Student Assessment Guide: Sitxccs007 Enhance Customer Service Experience
Student Assessment Guide: Sitxccs007 Enhance Customer Service Experience
Student Assessment Guide: Sitxccs007 Enhance Customer Service Experience
Enhance customer service experience.
Version 2.2
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SITXHRM003 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017
Last Reviewed: MARCH 2020 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: JULY 2020
Australian Academy of Higher Learning T/A Technical Institute of Victoria (TIV) (RTO No:21994 CRICOS CODE 02924F)
SITXCCS007 – Enhance customer service
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SITXCCS007 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017
Last Reviewed: January 2021 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: February 2021
UNIT CODE AND SITXCCS007 – Enhance customer service experiences
1. This form must be stapled on top of the Assessment Workbook upon submission.
2. This Assessment Receipt Form must be dated and signed in.
1. I am aware that penalties exist for plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
2. I am aware of the requirements set by my Trainer/Assessor.
3. I have retained a copy of my Assessment.
TIV Student
Assessment Received by
Date of
Assessor’s Name:
Qualification Code and Title
Unit of Competency SITXCCS007 – Enhance customer service experiences
Note: student is required be marked satisfactory in all assessment methods to be deemed competent in this unit.
Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment booklet.
If you do not understand any part of this booklet, please inform your assessor/trainer.
The unit applies to those who deal directly with customers on a daily basis and who
operate independently or with limited guidance from others. It includes senior frontline
sales personnel, supervisors and managers who use discretion and judgement to
provide quality customer service experiences.
Purpose of assessment:
The purpose of assessment is to determine competency in the unit SITXCCS007 –
Enhance customer service experiences.
Elements Elements Title
1 Provide a quality service experience.
2 Proactively respond to difficult service situations.
3 Resolve customer complaints.
4 Develop customer relationships.
Foundation Skills
Foundation skills essential to performance in this unit, but not explicit in the performance
criteria are listed here, along with a brief context statement.
Reading skills to: interpret organisational policies and procedures.
Writing skills to: record entries in customer service records.
Oral use probe questioning to determine customer needs, preferences and
communication problems; clarify ambiguities; and adequately understand customer
Numeracy skills calculate the cost of products and services, estimate profitability, and
to: consider the cost of customer compensation.
Problem-solving determine adequate and appropriate compensation for service or product
to: difficulty.
Technology skills use computers and databases that manage customer profiles and
to: promotional activities.
Performance evidence:
Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance
criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
identify customer requirements and provide professional and personalised
customer service experiences to two different internal and two different
external customers to meet requirements
demonstrate procedures to respond to and resolve three different customer
complaints according to organisational policies and procedures
demonstrate effective communication with the above internal and external
customers, including any with special needs
seek formal and informal feedback from customers on quality of above
provide above service to above customers in line with organisational customer
service standards and within designated organisational response times.
Knowledge evidence:
Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit:
principles and benefits of enhanced customer service experiences
and positive communication
techniques to anticipate customer preferences, needs and
expectations throughout the service experience
conflict resolution techniques
methods for enhancing service delivery in response to staff and customer
various extras and add-ons to enhance the customer experience:
o additional destinations
o additional tours or cruises
o cocktails and liqueurs to enhance the dining experience
o coordination services at events and conferences
o entrance to events, festivals and entertainment scheduled during customer
o at destination
o entrance to major attractions at destination
o extra food items
o flight fuel emissions offset fee
o local guiding services
o optional meals and dining experiences
o prepayment of baggage charges
o prepayment of in-flight meals
o pre-travel seat selection
o private car transfers in lieu of regular transportation options
o special offers or packages
o specialised styling for events
o storage for luggage after check-out
o travel insurance
o upgraded accommodation and flights
o wine or boutique beers to match meals ordered
specific industry sector:
o professional service standards and protocols for service industry personnel
o attitudes and attributes expected by the service industries to work with
o customers
o different customer service needs and expectations
o types of customer loyalty programs
o essential features and use of the customer databases
particular organisation:
o designated response times for providing service and resolving complaints
o customer service policies and procedures
o complaint handling policies and procedures
o promotional services offered
procedures for responding to the following common customer complaints:
o incorrect pricing or quotes
o delays or errors in providing products or services
o misunderstanding of customer requests
o escalated complaints or disputes
o other team members or suppliers not providing special requests
o misunderstandings or communication barriers
o unmet expectations of, or problems or faults with, a service or product
methods of compensating dissatisfied customers:
o negotiating with suppliers on customer behalf to gain reduced rates or
o providing some or all services:
- free of charge
- at reduced rate
o providing:
discount vouchers to attend at a future time
- inexpensive add-on products
- small gifts
- special attention during the service period
- special customer service delivery on next attendance
factors to consider when determining compensation of dissatisfied customers:
o financial constraints of the organisation
o profitability of the sale
awareness of special needs, customs and practices of various social and
cultural groups of customers in regards to:
o modes of greeting, farewelling and conversation
o body language and body gestures
o formality of language
o clothing
methods of collecting feedback:
o formal:
- surveys
- interviews
- structured questioning
o informal:
- observation
- casual discussion
essential features, conventions and usage of different types of communication
techniques and equipment.
Context and conditions for assessments:
To comply with the assessment condition of this unit:
TIV will conduct the assessment to gather performance evidence for this unit
in simulated hospitality environment in the classroom at Level 1 /252 Lygon,
Carlton VIC 3053. Although most of scenarios need basic facility e.g. desk,
sample policy and procedures, internal and external customers which can be
set up in the classroom however if deemed necessary Assessor may use TIV
Kitchen at 3 Miller street in Prahran or unit 4/578, Plummer street, Port
Melbourne for a scenario’s in the kitchen.
Students must demonstrate adequate skills and knowledge evidence by
providing a satisfactory outcome for each assessment task. Assessors will refer
to the model answers in the trainer and assessor guide to compare with the
student responses for each question. However, assessor may consider student’s
responses if those are relevant to the questions.
Classroom will have access to resources to conduct the assessment tasks
including access to commercial policies and procedures relating to complaint,
conflict, and dispute resolution handling.
