Artificial Saliva For Therapeutic Management of Xerostomia: A Structured Review
Artificial Saliva For Therapeutic Management of Xerostomia: A Structured Review
Artificial Saliva For Therapeutic Management of Xerostomia: A Structured Review
A b s t r ac t
Introduction: Artificial salivary substitutes are commonly used as mouth and throat lubricants. The purpose of this review is to describe the
therapeutic role of artificial saliva for the symptomatic relief and preventive management of dry mouth.
Materials and methods: To review application of artificial saliva in dentistry, the electronic search was carried out in PubMed, Medline, Embase,
Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, and the hand search was performed in journals published from 1987 to 2018. Further information was
requested from corresponding authors. Inclusion criteria were a predefined hierarchy of evidence and objectives.
Results: Artificial saliva is considered to be simple to use and clinically effective, with the provision of immediate relief from the symptoms of
dry mouth.
Conclusion: The therapeutic efficacy of artificial saliva substitute is often transient, because of rapid elimination from the oral cavity, and thus
there is an unmet need to maintain a hydrated mucosa for a prolonged period.
Keywords: Dentist, Oral healthcare professionals.
Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry (2020): 10.5005/jp-journals-10062-0064
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Artificial Saliva for Therapeutic Management of Xerostomia: A Structured Review
Table 1: Contents of artificial salivary substitutes Oralbalance gel contains antimicrobial against Streptococcus
1 Lubrication and viscosity is provided by CMC sanguis, S. salivarius, Neisseria mucosa, Stomatococcus mucilaginosus,
2 Viscosity/surface tension of artificial saliva is reduced using Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida
artificial mucins albicans and imparts a moisturizing activity to alleviate symptoms
3 Xylitol or sorbitol acts as a sweetener of dry mouth.
Oralbalance gel contains antimicrobial enzymes such as
4 To mimic the electrolyte content of natural saliva, mineral
lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, and lactoferrin which hinder the growth
salts are added to artificial saliva
of bacteria that leads to bad breath. It further imparts defense
5 Remineralization effect is provided by fluorides
against oral problems and helps cleanse the mouth gently. For
(Gelhard et al.)
holding denture in place, it can be used.9
Salivary substitutes are used in xerostomia, radiation therapy,
Table 2: Artificial salivary products have been introduced in the market, hematopoietic cell transplantation, and end-stage renal disease
which are presented patient.14 The salivary glands commonly get affected by various
obstructive and inflammatory diseases and henceforth their
Product name Active ingredients
glandular functions get altered.16 Recently, stem cell therapy and
Salivart CMC
tissue engineering plays an important role for the treatment of
Oracare D Glycerol atrophic salivary glands.17
Salinum4 Linseed
Oralbalance gel9 LP3 protein enzyme Tissue Engineering of Salivary Gland
Luborant CMC and fluoride (it comes in neutral, An alternative approach is required, if the gland damage is severe
lemon, or peppermint flavors) and the residual tissue can no longer be restored. The concept
Glandosane CMC of artificial salivary gland is based on the principles of tissue
Saliva Orthana Porcine gastric mucin (it comes in engineering. Tissue engineering is one of the most interesting
aerosol spray, and lozenge forms) interdisciplinary approaches for this purpose, which uses cells,
biodegradable scaffolds, and signals to reanimate tissues. The
Salivix10 Acacia and malic acid
concept of tissue engineering has been considered as almost alike
Biotene LP3 protein enzyme
to, or a distinct area of, regenerative medicine in the history.17
Oral Seven LP3 protein enzyme (it comes in The device similar to the natural duct system, constructed
toothpaste, mouthrinse, and gel
from porous, slowly biodegrade substratum, covered with matrix
constituent on the inner surface of blind-end tube, in order to
BioXtra LP3 protein enzyme (it is available in permit generation of polarized epithelial cell monolayer, presuming
toothpaste, gel, mouthrinse, mouth
unidirectional fluid secretion and is surgically grafted in the buccal
