little flour to cover the tin.
D. Grease a brownie tin.

52.The word it in the sentences “It must be moist!” refers to ...

A. The brownies
B. The mix
C. The oven
D. The knife

13 Menunjukkan gambaran umum dari teks tertulis berbentuk report/recount.

14 Menentukan informasi rinci dari teks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk
15 Menunjukkan rujukan kata/frase dari teks tertulis berbentuk report/recount.

Questions 53-54

A Pet Fish

One there was an Indian who had a pet fish named Tommy, which he kept in a
barrel. But the fish got pretty big and the Indian had to change the water a good
deal to keep him alive. He was too lazy to do that, and he thought he would teach
the fish to live out of water. So he did. He began by taking Tommy out of the barrel
for a few minutes at a time, pretty often, and then he took him out oftener and kept
him out longer, and after a time Tommy got so he could stay out a good while if he
was in the wet grass.

Then the Indian found he could leave him in the wet grass all night, and pretty soon
that fish could live in the shade whether the grass was wet or not. By that time he
had pretty tame, too, and he used to follow the Indian around a good deal, and when
the Indian went out to dig worms for him to eat, Tommy sent along too and got
some for himself. The Indian thought everything of that fish, and when Tommy got
so he didn’t need any water at all, but could got anywhere down the dusty road and
stay all day out in the hot sun – you never saw Indian without his fish. Show people
wanted to buy Tommy but the Indian said he wouldn’t sell a fish like that for any
money. You’d see him coming to town with Tommy following along the road behind,
just like a dog only of course he traveled a good deal like a snake, and almost as

Well, it was pretty sad the way that Indian lost his fish, and it was curious, too. He
started for two one day  with Tommy coming along behind, as usual. There was a
53.The Indian taught Tommy to live out of water because ..
A. He thought he would teach the fish to live out of water.
B. He didn’t have more water
C. He wanted Tommy tp live longer
D. He did not want to change the water

54.What is the type of the text ?

A. Report
B. News Item
C. Exposition
D. Procedure

Questions 55-56

For many years people believed that the cleverest animals after man were the
chimpanzees. Now, however, there is a proof that dolphins may be even cleverer
than these big apes. Although a dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish. It is a
mammal. It is in many ways, therefore, like a human being. Dolphins have a simple
language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for man to learn
how to talk to dolphins. But, this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the
kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will
have to make a third language which both he and the dolphins can understand.
Dolphins are also very friendly toward man. They often follow ships. There are many
stories about dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous waters.

55.What is the characteristic of dolphin according to the text?

A. Fierce
B. Friendly
C. Naughty
D. shy

56.What is the type of the text above?

A. Report
B. News Item
C. Exposition
D. Procedure

57.They are able to talk to one another …………

What does “they” refer to…..

A. Human
B. Big apes
C. People
D. Dolphin
16 Menunjukkan makna tersurat pada teks berbentuk table/graph/map
17 Menunjukkan maksud tersirat dari isi teks berbentuk table/graph/map
18 Menarik simpulan makna yang terkandung dalam teks berbentuk table/graph/map

Coffee Tea Pastries Sandwiches
7.30 – 10.30 265 110 275 50
10.30 – 2.30 185 50 95 200
2.30 – 5.30 145 35 150 40
5.30 – 8.30 200 75 80 110

How many cups of coffee are sold early in the morning ?

E. 200
F. 185
G. 450
H. 265

58.When do mostly people like eating sandwiches?

A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. For their lunch
D. Anytime

59.What does the table above talk about ?

A. Price list of food and beverages
B. Sales of food and beverages
C. The menu in cafetaria
D. The coffee shop

19 Menentukan informasi rinci dari teks tertulis berbentuk spoof/biography .

20 Menarik simpulan dari teks tertulis berbentuk spoof/biography.
21 Menunjukkan nilai/pelajaran yang tersirat dalam teks berbentuk spoof/biography.