Knowledge assessments for this unit will be conducted in TIV Classrooms at Level
1 /252 Lygon Street, Carlton VIC 3053
TIV assessors who are assessing this unit will satisfy the requirements specified
in Clauses 1.13-1.16 in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations
Resources Required:
The assessor will ensure that assessment is conducted in a safe environment and you
have access to the following resources for the unit.
Competency Requirements:
Student must complete all the assessment tasks to satisfactory level to be deemed
competency in this unit.
Assessors will ensure that the evidence collected meets the requirements of the Rules of
Evidence (authentic, current, sufficient and valid) prior to entering results into the
competency record sheet.
Submission of assessment:
Your assessor will mark the submitted assessment, provide feedback to you and
complete the comments section against each task, where applicable.
ALL tasks must be completed in legible English.
You must submit assessment tasks as per the format
(Handwritten/Electronically) given under the assessment instructions in each
assessment method.
You must submit all assessments on or before the due date specified by the
Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific
circumstances with your assessor/trainer. However, you need to provide genuine
documents as evidence when seeking an extension to due date (e.g. extensions
due to illness will require a medical certificate.
You are permitted to use dictionaries(printed/Electronic) and to seek support (as
required) unless it puts in jeopardy the integrity of the assessment, your assessor will
let you know if this is the case.
Unless the assessment task specifically allows pair work or group activities such
as brainstorming, you must submit your own original work and must not copy the
work of other students. Plagiarism is unacceptable.
You must submit your assessment tasks in person in hard copies in the classroom.
Once the assessments have been completed, the assessor will record the
assessment results on the competency assessment record sheets
Assessors will check that you have completed the student declaration prior to filling out
the assessment cover sheet.
Retaining assessment records:
TIV will securely retain all completed student assessment items for each student for
a period of 18 months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the
student was made. However, Students are required to retain a copy of the
submitted assessments. (Assessments which are completing outside the classroom).
TIV will also retain sufficient data to be able to reissue AQF certification
documentation for a period of 30 years.
All assessment records submitted to the assessor for marking will be retained securely.
The Administration Manager will ensure that the student records are securely retained in
accordance with the TIV record control policy and procedure.
Assessment outcomes:
For unit of competency:
There are two outcomes for assessments: C = Competent and NYC = Not Yet
Competent You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when the
assessor is satisfied that you have completed all assessments and have provided
the appropriate evidence required to meet all criteria in line with the Rules of Evidence.
If you fail to meet this requirement, you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet
Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the TIV Re-
Assessment Policy and TIV Course Progress Policy.
There are two assessment outcomes for assessment methods: S = Satisfactory and NS
= Not Satisfactory.
On the individual assessment cover sheet for assessment method you will be
marked Satisfactory, if you have completed the task successfully, submitted all
evidence and satisfied the assessment criteria. if you have not completed the task, the
evidence is not sufficient or does not meet the requirements of the assessment criteria,
you will be marked as Not Satisfactory.
If you are unsuccessful at achieving competency at the first attempt, you will be
given two further opportunities for re-assessment at a mutually agreed time and
date. For further details, refer to the TIV Re-Assessment Policy and TIV Course Progress
Policy. As this is a competency-based program, the assessment continues throughout
the program until you either achieve Competency in the assessment tasks or a further
training need is identified and addressed.
You have the right to access current records of your participation and results at any
time. You can see your results or attendance progress by requesting a copy of your
records by contacting the student administration and the assessor.
You may seek clarification about the assessment information and the instructions
and tasks from the assessor. You may have to agree to a timeframe with assessor if
you need to meet out of your scheduled classes.
TIV works to ensure that students with recognized and acceptable disadvantages
can access and participate in education and training on the same basis as other
students. Disadvantages may be based, for example, upon age, cultural
background, physical disability, limited or non-current industry experience,
language, numeracy or digital literacy issues.
Prior to enrolment and assessments reveal that a student may require special support
or where, after enrolment, it is made apparent that the student requires special
support, reasonable adjustments will be made to the learning environment, training
delivery, learning resources and/or assessment tasks to accommodate the particular
needs of the student. An adjustment is reasonable if it can accommodate the
student’s particular needs, while also taking into account factors such as the
student’s views, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others and
the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
consist of:
a. Providing additional time for students to complete learning and assessment tasks.
b. Presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues.
c. Asking questions in a relevant practical context.
d. Using large print material.
e. Extending the course duration.
f. Presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of
words and sentences.
Assessor intervention:
Assessors will defer the assessment, if assessor identifies that you are not ready for the
assessment. Feedback will be given to you once assessor mark the assessment.
(approximately within 14 days of completing the assessment. If the assessor feels
the assessment activities that might impact on your safety or that of others, the
assessor will stop the assessment immediately.
Student Declaration:
All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work
and plagiarism and collusion has not occurred.
Assessment work has not been copied or submitted for any other unit/course.
I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by
another person.
I have retained a copy of this assessment for my own records in the event I have
to reproduce my work.
I am aware that any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo
reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted.
Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where
this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or
photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, I have received, discussed and accepted the
reliable and flexible assessment with this student, outcome as above for this assessment method
and I have provided appropriate feedback. and I am aware of my appeal rights.
Date: ..............................................................
Date: ................................................................
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Assessment Method 1: Written Test
Instructions for students:
In this written test there are forty-nine questions. You must Satisfactory answer to
all the questions, given in this assessment to be deemed satisfactory for the
It is recommended to spend 2 hours to complete the written test.
This assessment will be conducted in the TIV classroom. You could complete the
assessment outside the campus. In this case you must confirm to the assessor,
that you have access to the above resources.
This written test is open book. However, you must list the reference sources
that you referred to complete this assessment.
List the reference sources in the space given at the end of the assessment.
You must complete the Assessment cover sheet – Student detail section.
Trainer/Assessor will inform you the submission date.
Submit the assessment with completed assessment cover sheet.
You must use only BLUE OR BLACK PEN to complete this assessment task
including to complete the assessment cover sheets.
Your HANDWRITING must be clear to read and understand by a third party. If
not, your assessor will mark the assessment as “Not Satisfactory”.
If the given space is not sufficient to write the answer, you could use
additional papers.
Your answers to each of the following questions should not be more than 200
words for each question
Resources required:
Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources.