spray, chewing gums, and lozenge
mucosa with an aperture in the oral cavity.16 Prior to administration
of radiation therapy to treat head and neck carcinoma, if stem cells
GC dry mouth gel CMC
can be isolated from salivary glands of patients, it may be possible
Colgate dry mouth relief Fluoride and cetylpyridinium chloride to transplant these cells back into patients to restore salivary gland
fluoride mouthwash11 function.17 Regeneration of salivary gland is a physiological function
Saliva natura12 Natural mucins of living organisms, which allows the repair of lost or damaged
XyliMelts13 Xylitol, cellulose gum, and other tissue. Duct stem cells are used as a glandular regeneration for
natural ingredients (it comes in disk salivary gland tissue repair.18 Stem cells or progenitor cells are a
form) characteristic group of cells which have self-renewal capability and
pluripotency.19 Rius et al. have stated that in adult mice, the fully
functional regeneration of a salivary gland through the orthotopic
Role of Artificial Salivary Substitutes in Oral Medicine transplantation of a bioengineered salivary gland occurred. This
Xerostomia is defined as the stage of subjective sensation of oral recent study imparts a proof-of-concept for bioengineered salivary
dryness that may be associated with a decrease in the production gland regeneration as a prospective therapy for xerostomia.18
of saliva and/or varied salivary composition. As a result of The newer modalities for treating atrophic salivary gland are
diminished lubrication, the oral mucosa appears dry in patients regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. An important role
with chronically decreased salivary flow (hyposalivation). This is being played by stem cell transplantation in salivary gland tissue
causes patient discomfort and the first evidence of dysfunction regeneration.15 Nowadays, an artificial salivary gland was fabricated
that markedly affects quality of life, such as speech, chewing or on the basis of tissue engineering principles. The new treatment
swallowing difficulties, and even altered taste sensation. Similarly, modalities for atrophic salivary gland may thus be provided by stem
these patients are more vulnerable to oral infections due to the cell therapy and tissue engineering.17
adverse outcomes of reduced saliva output upon the five oral Prior to administration of radiation therapy to treat head and
ecosystems. Diminished salivation and the appearance of dental neck carcinoma, if stem cells can be isolated from salivary glands
caries are directly proportional.15 of patients, it may be possible to transplant these cells back into
Artificial saliva substitutes such as Glandosane, Luborant, patients to restore salivary gland function.15
Biotene Oralbalance, AS Saliva Orthana, Salivace, and Saliveze. In caries prevention, remineralization, and attrition of enamel,
Alcohol-free mouthrinses (BioXtra and Biotène) and moisturizing a significant role is played by artificial saliva.9
gels (Oralbalance, BioXtra) are used in xerostomia, radiation therapy, The daily usage of 1.1% sodium fluoride (NaF) dentifrice or gel
and Sjögren’s syndrome patient.9,15 may prevent or reduce the development of dental decay among the
Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2020) 33
Artificial Saliva for Therapeutic Management of Xerostomia: A Structured Review
patients with dry mouth. Fluoride application should be regulated itself may irritate soft tissues in the mouth. Patients complaining of
according to the severity of the symptoms, degree of development a dry mouth and in those with insufficient salivary function, artificial
of dental decay, and the underlying disease or the cause that steer saliva substitutes may be helpful and offer symptomatic relief. Oral
to the dryness of the mouth.20 Salivary substitute contains 0.4% dryness occurred due to inspired air may be avoided by the usage
stannous fluoride or 1.1% sodium fluoride.4 of a lubricant and moisturizer, which might help to protect the
Remineralization effect of artificial saliva is mostly found in hydration status of the elementary investing tissues.23
CMC than in mucin-based salivary substitute. It depends on the Artificial salivary substitutes are function oriented. The
viscosity of artificial saliva. The viscosity of artificial saliva is inversely required properties of artificial saliva substitutes include excellent