Questions 61-63

Once, a man was walking in a park when he came across a penguin. He took him to
a policeman and said, “I have just found this penguin. What should I do?” The
policeman replied, “take him to the zoo”. The next day the policeman saw the same
in the same park, and the man was still carrying the penguin with him. The
policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked. “Why are you
still carrying that penguin about? Didn’t you take it to the zoo?” ‘I certainly did,’
replied the man. “And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today I’m
taking him to the movies!”
60. Where did the man find the penguin?
A. in a zoo
B. in a park
C. in a movie theatre
D. in a police station

61. Where did the man take the penguin for the first time?
A. to a police station
B. to a zoo
C. to a movie theatre
D. to a policeman

62. What do you think of the text?

A. It’s wonderful
B. It’s frightened
C. It’s interesting
D. It’s funny

22 Menentukan informasi rinci dari teks tertulis berbentuk narrative.

23 Menarik simpulan dari teks tertulis berbentuk narrative.
24 Menunjukkan nilai/pelajaran yang tersirat dalam teks berbentuk narrative.

Questions 64-66

Little Red Riding Hood

One day there was a little girl named little red riding hood. She was asked by her
mother to deliver cake to her grandmother. When she was heading for his
grandmother’s house, little riding hood met a wolf. “Where are you going, a little girl?”
The wolf asked. “I’m willing to give this cake to my grandmother” replied little riding
The wolf had an evil plan that he wanted to eat them both. Then he ran through a
shortcut to her grandmother’s house. After arriving to grandmas’ house, he knocked
on her door. When Grandma opened the door, the wolf caught her and locked her in a
closet. The bad wolf then wore Grandma’s clothes and laid in bed, waiting for Little
Red Riding Hood.
When little riding hood arrived, the wolf in disguise told her to come in. little riding
hood did not realize that it was the wolf.  Then the wolf ate a little riding hood and her
grandmother. After eating them, the wolf fell asleep beside the river. Suddenly, a
woodcutter came; he saw a large wolf’s belly and knew what had been done by the
wolf. Then he saved them by releasing them out from the belly of the wolf and filled
the wolf’s stomach with a big stone. Then he threw the wolf into the river.
63.Why did little riding hood do not realize the wolf who in disguise as her grandma?
A. Because she was blind
B. Because she was daft
C. Because the wolf was kind
D. Because the wolf wore grandma’s clothes

64.What is the story about?

A. A kind wolf who wants to help little riding hood
B. A little riding hood meet wolf
C. Grandma asked wolf to take little riding hood
D. A bad wolf who wants to eat little riding hood and grandma

65.What is the moral value of the story?

A. Don’t be greedy
B. Don’t believe in stranger
C. Don’t use riding hood
D. Don’t go to Grandma’s house

25 Menentukan informasi umum tujuan komunikatif dari teks tertulis berbentuk

26 Menunjukkan makna kata/frasa/kalimat atau rujukan kata dari teks tertulis berbentuk
27 Menentukan pikiran utama/topik/tema teks tertulis berbentuk explanation/review.

Questions 67-69

How to Make Chocolate

Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate from? In this article we'll
enter the amazing world of chocolate so you can understand exactly what you're

Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial
regions, especially in places such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The
cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pine apple. Inside the fruit
are the tree's seeds, also known as cocoa beans.
66.What is the text tell us about…
A. the cacao tree
B. the cacao beans
C. the raw chocolate
D. the making of chocolate

67.What is the meaning of winnowing ?

A. removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell
B. Removes the half fat of the cacao
C. Removes the Chocolate Beans
D. Add the sugar to the chocolate

68.The main idea of the third paragraph is... ...

A. the process of producing chocolate
B. how to produce the cocoa flavor
C. where chocolate comes from
D. the chocolate liquor

28 Menentukan informasi rinci dari teks pendek berbentuk analytical/ hortatory

29 Menentukan rujukan kata/tujuan komunikatif dari teks pendek berbentuk
analytical/hortatory exposition.
30 Menunjukkan sikap penulis yang tersirat dalam teks tertulis berbentuk
analytical/hortatory exposition.