Didasko Learner Guide- Unit – SITXCCS007 Enhance customer
service experiences.
Student Assessment Guide and a pen (organized by the student).
Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence by
the due date specified by the assessor:
Completed written test.
Completed and signed cover sheet for Assessment Method 1.
Evidence submission:
You must submit the hard copy of the assessment. If you unable to submit the hard
copy must discuss and agree the format with the assessor prior to the deadline.
Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.
Q1. List five principles of enhanced customer service experience. What common characteristics
represent quality service to customers?
1.Quality Standard
2. Benchmarking
4. Customer feedback
5. Teamwork
Q2: Explain how providing professional service and enhancing customer service generally is
beneficial to you personally and to your organisation.
Personal benefits
EASY TO RESOLVE CONFLICT As you know how about customers behavior.
Organisational benefits
Long term profits
Increase in quality service
Q3: Explain five ways to use active listening to develop rapport and facilitate effective and positive
two-way communication.
These points are necessary
1. Pay Attention.
2. Show That You're Listening.
3. Provide Feedback.
4. Defer Judgment.
5. Respond Appropriately.
Q4: Explain the benefits of applying good questioning techniques when communicating with
customers who are complaining.
By using the right questions in a particular situation, you can improve a whole range of communications skills. For
example, you can gather better information and learn more, you can build stronger relationships, manage people more
effectively, and help others to learn too.
Q5: Identify six different customer service needs and expectations that you could anticipate throughout
service delivery.
1. price,
2. quality,
3. choice co
4. Convenience.
5. Preparation.
6. loyalty
Q6: Anticipating the needs of customers can sometimes be easy: a heavily pregnant woman with
suitcases, a family with four children or a group of Muslim guests sitting down to eat. Other times
it’s not so easy. What are three techniques you can use to determine the preferences, needs and
expectations of your customers?
Q7: Identify four preferences or requests so you can give personalised service and a quality service
experience to your customers.
1. Special delivery.
2. A handwritten note.
3. Make work a bit more enjoyable.
4. Help to coordinate their day.
Q8: You work waiting tables in a crowded, busy restaurant. The maître d’ has just informed you that a
regular customer with a sight impairment is on table 4. Explain five ways you would look after this
Always greet customers the moment they enter the restaurant. If the person asks for assistance
getting to the waiting area or table, offer your arm to guide them. This is called the sighted guide
Introduce yourself to customers as soon as you take their order. I find this to be particularly helpful if I am
on my own or with other friends who are blind or visually impaired.
Although some restaurants have Braille menus and I appreciate it when staff offers me one, not everyone
who is blind or visually impaired can read Braille. Offer to read the menu to customers who are blind or visually impaired,
especially if they are on their own.
Q9: You work at reception in a large hotel. A customer is checking in. According to their customer
profile, they’re hearing impaired. Describe four ways you would communicate with this customer.
1. Tone Customers often respond more to how you say something than what you say.
2. The complaints and other services issues should be handled using a friendly, professional, helpful
3. Avoid letting negative emotions such as boredom, annoyance, anger or exhaustion come through.
4. Empathize with the customers’ situation while upholding organisational policy.
Q10: You work as a tour guide. Your booking sheet says that your next group are from Cambodia and
speak very little English. State eight ways you can overcome language barriers when dealing with
Slow down, but don’t shout. Even if a customer understands English, different people have different levels of fluency. You
may be speaking or introducing new concepts so fast that everything becomes a blur to them. Slow down, but avoid
cranking up the volume. Non-English-speaking customers who don’t comprehend your words probably aren’t hearing
Draw a picture to communicate an idea. Some people prefer to see things, as opposed to hearing about them, so even the
most rudimentary drawing can be much more helpful than trying to repeat your words over and over. Also, finding a
picture from a magazine or showing a customer a chart or graph can speak much more clearly than words. Show some
emotion. Most emotions, such as excitement, joy, fear, frustration, and anger, are universal. Just remember that some
cultures are more or less restrained in their expressions, so stay within your customers’ comfort zone. Follow the
customer’s lead.
Q11: Complaints are a form of feedback. Feedback from staff and customers is essential to enhancing service
delivery. Explain what this means.
Q12: Besides complaints, describe the kind of customer information you should share with team members to
ensure efficient, high-quality service delivery.
The Restaurant’s owners, managers, and employees, all share the responsibility for ensuring that the
customers are treated professionally. Good restaurant service will help in leaving an overall positive impression
of an excellent dining experience and also help in retaining your customers.
Q13: You should provide internal feedback to avoid future occurrence of problems and customer disappointment.
Describe how to do this using the ‘feedback sandwich’ technique.
This means that the feedback discussion starts with positive comments, and is followed by
negative criticism, before appreciative words are used again. To avoid future occurrence of problems and
customer disappointment. The sandwich method is a form of feedback that wraps negative feedback
Q14: State four reasons to the organisation as to why you should provide internal feedback on complaints.
Q15: Look at the conversation. Is the sales assistant up-selling, down-selling or selling add-ons?
‘We have booked you a double king room with a lake view. For $45 extra we can offer French
champagne on ice ready in your room on arrival with fresh strawberries picked this morning.
Would you be interested?
Q16: Standards, as defined by law, relate to an industry benchmark or define an organisation’s minimum
acceptable level of performance, such as designated response times. List the four types of industry
standards you should adhere to.
Maximum Efficiency or Theoretic Standards:
Ideal standards (costs) are the standards which can be attained under the most favourable conditions possible.
Ideal, Perfect, Maximum Efficiency or Theoretic Standards: Ideal standards (costs) are the standards which can
be attained under the most favourable conditions possible.
Customer service standards refer to the interactions between a business and customer, and the resulting customer
expectations. Response time, empathy, resolution, and efficiency can go a long way towards building deeper customer
Q18: List the three attributes that the industry expects to enable you to work professionally in the service
Separate marking on food helps customers find there food easily and according to choice
Q20: A positive attitude helps you establish rapport with customers. List six ways you can
establish rapport through communication and action.
Q22: You work on the front desk at an international hotel. What is the purpose of keeping and updating a
customer database?