proportional to the remineralization effect. Remineralization effect lubrication, surface wetting, inhibition of overgrowth of pathogenic
of saliva substitutes prevents caries in dry mouth patient better microorganisms, maintenance of the hardness of dental structure,
than fluoride gel and mouthrinses. pleasant taste, long duration of effect, extended shelf life, and
Saliva natura is a salivary substitute, having demineralization low cost.4
effect on dentin, but it has neutral results on enamel when adding Artificial saliva substitutes generally contain cellulose,
calcium, phosphate, and fluoride in Saliva natura leading to derivatives that elevate their stickiness and moistening ability.23
remineralization effect. It was also found that when increasing Some studies have showed that salivary glycoproteins, including
calcium in mucin-based salivary substitute, remineralization of mucins, were mainly responsible for the lubricating characteristics
artificial saliva will increase. of saliva.14 Humidification and lubrication properties are exhibited
Demineralization effect depends on the pH value of artificial by the glycerin component of the saliva substitute. Although
saliva. The pH value of artificial saliva substitute Glandosane is such preparations can be used as often as needed, artificial saliva
around 5.1. It damages the sound enamel structure of the tooth. substitutes are rapidly swallowed, and hence, frequent application
Saliva Orthana lozenge, spray, and Salivix have low demineralization may be mandatory as their moistening and lubricating measures
capacity. Demineralization effect of artificial saliva could be reduced have restricted time span.23
when it is used with fluoride.9 Amal et al. stated that the necessary properties of artificial saliva
A study revealed that a regimen of Caphosol (supersaturated substitutes include excellent lubrication, surface wetting, inhibition
remineralizing rinse based on calcium and phosphate ions) used daily of overgrowth of pathogenic microorganisms, maintenance of the
with 1.1% sodium fluoride dentifrice and fluoride varnish treatment hardness of dental structure, pleasant taste, long duration of effect,
every 3 months was effective in preventing the progression of both extended shelf life, and low cost.4
root and coronal caries in xerostomic group patients.20 In prosthodontics, saliva plays a main role in the retention
Amal et al. in their article mentioned that the salivary substitute of complete denture.24 It forms a thin film between denture and
fluoride contains 0.4% stannous fluoride or 1.1% sodium fluoride4 the oral cavity, and its absence leads to decreased retention and
and plays a significant role in remineralization, caries prevention, increased chances of ulceration in oral mucosa. Denture retention
and attrition of enamel.14 Another study stated that a regimen depends on various factors such as adhesion, cohesion, interfacial
of caphosol used daily with 1.1% sodium fluoride dentifrice surface tension, and saliva. Saliva plays a significant role for these
and fluoride varnish treatment every 3 months was effective in factors to be effective. The biological and rheological properties
preventing the progression of both root and coronal caries in of artificial salivary substitutes help in retention of denture in
xerostomic group.16 Patients with dry mouth have an enhanced patients with xerostomia. Rheological properties of artificial
chance of developing carious lesions. In patients with a high intake salivary substitutes are important in fixation of dentures. Artificial
of acidic drinks or a high vomiting frequency and a decrease in saliva substitutes are delivered through salivary reservoirs. Salivary
the flow of saliva and insufficient buffering capacity will enhance reservoir is a chamber integrated into a removable prosthesis that
clearance time of acids and durations with a low intraoral pH, and imparts a flow of artificial saliva for a definite time period.
the chance of dental erosion might also be increased.21 Artificial saliva substitutes preserve the underlying mucosa
Salivary flow plays a vital role in reducing enamel erosion by beneath the intaglio surfaces of the prosthesis by flushing the food
acid attack.22 Various artificial saliva substitutes in the forms of gels, debris collected due to xerostomia and also reintegrate the health
mouthrinses, oils, sprays, viscous liquids, pastilles, and gums are of denture bearing mucosa by its healing and nutritive properties.
