Converting A Two-Week Chemistry Course For High School Students To A Virtual Format During COVID

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Converting a Two-Week Chemistry Course for High School Students to a

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Virtual Format During COVID

12, 2021 at 00:39:50

Haley Albright, Corey R. J. Stephenson, and Corinna S. Schindler*

to legitimately

Cite This: J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 2457−2464


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for options on how

es that included the following: presentations, demonstrations, interviews, group discussions, lessons, and virtual tours and field trips. The virtual version of
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The challenges imposed by COVID-19 in 2020 required many
the classroom, and with their peers on campus. Despite the
difficulties associated with transferring an in-person laboratory
aspects of daily life to become virtual experiences, and this course to an online format, we decided to take on this
includes education.1 At all levels, instructors converted their in- challenge to provide the students with a chance to learn and
person classrooms and curricula to a remote format 2−5 and increase their interest in STEM. STEM outreach initiatives, 11
also to varying levels of synchronous and asynchronous such as MMSS, not only play an important role in encouraging
learning.6 In many cases, this transition took place despite students to pursue careers in the sciences but also develop
limited training and experience for both the students and scientific curiosity in the general public.12−15
faculty. Furthermore, the conversion to a virtual classroom In this paper, we discuss the steps we took to convert our
has also included outreach.7,8 Over the summer, the two-week short course for high school students which relies
University of Michigan hosts multiple sessions of a two-week heavily on in-person and on-campus laboratory experimenta-
camp for high school students from across the country and tion to a completely virtual four-week course. We also discuss
from around the student perceptions following the completion of the course
world called MMSS (Michigan Math and Science Scholars).9 and the successful changes or additions that can be
The program was in jeopardy as the COVID-19 pandemic implemented in future iterations of the in-person course.

hit the US in the spring of 2020, and instructors for each
course had to decide if and how they would convert their
programs. Many of these courses are designed to be entirely COURSE DESIGN
in-person and involve hands-on activities that are performed Online Transition Goals
in Michigan facilities and now faced cancellation if not The overall objective for our team of faculty and graduate
converted to a completely remote experience. students for the 2020 session of our course was to provide an
We felt that it was important to continue our commitment interactive and engaging experience for the high school
to this outreach program, which required our course “Catalysis, students in a virtual setting. Specifically, we focused on the
Solar Energy, and Green Chemical Synthesis”10 to be following goals:
transformed in order to allow for a successful, remote, and
virtual experience for the students. Many high school Received: January 22, 2021
students attend the two-week camp to learn new techniques, Revised:May 19, 2021
bulk up their resume for college applications, and have an on- Published: June 7, 2021
campus experience before going on to pursue their
undergraduate studies. Over the previous 5 years that we
have administered the course, the students that we met and
worked with have been able to take away exceptional
experiences in the lab, in
© 2021 American Chemical Society and J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 2457−2464
Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
Journal of Chemical Education Communication
Male 15
1. To convert the in-person course that was developed over
5 years to an online format.
2. To engage students in the virtual setting and allow for
the learning goals to be maintained.10
3. To maintain the integrity of University of Michigan
MMSS experience in the course.
We anticipated numerous obstacles to the completion of this
task, particularly with the requirement to create and maintain
student engagement in the virtual setting. The “Catalysis,
Solar Energy, and Green Chemical Synthesis” course heavily
relies on the ability to perform undergraduate-level
experiments in the laboratory on campus. These experiments
were chosen and designed to require a variety of equipment and
safety features that only an academic lab space can provide.
Additionally, the experiments and activities were updated and
optimized over the previous 5 year period to maximize hands-
on student involvement and minimize “down time” in the two
lab sessions on each day of the camp. The primary benefits of
the MMSS program include the opportunity for the high
school students to be on campus, to have interactions with
their peers and classmates in the teaching laboratories, and
to be immersed in the experience of college life at the
University of Michigan. Our course redesign aimed to
incorporate many of the original activities as well as alternate
activities that could emulate the otherwise in-person
Setting and Participants
MMSS was previously designed as a two-week camp for high
school students that are both from the United States and
other countries around the world. Students can select from a
variety of courses that are offered which focus on topics in
chemistry, math, physics, engineering, astronomy, biology,
forensics, or statistics.3 Students stay in the campus
dormitories or commute each day and attend two 3 hour
sessions on each weekday (10 days in total) with a lunch
break in-between. The MMSS program provides alternate
activities for the weekend and in the evenings when students
are not participating in their specific course.
The virtual version of MMSS for the summer of 2020 was
reorganized to a four-week program (20 weekdays total) that
was offered twice over the summer. Each day, students
signed on to a virtual meeting taking place via Zoom for 3
hours in the afternoon led by the individual course
instructors. No prerequisite courses or preparation was
required prior to attendance. Students ranged from ages
13−17 and were primarily rising sophomores, juniors, and
seniors in high school (Table 1, below). Each session
included 2−4 international students that were virtually
attending in the middle of the night, based on their respective
locations. The ratio of male to female students was
approXimately 1:1 over the two sessions.