Questions 70-73

Smoking in a restaurant does not only give the bad impact to the active smokers but
also the passive ones. Smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke
affects all people and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and
not to be put off by foul-smelling smoke. Besides, smoking harm the others especially
passive smokers, that is, breathing in smoke made by a smoker, can lead to asthma
attacks and even cancer. Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smoker.
Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease and people do not smoke anywhere, not just in
restaurants. Regarding to the bad impacts, smoking must not be allowed in any

69.The communicative purpose of the text is to…

A. explain how the smoking can be dangerous
B. retell about some positive effects of smoking
C. persuade  readers with the smoking risk
D. describe how the smoking is not allowed
70.Smoking in a restaurant is impolite. (paragraph 2). The synonym of the underlined
word is…
A. rude
B. polite
C. delicate
D. sensitive

71.The statements below are true based on the text, except…

A. Smoking is dangerous
B. Smoking makes us better  
C. Smoking is unhealthy for the smoker
D. Smoking must not be allowed

72.Besides, smoking harm the others especially passive smokers,….(line 4). The

synonym of the underlined word is…
A. hit
B. chase
C. endanger
D. haunt

31 Melengkapi rumpang pada teks pendek dengan frasa yang sesuai.

Question 73

School uniform is special clothes worn by all students of a particular school.

The uniform of a school may differ from others. Why should schools use uniforms?
Below are some reasons.  First of all, New York department of psychology conducted
a study in 1998 concerning school uniforms. Their findings using 10th grade students
showed that uniforms have no direct effect on “substance abuse, behavioral problems
or attendance.” It also claimed a negative effect on student achievements for those
students considered ‘pro-school’. Secondly, uniform helps to create (73) ……….. and a
sense of belonging to a particular community. As such it promotes discipline and helps
to drive up academic standards, which is why a uniform is often adopted by schools
which are being reopened with a fresh start after being classified as failing.

73.A. a sense strong ethos school.

B. a sense strong school ethos
C. a strong sense school ethos
D. a strong sense ethos school
32 Melengkapi rumpang pada teks pendek dengan frasa yang sesuai

Question 74
In my view, students who do cheating are committing a crime. It is a sort of taking
something illegally. This crime causes negative results to the students. (74)………..
Cheating acts also create dependence. They weaken their self confidence. Instead of
preparing for the coming test, they are busy to organize notes on a piece of paper.
If this awful habit continues, the students will lose their opportunity to develop their
74.A. Students who always cheat deteriorate their mental capacity.
B. Students who always cheat increase their skills
C. Students who do not cheat decrease their skills
D. students who do not cheat reduce their quality of learning.

33 Mensubstitusi kata dalam ungkapan tulis dengan kata yang berantonim

75.The bus stopped working, so I had to go on foot. The synonym of the bold word
A. Broken In
B. Broken Down
C. Broken Out
D. Broken Up

76.The antonym of photosynthesis is…..

A. Decomposition
B. Synthesization
C. Diffusion
D. Respiration
35 Mensubstitusi kata dalam ungkapan tulis dengan kata bentukan afiksasi

77.Tennis wear has become a very lucrative business for both manufacturers and
tennis stars. The underlined word means……
A. Illegal
B. Circumstantial
C. Expansive
D. Profitable
36 Mengungkapkan makna berbentuk ungkapan dengan urutan gramatika yang benar
pada frasa nomina

78.Since 1990, per capita consumption of _____ has held steady.

A. The Fresh fruit and vegetables.
B. A fresh fruits and vegetable
C. Fresh fruit and vegetables
D. Fresh fruit and vegetable

79.She needed to find new homes for them, but she didn’t know whom…
A. Should she ask
B. She should ask
C. She asked
D. She asks
37 Mengungkapkan makna berbentuk ungkapan dengan urutan gramatika yang benar
pada klausa
80.Steven Spielberg movies ……. Have seen, are very well thought stories with a lot of
excitement and sympathetic characters.

A. Most of whose movies

B. Most of that I
C. Most of which I
D. Most of who I

38 Menyampaikan makna dalam penggalan teks exposition menggunakan ungkapan lain

yang sesuai (berbentuk rephrase dari phrase)

81.In a government election, the incumbent generally has a strong advantage over a
newcomer. A person who is already in office and thus has a certain degree of
prominence has a better chance of being elected than does someone who is
unknown to the electrolate. History has shown a strong proclivity in elections at all
levels of government to return the incumbent office.