Customer database is very important now a days of business It protects business to loose customer
Which in a result good income. And also you know about your customer likes dislikes time to time
Q23: You have received an unusual request from a customer. You don’t know if you are allowed to fulfil
their request. Where can you find out information about what types of services you are allowed and
not allowed to provide and how to provide them?
As we talked about in politely rejecting customer requests, there's some kind of “yes” most of the time.
Give an honest explanation.
Communication Skills: Communicate is an important key factor in building a customer base for the business in
the hospitality industry. This is done by undergoing training on how to communicate better. The training
programs involve conducting group discussions, development programs on interpersonal skills, organizing
various seminars and presentations. All these programs enable the employees to learn how to speak better or
how to improve their posture when talking with customers Good Dressing And Positive Attitude:
Q24: A customer is complaining loudly about your poor service. Explain how you would handle this
situation. Use the procedure from your place of work if possible, otherwise suggest a possible
An impatient customer may have been waiting in line longer than usual, they may be running late to their next
appointment, or maybe they're restless while you search for a solution to their issue or concern.
Possitive procedure are.
How to handle it: Be clear and to the point without appearing dismissive of their demeanor. Explain transparently why
there's a wait or delay without getting into specifics. Make sure an impatient customer knows that effort is being invested
in resolving the situation.
Q25: State the eight-step procedure commonly used in the complaint-handling process.
Q26: List three promotional services your organisation could offer to promote repeat business.
Use examples from your place of work if possible, otherwise suggest possible options.
Q28: A guest has come to reception to check out and pay their account. You are the front desk attendant.
They look through the account and think they have been charged the incorrect (higher) room rate.
When you check their guest information you find the hotel upgraded them to a better room for free
on arrival and they should have been charged at their original quoted price. What would be the best
way for you to resolve this complaint?
Q29: What would you do if a supplier rang to tell you a champagne delivery was going to be late and you
need the champagne for a wedding function to be held that night?
Q30: Briefly explain how you can anticipate delays in product provision.
You can also ask for the refund of any advance paid for the product if you do not get it delivered within the
stipulated delivery time. The customer care of the website usually refunds the amount paid in advance in case
the product is not delivered due to the seller or logistics company’s fault.
• Be polite
• Never loose customer
• Ask for discount.
Q31: State the steps you would take to address a service delay a customer is experiencing.
Firstly, you should do everything you can to avoid the delay in the first place. Keep the customer informed. The more you
can communicate the better.
Take responsibility for the late order.
Make it up to them, and more.
Q32: Look at these complaints. Based on your workplace, training environment or standard industry
practices, what is the procedure you should follow to successfully resolve each complaint?
Complaint Procedure
Apologize say customer its by mistake
You deliver the customer their meal and Employee and cooking staff take care of orders
they state they ordered the mushroom sauce given by customers
on their steak, not the pepper sauce. You
check your order and you have written
A regular customer who has mobility It’s all taking a toll on staff. Just recently,
issues struggles to get through our Business Insider reported that one third of
crowded restaurant to the various tables, former hospitality workers won’t return to the
so I always put her close to the doorway industry, citing “a stressful workplace” as one
so it’s easy for her. She complains that on of their top reasons.
shifts when I am not there the staff
members won’t
accommodate her needs. But the question arises, should we just accept
this as part of the business or is there a way to
fix it? Fortunately, there’s a proven solution
that works.
Polite with old man welcome him and try to
A gentleman from Japan with very little convince him Other offer discount to him
English requested a water view room. He
comes to reception very upset when he
finds out his room not only has no water
view but it has no view at all!
There are no water view rooms left.
Q33: A customer is not very happy with the options presented to them to resolve their complaint. It has
now been escalated to you as the higher authority to deal with. How do you handle this customer
who is very upset and irate?
Many of us have to deal with angry or unhappy clients as part of our roles, and it's never easy. But if we know
what to say and, more importantly, how to say it, we may be able to save the situation.
Manager should intervene situation and solve with smile.
Q34: Describe the skills you would use when discussing a service problem with a supplier or team
You want to describe your customer service skills in terms of your ability to do four things:
analyze the situation, listen effectively, communicate clearly, and problem-solve. Highlight your skills in
assessing situations, communicating effectively, and resolving issues.
Q35: A customer ordered a specific product in red and it was the only one left. When the supplier
delivered it to the store it was scratched. You have offered the customer alternatives but they are
still unhappy and you have exhausted all your options. You now want to try and negotiate further
compensation with your supplier on the customer’s behalf. What sort of compensation could you
negotiate with the supplier?
Q36: List four ways you could proactively compensate customers for any service difficulties experienced.
There are four main types of customer service: live answering, interactive voice response representatives, live chat, and
email. Picking the one that's right for you, or using them in tandem, means that you offer better, more consistent customer
Issue Compensation
The customer found a small stone in their Change hi platter first
pasta. Apologize
Check entire process why it happens again.
The customer was given the wrong meal but Immediate in action to provide next meals
they couldn’t wait for a replacement as they
were off to the theatre.
The cocktail they ordered didn’t taste the Change it with another with smile.
way they expected it to based on its
description and they didn’t really like it.
The room was not cleaned to the Again this is very oak ward situation.
organisation’s standard and the customer Employees should check the rooms fist
Q38: Identify four organisational constraints you should take into account when deciding how to resolve
customer complaints.
1 Acknowledge and listen. Most people handle complaints badly because they take it
personally, become defensive and give excuses.
2 Apologies. Put yourself in their shoes, and apologies for their inconvenience.
3 Put things right.
4 Add something extra.
Q39: You work for a tour company. The tour price for a couple is $300. It costs $75 per person to run the
tour. How much profit do you make on a couple who book a tour?
75$ pp
Q40: A couple wants a refund of the entire cost of the tour in Q48 because it rained. Which
compensation will still allow you to make a profit?
A complete refund
75% refund
50% refund
25% refund
20 to 50 otherwise $50
Q41: What are three things you should consider when providing compensation to the customer?
i. Profitability of hotel
ii. Never lose your customer
iii. Ask him special discounts
Q42: How would you respond to the following non-verbal signs from customers?
Slouching If you see customer slouching, it could mean they’re feeling uncomfortable or less than happy.
Approach them in a friendly manner to check that they’re okay and doing fine.