Table 1. Student Information

Student Data 2020

Year 8 (middle) 1
Year 9 (fresh.) 0
Year 10 (soph) 9
Year 11 (junior) 11
Year 12 (senior) 14
International 6
US 29
Female 18
245 J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 2457−2464
Journal of Chemical Education Communication
Department at the University of Michigan, presentations
Two graduate student instructors (GSIs) typically led outlining the typical pathways from education to jobs in
the activities for each day allowing for students to various fields of science (mostly focused on chemistry-related
interact with numerous graduate students from positions), and an information session with members of the
multiple backgrounds and with a variety of Admissions Office at the University of Michigan to provide the
specialties. students with an opportunity to ask questions about the
Table 1 includes data on the high school students, application and admissions process. Last, a
including school year, country of origin, and gender.
Course Text
The “Catalysis, Solar Energy, and Green Chemical
Synthesis” course utilizes a lab manual that includes
references tables and detailed background information,
experimental instructions, and follow-up questions for
each experiment that students perform during the in-
person course. Therefore, this lab manual had to be
updated to reflect the additions and changes to the
course in the virtual setting. Instead of a printed copy,
the students received the lab manual as a PDF
document that was both emailed to them and posted
on Canvas (an online course management system that
Michigan employs for all courses) which was used to
administer content for the online course. The lab
manual includes a short introduction to the course,
write-ups for each experiment or activity, and follow-up
questions for students to answer during and after the
conclusion each activity. Reference tables and
additional information were also included in the
manual. The 2020 version of the lab manual can be
found in the Supporting Information.
Adjusting Experiments
The following section outlines how we were able to
convert the previously in-person course to a now
completely remote and virtual course operating on a
different schedule and timeline (Goal #1). On the basis
of the previous, in-person schedule (shown below, in
Figure 1), we had to address the following aspects and
1. Laboratory experiments
2. Field trips
3. University of Michigan on-campus experience
4. Student interaction with their peers
5. One 3 hour session per day instead of two 3
hour sessions per day
Labeled in yellow, in Figure 1, are additional activities
that were included in the virtual course. The first of
these was an initial introduction and information
session (Day 1, Figure 1) that allowed the students and
instructors to work through any technical difficulties
and to ensure that students had access to all pertinent
content. Video tours of the University of Michigan
campus and chemistry building were added on Day 2 to
allow for students to learn more about the campus
(Goal #3), and this was paired with a presentation and
Q&A session about green chemistry. These additions
allowed for an earlier explanation of one of the major
themes of the course whereas, previously, in-person
sessions had interspersed the green chemistry
principles throughout the lab experiments. Two
sessions were dedicated to “Careers in Science” (Days 9
and 18, Figure 1) which included interviews with
industrial chemists, current graduate students and
postdoctoral research- ers in the Chemistry
245 J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98, 2457−2464
Figure 1. Two-week course calendar for the in-person 2019 session and the updated four-week course calendar for the remote 2020 session.
Activities highlighted in yellow were added into the virtual 2020 session.