The question:
“A person who is already in office” is most likely
A. A special type of election
B. A political party
C. A benefical comment
D. A current office-holder

39 Menyampaikan makna dalam penggalan teks exposition menggunakan ungkapan lain

yang sesuai (berbentuk rephrase dari klausa)

Questions 82-83

Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. There are
several things that we can do. One of them is by buying and consuming fresh local
groceries as much as possible. It of course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread,

Local groceries don’t need much transportation to get it into the market. It of course
means, the amount of carbon dioxide produced is less than the groceries from other
region. Therefore, by buying local groceries we are helping reduce the amount of
carbon dioxide produced.

Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are healthier for us. Furthermore,
fresh food or groceries means no requirements for it to be freeze up. It means that
no electricity is needed and saving energy means reducing carbon dioxide and
money. So, from now on we should consume fresh local groceries to reduce global

Williamsburg is a historic city in Virginia situated on a peninsula between two rivers,

the York and the James. It was settled by English colonists in 1633, twenty-six years
after the first permanent English colony in America was settled at Jamestown. In the
beginning the colony at Williamsburg was named Minddle Plantation because of its
location in the minddle of the Penissula. The site for Wiliamsburg had been selected
by the colonists because the soil drainage was better there than at the Jamestown
location, and there were fewer mosquitoes.
A. Is more recent name than williamsburg
B. Derived from the location of the colony on the Penisula
C. Refers ti the middle part of England that was home to the colonists
D. Was given to the new colony because it was located in the middle of several

83.“It was settled by English colonists in 1633.” What does “it” refer to?
A. Virginia
B. A peninsula
C. Williamsburg
D. Jamestown

40 Menyampaikan makna dalam penggalan teks exposition menggunakan ungkapan lain

yang sesuai (berbentuk rephrase dari kalimat

Question 84

Every year thousands of people die, due to weather related problems. It can
happen in both winter and in summer. Let’s examine the causes for a moment.

The year 2003 was a time of extreme cold in the winter. Extreme, that is by
European standards. In Britain alone, the number of people who died from cold-
related illnesses was described as ‘shameful’. Nearly twenty-five thousand people
died from illnesses such as strokes, heart attacks, bronchitis, flu and pneumonia.

In the summer of t he same year, around twenty-three thousand people died in

Europe due to the sizzling temperatures. France was particulary badly hit, with
nearly fifteen thousand death which were related to the sweltering heat. In Britain,
the number of heat-related death was much lower than the number of winter

It is important to note that government need to give some advices to people on

how to protect their health.

84.What is the correct sentence in below?

A. Every year thousand of people die
B. Due to weather related problems. It can happen in both winter and summer
C. Every year thousand of people die , due to weather related problems
D. Every year thousand

41 Menyampaikan makna menggunakan gramatika yang tepat dalam Relative pronouns

85. Combine the two following sentences into a single sentence with relative pronoun.
The professor is not here today. You spoke to the professor yesterday.

A. The professor whom you spoke yesterday is not here today.

B. The professor to whom you spoke yesterday is not here today.
C. You spoke to the professor yesterday who is not here today.
D. The professor is not here today when you spoke to the professor yesterday
42 Menyampaikan makna menggunakan gramatika yang tepat berbentuk Time expression
(as soon as, by the time, until, dll)

86._____, he arrived at school, the lesson had finished.

A. By the time
B. Until
C. As soon as
D. When

87.When a passenger_____ an American taxi, the driver sets the meter so bargaining
is avoided.
A. Get off
B. Get in
C. Get on
D. Get out

43 Menyampaikan makna menggunakan gramatika yang tepat berbentuk Conditional


88. If I had seen the movie, I …… you about it last night

A. Would tell
B. Will have told
C. Would have told
D. Told

89.If He had found her address, He …… her an invitation.

A. Would have sent
B. Will have sent
C. Would sent
D. Sent
44 Menyampaikan makna menggunakan gramatika yang tepat berbentuk Passive

90.Transfer this active voice sentence into the passive one

England kept Napoleon on the island of Saint Helena.
A. Napoleon was been kept on the island of Saint Helena by England
B. Napoleon had kept on the island of Saint Helena by England.
C. Napoleon kept on the island of Saint Helena by England.
D. Napoleon was kept on the island of Saint Helena by England.

45 Menyampaikan makna menggunakan gramatika yang tepat berbentuk Place expression

(in which, from which, at which, dll.)