If you notice a customer backing away from you during a conflict, it may be because they feel you are ‘invading
their space’ or vice versa! Practise building rapports by letting the customer determine the gap and adapting
yourself to their use of space.
Use eye contact when you speak or listen to customers. It shows that you are giving them your undivided
attention and make them feel special.
Q43: Describe the tone, pitch and volume you should use when speaking to customers.
An informative tone of voice enhances knowledge, imparts information, and inspires personal growth.
commonly referred to as the pitch of a sound. A high pitch sound corresponds to a high frequency sound wave
and a low pitch sound corresponds to a low frequency sound wave.
Volume is must in hotel industry politely speaking with customers will definitely praise joy and will be
permanent customer of yours
Q44: Does the clothing that people wear relate to their social and cultural groups? Why is it important to be
aware of this?
Dress is an important component of our daily lives. Through clothing, individuals establish their sense of self as
well as their place in society. The connections between dress and both individual and collective identities
continue to be of interest to scholars and practitioners in the world of fashion and dress.Both for staf uniform as
well as customer.
Q45: What method of feedback would you use when doing the following research?
You mentioned you’re concerned about how you would get around the resort. Do you have
any specific requirements regarding transport?
Q47: Describe six communication techniques to use when suggesting improvements to your colleagues about
the layout of the restaurant.
It essentially measures an organizations service quality performance against the needs of its customers on SIX broad
Q48: Explain the similarities and differences between manual, computer and linked computer systems
used to track customer profiles and data.
The manual element can range from keeping physical receipts to writing all journal entries by hand,
while the computerized element can range from using an electronic cash register to maintaining an entirely
digital accounting system. Manual accounting systems have been around since ancient scribes began keeping
records of taxes, tribute and temple inventories. Computerized accounting systems are barely two generations
old, but they have already revolutionized the accounting field to the point where it's rare to find a business that
doesn't use computerized accounting in some form or another.
Q49: Describe three ways you can develop the technical skills necessary to use computers and databases that
manage customer profiles and promotional activities.
Providing areas on your website where customers can answer their own questions or seek answers from others. E-mail.
Using e-mail as a way to improve customer service and more quickly respond to certain needs or help requests.
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Assessment Cover Sheet: Assessment Method 2
Student Details
Student ID:
Student Name:PARMINDER
Group No:
Assessment Details
Unit of Competency SITXCCS007 Enhance customer service experiences
Assessment Method Case Study
Due Date
Date of Submission
Assessment Outcome Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □
Assessor Name
Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment
task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been
correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my
assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable I have received, discussed and accepted the
and flexible assessment with this student, and I have outcome as above for this assessment method
provided appropriate feedback. and I am aware of my appeal rights.
Signature: ........................................................
Date: ..............................................................
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Assessment Method 2: Case study
This assessment requires students to develop customer profiles and to provide
personalised services to improve customer satisfaction and customer relation.
Resources required:
Computer with internet connection, MS Word, MS Excel software
Didasko - Learner Guide – Unit: SITXCCS007 Enhance customer service experiences
Student Assessment Guide and a pen
Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence
by the due date specified by the assessor:
Completed tables for Task 1 and Task 2.
Completed and signed the cover sheet for Assessment Method 2.
Evidence submission:
You must submit the hard copy of the assessment. If you unable to submit
the hard copy you must discuss and agree the format with the assessor prior
to the deadline.
You must complete the case study using a software as listed above.
Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.
Instructions for students to complete the Case Study.
1. This assessment consists of 2 tasks. Student must complete all parts in this assessment:
Task 1: Develop customer profiles
Task 2: Provide personalised services
3. Assessor will go over the marking guide with student prior to the observation. This will
allow students the opportunity to ask questions and to better complete your
6. Assessor will provide the soft copies of the templates to students to complete
the tasks. Assessor will provide you the soft copies of the templates.
9. If the student does not understand a question: student may ask from the
assessor, however assessor cannot tell the answer, but could re-word the
question for the students.
10.On completion, students are required to submit all the tasks to the assessor.
Mayfell Hotel is a four-star hotel located near a business district and 20 minutes from
the local airport.
It has 56 rooms, ranging from standard Queen and King rooms to deluxe King suites
and one Executive suite. Room rates vary based on the type of room, its view
(garden or forest) and height within the hotel (low, middle or high floors).
• You must first read the “Scenario Background Information” and the
information below:
You are the new hotel manager at Mayfell Hotel. You cannot believe that the hotel
does not have a database of customer information or at the very least, have customer
profile information. This information is critical to cater for customer needs.
There are a few things that must be changed, but creating a database of customer
profiles is the first priority.
Base on the information provided, complete the table below and submit to your
1.about age
Computer drive
2. What technology will you Data recorded in register
Google drive or os device
use to store customer
information? Provide an
example of the
technology system.
• You must first read the “SCENARIO BACKGROUND INFORMATION” and the
information below:
It has been a few months since you have created a database of customer profiles
and each new customer has been added.
You have used your database information to get anonymous feedback from the
You have collated the information and this is the feedback you received:
i. Room service finishes too early. It should go to at least 11 pm.
ii. For these room prices we should be offered a porter service.
iii. The training equipment in the health club is out of date and it is not sufficient.
iv. Meal package should be included with the accommodation.
v. You don’t have any package deals with local tours, festivals or events in the
Base on the information provided, complete the table below and submit to your
Q1. Based on this feedback you would like to implement some changes to the hotel’s
a. services to 1. Build partnerships with local vendors and
improve the attractions.
customer 2. Provide free and fast Wi-Fi.
experience:servic Celebrate special occasions.
es to improve the
You are checking in a returning customer, Barry Biswell. From his customer profile you
know the following information:
c. What positive I’ll wish Barry a happy birthday and then will ask about how he’s
communication doing and how he has liked the visit this time at the hotel and were the
strategies will you use things that were not good enough the last time any better this time?
with Barry? And how he’s feeling with the overall experience that he has had with
our extra enhanced customer service.
d. List 5 extras / add-ons The other add-ons that I can advise to Barry are the hot water
you could suggest to pool experience at the What other add-ons could you advise
Barry. Barry roof-top as this is well liked by other customers as
well. And since we have launched a new flavor of steak in
the restaurant so he should try it as he’s a fam of steaks.
e. You are checking in
a new customer. Her
name is Leslie.