second project was added that allowed students to work in extended schedule also provided space for sessions that were
small groups to present their findings about recent recipients of dedicated solely to lessons on various topics in chemistry
the Green Chemistry Challenge Awards.27 The revised and whereas these were previously included only in the
Figure 2. Outline of the additional activities in the remote session: kitchen chemistry experiments, natural product presentation, group project, and
career pathway topics.
time” during laboratory experiments. The ability to spend the We expected the main challenges for the virtual session to be
entirety of one session on topics that included nomenclature a potential lack of verbal interaction with students and the
and functional groups, Lewis structures and VSPER, ability to effectively engage them through a computer
acid−base chemistry, and redoX chemistry allowed for a screen.23,24 However, we were pleasantly surprised to find
more in-depth discussion of the topics, and each lesson was that the students were eager to talk with us, answer questions,
accompanied by an interactive activity. These activities and get to know their classmates (Goal #2). We also regularly
included kitchen chemistry, stick-modeling, matching games, provided opportunities for students to ask questions, placed
and group work on worksheets. students in breakout rooms to chat in small group settings,
A majority of the laboratory experiments were also asked for feedback as the program proceeded, and included
maintained (Goal #2) in the virtual session. Instead of the at least two short breaks in each of the 3 hour sessions for
students performing these in the teaching laboratories on students to step away for a few minutes to prevent screen time
campus, the graduate students were able to perform them fatigue.