91.He lives in the street….. the houses are surrounded by high fences.
A. About which
B. At which
C. From which
D. In which
46 Menyampaikan makna menggunakan tata urut unsur ungkapan berbentuk frasa

92.She needed to find new homes for them, but she didn’t know whom…
A. Should she ask
B. She should ask
C. She asked
D. She asks

47 Menyampaikan makna menggunakan tata urut unsur ungkapan berbentuk frasa verba

93.Whenever we have an argument, my little brother always … first. I am too much

obstinate to stop resisting.
A. Give himself up
B. Give in
C. Give out
D. Gives in
48 Menyampaikan makna menggunakan tata urut unsur ungkapan berbentuk frasa

94.Astronomers say they may have glimpsed _____ galaxy ever spotted.
A. the most distant
B. the more distant
C. the distant
D. a most distant
49 Menyampaikan makna menggunakan tata urut unsur ungkapan berbentuk frasa

95. These chairs….. made for this room to match the table and the wardrobe.
A. are especially
B. were especially
C. were specially
D. are specially
50 Menyampaikan makna yang tersurat dalam kalimat transaksional yang menggunakan
ungkapan idiomatis yang benar berbentuk frasa nomina

96.Every faculty meeting, Ms. Melanie always manages to put her foot in her mouth.
A. trip over her big feet
B. say the wrong thing
C. move rapidly
D. fall asleep

51 Menyampaikan makna yang tersurat dalam kalimat transaksional yang menggunakan

ungkapan idiomatis yang benar berbentuk frasa verba
Questions 97-98


Desire can change overtime. When I was a child I wanted to be a car driver.
Knowing it was dangerous, I changed to be an ambulance driver. In this way, I
could help to carry injured or dead people. When I was a teenager, I was thinking
of becoming a warplane pilot. The job inspired me when I attended an air-force
day. Now I want to explore outer space. I guess it is more challenging.

97.What job did the speaker want to do when he was a teenager?

A. Driver
B. Car Driver
C. Car Racer Driver
D. Warplane Pilot

98.What job does the speaker want to do now ?

A. a car driver
B. An Ambulance Driver
C. An Outer Space Pilot
D. A Warplane Pilot

52 Menyampaikan makna yang tersurat dalam kalimat transaksional yang menggunakan

ungkapan idiomatis yang benar berbentuk ajektiva

Questions 99-100

Intergeneration Foundation announces 2nd Storytelling Contest. The

Intergeneration foundation invites community of all ages to tell us a story, a
narrative of their family's history or traditions or a story from their mind. Whether
fiction or non-fiction, the story should illustrate intergeneration needs,
connections, relationships, understanding, and feature characters from at least two
99.What is the announcement about?
A. Story telling contest
B. Intergeneration foundation
C. Favorite Family Stories
D. Inspiring ideas

100. What is the type of the text ?

A. Report
B. News Item
C. Hortatory Exposition
D. Explanation

53 Menyampaikan makna yang berupa main idea dalam teks explanation dengan benar

Questions 101-102

Biodiesel is unsoiled burning another alternate for petroleum based diesel fuel. Biodiesel
is made of vegetable oil.

To make or manufacture Biodiesel, you must first start with raw materials. The raw
materials needed in the production of Biodiesel are a small amount of methanol and a
ready supply of vegetable product. One of the most familiar vegetables used in the
production of Biodiesel is corn, although depending on the geographic location of the
manufacturing facility many other plants are used as well (rapeseed, soybeans,
flaxseed, etc.). The first step is to use the raw vegetable product to make vegetable oil.
Vegetable oil by itself will not be what you need to power vehicles, from here it has to
be processed into Biodiesel.

The progression for converting vegetable oil into Biodiesel is sometimes called ester
interchange. To complete this process the vegetable oil has to be mixed with a smaller
amount of methanol and then put in the presence of a small quantity of an alkaline
catalyst (for example, 5% to 1% sodium hydroxide). Vegetable oil is made up of so-
called triglycerides, which is a compound of the trivalent alcohol glycerin with three
fatty acids. The goal of ester interchange is to separate the glycerin molecule from the
three fatty acids and replace it with three methanol molecules. This process then yields
roughly 90% Biodiesel and 10% of a glycerin byproduct. The glycerin byproduct can be
used in a number of other chemical processes for different industries.