Name and
contact details.
She has two
children, aged six
and two.
This is her first visit.
She has requested
extra pillows and a
cot for her toddler.
She has asked about
kids’ friendly
restaurants and
events in the area.
Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this assessment
task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been
correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my
assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable I have received, discussed and accepted the
and flexible assessment with this student, and I have outcome as above for this assessment method
provided appropriate feedback. and I am aware of my appeal rights.
Date: ..............................................................
Date: ................................................................
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Assessment Method 3: Project
Instructions for students to complete the Project.
You must first read the “Role-Play Background Information” and “Mayfell Hotel
Customer Service Policy” to help you to respond to the situations in each Role-play.
Your assessor will group the students into pairs to perform the role-play or may
organise participant for you.
Your assessor will provide the following resources to you to use during the assessment.
a. A table or desk to simulate the reception desk
b. Role-play background information (Mayfield Hotel Overview)
c. Brief introduction of the role of your partner
Your assessor will brief you the desired outcomes from Observation Checklist play
prior to commencing the activity. This will allow you the opportunity to ask
questions and to better complete your assessment.
To become satisfactory in this assessment you must demonstrate all the skills listed on
the Observation Checklist.
You will perform five Role-plays in 5 days as per the timetable below:
SITXCCS007 – Enhance customer service
Role-play Simulated
Student’s role to play Your partner’s role
No environment
A customer that required the products, assistance and
Role-play 1 You are a front desk
Front desk at information
Day 1 receptionist of
Mayfell Hotel (External Customer)
Mayfell Hotel.
Assessor will provide a copy of description of the role
A customer who has been staying with you for two days,
You are a front desk Barry, approaches the front desk. He looks red in the face
Role-play 2 Front desk at
Day 2 receptionist of and flustered. He is obviously upset.
Mayfell Hotel
Mayfell Hotel. (External Customer)
Assessor will provide a copy of description of the role
You are the hotel Front desk at Unhappy customer
Day 3 Role-play 3 manager of Mayfell Hotel (External Customer)
Mayfell Hotel. Assessor will provide a copy of description of the role
You are a front desk Front desk at Senior cook
Day 4 Role-play 4 receptionist of Mayfell Hotel (Internal customer)
Mayfell Hotel. Assessor will provide a copy of description of the role
You are the in- Event department Event coordinator
charge of catering (Internal customer)
Day 5 Role-play 5 for a three-day Assessor will provide a copy of description of the role
conference at
Mayfell Hotel
During the Role-plays you must take some brief notes on the reports provided below. Write your answers clearly using blue or black
pen only.
After you completed the each Role-play, you must use the brief notes to complete the reports in using a MS WORD software..
Ask your assessor if you do not understand. Your assessor cannot tell you the answer. He/She may be able to re-word the
question for you.
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SITXCCS007 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017
Last Reviewed: January 2021 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: February 2021
SITXCCS007 – Enhance customer service
Additional instructions are given in each role-play.The following time frames are
allocated for each Role-play. You must complete the Role-plays on each day
within these frames.
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SITXCCS007 Student Assessment Guide Version: 2.2 Date Created: July 2017 91
Last Reviewed: January 2021 Responsibility: RTO Manager Date Implemented: February 2021
Role-Play Background Information
The Mayfell Hotel is a four-star hotel located near a business district and 20 minutes
from the local airport.
It has 56 rooms, ranging from standard Queen and King rooms to deluxe King suites
and one Executive suite. Room rates vary based on the type of room, its view (garden
or forest) and height within the hotel (low, middle or high floors).
Reception is open from 7.00 am to 11.00 pm with an after-hours bell for late arrivals.
Guests can enter the hotel after hours through a side door in the entrance area using
their room key.
The open foyer area has seating for meeting friends or conducting casual
business meetings.
A coffee shop on the ground floor offers breakfast, snacks and full meals from 6.00
am to 9.00 pm, seven days a week.
A fully licensed restaurant on the first floor has an international à la carte menu, and
is open from 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm, Wednesday to Sunday. Bookings are
recommended, especially on Thursday to Saturday nights.
Room service is available from 5.30 am to 9.00 pm. A menu is located in the
guest rooms.
The health club on the first floor offers a range of basic, standard exercise and weight
training equipment. Guests can access this area using their room key from 6.00 am
9.00 pm. It is unsupervised so guests use equipment at their own risk.
A car park is located underneath the hotel for guest parking. It is free of charge
for hotel guests and $5 per hour for visitors. It is accessed via a ramp to the left
of the hotel’s driveway. Guests must obtain a car park tag from reception after
check-in to open the boom gate to enter and exit the car park. Hotel lifts are
located in the basement foyer and accessed using the room key.
The hotel offers unlimited WiFi to guests for an additional fee of $5 per day.
Reception will issue written instructions and access codes to guests on acceptance of
the fee.
The business centre is available for guest use at any time via their room key. It offers
free WiFi, colour printing and scanning facilities, and writing materials and envelopes.
Additional services, such as binding of documents, are available during business
hours through reception.
The hotel previously did not but now offers porter service.
The hotel has a new database of customer information or customer profiles which has
been in use for the past three months.
The hotel has recently added the service of providing information about tours,
festivals and events in the area for customers.
The hotel has new package deals with accommodation and meals.
The hotel now has packages with other affiliates in the local region, such as a
local winery.
The hotel has started a new loyalty program.
Business has been increasing with the new initiatives that have been launched.
Mayfell Hotel Customer Service Policy
Mayfell Hotel seeks to maintain and enhance our reputation of providing you with high-
quality products and services. We value complaints as they assist us to improve our
products, services and customer service.
We aim to create an environment where the customer knows that their satisfaction is
the most important thing to us. Our service to clients and the general community
reflects our vision to be the best serviced hotel in our region.
Customers and team members are aware of our complaint lodgement and
handling processes.
Both customers and our staff understand our complaints handling process.
A customer complaint is investigated impartially with a balanced view of all
information or evidence.
We take reasonable steps to actively protect any personal information.
A customer complaint is considered on its merits taking into account individual
circumstances and needs.
Definition of a complaint
In this policy a complaint means an expression of dissatisfaction by a customer relating
to service provided by us.