obtainable to mitigate the pain and discomfort from chronic dry
mouth and elevated salivary flow rate. Artificial saliva substitutes Composition of Artificial Salivary Substitutes Used in
vary with respect to their chemical composition, base substance, Prosthodontics
and viscosity.8
Sodium chloride, sodium CMC, potassium chloride, magnesium
All artificial saliva with a definite erosion-defensive potency
chloride, calcium chloride, sorbitol, di-potassium hydrogen
showed a very towering viscosity due to numerous thickening
orthophosphate, potassium di-hydrogen orthophosphate, sodium
agents such as glycerol, cellulose, and oil. Saliva substitute
fluoride, methyl p-hydroxybenzoate, and spirit of lemon are the
glandosane has erosive potential. In rehardening of softened
composition of artificial saliva substitutes used in prosthodontics.9
dental enamel in vitro, saliva substitutes have been shown to act
Commonly used artificial salivary substitutes in prosthodontics:
as an active agent.21
Some studies both in vitro and in vivo showed that reduction in • Saliva Orthana spray,
enamel mineral loss, increase in enamel rehardening, and reduction • Saliva Orthana gel,
in erosive lesion depth are carried out by natural saliva and its • Salivix pastes,
synthetic substitutes.22 • Salivace,
Mouth breathing has long been perceived as a crucial factor in • Glandosane,
persistent marginal gingivitis. More susceptible to infections, drying • Moisties.9
34 Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2020)
Artificial Saliva for Therapeutic Management of Xerostomia: A Structured Review
Saliva plays as the most important environmental factor gingival inflammation and bleeding on probing in the anterior
affecting the performance of the orthodontic appliances, affecting oral regions in mouth breathing patients with periodontitis as
their success or failure. 25 Artificial saliva serves as mouth and examined by Bhatia et al.23 Linseed mucilage salinum emerged to
throat lubricants. The artificial saliva substitutes have rheological be an appropriate artificial saliva replacement in dry mouth patients
characteristics that restrict their capacity of adsorption and film as found by Andersson Johansson et al.30
formation. Mucin-containing artificial saliva has rheological Restorative materials are also generally used in dental
properties contiguous to human saliva, involving the capacity practice.31 The outcomes of artificial saliva contamination on three
to structure a superficial film, which is an important attribute in restorative materials, that is, a glass ionomer cement (GIC), a resin-
its proficiency as a lubricant. The mucin-based artificial saliva modified GIC (RMGIC), and a composite resin, were evaluated by a
substitutes have viscoelasticity similar to human saliva and have an recent study. It was suggested that contamination of artificial saliva
elevated adsorption capacity, thus producing superior lubrication. did not affect the shear bond strengths of GIC and RMGIC or their
While CMC-containing artificial saliva could have an inferior ability degrees of micro leakage. 32
to form a superficial film, thus compromising their potency to Various studies showed that artificial saliva substitutes play a
stimulate the lubrication obtained from natural human saliva. major role in orthodontics. A decrease in friction in the presence
A study showed that lubrication has a part in friction forces of artificial saliva was observed by Baker et al., whereas Stannard
between self-ligating brackets and CuNiTi wires, with mucin- and et al. have shown an increased friction in the existence of artificial
CMC-based artificial saliva imparting a dependable adjunct to saliva.25
natural human saliva.26 The after-effect of artificial saliva on the The use of saliva as a significant factor in removable
static and kinetic frictional forces of stainless steel (Dentaurum) prosthodontics treatment is described by Singh et al.28
and polycrystalline ceramic (Transcend) brackets was examined by Biotene and BioXtra products had shown some potency in
Downing et al. in combination with 0.018 inch round and 0.019 × 0.025 lowering the symptoms corresponding with xerostomia. Superior
inch Edgewise archwire sizes and stainless steel, nickel–titanium, antimicrobial properties compared with Biotene products were
and β-titanium archwire materials, under a continuous ligature force claimed by Bioxtra.11