“live” during the virtual meetings and “bring” the course
participants with them as they worked in the lab space. 29−32
Some reactions required longer reaction times which called In order to fill the remaining days in the extended virtual
for additional preparation, before the afternoon session began. schedule and to allow for as many interactive activities as
For example, the click reaction22 stirs at 60 °C for 1−2 hours, possible via remote learning, we added a variety of activities
and this time has previously been dedicated to the lunch and were able to dedicate more time to in-depth lessons on
break during the in-person sessions. The shortened, virtual fundamental chemistry topics. Prior to the start of the
session required a click reaction to be set up ahead of time, prior session, we mailed small packages containing PPE (lab goggles
to the session, so it would be completed during the shortened and gloves) and a few supplies for most of the following
time window and could be worked up while the students activities. Students were required to have an adult at home
looked on. Many of the other experiments were transitioned with them when they were performing any of the following
to the single, 3 hour time frame more easily as they were now experimental activities.
performed by graduate students that prepared everything Kitchen Chemistry
ahead of time. In
comparison, during the in-person sessions the high school The ability for students to perform hands-on experiments is
students performed each task which can typically take twice the one of the main reasons that students enroll in the “Catalysis,
Solar Energy, and Green Chemical Synthesis” course of
amount of time as it includes more instruction, regular check-
MMSS. In the traditional on-campus version of our program,
ins, and monitoring.
we offer the opportunity for students to have an early presentation on a recent
laboratory experience in combination with the introduction to Green Chemistry Challenge Award27 recipient. The EPA’s
advanced organic chemistry topics. The remote version of the
course could not allow for the same level of experimentation
conducted by the students themselves (Goal #2). While we
were able to show them the various reactions that they
would have performed had they been on campus, we wanted
to provide the students the opportunity to learn about a
concept and perform a coinciding experiment in their own
homes during the session. This limited the types of
experiments that could be performed; thus, we focused on
reactions in everyday life that could be completed at home,
also known as “kitchen chemistry”.33 The students performed
the experiments “in- view” of their camera so the GSIs could
monitor their progress and provide feedback. For example,
we taught a lesson about acid−base reactions in organic
chemistry, then reacted sour
candy with baking soda,34 and also used red cabbage as a pH
indicator35 to measure the approXimate pH of a variety of
foods and household products, such as lime juice, milk,
bleach, soap, and vinegar to name a few (Figure 2). The
students also learned about Lewis structure and VSEPR by
modeling molecules with toothpicks and candy.36 They ran
a TLC plate (thin layer chromatography) with markers and
paper in water37 to separate the various dyes after learning
about how TLC is employed when monitoring organic
reactions. Students were also able to perform chemistry that
they could eat by recrystallizing sugar to make rock candy, 38
and a lesson about freezing point depression was paired with
ice cream making.39 Students placed the ice cream ingredients
in a bag and then surrounded it with ice and salt to freeze the
miXture as they shook it to end the session during the Fun
Day on Day 20 (Figure 1).
Virtual Scavenger Hunt and Natural Product Presentations
In order to convert the field trip to the botanical gardens into
a virtual activity, we were able to create an online scavenger
hunt for the students to complete (Goal #2). The Matthaei
Botanical Gardens40 (Figure 2) has an extensive website with
a thorough map of their gardens which allowed the students
to find many of the plants that they would have seen during
the in-person excursion. The ability to convert this field trip
was important as it pairs well with the natural product
presentation project that the students also prepared and
delivered, virtually.
Green Chemistry Challenge Group Project
The additional weeks in the virtual schedule provided the
option to include a second project for the students, and we
opted for a group presentation project that focused on
innovations in green chemistry. The group aspect was an
intentional choice on our part as it encouraged and facilitated
more interactions between the students in the virtual setting
(Goal #2). One of the main components of the on-campus
MMSS experience is the fact that the students get to know
each other and often become long-term friends with their
classmates. As this type of personal interaction is difficult to
achieve in the virtual setting, it was imperative that we
provide many opportunities for the students to simply talk to
each other, even about non-course-related topics. The group
project not only provided them with a goal to collectively
pursue but also encouraged them to get to know each
other in the respective breakout rooms when preparing the
presentation slides during class time. The group project asked
each group of 2−3 students to prepare a 20 minute
Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention interviewee provided a brief personal background, an
sponsors the Green Chemistry Challenge Awards in educational history, career pathways or aspirations, and a
partnership with the American Chemical Society summary of their current research. Moreover, the course
Green Chemistry Institute.28,41 The Green Chemistry participants were asked to prepare questions for each
Challenge significantly reduces the hazards associated interviewee in breakout rooms at the beginning of the session
with designing, manufacturing, and using chemicals by and were later given the opportunity to ask these questions in
recognizing groundbreaking scientific solutions to real- order to interact with and learn more about each person.
world environmental problems. After choosing a recent
recipient of the award (Figure 2), students were
asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation that
outlined the back- ground of the company or researcher
that was awarded the honor along with a description of
the development and how it directly applies to the 12
principles of green chemistry42 that the students had
been learning about during the previous weeks of the
Careers in Science
Many of the high school students that attend MMSS
are interested in the STEM fields but are not very aware
of the abundant career opportunities that accompany
them. Often, the high school students ask the GSIs
about why they chose to go to graduate school, how
they selected a college or picked a major, and what their
plans are after graduation. We wanted to expand on these
types of casual conversations and be more intentional
when offering the students information and
opportunities to ask questions. The virtual setting
and extended schedule of the 2020 MMSS session were
very amenable to this task. Specifically, we built in
two days dedicated to “Careers in Science” (Figure 2)
that included prepared presentations on the typical
track for students going from high school to college to
postundergraduate studies and then to the variety of
career options based on major, degree, and interest.
Initial surveys were given to the students on Day 1 and
included questions about their current interests and
possible career aspirations. This allowed us to tailor
the presentation to address as many interests as
possible. For example, many of the students in the
first session were interested in engineering while the
other session had more interest in chemistry and
The high school students also requested more
information about the application and admission
process for under- graduates to the University of
Michigan. We were able to incorporate an
information session with a few members of the
Admissions Office during the second of the Career Days
(Day 18, Figure 1) where these members joined our
virtual call for the afternoon and provided videos and
PDF handouts and also held a Q&A session with the high
school students. This was particularly useful for the
international students as many were interested in
applying to US schools but were not very familiar with
the institutional setup or application process.
In order to replicate opportunities for conversations
that students previously had with the graduate students
about their educational and career journeys (Goal #2),
we scheduled three types of interviews or panels on the
“Careers in Science” days (Day 9 and Day 18, Figure 1).
These were held with current graduate students,
postdoctoral researchers, and faculty in the chemistry
department from our individual research groups. Each
Figure 3. Student perceptions of each category of activity and overall interest in pursuing a career in STEM.