How a complaint can be made
If you are dissatisfied with a service provided by us, you should in the first instance
consider speaking directly with the staff member/s you have been dealing with. If
you are uncomfortable with this or consider the relevant staff member is unable to
address your concerns, you can lodge a complaint with us in one of the following ways:
By completing a feedback form on our website
By telephoning us
By writing to us
By emailing us
In person by speaking to any of our customer service staff
If we receive your complaint verbally and we consider it appropriate, we may ask you
to put your complaint in writing.
[email protected]
Recording complaints
When taking a complaint, we will record your name and contact details. We will also
record all details of your complaint, including the facts and the cause/s of your
complaint, the outcome and any actions taken following the investigation of your
complaint. We will also record all dates and times relating to actions taken to resolve
the complaint and communications between us.
As part of our ongoing improvement plan, complaints will be monitored for any
identifying trends by management and rectification/remedial action taken to mitigate
any identified issues.
If you lodge a complaint, we will record your personal information solely for the
purposes of addressing your complaint.
Your personal details will actively be protected from disclosure, unless you expressly
consent to its disclosure.
Where a third-party travel supplier such as a tour operator, was involved in your travel
services, we may be required to speak with them to fully investigate your complaint.
Feedback to customers
Mayfell Hotell is committed to resolving your issues at the first point of contact,
however, this will not be possible in all circumstances, in which case a more formal
complaints process will be followed.
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three (3) business days. Once
your complaint has been received, we will undertake an initial review of your
There may be circumstances during the initial review or investigation of your complaint
where we may need to clarify certain aspects of your complaint or request additional
documentation from you. In such circumstances we will explain the purpose of seeking
clarification or additional documentation and provide you with feedback on the
status of your complaint at that time.
We are committed to resolving your complaint within ten (10) business days of you
lodging your complaint, however, this may not always be possible on every occasion.
Where we have been unable to resolve your complaint within ten business days, we will
inform you of the reason for the delay and specify a date when we will be in a position
to finalise your complaint.
During the initial review or investigation stage we may need to seek further
clarification or documentation from you to assist us in resolving your complaint.
Once we have finalised your complaint, we will advise you of our findings and any
action we have taken. We will do this in writing, unless it has been mutually agreed
that we can provide it to you verbally.
You have the right to make enquiries about the current status of your complaint at any
time by contacting us.
2. We review
We undertake an initial review of your complaint and determine what, if any,
additional information or documentation may be required to complete an
investigation. We may need to contact you to clarify details or request additional
information where necessary.
3. We investigate
Within ten business days of receiving your complaint we will investigate your
complaint objectively and impartially, by considering the information you have
provided us, our actions in relation to your dealings with us and any other
information which may be available, that could assist us in investigating your
4. We respond
Following our investigation, we will notify you of our findings and any actions we
may have taken in regards to your complaint.
5. We take action
Where appropriate we amend our business practices or policies.
6. We record
We will record your complaint for continuous improvement processes and
monitoring through regular review. Your personal information will be recorded in
accordance with relevant privacy legislation.
**HAAS is not a real organisation and is just used as an example for this assessment.
Four-tier escalation process
Our staff are empowered to resolve complaints wherever possible at first contact.
1. First contact
If you are not satisfied with our first contact response you can request us to escalate your
complaint. We will then investigate your complaint and consider all relevant information surrounding the complaint and inform you of our findings.
2. Investigation
If you indicate that you are not satisfied with the outcome of our investigation we will refer the
matter to HAAS for an independent review.
They will attempt to resolve the matter through consultation with you and us.
3. External review
tisfied with the outcome of the HAAS review, you can refer your complaint to your
territory consumer protection agency.
have the right to make a complaint directly to your respective state or territory consumer consumer affairsaffairs agency at any time throughout the complaint hand
Compensation to customers
Our staff are empowered to provide compensation to customers to avoid further
1 Scenario 1
You are a front desk receptionist of Mayfell Hotel. It’s Thursday. A customer arrives at the
hotel and approaches the front desk.
Your role is to greet the customer, establish their needs and provide appropriate
products/services, assistance, and information.
1. Read the Mayfell Hotel overview in the Role-Play Background Information prior to
commencing the Role-play.
2. During the Role-play, you are required to demonstrate the following skills and
a. Make the customer a priority over other workplace duties.
b. Greet your customer in a polite and friendly manner.
c. Use questioning and listening techniques to determine the customer’s needs.
d. Explain and match products and services to the customer’s needs.
e. Seek feedback from the customer about the customer service they have received.
f. There have been new services which the hotel now offers that it didn’t before. You are
to ensure you refer to these.
Partner’s name:
Location Mayfell Hotel – Front Desk
Criteria List your responses to the criteria listed for this scenario Take
into consideration how the scenario played out and what
the final outcome was. Provide as much detail as you can in
the space provided.
I ask some questions so that I know about his nature other then my
Briefly explain you duties and responsibilities to know his likes and dislikes which help
made the customer a staff to serve him better
priority over your other
duties and
I very warmly greeted the customer with a huge smile on the face as
this is exactly how we have to greet all of our customers. Then I asked
How did you greet the him how he was doing and from where he is and was this his first time
customer and what in the hotel.
was the customer’s
Laundry requirements
Extra things required in his room
What extras and/or Water bottles required in room
add-ons did you offer to
the customer?
Asking him about behavior of staff
How did you get the Is your all requirements fulfilled or not
feedback from the How was food provided
customer about the Any suggestion’s you want to give
customer service you
provided? Make and fill feedback form
Feedback to candidate
(To be completed by
the assessor)
To be completed by the assessor
Observation Checklist:
Date of
□ Satisfactory Non-Satisfactory
Student’s signature confirms that candidate agreed with the above record is a true
reflection of their skills.
Scenario 2
You are a front desk receptionist of Mayfell Hotel. The hotel is filled with people
attending two major events – a conference which is held within the hotel, as well as a
concert for a well-known musician.
A customer who has been staying with you for two days, Barry, approaches the
front desk. He looks red in the face and flustered. He is obviously upset.
Your role is to greet him, listen to his issues and find a possible solution for his problem. You
must follow Customer Complaints Policy listed in Mayfell Hotel Customer Service Policy.