were investigated. Artificial saliva had the outcome of increasing the A study on facilitated saliva secretion and decreased oral
frictional force when compared with the dry state in all the cases.19 inflammation by a novel artificial saliva system in the management
of salivary hypofunction was conducted by Kang et al. 33 Authors
D i s c u s s i o n concluded that the novel artificial saliva was contemplated to assist
salivary secretion and reestablish physiological conditions in the
The therapeutic role of artificial saliva in dentistry was reported by
mouth of patients with salivary hypofunction. 33
this review. Artificial saliva substitutes are used as a replacement
The artificial saliva substitute also act as an efficacious agent
therapy instead as treatment for dry mouth.4 Artificial saliva can be
for rehardening of softened dental enamel. An artificial saliva
used whenever needed. Artificial saliva substitutes are swallowed
substitute can be recommended that patients suffering from
swiftly, and hence, the moistening and lubricating measures
xerostomia and at high risk for dental erosion should use high-
have definite timespan.27 In alleviating discomfort and to help in
viscous saliva substitutes, but should avoid saliva substitutes with
maintaining the integrity of the teeth, artificial saliva is used. The
low pH or containing citric acid.21 The advantages of artificial saliva
saliva substitutes must be as near as attainable to the natural saliva
substitutes are in the covering and moisturizing oral mucosa and
in terms of biophysical properties such as viscosity, mineral content,
teeth, and disadvantages are their short-term activity in the absence
preservatives, and palatability.4
of precautionary effect on the tissue.
Artificial saliva substitutes help in retention of denture in
Hence, all oral health professionals must requisitely have a
patients with dry mouth.9 Artificial saliva substitute is categorized
good understanding of variable products available and be capable
as two groups: mucin and CMC based. Carboxymethylcellulose is
to discuss the benefits and limitation of these with their patients.
used to provide lubrication and viscosity. Best wetting properties
Artificial saliva has been proven to be satisfactory efficacious
on the denture base and the oral mucosa are exhibited by mucin-
clinically with the supply of instant relief from the symptoms of
based salivary substitutes.28
dry mouth symptoms.
Artificial saliva substitutes generally consist of enzymes with
antimicrobial action or mucins as lubricants. Similarly, these
formulations sometimes compose elements that provide extra C o n c lu s i o n
protection, circumvent buccodental over-colonization, and thus Depending on the severity of symptoms, it was concluded that
the progression of dental decay. 29 Artificial saliva substitute saliva substitutes or artificial saliva can be used as palliative
should specifically interact with microorganism. An artificial saliva or coadjuvant therapy of dry mouth symptoms. Among the
substitute plays a main role in patients with xerostomia, radiation patients who suffer from hyposalivation, this method proved
therapy, hematopoietic cell transplantation, and end-stage renal to be productive in improving the oral health, self-confidence,
disease patient.9 and consequently upgraded the quality of life. Artificial saliva
Most researchers have showed that mucin-containing artificial is considered to be easy to use and clinically systematic, with
saliva substitutes are considerably superior to CMC formulations. the provision of instant relief from the dry mouth symptoms.
Patients preferred a mucin-containing artificial saliva over a CMC Depending on the severity of symptoms from the present review,
formulation because of the large upgradation of oral functioning, evidence was found that saliva substitutes or artificial saliva can be
large retention time, and less amount required daily as found by used as palliative or coadjuvant therapy of dry mouth symptoms.
Amal et al.4 This approach proved to be effective in recovering the oral health
Carboxymethylcellulose-based salivary substitute as a and self-confidence. Hence, the quality of life of the patient is
supplement to standard periodontal treatment may decrease upgraded.
Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2020) 35
Artificial Saliva for Therapeutic Management of Xerostomia: A Structured Review
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36 Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2020)