Figure 4. Comparison of student perceptions of experiments in the remote (2020) and in-person (2019) sessions. aEXperiments accompanied by a
kitchen chemistry activity in the remote session.
While the ability to tour a nearby chemical company was
not an option during the pandemic, we were able to schedule
information sessions and virtual tours with former graduate
students that are now in their early years at Millipore Sigma
and Pfizer. Depending on preapproved accessibility, the
virtual tours included walk-throughs of the industrial research
lab spaces and campuses at each company. The students were
able to learn more about career opportunities following a
graduate degree in chemistry and, once again, asked their
previously prepared questions to both former Michigan

students that participated in the two sessions replied that
their interest in a STEM-related career had increased over the
STUDENT PERCEPTIONS duration of the course (Figure 3). The lessons, kitchen
At the end of the session, the high school students were asked chemistry activities, and “Careers in Science” days were the
to complete a closing survey which inquired about most popular among the students (Figure 3, below) while the
their thoughts on each day of activities and their overall experimental and tour/field trip days were slightly less
interest in science and the STEM fields. 91.4% of the 35 favored. We attribute the
lower rating to the limited opportunities for the students to Student survey tables (PDF, DOCX) 2020 lab
interact or be directly involved during those sessions. manual (PDF, DOCX)

Additionally, we compared student perceptions on the
experimental days from the previous, in-person session of the
course in 2019 with this remote session in 2020 (Figure 4). AUTHOR INFORMATION
The natural product isolation 7 experiment was highly rated by Corresponding Author
both groups as this experiment includes the extraction of Corinna S. Schindler − Department of Chemistry, University of
caffeine from energy drinks and soda along with the Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1055, United
distillation of thymol from thyme, and students regularly
mention their appreciation for this direct correlation to their
daily lives. The solar cell assembly12 activity was also rated
highly by both groups of students. Interestingly, the amide
bond formation,5 Wittig olefination,6 and aldol reaction10
experiments were rated overall higher by the remote
students. One explanation for this outcome is the ability for
the high school students to focus more on the actual
reactions while only viewing the process in the virtual setting
instead of being distracted or overwhelmed by the many new
lab techniques and directions that students are also
experiencing in the in-person lab setting. These two
experiments were also paired with kitchen chemistry
activities (the rock candy with the Wittig experiment and

paper TLC with the aldol experiment) which could also
contribute to the rating.

In summary, we were able to convert our in-person, two-
week course for high school students to a four-week remote
and virtual setting (Goal #1). We were able to achieve a
high rating, of a 4 or 5 (with 5 being the highest), for most
activities. Categories that included more student participation
were generally rated higher. The majority of students had an
increased interest in pursuing a career in STEM following the
completion of the course. The course aims to teach students
about green chemistry, catalytic organic reactions, and solar
energy through experimentation. By including many of the
original experiments in the virtual setting from the in-person
format, we were able to maintain the student learning goals
(Goal #2) and the integrity of the University of Michigan
MMSS experience (Goal #3). We were also able to determine
that a number of activities from the virtual course could be
implemented in the in-person MMSS course experience, such
as the replacement of one of the experimental days with a
“Careers in Science” day, the use of simpler, kitchen-safe
chemistry experiments, and the option for a group or an
individual project with the Green Chemistry Challenge Awards
presentation project. With these insights about the course
enhancements in hand, we expect to have an even more robust
“Catalysis, Solar Energy, and Green Chemical Synthesis”

course in the future, in-person or virtually.

* sı Supporting Information
The Supporting Information is available at
States; https://www.chemedX. org/article/resources-teaching-chemistry-
8013; Email: [email protected] online (accessed 2021-04).
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