101. What is the text about?

A. The process of making Biodiesel.
B. The use of the Biodiesel.
C. The benefit of producing the Biodiesel.
D. The development of the Biodiesel product.
102. What is the type of the text ?
A. Report
B. News Item
C. Hortatory Exposition
D. Explanation

54 Menyampaikan makna yang berupa supporting detail dalam teks explanation dengan

Question 103

Acid rain is rain that is extremely acidic because of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides,
and other air pollutants dissolved in it. Normal rain is slightly acidic, with a pH of 6.
Acid rain may have a pH value as low as 2.8.

Acid rain can harshly damage both plant and animal life. Certain lakes, for example,
have lost all fish and plant life because of acid rain.

Acid rain comes from sulfur in coal and oil. When they burn, they make sulfur
dioxide (SO2 ). Most sulfur leaves factory chimneys as the gaseous sulfur dioxide
(SO2 ) and most nitrogen are also emitted as one of the nitrogen oxides (NO or NO2
), both of which are gasses. The gasses may be dry deposited–absorbed directly by
the land, by lakes or by the surface vegetation. If they are in the atmosphere for
anytime, the gasses will oxidize (gain an oxygen atom) and go into solution as acids.
Sulphuric acid (H2 SO4 ) and the nitrogen oxides will become nitric acid (HNO3 ).
The acids usually dissolve in cloud droplets and may travel long distances before
being precipitated as acid rain.

103. Which paragraph that is supporting the main idea of that paragraph?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 2
D. 2 and 3

55 Melengkapi paragraph menggunakan ungkapan yang dihubungkan dengan peranti

kohesif berbentuk sentence connector

Question 104

Catalysts such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and ammonium help advance the
formation of acids in clouds. More ammonium (NH4 ) can be formed when some of
the acids are partially neutralized by airborne ammonia (NH3 ). Acidification
increases with the number of active hydrogen (H+) ions dissolved in acid.
Hydrocarbons emitted by, for example, car exhausts will respond in sunlight with
nitrogen oxides to produce ozone. Although it is invaluable in the atmosphere, low-
level ozone causes respiratory problems and also hastens the formation of acid rain.
When acid rain falls on the ground it dissolves and liberates heavy metals and
aluminum (Al). When it is washed into lakes, aluminum irritates the outer surfaces
of many fish. As acid rain falls or drains into the lake the pH of the lake falls.
Forests suffer the result of acid rain through damage to leaves, through the loss of
104. What is the main idea of that paragraph?
A. Low-level ozone causes respiratory problems and also hastens the formation of
acid rain.
B. Forests suffer the result of acid rain.
C. Aluminum irritates the outer surfaces of many fish.
D. Catalysts ammonium help advance the formation of acids in clouds.

56 Melengkapi paragraph menggunakan ungkapan yang dihubungkan dengan peranti

kohesif berbentuk penghilangan unsur ungkapan

Question 105-106

There are three gears to a typical modern catalytic converter: one to effect the
reduction of nitrogen oxides, …… to facilitate the oxidation of carbon monoxide and
hydrocarbons, and the third to sustain the correct abundance of oxygen. In the first
stage the nitrogen oxides are reduced using a platinum catalyst, which facilitates their
decomposition into nitrogen and oxygen. In the next stage the carbon fragments are
oxidized over a platinum/rhodium catalyst. Finally, the correct quantity of oxygen is
ensured by monitoring the amount of oxygen passing into the engine, and by
incorporating into the catalyst a metal oxide that absorbs oxygen (by reacting with it to
form a higher oxide) when the fuel mixture has too much oxygen and reverts to the
lower oxide, releasing oxygen, when the mixture has too little (Atkins. P.W, 1991)

105. Which one is right cohesion for the blank sentence?

A. Other
B. Another
C. Next
D. And

106. What is the type of the text ?

A. Report
B. News Item
C. Exposition
D. Procedure

57 Melengkapi paragraph menggunakan ungkapan yang dihubungkan dengan peranti

kohesif berbentuk penambahan ungkapan yang relevan


I had a bad day yesterday.