2. During the Role-play, you are required to demonstrate the following skills and
a. Use conflict resolution techniques.
b. Prevent escalation.
c. Refer to complaints-handling policy.
d. Identify ways to compensate dissatisfied customers according to customer
complaints policy.
Partner’s name:
Place of the conflict
Mayfell Hotel – Front Desk
Criteria List your responses to the criteria listed for this scenario Take
into consideration how the scenario played out and what
the final outcome was. Provide as much detail as you can in
the space provided.
Using the strategy of "accommodating" to resolve conflict essentially
List three conflict involves taking steps to satisfy the other party's
resolution techniques
you used in this
According to the If issue is genuine according to policy norms. resolving your issues at
customer complaints the first point of contact, however, this will not be possible in all
policy, what are some circumstances, in which case a more formal complaints process will
acceptable ways to be followed. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within
compensate customers three (3) business days. Once your complaint has been received
who have an issue?
Costs and budgets. Policy and procedures. Profitable of the sale.
What factors do you
need to consider when
Feedback to candidate
customers. List at least
Satisfactory Student signature:
Feedback to candidate
(To be completed by
the assessor)
To be completed by the assessor
Observation Checklist:
Date of
□ Satisfactory Non-Satisfactory
Student’s signature confirms that candidate agreed with the above record is a
true reflection of their skills.
Scenario 3
You are the hotel manager. A front desk receptionist has referred a customer complaint
to you. You are unsure of the incident but the customer is demanding to speak to
you, as he/she has been unhappy with the response from the receptionist. It is
regarding overcharging.
2. During the Role-play, you are required to demonstrate the following skills and
a. Use conflict resolution techniques.
b. Prevent escalation.
c. Refer to Customer Complaints Policy.
d. Identify ways to compensate dissatisfied customers according to Customer
Complaints Policy.
e. Explain the complaints procedure to the customer so that they are aware of
the process.
f. Ask feedback from customer about the complaints resolution process.
Partner’s name:
Place of the conflict
Mayfell Hotel – Front Desk
Criteria List your responses to the criteria listed for this scenario Take
into consideration how the scenario played out and what
the final outcome was. Provide as much detail as you can in
the space provided.
I would report about it to my manager and tell him in detail about
what discussion has took place between me and the other internal
If you are unable to customer.
handle this situation,
who would you report
the issues to?
Feedback to candidate
(To be completed by
the assessor)
To be completed by the assessor
Observation Checklist:
Date of
□ Satisfactory Non-Satisfactory
Student’s signature confirms that candidate agreed with the above record is a true
reflection of their skills.
Scenario 4
You are a front desk receptionist at Mayfell Hotel. One of the senior cooks from the
hotel restaurant approaches you in the office area behind the front desk. You don’t
know this employee and have never spoken to him/her before. He/She received a
phone call from a morning shift front desk receptionist earlier today. Now he/she asks
you to confirm some details from that phone call. However, that phone call was not
made by you and you don’t know anything about it. It’s 4.00 pm now and you
started work at 3.00 pm. The morning shift receptionist finished at 3.30 pm and has
departed for the day. In this Role- play you are providing customer service to an
internal customer.
1. Read Role-Play Background Information, and Mayfell Hotel Customer Service Policy
prior to commencing the Role-play.
2. During this role-play, you are required to demonstrate the following skills and
If you are unable to handle
this situation, who would you
report the issue to?
Why is it important to seek The feedback of the internal customers should be kept in mind for
feedback from internal the next time, so that this kind of issue doesn’t take place in the
customers about the first place and secondly, if this happens then try to resolve the issue
delivery of customer service as soon as possible and acknowledge the manager and the senior
and processes used to manager.
resolve problems and
Feedback to candidate
(To be completed by
the assessor)
To be completed by the assessor
Observation Checklist:
Date of
□ Satisfactory Non-Satisfactory
Student’s signature confirms that candidate agreed with the above record is a true
reflection of their skills.
Scenario 5
You are the in-charge of the catering for a three-day conference at Mayfell Hotel. It is
your job to ensure that quality and quantity of food is sufficient for the attendees and
conference organisers. You also need to ensure that all dietary requirements have
been met.
You liaise with the chef and the event coordinator to ensure the chef has all the
necessary details they need for the catering of the event. You also deal with any issues
regarding the catering. Any issues that you cannot resolve are referred to the event
coordinator or in extreme cases the hotel manager.
As far as you are aware, for this conference there are 120 people attending and
catering has been ordered for that number of attendees.
The event coordinator is approaching you and it looks like there might be an issue.
You are providing customer service for an internal customer.
1. Read Role-Play Background Information, and Mayfell Hotel Customer Service Policy
prior to commencing the Role-play.
2. During this role-play, you are required to demonstrate the following skills and
a. Greet your internal customer in a polite and friendly manner.
b. Use questioning and listening techniques to determine the internal customer’s
needs or concerns.
c. Based on the job role, identify if you are unable to meet the needs of the
customer, and seek assistance from others, if necessary.
d. Recognise and resolve customer problems or delays and deficiencies in customer
e. Rectify problems, delays or deficiencies to customer satisfaction in line with own
level of responsibility.
f. If necessary, refer service issues to a higher-level staff member for action in line
with organisational procedures, when necessary.
g. Explain what actions could be taken to ensure this does not happen again.
h. Once you have assisted the internal customer and rectified or referred their
problem, seek feedback from your internal customer about the quality of
customer service provided and the resolution process used.
Partner’s name:
Place of the conflict
Mayfell Hotel – Event coordination office
Criteria List your responses to the criteria listed for this scenario Take
into consideration how the scenario played out and what
the final outcome was. Provide as much detail as you
can in the space provided.
I’ll try to solve the issue on my own, since it already has been
passed to me by the receptionist. But still if the situation would not
If this issue was not resolved, come under my control then I’d report about it to the head of the
what other appropriate
department, who takes cares of the guests and their stays.
action would you take?
Feedback to candidate
(To be completed by
the assessor)
To be completed by the assessor
Observation Checklist:
Date of
□ Satisfactory Non-Satisfactory
Student’s signature confirms that candidate agreed with the above record is a true
reflection of their skills.