First, I (1) ….up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go off. Because of
this, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast.
After breakfast, I got dressed as quickly as I could that I forgot to wear socks.
Next, I ran out of the house trying to catch the 9:30 bus. Of course I missed it. I
wanted to take a taxi but I diddn’t have enough (2) …. Finally, I walked three
miles (3) … to my school only to find out that it was Sunday! I (4)…. I never
have a day as the one I had yesterday.
1. A. came B. woke C. rose D.go
2. A. time B. cash C. Flood D. chance
3. A. unwillingly B. tiredly C. curiously D. excitedly
4. A. think B. hope C. suggest D. want

58 Melengkapi paragraf dengan ungkapan yang menunjukkan hubungan logis dengan

unsur paragraph sesudahnya.

A Trip to the Zoo
1.…… my family and I went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we got to the
zoo, we went to the store to buy some meal to give to the animals.2. ……
getting the meal, we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and
reptiles which only come out at night. 3……having lunch, we went for a ride on
the elephant. It was a joy to ride it. Dad fell off when he let go off the rope, but
he was ok. 4……the lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we
saw the animals being fed. When we returned home we were very tired but
happy. It was because we had so much fun activities at many places at the zoo.

1. A. yesterday B. next month C. tomorrow D. two day

2. A. Before B. after C. Because D. more than
3. A. Before B. after C. Because D. more than
4. A. next B. although C. then D. During

59 Melengkapi paragraf dengan ungkapan yang menunjukkan hubungan logis dengan

unsur paragraph sesudahnya.
109. Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of

It is 1.….. only about 3 km from the middle of Makassar (Karebosi Park). The
beach used to be the longest café in Asia, because many cafes stand in alongside
the beach, but now the cafes are collected in a special 2.….. so it does not spread
along the coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the evening when the
sunset stands out. This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari

Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the
sun will 3.….. into the ocean, so do not miss the sunset at the Losari beach. If
the sky is sunny, the scenery is absolutely perfect. Because of its location in a
bay, the water of Losari is even often quiet as usual pool water.

Losari is its waterfront of Makassar. The lengthy of the beach is approximately

one kilometer and it is a public room that can be accessed by 4.…... On this
beach there is a park called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park), with semicircular
area of nearly one hectare. This place is a plaza with a clean floor for children to
play and running around, while parents and teens sit on concrete benches to
enjoy the sea breeze. From this place, you are also free to view out to the sea
and watch the sunset slowly turns reddish in the line of the horizon. The reflected
light also creates sheen on the surface of sea water.

The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the
1. A. located B. provided C. centered D. disturbed
2. A. item B. sale C. place D. Discount
3. A. appear B. disappear C. come D. Rise
4. A. anyone B. citizen C. villager D. Local

60 Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraf exposition yang kalimat penyusunnya

tersusun secara logis

Question 110

1. Rainbow happens because of the refraction of light. The sunlight that shines in
between the rain drops is refracted by the rain drops. This process separates the
white light of the sunlight into a spectrum of different colors.

2. Almost everyone very likes a natural phenomenon called the rainbow. To the
extent that a lot of people create an art work like song, cake, and the other work
after seeing the beautiful colors of the rainbow. But, do you know how the

110. Rearrange the paragraph above!

A. 1 – 2 – 3
B. 3 -1 – 2
C. 2 – 1 – 3
D. 2 – 3 - 1

1. B
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. D
20. C
21. A
22. D
23. C
24. B
25. C
26. D
27. D
28. A
29. B
30. A
31. B
32. D
33. A
34. C
35. D
36. C
37. A.
38. D
39. D
40. C


41. C
42. B
43. A
44. A
45. A
46. B
47. D
48. C
49. D
50. B
51. C
52. D
53. D
54. A
55. D
56. A
57. D
58. D
59. C
60. B

61. B
62. A
63. D
64. D
65. D
66. B
67. D
68. A
69. A
70. A
71. A
72. B
73. C
74. C
75. A
76. B
77. D
78. D
79. C
80. B
81. D
82. B
83. C
84. C
85. B
86. A
87. B
88. C
89. A
90. D
91. D
92. B
93. D
94. A
95. C
96. B
97. D
98. C
99. A
100. B
101. C
102. A
103. D
104. B
105. A
106. D

5. D
6. A.
7. B
8. B

5. A.
6. B
7. A.
8. D

5. A.
6. C
7. B
8. A.

110. C

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